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Civil Rights: A Victory Won too Cheaply?


The triumph of the Civil Rights Movement (CRM) during the post ww2 USA is among the most historic victories, a triumph of an oppressed racial minority over a oppressor racial majority that was vastly superior in numbers and political and economic power.

Apart from riots and property destruction the CRM was a relatively bloodless victory. It was a hard won victory, but maybe it wasn't hard enough? Is that possible? Would greater loss of life and greater direct action, greater violence have been more desirable in the long run, even if more costly in the short run? Is the historic legacy of the CRM as the triumph of "non-violence" and "passive resistance" really a poison pill that has done as much harm as good and has emasculated black men?

A bloodless, non violent historic victory left lots of black men with a gnawing feeling they'd been cheated out of something. What was that? What had eluded them? The CRM destroyed historic racial barriers and liberated black men and white women to openly fraternize and white women are heeding nature's call and defecting by the thousands to stronger, more masculine black men away from white weaklings. Fine and well. Black male masculinity is winning the day, naturally, organically and triumphantly as black athletes, actors, businessmen and professionals take center stage from which they were excluded historically. Levers of power are falling to them with increasing speed.

Something is missing. In nature, the strong prevail over the week. The numerous prevail over the few. The victory of the CRM turned all this on its head. Like a mouse eating a cat, the CRM defied history and the rules of the Darwinian world. A bloodier, more costly victory would have been...well more costly in the short run. IN the long run, however, a bloody violent victory even of a minority over a numerical majority as has happened in history, would have imbued black men with stronger senses of self worth, self esteem and replaced the gnawing sense that they'd been cheated. Men are creatures of violence. They fight for women, they fight to save women, to save their own kind, to triuph over enemies. Violence is therapeutic. Violence is good for the male soul. Violence makes men complete. Violence, violent triumph over enemies builds strong men, mentally and physicallyl.

The CRM succeeded because whites were weakened by their own rhetoric against violence, blah, blah, blah. How ironic that people whose historic successes owed so much to their own capacity for violence would suddenly condemn it and renounce it for the sake of some kind of moral principle. Maybe the loss of life in WW2 made whites lose their taste for blood. Who knows?

The point is that deep in the black male psyche is a natural, healthy need for violence, a need to feel the satisfaction of a victory hard won by wiping out the enemy rather than by corruping his morals and tricking him into surrendering. Could it be that the real seed of psychological destruction wrought by the CRM was in its cheapness, bloodless nature? The natural, healthy male appetite for physical violence in black men was left unsatisfied by the feeble collapse of white men in the face of morally superior claims by the CRM. This unsatisfied need is there, it's real, and it's not going away. The CRM is over. It's dead and gone, but its achievements are very real.

What comes next? Well, the changing demographics and the natural attraction of black men to racially defecting white women signals another defeat for white men that potentially is bloodless as the white power dissolves in the wake of the crashing white birth rate. Another bloodless, cheap victory is within the grasp of the black man. History repeating itself. Is this a good thing?

Might not violence, even gratuitous violence, be a desirable pursuit in light of creating psychologically healthy, emotionally complete black men? Will a bloody violent birth of the official BNWO inure to the long term benefit of the new black world? This will be a bloodless victory for black men, but very bloody for white men if history takes this turn and nature takes its traditional course.

Any thoughts? What will be of more benefit to the strong black male: a bloodless victory and white supremacy dying with a whimper instead of a bang, or a big bang and a bloody ending for weakened, powerless white men? Which will contribute more to the long term self esteem and manliness of black men? Does it matter?
Served in military 7 years, any victory is a victory. There was never an easy victory. A victory does not erase the struggle before it.

I don't see the civil rights movement as a weakening of whites; it's more of a strengthening of society, humanity. The changes were necessary as the conditions were immoral, unethical, and wrong. There are still more changes to be made, hopefully, the obstacles (basically white patriarchy) will be removed.

The more violence that a conflict has, the more trauma that will incur. Look around at the vets that struggle with PTSD. My opinion, a peaceful transition would be better for all. I can burn off stress working a heavy bag or sparring in a ring.

Served in military 7 years, any victory is a victory. There was never an easy victory. A victory does not erase the struggle before it.

I don't see the civil rights movement as a weakening of whites; it's more of a strengthening of society, humanity. The changes were necessary as the conditions were immoral, unethical, and wrong. There are still more changes to be made, hopefully, the obstacles (basically white patriarchy) will be removed.

The more violence that a conflict has, the more trauma that will incur. Look around at the vets that struggle with PTSD. My opinion, a peaceful transition would be better for all. I can burn off stress working a heavy bag or sparring in a ring.

