The Hot Secretary and her Naïve Husband

by RLM

Job Search:

My husband Curtiss is a high school history teacher, a job he has held since the year after we were married. After 16 years on the job, he had reached the maximum salary permitted for a teacher with a bachelor's degree. Since secondary school teachers don't make much money in the best of circumstances, and being a history teacher was certainly not the best of circumstances, it had been necessary for me to hold a part-time job ever since our two children had started school. Even with my working an average of 20 hours a week, it was still very difficult for us to make ends meet financially. Greg, our oldest at 17, had another year and half before he would graduate and want to attend college. If we were going to have any hope of helping him meet the expenses of a college education, I had to find a job that brought in more money... which meant full-time employment.

Our youngest child, Helen, had just turned 14, which I figured was old enough that she didn't need constant supervision. Since both of our children had been reared to be responsible, it seemed very likely to me that Helen could take care of herself when she wasn't in school and I was working. After dinner, I broached the subject with Curtiss.

"I think you're right, Diane. Helen's old enough to look after herself for a few hours each day, and we do need the extra money otherwise Greg's going to be pretty much on his own to find the money to go to college. Do you think you could find a full-time job that pays enough to make it all worthwhile?"

"I think so. I've worked as a bookkeeper and as a secretary, and I also have a two-year degree from the business college I attended. Plus, I still look pretty good even at 36. That should help. But I guess we won't know until I've looked and seen what's available. Shall I start searching?"

"Do you mind working full time?"

"No. Actually, I'm looking forward to a more responsible job than the part-time work I've been doing since Helen entered the first grade."

"If that's the case, then see what you can find."

I had mixed feelings about my husband's response. On the one hand, I was happy that he didn't mind my looking for a job. On the other hand, I was not pleased that he hadn't even bothered to comment on my remark that I thought I still looked pretty good. It would have helped my ego a lot if he would have said something to bolster my confidence.

I started job hunting the next day. After searching all the want ads in the newspaper, I had failed to find anything. Most of the ads were for part-time help. The ones for full-time employment either required skills and experience that I didn't have or they were for menial jobs that I knew I wouldn't be able to stand after a week or two. So... I continued to search.

During the second week, I came across an ad for a full-time assistant that seemed to be perfect for me. I read the ad three times to be certain.

Full-Time Secretarial Assistant Wanted:

Full-time assistant wanted to handle correspondence, filing, bookkeeping, and liaison work for a single, highly successful author who works from his home. Successful candidate must have had experience either as a secretary or bookkeeper. Some formal training is highly desirable. The candidate must possess sufficient writing ability and maturity to respond appropriately to numerous letters from my readers. Salary and hours are negotiable. Interested individuals should call the number below to arrange for a personal interview at my residence.

If the salary was satisfactory and the hours could be accommodated, it sounded perfect for me. I had no doubts about my ability to handle the job requirements. I did have a few doubts about my husband's response to the idea of my working for a bachelor in his own home. I decided we needed the money badly enough that I wouldn't tell him about those details until later after he had enjoyed a few paychecks from my job.

Curtiss was highly pleased at the job opening and wished me luck. Of course, he didn't know my employer was single and I would be working in his private residence. My call resulted in an invitation to interview on Wednesday afternoon.

Curtiss wished me the best of luck when he left for classes on Wednesday morning. After his departure, I bathed and spent 30 minutes on my make up. I went through several of my outfits trying to choose the one that would give me the best chance to get the position but with no success. I was getting depressed when I remembered the dress I had purchased at Victoria’s but had never had the nerve to wear. Well, my husband was at work and would never see it, and I really wanted the job.

Ten minutes later I was staring at my reflection in the full-length mirror. The dress was tight and exposed almost half of my 36D tits. “God! If this dress doesn’t get the job, I may as well give up,” I thought.

I liked what I saw and thought my perspective employer
would too… unless he was gay.

When I saw the private residence of my perspective employer on Wednesday, I was impressed with how successful he must be. The home was at least 5000 square ft... probably more. Once I was inside, I also saw that it was beautifully and expensively furnished. I was pleased when my would-be employer answered door promptly after only a single ring.

The man standing in the entryway appeared to be about 37 or 38, which also impressed me that such a young man could be such a successful author. But what impressed the most, by far, was how devilishly handsome he was. After a second look, I decided that he wasn't just devilishly handsome... he oozed virile masculinity and sensuality. I was immediately glad that I had omitted the details about his martial status and job location when I had spoken with my husband about the position.

"Ah! You must be Mrs. Diane Pelton. Correct?"

"Yes. I'm here to apply for the secretarial assistant position you advertised."

"Great! Please come in. I'm Conrad Baylis."

I had expected him to lead me into his office and sit behind a desk while I sat in a straight chair in front of the desk. Nothing like that occurred. He led me into his living room and motioned for me to take a seat in an extremely comfortable lounge chair. He sat in a matching chair on the opposite side of a gorgeous coffee table whose cost I couldn't even imagine. "What would you like, Mrs. Pelton? Coffee? Tea? Beer? A cocktail perhaps or a soft drink? I have a delicious coffee cake to go with your choice."

"Coffee would nice, but don't make it on my account, please."

"I'm also having coffee. Always have a pot brewing or already made. Just take a moment."

When Conrad returned carrying a tray with coffee and pineapple torts, his eyes immediately focused on my partially exposed breasts. “Thank you,” I said. “That looks delicious.”

He smiled and replied, “I agree. It does look delicious.”

After we had each started on our tort and coffee, he continued, “Well... let's get to business," Conrad said. "I've already examined your credentials and called your references. Truthfully, I didn't expect to find someone as qualified as you, Diane... may I call you Diane?"

"Of course."

"Thank you... and I would be pleased if you would use my first name as well. As I was saying, I didn't expect to find anyone as qualified as you and I certainly didn't expect that the person would be such a beautiful woman. Obviously, I would like to hire you so the decision is up to you. Do you have any questions?"

"I do have a few, Mr. Baylis... or I'm sorry, Conrad."

"Ask away."

"To be completely honest, my husband is a high school history teacher who doesn't make a lot of money. Consequently, money is a big consideration for me. What would the salary be?"

"What salary would you expect? or hope for?"

"All I've been able to do while the children were young is work part time in rather routine jobs. Those don't pay much. I was hoping that with my secretarial, bookkeeping, and writing skills I might be able to make $30,000 a year."

"I'm afraid that $30,000 a year is not the figure I had in mind, Diane."

"Well, I can understand that since I've haven't held a full time position for a long time. How much could I make?"

"I had intended to start my secretarial assistant at $40,000 a year with a substantial raise after six months if the job is done well. I had also intended for that figure to be non-negotiable. But now that I see how much you would brighten this house, I have changed my mind. How about $45,000 a year for a starting salary?"

I was speechless. That was almost as much as Curtiss made after 16 years on the job. It was sufficient to solve all of our financial problems and allow us to help our children with their college expenses. Aloud, I said, "Why would you pay me that much when I said I was hoping for $30,000?"

"Simple. I had intended to pay at least $40,000. The fact that you didn't know your own worth is not a factor. I don't take advantage of people. Ever! I want my assistant to feel good about the job, good about being here, and most importantly good about working with me. Besides all that, you're beautiful... that's the reason for the extra $5,000. So, do we have an agreement?"

"We do, Conrad. We most certainly do."

"Good. You start tomorrow. Ok? Here's a key to the house. When you arrive for work, just let yourself in. I may be in the bathroom or in my study writing. Same thing when you leave. Just remember to lock the door coming and going."

When I told Curtiss about my new job and my $30,000 per year salary, he was amazed. So much so, that we went out to dinner. When we returned home, it was dark and for the first time, Curtiss spread me out on the front seat with my legs up and back and fucked me like I had gotten it so many times from so many different guys when I was in high school and college.

After Curtiss was asleep, I lay in bed with my legs open, his cum still seeping from my pussy, with a big smile on my face as I wondered what my husband would say if he knew that he had just become the 34th guy to fuck me in the front or back seat of a car. I was also wondering what I would do with the extra $15,000 I was making that Curtiss knew nothing about.

Diane: Secretarial Assistant:

When I arrived for work at 8 AM the following morning, I let myself into Conrad's home and went to the kitchen. There were no breakfast dishes anywhere, so I knew Conrad had not yet eaten breakfast. I made a fresh pot of coffee and set out two pineapple torts, one for me and one for Conrad.

Before I had left the previous day, Conrad had shown me my office and pointed to a big stack of fan letters from his readers. He had told me to start working on answers to all of them but to leave room for his personal signature. If I was unsure about what to say, he had told me to ask him.

When the coffee was ready, I poured myself a cup and took it to my office along with the tort. Going back to the kitchen, I got Conrad's coffee and tort and headed for his study. He was already at work at his word processor.

"Good morning, Conrad. I see you like to get an early start on work. I brought you some coffee and a tort in case you're hungry. I can make breakfast or lunch later if you like."

"That's great! I knew I hired a real winner. Did you fix yourself coffee and tort?" When I nodded, he said, "Bring in here. I need a break. We'll enjoy the coffee and torts together."

When I was seated at the small table in the study with my coffee and tort, I waited for Conrad to join me before I started. He smiled, got up from his computer chair, and I saw that all he wore below the waist was a pair of jockey briefs. His cock made a huge bulge in the briefs that was so large, I thought it had to be at least partially erect. I tried not to look, but even just partially hard, his cock was already substantially larger than my husband's.

