Yesterday was a disaster. The stupid old Sri Lankan worker had left the painting work unfinished and worse, he had left a gallon of his smelly sperm inside my sweet wife??'s meaty and fertile pussy accidentally.

My generous and gentle wife had asked him to bring some more workers today so that they could finish the work fast. It was Sunday morning and we were sleeping late when the doorbell woke us up. Grumbling and muttering under her breath, my wife hauled herself up giving me a dirty look, ???Asshole the least you can do is make me a cup of tea while I attend to the door. Huh, useless!??? And she stormed to the door. Poor thing didn??'t even realize that she was still not wearing any panty or bra and that her robe was clasped with only one tiny flimsy button in the front. Probably she wasn??'t wearing her contact lenses yet.

I too hauled myself up to prepare her tea. On the way to kitchen I noticed that it was yesterday??'s Sri Lankan worker. Good he had come in early to finish what he started, I thought. I was also glad to see three other workers with him. Although they looked more like beggars ??? like him ??? than workers. Really old, skinny and bony???and jet black. Their tousled hair looked like they hadn??'t showered in ages. Even from five meters away I could smell their sweaty musk. They were dressed just like Sugantha ??? the worker who accidentally fucked my wife yesterday as she was helping him when he got injured. They were only wearing threadbare sarongs and nothing else. They huddled around my wife, who was a bit perplexed at this attention as I stepped in the kitchen.

I came out in five minutes with five cups of tea ??? I thought better make tea for the workers before they start their grueling work. They were seated in the living room. Probably they didn??'t want to dirty all the chairs so all of them had kindly squeezed in on the big sofa. My wife was sandwiched between them. As I offered the workers tea, the older one said in a wheezy, phlegmy voice, ???I only drink arrack.??? ???Me too, me too,??? the others chorused behind him. I was shocked that they started drinking alcohol at 10 in the morning. But my wife barked, ???Just give them what they want??'so they can start work fast, man.??? Knowing how innocent my wife really is, she probably didn??'t know what arrack was.

Anyway, I went back, and Sugantha followed me. He took the bottle of my finest whiskies and poured four tall glassed to the brim. Then he called his co-workers. They gulped the drinks down like it was water and then helped themselves to second rounds. Sugantha then lead them back to the living room. My wife was sipping her tea and it was some sight to see her hairy pussy, still matted with yesterday??'s fucking, peeking from her parted robe. The old workers whispered among themselves and laughed lewdly.

Seeing that they were ready, my wife put the cup down and led them to the attic where the supplies were. Sugantha held the ladder as my wife climbed up to show them. The three other barbarian workers huddled close to take sneak peeks at my wife??'s furry pussy matted with dried cum from Sugantha??'s animal cock yesterday. They really must not have showered for a long time because all of them were scratching and groping their groins repeatedly.

Anyway somehow my wife managed to pull the paint tin and was passing it to Sugantha below when she accidentally lost her balance. I rushed to help her but the old Sri Lankans had already surrounded my wife gallantly. Somehow ??? although it seemed very secure to me ??? the ladder tripped and my wife fell backwards. Although Sugantha caught her effortlessly, her robe got stuck in a nail in the ladder and ripped right in the centre from the back; and though that was okay, the paint can fell on the Burunda, another old worker. It landed on his knee and he screamed in pain. So while Sugantha laid my wife on the floor with help from another worker, my wife shouted for me to attend to Burunda ??? the injured old Sri Lankan worker.

Satisfied that Sugantha will reciprocate all the tender care that my wife had administered on him yesterday, I attended to Burunda. The poor chap had some bruises and cuts because of the sharp edge of the can but he seemed shocked.

???Don??'t just stare at him like a moron, go and get a wet cloth and clean his wounds gently. Can??'t do anything, you!??? my wife shouted at me, her voice laced with concern for the old Sri Lankan worker. Burunda was older than Sugantha and although he did seem a bit dirty his skin was a healthy shiny black as discovered while wiping him. I turned to see the state of my wife. Sugantha and his friend had kindly removed the tattered robe completely and had laid her on the wooden floor sideways, her face to the wall away from all of us. They were gently massaging her back right from her shoulder down till her ass. Their black veined hands looked very firm as they moved up and down. I just very thankful to them that all three of them (except Burunda with me) were helping my wife. I shuddered thinking what would have happened if it was just me handling this and then turned to Burunda ??? who was slowly moaning under my expert hands touch. I was being very gentle the wiping.

