Gertrude Finnegan hated her name. Not Finnegan, that was ok. It was about the most Irish name anyone could think of, but at 5’9” and the brightest red hair anyone ever saw, she was the most Irish looking person in the world. At least her last name fit her.

It was Gertrude that she hated. Gertrude is a name for an old and ugly woman and Gertrude Finnegan was definitely not that.

Mercifully, no one called her Gertrude except for her parents. Everyone else called her Finn.

She looked in the mirror and thought, not bad, girl! Big chested with 34D breasts, a slender waist, and hips that flared out again to form a very feminine body, she liked the look. At 22 years old, she was youthful and, although it seemed stuck up to think of herself as beautiful, she knew she was.

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And she was definitely beautiful. Bright blue eyes, delicate features, milk-white complexion, and full lips. She admired her own reflection. She deserved the attention she got from men, and she got a lot.

But lately, things hadn’t been going her way. Her father had lost his job as a machinist in February and still hadn’t found any work by the time Finn had returned from her third year at an elite Ivy League college in late May. *** said that his prospects didn’t look great in the near future. He was planning on taking some additional training to modernize his skill set, but since he was unemployed, he had to pay for it himself. Sorry, *** had said, I can’t afford your tuition for your senior year.

That was pretty depressing news. The total annual cost for Finn’s college was $70,000. Without Mom and *** helping her, she would have to take the year off.

So she looked around for a job. At first, she thought it would be easy. She saw Help Wanted signs almost everywhere, but she became quickly disillusioned. Lots of interviews but not a single offer.

After three weeks of looking, she felt little hope. She woke on a Monday morning to prepare for a 1:00 PM interview at a video production company. Finn had two other interviews scheduled later in the week but she wasn’t optimistic.

She didn’t know anything about the video production company except for its name, Black Red Video Productions. The job description had described it as mostly physical work so Finn wondered if she should even bother to apply but they had called her for an interview the day after she had emailed her resume. Why not go?

She dressed in her only business suit with nice high heels just to be safe and got to the small building that housed Black Red Video 15 minutes early. It was a small building in an industrial part of town. There were no markings on the outside of the building except the street number. Finn walked into the tiny vestibule and saw one buzzer

Press the button for entry​

Finn had gotten the name of the company wrong but at least she knew it now. She pressed the button and entered a small reception area with two cubicles and two young women at the desks.

“Hi”, Finn smiled. “I’m here for an interview?”

One of the two women, a pretty blonde with short hair smiled back and looked at her computer, “Yeah, hi. You’re….Gertrude?” The other woman looked up and also smiled. She was also very pretty, with long, shiny light brown hair. She had very green eyes which caught Finn’s attention.

"Yes, I’m Gertrude!” Finn smiled, cringing at the sound of her name. “I got here a little early, hope that’s ok.”

The blonde smiled, “Early is always good! Can you fill out this application?”

Finn took the paper and filled it out.

Shortly after 1 PM, the blonde motioned to Finn to follow her. Although the building was small it was a warren of small rooms and hallways. The blonde looked back and said, “I’m Frenchy, you’re Gertrude?”

Finn smiled and said, “Everyone calls me Finn. Gertrude is not my favorite.”

Frenchy turned and laughed, “My real name is Francine and I’ll hit anyone who calls me that. It sounds like a 1950s waitress!” They both laughed.

Frenchy led Finn to a flight of stairs. The second floor was very different, much more homey. A couple of offices, again with only young women, a spare bedroom and a large office, lots of papers and DVD cases strewn around on bookshelves and spare tables. The whole workplace felt comfortable .

The person behind the desk was not what Finn expected. It was a woman, only about 35 years old, with bright long red hair, very attractive and thin. She was on her computer and took a minute to acknowledge that Frenchy and Finn had entered the room.

“Oh thanks, Frenchy!” the redhead smiled, “You must be Gertrude?”

Frenchy answered instead of Finn, “She hates the name Gertrude like I hate Francine. She’s Finn.” and she left the room.

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The redhead laughed and pointed to a chair that had three DVD cases on it, Oh, just move those. I’m Veronica, nice to meet you, Finn. Give me a minute, I’m looking over your resume again.”

Finn just smiled and moved the DVD cases and sat down. She didn’t know where to put the cases and she moved to put them on the floor and noticed the cover photo. It showed a beautiful redheaded woman with a very handsome muscular Black Man. They were both naked in the photo and his left hand was touching her right boob, covering it.

The redhead on the cover had lovely high heels in and one of her legs was kicked up in a sexy pose. Her head was cocked back and she was looking at the camera with a broad smile. The handsome Black Man had a lustful look on his face. He stared at the redhead. The title of the video was “Interracial Anal 4”

The other two DVDs were entitled “Redheads Misbehavin’” and “Soul Loving Redheads.”

Uh-oh, Finn thought. This is a porno production company? Shit, I can’t work here!

Veronica studied her computer screen for about two minutes and turned back to Finn. “Ok, sorry about that. I wanted to be up on your details.” Finn sat motionless. “I think your resume is great, but I do need someone for longer than just the summer. You’re going back to college in the Fall, right?”

Finn thought she should just leave but instead, she explained about her ***’s job and how that meant she had to take a year off of school.

“Oh, ok. Well, that sucks” Veronica said. “Do you like studying? Would you go back if you could afford it?”

Finn said, “ I love school, and yes! I’d go back in a heartbeat!”

Veronica shook her head, “I wish I was more like you. I hated school.” They talked for a while. Veronica seemed like a really nice woman, calm and thoughtful, but with a sense of humor. Finn couldn’t work at a porno video company but she was enjoying the conversation.

“Well,” Veronica said after a while, “You seem perfect. Could you start tomorrow? Or even today? I start everyone at $30 an hour.”

Finn was floored. That was twice what she had been expecting to get paid. “Uhm, wow, yeah, that’s really attractive. Hmm, oh wow, uhm, I don’t know what to say.”

“Why not?” Veronica asked. “If it’s really attractive, say yes.”

Finn hesitated and said, “Oh, well, I just… I just didn’t know what kind of videos you made.”

Veronica smiled, “Ah, cuz it’s porn? If you take the job you’ll never see any of that here. We shoot the videos here offsite. I’ll ask you to move shoot equipment like lights and some light scenery items to and from the shoot location. Sometimes you’ll have to move boxes of DVDs but nothing super heavy. Moving stuff, making deliveries, it’s all manageable. You’d be mostly working from the basement. Definitely, no porn is being made down there. Mostly it’s a storage area.”

Finn hesitated, it was good pay but how to explain it to her parents?

“And I’ll pay for 90% of your health insurance so your folks don’t need to cover you,” said Veronica, which sealed the deal.

Finn hesitated one last time and said “Wow, this sounds great. Yeah, uhm, yes! I’ll take it!”

Veronica smiled and said, “Good!” Start right now?” Finn nodded, yes.

"I hope it's ok to ask this but to be honest, you don’t seem the type of woman to be in… you know, the sex industry. How’d you start doing it?”