He saw me staring at his bulge and grinned. "Sorry about that. Morning hard-on. It had almost gone away, but then you arrived."

I felt my face flushing red. I also felt my panties becoming damp. "I'm sorry. I should have knocked."

"Knocked? Why? We're going to be working in close quarters 40 or so hours a week. I don't like wearing a lot of clothes around the house. So I keep the temperature a little higher than you're probably used to. I can tell you that you're going to be very uncomfortable in that suit you're wearing." I smiled and said I'd be fine.

"You ready to start on answering all my fan mail, Diane?"

"Absolutely. As soon as we finish the coffee and torts, I'll get right on it."

Conrad smiled and finished off his coffee and tort. When he got up to return to his word processor, the bulge in his shorts had gotten considerably larger. I wondered if he was fully hard now or would it get even bigger. As I returned to my office, I realized that this job might be more than I had bargained for.

When I arrived for work on Friday, I once again found myself in the kitchen preparing two cups of coffee with two more pineapple torts. After my experience on Thursday, I knew that I shouldn't go into Conrad's study unannounced, if at all, but nevertheless, I found myself carrying a tray with the torts and coffee into his study.

Again, I found Conrad in his jockey briefs, and again, he was hard. But unlike the previous morning when he started out half hard and then got harder, this morning his cock had to be fully hard judging from the size of his bulge. It looked as if it might tear the briefs apart at any moment. As we had the coffee and torts, he said, "I was hoping you would bring in coffee again. Been looking forward to it." I was too turned on to respond, so I just smiled and nodded.

When I entered my office, I found a large wrapped package on my desk. Inside, I found two dresses and two miniskirts. Holding the dresses up to my body, I saw that the hemlines came only to mid-thigh and the bodices were cut low enough to expose quite an expanse of my tits. The miniskirts were, of course, even shorter. Inside, there was a note from Conrad.

I'm very good at judging women's sizes so I'm confident the clothes will fit. If not, I'll exchange them. Hope you like my selection.... Conrad.

For the next two hours, I worked on the correspondence, but my mind was on what was in the large box and what was in Conrad’s briefs. By noon, my will power was completely exhausted. Going into the bathroom, I stripped off my business jacket, skirt, and blouse. Selecting one of the black dresses, I unzipped it and stepped into it. Once I had it on, I zipped it up as far as I could and looked at my reflection in the full-length mirror.

I was certainly right about the hemline. The lower halves of my thighs were bare. I was also correct about the bodice. A lot of my breasts were exposed only instead of my breasts, it was my bra that was showing. It was obvious that I was going to have to wear either a demi-bra or none at all with the dresses Conrad had purchased for me. Since I didn't have a demi-bra with me, I decided to go without one... at least for today. In the future, I told myself, I would be certain to have the right undergarments here at Conrad's house.

After removing my bra, I still had to get the dress zipped up in the back. Once more, I went into Conrad study. This time, he was wearing a pair of slacks and a tight T-shirt. The man's muscles literally rippled beneath the tight garment.

"Ah. Great! I'm glad to see you got rid of that business suit... too hot... too conservative. You look fabulous."

"Thanks, but I can' get this dress zipped up in back. You'll have to help me."

"No problem." Conrad moved behind and slowly zipped up my dress. I could feel his eyes caressing my half exposed breasts. He made no effort to conceal his interest. "Mmmm... your breasts are even better than I had imagined."

I couldn't help flushing with pleasure at the complement of this very handsome, virile, masculine man. "I've almost finished all the correspondence," I said to cover up my excitement.

"Wonderful. That's twice as fast as I expected. The large manila envelop on your desk contains my financial records so far this year. Please bring my almost non-existent books up to date and in good shape next, Diane."

At 4 PM, Conrad came into my office where I was working on trying to make some sense out of his financial records. "I'm going to relax in the whirlpool hot tub out on the deck. Want to join me?"

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"So? I never wear one."

"I don't think that would be a good idea."

"Really? I thought it sounded like a great idea. But, whatever you say."

As he walked out of my office, toward the deck, I watched him until he let his robe fall to the floor just before he walked out onto the deck and lowered his powerful body into the hot tub. "That man has a great butt as well as a huge cock!" I thought to myself.

On Monday, I again found two wrapped packages on my desk. Opening the first package, I found six thongs and some erotic thigh-high stockings. Inside the second box were several pairs of shoes each with 4-inch heels... and each was a pair of come-fuck-me heels if there ever was such a pair.

I didn't waste any time going to the bathroom to change out of my conservative business suit I wore when I left the house. In spite of my best intensions, I had worn no bra to work. I had decided to wear the red dress Conrad had bought for me. With my new present, I slipped my white panties down my legs and selected a matching red thong. When I pulled it tight against my pussy and felt the strap sink deep between my buttocks, I could already feel the dampness leaking from my vagina. Slipping into my new CFM heels, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My body shuddered when I thought about how much Curtiss would disapprove of the way I was dressed. Too bad. What he didn't know, wouldn't hurt us, and I loved the way I looked.

An hour later, I was hard at work on Conrad's financial records. When I reached the month of March, I needed the receipts for purchases and income for the period. Conrad had told me that everything was in the two filing cabinets in my office so I began searching.

When I was bent over examining the contents of the middle drawer, I felt a hand softly caressing my ass. I knew it was Conrad. I also knew that I should stand up and move away, but I stood rooted to the spot, unable to move as a second hand began stroking my ass and upper thighs.

"That feels delicious, Conrad, but I'm married. You shouldn't be playing with my ass like that, and I shouldn't be letting you. Please stop."

Conrad didn't say a word to me as he slowly pushed the short dress higher on my ass. The cool air caressing my bottom let me know that he now had my ass totally exposed, and my pussy was covered only by the small triangle of material of my thong. When his fingers moved between my cheeks, instead of moving away, I bent over even more and thrust my hips back in obvious invitation. "Oh... oh... oh... no... no... aaaahhh... mmmmmm... don't... ooohhhh... so good."

Neither of us said a word when Conrad pulled my thong down around my thighs and then pushed it even lower to my knees. As soon as he had my thong down, his hands resumed fondling and stroking my ass, his fingers delving between my cheeks to explore my anus. It was no surprise when I felt his hard cock sliding up and down my sex trench. The pressure of his hands on the inside of my thighs let me know that he wanted me to spread my legs wider. I knew I should keep my legs together, but I spread them even wider as he wanted.

I couldn't keep my hips still when his cock head began sliding over my clitoris and from there through the entire length of my slit with the big head between my pussy lips. When he had his cock thoroughly coated with my natural lubrication, I felt him press his cock head against my opening. I was so wet and his cock so slick with my juices that it easily penetrated my cunt. Several inches sank into me as I moaned softly.

"Ooohhhhh god... you're in me... oohh... ooohh... oohhh... You're fucking meeeee!" I moaned as my vagina throbbed around Conrad's big shaft.

Conrad began to slowly fuck me... back and forth... in and out of my vagina... sliding deeper and deeper with each stroke. For several minutes, he continued to pump his rod into my cunt. More and more of his cock entered me. Conrad was far larger than Curtiss, and he was already exploring parts of my pussy that my husband had never visited. Suddenly, I came. Hard! My vagina and clitoris erupted in a series of intense contractions... juices squeezed out of my tightly plugged hole.

"UGH! UGH! OOOHHH GOD... You're so damn big! Jezzz.... is it all the way into me yet? GGGAAAAHHHHHH.... Oh My God! You're pushing in more cock... how much more cock? God... aaaahhhh... aaahhhhh... aaahhh... fuck me... fuck me... oh shit! Fuck me, Conrad. FUCK ME!"

Conrad’s huge cock made me cum repeatedly even though he was fucking me without protection,
I didn’t care. I just wanted that huge cock inside my cunt.

Conrad began fucking me in a steady rhythm that had me groaning with each inward thrust of his big shaft. Holding my hips, he pulled me back onto his cock each time he drove it inward. I came again... this time much harder than the first time. When my vagina began throbbing around his dick, Conrad joined me in moaning.

After nearly 15 minutes of steady, hard fucking, I felt his body tense. His strokes shortened and pounded into me much harder. I heard a series of grunts escape his lungs. Then his prick convulsed inside me and shot load after load of sperm and semen into my totally unprotected pussy. At the same time as his cum load was going in, my vagina erupted in the hardest climax yet. I groaned with each thrust.

I groaned and gasped every time
Conrad’s cock filled my cunt.

Eventually, Conrad's balls were empty, and although his cock was still twitching and throbbing inside me, no more semen was being pumped into me. Slowly, he pulled his still jerking organ out, patted my butt, and left leaving me with a huge river of semen and sperm gushing out of my now widely stretched cunt.

As I pulled up my thong to cover my cum-filled cunt, I quickly calculated when my last period was. I figured that it was about 8 days before I would ovulate and be fertile and ready for impregnation. I breathed a sigh of relief.

An hour later, I was still working on the financial records, but each time I got up for anything, I was aware of Conrad's cum pouring out of my stretched vagina and seeping down my thighs.

Later that night, at the dinner table, Curtiss asked, "How did your day go, Honey. Anything exciting happen or is it just another boring job?"

