Wimp By Wife Watcher ? 2003

After five years of marriage, our lovemaking was getting a bit boring. One night in bed, I asked Beth if she had any fantasies or was there anything she would like to try. After a bit of coaxing she finally admitted that she had often wondered about black men, if the stories she had heard were true or not. She most emphatically pointed out that in no circumstances would she ever want to sleep with one but to see a naked one and maybe play with him a bit.

Well the idea of watching Beth's small white hands trying to wrap around a big black cock did seem exciting. Never mind 'seem' it was exciting just thinking about it. She was obviously turned on as well. She had grabbed hold of my cock and was rubbing it slowly up and down. She had her eyes closed so I can only assume she was imagining it was a black one she was holding. That was what our marriage needed at that point, a new angle, a new fantasy. We fucked like rabbits that night.

After a few days of using this fantasy, I asked her if she still wanted to follow it through or was she content with it just being a fantasy. Rather sheepishly she said she would still like to see, and touch, a real one. I had heard guys talking at work about a mixed sauna; couples went there to wife swap or pick up guys for a threesome. They had reckoned that there were sometimes one or two black guys there. On hearing this, Beth got real excited again and was tearing my clothes off to get at my cock.

After a good fucking she had settled down again. She said that she would really love to go to the sauna but was concerned that we may meet someone who knew us. I told her it was in the next town, about 40 miles away. So that was OK.

Then she said that on no account did she want to get involved with 'wife swappers' and that she didn't want to have sex with anyone. Just to look at some naked black men. But if it was possible she wanted to hold a black cock but that was all. Sounded good to me. I sure didn't want some big black cock up inside my sweet young wife's pussy stretching her out of shape.

When we got to the sauna, we sat in the car for ages. Beth had once again become the shy timid little housewife she is in everyday life and was far too nervous to go into the sauna. I must say though, of late when she has been turned on, you wouldn't know it was the same person. She does a good imitation of Jykle and Hyde. Eventually she plucked up the courage to go in. The people couldn't have been nicer. They took us around the place, explaining everything and showing us where everything was. I must admit that we were both surprised how nice it all seemed. Not in the least the sleazy place we had expected it to be.

We stripped off and just wore towels and returned to the bar. We sat for a while nursing our drinks just watching the people coming and going. Eventually we decided to try the sauna. We had to walk down a passageway and as we did we came to a dimly lit room with the door slightly open. We could clearly see two naked couples intertwined in sexual gymnastics. 'I am NOT going in there!' Beth announced quite forcefully.

In the actual sauna there was an older couple and down the far end a young couple with a single guy. The wife of the young couple was taking turns sucking both men's cocks.

'Oh my!' blurted Beth as her lovely face turned a delicious shade of red.

'It's OK dear!' said the older woman 'Come sit yourself down. This your first time here then.' I replied that it was. Beth was in too much of a shock to say much of anything. They introduced themselves as Tom and Alice and after chatting for a while and confiding that we had come along there to 'Just watch some black guys' they assured us we had picked a good night as this was the night that 3 black guys usually came there.

Tom and Alice, and ourselves were heading back to the bar for a drink when Alice said 'There's your chance, 2 of the black guys are in the Jacuzzi.'

'Oh no I couldn't strip naked and get into a large bath with 2 naked strange men.' Replied Beth.

'Nothing to it.' continued Alice. 'They will only get a quick look as you jump in, once under the churning frothy water, they can't see much. Would you like us to come with you?'

'No thanks Alice, we had better get on with it. If we can't manage to do it now, we never will.' Said Beth, sounding quiet confident.

As we approached the Jacuzzi, the 2 guys were chatting away and took no notice of us. Beth whipped off her towel and climbed in. I was about to follow when the manager called to me and beckoned for me to follow him back to the bar. I told Beth I would go see what he wanted and that I wouldn't be long. She looked a little panicky that I was going off and leaving her. 'I'll be as quick as I can.' I assured her.

The manager was trying to talk me into talking out a 12 months membership. Although I was assuring him we would need a few more visits before deciding, he was persisting and a good 10 minutes had elapsed. I rushed back to the Jacuzzi to rejoin Beth. She was sitting there looking quite content, with her eyes closed. Then I realised that one of the black guys was sitting very close to her. As I climbed into the Jacuzzi and was about to sit next to Beth, the other black guy quickly got there before me. So I sat down opposite. I was trying very hard to look into the churning waters and could just make out Beth's white arm in contrast to the guys black skin. Her arm was across him; she had her fantasy and was indeed holding his cock.

I could then sense that the other guy was pulling her other arm over so she could also hold his cock. I went to tap her foot to get her attention when suddenly her foot moved sideways. She was opening her legs. What was she doing? Was she giving them access to her pussy, to that sweet little pussy that had always been mine alone.

I could make out a black arm across her white stomach. Just then a low moan came from her lips.

'Oooo yes! Soooooo good.' She purred.

My cock was aching it was so hard. Just then the first guy lifted her up. Not a difficult thing to do as she is so petite. He held her over his lap then slowly lowered her down. Her eyes shot open in surprise. 'No! Oh no!' she said almost too quietly to hear. 'Oooo Ooooo! So lovely! But you mustn't, it's not right. Oh yes! Oh yes! Mmmmmmmm.'

I couldn't believe it. My wife was being impaled on a big black cock right in front of me and I was enjoying it. I had never been so 'turned on'. But then common sense prevailed, this should be stopped. I reached over and shook her arm to get her attention.

'Wha.. What?' She muttered as she sort of came out of her trance.

'Beth! Do you know what you are doing, you should stop this now!'

'What?' Then she realised what I was saying. I was taken aback by her outburst

'Fuck you shrimp dick. How dare you interrupt my pleasure.' And she closed her eyes and was once again lost in passion as she was raised and lowered onto the big black cock.

'Shouldn't try to come between a bitch and her cock!' a voice from behind me said laughingly. It was the manager.

'You sure can pick the hot ones Harry. Thanks for the tip.' Said the second black guy, who had just been content watching his friend fucking my wife. He then stood up and presented his equally large cock to Beth's lovely lips. She didn't hesitate to open up and suck the big cock-head into her hot little mouth.

'I don't mind pointing you guys towards the sluts just so long as I get my share, so bring her to the office. I'm looking forward to getting my dick into that little bitch, she sure is pretty.'

With that the guy fucking Beth's mouth lifted her off his friends cock and climbed out of the Jacuzzi.

'What! What's happening? I need cock, I need it!' said Beth looking completely confused and lost. The other guy got up and lifted her like a baby.

'Don't worry Hot Stuff, you'll get plenty. We just going to get comfy.'

And he passed her over to his friend who walked off carrying her like a baby in his arms.

Harry the manager beckoned to me.

'If you wanna watch your slut in action, come on. It's much more fun fucking slut wives when their husbands are watching.'

With that he walked off laughing.
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