It was not a good week for Jaycee and Mike. After Mike had seen Jaycee’s office, he retrieved her book and walked back to the ER where she was being prepared to be moved to a room for her stay that evening.

Mike had mixed emotions about how to confront Jaycee and her now obvious fucking around on him. “How long has this been going on? Was it because we weren’t able to have a b**y so she went out and found somebody who could?” Mike was asking himself.

He walked alongside the wheelchair that Jaycee was in as a nurse’s aide pushed her down the hallway to her room. Once inside, Jaycee was able to get into the bed on her own power. Mike wasn’t angry, just sad than he let on to be. After losing the baby, now this too?

“Jaycee, do you care to explain what’s been going on with another man?” Mike asked. Jaycee had no defense and there was no use in trying to spin a lie and make things worse.

She started to tell Mike about the first time with Reuben at Wrightsville Beach, when Reuben knocks on the door holding some flowers.

“Excuse me, folks. I heard Jaycee had an accident and I turned around and came back to check on you, and brought you these,” Reuben said placing the vase and flowers on the bed side table.

“Thank you, Reuben. That is very sweet of you. Reuben, this is my husband Mike. Mike, this is Reuben from work,” Jaycee said introducing them.

Reuben was the first to move and walked over to where Mike was standing and offered his hand to him. “Mike, how you doing, man? Good to finally meet you,” Reuben said being sincere.

Reuben stood a good head above Mike and out-weighed him by about 60 lbs. Reuben sensed a little apprehension from Mike, so Rueben said, “I’m sorry to have heard of Jaycee’s accident. We’ve become close the past few weeks with our traveling. She’s an awesome little lady,” Reuben grinned at Mike and looked over at Jaycee who was staring at Reuben like he lost his mind.

Mike picked up on what Reuben said, and by Jaycee’s reaction, Mike asks, “Are you the one fucking my wife?!”

“Whoa, man, chill,” Reuben coolly says.

“Mike! This is not the place for this. Not right now. Reuben, thank you for the flowers and I’ll see you soon, but Mike and I have some talking to do,” Jaycee said looking at Reuben.

“Ok, I gotcha. Catch you later, Jaycee. Mike man, I’d like to talk to you mano a mano sometime, dig?” Reuben said. Leaving, he goes to Jaycee’s bedside, gives her a kiss and tells her to get well. With another look at Mike, Reuben leaves the room.

“Mike, can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m really tired and I don’t want to fight with you tonight. Go home and bring Tiff home, and tell her mommy is alright and I’ll be home tomorrow.”

Mike gets up to leave and walks straight to the door without saying another thing to Jaycee. Jaycee reaches for a tissue and the tears come. “How did I get so stupid, in such a short amount of time,” Jaycee begins to sob.

After Jaycee was discharged from the hospital, Dr. Saad recommended she take another day to rest before returning to work. Mike left work early to bring Jaycee home, and once home, Jaycee decided to stay downstairs in the ****** room to watch TV; she didn’t feel like spending any more time in bed after the last 24 hours.

Mike finally sits next to her on the sofa and asks, “Can we talk now?”

“Yes Mike. Reuben and I had sex when we were at the retreat in Wrightsville Beach. Totally unplanned. I had a bit too much wine, and well, I was curious about having sex with a black man. You know those videos we watched a while back? That kind of interested me and I guess I reasoned the opportunity and experience was there.

I asked Reuben to wear a condom, but he refused. He did promise to pull out before he came, but I think he didn’t pull out in time. I’m pretty sure he’s the one that caused me to be pregnant in the first place.”

Jaycee went on, “Reuben came into my office the other day, and we had sex on my desk. I’m sure the evidence was quite obvious when you went in there.”

“Did you sleep with him when you went to the last conference too?” Mike asked.

“We didn’t sleep together, but yes, we did have sex,” Jaycee said looking down at the floor.

“And you knew you were pregnant all along with him?”

“Reuben was sure of it. I wasn’t so sure. I was just hoping it was a coincidence that you and I had sex before I left for the retreat, and I was pregnant with our b**y, not Reuben’s.”

Mike gets up to walk to the kitchen, opens the refrigerator and grabs a beer, and comes back out to the ****** room.

“Did you like having sex with him, Jaycee?” Mike asked.

“Mike, I would be lying to you if I said that I didn’t enjoy the sex. He is phenomenal and his penis reached me in areas that have never been reached before,” Jaycee tells Mike.

Mike can’t believe his wife is talking like this, but something is going on too. He feels his cock stir as she is describing fucking Reuben. He felt that same arousal he got when Jaycee and he watched those interracial porn tapes.