I thought about telling him that Conrad had fucked me, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He would want to know why, and the truth was because I wanted that hot stud to stick his cock in my cunt and fuck me... and he did. That didn't seem like something that I could expect to say to my husband and have him understand. So I just said, "The job is challenging and rewarding. I really like it, but nothing exciting happened unless you consider putting financial records in shape to be exciting."

"Oh... Ok."

"You sound disappointed, Honey."

"Just a little, I guess. It's the first time you've worked as one man's exclusive secretary. I thought he might make a pass or something."

“He’s a perfect gentleman, Curtiss. Even if he wasn’t, he has to worry about a sexual harassment lawsuit.”

“Yeah. I suppose you’re right.”

"You want Mr. Baylis to make a pass at me?"

"No, not really. But you have to admit, it's a hot thought."

"Yes, it is, Darling. Are you hard thinking about it?"

"No. Of course not. It was just a silly fantasy."

I nodded and didn't say any more, but when I was carrying the dishes into the kitchen, I could easily see my husband's hard-on tenting his pants.

I was almost panting with excitement when I unlocked Conrad's front door and entered my office on Tuesday morning. I didn't hear him around, so once more I went to the bathroom and changed out of the conservative dress and panties I had worn for Curtiss’ benefit.

This time I put on the second dress Conrad had purchased for me. It was a green sheathe that fit like a second skin and just barely covered my ass and not much of my breasts. Again, there was no possible way for me to wear a bra. I picked out a black thong, but then threw it back into the box. The thought of being naked under the dress had me wildly excited.

I really liked the way I looked in the dress. When I raised the hem
just a couple of inches exposing my pussy, I liked it even more,
and when I pulled the top aside allowing my tits to pop out,
I couldn’t wait for Conrad to see me in it.

As walked into the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee, I realized that I was undulating my hips like a stripper. I felt like one… hot and ready. When I entered Conrad office, it was empty so I just left the coffee on his desk and went back to my own office. I was a little relieved but mainly disappointed when Conrad wasn't in his office.

I worked for an hour and then carried my empty coffee cup back to the kitchen to get a refill. After filling my cup, I turned to leave and was confronted with a grinning and very naked Conrad. He was also hard... very hard... incredibly hard. I knew he was big, but this was the first time I had seen it up close when it was completely rigid with lust. Of course, I had felt it that way when he had fucked me on Monday, but I hadn't seen it. It was at least three inches longer than Curtiss’ cock and much thicker.

I felt myself getting wet between my legs even though this hot stud hadn't yet touched me. He closed the distance between us and pulled up my dress with one hand while exposing my tits with the other.

“Oh damn! No bra and no panties! I love it!”

In one smooth motion, his lips were on mine, his tongue inside my mouth, and his naked cock between my thighs moving back and forth over my naked cunt. In just moments, he had me humping against his thick manhood.

"Oh god, Conrad. That feels just fantastic! Aaaahhhh... Do it harder, Honey. Mash that big thing against my clit...ooohhh yesss.. yesss.. like that... like that.. aaaahhhhhh!

Without saying a word, he turned me around to face the cabinet and bent me over. I knew I should resist and had decided to do that, but then Conrad pushed my feet apart spreading my legs and making my cunt a wide open target for his rampant, engorged cock. From that point on, it was impossible for me to resist. I was far too hot... far too horny... and my pussy was already throbbing.

Slowly, he inserted his large cock into my hot and thoroughly lubricated vagina. Now that I had seen how big Conrad's cock was, it seemed like it was stretching me even more today than it had on Monday. He began to fuck me.

"UGH! UGH! UGH! OOOHHH SHIT! YOUR COCK IS JUST HUGE! AAAHHHH! FUCK ME, CONRAD. RAM MEEEEEEEE! Give it to me! You like making me bend over, don't you?"

The only answer I got was a thick cock driving even harder and faster into my now squishing vagina. Every thrust scrapped deliciously over my G-spot while stimulating my now fully erect and throbbing clitoris.

"Oohhh god... I'm gonna cum on your big cock. Ram it! Fuck me! Fuck me! FUCK ME HARD! Do you like watching your cock sinking into my cunt, Conrad... seeing my pussy throb... aaaahhhhhhhhh!"

In moments, I was thrusting my ass back against his driving piston. Loud female screams filled the room... they didn't sound like any sounds I had ever made with my husband... In fact, I didn't even recognize my own voice. The sounds were so loud, the words urging Conrad to fuck me harder, faster, deeper were so dirty that I thought it they had to be coming from some depraved, slutty whore.


I began to cum as the Conrad's sex gun rammed me again and again. His hands circled my hips and captured my convulsing clitoris between his fingers. My clit throbbed... hard. He squeezed it. I came again. His rod pounded into me ... slugging up against my womb at the same time as his fingers began to pull on my clit shaft like a man jacks off. I felt juices squirt from my tightly plugged vagina. I was in the midst of still another orgasm when Conrad's cock erupted and for the second time filled my unprotected vagina with his potent, sperm-filled semen.

Conrad fucked me harder than my husband ever had.
Nine inches of iron-hard cock were ramming my cunt.

That night during dinner when Curtiss asked me if anything exciting had happened at work, I again said, 'No. I just worked on his financial records most of the day. It pays well, but it's certainly not exciting."

Not being able to think of any way to proceed after that answer, my husband gave up and finished dinner. As we were washing up the dishes, I casually commented, "Oh remind me tomorrow to take my bathing suit with me to work. Mr. Baylis said I could use the pool and the hot tub during my lunch hour if I wanted to."

"Are you going to wear your bikini?"

"Of course not. I can't wear a suit like that. I'll wear my one-piece suit."

"Yeah... I guess that's right," he replied. I was certain that he was disappointed that I wasn't going to wear the bikini.

Not long after we had finished the dishes, Curtiss was all over me... kissing me, playing with my tits, sliding his fingers under my panties and finger fucking me right in the den. It was hot and erotic. I suddenly realized that sex between us had gotten much hotter since I had started working for Conrad. Obviously, it was turning my husband on.

"My god, you're really wet and hot tonight, Honey. You're just dripping. Come on. Let's go to bed. I want to get my cock into your dripping pussy."

I thought about telling him the reason I was so wet was because Conrad had shot a huge load of cum into me at work and the thought still had me excited, but of course, I didn't tell him that. Even while my wildly excited husband was fucking me, he kept telling me how wet I was and how good my pussy felt around his cock.

On Wednesday, Conrad fucked me bent over my office desk around 10 AM. But before putting his cock in me, he had me masturbate until I was humping like a slut against my probing fingers. He took photos and video as I had a series of hard orgasms.


Conrad made me finger fuck myself until I
had had several intense orgasms.

When my chest was heaving with sexual excitement, he sat me on my desk with my legs up and wide open. I couldn’t keep my hips still as his tongue explored my sex trench and worked my clit until I was heaving my ass upward against his face. It only took him a few minutes to make me cum again. My vagina was still throbbing when he flipped me over on the desk, pushed my feet further apart to open up my cunt, and drilled his huge organ into my hot, wet, and very, very eager hole.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH ... UUNNGGHHH... YOU'RE IN ME, CONRAD! OOOHH GOD... YOU'RE FUCKING MEEEEEEEEEE!" I hissed as my vagina throbbed around his thick shaft.

That afternoon, he again asked me to join him in the whirlpool bath out on his deck. This time I accepted. Naturally, my one-piece bathing suit remained in my office closet.

For thirty minutes, Conrad stroked and fingered me. His tongue visited all of my sensitive places. Finally, I had to have his cock. "Please, Conrad. I can't take any more teasing. You have me screaming hot. Fuck me, Honey. I'm ready. I need you inside me."

He got me on my knees, bent me over the side of the hot tub, and fucked me hard for almost a half hour. This time, he came twice inside my still unprotected pussy. I had had five orgasms before his second load gushed into me.


That afternoon after work, I went by the walk-in clinic and got a prescription for the pill. I knew that I would be ovulating in the next few days and it was either get on the pill or get pregnant. Since I didn't want any more children, the choice was obvious.

After I had masturbated to several intense orgasms, Conrad made me cum again on his tongue
before fucking me doggie on my desk and later beside the whirlpool bath.

On Thursday, I was fucked as soon as I arrived at work, but instead of it being in my office or his, he nailed me in his bed with me on my knees, head on the bed, while he stood beside the bed ramming me. Conrad had me so hot I began to scream and beg him to fuck me harder as soon as I felt his cock stretching my pussy open and entering me.

As usual, he patted my ass after he had filled my pussy with a huge cum load. Conrad put on a robe and went back to his study while I dressed and went to my office. Shortly before lunch, he buzzed me on the intercom and asked that I come down to his study.

When I entered, I found Conrad seated in one of the lounge chairs instead of behind his desk. Across from him in the matching lounge chair and on the couch were two men about Conrad's age. I had the feeling that I knew one of them, but could not place him or recall why I thought I knew him.

"Diane, this is Mark Garrison. He's a very good and very old friend of mine. We were college roommates and have kept in touch and even collaborated on one book. And this is Mr. Paul Marshall, my publisher. Gentlemen, this beautiful woman is my secretarial assistant, Mrs. Diane Pelton."

"Hello, Diane. You're even more beautiful than Conrad described, but I can understand that. If you worked for me, I wouldn't tell others how gorgeous you are either. They might hire you away." Mark commented.

