We had moved to a house and Tory felt like she was losing tone and signed up for a trainer through the gym that the hospital uses. I thought she was fantastic but she wanted to get more definition so who was I to argue? The first meeting workout was tough and she came home exhausted. She said that John was tough but she was sure that she could keep up. She was a part of a 4 person class and John would work with each person one on one as they progressed. There were 2 other women and a guy. Tory was determined to outdo the other women, one of them was from her department and she was kind of a bitch 40 married 2 kids a little out of shape but flirted with John who was also in his 40s. The other woman was single and in her 30s a nurse that worked the Peds unit and the guy was also a nurse that worked on the Peds unit. Tory was sure he joined to be near her,

Tory progressed quite a bit in a month, she had the class once a week and followed John's workout and meal instructions. She said that the girl and guy from Peds dropped out so it was just her and the “bitch”. I asked if she was jealous because she was flirting with John. She said no because he wasn’t returning the flirts. I asked if he was gay or ultra-professional. Because in that line of work you gotta be careful. Tory said she was sure he wasn’t gay but didn’t elaborate. I knew Tory had a thing for black guys. The boyfriend before me was black and there was, of course, William, but Tory wasn’t sharing much about John so I thought maybe there wasn’t anything there.

Two months into the workout regimen and Tory was looking so good, she was so proud of herself. I told her we should go out and celebrate and she said that would be nice. We went to a pub near where the gym and as we waited for a table the host was seating a man ahead of us who came in after us. It was John and had a reservation and a regular. Tory introduced me and he shook my hand and then ignored me as he talked with Tory about her progress. He asked if we wanted to join him and Tory said sure thing. I was a little irked that I had hoped we would have a nice date night together.

Tory and John talked a lot at the table about life in general and I was involved a few times in the conversation. Then Tory asked if it bothered him that the other gal was flirting all the time. John said that she was dropping out and it would just be them from now on. He then asked her if she wanted him to invite anyone else in and she hummed for a second John immediately said good, I was looking forward to spending more time with you. I was sitting right there. Tory said she was looking forward to him working hard with her. He said he was going to do exactly that. Tory hugged him as we left and I asked are you talking HARD or just working out, Tory just smiled and said we will see. We had awesome sex that night and I am sure I heard John come out of her mouth once.

Two weeks after the dinner out Tory called me to say that she would be late as they weren’t going to be working out at the gym that was being cleaned and they would be using John’s private gym. After an hour or so Tory called and she told me not to wait up. She was out of breath and I asked if she was ok she said that John is not gay. How do you know? Because he has his cock in me right now. OOhhh GOD and then she hung up.

Tory got home at 10 the next day, she came in tired and smelling of sex. She hugged me. She didn’t even want to kiss or talk, she just laid down on the couch and slept. She woke up around 6 and I was making something to eat and Tory was starved. As we ate Tory was pretty quiet and I wasn’t going to pry it was obvious they had sex so I was waiting till she wanted to talk about it. After dinner I had poured myself a bourbon and Tory said you might want to pour that a double. So I did and we sat there in silence with just the music from the radio. When I had finished the drink Tory stood in front of me and said “Don’t be angry”. That’s a hell of a way to start a conversation. She began to take off her clothes and there all over her belly and tits and then on her legs was black marker writing that said John’s pussy, John’s slut, Black cock only.

Tory looked at me with a weird look on her face. I was livid at how he could treat her like that. Tory calmed me and said, “Honey I agreed to it”. What? “Yes baby, it was in the moment and it was so hot and the way he fucked me, like no one ever.” “ Don’t be mad.” I calmed down and she was kissing me now and telling me she loved me but the sex was amazing and I can understand that right? I said ok well it will wash off so let's go take a shower. It's a permanent marker. It will take a few showers before it will come off. Now I was worried about what if someone saw it and what about our marriage. Tory assured me that she still loved me but was going to keep having sex with John.