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Black Cock Only committed Queen of Spades

I am fortunate that my wife only wanted sex with men who would use me, so our swinger ads always included that as a requirement.
Sounds like she's a keeper!

My question is, a sissy like me and the only thing I have done or, will ever do with another man is suck his cock, boot and foot worship. I am really not interested in being sexually involved with the bull. The bull's there to take my wife.

Please don't take this as any disrespect. It seems like you folks have a great thing. That's what counts!
Sounds like she's a keeper!

My question is, a sissy like me and the only thing I have done or, will ever do with another man is suck his cock, boot and foot worship. I am really not interested in being sexually involved with the bull. The bull's there to take my wife.

Please don't take this as any disrespect. It seems like you folks have a great thing. That's what counts!

Whatever pleases you and your wife is what counts. My wife loves having the men who fuck her, then dominate and use me sexually, which I love. Some couples the cuck just watches, some couples the cuck sits at home and the wife goes out with men. Whatever works!
Whatever pleases you and your wife is what counts. My wife loves having the men who fuck her, then dominate and use me sexually, which I love. Some couples the cuck just watches, some couples the cuck sits at home and the wife goes out with men. Whatever works!
I have both watched my wife take her bull in front of me and, she's always gone out with her girlfriend to "get it" without me. I've always been there and I always will be there for leftovers!
At first calling him Master felt strange but after awhile he had become our Master. He started including discipline which he called reparations for slavery.
Is all of this just part of the kink and lifestyle for you and your wife? Or have his reasons become something you both also take to heart outside of your sex lives?
We have been seeing him for 5 years so this has developed into more than what started as kinky sex. He has met our ******.
It's actually good hearing you both got a ****** that supports this or at least not trying get in the way or be negative about it all. I think a lot of this makes sense to more whites than many want to admit and it can make sense to even more without all of the white racist reactions and attitudes that usually surround it instead
I can understand that. You and your wife, or all 3 of you, taking steps to get them ready to learn about it?
It can be hard. Older whites are ok with "accepting" Blacks and even being open minded about threesomes, but they don't understand the full extent of the BNWO and its implications for whites. It's ok because they're old and will be gone soon one way or the other. Just a fact. Younger generations, especially Z, know the demographic die is cast.

Nice to see real submission.
It can be hard. Older whites are ok with "accepting" Blacks and even being open minded about threesomes, but they don't understand the full extent of the BNWO and its implications for whites. It's ok because they're old and will be gone soon one way or the other. Just a fact. Younger generations, especially Z, know the demographic die is cast.

Nice to see real submission.
I don't think it's all demographics but whites being exposed to more things of what justifies many feelings of frustration and solutions to end them, which does need whites giving up a lot
Sounds like she's a keeper!

My question is, a sissy like me and the only thing I have done or, will ever do with another man is suck his cock, boot and foot worship. I am really not interested in being sexually involved with the bull. The bull's there to take my wife.

Please don't take this as any disrespect. It seems like you folks have a great thing. That's what counts!
Works well for you guys...much respect
I found this in a blog somewhere awhile back so I take no credit for it. Thought it was worth sharing.

In this essay I will go into an explanation of a social phenomenon that is growing in practice and acceptance every day. That which I speak of is sexual activity between married white women and single Black men. This social trend is sweeping the country and yet is the best kept secret in America for reasons that are entirely understandable.

It is no longer a societal offence for a white woman to be sexually involved with a Black man, however the deeply rooted interracial “taboo” remains, and it is this “taboo” that gives the interracial experience its excitement and power, and has resulted in the seduction of so many white women (and wives) by the Black man’s sexuality. This trend continues with no signs of letting up, and it is clear that at some point a large percentage of white women in our society will have had some level of sexual experience with a Black man. Some surveys indicate that as many as 1 in 5 white married women have had sexual relations with a Black man after they were married!

Part of the reason the Black Male/White Female trend has continued and has seemingly gained momentum is because interracial sexuality among white wives has been to a large degree promoted by their husbands! The breathtaking images available on the Internet of white women and Black men in sexual embrace have fired the imaginations of many a white husband and moved them to consider offering their women the chance to experience the potent sexuality of the Black man for themselves. Many “interracial” websites have sprung up on the Internet catering to the interracial lifestyle. While some lump this in with Internet pornography, in truth this is something far different! There is something very different driving this trend, something separate and apart from common sexuality. The delicious allure of interracial sexuality, fueled by generations of taboo and secrecy is the ultimate aphrodisiac in seducing white women!