"Why thank you Mr. Garrison. What a very nice thing to say." Turning toward Marshall, I asked, "How long have you been Mr. Baylis' publisher, Mr. Garrison?"

"About five years. What I don't understand is how Conrad can get any work done with someone like you around."

"Oh, you'd be amazed at how hard he works."

I stayed and chatted with the three men for an hour and then had a light lunch with them. Around 2 PM, I was back in my office working until quitting time at 5:00. Going back to Conrad's study, I told him I was about to leave and asked if he needed anything else before I left.

He grinned and chuckled. In a moment, all three men were laughing. I flushed red with embarrassment and quickly left.

When Friday morning arrived, I knew I was going to be screwed at least once so I took off my panties as soon as I left the house. I also knew that it wouldn’t be too long before Conrad wanted to fuck my ass. So I thoroughly cleaned my colon that morning. By the time I arrived at Conrad's home, my juices were seeping out of my excited vagina and had thoroughly wetted my inner thighs. I could easily smell the hot, musky aroma of my cunt.

As usual, I put on a fresh pot of coffee to brew and went back to my office to see how far along I was on bringing Conrad's financial records up-to-date. I was studying the ledger entries for May when I heard Conrad's voice behind me.

"I can smell your sensuous aroma all the way over here."

Without turning around, I replied, "And does it please you?"

"It makes me hard... very hard... very hot. Bend over the table, Diane. Pull up your skirt and pull down your panties. I want to see the source of that hot, musky aroma.

"I can't, Conrad. I'm really sorry."

"Why can't you," my excited employer wanted to know.

"Because I didn't wear any panties today."

"You are one incredibly hot-holed secretary. Show me your pussy, Diane."

I bent over the table and pulled my skirt up around my waist. My pussy was already throbbing before I spread my legs so Conrad could see how hot and wet I was.

With my eyes closed, I couldn't see Conrad moving up behind me, but I felt his presence. Then I felt his hands on my buttocks... stroking me... spreading my cheeks to expose both of my holes. Fingers entered my cunt.

"AAAaaaahhhh... Oh god... that feels delicious, Conrad. Pump me, Honey."

I groaned even louder when his fingers did as I had asked... hard, deep, and fast. When they moved forward to my clitoris, my groans switched to excited howls.

"Ooohhh rub it, Baby. Rub my clit! OHH! OOHH! OOOHHH! UUGGHHH. UH! UH! UH! UH!" Conrad again began stroking my clit shaft like it was a man's cock... up and down with a finger pressed on each side. The feeling was awesome. My pussy contracted in a series of hard spasms as I came. "OOOHHHH YOU FUCKING BASTARD! YOU'RE MAKING ME CUMMMMMMM!"

Suddenly, his fingers pulled from my convulsing vagina and two of them pushed into my ass. "AAHH! UH! UH! UH!" In just moments, Conrad had my sphincter contracting right along with my pussy. He added a third finger and then a fourth, stretching me open. There was no way I could suppress my moans.

With my cuntal secretions gushing from my still throbbing vagina, Conrad decided I was ready to be fucked. Actually, I was on the point of begging him to fuck me. The big cock head pressed against the opening to my cunt. Ramming my hips backwards, my labia captured the big cock head and enveloped it. Instantly, nine inches of thick, hard cock penetrated my hole and began fucking me.

High-pitched shrieks burst from my mouth each time his big shaft powered into me. When he withdrew, hot sighs of pleasure replaced the shrieks but the wild shrieks returned as soon as Conrad rammed his cock back into my depths. If my tits hadn't been mashed against the table's surface, they would have been swinging back and forth in time to the fuck strokes Conrad was driving into me.

"I'm going to ass fuck you now, Diane," Conrad hissed as he fucked me like a raging bull in heat.

I was cumming again when he said it, and all I could do was wail as the hot spasms of pleasure coursed through my body making me shudder and tremble. His dick continued to pleasure my pussy while he squirted astroglide all over my anus and then pushed the tip of the bottle into my rectum and lubricated me inside.

Suddenly, my pulsing cunt was empty. Conrad had pulled his hard dick out of my vagina and was now pressing it against my anus.

"Oohhh god... it's too big... won't fit... unnggh... aaahhhh... too big!"

"Be quiet! Relax your sphincter. Open your ass for me!"

Conrad pried my ass open with his fingers and pressed the head against the widened hole. His hips snapped forward and the big head popped inside my ass! I howled in a mixture of pain and pleasure. The cock began to fuck me... after two strokes, three inches were inside me. I was grunting each time he pumped.

"Go easy.. go easy... oooohhh're just fucking huge!"

Two more strokes and I had five inches of cock up my asshole. Gradually the pain ebbed and the pleasure increased until Conrad had me begging him to fuck me harder... deeper. He gave me every thing I asked for and more. His entire length was soon buried up my ass and he was giving me long, hard, deep strokes on every entry. As my lover power fucked my ass, his fingers were continuously stroking my clitoris and sensuously sliding back and forth
in my vagina.

"OOhhhh god... fuck it to me, Stud. Gonna cum... I'M GONNA CUM!"

My first anal orgasm was incredible. All at the same time, my vagina and ass began to contract in hard spasms while my clitoris was throbbing and dancing wildly as I thrust it feverishly against Conrad’s fingers. I was hanging on to the edge of the table with a death grip as the cock pounded my ass and Conrad's balls slapped against my cunt. Wild female shrieks of pleasure accompanied each squirt of my juices out of my erupting cunt.

Conrad jerked his cock out of my convulsing ass, pulled me off the table onto my knees. Thrusting his cock in my face, he growled, "Suck it! HURRY! SUCK IT! GONNA CUM!"

I slipped my lips over the big throbbing head and licked the pulsing organ. "Don't lick it, Slut! SUCK IT. SUCK ALL OF IT! NOW!" Conrad grunted. I quickly rammed my mouth all the way down his jerking shaft.

With two inches of his cock shoved down my throat, Conrad's quickly reached the point of no return. "CUMMING! CUMMING! SLUT! TAKE IT!" he screamed. Just as his organ was on the verge of blasting the load down my throat, he yanked it out of my mouth and fired gush after gush all over my face. By the time his balls were emptied, I had several big streams of cum in my belly, and the rest was all over my face and tits.

Conrad pushed his cock back inside my mouth for me to clean it. It was the least I could do for a man who had gotten me off four times. While I was cleaning his shaft with my lips and tongue, I felt hands on my tits and ass. I groaned when the fingers took possession of my nipples and pulled them. A moment later, hands began caressing my ass and then moved between my legs to my pussy. I couldn’t keep from moaning around Conrad’s cock when the fingers stroked and rubbed my clitoris. My hips were hunching in fuck motions as Conrad’s cock fucked my mouth and throat. I continued to suck as my vagina throbbed.

A hot male voice whispered in my ear. "Unless you object, Diane, Paul and I are going to fuck you now."

"Conrad?" I said asking the obvious question.

"I like to watch too," he said as pulled his hard cock from my mouth and settled down in a chair to watch his two friends fucking me.

Mark took me first. Carrying me over to the couch, I was placed on my back with my head over the end of the couch and tilted back. Mark stood at the head of the couch, his legs straddling my face, feeding his cock into my mouth. With my head tilted backwards, my mouth and throat formed a straight tube allowing Mark to ram his entire eight inches down my throat. He mouth fucked me like a hot whore, his balls banging against my nose.

Every time Mark's cock thrust into my throat, I sucked it as hard as I could. When he withdrew, my lips locked firmly about his shaft exerting the maximum pressure.

"My god, Diane," he hissed with hot masculine pleasure, "you're fantastic! Never ever had a woman suck me like this. Ooohh Shit! Can't hold it... gonna cum!"

His rod exploded shooting huge globs of semen and sperm down my throat and all over my face. He would shoot and then plunge back inside my mouth where he jerked and throbbed and shot in more cum... back and forth.

Once he was finished, it was Paul's turn to fuck me. He just flipped me over onto my knees and pushed my head down onto the couch. I arched my ass high as he mounted me from the rear. I had no idea if his cock was going up my ass or if he would use my cunt. His hips thrust forward. The big cock head hit my opening dead center and surged into my throbbing cunt. Now, female howls of pleasure filled the room as his cock filled my pussy. The hot stud fucked me steadily and hard for fifteen minutes before shooting a monster cum load into my vagina just as I was having another intense climax.

Conrad first screwed my cunt and then my ass. Both he and Mark used my mouth
and creamed my face. Paul then took over and shot

a huge cum load into my cunt.

Saturday Night On the Town:

During dinner Friday night, Curtiss couldn't keep his hands off of me. Even when I admonished him to let me get dinner ready, he just ignored me.

"Fuck dinner, Diane. I'd much rather feel you up than eat."

What woman in her right mind is going to complain about such a complement from her husband. So, I stopped telling my horny husband to keep his hands off me and did the best I could to cook dinner while he squeezed my tits, caressed my ass, and ran his hands up my skirt to rub my wet pussy.

"Damn, Diane. You're so fantastically wet and hot. Your pussy seems to be wet all the time. I love it!"

That night in bed, Curtiss fucked me harder and with more passion than he had in years... maybe even more than on our wedding night, but probably not as much as when he first fucked me. However, I had to admit that it was damn close. The man just rammed me like a rutting bull. Before we both collapsed from exhaustion, I had three loads of my husband's cum pooled inside my cunt.

