36529.jpgHola a todos. La siguiente historia es una reescritura y ampliación de la historia de The Takeover by Juneba. publicado en la página Chyoa.com. La historia es muy candente, pero sus capítulos son sumamente cortos, y lo peor de todo, como muchas otras historias, no está terminada. Me gustó tanto que tuve que editarlo y reescribirlo, aumentando y ampliando cada capítulo y escena, llenándolo de detalles y antecedentes que a mi juicio eran necesarios, ya le había enviado los tres primeros capítulos reescritos al autor original, y me dio el visto bueno y me permitió publicar mi versión. Tengo otros siete capítulos terminados, en total más de 99.000 palabras, si quieren que suba todos esos capítulos de una vez les agradecería que me dieran una buena calificación y me dejaran algún comentario. Una última cosa, mi idioma nativo es el español, así que usé el traductor de Google para traducir toda la historia, así que espero que comprendan cualquier error ortográfico.

♠ Capítulo 1 ♠ ♥ “Jerry” Sábado 3 de Octubre ♥​

Es sábado por la noche y su cita nocturna tranquila con su esposa va bastante bien, prepararon una buena cena para los dos: sopa de champiñones, ensalada César, un delicioso pollo al horno con hierbas y pan de ajo recién horneado, compraron un una botella de vino cara y busqué una buena película para después.

"Este pollo está delicioso, cariño", te dice Hannah sonriendo dulcemente. Pasaste toda la tarde cocinando, pero ha valido la pena, ver la tierna sonrisa de tu sexy y bella esposa ha valido la pena cada minuto frente al horno, y por otro lado, cocinar es una de las pocas cosas que estás haciendo. mejor que Hannah, tal vez la razón por la que odia cocinar. La familia se ha acostumbrado a pedir comida en UBEREATS o DIDI FOOD, siempre en restaurantes caros y elegantes, y los fines de semana Hannah les permite comer pizza, hamburguesas o comida china, les prepara el desayuno a diario y aunque nunca es algo espectacular, Hannah Sólo cocina la cena cuando sus padres o los tuyos vienen de visita, porque incluso en Acción de Gracias y Navidad tú eres responsable de la comida.

Aun así, le devuelves la sonrisa mientras suena una suave música de jazz en los parlantes del elegante sistema de sonido que tu hermosa esposa compró durante el fin de semana; ese dispositivo era la última de las costosas modas de Hannah, y aunque tú pagaste por él, ella no. No te permito tocarlo, "No quiero que arruines esto también, ¿recuerdas lo torpe que eres, cariño?" te dijo al mismo tiempo que te dio una fuerte palmada en la mano como castigo como si fueras un niño tonto y desobediente. Por un momento estuviste enojado, tanto por el golpe como por el hecho de que no te permitieron usar un dispositivo que fue comprado con tu dinero. Pero Hannah al ver tu ceño te recordó lo que pasó la última vez que te “meteste” con algo, avergonzada, te disculpas por millonésima vez por ese error que ella nunca te dejará olvidar.

"Eres tan buena cocinera". Dice tu esposa mientras disfruta de otro bocado.

"Gracias, Hannah, pero probablemente deberías agradecer a YouTube. No sé cómo aprendí a hacer algo antes sin verlo en video", bromeas mientras sirves un par de copas de vino y le entregas una copa a Hannah.

“Oh WOW, este vino es realmente bueno”, dice Hannah mientras mira la botella de cerca y ve el nombre del vino y la añada e inmediatamente sabe que gastó un buen dinero en él, un poco molesta, deja la botella. y dice: "Un poco peculiar para una cita nocturna normal, ¿no crees?"

“Quería que fuera especial… pensé que estaría bien”, dices con voz nerviosa y culpable.

“¿De dónde sacaste el dinero, Jerry?” Pregunta Hannah, su voz dulce y sexy como siempre, pero ha perdido un poco de la calidez que tenía hace unos segundos. Cada vez que Hannah te confronta, tu confianza se evapora. Ustedes dos no discuten mucho, pero cuando lo hacen, ella suele ser la ganadora y a Hannah no le gusta que gastes dinero sin su permiso a pesar de que eres tú quien trabaja y gana todo el dinero de la casa. , es ella quien decide cuándo y en qué gastar tu jugoso salario, de hecho Hannah toma tu cheque de pago cada semana y lo deposita en su cuenta y te da lo suficiente para gasolina y poco más. Hannah es quien paga las facturas de luz, agua y gas, ella es quien hace las compras, es Hannah quien paga las reparaciones de la casa, ella es quien compra ropa y zapatos para sus dos hijos, (Alex y Chloe) y hasta te compra toda la ropa, fue ella quien buscó, compró y firmó los papeles del nuevo apartamento en Nueva York donde ahora vives con tu familia.

Desde hace medio año dirige la oficina informática de "CONSOLIDADO EDISON", la mayor compañía eléctrica de Nueva York, y su salario ha aumentado considerablemente, gracias a lo cual ahora pudo comprar en la calle 27 de Queens, un hermoso apartamento de dos pisos en lo alto de "SONDER THE DUTCH", un hermoso edificio de ladrillo rojo que tiene planta baja y seis pisos, los dos últimos pisos los ocupas tú.

En el primer piso del apartamento se encuentra la cocina totalmente equipada, un enorme comedor para 10 personas, una amplia sala de estar y una sala de juegos con mesa de billar, bar y mesa de póquer, incluso hay un pinball y una máquina de discos de años setenta, que iluminaban la lujosa sala de juegos, todo el apartamento ya estaba completamente amueblado cuando se mudaron. En el segundo piso, el último piso del edificio, hay cuatro habitaciones, cada una con su baño, el estudio de pintura de Hannah y lo mejor. Sobre todo, en la azotea hay una hermosa terraza al aire libre con elegante y moderno mobiliario de jardín, su fogón aéreo y una flamante parrilla, que esperas estrenar en las vacaciones de verano, el lugar te costó una fortuna, pero tu sexy esposa Quería ese apartamento, y lo que Hannah quiere, Hannah lo consigue.

“¿De dónde sacaste el dinero, Jerry?” Hannah pregunta de nuevo, y su voz suave de repente se vuelve enojada.

“Yo… yo… lo cargué en la tarjeta… yo… lo siento… pensé que… que… tú… te… gustaría… ¡Lo siento!” Respondes patéticamente tartamudeando.

Hannah te mira fríamente durante un largo minuto y luego sonríe: "¡Tienes razón, me gusta!". Hannah responde, tomando otro gran sorbo: “¡¿Te das cuenta de que siempre te estás disculpando?! Tienes suerte de verte tan linda cuando te disculpas".

Suspiras de alivio, casi saltando de felicidad ante la aprobación de Hannah. "No siempre me estoy disculpando", respondes algo molesto, pero sonrojado porque te encanta cuando tu hermosa esposa te llama lindo, es difícil recibir elogios cuando estás al lado de una mujer tan sexy como Hannah.

"¡Por supuesto que sí! Estás arruinando todo todo el tiempo y disculpándote por ello”, Hannah se ríe de ti, “¿Recuerdas cuando arruinaste mi título universitario y te dije que estaba embarazada? Empezaste a llorar mientras pedías perdón de rodillas, te veías tan linda, dulce e indefensa… ¡como un bebé y seguiste disculpándote durante semanas! La hermosa risa de Hannah se elevó por encima de la suave música. Sientes que tu cara se pone roja de vergüenza, desearías poder negar las burlas de tu esposa, pero sabes que es total y absolutamente cierto, puedes recordarte arrodillado y llorando patéticamente mientras te disculpas con tu hermosa novia de 17 años.

La cena continúa mucho después del pequeño contratiempo por el vino caro, tú y Hannah pasan la noche hablando y recordando su juventud.


hace 20 años

Era una fría tarde de noviembre de hace veinte años cuando entrabas a la biblioteca de la escuela secundaria Martin Luther King Jr. en Daleville, Alabama.
Estabas en tu último año y te preparabas para ingresar a la universidad. Estabas buscando un libro de aritmética avanzada para el examen de matemáticas que tendrías que realizar pronto. La biblioteca estaba casi vacía, parecía que el viento frío del otoño había disuadido a los estudiantes de ir a estudiar y la mayoría había regresado a casa. Caminando entre las estanterías, buscando el volumen adecuado tuviste la suerte de encontrar el último ejemplar, cuando intentaste tomar ese volumen tu mano chocó con otra mano, una pequeña mano suave y delicada.

Levantaste la vista y frente a ti estaba la chica más hermosa y sexy que jamás habías visto. Mides 5'7" y puedes ver que la hermosa mujer frente a ti es dos pulgadas más alta que tú y ni siquiera usa tacones. Su cabello negro como la tinta cae hasta la mitad de la espalda en suaves ondas, enmarcando su hermosa y perfecto rostro de alabastro, sus hermosos ojos gris verdosos están custodiados por pestañas espesas y rizadas y cejas oscuras perfectamente delineadas, y aunque su pequeña y perfecta nariz era bonita, lo que más llamaba la atención eran sus labios, unos labios rosados tan gruesos e hinchados que Parecía llena artificialmente de colágeno, esa hermosa chica tenía labios de puta, pero a pesar de que el rostro de esa joven es sensual y hermoso, se ve eclipsado por su cuerpo increíblemente sexy, su hermoso cuerpo tenía la perfecta forma de reloj de arena, con un par de enormes pechos doble D, una cintura estrecha, un estómago plano y tenso unido a unas anchas caderas que sostenían sus redondas, inmensas y gordas nalgas, Hannah no tenía el cuerpo delgado y esquelético de una modelo de pasarela, Hannah tenía el cuerpo de una estrella porno, vestía jeans ajustados que resaltaban sus enormes y redondas nalgas, un suéter de cuello alto alto y una chaqueta gruesa para protegerse del frío, pero la recatada y gruesa ropa de invierno que vestía no podía ocultar ese cuerpo de stripper.

Te quedas completamente paralizado, contemplando a esta mujer sumamente sexy, y piensas estúpidamente que sólo has visto un cuerpo como el de ella en las películas porno con las que te masturbas todas las noches. Ambos permanecen en silencio por un minuto, mirándose intensamente mientras sus manos se tocan tímidamente, luego de un silencio incómodo, ambos retiran las manos y, sonrojados, se ríen infantilmente. Tartamudeaste y le ofreciste el libro, Hannah se rió como una niña mientras te veía actuar como un tonto. Al final, decidiste compartir el libro y estudiar juntos.

"Mi nombre es Jerry Smalls", te presentaste torpemente, mientras estrechabas su delicada mano.

“Soy Hannah Heart”, dijo, y desde ese momento te enamoraste total y perdidamente de la diosa de enormes tetas. Después de tu primera sesión de estudio, te armaste de valor y, tartamudeando, pediste, o mejor dicho, casi suplicaste, verla y no podías creerlo cuando esa chica sexy aceptó, ese encuentro cursi en la biblioteca derivó en “citas” en el biblioteca, y en esas tardes de estudio descubriste por qué la chica más atractiva de la escuela estaba hablando con un don nadie patético y flacucho como tú.

Hannah era una buena chica católica, tímida, recatada, inocente e ingenua, sobre todo, ingenua, Hannah desconocía el efecto que su voluptuoso cuerpo de estrella del porno tenía en los hombres, y su padre, un irlandés fuerte, rudo, machista y profundamente católico. le prohibía usar ropa ajustada, sexy o reveladora, su madre una mujer de igual belleza y sensualidad que Hannah pero rubia como el sol, también era católica devota, y había criado a su hija para que fuera modesta, humilde y discreta. Se comportaba con un pudor y una timidez propios de una monja, pasaba todo el tiempo estudiando, o leyendo, y almorzaba en la biblioteca, escondiéndose de los demás estudiantes. Hannah tenía miedo de los chicos de la escuela que actuaban como perros en celo cuando estaban cerca de ella, acosándola, intentando tocarla, bromeando, riendo e intentando seducirla. Su madre y su padre le habían advertido sobre los hombres, y cómo ellos sólo pensaban en una cosa y sólo una cosa, el sexo, y cómo harían y dirían cualquier cosa para meterla en una sucia cama de hotel o en la parte trasera de un auto, por lo que el La hermosa y sexy Hannah evitaba como la peste a esos chicos agresivos y masculinos, nunca se atrevería a desobedecer a sus padres.

También aprendiste por las largas charlas en la biblioteca que Hannah no tenía amigos, todas las chicas de la secundaria la odiaban y despreciaban, porque su cuerpo de actriz porno se robaba toda la atención de los hombres en la escuela, y los hacía ver como flacos y feos. pequeñas, por lo cual se dedicaron todo el tiempo a burlarse, insultar y criticar a Hannah, la hermosa niña de cabello negro y hermosos ojos grises luego se refugió en el estudio y la lectura dando como resultado que Hannah no solo es increíblemente hermosa sino también inteligente, una de los mejores estudiantes de la escuela. No podías creer tu suerte, habías conocido a una hermosa chica de una manera tan cursi y cliché que bien podría ser parte de una comedia romántica. Nunca fuiste un hombre seguro de sí mismo, y las pocas veces que habías intentado cortejar a una mujer habían terminado con resultados desastrosos, una de ellas incluso se rió en tu cara cuando la invitaste a salir pero ahora pasabas las tardes en compañía. de una diosa sensual y hermosa, que parecía gustarle, así que pasabas las tardes en la biblioteca y la amistad se convirtió en algo más, las bromas y las risas se volvieron más íntimas y traviesas, y después de meses ambos coqueteaban. Te hablaba del colegio, de su vida y de su familia, te escuchaba y se reía de tus chistes malos, y de tus chistes tontos, y, para colmo, te ayudaba a aprobar algunas materias, porque estaba claro por el primer minuto que ella era más inteligente que tú.

Cuando le preguntaste por qué no tenía miedo de estar contigo como los otros chicos, Hannah respondió riendo: “¡Eres inofensiva, tonta! Eres tan pequeña, linda y dulce como un conejito, sé que nunca podrías lastimarme." Te sentiste un poco humillada y enojada con esa respuesta, pero después de pensarlo por un momento decidiste que si siendo pequeña, linda, e inofensivo te permitía coquetear y conquistar a esta mujer sexy, eso estaba bien y tenías que admitir que Hannah tenía razón, si tuvieras que ser completamente honesto al describirte a ti mismo, también usarías esas palabras.

Apenas mides 1,70 m, eres delgada y delicada, dijo Hannah, parecías un conejito, lo que te hizo sonrojar de vergüenza y humillación, pero te reíste de su broma para no enojarla. Tu cabello rubio sucio resaltaba el único rasgo físico que te gustaba de ti, tus ojos azules, azul mediterráneo, tan azules como el mar profundo, esos hermosos ojos arios resaltaban en un rostro de delicados y finos rasgos europeos, eras en todos los sentidos. un chico rubio y blanco, el estereotipo perfecto de un chico americano. Así que pasó medio año mientras Hannah y tú os conocisteis y os enamorasteis, y sin saber cuándo os convertisteis Hannah y tú en algo, durante esos seis meses disteis largos paseos por el parque tomados de la mano y tuvisteis horas y horas de charlas compartiendo conocimientos sobre literatura. y música y gracias a esas largas charlas aprendiste sobre el desesperado deseo de Hannah de alejarse de Daleville, viviendo y creciendo en la parte más segregada de la ciudad de Daleville en Alabama, Hannah y Jerry siempre habían estado rodeados de buena gente, buena y blancos, cristianos y sobre todo republicanos. Hannah y Jerry eran dos jóvenes blancos, privilegiados y protegidos de cualquiera cuyo color de piel no fuera blanco y cuyo voto no fuera republicano. Hannah, cansada de su vida protegida y monótona, le habló de su deseo de escapar de su vida blanca. En una ciudad conservadora y de aventuras lejos de sus estrictos padres, la misión de Jerry fue a partir de entonces hacer realidad el sueño de Hannah.

When you finally got your father to lend you his car, your escapades became more interesting and entertaining, you could go to a book launch in a distant bookstore or attend a conference outside your hometown, thanks to your father's old truck, you and Hannah got to go to the county fair and once even got away for a whole weekend to the beach, it was precisely that weekend that you spent in South Beach, Florida when you both lost their virginity. You had driven for hours from Daleville Alabama to the Florida coast, the famous South Beach. After a fantastic day swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the white sand, you went to have a few beers at a bar, where a group formed by three huge, muscular black men played reggae. You had never seen Hannah so excited and aroused, her eyes sparkling as she watched those gigantic half-naked black men show off their muscular bodies in the torchlight as they played that tropical music. Maybe it was the beer, maybe it was the heat of the beach, the faint aroma of marijuana wafting through that Jamaican-style bar, maybe it was the excitement Hannah felt when she wore a two-piece bikini for the first time in her life, or maybe… it was seeing three huge black men showing off their gigantic, sweaty muscles while beating their drums, you never knew, or you didn't want to know but that night when you and Hannah were alone in the hotel room Hannah pounced on you like a lioness in heat.

The sexy and busty white girl pushed you onto the bed, you fell on your back and you were completely frozen with nerves and surprise, Hannah ripped the bikini off her body and took off your bathing suit, and started stroking your little 4" penis until he became hard, which took him several minutes, because thanks to the alcohol you had ingested during the night, you were having a hard time getting an erection. You wanted to do something, you were so excited to see Hannah's naked pornographic body, that you thought you would cum at any moment, but you were too ***** and too shocked, so you stayed still on your back enjoying the caresses of the sexy woman that was on you.

Finally seeing those gigantic tits, and her little pink nipples almost took you to the limit, you could feel your little penis throbbing between Hannah's fingers threatening to explode with just a few caresses, you had to warn her that you were going to cum soon, Hannah, who was still in a trance, rushed to mount you, and when your thin four-inch penis entered Hannah's tight vagina, it was you who felt pain because Hannah's virgin vagina was so tight, Hannah was shocked, she could barely feel your soft little penis inside her, her mother, her friends and her religion teacher had warned her how painful her first time would be. Hannah was glad to discover that it was all lies, a soft sigh of relief escaped her thick slutty lips, there was no pain, although she couldn't say it was pleasant.

Gemiste patéticamente en éxtasis al sentir el interior húmedo, sedoso y apretado de Hannah, y cuando la hermosa y tetona mujer comenzó a rebotar sobre ti, solo pudiste dejar escapar chillidos agudos de placer cuando Hannah comenzó a rebotar en tu pequeño pene. rápida y violentamente mientras escuchaba tus patéticos gritos, pero cuando la hermosa tetona finalmente comenzaba a sentir un poco de placer, tu suave pene salió de su apretada vagina, era demasiado pequeño para su salvaje paseo cuando tu diminuto y delgado pene rosado llegó. Fuera de la apretada vagina de Hannah fue aplastado por los emocionados rebotes que estaba haciendo tu sexy novia, haciéndote gritar y hacer una mueca de dolor. Hannah se obligó a calmarse y tomó a tu suave amiguito y lo guió hacia adentro haciéndote gemir, completamente congelada, abrumada por todas las nuevas sensaciones y sentimientos, Hannah comenzó a girar y balancear sus gordas y redondas nalgas tratando de aumentar las suaves. placer que sentía, ya no se atrevía a saltar por miedo a lastimarte, solo llevaba un par de minutos girando sus anchas caderas sobre tu débil pene cuando sentiste como tu delgado cuerpo se tensaba, tu espalda se arqueaba y gemías en un de manera casi femenina mientras su pequeño pene saltaba un par de veces rociando unas gotas de semen en su interior. Hannah continuó moviendo sus caderas, había disfrutado la sensación de tu pequeño pene creciendo un poco y explotando dentro de ella, pero ahora estaba tan apretada que tu pene completamente fláccido salió de ella como si su cuerpo lo rechazara.

Hannah yacía a tu lado frustrada y confundida, en la escuela no hablaban de nada más que de sexo, pero ahora, cuando finalmente lo experimentó, se dio cuenta de que no era gran cosa, era demasiado rápido y demasiado suave. Estabas a su lado respirando fuerte, bañada en sudor y con la sonrisa más tonta del mundo en tu rostro que la hacía sentir mejor, tal vez no había disfrutado su primera vez, pero sí, lo habías hecho, se dijo Hannah. que seguramente se sentiría mejor la próxima vez, y los abrazó hasta que ambos se quedaron dormidos.

Seis semanas después, estabas de rodillas llorando y disculpándote, mientras Hannah sostenía un frotis de embarazo frente a ti. Tus padres se sorprendieron cuando tú y Hannah les contaron la “buena noticia”, tu madre estaba encantada con la idea de tener un nieto y tu padre casi lloró de alegría, porque siempre pensó que podrías ser gay. Por su parte, el padre de Hannah pensaba que no eras lo suficientemente hombre para Hannah, y mucho menos casarte con ella, pero aquí estaba ella embarazada, frente a sus padres y decidida a tener el bebé. Sus padres muy católicos tampoco les dieron opción, y por mucho que no les agradaras, no le darían la espalda a su hija y futura nieta, te casaste una semana después de que las familias se enteraran de la el embarazo. Tus padres se encargaron de las finanzas mientras tú terminabas tu carrera de ingeniería informática, la lograste y, por recomendación de tu suegro, ingresaste a la compañía eléctrica de Daleville como ingeniero.

Hannah decidió que durante el embarazo no tendría relaciones sexuales contigo, dijo que era por el bien del bebé, y aunque no lo creíste del todo respetaste su decisión, después de nueve meses Hannah dio a luz a una hermosa niña. llamada Cloe. Con la ayuda de su madre y su suegra, quienes cuidaron y criaron a la pequeña Chloe, Hannah pudo asistir a la universidad y graduarse con honores en artes. Hannah nunca siguió su carrera, pero dedicaba su tiempo libre a pintar y dibujar, siempre compraba óleos, caballetes, lápices, colores y lienzos.

Cuando Hannah dio a luz a Chloe pensaste que podrías volver a tener relaciones sexuales con tu nueva esposa, pero Hannah te dijo que tendrías que esperar otros dos meses para tocarla, “recomendación del médico”. Esos dos meses se convirtieron en dos años por dos grandes razones:

La primera: Durante los primeros cinco años de matrimonio, ambos estuvieron muy ocupados: usted tratando de terminar la universidad y trabajando, y Hannah estudiando mucho y criando a Chloe.

La segunda: porque las pocas veces que pudiste convencer a tu sexy y tetona esposa para que tuviera intimidad, tu pequeño y delgado pene no podía ponerse completamente erecto y cuando lograbas tener uno bastante firme, el acto terminaba en menos de cinco minutos. y el 98% de esas veces te corriste antes de poder entrar en ella, muchas veces tu pene explotaba mientras Hannah te ponía el condón, y cuando milagrosamente lograbas mantener una erección el tiempo suficiente para ponerte el condón y penetrarla, Hannah La vagina era demasiado placentera, húmeda y apretada, y te corriste en unos minutos.

Entonces, durante los cuatro años que les llevó a Hannah y a usted terminar la universidad, tenían relaciones sexuales una vez cada dos o tres meses, siempre con condón, y cada vez Hannah se sentía frustrada y decepcionada. Cuando la pequeña Chloe tenía siete años, Hannah finalmente se graduó de la universidad, bebía mucho alcohol para celebrar y estaba completamente borracha cuando tuvo relaciones sexuales contigo sin condón, te corriste después de solo dos o tres minutos dentro de la cálida vagina de tu esposa como Como era habitual, y nueve meses después, Hannah dio a luz a un hermoso niño de cabello plateado y ojos grises al que llamaste Alexis.

Hannah estaba furiosa y te acusó de aprovecharte de ella, completamente arrepentida y con el sentimiento de haberla violado, aceptaste dócilmente el castigo que Hannah te impuso, el cual consistía en tener relaciones sexuales solo en días festivos y fechas especiales, por lo que la costumbre de tener relaciones sexuales se redujo de cada dos o tres meses a tener relaciones sexuales solo en Navidad, el 14 de febrero y en tu cumpleaños, y cada vez que tenías que usar protección, casi siempre terminabas corriéndote en el condón holgado después de sólo dos minutos de uso manual. caricias de tu bella y sexy esposa. Hannah completamente decepcionada y frustrada al verte descargar tus bolitas después de sólo un par de minutos de suave masturbación, te obligó a complacerla oralmente. Si bien tu pequeño y delgado pene de 4" nunca pudo llevar a Hannah al orgasmo, tu lengua y tus labios hicieron el trabajo, a tu esposa tetona le encantaba cuando bebías sus jugos femeninos directamente de su vagina húmeda y peluda y lo disfrutabas inmensamente, aunque para ser Completamente honesto, hubieras preferido que Hannah se afeitara su hermoso coño, porque el vello púbico espeso, oscuro y rizado te dificultaba la realización oral y muchas veces algunos de esos pelos rizados se quedaban atrapados entre tus dientes.

After years of being forced to cause your sexy wife to orgasm with your mouth and tongue, you have become an expert in the art of oral sex, despite everything you were very proud of the skill you had achieved with a lot of hard work, practice, the one responsible for keeping your marriage together… Sort of. Now here you are 20 years later married to a loving, beautiful, and extremely sexy woman with two equally beautiful and loving children. You and your ****** have been living in New York for a year, you moved when Hannah pressured you to get a better job in a major city because she was bored with the small town of Danville, Alabama. You were not so convinced about leaving your home but your in-laws, your parents, and even your children demanded that you leave and go live in the glamorous and dangerous Big Apple, thanks to your talent and your father's contacts, CONSOLIDATED EDISON hired you as a manager of the entire engineering wing computer network of the city, you didn't quite like the new job, the atmosphere in the office was cutthroat and competitive and your calm and submissive nature was not prepared to keep up with your fierce and ambitious co-workers, every day was a challenge. Working eight or ten hours in the office solving seemingly endless problems and leading a dozen teams of programmers, whose leaders neither respect nor obey you, drained all your energies, but upon arriving at your luxurious new home and being greeted by your beautiful and loving ****** you were encouraged to try harder every day.


You think about all of this as you laugh and chat with your wife through dinner, reliving the past, remembering how you lost your virginity together, and to your shame, remembering how you cried pathetically when faced with the consequences of it. Dinner ended without incident and you both leave the table a little ***** and you're excited to see the movie you bought online, in a virtual sex shop it's not dirty porn, not completely. According to the review, it is a deep love story, but with explicit sex scenes, it is essentially soft porn, you imagine that it is something like "Game of Thrones," where you will see some nudity, and some explicitly erotic scenes, but nothing to tasteless, at least that's what you think, you've never seen anything like it, even the name of the production house is unknown to you, “♠A.C.E.♥”, it looks more like the name of a casino than an adult film production company.

What convinced you to buy that specific DVD was the cover, where a cute young blond man protectively hugged a beautiful and sexy brunette with big tits, the little blond man seems desperate to protect and drive away the sexy woman. of a huge and muscular black man with a hard and evil look, the sexy actress with big tits looked at the huge black man with her gray eyes wide open, you suppose that expression must be a look of terror before that dangerous black gang member, but the face of that beautiful actress reflected surprise, infatuation, and adoration, instead of fear, she is not a great actress, you decide, but since it is soft porn, you assume that actors are chosen more for their appearance than for their histrionic talent. Speaking of looks… the actors are incredibly similar to you and Hannah, the actress, a stunning brunette with big tits, could be Hannah's long-lost sister, although in fairness the actress wasn't half as sexy as your wife, she didn't have those juicy, puffy slut lips, or Hannah's huge, round, fat buttocks, and even though this sexy actress had perfect double D cups, she couldn't compete against Hannah and her huge size F tits, but the actress did have the same long, curly almost black hair and the same gray eyes.

The white actor who was trying to protect her was blond and thin, his delicate features were almost boyish, he couldn't be called handsome, rather he was cute, like Justin Bieber at the beginning of his career, he looked so much like you that for a moment wondered if you had a twin brother who was into starring in porn movies. You didn't like the other actor on the cover in the least, this muscled black giant with the shaved head and huge arms covered in tribal tattoos looked more like a drug dealer than a professional actor, but you assumed he was the villain. of the story, the ugly and bad man who would try to hurt the sexy chestnut, then the little blond boy would save her, thus proving that love conquers everything.
The title of the film was “RESCUE LOVE”, and the synopsis was as follows:

The beautiful and sensual Anna Heather stars in this beautiful and romantic story as Linda, a young and inexperienced newlywed, who has to face her new life alongside her new husband Jake (Daniel Doe).

Linda has to move with Jake to a poor neighborhood where their marriage will be put to the test by facing the dangers of living in a ghetto, plus she will have to deal with Jake's poor financial situation, which will push both of them to the limit... Throughout this exciting story, Linda will learn to surrender, trust and love a true man, who will always be there to rescue her no matter how dark and erotic things get.

Featuring a special performance by one of A.C.E.'s most acclaimed actors. Jarrad Christensen, playing Andree, this story of love and eroticism will not leave anyone indifferent.

You feel excited reading the synopsis and you hope that the movie will have a lot of sex scenes between “Linda” and “Jake”, maybe that will put Hannah in the mood and you can have sex with her even though it's not a special day, your ******** Chloe is spending the night at her friend Emily's, while your son Alex is locked in his room as usual, he knows you two have a romantic dinner and movie night planned so he stays away.

Hannah's almost finished the bottle of expensive wine, she is lively but certainly not *****. You're more than happy about it since it's been eight months since the two of you had sex and a little extra wine would probably help.

You fondly remember last February 14th when your sexy, busty wife made you cum while rubbing her wet, hairy vagina on your small, semi-hard penis that was swimming inside a condom too big for you, she wanted to continue rubbing on you to get at least a little bit of pleasure but after your orgasm, your little pink penis was too sensitive, so as always you ended up on your knees eating and licking her delicious hairy vagina.

Today your beautiful and sensual wife is wearing her office clothes, a tight black skirt reaching the middle of her thick thighs that is sheathed in dark black stockings, an elegant white blouse of fine transparent fabric, barely showing the sexy bra of white lace that supports her breasts, Hannah wears a tight little vest that looks more like a corset than anything else, emphasizing her narrow waist, and a pair of expensive black two-inch heels, her beautiful dark brown hair is pulled back into an understated, elegant bun, similar to a librarian, she's not wearing her reading glasses but when she does Hannah looks like a porn actress dressed as a sexy teacher.

You're getting hard just looking at her in this sexy secretary outfit, but Hannah has noticed it, she goes upstairs to her room to change. When she comes downstairs she's wearing a baggy old pink flannel two-piece pajama, covering her entire body, for a moment you feel bummed out, but you smile at the thought that hopefully the romantic/erotic movie will put Hannah in the mood and you can have sex.

Hannah pours another glass of wine as she settles into her favorite spot on the four-seater couch in front of the TV. That piece of furniture in the middle of the ultra-modern and minimalist room stands out like a sphere between cubes. The couch is an antique in the baroque style of almost three meters, covered in silver velvet and carved wood veneered in gold leaf, that monstrosity is the only couch in the room and it does not combine with anything in the apartment that has a minimalist, ultra-modern style. You had to pay a moving company to move that antique because it was an inheritance from Hannah's grandmother and your wife refused to part with it. You wanted to replace the old couch with a newer and more modern one but your wife had silenced you completely indignant and furious at your audacity, so it occurred to you that if you could not buy a new couch you could buy one of those huge leather-wrapped recliners with its cup holders and footrests, one of those alpha male chairs, but when Hannah saw the price she told you it was so macho and selfish of you to want to spend so much money on something only you would use, now every time you mention buying a new chair, she reminds you that your whole ****** fits perfectly in the four-seater couch, an argument that you can't say anything against.

“What movie did you buy for our date night honey?” your wife asks, distracting you from your dark thoughts.

"Well, it's a surprise," you answer nervously, wondering how Hannah will react when seeing a pornographic movie, even if it's soft porn, you have never watched anything like it, "I can tell you that I chose this because of the actors, I think you're going to like them too,” you're thinking of the cute blonde and the busty brunette on the cover as you sit next to your wife and press the PLAY button on the remote.

At last, the movie begins, with the cute young couple that reminds you of both of you, you happily snuggle up watching the movie version of yourself on the screen. The story is simple, Linda and Jake got married right out of college, they are completely in love and can't wait to live together, so with Jake's savings, they rent a small apartment in a dangerous and poor neighborhood. On the first night in their new apartment, the newlyweds make love slowly and gently, the scene is sweet and erotic, although a bit boring, you can tell that the actors are not having real sex, since their hips are always covered by the sheets, and the sweet blond boy is never seen to penetrate her, although at some point you can see both of them completely naked, she is perfect, her soft pink vagina is completely shaved, he is completely shaved too, and between her white legs peeks a pink penis that, although it is small and thin, is bigger than yours, it must measure 13 centimeters, three centimeters more than yours, and although it is a blow to your pride to see that that actor so similar to you has a bigger penis you try to pull yourself together and you start to get naughty, you start kissing the neck of your wife. Hannah's breathing starts to get heavy and you smile a little at how everything is working out. "They look just like us, don't you think, honey?" You lull her gently between your kisses on her neck.

“They do,” she replies softly between her increasingly heavy breaths. You decide to try your next move as you slide your hand down the front of her pajama bottoms and into her panties. She doesn't object as your hand moves through her pubic hair and continues to move closer to her clit. After a few more minutes of stroking her belly and being pretty sure it's working, you're in for the kill. You start rubbing her thick, swollen pussy lips, you feel her quiver, but she's still not wet, not at all, so you decide to be gentle and keep stroking her hairy pubis and vagina hoping that soon the erotic images from the movie will arouse her enough to make her wet. But the scene where the newlyweds are making love is extremely short, maybe five minutes, which makes you feel better, usually you take a little less, but knowing that even a professional actor lasts five minutes makes you feel better.

But both Hannah and Linda give a frustrated sigh as Jake rolls over in bed and falls asleep, Linda has to masturbate silently by herself so as not to wake Jake up, the scene of her touching her wet pussy makes your dick jump with excitement, threatening to cum without even touching it as you've always been fascinated by shaved pussies. You continue stroking Hannah's soft vagina as the movie continues, but almost 20 minutes go by with no new sex scene. You start to get bored, but you notice that Hannah is interested in the adventures of her double on her screen, and you take the opportunity to continue touching her and trying to turn her on. "Oh that's good, that's good Jerry," Hannah whispers to you. You smile and continue caressing her until she says with her eyes on the screen "Oh no, what's going on?" She asked worriedly, breaking the mood.

The couple in the movie are fighting, shouting, insults, cruel words, and claims from both. Linda complains about how little money Jake brings home and how dangerous the neighborhood is, full of gangs of Latinos and blacks who harass and chase her every time she has to go to the store. Jake replies that he's doing everything he can, that he's tired from all the overtime he has to put in at work, and that Linda is ungrateful. Linda then reproaches him because every night Jake arrives too tired and goes straight to sleep, and since their first night in that place they have not had sex, Linda tells him that she has needs and that he is not satisfying them. Jake then tells her that she's a slut who only thinks about sex. “How dare he!?” Hannah pulls away from you and sits angry and outraged to hear a man call a woman a whore, even if it's in a movie, “That Jake is a bastard, she has every right to be angry with him, what kind of a man can't earn enough money for his wife?! Also, he must be a fag if he doesn't want to have sex with a sexy woman like Linda, she deserves better!" Hannah is furious, and you feel like you're going to be stabbed when you hear Hannah criticize a man who doesn't make enough money, or who can't satisfy his wife in bed, because you realize you look more like Jake than you thought at first. You try to hug Hannah again, but she is completely focused on the screen the story is deeper and more interesting than you expected.

La discusión entre Linda y Jake es tan fuerte que la vecina del apartamento de al lado llama a su puerta para que se callen. Cuando se abre la puerta, un hombre negro alto, extremadamente musculoso y apuesto está parado en la puerta, "¡Oh, guau!" Un suave gemido de sorpresa se escapa de los labios regordetes y sensuales de Hannah. No estás seguro de haberlo visto bien, pero Hannah inconscientemente se muerde el labio suavemente cuando el enorme hombre negro aparece en la pantalla. Tragas saliva en respuesta, sin saber qué decir. Es el hombre negro de la portada, piensas, es el villano de la película, ahora este enorme y violento pandillero negro intentará lastimar a Linda y luego Jake la protegerá y la discusión será perdonada y olvidada y probablemente terminarán. en la cama para otra escena erótica… Pero nada de eso sucede, al contrario, es el enorme negro quien termina defendiendo a Linda, mientras Jake sigue gritando e insultando a Linda, hasta que ese enorme africano lo agarra fácilmente por el cuello y Lo arrastra fuera del departamento, luego lo arroja al pasillo y le ordena salir a caminar unas horas hasta que se calme.

Cuando el enorme negro vuelve a entrar al apartamento encuentra a Linda llorando y la abraza para consolarla, se presenta como Andree y mientras sigue abrazándola y consolándola con suaves palabras, Linda lo mira completamente embelesada y lo besa. Al principio es un beso tímido y dulce, un suave roce de labios, sus pequeños labios rosados contra los gruesos labios negros de ese gigante negro, después de un segundo es Andree quien besa a Linda, pero este es un beso profundo, salvaje, húmedo y pornográfico. , la cámara hace zoom sobre sus lenguas retorciéndose y bailando una contra la otra.

Te giras para mirar a Hannah y esta vez no es una ilusión, tu sexy esposa está mordiendo uno de esos labios de zorra de una manera sexy, sus ojos grises enfocados en el beso sucio y húmedo en la pantalla. Simplemente no puedes creer el giro que ha tomado la historia, si hubieras sabido que de eso iba a tratar la película, nunca la habrías comprado. "Hannah, cariño, esta película no es lo que pensé que sería, deberíamos sacarla y ver otra cosa", tartamudeas una vez más mientras intentas convencer a tu sexy esposa de que no vea esta horrible película, pero Hannah no lo hace. No quieres escuchar nada de eso, y con un movimiento de su delicada mano, te silencia mientras toma el control remoto y lo aleja de ti, te quedas ahí parado completamente congelado, sin saber qué hacer, aparentemente a Hannah le gusta la idea de una joven esposa besando apasionadamente a un hombre negro alto y fuerte a espaldas de su marido, el hecho de que esta joven esposa que se parece mucho a ella no parece molestarla.

Now, you feel the moisture on your fingertips and realize almost with surprise that your hand is still inside Hannah's panties, and even though you've gone completely still from the spin of the story on the screen, you finally feel your wife's tight pussy start to get wet. Very surprised and somewhat scared, you feel how Hannah's soft pussy lips are getting wetter without any stimulus, just seeing that pornographic interracial kiss has achieved what half an hour of your caresses could not.

The kissing scene seems to last for hours, and now the exotic couple is not only kissing wildly, one of Andree's huge black hands is caressing and squeezing one of Linda's huge tits, and the other is kneading one of her beautiful and round buttocks, she moans into Andree's mouth without ever breaking the wet kiss.

But Andree is not the only one using his hands, the “Hannah” on the screen is caressing that black African's crotch with her delicate little hands, and although the black actor is wearing thick jeans, the silhouette of a huge penis stands out clearly.

The “Hannah” on TV and the Hannah next to you moan in unison as that monster cock tries to rip out of the black stud's pants, It can't be real! you think scared, no man can have a penis that size, it must measure at least ten inches, be as thick as a soda can, and he is not completely hard, and still covered in a thick layer of denim, you think horrified!

During the next fifteen minutes, the sensual actress is conquered by the huge black man. They both end up half naked, Linda is wearing a thong and a red lace bra, the bra can't contain the actress's huge heavy breasts so her nipples are fully exposed, they are pink and small like Hannah's, and the small triangle of fabric that covers her vagina is soaking wet. Andree is wearing only his tight jeans, exposing his bare torso, Hannah and Linda bite their lips at the sight of that perfect African stud, his black skin seems to glow, his six-pack carved in stone, his pecs big and powerful, his broad, manly shoulders hold the biggest, most muscular arms you've ever seen in your life.

Both your wife's eyes and yours are glued to the screen when you feel Hannah begins to rock her hips against your hand. You can't believe it, she wants you to keep stroking her while she watches her doppelganger get dominated, kissed, and caressed by her handsome black stud. Confused, you pull your hand away and without missing a beat, Hannah replaces your hand with hers without even looking at you. You look at her, her eyes glued to her screen, her hand gaining speed. She's starting to breathe heavier than when you were stroking her and kissing her neck, apparently seeing the half-naked interracial couple kissing passionately turned her on more than all your sweet soft caresses and pampering.

On screen before Linda and Andree start fucking Linda walks away from that huge and muscular African and remorseful, she has to force herself to stop that illicit encounter, she asks Andree to leave, begging him not to force her to break her wedding vows, she looks confused, her desire for the huge black stallion is obvious, but as she cries she tells him that she still loves Jake, Andree smiles confidently and tells her that Jake is just a little white boy and that she needs a real man, a black man, Andree explains that Linda's sexy body is made for a BIG BLACK COCK, Andree leaves but not before whispering in his ear with his deep baritone voice that Linda will give herself to him sooner or later.

Hannah moans in pleasure but as the story continues without any more interracial sex scenes, you hear your sexy wife sigh in frustration, her hand stops but stays underneath her panties stroking gently as if to keep herself wet and hot while the movie continues.

On the screen, Linda continues with her daily routine. Still, every night she has to masturbate remembering Andree and his huge cock, Jake continues to come home late because of overtime at work and although Linda tries to be faithful and seduce him to have sex with her husband, Jake is simply too tired.

Hannah continues to be completely absorbed by Linda's story, and even though nothing is exciting on the screen right now, your wife continues to caress her tight pussy almost absently, her cheeks flushed red, and a fine sheen of sweat covering her skin, and though the pajamas she's wearing are thick, you can feel her hard, erect nipples trying to break through the fabric, which is stretched to the maximum trying to contain Hannah's huge breasts. "Wh... Wh... honey, I... I... I think we should see something else, no... no... I don't... I... I don't like where the story is going," again you try to stop this strange situation, but your stutter is so weak and nervous that Hannah doesn't even hear you, or if she did she doesn't care what you think, she wants to see the movie through to the end so you decide to shut up and see how this strange night ends.

On the screen, Linda is returning from shopping at sunset, and the sensual brunette has to cross a dark alley to get home, but when she is halfway down that narrow, dirty, dark alley, a gang of Latino men block her, There are six Mexicans, dressed like cholos, all of them with gang tattoos, the six men surround the exquisite woman and begin to yell insults and rude compliments at her, getting closer and closer to her. Linda looks completely terrified and when two men take her arms and force her to her knees, Linda is crying. The leader of the Mexican gang approaches Linda as he unzips his fly, Linda is crying so much that her mascara runs like black tears down her pretty face.

While you watch the scene of what could end as a ****, you turn to see Hannah, she is no longer caressing herself and her gaze is no longer one of emotion and desire, now she is terrified and worried about the actress who looks so much like her. But before Hannah can say anything, the guy who was about to **** Linda takes a brutal blow to her face. The camera then pans out to Andree, the black giant looking spectacular in his skinny jeans and elegant black silk shirt clinging to his huge African muscles who soon beats up the six gang members, the huge black male moves like a panther, it obviously that huge and muscular African stud practices martial arts, with wild and powerful blows, he leaves the six idiots bleeding and dying in agony for dared to hurt the beautiful busty Linda and Hannah who are completely entranced by the force and violence that Andree demonstrated, both Linda and your wife Hannah gaze in awe and reverence at the huge black stallion, the dark hero who has rescued them from the clutches of those filthy gang members.

Shocked beyond limits, you watch as your wife has resumed the fast, strong, stroking of her wet vagina. You are confused the scene you just watched doesn't have a minute of sex in it and yet something about the way that huge black gorilla beat up those dangerous gang members forced your wife to masturbate desperately, she's moving her fingers so deep and so fast that even you can hear the wet sound of her pussy, and fuck you can smell Hannah's arousal, she smells like a woman, she smells like a female in heat. Hannah is Linda, she is entirely entranced by the raw strength Andree has just displayed, and her beautiful gray eyes look at him with absolute love. Andree picks Linda up like nothing's wrong and carries her princess-style to her home, where he tosses her onto the bed and proceeds to strip in front of her.

Hannah/Linda gawk as Andree strips completely naked, biting each other's lips and fondling her tight pussies. When that huge black actor takes off his pants along with his underwear, a gigantic black cock bounces out with such force that it crashes against his sculpted abdomen, Hannah and Linda gasp in amazement. "Oh, my God!” Linda and Hannah moan at the same time, with the same ecstatic gasp.

You can't believe what's happening, but you know you can't do anything about it, you're completely paralyzed, and seeing that big black cock on the screen makes you feel humiliated and dominated. Andree's powerful black cock isn't ten inches long, no, it must be at least thirteen and it's as thick as a beer can, his huge mushroom head almost as big as a tennis ball, his testicles each one the size of a billiard ball and they hang heavy, full of cum, halfway down his muscular black thighs and if you weren't seeing it with your own eyes you wouldn't believe that it was real.

¡Deben ser efectos especiales! Te dices a ti mismo, aterrorizado, pero de alguna manera sabes que no lo es, sabes que esto es real y Hannah también lo sabe. Ella se lame los labios mientras su mano se mueve frenéticamente dentro de su cómodo pijama, el sonido del chapoteo entre sus piernas ahora es obsceno y fuerte, y puedes ver como toda la entrepierna y los muslos del pijama rosa están empapados, nunca la habías visto así. mojado, nunca. pero aquí está ella, tu recatada y bondadosa Hannah masturbándose furiosamente mientras observa cómo la “Hannah” de la película se arrodilla frente al enorme semental negro y mira con adoración la larga y gorda anaconda negra que cuelga entre sus poderosas piernas.

Andree le dice que le ruegue, que le pida permiso para tocar a su monstruo gigante, y Linda lo hace: "¿Puedo tocar tu pene, Andree?". la sexy actriz gime y suplica con una voz seductora y sexy. Pero Andree sonríe cruelmente y te sorprende a ti y a Linda/Hannah cuando el semental negro abofetea violentamente a la hermosa morena.

Escuchas a Hannah dar un pequeño grito de sorpresa, pero el grito se convierte en un gemido mientras su mano continúa cavando entre sus piernas.

“Las putas blancas piden cosas por favor, y esto no es un pene, ¡es una GRAN POLLA NEGRA! Y cuando te dirijas a un hombre negro debes llamarlo PAPÁ NEGRO, REY NEGRO o TORO NEGRO. ¡¿Comprendido?!"

El actor que interpreta a Andree es bueno porque incluso tú tienes ganas de obedecer sus firmes órdenes. Pero Anna Heather, la actriz que tanto se parece a tu esposa, no es menos buena, porque ahí de rodillas con la mirada más sumisa y seductora que jamás hayas visto, comienza a suplicar con una voz tan sexy que por un momento Sientes que tu pequeño pene se pone duro, pero cuando la cámara se acerca al GRAN POLLO NEGRO de Andree, tu patético pene se marchita y retrocede.

“Mi REY NEGRO, ¿puede tu perra blanca tocar tu GRAN POLLA NEGRA? Por favor…” La voz de Linda es extremadamente sensual y necesitada, tal vez Anna Heather esté actuando, pero su desesperación y anhelo de tocar ese monstruo negro son muy reales. Andree sonríe con esa sonrisa malvada y, sin motivo alguno, vuelve a abofetear a Linda, esta vez con tanta fuerza que logra tirarla al suelo.

"¡Otra vez puta, quiero oírte suplicar!" El gigante negro se ríe cruelmente mientras observa a la sexy mujer casada levantarse y gatear hacia él. Estás horrorizado, esto no es porno suave, es porno duro, grosero e incluso violento. Nunca llamarías puta a una mujer y mucho menos te atreverías a abofetearla, pero a la "Hannah" de la película parece gustarle, porque incluso con lágrimas en los ojos y las mejillas rojas por los golpes, ella está sonriendo como una niña en En la mañana de Navidad, entonces, horrorizado, escuchas dos voces que repiten la perversa súplica, la "Hannah" de la película, y tu Hannah jadea mientras suplica.

“Mi REY NEGRO, ¿puede tu perra blanca tocar tu GRAN POLLA NEGRA? Por favor por favor por favor…?!" La voz de tu esposa es entrecortada, ronca y excitada, nunca la habías escuchado hablar así, tienes ganas de vomitar, no hace una hora Hannah se había enfurecido cuando el "Jerry" de la película había llamado a la "Hannah" en En la película una puta, pero ahora ella estaba allí diciendo lo que es la puta blanca de Andree mientras le rogaba por su polla negra.

"Hannah, ¿qué diablos acabas de decir?" preguntas alarmado, pero Hannah no escucha, todos sus sentidos están enfocados en la pantalla, entonces comienza la verdadera pesadilla, Andree finalmente permite que Linda toque su gigantesca polla africana, y la actriz tetona se abalanza sobre esa monstruosa polla como una leona hambrienta sobre su presa.

"Hannah" de la televisión mete su enorme cabeza bulbosa en su pequeña boca y comienza a lamer y besar esa carne negra como si fuera el manjar más delicioso del mundo, Andree se queda allí sonriendo mientras Linda/Hannah le hace una mamada descuidada. Te estremeces en el lugar, la escena con Jake había sido una escena erótica ordenada, donde era obvio que los actores no estaban teniendo sexo, pero esto, esto era porno duro, y mientras te pareces a "Hannah/Linda" en la pantalla traga centímetro tras centímetro de esa polla de chocolate y puedes escuchar a tu esposa gemir y jadear mientras se masturba furiosamente, con una mano entre las piernas y la otra pellizcando uno de sus pezones. No puedes creer lo larga que dura esta escena de sexo explícita y pornográfica, han pasado quince minutos y Linda/Hannah continúa chupando la enorme polla del semental negro como un ternero hambriento ante la teta de su madre.

Hannah todavía está en trance y solo se escuchan sus gemidos y el chapoteo húmedo de su vagina. Cuando la hermosa pareja interracial en la pantalla comienza a follar en serio, tu esposa jadea. Ver como su doble es empalada con esa GRAN POLLA NEGRA la ha llevado al orgasmo, y sin cerrar los ojos Hannah se muerde el labio y arquea su cuerpo mientras pellizca su pezón con fuerza, enterrando sus delicados dedos profundamente dentro de su apretada vagina.

Linda/Hannah en la película hace lo mismo, su penetración violenta la hizo correrse también. Por un minuto solo quedan los gemidos y chillidos de placer de Hannah y su doble en la pantalla, ambos en éxtasis. La película continúa mientras te sientas en shock, podría ser tu imaginación, pero juras que puedes escuchar un chapoteo húmedo cada vez que el actor negro mete su GRAN POLLA NEGRA dentro de la actriz tetona en la pantalla. Durante la siguiente hora, los dos actores cambian de posición cada vez que "Hannah" en pantalla se corre, Andree se la folla al estilo perrito, luego la carga en el aire y la hace rebotar en su enorme polla mientras Linda se aferra a su grueso cuello negro y se besaron profundamente, él también la hizo cabalgar sobre él mientras le acariciaba los pechos, y al final, se la folla al estilo misionero. Cuando el semental africano finalmente se corre, Linda envuelve sus hermosas piernas alrededor de su cintura y lo aprieta tan profundamente dentro de su útero como pueda. ella puede.

You just spent a whole hour watching your wife masturbate over and over again during the session of interracial sex, your Hannah came the same number of times as her alter ego on the screen, the last orgasm being the most intense. The “Hannah” in the movie was begging Andree to impregnate her with his African semen, and you could hear your wife repeat those words in soft, breathy moans. “Breed me! breed me! please my BLACK KING, impregnate me with your powerful and thick African semen, breed me with her superior cum my BLACK KING!” the two busty women moan over and over in nuisances.

When the two lovers finished the camera shows that the short blond husband has been looking horrified from the door, and now he was on his knees crying as he saw how a black male had taken his wife in front of him, Jake tearfully begins yelling and insulting Linda, calling her a whore, a whore, and NIGGER LOVER.

But then Andree gets up, his herculean black body drenched in sweat, his twelve-inch BIG BLACK COCK still completely hard, and naked like a Greek god he beats the little white boy to shreds in front of his recently fucked wife, “Hannah” of the movie stares in ecstasy at the powerful black stud who is beating her husband, her gray eyes adoringly gazing at those black muscles bathed in sweat as if it were the most fantastic and exciting thing she had ever seen, a loving smile adorns her beautiful face as she begins to masturbate, one of her delicate hands caressing one of her gigantic breasts, the other rubbing her used vagina that is oozing with thick and hot African cum.

You feel disgusted, is the “Hannah” in the movie masturbating while she watches her husband being beaten to death? You look at your sexy wife with fear, horrified you observe how the real Hannah also finds the terrible and violent scene worthy of arousal, despite having had several orgasms during the last hour your wife is masturbating again while witnessing the black thug hitting the little blond man who looks so much like you.

On the screen the beating ends, Jake is grabbed by the neck and thrown to the floor, then the black man returns to the bed and starts fucking "Hannah/Linda" of the movie again the busty cheating wife happily surrenders to her new man, her new owner, and as the interracial couple start fucking like two wild animals the shot focuses on the broken Jake who is crying while he's forced to watch firsthand how a huge African stud is fucking his beautiful and unfaithful wife to madness, the scene fades to black.

The movie ends with a scene in a church, where the beautiful and busty brunette is marrying the huge black male in front of the bride's entire ******. The “Hannah” on the screen is wearing a white lace wedding dress, but it is not demure and virginal, no, it is a piece of white lingerie, a wedding dress so revealing and transparent that all present can see the obscene lingerie that It barely covering her huge breasts and her small, shaved vagina. Everyone applauds as the new bride and groom board a carriage that takes them toward the horizon where they lived happily ever after.

As the credits begin to roll, an awkward silence invades your living room. You're still reeling from what just happened, and Hannah is trying to catch her breath after half a dozen orgasms. you both stay silent for more than ten minutes and when you are about to start screaming, "Thanks for the date night Jerry, everything was perfect," Hannah says sweetly as she stands up and kisses you on the cheek, then picks up the box the movie they had just watched and walks away rocking her fat round ass. You sit in a stupor as she walks up the stairs, you can see how her pajama bottoms are drenched in her juices and the smell she leaves behind is heady, but you're too shocked to even react, and you hear your bedroom door open and close with a click.

You get up and clean up the wet mess your wife left on the couch while regretting buying that stupid DVD for the umpteenth time. Finally, you go up to your room to find Hannah lying on the bed playing on her phone. She looks freshly bathed, the female-in-heat smell gone, replaced with the strawberry-and-cream scent of her body wash, she's no longer wearing her ugly pink flannel pajamas, she's wearing an old t-shirt from her college now, and underneath you can see some pretty white lace panties. She glances at you briefly and her beautiful gray eyes return to her phone. You get under the covers and move closer to see her looking at the black actor from the movie on her cell phone screen. “What are you looking at?” you manage to yell.

“Oh nothing, I'm just looking for the actor in the movie, he was amazing. I want to see what other movie Jarrad is working on." Hannah replies nonchalantly. "Don't you think he's amazing? I found the page of the production house, it is a company that is dedicated to erotic, artistic cinema, and racial justice. You go cold, your modest and sweet wife is seriously asking you if you think a huge black porn star is amazing? you blink in bewilderment, not knowing how to answer, and what the hell she is saying about the production house and racial justice?

“He's… he's… he's a porn actor honey, a black actor, no… no… I don't know if it's a good idea to see more of his work,” you stammer weakly. Hannah doesn't look up from her cell phone, but she does answer you in a cold, angry way, "Jarrad Christensen is not a porn actor! RESCUE LOVE and all the ♠A.C.E♥ movies are artistic films. Although the last scene was indeed very explicit, it was because the script demanded it, I have been reading the official page of the film and I understood that the sexual and romantic tension between Andree and Linda can only be demonstrated with scenes of raw, explicit, and uncensored sex as it is the only way to show the audience the fires of passion, lust, and love that had built between them, so don't you dare say that Jarrad Christensen is a simple porn actor, didn't you see his magnificent performance? How blind do you have to be not to see what an enormous talent Jarrad Christensen is? This perfect black man fucked that lucky white girl because he is a professional actor willing to do whatever it takes to deliver the best of performances and that white girl should be thankful for being so lucky to be able to shoot such passionate and intimate scenes with an actor of the stature of Jarrad Christensen, he is so big, so strong... so talented... and yes, he is black... Jarrad is sooooo black…!” Hannah utters the word black with a moan while biting her sexy lips, “I don't see why you should be upset that Jarrad Christensen is black, are you a fucking racist? If you think this piece of art is pornography, that means you're ignorant and in case you don't remember, you were the one who bought a pornographic film without asking my permission, dear!”

You blush furiously, it's true, if someone is to blame for what just happened, it's you, you should never have bought a porn movie without your wife's permission, let alone knowing what the hell the film in question was about. “I'm sorry," you mumble and realize with embarrassment that Hannah is right, you spend your whole life apologizing and asking for forgiveness.

"Also, you said that you chose this film because of its actors." Hannah still looking at her cell phone, hadn't looked at you once since you lay next to her. "So you must like Jarrad Christensen, I don't blame you, he's wonderful, so strong, so handsome, so big, so black..." Again Hannah sighs excitedly as she utters the word black.

“I guess Jarrad is good… although I thought you'd like him more than the other guy. I thought he would make a good couple with Linda,"

"Hey, what other guy?” Hannah stops, literally unable to imagine anyone else in her head, "Oh, that guy, did you think I'd like that pathetic little white boy?"

"Quiero decir, sí, pensé que te gustaría, él y Linda se veían bien juntos". Estuviste a punto de decir que se parecía a ti, pero algo te detuvo, tenías miedo.

"Bueno, no lo creo, ella estaba mucho mejor con Andree". Hannah todavía no quita los ojos de su teléfono. "Además, ese pequeño niño blanco no sabía cómo tratar a una mujer, mucho menos a una mujer tan sexy y hermosa como Linda, no era un buen proveedor, no era un buen amante, y se atrevía a insultar a una ¡Mujer, llamándola perra! ¡Nunca debería decirle esa palabra a una mujer, ese pequeño niño blanco obtuvo su merecido! Hannah respondió enojada, todavía mirando la pantalla de su teléfono.

Por un momento te quedas sin palabras, ¿Hannah acaba de decir que Jake merecía ser golpeado por llamar puta a Linda, pero Andree pasó más de una hora azotando, abofeteando e incluso escupiendo a la esposa infiel tetona, y mientras él se la follaba en todo lo imaginable? posiciones, la llamó puta, puta, ramera, perra blanca, cerdo y muchos otros insultos, “¡Andree también llamó puta a Linda y además la abofeteó varias veces!?” Normalmente te habrías quedado callado, no te gustaba enojar a Hannah, principalmente porque ella siempre ganaba cualquier pelea, pero esta vez no pudiste soportarlo, su evidente favoritismo hacia el poderoso hombre negro era demasiado descarado.

Hannah sí dejó de mirar su celular y se giró para mirarte directamente a los ojos, sus hermosos ojos grises brillaban con furia, tú retrocediste en shock, arrepintiéndote inmediatamente de haber enfrentado a tu esposa. "¡Eso es diferente!" Hannah grita enojada mientras te mira fijamente: “Andree, él salvó a Linda de esos pandilleros, ¡tenía derecho a tratarla como quisiera! Además, acabo de enterarme de que cuando los machos alfa negros como Jarrad llaman puta a una chica blanca como yo… es decir como Anna, ¡lo hacen como un cumplido! Los hombres africanos tienen otra cultura y si no entiendes que cuando un macho alfa negro llama puta, puta o perra a una chica blanca como yo, es un hermoso cumplido".

Al escuchar el extraño razonamiento de tu esposa, todo tu enojo por su flagrante parcialidad desaparece y se te hace un nudo en el estómago, nunca imaginaste que Hannah pensaría de esa manera, ella nunca había sido una defensora de las minorías ni nada por el estilo, excepto las crudas imágenes del sexo interracial y Todo lo que había leído en Internet había afectado profundamente su psique. Te alejas de Hannah, te acurrucas en tu lado de la cama y terminas quedándote dormido mientras tu esposa revisa su teléfono, mordiéndose ocasionalmente la uña.

♠ Chapter 02 ♠ ♥ “Jerry” Sunday, October 4 ♥

You wake up to hear a sound coming from the kitchen and see that your lovely wife is no longer in bed, it is safe to assume that she is making breakfast. For one glorious moment, you can almost convince yourself that what happened last night was just a dream, a strange and horrible dream. Your beautiful, modest, catholic, perfect wife, with whom you have been married for twenty years, could not have masturbated in front of you while watching an interracial porn movie, right? But as much as you wanted to deny it the memories are real, yes, Hannah got turned on while watching a huge black man fucking like a whore an actress who was almost identical to her, yes, it was your wife who murmured words of adoration towards a huge twelve-inch black cock, and yes, it was Hannah who had angrily defended the violent and macho attitude of that huge black male, saying that when a black man calls a white girl a whore IT IS a compliment and not an insult.

Finally, you gather what little strength you have and get up, after taking a quick shower you go downstairs and listen to her talking to your son Alex. “It was beautiful Alex! There was such raw passion on screen and such a pure and intense love between the actors that it was overwhelming… I think you would like the movie!” You listen to Hannah.

"Sounds like it was great, maybe I'll see it later," you hear Alex answer softly. Well, everything she says is soft and sweet, and unbelievably her voice is more delicate, musical, and softer than her mother's and sister's. Alex is very effeminate and everyone mistakes him for a girl, you suspect that your son is gay, but you have a small and fragile hope that he is not, your father would never forgive you for giving him a little sissy as a grandson. You turn the corner into the kitchen and see Hannah smiling. "There you are, honey!" Hannah says as she puts some more bread in the toaster.

"Good morning, good morning, Alex!" You see your son, Alex is Small, or as everyone calls him Alexi, he's wearing an old black T-shirt with a rock band logo for pajamas, it is huge on him at least three sizes bigger than him, it goes about Halfway down his thick, hairless, thighs, not a single hair seems to grow on Alex, he's never had to shave, and he won't need to anytime soon. Alex will be 15 years old at the end of the month, on October 31. Your delicate son started his first year of high school at the beginning of September, your wife was excited and threw a party for her 'special' child. Alex is actury special child, he is quite pale, he is even whiter than his mother and sister, his porcelain white skin is sensitive, his shoulders are narrow, his waist is as thin and narrow as that of a ballet dancer, his wavy strawberry blonde hair reaches to her ears, the color is so intense that it is almost impossible to believe that it is natural, but it is, inherited from her grandmother Ruth, your mother.

Alex's face is extremely beautiful, small, childlike, and cute, with a cute little upturned nose, he has thin long feminine eyebrows framing huge grey-green eyes, identical to Hannah's those beautiful and With her brooding irises guarded by long, thick, curling lashes, Alex had inherited all of his mother's beautiful delicate feminine features including her plump lips, his pink, juicy, soft lips are smaller than Hannah's, and therefore they look even fatter and puffier as if Alex is pouting cutely all the time. Surprisingly, what gets the most attention in his beautiful porcelain doll face are not his huge, almond-shaped eyes nor his fat and juicy lips it is his nice sharp ears.

Alex had been born with a genetic defect called Stahl's ear. Their ears are thin, elongated, and a little pointy… exactly like the ears of an elf or a beautiful little fairy. When the doctors recommended they do a little cosmetic surgery that consists of cutting off the excess cartilage from the ears. the tips and force his ears to take a normal shape based on stitches, Hannah flatly refused, for her those thin elongated, sharp fairy ears seemed the most beautiful thing in the world, and she would never allow them to hurt her special child. Alex for his part always felt self-conscious about those strange ears, and thanks to the bullying he suffered all his life at school because of it, he wears his long hair in a bob cut to cover his elven ears.

His porcelain skin is dotted with hundreds of tiny pink freckles that seem strategically placed, he has small constellations spread all over his delicate and pale body, on the bridge of his nose, shoulders, hips, lower abdomen, and from his lower back to the beginning of his buttocks, you know because you bathed him until he was ten years old. The delicate white boy is even smaller than you, at 1.60m tall, he looks like an infant, not someone who is two weeks away from his 15th birthday, his shoulders are narrow and thin, his arms are thin and elegant, his hands are small with slender long fingers.

Alex is delicate and soft, not only in the physical aspect, his behavior, his personality, and even his movements and mannerisms are extremely feminine, as axample, Alex has a habit of walking on the balls of his feet, like an expert ballet dancer, always one foot in front of the other, swaying his hips from side to side with each step, keeping his back straight, shoulders back and chest forward, arms at his side with wrists bent out in an extremely effete and feminine gesture as if he is wearing a tulle tutu, yes Alex walks and moves as if he is dancing ballet all the time… which is your fault, you remind yourself.

8 years ago
When Alex was seven years old you took him to a trial class to learn Karate, Alex was already too delicate and effeminate then, and you thought that learning to punch and kick while with other boys would make him more masculine, but Alex spent all the time looking at the neighboring class. Next to the Karate Dōjō in the commercial plaza “BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLIES BALLET” ais small ballet academy for girls and teenagers. Alex simply ignored each of the “SENSEI”'s commands and gawked at how those beautiful and delicate girls dressed in pink leotards jumped and danced.

When a distracted Alex was accidentally hit by one of his classmates and his nose started bleeding, he started crying loudly, you were terrified to come home with Alex bleeding and crying, Hannah was overly protective of him, spoiled him, and treated him like a little prince if Alex told her that he had bled because of you, Hannah would make you pay dearly. When you promised Alex that you would give him anything so that he would stop crying and not tell his mother, Alex pointed with his little hand at the ballet academy and between sobs said, "I want to do that!" You tried to explain that the ballet was only for girls, but Alex didn't want any of that and started yelling again, you finally gave in and enrolled the boy in the girly pink ballet school.

The beautiful French teacher, Madame Papillon was delighted to receive Alex in her class, and that same day after calling Hannah and telling her that Alex wanted to practice ballet, your wife delightedly transferred a large amount of money to the account of the beautiful teacher that small fortune covered the first three months of school, seven complete sets of clothes, one for each day of the week! (Alex apparently would even go on Sundays to practice), two pairs of ballet shoes and other accessories, such as ribbons, rings, and balls with which the girls practiced the different choreographies. Madame Papillon took measurements of Alex's body and noted down his shoe size and told you that she will take Alexis after school on Monday at three in the afternoon.

As you walked back home with Alex who was jumping with joy and excitement, you tried to convince yourself that maybe the fact that your son went to ballet class wasn't so bad, maybe what attracted him to that class was the beautiful girls in pink leotards and tutus, and being the only boy in the class, Alex would be assured of all the male roles in the choreographies, giving him full access to a dozen beautiful girls with whom he would dance. You thought the clothes the teacher would give Alex would be the boys' version of what the girls wore, but, when the following Monday after picking up your son from school with Hannah, to see Alex's first ballet class you were in for a big surprise when the beautiful French woman gave your wife seven tight pink leotards, seven pairs of white tights, seven pairs of knee-highs, seven pairs of mid-thighs, all with girly pink lace, and three pairs of pink leg warmers. She also gave her half a dozen pink, silver, and gold tiaras, all adorned with pretty pink or white flowers and butterflies, a small silver tiara with pink rhinestones, and finally three pretty wands with pink ribbons of different lengths, two cheerleading batons, also pink, three transparent silicone hoops with pink sparkles, and a small pink rubber ball the size of a melon.

"Damn, everything was pink!" Hannah looked at you strangely and between stutters, you explained to the teacher that Alex was a boy and that you thought she knew. Madame Papillon's eyes widened looking at little Alexis, again she swore deeply that she thought Alexis was a girl.

"With that name, that pink hair, and those little elf ears, I thought that... besides, you knew that this academy is only for girls, it says it very clearly there," pointing to the canopy above the entrance. You and Hannah looked, and yes, there under the words “BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLIES BALLET” written in cutesy, very girly neon pink letters, it clearly said, “Girls Artistic Gymnastics and Ballet Academy.” You looked terrified at Hannah who looked at you disappointed and angry but she didn't say anything to you.

“I get it, it was my fault…” you stammered in embarrassment, “Could you give us our money back and cancel the registration?”

"I'm sorry… I can't give you your money back… I already used most of it to buy your son's outfits, and as you said it was your fault."
Alex who had heard everything, began to cry bitterly, and Madame Papillon looked at him tenderly. Hannah seeing her pretty boy crying about her tried to convince the teacher to give Alex a chance.

"Listen, Madame Papillon, I understand that Alex is a boy, but come on, you can see that he's prettier than half of your students, and for the fortune I've paid he deserves at least a class, right?" The beautiful French woman looked angrily at Hannah, but after taking a look at Alex who was still crying anguishedly, her face softened.

“Okay, you can stay today, but if you don't show commitment, or discipline, or are disobedient, you will have to leave without any refund, do you agree?" Madame Papillon was looking at Hannah, both of them had completely forgotten about you.

“It's a deal,” Hannah replied and shook the teacher's hand. Hannah then spoke to Alex and they both went to the changing rooms, when they came out a few minutes later, Alex looked like a beautiful little girl, the tight leotard hugging his little body like a second skin, and his long legs were sheathed in her white stockings, his small feet wore the pink ballet shoes quite naturally, but what completed the transformation was his strawberry blonde hair styled and supported by a beautiful silver diadem with a white rose that rested on one of his elven ears. If you thought Alex's small penis would stick out of that tight leotard, you were completely wrong, her belly and crotch looked completely flat, and when you asked in a whisper Hannah simply said, "A little feminine trick," and winking at him but did not clarify her response, Madame Papillon also looked in amazement at Alex, who looked like a pink forest fairy.

Soon the class began, and you were surprised how your little boy who had shown himself to be clumsy and slow in Karate class, now moved with elegance and naturalness, copying every movement of his classmates and his teacher almost instantly, every little jump Alex repeated each step, each feminine movement of the arms and hands, with ease and naturally, when the teacher ordered them to practice poses and stretches for gymnastics, you discovered that your son was extremely flexible, he could stretch his long legs at impossible angles without pain. They spent two hours practicing poses, jumps, stretching, and somersaults, the teacher then put on classical music and ordered Alexis to watch her classmate's dance choreography, the show was pretty, but not perfect, there were twelve girls between the ages of 5 and 13 most of them knew what they were doing, and a couple of them looked realtacular, but three or four made a lot of mistakes that the teacher corrected in a loud, firm voice.

When the music ended and Madame Papillon ordered them to take the starting position once more, Alexis skipped over girly, taking her place with the other girls, when the teacher told her that maybe she'd better watch the choreography more than once, Alex, who had always been shy and submissive, this time disobeyed and told her with his soft, high-pitched voice, full of confidence that he was ready. Madame Papillon looked at him intrigued, and in the end, she allowed him to try. The music began again, and to the surprise of the French teacher, to your own rise, to Hannah's, and to the half dozen mothers who stayed to watch their *********' rehearsals, Alex repeated the choreography that had been performed almost perfectly! He only messed up a couple of times in the more complicated poses, unlike the four girls you'd noticed before, who made half a dozen mistakes. When the young ballerinas finished the beautiful dance, everyone was silently amazed at how well Alex had done. It was Madame Papillon herself who began to applaud euphorically and with tears in her eyes, she approached little Alexis and told him that it was the first time she had seen someone so young and so talented, so natural.

She later was the one who begged Hannah to let Alexis stay, she said that as long as she dressed as a girl and the other parents didn't find out about it, Alexis could attend her academy, a talent like his comes once in a lifetime, she said excitedly.

After three hours of hard training, Alex was drenched in sweat, but with a huge smile on his elfin face, when he returned from the showers, Hannah asked him if he was willing to dress as a girl so she could learn ballet, Alex gave a girly squeal of delight and said, "Yes!"

When you wanted to comment on the matter, alleging that it might not be the best thing to dress your son as a girl and teach him to dance ballet, Hannah said angrily, "It was your fault!" The matter was settled and so from the age of seven to sixteen Alex practiced ballet three hours a day, dressing and dancing like a girl, you never attended any of his rehearsals or any of his performances and you still feel guilty about the fact that your son wore girl costume for ballet dancing.

Alex wanted to keep his ballet classes a secret so only you, Hannah, and Chloe knew about it, to the rest of the world Alex was a shy and quiet pretty boy who wore ugly baggy clothes. You always wanted him to leave the ballet and your wish, unfortunately, came true, Alex left the ballet after the surprise death of Madame Papillon, the beautiful French woman who had died in a plane crash. When Alex turned sixteen, Madame Papillon had flown to France to visit her ******, and the plane she was traveling in crashed due to engine failure, Alex had taken it very badly, and ever since his shyness had worsened, Alex, who had always been submissive, quiet, and shy, but cheerful, had become withdrawn, aloof, and depressed.


Returning to the present you see your son and although you try with all your might to deny it you cannot deny how absolutely beautiful and feminine he is his body is slim, but he always wears big hoodies that are almost dressy with how long they are, they hang past his butt, it's like he wants to hide his long legs, narrow shoulders, or something, the hood of the sweatshirt hides that fancy pink hair and pointy elf ears. He almost always dresses in black and white, Alex seems to adopt more and more of a gothic or emo style, Hannah and Chloe try by all means to cheer him up, including him in their outings and plans, taking him shopping and to the movies, but Alex didn't seem to react to any of it so you thought that moving to a new city would cheer him up, but that hadn't been the case, Alexis has spent the last summer vacation locked in his room, listening to pop music at full volume, and only going out to eat and go to the bathroom, Chloe who has spent her summer at the beach with Emily's ****** invited her little brother to join her but Alex didn't have the energy or the mood to go to a sunny and busy beach and you were too busy getting used to your new job to take a vacation, so Hannah stayed with Alex at the house trying to cheer him up after the terrible loss of his Ballet teacher and the move.

It was obvious that Alex was having a hard time, his depression was obvious he was self-conscious about his body, and you, as his father, felt guilty about all this, you had inherited your own body, small and thin, also your cute face of a good boy not at all manly, and if you had never enrolled him in ballet classes by mistake, Alex would not be suffering for the death of his beloved Madame Papillon, it was your fault that Alex was depressed and it was your fault that he was so feminine, both in his mannerisms and in his body. One day you yourosed to enroll him in a new ballet academy, but the delicate little white boy ran to his room and cried all afternoon, after that no one talked about ballet again.

“Morning!” he says in that sweet delicate soft voice, he always calls you *** but Alex calls Hannah mommy, you've always wondered why, but it's not important. "Looks like you two had a reae night."

“Uh… Yeah, it was fun,”
you reply as you sit down.

"Of course it was!" Hannah sets down a breakfast plate with a wink and turns to the sink as you watch her fat round bubble butt bounce a bit as she walks away, she's wearing one of her sexy teacher costumes again, well they're not costumes, but they might as well be, no matter what Hannah wears it all fits her like a sexy Halloween costume.

Hannah seems to think the fun was mutual, but from your point of view, it was the opposite. You remember her figuratively and lasturbating to another man while you sat and watched. You remember her repeating Linda's lines while they were both begging for that BIG BLACK COCK.

“Well, thanks for breakfast, Mommy, I'm going up to my room, I'll probably watch that movie later," and with that, Alex walks delicately up the stairs on the balls of his feet swaying his hips in a smooth, natural way, his hands folded femininely as if on a catwalk.

Hannah looks worriedly at Alex and after sighing she sits down to eat herself, normally the two of you would talk over breakfast but today her face is buried in her phone, her plump lips draw into a slight smile and a slight blush covered her face, you can guess what she is looking at. Towards the end of a quiet breakfast where the only sounds in the room were forks scraping plates and the sounds of Hannah's fingernails tapping on her phone, your ******** Chloe walks into the apartment with her friend Emily.

"Hello Mom, hello ***!" You see your beautiful and sweet ******** walk into the kitchen with happy little hops, which causes her huge double-D breasts to bounce sensually.