Many white couples report that the wife’s interracial couplings are a never-ending source of excitement and joy both for her AND for her husband as he watches his wife receive the ultimate in sexual pleasure. There are different arrangements in this lifestyle. In some, the wife goes discreetly to her Black lover’s home to seek satisfaction there with the tacit acceptance of her husband. In other arrangements, the husband accompanies the wife and watches as she receives pleasure from her Black lover. There are variations on both, depending on the needs and desires of the couple in question. Many wives (and most husbands) report much greater satisfaction from the arrangement where the husband is there to watch. The white husband, who truly loves his wife, will delight in observing the pleasure and fulfilment that the Black man can give her. This experience is one which many white couples use to bond even closer in their relationship.

Implicit in this arrangement is a strong marriage and loving relationship between the husband and wife, that counteracts the natural jealousy the husband would otherwise feel in knowing that another man, a Black man, was giving his wife a level of sexual pleasure that he himself could never provide. That natural jealousy is overpowered by the husband’s love, and by the sheer excitement and eroticism of the wife’s activities with her Black lover in bed. Often upon watching his wife, the husband’s excitement is just as great as hers, and he gets to witness her at her most sexual, a sight that he does not ordinarily see when making love to her himself!

La façon dont une femme profite de son amant noir est également importante. Dans les enquêtes que j'ai recueillies, les maris rapportent que leurs femmes deviennent très sexuelles et désinhibées avec un amant noir. De nombreuses femmes feront pour un homme noir des actes sexuels qu'elles font rarement, voire jamais, avec leur mari. Des choses comme avaler du sperme, pratiquer l'analingus et permettre la pénétration anale sont tous des actes que de nombreuses femmes blanches font avec impatience avec leurs amants noirs, mais ne feront pas du tout avec leurs maris. En effet, de nombreuses femmes blanches deviennent complètement soumises à l'homme noir le plus dominant. Regarder la femme accomplir ces actes tabous avec un homme noir est d'autant plus excitant et stimulant pour le mari que pour la femme ! Regarder l'effet qu'un amant noir a sur sa femme,

Un nombre croissant de couples blancs pratiquant ce rapport de style de vie progressent au point d'être sexuellement « possédés » par leur amant noir naturellement dominant. Le terme couple blanc « appartenant à des Noirs » est un concept relativement nouveau qui gagne en popularité parmi ceux qui profitent d'un amant noir dans leur mariage. Le terme, bien sûr, ne signifie pas la propriété physique ou l'esclavage. Il s'agit plutôt d'un engagement à servir les hommes noirs sexuellement et exclusivement. La femme s'engage à dédier son corps au plaisir des hommes noirs et des hommes noirs uniquement. Dans de tels arrangements, seul un homme noir peut entrer dans la femme et, dans de nombreux cas, même son mari peut ne pas être autorisé à avoir des relations sexuelles avec elle. Dans un mariage entre propriétaires noirs, la femme doit mettre son corps à la disposition de son amant noir de manière régulière et cohérente. Sexuellement, elle lui appartient et lui plaît de toutes les manières qu'il désire. Le mari accepte avec joie sa place et accepte une vie de soumission sexuelle et de servitude envers la femme et son amant noir.

De nombreuses épouses blanches sont d'abord réticentes à entrer dans la relation interraciale, non pas tant parce qu'elles manquent d'intérêt, mais plutôt parce qu'elles ont le sentiment d'être infidèles à leurs vœux de mariage. Cependant, comme de nombreux couples blancs en sont venus à le comprendre, les vœux sont contre la trahison et le fait d'aller dans le dos des époux, PAS de faire des choses avec le consentement et le soutien du mari. C'est une différence essentielle ! En fait, les vœux «d'aimer, d'honorer et d'obéir» sont mieux observés lorsque la femme blanche aime son mari, lui fait suffisamment confiance pour essayer ce nouveau style de vie et l'honore en partageant l'excitation et l'intimité de l'acte interracial avec lui. Elle est peut-être un peu nerveuse et effrayée, mais elle avance quand même parce qu'elle sait que c'est ce que veut son mari et elle lui fait confiance pour que tout aille bien. Son amour et sa confiance sont alors récompensés par une expérience plus excitante et plus agréable que toutes celles qu'elle a vécues dans sa vie ! C'est alors sa récompense pour avoir aimé et fait confiance à son mari, et avoir abordé l'expérience noire avec lui comme un couple aimant se soutenant et s'engageant pour le plaisir et l'épanouissement de l'autre. Au fur et à mesure que sa confiance grandira, elle prendra même les devants et mettra davantage l'accent sur la soumission du mari à ses besoins. De nombreux couples déclarent se sentir encore plus proches l'un de l'autre alors qu'ils se consacrent à son plaisir à travers le sexe interracial. et approcher l'expérience noire avec lui comme un couple aimant se soutenant et s'engageant pour le plaisir et l'épanouissement de l'autre. Au fur et à mesure que sa confiance grandira, elle prendra même les devants et mettra davantage l'accent sur la soumission du mari à ses besoins. De nombreux couples déclarent se sentir encore plus proches l'un de l'autre alors qu'ils se consacrent à son plaisir à travers le sexe interracial. et approcher l'expérience noire avec lui comme un couple aimant se soutenant et s'engageant pour le plaisir et l'épanouissement de l'autre. Au fur et à mesure que sa confiance grandira, elle prendra même les devants et mettra davantage l'accent sur la soumission du mari à ses besoins. De nombreux couples déclarent se sentir encore plus proches l'un de l'autre alors qu'ils se consacrent à son plaisir à travers le sexe interracial.

