Originally posted by Stories by Sweatermeat1

The year is 2005 and the Bransons are hosting a party at their home in Durham North Carolina. The party is more of a business event, Joe Branson, a pillar of the community, and the ****** patriarch owns Carte Blanche restaurant and is trying to secure additional financing for a new location, the party is being catered by his staff.

The guest of honor so to speak is Darius Johnson and his wife Denise. Darius owns the local Savings and Loan and is the most powerful man in the southern community. Darius is 6'5", muscular, and black. His wife Denise is tall, slender, and beautiful. The two are a power couple and make a great team and tonight they have set their sights on Joe's wife, Lindsey.

Lindsey is the mother of three children, Steve 19, Bob 18, and Mellissa 17 with a birthday right around the corner. Lindsey is a former stewardess with a Political Science degree, she is a stay-at-home mom who sometimes helps out as a hostess at the restaurant. She is a conservative, faithful religious wife, and soccer mom, who helps with the Girl Scouts and PTA. She is 5'8" with long reddish blonde hair, and a lithe way about her. She has a slender figure which has filled out as the years have passed in all the right places. Tonight she is conservatively dressed in a black form-fitting dress that goes just below her knees and up top leaving just a hint of cleavage, capping it off with classic two-inch black pumps.

Darius and Denise tag-team the couple, splitting them up with Denise keeping Joe busy while Darius occupies Lindsey by asking for a tour of Lindsey's wonderful suburban home. As they enter the country kitchen the staff has a few questions for Lindsey. Darius watched her move about the kitchen with a mesmerizing grace inspecting the BBQ lamb and other items. Darius the predator grinned at the site of her inspecting the lamb thinking about who the real sacrificial lamb would be and this made him grow hard in anticipation.

Right about this time Lindsey's eldest son Steve came in the back door, arriving home from football practice covered in mud, "Hi Mom, how are you?"

"Steve, you remember Mister Johnson?"

"Yes, how are you, sir?" Darius smiled and shook his hand. Steve always had an uneasy feeling about Darius that he couldn't quite place, but he smiled and said "Please excuse me while I get cleaned up and I will join you for dinner," Steve as well as the kitchen staff left to take care of duties leaving Darius and Lindsey alone. Lindsey turned around to see that Darius had come into her space and found herself with her back against the island counter. "A... Darius why don't we continue the tour?" Even at 5' 8" she felt tiny compared to the tall muscular frame and the intimidating nature he exuded.

Darius raised his hand stroking the side of her face saying, "Lindsey, I feel you and I could put the finishing touch on the loan for the second location?" his hand continued to slide down her hair and onto her shoulder.

Lindsey was shocked, being somewhat submissive in nature, and with one of the most powerful men in the community making a pass at her, she hesitated, "Excuse me, I don't understand?"

Darius smiled to himself as he moved in again playing with her hair "You take care of my needs and I will finance your business, my dear," and with that he moved in, running his big powerful hand down her left arm to her hand he began to play with her wedding ring. She looked at him stunned that a man, a black man at that would be so brazen with her husband in the next room. Darius capitalizing on her response slowly ran his hand up her arm again and then looking into her beautiful green eyes gently cupped her left breast! Lindsey opened her mouth to protest when with his other hand he put his index finger on her lips and slowly traced her lips with his mammoth finger, then zeroing in on her nipple poking through her lace bra. Her breathing increased as he fondled her breast with the skill of a surgeon and inserted his index finger into her mouth, "Are you ready to serve me my lamb?"

Suddenly snapping out of it Lindsey snapped back "Stop it, Darius, I'm a married woman!" Darius smiled as though he had won and slowly removed his hand from her breast. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a piece of paper and placed it in her hand before walking out of the kitchen.

Lindsey breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God, I didn't fall to temptation," she muttered to herself. Remembering Darius had placed a piece of paper in her hand she opened the paper to read it, praying she didn't spoil her husband's deal, opening the paper she immediately began to sob as she slid down the counter until she found herself lying on the floor weeping as she stared at a naked picture of her at age 22, The note read, "I'll be in the master suite, you have ten minutes, Darius!"