“If this works out,” she pointed to Finn and then to herself, “you’ll meet a lot of women in the sex industry and they’re usually bright, talented people. I’ll tell you right now why women go into the sex biz, there’s a LOT of money to be made!”

“Really?” Finn asked, “I always figured the women were exploited and suffering.”

Veronica nodded, “Sure, that happens but not nearly as much as it used to and it definitely doesn’t work that way here. I take care of my bitches! Now, the male actors I hire? I do everything I can to exploit them!” Veronica laughed and pantomimed the movement of a man masturbating, Finn didn’t exactly know what she meant but laughed anyway.

Veronica went on, “I started out doing porn when I was 18 years old. I had this boyfriend who told me he had done a porn shoot with a white girl and she had made $1700 for just letting my boyfriend screw her. He said they were always looking for white girls that would have sex with Black Men. I had never dated a boy or man that wasn’t Black so that was fine with me. And not that it makes any difference to you, but I’ve still never dated a man that wasn’t Black.” Veronica rummaged through her desk until she found an 8x10 color glossy photograph and handed it to Finn.

Finn looked at it. It showed a young naked white woman with bright red hair from a profile angle. The redhead was kneeling in front of a super muscular naked Black Man and his erect cock was in her mouth. Finn stared at the man’s penis. It looked like most of it was in the redhead’s throat but there was at least 5 inches that weren’t. The man’s cock was huge!

“I was 19 in that shot. It’s the first loop I ever made. That was my boyfriend at the time. God, he was an asshole! But he was sexy!”
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Finn stared at the photo and felt her insides get all squirmy. She didn’t have much sexual experience. She had let a boy in college put his thing inside her twice. Mostly just because she wanted to see what the big deal was. It hadn’t excited her in any way. Not to mention the college boy didn’t have a penis that was even close to the Black Man’s size. She couldn’t help it. His cock was sexy!

Finn was staring at the photo for a while, “Do you want to be alone?” Veronica said, laughing. “I’m just teasing you” she said. “Porn gets people all hot and bothered. It’s normal, it’s designed to do that!”

Finn looked up from the photo, “it’s just…I’ve…oh my God, I’ve never seen a thing like that before!”

Veronica looked at her, “Ever seen a Black Man naked?”

Finn shook her head no. “Well,” Veronica sighed, “I’ve ONLY seen Black Men naked and they all pretty much have dicks that are that big!”

“But, how did you…..?” Finn couldn’t finish her sentence.

“You mean how did I suck that big Black Cock?” Finn gulped and nodded. “I sucked that Black Cock with the greatest of pleasure. And after this one, I did about 350 more videos. That means 350 more Black Men. I loved the sex, but after a while, I realized there was a lot more money on the other side of the camera. So that’s why I’m sitting here today.”

Finn looked at the Black Man’s face. His eyes were closed as Veronica sucked him. He was in heaven. “And only Black Men? No white men?”

“Yuck!” Veronica mimed throwing up. “You can keep your whitey boys. Give me a big-dicked Black Stud any day”

Finn handed the photo back. “You can keep it if you want, I’ve got dozens of copies.” Finn nodded and slipped it into her bag.

“Let me take you to my payroll girl and she’ll get you all set up.” Veronica stepped out from the desk. Finn stood up and was surprised that the she was shorter than Veronica. At 5’9” she was used to being the tallest woman. But Veronica was at least 5’10” even without heels.

She was dressed really beautifully; a fun, black short leather skirt and a bare midriff blouse that revealed a flat, muscular tummy and a pair of big boobs.

Veronica walked out of her office and motioned, “C’mon, Red, follow me.” Finn didn’t like being called Red but from a fellow natural redhead, it was fun.

The payroll girl was also super pretty. Her name was Briony and she was the opposite of Veronica, short and dark with curly dark brown hair. She had a Jewish star around her neck. As Finn sat with Emma, another girl walked in and said hi to Finn.

Hi, Finn.” She was also young and attractive, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was dressed in loose-fitting harem pants and a tight t-shirt. She also had a flat tummy and big breasts.

“I’m Emma. I work in the logistics department with Cassie. You’ll meet Cassie later, she’s busy now.” Cassie giggled, “Really busy!” Briony laughed, “Yes, it’s impolite to talk with your mouth full.” Finn reckoned Cassie must be eating lunch. Emma continued, “You’ll be working in the basement with Cindy. I’ll introduce you to her once Briony is done with you. Cassie and I will give you your assignments so I just wanted to say hi and welcome!”

Finn greeted her warmly and thought that everyone so far seemed nice, but everyone that worked here so far was a very beautiful, young White woman.

“Do you mind if I ask a question?” Finn said.

“Not at all, what’s on your mind?” Briony responded.

“Do any men work here?”

Briony laughed, “Nope, and none ever will. It’s females only here and Veronica has a thing about hiring pretty girls, You’ve probably noticed!” and she laughed.

“It’s hard to miss,” Finn said. “But everyone seems so nice and fun.”

Briony smiled, “Everyone here really is fun, and really genuine. I love my co-workers. Annnddd… there are some great side benefits.” She smiled, “Just ask Cassie!

Finn was a little confused, “I haven’t met Cassie, yet I think.” Briony smiled again, “No, she’s not in a position to meet anyone at the moment, but you will. Emma?”

Enma, the pretty blonde poked her head in, “Ready to go downstairs, Finn?”

Finn looked at Briony who said, “Yup, she’s good to go. Uhm, Emma, why don’t you introduce Finn to Cassie on the way out?”

Both women laughed out loud, “Briony, you’re just plain mean!” Emma said. Finn followed Emma into the hallway and Emma went over to a closed door and opened it and peeked in. Finn remembered that it was the door to the spare bedroom that she had passed earlier. When Emma opened the door just a crack, Finn could clearly hear a male voice. The man wasn't saying anything, it sounded like a grunt. Finn could also hear a female voice whimpering. She thought it sounded like sex but in an office?

Emma quickly closed the door and walked Finn back into the hallway, "Yes, Cassie is definitely not up to meeting you quite yet."

She led Finn down two flights of stairs into the basement. It was crowded with furniture and lamps and other things but mostly DVDs. A lot of them. Stacks of boxes of them everywhere. It was crowded in the space, with narrow aisles.

Finn met her co-worker, Cindy. She was shorter than Finn, about 5'6", and just a tiny bit overweight. But she was very pretty and although dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, Finn could see that with a nice dress on, Cindy would be very cute.

Cindy was very funny and the two of them were friendly right away. Cindy told Finn to change into some old jeans and sweatshirts they had in the back and Finn reappeared looking way less well-dressed than she had come to the office. They even had some old boots that fit her so she didn't have to wear her heels.

Cindy explained what the job entailed. A lot of moving boxes and affixing postage. She said that the two of them would be making runs to the Post Office twice a day and sometimes delivering boxes of DVDs to local video stores. Cindy said it wasn't too hard physically. Sometimes they had to take small pieces of furniture or a lamp to the video shoot sites but still, it wasn't very taxing. She said that the people at Black in Red Video were really sweet and the women were one big ******.