The next morning, while I was in the shower, the door suddenly opened. My husband got in with me. I couldn't remember the last time we had showered together. Of course with his cock hard as marble, he wasn't looking to shower with me. His objective was clearly to shower my pussy with more of his thick sperm-filled semen... which he did as I leaned over supporting myself against the side of the shower.

Later, I could see that my husband had something on his mind. Finally, he asked me if we could go out to dinner and dancing. "Of course. I'm not about to say no to a date with a hot stud." Curtiss beamed with male pleasure.

"Will you wear..."

I waited, but he didn't finish the sentence. "Will I wear what?" Curtiss still didn't answer.

"What's the matter?"

"I guess... Well, I guess that I'm afraid you'll get angry."

"You want me to wear something sexy and you're afraid I'll get angry? A wife would have to be pretty dumb to get angry at that, Honey."

"I don't want you to just wear something sexy. I want you to wear something totally slutty. There! I've said it. Are you angry?"

"Are you sure? Be careful what you ask for, Honey, you may get it. You want totally slutty?"

"Yeah... I do."

"Ok, Lover. Pick out a place where we can go, get a bite to eat, and dance without my getting arrested. Remember, Baby... you wanted totally slutty."

I spent an hour that evening getting ready for my "date" with my husband. When I came into the den, I was wearing a black blouse with a light blue, denim micromini skirt and 4-inch CFM heels. The blouse exposed almost half of my braless 36DD tits. A half inch lower and my nipples would be on display. The hemline of the skirt just barely covered my sheer, nearly transparent, black panties.

"Slutty enough for you, Honey?" I asked facing my husband.

"Oh hell yes! If you bend over just a little, Diane, your tits may fall out and your ass will certainly be on display. Fantastic."

"Is your cock hard?"

"Oh fuck, it's getting that way. As soon as I see you bend over just a little, it will be hard as iron."

"I don't think it's going to be necessary for me to bend over to expose my ass, Lover. See." I turned my back toward my excited husband and he saw that there was almost no back to the short mini-skirt. My ass was exposed even if I didn’t bend over. The only thing that kept my ass from being totally naked was the sheer black panties.

"Oh my god! You may be arrested... I'm not sure..."

I sat down on one of the bar stools with my back toward Curtiss. "Think I'll attract any male attention when we sit at the bar, Lover?" I didn't have to ask my husband if his cock was hard now. His pants were tented like he had an iron bar inside.

"Let's go, Hubby. Your hot slut is hungry and needs food. She expects to be fucked a lot tonight and needs all the energy she can get."

Curtiss stayed hard all the way to the club. He was still hard while we waited to be seated. The men stared at my exposed tits and ass... the women couldn’t take their eyes off my husband's raging erection. Many of them looked like they wanted to **** my husband on the spot.

There was a 15 minute wait for a table, so I pulled my husband to the bar. When I sat on one of the bar stools, my abbreviated skirt hiked up to my hips. With one heel on the stool’s footrest and the other one resting on the floor, only my sheer black panties prevented my cunt from being on display.

“Come on, Honey. Don’t just stand there staring at your wife’s legs. Order us a drink while we wait for dinner.”

My husband’s cock was so hard, his pants protruded several inches. If that wasn’t enough, the stretch material of slacks, molded his shaft perfectly. I could see several women checking him out.

“God, you look fantastically sexy,” he whispered.

“So do you, Lover. Your big, hard cock has all the women staring.”

When the drinks arrived, I put both heels on the stool’s footrests and turned to face the bar. With my skirt up around my hips, my nearly naked ass was on display. It wasn’t more than a few minutes before the braver men started feeling me up.

I leaned closer to my husband. "Curtiss."

"What?" he whispered back.

"See the man next to me?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

"He's feeling of my naked ass, Darling."

"You're teasing me."

"Are you feeling my ass?"


"Then I'm not teasing you. MMmmmmmm... He's got his fingers between my ass cheeks, Honey. He's got me squirming against his fingers."

"Oh god... oh god... that's so fucking hot. Do you want to leave?"

"Leave? Hell no. I want to come."

"Oh god... Oh god!"

"Oh my!!"

"What?" Curtiss asked, his voice an excited hoarse hiss now.

"He's got two hands on my ass now... one on each cheek. Or maybe it’s two men each with one hand on my ass. I can’t tell.”

"Oh my god!"

"Another man is to my left now, Honey. He and the man seated to my left are both feeling my naked ass now. The first guy has his fingers under my panties. His fingers are almost to my asshole."

"Should we leave?"

"Don't you like this? Isn't this what you fantasized about when you had me dress totally slutty?"

"Yesss... oh god yess, but I'm afraid you'll be furious."

"Furious? Because men are feeling me up? That won't make me furious, Darling... that's going to make your slutty wife horny and hot. Oohhhh Baby!"

"What are they doing now?"

"They're both inside my panties, Honey. One them has his fingers almost on my asshole... aaaahhh... he gonna touch it... put his fingers in me! Should I move back on the bar stool so he can? He’ll finger fuck your wife’s cunt if I do. Should I?”

Just at that moment, the Maitre'D came over and said, "Your table is ready. Follow me."

When I got up, I pulled away from the two men, but I did look at them, smile, and wink.

“Oh come on, don’t leave us like this,” one of them moaned.

“Sorry about that,” I said with a smile. “Our table’s ready, and so is my husband. Maybe another time.”

“Well at least show us those gorgeous tits. We’re dying to see them. Come on. Be fair,” he pleaded while the other men at the bar nodded their agreement.

Turning to face the men, I pulled my blouse down below my tits fully exposing both of them. “Are these what you guys want to see?” I asked with a broad smile. “Well? What do you think?”

Their comments all came at the same time:

“My gawd! She’s not even wearing a bra with those monster tits.” “WHAT A RACK!” Even the bartender commented, “Those of the sexiest tits I’ve seen in a long time.”

“You gentlemen really know how to lift a woman’s ego. Have a great night. Maybe another time, I can show you even more,” I commented as I pulled up my blouse. The men were still yelling as Curtiss and walked to our table.

The men all liked my legs, ass, panties, and tits. I knew they
were all hard because my pussy was a swamp.

All through dinner, Curtiss played with my legs and rubbed my pussy through my panties. I kept my legs open to give him room even though it meant several men had a great view of my thighs and of my husband rubbing my cunt.

"Several men are watching you rubbing my cunt, Honey. I think they all want a turn." Once more, I heard my husband moan with excitement at the thought.

Halfway through dinner, Curtiss finally asked me what I knew was on his mind. "Has Conrad made any passes at you since you've been working as his secretary?"

"No. As I told you before, he's a perfect gentleman, Darling. He advertised for a secretary, not a mistress."

"Do you ever tease him?"

"No. I'm alone with him in the house. If I tease him, Honey, your wife would very quickly end up with a big hard cock up her cunt. Conrad is a virile, handsome guy. Now it's my turn to ask you some questions. Ok?"

"Sure. What?"

"You've been hard all evening thinking about other men seeing my tits and naked ass. Back at the bar, you almost came in your pants when those two guys were feeling me up. You know that guy at the table across from us is staring at my panties and your hand rubbing me, and that's keeping you hard as stone. Now, you want to know if Conrad is making passes at me. You know that you’re the only man I have sex with, Honey, but it’s ok to get excited about the thought of another man fucking me. Would you like it ... would it excite you if he fucked me?"

"Yeah... it would. I don't understand why it would, but ever since you started working as his secretary in his home, alone with him, I have spent every single day thinking about whether he's fucking you."

"Do those thoughts bother you or get you hard and hot?"

"They get me hard... so damn hard! I know that's crazy but they do."

"What's crazy about it? A lot of men get excited at the thought of their wife fucking another man. There have to be thousands of stories on the internet about that. Chat rooms are filled with guys who wish their wife would fuck another guy but won't."

"Would you do it?"

"Darling, you know that I’m a faithful wife. Are you really asking me to do it?"

"Oh god... oh god!"

After dinner, Curtiss took me out on the dance floor to dance. I clung to him mashing my tits into his chest while he thrust his hard erection against my belly. His hands covered my naked ass. We hardly danced... we just moved a little to the music as Curtis essentially dry fucked me on the dance floor.

"Sweetie," I hissed in his ear.


"Every time a guy is near us, he feels me."

"Oh god... oh god!"

"You've said that about 10 times already tonight, Honey."

"I know. I can't help it. Let's go back to our table."

"Whatever you say, Darling, but if we go back to our table, it won't be long until one of them asks me to dance so they can feel me... probably finger fuck me. Should I say yes or no? I need to know before they ask.

As we sat down at our table again, he asked "You really think a guy would finger fuck you right on the dance floor?"

"Curtiss, I'm wearing a dress that shows my entire ass. The men had their hands all over me while we were at the bar. They were trying to finger my ass or pussy with you sitting right there. What do you think will happen if I dance with someone?"

"Oh fuck!"

At least that was a change from "Oh god!" "You're hard as iron thinking about it, aren't you?"

Curtiss just groaned. He still hadn't answered when a guy in his late twenties approached, grinned, and said "I've been watching you all evening. Would you like to dance?" He was confident, dark-haired, muscular, and handsome in a rugged sort of way. I looked at my husband. "Do you want to head home, Honey, or should I dance with this nice man?"

"If you'd like to dance a little more, I can wait."