If Alex inherited her mother's beauty and eyes, Chloe had inherited Hannah's sensual body, her silky white skin, but slightly tanned, set off her long, wavy, dark brown hair that fell to her enormous breasts, long enough to cover her nipples. While Alex's face was feminine, cute, and tender, Chloe's beautiful face was beautiful but sensual, with high cheekbones, a perfect little nose, and full red lips, though not as puffy and fat as her mother's and brother's, a distinguished and feminine chin, perfectly defined eyebrows, and curly eyelashes loaded with mascara made her beautiful blue eyes stand out, Mediterranean blue, the only feature she inherited from you.

Yes, her face is beautiful and elegant, almost aristocratic, but it's too sensual, one of your coworkers had said at the last Christmas party that Chloe looked like Sasha Gray, the famous porn actress, and although you hate to admit it, she had a reason, your girl's beautiful face is almost identical. But it's not just her face that reminded me of a porn star the most, no, it's her incredibly sexy body, Chloe is tall, even taller than her mother, at 6'2" Chloe is four inches taller than you, and she always made you feel awkward looking up at her, she has to bend down every time she kisses you goodbye, which humiliates you immensely. But Chloe's height does not make her look skinny and bony like many tall women, no, her height is well-hidden thanks to the extreme feminine curves that adorn her young body, twenty-one Chloe has a pair of long and shapely legs that seem to last forever, her thick and shapely thighs ending in wide hips that supported a pair of round and soft but firm buttocks, a small but perfect heart-shaped ass, which looks bigger thanks to her Slim waist, Chloe has the narrowest waist you've ever seen. Hannah has always envied Chloe's perfect little bubble butt, Chloe in turn wishes she had her mom's huge fat ass, Women's things.

But if Hannah hasn't inherited her ******** her huge peach-shaped ass if she gave her a pair of round, huge, firm breasts the size of ripe melons, your ********'s young breasts are "D" size, almost "E" They were huge, as big as his head.

You've always been glad that your ******** is a good girl because even though Emily is two years younger than Chloe, she is wilder and more mischievous than she is.

Not that your little girl is shy and submissive like Alex, Chloe is in her own right a force to be reckoned with, she is cheerful, vivacious, brave, and determined, but being raised by Hannah and her grandmother, both demure and modest Catholic women, Chloe grew up to be a good Catholic girl. She is polite, obedient, dresses modestly, has the best grades in school, and is always helping her mother and her little brother.

The time that she does not use to study and help at home is spent on the tennis courts of her university, two hours a day have tanned her white skin giving her a sexy and healthy appearance.

Right now she is wearing a light blue summer dress, which highlights her eyes, the dress although youthful and pretty reaches almost to her ankles, she is wearing nice cork sandals with two-inch heels and although the outfit is quite modest and innocent, the top of this threatens to explode at any moment, Chloe's huge breasts are testing her bra and the light fabric of her dress, and even though your ******** is only showing her slim bare arms and the dress has very little cleavage, it is impossible not to notice how sexy your ******** looks with that gigantic pair of breasts.

“Hello, Mrs. Smalls, Mr. Smalls!” Emily greeted.

Emily is a petite blonde who is a little younger than Chloe, she is a senior in high school, she is eighteen years old, and yet she is the one who commands the duet of friends, it is the beautiful and little Emily who decides when and where to go, and what will they do. Emily is a playboy blonde, she's cute as a little bunny, at 5'7 she's taller than you by only an inch, her golden blonde hair falls straight down to her tiny waist and even though she still has a nice round ass, and a firm pair of C cup breasts, she looks like a twig next to Hannah and Chloe, but any woman looks tthinnext to your wife and ********, both of them had those exaggeratedly sexy curves that made them look like porn stars. Emily's milky white skin is silky smooth thanks to the countless beauty treatments she does every week. Her stomach is flat and sexy, her legs are long and shapely, and her small but firm buttocks betray the hours she spends in the gym. Emily's face resembles that of a Barbie, she has a large mouth with thick and swollen lips, have you ever heard Chloe confess to Hannah that those thick lips are fake, apparently the blonde has to periodically go to the plastic surgeon to fill her collagen lips, you find it funny that that young blonde girl has to go to a surgeon to get her lips to look like your wife's... but it stops being funny when you remember that your son's lips look even sexier than those of this blonde girl, and to your regret Alex's sexy slut lips are natural. A small upturned nose graces Emily's pretty doll face, her perfectly plucked eyebrows frame blue-gray eyes, and her eyelashes are curly and pretty, not quite as long or curly as Alex's, but you've never actually seen one. Longer, curlier eyelashes than your child's. In short, Emily is a completely cliché beautiful, sexy, snooty blonde, she's even the captain of the cheerleading squad, for crying out loud! The rorrying thing about Emily is that she knows how sexy and beautiful she is, and she doesn't miss a chance to show it.

Right now she's wearing tight, very short white jean shorts that expose her milky white thighs, and a pair of white platform pumps with five-inch heels that make her legs and little ass stand out. from anyone. Her flat stomach is exposed, as she is wearing a small long-sleeved top with a huge neckline that reveals the channel between her small breasts, she is not wearing a bra and you can see the shadow of her small nipples under her fine white cloth. Emily dresses and acts like a slut, perky, flirty, and sexy. She misses no opportunity to highlight her feminine charms, she poses and moves so that her small but perky breasts and her perfect tight ass are always on display.

Emily became friends with Chloe and Alex when your cute son entered his new school a year ago, overall she seems like a nice girl, maybe a bit too flirtatious, you're worried she'll start influencing Chloe, but you ddon't dare tosay anything, Chloe looks happy next to her, Hannah thinks Emily is fabulous, and even Alex adores her, and speaking of Alex. “Hello, Alex!” The two beautiful girls say, and you realize your son has returned, this time wearing his typical black jeans and an oversized white sweatshirt with a cute cartoon black cat printed on the front.

“Hi,” Alex replies in his delicate voice, “I just came down for some water.” He apologizes as if he did something wrong.

“Hey, girls!” Hannah says excitedly as she stands up to hug Chloe and Emily.

Hannah places her phone face up on the table and once again the black stud from last night's movie is on the screen, "Oh, what are you looking at, Mrs. Small?" Emily asks cheekily.

“Oh, it's nothing!” Hannah says playfully, a deep blush on her cheeks. “It's just this actor from the movie that Jerry and I saw last night! He…he was rool, and I've been looking at other things that he's been in."

“Let me see!”
Emily insists cheerfully, “Oh, Jarrad Christensen? I LOVE HIM! Are you talking about his new movie RESCUE LOVE?"

"Yeah! One of the best movies I've ever seen in my life! I searched for information about the movie, and I found the page of the production house! It's called A.C.E.! And from what I read, it's an independent artistic film production company, focused on promoting acts of reparations and the vindication of the black race, I read their manifesto last night, and I love the whole idea, even though I don't know if I fully understand it!”
Hannah almost screams.

“OH MY GOSH! That is great! You can tell that Jarrad left you very impressed!” Emily claps her hands happily, “You're right, A.C.E. is a racially artistic erotic film production company, and its main objective is to promulgate the truth about the black race, and to make clear what is the correct and natural place of the superior black race!”

“What are you two talking about?”
Chloe looks somewhat angrily at her friend and her mother who now seem like her best friends.

"Oh, darling! We are talking about the wonderful movie your father and I saw last night!” Hannah sighs excitedly, as she reminisces in rapture the night before, “It's a terrific movie, such a beautiful and romantic story, and the lead actor, Jarrad Christensen is a dream! You and your brother should see it, I'm sure you're going to love Jarrad!" Chloe looks intrigued at her mother's cell phone screen, and a blush covers her cheeks at the sight of the huge, muscular black male.

“Did you know that he and other black actors work for the production company A.C.E.? All the movies produced by them feature handsome and sexy black men!” Emily informs Hannah in an excited voice, "I've seen all of his movies like… I don't know… about ten times each!"

Chloe asks, intrigued, “Why have you never mentioned that you watch erotic movies starring black men?” Emily smiles ruefully.

“Well, I was thinking of showing you one of the movies soon, but… I didn't know how you'd react. Now that I know that your mother is interested in the ideology of A.C.E. It is my duty to guide you into the beautiful world of racial justice, acts of reparation, and black superiority!” Emily flashes a mischievous, slightly wicked smile, “As I said, I'm going to show you my collection of A.C.E. I almost have the complete collection!” For some reason you cringe in fear, you don't like anything the little blonde is saying, racial justice? acts of reparation? black superiority?

“Is that true?” Hannah asks excitedly, “Is Jarrad in any other movies like RESCUE LOVE?” Her beautiful gray eyes sparkle with excitement.

“Of course, he's in more A.C.E. movies!” Chloe replies with a mischievous smile on her pretty lips, “Jarrad is one of their most famous actors, having starred in like half of the A.C.E. movies, and so far the collection consists of almost 200 films!” You almost spit out your coffee, having found out that your ********'s friend, who is eighteen years old, watches porn movies where black men fuck beautiful white women to madness, without any censorship. What's more, you realize that Emily has seen Jarrad starring in dozens of movies like the one you and Hannah watched last night, which means she's seen Jarrad's huge twelve-inch black cock. You don't know how to feel about it, while it's true that Emily is of legal age, it's also true that you don't like the thought of petite blonde Emily masturbating while watching muscular black males with huge black cocks wildly fucking sexy white women.

“Is he the one you've been telling me about, Mommy?” Alex asks curiously and again stands on the tip of his toes, but this time trying to see the cell phone Hannah is holding.

“It's him, Alex, just look at him! Isn't that a dream?” You, seeing your wife show the image of the muscular half-naked black stallion to your son and Alex opening his beautiful doe eyes to their fullest and his plump little mouth in an expression of wonder and delight.

“Oh my God, he is… he is… beautiful… he is perfect!” Alex says between soft, delicate moans of amazement, his huge gray eyes still open as he tries to devour the black alpha male in the photo with his gaze and you can see how his cheeks turn red as he blushes.

"It is! He's so perfect!” Hannah jumps up and down like a schoolgirl.

“I have to admit, he's very handsome, and very big,” Chloe is blushing and fans her beautiful face with her hand to emphasize how hot Jarrad makes her feel.

“I'm pretty sure he's dating the RESCUE LOVE actress now, what was her name? Anna Heather or something like that." Emily says cheerily.

“Oh that makes me so happy, they looked so perfect together!” Hannah replies.

“Yes, they are terfect for each other. It was a bit scandalous because Anna Heather was married to a pathetic white boy when they filmed the movie and there are rumors that Jarrad aot her pregnant during filming. No one can hate her though, right? I mean, look at him!” Emily fades dreamily and the four white girls… correct yourself, three white girls and a cute, girly white boy, take a moment to admire Hannah's phone screen.

"I haven't seen RESCUE LOVE yet, but I feel like I need it now," Emily said with a mischievous smile.

"We could see it later if you girls want, I have to run to the store for a moment," Hannah said quickly.

“Of course we do!” Chloe and Emily say in unison.

“I want to see it too!” Alex murmurs shyly, the little blond boy standing with his hands between his thighs swaying shyly hoping to be included.

“I see Alex has a crush on Jarred too, little brother!” Chloe says stroking Alex's pink hair as she treated Alex like her personal little pet.

"No! I... no... he... no... I... I want to see the movie because of the story, Mommy says it's very romantic..." Alex stutters in the same way that you do, but in him, that nervousness and clumsiness makes him look cute and lovable not silly and pathetic.

"Oh come on Alex! Any pretty white girl would fall in love at first sight with Jarrad Christensen! And you are the prettiest and whitest girl I know!” Emily laughs as she teases Alex.

“I'm not a girl!” Alex replies indignantly.

Hannah and Chloe laugh hysterically as Alex covers his pretty face with the long sleeves of her sweatshirt. His beautiful elf features are completely colored red from embarrassment. Hannah and Chloe stop laughing and hug Alex as they comfort him. "Trust me Alex if Jarrad has impressed you with just one photo, when you see him in action you are going to fall in love," Hannah calls out to your son, trying to cheer him up, and you can't believe your ears. “You will get to see Jarrad Christensen in all his… huge, fat, black glory! It's an erotic art movie, you're going to rnjoy the story, but also the hot scenes, I know I enjoyed them!” Hannah giggles as she blushes at the memory of last night.

You haven't said a word for what seems like forever as your kitchen fills up with beautiful white girls drooling over this black stud in front of you, forgetting about you. But when you realize that your sexy and beautiful ******** and your delicate and effeminate boy will see interracial pornography something in you is revealed and you decide to speak.

“Hannah darling, don't you think this movie is too explicit for our children, it has very violent scenes and I don't think it's a good idea for them to watch pornography…” but your complaint is interrupted by two angry female voices.

“It's not pornography! it's racially erotic cinema!” Hannah and Emily yell in outrage, you recoil in fright and sit back down intimidated. “A.C.E. is a racially erotic artistic film production company! This production house is supported by the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT or BPM, which is a government organization funded by the government as part of the Reparations Act that the Democratic Party has passed in Congress. A.C.E. focuses on filming stories of racial empowerment and intercultural erotic and affective relationships, to promote the necessary black supremacy and the acts of reparation that the white race must carry out towards black men. Who were enslaved for centuries! Any act of violence or revenge against the white man in those films is justified, and acts of sexual submission by white girls towards superior black males are almost mandatory in all filming! Therefore, if there are scenes of explicit sex between a black man… a real man, and a white girl or a cute little white femboy, it should be taken as a ritual of reparation for the black race and not as a vulgar sexual act! There is nothing pornographic about any of the movies produced by A.C.E. understood?!" Hannah, Chloe, and Alex clapped excitedly and smile. The speech full of complicated words and racial philosophy came out of Emily's pretty mouth as if it were the ten commandments. You just gape, startled by the fierceness with which Emily defends the film and the production company making said films, wondering what the hell words like femboy, acts of reparation, and sexual submission mean, and if you heard correctly, Chloe had said black supremacy?

"That a girl! Let your roar be heard!" Chloe congratulates her best friend. “Why didn't you ever tell me about this… ideology of this amazing philosophy? I want to know everything, everything about A.C.E., I want to know everything about African culture, and the black race! I want to join the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT!” Your ********'s blue eyes are shining with excitement at the thought of entering this new world of racial justice, Chloe can't hide her excitement at belonging to this strange BLACK POWER MOVEMENT, and she's giving excited little jumps that cause her gigantic tits to bounce vulgarly.

“That was so inspiring Emily! She Counts on me to be a part of the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT, I want racial justice too! Although to be honest this is all brand new to me, just yesterday I found A.C.E.'s page, read a bit of her manifesto, and… I want racial justice too and I completely agree with you, Emily. RESCUE LOVE, it's not pornography, it's a work of art that talks about how beautiful the union of two races is, by the way, what does A.C.E. mean?" Hannah asks excited to have Emily to guide her, who seemed to be an expert on the subject.

“A.C.E. is the acronym for AFRICAN CULT EDEN!"

“Love between black men and white women?”
Alex moaned in disappointment and was genuinely sad, “Only white women?” he asked softly.

Emily turned to the beautiful little blond boy and smiling in an almost motherly way hugged her pretty son.

"Oh, Alex! You don't have to feel sad! Of course the A.C.E. They don't just promote interracial love between sexy white girls and strong black males! The production company A.C.E. and the BPM are committed to promoting the acts of reparation of the white race, and the best and most valuable act of atonement that a pretty and delicate white boy as you can perform is to give up his weak and pathetic masculinity and give up his body, her mind and heart to a strong black male to be feminized and used as property of the black race. There are at least fifty movies that focus on the love between powerful African males and delicate and pretty white sissy boys like you and half of those movies star Jarrad Christensen!” Alex blushes as a huge, beautiful smile spreads across his fat, slutty lips.

“Sissy boys, has Jarrad done erotic movies with sissy boys like… do you mean white boys like me?” Your cute son asks excitedly, his beautiful fairy face completely rosy, and his beautiful gray eyes shine with hope and longing.

"Oh my God Alex! We all know you're completely in love with Jarrad! But try to control yourself, little naughty girl!" Chloe teases her little brother who embarrassingly hides behind the thick, long sleeves of her hoodie.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of Alex! It's normal for a pretty girly white boy like you… a cute sissy boy like you to fall head over heels for a black alpha male like Jarrad Christensen! You're neither the first nor the last little slut to go crazy over one of A.C.E.'s black actors! I only have a couple of erotic love movies between black bulls and little white boys like you! I am delighted to give them to you So you can start your collection.” Emily continues to hug and cheer for Alex, who just can't contain his excitement or his smile.

"Really, would you gift me those wonderful movies?!" The pretty pink-haired boy is so ecstatic at the idea of watching those interracial sex movies that his high-pitched voice threatened to become almost inaudible.

"My God, Alex! You're about to pee yourself, get hold of yourself, girl!” Chloe again laughs and teases her excited little brother.

“Chloe dear, don't make fun of Alex, Emily is right! It is only natural that a sensitive and feminine little white boy like my Alex would fall madly in love with a man as strong, powerful, and black as Jarrad! Alex be a good boy and thank Emily!" Hannah always defends and pampers her special child.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Emily! I promise I'll take care of those movies and start my collection!" Alex was doing girly, excited little jumps as he hugs his blonde friend.

“Dammit, Emily! Why didn't you ever tell me about A.C.E.?! Why have you never lent me any of those amazing erotic art movies?! I thought we were friends!” Chloe crosses her arms pretending to be angry, which causes her gigantic breasts to stick out obscenely.

“I'm sorry girl, I'm sorry! But like I said, I didn't know how you'd react if I told you about acts of reparation and black superiority,” Emily hugs your busty ******** and apologizes in sweet whispers, “Now that I know all three of you know a real man when you look at him! Come, I sure as hell will show you everything I know about acts of reparation, white guilt, racial justice, and black supremacy!" Chloe smiles and hugs her blonde friend back, now all is forgiven.

“It's decided, we need to see RESCUE LOVE! today I have to go downtown for some oils and to order a couple of canvases, and then I'll go to the supermarket… But if you want, tonight we can watch the film together.” Hannah says as she takes her bag and leaves the apartment, you note sourly that your wife has an excited little bounce in her footsteps.

“Okay, I want to spend the whole day learning more about A.C.E. the acts of reparation, and the superiority of black men… let's wait for you to come back in my room, come on Emily you have a lot to teach Alex and me! Come on little brother, I know that you also want to learn to be a good white boy!" Chloe says as the three of them jump into Chloe's room, you notice how Alex walks even more feminine than Chloe and Emily, all the while on the balls of her little feet, one foot in front of the other, swaying her hips, and with her pretty, little hands folded at the waist, it's like every natural feminine gesture for girls, Alex exaggerates it to the limit, to be more feminine than the most feminine of women.

"Okay. Okay. Don't get angry! I will show you the official page of A.C.E. and I will explain to them all the ideology about black supremacy.” Emily tries to calm down her friend as the three children go upstairs and suddenly you find herself alone in the kitchen without a single goodbye, to clean up breakfast.


You spend the day in front of your old laptop, writing code in Hannah's room… that is, the master bedroom, for some reason you have never felt that room as your own, you think of the place as Hannah's room, and whenever you are here whether working or sleeping you feel like a guest, an intruder. As the sun begins to set, you hear Hannah coming through the apartment door. You stand up and stretch, cracking your back after being hunched over in front of the screen all day. When you go downstairs you see your sexy wife carrying a small bag of groceries and she asks you to bring the rest. Reluctantly you get up and go to the car to do this you must leave your luxurious apartment and go down four floors to the basement of the building, all the cars of the families that live in the building are parked down there. The place is wide, dark, and cold, like all parking lots, it has a capacity for 20 cars. Two parking spaces for each apartment, your ****** is entitled to four parking spaces since your apartment occupies two floors. The cars that are now parked in the basement are not quite luxury cars, but they are expensive and new, to which your little old car stands out like a sore thumb. There, old, dull, and a little dented, sits your red 2008 Suzuki SX4, though the paint is so sun-bleached it looks more like hot pink. You've been driving that ugly car for seven years and you were already bored with it a year ago when you and your ****** moved to New York. With your new job and juicy new paycheck, you thought you might finally upgrade to a newer model, but Hannah wouldn't give you a dollar for it, she said very outraged that you were being very selfish by wanting to buy a new car for yourself when the one you already had worked perfectly, and it was true, you keep your ugly old car fully functional because it is one of the few things that belongs completely to you.

When Hannah was done scolding you, she was the one who bought herself a new late-model car. a luxurious pearl white 2015 Honda Odyssey that was parked right next to your faded old car. You open the trunk of that huge "Mom Van" and discover that inside there are more than six paper bags full of food and various products. You sigh tired at the prospect of lugging all those bags to the top floor, you'll have to make several trips, thank goodness for elevators. As you grab the bags, a magazine falls out of one of them, and on the cover is the beautiful Anna Heather, and if she looked like your wife before, now she could be Hannah herself, her breasts were already big when she filmed the infamous movie, but now they look huge, almost the same size as Hannah's.

The beautiful and sensual Anna Heather is standing there looking directly at the camera, posing completely nude for the cover of that magazine, but it's not just Anna's sexy slutty body that attracts attention, Jarrad Christensen, also naked, is behind her embracing her, possessing her, her right hand is squeezing the huge left breast of the beautiful white woman, causing her huge muscular arm to cover and crush the huge left breast, preventing Anna's pretty pink nipples from being in the spotlight view. Her other huge black hand covers Anna's vagina possessively, the beautiful brunette has both hands on her swollen round belly, Anna Heather looks very happy and very pregnant, she has the biggest smile you've ever seen. Jarrad who is taller than Anna by at least a foot stands out behind the white female body like a giant, he is also looking at the camera, and smiling, but it is a smirk, a smug and confident half smile, his dark eyes are cold, evil and for a moment you can almost feel that this huge black male is mocking you.

You read the cover in disbelief.

The definitive guide to the queens of the black new world order.
♠ This month find out which is the favorite lingerie for the BLACK KINGS, in our top: The 13 sexiest outfits for your BLACK BULL! [p.10-13]
♥ On the cover: The BLACK KING Jarrad Christensen and the QUEEN OF SPADES Anna Heather: tell us the story of the love that grew between them during the filming of the acclaimed film RESCUE LOVE: “I was married to a pathetic and weak white boy for five years, but after meeting a real man, a black man, I knew my place in the world, now I am his, I belong to him body and soul!), declares Anna Heather, the sexy racially erotic film star. [p.25-30]
♠ How to train your white husband to be a good cuckold? Queen Jenny Summers has the ultimate guide for you. [pp.45-50]
♥ From pathetic white boy to a beautiful Sissy Princess!:
Hormones, Diet, and Exercise! We reveal all the secrets for you to achieve your metamorphosis and become a beautiful sissy butterfly. [p. 30-35]

♠ CROTCH TATTOO: Design your fertility tattoo! A tattooed belly is a pregnant belly. [p. 20-22]

What the fuck was this weird magazine about? Sissy Princess? BLACK KINGS? Queen of Spades? Cuckold? What the hell is a CROTCH TATTOO?

You ask yourself all those questions while carrying three bags at the same time, clumsily entering the elevator, and with difficulty pressing the button for the top floor...

You can't stop staring at the obscene cover of that bizarre magazine, because you stupidly placed it on top of the middle bag, the lewd image of that naked and pregnant Hannah-like porn actress being embraced possessively by the manly, muscular, and tall black male burns into your pupils with each passing second. You decide that you want to read what kind of nonsense may be written on its pages and with great difficulty you try to turn the pages of that infamous magazine to see inside, and at that precise moment the elevator stops in the lobby, and thanks to the surprise You drop the magazine, and there on two pages is a pornographic photo of Jarrad Christensen. The huge black male is reclining on white silk sheets, and the very naked and very pregnant Anna Heather is straddling him, showing her swollen belly and fat heavy white tits in profile, Jarrad has his huge black hands covering her gigantic white udders. The voluptuous and sexy copy of your wife has her head behind her arching her back sensually, her beautiful eyes are closed with pleasure, and the sexy woman is biting her lower lip provocatively.

Terrified you look at that vulgar image of interracial love, and even more terrified you look up at the entrance to the elevator, where the Harrisons are staring at the floor.

The Harrisons are the couple who live in the apartment below yours. Gerald Harrison is a 50-year-old white man, he is a few inches shorter than you, but unlike you, he is extremely fat, he was once brown, but now what little hair he has left is completely gray and it is only a fringe that it wraps around his head from ear to ear, giving him the look of a Catholic friar, his greasy bald head gleaming in the elevator light, his small porcine eyes wide open behind thick bottle-bottomed glasses. You can notice how his forehead begins to peel with beads of sweat, and his stocky ugly face is painted red up to his ears.

His wife, Harriet Harrison, on the other hand, is a blonde, beautiful, and elegant woman. She is tall, at least 1.78m tall, blonde, and her smooth alabaster skin is silky smooth and completely white, her beautiful face is elegant and superb, like a duchess. With a straight, upturned, and haughty nose, her lips, although small and thin, are juicy and appetizing, perfectly outlined. Her blonde hair is beaten gold, shiny, and golden like honey.

Harriet Harrison is 45 years old, but she looks ten years younger, and only a few tiny wrinkles around her beautiful, cool blue eyes give any hint of her true age. Right now those blue eyes are wide open looking at the two-page photograph of Jarrad and Anna Heather, and like her husband, her face is tinged with red, but unlike Gerald's ugly appearance, Harriet looks beautiful with those cheekbones. tall and aristocratic femininely flushed.

The doors close behind them and during the trip to the third floor none of the three say or do anything, only the noise of the elevator going up breaks the uncomfortable atmosphere that has been created thanks to that obscene image of interracial union and reproduction. Nervous you begin to sweat and shake, partly from the weight of the food bags, but the main reason is that now your distinguished neighbors know that either you or Hannah read interracial sex magazines.

Gerald Harrison stops looking at the magazine and turns to look at the doors, but Harriet, that mature lady with an aristocratic appearance and regal demeanor, and who has always been serious, distant, and cold as ice, remains completely absorbed, her eyes fixed and without blinking in that sensual photo of interracial love.

The distinguished woman dresses elegantly, wearing a pink and white plaid blazer and pants set made of thick Scottish wool, under the blazer is a long-sleeved white blouse, and below you can see the silhouette of an expensive white lace bra.

Surprised notes as the cold and serious Mrs. Harrison's nipples bloom beneath her blouse and thick bra. It is incredibly erotic to notice how those two nipples stand out in a vulgar way through those elegant designer clothes, you calculate that Ms. Harrison's breasts must be size C, not too small and not too big, perfect, her tits are still perfectly round and firm, almost youthful, the Harrisons are childless, and you wonder if that's why Harriet keeps those perfect pairs of breasts.

Mrs. Harrison calls her lips and her breathing quickens noticeably and you are furious to realize that Jarrad Christensen has that effect on all women.

Finally, the elevator stops and the doors open, Gerald quickly exits without avoiding eye contact with you, but Harriet is still frozen inside the elevator completely mesmerized by the magazine, Gerald calls out to her a couple of times, but Harriet doesn't react and when the doors are about to close Gerald grabs his wife's arm roughly and drags her away.

When the elevator reaches your floor you somehow manage to put the magazine back in a bag and you enter your house shaking with the effort, you yell for help but no one comes and your force yourself to resist until you reach the kitchen where you leave the bags on the table and while you catch your breath you can see how Hannah is lying on the armchair in the living room looking at the screen of her cell phone completely absorbed, and even from a distance you can notice that your wife is looking at endless photos of enormous black men on Instagram. For a moment you think of interrupting her and angrily asking her to help carry the groceries up, but that stupid thought fades from your mind as you look at your wife's sexy body and lush beauty, then see your lanky, thin reflection in the polished doors stainless steel refrigerator, and you remember how lucky you are to be married to such a beautiful and sexy woman with renewed energy, you prepare to go down to the parking lot once more.

Twenty minutes later, when you've packed all the groceries in the cupboard or fridge, Hannah finally walks into the kitchen, but completely ignoring you, she grabs the infamous magazine and asks the kids to come downstairs, and goes back into the living room, the softness of her eyes shine as she begins to leaf through the magazine.

"You don't normally read magazines, honey." Seeing how your sexy wife wets her lips when turning the pages is too much and you dare to interrupt her and your voice is a weak claim.

"That? As? Oh, it's you, honey!" Hannah looks up at you strangely, as if she had forgotten you were there. "I know, but this one looked so interesting, I had to get it," Hannah answers.

In your head you can guess why it might be “so interesting”, but you don't want to say it out loud. You want to ignore this little fascination Hannah has with the movie and that black actor, you feel like if you pretend it's nothing, it will pass faster and you can go back to how things were.

You can see how his sexy wife with huge tits starts flipping through the strange magazine while a blush dyes her white cheeks, a mischievous smile is drawn on her thick slutty lips, and after a moment she sensually bites her bottom lip enjoying whatever it is that she is reading, Soon, Chloe, Emily, and Alex come downstairs and plop down on the couch next to Hannah, “Oh girls, look what I found!” Hannah says excitedly, showing them the cover of the magazine.

“Is that the latest issue of QUEEN OF SPADES magazine?!” Emily asks, pleasantly surprised, “I see you have a natural instinct for these things Mrs. Smalls. That magazine is also the public A.C.E., it is a dedicated guide for white girls who believe in racial justice, I have all the issues, but I had not bought this month's. I see Anna Heather is on the cover, and look at how hot Jarrad looks, he's such a stud!” Emily sighs dreamily.

“Oh wow, is this Anna Heather? She is so beautiful! And she is beaming!” Chloe says. “Look how happy she looks! Were you so happy when you were pregnant with us?”

“I was happy, but I was also very young, so I was a little scared, Anna seems elated!”
Hannah replied.

“How the hell is she not going to be elated?! Jarrad Christensen impregnated her with his superior seed!” Emily is the one who had said these words, “If such a manly strong black African male impregnated me I would be crazy with happiness too!”

“What do you think Alex? Doesn't Anna Heather look beautiful?”
Hannah asks the little pink-haired boy.

Alex, who has been looking at the cover of that magazine with his enormous and beautiful fawn eyes, remains silent as if he were in a trance, “Alex?!” Chloe gently shakes her pretty brother and at last, the girly boy reacts.

“Yeah! Sure! Jarrad looks just beautiful… so strong, so tall, so black, so perfect!” Alex replies in his delicate voice without realizing what he said, Hannah, Chloe, and Emily laugh in that high-pitched, hysterical way only spoiled girls can pull off.

“Oh my God Alex, you are so in love with Jarrad! You're a naughty girl!” Emily hugs Alex as she teases him.

"I'm thinking that it's not a good idea for you to see the movie Alex, if a few photos you're already completely smitten by Jarrad when you see how big he is, you're going to go crazy!" Hannah mocks her effeminate son.

Alex who had once again hidden behind the long sleeves of his sweatshirt, discovers his pretty freckled face and angrily he pouts adorably with his thick slutty lips, “You can't do this to me, it's not fair! I want to see Jarrad in the movie! Emily says his big black dick is…” and then Alex covers his face again with his long sleeves, realizing that he has once again talked too much. A new wave of hysterical giggling echoes through the room, Alex continues to pout his adorable slutty lips as he stomps his foot on the floor angrily. When the three beautiful white women stop laughing, Chloe rushes to calm Alex.

"Come on little brother! It's just a joke! Of course, you'll watch the movie with us, and Emily promised to give you the movies where Jarrad is playing with cute sissy boys like you, so you can watch your beloved black male as many times as you want.” Alex calms down and his face lights up at the thought of Jarrad.

“I'm so jealous of Anna Heather!” Alex finally admits embarrassed, “It must be great to have a real man to protect you, take care of you, and fuck…” his delicate voice trails off as Anna's elf face returns causing him to blush.

"You're right Alex! It must be great to be in the strong arms of a real man, a black man!” Chloe sighs. Hannah opens the magazine in half and the two beautiful women and the pretty white boy surround her to watch the interracial couple's photo shoot. The four “white girls” gazed in wonder, jealousy, and excitement at the photos of the mighty Jarrad naked posing next to his new lover.

“Look at the questions they were asked!” Hannah exclaims in amazement. “Anna, how many times a day do they mate and how long is each mating session?” Emily's voice reads one of the questions in the magazine.

“Jarrad is insatiable! So he fucks me at least four times a day, twice in the morning and twice at night, but Jarrad works every day so he also has to fuck other white girls while filming… On the weekends. He stays home during the week and we can be mating in bed all day, resting only to eat and drink water… I would say our record is ten times in one day, and another five times during the night. Jarrad spends more or less an hour fucking me before cumming... and I couldn't tell you how many orgasms my man can cause me in each session, the truth is that there are so many and so strong that I lose count.” Chloe reads the answer in amazement.

"That can't be true, right mommy? No man can fuck that many times in one day, or last an hour doing it!" Alex asks his mother in disbelief.

“I don't know, in my experience, I can say that it can't be true, but I've never been with a real man… I mean, I've never been with any black man, surely they are different?” Hannah replies. You feel a stab in the chest, “I've never been with a real man…”, that's what your sexy and beautiful wife you've been married to for twenty years just said. “Of course, black men are different than pathetic weak white boys, comparing them is like comparing an African lion to a house kitten. If Anna says that Jarrad can fuck her all day and all night, it's a fact that Jarrad can fuck any white female for hours, he's an African stud, there's nothing weird about that.”

"My God! The more I learn about black men, the more I wish you had told me about them before, Emily.”
Chloe looks angrily at her friend. “Don't worry Chloe, we'll make up for lost time, just trust me,” Emily winks flirtatiously.

You continue to listen and watch this whole bizarre scene horrified but worthless to stop it, you just keep standing there watching as the three sexy beautiful white women and your sissy cute son drool over pictures of a black stud while talking about how much perfect and superior are black men compared to white men, compared to you.

Alex reads the next question from that infamous interview.

"Anna, how do you feel knowing that Jarrad fucks other white girls? What do you think about being part of a BLACK BULL's harem? Do you regret divorcing your white husband?" Alex's sweet voice reads the question, ecstatic and surprised. "BLACK BULL?" Alex asks curiously, and you also wonder what the hell that means.

“That's what they call black men, real men who fuck married white wives, sexy young white girls, and feminine, delicate white sissy boys, every white girl wants to belong to a BLACK BULL, and all BLACK BULLS have the right to own a harem of beautiful and sexy white girls.” Emily again demonstrates her vast knowledge in that bizarre world of black superiority.

“Wow! A harem, are you serious?” Hannah asks, reading the question to make sure Alex isn't making it up.

"Oh yeah, it's natural for real men, black men, to have at least half a dozen white women in their harem, black studs need to fuck many times a day every day, one female is not enough." Emily happily explains.

“Read the answer Alex, come on!” Chloe orders her little brother.

“I feel extremely happy, I am proud to be one of the whores of MY BLACK KING Jarrad, the other white girls have been very kind and loving to me, they have made me feel welcome from day one and about my white husband, I have not divorced him, Jimmy, that's his name, he's still my husband, I wanted a divorce, of course, but Jimmy is begging me on his knees not to leave him, so I agreed on the condition that he would take care of all my expenses, and my needs, he works hard to buy me everything I want, that includes clothes, shoes, lingerie and makeup for me and gifts for MY BLACK KING Jarrad, it's annoying having to see him a couple of days a week, but when I'm with him I can relax and let him pamper me like the Queen that I am, it's a very good servant, and someone will have to take care of my beautiful black baby when it is born, I think he will make a good nurse. Of course, I will never have sex with him again, and of course, he has accepted it." Alex finishes reading that madness as if it were the most exciting and beautiful thing he had ever read in his life.

“Wow! Did that Jimmy beg him to stay even after everyone got to see Jarrad impregnate his wife in a movie, pathetic!” Chloe says in disgust.

“You have to understand that for a weak white boy, it is an honor to be able to serve such a sexy and beautiful Queen, just being able to call himself her husband should be enough for him to work his whole life for her and her BLACK BULL.” Emily again explained that twisted logic, which sounded ridiculous and cruel but Hannah, Chloe, and Alex drank thirstily.

You can't stand another minute of that madness, so you clear your throat loudly and desperately say the only thing you know that will end the reading of that horrible magazine.

“Guys, didn't you guys want to see the movie?” you immediately regret it, the last thing she wants is for your innocent loving ******** and delicate cute son to see that awful movie, and you're also not thrilled that Hannah is seeing Hannah again. jarrad and his huge black cock in action, but it was the only thing you could think of to distract the four beautiful white women from that twisted interview.

“OH MY GOSH! It's true, we got so distracted by the magazine that we forgot why we're here!”, Hannah laughs at her clumsiness, “Thank you dear, you're a good white boy!”. Hannah says it teasingly, and even though you know you should be mad, you can't help but feel happy that your wife approves.

With the three girls and your little son on the four-piece sofa, there is not enough space and you are more or less pushed and forgotten in an uncomfortable chair to the side. You didn't even want to see the movie again, but you felt like seeing Hannah's reaction again. As the film begins, the beautiful and sexy Anna Heather is shown to be in love with the movie version of you.

This causes Chloe to ask irritably, "Wait, I thought Anna was with Jarrad?"

“Shh. She will be, just watch."
Hannah says quickly.

“Ohhh, is that why it's called RESCUE LOVE? Why is he saving her from this idiot?” Emily asks amused. Emily's goofy comment hurts a bit since at this point in last night's movie it was cute how much the young couple reminded you and Hannah of each other.

"Emily, you are so mean!" Chloe jokes and all the girls laugh. About twenty minutes later, the sweet and tender quiet sex scene between the little white actor and Anna Heather begins, and although it looks like a copy of one of the few times Hannah made love to you.

Alex leans back on the lap of the girls and says, "This is a bit boring, Mommy," his delicate voice sounds annoyed.

“It's true, this is so boring, if I wanted to see a white boy pretending to be a man, I would have gone on a date with my pathetic white boyfriend,” Emily expresses her frustration as she crosses her arms angrily.

"Mom you promised us explicit sex between a white girl and a strong black male, this is not even real sex, it is obvious that they are not fucking." Chloe supports her blonde friend.

"Hush, it's about to get a lot better," Hannah says.

Alex lies face down on the thighs of the three beautiful women, he is so small and thin that none of them protest, Emily places her hands on Alex, and with a little surprise, says, "Wow Alex, I thought you were skinny, but I see you have a nice ass!"

"I'm skinny, I don't know why, but my butt seems like the only place fat goes!"
Alex laughs.

Chloe smiles and walks over and gives Alex a playful pat on the bottom and says. Damn, Alex! Why are you hiding that thing under sweatshirts?

“Girls!” Hannah exclaimed, and all three women started laughing. “Do you want to see the movie or not?”

"Of course, I want to see the movie! But right now I want to see Alex's ass, it seems to be as big as mine."
Emily is caressing your son's bottom through the thick sweatshirt. Alex remains meekly silent with a slight blush on his freckled cheeks.

"Oh, Emily, I'm sorry to break it to you, but Alex's ass is bigger and fatter than yours!” Chloe cruelly teases her blonde best friend.

"I can't believe that! This dainty little white boy can't have a better ass than me!" Emily defends her honor, still caressing Alexis' fat buttocks.

“Come on Alex, take off that awful sweatshirt and show Emily those fat buttocks Mommy gave you!” Chloe gives her little brother a hard, resounding spank.

Alexis lets out a feminine moan of pain, but obeys with a feminine laugh, once standing up his elf face turns completely red, and he gathers his little princess hands between his thighs and sways from side to side like a shy girl.

"Go ahead, my beautiful boy! Show us that round fat ass!” Hannah is laughing in a youthful and hysterical way as if she were a teenager. Then Alex turns his back to them and very slowly pulls his long sweatshirt up to her waist, a sudden silence fills the room. Since Alex was ten you hadn't seen your son without one of his oversized emo kid sweatshirts, and dammit, he had changed in that time. His lower back is exposed, and everyone can see his white skin sprinkled with pink freckles, his waist is very slim, almost impossibly narrow, the waist of a ballet dancer, but below that tiny waist are obscenely huge fat buttocks that blossomed femininely. Those huge buttocks are rounder, fatter, and bigger than Emily's, for God's sake, that juicy fat peach butt could be bigger than Chloe's.

Alex is wearing ugly boyish jeans, but even so, his huge ass looks extremely sexy, the black jean stretched to the max trying to contain that pair of gigantic soft globes, and below those stunningly broad female hips, long, fat legs extend to her delicate feet, those are the shapely, thick thighs of a dancer, trained daily to perform powerful leaps and beautiful pirouettes. Alex's very short waist and huge female ass make him look ridiculously sexy, almost cartoonish, Alex has Jessica Rabbit's waist and hips, he looks like a sexy wasp, with that tiny waist and a huge tail.

"Dammit, girl! You have the biggest, fattest ass I've ever seen! Damn lucky bitch!" Emily's voice is thick with jealousy.

"Shut up! It's not true!" Alexis's soft voice tries to sound offended and angry, but you can tell he's flattered and proud.

"Damn you, Alex! I hate you so much! I should have inherited Mom's big fat butt cheeks, not you!” Chloe slaps him hard on one of those huge butt cheeks, Alex moans femininely and they all can see how that smooth round buttock swells, shakes, and shakes like a delicious flan.

"You're right Chloe! Alex has the same mass as your mom! I would kill to have gigantic fat buttocks like this!" Emily also furiously slaps your son's other buttock, and again in complete shock as that round buttock trembles sensually.

"Enough girls! My ass is not as fat and big as Alex's, Right?” Hannah stands up and checks her own butt critically.

“Of course it is Mom! Emily is right, you and Alex have round, fat, huge mare's asses!” Chloe laughs as she forces her mom to stand next to Alex, they're both handing them the sword, and they're both leaning forward, arching their backs and showing off those huge asses with pride.

"I'm so jealous! Damn sexy mares!” Emily uses both of her pretty hands to spank Hannah and Alex's huge asses, both of them whooping with joy.

Hannah's wearing skinny jeans that hug her huge, sexy buttocks like a second skin, and now it's a fact Alex has exactly the same fat round ass as his mom, and while Hannah's tall, curvaceous body kinda hides that tremendous ass, in the case of Alexis, being so small and thin, those wide female hips look obscene and pornographic.

Chloe and Emily giggle and squeal with excitement as they friendly snap and insult Alex and Hannah. Finally, the tempers calm down and Alex and Hannah return to their places completely flushed, but with their beautiful gray eyes full of pride. Once again the three women occupy the couch and the delicate Alex is leaning like a kitten on their thighs, face down, this time leaving his huge, fat mare's ass in full view. Neither has seen the sex scene between the married couple, and Hannah doesn't seem interested in rewinding the movie, apparently, that part isn't important to her. Everyone's attention returned to the movie, just as the big argument between Anna and her little white husband breaks out.

There is a knock at the door and you look at your ****** on the sofa. You see Hannah smiling as Jake is about to open the door. She is smiling excitedly, expectantly, Hurts, You don't know why, but that smile hurts as if he was waiting for this big black stud to pounce and save the beautiful white girl, the door opens and Hannah's eyes cloud over and you swear she's about to start drooling. All three girls gasp in amazement as the scene seems to linger on the big black stallion, who seems to be posing in the driveway for longer than you remember, even Alex seems surprised by this man.

You see Hannah nudge Chloe with her elbow and say softly, “I told you it gets better,” your wife has a sly smile on her plump lips. Chloe doesn't answer she is still in a daze, slack-jawed at the sight of this dreamy big black bull on the screen. If the girls weren't hugging before, when it comes to the wet and passionate kissing scene between Anna Heather and Jarrad Christensen they certainly are now, the Kisses and caresses last forever like the door scene, it seems like it's even longer than you remember.

You want to stand up and tell them that you're not comfortable with your kids watching these kinds of movies, especially Alex, who was still a kid. But, even if you said something you don't think they'll listen to you. Everyone is completely captivated by this African Adonis, who is kissing and caressing the huge tits and wet vagina of the beautiful white woman on the screen, even Alex can't take his beautiful gray doe eyes off the screen. When the kissing scene ends and everyone can see the gigantic outline of Jarrad's cock under his thick jeans, Alex gives a little cry of surprise and fear, “That can't be real, it can't…”, he mutters, his thick lips parting in disbelief.

"It's real my pretty boy, believe me, it's real, and you haven't seen anything yet," Hannah tells him while she herself is almost drooling, her cheeks red, and her breathing heavy, Chloe and Emily are no better, they are both excited and with eyes cloudy with desire. The movie continues and while the three sexy girls and the effeminate white boy are completely absorbed by the story of the young white wife you can only watch her amazing reactions. Then comes the alley scene, Anna is about to be *****, and Chloe, Emily, and Alex let out little squeals of fear and apprehension none of them want anything bad to happen to the heroine. Their little cries of fear turn to gasps of admiration and surprise as they see the huge, muscular Jarrad savagely beating the gang members, Alex fidgeting on the girls' laps, his breathing quickening, the little boy biting himself and he licks his thick lips nervously. Chloe and Emily are moving their thick thighs to scratch an itch between their legs. Hannah places her hands on her massive breasts and covertly fondles her erect nipples, which stand out hard and erect, just like Emily's and Chloe's. It's obvious that the four people on the couch want to masturbate, but they hold back, you can only sit in the uncomfortable kitchen chair feeling miserable watching Jarrad's effect on three women and a white boy.

Your attention returns to the screen and you watch in horror as Jarrad throws Anna off the bed, you know what will come next, and even if you wanted to close your eyes, for some strange and masochistic reason you can't. Jarrad unleashes the terrible black anaconda on her, you can hear the loud thump of his huge black cock hitting his chiseled abdomen.

The eyes of the three beautiful women and the effeminate white boy are wide open, their pretty mouths droop into a perfect "O" of amazement, Alex looks with reverence and fear at that huge twelve-inch black cock as thick as his arm. “OH MY GOSH!” three female voices exclaim in unison. Chloe, Emily, and Alex couldn't contain their delight and amazement, Hannah kept quiet by biting her plump lip and the nightmare begins once more, an hour of intense interracial sex in high definition is shown uncensored to the delight of three white girls, and a beautiful and delicate white boy, during that eternal hour, Emily, Chloe, Alex and Hannah moan, they sob and move as they try to caress their needy bodies in subtle ways.

You can see how your cute little son moves his hips excited by him, but he is not rubbing his crotch against the thick thighs of his sister, no, what the beautiful white boy does is lift his butt up. Alex is on his knees on the thick thighs of the girls, he is so light that none of the three seem to notice him, the delicate white boy is shaking his huge buttocks temptingly, looking for something to fill him, trying to calm the desire that floods his body, moves his ass up and down begging for "something", one of his delicate hands is in his mouth, your son is biting his sweatshirt trying in vain to muffle the feminine moans of need that he is letting out of his pretty mouth, the other hand is between his legs, but it's not caressing his penis, his delicate pianist's fingers are between his fat mare's buttocks, caressing his needy anus.

The women are no better, they all have one of their hands between their legs gently caressing their needy vaginas, Hannah, Emily, and Chloe use their free hands to caress their breasts, giving small pinches to their erect nipples every time Jarrad insults, slaps, or spits on Linda's face or into her mouth. You just don't want to believe that crude interracial pornography forced your innocent and demure ********, your devoted and sweet wife, and your shy and effeminate son to forget about his modesty and start masturbating in front of you, but that is exactly what is happening!

The intense rough sex session finally ends, and another violent scene ensues Jarrad beating Jake. Alex can't take it anymore, the little boy is glassy-eyed and his thick slut lips are wet, your sissy son is literally drooling from watching the gigantic powerful black macho on the screen beat up the pathetic weak blonde actor who so much looks like you his gray fawn eyes are glazed over and a moan of frustration escapes his swollen slutty lips, the little hand that was covering his swollen slutty lips is now under his sweatshirt caressing his chest, the other is between his legs, rubbing his anus furiously, her moans turning into pathetic, feminine whines.

Finally, the beating ends and Jarrad returns to bed to fuck Anna again, when that huge twelve-inch black cock penetrates the busty actress's body again, Alex tenses up and his back arches to the maximum, his plain chest rubs against his mother's thighs and his behind is raised to the sky like a cat in heat.

It's obvious he's trying to come, but the frustrated, feminine whimpers escaping his plump pink lips tell him that he can't reach the top, he needs something more, he needs something inside him. The three sexy white women do make it to the top, all moaning and squealing with their eyes closed as they bite their lips and their bodies tremble and squirm the smell of the juices of four females in heat fills the room, yeah, four females in heat because no one who saw your delicate and beautiful son behaving like a kitten in heat could deny that he is a female. Their bodies twist and arch almost painfully for a couple of minutes and then they slump back on the couch tired, sweaty, and gasping for breath. A few minutes pass when they open their eyes again, and they look at each other confused and embarrassed, you feel miserable but before the silence turns awkward, Emily distracts everyone's attention.

"Oh, my God! Look at that wedding dress, isn't it beautiful?” the petite blonde says in a breathy voice, pointing to the beautiful Anna Heather who is wearing obscene white lace lingerie.

“You're right, it's a beautiful dress!” Chloe says ecstatically, trying to catch her breath.

“I would love to wear one like that to my wedding!” Hannah says dreamily.

“My dear, you already had a wedding, with me, remember?" during all that bizarre spectacle you kept still and silent, but hearing how Hannah has forgotten that in fact she already had a wedding and that in fact, she married you dressed in white, forces you to speak.

“Oh that's right darling, you're right!” Hannah looks away from the screen and looks at you as if she's forgotten you're there, “But I just meant, if I got married again, I'd love to wear a dress like that.”

“This time she might even marry a real man!”
Emily laughs cruelly.

"Emily, please!" Hannah pats her gently on the shoulder, but she's laughing at her joke.

"Emily, you are so mean!" Chloe also scolds her friend, but just like her mother, she's laughing at the little blonde's cruel joke.

“Well, I'm definitely going to marry a real man, a black man, and I'm definitely going to wear a dress identical to that one!” Emily says determinedly, “Although to be honest, I have to accept that an outfit like that would look better on a woman as sexy as you are Mrs. Smalls, with those gigantic tits and that fat mare's ass you would look perfect.”

"Oh come on Emily! You exaggerate! I'm too fat, and these tits are so huge, and heavy!”
Hannah tries to cover her huge breasts with her delicate little hands, but she fails miserably, each tit the size of a watermelon.

“It's true, you and Chloe have the biggest, roundest, firmest tits in town! You and Alex have the fattest, biggest, roundest asses I've ever seen! A dress this sexy would only look good on one of the three of you. I bet Alexis would look just adorable in white lace!” Emily spanks the girly boy's fat ass once more, Alex still lying face down on the legs of the three women, the spanking resounding in the room.

“Oh just shut up Emily!” Alex covers his flushed face but waves his little feet in the air excitedly.

“Come on Alex! Be honest, if Jarrad asked you to wear that dress for him you would do it right away!” Chloe strokes her little brother's pink hair as she teases him. Alex simply hides his freckled red face between his mother's legs, seeking protection and shelter.

“Come on girls! Don't be mean to my pretty boy!” Hannah defends her special child immediately. "Everyone here is in awe of Jarrad, Alex is just a little in love, not that I blame him. Everyone here is impressed by Jarrad." That sentence is like a blow to your stomach, you already knew that Hannah was dazzled by the huge and muscular black actor, but hearing it in her own voice was very painful.

“Oh my god!” Emily yelled as if she had just remembered something important. She immediately goes on her phone, tapping before saying. “You need to see this! It's Jarrad's Instagram, and it's amazing!”

The three girls plus Alex are staring at Emily's phone for almost five minutes before Alex stands up and says, “Uh, the couch is getting uncomfortable… I'm going to go check out his Instagram above.” Alex scrambles to his feet before sneakily stealing his mother's infamous magazine and running upstairs, you can hear his door slam shut and the lock click.

Ten, fifteen minutes go by and the girls continue browsing the black stud's Instagram. You've tried very loudly to clear your throat and bring the girls back to reality, but the only thing that exists for them right now is Jarrad Christensen's Instagram page.

“Oh, open that picture…” Chloe speaks softly.

"You read my mind, honey," Hannah responds sweetly.

You decide to get up and walk away from the awkward black stud ogling session these three white girls are in and walk into the kitchen. You pour yourself a glass of water, wondering what the hell is going on with them, it's like the night before you crossed into an alternate dimension where your beautiful, demure, Catholic, loving wife has turned into a cheeky and horny woman who masturbated in front of her son while she watched a huge black stud wildly fuck an actress almost identical to her. Your children were unrecognizable, Chloe who had always been a good and gentle ********, was now laughing and teasing you while fondling herself watching raw interracial pornography and Alexis the shy, effeminate boy who had been in deep depression for an entire year now found himself laughing and joking as he proudly showed off his obscenely fat peach-shaped buttocks. Not to mention that he saw how Alexis caressed himself between her fat buttocks while he posed on all fours like a cat in heat.

You drink another glass of water trying to refresh yourself and clear your thoughts. Ten minutes later, you finally hear a real conversation instead of a singular murmur about which photo to look at next from the living room, you rush over to hear them talk.

“What do you mean you don't have Instagram, Ms. Smalls? You are a sexy bombshell, you would have so many real men following you, and to be honest, the world deserves to see how good it looks!" Emily exclaims.

"Well, I do not know, I had never really thought about it. I like to think I'm pretty, but pretty enough to post pictures of myself?” Hannah wonders aloud.

“Of course you are, Chloe has like fifteen thousand followers and you are the MILF version of her! I mean, I even have six thousand followers and I'm not as hot as you two!” Emily continues.

“Oh stop Emily, you're a hottie and you know it! But she's right Mom, you're gorgeous and you would definitely get a lot of attention online and who knows, maybe you'd even make money from it." Chloe encouraged her beautiful mother.

"I have tried to get sponsors, but all the companies and boutiques that interest me want me to get more followers first," Emily says, trying to convince Hannah.

“Well, another source of income would be great… Alright guys, how do I make an account? What should I post?” Hannah asks excitedly.

“Oh Yay!” the two youngest girls exclaim, "Let's go find some cute outfits and take some pictures," and with that, your wife, ********, and her friend laugh and run upstairs to the room you share with Hannah, For a moment you are in shock, not believing that your mature and beautiful wife of 37 years is about to create an Instagram account, where she will pose in sexy clothes for all the world to see like she is a hot teenager.

You decide to go upstairs, still not sure if you really want to see what those three happy and excited white girls are doing. As you slowly walk up the stairs, the laughter grows louder and you hear several times. "Oh, that's super cute!" from one of the girls every two seconds.
You're getting closer when you hear soft, sweet girly moans coming from Alex's room. Curiosity seizes you and you approach his room. You hear movements and the soft noise of springs, but you're not quite sure what's going on inside when you hear something that makes it pretty clear. “Oh fuck, yes DADDY!” You hear a soft meow from his room.

It sounded like Alex, but different, he has always been so soft-spoken, but this almost sounded like pornography, he has a feminine energy that confuses you, but you can still recognize Alex in that voice. You continue to listen, completely stumped by everything, just trying to get another clue as to what's going on. when a soft squeak of springs makes sense to you, he's masturbating! As you come to that conclusion and are about to walk away from his door, you hear something that surprises you. "Oh yeah. Oh, daddy Jarrad!, Yes!, Take me, daddy!, Take me!, Give it to me, please, Please, Please, GIVE ME YOUR BIG BLACK COCK, DADDY Jarrad!”

Your eyes widen when you realize that this black stud seems to have put a spell on four of the five people in your house so far. You walk away from the door to your own room when the hysterical giggling begins to take over your ears again. It takes a second for your eyes to catch up as your brain is still remembering what you heard in Alex's room.

You walk into your room and see clothes thrown everywhere. Tops and bras hanging on the bed. Tights, panties, and delicate lace thongs of all sizes and colors are scattered all over the floor, Pants, skirts, and shoes littered the floor. You look up to see your topless wife with her back to you. Her bare white breasts are so gigantic that you can see how those huge fat tits stick out on the sides of her slender torso, and despite all the conflicting feelings you have in your head you can't help but admire and get excited at the sight of those huge tits.
Hannah is wearing probably the tightest jeans you've ever seen, they hug every curve of her fat round ass. She leans forward, her long shapely legs completely straight, Hannah is wearing sexy red velvet pumps with 5-inch heels, they are the only heels this high in her closet, she only wears them to Christmas parties, she looks really sexy, too hot actually, she looks like a slut.

Emily was standing behind Hannah with her state-of-the-art iPhone focusing on that big fat ass and taking photos and bossing around your sexy wife. You are trying to think of a compliment to flatter your wife when your ******** sees you standing in the doorway. "Hey! This is a private set! Don't look, you weirdo!” Chloe jokingly says, but still, she made you feel like a voyeur. As Chloe walks up to you in the door, you can't help but notice how her big round breasts bounce, Emily's right, your ******** and your wife have the best butt in the whole town, and for some reason that knowledge doesn't make you proud, it actually makes you feel nervous and scared. You look at Hannah and see her looking over her shoulder at you with a strange expression on her face, your previously demure and modest wife looking completely flushed, embarrassed, and almost apologetic, but also excited and joyous like you've never seen her before, you make brief eye contact with your wife before Chloe slams the door in your face.

Someone says something, though you're not quite sure what it was, and then a chorus of giggles comes through the door. You feel a bit lost in your own home when you think you might as well go back downstairs to watch TV. You walk past Alex's room and you're not sure if it's your imagination playing tricks on you or if your pretty girly son is still masturbating, but you swear you can hear more of those feminine meows of pleasure from under his door.

Going downstairs, you see that the television is still on. The credits have long since rolled and the movie menu is still on the screen. The handsome black man is smiling sinisterly at you with the sexy white actress hugging him grinning from ear to ear, apparently also under his spell as is your entire ******. You turn off the DVD player and in some frustration watch a boring cooking show, hopefully, you'll learn how to make a new dish and Hannah will compliment you on it.

♠ Chapter 03 ♠ ♥ "Jerry" Monday, October 5 ♥

You wake up on the couch the next morning after apparently, no one noticed that you slept in the living room. Stiff and groggy, you start to get up and realize it's time to get ready for work. You go up to your room and you see that the bed is empty but the sheets and blankets are completely messed up on the floor. Hannah had a rough night, maybe she had nightmares you tell yourself.

You step into the shower and bathe in five minutes, there's no time for the water to heat up, so you find yourself shivering under the icy shower, and you can't help but look between your pale legs, and there it is almost completely hidden between your blond pubic hair, your little pink penis, fully erect is barely four inches, right now under the icy water, it can't be more than two inches. You feel completely humiliated and pathetic, you always knew you weren't great in that department, but after seeing for the second time Jarrad Christensen's thirteen-inch BIG BLACK COCK fucked to madness a sexy white woman, who was devoted and in love begged for that huge black anaconda, you feel inadequate, incomplete, you feel emasculated... as if you weren't a real man.

You shake those terrible thoughts out of your head and rush to go out and get dressed for a long, boring day at the office. When you make it to the kitchen to grab some food before running out the door, you see Hannah standing in front of the window of her nice expensive apartment, bought with Hannah's money of course, she's looking out over the city of New York with his coffee in his hands. Her pajamas are tiny, lycra shorts that hit just below her fat, round ass, her thick, pale thighs glowing like magic in the morning sunlight, you take a moment to admire her when she finally notices you.

"Good morning, Jerry, you didn't come to bed last night," Hannah says with a smile.

“Uh, well you guys closed the door and I guess I fell asleep watching TV. I thought you would have woken me up when they finished taking photos.”You say maybe a little defensive."

“Really?” Hannah didn't even catch your tone, “the girls and I were having so much fun I didn't notice.” She laughs. Her soft eyes didn't show an ounce of malice even though you felt ignored and rejected for most of the weekend.

“Oh… O-okay. The sofa wasn't too bad… Uh well, I guess I should go…”

“Alright honey, have a nice day!”
Hannah says brightly but doesn't take a moment to look at you. Under normal circumstances it means nothing, but right now you'd kill for a little extra attention from her, but you just can't seem to get it. “Thank you, Hannah…”, you wait a moment to see if you can get one last smile, but she's lost in thought with her coffee staring out the window, you walk sulkily out of the apartment to the elevator of your building.

After a boring day at work, you come home and see that Hannah is back too. Her job at the stock market is much more comfortable and she is away from home for fewer hours than you, she could work from home if she wanted to and still make a considerable amount of money more than you do, but your wife likes to get out of the house and go to his office on Wall Street daily. You try not to be jealous, but sometimes you just can't help it, you don't say anything because who would that help?

Hannah is on the couch with her nose to the phone, tapping. "Hi, Jerry," Hannah answers without looking up at you. “Oh hey, I was talking to Chloe today and Emily wants us to go to the high school basketball game this Friday, she wants us to see the new cheer squad choreography. She is working up credits to win a cheerleading scholarship to college, she invited me and Chloe over, so I decided we should all go as a ****** and cheer her on.”

"Oh, I suppose?"
You mumble.

You've never been into sports, seeing a bunch of men taller, stronger, and more skilled than you showing off in front of a crowd made you feel small, weak, and timid.

Hannah rolls her eyes at your lack of enthusiasm but doesn't say anything, she's back on her phone giving you the green light to change and shower. Before you know it, dinner is ready and everyone is sitting at the table to start eating. Over dinner, Hannah mentions that they are all going to the basketball game to support Emily. You expect a bit of whining from Alex since all he's done since his ballet teacher tragedy is lock himself in his room, but Alex isn't complaining at all and you were counting on Alex refusing to go, so maybe you could stay with him at the house, but Alex seems excited about spending Friday night watching a basketball game.

“Do you want to go to the game Alex?” you ask, almost desperately looking for a way out.

“Huh?” Alex asks curiously, “I mean, yeah… Emily's been a good friend since we moved in a year ago… plus Mr. Osei will be there. Today he told me that he wanted to watch the game with me this Friday ”.

“Osei? What an exotic last name, where is he from?”
Chloe curiously asks her little brother.

“His name is Osei Jelani… he is a black bull… that is to say a black man, he is African and his name means, King born at night, it is the Swahili language”, Alex answers with his soft voice and sweet voice, he looks embarrassed and proud in equal parts by admitting that Mr. Osei is so important to him that he even knows the origin and meaning of his name.

“And who is this African Mr. Osei, honey? A teacher?” Hannah asks, really excited.

“Oh…Uh…he's just a friend…Mr. Osei isn't exactly a teacher, he's an African businessman and the sponsor of the school's basketball team, a scout, and he's donated a lot of money to the school, so who goes to school very often to make sure things are done well…”

"And how did you meet this African Mr. Osei, my pretty boy? You seem to like him a lot."
Hannah asks Alex with a mischievous smile on her full lips.

Alex blushes and hides his pretty fairy face behind the long sleeves of his black sweatshirt, and shakes his cute little head from side to side, refusing to speak, completely ashamed.

"Oh come on Alex! Count up! Count up!" Chloe who is sitting next to Alex begins to tickle her little brother, Alex laughs and squirms until between shrieks of hysterical laughter he calls for her to stop. Chloe stops, and when Alex catches his breath he begins to speak.

“One day I was walking down the hall, and you know me… I'm always looking at the ground… so I bumped into Mr. Osei. He is so… strong… so black… and so big… I bounced and fell backward, but before I hit the ground, Mr. Osei held me with his huge black hands, he was so chivalrous,” your pretty and feminine son sighs excitedly, remembering that meeting, “Since then he has been super nice to me. Every time we go to school he talks to me, and he always gives me a huge chocolate ice cream stick, Mr. Osei says that good white boys should learn to lick big fat chocolate bars properly! He has asked me to go with him to the basketball games a couple of times, he always goes to them, but I never do… I still felt sad for Madame Papillon.” Alex confesses in his sweet voice, his huge round doe eyes shining with excitement.

“Wow! Their meeting sounds like fate! So romantic! And he seems so kind and loving!” Chloe strokes Alex's pink hair lovingly, “Emily is right, you are one lucky bitch!" Alex hides behind his handyman again and blushes from receiving so much attention.

"Well that's perfect, it's great that you finally want to get out of your room, baby!" Hannah looks happy to see her pretty little boy, animated and excited about something, the last year had been difficult for Alex, and both you and Hannah were worried about Alex's depression, "Since this Mr. Osei is important to you, we'll have to meet him on Friday night!” Hannah exclaims excitedly.

“Wait!” you manage to say while trying not to choke on a mouthful of salad, “How come you're okay with Alex talking to this Mr. Osai or what's-his-name?!”

"I don't know what you mean!"
Hannah looks at you confused and a little offended by your annoying tone.

For a moment you are silent, not sure if he is serious. "I mean this man... this African man... this sponsor, he sounds like an older man, is it okay for an older man to associate with Alex, he's still a kid!" your voice rises in volume. Alex at that moment shrinks and looks shyly at his plate, and you can see how his beautiful gray eyes fill with tears.

"I don't see anything wrong! Alex can talk to whomever he wants and I certainly don't see the problem with a wealthy, kind, chivalrous black man taking an interest in my pretty boy!" Hannah begins to yell in fury.

You cringe, Hannah is always kind and sweet, she rarely raises her voice and almost never gets angry, but she now looks completely indignant, and she looks at you with disgust and disapproval. She feels miserable, and you immediately regret speaking out against the strange friendship between this mysterious Mr. Osei and your delicate and pretty son.

“Alex is turning fifteen in two weeks! He's old enough to have any kind of relationship with any black male he wants and since when is there a legal age to have a friend?! The only pervert who thinks weird things is you, ***!” Chloe joins the other side and faces you, while she hugs her brother comforting him.

"Or is it the fact that Mr. Osei is African that bothers you, Jerry?" Hannah asks you with a sneer, "Are you a disgusting racist Jerry?!" Hannah, Chloe, and even Alex look at you with an expression close to disgust.

“No, I'm not racist! I didn't mean that, I…I thought about the age difference between this black man and Alex who is so small, and so white… I mean so young… I didn't mean his race," your incoherent stammer dies at those disapproving looks, so you stop talking and now you're the one staring at his plate, embarrassed and humiliated like a grounded child, "I'm sorry! Okay?"

“Well, it's decided! On Friday we will go to see the basketball game, we will support Emily and Alex will introduce us to that African gentleman who has been so kind to him. Is that clear?!”
Hannah frowns at you, still disappointed in you.

“Of course honey, whatever you say…”, your voice sounds defeated and weak, and you mentally kick yourself for ruining everyone's dinner, an awkward silence falls over the table and everyone finishes eating without speaking.

That night when you and Hannah are in bed, Hannah scolds you once more. “Alex has been very depressed since his ballet teacher died, he hardly talks to anyone, and spends the day in his room, if this Mr. Osei can bring joy back to your son and convince him to leave his room, you should thank him on your knees, I won't allow you to interfere with Alexis's happiness”, Hannah again has all her attention on the screen of her cell phone, where dozens of photos of tall, big, muscular and very black men shine in high definition, not even deigns to look at your face, “on Friday we will meet this African gentleman, you will be nice, or I will be very angry with you!”

“Yes honey, I'll be nice, I'm so sorry, I never meant to upset Alex”,
you apologize once more, and you feel a knot in your stomach and a stab in your heart. Your beloved wife is defending a black man she doesn't know, while she scolds you, her husband she has been married to for twenty years.

“I forgive you, but let this be the last time you act like a disgusting racist, now go to sleep!” Hannah continues to look at the Instagram of some black model or actor and still doesn't glance at you, You lie next to her bed and fall asleep feeling miserable.

♠ Chapter 04 ♠ ♥ "Jerry" Tuesday, October 6 ♥

The next day you wake up early and prepare a delicious breakfast for your ****** as an apology for your behavior last night, again you apologize, this time you apologize to Alex and assure him that you are looking forward to meeting the mysterious Mr. Osei.

The work day goes by long and boring and you come home as usual, Hannah, Alex, and Chloe are talking and laughing in the living room, you walk up to them and discover that the three of them are watching and exchanging videos and photos of very muscular and very black men. Hannah asks you, although it's almost an order, to prepare dinner. You try to show off by making a new smoked salmon recipe, but your ****** devours the food without thanking you, and as they eat Hannah announces that she wants to have a ****** movie night again. Emily had lent Chloe a movie from her collection, it of course is another A.C.E production. Hannah is very excited, as Emily assures that it is really good. Inside you feared this and was trying to think of a way to escape, got a work call? You are too tired?

“Uh, I'm a little tired Hannah, I'd fall asleep in the middle of that,” you stammer.

“Well then sleep with us on the couch. It is not a big thing." Your wife smiles at you. Damn! You should have used the work call excuse.

They all go to the living room and sit down to watch the movie, you and Hannah are on one side of the couch, and Chloe and Alex are on the other. Your beautiful and sexy wife is wearing a thin and light pink silk robe that clings to her voluptuous curves like a second skin, under that silky fabric you can see a set of modest and boring underwear, but neither the thick bra nor the thin robe are enough to hide how her fat nipples are already fully erect.

Chloe wears tight little white lycra yoga shorts that expose her round and soft buttocks, her huge double D breasts are barely covered by a little yellow top that is about to tear trying to contain your ********'s huge tits.

Alex for his part is wearing one of his long black sweatshirts, the soft fabric reaches halfway down his soft, plump thighs. Which immediately draws attention to his long, creamy, feminine legs, all the more so because of the position Alex is sitting in, the dainty little white boy is lounging on the couch with his legs folded like a damsel in distress, like a mermaid on the beach, it's amazing that your male child is seated in a more feminine position than the two sexy women around him. You shake your head trying to get those strange thoughts out of your mind, to stop thinking about it you ask, "What is the movie about this time?"

“Well, to be honest, Emily didn't tell us much, she didn't want to ruin the movie. But it's a boxing story and she says Jarrad's performance is incredible."
Hannah responds excitedly. Of course, Jarrad Christensen is in the movie, you should have guessed, dammit!

"Oh, that's great!" Alex says, his beautiful gray eyes gleaming with longing, his thick, curling lashes flickering rapidly, as he laces their delicate, feminine fingers together and brings them to his chest like a damsel in love. "Jarrad is just the perfect man, a real man... I mean... he's a real actor!"

“This must be the film where that photo of him came from. Remember? The one on his Instagram. Where he's posing with those gold boxing gloves. I thought he was training, he looked so strong, so violent, so masculine… it's cool to see the movie where that perfect photo came from.”
Chloe adds dreamily, Hannah, Chloe, and little Alex sigh in unison with their beautiful, faraway gazes. You grunt angrily and hit the PLAY button on the remote, anything to stop yourself from listening as your whole ****** pines for muscle-bound black Jarrad Christensen.

The movie opens with a blond boy of about 22 punching a punching bag, that average-looking young actor reminds you, again, blond, thin, and very white, although he is a bit taller than you, and is more muscular, his name is Thomas.

"It reminds me of you, honey," Hannah says sweetly as she leans into your shoulder. Your children agree. You feel like all of this is setting you up for disaster again, you grunt in response, the last guy in a movie who looked like you ended very badly.

Skinny blond Tom is throwing punches with a pair of heavy boxing gloves that look huge on his skinny arms, his trainer is a little old white old man who reminds you too much of Rocky's trainer, he stands by his side cheering and correcting the young white boxer.

That grumpy old man is giving Thomas instructions when a beautiful young blonde with blue eyes appears on the scene, the pretty white girl is quite small, 160m tall, maybe a couple of centimeters more, her face is very cute and innocent, almost childish, her platinum blonde hair is cut in a pixie style, which gives her a cute and androgynous elf look, she is slim, and she has cute little A-cup breasts, but what stands out the most about the blonde actress are her exaggerated hips wide, and round, fat buttocks that make her look deliciously pornographic.

Everyone in the room can see that this pretty little blonde girl looks a lot like Alexis, both with her childish androgynous face and her platinum blonde hair, but the way that thin little actress looks most like Alex is in those huge fat round mare buttocks that look so fucking vulgar and pornographic on such a skinny little body.

“Look at that ass!” Chloe says in amazement, “he's almost as big and fat as yours Alex! That blonde girl lot like you little brother!”

"Shut up Chloe! It isn't true!".
Alex yells in that high, soft voice of hers as he tries to quiet his sister by giving her weak, girly blows.
"Chloe is right my pretty boy, that beautiful and sexy white girl looks so much like you, so small and yet so sexy with that gigantic peach-shaped ass she looks just like you!" Hannah says happily as she nuzzles Alex's elven ears.

"Mommy enough! I'm not as pretty as that actress!” Alex moans in embarrassment, but his freckled fairy face is flushed with pride.

“Oh my pretty boy, you are a hundred times more beautiful than that white girl!” Hannah smiles lovingly at her delicate, feminine boy.

Alex just hides behind his pretty dainty hands as he blushes flattered and proud.

The sexy petite blonde with huge buttocks can't be more than 20 years old, her name is Bianca, and she introduces herself as the loving and faithful wife of Thomas, she's there to bring her husband lunch.

Bianca hates that Thomas is dedicated to boxing, she considers that sport something of wild and primitive men.

But every time Bianca asks her husband to quit the sport, Thomas reminds her that he has spent the last year training to face his nemesis, and promises that when he succeeds in avenging his father he will retire from boxing, and then they can live. happily ever after.

The film changes the scene, now you can see the young married couple in their small apartment, where Bianca is getting ready in front of the bathroom mirror, the beautiful white girl is wearing a white lace babydoll and a matching thong that sinks between her fat and round buttocks, the fabric is so transparent and thin that it exposes her rosy nipples and her soft, clean-shaven vagina but with a small triangle of soft golden pubic hair, which guarantees that the young wife with gigantic buttocks is a natural blonde.

Bianca tries to seduce Thomas who is watching television in the living room, but when the sexy blonde girl straddles her husband's lap, he throws her to the ground and walks away from her in anger, when Bianca cries in frustration and hurt, Thomas yells at her that she knows she's forbidden to have sex until the big fight.

Bianca screams furiously and with tears in her eyes she locks herself in the bedroom.

Another reason why Bianca hates boxing is because Thomas' trainer has forbidden him from having sex for the whole year she's been training, according to the old curmudgeon, cumming weakens the legs which is why Bianca hasn't had sex for more than a year and has to settle for masturbating every night in the solitude of his room.

And that's exactly what the big-ass blonde does.

The camera focuses on her from different angles while Bianca begins to caress her sexy body sensually, when her delicate fingers enter her soft and wet vagina you realize that you have a boner, that young white girl looks extremely hot as she undresses pleasure, moaning in frustration, it's clear that her slender fingers aren't enough to put out the heat in her tight pussy.

Thomas simply waits outside Bianca's room listening to her feminine moans of pleasure, the skinny white boy sits in the hallway stroking his skinny little five-inch penis, his pathetically dripping pink glans completely covered by Thomas's hand.
You feel humiliated all over again, remembering your tiny four-inch penis while listening to your wife moans in sexual frustration.

After just five minutes the young blonde is about to ejaculate, but stops himself just in time and runs to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

The sexy Bianca is still on her bed writhing desperately while one of her hands is caressing and pinching one of her pink nipples and the other inside her thong furiously caressing her needy vagina, Bianca is moaning and whimpering as she tries to satisfy herself, but after a sensual fifteen-minute scene where you and your ****** can see the beautiful actress from all possible angles, Bianca gives up and frustrated she takes off her sexy lingerie set and goes to sleep angrily.
"That little white boy is so stupid!" Chloe's beautiful voice echoes through the room, “How dare she put Bianca down like that?!”

“You're right Chloe, the little white boy is cute. A black man… a real man would know exactly how to treat a sexy white wife like Bianca!”
Hannah snaps back at her ********. As you and your ****** watch Thomas under the cold shower, the movie flashbacks, and for the next half hour, the movie cuts to Thomas' childhood.

