Double Life --- Part 1

by Headhunter

(for Kathy B)

Jen struggled to control her stationwagon as it sped down the dark, rain soaked street. Placing a bottle of red nail polish in the infant car seat next to her she quickly grabbed a small plastic box of sewing pins. Her shaking fingers accidently dumped them on the floor. It was too much, Mrs Jennifer Frost (Jen for short) burst into tears and pulled her ****** station wagon onto the sholder of the deserted road. The gravel crunched loudly under her tires as the car rolled to a stop.

Tears rolled down her face. Fortunately she hadn't put on the heavy makeup that Mr. Jones told her to wear. She was going to be late. The rain had slowed her down. Jen still needed to put on her make-up, apply the bright red nail polish and pin up her dress. She didn't own a dress as short as Mr. Jones told her to wear. She hoped that pinning up the black cocktail dress her husband had bought her for their anniversary last year would be OK.

What was she going to do? Jen thought to herself in turmoil. She couldn't go on like this much longer. It was getting more and more difficult to make excuses to her husband of 15 years, Bill. Why she had to work late so often the last few weeks? Why the change in her personality and the differences in her wardrobe and appearance? Even worse, Jen, a dedicated mother, was feeling guilty about neglecting her two kids, a girl and a boy age 10 and 4. It was little Billy's (Bill Jr.) car seat that held the nail polish. "How long had this been going on?", she thought. Just a few weeks, but to Jen the last several weeks seemed like an eternity. She took a deep breath, turned on the overhead light, dried her eyes, looked at her pretty 35 year old face in the mirror and began applying make-up the way she though a "call girl" would.

***As she applied the make up she remembered back to how this had started:


Jen is the bookkeeper and does the payroll for a small plastics manufacturing company. Mr Jones, her boss depended on Jen to do this right. In return he was very generous with flex time. Allowing Jen to pick up her kids from school and daycare in the middle of the day. And he was willing to let her take days off when the kids were sick or when they had Dr.'s appointments. Of course the job didn't pay that much and Jen assumed that Mr. Jones, a fit looking 50 year old, cut her some slack because she was very efficient and because the salary wasn't that high. Bill, her husband, worked as a construction foreman. Between their two salaries they made ends meet and had a comfortable life. Jen was glad that Mr. Jones gave her some slack. She could have made more money elsewhere, but knew that a different job wouldn't allow her the time with her kids.

********Finished with the heavy mascara, Jen began to gloss her lips a bright red:


As she smoothed on the lip stick she thought back several weeks. Jen cut the payroll checks and sent the money to the bank for those employees with automatic deposit. Jen used automatic deposit for her check. She never made errors, thats why she was flabergasted the next day when she got notice that some employees checks had bounced. Tracking back she found that the payroll account didn't have enough money to cover all of the paychecks. How could that happen? At that moment Mr. Jones called her into his office with a demanding tone. Thats when Jen's world changed. Somehow Jen's direct deposit was thousands of dollars more than it was supposed to be. Mr. Jones, the understanding boss, became an accusing and irate boss! He was pointing his finger at Jen and calling her a thief and embezzler. He even reffered to all the times he had given Jen off without docking her pay. He called the company security chief to his office and as Jen cried the men treatened Jen with lawsuits, pr isons and the loss of her kids. Jen had defended herself, but being accused by both men left her sure that she was headed for jail. She began to believe her own guilt. And that was when kindly Mr. Jones let the other shoe fall. There might be a solution if Jen were willing to do exactly what Mr.Jones said. Jen eagerly responded, "Yes, anything!" not knowing what that promise meant. Mr. Jones dismissed the security chief and displayed a tape-recording of the conversation, including Jen's pledge to do anything to make up for her guilt. It was a damning piece of evidence when taken out of context. Mr. Jones had a confession and a paper trail of embezzelment that led straight to Mrs. Jennifer Frost.