"Ohh my God!! NO please!" Sobbing Lindsey had a flashback to 1980 when before they had married or even met she had taken a job as a stewardess to see the world and in a lapse of judgment she agreed to pose naked in a glorious stewardess Pictorial for a high profile men's magazine that was seeking stewardesses to pose naked, once the magazine hit the newsstands she lost her job and moved to Durham where she met Joe settled down and got married.

Being that it had been more than twenty years she thought the photo had long been forgotten and knowing that Joseph Branson, a Decon in the church would never marry a woman who was less than pure she never told him of her youthful indiscretion and although Lindsey was a virgin when she married Joe and had always been faithful now in a fog she picked herself up off the floor and left the kitchen wiping her eyes and adjusting her wrinkled dress, brushing away the hand print over her breast.

Entering the Great room where the party was in full swing her mind scrambled to find a way out of the situation. Out of nowhere, she felt a strong female hand grab hold of her arm and spin her toward her. She was now face to face with Darius's wife, Denise. The tall black woman looked at her like she was a spider in her nest, "Where are you off to darlin?"

Seeing her husband Joe was now by her side she said, "Oh, I was going to check on my son, Steve, he was limping when he came home from football practice."

Her husband Joe now slurring his words said, "No worries, Denise and I are having a pleasant conversation on finance." Denise smiled at Lindsey with a half-cocked smile and raised eyebrow, communicating to Lindsey, 'I know you're going to service my husband like a common ordinary whore!' A tear streamed down her cheek, on the side of her face Joe could not see but Denise could and grinned with a look in her eye and said, "I can't wait to sample your lamb as well," then looking over her body like she was buying an animal at the stockyard! When her steel brown eyes rose over her breasts to meet Lindsey's eyes her glare said, "I own you!"

Lindsay started to turn away, Joe said, "I love you, honey!"

Lindsey's voice cracked as she said, "I love you too."

As Lindsey Branson ascended the stairs of her beautiful upper-middle-class suburban home to the Master Suite she was shaking, she felt as if she was moving in slow motion. She could hear the home filled with laughter and joy as the party was in full swing behind her. She was not, of course, going to check on her son Steve Instead Lindsey was going to meet her blackmailer, the powerful black Banker Darius Johnson in her marital bedroom, and with each step, she was desperately trying to figure a way out. Then she heard someone shout her name, turning back she saw her Pastor, the Rev. William Snow of the Southern Baptist Church climbing the stairs, "Where are you off to Lindsey, I was hoping to get the first dance of the evening?"

Lindsey turned to Pastor Snow and glanced down at her form-fitting dress to see if it was still wrinkled where Darius had fondled her firm womanly breast, "I... I'm going to check on Steve. Please, save me a dance?"

"Of course," said the Pastor, "Is everything okay, you look pale as a ghost?"

"I'm fine thanks Pastor Snow, there is a lot on my mind between the party and kids."

"Why don't you come by the rectory this week and we will have a cup of tea?"

"Thank you, Pastor, I would enjoy that." Lindsey turned and continued up the stairs feeling as though she was between Heaven and Hell. Downstairs her preacher waiting on a dance, upstairs in her bedroom, Darius was waiting for her and would most certainly expect her to forsake her marriage vows!

Here in purgatory her mind grasping at straws, 'It's just a picture, she thought, a lot of people have posed nude. Joe would understand, I was young. Oh, who am I kidding? My husband the Decon of the church, he would never understand! I can't believe this, all my life I've lived like June Cleaver, and now because I pose nude, a black man expects to fuck me! Oh Lord please help me and please forgive my language!' Now leaning against her bedroom door she thought, 'I can't do this! I've never been with another man ever! A southern white woman with a black man! God, please take Satan out of my bedroom and out of my life,' I've got to be strong,' was the last thought as she opened the bedroom door and stepped inside.

Lindsey started to close the door when she heard his dominant voice, "STOP! Leave it open!" Darius bellowed in his deep voice.