Thin, blond Thomas grew up in a small ****** of three, consisting of his father, Todd, an ordinary white man, and his mother, Diana, a beautiful blonde with green eyes, long shapely legs, a small round firm ass and a pair of huge tits so perfectly round it's obvious they're enhanced.
Thomas' father makes a living as a mechanic, but practices boxing as a sport, sometimes boxing menial fights to earn a few extra bucks.
The small white ****** is very poor, but it is a united and happy ******, Todd and Diana love each other and his son deeply, and they show it with tender scenes of his daily life.
Everything is going well until Todd asks for money to open his auto shop from "Big D", a huge fat old black man, who is the boss of the city's mob.
The shop isn't very successful, so Todd falls behind on his debt payments.
It is at that moment when Jarrad makes his appearance in the film.
One day while twelve-year-old Thomas and his busty mother are visiting his father at work, "Big D" arrives with three huge black men behind him, and it is not a surprise to discover that one of them It's Jarrad Christensen.

According to what you had learned over the days from the excited and excited talks between Hannah, Chloe, and Alex, Jarrad is currently 40 years old, but at that time, thanks to makeup and movie magic, the huge black male appears to be a maximum of 25 years old, a young boxer at the beginning of his career.
“Wow, he looks so young!” Hannah fans herself with her dainty hand, “he looks so handsome!”

You listen to the sweet voice of your wife as she looks flushed and heated to see the huge black male looking young and handsome.

“He looks good, but… I prefer him just the way he is now, there's nothing better than a mature black man”, Chloe opines, as she bites her lip excitedly, “Don't you think so Alex?”.
“Yes…mature black men are so big, so confident, so wise, and so experienced…I think I would feel…I think any white girl would feel very safe, very protected, and very much in love in the strong arms of a mature male black".
Alex is licking her thick slutty lips, while his gray eyes are glued to the screen.

You just shift uncomfortably listening to that girl's talk, the two sexy women and the delicate white boy have completely forgotten about you.

So you decide to ignore them and continue watching that movie that you like less and less.
The movie continues: The big old black moneylender demands payment of the debt from Thomas's father, and when the pathetic white man admits he can't pay, the two huge goons hold him up while Jarrad uses him as a punching bag.
The scene is cruel, raw, and violent, little twelve-year-old Thomas tries to help his father, but Jarrad throws him aside as if he were some annoying little insect.
The 15-year-old blonde teenager just stays on the floor crying completely helpless.
The muscular black stud continues to pummel Todd with a cocky, devilish smirk.

Throughout this violent scene, the sexy and busty blonde wife is simply paralyzed like a deer in the headlights, with her beautiful green eyes wide open watching in astonishment and a little bewitched as that huge black male beats up her weak husband, that cruel beating seems to last eternally, as the film delights in focusing on each bloody blow in slow motion, they also take the time to focus on Diana's excited expression of shock and fascination every time Jarrad punches her husband, the busty blonde bites her lip and squeezes her thick, long legs, while her nipples get hard under her clothes.
You feel angry because of those terrible scenes, and when you turn to see your ****** the anger turns into disgust and disbelief, Hannah, Chloe and even Alex have the same bewitched and enthralled look that the blonde actress with the fake tits has, apparently Seeing how three gang members cowardly beat a hard-working father of a ****** seems exciting to them.

Finally, Diana shakes her head from side to side as if trying to wake up from a dream and begs Jarrada to stop.
The busty white wife grabs onto one of Jarrad's huge arms and rubs her gigantic, round, fake tits from side to side while pouting sexily on her lips, begging him in an almost childish voice to please stop hitting her. husband.
Jarrad looks the sexy blonde wife up and down and her wicked grin grows.
The huge black stallion stops hitting Todd who is almost dead by now, and after thinking about it for a moment and with a cruel smile on his black face he says:
“I propose a deal white boy. I heard that you practice boxing so I will pay your debt, but in exchange, you will fight me in the ring next week, if you win, you will not have to pay anything, but when I win I will take this sexy white girl with big tits as a prize... she will be my bitch, my bitch, my whore for just one night. It's a good deal isn't it, white boy?"
Jarrad laughs wickedly as he takes a look at the sultry blonde wife.
Diana blushes when she hears that and a shy smile lights up her pretty white face.
Todd who can barely stand up and whose eyes are so swollen that he can barely see anything can't answer and it's Diana herself who accepts the offer.
The blonde wife with huge tits looks happy, almost eager as she accepts her offer, looking spellbound into the dark eyes of the muscular African male who just savagely pounded her husband.
"I accept!, I accept!, That is to say... we accept the deal, Todd will lose against you... that is to say, he will fight against you, and when you win... that is... if you win, I will be absolutely and completely yours!".
Diana looks thrilled with the idea of being Jarrad's whore for one night.
Jarrad then grabs the busty blonde wife by the waist and kisses her fiercely in front of her son and her husband, Diana melts into the arms of the huge African stud and eagerly returns the wet French kiss.
The camera focuses on the obscene union between Jarrad's big, black lips and Diana's soft, pink lips, the thick tongue of that huge black man violating the small, sexy mouth of his white wife.

The blonde with enhanced tits is moaning with pleasure in Jarrad's arms.
"Oh, my God! Jarrad was so kind and generous to make that offer!” Hannah sighs as she winces at the pornographic interracial kiss. "He's quite a gentleman!"

You feel how your stomach twists in disgust and amazement when you hear that twisted logic come out of your wife's sexy mouth.

Jarrad was a goon for a gangster loan shark, and he had just savagely beaten a man with the help of two other black gorillas, then basically proposed to his victim to bet his wife like she was a piece of meat, like she was a whore. , and then he had "forcibly" kissed that beautiful white wife in front of her husband and son.

And somehow Hannah thought Jarrad was the hero?

When you are about to scream at how unfair and irrational your wife is, you are interrupted by Chloe's emotional voice.

“You're right Mommy, Jarrad is so generous in paying off that pathetic white man's debts, and in return, he simply asks for a sexy white wife as payment… I'd pay for one night with Jarrad…! Diana is so lucky! If Jarrad was willing to fight for me, I would be in a dream!" Chloe trembles to imagine that.

“Jarrad was so…so violent…so savage…so brutal…”, Alex's soft, delicate voice carries through the room, and you feel a bit of hope, finally, finally someone besides you has seen how cruel, unfair, and bloody that was that scene, but when you look in his direction, you find him completely gone, enthralled, bewitched.

His freckled cheeks are flushed red, his pink hair sticks to his forehead with sweat, and your pretty son's breathing is completely erratic.

The thick white sweatshirt she is wearing tonight fails to hide Alex's hard nipples that feel hard and erect under the fabric, one of her delicate hands is stroking her left nipple hard, and the other between her thick thighs is touching her crotch femininely.

Alex has his sexy fat slut lips parted in an "o" of amazement and his little pink tongue drools those sexy lips every once in a while, apparently watching Jarrad punch a white man triggered something inside Alex.

“Jarrad was so cruel…so strong…so…so manly…so masculine…so domineering!” Alex sighs as he bites down on his fat, wet lips.

"Alex! He tries to calm you down! You look like a bitch in heat!” Chloe playfully slaps her brother on her shoulder.

“Don't be mean to your little brother Chloe! My pretty boy is just excited to see his beloved Jarrad wearing those huge black cuffs, right Alex?" Hannah hugs her pretty little son and kisses her silky strawberry blonde hair.

Alex just cringes in shame and hides his beautiful elf face between his mother's huge tits.

You are simply left in complete shock, your entire ******'s reaction to this horrible movie is simply absurd, no matter how cruel, horrible, or evil Jarrad was, he would always be seen as a hero by your sexy wife, your beautiful ********, and your cute and delicate son.

The movie continues and you resign yourself to continue watching that horrible story until the end.

The next scene of the film is the fight between Todd and Jarrad, they both arrive at what seems to be an illegal fight club, it is a dark and dirty bar where criminals, gangsters, and prostitutes meet, all of them thirsty for blood, desires for seeing other people's violence and pain while they get *****, drugged and have sex.

Todd looks terrible because he only had a week to recover from the street beating that Jarrad gave him, instead the young Jarrad looks gigantic, muscular, and strong, he looks just perfect.

Thomas looks worried and terrified, seeing his father step into the ring, who still has fresh bruises and injuries.

Diana, the beautiful sexy, and busty white wife, is wearing a tight green silk one-piece dress so small that it barely covers her stunning round tits, leaving the beginning of her pink nipples visible to everyone, and so short that it barely covers her it can cover Diana's firm and round buttocks, the blonde wife walks on some sky-high 6-inch platform sneakers and as a cherry on the cake the busty white girl is wearing vulgar and flashy makeup that makes her look like a cheap whore.

Diana has her green and beautiful eyes fixed on the tall and muscular black boxer, who is in the ring preparing for the fight, the white wife smiles at him and flirts shamelessly, Jarrad smiles back and begins to pose tensing and showing his huge muscles of steel.

Todd and Thomas are so nervous that they don't notice Diana's sexy attitude.

The fight begins... and the young Jarrad slaughters Thomas's father savagely, round after round the perfect black Adonis hits his little rival with his huge gloves, shattering skin and bone, Thomas screams desperately trying to stop the bloody fight.

As her mother watches in utter adoration as the huge, muscular, and savage Jarrad slaughters her petite husband, with each powerful blow the sexy wife becomes more and more entranced by Jarrad's raw violence.

The blonde wife and mother are increasingly excited and excited, the sensual woman bites her lips and caressed her sexy body lewdly, her nipples look erect and swollen, threatening to break the thin fabric that covers the round and enhanced tits.
The fight ends abruptly in round six when that huge and powerful young black boxer delivers a terrifying right hand to Todd's already mangled face, that powerful blow is so forceful that it snaps the small white boxer's neck.

The film is recreated showing that scene in slow motion, the huge glove hitting the white man's face, spilling blood and saliva into the air, and with an audible crack, you can see in high definition the moment in which Jarrad takes the life of the father from Thomas.

The white boxer falls to the canvas like a sack of potatoes, his body is completely limp and broken, and there he lies motionless in a pool of blood.

When the scene returns to normal speed, the muscular Jarrad spits in the face of the white man he just beat to death.

Young Thomas climbs into the ring to catch up with his father and on his knees, screaming and crying, tries to no avail to wake Todd up.
When you see the raw scene you feel how dinner turns in your stomach.

You turn to look at your ******, hoping that seeing that savage murder and the young blond boy crying over his father's corpse will finally provoke a backlash against Jarrad, but on the beautiful faces of Hannah, Chloe, and Alex there is only emotion and admiration. seeing the huge and muscular black man humiliate the corpse of his rival.

The terrible scene continues and if Jarrad's attitude seemed cruel and sadistic before, the following is simply disgusting.

The huge, muscular seven-foot black man steps out of the ring and picks Diana up with his powerful arms as if nothing was wrong and carries her princess style.

The white wife, newly widowed, joyfully embraces the neck of her husband's murderer, her green eyes sparkle with desire and admiration, her cheeks are flushed red, and on her red lips is a sensual smile that says “Please fuck me! ”

Her full attention is on that muscular black male who just proved his superiority by beating a pathetic weak inferior man to death using his masculine brute strength.

The muscular, victorious black giant strides confidently and confidently into his dressing room with the sexy white woman in his strong arms.

Thomas is so shaken up as he continues to shake Todd's corpse that he doesn't notice when Jarrad “kidnaps” his sexy mom.
When Thomas finally realizes that Jarrad is claiming his prize, he runs after the huge black bouncer still with tears in his eyes, but Jarrad has already entered his dressing room to the applause of the crowd who applaud him and give a standing ovation.

Thomas starts kicking and banging on the dressing room door as he screams and cries pathetically.

The scene changes to show inside the dressing room, where Jarrad is wildly kissing and caressing the busty blonde mom.

Diana is passionately moaning and kissing her husband's black murderer while stroking Jarrad's BIG BLACK COCK above his Boxer shorts, Jarrad and that sexy mature blonde are intertwining their tongues in a pornographic way when Thomas' screams and cries break them. distract from their sinful encounter.

The powerful black giant breaks that obscene furious kiss for the interruption.

Jarrad then gets up in a rage and opens the door, while Diana remains on the huge sofa in that dressing room half-naked and with a face of frustration and desire.

The frustrated expression on the beautiful face of that round-titted blonde actress is frozen on the screen when Hannah pauses the video.

“How pathetic and annoying that little white boy is!” Chloe's voice is full of contempt, “poor Diana, she looks so frustrated!”

You just stare at your ******** in amazement.

"You're right honey! How dare that little crybaby to interrupt Jarrad!?", this time who you listen to in horror is your beautiful and sexy wife, "Jarrad and Diana look so good together... it's a scene just beautiful, Jarrad is a great actor, you can feel the passion and the desire, coming off the screen. If someone interrupted my make-out session with Jarrad I'd be furious too!"

“I would never do something like that Mommy!”
Alex tells his mom with his handsome face worried about his mom getting mad at him, “If you and Jarrad were kissing, I'd be super happy for you. , and I would never, ever, ever dare to interrupt them… well… I might want to see a bit, it would be so hot to see you in Jarrad's strong arms while they share saliva…”, Alex blushes imagining that scenario, you feel nauseated.

“I know my pretty boy, I know you would never do something like that!” Hannah hugs her special boy, “And if I'm ever having a wet make-out session with Jarrad Christensen, you can look at us all you want, of course, only if Jarrad agrees."

You are shocked to hear your Hannah imagining a sensual make-out session with a giant black actor.

“Hannah, honey!” you say offended, unable to keep quiet any longer.

“Oh shut up Jerry, it's just a joke, Jarrad would never notice an old woman like me”, Hannah angrily shuts you up.

“What are you talking about Mom?! You are more beautiful and sexier than that blonde with fake tits! Jarrad would be interested in you!” Chloe pats Hannah's shoulder encouraging me while looking at her confidently, “And Alex, I'm sure Jarrad would not only allow you to watch, he would surely invite you to participate, would you like that, naughty girl?"

"Oh shut up Chloe!"
Alex covers his pretty elf face in that cute and feminine gesture that is already a habit with him, his freckled cheeks are flushed with embarrassment, but a mischievous smile adorns his fat whore lips.

You remain silent, listening, and each word is a blow to your ego and your weak manhood, but you do not dare to face your beautiful wife, you are afraid that she will tell you to shut up again.

Hannah presses the remote, and the movie continues.

Jarrad opens his dressing room door, and little Tom throws himself at the muscular black man kicking and punching weakly, Jarrad laughs cruelly as he stands there completely blocking the doorway, the pathetic tantrum of that weak little white boy it does no harm to the huge black male.
After a couple of minutes in which Jarrad laughs loudly in Thomas's face, the gigantic black gets bored and enraged surrounds that small young man's neck with his huge black hand, and begins to choke him.
Thomas thrashes and squirms as his face turns from red to blue, as Thomas is about to choke to death, Diana's sexy husky, needy voice calls out to Jarrad.
“Jarrad…baby…come back…I need you…”,
Diana begs with the sexy moans of a female in heat.
Then Jarrad throws little Thomas out and shuts the door in his face, the camera cuts to Thomas on his knees, crying as his mother's outrageous moans of pleasure come through the door, Thomas just cringes as his sexy, beautiful, blonde mother screaming words of total dedication and eternal love to the man who just killed her husband.
The next hour you have to watch another scene of hardcore and explicit interracial sex.
Jarrad penetrates the gorgeous, busty blonde actress with his magnificent thirteen-inch cock and fucks her in a dozen sexy positions, the camera reveling in the intoxicating contrast between Jarrad's black African skin and the smooth white skin of Diane's porcelain.

You are not surprised to discover your whole ****** masturbating on their clothes again, the three beautiful “white girls” have their eager gazes focused on the raw scenes of that huge black male wildly penetrating the petite blonde actress, Diana moans squeals and screams in pleasure as she feels the BIG BLACK COCK crash into her uterus and even though you hate yourself for it you can feel your little penis getting hard, seeing that sexy busty white wife being fucked crazy by Jarrad is just too hot.

The scene ends with Diana on her knees being showered with what looks like gallons of hot African cum.
Diana's beautiful face is covered in what looks like a pint of thick potent black male cum, the ecstatic white girl licks and swallows all the cum she can catch on her soft pink tongue and declares it delicious as she smacks her lips. completely happy.

The story returns to the present, where Jarrad is the absolute boxing champion; No longer fighting in dark, stinking illegal bars, Thomas is training to beat him, steal the title, and avenge his father.
You just try to ignore the needy gasps and moans that Hannah, Chloe, and Alex let out, it'll take them a while to catch their breath.

Thomas is poor but honest, so he has to work daily and uses his free time to train hard, the little white boxer tries his best, and although his life is difficult, he has the unconditional support of his trainer and his sexy blonde girlfriend. huge fat buttocks.
Meanwhile, Jarrad is dedicated to insulting and humiliating Thomas in the media, making fun of his father's death, and referring to him as a little white boy, as if that were not enough, Jarrad always appears accompanied by his beautiful mother. of Thomas, who shows her sinful and sensual body barely covered by small and sexy clothes typical of a luxury prostitute.
But the worst thing is that that wild black man forces the beautiful Diana to wear a dog collar around her neck, a beautiful and luxurious leather collar adorned with diamonds and gold, but a dog collar after all, a chain of gold joins that necklace to the huge hand of Jarrad, who does not hesitate to kiss, caress and squeeze Diana's obscene body in front of the cameras, presenting her to everyone as his white bitch.

Thomas's mother for her part simply obeys Jarrad blindly, while she looks at him completely devoted and in love with her, her smile and her bright green eyes only show how happy she feels to be treated like a pet by the giant black boxer.
You feel sick seeing that huge, muscular African male, slutting the beautiful, blonde woman, but seeing your ******, you can only see emotion.

Chloe, Hannah, and even Alexis look with obvious envy at Diana, who is wearing micro shorts so small that they could well be white jean panties and a tiny pink lycra top that barely covers her huge, round, operated breasts, and as a touch Finally some towering pink platform pumps with 6-inch heels.

"Oh, my God! That outfit is totally cute…those heels are beautiful!” Alexis's effeminate, delicate, fluty voice interrupts the film.

When you turn to look at your delicate son, you can see how his huge doe eyes shine greedily when he sees those whore clothes that Diana is wearing in the movie.

"You're right, my pretty boy! Diana looks simply spectacular! although… maybe the necklace and the chain are a bit too much…”, Hannah responds to the pretty son of hers.

“I would wear anything Jarrad told me to wear…and that collar makes her look so sexy!” Chloe says as she bites her lip and nuzzles her pretty neck as if searching for her dog collar.

“The necklace is totally cute! It looks so expensive and elegant…! But if it was pink it would be perfect!” Alex makes himself heard again.

You just feel more and more uncomfortable and upset, these horrendous and bizarre movies are affecting the minds of your ****** alarmingly, but you are too weak and cowardly to face your wife and children.

“I don't get why you wear black and white when we all know you love pink,” Chloe tells her little brother.

Alex cringes embarrassed and uncomfortable, everyone in the ****** knows why he doesn't wear pink anymore, that feminine and pretty color reminds him of his late ballet teacher.

“Chloe is right my pretty boy! Pink is your color! You looked so cute in your pink tights…”, Hannah hugs her delicate little son trying to comfort him.

Alex doesn't answer anything and everyone returns their attention to the screen.

Thomas has been training hard, and the blond actor sports small but defined muscles that you could never have, but it makes you feel good to see how someone so similar to you can have such a manly figure, for a moment you allow yourself to believe that this movie doesn't be so bad.
And when you watch a practice fight between Thomas and another young boxer, you can tell that Tom has a real shot, the skinny blond boy knows how to punch.
You're excited! Hopefully, Hannah, Chloe, and Alex will see an upgraded version of you beat Jarrad to the punch.

The film progresses and Bianca convinces Thomas to live a little, going out dancing with her before the big fight.
The film shows a romantic and quiet night in a nice bar, where Thomas and Bianca slowly dance, both looking happy and in love as they hug each other and move to the soft music.
But Thomas gets turned on by being so close to his sexy wife and ends up with a small boner in his pants.
Bianca strokes Thomas' small penis as she tries to convince him to have sex with her, reminding him that they haven't had sex in over a year.
Thomas steps away from the beautiful, big-assed blonde and angrily reminds her that her coach has forbidden him to have sex.
The two break apart, Bianca looking utterly frustrated, and Thomas goes into the bathroom where he locks himself in a stall and waits until his pathetic boner goes down.
While Thomas is locked in the bathroom, Bianca returns to the bar where she angrily asks for a drink, but at that moment Jarrad enters the bar.
Jarrad notices Bianca drinking at the bar and smiling mischievously approaches her.
Bianca tries to get away from the black giant, but Jarrad, confident of her, corners her by wrapping her muscular arms around her and begins to tell her that she is going to feel terrible for hitting her boyfriend.
Bianca responds uncertainly that Jarrad shouldn't be so confident, that maybe her little boyfriend could beat him.
"I'll tell you what". Jarrad says in a smooth, deeply masculine voice, "Give me a good time on the dance floor and maybe I'll take it easy on the fight."
“…Okay, I'll dance with you if you promise not to hurt him so much…”, the blonde and sexy Bianca answers and begins to dance with him… too close.
Like all scenes between Jarrad and a beautiful white woman, it seems to go on forever.
The beautiful white girl with fat and round buttocks hangs from the powerful neck of that black giant, and after a couple of minutes of dancing, Bianca begins to let herself go, and her look of fury, disgust, and frustration changes to a submissive look of wonder and surrender.
The screen focuses on her face in shock and lust as she feels the huge biceps of that African giant.

Then Jarrad puts his black claws under Bianca's dress and covers the fat white buttocks with his huge hands, and squeezes them hard, the beautiful blonde gives a small moan of surprise, but does nothing to avoid that lascivious caress, she simply opens in amazement her beautiful blue eyes.
Jarrad hugs her closer and the camera pans to the giant black boxer's crotch, where everyone can see a huge bulge caused by Jarrad's gigantic BIG BLACK COCK getting hard.
The evil black man rubs that gigantic erection against Bianca's belly, who moans and sighs in disbelief at the size, hardness, and heat of that African penis.
Bianca begins to rock back and forth sexually with her delicate white hands behind the thick and strong neck of that black male.
The beautiful white wife stares into Jarrad's black eyes, her beautiful blue eyes clouded with desire and adoration.
But, Jarrad jerks her around and she leans in, shoving her plump ass hard against the African giant's crotch.
At first, it's Jarrad who rubs his huge boner against Bianca's gigantic round ass, but after a few minutes of sensual dancing, the huge black male stops moving and it's Bianca who rubs her fat mare's ass against the hard cock she's dealing with. to rip Jarrad's pants.
Jarrad's handsome African face lights up with the wicked, confident smile that is her trademark, and then he brings her huge black hands to the white wife's small breasts, pulling her close to her body.
Bianca gives a small cry of surprise, which turns into a moan of desire when she finds herself trapped, Jarrad's huge black hands completely covering her small breasts, and the African giant squeezing and pinching the blonde's erect nipples wife.
Bianca simply moans and squeals as she brings her delicate hands up and caresses the neck and nape of the black male who holds her down, her wide hips moving in sensual circles, caressing Jarrad's massive erection.
The muscular black god then begins to kiss and bite the delicate neck of that white wife, Bianca simply stretches her delicate neck to give way to Jarrad, who kisses, licks, and bites her delicate white skin with true lust and desire.

Jarrad then lowers one of his black paws and begins caressing Bianca's vagina in front of all the people in the bar, they all look at them in amazement, the women look at Bianca with hate and envy, and the men can't stop staring. I want the sexy blonde with a big booty to act like a whore in heat in the middle of the dance floor.
You just can't believe that these kinds of scenes can be considered erotic art, or whatever, plus you feel disgusted and hurt, Thomas's beautiful, faithful, and loving white wife is acting like a slut after just a few caresses of that evil black.

You look at your ****** and see Chloe and Alex staring at the screen. Alex narrows his eyes and bites her fat lip sexy. Chloe has a slight smile and her nipples are so hard that they almost tear her low-cut top, her huge and round tits move thanks to her heavy breathing.

The slow, sultry song ends and the white wife is still sensually rubbing her fat ass on Jarrad's groin, with the entire bar watching in silence.
A few more seconds of that and it's Jarrad who spins her around and they come face to face.
"Very good baby. I am a man of my word. I won't beat your weak little white husband too much." Jarrad says with that devilish grin on his handsome face as he slides his huge hands under Bianca's skirt once more, squeezing those fat white buttocks fiercely. "Why don't we seal the deal with a kiss?"
Bianca is completely lost in the dark gaze of the black stud who is stroking her bottom possessively, and she just moans as she nods submissively, like a good white girl.
Bianca is wearing sexy six-inch heels, but Jarrad is still nearly two feet taller than the petite white girl, the booty blonde wife stretches into Jarrad's handsome face with her beautiful blue eyes narrowed with desire as her mouth prepares to kiss the huge black god.

Jarrad doesn't bend down to meet the little white wife, instead, he lifts the little girl by her fat white buttocks, Bianca widens her eyes in surprise at the strength of this black stud lifting her as if she weighed nothing. nothing, frightened by the sudden embrace, the young wife hugs his neck seeking protection and security, and then Jarrad kisses her suddenly.
Alex, Chloe, and Hannah moan in time with the blonde actress on the screen.

You just feel horrified, seeing how that huge and wild black man can easily seduce a loving white wife.

The kiss is as usual, pornographic, the tongues of both actors are curling and caressing each other furiously, the kiss is nasty and wet, and the excellent sound quality of the movie can catch the wet sound of the mixed saliva of that powerful huge black bull. and the small and delicate white female.
The kiss lasts at least five minutes, five long minutes in which you turn to look at your ****** and see, without being surprised this time, Hannah, Chloe, and Alex, licking their lips with desire and lust, while their hands already began to caress their bodies shyly.
At last, the raunchy interracial kiss ends, and Jarrad lowers the petite blonde wife to the floor, her small breasts puffier and larger than ever, her hard nipples threatening to tear the fabric of her evening gown, Bianca swaying unsteadily, her beautiful thick legs are shaking and can hardly hold her, the beautiful white wife is about to fall, and Jarrad holds her again by her fat huge white buttocks, Bianca clings to his neck again staring into the black eyes of that black male, his eyes cloudy and lost, and it takes a moment to react.
Still smiling, Jarrad says:
"Now why don't you go find that pathetic little husband of yours and tell him the good news?"
“…Yes… I'll do that… Thank you…”, comes out of the blonde wife's mouth with a moan.

Jarrad forces her away from him, and with a loud, resounding slap on the bottom sends the big-butt blonde wife back to her husband, Bianca staggers away looking over her shoulder at Jarrad as if she didn't want to get away from him. He still.
"Oh, my God! That was so nice of Jarrad…” Chloe exclaims dreamily, suddenly breaking the tension in the room.

"You're right Chloe, Jarrad is so chivalrous, and kind, Thomas is so lucky, Jarrad isn't going to hurt him much, and all he asked in return was a little dance from his wife, Jarrad is a real man," Hannah replies. in a low voice, leaving you speechless.

“It was so romantic! The way he carried her… she looked so small in her arms was just beautiful, Jarrad is a dream!” Alex sighs excitedly.

That? As? That evil black stud just blackmailed and groped a married woman! How is he kind of a hero right now?

The night of the title fight finally arrives, and a huge crowd turns out to see the stupid white boy who has dared to challenge the great and undefeated Jarrad.
Thomas arrives accompanied only by his old coach and his sexy blonde wife, who is strangely quieter than usual, Bianca hardly speaks to her husband and can't look him in the face, the spectators start booing, insulting, and throwing things at him.
Jarrad instead arrives with an entourage of fans and friends, all of them black and muscular, but he is the blackest and most muscular of them all.
He is also accompanied by a beautiful, sexy, mature blonde woman.
The beautiful blonde MILF is wearing the sexiest cheerleader outfit you've ever seen, the outfit is black and gold to match Jarrad's black shorts and gold gloves.
That sexy blonde MILF is none other than Diana, Thomas's mom, and she looks completely happy dressing like a slutty cheerleader.
Thomas has a pained and disgusted expression as he watches his mother jumping and bouncing as she waves two pom poms in the air encouraging Jarrad.
Bianca in turn is wearing the sexy and tight miniskirt from the night before, the same clothes with which Jarrad groped her during that sensual dance that Bianca had given him in exchange for not hurting her husband.
The fact that the beautiful blonde wife with the huge fat buttocks wears the same sexy and tight red dress is a signal, a sexual claim, an obvious message for Jarrad.
Look at me!, Look at me! said that sexy outfit.
The fight finally begins, and as if a small goldfish had been thrown into a shark tank.
Jarrad rips Thomas apart as easily as a lion rips a lamb.
Round after round, the little blond boxer looks worse and worse, the blood of the stupid white boy stains the golden gloves of the huge African male, who continues to cruelly punish Thomas, each blow is terrible, each powerful punch shatters skin, and bone, after only three rounds Thomas can barely stay on his feet, the crowd is booing him, and insulting him, Jarrad just smiles confidently and proudly, posing showing off his huge black muscles before every punch, his dark evil gaze focusing each time on the blue eyes from Bianca.
The white wife with the huge buttocks blushes and smiles every time the huge black Adonis looks at her, her nipples look hard and erect under the tight red cloth, and Bianca sways flirtatiously as she watches as Jarrad rips her husband apart. she.

Thomas doesn't notice that Bianca seems more and more aroused and in love with the huge black male, what little attention she can muster after the brutal beating she's receiving is on her sexy blonde mother, the sensual MILF with round fake tits has spent the whole He fights jumping dancing and cheering the gigantic black stallion every time he hits his weak little son.
You are simply stunned, the terrible movie simply continues showing how that muscular African macho massacres the skinny blond Thomas, while his mother and his wife drool over him, you cannot believe that someone wrote such a story, much less that it is found filmed, but what surprises and disgusts you the most is that your entire ****** is also completely entranced and in love with Jarrad, six beautiful eyes follow every movement of those powerful black muscles drenched in sweat.

Hannah, Chloe, and Alex are completely mesmerized, your sexy wife is stroking her gigantic tits, her nipples looking hard and erect.

Chloe is caressing herself too, but unlike her mother's her delicate, pretty hands are between her thick, shapely thighs, Chloe rocks from side to side.

Alex is even worse, the little pink-haired boy is sitting with his feet up on the couch, his knees up to his face, his obscenely huge buttocks fully on display, and his slender delicate pianist fingers caressing his anus over his tight underpants that are stretched to the maximum by those round and fat buttocks.

After several minutes of watching this white guy gets humiliated by this big black hunk, Jarrad finally goes in for the kill, knocking him out with a slimy punch.
Standing over Thomas's unconscious body he looks at Bianca and winks mischievously, then spits on the limp body of her defeated rival.
Bianca silently says a genuine "thank you" to Jarrad with a sweet smile before looking down at her defeated husband on the floor. The crowd goes wild.
Jarrad removes his gold gloves that are drenched in blood and step out of the ring and the sexy MILF in a cheerleader outfit throws herself into his huge arms as she kisses and caresses him obscenely, Jarrad just carries her with one hand on her nice firm buttocks as if nothing was wrong, and then she stalks over to Bianca, who just stands there flushed red, her hands clasped in front of her like an excited little girl, her beautiful blue eyes fixed on the tall, black, muscled man. Jarrad figure.
The black boxer lifts her with her free hand, her huge black claw holding onto one of the fat, round white buttocks of that beautiful girl so similar to Alex.
Jarrad walks away from the ring and walks into his dressing room with both blonde women in his powerful arms.
He then throws the two sexy white girls onto a huge plush sofa, then the huge African gorilla authoritatively snaps his fingers, and the blonde MILF shows Bianca a slutty cheerleader outfit identical to the one she's wearing.
An excited Bianca lets Diana undress her, under her tight red silk dress she is wearing a set of black lingerie that stands out scandalously against her white skin, her sexy blonde mother-in-law helps her to dress in that obscene cheerleader outfit that leaves nothing to be desired. imagination, and with the help of her sexy mother-in-law little Bianca puts on a pair of towering gold platform pumps, with 18-centimeter heels, then Jarrad forces pretty little Bianca to her knees, and in an obscene and bizarre ceremony Bianca frees Jarrad's monster cock and starts kissing, sucking and licking that fat anaconda, and for the next hour the big booty white girl and the sexy blonde MILF fight each other worshipping, licking and sucking like two hungry little calves that perfect twelve-inch BIG BLACK COCK.
When Jarrad finally comes, it's all over Bianca's androgynous face, her pretty face completely glazed with what looks like a glass of thick, hot African cum, but the beautiful white girl is smiling utterly in love and bliss, her mouth open. wide open and her pretty little tongue fully stretched out so she could taste Jarrad's thick white cum like it was the most delicious of delicacies.
And even with her face covered in cum, Jarrad puts a fancy dog collar around her delicate white neck, and in her deep, husky voice he says.
“This is your baptism, from now on and forever you are my whore, my dog, my female and I am your King. I am your BLACK KING”.
"Yes, MY BLACK KING, I am your bitch, your bitch, your female from now on and forever, I love you with all my heart MY BLACK KING."
The pretty little white girl with huge fat buttocks touches and caresses her new necklace, grateful and in love with her, a huge smile lights up her face covered in her semen, one of her eyes closed by the sticky and thick black male milk.
That black leather necklace is adorned with diamonds and gold like the one on the MILF with fake tits next to her, now both belong to the huge black male who has stolen them from her husband.

Diana begins to lick the hot milk of the black bull from her ********-in-law's face, and they both exchange the delicious African semen between obscene lesbian kisses, when the pretty face of the little buttocked white girl is clean Jarrad already has a new and powerful boner, so he starts fucking his two white females in an animal way.

On the huge high-quality screen another scene of explicit interracial porn unfolds in front of the watchful eyes of your ******, you just don't know where to look, the expert shots of the film show two beautiful white women being savagely penetrated by the gigantic twelve-inch BIG BLACK COCK.

In your living room your wife, your ********, and your effeminate son are masturbating over their clothes, their feminine moans fill the room and you feel more and more uncomfortable.

Alex is worse than the other night, this time the little pink-haired girly boy is pinching her nipples and stroking her little asshole over her clothes with scary intensity, and while Chloe and Hannah continue to try to cover up their moans With pleasure, Alex lets out little cries and exclamations of desire shamelessly, not caring who's listening.
Seeing that little actress so similar to him being "baptized" and fucked by the muscular and black Jarrad Christensen has completely driven him crazy.

You don't know how to feel about it, Alex is your only son, but now watching him drool and squeal like a slut in heat while masturbating to explicit interracial porn, you finally admit that Alexis is absolutely and completely gay, it's more delicate, more feminine and more beautiful than any woman, and likes men more than any woman.

You sigh and once again concentrate on the pornographic scenes in high definition, and although you don't want to, you have to admit that you are excited too, seeing those sexy white girls being used as simple whores by that muscular and giant black man is simply hypnotizing.

The scene lasts for at least another hour where Jarrad fucks these two white girls with primitive strength and masculinity, the two beautiful white girls moan, cry and beg for the attention of the huge alpha male, Jarrad has superhuman stamina and while two beautiful blonde women have half a dozen orgasms, all very real, Jarrad doesn't cum again until the very end, as both white females beg and moan for the semen of that black stud, Jarrad decides to shower them both with his hot cum white wives, and the film ends with an exciting and pornographic image of the two kneeling blonde wives grinning from ear to ear as they open their mouths and stick out their tongues to receive Jarrad's abundant cum.

The movie ends, and Hannah, Chloe, and Alex shudder with pleasure, you turn to see them, all of them have their eyes closed, and their beautiful and sensual bodies tremble enjoying the silent orgasm that they reached.

You can't move, you can't bear to keep seeing your whole ****** gasping and shaking with desire and pleasure for Jarrad so you watch the credits on the screen, trying your best to ignore it all.

"Jarrad was just perfect in this movie," Alex says first, breaking the silence with his delicate, sweet voice.

"I don't think he can put on a bad performance," Chloe answers.

“No way. Jarrad is the best.” Hannah chimes in. You are speechless as Hannah looks at you and says, “See? You didn't fall asleep, I told you it was going to be a really good movie!"

Everyone goes to bed before you do, leaving you alone on the couch.

After about ten minutes of forcing yourself to calm down, you go upstairs, past Alex's room, and hear the same creaking springs.
You hear him moan suddenly.

"Oh, Daddy Jarrad! Cum on me! Please! Please make me your whore!"

Without delay, you move towards Chloe's room, whose door is ajar. Upon reaching her peak, you see her topless lying on her bed looking at her phone. Her huge round full tits perched perfectly on her chest, her pink diamond hard nipples accentuating her boobs perfectly.

Her hand moves quickly under the covers, making her beautiful tits move and bounce. She bites her plump lip trying to stay as quiet as possible, but you still hear a moan from her now and then. You sit dumbfounded looking at her for about 5 minutes before you realize that she is your ******** and if you get caught you will die. You walk slowly and quietly from her room to yours.

When you get to her room, you hear the shower running and see that your bed is empty. It's a little unusual for his wife to shower at this time of night, but she's just a shower. You poke your head into the bathroom to see your beautiful wife through the fogged glass, leaning against the wall with her head thrown back. She's slowly running one hand up her pussy, when she reaches up to her breast with the other, tugging at her nipple and letting out a small moan.

You see this as an opportunity to get some action as you walk away from the bathroom and start stripping. When you take off your shirt, you see her phone on the bed with the screen on. Unable to fight your curiosity, you pick up the phone from her and the screen shows Jarrad's Instagram.

He has hundreds of posts, almost all of them of him shirtless. You look back at the bathroom where your wife is pleasuring herself and you know the last thing she looked at was this big black stud.

You remember that she did an Instagram the other day and you are curious to know what his page is like. Her username is just @HannahQoS and she says that she is married which makes you feel so much better. You see that she has posted a bunch of photos that you assume are from the photo shoot with the girls the other night.

In most of them, she wears tight outfits that she rarely wears in front of you. In a couple of them, you're pretty sure she's wearing some of Chloe's clothes, including one with a top that shows a lot more cleavage than she ever flaunts. She already has over 1000 followers which I think is a lot considering she just did her Instagram like 3 days ago. You see she's following a lot of people, dozens of profiles, all of them huge, muscular black men, but the top three are Chloe, Emily, and of course, Jarrad.

You decide to click on Chloe's page and are surprised at how provocative your girl's page is. She has tons of bikini pics, she's in tight dresses, and shorts so short and pulled up that her buttocks are fully on display. You stare at a lot of the photos of her before taking a look at the people she follows. A lot of those people are what you'd assume are some of her friends, but when you look more closely, you start to see tons of black people.

Lots of black males.

Rappers, athletes, other celebrities, and of course you see Jarrad there. You are about to check Emily's page when she hears the shower stop. Damn, you lost the chance to be with your wife because you were too busy peeping on her and your ********'s Instagram. What's wrong with you? You quickly close everything and turn off the screen.

"Oh, Jerry! I didn't hear you come in." Hannah says with a smirk, walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her voluptuous body.

"He-Hey honey…", you stutter as you watch her drop the towel and put on her pajamas.

You two get into bed and you start to approach her to see if she's still in the mood.
"I thought you were tired, honey." Hanna laughs.

"Uh, not anymore," you say with a cheesy smile.

"Well, I'm tired now. Maybe next time honey." She says giving you a quick peck and turning to grab her phone.

You don't push her and back off preparing to just go to sleep. You look at your wife and over her shoulder, you see her on Instagram looking at another of Jarrad's shirtless photos. She hits the like button and you sigh and go to sleep. At some point, you tell yourself that you will confront her, that you will talk to her, but not yet. You're still too scared to beat Hannah in an argument.

♠ Capítulo 05 ♠ ♥ “Jerry” miércoles 7 de octubre ♥

The next day after a long and boring day at work, you come home to see Hannah relaxing on the couch. She's focused on her phone like always lately.

You are going to kiss her on the cheek and say hello. As you get closer, you see that she is on Jarrad's page again. Defeated, you kiss her, but she doesn't even notice it, as she would rather see a picture of the huge black stallion than welcome her beloved husband.

"Hey honey…" you mutter.

It's like she didn't even process the kiss until you said something.

"Oh Jerry, you're here!" Hannah says amused, apparently she finds it funny that she didn't realize you were there. "As was your day?".

Hannah asks about your day, but her gaze remains riveted on the screen of her Smartfon.

You make small talk about how your day was when Alex and Chloe burst in excitedly talking about something, fresh off the street, looking downright excited and happy.

"Oh hey mom! You need to see what we found at the mall!" Chloe says with a big smile.

"What is honey?"
asks your beautiful wife, clearly more interested in what Chloe has bought than hearing about your boring day.

"Alex, show him yours first!"
Chloe cheerfully orders her beautiful little brother.

"Okay Dokey!" Alex says with a little girly laugh. He Unfolds a poster and shows it to you.

The huge poster shows a high quality image of the movie they watched the day before, FIGHT FOR LOVE, Jarrad Christensen is standing facing the camera, flexing his huge, muscular black arms up, each and every one of his bulging and strong muscles stand out beneath his sweat-drenched, glossy black African skin, Jarrad is completely naked except for his massive gold boxing gloves.

And squatting in front of him is the pretty little blonde actress who played Bianca, the beautiful sexy white girl is wearing the tiny sexy gold and black cheerleader costume she wore in the movie.

Bianca's back is turned to the camera, her tiny skirt exposing her huge, fat, white, soft, round mare's buttocks that look so much like Alex's, a golden thong dividing the fat, huge, white ones. cheeks obscenely.

The little white girl is wearing those sexy gold platform pumps with seven inch heels, which makes her legs and ass look sexier than ever.

Bianca is also wearing the luxurious dog collar made of fur, diamonds and gold.
Bianca's pretty hands caressed with tenderness and love Jarrad's hard black abs, her delicate fingers with perfectly manicured nails rubbed the black skin drenched in sweat of the black adonis.

But the most outrageous part of that poster is Jarrad's huge thirteen inch BIG BLACK COCK, that monstrous African banana shown swollen and hard, but not fully erect.

The fat and heavy black anaconda rests on the androgynous face of the small and big booty blonde actress, a giant smile and a look of absolute love adorn Bianca's pretty face, while her small and upturned nose is pressed against the heavy and gigantic black testicles of the black giant, and even though it's a static image, you can almost hear how the beautiful, buttocked white girl is breathing deeply the masculine aroma of the gigantic black balls the size of tennis balls.

The huge BIG BLACK COCK looks powerful, fat, heavy and full of thick veins, her thirteen inches are bigger than Bianca's pretty little face, so the puffy black giant mushroom head sticks proudly towards the forehead, facing camera, swollen, bulbous, dark brown glans as big as a billiard ball, looks wet and shiny, urination slit is huge and looks like a cyclops eye, from that obscene slit hangs a thick rope of precum so thick it extends at least 20 centimeters.

That long string of pre-cum is thicker and more abundant than any ejaculation you've had in your life.

You look horrified at that pornographic image and cannot understand where they dare to sell this obscene poster, and how someone could have sold it to a childish, sweet and delicate white boy like your son without asking for identification.

"Oh wow! That poster is just beautiful!"
Hannah almost screamed. She is jumping on her spot with excitement and you watch her fat ass and huge tits bounce and shake as she smiles and looks at the poster.

"It is! right mommy?! It's just perfect! Diana looks so beautiful in that cheerleader outfit and her sneakers are just divine!” Alex looks ecstatic as she does girlish little hops with her beautiful doe eyes fixed on Jarrad Christensen's fat BIG BLACK COCK.

"Oh come on Alex you're not fooling anyone! We all know he picked that poster for only one reason, one big fat black reason!" Chloe laughs at her little brother and points to Jarrad's huge BIG BLACK COCK resting on the pretty face of that white girl who looks a lot like Alex, “But I don't blame you, that white girl looks so much like you, and she looks amazing! so happy loving that huge BIG BLACK COCK!”.

"Enough Chloe! It's not that I wanted to be dressed as Bianca… and I definitely didn't want to be in her shoes…! It's just that this poster is so… pretty and… and… Bianca is so sexy! Yeah, that's why I bought this poster, because I like how sexy Bianca looks in a cheerleader outfit!”
A completely blushing Alex hides behind the obscene poster of him, but, although he tries to excuse himself with his pathetic lies, everyone knows that the delicate and pretty blond boy is completely in love with Jarrad and his gigantic BIG BLACK COCK. .

"Oh my pretty boy! You have nothing to be ashamed of, I think you would look even better on your knees in front of Jarrad, your ass is rounder, fatter and bigger than that actress's, and that cheerleader uniform would look better on you." Hannah cheers up the pretty boy of hers.

Alex just blushes and laughs girlishly.

"Look at mine too!" Chloe says, unfolding her banner, saving Alex.

Chloe's poster is also by Jarrad Christensen, but the scene is from “RESCUE LOVE”, Jarrad is again on his feet, again facing the camera, and again completely naked.
Anna Heather is also completely naked, and she's also facing the camera, but she's not standing, no, the beautiful, busty woman is in the air, supported by Jarrad's strong and muscular black arms, and more importantly She is held by the fat, long and powerful BIG BLACK COCK of the African stallion.

Yes, the picture on that poster shows Jarrad carrying Anna Heather by the knees, the sexy brunette's pretty, shapely legs are spread wide, and would show off her tight, clean-shaven little vagina to the world if it weren't for the Jarrad's gigantic fat BIG BLACK COCK, that black anaconda is hiding Anna Heather's tight vagina thanks to its incredible thirteen inches and is so hard and erect that the bulbous black head is touching Anna's belly above her navel.

Anna has her arms stretched up and back clinging tightly to the neck of her black male, her huge double D size tits are fully exposed, looking like two perfect soft white melons, topped by two fully erect rubbed nipples.

Her gray eyes are focused on Jarrad's handsome but tough face, Anna has a goofy and happy smile and the expression on her beautiful face is one of complete adoration, that beautiful and busty woman is absolutely and completely dumbfounded by that black stud that holds her in the air.

Jarrad is looking towards the camera with his everlasting evil and proud expression.

"OMG! I love that scene!" Hannah yells this time.

Once again, she jumps a bit as she moves all over her sensual body.

And indeed, that poster is portraying one of the innumerable and obscene sexual positions in which the huge African male fucked Anna Heather during the end of the film.

"Me too! I just had to get it when I saw it! Alex and I must have been in the store looking at posters for an hour before we got to choose! There were so many good ones! In fact, I almost had to fight with another girl for this one!" Chloe laughs. "But the store clerk brought more so everyone could have their own, the cashier said Jarrad's posters sell like hot cakes!"

"I bet so!"
Hannah starts laughing with her, "I'll have to go see them!"

You are about to intervene, but the words get stuck in your throat. Chloe quickly takes your place in the conversation.

"You may not have to..." she says with a cheeky smile "We knew you'd want one!" And with that Chloe pulls out a third poster.
"Girls! You shouldn't have done that!"
Hannah yells as she bounces and claps her hands.

You notice that Hannah has used the word girls to refer to your two children, you are about to correct her by noting that Alex is actually a boy, but the three of them just continue the conversation as if they hadn't noticed anything unusual.

Chloe unrolls the third poster to reveal a collage of scenes from "RESCUED LOVE."

The center and largest photo is a close-up of the wedding scene. With Hannah's doppelganger wearing her obscenely see-through wedding dress looking dreamily at Jarrad and kissing him deeply. That is a vulgar and pornographic French kiss, Anna Heather's little pink tongue is tangled and subdued by the thick and powerful tongue of the African stud.

They are both in profile, looking deeply into each other's eyes, Anna has her delicate arms wrapped around the black giant's thick neck, her huge breasts covered in sensual white lace pressed hard against Jarrad's hard pecs.

Jarrad in turn is holding Anna by her round, firm buttocks holding her possessively.
The beautiful brunette wears that vulgar and sexy wedding dress that looks more like a piece of lingerie, but Jarrad is completely naked, and how could it be otherwise, Jarrad's gigantic thirteen-inch BIG BLACK COCK is completely hard and erect. That fat, powerful African anaconda is trapped between Anna's flat white belly and Jarrad's hard abs. The powerful and hard BIG BLACK COCK is so long that it almost touches the heavy and round breasts of the beautiful white woman.

But, although that pornographic interracial love scene is the focus of attention on the huge poster, you note with disgust that on the four edges of it there are a dozen scenes of explicit interracial sex between the African giant and the beautiful white woman, the macho giant. African and the sexy and busty white girl are fucking in all imaginable positions: MISSIONARY, COWGILR, REVERSE COWGIRL, DOGGY STYLE, 69, half of those erotic sexual positions were performed anally, one of them is the same scene from the poster of Chloe, but the thick and gigantic BIG BLACK COCK is completely inside Anna Heather's tight vagina.

You can see the busty and beautiful white actress smiling and moaning in ecstasy as the huge and muscular Jarrad is wildly penetrating her every orifice, Jarrad looks perfect, dominant and completely masculine, while the “Hannah” on the poster looks fragile , submissive, delivered and completely in love, the contrast between their skins is hypnotic, and even if you want to deny it, those vulgar scenes are incredibly erotic and exciting.

Those scenes of rough interracial sex between the movie's “Hannah” and Jarrad are burned into the brains of every member of your ******, some of you for different reasons.

"Oh girls! It's beautiful!"
she says sweetly and walks over to hug them. Little Alex gets wrapped up in Hannah's big tits and when he hugs Chloe her huge tits get absolutely smashed against her mom's gigantic F-cup breasts. When they separate, you can see the nipples of both girls hard as rocks.

"I just have to find a place to hang this... maybe in our room..."
Hannah looks at you questioningly.

You're literally squirming in place with a lump in your throat, and you let out a sigh of relief when she says.

"I feel like maybe I'm a little too old to have posters by my bed. But I'll find a good spot!" she says she smiling.

The girls run to her room to hang her new prized possessions while Hannah admires her new poster, looking at it lovingly.

“It's so beautiful, isn't it?” Hannah asks you without taking her eyes off the poster.

"Uh…I-I don't know Hannah, do you-do you think it's okay for Alex and Chloe to have th-kind of posters in their bedrooms?"
you stammer pathetically in a small voice.
Hannah rolls her eyes.

"You never understood art." says her wife as she walks away and up the stairs.

"A-Art? They-they're just posters of f-movies. Also... Don't... don't you think they're scenes too explicit? I... I don't know if... if it's a good idea for Alex to have such a pornographic poster for you in his room… he… he's j-just a kid.” you mutter almost to yourself, for even though you want to give your opinion, you don't want to make Hannah angry.

"Jarrad's movies are not pornography! How many times do I have to remind you that the movies he produces A.C.E. They are not pornography, they are racially erotic?! And Alex's poster is a beautiful work of art that represents a perfect, necessary, and romantic act of reparation from the white race to the black race! If you can't see the perfect erotic work of art that these beautiful scenes are, it's because you're a racist, old-fashioned, privileged white man!”
“I… I'm sorry, honey. No… I didn't want to bother you”.
You answer feeling humiliated, and sad, you hate that Hannah gets mad at you.

“I hope she doesn't repeat herself! I'm starting to think I married a racist creep!”, and spitting out these words, Hannah walks up the stairs without once looking at you, her full attention focused on the vulgar interracial scene on the new poster of hers.

You stand there like a scolded child, and after a couple of minutes you also go up to the second floor.

You slowly walk down the hall to your room, passing each of the “girls” rooms.

As you walk past your dainty, girly son's room, you realize Alex has hung his poster on the wall opposite the door so that when you walk into his room it's the first thing you see.

Your pretty son is lying in his bed, facing the obscene poster, so he can't see you, his full attention is focused on that beautiful, fat blonde girl with huge mare's buttocks who looks so much like himself.

Horrified, you realize that Alex is sensually caressing his delicate body while his beautiful gray gaze fixes on the huge and heavy BIG BLACK COCK that rests on the androgynous and pretty face of that blonde actress.

When you see Alex bend her long, shapely legs into an M shape and begin caressing between his rotund feminine thighs, you walk away blushing.

Meanwhile, in Chloe's room you can see her mother helping her hang hers on the ceiling, just above the bed. When they are done, they both lie down to admire the scene. They begin to embrace at the sight of the fully naked married white woman in the arms of the massive black stud, their girly giggles intensifying as Hannah points to the fat, long thirteen inch BIG BLACK COCK covering Anna Heather's tight, bare vagina. .
You get the strength to walk away and finally make it to your room to change clothes and take a shower.

As you take off your clothes you see your wife's new 'art' is rolled up on the bed. You sigh and go into the bathroom to shower.

When you're done and go back to your room, the poster is gone, and luckily it's not hanging on any of your bedroom walls.

After changing into clean clothes you walk down the hall past your children's rooms again to see Chloe still lying on her bed looking up. She is stroking her tits when she hears you at her door. You pretend you just walked by and think she believed it. Alex's door is closed and you hear him moaning and girlishly squealing and his bed springs are clanking again behind the door. You know what he's doing.

Finally, you pass Hannah's home office, you see her hanging her poster. The look in her eyes as she smiles at the sign makes you feel so small.

You're practically invisible right now, anyway, she still hasn't seen you at the door. Hannah bites her lip and fondles her gigantic tits, when you feel like you've tortured yourself enough and you pull away from her.

"It's just a stupid crush on a celebrity...", you reason with yourself.

♠ Chapter 06 ♠ ♥ "Jerry" Friday, October 9 ♥

Friday night rolls around and everyone is getting ready for the game.

You are dressed and waiting for everyone at the door when Chloe and Alex come down the stairs first. Chloe wears an exaggeratedly tight white lycra top that shows a good amount of cleavage, it's so tight you can see the sexy black lace bra that tries to contain her huge round boobs, she wears black yoga leggings that cling perfectly to every inch from her round, heart-shaped ass, the fabric is so thin and stretched so tightly across Chloe's thick, shapely thighs that you can see your ********'s underwear, she's wearing a sexy lace thong that is outrageously attention-grabbing to the sexy mound of her pubis and the perfect "camel toe" that her soft labia form.

Those black leggings cling like a second skin to Chloe's long and sexy legs, legs that stand out even more since your girl walks on some pretty winter boots, white and furry, with 10-centimeter heels, they are not at all vulgar and without However, those small heels further enhance Chloe's firm and round buttocks.

You blush realizing that you're leering at your sexy and beautiful ********, so you focus on your son. Alex wears a pink sweatshirt, but this is not one of her typical oversized long hoodies of hers, this pretty sweatshirt is cropped, feminine, and very tight, highlighting her narrow shoulders, slim torso, and tiny wasp waist.

The pretty pink sweatshirt only reaches to the tiny ballerina waist of the delicate little Alex, exposing Alex's obscene, fat, round mare's buttocks.

Those vulgar fat peach-shaped buttocks are clad in skintight, girly white jeans, her long, fat, pretty legs look deliciously feminine, Alex is wearing a pair of pink Converse.

As your gaze travels up those rotund girly legs and obscene fat mare ass to her beautiful cute elf face you notice she's wearing a bit of mascara and eyeliner, her pretty cheeks have a slight peach blush highlighting the little constellation With pink freckles on the bridge of her upturned nose, her thick little puffy slutty lips have a light coating of gloss that makes them look rosy, shiny and juicy.

Alex's strawberry blonde hair looks different tonight, her beautiful pink hair has always been a little long and wavy, to cover her sharp elf ears, but tonight her golden locks look wet and femininely fluffy bob like some actresses from the 80s.

That feminine hairstyle, his long and curly eyelashes loaded with mascara, his big and pretty doe eyes outlined in black, and his fat slutty lips covered in bubblegum pink gloss, make him look extremely beautiful and sexy, but at the same time innocent and childish.

Seeing your cute little boy in makeup makes you feel strange, even though you always suspected that Alex was gay, seeing his beautiful femininely made-up face makes you feel nervous and scared, especially when you think that your pretty fifteen-year-old son is dressing and putting on makeup to see a mysterious, black, older man, you're about to say something to him when Hannah comes downstairs.

Your wife looks amazing. It's nothing revealing, but she doesn't hide a single curve; Anyone can easily see where Chloe got her huge tits, and where Alex inherited her gigantic fat ass.

Hannah is wearing a tight white turtleneck, the thin woolen garment stretched to its maximum trying to contain your wife's gigantic F-size breasts, those monstrous breasts looking even bigger if that's possible thanks to the flat stomach and tight waist that Hannah maintains based on two hours at the gym daily.

Her long fat legs are covered in tight black jeans, and they look exactly like the ones she is wearing on your girly man-child, just as skinny and tight.

Like the pretty white wool sweater that garment is also being put to the test, Hannah's fat, gigantic mare's ass almost bursting the seams of the tight pants, her pretty little feet walking on a pair of black heeled slippers of 10 centimeters.

Both Hannah and Chloe are perfectly made up, highlighting her beautiful features and in Hannah's case her fat, puffy slutty lips stand out thanks to the cherry red lipstick that covers them.

You look at yourself thinking that you look like a peasant standing next to him.

"Oh Alex, you look so cute! Where did you get that pretty outfit?" your wife says happily.

"Thank you, Mommy! The sweatshirt and sneakers are hers when she was practicing ballet… Chloe gave me one of her old jeans, and she lent me some makeup too," Alex says softly and smiles, as she poses femininely.

“Of course I had to help my pretty little brother, all your clothes are so big ugly, and baggy. I can't have you dressing like an ugly boy tonight! You have to look cute and pretty for Mr. Osei, and that makeup just looks perfect on you,” Chloe replies to her little brother as she leans in to kiss him on the top of her head.

Alex pulls away from Chloe and runs her delicate fingers through her pink hair trying to keep her pretty bob hairstyle from hers.

“Chloe is right, my pretty boy looks just adorable in makeup and cute clothes. Chloe, I have an idea! We have to go shopping to get Alex clothes and makeup!” Hannah exclaims excitedly.

"You're right Mom! Alex needs a new wardrobe now that he already has a man! It will be fun! Girls' day!” Chloe jumps up excitedly, causing her sensual body to bounce and quiver deliciously.

"Mr. Osei is not my male yet!" Alex screams completely red trying to stop the plans of his mother and his sister.

“Did you hear Mom? Not his male yet! Still!” Chloe teases her brother mischievously.
Hannah and Chloe break out in a duet of high-pitched hysterical laughter, while your cute son simply hides behind the sleeves of his tight red sweatshirt.

Again you find yourself completely forgotten listening to that bizarre conversation, and then you notice that your delicate and effeminate son is wearing pink, a color that he had abandoned since the death of his beloved ballet teacher. And in contrast, your sexy wife and sexy ******** were wearing Alex's most typical black and white.

“Why are they wearing those colors?” you ask aloud, confused.

Finally, the two sexy women and the beautiful white boy turn to look at you almost in surprise, as if they had forgotten you were there.

"Oh, Jerry! There you are…” Hannah looks disapprovingly at your plain, ugly clothes.

“Black and white are the colors of Alex's high school basketball team, the BLACK LIONS, of course,” Chloe replies in a teasing tone of voice that makes you feel embarrassed.

“Black and white? So why is Alex wearing pink and white?” you stare at your beautiful and delicate son, your gaze falls on the short, tight pink sweatshirt and the skintight white jeans that highlight Alex's fat, gigantic mare's ass.

"My school's cheerleading squad is the PINK PUSSYCATS and their colors are pink and white," Alex explains as he takes two sports flags out of the front pocket of his sweatshirt.

One of them is white with the black silhouette of a rampant lion, which reminds you of the coat of arms of some medieval castle, the other pennant is a pink silk triangle with the silhouette of a kitten's head embroidered in white thread. “GO BLACK LIONS! GO PINK PUSSYCATS!” Alex waves the pennants as he does girly, excited little hops.

“Emily asked us to wear black and white to support the basketball team, and she asked Alex to wear cheer squad colors to support her.” Chloe also responds excitedly as she sexually poses showing off her voluptuous body dressed in black and white, "Don't we look sexy, ***?"

You again see the two beautiful and sexy women showing off every one of their curves and the cute and girly boy dressed in pink, of course, they look amazing, but for some reason, you don't think it's a good idea for the three members to Some of your ****** members look so sexy and beautiful, you want to tell them that maybe it's a better idea to stay and watch TV and not attend the game, but the words get stuck in your throat.

Before you can get up your courage, Hannah pushes everyone out the door as she says.

"Come on! Come on! We can't be late!"

And so you find yourself being dragged into the hallway outside the apartment by the two sexy brunettes and the beautiful blond boy.

You park your ugly old car in the parking lot just in time to see players from the visiting team get off a bus.

They are a group of very handsome tall white guys with cocky smiles, behind them beautiful white cheerleaders get off the bus and start walking towards the stadium.

"They look a little rough." You say as you pull into the parking lot.

"Yeah…" Hannah replies, noticing that even the shortest guy on the team outclasses you.

After getting a good spot in the parking lot, you and your ****** enter the basketball court, the stands are almost full and the atmosphere is noisy and happy.

You realize that, in effect, black and white are the colors of the home team, the crowd is dressed in a monochromatic fashion, and they hold up and wave flags, banners, and banners that read love and support for the BLACK LIONS, dozens of black silhouettes of medieval lions roar fiercely.

You sit in the middle of the bleachers, and you and your ****** look around for little Emily.

The beautiful white girl is at the foot of the stands, she and the rest of the squad are stretching out their sexy bodies to warm up before their performance.

There are twelve gorgeous cheerleaders, all of them incredibly sexy with full, perky breasts and nice round, heart-shaped asses. And all of them are white.

There are blue-eyed blondes, honey-eyed browns, green-eyed redheads, and even a couple of sexy petite Asians with huge breasts, but every one of them is snow-white.

The twelve beautiful cheerleaders are wearing the sexiest and most vulgar uniforms you have ever seen.

The pretty white girls wear what you can only define as a white mini hoodie with a pink kitty print on the front, it is indeed a hooded sweatshirt, its long sleeves cover the dainty arms of those pretty white girls, and the pretty hood have A pair of cat ears, the tiny, tight garment is so short that it barely covers her pretty, heavy, young breasts, leaving the flat, soft bellies of the dozen sexy cheerleaders, actually those mini hoodies are so short that when they jump and jump you can see the bottom of their round breasts, all those beautiful white girls are wearing delicate and sexy white lace bras, but actually, the white mini hoodies are so tight and skinny that their Pretty white lace bras can be perfectly seen through the almost see-through fabric.

You look down at the body of those beautiful and sensual white girls and you see the vulgar miniskirts they are wearing, they are extremely short plaid miniskirts, checkered in white and pink… Those cheeky clothes are miniskirts typical of a schoolgirl slutty Halloween costume.

Schoolgirl skirts can hardly be called skirts they look more like slightly wide fabric belts, micro skirts are so short that they expose half of the cheerleaders' nice and firm buttocks, even when they are not jumping or flexing their nubile bodies, you and everyone present can see the girls' underwear, you blush to notice that none of them are wearing leggings or sports shorts like the cheerleaders you've seen on TV during some football game, no, every one of them is wearing sexy and provocative white lace thongs, they are so vulgar and small that the back part exposes half of the pretty buttocks of the sexy cheerleaders, in front the small triangle of lace is barely enough to cover the small, shaved vaginas of those dozen sexy white girls.

As if that weren't enough, all those beautiful and sexy white cheerleaders are jumping, flexing, and doing incredible pirouettes, wearing what you can only describe as the perfect fusion of pink Converse and sexy, vulgar, towering platform sneakers with 15-centimeter heels.

Those vulgar pink sneakers perfectly combine sensuality and innocence, further highlighting the Playboy schoolgirl look of those beautiful girls, you marvel when you see how the dozen beautiful cheerleaders walk, jump, and stretch on those sky-high heels with the grace and ease of ballet dancers.

But if the short, semi-transparent mini hoodies and the extremely short micro-miniskirts of a sexy schoolgirl that expose half of her round buttocks are not vulgar enough, if those sky-high 15-centimeter heels are not sexy enough, the icing on the cake It's the vulgar white lace mid-thigh fishnet stockings held up by sexy garter belts, making every man in the building stare at those shapely, thick female thighs.

You know it's wrong to look at those dozen or so young high school cheerleaders with desire and lust, but they're just too sexy and beautiful, and you can't help but feel your little 4-inch penis getting hard.

But while you enjoy watching those young goddesses warm up, Emily turns and sees you and your ******, and smiling, she separates from her squad.

She jumps up at you with a huge smile on her pink lips and her beautiful blue eyes sparkling with joy, her excited little hops making her small but perky tits bounce.

She looks gorgeous in her vulgar cheerleader uniform, the beautiful blonde girl is wearing a perfectly done ponytail and her makeup makes her look simply stunning.

"Hello, girls! Thank you so much for being here!" she says just before a group hug between the three girls and your pretty son.

That hug between three sexy women and an effeminate, big-ass white boy caught the attention of some of the parents in the stands.

“OH MY GOSH! The new uniform is just too cute!” Alex gives a high-pitched girly squeal of excitement at the sight of the sexy schoolgirl kitty costumes his friend is wearing.

"It is! It isn't true? The tights and the light ones were my ideas.” Emily talks back to your son while she's modeling for him.

“I love the kitty ear hoodie!” Alex touches the soft, thin cotton fabric.

"We saw the other team in our way, they looked a bit tough. Do you think the BLACK LIONS can win?" Hannah asks.

"Oh, that's for sure. Our team is undefeated. All I'm worried about is getting my whole routine right." Emily replied

"You're going to be great!" Chloe encourages her.

As the visiting team is beginning to enter the field, a feminine, singsong voice calls out to Emily. She is the cheerleading coach, who is assembling the cheer squad on the court.

When you look at the cheerleading coach for the home team, you're blown away. The sexy trainer looks very young, she can't be more than 27 years old and she is a perfect and voluptuous BIMBO with blue eyes.

Her tits are big, full, and perfectly round, too round, size double D at least, a firm round heart-shaped ass. Her blonde hair is the color of wheat, her white but tanned skin makes her look vivacious and healthy. And even from a distance you can see her beautiful bright blue eyes, her lips are plump and juicy and her perfect white smile is worthy of a toothpaste commercial.

"Our boys are about to go out! I've got to go!" Emily says, giving Chloe a quick kiss and running away, but when she gets to the court, instead of joining the cheerleading squad, Emily walks over to Chloe. the young blonde trainer and whispers something in her ear, Emily points to where you and your ****** are.

The sexy blonde turns to look at them and stops her gaze on Hannah, then she walks over to a man who you have to believe is the coach.

His skin is a deep, dark chocolate, and Jesus, the guy looks like a bodybuilder.

That guy is huge, he must be at least two meters tall, he is wearing tight black denim jeans that emphasize his manly and powerful legs, and his hard and well-trained buttocks, and although you are twenty meters away you can notice how the white polo shirt covering his powerful torso is stretched to its maximum, his broad back and ridiculously huge arms threatening to tear the tight garment, and when the muscled black man turns you can see the perfectly ripped sixpack sculpted from steel beneath the stretched fabric. That gigantic black male has a very serious expression as he looks at the tall white boys from the opposing team.

The sensual blonde trainer has to stretch on tiptoes to be able to reach the ear of that black giant, the beautiful trainer whispers something to the huge and tall black male. Then the mysterious black man looks at your wife and with an evil, confident and arrogant smile winks at her, Hannah who has seen everything just like you, just laughs and waves her delicate hand at that black man who is a complete strange to her. The lights dim and the spotlight falls on Emily and the other cheerleaders, loud, pop music starts, and the dozen or so sexy white girls start shaking their fat round asses up and down while arching their backs in purely erotic fashion.

Then a sexy and pampered voice combines with the sensual music, and the singer begins to rap, you have never heard anything like this in your life, that vulgar music accompanied by that pampered and sexy voice of a porn actress rapping in a rude and sexual way is a strange combination between RAP and POP and the dozen white girls begin to dance in a provocative and vulgar way, their movements are more similar to a stripper's dance than to a cheerleading choreography.


♫ (OH MY GOD) ♫




You listen horrified to the obscene lyrics of that song, did that sexy and feminine voice of a bitch just say that she followed a black guy into her room just because he has a huge dick?

“OH MY GOSH! I love that song…it has a great beat!” Alex's sweet, girly little voice makes itself heard above that provocative and vulgar song.

You turn to look at your delicate son, the beautiful boy with pink hair rocking and wiggling his obscene fat mare's ass to the rhythm of that provocative music.

"You're right my pretty boy! This song has a great beat! What's it called?". Your sexy wife also starts moving her gigantic round buttocks to the beat of the raunchy song, her heavy watermelon-sized tits bouncing hypnotically.

“It's called PUSSY POPPIN! The singer is RICO NASTY! She's just amazing, and her song lyrics are so pretty! I have all her records!"

“You are right my pretty boy, the lyrics are fantastic! You have to lend me those records!”
Hannah is wiggling in a sexual way bouncing her big fat ass and her gigantic tits.

You look at Chloe who, like her mother and her little brother, is also jumping and rocking erotically, her huge tits are about to burst out of her thin white fabric top, and thanks to the fact that the bra your ******** is wearing is made of black lace all they can see her round and heavy breasts.








“I love the lyrics to that song!” Alex is also rocking her gigantic fat mare's buttocks as she raises her arms in the air and closes her eyes enjoying the raunchy song.

“OH MY GOSH! Alex! You dirty girl!” Chloe hits her little brother de Ella with her hips, but Alex's fat, shapely thighs de ella cause Chloe to bounce back.

You just sit there listening to that pornographic POP/RAP song about a girl who got impaled by a black man simply because her dick is too good.

And while you wish your ****** would stop swinging and jumping in that sexual way you can't do anything about it, that awful song is the music Emily's squad is dancing to, what are you going to do? Demand they turn off the music?

And speaking of the cheerleading squad your attention returns to the dozen or so beautiful and sexy white cheerleaders who are jumping, dancing, pirouetting, and flexing in ways so sexy and provocative they border on the pornographic.

All the men present have their eyes riveted on the long white legs clad in those white fishnet stockings, and every time those sexy white girls show off their vulgar pink lace thongs you feel how your little penis trembles with emotion and to your regret you discover that You also have a boner, you look around embarrassedly, but no one is looking at you, those men who are not drooling over the dozen white girls on the court are ogling your ******, all the men and even the women in your Around them can't take their eyes off the sexy figures of Hannah, Chloe and Alex who continue to rock and dance in an increasingly sensual way.

You're relieved that no one has noticed your embarrassing boner, although to be honest, your pathetic 4-inch penis isn't even noticeable thanks to the old jean jeans you're wearing.

Besides, you're not amused that a dozen men are drooling at the sight of your wife's sexy body, your ********'s round boobs, and your son's fat ass bouncing and wiggling to that obscene song.

But all those men who are staring at your ****** are taller and stronger than you so you decide to focus your attention on the beautiful cheerleaders and their vulgar performance.












The beautiful white girls get down on their knees on the floor and all fours begin to shake their bubbly asses, you don't know anything about choreography, but you're sure you've never seen anything like this.

However, your little penis is leaking and you haven't felt it this hard in years.








The obscene music and the hyper-sexual movements of those young goddesses are synchronized in a vulgar but elegant way and your four-inch penis is vibrating, you discover your right hand going towards the front of your pants unconsciously, and you have to use your hand left to stop yourself, Oh my God! You were about to masturbate in public! You were about to masturbate in the middle of the stands, surrounded by a crowd just to see a group of beautiful white teenagers dancing and jumping around, half of them not even reaching legal age and although a part of you wants to run to a bathroom to calm down or at least to be able to masturbate alone, you don't want to miss a second of that sensual choreography. So your gaze falls again on those sweet and sexy girls dressed as whore schoolgirls.








The sensual dance ends and while everyone around you applauds you just can't contain yourself anymore and you let your hand touch the front of your pants, you have to search through the baggy denim, until you find your small penis, and when you touch your glans with your forefinger and thumb... you burst into a silent orgasm.

Your tiny penis quivers just twice and you can feel it spitting out two teaspoons of watery semen, and you close your eyes to enjoy the pleasure Hannah has denied you since Alex was born.

When your little orgasm ends the guilt hits you like a tide.

Did you just have an orgasm thanks to the sensual dance of a dozen teenagers?! Did you just masturbate in public?! What kind of pervert are you?!
Although, can you call single-touch masturbation? Now, in addition to guilt, shame, and humiliation overwhelming you, as you are forced to face the reason why Hannah had not had sex with you since Alex was born, you suffered from chronic premature ejaculation.

You shrank humiliated in your seat, feeling the embarrassing moisture in your underwear.

The thunderous wave of applause continues to resound, every male in the room stands up to high-fives, that ovation lasts for a full five minutes, and the gorgeous cheerleaders wave, smile, and pose provocatively all the while until the sexy, blonde coach orders them off the court.

Hannah, Chloe, and Alex finally sit down and start talking excitedly about how beautiful and sexy the PINK PUSSYCATS looked.

You sit in complete silence trying to calm down after your pathetic orgasm, your ****** not even noticing that you're not talking to them.

The cheerleading squad from the visiting team enters the field, but their blue and white uniforms look dull and demure compared to Emily's tacky squad uniforms, those pretty girls hide their slim and sexy bodies, unlike the busty and buttocked ones. local team cheerleaders.

The pretty white girls on the opposing team are wearing sports bras and shorts to cover their modesty, and they are wearing ugly comfy white sneakers.

After the incredibly vulgar and sexual performance by Emily's squad, these beautiful white girls look insecure and discouraged, yet when the music plays they perform their choreography almost perfectly with just a couple of mistakes here and there.

When they finish their choreography, the audience's applause is soft and listless, the poor girls looking utterly dejected and shuffling back to their place, defeated.

At last, the game is about to start, and the visiting team trots out onto the pitch dribbling the ball and showing off their skills, the handsome blond boys look lean, tall, and agile, and even have a bit of muscle to show off.

Hannah, Chloe and you look at them with admiration.

“WOW! They sure know how to move!” Chloe murmurs a little nervously.

"I know Emily said there's no way they're going to win, but… maybe it's a tighter game than she expects." Hannah agrees and looks worriedly at the court.

“At least it will be an entertaining game…”, you add, more than anything to be part of the conversation, the truth is that you are already feeling uncomfortable and inadequate, seeing those tall, handsome, and athletic white boys.

“Those guys don't stand a chance! Our team is going to tear them apart! The BLACK LIONS are bigger, stronger, the BLACK LIONS are better!” Alexis's soft, high-pitched voice is heard as she defends the honor of her high school team, the beautiful boy is waving his bunting excitedly.

You, Hannah, and Chloe look at him in surprise, Alex rarely contradicts anyone, least of all his mother and sister, but this time his beautiful, reedy voice is filled with utter assurance.

A few seconds later you, Hannah, and your beautiful ******** can see why Emily and Alex are so utterly confident in the victory of the BLACK LIONS.

Again a blaring vulgar raw rap song blares from the court speakers and you, Hannah, and Chloe gasp as you see an entire team of black men come out.

The shortest boy on the team has to measure 1.95mts. And all of them are incredibly muscular, looking more like professional NFL players than young high school basketball players.

They are simply huge, with broad shoulders, their long powerful arms bulging with huge black steel muscles, and their legs are like the trunks of young trees.

The black and dark skin of all of them is adorned with blue tribal tattoos.

While the players of the opposing team look like handsome and pretty boys, the faces of these black giants are ugly and evil, many of them sporting thick beards and mustaches.

They look like grown men.

"Are these guys high school students?" you ask incredulously.

Alex chuckles a bit at that super girly way of his.

"Yeah, I don't know why you guys thought the BLACK LIONS could lose. There's no way those white kids can beat our team, the BLACK LIONS are so…powerful. So…black." Alex sighs in rapture, as his beautiful doe eyes shine with admiration as he watches the muscular black males who are showing off his powerful moves, leaping and running down the court while shooting baskets, and taking fancy shots.

You look at Hannah, who still hasn't taken her eyes off the court. You follow her eyes and notice that Hannah is looking at the huge, muscular trainer again.

His skin is a deep, dark chocolate, and Jesus, the guy looks like a bodybuilder. It's like looking at a black Hercules, his body shows muscle on muscle on muscle, reminds you of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he won the Mr. Olympia title.