********Jen took long dangleling earrings and gently felt for the additional percings in her ears. The extra holes in her ears were still tender from when they were made earlier in the week:


Jen continued to think, remembering that the next day the games began. Mr. Jones, it turned out was not a man who enjoyed sex himself very much, but he was a voyeur, and he really enjoyed humiliating people. The demands from Mr. Jones had actually started very slowly. That first day Mr. Jones simply had Jen fetch him coffee, and skip her own lunch to go out and pick up his from a take-out restaurant. He could have had it delivered, but he insisted that she get it for him. The only other unusual thing was that he had Jen come behind his desk and serve him the coffee and later the lunch, as if Jen were a waitress. Other than that nothing was said. However, Jen couldn't help but notice the cassette and a file folder both labeled "Employee Theft -- JF", that sat openly on his desk.

Jen was nervious and didn't know what to do. Mr. Jones had told her that he was thinking about how to handle the situation and that Jen shouldn't tell anyone, not even Bill. If word got out to anyone, then Mr. Jones would go to the company attorney and the police. So Jen sat at her desk not knowing what to do and not being able to talk with anyone. She was literally scared to death. The next day Mr. Jones asked for Jen to brings him coffee and lunch again but today he had Jen actually place the napkin in his lap like he was at an expensive restraunt, and he even had Jen feed him a few bites of his meal. This made her uncomfortable, but nothing compared to what happened at the end of the day.

Just as the work day was ending and the employees were leaving, Mr. Jones buzzed Jen and asked her to come into his office. As his door clicked shut behind her, Mr. Jones said that he needed Jen's complete cooperation just like she had promised. That know matter what, Jen must do as he said, no questions asked! And to test her he was going to ask her to do something right now for him. "Anything, Mr. Jones, just please don't send me to jail, I couldn't stand to be away from my husband and children." Mr. Jones laughed and said, "OK, Mrs. Frost pull up your skirt over your waist, I want to see your pretty panties and legs. I've noticed that for a mother of two you have got a real nice ass. I want to see it." Oh my God! Jen thought to herself, he is going to blackmail me into having sex with him thought Jen. "Please, Mr. Jones", cried Jen, "I love my husband, I can't be unfaithfull to him."

"Shut-up Jen, I didn't say I was going to do anything to you, I just want to see under that skirt, thats all. If you don't do it right now, this file and this recording are going to the police." He punched the play button and Jen heard her own voice saying that she would do anything. Jen's face colored and when Mr. Jones growled, "NOW, or else!" Jen reached down grabbed the hem of her blue skirt and with shaking hands gathered the material around her waist. Under her skirt Jen wore large white cotton panties and panty hose. She was mortified, but at least knew that her private parts were well covered. Mr. Jones laughed, and through tears of embarrasment Jen saw that he made no move out of his chair. Maybe all he wanted to do was look, Jen though. THis wasn't so bad if it kept her out of jail. As embarrasessed as she was at least the big executive desk was between her and the lecherous Mr. Jones. "Turn around slowly so I can see your legs, Jen!" it was an order and Jen quic kly complied. Spinning her head quickly so she could keep her eyes on Mr. Jones in case he made a move towards her. "Don't worry Jen I'm not going to touch you I just want to look. I was right you have good legs and one of the most well formed asses I've ever seen." Dispite herself, and feeling a bit safer, Jen actually blushed at the crude complement. "Turn a little slower and hold the dress higher." Without thinking Jen complied. After a few moments Mr. Jones said, "Ok, Jen you can drop your skirt. Now that wasn't so bad was it? In fact I think you are very beautiful." Jen smoothed her dress and backed towards the door, glad the ordeal was over, but a bit flushed form the thought that this man had seen her panties. "Go on Jen you can leave, but tomorrow wear some colorful silk panties, and no panty hose. Either stockings or bare legged, you got it?" Jen stammered, "you mean you are going to have me do this again tomorrow?" Mr. Jones smiled, "Oh yes Jen. Looking at your ass and legs every day is the price you pay. That and a few other chores, like getting my lunch!" Jen was visibly shaken, "Please Mr. Jones you aren't going to try and have sex with me are you?" Jones stood up and angrily said, "Look Mrs. Frost, I already told you that "I" wasn't going to try and fuck you." Jen winced at the foul word coming from her boss. Jones saw the reaction and continued, "But you have to pay for waht you did, since I've already seen your panties what is the big deal. Who know you may eve ejoy playing the sexy secretary role, now get out of here and don't forget to wear something pretty for me to see tomorrow."