I gave my husband a questioning glance. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah... go ahead. Just don't be too long."

As my young partner pulled me close on the dance floor, he said, "Hi. I'm Eric."

"Hi, Eric. I'm Diane."

I felt Eric's hands on my naked ass before we had even taken a single dance step. "You're the hottest looking woman I've ever seen in this club. That dress you're wearing has every man here hard and hot."

"How about you? Does it have you hard and hot?" For an answer, Eric pressed my pelvis against his rigid erection and ground it into my mound. His hands worked my ass. In just moments, he had his fingers exploring between my ass cheeks. One of his hands moved around between our bodies to the front... the other stayed on my ass.

As he moved us into one of the darker corners of the dance floor, the tip of his finger rotated against the opening to my pussy. I groaned when he entered me. A short time later, Eric led me out of the dance area toward one of the private rooms in the back with his hand on my bare ass.

It was thirty minutes before I got back to our table where Curtiss was waiting for me. "Are you ready to go," I asked.

"Yeah. Where have you been? What happened?"

"Dancing, Darling. You heard the man ask me to dance. I got back as quickly as I could. Let's go before someone else gets me out on the dance floor."

On the way home, I unzipped my husband's pants, pulled out his absolutely rigid cock, and took him inside my mouth.

"Oh, yes! I love it... I love it!" Curtiss moaned as his cock throbbed wildly inside my mouth. Carefully, I sucked him. Each time his dick began to swell and throb, I backed off and just licked him until he came back from the edge. He was still hard as stone, but on longer about to shoot off. Again, I took his swollen shaft inside my mouth and sucked him, letting her thrust upward and fuck my mouth, but stopping before he could cum. By the time we pulled into our driveway, Curtiss was begging me to let him cum.

Once we were inside our house, I literally pulled my husband into the bedroom. Frantically, we tore at each other's clothing. Curtiss had the easier job since I was wearing very little. To even the playing field, I concentrated on his pants, jockey briefs, shoes, and socks. That got every thing I primarily wanted out in the open. I let him worry about his shirt.

"Get on the bed on your back, Stud. You hot slut wife is going suck the load out of your balls and then ride you."

As soon as Curtiss was on his back, his cock sticking straight up, hard and quivering with the need to cum, I knelt over him and took his dick back into my mouth, but this time there was no teasing. I sucked all of him, locking my lips about the base of his organ and sucking it hard. Two inches of his seven-inch rod were in my throat. The intense suction caused his rod to swell and throb right to the bursting point.

"OOHHH Please... don't stop... don't stop... please!"

I couldn't answer my husband's wild pleas, but I had no intention of stopping. Cupping his balls, I pulled his hand to my hanging tits and sucked even harder.


Curtiss wasn't kidding when he said he was cumming. The huge load blew into my mouth and throat like Old Faithful erupting... huge streams of cum shot out with force. It was so erotic, I couldn't keep my hand off my clit. As he pumped in several thick jets of semen, my clitoris erupted in a hard orgasm to match that of my groaning husband.

When I finally pulled off his rod, I opened my mouth and let a thick wad run down my lips and chin. When Curtiss saw me doing that, he moaned, "Oohhh god... you look so damn erotic... fantastic!"

When I had started sucking, my plan was to make him cum and then continue sucking until I got him hard again. I was delighted to see that the second part of my plan was unnecessary. Curtiss was still rock hard! I quickly straddled his hips, took hold of his still throbbing dick, and put it into my cunt.

When I drove my hips downward engulfing his shaft with my vagina, we both groaned with the delicious sensation of his cock stretching open my pussy and sinking into to me all the way to his balls. When I had all of his dick inside me, I squeezed him with my vaginal muscles... milking him.

"Oh, Diane. That's fabulous. Why haven't we been fucking like this all the time? That's feel incredible!"

"Neither of us have been hot enough for each other, Honey, but I think that's going to change. You like the way I squeeze your cock with my cunt, Baby? Want me to make you cum like this?"

"I'd love it, and I definitely want to try that, but right now, I'm so damn hot for you, I've got to fuck your cunt, Honey."

"That's what a woman's cunt is for, Lover. Fuck it! Hard. Ram me, Stud. Fuck Me and Cum in Me!" I hissed as hot stabs of pleasure invaded my throbbing vagina and clitoris.

Curtiss fucked me like wild stallion hammering an in-heat mare... which is what I was... a hot, in-heat female taking a rampant hard cock from a wild stud. Again and again, his rigid sex spike nailed my throbbing channel. I came hard and Curtiss felt me throbbing around his shaft.

"You hot bitch... I can feel you cumming!"

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! AAAahhhh... shut up and fuck me harder! Make me cum again!"

"Turn around, Slut. Ride me reverse cowgirl. I'm going blow a huge load up your pussy."

I hated getting off of my husband's rock hard dick it felt so good throbbing against my cervix, but I did. However, as soon as I had turned around and straddled his hips, I quickly fitted his cock back into my pussy and sank down on it. Once he took hold of my tits and began to jack hammer his prick in and out of my cunt, I was glad I had followed his orders. That big, ramming shaft had me cumming again within a dozen strokes.

Curtiss was right behind me with his orgasm. He pulled me down hard, drove his exploding cock to the bottom of my hole, and held it there as he ejaculated repeatedly into my waiting vagina. Every time his dick throbbed and spurted, more cum squirted out between the lips of my pussy and his cock. Curtiss had me fully plugged with his shaft but not tightly enough to contain the massive load he shot into me.

We lay together gasping for breath, his cock still inside my pulsing vagina. Curtiss covered both of my breasts with his hands and hissed, "Now tell me what happened when that guy at the club took you out on the dance floor."

"Mmmmm... are you sure you want to know, Honey?"

"Tell me, you hot Slut!"

"He pulled me really close to his body as soon as we started dancing. With that dress I was wearing, his hands were all over my ass... feeling me... his fingers pushing between my ass cheeks."

"Ooohhh jezzz!"

"Eric was grinding his cock against my mound continuously. Did you see all that?"

"Yeah... I saw him doing that, but then the two of you moved away and I lost sight of you. I didn't see you again until you came back to the table about a half hour later."

"That's because Eric got me off into a dark corner of club so you couldn't see what was happening. He moved back a little so he could get his hand on my pussy and clit. I was backed up against a wall and couldn't get away when he pushed two fingers inside me, Honey. Then he started rubbing my clit. I was so hot I was just helpless."

"Did he make you cum?"

"He could have, but he didn't want me to cum on his fingers."


"He wanted me to cum on his cock."

"He fucked you right there in the club?"

"No. We might have gotten arrested. He took me to one of the private rooms in the back of the club. Once we were inside the room with the door locked, I told him that I only fuck my husband, but I would love to suck him off. He was disappointed, but not very much.”

“You sucked him off,” Curtiss groaned as his cock jerked to full erection.

“Yeah. I had to. A woman can’t get a guy that hard and hot and not take care of his problem. He wouldn’t have been satisfied with a hand job. I hope you’re not angry. I did warn you, Honey.”


My husband's cock was fully erect and iron-hard again even though he had just put two huge loads of cum into me about 20 minutes ago.

"I've got to fuck you again... NOW!" Before I could do or say anything, Curtiss pulled me back on top of his body with my back against his chest, shoved my legs apart, rammed his cock back into my cunt, and started fucking me hard and fast.

"Put it in my ass this time, Lover. Ass fuck your hot wife."

"Really? You don't mind?"

"Mind? I want your cock in my ass, Curtiss!" I lifted off my pussy off his cock and growled, "Stick it in my ass, Baby!"

He centered the head against my opening and worked it into me. I relaxed and three inches of dick sank into my ass. After that, he drove the rest of his shaft into me and started ramming me hard and fast.

"Oh god... you're fucking me like a whore, Lover. Ram it to me, Baby. Hard... deep. AAAahhhhh... that feels so damn good. Work my clit while you screw me, Honey."

His arms moved around my hips, and a moment later, his fingers were all over my throbbing, erect clitoris. I humped on him as he drove himself deep inside my ass on every stroke.

"Let me face you, Lover, so I can really pump my ass on your big cock."

"DO IT! DO IT!" Curtiss screamed. I turned so that I was facing him, lifted up, and Curtiss nailed his cock up my ass. As stretched as I was, it sank all the way into me easily.


The hot stud wrapped his arms about my waist while my pussy was still throbbing around his cock and literally picked me up. He held my legs wide apart with his arms behind my knees and fucked me by simply lifting me and then dropping me on this iron-hard sex spike. Every time he dropped me, his cock impaled me like a hot stake. I came again.

Curtiss fucked me even harder when he felt my ass clamping down on his shaft. It was so hot and so erotic, there was no way he could last long. But that hot stud fucked me standing up for five minutes before I felt his cock throbbing inside my ass. There wasn't much semen left in his balls but his cock throbbed and pulsed as if there was.

The stand-up fuck completely exhausted my husband. We fell to the bed and neither of us moved for at least 15 or 20 minutes. Finally, I pushed myself up on one arm. "Are you awake, Honey? Or are you still in a fucked-out coma?"

"I feel like I'm almost in a coma, but I'm awake. Are you Ok?"

"I'm more than Ok. That was fantastic, but I need to ask you something now that I know your balls are empty and you're completely sated with sex. "When I asked you at the club if you wanted me to have sex with Conrad, you didn't answer me. Do you?"