I heard Sugantha asking for some cream to rub on my wife??'s back but I was at a loss of any suggestions without my wife??'s orders. Not able to wait any longer, Sugantha put his old mind to work and suggested to one of his mates to produce some body-ointment. His friend stood up quickly and pulled his sarong up to haul a mean looking horsemeat cock. I was shocked to see his thing ??? so big, so thick and so ugly, big fat veins were protruding everywhere and it looked like an alien. But the worker was not embarrassed or anything. It looked like he was hell bent to help my wife and rubbed his magnificent???I mean???his mean black cock furiously until a steady stream of prefuck juices started flowing. He slowed down and started dripping his copious precum all over my wife??'s creamy white and supple back. He dripped all over and his friends massaged his sticky gooey precum in my wife??'s skin. Soon it was all shiny.

Then my wife moaned as if in pain. I got up to be at her side but not before Burunda, now completely recovered from his own pain, reached in front of her and held her shoulders and slowly started rubbing them. In his hurry to help the wife of the man who had helped him, poor Burunda forgot to pull his Sarong up and his uncut black Sri Lankan cock hanged between his squatted legs like a sleeping snake. Actually it looked like it was not sleeping, because it jerked up and down in from of my wife??'s sweet face. Luckily she was not wearing her contact lenses and probably didn??'t notice the thick appendage lying dangerously close to her mouth as she considers sucking a penis very dirty habit and has never put mine in her mouth. But the smell???oh, I really don??'t know how she could bear that smell. That overpowering smell sometimes I encounter in rest rooms in parks and sometimes even in steam rooms of my gym. I remember once I stepped on something very slimey and gooey and thick and creamy and when I scooped it and smelled it, it smelled just like that.

Anyway, my wife moaned some more and Sugantha and his two friends started massaging her back harder. Come to think of it, they were sort of scratching, mauling and groping my wife more than plain rubbing but that was probably some Sri Lankan exotic massage because my wife??'s moans were not moans of pain but of pleasure so I didn??'t interrupt. I saw Sugantha mumble something to his second friend and the old man smiled and nodded. While he was repositioning himself, I saw that Burunda??'s fat black cock had accidentally ???kissed??? my wife??'s lips. Since she was going to moan, her lips were parted and just after kissing my wife??'s lips, Burunda??'s cock jerked a little and accidentally entered her mouth. I was worried she would spit Burunda??'s smelly cock out but she must have been in deep pain as she didn??'t say a word. In fact, her mouth opened slightly and more of Burunda??'s cock went inside. Burunda was too busy massaging her shoulders and probably didn??'t even notice that his cock was somehow in my wife??'s mouth. He was pushing more and more on my wife??'s shoulders and as a result his cock was automatically going in and out of my wife??'s mouth. I was surprised to see that his cock was almost all the way in when he accidentally pushed it in ??? all of his 10 fat inches. I was really proud of my wife??'s large mouth. And her increasing prowess in sucking finally.

While I was busy watching Burunda??'s massage of my wife??'s shoulders and tonsils, I almost forgot to observe the other three. Sugantha had turned my wife??'s ass towards the wall so that although Burunda still had easy access to her shoulders and well??'mouth, her ass was lying straight. Sugantha asked his friend to rub the inside of her thighs and but I was a bit taken aback when his friend started rubbing the inside of my wife??'s meaty thighs with his massive cock rather than his hand. I guess it was a lot easier to massage straight with the cock and ensure the lubrication rather than producing the lubrication with the cock and then rubbing it with your hand. It made such simple sense so I smiled when the third Sri Lankan worker looked at me while he pushed his ugly and smelly cock in my wife??'s inner thighs. If I am not wrong she screamed at the top of her lungs when this happened but her scream was muffled around Burunda??'s cock in her mouth. And soon that one scream turned into multiple pleasure moans.

Sugantha looked at me and said, ???Her pussy hurt in the accident. We must massage it from inside.??? I nodded at him, relieved that he was there. If it was just me I wouldn??'t even have noticed that her pussy was hurt. Anyway, I went close to learn how to massage a hurt pussy effectively using only a cock and saw that actually from his angle the third Sri Lankan old worker could see my wife??'s puffed meaty pussy clearly. It was actually winking at him sort of invitingly to enter her and he obliged. Each time he rubbed her inner thighs the pussy winked at him and he plunged inside. I was surprised that he had not released his sperm even after ten minutes because I am a fast man and can??'t wait so long I usually release my sperm within a minute of two.