His powerful and gigantic body shines under the spotlight as if covered in oil, giving him a raunchy and vulgar look.

Hannah is biting her fat slutty lips while her gray eyes follow every move of that hideous, muscled gorilla.

The coach has a very serious expression as he slowly walks across the court to his bench.

The blonde cheerleading coach smiles at him and watches him go by, never taking her eyes off his crotch, Hannah and you also look at that black giant's crotch, and even from a distance, you can see a huge bulge in horror.

You timidly touch your wife's delicate shoulder trying to get her attention despite not knowing what you would say if you succeeded.

“Don't you think the guys on our team look a little older? They are too tall and big…” you stutter saying the first thing that comes to mind.

"Hmm…? Yes, honey… They are big kids…" Hannah mutters without taking her eyes off the coach.

The game starts with a bang, a big black guy from the home team shoves the other team's white guy on his butt immediately after the jump, and lowers the ball to perform a brutal SLAM DUNK taking down another white guy in the process.

“Who's that tall, strong player Alex just scored?” Chloe is excited, and her sparkling eyes follow the graceful, powerful moves of the tall, strong black boy across the court.

"That's Jerome, he's the captain of the team, and the star scorer," Alex explains, and his doe-gray eyes twinkle as he watches the powerful black boys dominate the game with his superior strength and height.

"Oh, he's so handsome Alex! He's a bit older though. I didn't think high schoolers could be that big."

"Yeah, they failed once or twice a year, so it's a bit older. I think almost the entire team was retained at some point."
Alex say.

"Is that allowed? I mean, are they capable of playing sports in high school when they're so much older than the other guys?" you ask, really puzzled.

"I don't know. I guess? I think Coach figured that out actually." Alex says, nonchalantly.

"Ah, that's great. So the coach is strong and smart." Hannah responds, her full attention back on the couch, and your heart skips a beat as your wife licks her fat lips hungrily.

The game progresses pretty much the same way for the next few minutes. Finally, Hannah stops ogling the huge black coach.

But not by choice, it is a loud slam that catches his attention, yours too, your gaze goes to the entrance of the gym, the huge double doors are wide open and you can see a tall, powerful, and huge black man dressed in a luxurious and expensive Italian suit to enter the place.

Everyone present is looking at that gigantic man, he is as tall as the coach, maybe even taller and his huge muscular arms threaten to break the elegant purple silk shirt that covers his huge body, but unlike the coach, he looks like a bodybuilder this mature black gorilla looks huge and heavy, almost fat, but his wide abdomen feels hard and full of muscles even under the thin cloth, the black man who has just entered the scene has the appearance of a powerful defense of the NFL.

His black bald head is perfectly shaved but he sports a thick black beard dotted with white and gray that makes him look very distinguished, but what most attracts the attention of all those present is not his height of more than two meters, nor his huge and muscular gorilla body, no, it was the color of his skin that caught the eye in that masculine male, whereas the tall, muscular boys from the home team and the team's coach were all African-American, as evidenced by the different shades Black skinned, ranging from the dark chocolate of the huge coach to the soft caramel tan of one of the forwards, this new black man is one hundred percent African, he possessed the blackest, darkest skin you'd ever seen.

His skin is almost obscenely black, so dark that even when you and your ****** are sitting in the third row, very close to the field, you cannot see the features on the face of that huge African man, the only thing that stands out in all that velvety blackness is the white of the eyes.

The giant African gentleman walks confidently and confidently across the court as if he owns the place, the black players respectfully stop to let the powerful African macho pass, but the white guys see this opportunity to score at least one basket. , and they decide to continue dribbling the ball, one of those white children runs with the ball across the field but is so clumsy that when he dodges one of the tall black players he crashes into the powerful and elegant African gentleman, that fat gorilla is so huge and heavy that the thin white boy bounces back violently and falls pathetically to the ground, the gigantic black male does not even turn to look at the white boy, as if he had not noticed that blow, he simply shakes his fine Italian suit and continues walking until Arriving with the coach, they both smile at each other showing their white and perfect teeth that stand out thanks to the contrast of their dark skins. After greeting the coach, that fat, but muscular black man casts his black gaze around the audience looking for someone, then he makes eye contact with Alex and as he smiles he winks at him.

Alex smiles back and waves before hiding behind the long sleeves of his sweatshirt, completely flushed but happy.

"That man so big...so strong...so manly...so elegant...that man so...so...so black, is he your friend Alex?" Hannah asks.

"Y-Yes Mommy, he is Mr. Osei," Alex replied still embarrassed, his freckled and beautiful elf face looking simply adorable with flushed cheeks, his gray eyes more striking than ever thanks to the mascara that thickened and lengthened his already Curly, feminine lashes, and eyeliner accentuating the almond shape of her enormous fawn eyes.

"Oh, Alex! He's so big! And so…black! I didn't think he was that old though!" Chloe exclaims loudly, looking at the distinguished gray hairs that adorn Lord Osei's thick and fierce beard.

“How old is he?!”, You ask, horrified as you imagine this huge, fat black gorilla chatting and giving sweets and chocolates to your delicate little blond and pink-haired son.

“Mr. Osei is 45 years old, and yes, he is so manly…so mature…so strong…so black…so African…Mr. Osei came to America as a child, but was born in Africa,” Alex sighs in rapture as his beautiful gray eyes do not stray from the broad figure of that powerful black bear.

You are about to point out the wrongness and strangeness of the fact that a black man… I mean, a man as old as that Mr. Osei has a friendship with a sweet 17-year-old white boy like Alex.

But at that moment that enormous African gorilla stops talking to the black trainer and goes with strong and sure steps towards the bench where the four of you are sitting, his footsteps are heavy and powerful, it's like watching an African lion walk, you feel like a shiver runs through your body, and you instinctively shrink, trying to appear smaller than you already are.

The fat black man finally comes before you, and now that he is two feet away you can finally see the features of his face, he is ugly and brutal.

This huge fat African male is truly ugly, his face is primitive and coarse, his Negroid features are exaggeratedly African, his nose is wide and large, his mouth is enormous when he smiles evilly and cruelly his lips thick and black as The rest of his skin reveals gleaming white teeth, but with the fangs too long, too sharp, the fangs of a wild beast, those rough, coarse features are graced with a long, ugly scar that runs from his forehead to his neck. the cheek, even piercing the thick eyelid of the right eye of that ferocious black male.

The only truly attractive feature in that primitive and ferocious gorilla face are his eyes, unlike his obscene inky skin, his eyes are an amazing amber color, almost golden, those incredible honey-colored irises glowing with confidence and strength.

And you realize with horror that, although from a distance you had calculated that the height of the mysterious Lord Osei was two meters, now that he is in front of you you can see that he easily exceeds two meters in height, that African giant must be at least seven feet ten, even two feet six inches, he's simply gigantic, the only reason he looks shorter is his fat, but muscular gorilla stomach.

Without realizing it you start to tremble with fear, looking at that African giant is like being in front of King Kong.

That huge powerful African gorilla looks your wife up and down with that horrible evil grin, and then he does the same to Chloe, he seems to like what he sees, Hannah for her part winces and bites her lip as she looks. as if bewitched by that mature black man. His huge watermelon-sized tits are puffy and firm, topped by hard, erect nipples barely covered by the tight white wool sweater he's wearing.

Chloe also flaunts her huge, round, firm young breasts forward trying to get the big black man's attention, and she flutters her eyelashes flirtatiously as she gazes at him in awe.

Alex, on his side, is still hidden behind the thick sleeves of his sweatshirt and looks timidly at the huge male of more than two meters, his cheeks are completely red, and a nervous smile appears on his small but thick lips of a whore.

The delicate little boy with strawberry blonde hair is trembling with excitement, and inadvertently his body is posing femininely, his back arched, his small flat chest out, and his legs femininely crossed attracting attention by how plump and shapely they look underneath. From the denim that can barely contain Alex's huge, scandalous mare hips, he is all feminine and submissive, behaving like a weak little kitten in front of an African lion, submissive and vulnerable.

“Goodnight Lexy!” The black giant's voice is deep and manly, as deep and hoarse as a roar, and it carries easily above the noise of the game.

You tremble with fear when you hear that feminine nickname she calls your son, that hoarse voice is more of a roar than a human voice, and you see that Alex, Chloe, and Hannah are trembling too, but you don't think it's from fear.

The three of them are gawping at the wealthy and powerful gentleman who is dressed in an expensive silver-gray Italian suit, his thick, powerful neck adorned with heavy gold chains, which stand out against his purple silk shirt.

That ugly African man looks like a king.

"Good night, Mr. Osei!", Alex replies completely nervous, and bites his whore pink lips when the golden eyes of that dangerous gorilla fix on him.

"Lexy baby be a good white boy and introduce me to these beautiful white girls, are they your sisters?"

Hannah and Chloe laugh hysterically, like two teenagers facing a rock star.

"Oh stop! You are very kind Mr. Osei! I'm Hannah Smalls... I'm just Alex's old mother, it's a real pleasure to meet you, Alex has told us so much about you, you've been completely impressed, enthralled I would say.” Hannah stands up and extends her pretty white hand.

"Mommy!" Alex claims his mother with a girly, embarrassed whimper.

Lord Osei takes your wife's small hand in her gigantic black claw and, still looking into Hannah's gray eyes with her stunning golden eyes, he leans down and kisses the back of her delicate white hand.

“I am Okon Osei, and the pleasure is all mine Hannah, but the only reason I will believe that a beautiful young white girl like you is the mother of my pretty little GIRLY BOY is that now I can see where Lexy got it from. Her beauty. I must thank you, you inherited those beautiful gray eyes, those fat slutty lips, and most importantly, now I see where Lexy got those huge, fat, round buttocks that she has. Such a mare, such a filly!”

You just can't believe the nerve of this guy, did he just tell Hannah that she has huge fat round buttocks, and then she called her a mare? And she just said that your son is a filly?

You try to stand up and defend the honor of your wife and child, but the huge, muscular African male in front of you is over two meters tall and weighs at least 150 kilos maybe more, so trembling with fear you sit and reserved.

"Oh, my God! Aren't you quite a gentleman?! Now I see why Alex is so impressed with you!, and you are right, Alex is so pretty, and cute, I always tell him that he wastes his beauty by hiding behind those ugly sweatshirts”. Hannah is completely flushed and entranced by the masculine manner of this ugly black gentleman.

"Mommy! Enough!” Alex yells in anguish in his reedy, sweet voice.

Mr. Osei laughs, and his laugh is low, husky, and a little wicked. Then he focuses those stunning golden eyes on your beautiful, sexy ********.

"You must be my little Lexy's sister, right?" Asks that black bear to Chloe, who stands up and brings her incredible tits closer to the black male, almost rubbing against him.
"I am! I'm her sister, my name is Chloe Smalls, delighted”, You see your ******** extend her hand quickly eager to feel the touch of that mature black man.

And the fat, muscular black male doesn't disappoint her, just like with Hannah Mr. Osei kisses your ********'s hand very slowly and you watch Chloe's nipples immediately harden.

“I can see the resemblance, you are just as pretty and sexy a filly as my Lexy. That's a nice pair of tits by the way!” The mature black male gazes shamelessly at Chloe's revealing cleavage.

“Thank you, Mr. Osei!” Chloe replies blushing and flattered, jumping excitedly, causing her round, firm tits to bounce provocatively.

The black giant looks at Hannah again and her deep lion voice is heard again.

“Tyrell is right, you are a top quality mare, those wide hips of yours are made to breed good foals, and those gigantic tits are perfect for nursing a healthy black baby… it's too bad your exquisite body is wasted on a pathetic white boy. , and it's also a pity that Coach Black saw you first…”

Hannah doesn't seem to fully understand those words, but her cheeks are still flushed and her smile is huge, it's obvious that she liked being recognized as a top-quality mare.

You are about to vomit.



Hannah and Chloe both let out groans of pain, provoked by Alex pushing his way between his sister and her mother, violently pushing them away, his fat slutty lips forming an adorable girly pout, the beautiful blond boy looking annoyed.

Alex stands in front of her sister and her mother, then shyly looks at the giant black bear, her beautiful doe eyes shining eagerly and looking sexy loaded with mascara and eyeliner, the eyes of a beautiful and sexy slut, then copying the trick From her sister, Alex flirtatiously flutters her thick, long, curling eyelashes looking directly at the huge older man.

Lord Osei looks at him smiling and after a moment he lets out a low, hoarse laugh. "Calm down Lexy, I haven't forgotten my little GIRLY BOY, you will always be daddy's favorite white boy", and to everyone's surprise that tall and powerful black male leans over and with a speed and grace that defies his huge body lifts Alex princess style, your delicate little son gives a frightened and feminine cry and hugs the thick neck of that giant who is half a meter taller than him. "It was a pleasure to meet such a sexy pair of females, but I'll watch the rest of the game in the company of my cute little GIRLY BOY."

The powerful black man wasn't asking for permission, it wasn't a question, it was a warning, a statement.

"Oh of course Mr. Osei, Alex came especially to see you, he was so excited, he even put on makeup for you."

"Mommy! You're embarrassing me in front of Lord Osei!”
Alex squeals again as he hides his embarrassed fairy face in the black giant's strong chest.

“BABYGIRL! How many times do I have to ask you to call me BLACK DADDY? Good girls obey real men, black men. Aren't you a good girl?"

Chloe asks curiously.

"Oh yeah, it's a nickname my peers called me when I was young and played defense for the Dallas Cowboys, that's where my fortune comes from, which I now use to support other young black athletes, I've asked him for a dozen Sometimes I ask Lexy to use that nickname with me because I consider myself her friend, but it seems that this little and pretty white boy doesn't think the same,” Mr. Osei's voice sounded falsely hurt, but it seemed that only you could notice that bad acting because Hannah and Chloe both groaned in love.

“Alexis Smalls! I did not raise a rude and disobedient child! Lord Osei has been very kind to you and if he wants you to call him BLACK DADDY, then that's what you will call him young man!”. Hannah commanded in a firm voice to your pretty, effeminate son, who still had his delicate arms around the giant black gorilla's neck.

“Yes Mommy”, Alex looked down completely subdued, “I'm sorry Mr. Osei… I mean… I'm sorry BLACK DADDY”.

Alex's handsome elf face turned completely red as the huge black male forced him to look into his eyes by taking his small chin with his huge thick black fingers.

"I didn't hear you, baby, your voice is so delicate, so soft, so sweet...", Mr. Osei looked hungrily at the little boy with pink hair, while he caressed his velvety princess skin.
“I'm so sorry BLACK DADDY!” Alex obediently repeated, drowning in the bright golden eyes of that mature black male.

“That's better, you're a good white boy Lexy!” The huge black man caresses Alex's soft cheek with her huge hand and your delicate son rubs against her like a contented kitten.

"Enjoy the game ladies, we'll see you later", and squeezing Alex's round and fat buttocks with one of his huge black paws, Mr. Osei walks away with your effeminate son snuggled in his powerful arms.

Upon reaching the bottom, he sits in the first row, you see how the huge African male "forces" Alex to sit on his lap, you can see how that huge hand continues to squeeze your son's gigantic buttocks, his other hand is caressing the thick and Alex's rotund thighs, the dainty little blond boy just snuggles against the powerful chest of that African gentleman completely oblivious to the basketball game.

And only then, when the dangerous African gorilla has left, do you realize that that confident and gallant black man never looked at you, never addressed you, never turned to look at you for an instant... for him you didn't even exist, you feel offended and humiliated, but also very relieved, that gigantic black bear was really scary, even now you could feel yourself trembling with apprehension and fear, but your thoughts are interrupted by the high-pitched, joyful voices of Hannah and Chloe.
“Oh MY GOSH, when Alex told us about Lord Osei he never mentioned that he was so big, so strong and mature! He's bigger than I imagined!” Chloe jumped excitedly as she watched her girly little brother rub up against Mr. Osei like a pampered kitten.

“He also did not tell us that he was so black… so African… so… masculine, so… primitive.” Hannah is also trembling with excitement, her beautiful gray eyes fixed on Mr. Osei, the huge black bear is murmuring something into Alex's pointed ears, and the little pink-haired boy just blushes and laughs girlishly.

“Alex is so lucky! Any white girl would want to be in the arms of a male as big, strong, and black as Mr. Osei! I don't understand why Alex refused to spend time with him! You lucky little bitch!” Chloe exclaims in a genuinely jealous voice.

"You're right, honey! Alex is so lucky... look at her, to have the attention of a man so... powerful, so strong and... so black." Hannah sighs jealously.

“I think he is the blackest man I have ever seen! And last but not least, he was a professional NFL player! He's wealthy, he's big, he's strong, he's quite a gentleman and he's African too! He is perfect! We have to help Alex catch this black male! They look just perfect together! He is so black and big, and Alex is so white and small.” Chloe is admiring the amazing contrast between the pale, delicate porcelain skin of her girly little brother and the wild, exotic, coal-black skin of the powerful, primitive African male.

"It's Lord Osei who already has Alex completely trapped." You hear your beautiful wife respond, with a teasing little giggle. “But you're right honey, we must help Alex, we will have to teach him some feminine tricks to please his man. We can't let such a big, strong, black male get bored of Alex!” Your wife's voice sounds motivated and excited.

"Count on me Mom! I have always wanted to make up and dress Alex like the cute little girl that she is!”. Chloe exclaims completely excited, “Actually we always knew that Alex is a beautiful and sweet little woman, it's about time he accepted that. I am sure that with our help Mr. Osei will be able to bring out the female that Alex has inside". Chloe is also determined to "help" her little girly brother to conquer that huge and ugly African gorilla.

Finally, your wife and ******** take their seats again and watch the game. Chloe's beautiful blue eyes gaze hungrily at the tall, muscular black players on the court, your sexy ******** biting her pretty lips with ill-contained desire.

Hannah, for her part, stops seeing her beautiful and delicate son, who continues writhing on the lap of that black giant, and her gray irises focus on the enormous and powerful bodybuilder muscles of the black trainer who shouts orders and plays with a serious and deep commanding voice to the tall young African-Americans on the court.

You try hard to ignore that your sexy wife is ogling a tall, huge black Hercules who looks like the hero of an action movie, her gigantic watermelon-sized breasts puffy and round, topped by her erect nipples, those heavy, round and gigantic watermelons rise and fall thanks to your wife's agitated breathing.

You try not to pay attention to your beautiful ******** who jumps and bounces excitedly in her seat as she drools watching half a dozen strong, athletic black boys pummel and dominate the opposing team's white boys, their firm young breasts the size of ripe melons. they bounce and shake every time Chloe gets up to cheer and applaud Jerome's multiple scores.

And you also look away from the front row, where your beautiful, effeminate, blond son is laughing, chatting, and rubbing against the gigantic, mature, forty-five-year-old African gorilla. Lord Osei has his huge black paws on Alex's obscenely fat buttocks. Yes, you have to make an almost superhuman effort to ignore this madness, your sexy wife, your beautiful ********, and your cute and delicate son are completely obsessed with those strong black men, completely forgetting about you. So you focus on the game, although calling it a massacre would be more appropriate, the BLACK LIONS are tearing to pieces little white boys who have dared to face them.

The visitors have not scored so much as a basket, and every time they dare to try, the strong and tall black boys beat and push them in a wild and violent way, throwing them to the ground as if they were little elementary school children, soon the weak children Whites begin to bleed and limp as a result of the terrible blows, during that violent match no fouls are called and you suspect that the fact that the referee is another tall and strong black man has something to do with it.

When you saw the visiting team get off their bus you thought those white guys looked tall and strong and even tough, but now as they're taking a beating, both metaphorically and literally, you can see that they look skinny, and weak, the tallest of those white boys are no match for the shortest of the BLACK LIONS, and while the poor, bleeding challengers look skinny and scrawny, the tall black boys flaunt their strong, big muscles of black steel.

BLACK LIONS are strong black men beating up weak little white children and while you should root for the team at the school your delicate son attends, you empathize more with those pathetic white kids, the first quarter isn't over yet and the score is 70/00 in favor of the mighty BLACK LIONS.

Finally, the coach of the visiting team approaches the referee and pleads with him to stop the massacre, the black man laughs in the face of that humiliated white coach, and after enjoying a few more minutes of unnecessary violence, blows his whistle, signaling the end of the game.

"Is it over? I thought there was still a lot more time." Hannah says almost a little disappointed, finally coming out of her trance, her beautiful gray eyes finally moving away from that black Samson.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, look at them," Chloe laughs, pointing to all the bloodied and beaten-up white guys on the other team "They were destroyed!"

"WOW! You're right!"
Hannah laughs, "Our guys beat them up." Hannah claps her hands excitedly, bouncing her gigantic heavy tits.

As the crowd begins to thin out, Chloe goes over to talk to Emily and a couple of the other cheerleaders. After a minute she comes back and grabs her mother saying.

"Come on Mom, you must meet Coach Keyla, Emily thinks you two would get along!" Smiling, Hannah is dragged behind her ********.

"Okay, okay!" she laughs.

You wonder how long you will have to wait for the girls, and you look around for your little son. You look around and see him leaning against the far wall caught in Lord Osei's powerful arms. You see Alex blushing noticeably, he's standing on the tip of his dainty feet so he can make eye contact with the huge black stallion.

You stare at the feminine and beautiful pink-haired boy for a moment, and you can see how his beautiful elf-like face adorably blushes every time the giant African male whispers something into his long, pointed fairy ears, the huge hands of the black stallion they are caressing and squeezing Alex's fat round buttocks, and the pretty white boy doesn't seem to mind, the fat gorilla is extremely close to your delicate son, and although you are ten meters away you can see a gigantic bulge in the gigantic crotch stud, Mr. Osei is rubbing that obscene and gigantic bulge against Alex's delicate and feminine body, the black giant is so tall that that vulgar erection almost touches the blond boy's flat chest. You look away from that obscene scene and look over at Hannah and Chloe.

Your sexy wife and your beautiful ********, both with their dark and black hair, make the sexy and blonde coach and the slim but beautiful Emily stand out even more, the four of them talk as if they had known each other their whole lives, and from time to time they let out a laugh hysterical and rowdy like you're a bunch of dopey teenagers.

The four beautiful and sensual women look incredible together and attract the gaze and attention of all the men who leave the basketball court, after a few minutes coach Keyla says goodbye to her two new friends to the group and pulls Emily towards the locker room.

At that moment Chloe is approached by one of the basketball players, it is the tall and muscular captain, Jerome, he is at least 1.90mts tall, and although your beautiful ******** is quite tall, she looks small and delicate in front of this muscular young black man, Jerome looks mean and tough and appears to be at least 23 years old, maybe he's even older, the tall black stud starts flirting with your ******** and Chloe doesn't seem to be bothered by it, laughing at everything the player says black is saying.

Jerome locks Chloe against the wall with his long, muscular arms as barriers, trapping her, Chloe doesn't seem to want to escape, on the contrary, she begins to sway femininely while playing with her long black hair, tangling a lock around one of her delicate fingers, smiling and fluttering her curly eyelashes coquettishly, she arched back highlighting her small but round and firm heart-shaped ass, and proudly displaying her two large, round and firm breasts that bounce and quiver when she laughs.
You don't want to see that and you look at your wife, hoping she'll come back to you now that she's stopped talking to Emily, Chloe, and Keyla the sexy blonde cheerleader coach.

But when you find your sexy wife you are horrified to see that the huge black basketball coach is talking to her, and just like Mr. Osei and Jerome, that huge black bodybuilder has pinned Hannah against the bleachers, using his thick arms like logs.
like barriers, maybe locking women in that position is a cultural thing among African men, you tell yourself.

That gigantic, muscular black stud is so close to her that your wife's gigantic breasts rub against that black bodybuilder's huge, hard pecs from time to time, you can't help but notice that Hannah's pretty nipples are fully erect.

You sit frozen for what seems like forever, watching, trying to figure out how to intervene or get Hannah away from that black bull, but nothing comes to mind.
Your wife laughs a lot. She hasn't stopped smiling since the coach approached her.

Her body like Chloe's has taken a completely erotic pose, her arched back makes her huge fat ass stand out, and her gigantic tits are fully offered to the male in front of her, her beautiful face is flushed and happy, and you look with utter terror as Hannah bites those thick slutty lips from time to time, while her pretty gray eyes never stop looking up and down the huge African coach.

Finally, you work up your courage and walk towards them. As you get closer, the incredibly deep and smooth voice of the powerful black trainer begins to shake you more and more to your core. When you get close to them, your armpits are sweating and your hands are shaking.

Upon arrival, you can hear your wife laugh. She doesn't laugh like that at the jokes you tell her. You look at her and see how much she blushes, her eyes are fixed on him, oblivious to your arrival.

"This area is for students and parents of students only." A deep voice dripping with authority says, directed at you.

"U-Uh. Oh. I-Okay... It's just, uh. I-This is my wife," you stammer pathetically.
The huge black male smiles with a look of disbelief looking at your wife as she questions him.

"Is this little loser your husband?" he says to her almost as if he's suppressing a laugh.

"Well... Yeah... This little loser... I mean this little man is Jerry, my husband. Jerry, this big, strong black man, is Coach Tyrell." Hannah responds a little strangely like she's put off by seeing you there.

"H-Hello Coach T-Tyrell. Nice to meet you." You mumble brokenly.

"Fine. Well, I don't give a fuck, if you're not the father of one of the players or one of the cheerleaders, you're going to have to get off the field, white boy." Coach Tyrell says, not bothering to say hello or introduce himself.

"But my wife is here on the court, my ******** is here, even my son is here…" you try to say before Coach Tyrell interrupts you.

"I don't want to have to tell you again you little loser. He's back in the stands now white boy." Coach Tyrell barks with a look that makes you recoil.

At that moment the huge African bodybuilder places his huge powerful black hand on your wife's narrow waist and pulls her closer to him, his huge hand begins to caress the flat belly of Hannah, who just blushes wildly and you can see how she shudders from head to toe while dreamily sighing.

Hannah looks embarrassed directly into her eyes, as if waiting for you to react and defend your manhood, waiting for you to show that she is your woman.
You can't meet your wife's gaze and continue backing toward the stands before turning and running off the court.

"That's little coward, get out of my court white boy!"

As you run away, you hear Hannah laugh, you dare to look over her shoulder.

Hannah is now clinging tightly to Coach Tyrell's arm, like a little girl, the black man's long muscular arm is buried between your wife's gigantic soft tits, Hannah gently wiggles up and down to caress the huge black male with her firm F-size breasts.

"Oh Ty, you're so mean!" Hannah laughs at you and playfully slaps Coach Tyrell on the arm, her beautiful gray eyes fully focused on the handsome face of the giant, muscular black male.

Time goes cruelly slow as you sit in the bleachers looking around the gym from the stands.

To your left, you see Alex, blushing and holding Mr. Osei's fancy purple silk shirt, tugging at it every time that hulking black former defenseman makes him laugh, the wealthy African male's huge gorilla hands are firmly caressing the gigantic Alex's buttocks, almost completely covering them, the huge gorilla is hugging your girly son to him possessively, rubbing his gigantic erection on the flat belly of the sexy pink-haired boy.

To your right you see the tall black player with his arm around Chloe looking down at the wide neckline of her shirt as she plays with her hair and smiles at him, one of that player's black hands is caressing and squeezing one of the huge round tits of your sexy ********, her long black fingers toying with the erect nipple that threatened to tear the thin fabric of her top.

Head-on, you see your wife standing even closer to Coach Tyrell than he was when he embarrassed you in front of her.

Hannah is hanging from the coach's muscular black arm, rubbing her gigantic heavy tits up and down as she hops excitedly like she's a schoolgirl.

Your beautiful and sexy wife has her beautiful eyes completely focused on the handsome and manly face of Coach Tyrell, her gaze is one of complete adoration and her cheeks are going to burn from blushing so much.

Hannah laughs and plays with the gold cross that hangs around her neck, a gift from her grandmother, trying to draw the huge African male's attention to her gigantic, round, heavy tits.

After almost fifteen minutes of these huge black men shamelessly flirting with your wife, ********, and sissy son, you can see Hannah whisper something in the coach's ear, your wife was always taller than you, but now she he has to lean on the balls of his feet to reach the ear of the African giant.

And as Hannah whispers something into Coach's ear, he pulls out his phone and taps the screen a few times before saying something to your wife.

Hannah looks disappointed and sad, but she reaches back to kiss the handsome black man on the cheek, as a parting gesture.

As Coach Tyrell leaves, Hannah is dragged around a bit as your wife refuses to let go of the alpha male's muscular arm.

Finally, Hannah lets go of the huge black male who just laughs at your wife's childishly feminine attitude. Scandalized, you see how that enormous black slaps him hard as a farewell gesture, the slap is so strong that he resounds in the empty court.

Your wife laughs in response to that resounding spank and she stands without taking her eyes off the powerful, broad back of the coach, she watches him walk away before reluctantly coming back to you.

As the coach walks away from her, he pushes the tall black basketball player away from Chloe, leaving her pouting, and then in a deep, gravelly voice he says.

“Okon, do you still want to talk to the guys in the locker room? I can see you're busy with your little GIRLY BOY." Trainer Tyrell sneers and desires the little pink-haired boy, who squirms and quivers as the huge black male caresses and squeezes his huge, fat mare's buttocks.

The mature black stallion sighs and then lifts Alex by his buttocks until the beautiful, feminine, freckled elf face of your son is facing the ugly, primitive gorilla face of his. Then Mr. Osei gives a chaste and tender kiss on the forehead to Alex, who is surrounding the thick neck of that man with his delicate and thin arms.

He finally puts it down, and whispering into your son's long, pointy fairy ears, turns and follows Coach Black to the locker room.

You can see the gigantic carp between his legs, the outline of a gigantic cock cut perfectly against the fine Italian fabric of his pants, and while that monstrous penis isn't completely hard, it's large, the thing reaching to his knees and stretching out. note as thick as a beer can.

The powerful and elegant black stallion walks with slow assurance no matter what show he's putting on it's almost as if he's showing off that beast between his legs, proud and confident.

The two huge black men walk side by side towards the locker room, and you can tell the differences between the two, Mr. Osei is taller, at seven feet five inches tall, and broader than Coach Black, Mr. Osei also has powerful muscles, but his wide stomach hides it, his long arms are as thick as trunks, just like his legs, his broad back matches his wide waist, and his fat belly is a strange combination of muscle and fat.

Coach Black, for his part, sports a powerful and wide back that tapers to his slim waist, his abdomen is so marked that even wearing clothes you can see not a six-pack, but eight hard abs sculpted in black steel, and his legs are also thick and powerful, yet graceful and muscular, the legs of a race runner.

Coach Black is an elegant and muscular lion, Mr. Osei is an old and powerful silverback gorilla, Coach Black's skin is the color of dark chocolate, Mr. Osei's skin is the color of ebony, there is something about that velvety matte black skin that causes you revulsion and hatred, it is the blackest skin you have ever seen, it is like looking at the counterpart of an albino, there is something unnatural in that dark African skin.

Hannah and Chloe walk back together next to you, they're talking animatedly and you hear Chloe say.

"His name is Jerome and he invited me to a party tonight. I think I'll go." Chloe said with a smile.

"I see. He's fine, he seems like a nice guy," Hannah says with a wink.

You can't believe what you're hearing, that tall basketball player looks like anything but a good guy, actually his beard, his evil gaze, and his confident smile make him look like a hooligan, and the way he punched and he abused white boys during the game just confirms that.

But just as you're about to give your opinion on the matter, Alex runs up and joins in the girl talk, and soon the three of them are chattering about how handsome, strong, funny, kind, gallant, and black studs they are with. They were talking.

Hannah and Chloe are showering Alex with advice on how to “bewitch” Mr. Osei, your delicate and beautiful son just covers his pretty elf face behind the sleeves of his sweatshirt as is his custom, but he looks flushed and happy.

Hannah and Alex in turn congratulate Chloe on "catching" the team captain and are glad Jerome invited her to the party tonight, your wife and cute son are having their say on how she should be dressed to impress her date.

And then you hear your two beautiful sons ask their mother about the muscular and handsome black coach she was talking to, Hannah blushes furiously, but a shy, mischievous smile spreads across her thick red slutty lips, and she simply nods. and laughs every time Alex and Chloe mention how good they looked together, and how happy and cheerful she looked while that African Hercules chatted with her, Hannah cheerfully denies all of her children's advances, but without much conviction.

It seems the three of them have completely forgotten about you, and the fact that Hannah is a married woman, a married woman with you.

And so between feminine and high-pitched excited voices and hysterical giggles, you and your ****** arrive at the parking lot.

You get into your car and sigh, thinking that this bizarre night is finally over, when suddenly the sexy cheerleading coach, Keyla, calls the attention of your ****** with joyful cries, Emily is also by her side still wearing her sexy cheerleading uniform. , Hannah, Chloe, and Alex run over to chat with them again.

Now you're sitting in your car waiting for your ****** to come back, and even though what you want most right now is to get the hell out of here and back home, and get your ****** away from those strong, tall black men, you're glad to see that Hannah and your sons are chatting with two sexy blonde girls and not three African studs.

As the four sexy white women and your pretty silver-haired son are talking and laughing, you notice that behind them almost hidden, stands a small, scrawny-looking, and awkward-looking young white man.

That pathetic little man is blonde like you, but his hair is bowl cut making him look stupid, that goofy look is accentuated by the small pink tote bag he's holding in front of him with both hands, like a silly hamster with a sunflower seed.

That pink bag is Keyla's, as the sexy blonde points to the pathetic white man while she talks to the other white girls, like she's introducing him, but not really.

You are admiring the beautiful women in your rearview mirror when you notice the muscular Coach Tyrell leaving the school accompanied by the powerful and elegant Mr. Osei, the group of beautiful white girls interrupt their giggly chat and five pairs of eyes focus on those two. black males walking confidently and haughtily across the empty parking lot.

Coach Black and Mr. Osei greet the group of beautiful white girls with confident smiles. Hannah, Chloe, Emily, and Alex jump, squeal, and laugh, waving their dainty hands goodbye to the black bodybuilder and the fat African gorilla.

Coach Keyla for her part smiles and blushes, and waves her dainty white hand at the coach, linking her index finger and thumb, the universal signal for asking someone to wait just a second.

A limousine that you had not noticed turns on its headlights and slowly approaches until it is in front of Mr. Osei, a little old white man gets out of the front of the limo and opens the door waiting for the gigantic Mr. Osei to get in.

Lord Osei and Coach Black bid farewell by shaking their huge black hands powerfully, giving each other a manly half-hug while slapping their broad backs with blows so powerful they could knock over a horse.

The huge black gorilla turns to stand outside his limousine and then the fearsome, hoarse, deep roar that gorilla has for a voice echoes through the parking lot.

“Lexy BABYGIRL! Be a good white boy and say goodbye to your BLACK DADDY!” the command is soft and playful, but it's a command.

You see how your delicate son with blond pink hair covers his pretty face while he blushes fiercely, and only manages to shake his wide and fat hips from one side to the other timidly.

But Hannah then playfully pushes her beautiful son into Lord Osei's strong arms as he says.

"You heard Mr. Osei, be a good white boy and say goodbye to your BLACK DADDY!", Hannah's sweet voice is firm and authoritative, she will not accept any rebellion.

Alex walks swaying his fat hips from side to side, putting one foot exactly in front of the other. As always, he's walking on his fingertips, like the expert ballet dancer she is.

Mr. Osei smiles pervertedly when he sees that display of absolute femininity, the little elf walks more sensually and femininely than any of the women present.

Alex then arrives in front of the huge and ugly African gorilla, and completely blushing he looks towards the heights, seeing them there one in front of the other makes you notice the contrasting difference in age, size, and race between them, Alex is barely 1.55m tall, and his delicate and feminine appearance makes him look more like a little elementary school boy than a boy who is in his first year of high school, his skin is as white as milk and his strawberry blonde hair only makes him look more feminine than it seems it is.

The black giant in front of him is the epitome of masculinity, nothing about him is pretty or delicate, he is over two meters tall and his fat muscular body is rough and tough, his face ugly and fierce, his thick beard and the terrible scar they make him look like the villain from some black gangster movie, and his golden eyes shine with mischief.

“Have a good night BLACK DADDY…” Alex's soft, sweet, reedy voice echoes through the dark parking lot.

The little blond boy hugs the huge body of the black male and stretches out on his tiptoes in a futile and cute attempt to reach the ugly face of that alpha male, but it's completely impossible.

The huge African gorilla laughs with that ferocious roar, and Hannah, Chloe, Emily, and Keyla join in, you have to admit Alex looks adorable trying to reach Mr. Osei's ugly face.

Then in a quick and surprising movement, Mr. Osei grabs Alex by his huge fat buttocks and lifts him until he leaves the pretty elf face in front of his ugly gorilla face. Alex lets out a high-pitched feminine squeal of surprise and instinctively jerks back. She clings to her male's neck, but that feminine whimper is drowned out by Mr. Osei's ugly, thick, black lips, as he hastily kisses Alex right on the mouth.

Your heart skips a beat at the scene, and the high-pitched, excited, ecstatic shriek the white girls let out is so high-pitched and loud it hurts your eardrums, confirming it's not a nightmare.

A huge ugly masculine African macho as black as night is kissing your delicate little blond son on the mouth.

The huge lips of the black gorilla fiercely kiss Alex's swollen whore lips, the feminine white boy has his beautiful gray doe eyes wide open in surprise, but after a couple of seconds, he slowly closes them, and the passionate kiss returns.

Soon Lord Osei and Alex are eating each other's mouths in an obscene and wet French kiss, the huge black male is dominating the little blond boy completely, and his thick tongue is violating the female elf's mouth.

Alex, for his part, simply lets himself be dominated, submissive, and delivered and receives with joy everything that a fat African man has to give him. The wet sounds of their tongues resound in the empty parking lot and are only interrupted by Alex's feminine moans of pleasure. who by now has fully embraced Mr. Osei's body like a cute baby koala, her shapely fat legs are encircling the fat gorilla's broad waist, her slender arms encircled his thick neck and her dainty little hands are caressing his bald pate head of her huge alpha male.

Your son's fat hips move up and down and back and forth, rubbing his belly against the crotch of the giant African gorilla, Mr. Osei helps the delicate white boy, holding him tightly by his fat and gigantic mare's buttocks, and squeezing Alex's small body against his, and you see horrified that that African male is having another gigantic erection, in a few seconds what seems to be a long and fat cucumber is trying to break the thin fabric of the pants, and Alex rubs wildly against That huge African banana.

The kiss lasts five straight minutes, you know because you can see your car clock ticking by while Mr. Osei lewdly explores your son's little mouth.

Finally the two separate and although you are a few meters away and inside your car, you can see a thread of thick saliva joining the fat and pink lips of Alex's whore with the ugly and black African lips of Mr. Osei.

Alex opens his eyes, but his vision is clouded with pleasure, the black giant lowers him to the ground.

“This is how a good sissyboy says goodbye to his BLACK DADDY! Now go home and rest, I'll be waiting for your call GIRLY BOY!" Mr. Osei licks his ugly black lips, while he strokes the fat buttocks of the feminine white boy for the last time and finally lets go.

Hannah has to run to the side of the little blond boy to hold him up, as Alex's legs are shaking as if she were a newborn filly, her mother holding Alex's small, thin body with ease.

The fat, powerful gorilla tucks the huge anaconda into his pants and then climbs into his limo without looking back.

You, Chloe, and Hannah can't help but notice the little bulge between Alex's legs, which somehow looks cute and girly, her tight jeans highlight the tiny boner that passionate interracial kissing has given your son, you can even see a small moisture stain adorning the white denim.

The beautiful attendant returns to get in and close the limo door, the sleek vehicle's engine purring and finally pulling away from the parking lot.

For a moment everyone goes quiet, the group of beautiful white girls can't believe what just happened, and then a hullabaloo of happy and excited yelling screams, and whimpers erupts around Alex who remains completely gone, still weak and groggy. for that wet interracial kiss.

The girls are so excited they don't notice when Coach Tyrell gets into a brand-new Mercedes Benz.

“Jesus, is that his car? He's a fucking basketball coach… How does he have such an expensive car?” you think to yourself.

Coach Tyrell starts his luxurious car and the powerful roar of the engine seems to get Keyla's attention, you get another surprise when you see the sexy coach kiss on the cheek of the pathetic white man who is behind her like a lap dog, he tells her he hands over the little pink bag, after that little white man gets into his car that is just as small and pathetic as he is and drives off leaving Keyla in the parking lot.

Eventually, all the girls say goodbye to Keyla, and Emily returns to the basketball court.
Hannah and Chloe hold Alex and help him into the car, Chloe sits next to her groggy little brother and your wife takes a seat next to you, you keep your eyes on Keyla, her yoga pants giving her tight ass a look so sexy that you just can't look away. That's when you notice that beautiful, sexy blonde walking toward Coach Tyrell's Mercedes.

"Uh, so, who was that man accompanying Emily's coach?", you ask Hannah, you were planning to say something about Mr. Osei's attitude kissing your son like that, but right now the curiosity about the behavior of the sexy and blonde cheerleader coach he can do more.

"Oh, that was Keyla's husband. They were super nice. I think I'm going to get along with her very well!" Hannah smiles.

“Her husband of hers?!” you ask, shocked.

Just then you look in the rearview mirror at Coach Tyrell's gorgeous car to see the two passionately kissing. That kiss has nothing to envy to the obscene and wet French kiss that Mr. Osei shared with your delicate son, you can see the tongues of both in an exciting and wet battle.

Trying not to see this all-American married blonde lovingly kissing the hulking black male, you drive out of the parking lot and head home.

"Wait, do you think you'll get along with Keyla? Are you making it sound like you're going to see her again?" you sound a little worried.

"Well, yeah. I know I've never been a cheerleader or anything, but when I was talking to her, she said it's a hectic time of year for the squad, so I offered to help out whenever I could. Plus, you know I love Emily and If I can help her too, I'd love to." Hannah says absently.

"Are you sure you'll have time for that?" you say as you stop at a traffic light.

"Of course. I have a lot of free time I was bored at home."

You look in the rearview mirror to see Coach Tyrell right behind you in traffic. For a second you don't see Trainer Keyla, then you notice a blonde ponytail bobbing behind the wheel. You look closer at her and see her again. And again.

She is giving him a blowjob! Fuck you can't remember the last time you got a blowjob from Hannah and here this jerk is getting a blowjob from a beautiful blonde married woman.

"You know. Keyla and her husband Kevin, kind of remind me of us when we were younger. They were so cute together, and they looked so happy." Hannah smiles.

You look back in the rearview mirror and Keyla is looking at Coach Tyrell with a big smile, his eyes shining with adoration, and her pretty face so covered in saliva that it's dripping down her chin.

"Well. At least she does look happy", you think silently.

Tyrell puts her big hand on the back of her head and forces her down, then rests her hand on her perky ass jutting out of the passenger seat. You lose track of time watching her pretty blonde head bob up and down on this huge black man's lap.

"Honey, the lights are green!" Hannah snaps you back to reality.
You're about to hit the gas when you hear Coach Tyrell angrily honk from behind.
"How can this guy be such a jerk while getting his dick sucked by a woman who could be a model?" you think to yourself.

You start to pull away, and suddenly you see Tyrell pick up speed, and he overtakes you in an instant, you see Tyrell's big black hand resting on Keyla's perfect ass.

"Well, that guy must be in a hurry," Hannah says something sarcastically. "However, it was a very nice car. I would love to drive in one of those, one day," she adds.

Suddenly in your mind, an image of your sexy wife with giant tits appears inside that luxurious car doing exactly what Keyla is doing, you shake your head horrified by that horrible scene, and wish that Hannah would never, ever get in a car like that.

“And speaking of nice cars… how about Mr. Osei's limousine? I think it was a Roll Royce." Chloe comments excitedly.

“You are right my dear, that is the most elegant limousine I have ever seen. Mister Osei must be wealthy if he can afford a car like that. My pretty little boy is so lucky! Look how to bewitch a man so wealthy, so strong and so black. The way he said goodbye to you was romantic! That sweet kiss was out of a romantic movie!” Hannah then turns to Alex.

The little pink-haired boy lies back, completely relaxed, his pretty eyes closed and a goofy smile on his fat whore lips.

Hearing her mother mention the passionate and wet kiss that she just shared with the huge and ugly black gorilla, Alex finally wakes up, and sitting up she blushes furiously and proceeds to cover his face with her usual cute gesture. always.

“That's right… you and Mr. Osei looked perfect together! It was the most romantic kiss I've ever seen! Worthy of a Jarrad Christensen movie! You looked so cute…so delicate…so small and fragile…so utterly feminine there hugging that gigantic black male so tenderly! And Mr. Osei just looked so chivalrous, strong, and commanding, so protective and so macho… such a man! Carrying me so easily…he was so sexy! I have to admit that I'm dying of envy. You fucking lucky bitch Alex!”
Chloe is excitedly shaking her little brother, who is still hiding behind the long sleeves of her sweatshirt.

"Honey, the lights are green!" Hannah snaps you back to reality.

You're about to hit the gas when you hear Coach Tyrell angrily honk from behind.

"How can this guy be such a jerk while getting his dick sucked by a woman who could be a model?" you think to yourself.

You start to pull away, and suddenly you see Tyrell pick up speed, and he overtakes you in an instant, you see Tyrell's big black hand resting on Keyla's perfect ass.

"Well, that guy must be in a hurry," Hannah says something sarcastically. "However, it was a very nice car. I would love to drive in one of those, one day," she adds.

Suddenly in your mind, an image of your sexy wife with giant tits appears inside that luxurious car doing exactly what Keyla is doing, you shake your head horrified by that horrible scene, and wish that Hannah would never, ever get in a car like that.

“And speaking of nice cars… how about Mr. Osei's limousine? I think it was a Roll Royce." Chloe comments excitedly.

“You are right my dear, that is the most elegant limousine I have ever seen. Mister Osei must be wealthy if he can afford a car like that. My pretty little boy is so lucky! Look how to bewitch a man so wealthy, so strong and so black. The way he said goodbye to you was romantic! That sweet kiss was out of a romantic movie!” Hannah then turns to Alex.

The little pink-haired boy lies back, completely relaxed, his pretty eyes closed and a goofy smile on his fat whore lips.

Hearing her mother mention the passionate and wet kiss that she just shared with the huge and ugly black gorilla, Alex finally wakes up, and sitting up she blushes furiously and proceeds to cover his face with her usual cute gesture. always.

“That's right… you and Mr. Osei looked perfect together! It was the most romantic kiss I've ever seen! Worthy of a Jarrad Christensen movie! You looked so cute…so delicate…so small and fragile…so utterly feminine there hugging that gigantic black male so tenderly! And Mr. Osei just looked so chivalrous, strong, and commanding, so protective and so macho… such a man! Carrying me so easily…he was so sexy! I have to admit that I'm dying of envy. You fucking lucky bitch Alex!” Chloe is excitedly shaking her little brother, who is still hiding behind the long sleeves of her sweatshirt.

"I thought Mr. Osei was only slightly interested in you, my pretty boy, but after that romantic kiss it's more than obvious that this African gentleman means business... and I think it's clear to us that you're completely in love with him." Hannah playfully teases the dainty son of hers.

"Mommy! Enough! I didn't know that BLACK DADDY was going to kiss me! That was so sudden…! And I… I… I just got carried away, BLACK DADDY's kiss felt good… and his saliva is so delicious… and I felt so protected and safe in his arms… I don't know what happened to me…!”, Alex says note shocked, almost regretful.

And you feel a small hope, maybe Alex decides that that pornographic kiss was too much, maybe your little son has decided that black men are too aggressive for him, maybe Alex is the voice of reason and manages to convince his sister and mother to get away from those strong African males.

“You're not fooling anyone, Alex! You're completely in love with Mr. Osei!” Chloe teases her dainty little brother as she tickles him. Alex giggles and squeals like a little girl trying to get away from his sister's fast hands. "You're even calling him BLACK DADDY!" Chloe exclaims excitedly.

"Enough Chloe! That's because Mommy told me to do it!” Alex tries to justify herself between girly laughs.

"Oh come on my pretty boy, we all could see how excited and wet you got from just one kiss, you're a naughty girl!" Hannah teases the beautiful boy of hers.
Alex moans in humiliation and embarrassment when he finds out that his whole ****** noticed the tiny, wet erection he had in the arms of the huge African stallion.

“Or should I say naughty BABYGIRL? I think your BLACK DADDY found a nickname just perfect for you, GIRLY BOY”, Hannah asks with her beautiful voice full of mischief, reminding you of the cute and affectionate nickname with which that giant and mature African stud had baptized your son.

"Enough Mommy! Don't call me GIRLY BOY! Only BLACK DADDY can call me that! And don't call him BLACK DADDY! Mr. Osei is my BLACK DADDY! Only I can call it that!" Alex exclaims in his high-pitched, feminine voice, his flushed elf face pouting sweetly and sexy, causing his already thick and sexy slutty lips to pop even more.

Chloe and Hannah let out a high-pitched squeal of excitement.

"Oh, my God! did you hear that Mom? Only his big strong BLACK DADDY can call him a GIRLY BOY! And only his cute girly GIRLY BOY I was able to call Mr. Osei BLACK DADDY! Right, Alex? The kitten has claws! MEOWOW!” Chloe laughs hysterically as she taunts her little brother, as she claws the air with her pretty hands.

Alex groans and covers her freckled fairy face which is now completely red.

"Calm down my pretty boy, no one wants to take away your macho, he is your BLACK DADDY, plus Chloe already has a date with the handsome young captain of the basketball team, isn't my ******** a popular girl?" Hannah finally leaves her delicate and embarrassed son alone and now focuses her affectionate teasing on Chloe.

“Of course I'm popular! Have you heard Alex's BLACK DADDY, I inherited my mother's beauty and sensuality! Not to mention these two big round melons!” Chloe, unlike her shy little brother, is proud, flirtatious, and even a bit smug. Right now she is holding both of her big and firm breasts with her small and delicate hands, which makes them look huge.

"Although in mommy's case, it's two gigantic watermelons", Alex finally stops covering his beautiful face behind the thick sleeves of his sweatshirt, and with a smirk on his fat and sexy lips, he laughs at his mother, thus trying to get a little revenge for the laughs and teasing of his beautiful mommy.

Chloe and Alex then erupted into a girly, hysterical giggling duet.

Your wife's beautiful look looks embarrassed and a little worried as she weighs her huge F-size tits, her sons' girly high-pitched laughs seem to bother her a bit, as she raises her heavy round giant tits and frowns, you have to force yourself to look straight ahead, because those firm heavy udders have always fascinated you, and now that Hannah is lifting her gigantic tits they look just huge, you have to swallow hard, the tight turtleneck can barely contain those awesome tits.

“Do you think my breasts are too big?” Hannah continues stroking those gigantic, fat, round, heavy breasts.

Even though you know it's dangerous to take your eyes off the road, you can't help but look at how those gigantic, heavy, perfect, obscene breasts are almost impossibly firm despite having breastfed two children, yes, those huge F-size boobs are still so soft Smooth and firm as the day you met her 20 years ago, those obscenely giant tits are just as taut and perky as they were when Hannah was a college girl.

The only thing that has changed over the years is her size, when you and Hannah first met, your beautiful wife sported beautiful D-cup breasts, firm round huge fat D-cup tits, when Hannah got pregnant with Chloe her round boobs grew and swelled to the point of needing E cup bras, you thought that when Hannah stopped nursing Chloe your wife's huge round breasts returned to their already amazing D cup, but to your surprise and delight Hannah's gigantic breasts they kept their new size, and you were able to enjoy those two beautiful, gigantic size E breasts for three years until Alexis was born.

When your beautiful and blond son was born, the precious size E breasts grew and swelled, filling with delicious milk, until they reached the pornographic and obscene size F, those obscene, firm, soft, round, and gigantic breasts that she proudly wore today.

“Of course, they're a gigantic mom!” Chloe replies causing Hannah's expression to darken, but your beautiful ******** immediately continues, “You've got the biggest, roundest, prettiest tits in the whole town, maybe the whole state, I hope mine get to be that big." Chloe holds her size D tits, and weighs them up, comparing them to her mother's huge watermelons, her eyes thick with envy.

“Chloe is right Mommy. Coach Black was fascinated with those gigantic tits ”, Alex also tries to cheer up her sexy mother, but then with his delicate voice full of reproach he adds; “even BLACK DADDY said your boobs were beautiful…”

Alex has puffy cheeks and a sexy cute pout on her plump pink lips.

The pretty boy touches his flat chest and looks at his mother and his sister with fury and envy.

"Thank you, dear! But these fat tits are very heavy, sometimes my back hurts, not to mention how sensitive and delicate they are," Hannah smiled looking proudly at her two huge udders.

Chloe looks at her little brother, who continues to caress his flat chest sadly. "Oh come on Alex! You may not have as big tits as ours, but you have the roundest, fattest ass in the country, I think your buttocks are bigger and fatter than mom's, I wish I had an ass like yours,” Chloe affectionately patted her little brother's shoulder, Alex's smile brightened.

And so they continue, the two beautiful women and a beautiful white boy chatting about what Chloe will wear tonight, about Alex's makeup, and how his BIG DADDY brushed the strawberry-flavored gloss off her lips, about how thoughtful and kind he had been. Coach Tyrell had been with Hannah, and how Hannah looked so happy and excited as they talked.

And for the duration of the ride home, you try hard not to listen to that twisted girlish talk, concentrating on the road, but that doesn't stop you from feeling sicker and scared.


"Are you sure it's okay if she goes to this party? I mean we don't know anything about this guy," you ask your wife.

Chloe is upstairs getting ready for the party while you watch TV with Hannah in the living room.

"Of course she's fine! She seemed like a big, strong young man. Chloe is an adult now. She can make her own decisions." Hannah says without taking her gaze from her phone.

“Yeah… But I'm not sure about this guy.” You try to sound confident and authoritative, but your voice is more of a pathetic plea than anything else.

"And why is that?" Hannah asks pointedly, finally tearing her eyes from her phone and looking at you.

"Well... he's a BLACK... He's older! I-I mean, he failed a year or two. What if he's a troublemaker?", your voice shakes and stutters like it always does when you're facing your beautiful wife.

Giving you an angry and suspicious look, Hannah returns her attention to the phone screen.

"Everything will be fine. You saw how quickly he went to the locker room when Ty told him to go take a shower. He's a good listener."


"Coach Tyrell, silly."

You feel your stomach turn as you hear the affectionate way your wife calls out to the muscular black coach.

"Oh... Well, that's because Coach is scary... And he's mean..." Your voice trembles when you remember the rude way in which that black giant threw you off the field.

"Ty? He's not scary. And he's not bad at all. He's a big chocolate bear." Hannah pauses. "A big, powerful black bear..." your wife adds quietly.

You feel sick, but suddenly you hear Chloe running down the steps.

Your jaw drops at the sight of what Chloe is wearing.

Your formerly demure, kind, and polite ******** is wearing a low-cut, sleeveless, indigo blue spandex top that shows off tons of cleavage, and barely covers her flat, firm tummy, your sexy ******** is wearing a pair of oh-so-little jean mini shorts. and tight that she behind threatens to break the garment at any second. The icing on the cake is the heavy and sexy slut makeup she's wearing.

Her eyelids are painted deep blue shadow, her curly eyelashes heavy with mascara and intense black eyeliner highlighting her blue eyes identical to yours, and her obscenely striking lips painted with thick blue lipstick.

Her long and shapely legs end in pretty little feet, which wear tall and sexy blue platforms, with 15-centimeter high heels, her toenails and fingernails are also painted in indigo blue.

Her long brown hair is spectacularly and sophisticatedly braided, a hairstyle fit for a princess.

You have never seen your ******** so beautiful and so sexy, she looks like an expensive whore, like a beautiful, sexy luxury whore.

Your mouth drops open in surprise, but when Hannah raises her gray eyes, she smiles contently and applauding congratulates her ********, telling her that she looks perfect.

"Oh, darling! Alex was right, you look really beautiful wearing the same blue as your eyes, the makeup is perfect."

"I know! My little brother has an excellent fashion sense, and it was Alex who did my hair and makeup! Can you believe he was able to French braid and do my makeup in less than an hour?"
Chloe stands in front of her. you and poses sensually while playing with the silky end of her braid.

“We need to show this outfit on your Instagram Chloe!” Hannah exclaims as she stands up and starts taking photos of her sexy ******** from all angles.

Chloe agrees and smiles as she begins to pose in a sexy and provocative manner, leaning in to show off the cleavage of her gorgeous melons, and then turns to lean in and proudly show off her tiny heart-shaped ass.

“So it was Alex who helped you with your hair and makeup? My pretty boy is full of surprises." Hannah exclaims delighted with the idea.

"Yes Mom, my little brother is almost a professional with makeup, he was also the one who did his makeup and hair today, remember he learned a lot of tricks at the ballet academy." Chloe continues to make more and more suggestive poses.

“Where's Alex by the way?” your wife asks as she continues to snap photos of Chloe, who is now on all fours on the living room rug, flashing her pretty ass for the camera.

“Alex is in his bedroom, she said he had homework to do, but I know he's watching the Jarrad Christensen movie Emily lent him today. You know one where the co-star of the story is a cute, girly sissy. Alex had been begging him all week for her. You should have seen the look on her face when she saw that little white sissyboy in Jarrad's arms on the cover!” Hannah gets up off the floor and looks at her reflection in a large mirror that hangs on the living room wall.

“Oh, I can imagine! My baby is so naughty. But let my pretty boy have his fun. After that romantic kiss with his BLACK DADDY, Alex sure needs to… relax.”

You cannot believe what you are hearing, your beautiful little son is in his room watching one of those pornographic movies starring that black male that your ****** seems to adore, and this time the partner of that African stud seems to be a little boy sissy white.

"I think so! As I passed his door I could hear how much he was relaxing. Have you noticed that your son meows like a kitten when he is… having fun?" Chloe mischievously questions her mother, as she draws quotes in the air.

Hannah just looks at her in amazement, and after a few moments, they both break into a duet of those high-pitched, raucous spoiled-girl giggles they're known for.

As the round of high-pitched, girly giggles ends, Chloe turns her attention back to the mirror, and while your sexy ******** is admiring herself, you can see how vulgar and obscene the micro shorts she's wearing are a pair of panties. Brazilian jean style than shorts, when Chloe decides her reflection looks perfect, she turns around and you can see the camel toe jutting perfectly between her thick white thighs.

Something inside you twists at the thought that your beautiful, loving, and innocent girl is dressing in such a vulgar way for the delight and enjoyment of a tall and muscular black thug.

You're about to try to convince Chloe to stay home one more time when you hear the loud rumbling noise of a loud bass coming down the street.

Those sonorous bass notes get louder and louder until you see through the window a black SUV pulling up in front of your house.

“My transport is here! See you later Mom!", your sexy ******** says goodbye to her mother, completely ignoring you, Chloe runs to the door while you watch her tits and butt bounce off her as she wiggles on those blue high heels.

"Have fun honey!" is all Hannah says before the door closes behind her.

You run to the window to see the tall, strong young black man from the basketball game get out of the van, the raw rap music getting unbelievably louder. In the car, you see Emily still dressed as a cheerleader with a big black arm around her, and a huge African hand resting on one of her tits.

Emily looks out the door with a big smile at Chloe, your ******** strutting to the car and approaching the young black man.

Chloe jumps into the long strong black arms of this young black man, and the confident basketball player hugs her possessively as he kisses her cheekily and passionately, you can see the thick and long tongue of this young macho poke inside the sexy Your ********'s little mouth, stunned by that indecent kiss, you see the huge black hands come down and rest on her round, firm behind before she gets into the truck.

That young African man squeezes and strokes your sexy ********'s round, firm ass shamelessly while he continues to ravage Chloe's mouth with her thick, wet tongue. Finally, they both break away and Jerome spanks your girl hard as he adjusts a huge bulge in her pants and jumps after her. The last thing you see before the door closes is your ********'s big smile looking at the young black man as she gets into the car.

"I'm not sure about this..." you say. Hannah rolls her eyes before smiling at her phone and continuing to tap.

♠ Chapter 07 ♠ ♥ “Chloe” Friday, October 9 ♥

Chloe Smalls gets into the fancy car blushing a little after Jerome touched and kneaded her round, perky buttocks as if they belonged to him.

The beautiful brunette can't believe how daring Jerome is, she just met him an hour ago and he's already kissing and caressing her as if they were lifelong lovers, flirting with him has been a lot of fun.

Chloe looks to the back of the SUV, there's her best friend nestled between the muscular black arms of a tall, handsome basketball player.

Emily's still wearing her cheerleader uniform, that indecent pink slutty kitty costume, the beautiful blonde removes her small white hand from the huge black paw resting on her tit and reaches up to take Chloe's hand.

The sexy brunette entwines her fingers with those of her blonde friend, Chloe smiles excitedly at Emily, thanking her for including her in this new world of interracial love.

"I'm so glad you came! Let's make up for lost time! It's time you learned about black superiority and acts of reparation firsthand!" Emily almost yelled in Chloe's ear to make herself heard. over loud rap music. After that, the beautiful and sexy blonde girl returns to her place in the strong arms of the powerful young black man. "He is Andree, he is a striker for our team."

Emily introduces her to the young black male, while absently stroking a huge, long, fat cock that tries to rip open the baggy rapper pants Andree is wearing, that monster cock must be at least 10 inches long and thick as a banana mature. Chloe widens her beautiful blue eyes as she stares in shock at the shameless acts of her best friend.

"What's up, babe, Emily told us about you, but you're sexier than she imagined, that's the roundest, fattest pair of tits I've ever seen!” Andree smiles at him as he has his dark eyes fixed on Chloe's plump, perky white breasts.

"This sexy white girl came to the party with me Andree, you have your white bitch." And to emphasize her words, Jerome's strong, muscular arm goes around Chloe's shoulder, and her huge black claw lands on her plump, soft right tit. Chloe looks at him between annoyed, surprised, and delighted, he winks at her brunette, causing the white girl to feel butterflies in her stomach.

Chloe is overwhelmed by the arrogant and vulgar words of these two young black males, they talk about her and Emily as if they both belonged to them, as if they were just pieces of meat, cheap whores of hers.

And for some strange reason instead of feeling offended or humiliated, Chloe feels a thousand butterflies fluttering in her lower belly, she is getting more excited and excited every second.

And instead of insulting and slapping this disrespectful pair of men, Chloe finds herself giggling like a silly girl in love, Emily is laughing in the same way, as she gives Andree's fat boner a hard squeeze as "punishment" for flirting with Chloe.

The busty white girl is carried away by the vulgar rap music that she resounds inside the truck and by the caresses of those thick black fingers on her nipple and she simply closes her eyes and begins to move to the rhythm of the bass.

Eventually, Chloe looks out the window of the SUV and realizes that Jerome is driving at the speed limit on Grand Central Parkway heading east, shocked to realize that he doesn't know where they are going, he has gotten into a van with tinted windows in the company of two young tattooed black males whom she had just met, both older than her despite them attending high school, the busty university student, astonished, realizes how risky her attitude was.

“So where exactly is the party we're going to?” Chloe asks as she tries to comprehend the new feelings and sensations overwhelming her mind and body.

"Let's go to Brownsville baby! To Mr. Jamal's house! He throws the best parties!” Emily smiled back at her busty friend.

“Who is Mr. Jamal?!” Chloe screams as she feels Jerome's strong, rough fingers caress her nipple through the thin fabric of her sexy top, making it hard and swollen, butterflies in the stomach of the innocent chestnut multiply and an internal fire grows and fills her entire body.

“Mr. Jamal is an important businessman, it could be said that he controls all the night businesses in New York. He is a very powerful man.” Emily tries to explain to her friend without going into too much detail.

“Night business?” Chloe asks, confused.

“Mr. Jamal is the leader of the black mafia, he's our boss, you silly little girl!” Andree replies as she sneers at Chloe.

Chloe realizes that she will be attending a party at a house belonging to a mysterious and powerful boss of the black New York mafia.

“He sounds like someone dangerous…”, the busty white girl murmurs as her sexy body shudders, it's a shiver of fear, but also of excitement, something about the idea of meeting a dangerous and evil black mobster is really exciting.

"It is!". Answers Andree from the back. “Mr. Jamal sells the best shit in the state, he's a tough and ruthless son of a bitch, but if you follow his rules and do a good job you can win big bucks… Jerome and I are some of his best soldiers. Right brother?"

Andree punches Jerome in the shoulder with his huge, strong black fist.

“Of course we are! Me and my brother here, we sell ice and snow at school like two fucking Eskimos!” Jamal squeezes Chloe's fat boob to emphasize her words.

The sexy brunette lets out a little moan and narrows her eyes for the pleasure of being treated so vulgarly.

"Snow, Ice?" She asks.

“Cristal and cocaine! Silly girl!". Andree once again clarifies, and Chloe that she has always been a smart, confident, and proud young woman, she feels exactly like that, like a silly girl who knows nothing of the world.

The sexy brunette realizes how silly and innocent she is, she has lived her entire life locked in a bubble of privilege.

Thanks to the fact that his little white father makes good money, she lives in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in New York, in a luxurious apartment with a terrace, she has never known hunger or poverty, much less drugs or the mafia.

Chloe then remembers the ACE magazine articles, and the movies about racial justice and interracial sex, and realizes that she is a dimwitted, privileged white girl who knows nothing about black men's lives…real men's lives. That sounds dangerous and exciting.

But his new feeling of white guilt is interrupted by his date, Jerome stops fondling Chloe's huge round chest, takes the pretty hand of the sexy brunette, and puts it on the huge bulge in her pants, Chloe shudders to feel that huge African anaconda through the jean, feels hard, heavy, and hot.

The fire in the belly of the innocent university student increases and moisture oozes from her hot vagina, threatening to stain her tight jean micro shorts.

Chloe has never touched a huge black cock, the truth is that the sexy brunette's sex life is quite small, she's only had sex with three men, all of them white.

No, those pathetic and weak white boys could not be called men!

Chloe had only had sex with three white boys, a couple of times each, and those white losers' pathetic dicks couldn't compare to the huge, hard, throbbing black cock she was now stroking over Jerome's pants.

Her ex-boyfriend had the largest penis of the three white boys, measuring barely four inches and as thick as Chloe's thumb.

The gigantic African banana she is now stroking is at least ten inches, as thick as a cucumber, and as hard as steel. Chloe can feel that hot monster pounding.

The sultry white girl is overwhelmed by the new and exciting emotions and although a part of her knows that Jerome is overstepping and this is going too fast, another part of her, a bigger and stronger part demands that she let go.

Letting this young black male caress her, squeeze her, and insult her feels natural, she feels right.

Ever since she saw those interracial love and sex movies starring the sexy black Jarrad Christensen, Chloe has been masturbating every night thinking about big, fat, long black cocks.

Now that she's here in the hands of a tall and strong young black male, and finally has a real hot fat black cock between her delicate fingers, Chloe just feels that indulging her most sensual desires and instincts is not only right, but it's also necessary.

So the beautiful brunette starts stroking up and down the long and huge ten-inch black cock, and shudders feeling the heat and hardness of that fat anaconda.

Jerome smirks and returns his strong hand to Chloe's soft, firm white tit.

Chloe squeezes and strokes that magnificent black cock and feels her white guilt lessen, this is a way to pay for the sins of the white race in the past, and for injustice and racism today, to give Jerome pleasure by fondling and pampering that huge African banana is the right thing, it is necessary.

Chloe excitedly enjoys the night view of the city, watching as the tall and elegant buildings of Queens give way to the small and old houses of the New York slums, the luxurious department stores, and the expensive trendy restaurants change to 24-hour shops and seedy liquor stores that serve their customers behind strong steel bars and armored glass.

Beautiful marble, granite, and glass facades give way to dirty old brick walls covered in graffiti and street art.

A shiver runs through Chloe's sexy body, but the busty girl doesn't know if it's because of fear, because of Jerome's rude caresses, or because of feeling that huge black cock throb between her delicate fingers.

After almost an hour of travel, the group finds itself in the heart of the New York ghetto, prostitutes, "DEALERS" and addicts walk along the sidewalks buying and selling their merchandise, and although it is Chloe's first time in such a poor neighborhood and so dangerous she doesn't feel afraid, being in the arms of the strong tall and confident Jerome makes her feel safe.

Finally, Jerome parks the elegant SUV in front of a house of worn red bricks, it has barely two stories and the facade looks as dilapidated and graffitied as the whole neighborhood, the only difference is that in front of this small house, there are a dozen cars parked, They all look expensive, there are brightly colored modern cars and less flashy looking, but more elegant classics. They all look tuned up, with chrome wheels and neon lights everywhere.

There is a small crowd moving between the front yard and the street, half are tall strong black men who look dangerous in their baggy rapper clothes and their gold chains gleaming under the neon lights and the other half are White, redheaded, Asian, and light-skinned Latina girls, all dressed like sluts, miniskirts, ultra-tight jeans, and micro shorts like the one Chloe is wearing are the rule.

Chloe struggles to find a black woman among all those sexy bitches who are drinking and dancing sensually in front of their men, but she can't find any.

It reminds Chloe of the scene before the first race in the movie "FAST AND FURIOUS", and she feels the fire in her belly increase in intensity when she thinks that this is not a movie, this is reality and she is one of those sexy ones. foxes dressed as whores who dance and show off among those flashy gang members' cars.

The four of them step out into the beautiful September night, Chloe shivering at the feel of the cool autumn wind against her warm skin.

The busty brunette looks in amazement at the street full of black men and white girls dancing and drinking with impunity, not caring if they bother a neighbor, not afraid that the police will force them to clear the street.

Jerome grabs one of her round, firm buttocks and directs her to the old and graffitied brick house, Chloe realizes that it only has two floors, and remembers the apartment in which she lives, so big that it occupies the fifth floor and sixth floor of a luxurious building, they even have their terrace and their pool.

As she approaches, the busty brunette can see through the dirty windows lights of different colors change in rhythm to the beat of a loud and vulgar black rap, the silhouettes of about twenty men and women can be seen dancing sexually in the distance.

The pretty white girls walk, waddling sensually, until they reach a small gate that separates the patio from the sidewalk. In front of that entrance are six huge, muscular black men, all dressed and tattooed like gang members.

Those gigantic gorillas look dangerous and evil, four of them carry huge pistols on their belts, the other two have sawed-off shotguns, and the six huge black males look up and down at Chloe and Emily with looks full of desire and lust.

Jerome and Andree share a strange and complicated hand movement which seems the leader of that group, and exchange a few words while laughing.

The two beautiful girls smile flirtatiously at that group of dangerous black men without paying attention to what they are saying, and when one of those guards opens the small and rusty gate they continue walking towards the house in the arms of those two tall black basketball players.

Seeing the old and neglected exterior of that house, Chloe thought that the interior would be just as poor and rusty. Nothing could be further from the truth, the interior of the house was incredibly modern and expensive, from the wooden floor to the walls lined with expensive and elegant wallpaper, to the luxurious sound system and lighting that set the place, everything looked amazing. much very expensive.

Such a contradiction confused the busty rich girl greatly, but she soon pushes all those thoughts and doubts out of her when Jerome spanks her hard, urging her to keep walking as if she were a mare that needs to be herded.

Inside there are many people everywhere, the whole house has reflectors and strobe lights that illuminate the place intermittently, leaving the place in a sexy gloom, dozens of bodies, both female and male, dance and shake to the rhythm of the sensual notes of a vulgar black rapp.

Jerome takes Chloe's hand and leads her around the back of her, past the dance floor to a table with plenty of liquor, and starts pouring drinks for everyone.

"Here's to a fucking good night out!" Jerome says as Chloe and Emily toast, drinking shots of tequila.

Jerome pours a couple more drinks and Chloe gulps them down fast, she's starting to feel the music, the previous song has finished but the new music is of course another raunchy, pornographic black rap.

Jerome leads Chloe onto the dance floor with Emily and Andree following.

Once Chloe starts dancing, it doesn't take long for Jerome to get his hands on her, spinning her around and his huge black hands caressing her round, heavy melons, the tall, muscular black man grabbing the sexy white girl's hips and pounding his firm and nice ass against his crotch.

Chloe begins to feel the sexual notes of the vulgar rap that resonates through the house and begins to move her bottom in the shape of a heart up and down, the sexy brown-haired girl laughs as she feels how that huge black cock grows more big and hard.

Even through the thick denim of Chloe's micro shorts and Jerome's baggy jeans, the beautiful white girl can feel that big black cock getting completely hard, she can feel his hardness and heat every time she rubs his pretty Ass against her partner's hard crotch, and so long after vulgar song Chloe just enjoys moving and rubbing her sexy body against Jerome's strong black muscles, the young basketball player's black hands caressing and squeezing every inch of Chloe's voluptuous body, the gorgeous brunette is having the time of her life pounding her fat ass up and down against this black stud.

Jerome spanks her occasionally hard on the ass or grabs her two huge tits and then pinches her hard nipples.

Finally, after half an hour of dancing, Jerome takes the sexy brunette by the hand and leads her away from the dance floor, and leads her to a comfortable sofa, the confident black boy sits her on her lap.

Emily and Andree follow and the pretty blonde sits on her partner's lap as well, and they all start talking as the two young African studs are stroking her nice chubby asses.

At some point, Andree passes out glasses of beer to everyone and the four of them relax on the sofa, trying to catch their breath after their long, sexual dance.

"I'm so glad you came, Chloe! We've never been to a party together!" Emily yells with laughter.

"Yeah, well Billy didn't like parties so we stayed home all the time." She answered the aforementioned with a small frown, remembering her small and skinny ex-boyfriend, Billy, with whom she had begun a romantic relationship two months after moving to New York.

"Ugh, he's so pathetic. And he's so boring all the time! I don't know what you saw in him." Emily teases her sexy friend.

“Billy? He sounds like the name of a pathetic little white boy.” Jerome laughs wickedly.

"Yes, he is." Chloe isn't quite sure who she's responding to, Jerome or Emily.

Honestly, the answer fits both, Billy was a pathetic little boring white boy. A VERY LITTLE, boring, pathetic white boy.

"Good evening ladies, is everything alright gentlemen?" A hoarse and deep voice more similar to the roar of a lion comes from behind the two laughing couples, when Chloe turns around she sees a huge black man walking towards all of them, he is more than two meters tall, he is huge and fat, but muscular and powerful, Unlike the gangster look that all the black men in the place where, this powerful black bear is wearing an expensive silver gray Italian suit, and a purple silk shirt, two heavy gold chains hanging from his thick neck.

"Mr. Osei! Good night sir!" Both white girls respond surprised and excited to be in front of such a powerful alpha male.

"Goodnight Mr!". The two tall and strong basketball players respond politely as well, and although they continue to look amused and confident, the aggressive and arrogant attitude is gone, Chloe and Emily can instinctively feel those young males bow down and submit to the huge old African gorilla.

“I didn't know you were coming to the party, Mr. Osei!” Emily looks adoringly at the wealthy black man.

"After speaking with Tyrell I decided to visit my BROTHA Jamal, I have some business with him." The powerful Mr. Osei casts his golden eyes around the room and the dance floor searching for something, "I don't see my little BABYGIRL around, do you?" Lexy didn't come with you?"

"No. Alex didn't come. Emily invited him too, but my pretty little brother preferred to stay home."
Chloe answers as she uses her slender arms to squeeze her huge D-size breasts, making them look gigantic. "The kiss you gave him left him completely upset, he surely is playing with himself right now while he thinks of you."

Mr. Osei, Chloe, Emily, and even the two young black men laugh in unison, imagining a cute little white boy masturbating to the thought of that huge African bear.

“Too bad, when I saw you sitting here, I expected my Babygirl's cute fat filly ass to be around.” Mr. Osei winks.

"When I get home I'll tell him that his BIG DADDY was looking for him, that will make him happy for sure". Chloe replies trying to please the huge African stud.