"Would you really do it? Wear hot, sexy clothes... tease him... get him to hit on you?"

"If you want me to, yes. But, as I told you twice before, he’s a gentleman, and he’s worried about a sexual harassment suit. I don’t think he will fuck me.”

"What if he does want to fuck you anyway?"

"Then, your wife will be spreading her legs for him and almost certainly more than once. Is that what you want?"

"Yes... oh hell YES! How long do you think it will be before he tries to fuck you?"

"If you want me to do this, I'll go to the pharmacy tomorrow and start taking birth control pills so I'll be ready to take Conrad's cock and his potent sperm up my cunt. He hasn't had a vasectomy like you've had."

"So how long do you think?"

"It depends on how I dress and what I do. As I said, it could be a long time."

"What if you dress and act hot?"

"My guess is that there is a reasonable chance that you'll be getting sloppy seconds... or maybe sloppy thirds Monday evening."

"That's so damn hot! Sloppy seconds... or thirds! AAAHHH FUCK!"

"Just remember, Hubby, if I bring home a pussy full of cum, I expect you to clean very drop of it out."

"You're so fucking sexy and hot, I can't believe it. I've got fuck you again... RIGHT NOW!"

I couldn't believe it either... Curtiss had already fucked me like a wild stallion and cum in my pussy or ass three times in the last two hours, and his cock was hard again. I didn't have any time to think about it further. My husband already had his hips socked deep into my sex saddle with my legs pushed up and back. A moment later, he had his raging hard-on socked deep into my cum-filled cunt fucking me like a bitch in heat. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him even deeper into my excited sex hole.

"TAKE IT, YOU HOT-HOLED CUNT!" my husband screamed.

I lifted my legs even higher and did what he had ordered. As my husband fucked me like a convict who has been in prison for ten years, I realized that his naïveté was going to keep him hard for years to come.

At 3 AM, Curtiss was sound asleep beside me, but I was still awake and slowly masturbating as I recalled how hard Eric had fucked me at the club. It was true that I had sucked his cock, but that was just the start. After I had sucked out his first load, the stud didn’t even lose his erection. He had me sit on one of the bar stools like I had been doing at the bar while he plowed his rod into my asshole. He even hoisted my leg up onto the bar to give himself better access. He put his second load in my rectum when I was riding him reverse cowgirl with his prick pounding my ass. He even wanted me to stay while he screwed my cunt, but I had not wanted to keep my husband waiting any longer.

After I sucked a load out of Eric’s cock, he fucked me
put a second load in my ass as I rode his big cock.

Hot-Hole Secretary:

Curtiss was having a near impossible time trying to concentrate on teaching his junior-level American history class. Totally unable to keep his thoughts sufficiently on the subject to lecture, he had finally given up and assigned the class to write a composition on the events leading up to the Revolutionary War. As the students worked on their essays, Curtiss kept wondering what was happening at Conrad's house.

"That white blouse and black miniskirt Diane wore today would get an eunuch hard," he thought. "Half her tits were showing and she wasn't wearing a bra. The damn thing just barely covered her ass. She said she was wearing a thong. I wonder if she was or if her pussy was naked under that skirt. In her four-inch heels, she looked hot and ready."

One of the students had a question which Curtiss answered, but as soon as he had done so, his thoughts were immediately back to his wife. "I wonder if Conrad has fucked her? It's already 10 minutes after eleven... plenty of time for him to have fucked Diane. Maybe he's fucking her right at this moment while I'm teaching a history class. Maybe his cock's plunging in and out of my wife's cunt right now."

Curtiss' cock was so hard there was no way he could possibly stand up in front of his class. What the hell was he going to do when the hour ended? He felt his cell phone vibrating against his hip.

"Hello," he said softly into his phone.

"You're in class right now aren't you, Honey?"

"Yes. Junior level American history. What's happening?"

"I'm in the bathroom getting ready. Conrad's waiting for me in his bedroom. He's going to try to fuck me, Curtiss, but he’s really nervous. God... his cock is big, Baby, and he does want to stick it in your wife's cunt."

"Ooohhhhhhhhhhh... so damn hot," he hissed, his voice a hoarse, passionate whisper. "Are you naked?"

"Almost, but not quite. I've still got on my black thong and my heels. Conrad likes his for his women to wear heels to bed when he fucks them."

"Ooohhhhhhhhhh... yes! So do I. I want you to wear them when we're in bed."

"Whatever you say, Honey."

"Why do you still have your panties on?"

"Because, Darling, Conrad wants to get my cunt naked by pulling my panties down. Doesn't it turn you on to pull a woman's panties down and expose her hot, wet cunt?"

"Yess... oh yes!"

"It turns Conrad on too. I've got to go, Darling. Conrad's dying to pull your wife's panties down and expose her cunt so he can stick his big cock inside her. I'll call you later. Bye."

"Come on you hot Studs, rub those big cocks all over me and let me suck them," Diane hissed as Conrad plunged his raging erection into her waiting mouth while she jacked off Mark and Paul was busy sliding his throbbing shaft back and forth between Diane's big tits.

They all stood around her in a circle as she went from one cock to the next, sucking each all the way into her throat. Conrad let her do all the work, but when it was Mark's turn in her mouth, he held the back of her head and fucked her mouth and throat as if he were already inside her cunt.

When every man was rock hard, Diane hissed, “I think you guys are ready. Who’s gonna fuck me first.”

“We’re already cut cards for that honor, Diane,” Paul informed her. “Bend over and grab your ankles. Big cock is going in.”

When Diane was in position, Paul ordered, “Reach back and pull your ass cheeks open so I can see your hot wet cunt.”

“Like this, Honey?”

“Oh Yeah! Big dick is going innnnnn!”


When Paul had put his first load into Curtiss’ wife, Mark took over. He screwed Diane on the couch side saddle. Diane had her legs up and back allowing Mark total access to the cunt and ass. He ass fucked her with his cock while finger fucking her cunt.

After Paul had emptied his balls into Diane’s ass, Conrad put a second load in the same place when he screwed the hot wife on her knees with her head on the floor.
Paul, Mark, and Conrad fucked Curtiss’ wife one after the
other until she was filled with three cum loads.


As soon as Class was over, Curtiss had hurried to the men's room. As the boys moved in and out of the restroom, Curtiss was standing inside one of the stalls jacking off furiously. He was so hot, it took him less than a minute to shoot several streams of semen into his handkerchief.

Fortunately, he was off during his lunch hour and his 1 PM was proctoring study hall, so he was essentially free for two hours. As he toyed with his food in the teacher's lounge, his thoughts kept returning to his wife.

"Has he fucked my wife yet? It's been over 30 minutes... more than enough time. She's got to have Conrad's load up her pussy by this time. It will probably take him an hour or so to recover so she probably won't be fucked again until later this afternoon or maybe once a day is all Conrad can manage. I hope he can get it up again so there will be two cum loads in her tonight."

The three studs had Curtiss' wife spread out on a table. She was naked save for her heels. Paul and Mark were holding her legs up and back to elevate her pussy for Conrad.

“I’m going to finger fuck that your hot pussy until you squirt all over yourself and me, Diane. Are you ready?” Conrad asked as he moved up to her wide open cunt.

“I’m always ready for you, Lover. Do it to me!”

It took Conrad less than a minute of furious finger fucking to make Curtiss’ wife squirt wildly. Her second orgasm took slightly longer.

When I climaxed, my pussy convulsed and
squirted explosively… twice.

After I had climaxed the second time, the hot studs mounted me. At the moment Curtiss was toying with his food, Conrad was pounding nine inches of cock into his wife’s eager vagina while Mark and Paul waited for their turns.

During the study hall, Curtiss figured that Diane was now back at work while Conrad was recovering from having shot a huge cum load into his wife. He was playing a probability game with himself trying to guess how long it would be before his wife's pussy was again filled with Conrad's cock. It was 1:30 PM. His best guess was around 3 PM or maybe 3:30 PM.


Curtiss' wife was still spread out on the same table. Conrad and Paul held her legs high in the air and spread them wide to give Mark plenty of room to drive his cock into her stretched, cum-filled, and eager cunt, which was exactly what he was doing. Diane's head was turned to one side to allow Conrad to mouth fuck her at the same time as she jacked off Paul's hard dick.

Curtiss' cock was beginning to get hard again at the same time as Mark's erupting rod fired several thick streams of sperm-filled cum into his wife's cunt. Diane's vagina was convulsing in hard, continuous spasms of pleasure around the thick cock that was spewing its load against the opening of her womb. Conrad's organ was pumping all the way into her throat, and, just as Curtiss was leaving the study hall, Conrad's dick exploded its load straight down her throat and into her belly.

His 2 PM class had not yet begun when his cell vibrated again.

"Hi, Honey. Class started yet?"

"Almost, but not yet. Did he fuck you?"

"Of course he fucked me, Honey. I told you he was waiting for me. He did it to me missionary style. Just before he shot off inside me, he had my knees pressed against the bed just beside my tits. I was wide open, Honey, and he really rammed it to me. I didn't think he would ever stop cumming ... he just shot in gush after gush."

"OOohhh god! Ooohhhh god! Is he going to fuck you again?"

"Maybe, but probably not. I don't know if he can get it up twice in one afternoon. He had trouble getting hard the first time. We'll see."

"Are you dressed?"