It certainly got her aroused, Mike thought and it made us both horny as hell. After Jaycee finished telling Mike about Reuben, Mike said, “Jaycee, I know I might be a little deficient in some ways. You’re a beautiful woman, and the sexiest woman I’ve ever known and I love you for being my wife. Maybe experiencing sex outside of our marriage, may be good for our marriage?” Mike asks.

Jaycee looks at Mike in somewhat disbelief, then says, “Are you saying you may be ok with what has happened between Reuben and me?”

“Honey, I think it’s kind of sexy actually. It’s like I have my own little porn star right here!” chuckled Mike.

Mike gets up and comes to Jaycee and they hug and kiss. “Mike, I’ll always be your wife. That’s my vow and if you ever feel like we’re coming apart, please let me know. Thank you for the freedom to explore. You’ll like Reuben. He’s a big teddy bear and I feel safe with him. If you became friends with him, it would make this crazy arrangement tolerable,” smiled Jaycee.

“I’ll give a go, hon. It was nice that he stopped by with the flowers last night. Shows me he cares, but I just have one issue that we need to discuss before we go forward. What about pregnancy? Do you still want to try?” Mike asked.

“Yes, I want to keep trying to have a b**y,” she said.

“But, what if it’s not from me? What if it’s a black man’s b**y?” Mike said wondering if this is going too far.

“Mike, I don’t know at this point, and I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves.”

“Ok honey. Can I get you anything from the kitchen?” Mike asks

Things were returning to normal after the last couple of days. Mike and Jaycee were actually enjoying each other’s company, and even Mike’s golly-gee outlook on things warmed Jaycee’s heart and was kind of endearing she thought.

Dr. Saad told Jaycee she should be able to resume intercourse without any complications from the miscarriage. Mike and Jaycee found a renewed lust between themselves with the burden of trying to have another c***d lifted, they enjoyed their sex together.

Jaycee thought that if Mike couldn’t give her a b**y, she’s sure Reuben can deliver, or even Lem. She imagined Lem taking her and giving her strong b****s like he promised, but she had no idea if she would see him again any time soon.

Friday morning, Jaycee was at her desk. Fortunately, her desk and drawer had air-dried enough and opening some windows and air freshener helped alleviate the musky smell of sex that lingered in the air from her and Reuben’s tryst. Jaycee’s phone rings and its Reuben.

“Hey Baby, how you feelin? I’m really sorry about the miscarriage. I hope you’ll try again when you’re able.”

“Much better and almost 100%,” she tells Reuben.

“Hey, I’m still having that get together at my place tomorrow afternoon, remember? You and hubby up for it?”

“I think we are, Reuben. Can I bring anything?” Jaycee asks.

“Well, if you want something special to drink like your wine, you can bring that. I’ll have plenty of beer and other hard liquors with lots to eat. Bring your swimsuit for the hot tub, or not bring it at all,” laughed Reuben.

“We’ll see. Good-bye Reuben. See you tomorrow.”

Saturday afternoon was a glorious North Carolina Indian summer kind of day. Reuben picked a great day for a gathering of friends, neighbors and the few relatives that lived close by. When Mike and Jaycee pull up to Reuben’s house, there were numerous cars in the driveway, and Jaycee was wondering if they were too late.

Jaycee gets out of the car and grabs her bottle of chardonnay and heads for the house. Jaycee’s 120 lb., 5’3” body was nicely wrapped in an off-the-shoulder sundress and complemented with a pair of wedge heel sandals that helped to accentuate her toned legs and show off her perfect feet and polished toes.

No need to wear a bra with this dress and she has been comfortable going panty-less, especially the cool feeling of her recently smooth-shaven pussy. Mike was pleasantly positive about her decision to shave herself, and she thought Reuben would certainly approve next time they were together.

Jaycee’s wavy blonde hair fell past her shoulders as a light breeze came along. She was feeling pretty good considering what the past week brought.

Going to the door, Mike rings the doorbell and they hear music coming from the backyard, so they go around to the fence gate and let themselves in. Once they enter, they see Reuben at the smoker tending to the pig.

He’s wearing an apron, that covers his shorts and tank top. He’s got a beer in one hand and grilling fork in the other, appraising the doneness of the pig, then he sees Mike and Jaycee approaching. Grinning at them both, he yells, “Welcome” over the beat of the music.