"Yeah, do that. Anyway, I think I saw a cute redheaded GIRLYBOY around here somewhere. I'll see you later ladies. I hope you gentlemen treat these white females the way they deserve, I'm counting on you to show them what a black man can offer to sexy and pretty white girls.” Mr. Osei addresses the two young basketball players and they nod formally and seriously, accepting an important mission from their superior.

Mr. Osei then walks away with those slow elegant sure steps, the crowd instinctively making way for him like Moses parting the red sea.

When the alpha male has finally disappeared into the crowd, the young black studs become aggressive and confident again, caressing and kissing the two sexy white girls.

Chloe can see Andree's huge hand under her blonde friend's cheerleader top, and it's obvious Andree is caressing Emily's bare chest, as the huge black paw is even under the sexy pink lace bra.

Emily is kissing the muscular black boy wildly, entwining her little pink tongue with Andree's.

Emily's attitude is vulgar and obscene, she's being a little bitch, but Chloe is nobody to judge.

She is passionately kissing Jerome, as if he were the love of her life, while she feels the long and strong fingers of the black stud caressing her vagina over the vulgar denim micro shorts, the moisture between her legs is so abundant that it is beginning to seep through the sexy white lace thong Chloe is wearing, and her juices threaten to wet even her tight micro shorts.

For the next two hours, Chloe and Emily spend their time drinking alcohol, twerking obscenely on the dance floor, and being shamelessly kissed and groped by their respective partners.

During that time the entire basketball team arrives to greet their captain, and they stay for a few moments to chat and share a few drinks, all of them have one or two white girls in their arms, and all of them are confident, domineering, and vulgar. Chloe realizes that when these young males greet Jamal in a complicated sleight of hand, they hand him money, and Jamal in turn gives them a small sachet of white powder.

Like a good white girl, she doesn't say anything and she just feels very proud to be the partner of a male who earns money in such a dangerous and illegal way, that excites her greatly but she doesn't know exactly why.

What she does know is that her mother has raised passions in the team, all the young blacks who come to buy those little bags ask about her sexy and busty older sister.
At first, Chloe didn't know what they were referring to, but when those boys explained to her that they were talking about the beautiful young woman with brown hair and gigantic tits who accompanied her to the game, Chloe realized that they were talking about her mother.

Those young black males were going crazy when they found out that the busty white bitch they had seen was a MILF and they all shared the opinion that if Hannah had gone to the party right now they would be fighting to decide who would be the lucky one to fuck her long and hard. lasted all night.

They spent a ridiculous amount of time talking and explaining how and in what positions they would fuck their mother, all of them putting special emphasis on the enormous pair of F-size tits, excitedly saying that they had never met a white bitch with such a front.

Chloe felt happy and angry in equal parts, a part of her was proud to be the ******** of such a sexy, busty, and beautiful woman who got the attention of so many real men, but another part was jealous and frustrated that she wasn't the one. the target of those vulgar sexual fantasies by the entire basketball team.

But despite everything Chloe is having the best night of her life, feeling Jerome's cheeky caresses, and his vulgar and wet kisses Chloe's belly feels on fire, she has never been so excited in her life, and the last thing she wants to stop feeling those caresses, but the numerous beers she has ***** are asking to leave her body, so the chestnut gives Jerome one last kiss and laughing says.

"This is great, but I'm going to find the bathroom, I'll be right back." Chloe gets up from Jerome's lap but not before rubbing her nice fat ass on his raging boner, then she kisses the young black man on the cheek and stands up moving her nice butt cheeks provocatively in front of Jerome's eyes. Jerome.

The young black man gives her a loud slap on the ass as she Chloe walks away from her smiling.

Chloe notices that a lot more people have shown up since she got here a couple of hours ago. The halls are packed, and she can confirm that the party is made up entirely of black men and white girls.

There's not a single stupid, weak white boy, but she can't see any black women either. And for no reason in particular does that seem fantastic to her, she doesn't need some weak whining white child, nor does she want to be around an aggressive and angry black woman.

The gorgeous brunette makes her way through the halls filled with muscular, sexy black males and gorgeous white girls.

As she walks swaying her hips thanks to the six-inch high heels she's wearing, Chloe feels a hand grabbing and squeezing her pretty ass, when the surprised white girl raises her blue gaze to see a handsome black man smiling at her.

Chloe smiles back, flattered and happy to turn on this confident African male.

But then her pretty eyes notice a pretty white girl with blond hair who is hugging the attractive black man, that beautiful and sexy white bunny is glaring at Chloe's huge tits, and feeling intimidated the sexy brunette decides to go ahead.

As she walks down the aisles, Chloe can feel more of her hands grabbing onto her beautiful, upright, heart-shaped ass, patting and squeezing her. The busty white girl does not feel disgusted or angry in any way, on the contrary, her steps become more confident and more sensual with each step.

She is proud to provoke desire in all those real men. She feels powerful turning on all those black men, Chloe laughs to herself as she thinks, "I better keep moving, I don't want to fight any of her girlfriends."

Finally, Chloe finds a little bathroom and after emptying her bladder she looks at herself in the mirror.

Her makeup still looks good, and her hair looks a bit messy, but she still looks amazing thanks to the complicated princess hairstyle that Alex has done for her.

Chloe looks down at her big heavy tits noticing that they are a little sweaty and that makes those round soft melons look great.

The curvaceous white girl pushes them up causing her cleavage to pop, then Chloe touches up her lips, giving them another coat of indigo blue lipstick, and blows a kiss into the mirror, her nipples fully erect and on display in all their glory.

Laughing, she walks out of the bathroom and back down the hall once more, and once more feels a dozen big black hands grabbing, caressing, and patting her perky, round buttocks.

Her vagina is completely wet from those caresses and her thighs feel sticky.
Chloe then decides to head over to the drinks and have another drink before heading back to Emily, Andree, and Jerome.

She makes it to the drinks table and pours herself a big shot of tequila. She tastes so bad that the sexy white girl closes her eyes and sticks her tongue out of it in an adorable dismissal gesture.

"Are you alright sexy white girl?" she asks in a deep voice.

Chloe opens her beautiful indigo eyes to see a huge black man, his skin the color of toasted caramel.

He looks older than Chloe, the sexy brunette is barely twenty years old, that gigantic black male must be at least twice his age.

The mature man must be two meters tall, as he surpasses Chloe by at least eight inches, Chloe with her 1.78mts. She is used to being taller than all of her classmates and even surpasses many of her white classmates in college, but now in front of this tall black stud, the busty white girl feels for the first time in her life little, fragile, and feminine.

And she loves it!

That tall African man is wearing a white TANK TOP that is being stretched to the limit by the gigantic muscles of the black stallion. He's dressed in baggy black gangster pants and a pair of expensive gold AIR JORDAN sneakers, but in contrast to his plain, ugly clothes, the hulking alpha male wears half a dozen heavy solid gold chains on his black body, his thick fingers black. as fat and long as sausages they are also adorned by crude and thick gold rings covered by diamonds, their thick wrists are surrounded by bangles, bracelets, and chains also made of gold, in their right hand they wear a gigantic gold ROLEX, and a diamond shines in his right ear.

On anyone else that much gold would look excessive and ridiculous, but, although all those jewels are coarse, thick, and heavy, they look small on the incredibly muscular black body of that huge African male.

Chloe had never seen muscles like this in real life before. She can count every powerful ab through her shirt, that's right, her biceps as big as her head, her shoulders broad and massive, her back broad and powerful. Her massive, muscular arms are beams of black steel, and her God-worthy pecs are hard as rocks.

This gigantic black stud is almost obscenely muscular, almost as muscular as Coach Tyrell, but while Coach Tyrell's gleaming muscles are gym muscles, the massive, bulging muscles of this gigantic black stud are grosser, more brutal, more savage, they are muscle. Forged by countless savage bare-knuckle fights, these are not the muscles of a bodybuilder, no, these are muscles forged in the fire of dangerous fights to the death.

The huge arms are fully tattooed with intricate and mysterious tribal symbols. The dark ink is barely perceptible against the dark African skin, but those strange glyphs make the powerful black man look even more fierce.

His face is handsome but brutal, and his Negroid features are lined with small scars, the result of his countless fights, the sexiest of those scars being a thick line that divides his thick right eyebrow into two parts.

Her dark eyes are black as tar pits, so black that the division between the iris and pupil is indistinguishable.

“Are you okay babe?” she asks herself again in that deep, gravelly baritone voice that shakes Chloe's insides causing more moisture to trickle down her white thighs.

Chloe is speechless as she watches the huge black male smile at her, her perfect white teeth further highlighted by a gold tooth that sparkles under the colored lights that flicker all over the place.

The handsome but fierce face of her has a goatee that makes him look dangerous and a bit wild, although it is not as thick as Lord Osei's beard.

Finally after a couple of minutes completely stunned, Chloe shakes her beautiful face, causing her thick brown hair to ruffle sensually, and closing her eyes she takes a deep, long breath trying to bring oxygen to the room. her brain.

Bad idea, intense, manly musk fills her nostrils, causing her nipples to finish getting hard and erect, and a new wave of girlish juices trickle between her swollen labia. That strong, manly scent is bitter and a little salty, unlike any perfume she's ever smelled before and not entirely pleasant, but somehow it's the most delicious lotion in the world.

That scent so masculine, wild, and primitive... drives her crazy with desire.

"Uh... Yes... I'm fine... sir...", Chloe finally manages to answer, her body instinctively taking a position of erotic surrender to that black male, and her huge melons white men display themselves shamelessly before the mature black man, their erect nipples scandalously drawing attention, begging to be caressed and touched.

"My name is Jamal, are you here with someone baby?" Jamal then takes her by her narrow waist and pulls her close to him, and lowering her black face, he places a soft kiss on her lips in greeting.

Chloe feels her belly clench at that little caress.

Jamal? Did that huge black alpha male just say his name is Jamal? This can't be the same Jamal Emily had been talking about right? This handsome, tough, extremely muscular African man can't be the boss of a mafia.

No, this perfect black God, loaded with gold, can't be the boss of the black New York mob, this giant black male bull who has taken an interest in her can't be the dangerous and powerful mob boss, right?

But, although Chloe doesn't want to believe it, inside her she knows that it is, the muscular and handsome man in front of her is a dangerous and powerful gang member, not only that, he is the head of an entire mafia, which is dedicated to selling hard drugs in schools and on the streets.

Chloe feels that a cascade of feminine games is filtering between her fat vaginal lips, that dangerous and tattooed black male is wetting her simply with her presence.

"Um. Yeah. I mean…I think…I came with Jerome…" Always secure and confident Chloe is stuttering as she quivers with excitement at this huge alpha male.

"Jerome? The captain of the basketball team? I don't think so. You're with me now baby. How about we go somewhere and talk?" His million-dollar smile never leaves his face as he puts on his huge ring-laden hand rests on Chloe's firm, round ass, and guides her to the stairs.

Chloe follows him completely entranced, her heart and her little pussy pounding.

"Um...Sure", is all the busty white girl can formulate as she lets the huge black man take her to the second floor.

And though the dance floor and hallways are just as crowded as before, Chloe notices that none of the black men they pass touch or squeeze her ass as Jamal leads her possessively by one of the round, fat buttocks of hers.

All those strong, tall, muscular black men, young or old, turn away from Jamal the giant African mobster, and respectfully make their way.

Chloe trembles with excitement, realizing that like her cute, effeminate little brother, she, too has attracted the attention of an alpha male among alphas, a man among men, a huge and powerful black male to whom other black men submit and bow.

As the busty brunette walks down the long corridor on the second floor, past some rooms, it's funny that all the doors are wide open, Chloe can't help but look.

Inside one of them, there are two beautiful and sensual completely naked white girls, one is blonde and the other is brown, both are on their knees in front of a black man, the muscular male is standing in front of them, a huge and thick black cock At least ten inches fully erect, she is being adored by the two sexy white sluts, the two girls desperately trying to lick and suck that precious cock, causing their tongues to touch in wet and lewd lesbian kisses, he looks at them with each one of them. his huge black hands behind their heads pulling them toward him.

In the next room, Chloe can only see a pair of long shapely white legs raised in the air, between those sexy white legs, is a muscular hard black ass hammering back and forth in a mighty and frantic way, the petite white girl under that huge black stud is moaning in pain and pleasure, squealing every time the black stud pushes his big fat black cock inside her.

In the third room, Chloe peeks in she sees the fat but powerful Lord Osei sitting on a bed like an African king, the wealthy African male is stark naked with a handful of curly bright red hair tangled between his powerful black fingers, that beautiful cherry hair belongs to a small soft white boy who is only wearing a pretty pink lace thong, the back of which is tucked between her round but small heart-shaped buttocks, those beautiful little buttocks are supported by long and shapely legs as white as milk, Chloe can see how a tiny penis is stretching the front of the pretty pink lace thong.

That pretty little sissy's head is bobbing up and down between the powerful, hairy legs of the huge black bouncer, the wet, vulgar sucking sounds leave no doubt that that gorgeous, redheaded sissyboy is giving the sissy boy a deep, sloppy blowjob. powerful black king.

Finally, Jamal and Chloe come to an empty room at the end of the hall and enter it.
Like the rest of the house, the interior of the room is very luxurious, a huge flat screen, several expensive consoles, and a surround sound system are arranged in front of a huge KING-SIZE bed, covered with black silk sheets and six huge and fluffy golden pillows.

But what most attracts his attention is the wall that behind the bed, the wall must have measured about 5 meters by two and a half meters high, and more than half was covered by hundreds of photographs. When Chloe looked closer at them she realized that they were pornographic photographs, hundreds of completely naked white girls in all the positions of the Kama Sutra looking at the camera with their faces distorted with pleasure or radiant with ecstasy, and in all of them the male who was fucking them was Jamal.

Chloe is jealous of all those little white whores that have been on that mattress and at the same time she prides herself on being beautiful and sexy enough to attract such an alpha black male, a male capable of seducing and fucking such an obscene amount of white females.

Chloe hears Jamal close the door behind her.

The noise from the party dies down and the atmosphere in that luxurious room is calm, although Chloe can still hear the loud rap music outside. Jamal turns her to face her and about her hers feminine and voluptuous body hers to his.

The huge alpha male grabs the delicate chin of the busty white girl and lifts her towards him looking directly into her eyes, Chloe is frozen by Jamal's absolute trust and dominance of her by taking her as if she belonged to him.

But when the black stud's thick black lips press hard and hungry on Chloe's pretty blue lips, she just hungrily opens her pretty little mouth and soon they're both kissing deep and wet, their tongues curling and fighting as they share saliva.

Chloe feels like she is melting as Jamal's huge, rough hands slide down her delicate, bare waist to her nice, firm ass, where each black paw can completely cover her plump, white buttocks. her.

The sweet white girl has never felt so horny in her life, her belly is on fire and her young vagina is dripping, Jamal lifts her off the floor without breaking the kiss holding her by her fat buttocks as he continues to ravage Chloe's small mouth with his thick and powerful male tongue for several minutes, and just like her feminine little brother did with Mr. Osei, Chloe hugs Jamal's powerful and muscular body like a koala, while swallowing the thick and delicious saliva of that African giant.

Between moans of pleasure, Chloe realizes that this way of clinging to the strong body of a black male is natural for all white girls in the world.

The raunchy kiss lasts for what seems like hours, but the lack of oxygen forces them apart, and then between gasps, Jamal drops the beautiful Chloe onto the king-size bed.

Chloe moans in despair at feeling abandoned by that fierce black warrior and watches with adoration and desire as Jamal removes his shirt and is mesmerized by his dark, tattooed, muscular body.

The beautiful and innocent chestnut remains frozen for half a minute, looking at the imposing torso of that muscular African stallion, every muscle of his body is tattooed with those tribal symbols, and the tattoos cover every inch of black skin, leaving only his head and hands-free from ink.

Jamal is so broad and muscular that Chloe can only compare him to the Hulk, a sexy, dangerous, black African Hulk.

Unable to contain herself any longer, Chloe takes her trembling and delicate hands over the hard and tattooed black muscles, the busty white girl runs her fingers over every inch of that powerful torso, following with her fingertips the intricate tribal patterns, her hands White stand out against his hard, dark body shockingly, the contrast between his black, tattooed skin and Chloe's delicate, white hands is maddening.

Jamal just stands there swaggering at the sexy white girl who is drooling over him. Chloe, completely bewitched, moves on her knees on the bed and slowly brings her beautiful face closer until she touches that black African skin with her beautiful lips painted in blue.

The busty white girl begins to gently kiss the black male's hard abs, and it is she who lets out soft and tender little moans of pleasure as she spreads more and more hungry and wet kisses all over Jamal's strong torso, leaving marks of the thick blue lipstick. indigo all over the abdomen of the black stallion.

As Chloe places a dozen blue kisses on Jamal, she opens her big beautiful indigo eyes and looks directly into his evil dark black eyes before sliding her small hands up his hard abs to the button of his gang bang pants, Chloe opens the door. zipper and realizes that she is on fire, her pussy is vibrating and drooling.

The pretty girl begins to pull down her pants and underwear at the same time and the thick dark root of Jamal's huge cock appears. Her mouth is open in shock, watching inch after inch appear right in front of her face. That huge dick is as thick as a beer can, no, that's not an exaggeration, or a fucking metaphor, that gigantic penis is exactly as thick as a beer can, and it looked impossibly long.

Chloe finds out three inches, four, damn it's already longer than her pathetic ex-boyfriend Billy's! Five, six, and there's still more.

Chloe continues to release more and more of that impossibly fat black anaconda, seven, eight inches, does this thing have no end? nine inches... desperate, the busty brunette yanks down that cumbersome garment.

And then… Giving her a loud, hard slap eleven inches of black, thick, and hard huge black cock explodes against Chloe's beautiful face!

That monstrous huge black cock is so long, so monstrously fat and so heavy that even when it's hard as steel, that gorgeous black cock stays horizontal with its gigantic swollen glans pointing directly at Chloe.

Chloe feels how her vagina contracts and releases more girlish juices simply by being in the presence of that gigantic black cock, Chloe is drooling, eager to lick and taste that huge mushroom-shaped glans, Jamal is not circumcised but the big head of that Vergón shows herself completely uncovered from how swollen she is.

Beneath that fat gigantic African banana hang the biggest and fattest testicles the pretty white girl has ever seen.

Each heavy testicle is the size of a tennis ball, hanging halfway down the muscled thighs of this gigantic black male.

Jamal isn't shaved, he flaunts that eleven-inch fat black cock and those huge, heavy, hairy testicles with pride and arrogance.

It is love at first sight!

“Oh my God, this can't be real!” Chloe mutters, almost scared of that powerful cock.
With her pretty mouth still open, the busty white girl stares at that beautiful African cock for a full minute, Chloe is so amazed that she forgets to breathe, but when she sees that powerful black anaconda throb and jump by itself the sexy brunette comes out of his rapture, and takes a deep breath trying to catch his breath.

Instead of being able to wake up, the busty white girl feels her brain melt and her body shake, Chloe then discovers that that masculine musk that she had mistaken for lotion when she met Jamal a few minutes ago, is nothing more than the scent of his stinky sweaty huge black cock.

And that smell is stinkingly delicious, unpleasantly exquisite!

Chloe shudders as she breathes in that masculine scent, that scent is pure masculinity, absolutely concentrated, it's the scent of an alpha male, of a real man, that's the scent of a black man.

Chloe remains completely frozen again, admiring with the purest adoration that divine black anaconda, without believing that it is real, for a moment there is nothing but her and that incredible black cock.

Jamal looks at the luscious, busty white girl on her knees in front of him and her cruel smile spreads across her black face, her gold tooth gleaming in the light from the dim lamp in her room.

Chloe, in turn, looks up, and for he,r the dark giant with the rude and negroid features is the most attractive man in the world, Jamal is the most masculine, dominant, powerful,l and manly man in the universe, and she is the white girl luckiest in the world to have the privilege of being on one knee in front of this black demigod.

That magnificent stallion is standing there in front of her, looking down. Expecting.

The beautiful brunette takes her delicate hands to that incredibly thick African cock but before she can touch it, a huge black hand crashes against her cheek, the slap is not hard enough to hurt her, but it is a firm blow and overwhelming.

Chloe's pretty face is turned to the side by the loud slap, but mostly in surprise.

No one in her entire life has hit her, no one! Not her mother, let alone her weak and submissive father, no friends or partners, let alone any of her weak and pathetic white ex-boyfriends. Chloe was a pampered, spoiled, and privileged white girl who had never suffered from any violence.

That firm slap should have made her furious, a mature, huge, and evil black mobster she had met just a few minutes ago had hit her quite painfully as if he had such a right as if he were her father or her owner, he had hit her while she was on her knees about to worship his long fat huge black cock.

Yes, Chloe should be furious, and outraged, she should get up and slap that black giant, then sue him for assault. But as her cheek flushed red from the shock, and she reacted, she realized that what she felt was not anger or outrage.

Chloe was afraid, afraid of the strength of that powerful African giant, afraid of the dangerous mafia boss who had dozens of ferocious armed black men under his command, yes, Chloe felt for the first time afraid of a man, that muscular and tattooed Black gang member could beat her to death as easily as a lion could kill a little bunny, the busty and privileged white girl felt for the first time small, weak and inferior to a male, Chloe for the first time felt like a damsel in danger, a fragile little woman, a fragile little girl.

Yes, the sexy brunette was afraid of what that powerful African God could do to her… But she was even more afraid of what Jamal might not do to her.

Chloe was suddenly terrified of being rejected, devastated to think she had done something wrong, the busty white girl was in a real panic that she wasn't good enough for this perfect black Hercules and Jamal would order her out of her room, Chloe had Afraid that Jamal would take her away from that delicious big black cock.

And with tears in her beautiful blue eyes, Chloe looks up from her, and with the meekest expression, she begins to beg for forgiveness.

“I…I'm sorry…I didn't mean…I don't know what I did wrong…I…I…”, Chloe begins to whimper, as she stutters.

“Calm down, my little white fox. You will learn fast". Jamal stroked Chloe's beautiful brown hair as if it were her pet.

Chloe knows she should be offended, Jamal just called her a little white slut, but instead, her heart flutters with delight and flattery, remembering Emily's words.

“When a real man, a black man, calls white girls bitches, whores, harlots, or even sluts, they should feel flattered and proud, because that is the way black men express affection and attraction to women. white. It's a racial thing, a cultural difference, and if a white girl gets offended by it, it's because she's a disgusting racist.”

“I… I'm sorry… tell me what to do… teach me please!”
Chloe's beautiful voice sounds desperate, begging for the gigantic black male's forgiveness and approval.

“A good white girl always asks permission to touch her man's big black cock. A good little white slut always asks for permission to touch her BLACK KING's big long fat black cock,” Jamal explains in his deep voice as he strokes the sexy white girl. "Now be a good white girl and beg your BLACK KING for this huge black cock."

Chloe wipes the unshed tears from her beautiful, made-up eyes and dedicates the most beautiful, sensual, and tender smile to the huge alpha male.
She then interlocks her delicate fingers in a prayer position and begins to begin a beautiful, pampered voice.

“My lord… my BLACK KING, could the little white slut of hers touch her beautiful big black cock? I beg you my BLACK KING”. The look of complete adoration and surrender on Chloe's face is utterly sexual, the heavy, thick blue makeup on her makes her look like a porn star.

Jamal smirks smugly and wickedly and nods approvingly as he laughs gravely.

“You learn fast girl. You are allowed to touch the Big Black Cock of you BLACK KING, little white whore".

Those words cause a sincere, excited, and beautiful smile to light up Chloe's sexy face, the busty brunette looks like a girl on Christmas morning.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much, my BLACK KING! I'll be a good white bitch!"

And after thanking them for such an honor the sexy white girl looks ahead and leans towards the beautiful eleven-inch huge black cock, with nervous and trembling hands the busty white girl wraps around that incredibly fat huge black cock one of her small white hands, and a sexy moan escapes from her blue lips, indeed that beautiful cock is as thick as a beer can, the size and hardness of that monstrosity is almost unreal. The beautiful white girl tightly holds the fat and heavy black cock with her two hands, one on top of the other, astonished to discover that it can't cover even half of the length, but more than its length which intimidates and fascinates the sexy girl is how unbelievably fat and heavy she is.

Chloe sobs excitedly, that the African anaconda is beastly and beautiful in equal measure.

The sexy brunette feels the powerful and slow throb of the monstrous penis in her hands, and as she rubs that marvelous manhood up and down, she delights in the contrast of the soft texture of the skin that covers that heavy huge cock, and the incredible hardness of that gigantic penis full of veins as thick as the fingers of the white girl.

Chloe feels how her own heart flutters excitedly and realizes with fear that she has a crush, the busty white girl understands with terror that she is lost and hopelessly in love.

But she's not in love with Jamal, not yet, even though Jamal is the manliest, most attractive, strong, and most powerful male she's ever known in her life, she still doesn't love him, no.

Chloe is completely in love with that beautiful fat black dick, head over heels in love with that long heavy African dick, in love like a silly teenager.

It is love at first sight.

The sexy white girl opens her small mouth open with hunger and desire, her indigo lips are glossy and wet with saliva, and Chloe is drooling hungrily.

Chloe squeezes the big fat black cock almost furiously, it's hard as steel, but the black skin that covers it is soft as velvet, licking her fat lips, the busty and sexy white girl leans eagerly towards that beautiful male wonder, but just as he is about to touch the fat head with its pretty blue lips, Jamal's powerful hand grasps the back of his head and pulls it away from him.

Chloe's heart skips a beat, she is terrified, thinking that she has done something wrong again and that Jamal will deny her the privilege of tasting that big black cock, the busty white girl looks terrified directly into the dark black eyes of Jamal. With a handful of brown hair between her thick, long fingers, Jamal looks at Chloe with a smile.

"You know my pretty little white whore, I don't even know your name." Jamal's deep, gravelly voice echoes through the room.

Oh, Lord! You didn't even tell her your name! Chloe thinks, surprised and embarrassed.
The beautiful brunette realizes that she is alone in a room, on her knees in front of a naked, gigantic, muscular, and dangerous black mobster, about to suck his huge, long, and incredibly fat black cock, after begging like hell. bitch for it And the owner of that big fat heavy black cock doesn't know her name!

What kind of whore am I? the beautiful white girl asks herself.

"Um…it's Chloe…my name is Chloe Small, my BLACK KING," the busty white girl tells her softly.

Waiting for her approval, she continues to look him straight in the eye with that expression of submission and surrender.

“Okay, Chloe. Now take care of your man. Take care of your BLACK KING.” Jamal's deep voice causes Chloe's insides to quiver.

His man of hers? His BLACK KING of hers?

Fuck! The words echo in Chloe's mind.

The beautiful white girl is practically a waterfall right now, her tight vagina dripping so thick that thick drops of sweet feminine honey are dripping onto the elegant silk covers that cover Jamal's huge bed.

Jamal points the busty white girl's head at her dick and pushes it into her crotch.
With absolute love, Chloe leans forward and places a tender loving kiss on the bulbous head of the big juicy huge black cock, as he pulls away from her her lips glistened with a moisture they didn't have before.

The chestnut licks her lips and the most intense man flavor she has ever tasted seizes her taste buds.

No, Chloe has never tasted a man before tonight. Those three ex-boyfriends were just kids. This, this is a man, a real man, a black macho.

The masculine taste of Jamal's pre-cum is salty, intense, and utterly delicious, and Chloe is addicted after her first taste, her mouth drooling, thirsty, and she can hear her stomach give a little rumble of hunger, Chloe wants more, Chloe it needs a lot more of that salty nectar.

The beautiful brunette leans in and gives another loving kiss to that beautiful big black cock, and then another and another, each soft, romantic kiss wetter and more intense than the last, and soon Chloe has stopped kissing the huge head mushroom shape and has begun to lick desperately as if it were a delicious chocolate ice cream.

There's that taste again, it's just delicious, Chloe licks the huge hole at the tip of her as she moans from the intense power that huge black cock exerts on her.

But Chloe wants more, she needs to swallow that fat cock completely, or at least she has to try, she wants to please her new black male, her new BLACK KING.

But feeling her sexy body quiver with pleasure, feeling her now fully hard and erect nipples tingle with pain and need, and feeling wave after wave of her womanly juices spurt from her swollen, throbbing labia, Chloe has to admit that worshiping that huge black cock brings her as much or more pleasure than its owner.

The busty white girl takes a deep breath and her wet mouth spreads around her huge cock and her jaw is on the edge.

Chloe tries to swallow as much of that monstrous piece of black meat as she can but embarrassed realizes that she can only fit the fat head in her mouth, it's too thick to swallow anymore, and her jaw threatens to dislocate. If she does.

Black tears from mascara running down her swollen cheeks Chloe forces herself to swallow at least another inch of that fat, throbbing black cock, with a titanic effort she does it, she now has four inches of African cock, plus her head, inside her. her hot little mouth.

Chloe swallows as deeply as she can until the tip of the swollen glans touches the back of her throat and triggers the sexy white girl's gag reflex, she pulls away coughing and gasping, trying to catch her breath, and with an empty sound manages to get that gigantic black anaconda out of her mouth, a strand of saliva extends from her sexy lips to the tip of the bulbous glans.

"Dammit, you couldn't even swallow half of it, you stupid white bitch!" Jamal's angry roar echoes through the small room.

"Forgive me, my BLACK KING! Forgive your dumb white slut! His huge fat black cock is just gigantic, it's too big. Please forgive me, my BLACK KING!" Chloe answers sheepishly, lovingly kissing the tip of his that hard dick.

"Are you a virgin babe?" Jamal looks excited as he asks.

"No, I'm not a virgin, but you're much, much bigger than any of my ex-boyfriends…and I've never given any of them a blow job…their little dicks just disgusted me," Chloe responds honestly to her male, trying to leave it clear that her lack of ability is because she's never had sex with a black man before, with a real man.

"Is this your first big black cock?" Jamal asks with a grin.

"Yes, my BLACK KING! This is the first big black cock I've tasted in my life", replied the brunette with a pampered voice as she smiled back.

“Those ex-boyfriends you speak of…were they weak little white boys?” questions the black giant as he strokes Chloe's beautiful brown hair, the busty white girl continues to lick and kiss the huge black head of that huge cock black who has her completely in love.

"Yes, my BLACK KING! All three of them were pathetic little white boys!" Chloe rubs her beautiful face against the gigantic black cock, like a pampered kitten, causing the juices and saliva that cover that huge rod of African meat to drool all over her beautiful white face.

"So you're still a virgin…sex with pathetic little white boys doesn't count, a woman can only lose her virginity to a real man, to a black man, I'll have to deflower you then!" Jamal laughs and shoves his big black cock into Chloe's little mouth once more.

Jamal starts moving her fat cock back and forth inside Chloe's warm, wet mouth as if he's fucking her.

Damn, Chloe thinks, Jamal is training her.

Saliva runs down the pretty girl's chin and onto her huge white tits as she helplessly watches that big black stud work her BBC as deep as she can into her tight mouth.
But no matter how hard he pushes the huge head the size of a small apple he can't get through Chloe's narrow throat.

Hannah lovingly and tenderly strokes Jamal's powerful legs and sculpted abdomen, her pretty, manicured blue-painted nails sensually caressing the black man's buttocks, legs, and abs.

After more than half an hour, Chloe feels that her jaw is about to dislocate and the vomiting and coughing noises become very intense, Chloe is amazed by the stamina of that stud, she has been sucking that fat and huge black cock with all her might for half an hour and Jamal shows no sign of cumming or tiring.

Jamal finally snaps his powerful tool out of her whore's mouth with a snap, Chloe coughs and gasps trying to catch her breath, her face a wet mess of tears, saliva, and pre-cum, her makeup is completely ruined.

Chloe feels dizzy from the exertion and the lack of oxygen, but she has the biggest and happiest smile of her entire life.

Jamal sees that beautiful and sexy white girl with her beautiful blue eyes crying, covered in saliva and pre-cum, Chloe looks like a porn actress, like a real whore, she looks beautiful.

And smirking, the huge black male starts smacking her across the face with his heavy, fat, huge black cock, the slimy mess making those vulgar slaps sound wet and sticky.

Chloe simply smiles with delight and excitement as she feels the raw power of that huge black cock, and with a sexy pout, she kisses the base of the fat anaconda lovingly every time Jamal delivers a new powerful blow.

Chloe is there on her knees, her thick saliva combined with hers and Jamal's delicious pre-cum trickling down her face as she gazes up at him adoringly.

Jamal for his part stops pounding his new slut's pretty wet face and rests his eleven-inch fat heavy black cock on her pretty face, and unknown to Chloe how or where, his new BLACK KING has an expensive Smartphone high-end in his huge black hand.

Jamal is focusing on the beautiful white girl with the full definition camera and Chloe knows that the dangerous black mobster she just met an hour ago is about to take a picture of her while she is on her knees, dressed like a whore, with her pretty face completely drenched in saliva, pre-cum, and tears, and with her makeup completely ruined… Jamal is about to take a picture of her looking like a porn actress, with a huge fat black cock longer than her head, resting on the beautiful face of a good girl.

Chloe realizes all these things, and instead of feeling horrified or worried, her heart thumps with excitement for her, and her belly quivers and contracts with burning desire.
The busty white girl just smiles and continues to stare at the BLACK KING of hers, posing for the camera.

The sound of the shutter resonates in her chamber, letting her know that the obscene image of her has been immortalized.

Damn, this is a man, a real man! he is my man, my master, my king!

With that thought, Chloe opens her mouth and sucks on her huge, heavy balls.

The sexy white girl kisses and licks her huge hairy balls while the fat black cock rests on her face. And she loves it!

The overwhelming weight of her fascinates her, the stinky and manly aroma of her has her drugged and the intense and salty taste of her is delicious, Chloe feels happy and lucky to have the honor of being on her knees sucking that magnificent and masculine cock African.

For the next twenty minutes, the sexy brunette worships Jamal's powerful cock. She kisses, licks, and sucks every inch of that fat African banana, the sexy white girl also licks and kisses the heavy and hairy testicles of her king.

Chloe's knees scream in pain and her jaw threatens to slip after spending a full hour on her knees sucking that massive black cock, but while the sexy brunette isn't used to any discomfort or pain in her life, she's more than willing to give it a try put up with that inconvenience if it means being able to worship that eleven-inch long African cock the way it deserves.

Chloe has not stopped looking directly into the dark and evil eyes of her BLACK KING for a single moment, wishing to see some sign of pleasure from Jamal, the conceited and privileged white girl who had never begged for anyone's attention, much less the attention of the men around her, she is now sucking and sucking the huge mushroom head with all her might waiting for some small nod of approval from that African male she just met.

But the evil face of that mature black man is imperturbable and only a slight evil smile has graced his ugly face for the past hour.

Chloe does not intend to give up and make a decision, she rushes forward wildly and manages with great effort to swallow half of that anaconda, with tears in her eyes the beautiful white girl feels how the swollen glans almost the size of a billiard ball collides against the back of her mouth, touching the entrance of her throat and rubbing her uvula in the process, her gag reflex kicks in again and the gorgeous brunette begins to gag, only serving to drench more saliva on that gigantic piece of black meat.

Chloe can no longer see the perfect black male she is worshipping, as her eyes are filled with tears that blur all her vision, but a grunt of satisfaction finally escapes from that stoic and male black god, Jamal then holds the head of his new whore between her huge black hands and with unusual tenderness caresses Chloe's silky brown hair, in a gesture of approval, Chloe feels proud and happy for that the tears that now run down her swollen cheeks are of happiness.

But Jamal's tender caresses soon stop and as the African male lets out more of those manly growls, he holds Chloe's head tightly, preventing her from moving and now he is the one who, moving his pelvis from front to back, begins to fuck her mouth. of that busty whore.

Chloe realizes with a little fear that this is no longer a blow job, Jamal is now ****** her mouth in a wild and possessive way, without caring about her pleasure or well-being, for him her mouth is now a vagina and he is penetrating her as such, with strong and fast thrusts that make Chloe gag and choke trying not to vomit or pass out from lack of oxygen.

And although she feels pain and fear for that violent and rude treatment, Chloe could not be happier, her belly is burning with desire and her vagina opens and closes with hunger at each powerful blow of the glans in the bottom of her mouth, wishing that it's her turn to be desecrated in that brutal way.

Jamal's roars grow louder and deeper and Chloe feels the hot fat African meat rod getting even harder, hotter, and yes surprisingly even fatter.

The busty white girl feels how that monster swells and lengthens even more inside her wet mouth, but, although her BLACK KING pushes his hips with the strength of a bull and the violence of a tiger, his black cock is too big and the bitch too inexperienced. Her glans wouldn't go through that throat this time.

Jamal is disappointed by this, but he thinks that's enough for now, he'll have time to train this white slut with gigantic tits. For now, the only thought that fills his mind is to cum, after over an hour of the inexperienced but very enthusiastic and loving attentions of his new slut, Jamal's heavy balls are ready to let out all the burden of him. And with a roar and a final push Jamal finally begins to come.

When the first wad of African cum floods her little white mouth, Chloe can't help but be surprised again, she was ready to receive a small teaspoon of viscous watery, and transparent liquid, thinking about the times when she had masturbated her white ex-boyfriends, whose complete orgasm consisted of shooting three shots of that watery and weak semen of a white boy, three shots that wouldn't be enough to fill even a small glass of tequila.

Chloe was ready for that kind of male orgasm, but when the first shot of African cum hits the back of her throat the sexy brunette girl realizes how stupid she was to compare a real macho, BLACK KING with wimps. and pathetic white children.

Just one of Jamal's wads of cum was enough to fill half a cup of tea, and the thick baby goo shot out with such pressure and speed that the busty white girl almost felt pain as the thick wad of cum hit her. throat.

Surprised and fascinated, Chloe desperately forces herself to swallow that first thick, thick glob of African cum, and immediately received another wad and another and another after that…the next four shots were just as violent and huge as the first, it was Like trying to drink half a cup of pudding in one gulp at a time, her cheeks puff out like a cartoon squirrel's cheeks as the beautiful white girl drinks her new favorite food.

Chloe tries to savor the manly elixir of the black bull, but she doesn't have time to do so, so she swallows quickly and without thinking so as not to waste a single drop of that delicious hot mass, but there is such a quantity that drops of semen they trickle down the corner of her lips, finally falling on her enormous white breasts.

“Swallow all my African cum you fucking white bitch! This is black bull milk and you better not waste a single drop you little white bitch!”

Jamal's insulting and racist words, along with the thick loads of hot cum drive Chloe over the edge, the shocked busty white girl feels as the most intense orgasm of her life explodes in her pussy, and she squirts like a pornstar.

She has never come like that, nor when she has masturbated watching Jarrad Christensen's interracial videos has she felt anything this intense, much less when she had sex with her three white ex-boyfriends.

Chloe moans and squeezes her eyes shut enjoying the biggest orgasm of her life as she tries to swallow mouthful after mouthful of that delicious African cum.

But the amount of cum is too much, and after forcing herself to swallow seven hearty shots, Chloe lets her swollen, throbbing glans out of her tiny mouth.

As the huge, hard black cock escapes Chloe's sexy lips, she jumps and quivers as she continues to shoot huge globs of fresh bull's cum.

The fat anaconda looks just beautiful, fully erect, her juicy glans facing forward, pointing directly at Chloe, who smiles in awe at the sudden jumps that heavy African cock makes.

But the busty brown-haired girl doesn't have time to admire that beauty, because she immediately feels how wad after wad of hot milk crashes against her pretty face.
Jamal is showering her with his cum, and she comes even harder as her face is completely covered in thick white African seed.

Chloe's little hands are clinging to the root of that huge black cock, squeezing and masturbating it almost furiously, to milk the delicious black male pudding that Jamal is giving her.

Finally, Jamal's powerful orgasm ends, and the huge black bull is growling manly in pleasure as he unloads on the busty white girl.

Chloe counted twelve shots of thick African cum, the first seven taking her into her mouth and swallowing instantly, the last five plentiful enough to blind her in one eye and cover her face in a thick layer of glaze.

Jamal keeps pointing her cell phone at Chloe, the sexy white girl wondering if the BLACK KING of hers is taking more pictures of her or maybe filming her, whichever answer she agreed.

Jamal had already caught his breath and had that confident, cynical half-smile back on his handsome mobster face that Chloe loved so much.

"Look at you, with all my cum on your pretty slutty face, you look like a fucking porn star, didn't I tell you to swallow every last drop, white bitch?" Jamal was hitting Chloe's face again with her heavy black cock.

There was so much cum all over her that soon webs of cum were forming between her pretty face and Jamal's fat cock.

“Sorry, my BLACK KING! Forgive your silly white whore, my king! I tried to drink all of her delicious semen, I tried to swallow every drop of her exquisite male milk... but it was too much, it was so much and so powerful that I couldn't do it! Forgive me my BLACK KING, I beg you!"

Chloe begged as she kissed and licked the fat cock that pounded her face, her little white hands busy stroking her tits and her soaking hot white pussy.

"Okay, I'll forgive you this time, but you'll have to clean all this sticky cum off my cock with your tongue, okay?" Jamal waved his fat African banana at Chloe who was squinting trying to follow her with her eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you my BLACK KING! I'll be a good white girl and clean your fat black cock, my king!” Chloe moaned glad to finally have a chance to taste that thick African seed, she was drooling just thinking about it.

Jamal's heavy cock had lost its steel, so it was easier for Chloe to get the huge glans into her little mouth.

The fat cock was completely covered in thick churned cum, and this time Chloe was able to take her time and give it a good taste.

Delicious! It's all Chloe could think of at that moment.

The flavor of that pudding was intense, salty, and sweet at the same time, a bit sour and extremely manly.

She could feel the thick and sticky consistency as she sucked and wiped Jamal's cock, the taste and aroma of that delicious macho milk stunned and confused her brain and the privileged and sexy white girl realized that she could become addicted to that masculine and intense flavor.

Chloe had instinctively closed her eyes so she could concentrate on the rich taste of cum in her mouth, when she finally swallowed all the cum she had cleaned up, she opened her beautiful blue eyes and saw Jamal pointing his expensive cell phone straight to the face

“Show your BLACK KING that you swallowed everything like a good white girl,” Jamal ordered smiling.

Chloe obeyed immediately, opening her mouth to the maximum, sticking out her tongue completely clean, again the noise of her shutter told her that they had just taken a picture of her.

“You're a nice white slut, Chloe Smalls”, Jamal congratulated her and Chloe felt dreamy, “but you still have cum on your face, you have to eat it all”.

"Yes, my BLACK KING."
The busty young lady replied.

Jamal cleaned Chloe's face with her big black cock two more times, and twice more the sexy brunette cleaned that magnificent tool.

When there was no more cum on his face and only a glossy layer of moisture that would soon dry up, Jamal's penis was rock hard again, Chloe's slow, loving licks having managed to make it erect again.

Chloe continued to suck desperately, adoring that black anaconda with true devotion, but still unable to get her fat penis down her throat.

Jamal, like any black man, enjoyed a good blow job, but it was time to move on to the main course.

The gigantic male seized her new slut by the intricate French braid Chloe had sported with such vanity and yanked it from her shaft like a cowboy reining in a stubborn mare.

When the black male finally forces her away from his big cock, Chloe moans and tries to break out of her king's firm grip and gobble up that huge black cock again, but Jamal pulls her hair up and forces her to her feet.

Chloe's beautiful green eyes widen in surprise when Jamal kisses her wildly, the girl melts and her eyes cloud with pleasure as she feels the thick, strong tongue of the Black King of hers ravage her little white girl's mouth.

The white boys she'd dated were extremely demure and clean, they'd never have dared kiss her after she'd eaten a pint of cum, but Jamal was a real macho, a manly, primitive caveman, to him. there was no disgust or shame in kissing his white bitch immediately after feeding her his semen.

Jamal breaks the obscene French kiss and commands.

"Take off your clothes bitch."

Chloe immediately complies and takes off her tight blue top, revealing her huge, round, heavy white tits topped by pretty little pink nipples.

For the first time Jamal looks surprised, those firm round, and gigantic white tits have exceeded his expectations.

The gigantic male licks his thick African lips as he stares at that pair of fat white tits. So intense is Jamal's dark gaze that Chloe ends up covering her huge breasts with her arms as if she were a shy, pure virgin girl.

Bad idea.

Jamal slaps her again, and this time the blow is harder.

Chloe almost loses her balance but manages to stay on her feet.

“Are you hiding those fat tits from your BLACK KING?!” Jamal asks furiously.

Chloe stops covering her breasts and strokes her sore cheekbone.

But the pain she feels in her face stops being important when Jamal gives her a resounding slap on one of her huge tits.

Chloe cries out in pain and pleasure as her fat udders shake like custard.

"Excuse me! Forgive me my BLACK KING! It was not my intention my king! It will not happen again! Forgive the silly white bitch of him!”. Chloe begs between moans of pleasure.

“That's how I like it! This is how a good white whore begs!” Jamal chuckles as he spanks his slut's other tit.

Chloe thinks she's calmed down her new black male, and the silly white girl tries to caress her sore nipples, but before her dainty hands can touch those round pair of tits, Jamal slaps them again, and Chloe moans and whimpers, as feel that delicious pain.

“Did I order you to touch yourself?! I want to see those fat tits fully exposed all the time, slut!” The mighty black bull growls.

Chloe pathetically begs for forgiveness once more, and once again Jamal slaps her huge tits until the beautiful brunette ends up crying and moaning in pain with her nipples fully erect and reddened.

Jamal lets out that wicked, sinic laugh again and revels in the girly sobs of his new dog.

Chloe is there, sobbing on her knees on the huge bed, shaking with fear, pain, pleasure, and desire all combined. Her mind is completely blank, confused by alcohol and endorphins, she simply looks into the black eyes of her new master, completely submissive and devoted, Chloe is Jamal's doll, his obedient slave completely devoted and eager to serve her King. black in the best way Jamal pushes her, and the busty girl falls full length on the soft bed, then she realizes that there is a huge mirror stuck to the ceiling of that filthy room.

Chloe admires herself, lying there topless as she tries not to fondle her swollen nipples that now ache and ache deliciously.

The huge black male rips off her tight little micro shorts, they are completely drenched and the scent of a female in heat fills the room mingling with Jamal's powerful, masculine musk.

Chloe simply lets her Black King remove her skimpy denim, the skimpy shorts drenched in Chloe's girlish juices.

The beautiful white girl is there fully stretched out on the soft black silk sheets, wearing only a tiny indigo blue lace thong, and her sexy high platform pumps with 15-centimeter heels, Chloe has to admit that she looks vulgar.

The contrast of the white and velvety skin of that busty white girl with the black silk sheets is beautiful, almost artistic, until a few days ago that beautiful brown-haired girl was an upright and Catholic ******** of a ******, innocent and pure, Chloe had only had boring, condom-wearing sex with three pathetic weak white boys with small soft penises.

And now here she was completely naked, exposed to a huge black mobster she had met barely an hour ago, his voluptuous porcelain body drenched in beadlets of sweat from the excitement of sucking her first black cock.

Her sexy slutty body is trembling with anticipation, her tight shaved vagina is completely drenched, and her swollen pussy lips are completely wet and shiny just begging to be penetrated by a real man's huge black cock.

Jamal stands in front of her showing off his naked and powerful black body, his tattooed muscles glistening with a light sheen of sweat, he looks like a brutal and primitive African God, his wide and powerful body full of muscles is incredible, but Chloe's blue gaze can't help but focus on the crotch of her new African King, there between those muscular black thighs juts out, fully erected the gigantic huge eleven-inch black cock, as thick as a soda can, and hanging below those two huge bull testicles the size of billiard balls.

Chloe knows that once that monster enters her tight little white vagina she will never be the same again.

The powerful black bull takes with his huge black paw that tiny blue lace thong and tears it from the body of his new conquest, the delicate garment breaks with a snap, hurting Chloe a bit, but the beautiful brunette doesn't complain, she just he sighs at the raw strength of this African mobster.

Jamal brings the torn garment to his face and inhales deeply, savoring Chloe's sweet and feminine scent of bitch in heat, the sexy and busty white girl watches proudly as the smell of her juices causes the heavy, huge black cock to jump by itself herself, almost as if it had a life of its own and was eager to enter her tight vagina.

Jamal throws the ruined thong to the floor almost angrily and climbing on the bed, he settles on top of the busty white girl.

Her huge black cock bounces with each step until it's between the beautiful woman's legs, the heavy African banana rests on Chloe's flat belly, and the sexy white girl can feel the incredible weight of her and the intense heat of her.

The root of that monster is at the entrance of Chloe's tight pussy, the white girl even feels the huge bull testicles resting on her wet pussy lips, Jamal is showing his new white slut how far his big black cock will go inside her, and Chloe feels a sudden wave of fear as she sees that… The bulbous head of that huge black cock almost reaches her round, heavy breasts!

It is simply immense, it is thicker and longer than the forearms of the busty white girl, Chloe trembles with fear and desire, and feels how her vagina opens and closes hungrily, drooling with desire to be penetrated by that enormous sausage of African meat.

Jamal rubs his massive cock down, drawing a line of pre-cum along Chloe's flat stomach, when the fat mushroom head touches Chloe's swollen, wet clit, now fully peeking out of her eager hood. feeling that caress, the busty white girl arches with pleasure and gives an erotic squeal.

It is the first time that someone touches her naked clitoris, her old boyfriends never found it, much less managed to make her swell and wet like that.

"Beg me little white whore! Beg your BLACK KING to shove her big black cock into this tight wet white pussy! Beg me bitch! Pray to me, little white whore!” The powerful black mobster slams his heavy cock into Chloe's wet, tight cunt every time she says a word, punishing his new slut's swollen clit, the splashing noise echoing through the room as her pussy lips are drenched and every Hit by that hard black baton only causes more girl juices to spurt out.

Chloe screams in combined pleasure, pain, and frustration, she has never felt so aroused in her entire life, her whole body is hot, but her hard pink nipples, her lower belly, and her vagina are burning with hellfire, she needs someone Put out that fire, or stir it up, Chloe doesn't even know what she wants, but she wants it now!

She feels an itch inside her, deep inside her vagina, her belly, an itch that desperately wants to be scratched, and she knows that only a big, long, big black cock can get there. So, if she has to humble herself and beg for the privilege of being penetrated by a real man, by a black male, by a BLACK KING, Chloe is more than willing to do it.

"Please! Please! I beg you my BLACK KING! Please shove your gigantic, fat, hard, huge black cock into my tight, wet, hot white pussy! Please, my lord, use her little white whore's white cunt to pleasure her fat, gigantic big black cock!”. Chloe screams in despair, as Jamal continues to punish her swollen clit with the strong, heavy strokes of his massive African glans.

“Okay my sexy white bitch, you've convinced me. Now you will know what it feels like to have sex with a real male!" Jamal roars as he slaps Chloe's fat tits again. "But if you want your BLACK KING's big black cock, you'll have to put it where it belongs yourself!"

Jamal finally stopped torturing Chloe's swollen clit and left the huge black glans resting on the belly of the busty white slut.

Moaning and writhing on the now damp silk sheets, Chloe opens her eyes to see the African alpha male, kneeling over her, his stunning black Hercules body and massive 11-inch black cock looking unreal, no man can be that perfect, that masculine, and manly, Jamal is not a human he is a demigod.

The beautiful brunette looks dreamily at her new King and panting with desire directs her delicate hands towards that monstrous black anaconda that stands completely hard between her thighs.

Chloe's hands are shaking with excitement, she's already touched that wonderful black manhood, she's even had it in her pretty little mouth, but this time it's different, this time she'll have to guide that huge black cock to the entrance of her wet pussy. white, in an act of total dedication.

And Chloe loves it!

Jamal's dominant and macho nature drives her crazy, the powerful black mobster is an alpha male among alpha males, Jamal has taken her to his room to fuck her as if she belonged to him forever, not caring that the busty white girl had come to the party accompanied by another black man.

Jamal had the absolute confidence of knowing that he was the master and owner of the place, all the black men that were inside his house owed him obedience, and all the white girls belonged to him by right. The powerful, tattooed African male had the strength and power to back up that confidence, the incredible, fully tattooed muscles of him showing scars from old fights won.

And now she was asking her to guide the powerful and African black cock herself into her white and tight pussy of a privileged white girl, she was demanding that she be the one to give him her most private and valuable part, the most sensitive and delicate part of her. White and sexy body, Jamal demanded that she be the one to take the last step to become a whore for black cocks, a Queen of Spades.

Chloe almost starts crying with joy, she was more than willing to do it, it was a privilege and a blessing of hers to be able to direct the fat heavy black cock of her new BLACK KING where it belonged, inside her.

With her pretty hands trembling Chloe finally encircles the fat heavy African banana, a shiver runs through Chloe's sexy body at the feel of that huge black cock, as hard as steel but covered in soft velvety skin that is now wet with her saliva, that monstrous penis is stained with blue kisses, a sign of the passion with which the sexy white girl kissed and adored the monstrous anaconda, Chloe sighs in rapture, the beautiful manhood looks strong and fat and unbelievably heavy… Chloe wonders how much that gigantic black penis weighs, so she can calculate at least a pound.

“What is it, my little white whore? Are you going to keep your BLACK KING waiting, you stupid white bitch?" Jamal growls mockingly as he sees the fascination with which Chloe strokes her huge manhood, the beautiful brunette girl is using both of her delicate hands to tenderly masturbate his twelve inches of fat black cock.

"Sorry! Forgive me, my BLACK KING!" Chloe answers, her voice cracking with desire, her attention still focused on the swollen chocolate-colored glans that now look deliciously wet, with a bead of thick pre-cum dangling from the urethra.

Chloe finally forces the huge hard black cock to bend so that it is completely horizontal, it is so hard and so full of hot and throbbing blood that the busty brunette has to make a real effort to bend that beautiful monstrosity, finally, the busty girl she gets the huge, bulbous black glans to touch her smooth, wet, shaved white vagina.

The entrance of that wet and soft flower is so narrow that at first, it does not allow the huge mushroom-shaped head to enter, Jamal lets out a roar of pleasure and excitement, that vagina with swollen white lips like porcelain is incredibly closed, really It looks like a virgin vagina.

Chloe simply gazes at the new God of hers adoringly as she rubs the fat mushroom head herself up and down, combining her feminine juices and Jamal's pre-cum into a single obscene scent. But after a few minutes of that, the powerful black male removes his small and delicate white hands from her powerful erection and takes charge of her, Chloe simply stretches out on the bed while her blue eyes remain fixed in the dark pupils. of their new African king.

Chloe stares into those black pupils for a couple of minutes, her heart fluttering with excitement, falling a little more in love with Jamal every second, but before Chloe can say a word Jamal finally buries the huge, swollen glans. in her tight vagina.

“OHHGGG! OHHHH BY GOD!" Chloe screams as she arches in pain, her tight little vagina has never taken anything bigger than two fingers from her, and now she has inside her a huge glans wider than a beer can.

The pain is intense, but Chloe does not move away, and she does not try to remove that enormous invader from her most intimate place, she just grits her teeth and closes her eyes, because, although she feels pain, her brain quickly fills with endorphins when feeling for the first time a naked penis inside her, her pathetic white boyfriends always used condoms, it was the first time her delicate vaginal folds tasted a raw penis, and it's delicious.

Jamal stands still for a few minutes waiting for his new bitch to get used to her huge size, the mature black male has a lot of experience with first-time white sluts like Chloe, good, Catholic girls who have never had sex with real men and didn't use dildos or dildos to masturbate.

But he is patient, and he knows that soon he will be able to pound into her with all his might, Jamal smiles evilly, he was just kind and cuddly at first, but when this sexy and busty white slut gets used to his huge anaconda, it will only be wild sex, and hard for her, Jamal loves to use his white bitches as sex toys, no love, or romantic shit, he knows how to treat fine white bitches like Chloe, he knows what those beautiful rich princesses want. And what they want is to be treated like whores, like bitches in heat, they want a male to take charge, to dominate them as only a big strong black male can, all white whores like Chloe want to be treated like dirt, like sacks of semen, like broodmares, like objects, like simple pieces of meat, and Jamal knows how to give them that and much more, he just has to be patient at first, and then he can treat this busty white girl like the cock-loving slut black it is.

Chloe continues with her eyes tightly closed breathing hard trying to get used to the huge invader between her thighs, little by little the pain gives way to pleasure and pleasure, to hunger, to need.

The busty brunette wants more!

It is she who began to rock her hips from front to back trying to get more of that magnificent black cock inside her tight tunnel.

The huge black gangster smiles even more when he feels those timid movements, and taking it as a sign, the huge black Hercules impales her with a single push.

“OHHHGGGG! MY GOD!" Chloe's scream is so loud that she's sure everyone at the party has heard it.

“No more Lord Gentle! Now I'm going to fuck you for real, you little white whore!” Jamal snarls almost hatefully.

And then he starts pumping with inhuman speed and force, and Chloe just trembles, screams and squirms, and sobs as she feels her tight vagina being torn apart by that huge black cock that moves like a piston.

Chloe cries and screams under Jamal's huge body, writhing in a pathetic effort to escape, Jamal angrily grabs her ankles and stretches out her long legs until her little feet still shod in those slutty heels touch the sexy white girl's ears.

Chloe moans in pain and discomfort, she's never been stretched like that before, and thanks to the obscene position she's in now, Jamal's big black cock can go deeper.
Jamal just holds her against him with all her strength snuggling against her with all her strength as he continues to fail her in that quick, violent way.


Chloe can't answer with coherent words, and she just screams and cries, her eyes blank and her teeth clenched, as she feels her whole body shake from the powerful blows from her man.

But those cries and sobs of pain gradually turn to gasps and moans of pleasure, and her attempts to escape turn into a loving embrace, her delicate hands caressing her man's bald head and if her legs were free they would open braided around the knees. Jamal's hips.

Chloe is begging for more, her words disjointed and drooling, but they are all words of love and surrender.

Jamal is very vocal, he won't shut up for a second and keeps insulting his new whore, calling her a white bitch, a privileged whore, and endless other racist slurs, filling her brain with ideology about black supremacy and the role white girls play in the world. Chloe, by now her brain turned to mush from the raw pleasure of being fucked by a black male, drinks in those words like ambrosia, her meaning and purpose searing into her stunned mind.

For the next forty minutes Jamal fucks the busty Chloe without slowing down or the power of her thrusts, at no time does he falter or lose his breath.

With each thrust Jamal's swollen and rubbery glans touches the entrance of Chloe's uterus, she had never felt that part of her body in her life, and with each "kiss" that the fat black cock gave her uterus the white girl he suffered a mini orgasm that caused more and more love juice to bathe the fat black cock.

Every ten or eleven thrusts Chloe would have a big orgasm, and then the girl juices would shoot out of her as if she were peeing herself.

“Damn white girl! You are a squirter! I knew you were special, this sexy body was made to be fucked by big fat black cocks! You were born to serve the black males!”

Chloe didn't know that she was a squirter, but Jamal seemed excited and pleased that she was one of him and that filled her with happiness.

When Chloe was about to faint from the pleasure, she felt Jamal's rapid thrusts accelerate even more, reaching the frenetic pace of a dog when riding a bitch, Chloe could also feel how the fat cock inside her vagina swelled and swelled. It got harder… Jamal was about to come, and the busty white girl knew he wouldn't pull out, Jamal didn't use a condom, and Jamal didn't pull out.

Condoms were for white boys, withdrawal was for white boys, black machos, real men fucked bareback, and came inside their whores.

Chloe moaned and whimpered as another huge orgasm ripped through her vagina, the busty girl knew this one was huge, bigger than any in her life, and she felt terrified, wondering if she could handle that much pleasure.

Jamal stopped talking and just groaned as his massive black cock exploded, load after a load of thick African cum shot into his new white slut's womb, and he felt Chloe's tight vagina press against him, pulsing and squeezing in spasms. his big cock as if trying to milk it to the last drop.

He too felt a mighty stream of girlish cum shoot up her powerful abs, bathing her fat black cock and drenching the silky sheets beneath them.

Jamal stands still as he fills his bitch's belly with cum, and Chloe just moans and gasps as she continues to enjoy that tremendous orgasm.

Jamal stays inside Chloe until her fat cock loses its steel, then he stands up, and as he pulls his huge black python out of that tight cave a torrent of thick African cum spills out of her freshly fucked pussy.

Chloe is left lying on the sheets like a puppet whose strings have been cut, completely out of hand, Chloe looks stupid with her mouth open and drooling, her glassy blue eyes do not see, and her mind is blank, her sexy body is shaking with pleasure and satisfaction.

Jamal admires her handiwork and her sly smile reappears, her powerful chest is rising and falling rapidly, and the big black male is agitated, this bitch got the better of him and he likes it.

Jamal gives Chloe just ten minutes of rest while he goes to the bathroom and takes a long pee, returning to the room he opens a small wet bar next to his bed and drinks a whole bottle of cold water.

Chloe is finally “awakening” from her post-orgasmic reverie, and she sees this Nubian demigod standing over her in awe.

“Water…”, the busty white girl manages to murmur, her voice hoarse from so much screaming and moaning.

Jamal grabs a new bottle of water and drinks from it, then forces Chloe to her knees again and lifts her face by taking her long French braid that now looks disheveled and covered in dried cum.

Chloe moans, but doesn't resist, and when Jamal bends down to kiss her she obediently opens her mouth and drinks the water straight from her king's mouth.

Jamal repeats this until he empties the bottle, eventually forcing Chloe's mouth open and spitting into her, giving her saliva to drink.

Chloe swallows that drool with more enthusiasm and thirst than with the water itself.
"How do you say, whore?" Jamal asks.

"Thank you my BLACK KING," Chloe responds submissively, as she continues to savor the thick drool from her male.

"You're a good white bitch." She grunts at Jamal in approval.

Then with a quick and powerful movement, the powerful black male flips Chloe as if nothing happened and onto all fours, causing her to lift her ass into the air.

"Damn I love a white bitch with a fat ass," he says giving her a hard slap on her ass.

Chloe lets out a groan and smiles as Jamal congratulates her. It doesn't matter if Jamal has called her a bitch or a whore for the past two hours, her man can call her whatever he wants.

Jamal enters Chloe's tight pink vagina again, this time from behind, she feels the fat monster slide inside her inch by inch, filling a void she didn't know existed. Her legs begin to shake and she lets out a long moan.


Chloe looks over her shoulder at him with her wide, innocent eyes and admires her raw strength as he smacks her fat ass. She moans again.


"You like my big black cock, don't you little bitch?"

"Yes, my black king! I love your big fat black cock! Ah-Ah-Ah!"

"Whose cunt is this, bitch?"

"Oh shit! It's yours, my king! It's yours, my lord! IT'S YOUROOOOO-AAHHHH! Oh shit!"
Her legs start shaking again and when the mushroom head touches the entrance of her uterus Chloe cums on her fat black cock.

Jamal laughs cynically and again like a rein, grabs the long French braid that Alexis has so painstakingly done for his sister, and yanks at it, forcing Chloe to lift her head and arch her back in an obscenely epicurean picture. , like a rider riding a mare.

The powerful black male enjoys the smooth orgasm of his slut, feeling her tight white pussy clench and release her big cock several times.

Before Chloe's orgasm ends and she catches her breath, Jamal starts fucking her wildly again. This time, the thrusts are even faster and faster, more brutal. Well thanks to being on his feet, with his powerful legs resting on the firm ground, and using Chloe's hair as a rein, Jamal can now use all his strength.

“OHHHH! AAAAYYYY! FUCKEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR! MY GOD!" Chloe screams and screams when she feels how that huge male starts to fuck her in that brutal way.

The sound of meat against meat echoes through the room like obscene applause at a good ride.

Jamal begins to insult and humiliate her new slut as he growls and punches her with all of her energy.

After just a few thrusts Chloe is orgasming again, and again a stream of juices shoot from her tight vagina, lewdly drenching Jamal's bed.

Chloe loses strength in her arms and her legs and suddenly finds herself supported only by Jamal's fat cock and his strong grip on her braid.

The exquisite, busty white girl moans, cries and screams in pleasure and pain as Jamal rides her like only a stallion can ride such a fine mare.

The black male whips and spanks the delicious chestnut without any mercy, as if she were a filly and his rider urging her to run faster, or in this case to cum faster, and it works, because Chloe feels like she's dying of pleasure every five or six penetrations, yes, Chloe, who just three hours ago didn't know what a true orgasm was, now she's there on her knees being fucked doggy style, cumming with every five strokes of the fat and heavy black cock of her new king.

At some point, Jamal has let go of Chloe's hair and she finds herself with her face buried in the soft mattress, her ass exposed and her body completely limp, simply offering her buttocks and vagina to her black king while she drools and moans between the sheets.

For the next hour, Jamal fucks Chloe from behind, spanking and punishing her round fat ass until both cheeks are completely red. Until with a wild roar the muscular male comes deep inside her again.

Chloe notices that each sex session lasts a little longer Jamal needs more time between cumshots to recharge those big black balls, but every time Jamal cums the amount of cum is the same, or at least that much. it seems to Chloe who feels her belly swell with the staggering amount of black bull's milk she now has in her womb.

Jamal again stays inside her until her heavy cock grows soft and then he withdraws from her, wiping the tip of her glans on Chloe's back.

Jamal lies on the damp bed, his breathing ragged and drenched in sweat, Chloe crawling over him and lying on her powerful black chest for about ten minutes.

Jamal and Chloe remain silent listening to the muffled noise of the party, the black male absently caresses Chloe's hair and with that simple gesture of kindness, he ends up making the busty white girl fall in love.

"You left my dick a mess with your juices... Clean it up now white girl." Jamal orders in that powerful, raspy voice.

Chloe slides down to worship that big black cock. She licks him clean with her little pink tongue of hers before planting probably a hundred kisses up and down her incredible length, not to forget the heavy, hairy black balls of hers, to which she gives sloppy, sloppy ones. wet licks.

Eventually it gets hard again, and Chloe in disbelief looks at that completely hard black cock, and feels it pulsing and quivering as she jerks it off with real love.

Chloe turns her innocent blue eyes to Jamal's manly face and smiles contently.

“How many times can you cum, BLACK KING?” Chloe asks curiously.

"I'm gonna fuck you all night white girl." He answers her proud and confident.

Chloe visibly shudders at the prospect, and wonders if she's up to the task, but looking back at the big black cock in her hands she bites her lip and vows to herself that she'll do her best to please her. new owner.

Jamal orders her to straddle him, and Chloe happily complies. When she has that big black cock inside her warm vagina again, Chloe starts riding her new black bull, this time the tables have been turned and she is the rider who wildly rides the African stud between her legs.

Chloe moans and whimpers as she impales herself and jumps like a maniac on eleven inches of black meat, she's soon coming again and showering girl cum on Jamal's chest and abs.

As Chloe catches her breath to continue galloping over her black king she looks at the clock on the bedside table.

3:30 am she dials the phone, Chloe figures that Jamal has been fucking her for about three or four hours straight and wonders how many more times that black stud can get hard.

Three hours later, when the sun begins to rise on the horizon, Jamal finally feels satisfied and falls asleep with his big black cock still inside Chloe's warm vagina, who, hugging her black male, also falls asleep completely tired but also completely happy.

Chloe wakes up with her head resting on Jamal's chest. She yawns she looks around her not recognizing the room or the bed.

She feels confused and groggy and she stretches her sexy body to stretch out, when she does she realizes that she is still wearing those sexy six-inch high slut heels.
Laughing at it, she finally remembers how she got there and who the beautiful black male sleeping next to her is.

Chloe looks at the clock and realizes that it's noon, the sun is streaming in through the window and the birds are singing it's a perfect day.

The sexy and busty white girl spends a few minutes admiring Jamal's amazing body, his dark tattooed skin, his powerful muscles and her masculine billy goat scent drive her crazy.

Chloe strokes the powerful dark pecs unable to get enough of those powerful rock solid black muscles.

She slides her hand up the ripples of her hard abs and grasps her fat cock, stroking her slowly until she comes to life, biting her lip as she watches her small white hand pump her up and down. below. Soon he's as hard as rock and she can't resist sliding down her body and taking him to her mouth.

After a few minutes, Jamal wakes up to see her innocent white teen sucking her big black cock passionately. He doesn't say a word as he realizes that she's doing it for herself right now; him getting pleasure is just a bonus, she NEEDS to suck her BIG BLACK COCK right now. He slowly reaches down and cradles the back of her head causing her to look up at him.

Her big cock comes out of her mouth with a splash.

"Good morning, MY BLACK KING!" Chloe says with a big smile, getting into a different position now that Jamal is awake. She gets between her legs and lifts her ass in the air, putting her cock back in her mouth and meeting Jamal's eyes for validation.

"That's what I'm talking about, baby! That's how a black deserves to wake up! With his white bitch sucking his morning boner! Suck on that fucking BIG BLACK COCK!" Jamal snarls at him. He looks at her sweet, innocent blue eyes, her plump, puffy lips wrapped around her cock, and her round, fat, white ass sticking up into the air. "Fuck yeah, honey. That's it. Those lips are made for sucking black cock. Fuck."

If Chloe could smile right now, she would, but her mouth is stretched to the limit. She just looks at him through her hooded eyes and groans.


Chloe sucks, licks, kisses, and slurps that big black cock before Jamal shoots his massive cum into her mouth. Squirt after squirt he fills her mouth and she rushes to swallow him. Drink after drink she proudly takes the seed from her until she is no more. With a final sip, she pulls her mouth away from her cock, looking into his eyes, she places a juicy kiss on the head of her cock, smiling and saying.

"Thanks for breakfast, BLACK KING." Chloe winks flirtatiously.

"No problem, baby." Jamal answers.

The two finally get out of bed, Chloe wobbling a bit and having a hard time walking straight, her shapely legs feeling weak and wobbly and the six-inch heels making it no easier.

The busty brunette urgently needs a hot shower, but before she can ask permission to use the bathroom of her BLACK KING, Jamal receives a call and after speaking in a cryptic and sleazy way the muscular black male orders him to get dressed quickly, he will take Chloe home, but they don't have time for anything else.

Chloe has to search the room for her clothes, when she finds her thong completely torn she laughs childishly when she remembers how passionately her black male undressed her the night before.

The sexy white girl dresses in the only two clothes that fit her, her vulgar blue lycra blouse and her tight micro shorts, although she takes her torn thong and with a mischievous smile puts it in her small handbag. her.

Jamal walks Chloe to her car with her hand cupping her fat white ass possessively and she loves it, the busty girl going the extra mile to rock her hips for him.

Jamal leads her to a very high-end Cadillac, and she gets in with a smile. Once inside the car, Chloe checks her phone and discovers a bunch of messages from Emily on WhatsApp asking her where she went.

"So, where do you live babe?" The dangerous black male asked once he got behind the elegant steering wheel.

“At 39 27th Street in Queens”

Jamal lets out a mocking laugh.

“That's an expensive neighborhood, baby. You're a fine rich whore, aren't you little white bitch?"

Chloe giggles as she blushes in embarrassment for being a privileged white kid.

"Yes, I am. And I'm ashamed of it, I know it's not fair that privileged whites live in nice, rich neighborhoods. While real men have to live in the ghetto. Although I don't understand why you live here, it's obvious that you have a lot of BLACK KING money."

Once in the car, Jamal begins to tell him about his business, drugs, weapons, and diamonds, he even owns several strip clubs and some brothels, both luxurious and seedy.

He also explains that if he lives in the ghetto it is because he has always liked that place, he was born there, he grew up there and he plans to die there, of course, he has several houses all over Chicago and some others throughout the country, but these are small and dirty facades serve as a good cover and in the heart of the slums you can do better business, away from the law and prying eyes.

After that Jamal gets another call and spends the rest of the trip yelling and snarling orders at his "soldiers."

The sexy brunette then checks her cell phone and realizes that she has endless unanswered calls and messages, half of them are from her father who asks her a thousand times if she is sure and if she is coming back soon and the other half are from Emily who questions where she went or if she was kidnapped by a black male on her way to the bathroom.

Chloe engages in answering as Jamal drives out of the ghetto.

Chloe: Hey, I'm sorry I didn't reply, I got a little distracted, I hope Jerome wasn't mad or anything.

Emily: Hey, finally babe! Are you OK?

Chloe: I'm more than fine! I feel fucking amazing! I found myself, or rather found me, the most beautiful, manly, and black male in the world, and I went with him HAHAHA. You'll never guess who he is!

Emily: Or is it? Who is he? Count girl!

Chloe: Remember you told me about this awesome and dangerous mobster named Jamal? Well, he spent the whole night destroying my tight and wet white vagina.

Emily: OMG, you must be kidding! DID YOU SPEND THE WHOLE NIGHT FUCKING WITH JAMAL?! I'm so fucking jealous! That black knows how to make money. You must ask him for some weed! The shit that Jamal sells is the best. Mr. Jamal is so sexy and so dangerous! Damn lucky bitch!

Chloe: You don't have to tell me! I'm a lucky white girl, my BLACK KING is so strong, big, and muscular…god he's so sexy. Right now he's taking me home and I want to suck his gigantic black cock again, it's fucking delicious.

Emily: Your BLACK KING? I see Lexy's not the only quick learner. Look at you, calling your new black male BLACK KING after a nice white girl! You are a total whore! Why aren't you sucking on your new owner's black cock?

Chloe: We're like ten minutes from my house, and my BLACK KING takes at least forty minutes to cum, HAHAHA, I don't need my parents to see me sucking off a powerful big black hottie in the driveway of my building.

Emily: You should do it anyway! You know… a white girl has to do what a white girl has to do! HA HA HA.
Chloe: You're a whore, Emily!

Emily: No more than you little white bitch!

Chloe: But hey, you didn't answer earlier. Jerome was upset or something.

Emily: Yeah, he was a little angry. But I made him feel better. LOL

Emily sent a video with her last message.

When Chloe gave her Play she was genuinely surprised, and her admiration for Emily rose a few notches.

The video began with the camera pointing at the smiling face of Andree, who was smoking a joint and talking about how well-hung black men were the only real men, and that only real males were allowed to fuck sexy white bitches like this little slut.

The camera then panned down to show Emily completely naked with her mouth full of black cock.

"Look up, bitch," Andree demanded and she looked up, showing her beautiful blue eyes looking playfully at the black man.

The camera then panned down her petite body to show another black man fucking her from behind her. The camera panned over to the second guy's face to show it was Jerome. The two black guys passed the joint over Emily's body and started laughing without missing a shove.

Jerome then gave her a hard, resounding spank on the bottom before saying.

"Damn, I love white bitches!"

The video cuts out shortly thereafter amidst Emily's muffled groans.

Chloe: OMG! You both got fucked at the same time! You are the sluttiest white whore I know!

Emily: I am! That's a SPIT-ROASTING, but we even made an OREO.

Chloe: SPIT-ROASTING? That's what it's called? It looks very funny. But what is an OREO?

Emily: It's so much fun! But how come you don't know if it's a SPIT-ROASTING or an Oreo? HA HA HA. You are so innocent! Your BLACK KING has a lot to teach you.
HAHAHA. By the way, do you want to come to the mall later with me and Kyle? I can explain what an OREO is while we shop.

Chloe: Of course, I want to go! Wait, are you still with Kyle?

Emily: Yeah, a little. He keeps buying me things, I mean, anything I want. I give him a handjob about once a month and he buys me clothes and stuff.

Chloe: You're so mean!

Emily: I am! So, do you going to come?

Chloe: Yeah HAHAHAHA!

Jamal's car pulls up at Chloe's house and he hands her his phone.

"Put your number, girl," she orders Jamal as he casts a critical eye on the nice building where his new whore lives.

"Clear!". With a big smile, Chloe takes her phone and enters her number, and takes a cute SELFIE that shows a ton of cleavage and sets it as her contact photo.

"Oh don't worry about it babe, I've got a bunch of pictures of you from last night that I can use," Jamal tells her with that sly smile of his.