Une femme blanche faisant l'amour avec un homme noir avec l'amour et le soutien de son mari est l'expérience sexuelle la plus excitante et la plus enivrante qu'un couple marié puisse vivre. Il est puissant et hautement addictif. C'est généralement le mari qui initie, mais une fois intégré dans le mariage, c'est la femme qui ne veut plus s'arrêter.

Disons simplement que pour le moment, la sexualité interraciale pour les femmes blanches célibataires et mariées devient un phénomène de plus en plus courant et continuera de le faire dans un avenir prévisible !

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I found this in a blog somewhere awhile back so I take no credit for it. Thought it was worth sharing.

In this essay I will go into an explanation of a social phenomenon that is growing in practice and acceptance every day. That which I speak of is sexual activity between married white women and single Black men. This social trend is sweeping the country and yet is the best kept secret in America for reasons that are entirely understandable.

It is no longer a societal offence for a white woman to be sexually involved with a Black man, however the deeply rooted interracial “taboo” remains, and it is this “taboo” that gives the interracial experience its excitement and power, and has resulted in the seduction of so many white women (and wives) by the Black man’s sexuality. This trend continues with no signs of letting up, and it is clear that at some point a large percentage of white women in our society will have had some level of sexual experience with a Black man. Some surveys indicate that as many as 1 in 5 white married women have had sexual relations with a Black man after they were married!

Part of the reason the Black Male/White Female trend has continued and has seemingly gained momentum is because interracial sexuality among white wives has been to a large degree promoted by their husbands! The breathtaking images available on the Internet of white women and Black men in sexual embrace have fired the imaginations of many a white husband and moved them to consider offering their women the chance to experience the potent sexuality of the Black man for themselves. Many “interracial” websites have sprung up on the Internet catering to the interracial lifestyle. While some lump this in with Internet pornography, in truth this is something far different! There is something very different driving this trend, something separate and apart from common sexuality. The delicious allure of interracial sexuality, fueled by generations of taboo and secrecy is the ultimate aphrodisiac in seducing white women!

Many white couples report that the wife’s interracial couplings are a never-ending source of excitement and joy both for her AND for her husband as he watches his wife receive the ultimate in sexual pleasure. There are different arrangements in this lifestyle. In some, the wife goes discreetly to her Black lover’s home to seek satisfaction there with the tacit acceptance of her husband. In other arrangements, the husband accompanies the wife and watches as she receives pleasure from her Black lover. There are variations on both, depending on the needs and desires of the couple in question. Many wives (and most husbands) report much greater satisfaction from the arrangement where the husband is there to watch. The white husband, who truly loves his wife, will delight in observing the pleasure and fulfilment that the Black man can give her. This experience is one which many white couples use to bond even closer in their relationship.

Implicit in this arrangement is a strong marriage and loving relationship between the husband and wife, that counteracts the natural jealousy the husband would otherwise feel in knowing that another man, a Black man, was giving his wife a level of sexual pleasure that he himself could never provide. That natural jealousy is overpowered by the husband’s love, and by the sheer excitement and eroticism of the wife’s activities with her Black lover in bed. Often upon watching his wife, the husband’s excitement is just as great as hers, and he gets to witness her at her most sexual, a sight that he does not ordinarily see when making love to her himself!