If you think the black patriarchy will do better, study the history of Haiti and Africa. The Civil Rights Movement organized protests against the space program. Black activists today think mathematics is "white supremacy." You don't see blacks moving the Haiti for a better life, but plenty of Haitians are migrating to the US for a "better life," living off public assistance. It's one thing to enjoy IR porn but quite another thing actually to rule. People whose idea of "change" is burning down cities haven't shown much success at creating anything worthwhile. The CRM fought like hell to integrate schools and sit next to white children. When whites are extinct, where will you find enough captive white children to achieve "integration?"
I think we can do without patriarchy, period. We can have a representative leadership without having "stale, male and pale" running things. Although I enjoy the fantasy, I don't want to see a pendulum swing from one evil to another. This planet's history has had enough ******** and oppression. As a people, we have some huge challenges ahead of us, our very survival.

Some of the transitions from colonial powers to African sovereignty went well. Nelson Mandella led a nation out of white minority rule to a more representative rule without too much bloodshed.

Haiti was freed and then bankrupted by the French that demanded reparations. It never recovered, nature hasn't been kind as well.
I think we can do without patriarchy, period. We can have a representative leadership without having "stale, male and pale" running things. Although I enjoy the fantasy, I don't want to see a pendulum swing from one evil to another. This planet's history has had enough ******** and oppression. As a people, we have some huge challenges ahead of us, our very survival.

Some of the transitions from colonial powers to African sovereignty went well. Nelson Mandella led a nation out of white minority rule to a more representative rule without too much bloodshed.

Haiti was freed and then bankrupted by the French that demanded reparations. It never recovered, nature hasn't been kind as well.
You ignored the question: When whites disappear, where will you get enough captive white children to achieve integrated public schools? The answer is: You won't. There won't be any.

Remember, the Sup. Ct. in Brown v. Bd. said black children had a constitutional right to the compelled physical presence of unwilling white children, because white children provided "educational opportunity" to black children. Note no one ever questions the right of black children to the unpaid labor of captive white children whose presence contributes an "educational opportunity" for blacks. No one ever asks where will white children come from when whites are extinct or their numbers are reduced to irrelevancy.

The purpose of slavery was to stop blacks from running away from whites. The purpose of Brown v. Bd and Civil Rights Laws is to prevent whites from running away from blacks When blacks run away from the crime and squalor of the "black community" it's "equality." But, when whites run away from blacks, it's "racism." HIspanics and Asians won't be fooled this way.

Blacks will have to learn how to rule, how to govern, how to handle real power or they will be overwhelmed by the Hispanics and Asians who outnumber them and who will not be emotionally or politically blackmailed by "white guilt" and cries of "racism" by phony black reverends like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who became millionaires while most rank and file blacks live in crime infested black neighborhoods in big cities controlled by black mayors, black city councils etc. In California Mexicans are ethnically cleansing blacks out of historic black communities, running them out of town. Whites aren't shooting black people, but other blacks and non-whites are. When blacks are run out of town by Hispanics and Asians who can't be intimidated by cries of "racism" and who know how to use power, they will long for the day when Whites ran everything and could easily be blackmailed by black grifters like Jackson and Sharpton. Hispanics and Asians will grow weary of black grievances and will take away black benefits.. Whites committed racial suicide. The Hispanics and Asians won't. If blacks are going to survive in an HIspano/Asian world they're going to have to really fight. The Civil Rights Movement was basically a shakedown of mentally lazy and morally decadent whites who lost their stomach for fighting and tried to buy off their racial enemies with welfare programs instead of dominating them. Now they're facing extinction. No turning back. White women won't have their babies and that's it.

Internet fantasy porn is entertaining but irrelevant to the real world. Real power matters in the real world and delusions of grandeur are no substitute for being able to fight and defeat real racial enemies.
You keep bringing up the integration of schools. I attended Boston Public Schools in the 1970s. When the courts moved in and forced the integration from kindergarten through 12th grade. (mind you the 9th through 12th were pretty much integrated, each high school had a different focus, trades, etc.)

When the district started busing elementary school children from one neighborhood to another to achieve integration, parents who could, pulled their children from public schools. Catholics sent their kids to the Diocese's parochial school system, a lot of charter schools sprung up. a lot of whites fled the city. "white flight' was the term. In the end, the city practically eliminated neighborhood schools. White children became the minority and were evenly distributed through the system. any
A better way to have achieved this would have been to eliminate the roadblocks that kept the neighborhoods from being integrated. ie redlining.

The forced integration started in 1972, it was still being mishandled when I graduated in 1977. Boston in spite of its liberal leanings is a heavily polarized city. The good news is that the next elected mayor will be either a woman of Chinese ancestry or a woman of South African ancestry. Boston throughout its history has only had white male mayors.

Whites are not going to disappear any time soon. I envision a day that all racial purity will be eliminated by humanity becoming so mixed that the race question can be answered by 'human' Race is a political construct not a biological one.

You complain about black leaders, Sharpton, Jackson, et al, I believe them over, McConnell, Trump. Abbot of Texas, Desantis of Florida. Why don't we resurrect David Duke's political career?
You keep bringing up the integration of schools. I attended Boston Public Schools in the 1970s. When the courts moved in and forced the integration from kindergarten through 12th grade. (mind you the 9th through 12th were pretty much integrated, each high school had a different focus, trades, etc.)