I should have waited before thinking about his staying powers because the moment I thought about it, he came deep inside my wife??'s meaty pussy. Then squeezing the root of his aboriginal cock he squeezed every single sperm inside his balls and emptied it in my wife??'s potent pussy. Once he was done, Sugantha smiled at me and sent the fourth friend to my wife??'s empty bottom. The fourth worker was the smelliest one. His long cock, almost 10-inches, was as thick as my wrist and I briefly wondered whether my wife could take the massage in her hurt pussy with such a big bad black cock. The thought disappeared from my mind as fast as it had appeared there because before the thought ended, that big bad black cock (BBBC) was buried to the root in my wife??'s hurt pussy.

BBBC was now massaging my wife??'s hurt pussy frantically. I think BBBC was worried that if he took his own sweet time, my wife??'s hurt pussy could be damaged beyond repair and that was unthinkable. I think all this massaging of her hurt pussy must have been good because finally I saw some movement in her otherwise lifeless body. So far she had only moved her head slightly to suck Burunda??'s cock, but now she was even moving her pelvis to accept BBBC??'s cock massage in her hurt pussy. Upon close inspection (very close, just about two or three inches from the joint of their massaging genitalia) I saw how effectively BBBC was massaging her pussy. It was an angry purple in color and it was coated with some white fluffy froth. It did smell divine and I felt like having a lick but I stopped myself. What would these four gentle workers think? Here they were trying their best to revive my hurt wife and all I could think was my pleasure! I admonished myself and started watching them help my wife.

BBBC must have been at the edge of his helping stamina for as he saw Burunda??'s erupt his healing man-cream from his man-cock in my wife??'s mouth, he released his own old, stale but potent Sri Lankan baby- making-yet-soothing hot sperm-cream in my wife??'s hurt, but hairy and meaty pussy. He was so tired by his efforts that he collapsed on my wife glistening-in-sweat body and lay there for about five minutes. It was good as this gave her the much needed rest from all that massaging movement from both the black cocks in her mouth and the pussy and she could concentrate of dissolving the sperm-cream in her mouth and absorbing the potent cum-cream in her hurt pussy.

Then Sugantha pushed them all away. He asked me gently but firmly to clean up my wife??'s hurt holes. When I asked him why, the rather thin, lanky and frail man slapped me so hard that I saw stars in front of my eyes. Although I am much bigger (of course only in height and weight as his cock is definitely much, much bigger and fatter than mine) I suddenly felt very scared of him. So I started for the kitchen to get a wet cloth only get another hard slap from the old Sri Lankan worker. He pushed me down on my knees and made me lick all their soothing sperm-cream from my wife??'s hurt pussy and hurt mouth (I guess her mouth must also be hurt that??'s why they massed it!).

Once she was sparkling clean, Sugantha gently lay on top of her and inserted his magnificent aboriginal cock in her meaty puffed and hurt pussy. He was a true healer as he massaged her pussy very gently. But that gentleness only lasted ten minutes, after which he turned into a hidden beast and clawed at my wife like an animal (in heat) and his gentle massaging of her hurt pussy seemed so violent and frantic that I thought rather than healing her pussy he might actually hurt her more. But whatever my wife was suffering from; whatever internal injuries she had must have felt better with this violent massage because she was flailing her arms wildly and muttering nonsensical words like ???godamnit??? ???go soldier go??? ???carry on bastard??? ???lash on me??? ??'tear me up??? ???fill it in??? fill it in??? ???give me your old spooge??? (I wonder what??'sspooge)???and so on.

So Sugantha gave her whatever she was asking him and the moment he gave her his soothing sperm-cream she leaped up in air arching her back and curling her toes and sighing loudly, collapsed in a heap under Sugantha??'s black naked body.

Then I realized that it was already nearing 2pm and we hadn??'t even started any work. I picked up my suddenly silent naked wife (normally she??'s only cursing me) to bring her to my room but Sugantha and Burunda took over from me. BBBC told me sternly, ???Start painting the house. She still needs some more massage.??? Needless to say I had to finish the house painting by myself but I didn??'t mind as the four ugly but really headstrong Sri Lankan black workers were rather busy massaging my hurt wife in my bedroom. I finished the painting in a week and till then I was not allowed in the healing room aka my former bedroom.

They were so good, the four of them, that my wife invited them to stay with us forever. Now the house rules have changed and no one in the house wears any clothes. Even when the four ???healers??? invite their bedraggled and ugly and smelly beggar and worker friends to our house every weekend for a feast. My job is to clean every smelly new ???healer??'s??? healing equipment ??? and all of them have heavy duty equipment ??? mostly jet, black, mean looking and uncut. I tell you, it??'s a tough job but to avoid the sarcasm in my wife??'s voice and to stop her from cursing me every hour, it??'s easy. Plus, I am now hooked to the taste of the sperm-cream sucked straight from the healing equipments or from the forever hurt pussy of my wife.

The end.