The way a wife goes about enjoying her Black lover is important as well. In the surveys I’ve collected, husbands report that their wives become highly sexual and uninhibited with a Black lover. Many wives will do for a Black man, sexual acts that they rarely, if ever, do with their husbands. Things like swallowing semen, performing analingus, and allowing anal penetration are all acts, which many white women eagerly do with their Black lovers, but won’t do at all with their husbands. Indeed, many white wives go completely submissive with the more dominant Black man. Watching the wife perform these taboo acts with a Black man is all the more exciting and stimulating to the husband as well as the wife! Watching the effect a Black lover has on his wife, her willingness to give herself so eagerly and so completely to him is what intensifies the excitement for the married white couple, and makes the Black experience something they will permanently incorporate into their lives.

A growing number of white couples practicing this lifestyle report progressing to the point of being sexually “owned” by their naturally dominant Black lover. The term “Black-Owned” white couple is a relatively new concept that is growing in popularity among those that enjoy a Black lover in their marriage. The term, of course, does not mean physical ownership or slavery. Rather, it is a commitment to serve Black men sexually and exclusively. The wife commits to dedicating her body to the pleasure of Black men and Black men only. In such arrangements, only a Black man may enter the wife and, in many cases, even her husband may not be allowed to have intercourse with her. In a Black-Owned marriage, the wife must make her body available to her Black lover on a regular and consistent basis. Sexually, she belongs to him and pleases him in any way he desires. The husband happily accepts his place and agrees to a life of sexual submission and servitude to both the wife and her Black lover.

Many white wives are at first reluctant to enter into the interracial relationship, not so much because they lack the interest, but rather because they feel they are being unfaithful to their marriage vows. However, as many white couples have come to understand it, the vows are against betrayal and going behind the spouses back, NOT doing things with the husband’s consent and support. This is a key difference! In fact, the vows to “love, honor, and obey” are best observed when the white wife loves her husband, trusts him enough to try this new lifestyle, and honors him by sharing the excitement and intimacy of the interracial act with him. She may be somewhat nervous and afraid, but goes forward anyway because she knows this is what her husband wants, and she trusts in him that all will be OK. Her love and trust is then rewarded with an experience that is more exciting and pleasurable than any she has experienced in her life! That then is her reward for loving and trusting her husband, and approaching the Black experience with him as a loving couple supporting each other and committed to each other’s pleasure and fulfilment. As her confidence grows, she will even take the lead and place greater emphasis on the husband’s submission to her needs. Many couples report feeling even closer to each other as they dedicate themselves to her pleasure through interracial sex.

A white wife making love to a Black man with her husband’s love and support is the most exciting and sexually intoxicating experience a married couple will ever have. It is powerful and highly addictive. It is usually the husband who initiates, but once integrated into the marriage, it is the wife who doesn’t want to stop.

Let’s just say that for the time being, interracial sexuality for white women both single and married is becoming an increasingly common occurrence and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future!

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Hello Devoted-cuck, nice find. This essay is a fairly well thought out examination, into some of the aspects of this Darwinian theory of Natural Selection, still evolving based relationship dynamic. It could be debated that these principles are in essence what is forming the very foundation of the much debated Black New World Order.

It's an intriguing piece, touching on the popular elements that have emerged from the realm of the chaotic taboo into becoming a more orderly and structured system. One that is looking to displace traditonal marriage and monogamous concepts, truly redefining what it means now to be in a committed relationship for a couple, or more, in today's evolving society.

Some may call it a revolution, an uprising, with an aim of intentionally tearing down some of the structures built up by a largely white male patriarchal system over millenia, in favor of a more dominant and primal African or African-American driven force. There is also an argument to be made that perhaps some form of Reparations are indeed worth addressing to partially make amends for the many vicious wrongs of the past.

But there is also a school of thought which my wife and I now subscribe to, which sees this unequivocal growing interracial movement more as a natural course of action gently fostered into being through Mother Nature, called human Evolution. Whether it's theories put forth via Darwin or ideologies being ushered into place by the proverbial "angry Black man" bent on taking over, what is conclusive is we are all witnessing a true sea change within our shared humanity that is currently painting the world a darker shade of pigment over time.

The only constant in life is change. Nothing lasts forever, as the saying goes. The land, the sea, the air, have all seen incredible changes over the history of the Earth. So to, have we human beings. It never stops really, as we collectively are changing once more, as we grow and adapt and learn and evolve. There is a certain grace and beauty in witnessing change, seeing a rebirth of life if you will, which can fill our voyeuristic curiosity with much joy and delight.

No one can say with certainty where this will all lead, as in, what will be the final outcome, if such a destination exists. But it can be great fun to be so blessed as we are to have a front row seat to our future, as spectators and fans. I for one, will not stand in the way of progress, instead, I will do all I can to help empower this force of nature as I take pleasure from it's inevitable emergence.