******Jen picked up the bright red nail polish from litle Billy's car seat and began to stroke it on her new fake nails. She had a hard time getting used to the almost one inch fingernails that now adorned her fingers.


That first night she had been quiet at home. Bill knew something was wrong, but being the thoughtful husband he had left her alone. If only he had said something that first night, maybe Jen wouldn't have fallen so easily into the trap that she hated and loved at the same time.

The next morning, after getting her ****** off for the day, Jen had put on a loose fitting long skirt with sandels. She certainly wasn't going to wear stockings and garters, so she left her legs bare and pulled on a pair of white silk panties that she had had for years. They were not as big as the cotton ones she routinely wore, but they certainly weren't french-cut bikini either.

Jen was nervous all day at work. Fortunately Jen didn't have to get Mr. Jones's lunch, because he was in a meeting, but her phone rang right at 5 o'clock. Jen walked slowly to his office passing her co-workers as they headed towards the parking lot. Mr. Jones was seated behind his desk. "Show-time Mrs. Frost. I can't tell you how I have thought about this all day. Wondering what you were wearing, knowing that your beautiful buttocks were encased in smooth silky panties. You are very beautiful you know?" Jen blushed at his words and despite herself and the situation felt a little shiver run through her body from his words.

"Step forward Jen, and lets see those beautiful legs and nice ass!" Jen felt that she must at least object and try to get Mr. Jones to stop this. "Please Mr. Jones, I don't want------" "Shut up, you know what I said. No questions or objections --or else-- now lift that dress." Jen surrendered again and slowly pulled up the dress. She wasn't as frightened this time, but she kept her eyes on Mr. Jones just in-case. She could see the excitment in his eyes and the realization that the excitment was caused by her body, gave her a warm feeling inside. Not bad for a mother of two, I guess I've still got it, she thought to herself.

Mr. Jones gazed intently at the white silky buttocks. They looked like two perfect teardrops, so round and taut. As Jen turned her panty covered pusy came into view. The dark brown hair of Jen's pussy created a shadow on the front of her white panties. Her large mat of pubic hair was unkempt and tendrils of curly hair peeked out from around the edges of her panties. Mr. Jones frowned at the dark mass, but his hands had found their way to the front of his trousers and his fingers poked at the stiffening manhood confined in his pants.

Jen noticed his hands clutching the front of his lap, but the edge of the desk hid his erection. She involentarily steped back. Mr. Jones laughed, "Yes dear you excite me, but don't worry I'm not going to do anything." Jen relaxed and continued her slow spin. She was really turning him on she thought.

"Enough", said Jones. Jen dropped her skirt. "Your pubic hair is much to thick. Trim yourself and get some sexier panties for tomorrow." Mr. Jones dismissed Jen with a wave. She left the office feeling shaken but excited. She could get through this. Surely he would get tired of this game then her life could get back to normal.

********** Jen finished her nail polish, and then looked one last time in the mirror, tossing the blond hair off of her sholder. She was still having a hard time getting used to herself as a bleached blond. But it had only been a couple of weeks since the dye job. And the hairdresser had done a good job.


The second night Bill noticed that Jen was more like her old self. That was until she went into the bathroom after the kids were in bed and locked the door. They never locked doors on each other. Plus Jen didn't come out for over an hour. Bill was beginning to be concerned about his pretty wife.