At about 4 PM, a woman came down the steps and introduced herself as Cassie, "Hi Finn," she said, "I heard we have a new team member and I wanted to say hi." Cassie was really pretty, about 5"8" with long brown hair and really blue eyes. Finn greeted her back with a big smile but she noticed that although Cassie's clothes were nice and looked expensive, she seemed messy. Her hair was uncombed and her shirt was buttoned wrong and her skirt was a little crooked.

Cindy walked in on them and said "Hi Cassie, how was Marcus?"

Cassie groaned and rolled her eyes at Cindy. "Marcus? Oh my god, he's wonderful. He's ALWAYS wonderful!" Cassie seemed really happy.

Cindy continued, "Oh my God, Cassie, you and Marcus! My God, you love that man! We’re all sick of hearing about Marcus” but Finn could hear Cindy was teasing Cassie.

Cassie hugged herself, "Every woman loves that man, Cindy. You still haven't tried him?" Cindy shook her head no. "Well," Cassie said, "you're the only one around her that hasn't'!" Cassie said that it was nice to meet Finn and she left.

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It was close to 3:30 when Cindy got Finn moving boxes and figuring out the postage software. Quitting time was 5 PM on the dot. At 4:45, Finn went in the back to change into her own clothing. When she came out of the back room, Cindy had also changed. She was wearing a fun skirt and a halter top. "You look pretty!" Finn said.

The door to the upstairs rattled and they heard a knock. Finn heard heavy footsteps and a moment later a tall, very handsome Black Man came to the bottom of the staircase. Cindy ran into his arms and they kissed passionately. Finn was embarrassed and thought she ought to leave so she said good night to Cindy and started up the steps.

Cindy wanted to introduce her male friend, "Finn, this is Jamaal, Jamaal, this is Finn."

Jamaal waved at Finn and smiled. Cindy asked Finn, "You recognize him, don't you?"

Finn had to admit she had seen his face but she couldn't place it. "I'm not sure" Finn smiled.

Cindy walked a step and grabbed a DVD, "How 'bout now?" and handed the DVD to Finn. The DVD cover was a tall, handsome, well-built Black Man with a redheaded white woman kneeling at his feet. Her hands were covering his private parts. The name of the video was Blacks Inside Redheads, Part 22. The man in the cover was Jamaal, no doubt about it.

Cindy smiled, "That one's a classic. Here take it home and watch it. The white bitch goes crazy at the end, cums and cums and cums." She laughed and looked at Jamaal.

He smiled, "Yeah, she was a crazy bitch. She wanted my phone number after that shoot. Bitch wanted to be my fuckin' shorty and shit!" He and Cindy laughed.

“What was her name again?” Cindy asked.

Jamal’s shrugged, “Fuck do I know? Bitch used to hit me up once in a while back in the day. I would tap that shit sometimes.”

Cindy laughed, “Did you ever know her name?”

Jamaal made a face, “I knew dat white-ass pussy!”

Cindy nodded, “She is beautiful. You hit that shit lately?”

Jamal’s shook his head, “Bitch married some white dude but she still hit me up sometime. I don’t fuck with no married bitches ‘tho unless they man into it and shit. Nigga can’t be too careful.”

Finn vaguely understood that the redhead on the video cover still wanted sex with Jamaal but she wasn’t really sure if she got that right. Anyway, it was time to go home.

Finn smiled weakly and walked up the stairs. At the top, she clearly heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down and a moment later, the sound of Jamaal sighing, "ooohhhh, bitch, suck that Black Cock." and then she closed the door behind her.

Video Games (Part 2)

Finn woke up bright and early for her second day of work at Red In Black Video Productions. She was excited about making money and getting back to school for her senior year. But she was also excited that there seemed to be a lot of naughty things that went on in the office. She didn’t want to participate, but it was fun.

To begin with, her co-worker Cindy was having an affair with a Black Man named Jamaal. As she was leaving the basement office the day before, she heard Jamaal command Cindy to "such his Black Cock." Normally that would make Finn feel furious, how dare a man, any man, speak to a woman like that? By the time of his voice, it wasn’t a request. It was an order.

But in her bones, Finn felt it was different because he was a Black Man. Finn could admit to herself that she had always thought Black Men were sexy. Their brown skin, lovely muscles, and their confidence. They would look at her when she walked down the street differently from the white men. They had more confidence and it always made her just a little horny.

Then Cassie, the logistics worker in the office, had been having sex with a man named Marcus. Finn thought to herself, how many white men are named Marcus? A few, she supposed, but it was a pretty black name.
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She got to work a few minutes early and Cindy was already there. She wanted to sound innocent, "So, Cindy, how was your date with Jamaal?" Cindy smiled, "It was nice, but not a date. We just hung out." Finn smiled, "Oh, ok. Did you do anything special?" Cindy shrugged, "The usual." Finn decided to leave it there.

Cindy showed Finn what she needed to do and Finn learned quickly. They made a run to the Post Office to drop off three boxes of videos for shipment overseas. When they got back, there was a loud knocking from upstairs that was loud in the basement.

"What's that, Cindy?" Finn asked. "Oh, nothing to worry about" Cindy answered, "probably just an audition. The bed in the audition room always knocks when Veronica is taking it deep and hard" Cindy laughed. "Audition?" Finn asked. "Yup, Veronica is always looking for new talent. Mostly it's Black Men but sometimes it's a white girl. But if you hear the bed knocking like that," Cindy smirked, "It's a man. He's fucking the shit out of Veronica by the sound of it. Want to take a look? Veronica encourages it."

Finn stood speechless, not knowing what to say. Cindy hesitated a moment and then grabbed Finn's arm, "C'mon, you should see what goes on here. It'll be good for you!" she took Finn up the flight of steps and turned towards what Finn had thought was the extra bedroom. The door was open and Finn could see several women standing by the wall, just watching and chatting. Cindy pulled her in and Finn saw that the room was surprisingly large. There was a bed and also a video set-up with lights and microphones.

Veronica was on her back on the bed, completely naked. Her long red hair splayed on the pillow below her. Her legs were spread wide and a Black Man, very thin with lovely bulgy muscles was between her legs. From where she stood, Finn could see the man's Black Cock driving into Veronica's vagina. He was fucking her deeply and with a lot of force. Every time he drove inside her, she yelped and cried out and squeezed him. She couldn't see Veronica's face but she sounded like she loved what the Black Man was doing to her.

Cassie was operating the video camera. Cassie was speaking to the couple, "Fuck that white pussy, Nigger Man. Fuck her white cunt good and hard Black Master. Give that fucking white slut what she deserves."

Finn's insides felt very queasy and she realized she was very turned on. Her pussy was burning and she knew even without feeling it that her cunt was dripping wet. Finn felt like playing with herself but felt much too embarrassed. She looked to her side and both of the reception women from yesterday were standing to the side. One was openly masturbating, her dress up and her finger inside of herself. The other receptionist was kneeling in front of the first woman and then began to eat her pussy. My God!, Finn thought, this place is crazy!