"Are you insane, OPEN, with my ****** and a houseful of people downstairs!"

Darius smiled, and sat on the marital bed, "Tell me no again and I will walk out of this room and you won't hear from me again! Then you can see your naked picture sent to your husband, ******, friends, preacher, and all over the internet... are you feeling lucky, Tell me NO again!"

Tears were gliding down her cheeks as she broke, "I'm... I'm sorry, please don't do this, I'm begging you! Please, at least not in my husband's bed, can we please go to the Guest Suite?"

Ignoring her with a sly smile creeping over his face, "Are you ready to service me?" Darius had wanted this trophy wife for a long time, this exquisite lady was the perfect southern belle a former debutante from one of the oldest most prominent families in the community and now Darius would break her as the first step in his ultimate goal to break the entire ******.

"Oh... my God! I can't, please..." Lindsey wept as she looked around the large romantic suite where all three of her children were conceived and realized something unholy was about to take place.

"Strip now!" The big muscular black man ordered! The trophy wife stood in the middle of the bedroom, tears rolling down her cheeks as her trembling hands rose to her neck and started to remove her gold crucifix, "Leave the crucifix and your wedding rings on slut!"

Overwhelmed with shame she began to unbutton her black dress. The buttons went from just atop her breasts to just below her knees where the dress ended. As she unbuttoned, her splendid cleavage came into view and then she froze, "I can't, please I'm a respectable married woman!" Lindsey moaned and dropped her hands.

"HOLY SHIT," groaned Lindsey's son, Steve as he passed his parent's bedroom on the way downstairs, he now stood frozen in place not believing his eyes!

Darius rose from the bed and moved towards Lindsey. The beautiful Bell sensed he was going to pass her and walk right out the door. "Darius please, please don't go..." her voice cracked. The monster of a man stopped in front of her and looked deep into her eyes. This man a descendant of slaves now had this prim and proper lady, a descendant of plantation owners begging him to stay in her marital bedroom! Darius raised his large hands to the neckline of her dress and slowly and deliberately began to tear her dress down the front, the satin material ripped easily until the dress hung off her shoulders only exposing an ample amount of cleavage.

"Very nice!" his eyes roamed over the pale skin of her chest and belly with a slight pouch.

"Mama!" Steve muttered under his ragged breath.

Darius turned around and sat on her husband's side of the bed and simply stared at her as though he owned her. Defeated, Lindsey brought her hands up and slowly slid her dress off her shoulders and it dropped to the floor! What a vision she was before her new Master now wearing only a black lace underwire push-up bra cradling her 34B, very full B cup breasts. She watched his eyes as they traveled down to the matching lace French cut panties and the icing on the cake, the matching garter belt holding up thigh-high lace-topped stockings and two-inch delicate pumps. Darius smiled at the reality that she had dressed as a present for her husband later in the evening but was now a prize Darius was only too happy to steal! "Oh God" she managed to grasp as her breath came in quick bursts! She reached behind her back and undid her bra letting it fall to the ground. Her breasts were nothing short of magnificent for a forty-five-year-old mother of three! Her nipples were long like an eraser with somewhat small pink areola. There was a slight hint of sag to the breasts, just the right amount that let a man know she was a natural woman. Darius noticed the sag and thought, 'If everything goes as planned her breasts will be plump with a mother's milk for my child she will bear!'

Outside the door, Steve wanted to barge into the room and defend his mother's honor, but was glued to his spot as he started to rub his hard as-steel cock! "Please I'm begging you, I... I will give you the money! Please don't humiliate and use me in this manner, Darius," looking into his dark blue eyes she realized she was the lamb and started to unfasten each garter strap. As she bent over her breasts swayed like beautiful utters! When all the straps of the black garter were undone she once again looked to Darius but saw no mercy in his eyes. "Please, I'm not protected. You can't cum in me! I can't get pregnant," she whimpered as she lowered her French cut panties, exposing herself, a true strawberry blonde as her well-groomed bush came into view. Now exposed and defeated she realized she had permitted him to enter her with her last statement!