"That's right?". Chloe laughs flirtatiously.

“Yes, I have the perfect photo in mind. I'll send it to you later."

"Whatever you want to do is perfect MY BLACK KING."
Chloe continues to giggle childishly.

“You are a good white whore! I'll call you later girl." And with that, he grabs the back of her head and pulls her in for a deep kiss.

Jamal sticks his tongue down her throat for several seconds before releasing her. Out of breath, Chloe takes the hint and gets out of the Cadillac, Jamal spanking her hard in parting, and Chloe just laughs flirtatiously as she looks up at him with a blush and smile.

The busty white girl walks away from her towards her house making sure her butt shakes a little more for the black male of hers.

Chloe is so focused on trying to walk sexy that she doesn't realize that her *** has seen the whole raunchy scene.

♠ Chapter 08 ♠ ♥ "Jerry" Saturday October 10 ♥

You wake up late Saturday morning and notice that Hannah's side of the bed is empty again, saddened to think that waking up is only becoming a habit.

The clock says 10:45 in the morning, even so, you feel tired and sleepy, you stayed up all night waiting for Chloe to return from that surprise party she went to.

You spent the whole night trying to communicate with your ********, sending messages and making calls that got no answer. Worried, you asked Hannah if maybe they shouldn't call the police, but your sexy wife angrily replied, if that was the case, you thought Jerome was a criminal just because he was black, and if that was the case, you should feel ashamed for being a privileged racist pig. Hannah also added that Chloe was fine, a strong, tall, black male like Jerome would keep her safe.

Still, you spent hour after agonizing hour waiting while you bit your nails imagining what kind of party your girl had been taken to and what vulgar things she would be doing there with the black thug she had just met.

Disheartened by those thoughts, you get up and take a quick shower. Feeling a little better, you go downstairs to get some breakfast, to find your wife and son sitting in the living room looking excitedly at Hannah's cell phone screen.

"That looks like so much fun!". Hannah exclaims with a huge smile and her cheeks flush.

“Chloe and Emily move so well! They look so sexy and so happy!” Alexis comments in her sweet, soft little voice with excitement.

Curious to know what they mean, you slide behind them to watch the video. A homemade video, but filmed on a high-end cell phone, plays on Hannah's phone, showing a room full of people dancing and jumping to loud, vulgar black rap music, notes that the crowd is made up of black men of all ages and sexy white girls.

Then the phone pans to two white girls surrounded by a group of black boys. You see that it's Chloe and her adorable friend Emily smiling at each other. They see the camera and whisper to each other before turning their backs to the camera and squatting in front of the two blacks they were dancing with. Rubbing against the crotches of the black guys they begin to bounce in the squatting position and shake their butts to the beat of the rap music playing in the background.

The video lasts for at least five minutes during which time Emily and Chloe wiggle, dance, and shake their asses in a vulgar and sexy way, looking like two bitches in heat trying to attract a male to ride them.

Shocked, you realize that not only the two young black men who are dancing with your ******** and her friend grope and spank them repeatedly, no, apparently all those black males have permission to touch, caress, and squeeze Emily and Chloe's sexy bodies since there are not a few black hands that caress and fondle your ********'s ass and huge tits during that lustful dance.

The Chloe in the video doesn't look angry or upset about that, on the contrary, a huge smile spreads across her beautiful face and she simply rubs her pretty ass more eagerly against the huge bulge that appears in her dance partner's pants.

You clear your throat loudly to make your presence known, because, although you went down the stairs in a very noisy way, Hannah and Alexis didn't notice, all their attention was fixed on the cell phone.

They both look up and look at you as if they forgot you were in the house.

"Oh Jerry, you're finally up!" Hannah says, but she immediately returns her gray eyes to the phone.

“Yes, I was very tired… What about breakfast?” You ask a little annoyed because again, Alexis and Hannah are murmuring while looking at the cell phone from which a loud and vulgar black rap comes out.

"Mom made pancakes, but they ran out," Alexis answers you without looking at you.

“There is cereal, but there is no milk, no eggs, honey. If you want to eat something you will have to go to the store.” Hannah alerts you without taking your eyes off her cell phone.

You feel a little angry, Alexis and Hannah have had breakfast without you, and even worse, now you have to go shopping.

You walk to the corner store deep in your thoughts, recapitulating the last week, it's crazy to think how much your life has changed in seven days, although your relationship with Hannah is not perfect, the lack of sex in recent years attests to this, she was always a kind, attentive and loving wife, now she behaved in a cold and disinterested way, she barely saw you, they rarely spoke, and she was always looking at her cell phone.

You sigh as you regret buying that infamous interracial pornography movie for the hundredth time.

As you exit the 7ELEVEN carrying a bag of milk, eggs, butter, bacon, and orange juice, the noise of a car slamming on the brakes catches your attention.

You look up and one block away, in front of the building where you live, you see a luxurious gold Cadillac parked, and if your eyes don't deceive you, inside is your beautiful ********.

Chloe is rammed and obscenely kissing a huge, tattooed black man who may well be your age or maybe even older.

You watch in horror as that mature black male violates your ********'s sexy little mouth with her fat, wet tongue and you watch Chloe tremble and quiver with pleasure as she lovingly embraces the muscular black man.

You stand frozen in the corner watching in terror as your ******** gets out of the car and gets slapped on her small but fat round ass like a mare, and she just laughs and looks adoringly at the African male who spanked her over her shoulder like that, Chloe, even starting to walk sensually and provocatively, one foot in front of the other wiggling her buttocks from side to side to get a good look at that mature black man.

Finally the Cadillac starts and as she turns the corner Chloe stops trying to walk like a whore and her tired legs shake like a newborn deer's, causing your girl to stumble and almost fall to the ground.

Before she falls you run to help her and take her in your arms, but the difference in height and your weak and thin physical constitution play a trick on you and you almost end up knocked over by the weight of your ********.

How can you manage to support her and continue standing, although now it is your legs that are shaking?

"Chloe darling! Are you OK? Did that guy hurt you?", you ask truly scared.

Maybe that black hurt your ******** somehow, maybe he was even a thief or a kidnapper, with those tribal tattoos and scarred evil face he certainly looks like a fucking mobster.

“I'm doing great, ***! Jamal did me no harm! What kind of racist question is that? I'm just a little tired, I need a shower, so help me get to the apartment and stop asking stupid and offensive questions." Chloe orders you around angrily, and you feel guilty and intimidated like when your wife scolds you.

As you lead Chloe to the elevator, you notice the state your ******** is in, her scant clothes are wrinkled and stained, her soft white skin is dirty, sticky, and full of white crusts of what looks like dried glue, her long hair is loose and matted, several strands of it look stuck and hardened by that strange glue.

Being so close to your tall ******** you notice a strange aroma, it smells like man's sweat, sour, intense, and musky. That intense macho aroma causes you to wrinkle your nose, and you wonder what the hell your sexy ******** was doing all night, although, in reality, you can perfectly imagine.

When you get into the elevator you can also see Chloe's pretty face smeared, sticky, with smeared makeup and completely ruined, but what catches your eye the most are several thick curly hairs stuck to your ********'s lips and chin.

You have to force yourself to ignore Chloe's freshly fucked slut look right now.

“Chloe, is that guy the captain of the basketball team you met yesterday? Wasn't his name Jerome or something? It seems to me that he was younger, although I am not very sure, they all look alike ”. You ask your ********, intrigued, because, although you were far from the Cadillac, you noticed that the black male who violated your ********'s small mouth with her tongue seemed much older and bigger than the young captain who seduced her the night before.

"Oh, my God! Do they all look alike? Who are you referring to? Black men? Or all black people? How can you be so disgustingly offensive? You should feel ashamed for being so prejudiced, privileged, and racist! You white men are so ignorant and rude! I don't want to talk to you anymore, you embarrass me!" Chloe yelled at you offended and furious, then she averted her beautiful gaze from you and was completely silent.

Plunged into that uncomfortable silence, they reach the top floor and enter the apartment, where Alexis and Hannah are still on the couch looking at their cell phones, they both look up and see that Chloe has come home.

"Chloe, you're finally here! Alex and I were just talking about you." " Hannah tells her ******** smiling brightly.

Chloe goes away from you and walks into the living room. Her steps are still slow and unsteady, but she seems to be able to stand on her own now.

"Oh really? You two are so bad! Can you tell what gossip they are telling behind my back?" she asks Chloe playfully as she plops down on the couch theatrically showing how tired she is.

“We are not talking bad about you. Quite the opposite, Mom and I were talking about how much fun you had at the party last night. " Alex defends himself against his sister's accusations.

"You're right brother! The party was fantastic! You should have come with us! But how do you know that the party was fun, little gossip?” Chloe asks her little brother looking at him curiously.

“Emily posted a video of you dancing on her Instagram! You can tell you were having a lot of fun! It sounds like you had an even better time off the dance floor though. From what I can see, my girl had a very intense night. She had never seen you so disheveled, dirty, and tired. Although she had never seen you so happy and satisfied either ”. Hannah grins mischievously as she looks up and down at her sexy ********.

Her beautiful gray eyes linger on the white scabs covering her face and her hair and the curly hairs clinging around her lips.

“It's true Chloe! You look completely radiant! A hot bath wouldn't hurt, though." Axel also pays close attention to Chloe's entire body and a smirk spreads across her sexy slutty lips.

Chloe blushes and giggles, pretending that she is embarrassed by her little brother's and her mother's words.

“Shut up you two! What I did the night before is none of your business! And if I'm a little dirty it's because I didn't have time to shower at MY BLACK KING's house!” Chloe says that with a mona lisa smile on her lips as if she wants to tell a juicy secret.

"BLACK KING?!" Hannah and Alex scream in shock when they hear that Chloe has said those words.

"Oh, my God! First, my pretty boy got a BLACK DADDY and now it turns out my sexy ******** got her BLACK KING! I'm so excited!" Hannah exclaims happily.

"Jerome is your BLACK KING?!"

"You spent the night with Jerome?!"

“How was your first time with a real man?”

"Are real black males as big as Jarrad Christensen?"

Hannah's and Alex's voices mingled with each other as they bombarded Chloe with those obscene questions.

You're disgusted and offended, and you can't believe Alex and Hannah are asking that, as if they're assuming Chloe had interracial sex all night.

Of course, the used whore look Chloe had at that time didn't leave much room for other theories, but even so, you refused to accept that your beautiful loving, and demure girl had given herself over to a black male the night before.

"Calm down! Don't worry!" Chloe raised her hands asking for calm, but with a huge smile on her face, an unmistakable sign that she enjoyed the attention and the new status that being the first in the house to spend the night with a black male gave her. “I'll tell you everything…eventually. But right now I need a good shower and some sleep. Emily will come for me in a couple of hours. We're going shopping at the mall and I need to get some rest, my BLACK KING kept me up all night… …you know what I mean.”

Hannah and Alex let out excited girly little squeals, like a couple of schoolgirls.

“Okay Chloe you can go upstairs to shower and get some sleep, but don't think we'll let you get away without telling us about your new BLACK KING. Naughty girl!". Hannah lovingly tells her ********.

You just don't know what to say or how to act, Chloe just openly admitted that she spent the whole night having sex with that mature black male she was making out with a few minutes ago.

And not only that, your beautiful and cute ******** is using the title BLACK KING, to refer to that man.

Worst of all were the reactions of Alex and Hannah, who, instead of being horrified, blaming, or reproaching Chloe's actions, applauded, admired and even seemed quite jealous of her.

You decided that the best thing was to remain silent, you didn't want Chloe to call you racist, privileged, and other things again, because you were sure that Alex and your wife would support her and start attacking you as a group.

Chloe finally went up to her room with slow, unsteady steps and Hannah and Alex continued to stare at their cell phone screens, excitedly commenting on how lucky Chloe was to have tasted her first black male so soon.

Making an enormous effort, you pretend that you haven't heard that and go to the kitchen to prepare your breakfast, but you realize that you have lost your appetite and you only make yourself a cup of coffee.

Being Saturday you don't have to go to work at the office, but as always, your boss has ordered you to bring work home, and you, as always, have not been able to say no, so with just a cup of coffee in your stomach you go up to the master bedroom and get to it.

You spend the day concentrating on programming languages and databases until a growl from your stomach takes you out of "the zone" and you realize that the clock on the computer reads 1:30 pm, you get up and stretch causing a pop in your lower back, you feel tired and the sleepless night begins to take its toll.

You leave the room and walk down the hall, past your ********'s room and you don't hear any noise inside, which is very strange, since Chloe has always been a very noisy and cheerful girl, that strange calm can only mean that your sweet ******** is fast asleep, recovering from the wild night she had in the arms of a strong black male.

You shake your head trying to get those horrible thoughts out of your head, but the images of your once innocent ******** being fucked by a mature, huge black man won't stop drawing in your imagination.

You force yourself to continue walking, and this time you pass in front of your son's room, this time the door is open, and you can hear a vulgar song between rap and pop sung by a sexy female voice, it reminds you of the sensual choreography of the cheerleading squad that caused you to orgasm the night before.

And speaking of choreography, you can see your cute son dancing in a sensual and feminine way to that vulgar Rap/Pop song.

Alexis is standing there in front of a full-length mirror, swaying, arching, and wiggling his fat buttocks in a flirtatious and sexy way, his beautiful gray eyes are closed, his arms raised to the ceiling, and his hands folded femininely, he seems completely lost in the rhythm and lyrics of the song, enjoying the vulgar words that talk about how slutty and slutty white girls are and how sexy and masculine black men are.

You run away from there feeling very strange to see your son dancing in such a feminine way, of course, it is not a surprise, after seeing how that giant black gorilla, Mr. Osei, had hugged, caressed, and kissed your cute son, you could not deny any longer that Alexis is completely and utterly gay, of course, you always knew, or at least suspected. No normal child practices ballet dressed as a fairy princess or wears leotards, tights, and lace ribbons with the ease and elegance with which Alex does. Yes, it was always painfully obvious that your son was a little sissy, you just never wanted to admit it.

But now, that femininity that Alex always had inside her blossomed like a rose in spring, the seed of homosexuality that Alex had inside had been watered by watching that infamous interracial love movie, also with the strange ideology that Emily propagated and with the help of those magazines dedicated to black racial supremacy. Added to that was the support and encouragement that Hannah and Chloe gave Alex to embrace his homosexuality.

You didn't know what to think about all that, a part of you felt guilty and upset, as if it were some kind of punishment for your lack of masculinity. It was a fact that Alexis had inherited your delicate little physique as well as your shy and docile nature.

Another part of you wanted to be progressive and open-minded, and proud to have a gay son. Many fathers and mothers of families today would brag and shout to the rooftops how proud they were that their sons and ********* were gay, lesbian, or transgender as if it were some kind of achievement.

For the moment you decided that you wouldn't tell him anything Alex, it was obvious that your son had always been different, and after a year of depression due to the death of his beloved ballet teacher, you didn't dare to cause him more trouble or trouble, just seeing him so happy and excited was an improvement.

You continue on your way and soon pass Hannah's studio, a nice room that your wife uses to paint and draw amateur art.

The door is also open and you can see your sexy wife behind a huge canvas, she is hidden behind that painting, but you can see how she brushes here and she is excited and content.

Of course, you can't see what Hannah is painting and you feel curious, you enter the beautiful room full of instruments and painting materials and the first thing you see is that horrible poster of Jarrad Christensen fucking Anna Heather in a dozen obscene positions.

The huge and vulgar poster occupies a place of honor in the center of the largest wall, dominating the whole place, with those pornographic scenes.

You groan in disgust as you realize that Hannah will spend hours staring at that huge male and her gigantic black cock every time she's working in her studio.

Hannah looks up from the canvas and looks at you with a disgusted expression.

"My God! What the hell is wrong with you Jerry?! Why do you scare me like that? Haven't I told you that I don't like you entering my study without asking permission?" Hannah calls you out, her voice sounding deeply offended.

You stop immediately, not daring to enter your wife's private space and cringe in intimidation, feeling guilty for disturbing her.

"I'm sorry Hannah... I didn't mean to bother... I... I just wanted... I just... I haven't seen how you look in a long time..." You apologize and justify yourself, stammering pathetically.

“Well, I don't want you to see, it's private. Can't I paint what I want without you having to watch me?" Hana confronts you furiously and indignantly.

"No, I didn't mean that… I just… I never meant that you can't… I mean I… I'm sorry honey I didn't mean to make you mad." You keep stuttering and apologizing, feeling more and more intimidated and guilty.

“Why don't you do something useful and prepare the food, Jerry?! Chloe is going to wake up early and I'm sure she's hungry after spending the night with a real man. Of course, I've never experienced that, have I?" Hannah tells you that is more like an order than a question, and of course, you can't help noticing that mention of your little manliness.

"Yes honey, I'll do that Hannah, I'm sorry." You leave apologizing again, this time you don't know if you're asking for forgiveness for interrupting her or for not being a real man.

An hour later your ****** is eating the delicious dishes you have prepared, Hannah and Alex continue asking and harassing Chloe to tell them what happened at the party and who her new BLACK KING is.

You remain completely silent, not wanting to disturb your wife again.

Chloe looks simply radiant after a good few hours of sleep and a hot shower, flashing a huge smirk, knowing she's the center of attention, it's obvious that being the first to spend the night with a black man has elevated her status in the hierarchy from Emily, Hannah, Chloe, and Alex.

“…it was just great… The party was at Mr. Jamal's house, he's the head of the black mafia, you know he deals drugs, weapons… that kind of thing. He is the leader of all the black boys in the ghetto. Even Andree and Jerome work for him!” Your sexy ******** explained smugly.

Alex and Hannah look at her in admiration, attentive to every word.

"He must be truly powerful to be the leader of so many young black males... sounds dangerous and sexy."

“Believe me, little brother… HE IS VERY DANGEROUS AND VERY SEXY!”
Your beautiful ******** responded excitedly.

"Wait! Did you meet this powerful and dangerous gangster last night?" Hannah asks shocked.

You, who are just as shocked to learn that your sexy ******** has attended a party hosted by a dangerous black drug dealer, are glad to think that your wife is going to scold Chloe and ban her from anywhere near another black man forever.

But those thoughts die immediately when Chloe responds.

“I didn't just meet him. Jamal made me his last night. HE IS MY BLACK KING!” Chloe exclaims that extremely proud, as if she had won the lottery.

Hannah and Alex squeal and laugh with excited, high-pitched laughter for almost a full minute as they hug and shake Chloe as if to congratulate her on such an enormous achievement.

You just stand there silently, completely horrified to find out that the mature black male you saw kissing your beautiful ******** in such a vulgar way is a dangerous mobster, and not just a simple mobster, apparently he is the leader of all the black gangs in Manhattan, how is it possible that Alex and Hannah are celebrating that news? Don't they understand how wrong and dangerous it is for Chloe to get involved with a guy like that? A fucking gang leader, thugs, and drug dealers for God's sake!

"Oh, my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! I can't believe that your BLACK KING is the leader of the black mafia…! THAT IS SO EXCITING!” Alex yells ecstatically.

"Account! Account! How did you meet such a dangerous and powerful male?! Damn lucky girls! First Alex has a huge and wealthy BLACK DADDY, and then you go and get yourself a strong and dangerous BLACK KING! I'm so jealous!". Hannah pleads with your ******** like she's some curious teenager chatting up her best friends.

You just can't take it anymore, despite your shy and submissive nature, despite the fear you have at the idea of upsetting your sexy wife, even though you know it's a losing fight, you just can't take it anymore.

It was already outrageous that your entire ****** had become fans of interracial pornography overnight, but somehow you had come to terms with it, you had also been forced to watch as your 35-year-old wife would take an Instagram post of herself wearing extremely sexy clothing and striking suggestive poses for the enjoyment of thousands of strange men, many of them black men.

Last night you even witnessed silently how a huge fat 45-year-old black giant kissed and treated your cute little boy child as his little girlfriend which was not only unbelievably gross, it was also completely illegal.

But this had gone too far, listening to your beautiful and formerly loving ******** brag about how an evil drug dealer and gang member is now the BLACK KING of hers, and loudly admit that that ugly, tattooed black male had made her his the night before.

You can't keep quiet about this, you can't let Hannah and Alex support Chloe starting to date a dangerous black mobster.

“Hannah! Are you really okay with Chloe… dating a drug-dealing mobster? Do you agree that our ******** dates a criminal who fights and shoots himself against the police? Because I refuse to have my ******** anywhere near a fucking black mobster!" You ask angrily, and for the first time in a long time, you raise your voice, willing to face your entire ******, maybe even for the first time you can impose your will.

And for a few thrilling seconds, you think your ****** is finally going to obey you, intimidated by your sudden display of courage and masculinity.

Maybe after today things will start to change, and you will finally be respected and admired as the head of the ******, maybe Hannah, Alex, and Chloe will finally start to admire you and obey you.

But that fantasy is immediately destroyed when the three members of your ****** started yelling at you, judging you, and insulting you with angry and offended voices.

Hannah, Chloe, and Alex are all yelling at the same time, and you can barely make out what each of them is saying, but you understand every hurtful word.

"How dare you, a pathetic little white boy, judge a real man, a black male?!"

"Don't you know that black men are forced to make money by stealing and dealing drugs because of a system run by pathetic white boys like you?!"

“You are a fucking racist! What does a privileged little white boy like you know about the difficult life of a real stallion?!”

“Everyone knows that when black males, real men, go into a gunfight and kill white police pigs they are only defending themselves from this white male-dominated system, a system that oppresses them out of fear of black superiority!”

“Chloe has every right to be the female of a black male! An alpha male! Such a powerful, strong, and dangerous man who commands all the young black males in Chicago, Chloe must feel privileged and grateful for such an honor!”

“You can't forbid Chloe anything, she's an adult and free woman, and she has every right to give herself body and soul to the black alpha male she wants! Do you think you are in the past? This is the 21st century!”

“If you dare to talk about my BLACK KING in that way again I will be forced to expose you on the internet as the pathetic white racist and classist boy that you are ***! Or maybe he'll tell my BLACK KING what you think of him…we'll see if you're so brave facing a real man!”
With this last threat, Chloe closes that terrible chain of reproaches and screams.

That sudden feeling of security and power fades upon hearing that. Just thinking about angering a huge, muscular black mobster makes you tremble with fear.

Added to that are the incoherent words of your ****** that justified and praised Jamal, that mature and huge black male who apparently since the night before became the lover, the BLACK KING, of your beautiful ********, you feel extremely sad to think that only a few days ago Chloe had been a polite, affectionate and respectful ******** towards you.

Cowed and humiliated, you cower in your chair trying to disappear and escape the fury of two beautiful, angry women and a cute, angry teenager.

“You are pathetic Jerry! You are very brave to yell and try to force your disgusting racist thoughts on your ****** but at the thought of facing a real man you cower and hide like the weak white boy that you are! Just seeing you makes me sick! You'll be sleeping on the couch tonight, I'm not sharing my bed with some disgusting pathetic racist weakling white kid!” Hannah imposes that punishment on you with her voice full of hate and contempt.

“Way to go Mom! That will teach him to respect black men and not try to prevent interracial love!” Alex claps in a feminine and excited way.

“A night on the couch is the least you deserve for speaking ill of my man, of my BLACK KING! The next time you dare talk bad about a real man, I'll let Jamal fix things." Your ******** threatens you with the same edge and hate in her voice as her mother.

Alex, Hannah, and Chloe stare at you with hate and contempt until you coweringly apologize between stutters for being a racist filth.

Chloe is about to start yelling at you again but the doorbell on her door interrupts her.

Seizing the opportunity you run to open the door hoping that whoever is on the other side will help distract your ****** from talking about black names, racism, and interracial love.

Your hopes are instantly killed when you open the door to see an adorable Emily and a skinny brown-white boy.

"Hello Mr. Smalls, is Chloe ready?" Asks the sexy blonde girl with that beautiful smile that makes you think that she is an innocent and virginal good girl.

"...Uh, I don't know." You respond trying to accept that that angelic girl is the same Emily who was in the video, shaking her behind, surrounded by black males who caressed and spanked her with pleasure. "Who is he?" You ask, glancing at the short, scrawny boy.

"Oh. This is my boyfriend, Kyle." Emily doesn't even turn to look at her boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you. They can go in and see if Chloe is ready if they want to."

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Smalls."
The adorable blonde cheerfully answers. Right after her, her voice turns cold and she's bossy and she orders her boyfriend around. "Wait here, Kyle!"

The boy who has been quiet and a little shrunken since you met him nods meekly like a well-trained dog.

"He can come in if he wants to." You say, feeling suddenly identified with that little white boy.

"No! He's fine outside, though thanks, Mr. Smalls." Emily answers as she walks into the house with sure steps and without once looking back she slams the door in Kyle's nose.

Hearing Emily's sing-song voice, Hannah, Alex, and Chloe storm out of the kitchen, leaving the table littered with leftover food. Of course, it's your turn to get up, you wouldn't even think of suggesting to your ****** that they help you clean up, not after making them so angry.

While you are washing the dishes you can listen to the excited and excited girl talk that the four of them are having in the living room.

"There's my best friend! Congratulations Chloe! You've finally been fucked by a real man, you've finally tasted and felt a real big black cock! I'm so proud of you! We have to celebrate!" Emily screams excitedly as she hugs Chloe.

"I know girl! I know! It was so beautiful, so intense, so hard, and just as wild as you always told me it would be! Now I know what it's like to be in the arms of a real man! Now I know what it's like to be impaled by a black male! And it's fabulous!”

Chloe and Emily jump up and hug each other while squealing and squealing with excitement.

"Hello, Emily!" Hannah says brightly and walks over and gives Emily a big hug. “Now I know who to blame when Chloe becomes addicted to black males! You can tell they had a lot of fun at the party!” Hannah greets and playfully scolds Emily.

You wonder if he's going to ignore that Emily just yelled from the rooftops that your ******** was fucked by a black male like it was the greatest achievement of her life.

"Hello, Mrs. Smalls!" The sweet blonde answers and plants a kiss on each cheek of your wife.

"Emily, come on. You can call me Hannah! I've known you for a year and you're older now." Hannah kisses the girl back.

Emily laughs.

"It's okay, Hannah!" Emily answers, laughing again.

"Hello, Emily!" This time it is Alexis who greets the young blonde. “We were just asking Chloe to tell us about the party, how she met the BLACK KING of hers, and how her first experience with a black male was! But we were interrupted…” Alex and Emily greet each other with two kisses on the cheeks as if he were one more girl in the group.

"Oh Chloe girl! You must tell us all the details! I too am dying of curiosity! How did you become the slut to such a powerful black alpha male like Mr. Jamal?” Emily asks jealous.

You listen to all this nonsense while you continue washing the dishes, and you don't know if you want to stay and listen to your ********'s interracial adventure, or go up to your room to continue working like a slave.

"Alright! Alright! I'll tell you everything! You guys are just a bunch of gossipy girls!” Chloe takes the lead from her and has the group follow her into the living room where the four of them sit in Hannah's oversized chair.

Hannah, Alex, and Emily look at Chloe in admiring expectation, like she's a priestess about to share the secrets of arcane magic or something.

Notes curious and amazed at how power relations and hierarchy in the group have changed in recent days.

Before you stupidly smuggled that obscene interracial love movie into the house, Emily, Chloe and Alex respected and obeyed and respected Hannah as the leader of the house, even above you.

So, the hierarchy of that group of little women, including Alex, was as follows;
Hannah was the leader, being older, being a mother, and having money of her own.

Emily was the next in the pyramid because although she was not part of the Smalls ******, and only being 18 years old, she was by far the bravest, most outgoing, and most experienced young woman of the "children", it was she who led Chloe and Alex on their trips to the movies or the mall.

Chloe, being a cheerful, confident, fun, sexy, and beautiful girl, occupied the penultimate step of her, always happy to obey her mother and follow Emily, although she never lost her own outgoing and independent nature.

Alex was the smallest and the last link in that curious chain, and despite being the only male it was more than obvious that he was the most submissive, docile, and obedient of the pack, he was a pretty and delicate boy and the three women in the group treated him more like a pet than a son, brother, or friend. Despite this, Alex seemed happy every time she was part of that group of sexy and beautiful women, and she gave herself with joy and passion to their feminine games and gossip, often acting with greater femininity and delicacy than any of the others.

But in the last few days that scale of power had been strangely morphed and mixed.
First, it was Emily who was put at the head of the group thanks to her superior knowledge of black men, the Black LIVE MATTER movement and the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT, and her experience in interracial love.

Something as strange as that was enough for Emily to rise in the social hierarchy of the group as if the fact that she was a whore for black men elevated her status, power, and knowledge.

Hannah herself was looking at her as if Emily were older than her, a role model for an older sister to turn to for advice and help.

Of course, Chloe and Alex accepted and celebrated her blonde friend's new position of power, and listened and learned her words as if they were faithful disciples before a shepherd.

But now it was Chloe who towered over the group, it was Chloe the new leader of the pack, it was she who was being adored, admired, and listened to. And Chloe had earned that new status simply by being fucked all night by a huge, mature, dangerous black male. Spending the night being mounted by a black mob boss had given Chloe alpha bitch status, even Emily with all her experience and wisdom about interracial relationships, was in awe and outclassed by her friend, who in a single night had managed to mate with an alpha among alphas.

All this you think while you listen and see the behavior of that curious group of little white women.

And you wonder if they have realized the same thing or just acted on instinct.

You've finished doing the dishes and you decide you don't want to hear about your little girl's first interracial experience, you want to be able to hold on to the memory of how innocent and pure she was until a week ago.

But when you're about to leave the kitchen, Chloe's authoritative and firm voice makes itself heard.

“***, could you be helpful and make me and the girls some tea? This talk deserves a good cup of tea and a couple of biscuits”. Chloe has realized her new status and her new power because even she is giving orders to you, her father.

For a moment you think about refusing, and telling her that if she wants tea she can make it herself, but the threat that her new boyfriend will find out about her and want to “talk” with you makes you obey immediately.

“Yes… yes… ********. In…in……a moment I'll prepare it”. You stammer back, utterly humiliated by your cowardice.

As you walk back to the kitchen you hear Emily giggle and your face turns red with embarrassment.

“The party was at one of Jamal's many houses, this was in the Brownsville neighborhood of Brooklyn, it's very small but very cute. It is perfect for parties and business, according to my BLACK KING.” Chloe begins to recount her recent affair with rosy cheeks as if the idea of a whole neighborhood full of black gang members is the best thing in the world.

"Do you know what that means, girls?" she asks Emily theatrically, as if to help make her friend's story more interesting.

Alex and Hannah shake their heads but are excitedly waiting for the answer.

"All of Brownsville, it's full of black men!" Chloe exclaims happily.

Those are real males! Not like the boring little white kids who hang out on this side of the bridge." Emily affirms emphatically.

“Anyway… the house looks a bit shabby on the outside, but on the inside it's a total luxury. My BLACK KING knows how to throw a party! Lights, the best sound, and the best drink!” Alex and Hannah follow every word of your sexy ******** who is blushing with pleasure at the new admiration that her mother and her little brother give her.

“And the music was the best! It was the sexiest and most sensual rap in the world! Chloe and I were dancing all night!" Emily adds fun.

“We know that well! Right, Alex?" Hannah asks, giggling and teasing.

"It's true. We could see how much fun you had on your Instagram Emily. You two sure know how to get the attention of a lot of young black males!” Alex adds jokingly as well, but you can hear the envy and jealousy she feels for Chloe and Emily.

"Oh, did you see that? Yeah. That was so much fun!" Emily said with a crooked smile. She swallowed, thinking of this petite blonde grinning ear to ear shaking her ass and getting groped by a group of black guys, and calling it funny.

"What do they mean?" Chloe asks completely confused.

"Emily posted a video on her Instagram of you two dancing! You all looked like you were having fun!" Hannah says with a giggle.

"Really!? I had no idea, let me see that." Chloe says taking the phone out of her and looking for the post of her best friend.

"I have it right here, look." your wife says quickly, taking the phone from her and holding it up.

Chloe leans in to watch the video and you hear that horrible, obscene music for whores and blacks again as you walk into the room carrying a tray with a full tea set and a small platter of biscuits on it.

"Here is the tea ********, I hope you like it." You put the tray on the living room table hoping that Chloe, Hannah, or even Alex will thank you, but all the attention of the four of them is on your wife's cell phone.

"Oh, Lord!" Chloe laughs "I don't even remember this!" She exclaims Chloe covers her mouth as if she's embarrassed, but the huge proud smile on her face leaves no doubt that she's delighted with the video.

As you walk away you can watch the infamous video where Emily AND your ******** are sexually shaking their pretty asses against the fat bulges of those young black men as if their lives depended on it.

“The video was taken by one of the guys on the team, and he sent it to me at the party, I thought it would be fun to post your first time twerking surrounded by real men,” Emily explains naturally.

"What do you say this dance is called?" your wife asks "That sounds like fun."

"This is called twerking. I can teach you how to do it sometime if you want, Mom."
Chloe laughs.

As she says that, in the video, a couple of black guys walk into the shot and start slapping Chloe and Emily's butts hard causing their nice round butt cheeks to bounce vulgarly.

Chloe and Emily look at each other, smiling. Then they both look over their shoulders to see their asses bounce and get groped by a group of black guys. Emily AND Chloe are leaning so far they have to lean on the guys who are dancing in front of them, and they place their little white hands on the huge bulges in the pants of those gangsters, both girls stroking up and down the boners in their hands naturally and instinctively as if they don't even realize what they are doing.

"Yeah…" Hannah replies quietly. "I would like that…"

“I'd love to learn too,”
Alex mutters loud enough to be heard, but still his voice is soft and ready as ever.

“Of course I do Lexy! Now that you have a BLACK DADDY to please you must learn to twerk, black males love a good white bitch that knows how to move her buttocks”. Emily excitedly tells Alex. "I'm sure you'll be very good at twerking, Chloe told me you were amazing at ballet, plus those huge buttocks that you load were made for twerking."

Alex blushes in flattery and laughs girlishly, but he nods to show that he agrees with Emily.

The four "little women" each take cups of tea and drink happily without even turning to see you, or admitting that it was you who prepared that drink.

Chloe's story continues, and even though you still wanted to go up to your room and escape that horrendous talk, you dare not leave for fear that the tea will run out and you won't be there to make more and this will provoke the fury of Chloe or Hannah.

“As you can see Emily and I spent half the night dancing and chatting with the basketball team. All of them are super cute. You should have accompanied me, mom, many of those young black males asked for my older sister!” Chloe happily explains as she looks her mother straight in the eye.

"Your older sister?" Ask your missed wife.

"The guys on the team thought you were Chloe's older sister, Hannah!" Emily explains amusedly.

Hannah is silent for a moment with a surprised look, then says.

You're lying! Don't make fun of your old mother! How could a fat old cow like me be liked by those sexy, virile young black males? Hannah says laughing and playfully patting her ******** on the shoulders, but at the same time a huge smile spread across her sexy lips, and blush colored her cheeks, it was painfully obvious that she loved knowing that she was wanted by a bunch of young black men.

"I'm not lying!" exclaims Chloe laughing. “The entire basketball team thought you were my big sister, and they all agree that you are the white bitch with the biggest tits they have ever seen. They were all night talking about how hard and hard they would fuck you if you had gone to the party!” Chloe says those offensive words cheerfully and jealously.

"Oh, my God! That's so nice of you! Those guys know how to flatter a woman, they are so funny and kind!” Hannah exclaims completely blushing with happiness, it is obvious that she has loved listening to the vulgar fantasies that she has provoked in the basketball team with her voluptuous body.

"Yeah! We're not kidding. A bunch of sexy black guys were hoping to see you there. They all wanted to mate with you. I kept promising them you'd go next time!" Emily said with a laugh.

"Oh my gosh! Those young black men sound so confident and confident. Well, maybe I'll accompany them to the next party!" Hannah says with a flirty wink.

The four "girls" laugh outrageously and drink some tea, Alex and Emily even nibble on some cookies, Alex's movements as always are more delicate, elegant, and feminine than those of the other women, you can't help but marvel every time your son shows off that extreme femininity he learned from his ballet teacher.

"Anyway… Emily and I were dancing and drinking for a couple of hours, when I had to go to the bathroom, and then…" What follows is the most sordid, sexual, and obscene story you've ever heard.

You freeze listening as Chloe recounts in lavish detail as Jamal a muscled, tattooed black male claimed her in an instant and your ******** instead of refusing to escort a stranger to her room, as logic dictated she should. Instead, she followed him as if she were mesmerized.

Inside the room that black mobster treated and used your little girl as if she were a cheap prostitute or a sex toy.

While Chloe ecstatically recounts the size and weight of her new lover's huge black cock and his powerful thrusts, or how delicious and abundant his thick top cum was, you just sat there on one of the dining room chairs trying not to faint, hearing Chloe talk like that was making you dizzy.

Hannah, Alex, and Emily, for their part, were dazzled by the erotic tale that Chloe was narrating, and they only made sounds of astonishment and envy every time Chloe told some particularly morbid detail.

Hannah and Alex were completely entranced by Chloe's words. Her flushed face, her bright eyes, and her erect nipples showed how much that story was affecting them. When Chloe finally finished her story, Alex, Hannah, and Emily were all aroused, to the point of rubbing their legs against each other and absently fondling her erect nipples.

After a few moments of silence the three “girls” burst into loud, high-pitched adolescent squeals, as you knew they would.

That uproar lasted longer than the previous ones and you could only wish not to go deaf.

"I already told you, but you're one lucky bitch Chloe!" Emily squealed between giggles as she tapped her friend on the shoulder.

"Yes, Chloe! You're so lucky, Chicago's black mob boss chose you to fuck all night! I'm so jealous!"

Alex groaned theatrically in that spoiled voice he made when he was angry with lies.

“Lucky me? You are the little whore who got a millionaire BLACK DADDY. Last night they didn't just ask for Mom." Chloe continues to speak in that teasing, playful voice. "There was a certain African male who was looking for his BABBY-GIRL at the party."

Chloe was looking directly into the gray eyes of her beautiful, delicate little brother.

Alex turned completely red and stutteringly asked.

“Was my…my…my BLACKK DADDY at the party? Did my BLACK DADDY ask for me?” Alex's high-pitched voice was equal parts excited and apologetic.

"Yeah, he seemed upset that you weren't there. I think he was looking forward to hanging out with you." Chloe says, not mentioning that she saw Mr. Osei getting a blowjob from that cute redheaded white boy. She loves Alex and she knew that Mr. Osei would make Alex very happy.

"Oh yeah. Mr. Osei expected his little white whore to go to the party, but since he didn't want to join us…” Emily finished the sentence with a tragic sigh, demonstrating how unfortunate Alex's case was.

Alex remained silent and with his eyes lowered, completely sorry for not attending such an obscene party.

"I didn't know BLACK DADDY was going too," Alex muttered in a sad and pained voice. “Now BLACK DADDY will think I'm a bad girl and stop loving me! I haven't even sent him a message or a call, what will he think of me?!” Alex's voice cracks as he speaks, threatening to burst into tears at any moment.

Hannah rushes to hug and comfort the special child of hers.

“Oh, my sweet, sweet boy! You don't have to worry, your BLACK DADDY will surely forgive you for not coming to the party! You couldn't know he would be there!" Hannah comforts and encourages her special little boy.

“Mom is right, Alex. Your BLACK DADDY told us that he was there by coincidence, he only went to the party because he had to talk business with my BLACK KING”. Chloe joins her mother in comforting Alex and convincing him that her affair with the older black male is not in jeopardy.

Alex stops sobbing and raises her pretty elf face and his mother pours him a new cup of tea to calm him down.

"But, what's that about you still haven't sent a message to your BLACK DADDY?!" Curious question Emily. “That could be a problem. A good white girl must send cute and provocative messages to her black male. You should at least send him a message right now! Go do it now! We will help you now that we are all together!”

Emily claps her hands excitedly as she encourages Alex to start a chat with that huge, mature black male you distrust so much.

You hate the idea of your pretty boy child exchanging “cute and provocative” texts with a huge 45-year-old African gorilla, so in a fit of anger you walk into the room trying to stop it.

“Emily…haven't you and Chloe planned to go to the mall? Your boyfriend has already been waiting outside for fifteen minutes.” She questions the pretty blonde in a shaky voice, hoping that Chloe and Emily will run to the MALL to start their day of shopping ASAP.

Hannah, Chloe, Alex, and Emily look at you, exasperated and surprised by your audacity.

“Emily and I will go shopping when we want to go! Who the hell do you think you are to order us to go whenever you, please?! Do you think you can order us around because you are a little white man?! Shame on you!” Chloe lashes out at you, yelling and berating you for the second time that day.

You understand regretfully that you have made a mistake and the only thing you want now is to be able to disappear.

"Are you dumb Jerry?! Can't you see that Alex has a problem?! Your son is worried because he thinks his BLACK DADDY might be mad at him! This is important! Don't you want Alex to be happy?! Don't you want my pretty boy to become a BABYGIRL to a rich, strong, powerful, black man like Mr. Osei?!” You just keep quiet, feeling humiliated and angry at the same time.

You want to tell your wife that you don't want Alex to be the little slutty girlfriend of a mature African man, but you know that will only lead to more yelling and scolding, so you remain silent.

“You don't have to worry about my boyfriend, Mr. Smalls. He's perfectly capable of keeping me waiting out there for as long as I want. It is a privilege for Kyle that I am his girlfriend, the least he can do is be patient, like a good white boy ”. Emily tells you with a very annoyed voice and a cold, hateful look.

“Kyle? Is that your boyfriend's name dear?" Hannah asks curiously. "Should I meet him?"

"Oh don't worry about it Hannah, he's not much,"
Emily replies coldly and disinterestedly.

"Oh...Okay, whatever you want honey." Hannah turns her attention back to her beautiful and sad special boy. "Now back to the point. Alex, my boy, take your cell phone and text your BLACK DADDY now. It's an order!"

Alex finishes drinking his tea and when Chloe tries to pour him more he notices that the pretty porcelain teapot is empty.

“Jerry, what the hell are you waiting for to make some more hot tea?! Can't you see that Alex needs support? He stops being so useless and pathetic and prepares more!” Hannah angrily orders you and you simply obey out of inertia.

As you pick up the tea set from the coffee table, you watch as Emily, Hannah, and Chloe crowd around Alex, who has his cell phone in his hand.

"What do I write to him?!" he asks completely terrified.

“Write… Hi BLACK DADDY! Your BABYGIRL misses you so much and wanted to know how your day is going. Black males like Mr. Osei love girls who talk about themselves in the third person, it's a very childish and cute trait” Emily quickly advises, Chloe and Hannah nod their heads in support of that idea.

Alex complies excitedly and quickly types the message, but it takes him a couple of seconds to hit the send key.

He finally does it and lets out a nervous sigh.

The four girls are looking at the screen of Alex's pink cell phone waiting for an answer, but time passes and nothing happens, when you start to hope that maybe Mr. Osei is not interested in your little son and will never answer, the WhatsApp bell resounds in the silent room.

“HEY BABYGIRL! I'm glad to know that my beautiful baby misses his daddy. I also miss seeing your beautiful little whore face. Send you BLACK DADDY a photo babe!” Alex reads the message from Being. Osei in a loving voice.

"Do you see my cute boy?! Your BLACK DADDY loves you so much, he even wants a picture of you to remember you by! Isn't he cute?" Hannah hugs her son excitedly.

Alex looks happy again and is cheered by Chloe and Emily starts taking a dozen selfies on the couch.

The pretty boy looks up and makes cute, flirty, and sexy faces at his cell phone camera.

Hannah snatches the phone from her hand and selects one of the photos.

“You look super cute in this one, baby. Send this!"

Alex blushes and sends the selfie to his BLACK DADDY.

Alex and Mr. Osei spend about five minutes exchanging flirtations, Alex sends him cute and pretty words, like a virgin in love, and Mr. Osei replies with vulgar words and sexual innuendos that make you feel very uncomfortable.

You can know this because Alex reads each of the messages that that black male sends him, and in turn, Chloe, Emily, and Hannah advise your son to write loudly.

Thanks to those tips from Chloe and Emily, the talk heats up quickly and suddenly you notice how your pretty son's cheeks blush.

“He likes me… Oh… Wow…” He shows the girls his phone screen so they can see the shirtless photo Mr. Osei sent him.

"Wow!" Hannah, Emily, and Chloe exclaim together.

You who are also aware of what is happening can see the thick torso of that mature black male and you must admit that it is very impressive, despite his age and weight Mr. Osei sports powerful well-defined abs, it is like seeing a black Hulk, you can also see how hairy this huge African stallion is, the thick, curly and gray hair covers almost the entire front of that imposing torso.

"Oh, my God! What if he is a man among men? Look how hairy he is!" Hannah fans her face because the sight of that enormous half-naked gorilla has heated her.

"I like it a lot! I think it's very manly to have that much hair. I have never had a single hair on my body, and seeing such a hairy man makes me feel very delicate. " Alex sighs completely in love.

"You do like very masculine males, huh Lexy?" Emily asks playfully.

Alex giggled nervously as he read a new message.

“He wants a picture of my butt. Listen… The thing I miss most about my BABYGIRL is your huge fat mare's ass, so make your BLACK DADDY happy, and send a picture of those round bitch buttocks of yours to your man.”

Chloe, Hannah, and Emily all let out excited little squeals.

"Very well then, get up and turn around!" Hannah takes the phone from Alex and points him to the center of the room where she wants him to start posing.

Chloe and Emily laugh and clap, encouraging the little boy to obey.

Alex stood up and pulled up her hoodie to show off his ass.

"Wait wait wait!" Emily steps in. “There is no way I can let you take your picture! Not with those ugly baggy jeans! Put on some jean shorts, a miniskirt or something. Can't you lend him something Chloe?"

"You're right Emily! Come with me, Lexi! I have some old pink micro shorts that will match your hair perfectly!”

"Wait! Are you wearing boy briefs Lexy?”
Emily asks suspiciously. “They look horrible. She goes put something smaller on you."

“I-I don't have anything else…”.
Alex replies embarrassed.

"Don't worry little brother, I'll lend you one of my thongs!" Chloe exclaims excitedly.

"Chloe!" You scream in shock. “I don't like this anymore, guys. I think they should stop, I don't think it's a good idea for Alex to start wearing women's underwear… Not to mention it's illegal for a boy his age to start dating a 45-year-old black man.” You try to reason with your ****** one last time.

Hannah can't possibly agree to your fifteen-year-old son having a romantic and sexual relationship with a black man thirty years his senior! It just can't be true!
But it is, immediately the cold and terrifying stares of everyone in the room make your blood run cold.

"Oh just shut up ***!" Chloe said angrily.

"Thanks to that very homophobic and racist comment you have earned another night on the Jerry couch! Now you better shut your mouth or you will sleep down here for a whole week!" Added your furious wife.

Excited, your two children run up the stairs, you just keep sitting frozen in the dining room without knowing what to do or where to go.

After a couple of maybe five minutes where Hannah and Emily talk about the cool articles in ♥QUEEN OF SPADES♥ magazine and how sexy and huge the actors in the A.C.E., your children return to the room.

Alex looks completely different without his ugly baggy pants and his oversized sweatshirt.

Your son is wearing a skin-tight long-sleeved white top that doesn't come to his waist, exposing his flat stomach and his pretty belly button on display.

His gigantic, juicy, and voluptuous ass is encased in tight pink denim micro shorts, they are so small that they leave half of his huge and pale buttocks exposed.

In the front part of the little shorts, he shows off the tiny and cute bulge that reveals the presence of an exaggeratedly small penis. The tight garment highlights the very brief wasp waist that your son has, and you can't help but be amazed by the pornographic figure that Alex's hips have.

Hannah and Emily clap and whistle as they ask him to turn around so they can see him from all angles.

Alex completely flabbergasted and flattered, obeys and spins showing off his slim and sensual wasp figure.

"Oh, my God! You look stunning my pretty boy! Those clothes fit you perfectly and make you look so girly and cute!” Hannah never tires of seeing her beautiful son from all possible angles, her face is the representation of happiness.

“Damn Lexy, you do have the fattest, roundest, firmest ass I've ever seen! I would kill to have half the buttocks of what you have. You little ass whore!"

Alex blushes and acts shy and embarrassed, but it's obvious to everyone that he takes all those words as compliments and praise, and it's obvious that he likes them.

"Good good good. We all know that Lexy has the best ass in the group. Now we need to get those photos out if we want her BLACK DADDY to know too." He orders Chloe making everyone remember why Alexis is dressing in that sensual and feminine way.

“Chloe is right! Come on baby, get up there and start posing for your buck!” Hannah picks up her son's cell phone again and begins to focus.

"Yes, Mom!". Respond obediently your son.

Alex stops in the middle of the room and turns around, giving a little sidelong glance over her shoulder and leaning in to stick her ass out for the camera.

Hannah begins taking pictures, and as Alex works on the angles, the underwear her sister lent him begins to show. Eventually, two pink thong straps are visible and soon your child is rocking and showing off a sexy whale tail.

“Mr. Osei is going to love these photos!” Your wife cheers him on while he keeps shooting flashes left and right.

Alexis continues to pose more and more sensually, in a way so natural and feminine that she might as well be a professional model. Your handsome son shows off his pornographic ass in front of the camera from all possible angles and when the session ends you can notice how his nipples stand out scandalously on the fabric of the tight blouse.

Alex, very blushing, takes his phone and sends a dozen photos to Mr. Osei.
And less than a minute later Alex's cell phone rings again.

“OH MY GOSH!” Alex exclaims frozen in place of him, with his beautiful gaze fixed on the screen.

Chloe gets up from the chair and approaches her little brother to see what is the cause of that reaction.

“Dammit Lexy! Is Mr. Osei going to tear you apart with that thing?!” Your ******** asks scared.

"That?!" Hannah asks as she also peers at the screen. You hear your wife gasp in surprise. "Is that thing real?!" She asks her with a hand over her mouth between scared and fascinated.

“What the hell are they talking about?!” Emily asks a little annoyed, who hasn't gotten up from her chair, and just looks confused at the little group.

Chloe takes her brother's phone and turns it so her friend can see the screen, of course now you can too.

On Alex's phone, there is a picture of Mr. Osei standing in front of a mirror, the huge macho is half naked, only wearing a huge black boxer shorts, and under that thin silky cloth, the silhouette of a gigantic penis can be seen.

"It looks real," Chloe says, from experience.

"That's huge!" Hannah exclaims unable to take her eyes off the photo of the dick.

And at that moment in real time, a new image appears in the chat.

Mr. Osei has sent another photo, this time his big black cock is out and rock-hard. That penis is monstrously huge, veiny, and black, it must be 11 inches long and as thick as a beer can, maybe even a bit more, its huge glans is bulbous, black, and mushroom-shaped, with a pee hole so big it looks like the eye of a cyclops.

That beast is so heavy that, despite being completely hard and erect, it cannot get up completely and remains in a horizontal position, facing forward but slightly tilted downwards due to its weight.

That member is so completely different from your penis, that you doubt for a moment that it is a human penis, it is even ugly and deformed, because even from a distance you can see that the trunk of that big black cock is knotty and crooked, as if it had muscles of its own.

The testicles that dangle below that monstrosity are just as ugly and bestial. Each must be the size of a billiard ball and they hang heavy to mid-thigh from that African gorilla.

Like all of his body, Mr. Osei's crotch is hairy and wild, thick and thick curly hairs cover his belly, and his testicles give a primitive and almost animal appearance to the new male of your son.

It looks like an ogre's dick if they existed.

All these horrible details you saw and analyzed in a micron of a second.

Well, when Emily saw the same image as you, the blonde girl gave a little cry of surprise and fascination.

"Fuck! His balls are fucking huge!” Emily exclaims frightened.

This causes Chloe to turn the device, and three more gasps and groans of surprise are heard in the room.

Alex, Chloe, and Hannah stare with their pretty eyes wide open at that obscene image in silence for a full minute.

“Oh for God's sake! That thing must be eleven or twelve inches long!” Hannah exclaims completely entranced.

“I think it's eleven inches! It's shorter than my BLACK KING's dick, but it's thicker!” Chloe explains this with the passion and wonder that a jeweler would have when comparing two especially valuable diamonds.

“It's… it's… it's just beautiful! It is the most beautiful and perfect thing I have ever seen in my life!” This time it is Alexis who is speaking. Her sweet voice sounds hoarse and sexy, pampered and tender, she is the voice of a damsel in love. “I think… I think I'm in love!”
Alex lets out a longing sigh and licks her fat slutty lips with inordinate desire and hunger.

Emily is finally up from her chair and is admiring that hideous beastly black cock along with the others.

You're about to go crazy, how the hell did things get to this point?!

Your entire ****** and a gorgeous eighteen-year-old blonde are in the middle of the room, admiring and drooling over a picture of a huge, knobby, fat black cock.

The girls start talking and pointing out every vein and every curve of that big black cock as if they were admiring a painting in the museum.

They all agree that the most impressive of those genitals are the gigantic testicles the size of billiard balls, they all wonder how much semen they will produce.

That vulgar talk would have lasted longer if it weren't for Chloe's phone ringing at that precise moment, distracting everyone from her dirty conversation.

Chloe's phone is on the dining room table, she was too busy talking about how it was her first interracial experience to notice that she didn't have her cell phone with her.

Thanks to this coincidence, you can see first and closely the message that she just received.

"This photo is the one I told you I was going to use for you little white whore!"

Attached is a photo of Chloe on her knees looking down at the camera, Jamal's huge black cock resting on her pretty face.

That member is just as huge and impressive as Mr. Osei's cock.

The gigantic black cock covers Chloe's entire face. Your ********'s sexy lips are kissing the root of that black cock, but it's so long that that anaconda sticks out above the crown of your ********'s head, his huge testicles as big as chicken eggs resting on her chin.

You agree with your ******** and you calculate that this other black cock is twelve inches and a little less than the thickness of a soda can.

A massive cum streaks across Chloe's face, and what looks like a glass of thick milk is poured over your ********'s pretty face, as she smiles like it's Christmas morning.

Chloe runs to take her cell phone and with a smile writes a short answer.

“It's perfect”

"Look, I also have a picture of my BLACK KING's huge black cock!"
Chloe hops back to the small group who are still looking at the photos that Alex's BLACK DADDY has sent.

The three girls huddle together at the hour and stare in ecstasy at the porn image that Jamal has chosen as your ********'s profile picture.

Soon the discussion turns heated, as the group can't decide which is better, a fat and heavy black cock like Mr. Osei's or one a little less thick but an inch longer.

Of course, Chloe and Alex defend their respective male's tooth and nail, saying that their black bull's dick is better.

You no longer even try to stop or interrupt that obscene discussion, you know very well what will happen if you dare to speak, and little by little you resign yourself to your ****** talking, and discussing interracial sex and huge black cocks as naturally as if they were discussing some popular Netflix TV series.

The vulgar discussion is only interrupted when Alex receives a new message.

“BLACK DADDY wants me to send him more photos in different clothes, he even asks me to wear lingerie!” Alex looks worried again. “I don't have any more cute or sexy clothes, much less lingerie…! What do I do now? BLACK DADDY will think I'm a useless ugly kid who doesn't know how to obey orders if he doesn't send him more pictures!" The beautiful boy desperately asks his sister and his mother.

You will never, ever, ever look like an ugly child! You are the most beautiful and sexiest babe in the whole wide world! And your BLACK DADDY knows it, that's why he chose you to be his BABYGIRL. You just need new clothes, a little makeup, and some nice heels and you will be the most beautiful and sexy girl in the world.

Alex lets herself be pampered and consoled by burying his beautiful face between his mother's gigantic tits.

"It's true Alex! What you need to go shopping with us and remodel your closet! Now that you have a black male, you must take care of always looking pretty, sexy, and desirable for him, both in the street and in bed”. Emily explains very happily.

“Did you hear little brother… you will come shopping with us today and when we return you will be able to send thousands of photos to your BLACK DADDY. Does that sound like a good idea to you?” Chloe asks trying to cheer up her insecure younger brother.

Alex wipes the tears from his pretty gray eyes and nods happily and touched by the help offered.

"I'll tell BLACK DADDY that I have to go shopping first and that when I come back we can continue chatting," Alex explains while he begins to type on his cell phone and calmer.

"Do you want to come with us Mom? Maybe if you also update your wardrobe you could get your black male. You could buy a couple of outfits for when you see Coach Black again!” Chloe offers her mother the chance to come along.

You feel forgotten and humiliated, to the point that your ******** is hinting to her mother that it would be a good idea if she also had a black boyfriend.

You see your wife seriously thinks about it, but before she or you can say anything Alex gets a call on his cell phone.

Alex looks at the screen and lets out a high-pitched, feminine, excited girlish cry.

“It's… it's… my BLACK DADDY! It's my BLACK DADDY!" Shout excited your sweet son.

Chloe, Emily, and Hannah start to scream and jump excitedly too and encourage Alex to answer.

With trembling hands, your son finally answers the call.

“H-Hello? BLACK DADDY?" Your son answers nervously. “Yes BLACK DADDY, Lexy is going shopping…your BABY GIRL wants to look pretty for her BLACK DADDY. Chloe and Emily are going too, Lexy wants her mommy to come with her… ”.

Everyone is silent, trying to listen to the conversation between the handsome fifteen-year-old boy and his forty-five-year-old African male.

It's not lost on you that your son is talking about himself in the third person, following Emily's advice, thanks to that and the spoiled childish tone your sweet son uses he sounds like a little princess in heat.

“Yeah, Lexy thinks so too BLACK DADDY… Lexy's mommy would look great in sexier clothes… Hee-hee-hee! I agree DADDY, Lexy is sure Coach Black would also like to see her in clothes more suitable for a sexy white girl like her."

Your heart sinks a little more when you hear that, it seems that everyone is very interested in Hannah being associated with Coach Black, it's as if both your children and Emily seem to want your wife to end up in the arms of the muscular and handsome coach.

“How many clothes is your BABY GIRL planning to buy? I don't know BLACK DADDY, Lexy guesses just a few clothes…” Alex is silent for a moment, listening carefully to his BLACK DADDY. “BLACK DADDY wants me to use his gold card?! Oh BLACK DADY you are so kind and generous! What?! Really?! Will you send a limo for us if Lexy's mommy accompanies us?!”

Alex looks at his mother in a super cute way with those beautiful, huge, and cute gray doe eyes begging her to come with them.

Hannah tries to refuse, and she holds out for about three seconds, but she's never been good at denying the special child of hers anything, especially when Alex looks at her like that while she pouts with her full lips.

Hannah finally nods. Emily and Chloe jump, squeal, and squeal with excitement, you can tell that going shopping in a limo makes them very excited.

Alex silences his sister and Emily with annoying and feminine gestures... finally, your ******** and her friend are silent and Alex continues talking to his BLACK DADDY.

“Yes, BLACK DADDY! Lexy's mommy is going too! Lexy is one lucky girl! Thank you for lending us your limo, thank you, thank you BLACK DADDY!" Alex is thanking her macho with the cutest, sexiest, pampered voice you've ever heard in your life. “Your BABBY-GIRL promises you that she will buy the sexiest and most beautiful clothes she can find. Lexy will send you pictures when she gets home… Then BLACK DADDY can send me pictures of himself too. The last one was… just beautiful!” Alex whispers the last part in a sexy way.

Hearing your son's provocative words, Hannah, Chloe, and Emily all start screaming and yelling with excitement again.

Finally, Alex hangs up, but not before sending half a dozen kisses and nice words to his new BLACK DADDY.

The girls spend the next ten minutes screaming and laughing excitedly, all of them exclaiming how jealous they are of Alex for being the slut of an African millionaire.
When the screaming, giggling, and female squealing ends, Hannah asks Emily if it's not a good idea to tell her boyfriend to go home.

“White boys are good at carrying bags, and Kyle will pay for all my purchases, that's his duty. White boys like Kyle understand that it's an honor and a privilege to be able to have a pretty, sexy white girl like me and that that privilege comes at a cost…Kyle knows that he must do whatever I tell him to, and buy me whatever I want if he wants to stay my boyfriend.”

Emily's cruel words stab into your heart, because for some reason you feel alluded to, but before you can convince yourself that Emily isn't referring to you, the beautiful blonde finishes off that horrible message by including you directly.

"I think it's a good idea that you brought your white boy too… I mean, Mr. Smalls, Hannah." Emily corrects herself at the last second, but everyone has perfectly heard what she called you.“I'm sure we'll buy a lot of things… it would be nice to have another set of arms to help us carry all the bags. Also, I imagine Mr. Smalls will like to see what his money is going to spend on, it's always nice when white guys… I mean, it's always nice when a white girl's boyfriend helps her choose and pays for the clothes she'll wear on dates with real men.”

Emily finishes saying that in that sexy schoolteacher voice, she adopts every time she explains something new about the weird interracial love ideology she preaches.

“That sounds like a good idea to me Emily! Jerry, you heard, you're going with us!" Hannah turns to see you for the first time in hours and orders you to go get the AMERICAN EXPRESS credit card that she has kept in the master bedroom. "We'll be able to use the money from the overtime you've been putting in lately, aren't you glad?"

"Hannah, honey! Are you saying that I am going to pay for the clothes that you will wear to go out on dates with a black man?!”
You ask offended, angry, and scared.

For a moment you think Hannah is going to say yes, that's exactly the idea, but before she can say anything, Emily is doing the talking.

“Don't be silly, Mr. Smalls! I mean Chloe! I just think it's a good idea for her to get herself a white boyfriend to carry, pay and help pick out sexy clothes for the BLACK KING of hers. Of course, Hannah will also buy new clothes, but she will wear those clothes only for you… Doesn't she like the idea of her beautiful HOT WIFE dressing sexy for you?” Emily explains that naturally and simply. As if it's the most normal thing in the world to think that your ******** should get a white boyfriend simply so that he will pay for clothes that she will eventually wear with Jamal.

You're about to say that you don't think it's right for your ******** to start dating a simple white guy to take her money, but before you open her mouth your wife cuts you off.

"Come on Jerry! It will be fun! And you heard, we will need a strong and gallant gentleman to help us carry the purchases. You are so strong… don't you want to help some little ladies in need?”

Hannah has reached out to you, and as she takes your hand in hers she rubs her gigantic breasts on your arm, as she looks at you with a pout on her plump, juicy lips.
You cannot resist flattery and so much beauty and you end up accepting.

Hannah, Alex Chloe, and Emily head upstairs to get ready a bit while their ride arrives, and when Alex's cell phone rings again, your beautiful son lets everyone know that it's the limo waiting for them in front of the building.

Excited they finally go to the door and when you open it you can see the small and skinny white young man sitting on the floor waiting like a faithful dog.

"Are you OK? Why did you take so long?" The white boy asks, standing up, there is no anger or claim in his voice, only concern for the well-being of his girlfriend.

But that doesn't stop Emily from answering him in a cold and cutting way.

“That's not something you care about, Kyle. Stop being a toxic and macho boyfriend, you don't decide how long I can take talking to my friends, now be a good boy and shut up. The girls and I are going in a limo to the mall! You and Mr. Smalls can follow us in your car.” Emily commands in that cold, ruthless voice so strange to her, a bubbly, happy girl.

“Wait… why do I have to go to Emily's boyfriend? I also wanted… I mean, I thought I would also go in the limo with you.” Your voice is shrill and annoyed, like a child about to throw a tantrum, but you can't help it, this time you're really angry, the way Emily has decided that you can't join them in the limo is just too much.

"Please, Jerry! Don't you dare make a scene! The girls and I will go in the limo because we want to have a girls-only moment, you would get bored with our talk… or do you want to continue listening to how Jamal fucked your ********? Are you a pervert who wants to know the details of how a mature black man made love to your sexy twenty-year-old ********?" Hannah asks accusingly.

You shake your head while stuttering that you're not a pervert.

Of course, you end up accepting Emily's idea, so they go down to the street where a luxurious and huge black limousine is waiting for them.

The girls squeal, scream, and excitedly run to the vehicle, where a smartly dressed chauffeur opens the door for them.

You and the young Kyle get into a beautiful and luxurious Toyota XL, silver, it shows that this boy is very wealthy.

"My name is Kile Cucks, it's a pleasure to meet the father of Emily's best friend." The boy introduces himself and shakes your hand.

You immediately take a liking to him and think that at least you will be able to spend your time sewing this nice boy.

"I am Jerry Smalls, the pleasure is mine."

As the limo pulls away, Kyle follows close behind, driving very carefully as he turns on the radio and the sweet tunes of classical music fill the interior of the vehicle.

You love classical music, so different from that obscene black RAP your ****** has been listening to lately.

Yes, you like this boy a lot, maybe this day won't be so bad after all.

♠ Chapter 09 ♠ ♥ "Jerry" Saturday October 10 ♥

After a half hour ride everyone arrives at Hudson Yards, the elegant and modern shopping plaza on Tenth Avenue.

The architecture of the place is extraordinary and imposing, full of restaurants, cafes and luxurious clothing stores such as Louis Vuitton, DIOR, Aritzia and ZARA. There are also half a dozen high-end makeup boutiques and even a Tiffany.

Not to mention the main attraction of that place, Vessel, a 16-story-high structure of interconnecting stairs between the buildings of Hudson Yards.

Of course you have visited that place on previous occasions, but all of them accompanied by your whole ****** in the typical outings to the movies or to dinner.

Well, even though you've been living in New York for a whole year now, you still haven't gotten used to the big city and its glamorous lifestyle.

Add to that how busy you've been working, Hannah's right, you've made a small fortune from all the overtime you've put in since you came to New York.

Remembering those hundreds of hours in front of the computer racking your brain and feeling sick to your stomach due to stress makes you feel very upset.

Well, it seems your ******** and your wife are planning to overdraw your gold card.

You and Kyle watch as your wife, your children and Emily get out of the limo laughing and talking loudly and enter the square without waiting for a second, it's obvious that they have completely forgotten about you.

Kyle enters the parking lot of the square automatically, apparently he doesn't feel offended by his girlfriend's attitude, it's as if he was used to it.

Finally, you and Kyle find yourself wandering through the fancy shops looking for the perky little group of girls you're supposed to come with.

The boy continues to talk about his life in college and his plans for the future.

As you had imagined, you and Kyle have gotten along very well, the skinny boy with brown hair is very similar to you, and not only physically, both are kind, shy and very calm.

They both like the same things; classical music, 1920s movies, crime mystery books, and even Kyle is studying for a degree in computer science, just like you.

Even the things you dislike Kyle dislikes, he doesn't like spicy food either, he hates RAP, and just like you he hates sports, both playing and watching them.

Kyle prefers to spend his days programming, watching sci-fi, or reading.

All this you have learned in the short trip you have shared so far.

You feel quite excited and even a little happy to think that perhaps you can cultivate a new friendship with this kind and intelligent boy.

Of course it's a bit pathetic for a thirty-seven-year-old grown man like you to get excited about being friends with a nineteen-year-old, but remembering that Hannah has become friends with Emily makes you feel a little better.

"Where are the girls?" you ask out loud, as you and Kyle look around for the row group of girls.

"Emily always starts at Aritzia, it's a women's clothing store, it's very expensive and luxurious... although she only buys sportswear there... you know her outfits for tennis, or the gym... she says that the other clothes in the place are too boring”.

Kyle calmly explains to you and you realize that he has done this many times before.
“I think it's a good idea to start there Kyle. Come on!"

Ten minutes later they find themselves sitting on a small bench inside the blissful store while they watch the group of beautiful girls choose and try on tight lycra garments that leave very little to the imagination.

Hannah, Chloe and Emily concentrate their efforts on choosing clothes for Alex, who, embarrassed and blushing, simply obeys every time his mother or sister hands him a new item of clothing, he goes into the dressing room and minutes later comes out looking incredibly sexy and feminine.

At first the girls only make him wear tennis outfits, like the ones Chloe and Emily wear regularly.

When you see your son come out of the dressing room wearing a pleated miniskirt and skimpy pink lycra top, you realize that Alex has a pair of perky little tits.

You already knew that your son had inherited his mother's gigantic buttocks, but finding out that he's also growing a pair of breasts blows your mind, what the hell is wrong with Alex? Why the hell is his little body developing exactly like a girl's would?
You remember that those strange changes began about three years ago, you had asked your wife to take Alex to the doctor to find out what was happening, but when Hannah returned from the hospital she had told you that Alex was perfectly fine and that those changes were completely normal. for him, now you wonder if Hannah lied to you, it's obvious that something medically important is wrong with Alex.

Those small teen tits, that huge mare's ass, and that princess face are all but “perfectly normal”.

You make a mental note to talk about it with your wife tonight and get to the bottom of it.

Although you have to admit that your handsome son looks just lovely in those tennis outfits, the miniskirts come to the middle of his plump white creamy thighs and his gigantic ass causes the back to rise so high that it exposes the bottom of her round buttocks.

Even Kyle gawks at your son a few times, until Alex comes out of the dressing room wearing skintight leggings and another one of those little tops, the sexy outfit being pink of course.

You would think that thanks to those tight lycra clothes your son's small penis would stand out scandalously, but somehow the tiny bulge between Alex's thick thighs looks cute and feminine.

Kyle flinches next to you as he blinks in confusion.

“Wait… Is that girl a boy?! I mean that girl is your son?! He was always a boy?!” Kyle asks very confused.

You can't help but laugh, his expression is very funny and you fully understand why he mistook your son for a sexy and beautiful blonde girl.

“His name is Alexis, and yes, he is my son. He is fifteen years old and goes to the high school Emily attends. As you can see he is a bit… different, I think he is gay or something”. You explain embarrassed.

"Different?! You must be kidding! I never would have guessed that Alex was a boy! Emily talks a lot about Alex and Chloe, but I always thought they were two girls… Even when I saw him leave her apartment I thought it was a girl… I never thought Emily's friend was a trans girl”.

"Trans?" You ask confused.

“Shemale. Your son is transsexual right? You know, those men who feel like women… they dress up and take female hormones to become women.” Kyle explains calmly.

You look again at your son wearing those lycra leggings that highlight his tiny penis and realize that while anyone seeing him right now would immediately know they're looking at a little queer, it would be that cute little bulge between his thick thighs are the only detail that would give him away, because there, dressed in those tight pink lycra leggings and wearing a tight matching top that highlights his small but pretty tits, Alex looks exactly like a girl in her teens.

They spend another half hour in there, you and Kyle talking about programming and technology to pass the time.

When each of the girls chooses at least five sets of tight sportswear, they head out, but not before ordering you and Kyle to line up and pay for it all.

Alex even hands you a black AMERICAN EXPRESS, and he reminds you that you can only use it to pay for his things.

“When you're done here look for us at LEVIS! Lexy needs some sexy skinny jeans and her micro shorts look just great on her, we need to get her lots more!" Hannah orders you as she walks out of the store without even looking at you.

You and Kyle spend the next four hours repeating the same pattern.

1. Find the girls in a new clothing store.

2. See how the four girls try on and wear increasingly tight, small and provocative clothes.

3. Line up in a long and boring line to pay for those obscene clothes.

4. Repeat all the steps. But each time holding more and more bags.

You don't know what was the worst.

Maybe it was Levi's, where your whole ****** clad in skintight jeans that flaunted each other's nice, perky asses in way too vulgar and obscenely short jean micro shorts was bad enough.

Or the hour and a half you spent in “REGINA ROMERO” a women's shoe store, looking at the noisy group of girls trying on one pair of heels after another, after another, after another. And the fact that Alex, Chloe and your wife chose only sexy high platform sneakers with six inch heels in different colors didn't help.

No! The worst so far was the makeup and perfume store, where in addition to waiting bored in a corner while your wife and children took forever to try and choose among hundreds of colors that all look the same to you, you had to endure the intense aroma of dozens of different fragrances and perfumes, when they finally left that place you had a severe headache.

Right now you and Kyle are standing in the corner of a new boutique full of dresses of all kinds, this time you haven't found an empty bench, you aren't the only men who have been dragged out for an afternoon of shopping by their wives or girlfriends.

You and Kyle have exhausted all topics of conversation and now the boy looks bored at his watch, you do the same and realize that it is seven at night, and you are getting hungry.

“How much longer could this last?” You ask out loud to no one in particular.

"From my experience... I'd say at least a couple more hours." Kyle answers you.

“Maybe we should ask…” You think a little hesitantly.

Kyle looks just as nervous at such a suggestion, but together they feel braver than usual and walking slowly and quietly they approach the noisy group of beautiful white girls.

Emily, Alex, Chloe and Hannah are trying on sundresses, miniskirts, and sexy tight evening dresses, you can't believe how beautiful they all look, including Alex, it's weird how you think feminine about your son more and more .

At that moment Alex is trying on a gothic pleated mini dress, it's short with a high waist, flared, and black and red checkered.

He teamed it with a black velvet crop top with ruffled sleeves and lace up the front.

Your son looks like a little schoolgirl witch, the only thing missing to complete that gothic look is a wide-brimmed pointy hat.

Hannah for her part is choosing more clothes for her pretty boy.

Just then Chloe steps out of the dressing room wearing a sleeveless mini cocktail dress with a crisscross neckline and open back, the garment is super tight and shows off all of your ********'s voluptuous curves, and it shows a lot of skin.

The dress is so short that Chloe's pretty little buttocks threaten to peek out if your ******** isn't careful when she walks.

“Do you think Jamal would like this?” Chloe asks you and Emily as she spins around and flaunts herself in front of everyone showing off those huge round boobs that want to break cleavage.

“It's perfect for you Chloe! Even though I think it's too small in the chest area…actually, anything is too small in the chest area for you.” Alex replies with a bit of envy in his voice, it's obvious that the little boy has always envied the gigantic udders of his sister and his mother.

"Oh sure that sexy little whore dress will love your new BLACK KING!" Emily says without realizing that you and Kyle are right behind them. “I still can't believe you fucked Jamal! I've only seen him a few times, but he looks just delicious! That black male is so fucking perfect!”

“Wh-what?!” Kyle asks very surprised and a little annoyed.

"Gee, Kyle! You scared the shit out of me! Don't go sneaking around the place like that! It looks like you're trying to spy on us or something… It's totally creepy!" With a start, Emily turns and scolds her boyfriend, her happy and sweet voice completely changes and now she is cold and cruel.

"I-I wasn't sneaking out…" was all the skinny young man said before being interrupted by Chloe who had also been startled by his sudden presence.

"Oh my gosh ***! What the hell is wrong with them?! Why are you eavesdropping on our chat? Are you really a pervert who wants to hear about how my BLACK KING made me his last night?!” Your ******** reproaches you completely disgusted with you, even with a little disgust in her voice.

"I... I wasn't... I wasn't trying... to... to listen..." You stutter in complete bewilderment, trying to answer something coherent, but the terrible images of the huge black cock on Chloe's pretty face flash through your mind, making you even more nervous.

"Would you like to go sit there or something? Chloe, Emily, Lexy and I are having a girl's moment."

Hannah points to a chair in a corner away from the dressing rooms.
"O-Oh. Uh…yeah, s-sure…honey" You reply coweringly and shuffle away, carrying the heavy purchases.

Kyle, like you, also obeys and you both sit on that bench completely defeated.

Chloe, Emily and Alex can't help but laugh a little at the docile and weak attitude that you and Kyle display.

They soon forget them and continue admiring Chloe clad in that sexy black dress.

You continue to watch the four girls laugh and joke, and although you can't hear them you can imagine what they're talking about.

You see how Hannah hands a tight pink velvet mini dress to your pretty son, the dress is Chinese style with a mandarin collar, it is a Cheongsam Qipao. You know it from all the hours you've spent in front of the TV watching documentaries.

You have to admit it's just gorgeous, but extremely short and the bottom of Alex's amazing white buttocks peeks out from below the hem and if your son dares to bend over just a little anyone could see all of his ass and sexy pink thong that Chloe has lent her.