"Just in my dress, Honey. No panties. And of course my heels. So, I'm ready if he decides to screw your wife again. I'll call you if I have time before he starts fucking me, if he does. Bye."

Curtiss' cock was again iron hard and he now had to teach another class. He knew several of the girls in his 11 AM class had seen his tented pants and realized that their teacher had a hard on. He couldn't let that happen again.

"Hurry up and shoot in her, Conrad," Paul urged. "I can hardly wait to get into her hot cunt."

"I understand, Paul! Her cunt's tight... mmmm... so damn tight. Squeeze my cock, Diane... squeeze it with that delicious cunt of yours," Conrad ordered as he thrust his thick shaft upward, driving it deep inside Diane's pussy.

"OH FUCK YES! CONRAD. Ram me like that... GGHHHAAAAAAAA... I love being fucked by your thick cock, Lover. OOooohh... OOooohhh... UUMMMmmmmmm."

"Open your mouth, Diane," Mark hissed. He was standing beside Diane as she took Conrad's cock deep inside her vagina on every thrust. Mark's rod was again hard as he pressed it against her lips. "Open your mouth, Dammit!" He commanded. Instantly, Diane's mouth opened to take the big cock all the way into her throat. When Mark's balls bounced against her chin, he groaned.

"Don't stop, Diane. Keep jacking me off," Paul pleaded. He was standing on the other side of Curtiss' wife thrusting his dick in and out of her hand that was circled about his shaft. "NO... No.. stop... stop... I'm about to cum... slow down. I don't want you to make me cum... just keep me ready for your cunt after Conrad finishes."

"UUUMMPPFFF... UUPPMMFFFF," was all Diane could say with Mark's big shaft stuck down her throat. She managed to nod and slowed her strokes so Paul would not shoot off until he was inside her pussy.

"Get ready, Diane," Conrad hissed, as he pumped his rod harder and faster into her wet, squishing vagina. "I'm gonna shoot it in... almost there... almost..." He pulled her hips back onto his cock as he slammed it hard against her cervix where he erupted.

"YES! OH FUCK YES! YOU'RE SHOOTING IT INTO MEEEE, BABY! Pump me! Fuck me full of your big load, Lover... harder... I'm about to cum too!" Conrad was still ejaculating inside Curtiss' wife when she convulsed in an intense climax of her own.

Conrad and Mark shot cum loads into Diane’s mouth
and cunt. She climaxed at the same time.

When Conrad's fuck motions stopped, Paul screamed, "Get out of her pussy, Conrad. I'm about to cum, and I want to shoot the load inside her cunt!"

As soon as Conrad had pulled out of Diane's pussy, Paul sat down. Throwing her leg over his thighs, she straddled him, adjusted his cock head at the opening to her cunt, and rammed herself down on the rigid shaft. Both of them groaned at the same time.

At the same moment that Curtiss finished his 2 PM lecture and discharged his students, Paul finished fucking Curtiss' wife and discharged his sperm-filled semen inside her vagina.

Curtiss had just finished his last class of the day and was grading some homework papers when his cell phone vibrated again.


"Hi, Honey. It's your loving wife again."

"Are you done for the day?"

"I'm done with work, but I'm not done yet. Conrad is going to try to fuck me again. When he finishes, I'll get dressed and head home. I may be a little late. It depends on whether or not he can get it up, and if he does manage it, how long it takes him to shoot off in me."

"Oh god... I can't wait to get you in bed and fuck you. I'm so damn hard and hot, I can't believe it. Do you know how he's going to give it to you this time?"

"He's been talking about fucking my ass, Honey. If he does, you'll have sloppy seconds in both holes tonight."

"Oh god! Oh god!"

Diane was howling as Mark's cock rammed up her cunt at the same time as Paul's cock sank into her ass. Her cheek bulged out with Conrad's big shaft filled her mouth. Her tits bounced and heaved at the three men fucked her in unison. Every time Mark drove his rod up her pussy, Paul pulled his out of her ass while Conrad's rod was sinking down her throat.

Diane's cries of orgasm were muffled by Conrad's shaft, but the sounds the two cocks were making inside her cum-filled pussy and ass filled the room.

When her vagina and ass began to convulse in hard spastic contractions during her orgasms, neither Mark nor Paul could hold their loads. Thick streams of semen shot into her two sex holes right in the midst of her orgasm.

Mark, Paul, and Conrad triple teamed Curtiss’ wife. Before Mark and Paul
ejaculated, Diane had lost count of her orgasms.

As soon as the two exited her holes, Conrad got Diane on her knees in one of the lounge chairs and mounted the moaning female. Pushing her knees further apart, he nailed his iron-hard cock into her widely stretched cunt.

Conrad fucked Curtiss' wife steadily until he could feel the cum rising up from his balls. "Ready for another load, Diane?" he asked. Conrad was too close to wait for an answer. He grunted repeatedly as his dick exploded again and again inside her waiting pussy.


Curtiss couldn’t stop checking the clock on the mantel. It was already past 7 PM, and Diane was not yet home. To make matters worse, his cock had been hard for the last two hours thinking about what she might be doing. His entire abdomen ached with the worst case of blue balls he could ever remember having. Again and again, he had to struggle to resist the urge to jack off. Only his desire to shoot his load into Diane’s freshly fucked pussy gave him the will power to resist. By this time, he was talking to himself.

“Where is she? There’s no possible way Conrad could still be fucking her. He was having problems just getting it up more than once. The problem must be that Conrad can’t get hard at all and Diane is late because she’s been sucking his limp penis for hours trying to get him hard. Sooner or later the guy’s going to have to give up and let my wife come home,”

For two hours, my three studs had taken turns fucking me, one at a time or two at a time. At 6:30, we took a break. I took the opportunity to use the bathroom and repair my makeup while the guys made some sandwiches. When I rejoined them, I was wearing a thong and my heels.

I thought that we might be finished for the night, but before we had finished the sandwiches, all of the men were staring at my tits and my barely concealed pussy. One by one, they all got hard again. A few minutes later, my thong was gone, and I had one cock in my cunt and another in my mouth.

A little after 7 PM, I was kneeling with Mark, Paul, and Conrad surrounding me stroking their iron-hard cocks.

When someone was ready to cum, I opened my mouth and extended my tongue to take their cum load. In rapid succession, three huge cum loads was shot into my mouth. I swallowed some of it; the rest ran down my face and formed long cum ropes that dangled erotically from my chin until they broke and coated my tits with semen.

My three studs drenched me with their loads.

That night, Curtiss used all of Diane's holes. Of course, she was wearing her heels the entire time he was fucking her. After ejaculating three times, once in her mouth, a second time in her pussy, and the third time inside her ass, he collapsed from sheer exhaustion.

"I think the thought of Conrad fucking me got you hot, Lover. That was some screwing you just gave me."

"I hope you liked it as much as I did."

"I came three times... I think you could say I liked it, Honey."

“Did Conrad fuck you again tonight? You were awfully late.”

“I know. He tried several times to get it up, but could never manage it. A couple of times he did get hard, but as soon as he tried to enter me, he would lose his erection. Once a day appears to be his limit. Maybe it’s once every several days. I guess I’ll find out.”

"Is Conrad going to continue to fuck you?"

"Wouldn't you? At least, I’m sure he’s going to try."

"Yeah... every day."

"Well, I think that's your answer. Oh! I forgot to tell you."


"Conrad and Paul are starting a book signing tour next week. It lasts from Monday through Friday. Conrad wants me to accompany them. We'll be leaving on Sunday afternoon and will get back the following Friday night, late. Do you mind if I go?"

"Why does Conrad need his secretary along on a book signing public relations tour?"

"I don't think that he needs my secretarial services, Honey. I'm pretty certain he's more interested in having your wife's pussy available for the week he's gone."

"Would you be staying in his room... sleeping with him?"

"I think I'll have my own room for the sake of appearances, but I'm certain I'll be in his room most of the night or all of it, if he can get an erection."

"I hate not having you with me for a whole week, but the thought really turns me on. I don't know."

"Just think how much fun we'll have in bed when I return, Honey. All the stories of what I did during the week will keep you hard 24/7 for weeks."

"Oh god yes! I'm sure they will. But what about his editor, Paul Marshall. How does he fit into all of this?"

"He just organizes the tour, Curtiss, and pays the expenses."

"Do you think he'll hit on you?"

"It's unlikely. He’s gay."

"Wouldn't you like to have two guys at the same time?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it, but it is sort of sexy and hot. So... should I go or not? Your hard cock says 'go'. What does your big head say?"

"It says 'go' too. Oh, by the way, I have some great news that I forgot to tell you because I was so hot to fuck you."

"What is it? Tell me, Honey."

Mark called me into his office right after I got to work this morning and told me that he was promoting me to Associate Principal of the high school. That will mean a big raise in pay and a welcome change to my routine, but I'll probably have to work longer hours... at least for awhile. I was amazed. I had no idea that Mark was even considering me."

"Mark? Do I know him? I think I've met him, but I don't really remember."

"He's the school's Principal. You met him a school picnic two years ago. But I think that was the only time."

"What's Mark's last name, Honey?"

"Garrison... Mark Garrison. I still have no idea what I did to get the promotion, but I'm not about to object," my husband laughed. I laughed right along with him, but not for the same reason he was laughing.

Story written by RLM. If you have comments, please send them to


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