Finn could hear the interracial sex coming to a crescendo. Veronica was screaming out loud, "Oh God, Black Man, fuck your white bitch! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK YOUR WHITE BITCH!"
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The Black Man roared and pulled his Black Cock out of Veronica's vagina. Veronica moved quickly and knelt in front of the Black Man. He jerked his dick for a few seconds and then ejaculated all over Veronica's beautiful face. She swallowed as much as she could, but he had shot a huge load and his cum went everywhere. It went into her mouth but also onto her chin and cheeks and then some dripped down onto her big white breasts.

As the Black Man sprayed her with sperm, she was looking up at him and smiling. She seemed to like this man. On the other hand, the Black Man wasn't looking at Veronica with anything but lust. She was a white cum bucket to him.

The Black Man’s body shuddered with pleasure as he came into Veronica’s pretty, white milk face. The spurts of white semen jetted into her and she took them smiling. Her white hands stroked his beautiful muscular brown thighs as he throbbed.

When he was done cumming, Veronica took his still-hard Black Penis into her mouth and sucked him enthusiastically. His eyes were closed as she sucked his giant Black Cock. But her eyes were wide open, watching him and smiling even as she sucked him.

After a few minutes, Veronica let his Black Cock pop out of her mouth but she took it in her hand and continued to jerk him. “Very, very nice…..uhm…..” she laughed. “Goddamn, you fucked me so hard, I can’t remember your name!” Veronica looked so beautiful, Finn thought, naked and with a Black Man’s sperm all over her face and breasts.

The Black Man didn’t smile, he just looked at Veronica. “Darius.” Veronica smiled, “Yes. Darius, I’m sorry Darius.”

The two receptionists, Finn only remember that the blonde one was named Frenchy, were still at it. The brunette was licking Frenchy’s pussy and both of them seemed oblivious to the hard fucking that had just ended.

"I know all I need to know, thank you, Darius. How about anyone else, any questions for Darius?”

Briony said, “Uhm, yes I’ve got a question” and the other women all laughed. She spoke to the Black Man, “Here’s my question, can you cum into another white bitch today?” and she quickly put her mouth into his Black Cock and sucked him, her dark hair bouncing.

The Black Man arched his back as the white woman took his cock into her mouth. He was rock-hard in less than a minute. Briony pulled her dress up and sat onto the immense Black Dick and rode it up and down, hard fucking for about 15 minutes. The Black Man roared again but this time sent his precious sperm into the white woman’s womb. Briony collapsed on his Black body. He lay under her, eyes closed. Frenchy kissed his thick lips and caressed his face.

Finn thought it was all so fucking sexy. Her vagina felt like it was 10 feet tall and throbbing. Cassie was still behind the video camera but Finn now saw that one of her hands held a small vibrator to her vagina and although she was fiddling with the camera, she was also jumping the vibrator.

It was only Finn and Cindy that weren’t either having sex or masturbating. Veronica was still kneeling on the bed next to Darius and Briony.

The brunette licking Frenchy’s cunt pulled on Veronica’s toe and then pointed to Frenchy’s wide-open vagina. Veronica nodded and leaned over and took Darius’s cock into her mouth again. She sucked him up and down, her white hand cupping his massive testicles and she held those Black Balls lovingly.

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A few minutes later, Darius was hard again. My God, Finn thought, Darius is incredible! Briony rolled off of his sexy brown body and Finn took her lips off of his Black Dick and put them to his ear, whispering something.

Darius got off of the bed and moved between Frenchy’s legs. The brunette stopped licking Frenchy’s cunt and took the Black Man into her mouth. His head rolled back in ecstasy as she sucked him. Her red fingernails lightly ran up and down his legs. He was shaking from her blowjob and Finn thought he was going to cum in her mouth but without warning, he pulled his cock out of the brunette, roughly shoved her aside, and plunged fully inside of Frenchy’s slit with just one thrust. The brunette landed roughly on the floor but she quickly got up and put her tongue into the Black Man’s asshole, licking him. Frenchy was moaning, her arms around her Black lover’s neck as he pounded inside of her.

Her eyes were closed and her mouth was wide open and Finn could see that she was in heaven. “Oh GOD, fuck your honky BITCH, Sir!” she cried out.

After just a few minutes, Frenchy’s body trembled and shuddered and shook almost as though she was having some kind of health attack. The only way Finn knew she was ok was by the look on her face. Frenchy was smiling from ear to ear and kissing the Black Man’s cheeks and lips as he fucked her sexy white body. “Take it, white bitch, take a Nigga’s Cock, CUNT!!” and he drove into her vagina over and over. Frenchy obviously couldn’t get enough of this man and her orgasm kept going.

They were fucking for a long time, at least 25 minutes before the Negro came. When he did, he roared once again and spit in Frenchy’s face as he shot his semen inside her.

Finn thought Frenchy would react violently when the Black Man spits on her but she didn’t. She smiled and hugged him harder. Cassie, who had masturbated all this time leaned over and licked the spit from her face. The two women then kissed passionately.

Finn was breathless. She wanted to masturbate so badly. Her cunt felt on fire. She had only had sex with one white boy two separate times and she hadn’t liked it either time. This seemed very different. These women wanted to FUCK and it looked as though Black Men knew how to fuck back.

Veronica sat on the bed, still covered in the man’s sperm. She said to Finn, “It’s only your second day, do you still want to work here?” Finn couldn’t speak but nodded up and down. All the women laughed. Veronica stood up, naked except for a pair of black pumps and took Finn by the hand, and led Finn into her private office. She made sit at her desk chair and then brought up an interracial fucking video on her computer monitor, kissed Finn on the cheek, and whispered, “Do whatever you want to, no one will come in here until you come out.” She then walked naked to the door and closed it behind her.

Finn was alone. She watched the porn video. A very handsome Black Man and a beautiful slender redhead were kissing. It was so romantic, Finn thought. She didn’t want to masturbate but Veronica said to do whatever, so Finn pulled her jeans and underwear down and stuck a finger inside herself. It was such a relief! She fucked her vagina furiously and came within minutes. She was moaning and then she realized the other women could hear her so she quieted herself.

When her orgasm came, she shuddered and shook and cried. By that time in the video, the Black Man was licking the redhead’s pussy and they are both loving it. Watching the Black Man’s muscles made Finn cum harder. He was gorgeous and the skin contrast was amazing. Finn lay on the chair, exhausted. Her jeans were down around her ankles, her legs spread wide, and her vagina was wet and pulsing. Finn had masturbated before but her orgasm had never been like this. Her cum had taken over her mind and body. Watching that beautiful brown man eat that sexy redhead’s pussy was so sexy.
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Finn pulled her panties and jeans back up and walked into the hallway. Veronica was standing in the hallway with Cassie and Frenchy. Veronica was still naked except for her high-heeled pumps and the Black Man’s sperm still covered her face, neck, and tits. The three women smiled at Finn.

“That was quite a show, wasn’t it?” Frenchy asked. “That man could fuck, that’s for sure!” Veronica added. Finn wanted to touch the dried sperm on Veronica’s naked white breasts. Finn had never been attracted to a woman before but this redhead in her mid-30s, standing naked before her, covered in Black Man’s cum was so attractive to her.