Alex looks just gorgeous, like a little blonde-haired Asian slut, and Chloe isn't far behind in that tight cocktail dress that makes her look like an expensive hooker.

Hannah and Emily also head into the dressing room to try on something while your kids model and pose in front of a huge mirror, admiring themselves from every angle.

When your wife and Emily go out, they're wearing Chloe-like micro dresses, with a bare back, incredibly plunging neckline, and extremely short lengths. Hannah's is red and Emily's is white. Standing there posing, turning and bowing the four white girls look like porn stars on a red carpet.

Then Emily looks around her looking for something, and you notice that Kyle is about to get up thinking that his girlfriend is looking for him.

But Emily isn't even looking at you, on the contrary, she is drawing the attention of a tall, handsome black man who is dressed very elegantly.

That handsome and strong black man approaches the group of beauties with confident steps and a beautiful smile on his African lips.

"Why are you calling that black... that man?" you ask alarmed.

"No, I do not know". Kyle responds, his voice sounds shaky and scared.

But even at the distance the two of them are, they can clearly hear Emily's loud and cheerful voice.

"HEEEYYY Mr. SEXY! My girlfriends and I are pretty sure these dresses look good, but we'd really appreciate a real man's opinion."

You and Kyle, paralyzed, watch as the four girls smile and pose for the enjoyment of that black male, showing off their breasts and his buttocks while laughing and joking.

You can't hear what the man is saying to each one, but they all blush and laugh in utter rapture, Hannah even leaning in so far that her dress ends up rolling around her waist giving her a glimpse of her gigantic white buttocks clad in lace lingerie. red to that complete stranger.

Your wife takes longer than you consider appropriate to get up and fix her dress, it's almost as if she's giving that black man time to revel in the sight of her.

After she clears she apologizes and blushes, acting as if she is very sorry for the incident.

The black male then approaches your wife and whispers something in her ear, Hannah blushes even more, but she shakes her head and shows her wedding ring to the tall black man.

You are suddenly proud and touched by the way Hannah protects her honor as a married woman, but that feeling dissipates when your wife points sheepishly at you, and the tall, strong black male looks at you from a distance, his dark eyes staring at you. they judge with contempt and mockery.

And with a laugh so raspy and loud even you can hear it, the black male leans closer to Hannah and continues to whisper in her ear.

Your heart races and at the same time you feel a pit of fear in your stomach, you don't want to face that tall and huge black man, a part of you would like to get up, go to this guy and face him, but another part, the bigger part just wants to run away with the tail between the legs.

Just when you think you're really about to run out of the store, Emily steps in and hands the black male her cell phone and he types something on it. The black male then approaches Emily and whispers something in her ear, Emily laughs and nods, excited and happy.

The man finally walks away as the four girls giggle and whisper, watching him go.

The four girls enter the dressing rooms once more and when they come out they are wearing the clothes they came to the square with.

They all take several dresses each and head towards you, handing you all the silky garments.

"W-who was that guy?" Kyle asks nervously.

You, too, are anxious to find out who the hell was that black male who got so close to your wife.

"Oh, that man? Don't worry about it. He works here, he's the manager of the place." Emily replies nonchalantly.

"S-It sounded like you were giving him your n-number…" Kyle stammers.

"Oh. Yeah, I did. He's going to get me great deals on some stuff here. Thanks to that sexy chocolate man, you're going to save a lot of money. So, you're welcome."

"Oh...ah, okay...th-thank you?" The confused boy mutters.

"Okay, now pay this off and shut up, the girls and I are going to go get something to eat and then we'll buy lingerie and underwear for Lexy." Emily says as she starts typing on her cell phone rapidly.

"Lingerie? Hannah, do you think it's a good idea to buy our fifteen-year-old son lingerie?” You ask, shocked, one thing is women's clothing, and quite another to let Alex wear thongs and a lace Babydoll, that's too much.

“Of course that's a good idea Jerry! Lexy's BLACK DADDY wants her BABY-GIRL to look like a little princess and little princesses wear lingerie. Besides, you won't pay for her clothes, I don't know why you're complaining”. Hannah scolds you again very upset. "Now be useful and go pay for our things, like Emily said we'll go eat something, you and that kid can catch up with us in the food court."

You and Kyle again defeated, comply and line up in front of the boutique's cash register carrying both the bags from the other stores and the new dresses.

It takes them over half an hour to get out of that place and they both agree that it's a good idea to go down to the parking lot and put all the bags in Kyle's Toyota and then catch up with the girls at the restaurant they would have chosen to eat at, they were both hungry.

But when they finally walk towards the area of the square reserved for restaurants and fast food places, they see the four girls leaving a beautiful Italian restaurant completely satisfied.

Hannah and Emily order them to follow, and with your stomach growling with hunger you trail after your ****** like a well-trained dog.

The four girls stop at a juice bar and each order her favorite, you and Kyle also order glasses, and pay as the group of women walk away from you without even waiting or thanking you.

Quickening your step, you and Kyle manage to see how the girls enter a strange place with a shady and mysterious appearance.

When you arrive in front of the place you can see a huge window where there are a few mannequins wearing sexy and obscene lingerie, above the entrance in pink neon lamps there are two letters joined by a heart.


“Who, sweetheart, that one?” You read confused, trying to make sense of the strange name of the strange place.

“I think they are acronyms…I think the heart is an O…maybe?” Kyle also looks at the glowing pink letters in confusion.

The place is very dark, everything is painted black and lit with pink neon lamps. The place is divided into two sections, the first one is full of lingerie, and clothes so extremely vulgar and small that they would be perfect for prostitutes or nudists.

The second section is a fully-fledged sex shop, the walls are lined with posters of porn actors and actresses, curiously all the male actors are black and all the female porn stars are white, Asian or light-skinned Latina, the showcases of glass are full of dildos, dildos, butt plugs, magazines and pornographic films.

Hannah and Alex are looking at a display case full of erotic films from the ACE studio. Alex gives excited squeals every time he finds a movie starring Jarrad Christensen.

"Mommy! Mommy! Could you buy me one or two?! I don't want my BLACK DADDY to know that I bought Jarrad movies with his card." Alex begs in his pampered, pretty voice like a little girl asking for candy.

"Don't worry! Easy baby! Mommy will buy you what you want only if you promise to lend her those movies later!” Your wife answers and Alex squeals with happiness.

Chloe and Emily meanwhile are laughing at the tailed butt plugs and 2 foot long dildos on display in the many display cases.

You can't help but notice that plastic dicks come in two colors, black and white. All of the white dildos are small and skinny, the largest being just five inches long. The black dildos for their part are extremely realistic, and extremely huge. The smallest of those black cocks is seven inches and very thick, the largest is a gigantic fourteen inch penis.

You are deeply intimidated by all those huge rubber cocks, and by all the explicit images of all those black males showing off their gigantic boners.

For about five minutes your wife, your children and Emily walk around the place until a super cute little emo teenager approaches them and introduces herself as the manager of the place.

She is dressed in black and pink, she has short pastel pink hair, piercings, a ring in her adorable button nose and her pretty blue eyes are lined with perfect angel wings.

"Emily! Hello Girl! Did you enjoy the double sensation lube?” The cute emo girl cheerfully greets Emily with a hug and a kiss on each cheek, it's obvious the two girls know each other and you don't like that one bit.

"Halley girl! Of course I loved the lube! That hot and cold feeling in your ass while you are being sodomized by a good black bull is just magical!” Emily responds very excited.
"And who are these three sexy white bitches?" Halley asks, looking up and down at Hannah, Chloe, and Alex.

“OH MY GOSH! This is Chloe my best friend! And she's a sexy MILF here's her mom, Hannah! And this cute little elf is Chloe's little brother Lexy! Isn't he beautiful?" Emily present your ****** with this cute emo girl.

Halley greets the three with hugs and kisses, then welcomes them back.

“Welcome to Queen of Spades! The world's favorite HOT WIFES and SNOWBUNNYS boutique!”

You and Kyle look worried when you learn the real name of the store.

The next hour is hell, if you thought watching your ****** buy dresses, jeans, blouses, tops and leggings was bad, watching them try on thongs, garter belts, babydolls, bodysuits, teddies and a wide variety of lace pantyhose of different styles is just torture.

Seeing Chloe and Alex dressed as sexy high-end prostitutes is extremely uncomfortable, and you force yourself to remember that they're your children so you don't get a boner with them.

The only silver lining is seeing your wife and Emily in those outfits.

Which is a real first for Hannah, since she has never, ever worn lingerie except for her wedding night. She excites you knowing that you will be able to enjoy those sensual lace garments in the privacy of her room.

Finally, that VICTORIA SECRET-worthy show ends and the four girls are wearing their normal clothes again, or in the case of Alex, that pink micro shorts and the white long-sleeved top are worn.

You and Kyle were completely ignored the entire time it took you to choose your favorite clothes.

Both of you keep silent admiring the four sexy nymphs in front of you.

And just when you think that horrible ordeal is finally over, Chloe and Alex discover a stack of black jean micro mini shorts, with three huge white letters emblazoned on the back.

"Oh these are super cute!" Chloe says picking up a pair and stretching them out to test their elasticity.

Thanks to this you can see that the white letters write “I ♥BBC”.

"Oh my gosh! You're right! They are totally perfect!" Emily exclaims, grabbing a pair as well.

Of course Alex and Hannah also come over and also pick up a pair each.

“I see you found the new mini micro shorts that arrived this week.” Halley walks over and compliments the four girls on her great taste. “You've got a good eye! I love them, they are so soft!"

"Oh, do you have a pair?" Chloe and Emily ask at the same time.

Petite Emo Teen Laughs: "They're the best, I have like five pairs! I literally wear them 24/7! My ass doesn't feel good if it doesn't have a nice BBC between my butt cheeks ". The teenager winks slyly.

The four girls laugh at the joke at Hayley and each one of them selects three or four pairs of the tiny pieces of clothing, and finally they all head to the register and leave a mountain of undies on the counter.

“Emily…excuse me…but…what does I ♥ BBC mean?” Kyle asks sheepishly.

The four girls start again in fright, it is obvious that they have forgotten that you and Kyle are there.

Damn Kyle! He Stop sneaking up on us like a fucking stalker!” Emily yells angrily at her little boyfriend, who only manages to cringe and back away from her girlfriend's fury.

"I…I do…I'm so sorry Emily…I'm not trying to wriggle out…I was just w…asking what those letters mean…" You're quite impressed by Kyle's courage for pressing the issue, if it were you you would have walked away from Hannah with your tail between her legs.

"It means I LOVE BLACK BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY, it's to show that we support the black community and that we are against racism." Halley answers looking at the two of you for the first time. Hi, Kyle. She says in a bored way, looking annoyed at the boy.

"Hey. Hello, Halley." The thin white boy answers nervously.

"Do you know Kyle too?" Chloe asks puzzled.

"Kyle and I were neighbors growing up. We lived in the same subdivision until recently. It was because of Kyle that I got to know Emily, and because of Emily I got to know about racial justice, and the BLACKS LIVES MATTERS movement," Halley explains as she walks by. He price-scanners all the lace items and puts them inside cute black paper bags embossed with the store's logo. "But we haven't seen each other in a while since I moved into an apartment with my boyfriend a while ago." couple of month".

"Y-yes… that's true. By the way… are you still with Bryce?" Kyle asks curiously.

"Yeah. We're still together, even though he's white and very boring, he makes good money now that he works at his father's company so I guess it's okay." Halley answers her former friend without looking at his face, completely focused on his job.

"Uh, that's great. How's the apartment? I heard you moved to a really bad neighborhood." Kyle continues to chat, obviously happy to be able to talk to his childhood friend again.

"I don't know why they all say that! I love the neighborhood!"

"What neighborhood? Why doesn't your boyfriend like it?" Chloe curious question

"Bryce is a coward. We're the only white people in the place and he's always so scared, but all the black guys in the neighborhood are so nice. Our new apartment is in Brownsville, in Brooklyn." Halley responds happily.

"Oh MY GOSH! Chloe and I were at a party on Herzl Street last night!" Emily responds very excited.

"Oh great! Who threw the party? I know almost all the kids in the neighborhood sooooo well. You know what I mean." Halley says with a giggle and winks flirtatiously.

"Mr. Jamal gave the party, he went to one of his houses." Emily responded cheerfully.

"I love Mr. Jamal! His parties are the best! I've been to a couple of them but I've never had a chance to chat with him! He's always so busy… I guess being the boss of the whole black mob Chicago ain't easy…I'm envious of the white girl being fucked right now." Halley sighs wistfully.

"Well, that white girl is Chloe!" Emily exclaims happily, pointing at your sexy ********.

Chloe smiles flushed with pride and Halley squeals with excitement and looks at your ******** like she's a famous actress.

"I can not believe it! Mr. Jamal is the most dangerous, sexy and strong macho in Brooklyn! You fucking lucky bitch!” Halley exclaims completely jealous.

"That's nothing... Do you remember Mr. Osei Jelani?" Emily asks with a mischievous look. Halley nods wide-eyed. “This cute little SISSYBOY here is owned by Mr. Osei! Mr. Osei chose her to be his SISSY-PRINCESS!” Emily explains proudly, as if that were the result of her efforts.

“OOOH MYYY GOOOSH! Are you telling me that these two white bitches who just entered the world of racial justice got the two most important and powerful black alpha males in New York to choose them as their white whores?!” Halley yelled in shock.

Soon the five white girls are talking about how lucky Chloe and Alex are to be owned by such alpha males. You and Kyle just keep quiet listening to that bizarre chat uncomfortably.

When they finally exhaust the topic the girls order them to pay for their purchases, Chloe, Hannah and Alex exchange numbers with Halley and finally leave the mall.

The girls climb back into the limo while you and Kyle follow in the Toyota with your stomach rumbling with hunger since you haven't had a chance to eat anything.

"I'm starving". Kyle murmurs, reading your mind.

"Me too...the girls sure have taken their time...Tell me Kyle...Since when are you and Emily dating?" Curious questions trying to understand the relationship between Emily and him.

The way the gorgeous blonde treated her boyfriend today makes you feel a little sorry for the guy, not to mention the raunchy video where Emily and Chloe are shaking and rubbing their asses against the crotches of half a dozen young males. blacks.

“We have been dating for three years. Emily is so beautiful! I'm very lucky, right?" The brown-haired boy answers happily.

You remain silent and after thinking about it for a while he decides to go a little further.

“Last night Emily and Chloe partyed all night in Brooklyn…are you okay with that?” Questions testing the environment.

"Of course! She doesn't really want to go to those parties, you know? But Emily is the captain of the cheerleading squad, so she's forced to go to all the parties, practices, and basketball team meetings…or at least that's what she's told me.” Kyle answers as he winces as if it's the first time he's thought of that ridiculous rule.

“I see… Emily is very interested in a lot of pro-black social movements. You know? the BLACKS LIVE MATTERS or the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT, or that theme of reparation acts.
What do you think about that?"

What you really want to tell Kyle is that Emily has spent the entire week preaching to your ****** this extreme ideology that exalts the black race over the white race. The beautiful blonde girl is clearly a petite racist who hates white men and thinks they only serve to squeeze as much money out of them as possible. There's also the issue of interracial pornography that Emily collects and shares with her ******. And of course all those times that she says that having sex with black males is the most important thing and the only thing white girls are good for.

After spending a whole day next to the skinny little white boy you have developed affection and loyalty towards him and you feel it is your duty to confess to him the things his girlfriend says and does when she is not with him.

“Emily is a very sweet and kind girl…she cares about others, especially those in need, minorities. She already knows, the LGBT community, refugees, and above all she likes to help the black community. Emily believes that black men have been oppressed for far too many years, and she strongly believes that it is the duty of the entire white race to make reparations. She is so cute and good at caring for the underprivileged." Kyle sighs completely in love. “Emily has told me that the most important thing in her life right now is to help the BLACK POWER MOVEMENT, and I must support her in everything… if I don't she will surely get upset and leave forever… I wouldn't know what to do if Emily left me. I am so lucky to have such a sexy, beautiful and perfect girlfriend! She is so out of my league… It is a privilege for me that such a popular and beautiful girl has agreed to be my girlfriend… I must do my best to please her and make her happy. If she is too busy tending and helping the basketball team, it is my duty to trust her completely." Kyle says those words as if they were a mantra repeated a thousand times, his voice is calm and his eyes look to the horizon as if he were hypnotized.

You realize that it is useless to reveal to him the extreme racist ideology that his beautiful girlfriend follows, preaches and practices. It is more than obvious that the boy is completely dumbfounded, even alienated. Kyle behaves like a faithful adherent of some dark sect.

“If you're happy, I guess that's fine…” You mumble without being too convinced.

"I am very happy!" Kyle replies with a goofy grin on his face. “But you understand how this is. TRUE?" Kyle asks you as if you and he are part of the same strange cult.
"What are you talking about?" You look at him completely puzzled.

“Ms. Smalls is extremely beautiful. And you are very… normal. I'm sure that you do everything she orders, and give her everything she wants... it's the most natural, you must work hard if you want to keep that extraordinary woman by her side. It is a privilege for you that she has agreed to be her wife and even more incredible, they even had children together. You should be very grateful to her, as I am to Emily." Again Kyle's voice is dreamy and soft, like a child praying.

Hearing that makes you feel ashamed for judging him and you are forced to admit that Kyle is absolutely correct.

And with those strange thoughts swirling through your mind, you and Kyle walk back to your house in complete silence.

♠ Chapter 10 ♠ ♥ “Alex” Saturday, October 10 ♥

As you, your mom, your sister, and Emily travel back to your house after a long day of shopping, you realize that you are feeling excited, happy, even happy.
Which is quite strange for you, since since Madame Papillon died a year ago your mood had fluctuated between deep sadness and total indifference. So, you spent the last year in a deep depression, being new to the city and to school didn't help at all, you had practically no friends and you spent the day locked in your room.

You were always a shy, docile and sensitive child, and it was very difficult for you to relate to other boys your age, which is why since preschool your best friends were girls.
You always felt more comfortable surrounded by girls and women, they were delicate like you, pretty like you, submissive like you, and sensitive like you, and unlike men, the girls did not make fun of your strange and curvy body that was made more and more feminine every year.

Your best friend in Daleville was a girl your age named Tiffany, she, like you, attended Madame Papillon's ballet academy, and she had also been very sad about her death, unfortunately you could not overcome such a loss together, because just After that terrible accident, your *** accepted a job in New York.

Moving from Daleville, Alabama, a small southern town where everyone knew each other, and you could get anywhere on foot, to the big, chaotic city of New York, had been challenging for you, to say the least.

Everything was so different, instead of small manor houses, there were huge, very tall buildings here, and instead of wide fields and farms, the big city was full of factories and shopping centers.

The school was also a radical change, in Daleville, the school you attended had about two hundred students and that already seemed like a lot, but DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. HIGH SCHOOL taught more than five hundred teenagers, all of them of different races, creeds and nationalities.
For you it was a complete surprise to see so many races living together in one place, in Alabama you had only met Caucasian people. Blondes, brunettes, even redheads, but all of them white.

The only black people you had ever seen were the African-American actors who appeared in movies or television and the black rappers who appeared on album covers and in MTV videos.

You were never a normal boy, from your submissive, obedient and delicate nature, to your small, soft and delicate feminine body, everything about you screamed that you were different from other male children.

Of course you always wanted to deny your true nature, although you knew that your mom, your sister, and even your father, would support you if you decided to declare yourself openly gay. Which you never did, not out of fear, but because in your old city, there wasn't a single man you liked, which is why you never believed you were really gay, maybe you were just very feminine and that's it.

Of course that changed when you first saw a black actor in a movie at the town theater.
Since then you had felt a huge attraction for the black race, black women looked so beautiful, tall, strong and determined, but the ones who really dazzled you from the first glance were the black men.
Those handsome and strong black men attracted you like light to moths, from that moment on you became obsessed with watching movies where their protagonists were black studs, and listening to RAP created by African American men and women.
Jay-Z, Kanye West, Tupac Shakur, Snoop Dogg, Dr Dre, Nicki Minaj, Ice Cube, Rakim, The Notorious B.I.G., Missy Elliott, Nas, Cardi B, and Megan Thee Stallion, were your favorite singers.
Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Samuel L. Jackson, Laurence Fishburne, Jamie Foxx, Delroy Lindo and Ving Rhames were just a few of your favorite actors, but if you had to be completely honest, your favorite black actor of all time was Idris Elba.

That man was so damn attractive, he was handsome but manly, you never liked pretty men, Idris was tall, strong and very elegant, he looked so masculine with that beard with gray hair, which showed that he was a mature black male with 48 years of experience. Yes, Idris Elba was your favorite black actor until you met Jarrad Christensen.
Thanks to your *** buying an erotic movie to spend a romantic night with your mom, you and your ****** met that impressive porn actor. Jarrad was the first man you had seen naked in your life, and that had definitely marked you. life.

Now you couldn't stop thinking about Jarrad and his perfect, muscular black body, about Jarrad and his fierce, tough thug's face, about Jarrad and his gigantic thirteen-inch long black cock.
You had spent the entire week masturbating like crazy for hours every night until you fell asleep, while you looked at the fabulous poster where that sexy blonde actress so similar to you was on her knees before Jarrad's gigantic black cock in all its glory.

The night before you had also spent hours masturbating like a bitch in heat thinking about a black man, incredibly this time it had not been Jarrad the object of your fantasies, last night it was a powerful, ugly, huge, old black stud whom you knew personally who had caused that extreme excitement in your body and mind.
Mr. Osei Jelani, a huge, mature black businessman, had spent the entire night, caressing you, and groping you to his pleasure, while the basketball game was going on on the court, in the end, that huge African gorilla had kissed you so deeply and obscenely that he had almost given you an orgasm with just his thick African lips.
Everything had changed in you since that moment, you could no longer continue pretending that you were a heterosexual boy, that wet and pornographic kiss had awakened the not-so-hidden female inside you.

Of course you always knew that you were, in reality, a delicate little sissy, a submissive and beautiful Sissyboy, who fantasized about black studs and masturbated thinking about huge black cocks.

And even though you tried hard to hide that femininity, it seemed like everyone around you knew the truth, from the kids in Alabama who teased and laughed at you for being so whiny and touchy-feely, to your own ******, who treated you like a princess. .

Not to mention all the black boys at your new school, who didn't miss the opportunity to touch you, pinch you, and call you a faggot every time you walked past them.
But what had really changed your life completely was meeting Mr. Osei, who since you bumped into each other in the school hallway that day half a year ago, had been hanging around you and showering you with attention.

It was not unusual for you to receive treats and gifts from the powerful black stallion, nor to laugh like a silly girl while that powerful man whispered nice words in your ear, flattering your lush curves, your pretty gray eyes or your little whore's mouth.

And now here you were, traveling in a limousine that your BLACK DADDY had sent you to go buy women's clothing that he would pay for himself.
For the first time in months you felt completely and absolutely ecstatic, happy and euphoric.
You were so lucky to have been chosen by the wealthy, mature and powerful Mr. Osei as his “BABY-GIRL”, and it was a delight to savor the privileges that came with that title.
Right now the lively girl talk you have with your sister, your friend and your mom revolved around that topic.

The three women in front of you have long glasses in their hands, filled with a golden and bubbly liquid. You also have your own glass of cold champagne and you take small sips from time to time. Your mom has given you permission to drink a glass. .

She couldn't say no when the limo driver greeted them with a cold bottle of that expensive drink and said that Mr. Osei had sent it to you, his little sissy.

The loud, high-pitched voices of four girls stood out above the notes of a dirty and obscene RAP that played from the speakers of the luxurious limousine.

“You are so lucky Alex! You got a wealthy, strong, black coat SUGAR DADDY! “How much money did Mr. Osei spend on you today?” Emily asked enviously.

“The truth is that I don't know… hee-hee-hee!” You laugh embarrassed. “I hope my BLACK DADDY doesn't get angry, I think I got a little carried away.” You respond while taking another sip of that foamy and delicious liquor.

“I don't think you should worry honey!” Your mommy exclaims happily as she also drinks from her cup. “It is more than obvious that Mr. Osei has enough money to meet all the needs of his little white whore.”

"Mother!" You scream, pretending that he has offended you.

“Well it's not like we haven't spent a small fortune too” Chloe chimes in happily. “*** will have to get more overtime, I'm sure we left his card empty” Your beautiful sister laughs mockingly.

“It's your duty as a white boy to work hard so you guys can enjoy your time with real men! I'm very sure that your new BLACK KING will like those outfits you chose!” Emily always explains her point of view, which sounds more and more logical and correct. “And I can't wait to take photos of Hannah in her new lingerie for her Instagram, Coach Black will surely like those photos!” Emily smiles playfully at Hannah over her glass.

You and Chloe give excited screams and reinforce Emily's idea, your mom blushes fiercely and tries to deny that she is interested in taking photos in lingerie.

“Girls, drop that topic! "I only met Ty last night, there's nothing between the two of us, I'm too old to think about a black man as beautiful as Ty liking me... plus I'm a married woman." Your mom adds the last bit as if she had forgotten for a moment that she was married. with your father.

“Ty? Is that what you call Coach Black?” Emily asks maliciously. “And do you plan to model the clothes you bought for Ty today?” The beautiful blonde makes fun of your mom.

Your mom stays silent for a few moments completely blushing, then she drinks her entire glass in one gulp and answers smiling.

“Maybe I will…” Your flirtatious mom says.

They all scream, laugh and scream excited by the idea and continue talking about sexy black studs and what is the best way to seduce them, the girls make you promise that you will also start posting sexy photos on your Instagram.

And so laughing and joking they finally arrive home.
“Fuck, BLACK DADDY! You are huge!”
You excitedly send the message to your BLACK DADDY, while you are lying face down on your bed like a baby. Looking at a new photo of her knobby fat black cock.

As soon as you and your ****** got out of the limousine you ran to your room with the intention of continuing chatting with your BLACK DADDY, your father had to walk around the parking lot several times to be able to carry all the purchases, now about twenty bags and boxes of different types. marks cover the floor of your room.

"Do you like it baby?"

"Yeah! I love it! My BLACK DADDY is so sexy, big and hairy! “My BLACK DADDY is so masculine”

“Show your BLACK DADDY that mare's ass of yours!”

You take off your tight micro shorts and send a photo. This time you're face down with your fat, round thong-clad ass sticking up in the air over your shoulder. You purse your thick whore lips into a childish but sexy pout, you send a nice kiss to your BLACK DADDY.

“Damn, that ass looks good! I always knew my little Lexy had a fantastic ass. Even when you wear those horrible baggy pants you can't hide those slutty butts of yours!”
You smile, completely flattered.

“Maybe I need to show it off a little more.”

“You definitely will. That's an order! When you wear your new clothes to school I won’t be able to keep my hands off that soft peach.”

You blush thinking about Mr. Osei touching your butt at school. Giving you loud and strong spankings every time he finds you in the hallways in front of everyone, showing everyone that you belong to him... thinking about that is turning you on.

You feel how your small and thin penis begins to get hard, your always sensitive nipples begin to sting and itch asking for attention, but the most embarrassing thing is to feel how your tight anus becomes warm and wet naturally, while a delicious fire is lit in your lower belly.

“I think I would like that.” You send a message adding a devil emoji at the end.

Mr. Osei sends you another photo of his gigantic penis. This time your BLACK DADDY has put out a long, fat can of PRINGLES chips.

OH MY FUCKING GOD! Is it really bigger?!

It's impossible but Mr. Osei's black cock is longer than the potato can by an inch and almost as thick, a shiver of fear runs through your small, effeminate body.
You look at that huge black cock and your mouth literally waters, you even have to swallow a little saliva so you don't start drooling.
It's fucking huge! You think, completely fascinated.
The huge, dark glans shines thanks to the abundant precum that your BLACK DADDY produces.
God! you want it so much! There's nothing you'd like more right now than to lick that fat, gigantic mushroom head like it's a popsicle.

“Do you want this BABY GIRL?”

“OH MY GOSH, DADDY! Your BABY GIRL wants it so, so, so much!”

You send the response writing with one hand while with the other you begin to caress your micro penis that is already completely erect, and yet it does not exceed two inches, it is tiny, pink and cute.

“Now show your BLACK DADDY the clothes you bought today!” Mr. Osei's message is accompanied by his Skype information.

Excitedly you get out of bed and turn on your computer, a pretty rose gold Mac Book Pro.

While you prepare the video call you can perfectly feel the G-String thread inserted between your two fat buttocks.

“I love wearing thongs, I love wearing women's underwear!” You think before walking towards your computer.

While you prepare the video call with your right hand, you lick the tips of the fingers of your left hand and begin to caress the entrance to your ass while looking towards the Jarrad Christensen poster, to which you kiss good morning every morning , and you put the tips of your fingers inside your hot and wet little hole.

“Oh Fuck!” You moan as your webcam turns on.

“I see that my BABY GIRL is a naughty and impatient girl. Look to you! You are already masturbating like a bitch in heat.” The deep, gravelly voice of your BLACK DADDY resonates through the laptop's speakers.

Her hoarse voice causes a shiver to run through your body.

“Sorry BLACK DADDY! Forgive your little white whore for being a bad girl! Lexy feels very horny after seeing her BLACK DADDY's beautiful, gigantic black cock! Your BABY GIRL can’t stop touching her little ass while she thinks about her BLACK DADDY’S huge black cock!” Those vulgar words come out of your mouth in a feminine and sensual moan worthy of a porn actress.

You have never considered yourself very eloquent and yet now you are here saying those sensual and provocative phrases in a natural and fluid way, as if you had taken an intensive course on how to seduce powerful black males.

At that moment you move away from your desk and show your entire body to the camera, you can see your image in a small box in the corner of the screen, your BLACK DADDY is lying on a huge and luxurious bed covered in purple silk sheets , he is completely naked and the camera shows his fat, gnarly, greasy black cock in the foreground and his ugly, fierce scar-covered face in the background.

“I forgive you beautiful baby, but only because right now you look delicious in that pink thong. Damn girl! Your clit is so small that even fully hard that little thong can cover it!” Mr. Osei's fierce gaze fixes on your crotch.

Your two-inch micro penis is completely hard and barely causes a bulge in the front of the thong, a moisture stain spreads across the silky fabric, because ever since your BLACK DADDY started sending you photos your small glans has not stopped getting wet.

“Thank you DADDY!” You respond, embarrassed by your pathetic erection.

“Now, put on some good music and start dancing… your BLACK DADDY wants to see you move those fat butts of yours!” Your BLACK DADDY orders you with that sexy and hoarse alpha male voice.

“Yes DADDY!” You answer obediently and excitedly search for your favorite playlist.

The sexy and vulgar notes of a black RAP resonate in your room, you begin to move your wide hips to the rhythm of the music while you take off your tight long-sleeved top and show your pink nipples to your BLACK DADDY.

You spend the next hour trying on all the sexy clothes you bought this afternoon.

Your BIG DADDY watches you with his dark eyes shining with lust as he slowly masturbates, exposing his fat, heavy cock to the camera.

Now his huge penis looks wet and shiny thanks to the absurd amount of precum produced by your BLACK DADDY's gigantic, hairy balls.

“Do you like this BLACK DADDY outfit?” You ask with a sexy and spoiled voice to Mr. Osei while you shake your huge buttocks in front of the camera to the rhythm of the vulgar music.

You are wearing one of the BABY DOLLS you bought today. It's baby blue full of lace and transparencies, you're wearing a tiny matching thong and you're wearing a pair of platform sneakers with five-inch heels, also blue, you look like a little slutty princess.

You look over your shoulder and see pleased how your BLACK DADDY is squeezing and shaking her huge black cock harder. That mature and huge African male is looking at you with so much lust and desire that you can almost feel his gaze burning your delicate, pale skin.

“You look simply delicious! Now show your tight little BUSSY to your BLACK DADDY!” Mr. Osei growls with that hoarse voice.

“BUSSY? What is a BUSSY, BLACK DADDY?” You ask strangely.

“A BUSSY is what little faggots like you have my cute little whore. It is the combination of PUSSY and BUTT, SISSYBOYS like you do not have an anus, although they do not have a vagina, SISSY PRINCESS like you have a BUSSY.” The explanation is long but perfectly clear.

Hearing that explanation almost makes you cum instantly.

“BUSSY”, the word is so perverted, so immoral, so vulgar, sexual… so perfect.

You realize that it is true, you are not a child, you are not a man, and you are not a woman like your mom or your sister. You are a special girl, you are a delicate, beautiful and sexy SISSY PRINCESS, and sissy princesses have a BUSSY. YOU ARE A SISSY! YOU HAVE A BUSSY!

“Lexy show me your BUSSY now!” Mr. Osei orders angrily.

“Yes BLACK DADDY! Sorry DADDY! Right now DADDY!”

With your back to the camera you lean forward, breaking your narrow waist and raising your fat buttocks towards the screen, the extreme flexibility you have achieved after years of practicing ballet allows you to touch the floor with the heel of your fingers without bending your knees .

Then you stretch the lace thread that covers your little anus and show your BLACK DADDY your tight pink BUSSY, your precious cocoon is wet and shiny thanks to that strange honey that flows from your most private place.

When you look over your shoulder at your laptop screen you can see your round bubble butt looking amazing.

"Damn, baby! I can't wait to ram that ass. I'm going to make that ass mine."

"You promise?" You respond smiling, still leaning over his chair.

"Fuck yes! Look at that pink and wet BUSSY! Damn girl, you're such a sissy you're even wet!" Your BLACK DADDY exclaims in surprise. “I promise I'm going to **** that wet pink BUSSY so hard you won't be able to walk for a whole week, you little white slut!”

Mr. Osei accelerates his handjob to such an extreme speed and squeezes that fat black cock so hard that for a moment you honestly feel afraid that your BLACK DADDY is going to hurt himself... of course at the sight of the fat, knobbly eleven inch black cock You realize that that is a real cock, that penis is a monster of black steel that almost has its own muscles, a violent handjob like that is necessary to appease that gigantic African anaconda.

You look at your own micro penis, small, thin, delicate and pink and the truth hits you in the face again; You can never be a real man! You could never be! You were born destined to be a sexy little SISSY PRINCESS!

"Fuck BLACK DADDY! I want you to **** me so bad! I want you to deflower me with that fat, heavy black cock!" You moan and beg like a needy little slut as you caress your tight BUSSY in circles with the tips of your delicate fingers.

"Don't worry baby, I'm going to deflower you like a cheap whore! I'm going to ride that filly's ass like a bull in heat!" Your BLACK DADDY bellows and roars while his breathing accelerates and his hand goes up and down the length of his black cock at an amazing speed.

“I'm your little white whore BLACK DADDY! I’m a breeding filly for black bulls!” At that moment you put the tip of two of your little fingers into your tight BUSSY and a feminine moan of pleasure escapes your fat whore lips. “Nghn ♡!”

"Fuck Lexy! You're a nasty bitch huh?"

"For my BLACKD DADDY Lexy will be the dirtiest and most degenerate bitch in the world!" You answer between moans while you masturbate, putting your fingers in and out of your wet anus.

"Damn, I can't wait to cum all over that cute little face of yours and that fat ass!" Roar dominantly your DADDY.

"Lexy can't wait to have her BLACK her DADDY shower her with her delicious black male cum either!"

“AHHHHG! “Damn beautiful little whore, you made me cum looking at those fat female butts and that wet, tight BUSSY of yours!” Your BLACK DADDY screams furiously as she shoots the richest, thickest, whitest load of cum you've ever seen in your life, and that includes Jarrad Christensen's huge ejaculations,
You watch with desire, admiration and fear, as your DADDY shoots ten wads of thick semen into the sky, the force of the shots is such that the first wad flies more than a meter towards the ceiling before falling on your BLACK DADDY's pecs, The next shots are less powerful and draw a path from Mr. Osei's powerful pectorals to his abs and pubes, the last three wads of milk gushing out from the tip of that gigantic black cock as if it were honey spilling out of a bottle at the same time. of its capacity.

When it's all over, your BLACK DADDY falls back on his bed satisfied, with his eyes closed and finally lets his fat black cock free, which with a wet and loud “SLAP!” falls on his abdomen.

Seeing that amazing demonstration of male fertility, you can't take it anymore either and you begin to have a full-blown anal orgasm.

“BACK DADDY! BACK DADDY! BLACK DADDYYYY! Nghn ♡! Oooh ♡! “Oooh, God… ♡!” You scream and whimper as you feel your BUSSY open and close around your fingers asking for something bigger, something much bigger.

Victim of your orgasm, your legs tremble and you fall in front of your bed and writhe on the covers enjoying the sissy pleasure that your anus gives you.

For a few minutes neither of you say anything, both you and your BLACK DADDY are catching your breath.

"You should be here cleaning this shit" your DADDY then says, drawing your attention to the screen.

There he is, huge, muscular, hairy, gray-haired, mature and fierce, his black skin covered in thick, delicious male milk, and you instinctively lick your lips, you feel hungry.

"I know. I'm sorry, BLACK DADDY. I wish I could eat that delicious African seed," you say seductively as you lick your own juices off your fingers.

"It's okay baby, the next load will be yours!" Mr. Osei growls with a smile on his fierce black face.

“BLACK DADDY has to promise her BABY GIRL that the next load of milk will be from Lexy” You demand in a childish and spoiled voice, while you make a cute pout.

"I promise you, girl. This week I have to go out of town on business, but next Saturday I'll pick you up and we'll spend the weekend together on my yacht." It's not a question, it's an order and you shudder with fear. and anticipation thinking about everything your BLACK DADDY will do to you for an entire weekend.

You, you have never been on a yacht, but you think it will be fun.

“I'll be counting the seconds until I see you again BLACK DADDY!”

"That is my girl!" Your DADDY smiles pleased. “Now I have to go take a bath, I have things to do, the night is young! “Good night BABBY GIRL, dream about my black cock little slut!”

“Yes DADDY! I'll do that! Lexy wishes him luck in her business and sends him many, many kisses on her huge black cock! “Lexy loves the BLACK DADDY of her!” You say goodbye to your DADDY in the most pampered, sensual and provocative way you can while blowing childish kisses at the screen.

Mr. Osei cuts off the video call and you fall back onto your bed and start laughing and squealing with excitement like a little teenager, your cheeks are blushing and a huge smile lights up your beautiful baby face.

You are happy! For the first time in a long time you are happy and if everything stays the same you will be much happier in the future, more precisely in a week.
You have to tell the girls about this, and you will have to go to the mall again, this time to buy some swimsuits, maybe a two-piece bikini.

You laugh again thinking about it and kick the air full of excitement and longing.

Then you get up, you turn on your television and your DVD player and you start watching one of the movies that your mom bought you today in “Queen of Spades” and there, lying on your bed watching a new interracial love story, you masturbate over and over again. until sleep and fatigue overcome you.

♠ Chapter 11 ♠ ♥ “Jerry” Sunday, October 11 ♥

It's nine in the morning and you are having breakfast with your wife and ********.
Alex hasn't come down yet, that's quite normal for your son, because since his ballet teacher died, Alex always gets up late due to his depression. You want to believe that that is the cause of his lateness.
But you well know that the real reason why your pretty, effeminate son hasn't come down to breakfast is because he stayed up late the night before.
You know this because last night you woke up in the early morning startled by a horrible nightmare where three enormous black beasts were chasing you and your ****** through the jungle to devour you.
It was after three in the morning when you woke up in a cold sweat and with a silent scream stuck in your throat. Hannah was next to you sleeping peacefully with a smile on her beautiful face.
After calming down and catching your breath you decided to go down to the kitchen for a glass of water, or maybe something stronger, you can still remember those three horrendous, gigantic black-skinned monsters that roared and ran after you.
As you walked down the second floor hallway you realized that the door to Alex's room was once again ajar and once again feminine and sensual moans, gasps and meows of pleasure were escaping from inside. For a moment you thought about turning around and going back to your bed, but you were really thirsty so you continued walking, and hating yourself for it, you looked inside the room, where you could see your male child lying on his bed wearing one of those. lingerie sets she had bought that afternoon.
Alex was masturbating, but unlike any teenage boy, your beautiful son wasn't pulling on his cock, no, instead, Alex was pleasuring himself by sticking his pretty slim fingers inside his tight, wet pink anus. .
There was your manchild, wearing a sexy lingerie set and pleasuring himself the way a woman would.
Your kid is watching something on TV and you realize it's another one of those horrible porn movies starring Jarrad Christensen.
As always, a strange and chaotic mix of feelings and sensations invade you, you feel angry and disgusted to see how black men affect your son, you also feel ashamed for having a son as queer as Alex, and that makes you feel guilty, Well, you want to think that you are very modern and open-minded. And underneath all that you can even feel a little excitement, because you can't help but notice how absolutely sexy and pornographic the feminine body of your male child looks clad in that fine and expensive lingerie.
You watched as Alex fingered himself until he writhed in a feminine anal orgasm, his micro penis never shot wads of semen like a normal boy would, your son's tiny, pink penis simply drooled a clear, watery liquid.
Alex rested for just a couple of minutes and started masturbating again, the whole time moaning and whimpering like a sissy as he whispered his and Jarrad Christensen's BLACCK DADDY's name.
You almost ran away from there before getting an embarrassing erection from seeing your sissy son behaving like a little whore.
Now when you remember those vulgar images of your son penetrating his pink butt with his thin fingers, your appetite disappears and, disgusted, you push your plate away from you.
“Alex is taking too long this morning.” Chloe murmurs without looking up from the screen of her cell phone.
“Yesterday was a very exciting day for him, I guess my boy will be very tired.” Hannah defends her special child as always, and like her ********, her eyes do not leave her cell phone. “I'm actually very happy about the new direction Alex's life has taken, since his BLACK DADDY kissed him so romantically that night, Alex looks so absolutely radiant, I haven't seen him so happy in a long time. I truly believe that now that Alex will dress and behave like the little woman he has always been, he will be much happier.” Hannah sighed contently.
“We have Emily to thank for this. If she had not told us about the movements to support the black race and had not invited us to the game on Friday, Alex would not have been claimed by her BLACK DADDY.” Chloe finally stops looking at her cell phone and starts talking more seriously with her mother.
You simply listen in silence, taking small sips from your cup of coffee, and as always you wonder if it is possible that you are dreaming, or that you have gone crazy, because it is incredible how naturally your ******** and your wife talk about how It is good and desirable that Alex transforms into the little sissy whore of a mature African male.
“Emmm… Hannah dear, my mother sends her regards… yesterday morning I was chatting with her and she told me that she might come visit us soon, apparently she wants to see the Big Apple. Isn't she cool?” You try to get the attention of the two beautiful women and stop them from continuing to talk about Alex and his new life as a sissy.
“Does Grandma want to come to New York?” Curious question Chloe. “That's good, maybe she's thinking about getting a little crazy… she's so prim, stern and TOOOOO religious. If she comes I will try to teach her to relax a little, I'm sure she will love going for a walk a little, and I could even take her to a bar or a party! ” Chloe exclaims excitedly as she imagines wacky plans with her grandmother.
Hannah on her side makes a disgusted face, you try to ignore the signs that your sexy and beautiful wife hates and despises your mother completely.
“I don't know if it's a good idea to invite your mother to the house Jerry. Alex is beginning her transition to his new life. If your crazy religious mother comes she will surely try to stop Alex's feminization and try to brainwash her with her sermons about God, sins and hell... No, it is definitely not a good idea for her to come... I forbid you to invite her until I decide which is a good idea.” Hannah orders you with that cold, cruel voice that she uses to talk to you lately.
You want to tell him that that's not fair, you want to tell him that you are the one who bought the apartment and you are the one who pays for everything in that ******, and that if you want your mother to visit them, that is what will happen... but of course you don't say nothing, you don't have the courage to do that, you are too weak and cowardly to face a woman as beautiful, sexy and confident as Hannah is, plus you have always been afraid that if you make Hannah too angry she might very well get a divorce. from you and walk away forever.
You couldn't resist if that happened!
So as always you stayed silent.
Your attention then focuses on the screen of your wife's cell phone, Hannah is sitting next to you and doesn't even try to hide the screen so you have free rein to see what has her so distracted.
Hannah is checking her Instagram page and you realize that your wife is getting a lot of attention, she already has more than 7,000 followers, and she has only posted about twenty photos, you wonder how many new followers she will get when she uploads photos wearing some of them. the sexy and vulgar outfits that she bought yesterday with your money.
Your sexy wife blushes when she reads the saucy comments that all the men have written, the comments from the black males are the most lewd, vulgar and poorly written.
They all express very eloquently how sexy your wife looks and the obscene things they would do to her if they had her in their black hands.
You notice how Hannah shudders knowing that she is so desired by all those masculine, strong black men, all those real men... that thought appears spontaneously in your mind as you remember all the sermons about black superiority that Emily has been preaching to them in recent days. .
Hannah then enters the profiles of those perfect ebony gods and you notice how your wife's nipples become hard and erect under her clothes.
That reaction is not strange because even you have to admit that those powerful black males look perfect, manly, fierce and masculine.
You had never imagined that such tall, strong, muscular and manly men could exist, and here on the internet there is not one or two, but hundreds, thousands of perfect African males showing off their perfect adonis bodies, looking like Nubian demigods.
Every time you see the powerful naked torso of one of those perfect African warriors you can't help but remember the image you saw on your ********'s phone, that obscene photo of Chloe on her knees looking at the camera with a monstrous black cock covering her face, and an incredible amount of cum covering her pretty face.
And from the way your wife sighs, moans and bites her teeth, it seems that she also remembers that pornographic image of her very well.
Eventually Hannah enters the profile of Tyrell Black, the huge black coach of the basketball team who was flirting with her on Friday night.
The provocative photos of that sexy African stud manage to make you feel small, weak and inadequate, at that moment Alex goes down to the kitchen, and your attention and that of your wife finally leave the screen of your Smartphone.
The shock of seeing your pretty son is so great that you can't help but spit out the coffee in horror.
Your beautiful, blonde son is wearing a sexy light blue BABYDOLL, and a matching G-String that covers his tiny penis, but the most striking thing about his outfit are the high platform sneakers with five-inch heels, also light blue. .
And although his blonde hair looks poofy and disheveled you have to admit that your precious son looks like a little teenage whore.
“Alex, what the hell are you wearing?!” You ask, scandalized, one thing is that she wears those vulgar clothes at night to masturbate, but another thing entirely is that she dresses like a little slut at breakfast, in front of you.
“Shut up Jerry!” Hannah orders you angrily. “OH MY GOSH! You look simply beautiful my baby!”
“Damn Alex! You look spectacular in lingerie! I see you took on your new role immediately little brother. “You look like a princess.” Chloe exclaims and claps her hands celebrating your son's new femininity.
“Do you really believe that?” Alex asks with that childish, spoiled and sexy voice that is more feminine than any woman's.
Your beautiful child spins before you on the tip of her platform sneakers perfectly, just like an expert dancer would.
Thanks to that graceful movement everyone can see Alex's gigantic, white buttocks that are swallowing the string of the thong.
No matter how many times you see it you are always surprised to notice how round, firm, bubbly and fat your son's ass is, Chloe and Emily are right, Alex inherited his mother's butt completely.
“I don't know how you can spin around like that wearing those platforms, I can barely walk yesterday when we tried them on in the store.” Chloe says between angry and amazed.
“Your sister is right honey, I wouldn't even dare go down the steps wearing my new sneakers and look at you, you make it look so natural. “You are amazing baby!” You also feel a little jealous of Alex's very feminine way of walking.
"It is not so difficult! It's just a matter of putting your weight on the balls of your feet.” Alex explains blushing.
“You say it like it's easy little brother, but the only reason you can do it is because you spent years at that ballet academy. You should teach us!” Chloe demands of Alex.
“I will if you teach me how to twerk. You and Emily looked like experts in that video.” Alex sits down to breakfast with the elegance and delicacy of a little lady.
"It's true! Now I remember that I promised mom that I would teach her how to twerk, if you want you can join us. “You still want to learn to dance, right mom?” Your beautiful ******** asks you excitedly.
You remember the video where the two girls are shaking their butts and a group of young black men surround them while touching, caressing and groping them.
“I don't know… I feel like maybe I'm too old to do that…” Your wife responds dejectedly.
“Oh, shut up mom! You’re only 35 years old and with that big, juicy ass you’re going to look amazing!” Chloe encourages her excited mother.
"Yes mom! Come on, if you do it, I'll do it too, so Chloe can teach us both. And she is right, that huge ass of yours is made for twerking.” Alex pleads with her mother with those huge, tender doe eyes of hers.
“…Do you girls really believe that?” Your wife asks, blushing, as if her children's words were flattery.
“I don't believe it… I know!” Chloe states flatly.
"Alright! As soon as Alex finishes breakfast we can start those twerking classes HA-HA-HA-HA!” Hannah laughs nervously.
"Yeah!" Your two children shout in unison and Alex quickly begins to eat his pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.
"Yes indeed. We must change before we start practicing mom” Chloe orders very seriously.
“Change us?” Hannah asks confused, looking at herself.
Your beautiful wife is wearing a tight tank top that shows off tremendous cleavage, and a pair of mom jeans that make her look incredibly sexy.
“Can't I twerk with this?”
Chloe, for her part, is wearing a small white lycra top and yellow leggings that draw attention to her long, shapely legs.
“You can't wear jeans mom! It’s like a rule that you have to wear micro shorts when she twerks!” Chloe explains in a didactic way.
“Chloe is right! Even I know that wearing micro shorts is mandatory for twerking! All the girls in the rap videos I've seen wear them, they look fabulous!” Alex helps his sister convince his mother.
“We'll be able to wear those cute I ♥ BBC shorts that we bought at QoS!” Chloe exclaims excitedly.
"Yes mom! “It will be fantastic, those shorts are so cute!” Alex jumps around excitedly, causing the BABY DOLL to shake very provocatively.
“Okay, okay. After breakfast we will do it. You can teach us how to walk in high heels and your sister can show us how to shake our butts in that sexy way.” Hannah explains the plan for the day, and once again everyone returns their attention to their respective cell phones.
You continue in silence, mentally preparing yourself for what is coming.
After Alex finishes breakfast the three beautiful girls run up to their rooms, laughing and chatting excitedly.
Of course it's your turn to clean the table and wash the dishes, even though you made the pancakes and the coffee, it's your turn to work harder.
When you finish washing the dishes, Hannah, Chloe, and Alex come down still laughing femininely.
The three “girls” are wearing platform sneakers with six inch heels, and they are all wearing those sexy short stretch denim micro shorts, you can't believe how tight they are.
Hannah's shorts are white with the letters I ♥ BBC in black print, her heels are white, Chloe's shorts are black with white letters, she is wearing black platforms and Alex's micro shorts are pink with the white letters, her sneakers are of course pastel pink.
Alex and Hannah's round asses stretch the material to the limit and half of her fat buttocks are exposed. Chloe's pretty little ass is also on display, although it doesn't look as vulgar as her mother's and her brother's.
The three sexy little women are wearing WHITE lycra tops that reveal the pretty lace bras they are wearing, even Alex is wearing a nice bra that highlights her small teenage tits.
Chloe and Hannah walk slowly and deliberately, and they even shake a little when they walk, it is obvious that they are not used to wearing such high heels. Alex, on the other hand, walks and moves with a confidence and elegance typical of a princess, as if she had been born wearing a pair of that type of footwear.
“I think we should start by learning to walk in these heels without fear of breaking an ankle before trying to dance and shake our pretty butts to a good rap.” Chloe opines as she takes a couple of unsteady, unsteady steps.
“Chloe is right! “Lexy honey, I think you will be the first to show us your talents.” You can see how your wife is also trying hard not to fall because of those six-inch heels.
Alex blushes knowing he is the center of attention, it is obvious that he is not used to being the leader or teacher of his mother and sister.
"Alright! “I’ll teach you everything I know, but it’s really not that hard.” Alex explains modestly.
You continue in the kitchen, sitting in the dining room looking at the room where that scene is taking place. You wonder why the hell you're still sitting there watching those three sexy females practice how to make themselves look sexier and more appealing to black men.
You really want to get out of here, go up to your room and do some work, but for some reason you can't get out of the chair, it's like you're glued to it.
So you continue looking, searing every detail into your memory.
Alex's class finally starts.
"Very good! Madame Papillon taught me how to walk on my toes even without wearing heels, and that's how it works. They must have their back completely straight. Shoulders back and chest forward. Her face looking forward, chin slightly up. Rest your weight on the balls of your feet and draw your buttocks back. Keep your legs fully extended, let your arms hang relaxed, and break your wrists at waist level.” Alex begins to give orders while he performs those movements to demonstrate how it is done.
Hannah and Chloe try to copy the elegant pose that Alex has left in after making those movements.
Alex approaches them and forces them to move this or that limb, to stick out their breasts more or their tails more.
When he is satisfied with the result, Alex performs that pose again with overwhelming ease and naturalness.
“Now comes the complicated part. You should take short, firm steps, one foot in front of the other, crossing your legs, and moving your hips from side to side, making sure to put the weight of your body first on the balls of your feet and then on the heel.” Alex expertly instructs her mother and his sister as she begins to walk in an absolutely feminine and sexy manner.
“Damn Alex! “You make it sound so easy, you little faggot!” Chloe exclaims a little angrily as she tries to copy her brother's sensual walk.
“This is harder than I thought it would be! “You are incredible baby, you walk so sensually, like a Top-model!” Hannah showers her special child with praise.
Chloe, Hannah and Alex spend the next two hours practicing how to walk, and by the end even you are excited to see Chloe and Hannah's elegant and sensual way of moving on those sky-high heels.
Alex applauds and congratulates her mother and sister for their incredible progress, and there the three of them are walking from one side to the other, swinging their buttocks from side to side, flashing their tits forward and standing with their butts like bitches in heat. With those revealing clothes and those platforms they look completely and absolutely vulgar. Like a trio of cheap whores. But you can't deny that they also look incredibly sexy.
“Way to go girls! Mom tries to lift her face a little more! I know those huge tits must weigh a ton, but she tries to keep her back straight.” You have never seen Alex so assertive, so confident, it is obvious that being able to teach a skill that he masters has awakened his leadership skills. “Chloe, try to rock your hips more, from side to side, she remembers to break your waist, exaggerate the movement of your buttocks as much as you can.”
“OH MY GOSH Lexy! “You are a very strict teacher, darling.” Hannah teases your son with a giggle, but she follows her special child's instructions as best she can.
“Who would think that a little Sissyboy as shy and submissive as you could be so stern!?” Chloe also laughs at her little brother's strict way of teaching.
Alex blushes and smiles guiltily.
"Sorry mom. I'm sorry Chloe. “I just wanted to teach them everything I know.” Alex excuses himself embarrassed, and his submissive, docile personality immediately returns and your son transforms back into the sweet little sissyboy he's always been.
“We’re just kidding baby!” Hannah explains, hugging her special child. “Thank you for showing us how it's done! “You are an excellent teacher!”
Chloe and your wife hug Alex and lovingly thank him for his advice and teachings.
“You two learn very quickly! They are almost experts, they just need a little more security, but if they practice daily, or better yet if they use this type of shoes daily, soon they will be able to not only walk, but jump, spin and even dance using platforms like are". Alex cheers his mother and sister happily. “If they try hard they can even do things like this!”
At that moment, spontaneously and surprisingly, your beautiful male child performs a perfect backflip worthy of an Olympic gymnast. His long, shapely legs remain completely straight while he spins in the air without using his hands.
Alex falls on the tips of her high heels with the softness and lightness of a cat.
You, Hannah and Chloe remain silent for half a minute with your eyes wide open not believing that it is possible to do such a stunt using those very high platforms.
Alex looks proud and happy and then Hannah begins to clap excitedly, soon you and Chloe imitate her, well, although you are against those lessons that the three little women have improvised, you cannot help but admire your son's ability.
“OH MY GOSH! “Lexy you are just amazing!” Chloe exclaims as she claps. You have to teach me how to do that!”
“Honey you are amazing, how can you if he wants to keep his balance like that?!” Hannah also praises her special child's amazing dancing skills.
Alex blushes even more and covers his face shyly, but it's more than obvious that he loves it when his mother and sister admire him like that.
“Oh stop that! It's nothing special! Let's get on with it and let Chloe show us how to twerk! “I want to know how to move my ass before I see my BLACK DADDY again!” Alex says laughing. “Plus, Mom and I have to be ready for the next party Emily invites us to!”
“You are such a slut Alex!” Chloe exclaims scandalized. “But you're right, it's time to get those butts on!”
"Yeah! Alex is right! We better learn how to Twerk before going to some party full of sexy black men! We don't want to disappoint you, do we? Hannah agrees with her pretty boy, and at that moment you realize that Hannah has already decided to accompany Chloe and Emily to one of those horrible black parties.
“That's the attitude mom!” Chloe hugs her mother and then turns on the TV and changes channels until she finds a station that plays RAP music videos.
"Perfect. This song is also very good and the video is amazing. “Just look at the girls and try to copy their moves.”
You watch the video on the huge screen in your living room and you can't believe that they broadcast that on a normal television channel. If you didn't know, you would think that that video could only be seen on the PLAY BOY, HUSTTLER channel or directly on PORN HUB.
The screen is full of beautiful white girls shaking their butts at the camera and plenty of big, hunky black men.
Chloe begins to show her mother and her little brother how to spread her legs, bend at the waist and arch her back in a provocative manner and then begin to shake her round, pert buttocks to the rhythm of a vulgar and obscene rap.
You look at your ******** somewhere between disgusted and surprised, she copies the sexy movements of those white whores on the screen and damn, her butt is really moving.
“OH MY GOSH Chloe! “You are really good at this ********!” Hannah exclaims.
“HEE-HEE-HEE! Thanks Mom! However, I owe it all to you! If I hadn't inherited the shape of your ass, I wouldn't look so good twerking! Although I wish mine were as big and fat as yours and Alex's” Chloe answers happily.
“Oh shut up Chloe! I would kill for a smaller ass! “I’ve always thought my buttocks are too fat,” your wife says as she looks at her gigantic mare’s ass.
“Times are different, mom, men today love big asses like yours and Alex's. I mean, she watches the video.”
Chloe is right. All the handsome, muscular black guys in the video seem to really like white girls' fat butts. Well, all the black rappers don't miss the opportunity to grab, spank and even kiss the round, fat white asses that jiggle around them, the beautiful and sexy white girls for their part keep shaking their butts wildly while smiling for those black studs.
Hannah and Alex start to keep up after a couple of videos. Shaking their fleshy buttocks to the rhythm of the music, while they bend at the waist, they sometimes squat, and in the end the three little women of the house end up on all fours shaking their pretty tails like dogs in heat.
Your wife, your ******** and your son spend the next two hours dancing and shaking your pert buttocks in front of the television, striking lots of extremely sensual poses.
“That's it mom! “You are made for this!” Chloe encourages her mother, very happy to see that she learns so quickly. “Come on Alex, stop that huge tail of yours and he tries to make your buttocks collide against each other! “Like this, like this… you got it girl!” Chloe gives instructions to her little brother and he, like him, always obeys her older sister's orders to the letter.
“This is actually kind of fun!” Hannah laughs “I'm starting to really like music too!”
“RAP is the best for twerking!” Chloe says, lowering herself to the floor and then shaking her butt very hard.
"Yeah! That song is titled I LOVE THOTS! I love it!". She shouts Alex over the obscene lyrics of that loud RAP.
“What is a THOT?” Hannah asks curiously while still shaking her butt.
Alex and Chloe look at each other and smile knowingly.
“You are a THOT mom!” Chloe says and then she and Alex start laughing hysterically.
Hannah frowns at her a little annoyed, and her look turns stern, it's the strict mother look she rarely does.
"They are making fun of me?" Hannah asks, but she continues to rock her ass sensually.
The children stop laughing and look at him smiling.
“Not at all, mom. Chloe is a THOT too!” Alex explains, trying to calm his mother down.
“You're a little THOT too Alexis!” Chloe exclaims smiling.
And again Alex and Chloe burst out laughing outrageously.
Hannah finally stops, stands up and crosses her arms authoritatively, making her huge tits look even more gigantic.
“Are you going to explain to me that she is a THOT, yes or no?” Hannah asks, feigning anger because she already realized that that word, THOT, is not an insult.
You are also curious to know the meaning, although you can imagine it from the lyrics of that RAP.
“A THOT is any white girl like us, who dresses in a sexy way. A THOT is a white girl who dresses like a black whore… a THOT is any woman who looks like a blackened slut, mommy” Alex explains in that new school teacher voice.
Hannah looks at Chloe as if asking if Alex told the truth. Chloe nods slowly.
And then after a few moments of silence the three of them burst out laughing hysterically.
As usual, you cannot believe what you are hearing and seeing.
“I guess they're right. The three of us are pretty and sexy THOTS.” Hannah exclaims happily between giggles.
“Hannah! “Did you just say you’re a whore for black men?!” You ask your wife out loud.
As always, you end up raising your voice, furious at hearing your wife so happy with the idea of being unfaithful with black men.
The three little women stop laughing and Hannah looks at you angrily, this time she is real fury.
"Oh, my God! Since when are you there Jerry?! “What the hell are you doing hiding there spying on us like a fucking weirdo?!” Hannah demands you, completely furious.
You step back in fear, but again you remember that Hannah just admitted that she is a THOT, and a THOT is a Whore for white men. You have every reason to be angry, you are right and she is wrong.
“I've been here since we finished breakfast, you guys were too busy walking around and dancing to that horrible music to notice. But that's not important, you just accepted that you're a THOT, a blacked whore, or a slut for black men or whatever that word means... Why would you say something like that Hannah?!” You ask indignantly.
“Damn Jerry! I never said I was a white whore for black men! I just said the three of us look like blackened sluts! I just said that the three of us are cute, sexy THOTS! You don't have to rub it in my face that Alex and Chloe are lucky blacked sluts and I'm not! When I said that the three of us are beautiful THOTS I said it just to feel included, I can't believe you want to ruin the beautiful moment I'm having with my *********! Hannah explodes at you completely furious and indignant.
Once again you back away completely cowed, and before you can say a word, Alex and Chloe join Hannah and start yelling at you, berating you, and humiliating you for being a racist, backwards, privileged pig.
After enduring five minutes of reproaches and screams from those three furious little women, you end up practically on your knees asking for forgiveness while trying to hold back your tears.
“I already warned you Jerry! I told you that if you talked like a fucking racist, privileged white boy again, you'd be sleeping on the couch for a whole week! I hope you enjoy sleeping down here until next Sunday!” Hannah decrees your penance like a queen condemning a slave who dared to rebel.
“Way to go mommy!” Alex applauds happily.
“That's what you get for being a fucking racist ***!” Chloe exclaims furiously.
“But… but… but we have a guest room… Why do I have to sleep on the couch? I can sleep in the guest room…” You beg pathetically.
"Do not even think about it! You are a horrible, racist, backwards little white man! You don't have the right to choose your punishment! Now shut up and obey Jerry! It’s the only thing you’re good for!” Hannah yelled that at you with intense hatred for each of her words.
Again your children applaud excitedly and congratulate their mother for punishing you in that way.
You are about to cry with anger and sadness, and you don't want to believe that your children despise you so much as to celebrate your humiliation with applause, but that is the harsh reality.
Cowed, you escape from the apartment.
As you ride down the elevator you are forced to wipe a couple of tears from your cheeks, you feel deeply unhappy about the direction your life is taking.
You decide to take a ride in your old, beat-up car, maybe some air will help clear your head.
After walking along the pier and eating a greasy hamburger, you return home calmer around three in the afternoon.
When you enter you find Hannah, Chloe and Alex still dancing and shaking their juicy butts in front of the TV.
On the coffee table you can see the remains of sushi and Chinese food, there is also an almost empty bottle of wine and three half-full glasses.
None of the three beautiful white girls react to your presence and they continue laughing, drinking and twerking, taking turns recording and taking photos with their cell phones. You can imagine what the three of them will do with those images.
Alex and Chloe send those sexy photos to their respective black boyfriends, while your wife will surely post those videos and photos on her Instagram.
You spend the day working, and only go down to prepare dinner, your wife and children continue chatting, drinking and joking.
For a moment you have the impulse to forbid Alex from drinking wine while he is still a minor, but when you remember that your ****** is happy that Alex, a fifteen-year-old male child, is the little whore of a mature black male... and that even you You've come to accept it, you realize it would be ridiculous, and you just walk to the kitchen in silence.
Dinner passes with you in silence and with your eyes lowered while your ****** continues chatting animatedly, all of them still wearing those elastic micro shorts with the letters I ♥ BBC printed on their pretty buttocks.
The talk between the three white girls revolves around how sexy all three of them are, and how fun it is to twerk and how long they will practice daily to be ready for when they meet their respective black studs.
Finally your ****** goes up to sleep and you take down a couple of blankets from the guest room and resign yourself to sleeping on the couch, of course you could disobey Hannah and spend the night in the guest room, but as always, you realize that you lack courage to dare to do that.

♠ Chapter 12 ♠ ♥ “Jerry” Thursday, October 16 ♥

It's been four days since Hannah made you sleep on the couch as punishment for being a pathetic, racist white star.
You feel your back groan in pain as you drive home from work and wonder if there's a chance your wife will forgive you and let you sleep next to her before Sunday.
When you enter your home you find Hannah twerking in the living room with a big smile on her face, like she has done every afternoon this week, always wearing her new favorite micro shorts.

Next to her is Alex shaking his fat, gigantic butt cheeks to the beat of the rap video playing on the screen.
Your beautiful son is also wearing one of those sexy micro shorts and a very tight pink top that exposes his flat, firm stomach.
Neither of them react to your arrival and just continue shaking their fat asses while bending and flexing in provocative and vulgar ways.
When the video ends, Hannah finally realizes that you have returned from work and when she sees you, her smile turns into a sneer and she orders you in a cold and cruel voice.

“Oh, Jerry… Alex and I will practice some more… Make dinner quickly, when we're done we'll be very hungry!” Your wife returns her attention to the erotic images of a new video where a huge black man is surrounded by sexy, beautiful white women.

"Yes, Dear! Right away my love!” You respond automatically, realizing there's not a single chance Hannah will let you sleep with her.
When you retreat to the kitchen you can hear Alex let out a poorly contained mocking laugh.
You prepare delicious drumsticks hoping that they are good enough to soften your wife's heart.

When you were almost done cooking you decided to check your wife's Instagram on your cell phone, you decided to follow her profile to be able to monitor Hannah's new lifestyle, and you can't deny how sexy the photos that Hannah posts every day are.
She has 9k followers now! You can't believe how quickly your wife's fame is growing.

You scroll down her page to see increasingly daring photos of her. You go back to the top and see that she has started uploading videos of her twerking all over the house; the kitchen, the bathroom, and even in your bedroom. Her videos are receiving thousands of views.
You see the latest video of her that she posted today wearing her new micro shorts.

She's on all fours on your bed, bouncing her fat white ass up and down. The letters “I ♥ BBC” are visible at times, but her butt has eaten up so much of her micro shorts that all you see at the end of the video is “I BC.” You scroll through the comments and see nothing but black men saying nasty things.
You look back into the living room, and there are your wife and son, both of their nipples looking rock hard as they continue to dance to the rap music, watching and copying the half-naked white girls dancing for the black men on the screen.

After what seems like an eternity the video ends, Hannah and Alex drink water and dry off their smooth, sexy bodies Twerking is harder than it looks.
“That last video was great… that young rapper is very sexy!” Hannah exclaims happily as she wipes her obscenely wet-looking cleavage.
"It is! Although I liked the huge and tall one better.” Alex blushes adorably.

“The old fat one?” Your wife asks curiously.

"He is not old! He is mature! And he's not fat! He is robust! And he looked very sexy with that long, thick beard!” Alex bites her bottom lip sexily.
“God Lexy! You love mature and huge males! You are such a naughty girl!” Hannah teases her beautiful son by playfully throwing the towel at him.
The two of them sit in the dining room without speaking to you and you serve them dinner in complete silence, as if you were a butler or something.
You try to start a conversation, but neither Alex nor Hannah ignores you and continues talking about how many followers they've gained on their respective Instagrams that day, and how many of those followers are black men.

“So…where is Chloe?” You ask in hopes of diverting the conversation.

Hannah and Alex remain silent and look at you a little annoyed, but after a few moments, your wife seems to decide that she can answer that.
“Chloe will spend the night with her BLACK KING.” Your wife says it as matter-of-factly as she would tell you Chloe went for ice cream.
“Chloe is spending the night with that n—!” You can't help but raise your voice at her.

“Don't you dare finish that sentence, Jerry! Unless you want to spend the next month sleeping on the couch!” Hannah scolds you with that icy, cruel voice that she lately uses only to talk to you. “I don't know why she surprises you… It is the duty of any white girl to obey and service her black stud the moment he commands.”
“Emily says that Jamal called Chloe in the afternoon and ordered her to leave the university early to see him at one of his places… he had a confrontation with the Italian mafia, of course, Jamal's gang won and he wanted to relax by fucking his new white whore.” Alex says that with a malicious smile, it is obvious that he loves to gossip.

“OH MY GOSH! Chloe is so lucky! I hope she knows how to receive everything that her BLACK KING gives her.” Hannah sighs dreamily. “I would love to be young again.”
“What are you talking about Mom?! You’re still young and you look great!” Alex tries to cheer up his mother. “By the way… My BLACK DADDY wants me to join the cheer squad, so I asked Emily and Coach Keyla to audition. “The coach told me to invite you to come watch and maybe help a little.”

“OH MY GOSH! I would love that! I'm sure you'll be able to join the squad! “You are so agile, and flexible and jump so high baby!” Hannah looks completely excited.
“Thank you, Mommy! Classes end at three thirty. The audition will be in the school gym.” Alex looks much calmer and more confident at the idea of his mother being by his side when he auditions.
Hearing that your son will try to join the cheerleading squad makes you nauseous and angry, but remembering your wife's threat, you chicken out and finish dinner in complete silence.
Hannah and Alex continue talking about their favorite rappers and the sexiest songs to dance to in front of the camera, while you eat in silence afraid of provoking your wife's anger, at the same time you can't stop thinking about Chloe, your beautiful ******** who, right now she is surely between the muscular and tattooed arms, being fucked like a whore.
After finishing eating, Alex and Hannah go upstairs to take a bath and take some photos to post on their Instagram before going to sleep.

♠ Chapter 13 ♠ ♥ “Hannah” Friday, October 17 ♥

The clock on your nightstand wakes you up with its loud alarm, sleepily you turn it off and stretch out on the huge bed, there is a big smile on your face and you feel completely rested. Thanks to Jerry sleeping on the couch for the last four days, you've been able to sleep completely alone after two decades of sharing a bed with your husband's small, bony body.
A small part of you wishes Jerry would make another mistake and make you angry, so you would have an excuse to punish him for another week on the couch, an evil giggle escapes your sexy lips at the prospect, it would be so much fun to be able to enjoy the bed by yourself. the entire month, then you remember that Jerry is your husband and you love him, so you shake your head to chase away those evil ideas.

You look at the clock, it's 07:15 AM, you debate whether to get up for breakfast or stay in bed a little longer, the truth is that you don't need to get up, being a pampered housewife whose husband takes care of breakfast, the dinner and even cleaning sometimes leaves you with a lot of free time.

Even though you have to take Alex to school, you could ask Jerry to pick him up before going to work, maybe he would be late for work and his boss would yell at him until he cried. Imagining that scenario makes you laugh a little, but you stop immediately when you realize that you are being evil again.

You decide to check your social media before starting the day. Lately you spend more and more time on the internet, posting photos and videos, reading and replying to the comments of the thousands of handsome black men who have started following your Instagram account, you also have Facebook, and Twitter, but you don't really use them. too much.
You open Facebook to hear from your ****** and friends, all of them posting silly memes and boring ****** photos, bragging about their kids' accomplishments and their latest vacation.
Your parents know how to use Facebook enough to share their boring ultra-Catholic lives in Daleville, Alabama.

The last photo posted on your mom's profile shows your parents standing in front of the church they have attended all their lives while doing a fundraiser to support the orphaned children of Alabama, more specifically the white and white children. orphans of Alabama.
At 48 years old, Holly Heart, your mother, looks as beautiful and kind as ever, her tits are even bigger than yours and attract anyone's attention, they are two gigantic watermelons in the shape of two perfect drops of water that hang maternally Due to their incredible weight, those ripe breasts are monstrous, even the thick and ugly wool clothes cannot hide those impressive G cup udders, and the long linen dress cannot hide her thick hips worthy of a purebred mare.
Your mother has not aged a day since you left Alabama a year ago, her hair is still silky, brown and very long, her French braid hangs halfway down her voluptuous and enormous buttocks, her skin is pink and soft, her face She has only a few wrinkles that betray her age, but the sad look in her beautiful green eyes shows that her life is still as boring, demure, and repressive as ever.

Hector Heart, your 58-year-old old father has a severe and angry look on his ugly and wrinkled face, and only the memory remains of his black hair that he inherited from you, his shiny bald head only has a few strands of thin, white fluff.
You sigh disheartenedly as you think about the boring life your loving mother leads alongside your conservative and old-fashioned father. And you realize that your life wasn't much different before you saw those beautiful interracial love movies, and started learning about the black power movement and BLACKS LIVES MATTERS.
You remember that your pathetic husband had the audacity to invite his strict, neurotic mother to visit them, and he decides to steal her idea.
You promise yourself that when things calm down a bit you'll invite your mother to New York, hopefully she can also bring a little joy to your life by being part of the exciting world of racial justice.

You continue looking at the posts and find your mother-in-law's photo.
Jessica Smalls, 45, is a tall, beautiful and sexy woman with long blonde hair, golden as wheat. She has an elegant and slim body, but with enough curves to be considered sexy.
Her perky, round, firm C cup breasts look deliciously round, her hips would barely reach 85 centimeters, but her tiny 55 centimeter waist makes them look bigger.
Thanks to her alabaster white skin, her face is perfect and beautiful, with those thick red lips... or at least it would look beautiful if it weren't for her cold blue eyes that look at the camera with contempt.
The photo shows Jessica Smalls in front of City Hall protesting against illegal immigration along with other white, Christian, racist women.
You close Facebook angrily, remembering how much you hate your snooty, racist mother-in-law, and that hate has now increased since you became an ally of racial justice.
You open your Instagram to cheer yourself up a little and review the success of the photos Alex took of you last night.
You smile when you see all the likes and positive comments that your daring photos have received wearing your favorite micro shorts. You scream with joy when you see that you now have 10,000 followers.
When you read the comments you find that half of those followers are small and stupid white boys who write poetry and try to conquer you with pretty words, the other half are black males who insult you and write to you about how sexy, vulgar and whore you look and how They really want to fuck you and impregnate you like the white bitch that you are.
You just give “hearts” and respond to the crude and vulgar advances and advances of black men, while ignoring the silly displays of adoration you receive from white boys.

To be honest, both the lascivious words of beautiful black males and the stupid pleas of white boys feed your ego and vanity alike.
Every day you realize more and more how beautiful, sexy and desirable you are, at the same time you understand that you deserve much more than what you are receiving, you deserve everything, money, luxuries, a loving ******, a faithful and hardworking husband and You also deserve to feel sexy and sensual... desired by alpha men, by strong, sexy and well-endowed black males... you even have the right to have a lot of hard and satisfying sex...
...although that last one will be difficult to get from Jerry, his tiny four inch penis has never done the job, unfortunately you still love him, or at least you think so, lately you're starting to think of Jerry more like a little brother than your husband.

You stay in bed long enough to respond flirtatiously to some of the bigger, stronger black males, and you finally get up and go down to the kitchen where Alex is eating the breakfast Jerry has prepared, you smile at the sight of your little husband. work so hard to get your forgiveness.

"Good morning mommy!" Alex exclaims happily as he drinks strawberry milk.

"Good morning Baby!" You respond, happy to see how feminine your beautiful son looks, dressing like a little faggot.