The next day Mr. Jones called Jen at her desk before lunch. "I have a meeting all afternoon, so I want you to pick up my lunch bring it in here. I'll see what you have on then. If you did well then you can take the afternoon off." A few minutes before noon Jen picked up Mr. Jones lunch and quietly entered his office. She placed his lunch on his desk. "Now Jen darling, why don't you just take off that skirt so you hands are free and you can feed me my lunch?" Jen was humiliated, "I can't stand here without my skirt on. hat is someone---" "Quiet, thats the chance you take. You didn't have any problem taking a chance getting caught before stealing, now your may get caught with your pretty panties exposed. But I want to be feed by a bottomless waitress, now drop that skirt!" Frightened by Mr. Jones outburst Jen quickly undid her belt and loosened the zipper at the side of her skirt. As the garmet dropped to the floor, Mr. Jones got his first glimpse of a pair of red silk pant ies. They were a litle smaller then the ones Jen had worn yesterday. He couldn't help but notice that her hairy pussy was neatly trimmed and her ass muscles clenched and unclenched. To him her ass seemed to quiver with shame. Taking in the beautiful Mrs. Frost standining next to him, legs bare and breath catching in her throat, Mr. Jones leaned back in his chair and said, "best looking waitress I ever had Jen, now feed me my lunch." Like a dutiful servant Jen began to cut his food and feed her boss like she did her 4 year old. "Wait a minute, haven't you forgotten my napkin?" Jen picked up a paper napkin and as she placed it in his lap couldn't help but notice a significant swelling in the front of Mr. Jones pants. Mr. Jones leaning back in his chair smiled a wicked smiled and enjoyed the view. This was going very well he thought, in jyst a couple of days he had this beautiful wife and mother, standing half undressed next to his chiar feeding him lunch. He knew that soon sh e would be even more subserviant, even more humiliated. As Jen placed another fork of lunch into his mouth Mr. Jones gazed at the smooth roundness of her flawless thighs and buttocks. He unzipped his pants under the napkin and began slowly stoking his now hard member. It took jen a moment to realize what was happening, Her hand, holding the fork, froze in mid-air on it way to Mr. Jones mouth. She stared at the rythum of thr rising and falling napkin on her bosses lap. "Ignore that, keep feeding me!" Jen snapped out of it and continued spooning food into her pervert bosses mouth. She felt like she were in a surreal dream. She felt so on display, so demeaned, so out of control. Mr. Jones stiffened and a wet spot formed in the middle of the napkin. Unknown to both Jen's consious mind and Mr. Jones, a small wet spot was also forming on the red fabric hidden between Jen's tightly pressed together thighs. Mr. Jones tucked his shriveling manhood back into his pants, took the na pkin out of his lap and droppped it on the plate of food. "Get dressed and get out of here. Take this plate and put it in the trash at your desk." Jones watched as the sexy housewife bent over and stepped into her skirt. She really was beautiful and when she bent down he though he got a whiff of that telltale female musk scent.

As Jen walked towards the door, lunch plate in hand, Mr. Jones said, "Nice job trimming your cunt, but more sexy panties tomorrow, and wear some high heels, I want to see those legs and ass really put on display." Jen winced at the crude remark as she left the office. However, the remainder of the day Jen couldn't help but steal looks into her trash can. Staring at the wet napkin. The evidence of her servitude, the evidence that men would masterbate while looking at her feminine charms. Jen was out of sexy underware. She only had the two pairs of silk panties, so the next day it was back to white cotton. She hoped Mr. Jones wouldn't mind, in fact as she slipped them on in the morning she missed the cool smooth feel of the silk against her pussy and ass. She did put on some higher heels, and loking at herself in the mirror thought she looked OK.

At the end of the day she was called into Mr. Jones office. Standing infront of his desk she reached for the hem of her skirt to expose her bum. Jones leaned back in his chair and without benefit of a napkin unzipped his fly and fished a semi-erect cock from his trousers. Jen froze, dress pulled up to mid-thigh. "What are you doing?", she whispered in a horse voice. "Well you are letting me see yours --sort of-- so I don't have any problem with you seeing mine. Why don't you take a good look. Thats what your good for Jen, giving me a hard-on. I'll bet you drive your husband crazy with that sweet body of yours. If I were him I make you stay naked all the time." The thought of Bill making her walk naked around their house turned Jen on, but in the last few days Jen had been so distant that she had hardly noticed her ******. Jones kept stroking his now hard cock, and Jen resumed pulling up her skirt. Jen was looking at only the second hard cock she had ever seen in her life. It was different from her husband's. Jones was not circumcized and the foreskin rolled up and down the red staff as Jones played with himself.