Finn felt embarrassed, her face burned. She nodded but didn’t say a word. “No worries honey if you don’t want to ever join in. That’s NOT part of the job” said Veronica. Finn felt relieved, “I... I mean… I’m not… just I’m not like that” Finn said softly.

All three women laughed softly. “No worries!” they all said and Finn believed them. Cassie and Frenchy walked down the hall toward their workstations.

Veronica invited her back into her office and closed the door behind them. “You don’t have to do anything, Finn. If you don’t want to take part, don’t. As long as you do your work, your job is 100% safe. I just wanted to make that super clear.” Veronica sat down in her chair and looked at the monitor. The porn was still playing. Finn looked at the screen and saw the Black Man fucking the redhead hard. It was so beautiful, Finn stared at it as did Veronica.

“I still get super horny watching a Black Cock penetrating a white bitch, even after all these years”, Veronica’s hand slid to her pussy as she watched the interracial fucking. Finn was transfixed by her, the milk-white skin, long perfectly sculpted legs, and her tummy was so flat, Finn could see the faint outlines of her ab muscles.

Veronica reached into her top drawer and got a small pink vibrator. She applied it to her clitoris and moaned, “Oh shit, I remember shooting this scene. That Nigger nearly tore that redheaded bitch in half. He told me later that the bitch invited him home afterward for a steak and he fucked her for hours. Bitch was straight up in love.” Veronica never took her eyes off of the video and Finn didn’t take her eyes off of Veronica.

Finn stepped towards Veronica then paused, then stepped back, and then forward again. Oh God, God, God, she wanted to touch Veronica, to kiss her, to suck on her nipples and taste the Black Man’s cum, but she….she couldn’t.

Veronica noticed her movement and looked at Finn. She said very softly, almost in a whisper, “Baby, you wanna eat my pussy don’t you?” Finn nodded yes, embarrassed.

“Have you ever licked a vagina before, Finn?” Veronica looked so inviting, naked, and used by a Black Cock. Finn nodded no, she had never touched a woman before.

“Finn, I’d like to see your body, would you show me your body?” Finn nodded yes, and slowly stripped down until she was naked. Finn felt hornier than ever before, maybe I’m a lesbian, she thought. No man has ever made me feel like this. Well, maybe Darius just earlier.

When Finn was completely nude, Veronica motioned for her to kneel between her legs. Finn knelt and Veronica gently put her hands on Finn’s head and guided Finn’s mouth and tongue to her gaping cunt.

With Veronica‘s guidance, Finn licked and kissed and sucked in Veronica's pink cunt. Veronica’s hips fucked Finn's mouth as Finn's tongue fucked Veronica’s cunt. It was a lovely feeling, making another woman orgasm. And Finn just licked and licked more. Veronica’s musky pussy aroma was intoxicating.

At one point, Veronica leaned down and the two redheads kissed passionately. The Black Man’s salty sperm went into Finn’s mouth. Finn loved it so much, it was wonderful.

Eventually, Veronica picked Finn’s head up and told her to sit in the chair. Finn spread her legs wide and watched Veronica’s lips meet her cunt labia. The shock was electric. Veronica’s hands were all over Finn’s beautiful body, her cunt and ass and tummy and big white breasts. Finn’s pussy shuddered every time the other redhead licked her it was magical.
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Again, after a long white, they kissed and their eyes met. Blue eyes in blue eyes.

“I hope that was ok, baby. Was it?” Veronica asked. Finn said nothing but grabbed Veronica’s face and kissed her softly nodding yes. “You sure?” Veronica said. “I’ve never been more sure, Veronica.”

The two redheaded women were naked together kissing. Finn thought to herself that this was utterly unexpected.

But utterly beautiful, as well.

Video Games (Part 3)

It was 2 PM on Finn’s second day at her new job but it had already been a very eventful day. Finn had watched a beautiful Black Man fuck Veronica her redheaded boss. Then he fucked Briony, the payroll and HR head. In the same room, Finn watched Cassie masturbate and Frenchy and the other receptionist girl that Finn hadn’t met yet make love. Then, covered in the Black Man’s sperm, Veronica had invited Finn to lick her pussy. After Finn had eaten her cunt for a while, which Finn loved doing, Veronica returned the favor licking Finn for a long time.

This is where Finn finds herself now, Veronica’s face and long red hair were splayed on Finn’s naked midsection. They were staring into each other’s eyes, kissing and caressing. It was so sweet being with another woman. It felt calm and lovely but also sexy and exciting. Veronica was extremely attractive, very tall, beautiful, with long, natural red hair, long beautiful legs, large breasts, Negro sperm on her face and neck and breasts. It was impossible not to kiss her.

Eventually, Finn stirred and said, “I guess I have to get back to work, don’t I?”

The women laughed. “Two more minutes,” and bent down to lick Finn’s tender clitoris. Finn’s body jumped like it had been shocked and her back arched off of the chair. Veronica moaned and gently slid her middle finger up into Finn’s pussy and began to finger fuck her. Finn went insane with lust, moaning and writhing in the office chair. She yelled “Oh GOD, do that! Do it more! Fuck me deeper!” she didn’t care who heard her. Veronica put a second finger into her and then a third. She was licking Finn’s clitty the whole time. Finn lost track of time but she could feel a massive orgasm about to come so she laid there and let this white, redheaded woman finger fuck her until she came and she did cum. She came hard, nearly breaking Veronica’s fingers. The orgasm shook her from head to toe causing her to laugh and moaned and cried all at the same time.
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Finn lay exhausted once again after her second hard cum of the day. “My God, Veronica, I’ve cum twice in the last hour! I haven’t cum twice in the last 6 months!”

Veronica smiled and whispered, “That’s going to change, bitch, I WANT you to cum, I want ALL the white bitches that work for me to cum a lot!” Finn LOVED that Veronica called her “bitch.” It was so fucking sexy, Veronica took her by the hand and led her out of the door to Briony’s office.

Both redheaded women were naked. Briony looked up from her work when they entered her office, she wasn't shocked that there were two naked women in her office Veronica was covered in a Black Man’s spent, and both of them were covered in each other’s pussy juices and smiled, “I heard the two of you having a good time in there, especially you, Finn that sounded like a great cum!” Finn, who was beginning to think this place was wilder than she imagined nodded yes. Standing naked in Briony’s office holding hands with another woman she had just made love with, felt completely natural. Finn felt absolutely no shame or embarrassment. She thought to herself, I wonder what would happen if I kneel in front of Briony and pulled her skirt up and her underwear down and then kissed her sweet pussy lips? The thought made Finn even hornier and she was already really horny, to begin with.

Veronica walked over to Briony and leaned down. Their feminine lips touched and they kissed for a long time. Briony’s hands were all over Veronica’s naked body, her breasts, and her hips and ass. Briony was fully clothed but she didn’t stay that way for long. Veronica stripped her until she was naked in her office chair.

Breathless, Briony looked up at Veronica and whispered, “I think we’re in for one of those “nothing gets done” days.” Veronica nodded and motioned to Finn who knelt before the gorgeous brunette.