Putting the cover back on the smoker, Reuben comes over and gives Jaycee a hug and kiss and shakes Mike’s hand. “Glad you two were able to make it. Just about everyone is here that said they’ll be here, so let me introduce you around.”

Reuben goes up to a group of five black men who are in a debate about somebody they know. “Yo, this here is Jaycee and her hubby Mike. Jaycee and I work together and we’re pretty close, dig?” Reuben says grinning.

The five men are cousins of Reuben that live in the area and exchange greetings with Mike and Jaycee. As they move on to meet Reuben’s other guests, the men watch Jaycee walking away and are appreciative that their cousin Reuben invited such a fine-looking white honey like that to come.

“Derrick, this is Jaycee and her hubby Mike. Jaycee and I work together at the hospital.”

“Nice to meet you two,” said Reuben’s cousin Derrick.

“Derrick and his ****** live in Wilmington, so I don’t see him as much,” Reuben said.

“Jaycee, you look familiar. Have we met?” Jaycee was thinking the same thing, and now she remembers; it was at the hotel in Raleigh. He was there with his blonde wife and two k**s.

“Wasn’t it in Raleigh the week before last at the hotel?” Jaycee offered.

“Oh yeah. The gym and then the restaurant,” Derrick now remembering the fine white honey he was admiring then.

“Where’s your ******, Derrick?” Jaycee asked.

“Wife had other stuff to do with the k**s, so it’s just me chillin with my cous.” Derrick was eying Jaycee quite intently, appreciating this very attractive white woman.

“We’ll talk more, Derrick, later on,” as Reuben continues introducing Mike and Jaycee around. Jaycee observes that her and Mike are the only white people there and she asks Reuben if anybody from the hospital is coming. “Yeah, Tina and her hubby are inside the house.”

“Ok, we’ll go in and say hi to Tina then,” Jaycee says, as her and Mike head for the house.

Entering the house more people are milling around, some are watching college football on the big screen TV or just chatting in the kitchen. They stop their conversation as Jaycee and Mike enter through the back door.

“Hello!” Jaycee says to everyone. “S’up you two?” one of the men in the group asks.

“We’re Jaycee and Mike. Friends of Reuben’s,” as they continue through, Jaycee sees Tina with her husband in the corner, by themselves.

“Hi Tina. This is my husband Mike.”

“Hi Jaycee. Glad you made and I hope you’re feeling better. This is my husband John.” Everybody shakes hands and starts the usual small talk. Mike and John go together back to the kitchen to get beverages and put Jaycee’s wine on ice.

Reuben comes into the kitchen and sees that the two husbands are talking to the group of black men and Tina and Jaycee are alone in the back of the other room.

“You two lovely ladies enjoying yourselves? I’m getting ready to tell everyone it’s chow time,” Reuben says. Ok, the ladies say, then everyone starts to head outside to fill their plates with Reuben’s cooking. Finding a place to sit by the hot tub, Jaycee, Mike, Tina and John dig in and the feast begins.

After everyone finishes, they are stuffed and content. Even Jaycee ate more than she’s used to and just wants to take a nap.

Mike and John saw that their alma maters are playing each other on TV in 15 minutes so they tell their wives that’s where they’ll be. Tina and Jaycee both get up to get some wine as the late afternoon turns into early evening.

Most people have left except for the five cousins that live nearby and Derrick, still remain. They are all gathered around the patio enjoying their drinks, with Tina and Jaycee being the centers of attention.

Reuben comes out to join them after cleaning up and sits between Jaycee and Tina.

“Who’s up for some hot tub time?” Reuben asks, looking at the ladies.

One of his cousins says, “That’ll be cool only if the ladies join us.”

“I can’t speak for Jaycee, but I don’t have a swimsuit to wear,” said Tina.

“Who needs a fuckin swimsuit?” laughed Reuben.

“Come on Tina, I know you’re a freak. I saw you hooking up with that dude from the retreat,” grinned Reuben.

Tina looked at Reuben and said, “Stop that Reuben or I’ll leave right now!”

“C’mon Tina. Let’s chill in the tub. We’re all grown-ups here,” said Reuben. Both Tina’s and Jaycee’s husbands were tuned into the game on the TV, so Tina thought, why not.

Tina has auburn red hair that is very lush and grows down to her shoulders with bright green eyes. Tina is taller than Jaycee at 5’6” weighing 115 lbs but possesses impressive 36C breasts. Freckles, like with most redheads, run across her shoulders and around her chest and act as an accent to her porcelain white skin.

