By the year 2032, America or North Africa as it became known as, was now a Black ruled nation. Previous predictions of whites becoming the minority race by 2045 were washed away. So how did this happen?

With the impeachment and removal of the racist pig Trump in 2020, America was in turmoil. Elizabeth Warren was the Democrat candidate and Pence was a last-minute Republican candidate. To the surprise of many, Warren and her running mate Julian Castro swept the election by a wide margin, the Senate and House were both in the hands of Democrats, with progressive liberals being in the majority. President Warren quickly kept her promise to tear down the wall and open the borders, permitting millions of brown and Blacks to enter the country. A form of reparations for Blacks was passed. It was a great time for the progressives as the pushed their socialist agenda. Still, Blacks remained a minority and while doing better, were not satisfied with a white president and leaders of the Senate and House.

In 2024, Warren found herself struggling. Representative Ayanna Pressley was nominated to be the Democratic candidate, running with Stacey Abrams. It was the first a Black Woman was nominated for both President and Vice-President and at the same time. They easily crushed their old white opponent in the election. With President Pressley in office, the movement took off and change was in the air. By this time there remained only a handful of whites in the Senate and House. Sen Kamala Harris was the majority leader and Rep Ihan Omar became the first Black and Muslim Speaker of the House. President Pressley surrounded herself with many Black socialists. Van Jones was her lead advisor and Susan Rice was Secretary of State. With the majority in the Senate, quickly started filling the Supreme Court with likeminded people. Michelle Obama became Chief Justice and Valerie Jarret and Stacey Abrams were appointed Justices.

Ironically, the notion of Black people taking over things was a source of white angst for centuries. The conservative white reaction to the first Black female president was difficult. For the first time, America is forced to consider what it means to live in a nation where white people are in the minority, and the implications for racial power dynamics, conflict and cooperation. Out of fear, those that could, left for Europe and other countries that would accept them. As it turned out, whites had much to fear.

Now that all but Mississippi and Alabama had brown or Black Governors and progressive Senate and Houses, getting bills and laws passed were easy, as well as changing the U.S. Constitution. One of the first acts was renaming America, North Africa.

Pressley also introduced the American version of South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC), as immigration and high non-white birth rates ensured a steady stream of Democratic/Socialist voters eager for “change” or even South African-style “transformation:” the ANC’s term for racial revolution and ever tighter anti-white measures.

President Pressley immediately set out to fulfill her goals. Along with the new Speaker, Ihan Omar and Majority Leader Harris, a law was passed allowing Blacks, especially those from Africa and the Caribbean Islands to enter the country and immediately become citizens. Additionally, these new Black immigrants were permitted to take any white or non-black home, property and assets they desired.

Amazingly, new Blacks arriving, saw non-Black women holding signs, welcoming them and, nearly begging them to take their property and to enslave them. Still, it was not uncommon for the Blacks to brutally assault the non-Black males, regardless of age. The Black Masters and Black Mistresses would beat the males to within an inch of their lives. Even non-Black male children where assaulted. In many cases, very young non-Black males were simply “post-birth aborted!” The very few non-Black women who fought back, were subjected to beatings, ***** and left to die. However, in most cases, the non-Black women would simple kneel and watch the beatings and torture inflicted on their males, and would often start masturbating while the Blacks inflicted the punishment.

Learning from the lessons of Zimbabwe, while taking the property of non-Blacks was achieved, North Africa kept some non-Blacks around to farm the lands and maintain the infrastructure. Of course, they were enslaved, but they had no choice.

With this move, non-black males flooded by the Mexican border, trying to escape Black Africa, while whites ran to the Canadian border or tried to get back to Europe. However, with Europe now controlled by Black Muslims, whites were not welcomed. Meanwhile, many non-black and white women remained to serve the Blacks. They recognized the strength and intellect of the Black race and welcomed being subjected to Black rule. Astonishingly, Asian and white women were the most vocal and supportive of the new North African government, and the welcomed the changes. Many wore golden Black cock symbols on a chain around their necks. These same women, became breeders to Black men and since the children were half-Black, they lived a much better life, but they were not equal to pure Blacks. Black women were now having many, many children, while the non-Black women watched over them.

Whites were only allowed one child, any others were aborted or killed after birth. As a result, the birth rate plummeted. Although they were now a small minority, with no say in the country many whites did say and actually preferred the new order. Non-Blacks were subjected to all types of abuse and ridicule.

Eradication of white history, culture and that of other non-Blacks was erased from history books, and all symbols of whites and non-Blacks were destroyed. Only Black history would be known.

Black prisoners were freed and Blacks could only ever be placed be arrested for crimes against brown or Black people and always had a pure Black jury.

The constitution was changed with little difficulty. The non-Blacks were relegated to second rate citizens and would not be permitted to hold political office and anymore. Now the President could run for as many terms as the desired, which essentially made Pressley President for Life.