Alex is wearing a very tight pink long-sleeved top that exposes her tiny waist and her flat, firm abdomen. In the center of that garment the phrase is printed; I LOVE BBC.
As always your son is wearing a white sweatshirt, but this one is small and girly, it even has a pair of cat ears on the hood and a tail on the back.
He's also wearing white micro shorts so tight they look painted on. Alex is wearing a pair of those bubblegum pink sneakers, they are platform with a five-inch heel. Your child looks completely sexy and even a little pornographic in that outfit.

“You look adorable in those clothes baby! Although you should wear more skirts and dresses.” You advise your little sissy son.

“I like wearing jeans and micro shorts better, mommy… they make me feel like a real sissyboy, you know… I want to look like a little whore, like a faggot, I want everyone to know that I'm a little white boy who knows and accepts his place.” in the world, I want everyone to know that I am a cute white boy who loves and serves real men, black men…” Alex responds, blushing furiously.

“You are a real sissy baby! “I didn’t know my son was so effeminate!” You are surprised by the new uninhibited and confident attitude that your little son is showing lately, accepting his true nature as a sissy has definitely done him a lot of good.

You turn to see Jerry, who is serving you breakfast and seems eager to give his retrograde and racist opinion, you cross your fingers that he dares to do so, because now you definitely want him to sleep on the couch for another week.
But apparently your little husband is smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

You sit at the table, and Jerry serves you a plate of delicious, freshly made French bread covered in maple syrup. As always, your husband's cooking is perfect, it's actually his only talent besides making money, you want to thank him or compliment him for his culinary skill, but...

“How do you think I'll eat this without coffee Jerry? Are you stupid?” You reproach your husband with a cruel and cold voice.

“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Hannah… please don't be angry! I'll serve you some coffee right away! “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I really…” Jerry begs and apologizes pathetically as he runs to the kitchen.
Alex laughs mockingly at his father when he sees how Jerry trips over his own feet in an effort to obey you.

You laugh at Jerry too and you realize with surprise that you are beginning to like mistreating your husband, you like seeing him desperate to please you, and completely sorry for making you angry, when he begs for forgiveness so pathetically you feel a certain sadistic pleasure in denying him that forgiveness.

You begin to worry about that new, cruel side of you, and you force yourself to remember that Jerry is your beloved husband, he strives every day, working very hard to earn enough money to support the entire ****** in that luxurious apartment in a of the most expensive cities in the country. You remember your wedding vows, you must love and respect him until death do you part... But damn it! It's so hard to respect a white boy who is smaller, thinner, and weaker than you!
You decide that when Jerry's punishment is over you will be kind and loving to him like before... maybe even allow him to have sex with you, although he will have to use a condom, just remembering Jerry's small, thin penis makes you sick and hurt.

“Mommy…remember to be at school on time, Coach Keyla wants to show you a couple of things and I don't want you to miss my audition” Alex snaps you out of your thoughts.

“Don't worry darling, I'll be there! I would never miss your audition! And you can tell Keyla that I'm really excited to help the cheer squad.” You're excited to think that starting today you'll be helping the cheerleaders in their training, hopefully you'll be able to spend more time with the handsome and strong Coach Black.

You continue eating breakfast while you and Alex continue talking about the routine your son will perform in front of Emily and Keyla. Then Jerry interrupts them with his typical racist white kid doubts.

“Chloe hasn't arrived yet…do any of you know anything about her?” Jerry's high-pitched, shaky voice seems more and more annoying to you every time he speaks, but you suppress the urge to shout him down.

“No, I don't know anything about Chloe. But I don't see why we should worry about her... Chloe is with her BLACK KING, Jamal seems to be a strong and powerful black male, she will be safe by his side... so stop being a damn paranoid and let Chloe be free, she He knows what he does". Scolding Jerry makes you feel equal parts angry and happy, almost like you enjoy being angry with him.
"But today is Friday, she has to go to university, she can't miss her classes, much less because of a ne... boyfriend" Jerry continues to complain pathetically, he still doesn't understand that Chloe owes obedience and submission to her BLACK KING and that he should feel honored that his ******** was chosen by a black alpha male as important as Jamal.

“Actually Chloe sent me a message an hour ago, apparently she spent the whole night with her BLACK KING, so she's taking the day off, she says she'll be home at night... maybe, well if Jamal decides he needs to party a little longer she will stay until tomorrow afternoon” Alex comments while looking at his cell phone.

“You see it Jerry! Chloe's fine, she's having a lot of fun with her man, you should be happy for her. Now shut up and take Alex to school! “She's getting late!”
Jerry tries to object, but one look from you is enough to intimidate him.

Finally Jerry and Alex leave.
You spend your days doing yoga, painting, and twerking in front of the screen while watching rap videos. You also dedicate a couple of hours to take new sexy photos for your Instagram, and you post two videos twerking while dressing like a THOT, each time you dare more and soon you will have to upload photos in lingerie because your clothes become smaller and smaller and adjusted.
You order food at home, because now you feel that cooking is Jerry's duty and for some reason you don't want to lower yourself to doing his job, when you finish eating you go to your son's school, you feel excited with the idea of having a new “job”, you will be the new “Assistant coach of the cheer squad”, maybe it is not a great job, but it is something new in your life, and that is enough.

Fifteen minutes later you arrive at your son's nice high school and leave your car in the school parking lot, and enjoy the lascivious looks that all the men give you as you walk to the gym.

You have never felt more beautiful and more desired than now, both the little white boys and the young black males can't stop looking at your stunning curves, the pathetic white boys look down in shame every time you look at them angrily, but the handsome and strong ones Black boys don't let themselves be intimidated when you look at them in a suggestive way.

They not only stare at you, they even have the audacity to whistle, howl and yell vulgar flirtations at you telling you how sexy and hot you look, they all promise you a night of hard and pleasurable sex if you submit to them... the phrases “WHITE BITCH”, “FUCKING MILF”, “SEXY THOT” and “WATCH THAT PAWG” are repeated many times by those aggressive black males.
And no wonder, before leaving the house you made sure to dress very sexy, right now you are wearing a tight red tank top that shows a lot of cleavage and shamelessly displays your huge tits, the sexy white lace bra is It sticks out everywhere because the blouse is very, very small.

Your long, shapely legs are clad in very tight jeans, your round, fat ass looks impressive, and the pants are so tight that your sexy lace cheek is completely visible.
Your steps are slow but sure because following Alex's instructions you shake your hips provocatively as you walk on a pair of red platforms with five-inch heels, one foot in front of the other... You feel like a dream, a goddess, a sexy white whore!

You finally get to the gym, and you see Keyla wearing a more adult version of the sexy cheerleading uniform, but that doesn't mean she stops looking pornographically cute, in that cheerleader/kitty/whore costume.
Keyla is putting “X” shaped marks on the floor with blue duct tape, every time she bends over, the beautiful blonde refuses to bend her knees, causing her miniskirt to ride up and show her round, white buttocks sheathed in a Vulgar pink lace thong.
It is obvious that this woman strives to make each of her movements sensual and provocative, in addition to demonstrating the enormous elasticity that her small body has.

The sound of your heels on the floor catches Keyla's attention, when the sexy blonde sees you, a huge smile illuminates her pretty face and you have to admit that even though you have never considered yourself a lesbian in the slightest, that little blonde causes some strange sensations in you.

"Hello Girl! You arrived!" Keyla screams and jumps with excitement when she recognizes you.
“Hello Keyla!” You respond before hugging her and greeting her with a kiss on each cheek.

The first time you met Keyla it was so fast that you didn't realize how petite and sexy she is.
She must be about six inches shorter than you, maybe three feet two inches.
Keyla is the exact representation of a playboy model. How big are her breasts? You ask yourself.

“My measurements are: 90-60-100! In case you were wondering, ”The pretty blonde tells you that with that bubbly and happy voice, while she spins around on her axis, exposing herself to you.

You blush furiously, feeling exposed, and look at the ground embarrassed.

“Don't be ashamed girl! We are women... we can talk about anything. Plus, you have amazing tits and an ass, I wish I had half the curves you have... black bulls love white girls with bodies like Kim Kardashian's. I'm so jealous!"

Keyla says all this at such a speed that you feel a little dizzy trying to follow her ideas.

“You don't have to be jealous, you are so sexy, beautiful and young… I'm just an old cow with huge udders.” You respond while you can't stop admiring Keyla's sexy little body, this blonde is definitely awakening strange ideas in your mind.

“Don't say that sexy girl! You are the most sensual and voluptuous woman I have ever met in my life! “Ty thinks the same, from the moment he saw you he agreed with me that you should join us!” Keyla declares this with the same overwhelming speed.

Hearing that the handsome and strong trainer Tyrell considers you beautiful and sexy makes you blush even more and feel very flattered, knowing that this perfect alpha male likes you makes you feel special.
You're happy that both Coach Tyrell and Keyla want you to join the school's coaching team... well, you guess that's what Keyla means when she says they wanted you to join them, right?
“I would love to be part of the team! I'm here to help with anything!” You respond cheerfully, you're definitely going to like being the cheerleading coach's assistant, even more so if the coach is a sexy little Barbie.

“I knew you would accept! You'll see, it will be a lot of fun! Have you been with a black man before?” Keyla asks you.

You assume she means being coworkers with a black man.

“Not really… I come from Alabama, my father never ever allowed me near any black person… much less a black man and we just moved to the city a year ago… I haven't had many opportunities to meet people of other races.” … But I hope that by working with Tyrell and all the black guys on the team I can … learn about black culture.” You admit, embarrassed by your conservative and privileged background in Alabama.

"Do not worry child! “You are not the only white woman who has been kept away from real men by the stupid rules of racist white boys.” Keyla reassures you. “You will have a lot of time to redeem yourself, from now on you will be able to pay reparations and do racial justice with Tyrell… I will be by your side all the time, it will be a pleasure to guide you in the world of racial justice and the black power movement! Soon you will be part of Tyrell's herd and a good warrior of racial justice! It's not exciting?!"
You are a little disconcerted when you listen to that frantic sermon, you meant that you wanted to be Keyla's new assistant. But the sexy blonde has said two or three things that don't make much sense to you, pay reparations? do social justice with Tyrell? Be part of his cattle? What the hell is a cattle?

A part of you feels that it's dangerous to hang out with Keyla and the handsome, sexy Trainer Black, and maybe it's not a good idea to be part of Tyrell's herd, whatever that means.

But the fire in your belly, the excitement in your chest and the humidity in your vagina decide that you accept whatever that sexy blonde offers you, let yourself go and enjoy the trip.

“I'm ready for anything! “I want to learn how to be a good assistant and a good racial justice warrior!” You respond excitedly and, unable to contain yourself, you hug the little blonde and enjoy feeling how your gigantic tits are crushed against Keyla's round and firm breasts.
“That's the attitude girl! I'm almost done here. Could you call the girls? They're probably in the weight room with the guys. The weight room is at the end of that hallway.” Keyla points to a door at one end of the court.

"Sure!" You answer and head there.

As you walk down the long hallway you receive a message on your WhatsApp.

It's Alex, letting you know that his classes are over and that he's heading to the gym at that moment, he asks you if you're already there.
As you answer you continue walking and begin to hear the sound of heavy metal rising and falling repeatedly. As you approach the huge stainless steel door you hear male grunts from inside accompanied by flirtatious and sexy female giggles.

As you enter the room you stop in your tracks. The place is full of young, hyper-muscled, shirtless black males. Every machine and bench is occupied by one of these black adonis, their torsos glowing tantalizingly. The atmosphere is saturated with the aroma of sweat of strong and virile males, that musk causes your wet vagina to become even wetter, threatening to leave an embarrassing stain on the front of your jeans.
The white girls, for their part, continue to watch and hover around these young titans like puppies in love trying to help them, or at least pretending to help them.
A black guy is doing push-ups on a bar and there is a little red-haired girl hanging out with her legs wrapped around the handsome young black man's hips. The girl's mouth is open as she admires the black boy she is hanging on to lift them both with ease.
To the left of her is another young black man sitting lifting weights with a small black haired Japanese girl sitting on her lap.
“She can't help at all with that exercise.” You think to yourself.
To your right you see a small blonde riding the lap of a huge black male while he does “BENCH PRESS”. You notice that the black boy has a huge erection that forms a giant tent with his basketball shorts. That impressive erection rubs between the little blonde's buttocks while she smiles and caresses the man's naked torso up and down, tickling his hard abs and moving up to touch the young black man's powerful pectorals. The gorgeous blonde steps back and rubs her bubble butt against the huge black cock harder.
“Wow!” You exclaim loudly, unable to contain yourself.

The blonde looks over her shoulder to admire the gigantic erection that is trapped between her perfect buttocks as if it were a delicious and gigantic hot-dog, thanks to that you realize that that perverted blonde girl is not other than Emily.
With your mouth open, you watch as Emily begins to slide her ass up and down the huge, hard black cock with a devilish smile on her face. You feel how juices begin to drip from your hot vagina watching the rodeo between your children's best friend and that huge basketball player.

“Yes, the girls really like helping my boys!” A deep male voice says that behind you while a huge, muscular black arm goes around your shoulder.

"That…? As? Who?" You ask very disoriented as you turn to look at the handsome black stallion standing next to you. His dark brown eyes, million-dollar smile, and dark brown skin short-circuit your brain.

“I said girls like to help my boys.” Tyrell repeats with a confident smile.

“Coach Black gave me quite a scare! And yeah… it seems like their boys are having a lot of fun too…” You say as you calm down and scan the room again and see the cute white girls who are practically doing lap dances in front of all the black boys, all of them are wearing their tight gymnastics suits

“I told you to call me Ty, Hannah. What brings an exquisite woman like you here?” The coach's deep and sexy voice whispers in your ear, causing you to chill.

“I'm, uh… helping Keyla with some things… from today I'll be her assistant…” You respond, unable to suppress a moan.

“Is that so? “I guess then you’re here to look for the girls.” Her deep, manly voice is like hot chocolate to your ears, it's simply delicious to listen to.
“Y-Yes… that's right…” You respond, stuttering nervously.

"Damn! “I was hoping you would be here to see me.” Tyrell says showing that smile that literally makes you melt, you are no longer wet, now you are soaked and the front of your pants is definitely darker from your juices, you feel as embarrassed as you are excited. “Very good girls! Game time is over. “The beautiful Hannah is here to take you back to Coach Keyla to practice your pretty pirouettes.”
Tyrell gives the order to the dozen sexy white girls and they immediately obey, although their faces show discontent.

Emily looks up through her half-lidded eyes enjoying the hot black cock between her ass cheeks until the last second and finally stops rubbing her ass against the fat black cock.

“Hannah!” The pretty blonde girl shouts when she sees you, dismounts the basketball player and jumps to give you a hug and a kiss on her lips.

"Shit! Emily feels like she is at a million degrees, her whole sexy little body is on fire.” You think as your eyes return to the young black male still sporting a huge erection under his baggy basketball shorts. You are so confused that you barely realize that Emily's kiss is more sensual than friendly, when the little blonde separates from you you can still taste the strawberry flavor of her lipstick.
All this happens with Tyrell's powerful arm still around you... you can't help but notice that his huge hand is resting on your round, spongy tit, he's not caressing it, but it's almost there.

“Hello Tyyyy…!” Emily says flirtatiously looking directly into the coach's eyes.

"Hi babe. You were doing a really good job back there. Always helping out a lot during these weightlifting sessions…you’re a good white girl.” Tyrell compliments the sexy blonde as he winks at her.

“Oh, it's my pleasure. I like being a good white girl for black alpha males like you Ty.” Emily responds by turning back and forth looking at the black stallion in front of her with hungry, greedy eyes.
You have no idea why, but you quickly place your hand on the huge black paw possessively on your tit. As if Emily were a threat when approaching your man, you grab one of his fingers and surround it with your hand, slowly caressing it up and down.
"Shit! “His finger is bigger and thicker than Jerry’s fully hard penis!” You think in amazement. "Wait! Why the hell am I comparing Ty's strong, long, thick finger to Jerry's thin, pathetic little penis? "I shouldn't think like that... I love Jerry... I'm a good and faithful wife!" Despite your internal struggle, you still haven't let go of Tyrell's hand.

When the girls begin to leave the room, they all seductively say goodbye to Coach Tyrell as they pass by him, it makes you angry and you firmly squeeze his finger again, you even dare to press his huge hand against your heavy chest so that feel its warmth and its shape.
Tyrell doesn't change his arrogant and amused gesture but his hand squeezes your tit making you let out another soft moan.
Soon the girls leave the weight room and you're left alone with Tyrell standing in the doors. The huge stud continues to playfully squeeze and caress your breast which makes your nipple hard as a diamond.
You wish you could stay there longer, wrapped up in that powerful black male and feeling how he caresses your body at will, but you remember that your son is about to audition for him and you promised to see him.
“Well… I guess I should go… right?” You say shyly not wanting to move away from that man's touch.

"I guess so. I love the idea of seeing you show off those curves for me on a daily basis.” Tyrell smiles confidently as he gives your breast one last squeeze.

“I'm also happy with the idea… I mean… Who told you that I'm showing off for you?” You ask flirtatiously as you slowly back away from him, finding it difficult to break eye contact with Tyrell.

Tyrell laughs confidently and you finally turn around and walk towards the court, you can feel Ty's eyes watching your butt as you leave. Strangely you don't care, and without being able to help it you put a little more movement in your hips, moving your buttocks up and down.
Walking onto the court you look at all the beautiful white girls warming up and stretching while Keyla gives them instructions. You approach to ask what you can help with, but you are interrupted by your son Alex entering the court wearing a sexy pastel pink lycra sports outfit that highlights her feminine body, as always leaving her shapely, fat thighs and flat stomach on display. , you are surprised to see how your boy has managed to hide his “man” parts with some magic trick, because his crotch looks like any girl's fluffy pubes.
Alex runs to you and hugs you very excitedly, both of you greet each other with kisses on the cheeks like best friends.
Keyla then introduces Alex in front of the cheer squad and tells them that she is there to audition, the twelve beautiful white girls cheerfully receive the news and support your beautiful son, they all know that Alex is a boy, a little sissy. , because they have seen how your son has gone from dressing like an emo and shy boy to a sexy and flirtatious sissy princess.

Emily then does a routine of jumping, pirouettes and poses, expertly stepping on the marks that Keyla put on the floor, Keyla tells Alex that she must copy those impressive movements.
You cross your fingers wishing your feminine son good luck, but you think it will be very difficult to keep up with the beautiful and sexy cheerleader captain.
Impressed you watch as Alex copies every jump, pirouette and pose that Emily has done quite easily, Emily then continues doing more and more jumps and flips and Alex copies and repeats everything almost perfectly, she only has one or two mistakes, but still Her agility and flexibility are impressive, not to mention the ability to memorize the little routines that Emily does.

After half an hour where Emily and Keyla push Alex's skills to the limit, they decide that your beautiful son is accepted to be part of the squad, all the beautiful girls clap and jump congratulating their new partner.
You also applaud with tears in your eyes, feeling very proud of your special child.

After that the practice begins and soon you're helping Keyla and Emily maintain discipline among the happy, chatty group of exquisite white girls as they repeat the different choreographies and cheers over and over again.
Alex is unrecognizable. There jumping and spinning, while he moves a pair of pompoms, your feminine son looks happy, excited and confident, as beautiful and sexy as any of his new companions.
Practice goes without incident until Coach Tyrell leads the basketball team onto the court. The entire group of sexy white cheerleaders, you and Keyla stand still as you watch them jog across the floor.
Each girl notices one of the boys, and even Alex stares at the powerful Coach Black. You and Keyla also watch him pass by as if he were a rock star, or a Hollywood actor in person.

“That's a man…” Keyla tells you in a low voice, completely enraptured.

"Yes it is". You respond without thinking as you sigh dreamily.

"Wait! Shit! Fuck! I have to stop thinking like that, I love Jerry!" You think to yourself.
Cheerleading practice extends another two hours, the same time as the boys' practice, but this time neither you nor Keyla make much effort to prevent the white girls from stopping to admire the tall, strong black boys playing basketball. , the strong muscles of those young stallions shine with the masculine sweat they exude and their strong male musk begins to fill the atmosphere, causing all the white girls to get excited and excited like fillies in heat.
You'd be lying if you said the same thing wasn't happening to you, your nipples are as hard as diamonds and the front of your tight jeans already shows a large wet spot on your crotch.
You can't help but see the tall, strong black coach giving orders and imposing his authority with that deep, gravelly baritone voice that makes your skin crawl.
As the two practices are ending, the door opens again and a small white man walks in with unsteady steps, it's Kevin, Keyla's pathetic husband with that stupid bowl haircut.
When the black boys realize the presence of that weak white man, they throw the ball at him with amazing speed and force, the basketball hits him directly in the stomach.
Kevin doubles over in pain while the boys laugh cruelly, the cheerleaders join them and their sweet, evil giggles are heard on the court, you can't help but join in the mockery and notice in horror how Keyla is also laughing outrageously, enjoying the humiliation of her pathetic husband.
Jerome, the captain of the team, approaches little Kevin and offers him his huge hand. Kevin cowers in fear, thinking that he is going to hurt him even more, but when Jerome laughs and pulls him up, he tries to recover and pretend that everything is fine.
Jerome tells him he should be more careful and pushes him off the court without apologizing.
Kevin slowly walks towards you as he holds his stomach, you can tell he can barely stand the pain.

“Hello honey… Oh, hello Hannah… did you come help my beautiful wife today?” Kevin asks in his slightly nasal voice while still stroking his belly and with a grimace on his face.

“Hello Kevin” You greet the ridiculous little blonde man and wonder how a woman as sexy as Keyla is his wife.

“Hello Kevin,” Keyla answers without even looking at him as she grabs a bottle of water and offers it to Coach Black with a puppy-dog look in love. “Hannah will be helping me starting today. You know how much help the basketball team needs, they are such big boys, and Coach Black can't take care of all the details, so Hannah decided that she wanted to support these strong, handsome young black men.”

“Oh, I see… they really are strong boys…” Kevin complains with his hands still on his stomach.

"Oh, come on! Stop complaining… if you exercised more that little bump wouldn't hurt so much.” Keyla reproaches her husband with a look of disappointment and pity.

Kevin blushes in humiliation and tries to stand up straight and pretend that he is stronger than he really is.

“I think those guys threw the ball at me on purpose… Anyway, are you ready to come home, Keyla? “We can have dinner at that Italian restaurant that you like so much, love.” Kevin offers his wife a hopeful look.

“In fact, you will have to dine alone. I'll be home a little late today. The boys will have a meeting about racial justice after practice, and you already know that it is the cheerleaders' duty to serve them correctly. “They will have another game soon and they need all the help they can get.”

At that moment, Coach Tyrell blows his whistle and declares in his deep voice that practice is over, but instead of sending the boys to the showers, the entire team approaches the cheer squad while they take off their shirts, showing off their sculpted bodies. torsos bathed in sweat.
Surprised, you watch as Coach Black also takes off his polo shirt, and you can't help but bite your lip when you see that impressive physique.
Keyla distributes some small towels to all her girls and they begin to dry the sweat of the tall and strong young black men. Keyla herself rubs the coach's shiny black skin with a towel. Tyrell looks arrogantly at Kevin while enjoying the attention of Keyla.
Kevin laughs nervously at the spectacle, but does nothing to stop it,
“I don't know how you do it honey. I am so proud of how hard my wife works to help these students! Keyla cares deeply about racial justice and is always willing to help the community. “Isn’t she wonderful?!” Kevin explains to Hannah as Keyla continues to caress Tyrell's hard black muscles.

“Yes, Keyla is great, I can see how much she loves racial justice. She inspired me to be part of the change, I also want to help the black race as much as I can.” You answer in disbelief as Kevin shows no signs of distrust or annoyance when seeing his sexy blonde wife caressing and rubbing the naked torso of a handsome, giant black male.

“Okay honey, I guess I can order some pizza… I'll be waiting for you my love… just don't try so hard, lately you've been coming home exhausted after those racial justice meetings… maybe you're biting off more than you can chew.” , dear". Kevin sounded really worried about his wife.

At that moment both Keyla and Coach Black burst into laughter as if the little blonde man had told the best of jokes.
Their laughter was so sincere and spontaneous that even you feel tempted to join them, it's a contagious laugh.

Kevin for his part is clearly confused as his perplexed gaze goes from Keyla to Tyrell and back again, Keyla then tries to control herself and between giggles says:

"Oh honey! I'm definitely biting off a lot of… work lately… but trust me I can handle it” Keyla can barely speak as she continues to laugh.
“Your wife is right little white boy, she can handle all the work I give her. Although sometimes I think it's too much for her alone, but Keyla never gives up and always finishes the job no matter how hard, long and heavy it is... I actually think she loves that I can always give her a long and heavy hard job. She never gets tired of asking me for more and more… work.” Tyrell says that with a mocking smile and then again both he and Keyla break into happy laughter and laughter.

You and Kevin don't know what to do and just stare at the pair of laughing coaches until you finally get a hold of yourself, and wiping away your tears, you try to catch your breath.

“Is there something we are missing?” You ask, a little annoyed to see such a level of understanding and trust between Coach Black and Keyla, you feel left out and you don't like that at all.

“Oh, Hannah, I'm sorry, don't be upset, it's just an inside joke between coaches… you'll understand in time. But Ty is right, maybe it's a lot of work for me alone, not that I'm complaining, I love that Ty pushes me to the limit, but now that you're here we can take care of that hard, heavy and long work together... it will be much more "It's fun and easy to be able to keep up with Tyrell with you helping me with those heavy loads." Keyla says that while continuing to let out mischievous and mocking giggles every time she sees her husband's confused face.

Keyla's sweet words put you at ease, as the promise of participating in whatever these two do makes you very excited.

Kevin for his part just keeps standing there like a fool looking confused at his wife.

“Anyway… You heard your wife little white boy, now get out of my court before you get hurt again! I will take care of your sexy and beautiful wife for you, you should be grateful.” Tyrell takes Keyla by the waist and brings her closer to him possessively, and you can see how the pretty blonde wife blushes and laughs childishly at that action like a fifteen-year-old in love with her.

“Are you grateful? But if she's the one helping the team… I'm the one who has to spend the afternoons alone every time Keyla stays late to those racial justice meetings…” For the first time Kevin looks offended, even angry.
“Stop there Kevin! How dare you talk to Ty like that, are you a fucking racist? We had already talked about this, my duty as a good white girl is to serve and help the black males with their needs... Tyrell is doing you a favor by keeping me safe while I'm away from home. I feel so safe when I'm in the care of a real man… Now be a good white boy and thank Coach Black for taking care of your beautiful wife for you!” Keyla gives these orders to her pathetic husband with a cold, cruel voice that reminds you of yourself when you scold Jerry lately.

Kevin loses what little courage he could muster and embarrassedly steps back with his eyes downcast as he stammers.

“I'm sorry… I didn't mean to sound racist… I… I… I mean… Thank you… Thank you Coach Black for taking care of my beautiful wife for me…” Kevin's voice is high-pitched and squeaky with fear and guilt.

“He's not perfect, but you can't ask for more from a white boy… Now get out of my court!” Tyrell roars like an angry lion and Kevin flees with his tail between his paws without looking back.
This time it's not just Keyla and Tyrell that are laughing, the entire cheer squad, the entire basketball team and yourself are laughing out loud as you see that little blonde little white man running away as if he were a scared child.

When the laughter finally dies down, each player on the team takes one of the cheerleaders by the waist and heads to the showers.
Jerome has his right hand on Emily's buttocks, the little blonde girl smiles anxiously and walks accompanies the team captain to the showers.

You and Alex look at it with the same intrigued expression.

“One of the cheerleaders' duties is to help the boys bathe, they are so big you know… Alex will have to do it too eventually, but Mr. Osei has given the order that we keep him away from the boys until Alex passes.” her first night with him.” Keyla explains happily, as she absentmindedly caresses Coach Black's abs.

Alex next to her looks blushing and embarrassed but smiling and expectant.
“Wow! Can I really… I mean, should I help all the black guys on the team bathe…? I? oh really?" Alex asks hopefully, as if he can't believe his luck.
"If that's what all the girls on the squad do, I'm fine with you doing it too Lexy... eventually I mean, now you're a cheerleader and you have to follow their rules." You advise your beautiful special child. You want the best for him and you know that it is best for Lexy to be a good and obedient girl for Mr. Osei. “But you heard Keyla, your BLACK DADDY has given clear orders to keep you away from those sexy black boys for now… it's obvious that Mr. Osei wants you to arrive in his bed completely virgin… it's so romantic, don't you think?”

“Of course mommy… you're right… I have to obey my BLACK DADDY” Lexy says that, but you notice the longing look that your little son casts at the sexy interracial couple who enters the showers.

"Very good! what is left for us to do? Where is that racial justice rally we should attend?” You ask excitedly.

“Oh, actually we're done. And there is no such meeting... or well there is, but it is not a stupid and boring assembly or conference, it is more of a party to pay reparations, we do them from time to time, the white mothers of the community also attend those parties. parents association and some of the school teachers, only the youngest and most beautiful of course.” Keyla explains this and your curiosity is immediately ignited.

You want to pay for repairs too! You also want to attend one of those parties.

“That sounds very interesting…” you say hopefully.

“It is... but as I tell you, today we are not really going to have an orgi... a meeting to pay reparations, we will have one until the end of the month. In Halloween. Right now Ty and I are just going to go have some drinks at the bar.” Keyla says happily.

“But you told Kevin that…” You say, but you remain silent, not wanting to sound like a gossipy, self-righteous witch.

“I hope you don't think badly of me, but I usually go out for drinks with Ty and the other teachers after school and it's a little easier to tell Kevin that I'm working late...please don't tell anyone, he's my little one.” secret". Keyla winks at you flirtatiously and you can't do anything but laugh.
“Come with us girl! You should relax a little with us.” Tyrell approaches you and hugs you fiercely, bringing your body closer to his bare torso. You melt into his arms while you smell the strong macho aroma that comes from his dark African skin.

“Oh. Yeah...I'd love to...I mean. Actually, I should take Lexy home and Jerry is about to get home from work… maybe next time…” You answer with great effort, the truth is that you don't know why you refused, since having a few drinks with Keyla and Tyrell sounds like Most fun, but there's still a little voice in your head that makes you feel guilty for wanting to spend time with the handsome, tall, strong Coach Black, you're married and you love your husband... right?

“Alright girl, next time you won't run away, I promise.” Keyla responds a little discouraged. “Well, more chocolate for me I guess.” Keyla celebrates happily.

The sexy blonde says goodbye to you with a juicy and loud kiss on her lips.
Tyrell also says goodbye to you, he hugs you very tightly, his hands on your lower back, perhaps too low, because you feel how his thick and long fingers touch the beginning of your fat buttocks a little.
You can also feel a huge piece of hard meat rub against your belly and this time it's definitely not your imagination, Tyrell kisses you right on the lips, and although it's an innocent peak, feeling his wide African lips on your fat slut lips makes you you shudder all over.
Keyla and Tyrell also say goodbye to Alex and like you, they both give him kisses on the lips, you notice how Tyrell takes advantage and caresses your son's tiny waist, and you feel a pang of jealousy.
They finally walk away and you can't help but notice that they both enter the girls' showers, which are empty right now, since both the cheerleading squad and the basketball team are occupying the boys' showers.

You wonder if the cheerleading coach also has an obligation to help Coach Black with the shower, and if so, you wonder if you will also have that responsibility in the future... you tremble at the thought, but it's not disgust you feel.

Finally you and Alex leave school happy with your new job as assistant coach of the cheerleading squad.
Later that night, as you relax on your couch after enjoying a delicious dinner made by Jerry, you can't help but think back on what happened earlier that day. You remember how nervous Tyrell made you just by standing next to you.

“I hate that I reacted like that. “I am a good, modest, faithful Catholic wife and I love Jerry… I really do.” Still, you can't help but remember how wet you got watching Emily rub her ass against Jamal's cock in that weight room.
“I can't believe all those beautiful, cute white girls act like sluts in front of those black boys...! Everyone on the cheer squad is so sweet and cute, but damn, you have to admit that watching all those sexy white girls act like bitches in heat looked so good… Stop it! “You should stop thinking like that Hannah!” You berate yourself.

In the middle of that thought, Jerry enters the living room after washing the dishes and you can't help but look at him with pity, feeling guilty and angry at the same time.

“Is something wrong honey?” Jerry asks with that high, trembling voice that characterizes him.

“Um. No. I mean, I don't know.” You answer him as you try to understand why you married such a weak and pathetic man.

“Did something happen in practice? You know that if you don't want to help the coach, you don't have to." Jerry asks you Jerry hopefully, he can tell that he doesn't like the idea of you spending time with that sexy blonde and the huge, handsome Coach Black.

“Don't talk nonsense Jerry! Helping Keyla is very fun and important… and now that Alex is part of the squad it is natural that I want to see how she progresses in this new stage.” You become more and more angry with Jerry, who still doesn't agree with Alex becoming a cheerleader.

“I actually don't know if it's a good idea for Alex to be a cheerleader... Chloe hasn't arrived either and she's not answering her phone...” Jerry complains and whines as always.
"We have already talked about this, and I think that belonging to the squad does a lot of good for Alexis, he seems happy and excited, and that is a very positive change in his life, I will not let you ruin it just because of your retrograde ideas and homophobic. And I've already told you that you shouldn't worry about Chloe, she's safe with her BLACK KING, you should be happy that your ******** got a stud that can keep her satisfied for two days in a row, Chloe is a lucky girl." You feel a little angry realizing that your two sons have each gotten themselves a strong, handsome black male while you're here, at home, bored and with a pathetic white boy like Jerry for company.

“I understand… I understand honey, don't be mad… I only want the best for the children… I only want the best for you… I love you so much Hannah.” Jerry looks at you with those puppy dog eyes he always gets when he tries to get your approval.

“I know honey, I love you too.” You respond, not knowing if you're lying or not.

Jerry sits next to you very slowly, as if he was afraid that at any moment you were going to kick him like a stray dog.

“You can hug me Jerry, but you're still grounded. You still have two more days left, you can sleep in my bed until Monday night and not before... it hurts me to be mean to you, but you must learn to respect black men and not act like a stupid, racist privileged white boy... even though “you are”

Jerry smiles and throws himself at you like an excited puppy, hugging you very tightly and burying his face between your gigantic breasts.

"Thank you! Thanks Hannah! I needed this... I don't want to be a racist, but everything is changing too fast, Alex dressing like a girl and flirting with that older man, Chloe dating that dangerous gangster, and now you're spending your afternoons helping the cheer squad... I feel like a little alone…” Jerry whimpers between your tits and you even feel the wetness of his tears running down your breasts.

Lately it is fashionable among women to say that they prefer men to be more sentimental and in touch with their emotions, but the truth is that seeing little Jerry crying sentimentally and being completely vulnerable causes you nothing but disgust and hurt.
You force yourself to stop thinking that way again and let Jerry hold you.
You try to convince yourself that this is love, this is what it feels like, calm and comfortable and boring, not exciting, exciting and highly erotic like with Coach Tyrell.

You snuggle into Jerry's arms and it doesn't escape you how different his thin arm feels compared to Ty's powerful, muscular black arm.
You turn on the television and soon you and Jerry are relaxing while watching some movie repeated a thousand times, some time passes and you feel how your husband caresses you playfully, then you feel an occasional kiss on your head to let you know that he is in the mood.
You are very hesitant to play along, because the truth is that you have never really felt satisfied with the sex that your little husband can give you, but, on the other hand, you are still upset and excited by what you experienced at school, so you decide to give him a chance, maybe you can even lift Jerry's punishment if he rises to the occasion and manages to satisfy the hunger that Ty awakened in your belly.

You turn to look at your husband and have to admit that even though Jerry will never be as strong and manly as Tyrell he is very attractive in his own way, Jerry's fine and elegant features make him look cute, pretty even, his blonde Her hair and blue eyes are beautiful, it is a shame that her features are so childish and delicate, in a more masculine face those attributes would be extremely attractive to any woman.
Jerry is also watching you very intensely and you finally kiss, you are of course the one who initiates the kiss, Jerry has never been one to take the initiative in sex, or anything really.

So, you and Jerry kiss. Then another. And other. You sit up a little straighter and run your hand up his leg as you continue to kiss lovingly. You're looking for a long, fat cock that hangs down to your knees... but of course you can't find anything, this is Jerry Smalls your little white husband, not Tyrell Black the huge, well-hung African trainer.
You move your caresses up to Jerry's crotch and you can finally feel your husband's erection. Was his penis always this small? Maybe it's just that now you've seen what a real man's penis looks like, thanks to the beautiful ACE movies, and from the naughty glimpses you've had in the weight room you now know what a real cock looks like, a black cock.
You unzip his pants and realize that it really has been a long time since you last had sex, months in fact.
Your fingers touch that bare four-inch penis, and you're surprised by how thin and delicate it feels between your fingers, you're even afraid of hurting it or breaking it.
Jerry trembles and moans almost femininely as you cradle his small scrotum. Jerry also caresses and gropes you, trying to bring you pleasure, but he is so overwhelmed by your attention that his clumsy caresses cause you more discomfort than pleasure.
Still, you're having fun, you focus on the memory of Ty touching your breast with his huge black hand and you feel yourself getting wet little by little.
You smile between kisses, trying to convince yourself that Jerry is a good lover and that you are as in love with him as when you were young, your husband moans into your mouth, the width of your hand easily covers his entire penis, but after twenty Years of marriage you have learned to work with that little tool.

Now you're really turned on, and you feel a little dominant, Jerry's feminine reactions are awakening something inside you, a sexually dominant streak that you didn't know you had.

“Mmm... Do you like that, Jerry? Do you like the way I touch you?” You whisper sensually as you kiss his neck. You continue to jerk your husband's thin little penis using just your index finger and thumb, you don't really need anything else.

“Oh, Hannah, that feels… too good!” Jerry whimpers as he struggles not to cum, squirming in his seat.

“Honey… how about we go upstairs?” The heat in your womb clouds your mind, and you decide that if Jerry can give you a little pleasure you will lift the punishment and allow him to sleep in your bed again.

But then Jerry lets out a pathetic little moan and you feel his tiny cock twitch and jump as he releases his meager load into your hand.

“Ahhhggg… ahh… I'm so sorry… Hannah felt too good… and she can't… she can't hold me back.” Jerry stops caressing you and, completely exhausted, falls back on the couch with his eyes closed and a silly smile.
Furious you look at your dirty hand with disappointment and disgust, you have never liked semen; the smell, the touch and especially the taste.

“Damn it, Jerry! Gross! It took you less than a damn minute… can't you control yourself a little? And how dare you dirty me with your disgusting juices?!” You can't believe how short your husband lasted before cumming, he's always had premature ejaculation, but this time he was ridiculously fast.

“I-I'm sorry Hannah… I'm so sorry… it felt so good… I don't think I'll be able to get it up again tonight, but if we go upstairs I might not be able to take care of you… you know I could use my mouth…” Jerry looks at you pleadingly, trying to to remedy the situation.

"Jesus Christ! I guess this is what I get for trying. A five minute make out session, and a disgusting mess on my hand” You think dejectedly.

"No... Jerry, I'm not in the mood anymore..." And to emphasize your point you wipe the scant, watery semen on Jerry's pants. He makes a gesture of disgust, but he doesn't dare to complain to you and remains still until your fingers touch him. They are almost clean.

The truth is that you have been wanting to cum for hours and, despite the disappointing ending, his caresses and kisses have excited you even more, right now you feel very horny,

“Hannah I'm really so sorry… if you let me use my mouth I could… I'll try…” Jerry continues to beg pathetically for a chance, but you've had enough.

“I just want to get cleaned up and go to bed as soon as possible… Have a good night on the couch Jerry… I think you'll stay down here until Monday.”

You get up frustrated and go up to your room remembering the strong and powerful trainer Tyrell... surely he would have no problem satisfying you with his huge black cock, Tyrell would surely last much longer than a minute before cumming and filling you with liters and liters of male milk .
You shake your head to chase those thoughts away and go up the stairs without looking at your husband.
You go straight to the bathroom and wash your hands until you erase any trace of Jerry's disgusting seed, it is so disgusting, his weak and watery semen has always seemed dirty and disgusting to you, its smell is unpleasant and you have never understood how some women can drink That, of course, Jerry's semen is completely different from the thick, white and abundant male milk that you have seen Jarrad release in his movies.
Jarrad's cum even looks appetizing, you think, feeling naughty.

When you finish, you lie down on your bed and sigh, feeling very frustrated, sexually frustrated, Jerry has always been a disappointment in bed, but lately you notice his flaws more... maybe it's because now you have real men... that is, different men to compare him with. .
Jarrad Christensen on the screen, Mr. Osei and the handsome and huge Coach Black… those are real males, those are real men.

You shiver at the thought of the latter, Tyrell, or Ty as all the girls call him, you remember his huge, heavy hand on your breast and immediately feel aroused again.
You decide that you can have fun without Jerry, and you quickly take off your clothes, leaving you dressed only in the sexy black lingerie that you wore today, you think for a few seconds and decide not to take it off, it makes you feel very hot to dress like a luxury whore.
So, you lie down on your bed as long as you are and take out your cell phone, it's time to check out Coach Black's Instagram.

Five minutes later you are masturbating intensely as you scroll through photo after photo of the handsome black stud, in all of them he looks simply stunning, in many of those photos Tyrell Black is accompanied by one or more women, all of them beautiful and sexy, all of them white.

You lick your lips when you see that, for some reason seeing him surrounded by sexy white bitches with tiny dresses doesn't make you feel jealous, well you do feel a little jealous, but actually what you think when you see how popular Tyrell is is admiration and desire.
A male so coveted and with so many women at his disposal is obviously a valuable male, Ty is a male who can choose any woman in the world, and you want him to choose you, it would be an honor to be chosen by him, even if it meant to be just another white whore in his collection of conquests.
Your fingers slosh in and out of your tight vagina as you think about all this, and you're about to come, you're about to reach an orgasm stronger than Jerry has given you in twenty years of marriage, but then…
You hear a car skidding and parking in front of your building, and not only because of the powerful engine, but also because of the loud and vulgar music that the passengers are listening to.
For a moment you think about ignoring that sudden interruption, but you recognize the song, it's one of your favorite raps and curiosity gets the better of you.

You look out the window of your room and look down, the street is dark but a streetlight perfectly illuminates the driver's seat showing an incredibly attractive black man, his face is brutal and evil, his primitive and negroid features remind you of a Neanderthal. In years past, you wouldn't have been attracted to a man with those evil gangster looks, but after watching dozens of rap videos non-stop for over a week straight, it seems you've developed a taste for gangsters.
You freeze in front of the window as you watch this man put his hand down his pants and slowly pull out the biggest black cock you've ever seen. He moves that huge black sausage from side to side as if tempting you to try it, your hand returns to your pussy, and the fire is lit again, Jerry's embarrassing penis is a distant memory. Your mouth is watering as you watch that big black cock grow and get completely hard… it looks absolutely delicious, appetizing and perfect.
Suddenly, long brown hair emerges from the darkness of the passenger seat and slides over the glorious black cock.
Your fingers speed up the caressing of your clit when you realize that the beautiful brown hair blowing up and down across this bully's lap belongs to your ********, Chloe.
Shocked, you realize that you are watching your beautiful and sexy ******** giving an intense blowjob to that ugly, but attractive black male who is obviously Jamal, your ********'s famous BLACK KING. You know it's wrong and that you should go back to bed, giving them some privacy... but you can't seem to look away.
Suddenly, Chloe stands up and you can see her pretty face covered in saliva and other mysterious liquids, your ******** has a huge, beautiful smile, it's obvious that she's having a great time.
The primitive black male and your ******** then share an obscene French kiss where he rapes Chloe's small mouth with her thick tongue. You can tell that your ******** wants to enjoy that wet kiss for longer, but the gangster grabs her by the hair and separates her from his lips almost by force, and although Chloe resists and you can tell that her male is hurting her, she never loses her smile. . Then Jamal bends her over her huge, wet black cock, demanding that she get back to her work.
Chloe, with that huge smile on her face, puts that glorious black cock in her mouth and continues with her sloppy blowjob, trying to eat the entire foot-long perfect black cock.

You lose track of time watching how long that black man can last. You continue masturbating frantically with all your attention focused on that pornographic live scene, your legs feel weak and your belly is burning, you can feel a huge orgasm building inside your womb, and you even get a little scared when you realize that it will be devastating.
After twenty-five minutes you're about to cum like never before, but Jamal shows no signs of finishing even though Chloe has been giving him the most intense blowjob you've ever seen, including Jarrad Christensen movies.

“I wish Jerry could last half as long as this man…” you whisper between pants as you focus on riding out your orgasm, wanting to cum at the same time Jamal releases his load.
You continue penetrating your vagina with your right hand and with your left you pinch your erect nipples.
After another twenty minutes, in which you have to stop three times to keep from cumming, the bully finally roughly forces your ********'s head down and starts pushing her hips up at the same time.

Chloe's face turns completely red from the lack of oxygen, as her male forces her to eat two thirds of his gigantic member, but, although your ******** seems to be having problems, at no point does she make any attempt to stop Jamal, or Walking away from that punishment, her hands simply caress her man's hairy legs and cup his heavy testicles lovingly.
You can see how that fat black cock pulses several times at the same time as his big balls contract rhythmically, it is obvious that Jamal is feeding what seems like gallons of hot, thick semen to your darling ********.
It's too outlandish for you and you finally let yourself go, your fingers go as deep as they can into your wet pussy while you fiercely pinch one of your huge tits, the orgasm you had been holding in finally explodes, and the pleasure floods you like a wave of fire.
You tremble, you moan, you cry and you scream as you fall to your knees on the floor of your room, while you come like a bitch, releasing streams of feminine juices as if you were urinating, your eyes roll back in your head and then...
You start begging loudly for a black cock, any black cock, Jamal's black cock, Mr. Osei's huge black cock, or Coach Tyrell's long black cock... you desperately need a long, fat, heavy black cock! , you urgently need a real man's cock!
It takes you a couple of minutes to regain your breath and the ability to think and you get up long enough to look out the window again.

Chloe is still bent over Jamal's lap, licking every inch of that magnificent cock until it's completely clean, slurping and swallowing every drop of thick cum left over.

You lick your lips, feeling very jealous of your ********'s fate and wishing you were in her place.
Chloe kisses her BLACK DADDY again in that pornographic way and with great regret she gets out of the car, and walks with unsteady steps to the entrance of the building. Thanks to the light from the lobby you can see how your ********'s scanty clothes look messy, the strap of her blouse falls down her arm and her tit is about to be exposed, she has a radiant smile, drool and semen drip down her chin and She does nothing to clean them.
When she enters the building you can come out of the trance you're in and feeling dirty, perverted and guilty, you scold yourself for being a pervert because she masturbated while watching her ******** give her new black boyfriend a blowjob.

With weak and trembling legs you get into the shower where you try to wash away your guilt with hot water, but the only thing you end up doing is masturbating once again remembering the scenes you just saw.

♠ Chapter 14 ♠ ♥ “Jerry” Friday, October 17 ♥

You feel completely humiliated, ashamed, and sorry. You know you screwed up big time this time.
You close your eyes and moan painfully as you remember the gesture of disgust and pity that Hannah gave you when you came so suddenly.

"Damn! I'm an idiot!" You scold yourself, hating yourself for your lack of resistance... in your defense, it had been more than half a year since Hannah had touched you, and feeling her delicate fingers playing with your most intimate part had been too much for you.

After a few minutes of wallowing in your misery, she decides you don't want to give up.
You will go up to Hannah's room... that is, to both of your rooms, and you will give her the best oral sex she has ever had, she will cum like crazy in your mouth and be satisfied and happy she will allow you to sleep in the marriage bed again.
Yes, that is exactly what you will do next.

Determined, you button your pants and go up the stairs with sure steps.

As you pass by your son's room you hear, again, Alex's feminine meows as he masturbates while he has a video call with that horrendous Mr. Osei.

But it's not just your son's sissy whimpers that are the only noises that fill the hallway, because the closer you get to your room, the more you can hear your wife's voice in the form of moans and gasps of pleasure.
The security and the plan you had fade with every step you take, when you reach the half-open door, you realize that the light inside is off. You look out and see Hannah lying on the bed.

She is half naked, her voluptuous body covered only by the new, sensual red lace lingerie that Hannah has started wearing lately.
Hannah is leaning against the headboard, her shapely white legs completely open, the fingers of her right-hand play and caress the inside of her tight vagina, and with her left hand Hannah is sliding her finger across the screen of her cell phone, it is obvious who is looking at the photos of some of the hundreds of black males who follow her on her Instagram.
Hannah moans and gasps more and more as she masturbates harder and harder, you can even hear the squelch of her fingers moving in and out of her soaked vagina.

If you were another man... a real man... you would go in completely hard and penetrate your wife unceremoniously, you would fuck her wildly until orgasm and empty your balls into her fertile womb impregnating her like a bitch... but you are not a real man, You are Jerry Smalls and your small, thin penis does not seem to react even to such a spectacle.
Once again you feel humiliated and cowed, you decide to flee to the safety of the couch, you don't think you can bear Hannah rejecting you again and looking at you with that disgust and pity she did a few minutes ago.

Discouraged you decide to walk away and let Hannah finish her self-pleasure session, it's painfully obvious that she doesn't need you... but then the sound of a car slamming on its brakes in front of your building catches your and Hannah's attention, both of you can hear the loud noise. music outside, and you see how your wife gets up and looks out the window.

The next half hour is torture for you as you feel forced to watch as Hannah begins to masturbate standing in front of the window, whatever she is looking at excites her even more than the photos of muscular and handsome black men on Instagram.
A part of you can imagine what you are seeing, it is not very difficult to guess that your ******** finally arrived home, and it is obvious that that black gangster has brought her home, that someone else would play an obscene and horrible black rap at that volume so late at night.
You stay stuck in the door of the master bedroom watching as Hannah moans, gasps, and trembles while she pleasures herself by looking at something that you can't see, but you can imagine.
She suffers and sweats for half an hour until she falls to her knees cumming like you've never seen before, the image is so sensual and exciting that you even have a new erection, but before you can be happy about it, Hannah starts begging loudly.

“I want a huge black cock! I need a fat black cock inside me! Jamal give me your huge black cock Daddy! Mr. Osei… please give your fat black girl to me… take me as your whore! Tyrelll… oh, Tyrelll… I am yours! Just give me some black cock and I’ll be yours forever!”
Listening to your wife begging for those horrible men's huge black cocks is too much for you and you flee in fear.
Once again you pass by Alex's room and hear him reach his climax when she meows like a kitten in heat declaring her eternal love for her BLACK DADDY.

You almost trip on the stairs in your eagerness to escape from that hallway and you arrive at the kitchen panting and feeling like your heart wants to leave your chest, for a moment you think you are going to faint, but you manage to take a deep breath and calm down a little.
Hannah was just fantasizing… just that. Her moaning and saying the name of those huge black males means nothing... it's just a fantasy, she wouldn't cheat on you with that handsome, tall, muscular African male, and Coach Black doesn't have a huge, fat black cock, that too It's just a fantasy, there's no way Hannah knows something like that, she's just imagining that all black men are just as well endowed as Jarrad Christensen, which is absurd.

You drink a glass of cold water and you feel better.
But your newly regained calm is interrupted when the door to the apartment opens and you see Chloe enter with weak and unsteady steps, her face is covered with saliva and drops of some strange thick white liquid, her hair looks messy and you can even see some thick hairs stuck to the corner of your ********'s mouth.

“Chloe?” You ask shakily as you watch her walk towards the stairs without even noticing your presence.

Chloe turns towards your voice, and now you can see your precious ********'s face covered in fluids and her makeup ruined, but with a huge smile on her lips.

“Damn, ***!” Chloe touches her chest in fear. “You almost scared me to death, what are you doing there in the dark lurking like a damn weirdo?”

“I'm not stalking anyone… I'm just drinking some water” You defend yourself as you look at the freshly used slut look Chloe has wearing in those tight, small new clothes and her face covered in… things.

“Well, it seems like you're stalking… you should stop doing that… it's weird.” Chloe scolds you with a disgusted grimace.
“Anyway… it's pretty late… and I haven't seen you since yesterday morning… Where were you?” You ask a little annoyed.

“I was celebrating with my BLACK KING… he managed to make a good hit and had a party to celebrate… it was great so I decided to stay until today,” Chloe answers you cheerfully but slightly annoyed, as if you have no right to know what she does outside the home.

“I… I see. That sounds em… well, I guess. But don't you think missing school two days in a row is bad?” You ask, trying to appear firm and strict.

Chloe looks at you with a frank dislike for a minute of silence and then says:

“I'm a grown woman now Jerry. And if I want to miss school for a whole week to be next to my BLACK KING that is precisely what I will do, and no pathetic little white boy is going to stop me... I am a powerful free woman and I can do whatever I want. Jamal is my man now and I am very in love with him, so don't get into my business again… understand?” And without waiting for a response, your ******** walks steadily up to her room without looking at you a second time.

You are completely shocked by this outburst of anger from your previously sweet ********, and you can't help but notice that Chloe has called you Jerry and not ***.

“What the hell is happening? How are things changing so radically in such a short time? What happened to your loving, traditional happy ******?”

You question these things as you return to the couch and prepare for another long, uncomfortable night alone.

When you sleep you dream again that you are lost in the middle of the jungle, escaping from three enormous beasts with black fur, only this time the three beasts are ridden by Hannah, Chloe, and Alex, who laugh and scream encouraging the three wild animals to reach you.

♠ Chapter 15 ♠ ♥ “Jerry” Saturday, October 18 ♥

You get up early in the morning to prepare the ******'s breakfast, well, even though you are actually very angry about the lack of affection and respect that your ****** has shown you lately, and it would be a good lesson for them to force them to prepare their own breakfast… you know well that you don't have enough courage to do it. You don't want to upset anyone, especially your wife, because the last thing you need is for Hannah to punish you with another week on the couch.

Speaking of the couch... it is almost impossible to sleep on that old piece of furniture, and every day you wake up with new pains and contractures in your body, it is simply easier to get up early and start cooking than to continue lying on that uncomfortable and old couch.

It is after eight in the morning when you hear the sound of heels coming down the stairs, immediately after your wife, Chloe and Alex enter the dining room and their sweet, feminine voices and giggles fill the air.

You listen to how your ****** sits at the table and begins to eat the breakfast that you have prepared with so much effort without even saying good morning.
You are still in the kitchen preparing the last batch of scrambled eggs, and you hear the beautiful, soft voices of your wife and ********* chatting and laughing, it is a heavenly sound, and for a moment you can imagine that everything that has happened in the last two It's been just a bad dream for weeks.
But when you enter the dining room your hopes are shattered when you see your wife and two children dressing like a trio of sexy luxury prostitutes.
Hannah wears her sensual red silk robe that sticks to her voluptuous body like a second skin, underneath you can distinguish a bra and lace panties of the same color, and although the clothes are not vulgar in themselves, Hannah looks ravishingly sexy, She's been wearing sexier and sexier clothes as the days go by, and it makes you nervous for some reason.

But your wife's sexy silk robe is nothing compared to the clothes Alexis and Chloe are wearing. Your two children are wearing separate sets of provocative fine lingerie. Chloe is wearing a tight black lace Teddy so small and see-through that you can perfectly see her pink nipples and her clean-shaven vagina. She is also wearing a small black silk robe, but she is wearing it open. Immodestly exposing herself to anyone who was there to see her.

Alex, on her side, is wearing another of those tiny transparent Babydolls. Underneath a tiny thong barely covers his micropenis, his long and shapely legs are clad in sexy stockings that reach the middle of his fat thighs, Alexis is also wearing a pair of those high slut platform heels that he likes so much, Her entire outfit is a bubblegum pink color that matched her strawberry blonde hair perfectly.

You realize with surprise that your wife and Chloe are also wearing platform sneakers with six-inch heels each.

With a sigh you sit down and begin to eat while you pay attention to the lively conversation your ****** is having.

“I swear mom! Jamal is obsessed with deep throat, my BLACK KING tried to shove those delicious twelve inches of dark chocolate all the way down my throat… of course I couldn't eat all that black meat completely, it's too fat and long… I could only reach the half, the truth is that I feel very embarrassed about it… a good white girl should be able to swallow his huge black cock to the root.” Chloe looks worried and depressed as she explains those horrible things.

“Emily has explained to me that for black males it is very important that their white sluts are able to receive their full BBCs in all their holes… apparently the value of a white slut is measured by her ability to endure rough sex and receive his enormous black cocks to the roots, the more abuse and the more black meat we can endure, the more valuable we will be in the eyes of real men... that is, the more valuable white whores will be to black bulls. Emily says that the beautiful black culture is completely different from the demure and repressive white culture... for black men it is important to have good white whores who are able to enjoy rough sex with many and deferential black males, for them it is important to be able to show off the quality of their white bitches compared to other black males, because for them it is normal to share their white females with their friends, brothers or parents.” Alexis explains this with her sweet and singing voice while eating strawberry yogurt in a rather vulgar way .

“OH MY GOSH! Black culture is fantastic, black males are so united… you can tell that they are a very close-knit community that shares everything, not like the insecure white men who are always jealous and envious of their women.” Hannah exclaims, completely interested in the Alex's words.

“Is that true?” Chloe asks very worried. “Then I must work on improving my skills… I don't want my BLACK DADDY to be ashamed of me.” Chloe sighs worried, but with a determined look. “I want Jamal to feel proud of his white whore and have the confidence to share me with his friends… that is to say, have the confidence to show off me to his friends Chloe says that while her beautiful face falls.” blushes heavily.

You spit out your coffee when you hear how your beautiful ******** is willing to be shared with the friends of that mature and dangerous black gangster... How is it possible that your ********, who just a few weeks ago was a good and modest Catholic girl, is now willing to be treated like a cheap whore by many black men? What the hell is happening? You ask yourself for the hundredth time.

You wish you could intervene in that horrible conversation, but the last few times you've done so it hasn't ended well, so you bite your tongue and stay silent.

“Is his BIG BLACK COCK really twelve inches?” You listen to your beautiful son ask as he pretends to be very focused on his scrambled eggs, but his beautiful gray eyes shine with curiosity and desire.

“Of course I'm sure his beautiful BIG BLACK COCK is twelve inches tall! I measured that beautiful black anaconda myself yesterday!”
Chloe responds immediately, raising her voice a little annoyed that her sissy little brother is questioning her butch's masculinity. "My BLACK KING has a delicious, fat twelve inch salami hanging between her legs! or should I say knees? It’s soooo long!”

“OH MY GOSH! Twelve inches! Amazing! That sounds just amazing darling! You're such a lucky girl, Chloe! Your BLACK KING seems to be an amazing man… I would love to meet him soon.”
Your wife is blushing and her eyes shine covetously. “You should invite him to dinner one of these days. Right Jerry?” Hannah asks you this as calmly as if she were proposing the best idea in the world.

You freeze with a stupid, scared expression on your face, and you don't respond right away.

“I… I don't know if… it's a good idea… it could be dangerous… I mean… I don't know… I don't think…”
You stutter pathetically trying to prevent that dangerous black gangster from entering your house, but you don't dare take him. the opposite of your wife. You really don't want to spend another week sleeping on the couch! “I… I really don't think that… that is, I…”

Your stuttering is interrupted by Alex's sweet voice.

“Twelve inches…” your precious son sighs dreamily while his beautiful gaze is lost in infinity as if he were trying to imagine that incredible BIG BLACK COCK. “Jamal seems to be a very dominant and aggressive alpha male, you will definitely have to work hard if you want to keep up with him. You don't want him to look for some other little white whore who can measure up and can completely swallow that huge black cock…” Lexy says that with a little venom in her sweet voice.

“And you think you could be that little white whore, right?” Chloe asks in a cold, dangerous voice.

“I didn't say that…” Alexis replies feigning innocence, “But if that BBC is too much work for you, I wouldn't mind helping you a little.” Your pretty son's sweet voice sounds playful and cheerful, even a little defiant.

“Those are some big words for a little virgin sissy!” Chloe replies defiantly with a cruel smile. “Jamal is my man, little brother! Keep your little sissy hands away from my BLACK KING!” Although her voice sounds playful, her eyes are serious and cold.

Since your ******'s horrible obsession with black males began, Alexis appears more and more confident and self-assured every day, something completely unthinkable a month ago, when the small, feminine white boy refused to leave his room. Part of you is happy about your son's progress, but your joy is clouded by the realization that this change in mood is rooted in his recent feminization.

“I can keep my hands off your BLACK KING all you want… But, maybe Jamal won't be able to keep his big black hands off me once he meets me.” Alexis responds with a mischievous look and a sly smile.

“Alexis Smalls!” Your wife gives a little cry of surprise when she hears her special boy speak that way, her hand is covering her fat slut lips in an exaggerated gesture of surprise, as if she is shocked by Alex's behavior, but She's not fooling anyone, as a mischievous smile lights up her face immediately, it's obvious that Hannah is also happy with Alex's new confident and cheerful personality. “I don't think I raised you to be a thieving little kitten… You're a naughty girl!” Hannah playfully smacks her son's shoulder as she giggles.

Alex and Chloe look at each other angrily for a long, tense minute and even you feel the tension in the air as it seems your oldest ******** has claws and is willing to use them to defend her territory.

“I was just kidding! I belong only to my BLACK DADDY!” Alex finally breaks the silence, a little intimidated by his sister, but before he can add anything else, his cell phone rings with a cheesy, feminine tone. “OH MY GOSH! “He’s my BLACK DADDY!” He screams excitedly when he sees the screen and answers extremely excitedly.

Chloe and Hannah let out high-pitched, excited teenage screams. They both start talking and laughing at the same time causing a big commotion.

"What I do?! “What do I do?!” Your beautiful son asks nervously while the cell phone vibrates in his small, white hands.

“Answer, answer quickly little brother! But use the Lexy speaker! I want to hear everything!” Chloe shouts excitedly, having magically forgotten her anger, apparently it only takes the presence of a black male to appease your sexy ********'s fury, even if that presence is just a voice on a phone.

“It's no good leaving your BLACK DADDY waiting, Lexy! Answer honey! And listen to your sister, please use the loudspeaker honey.” Your wife also sounds eager to hear a black man's voice.

Finally gathering courage, Alexis answers with her soft and sweet child's voice.

“Good morning BLACK DADDY!”
Your son's voice becomes even more high-pitched, childish and sweet if that is possible, you can see his effort to seem more feminine and childish every time he talks to his black male.

“Hello BABYGIRL, did you miss me?” Mr. Osei's deep, gravelly voice echoes through the speaker of your son's pink iPhone, and even you feel a tremor of fear in your body when you hear that imposing voice more like the roar of a lion.

“Lexy has missed her BLACK DADDY very, very, very much” The excitement and happiness in your son's high voice are more than enough proof to show that he was not lying. “Is BLACK DADDY okay? Lexy has been very worried about her BLACK DADDY, Lexy thinks her BLACK DADDY works too much, Lexy misses her BLACK DADDY very, very, very much!”Alexis is whimpering while making a sexy pout with her fat slut lips.

“BLACK DADDY has also missed his BABY GIRL a lot. This week I have been very busy, working like a slave. Ha-ha-ha!” Mr. Osei's frank laughter echoes through the speaker and you don't know whether to laugh at that racist joke, you don't want to make him angry. “Yes, this week has been very difficult, and it has been more difficult because of my little sissy boy.” Mr. Osei's voice sounds falsely annoyed.

“Because of Lexy, DADDY?” Your little son asks, completely terrified, not knowing what sin he could have committed to make his BLACK DADDY angry. “What did Lexy do wrong? Lexy is so, so, so sorry DADDY! Whatever Lexy did wrong, she is very sorry…”

But before Alexis begins to cry out of guilt, Mr. Osei's gruff lion-like voice interrupts him.

“All week I've been thinking about my little LADYBOY's delicate little body... I've spent all week thinking about my beautiful SISSY BOY's fat, round filly ass... I've spent all week imagining how I'm going to destroy my beautiful sissy princess's tight pink BUSSY with my huge fat black cock... I've been thinking about deflowering my cute little whore every night, and every night I've resisted the temptation to masturbate or get some white whore and dump my load inside her... I've been saving all my cum for today. Your BLACK DADDY has been saving all her cum for her little BABYGIRL, and BLACK DADDY'S balls are about to burst Lexy. I hope you are ready to receive all that hot cum in your sexy little whore mouth.” Mr. Osei's hoarse voice sounds truly threatening, it is more than obvious that he is not lying.

That huge black male has endured an entire week without releasing, saving every drop of his thick, African semen just so that your small, beautiful, effeminate son can eat all that black male milk... you feel so nauseous that you are about to vomiting breakfast when imagining that.

You look at your wife expecting Hannah to be as disgusted and outraged as you are, but she just stands there smiling, blushing and completely excited, her beautiful eyes shining with excitement, Chloe has a similar expression, it's obvious that they both support the idea of your beautiful son drink a week's accumulated semen from a mature black male, who could very well be Alexis's grandfather.

Alexis, for her part, is breathing erratically while trembling with excitement, he is biting her fat whore lips, surely imagining Mr. Osei's huge, black testicles completely full, heavy and loaded with thick hot and masculine black male milk... You can see how Alex swallows and licks his lips, you can see how his mouth waters as he imagines the amazing amount of cum his BLACK DADDY can produce in an entire week.

“Yes, BLACK DADDY, yes... you BABYGIRL is ready to receive all the delicious milk from your BLACK DADDY...! Lexy wants all of her BLACK DADDY's African cum in her mouth, and in her BUSSY...! Lexy wants her BLACK DADDY to finally turn her into a real girl! Lexy wants BLACK DADDY to transform Lexy into a real little woman!” Alex says all this with that spoiled, saccharine and sensual little voice of a whore princess. Her voice is so erotic that even some words sound like moans, but your son's voice does not sound fake or acting, it just seems natural for Alex to speak in that pornographic way when he finds out about the plans that his BLACK DADDY has for him .

“Your BLACK DADDY is very happy to hear that BABYGIRL. Now be a good girl and pack some clothes for this weekend. We will have an appointment. I'll pick you up at seven at night, wearing something sexy and elegant for me, we'll go to dinner. Then we will spend the night at my house... but, don't wear pajamas... you won't sleep tonight, I promise..." The insinuating promise causes a shiver to run through your son's small body, you are about to intervene, scream or throw your cell phone against the wall to stop the madness, but again you stop yourself when you remember how huge and strong Mr. Osei looks and how easy it would be for him to destroy you.

“Thank you, thank you BLACK DADDY, Lexy will be ready for you! This will be Lexy's first date, Lexy is very, very excited.” Alexis is so excited that her entire body is shaking and her voice has become so high pitched that she can barely be heard.

“I know BABY GIRL, I know you will. You are a good girl, I love the idea of being your first time in everything, it drives me crazy knowing that you are an innocent and virgin little sissy boy... I am going to really enjoy corrupting and ****** my little sissy princess... By the way, I brought a little gift for my BABY GIRL.” Mr. Osei added casually.

"A gift?! Oh, thank you DADDY, thank you! What is it? What is it? Lexy wants to know!” Your beautiful son is jumping in his chair with excitement, making his small breasts shake a little.

“It's a surprise BABY GIRL. But I will only give you the gift if you are a good girl and drink all my charge, I hope you try hard little princess” Mr. Osei sounded amused but threatening.

"Of course! Of course! Lexy will do her best, I will drink all, all, all of BLACK DADDY's delicious, thick cum, every last drop, Lexy is dying to taste a real man's cum! It will be an honor to eat my BLACK DADDY's entire load! Lexy will do her best, Lexy promises it!”

Your beautiful son sounds desperate, almost frantic, his desire to obey and please his black machi is almost obscene. And you feel how the food is churning in your stomach, every second it is more difficult not to vomit on the table.

"Now you be a good girl and prepare your things, see you at night. BALCK DADDY loves his BABYGIRL” Mr. Osei’s voice makes it clear that the conversation is over.

“Thank you DADDY, Lexy will be a good girl and I will try to be perfect for dinner. Lexy loves hers BLACK DADDY very, very, very much.”

The call finally ends and Alexis raises her gray gaze realizing that everyone is looking at him.

Hannah and Chloe shout excitedly and congratulate your son, as if Alex had won the lottery or something.

The next ten minutes are a cacophony, the three voices shouting, screaming and laughing hysterically, talking about the important night that Alexis will experience in just a few hours.

Chloe can't stop giving advice born from her recent experience, while Hannah simply hugs her special boy while telling her beautiful son how proud she is of him and that it's natural if he's nervous or scared, but that everything will work out well in the end.

“OH MY GOSH! I can't believe my little brother is about to become a real girl... I can't believe Mr. Osei is going to deflower my little brother tonight." Chloe says this very excitedly and moved as she hugs her little brother.

“I can't believe this is happening either...my special boy is going to turn into a real little slut tonight... my Lexy is going to turn into a complete sissy tonight... I'm so proud! Be very careful baby, obey your BLACK DADDY and try to relax... it will be painful but I know you are ready... you were born for this... just let yourself go and enjoy the moment my beautiful boy, I know you will act like a complete little whore and that Mr. Osei will be completely in love with you after ****** you all night… that is, after making love to you all night.” Hannah hugs and kisses Lexy's face as she cries from pure emotion and pride.

Alexis also begins to cry femininely, because he is and always will be a mommy's boy, maybe now a mommy's girl, it is difficult to remember that your child is a boy when he is wearing a pink babydoll and a pair of platform heels worthy of a stripper .

“Don't worry about me... I will be fine, I trust my BLACK DADDY and I will be a good girl... I wish this with all my heart and I love Mr. Osei with all my soul, I want him to become a real girl with that huge, beautiful black cock.” Alexis tries to reassure her mother and her sister with those horrible words.

Chloe and Hannah end up wrapping Lexy in a loving hug to show their support, and oddly enough they have to admit that the scene is very tender and emotional, even beautiful, a trio of beautiful white girls dressed in sexy lingerie hugging each other while murmuring loving words of support and comfort, for a terrible moment you feel the strange need to join that group hug, but you force yourself to remember that your wife and your ******** are encouraging your little boy child to be deflowered by such an enormous old African male that could be his grandfather.

You've been biting your tongue since the moment the three white girls came down for breakfast, but this is already too much. You can't let this go ahead! You will not allow your little son who just entered high school to spend the night being ***** by a black male and his gigantic BBC.

"Enough!" Your voice sounds shaky and uncertain, but at least you were able to muster enough will to make it a scream. The three sexy white girls turn to look at you, looking completely bewildered, amazed by your audacity. “I won't let Alexis go to that date. No... no... I can't believe you two agree with this madness... Alexis is just a boy, he's so small... so young... he's... a man for God's sake... He's not a woman, and you can't talk Seriously... I can't believe they want to hand Alexis over so that... that... that nigger can **** him as if he were any prostitute. No! Simply not! Alexis, I forbid you to leave the house! And I order you to stay away from that fucking nigger!”

You are forced to stop your improvised speech because you are out of breath, since you have said it all in one breath, you know yourself well and you know that you would not have dared to say all that in any other way.

For a few moments everything is silent, your ****** sees you with their eyes completely open in surprise, and for a few glorious moments you think that you have finally won, that you have finally managed to impose your will, for a moment you can dream that everything will return to normal and your ****** will forget that obsession with black men and their terrible big black cocks... but that idea is shattered when Hannah approaches you with surprising speed and gives you a resounding slap.

The blow is so terrible that you fall to the floor while you feel like half your face burns with pain.

"How dare you?! Who the hell do you think you are to forbid Lexy something?! How dare you call Lexy's BLACK DADDY a NIGGER?! How dare you use that horrible word in this house?!” Hannah is furious, you have never seen her like this, her beautiful gray eyes shine with a rage that borders on madness and you cower on the floor, completely cowed.

“I… I… I'm just worried about Alexis… he is a child… a man… what that nigg... black man plans to do to Alex is terrible… what you want to do is terrible… he is a normal boy… you want to turn him into a girl…and he’s not a girl…he’s not a faggot!”

You don't know where you got the courage to say that, but you said it, you finally said it, you finally confronted your wife with reality, she, Emily and Chloe were trying to feminize Alex and turn him into a little white whore for a black male. But you can't allow it, Alex is a boy, a very beautiful and a little feminine boybut a normal and ordinary boy at the end of the day.

Hannah looks at you with fury and disgust and the silence is broken only by the sobs of Alex who has begun to cry dramatically.

Chloe hugs her little brother tighter and looks at you with hatred.

“So you think Lexy is a normal kid, right? Even after seeing her hips, those huge buttocks, that princess face, those whore lips, those small girlish breasts, and that small, pink micropenis... even after seeing all that and knowing her shy and submissive nature, Still, do you really believe that Lexy is a normal boy? Well, since it comes to this I guess I have no other choice…” Hannah storms out of the kitchen and walks up the stairs with a firm step.

You get up from the ground and caress your sore cheek, Chloe continues to look at you with a hatred and contempt so intense that it almost burns your skin.

After a few minutes your sexy wife returns, clicking her heels on the floor. She carries a folder in her hands.

"What's that?" you ask timidly.

“This is proof of how wrong you are.” Hannah throws the folder at you, you barely manage to catch it in the air.

When you open it you see a bunch of pages that look medical and official, they are laboratory samples, medical notes, and other papers that you don't understand.

"What is this?" you ask again, feeling stupid.

"That? Those are the medical tests that were done on Alexis in the hospital when she turned ten years old. Do you remember when Alexis got to that age and her body started to change? Her hips widened, her waist became thinner, her thighs thickened and her lips swelled… Do you remember that you asked me to take him to the doctor to find out if something was wrong with him?"
Hannah asks you in a cold and annoyed voice.

“Yes, I remember…” And it is true, that long-forgotten memory comes to your mind. “You said that nothing was wrong with him, that he was perfectly fine, that everything was normal… you said it” Your voice sounds accusatory.

“Well, I lied to you. Alexis has AIS syndrome, Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. It means that even though he is a man, his body is immune to testosterone, Alexis's body produces only estrogen and his body only processes estrogen while he rejects and discards testosterone. That's why Lexy is more feminine and delicate than many women, he has more estrogen and less testosterone than me or Chloe, he is, so to speak, more feminine than a woman."
Once again, an deep silence fills the dining room and for a few long minutes no one says anything.

Finally a voice breaks the tension, a soft, delicate and musical voice.

“You mean I was born a sissy? You mean I was genetically designed to be a sissy boy?” Alexis asks hopefully as he wipes away him tears.

"Yes baby! You were literally designed to be a little sissy, your chromosomes are XY and you have a penis, or rather a micropenis, but inside you are a little woman, your brain, your nature, your hormones including your body are those of a woman... hI'm sorry for never telling you, I didn't want you to think that you were a phenomenon or that something was wrong with you, you are perfect just the way you are, you are my special boy, my special girl... I always knew that in the end you would transform into the little woman you always were, and I am so glad that a black male as perfect as Mr. Osei helps you become what you really are... I am so grateful for everything that is happening to you, I am excited to think that tonight you will finally do that What you were born to do... be a real man's little faggot whore." Hannah is also crying at this point and when Alexis throws herself into her arms and buries her pretty face between her gigantic tits, they both burst into tears.

Chloe quickly joins them and it takes them a good five minutes to calm down, when they finally do, Hannah approaches you again and without warning gives you two more hard slaps, once again you find yourself on the floor moaning in pain.

“And now that you know, don't you dare get in the way of Lexy's happiness again. The next time you try to do it, you will have to leave the house forever. By the way… you will sleep on the couch for two more months, and if you use the N-word again it will be a whole year.”

You stay there with your face burning from your wife's blows as you watch the three beautiful white girls go up the stairs, all three of them talking about the surprising revelation that Hannah has made.

Alexis's little voice sounds completely happy, apparently she loved her news.