As a true redhead, Tina has a full red bush on her pussy and would never shave it off, as she finds most men are really turned on by it. Tina stands up, unbuttons her shorts and pulls her t-shirt off, unclasps her bra and steps out of her panties to a round of applause from the admiring men around her.

“Ok Jaycee, next?” grins Reuben. Without hesitation, Jaycee stands up, unzips her dress and lets it fall to the ground revealing her lovely 34Cs and smooth-shaven pussy.

“My, my. What do we have here? A bald beaver?! I love it!” exclaimed Reuben to the applause of the gathered men.

Jaycee and Tina turn and climb into the hot tub, and tease the men, “well guys, your turn.”

Reuben was already out his shorts and his semi-erect cock surprises Tina and makes Jaycee smile. Reuben climbs in and sits between both ladies.

“How’s my manly friend?” Jaycee asks Reuben with her hand around his cock. “Getting better by the second, Baby,” Reuben coos.

The others follow suit and soon the hot tub is filled with seven black men and the two white ladies. Knowing that Reuben is sweet on Jaycee, the others turn their attention to Tina.

There’s a guy on either side of her kissing and fondling her breasts while a third is standing up in front of her, coaxing her to take his dick into her mouth. The others just sit back and wait their turns.

By this time, Reuben and Jaycee are passionately making out, each groping the other’s genitals. Reuben stands up to sit on the tub’s edge and Jaycee moves in front to take his manhood into her mouth.

After a few minutes, Jaycee tells Reuben he’s got to fuck her soon before her hubby wanders outside. Then she looks over at Tina who is now out of the tub bent over with a black man fucking her from behind and she’s sucking another’s cock simultaneously.

Standing up and climbing out of the tub, Reuben leads Jaycee to his bedroom which has a separate entry from the patio. Derrick watches them leave for Reuben’s bedroom, then he looks over at his cousins taking turns with Tina.

I’m going to tap that Jaycee, he thinks to himself, just waiting for the chance when Reuben is done with her.

Jaycee is led to the bed by Reuben, lays down and Rueben climbs on top of her kissing her and moves down to her tits, belly and then he wants to experience her smooth-shaven cunt.

“Oh Baby, I’m liking this pussy even more,” Reuben says as he’s nipping at her clit and sucking on her labia. Jaycee feels ready to cum and she gushes all over Reuben’s face, with her cum running down his chin on to the bed covers.

“Damn, Baby. You just get hotter every time we get together,” as Reuben moves up to align his rigid cock to move into her sopping cunt. Jaycee reaches down to guide him into her pussy and Reuben goes balls deep on the first thrust, almost knocking the wind out of Jaycee.

“My god Reuben!” Jaycee cry’s between clinched teeth. Reuben is deep fucking her with each thrust and she has her hands and nails digging into his muscular arms and her legs wrapped around his waist.

“Baby, I always wanted you in my bed and here you are. I’m going to give you an extra good fuckin and send you home to hubby walking funny,” Reuben says as he’s kissing her.

Reuben pulls out and commands Jaycee to get on all fours. She complies and Rueben appreciates the view of her lovely ass and gaping pussy. He brings his cock online to plunge into her pussy and takes her doggy style, ramming into her, their skin slapping with each thrust.

“Bitch, you gettin another chance to have that b**y in a minute,” as Reuben feels his nut coming on. Jaycee’s head is up and pushing back against Rueben to match his thrusts and rhythm.

“Fill me Reuben! Breed me like the whore that I am!” urges Jaycee.

Slapping her on the ass, Reuben knows this bitch is his and she’s going to be a regular in his bed.

Grabbing her by the shoulders, Reuben begins to spew his black seed into Jaycee’s cunt. He is still pounding her even after his load has been deposited, but he wants to make sure all of his sperm has a chance to find that fertile egg.

Finally, Reuben withdraws from her pussy and still more cum spills out of Jaycee onto the bed covers. Jaycee rolls over onto her back and Reuben moves up with his cock so that she can lick and clean his cock of both their juices.

“You do that real good, Jaycee. You’re going to make this a habit, right bitch?” Reuben says.

“Yes Reuben,” Jaycee says taking his cock out of her mouth just long enough to say so.

After Reuben is satisfied that Jaycee cleaned him sufficiently, he lays down beside her, Jaycee puts her arms across his chest and snuggles up with him.

“How was that, Baby?” asks Reuben.

“I’m yours Reuben.” Jaycee says.

“My husband knows about us too, and he says he’s ok with that and it turns him on too,” Jaycee says, gauging Reuben’s reaction.

“No shit? Damn, I knew I was going to like that white boy,” grinned Reuben.