Smiling up at her, “I’ve never made a woman cum”

Briony held Finn’s face gently in her hands. “I want to cum in your mouth, bitch, make me cum!” and laid back. Finn finger fucked Briony and sucked her clitoris and pussy lips for a long time until Briony was writhing in her chair and started bouncing up and down. She held onto Finn’s face lovingly as she orgasmed. “Oh Finn, GOD yes!” she shouted as a massive cum took hold of her. After, they held each other and kissed, Veronica who had been watching and masturbating along with Finn then noticed that Cassie and Emma were standing in the doorway watching and began to applaud.

Emma said to the room, “Looks like Finn’s a good fit here, right bitches?”

Cassie smiled, “She wasted no time on Briony!”

Briony looked up smiling. “Best fucking cum I’ve had in days!”

Finn was proud, “I made a bitch cum!” she said, laughing, she felt strange, she had never used the word bitch before to describe a woman.

Cassie walked into the room carrying a pink vibrator. “Finn honey, sit on Briony’s desk” patting the desk. Finn sat on the desk with her legs wide. The office was crowded with five women, three naked. Cassie smiled and leaned in kissing Finn and put the pink vibrator on Finn’s pussy lips, Finn’s body jumped as 1000 volts had gone through it. Her pussy was wetter than ever and she realized she wanted a Black Cock inside of her. It surprised her because she had never really thought about interracial fucking before, but now she had to try it.
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Cassie was an expert with the vibrator, bringing Finn almost to the point of release and then slowing down, it was torture, Finn wanted and needed to cum again she would almost cum and then Cassie would pull away. Finn would open her eyes and Cassie would lean in and the two women would kiss passionately, their mouths open and their tongues meeting, both of them moaning. Then a moment later, Cassie would put the vibrator in Finn's clitty again, starting the slow climb up once again.

Emma who was still in the doorway shouted something to the front desk girls. She then turned to Veronica and said, “They’re here, the boys are here!” and ran downstairs.

Briony, Emma, and Cassie all grabbed Veronica and kissed her, “Oh Veronica, you’re the best!” and they all ran downstairs. Cassie took the vibrator off of Finn’s clitoris and Finn nearly cried, she needed another orgasm. Veronica and Finn were alone, “Is this all too much sex, baby?”

Finn looked at her and thought for a moment, “If you had asked me yesterday, I would have said that any sex at work is weird. But today…. God, it’s so fucking exciting!”

Veronica looked at her seriously, “Any time you wanna opt out of anything, you do it, No means NO here and it doesn’t affect your job.” Finn liked this woman a lot even without the two of them having made love. She stood and took Veronica in her arms and kissed her softly, their mouths opened and their tongues played. It was beautiful.

Finn heard male voices from downstairs, in fact, several male voices. “Who’s downstairs? Who are the boys?”

Veronica smiled, "I knew today was going to get out of control when we all heard you masturbating so I called some of our best Black Studs, they’re downstairs.”

Finn was terrified, “I have almost no sex experience, Veronica! I’ve had sex twice with one boy, oh my God, I don’t think I can do this! I don’t know what to do. How can I please a Black porn stud?” Her knees trembled with fear.

Veronica kissed her once more and said, “None of that matters, these are MEN, honey, not boys, these are Black Men, they FUCK bitches, especially white bitches. They take you and they fuck you, you don’t have to do much except open your legs, your mouth, and your asshole. A strong Black Man will do the rest. You say yes to anything and everything they want. If you don’t, they will beat you and I won't be able to help you even if I wanted to. If they want to fuck your asshole, you turn and you thank them as they shoot cum inside of you that’s it. You’re a honky, white bitch you have no rights if you willingly go into one's arms.”

Finn was shocked. Veronica seemed like a powerful woman but she was saying that white women were sex slaves to Black Men.

“But you’re their boss, right Veronica? I mean…they’re not going to do anything like that to you, right?”
Veronica leaned into Finn, her forehead lightly touching Finn’s, it was an intimate moment. “Finn honey, boss or no boss, when a handsome Black Man has me naked, I am his fuck bitch, his cum slave. He will fuck me or **** me any way he wants and the worse he treats me, the more I like it. I cannot get enough of strong, handsome Niggers! I’ll take you downstairs if you want but remember the choice is yours once you do participate, once you take a Black Man into your arms, the choice is made. He WILL fuck you and I will be on their side. If you change your mind after you’ve started, I will hold you down as they **** you, so choose carefully.”

Finn nodded, “I want to go downstairs. I want to take a Black Man inside me. I want his cum inside of me. Just, please… stay with me I’m frightened.” Veronica took her hand.

Finn and Veronica walked down the stairs into the reception area. There were seven young, muscular Black Men there with Emma, Briony, Frenchy, the receptionist Finn hadn’t met yet, Cassie, and Cindy. Briony was already naked and on her knees in front of one of the Black Men. His long cock was stuffed into her mouth. Frenchy was kissing another man, Cassie was kissing another man’s strong arm muscles, and the unnamed receptionist was undressing in front of a particularly tall and cute Black Man. Cindy was already completely nude and a Black Man was pounding his cock inside of her pussy. Finn thought that Cindy must move fast. And Emma stood in front of a man stripping, dancing without music, stroking her lovely white boobs. Only one Black Man stood alone. He was handsome. All the men were handsome. He had a close-shaven beard and his head was shaved. He was tall, probably 6’2”, and nicely built, his arm muscles were big and nicely cut.
Finn needed no coaching. The other white women in the room were going to fuck so Finn would too! Finn walked and knelt in front of him and unzipped his trousers. She took the lovely hard Black Cock in her hand and smiled up at him, while she jerked off the scary dark penis. She brought her lips to the tip of his Black Cock and slid down the long shaft, feeling his giant Black Dick sliding into her throat felt so lovely. His brown cock was not fully hard and it was already 8 inches long. Her one white boy lover had been less than half of this and this Black Man wasn’t even fully erect yet.

She heard the sounds of cocksucking and looked around. Frenchy was naked now and Finn could see her blonde head bobbing back and forth as her Black Man held her head and fucked her mouth. Briony was on one of the receptionist's desks with her white legs spread and her Black Lover was fucking her. It looked like hard fucking. Finn figured he was inside Briony’s pussy until she heard Briony saying “Ooohhh, fuck my ass, Black Master, I love you, Black Master, inside me, inside my asshole!!!”

Emma was naked and masturbating in front of a really cute Black Man and Veronica had snuck in and was sucking his cock as Emma played with her cunt and danced. The brunette receptionist was sucking her man’s Black Dick and he was already trembling. Finn thought she must give good blowjobs.

Finn went back to her own Black Lover and sucked him deeper. She undressed him, pulled his jeans and underwear, removed his shoes then stood and unbuttoned his shirt. She stood in front of him naked, holding his immense cock in her white hand, and said, “I am your white bitch, Black Master. Use my body as you wish, my Master!” It felt so wonderful to say that and the Black Man reacted perfectly. He said nothing, he stared at her and then spit into Finn’s face. Finn laughed out loud out of pure joy, “Oh my Black Man, thank you for abusing me!” and she jerked his cock harder. He forced her to her knees and shoved his Nigger Dick inside of her mouth and fucked her throat. Finn thought it was the sexiest thing ever! He penetrated her throat, and she gagged as her hands were pushing him away. He ignored what she wanted, her eyes were tearing and she was afraid she would vomit on him. His grip on her red hair was unbelievably tight. She couldn’t move, she only needed to survive his throat fucking.

