The evening we met her, I was sitting out on the patio when my friend Tuck (who is a Army Reservist) and one of his buddies drove by in Tuck's pickup. When they saw me outside, they turned around and came back. Because he is a soldier and also rather active, Tuck stays in pretty good shape. He also has a cock on him like a telephone pole. The first time I ever saw it was when he used it on my wife Kathy, but that's a whole other story. Tuck's friend Johnny is a quite a bit younger than Tuck and I, probably 30 something, shorter than us but very handsome and very well built. I had met him a number of times before as the three of us had been out drinking together. Johnny is a super guy and I always enjoy his company. Tuck said they were on their way for a drink and I should tag along. I thought that sounded like a great idea and asked where they were headed. He said the usual place and I said that was fine as it was a quiet little neighborhood bar, but there were frequently some decent looking babes hanging around there.

As we walked in the front door, old Bill the bartender saw us and nodded toward the back of the room. He knew us, and knew we were usually trolling for pussy. There in the back, at a small table in the corner sat a 40 something couple. The guy was about Tuck's size, but the female half was quite something to behold. We ordered a round of margaritas and Bill informed us that was what the folks in the back were drinking as well. Tuck told Bill to make a whole pitcher of them and we would go back and make their acquaintance. They had seen us come in and looked a little mystified when we started walking their direction with the pitcher of rather strong (that's the way Bill makes them for us) drinks.

We grabbed some chairs from a nearby table and gathered around their table and sat down. We introduced ourselves and said they looked lonely sitting back here all by themselves and that since she was the only female in the place we hoped he didn't mind sharing her company. They said their names were Gene and Terri and they guessed they didn't mind if we joined them. That's when I noticed that Terri was wearing a very loose fitting semi-low cut top and when she leaned across the table to shake hands with us she was putting on quite a show. She hadn't bothered with a bra that evening. Even though her breasts were not large they were perfect; beautifully shaped and very suck-able. As we sat down I also noticed the sleeve holes of the blouse were very large and when she moved during conversation the view from the side was fantastic as well. Her pink-brown, quarter sized aureoles were clearly visible through the sleeve holes of the blouse and as I blatantly starred at her chest those hard little nipples began to rise and threatened to poke a hole in the shirt. She was a little bit of a thing, with blonde hair cut in a shag kind of haircut and big green eyes.

It was about then that I noticed Tuck and Johnny were also aware of the show Terri was putting on and they too were making no efforts to hide their interest. We commented to Gene how beautiful and sexy his wife was and how we appreciated his sharing her with us. Terri just blushed and Gene seemed a little dazed, like he couldn't even believe how bold we were being. Trying to figure out how I could get more peeks at her hot little body I asked if they played pool, as I knew there was a pool table in the backroom. They seemed a little hesitant but with the three of us encouraging them they finally agreed to join us. We took the pitcher of drinks and headed for the back room. As we entered the poolroom, I refilled everyone's glasses and then Tuck went back to the bar for a refill. On his way out he told Gene and Terri to drink up, as more were on the way and they're no good warm.

I then challenged Terri to the first game, put some quarters in the machine, released the balls and racked them up. I told Terri it was lady's choice if she wanted to break or not. She said since she was very good at pool she'd let me break. What I wanted to see was Terri leaning over that table taking shots, so I made certain that nothing went in on the break and then it was Terri's turn to shoot. As she bent over to line up for a shot it made little difference where in the room you were standing, because either from the down the front or either side you could get a great view of her delicious tits. From the back, you could feast your eyes on an ass that was to die for, tightly encased in a painted-on pair of jeans. Terri missed her shot and Johnny said it was because she was too tense and told her to drink up, so she could loosen up a bit. Down the hatch went a large gulp of her drink. I suggested that each time one of us missed a shot we had to take a drink and then proceeded to intentionally do just that. I drank and then waited as Terri moved to the table. Predictably, she missed the shot as I am a half way decent pool player and I had buried the cue ball leaving her with no shot.

By then Tuck had returned with another pitcher of margaritas and topped off everybody's glasses and then sat down along the wall next to Gene and engaged him in conversation while watching the action out of the corner of his eye. After enjoying her gyrations trying to get a shot at the ball we then watched as Terri gulped another large portion of her drink after missing. Gene said she better go easy on the drinks as they hadn't eaten dinner yet and she was drinking on an empty stomach. No one paid much attention to him as I stepped up and proceeded to make a shot so the whole thing would not look too phony, followed by a miss. Terri then succeeded in making a shot, so we raised our glasses to toast her success, getting her to take a drink anyway.