When the district started busing elementary school children from one neighborhood to another to achieve integration, parents who could, pulled their children from public schools. Catholics sent their kids to the Diocese's parochial school system, a lot of charter schools sprung up. a lot of whites fled the city. "white flight' was the term. In the end, the city practically eliminated neighborhood schools. White children became the minority and were evenly distributed through the system. any
A better way to have achieved this would have been to eliminate the roadblocks that kept the neighborhoods from being integrated. ie redlining.

The forced integration started in 1972, it was still being mishandled when I graduated in 1977. Boston in spite of its liberal leanings is a heavily polarized city. The good news is that the next elected mayor will be either a woman of Chinese ancestry or a woman of South African ancestry. Boston throughout its history has only had white male mayors.

Whites are not going to disappear any time soon. I envision a day that all racial purity will be eliminated by humanity becoming so mixed that the race question can be answered by 'human' Race is a political construct not a biological one.

You complain about black leaders, Sharpton, Jackson, et al, I believe them over, McConnell, Trump. Abbot of Texas, Desantis of Florida. Why don't we resurrect David Duke's political career?
Nice avatar. Is that you sucking a black cock? You certainly know your place in the new black world, don't you?

None of the whites you name became millionaires by purporting to be "black leaders" or by advocating black interests. None ever said they speak for me.

You talk about white children becoming a minority and being "evenly distributed through the system." This is white children being rationed out like commodities or something. One hundred years after the civil war ended ownership and possession of some human beings by others, whites are so weak and feeble they allow their children to be gathered up and distributed as though they were some kind of school supplies. Well that's what they are: Property and school supplies to be distributed for the pleasure and benefit of blacks, not because it's good for white children. What other race would allow its children to be treated this way? Not a strong race, that's for sure. Whites allow their children to be taken and treated like school supplies or livestock because whites are weak, corrupt and decadent and have lost the capacity to fight....even for their children.

No intelligent person would take pride in shaking down such a weak pathetic race of people as this.
This is a joke right, actually the woke culture is destroying The U.S. Its like you guys decided on becoming a third world country. In East Asia no one can understand this. Math is racist . What is the number one minority in the U.S. ? Spanish speakers. In 50 year the U.S. will be like the countries in South America.
This is a joke right, actually the woke culture is destroying The U.S. Its like you guys decided on becoming a third world country. In East Asia no one can understand this. Math is racist . What is the number one minority in the U.S. ? Spanish speakers. In 50 year the U.S. will be like the countries in South America.
Close to the truth. Unless we get lucky this country will also go bankrupt in the next 20 or so years with a polarized electorate to solve the problem. Many of the hallmarks of a "banana" republic are coming to fruition and we don't seem to remotely realize it..
Close to the truth. Unless we get lucky this country will also go bankrupt in the next 20 or so years with a polarized electorate to solve the problem. Many of the hallmarks of a "banana" republic are coming to fruition and we don't seem to remotely realize it..
In East Asia people (even the extreme people) cant not understand what is happening in the U.S. Here you have a super power, that's quickly becoming a third world country. Every one says i thought they were smart they can invent so many things but look how unsafe the cities are all the crime. Woke culture is the biggest puzzle to us. This is from people who knew starvation and oppression first hand.
Woke culture destroying the US? I guess it depends on what you call greatness. Spending more on a military budget than the next 25 nations combined while the infant mortality rate climbs, while the education system sinks into an abyss. We worry about fundamental religions but let fundamental Christians dictate our laws.

I guess loving one's neighbor as yourself, doing unto others as you would have them do unto you goes against strength and greatness. Sad world.
D. Brown is right in all he says about the white race, it is undeniable.

If D. were here I probably would have offered myself as his owned slave by now.

In a way i love D., he has been an inspiration and has helped take me on a personal journey for real.
I got to step in on this.......I agree to a lot...MOST.....of what D. Brown is saying to us....preach on my man. Humans, males, ARE natural predators. Some of us, got more natural gifts and instincts than other ones. Lot of people, whites the most, call that VIOLENCE. It only seem to be violence when it is affecting white communities, or if Black-on-Black violence can get used for them to benefit.

WE NEED animal aggression and CONQUERING to have TRUE VICTORY. Just is the Laws of Nature. Survival of Fittest and a King to RULE the kingdom, dont matter how small or big the kingdom is. True that about a lot of work and learning to put a BROKE ASS SOCIETY back together.........but look around people.....you think THIS SHIT is working?.........for WHO?

Is only a matter of time when racist whites in power....cant control us no more.....NONE of us no more, and shit WILL get real then. The time to TAKE......CLAIM and OWN....CONQUER with ANYTHING we can use...........as a Black man.......we ALREADY got the BEST....MOST feared weapon the whiteman will ever have used again him............Black dick against his wife and *********.....TRUE VICTORY.

WE NEED THAT victory as a, THE, more natural aggressive predator race. Victory without a battle, without a fight......is empty and dont even feel right.........just my thing and how I feel about all that.....