When Jones saw her big white cotton panties he roared with anger. "You stupid cunt, I told you to wear something sexy!" Jen dropped her skirt and burst into tears. "We are going to have to do something about this! I guess you don't care if you go to jail?" "Please no", Jen cried, "I just didn't have any other nice underthings. I'll get some----I promise." Jones tucking his shrinking penis back into his pants said, "Damn right you will. Its the least a dirty little thief like you can do for me! In fact, I think I'll make sure. You and I are going to go get some sexy bras and panties for you right now." Jen was shaken, "Bras? Why Bras?" Jones pushing Jen towards his desk said, "Your ass is fine, but I've been thinking that I should at least see what your top looks like in a bra. So tomorrow both the blouse and skirt are coming off. It won't be so bad, no worse than a bikini at the beach. Now call your husband from my phone and tell him you need to work a couple of hours l ate tonight." Jen, defeated, dejectedly asked, "What about my kids diner?" Jones laughed, "I'm sure good old Bill can feed them, besides he should have been buying you sexy underware. Since he didn't, I'm just going to have to help him out."

***********Jen ran a brush one last time through her blond hair and turned off the stationwagon's interior light. She closed her eyes for a minute and rested her head against the head rest. Images filled her mind.


Jen called her husband Bill from Mr. Jones' office. Jones grinned as she lied to her husband about working late. He knew that it was the first of many lies she would be telling her ******. He knew he was gaining more control over the sexy innocent housewife. In fact, Jones felt that perhaps Jen was enjoying being "forced" into this exhibitionist role. After hanging up Mr. Jones said, "Go to the restroom and take off that ugly bra and panties and bring them to me. Then we are going to go get you some sexy underthings for me to look at you in." Jen did as she was told, but made sure that every button on her front buttoning skirt was fastened from the hem to the waist. She also buttoned every button on her blouse up to the top collar button. She felt very vunerable. Without her bra and panties she felt loose. She had never been out of her house without her undergarments or at least a bathing suit on. Jones met her in the lobby and roughly grabbed the white cotton panties an d bra out of Jen's hand. Jen felt her braless tits swing under the material of her blouse. Her nipples hardened as they grazed the fabric of her blouse. Mr. Jones stuffed the undergarments into his suit pocket. He stood infront of Jen and said, "No No my sexy Jen, you have a great body lets unbutton a little. Get a little more comfortable."

Reluctantly Jen unbuttoned the top button at her collar. "Come on Jen, a little more comfortable." She undid the next button. "More comfortable!" "Please Mr. Jones, this is too embarrassing-----", wimpered Jen. "Embarrassing", Jones roared, "I'll show you embarrassing, you thief. Your ****** will be embarrassed when you end up in jail. Now MORE COMFORTABLE!" Jen, with fingers shaking, standing in the lobby, thought to herself, thank God everyone is gone for the day. She undid another buton. He stood infront of her and could see the white creamy skin of her lower throat. "More!" The swell of the top of her sobbing chest came into view. "More" The soft skin between blouse edges opened slightly between her breasts. "More!" Only three buttons were left buttoned. The highest one just in the middle of her torso. The edges fell open a bit exposing the top and inside swell of her tits. "Now how about making your skirt more comfortable?" Jen cringed, but at least she was still covered. She reached down and unbuttoned the button at the hem of her calf length skirt. In bending forward her blouse gapped giving Mr. Jones a great view of her tits, her nipples were just barley hidden from his voyeuristic eyes. "More!" Jen undid the next button located at her knees. "More!" The next button was at mid thigh. Opening it bared more than half of Jen's shapley thighs. "Now, isn't that better Mrs. Frost? I know you want to look sexy for me. Don't you?---- WELL, DON'T YOU?" Jen barely got out a meek "yes." "YES, WHAT?", demanded Jones. Looking at the floor Jen replied louder, "Yes, I want to look sexy for you." Jones took her elbow and steered the humbled wife out the door and into the large almost empty parking lot.

****** Jen opened her eyes, turned the top light back on and reached for the sewing pins. It was going to be tricky pinning up her dress while sitting down, but she didn't want to get out of the car. The wind was blowing and it would mess up her teased hair.