We could tell by her movements and the way she slurred certain words that she was beginning to feel the drinks. She missed her next shot and Johnny told her she was still too stiff and was holding the cue stick the wrong way. He slipped up behind her and while reaching around to coach her on how to hold the stick pushed his now rather pronounced bulge against the tight little ass. As he worked with her grip he also worked his cock against her ass and his hands were brushing her tits.

This did not escape Gene's attention. He finally looked like he was about ready to say something. Tuck pointed to a beer poster on the wall with a well-endowed babe on it and commented on how hot she looked, causing Gene to look away from the action momentarily.

Terri seemed a little confused by all that was happening. But she did not protest when I walked over to join them and assist Johnny in showing her how to line up a shot. As I took over working with her hands on the cue stick, Johnny pulled his hands back and boldly cupped her breasts as he continued to grind-fuck her through her jeans. As she looked up at me as if to ask what was going on, I turned to face her, placed my hand behind her head and kissed her. She resisted slightly at first but as I pushed my tongue against her lips Johnny let one hand drop down to her crotch and began to rub her pussy through the jeans.

That did it. She opened her mouth to let me French kiss her and my free hand reached inside the neck of her loose blouse to play with her now abandoned titty. Johnny pulled her up straight and I reached down and grabbed the bottom of the blouse and pulled it upward releasing the kiss only long enough to let the blouse pass over her head. By now Tuck had stood up and moved toward us, saying, ?All right, guys, don't leave me out.?

Gene just sat there dumbfounded, half not believing what was happening to his pretty little wife and half getting turned on by it. As Tuck arrived, six hands began to caress and fondle Terri, and work on getting her jeans off. Johnny then dropped his pants and, as we turned Terri around, he pushed her back onto the pool table and lifted her lovely smooth white legs with his rough tanned workingman's hands. Johnny then moved his thick cock toward her now dripping pussy. Tuck and I played with her tits with one hand as we released our pants with the other. Terri was spellbound, looking down at Johnny's big thick dick and then began to moan as he slowly slid it inside her. As Johnny began to fuck her, Tuck climbed onto the pool table and began to rub his monster cock against her face. As he slipped it into her mouth Johnny began to pound her hard, slamming it to her using her legs as levers. I took one titty in my mouth and began to work on it as I played with the other. My free hand was pumping on my hard cock.

It wasn't long before Johnny pulled her tight against him and held her there. I could hear her moan around Tuck's cock, and could tell Johnny had just dumped his load in Terri. I immediately moved around to take his place. As I slid my hard cock into her sloppy wet hole Johnny looked down at his big thick cock dripping with his cum and Terri's pussy juice and said, "Somebody needs to clean this mess up," and with that he pulled Tuck off the table and got up on it himself and proceeded to clean his cock in Terri's pretty little mouth. She seemed to love to taste and the perversion of sucking a thick pussy-juice covered cock, as she really got into it, causing her to fuck back hard at me. Her energy, combined with how fucking hot she was caused me to blow my wad in short order.

As I pulled out Tuck said, "Now baby, we've saved best for last. Let me show you how a real man fucks," and he moved around to take his turn. Terri pulled her head back from Johnny's cock to mumble something about needing to rest, but that wasn't going to happen. Johnny shoved his dick back into her mouth and said she'd have plenty of time to rest later. As I stepped back from the action to enjoy watching my two friends gangbang this hot babe from each end, I looked over at her husband. Gene had his dick out and was pumping on it, obviously hot from watching how his pretty little wife had been transformed into our slut. Tuck was pounding away so hard he was moving the pool table and it appeared that all three of them were headed for a huge climax at about the same time. I had not noticed before but old Bill had evidently locked the place up and had come back to watch the action in the poolroom. He was to be disappointed if he expected a piece of the action; just as Tuck blasted his load into her, Terri climaxed so hard she passed out on the table.

I asked Bill to get us a wet bar cloth and we proceeded to clean her up and put her clothes back on. Her husband continued to sit quietly by the wall taking it all in amazement.

We finished dressing Terri and then ourselves and as we walked back out into the bar Gene was helping her off the table and toward the door. Bill unlocked the door and they left quietly. We never did find out who they were or where they were from, Bill said he had never seen them in there before. From the reckless abandon with which she fucked and sucked us once she got into it, we figured that pussy had seen lots of action before she finally settled down with Gene and we hoped we had rekindled a desire for that kind of action again. We go there frequently and we're hoping little miss Terri liked the royal fucking she got enough that she'll be wanting to stop by there again sometime soon.

"Happy orgasms to all y'all!" Luv, terri