Finn could hear masculine grunts and feminine whimpers all around her, but the man’s grip on her was so tight she couldn’t turn her head. One man kept repeating, “Fuckin’ honky bitch motherfucker!” She didn’t know which man it was it which woman he was talking to but it was sexy. She heard Frenchy’s voice say loudly, “FUCK your bitch whore, Sir. Full my belly with a Black baby, PLEASE, my Black Master!” and she groaned as her man fucked her deep.
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After a few minutes, Finn’s Black Man released her head and pushed her backward. She fell roughly on her ass and looked up at him. He was so handsome and his Cock… my God! She hadn’t seen it fully hard yet as it was not and it was a monster! Finn looked him in the eyes, her blue eyes looking into his dark brown eyes, and said, “Oh my Black Master, fuck me please, please, PLEASE!” and spread her legs as wide as they would go. He knelt and penetrated her cunt in one graceful motion. He was inside of her and she saw stars. She thought of that white boy that had screwed her twice a year before. She had disliked it without really knowing why. Now, she knew why. She lusted for this Black Man. She hoped more than anything that he liked her and thought she was sexy. The white boy a year ago, there was no lust and he didn’t think she was sexy, well he wasn’t fucking sexy either.

Finn’s hips bucked up against the Negro’s thrusts into her. She was grunting and sweating and she wanted him to fuck her forever but she wanted him to shoot sperm into her too. Finn tried to kiss the Black Man’s lips but he didn’t like that so he slapped her face. She blacked out for a moment because he hit her very hard but then she came to again and held him tightly, kissing his neck and cheeks. “Fuck my white cunt, Sir, make me a whore!” They fucked like that for 20 minutes and Finn thought it was 20 seconds. When he finally erupted inside of her, he strangled her, cutting off her for about 10 seconds. She felt his Nigger Cock pulsing inside of her and knew that copious amounts of sperm were flowing into her womb. Oh GOD, she loved it, she loved it so much!!!

The Black Man collapsed onto her, he was breathing hard and sweating from the exertion. She then realized she didn’t know his name but it didn’t matter. He was strong and young and handsome with a huge cock and most important, he was a Black Man and she was a white bitch, she held him tenderly, whispering into his ear, “Oh my Black Lover, that was beautiful, keep fucking me please, my Black Lord!”

Finn looked around the reception area most of the interracial couples were in the same position, white women stroking their exhausted Black lovers. The only couple still fucking was the brunette receptionist and her cutie pie Nigger. He was pounding her and she was moaning loudly, “FUCK, your white cunt, it’s YOUR white cunt, pound it, fuck it, cum in it, I’m your baby momma, FUCK this white bitch!” and her man shot inside her as she orgasmed hard on him. Then there was only quiet moaning from all the women as the Black Men recovered. Finn was never happier, her vagina throbbing with lust. She had tasted Black cum and she wanted more!

A few minutes later, the Black Men began to move around the room. The cutie that had fucked the brunette receptionist now pulled Finn up from the floor by the hair. He leaned in very close to her face and said in a low, scary voice, “Suck my Nigga Dick fuckin’ racist white bitch.” she did as she was instructed. Her red hair matted with sweat, her white body covered with perspiration, she sucked his big Black Dick and hoped he would fuck her ass. She didn’t think she’d like it but she wanted more than anything to be an obedient white honky slut to a Black Man. She wanted desperately to acknowledge her inferiority.

Finn looked up at the Black Man whose cock she was sucking. He was muscular and attractive. “I’m inferior to you, Black Sir” she sucked his Cock for a few more minutes. “As a white bitch, I don’t deserve your respect, Black Lord, **** me as you wish.” She sucked his Nigger Dick deeper, he held her head and fucked her mouth. His Black Dick was fucking her throat like a piston. Her white hands explored his body, she tasted cum on his cock as he had just cum inside the brunette receptionist.

Finn heard a loud slap and looked over Cindy was standing in the middle of the room, her big white tits in her Black Lover’s hands. He was squeezing and twisting her nipples savagely. She was screaming in pain, her white body shaking. He then slapped her hard across her fucking face and returned to abusing her tits again, All the women were watching each other being abused and loving it. She was looking intensely to the side when suddenly her face exploded, her Nigger had slapped her hard, “Fuckin’ redheaded slut, don’t ignore me, bitch!" he pushed Finn down and fucked her. Finn watched him fuck her, her eyes were on him as he drove full force into her soft, extremely willing vagina. He grunted as he fucked her, She whimpered, loving his big stiff, hard, thick Black Dick at one point their eyes met, she knew hers were full of love and admiration for this incredible specimen of African manhood, but his eyes were filled with hate and aggression. It made her want him deeper inside her when saw he hated her being white. “FUCK ME” she screamed over and over.
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To her side, she saw Cassie riding one Black Man’s Cock while another fucked her ass, Frenchy stood over Cassie humping her face. On the other side, Veronica was kissing Emma as another Black Man, Finn thought it was the Black Stud that fucked her first, fucked Emma from behind. It was all too much. Finn was too horny and started to cum. Her orgasm rolled through her lily-white body as the tall, handsome Black Man fucked her. Her hips were fucking him back and she was begging him for his Black sperm, the Black Man spit in her face over and over, Finn loved him. Eventually, he blew his nut inside her, and then two more Negros fucked her but she was too horny to care who they were. The Black Men fucked all the white bitches and cum was everywhere, on all the women’s mouths and cheeks and boobs. When the fourth Black Man had cum inside of her, Finn crawled over to Veronica and licked all the Nigger cum off of her face and breasts. The white bitches were licking each other, drinking the sperm of these Nigger studs.

Finn lay back exhausted from all the fucking.

Video Games (Part 4)

Finn lay exhausted on the floor. This was only her second day employed at Black In Red Video Productions but there had been a lot of sex and not a lot of work. Sex with Black Men! Sex with other women! My God, Finn thought, I'm a completely different girl than I was two days ago.

Four Black Men had spurted their semen inside of her today. At least one other Black Man had shot a load of cum onto her face and breasts. It may have been more than one, but once the orgy had gotten going, Finn had gone into a sort of trance. She knew about the four vaginal cums, but everything else was a blur.
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Finn looked around and realized that only two of the seven Black Studs remained. The others had left. The two men still there were both fucking the brunette receptionist that Finn hadn’t met yet. One was under her fucking her cunt and the other squatted behind her, fucking her asshole. They were grunting. The brunette was holding on for dear life to the man in her cunt and moaning loudly, “Oh God, fuck this white body. Fuck this white bitch!”

Finn felt Veronica lie down next to her. The two redheaded women kissed and caressed. Finn looked back at the brunette receptionist and whispered to Veronica, “My God, that bitch can FUCK!” Veronica laughed softly, “Estee? My boyfriend and all his homies say Estee fucks like a Black Woman. She’s insatiable! She’ll fuck Black Men until there are no more!”

Finn saw a glob of sperm on Veronica’s large milk-white breast and she bent and licked it off, stopping to suck on the nipple. Veronica caressed Finn’s back. They made love tenderly, licking and finger fucking each other.

They were interrupted by a roar. The Black Man in Estee’s asshole was cumming, shooting his precious Negro seed into her colon. Estee was crying out of joy for his sperm. The man in her vagina came a moment later and the three interacial lovers collapsed in a pile.

Finn and Veronica admired the beauty of it, the love shared by men and women of different races. The two Black Men pushed Estee roughly aside and got up. One of them ordered her to kneel. Both Black Men spit in her face before they turned and abandoned her. She smiled at them as they left, clearly in love with both of them.

At this point, all the Black Men were gone. The eight white females were paying attention to one another. They were paired off, kissing and caressing. One couple was doing more, though Finn didn’t know which couple it was. The sound of a pussy being licked and one women nearing orgasm was clear. Finn had cum so many times that day. She didn’t think it was even possible to cum again.

Slowly, the women rose and went back to their workstations. Veronica explained to Finn that even though today had been an orgy day, they still had to do their daily assignments.
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Finn went down to the basement and she and Cindy readied boxes of DVDs for shipment to Europe. Finn put on her street clothes again but Cindy worked naked except for her work boots.

Finn asked, “How come you’re still nude, Cindy?” “On orgy days, Veronica lets us go home at 7:30 PM and I’ve arranged for him to come here then.” Cindy held out a DVD with an interracial couple on the cover, she was pointing to the man on the cover. Finn saw a very muscular man, almost a body builder. He was jet black and bald. “I’m not going to get dressed again just to get undressed again when he gets here.”

Finn was amazed. Her vagina felt like chopped meat. “You’re going to fuck more??” Finn asked. Cindy laughed, “I can fuck all day long, bitch!” and the women laughed.

“When I left here last night,” Finn said, “I heard that man Jamaal tell you to suck his Black Cock. It turned me on!” Cindy nodded, “And I did suck that Black Cock, bitch, until he came into my mouth. Then he came in my pussy and my ass. It was a good night!”
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Veronica came downstairs, also still naked, and said they had to work until 7:45 PM and then went back upstairs. Cindy shrugged, “Guess he’ll have to jerk off for 15 minutes!”

At 7:30 PM the Black Man arrived. Cindy greeted him with a long kiss and explained “I have to work 15 more minutes” and he smiled and said sure. He said hi to Finn who couldn’t take her eyes off of his muscles.

“My name’s DeRon,” he said. Finn managed to croak out her name. She stared at him. He was so beautiful. Her cunt lips didn’t feel very irritated any more.

Cindy laughed, “I think she likes you, DeRon.” The Black Man walked up to Finn and grabbed her roughly by the throat, almost lifting her off the ground. Finn’s hands went to her throat to save her life, but she couldn’t move his fingers even a tiny bit.

Finn felt her clothes being removed and realized Cindy was undressing her. She wanted to stop Cindy but her hands were still trying to remove DeRon’s hand from her throat. She was quickly naked.

Cindy stepped back and said in a low voice, “**** the bitch, DeRon. Put a baby in her.” Finn had been fucked by four Black Men so far today but this man frightened her.
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DeRon moved Finn to a table and forced her to lie down. Cindy stood behind her and held her arms. DeRon entered Finn’s cunt abruptly, not gently, thrusting violently. Finn orgasmed almost immediately, her hips out of control and her cunt squeezing the Black Man’s huge cock. Finn was whimpering, “**** me, **** me, oh God, **** me!!”

DeRon neared his climax quickly. Cindy was cheering him on as he fucked the redheaded bitch. Suddenly, DeRon pulled out of Finn’s pussy and shoved his Black Cock into her mouth. Long, hot streams of sperm shot into Finn’s mouth and down into her belly. He fucked her mouth even after he nutted, kissing Cindy at the same time.

A moment later, DeRon spat into Finn’s face and kicked her off of the table, “Get the fuck outta here, fuckin’ stupid white bitch” Finn fell roughly onto the hard cement floor.

She lay there, naked, a beautiful redheaded white woman with a gorgeous body, pretty and desired by every white male in the world with a mouthful of this Negro’s sperm and she wondered why this muscular, handsome Black Stud had just mistreated her so badly. He ***** me, she thought, spurted his cum in my mouth, and then kicks me off of the table. Why?

Then Finn saw Cindy. She was looking at DeRon and then at Finn and was masturbating. Cindy loved that DeRon had abused Finn so badly. Finn admitted to herself that she had liked it too.

DeRon then grabbed Cindy just as roughly as he had grabbed Finn and threw her onto the same table that he had ***** Finn on. Finn stood and held Cindy’s arms tightly just as Cindy had done. Finn looked at Cindy’s face, it was beet red and her teeth were clenched. Finn had never seen such obvious lust on a woman’s face before. Cindy spread her legs wide to welcome the Black Man.
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Cindy was shouting, 'C’mon Nigger, c’mon you fucking Nigger! You’re not as good as a white boy, c’mon you don’t deserve a white woman, you fucking Nigger! Nigger!”

Finn couldn’t believe it, Cindy was provoking him. DeRon looked at Finn and yelled, “Turn the honky in her stomach. NOW, bitch!” and Finn did as he ordered. Finn grabbed Cindy’s arms again and held her down. DeRon stuck his fat Black Cock into Cindy’s asshole and fucked her, ***** her, and abused her. Finn spit into Cindy’s face and called her a bitch. Finn almost came just watching DeRon **** Cindy.

Veronica had entered the room as the **** happened and had bent behind DeRon. She licked his asshole as he ***** Cindy's asshole.

When he came, he shuddered and then collapsed onto Cindy’s white body. She reached back and caressed him, smiling. “Oh DeRon, I wish we were married” and they lay together peacefully.

Veronica asked Finn if DeRon had cum inside her. Finn answered that he had blown his sperm in her mouth. Veronica kissed her saying, “Hmmm…I taste Black Man.”

Then she asked Finn out. She said “Finn, I’d like to take you to dinner tonight. And yes, this is a date. I’m a Black Cock whore but my relationships have always been with women. If you’re uncomfortable with that, just let me know. It’s no problem and I really mean that.”

Finn felt complimented that Veronica had asked her out. She wondered to herself, should I feel afraid that I’m a lesbian? Well, I’m not afraid. If I’m a lesbian hen fine.

"Yes, Veronica, I want to go out with you on a date. Not as friends, only as lovers. I want to have dinner with you tonight as your potential girlfriend. Is that ok?”

Veronica smiled broadly, “Oh, it’s way more than ok. It’s perfect. I’ll pick you up at 9 PM at home.

DeRon and Cindy were fucking again, but this time more gently. Cindy stroked DeRon’s face as his Black Cock slid in and out of her grasping white cunt.
Finn turned to watch the Black Man fucking his white bitch and wanted to join them, but she had plans. Finn dressed and hurried home to change. She wanted to wear something really pretty and feminine for her date.