Steve was dizzy looking at her swinging breasts, as her pussy came into view, Darius held out his hand as she dutifully slid them down her legs and over her heels placing the panties in his hand. He looked deep into her soul as he raised his hand to his nose and smelled the pheromones! He smiled and she blushed as both knew the submissive wife was wet. He balled up the panties and threw them across the room and out into the hall where the black panties landed at Steve's feet. As he watched the scene unfold and as he peered around the door he knew he had to save his mom, but could not stop himself from first examining her panties. As he bent over to retrieve them they were suddenly scooped up by a delicate black hand with a French Manicure. "You've been a bad boy, Steve!" Denise said sharply, wrapping her hand around the boy's waist and smashing her small B-cup breasts into his muscular back!

"Mrs. Johnson, it's not what it looks like!"

"Stay still my little Cuckold, mama's in control now," as she lowered her slim hand to his hardening cock, her other hand brought to his nose his mother's panties inhaling the wonderful scent of his mother's panties back in the bedroom Lindsey went to remove her garter belt. Darius shook his head understanding she stepped back and reconnected each garter strap to her lace stocking. He pointed to her hair and she knew to let her hair down. Slowly she let her reddish blonde hair fall and frame her face and touch the top of her breasts. She was frightened and oddly enough starting to drip as well! There was a part of the married woman who had a desire to submit to Darius! She wondered if her mature motherly frame would please the black Adonis. Standing back a bit she deliberately displayed her pale-skinned, lithe body to the man who now controlled her destiny! The lovely Lindsey was all woman, nothing plastic about her. Her body had filled out some over time only making her more desirable, her body was near a mirror image of actress Almudenia Leon.

Darius stood, "It's time, undress me!"

"Oh... please, there must be some other way? I'm begging on my marriage vows," standing in front of the towering man who had no patience for disobedience she raised her arms and removed his suit coat. The large black man towered over her as she felt humiliated and small looking up into his eyes. Next looking up the front of his chest she removed his necktie and then began to unbutton his fine dress shirt exposing a mountainous chest of pure muscle, the large man was naked from the waist up and was dark as coal! Lindsey was repulsed by the black man and yet could feel her sweet juices running down her inner thighs. She had never been abused and taken in such a way and it touched a nerve with her Biblical roots to honor and obey her man. Only one problem, Darius was not her man, he was her ******?

"I grow annoyed, finish undressing me now," bellowed Darius.

"Yes Master," replied Lindsey without thinking, "Oh my God, why did I say that?!" As she slid to her knees and raised her hands to his belt trembling she began to unbuckle his belt and then the sound of a zipper echoed through the room! The reason for the echo was out in the hall Darius' wife Denise had unzipped the young son's pants at the same time!

"Ohh... moaned Steve, please no..."

"Your a dirty little boy jerking off to your Mother's humiliation," hissed Denise as she dropped his pants and wrapped his mom's panties around Steve's sizable seven-inch cock, and started stroking him causing him to grip the wall as he watched his Mother on her knees disrobing Darius and all the while Denise was seemingly unfazed that her husband was taking a married white woman in her bedroom!

The prim and proper conservative wife on her knees naked except for a garter belt, lace stockings, and two-inch heels! Slowly she pulled down his trousers as her breasts swayed and she came face to face with something abnormally large and unnatural! She thought, 'It can't be, impossible!?' as she stared. It was difficult to determine who was more excited between Darius, his wife Denise, or Lindsey's son Steve! Lindsey raised her arms gripped the sides of his black silk boxers and lowered them. As she saw the Amazon-like black cock come into view she whimpered. As the black log swayed in front of her, her thoughts were how huge it was, easily 11 or 12 inches, and about as thick as a Coke can!

She had heard idol gossip at lunches with other Southern Belle where they spoke of Plantation stories about black bulls and lady of the house. But that kind of taboo she thought was just old wives tales, her husband was 8 inches and filled her. Mesmerized she stared at the huge black as coal log. Darius now had stepped out of his briefs and was completely naked. Every inch of his six-foot-five figure was all muscle! He was nothing short of a Mandingo! "Oh... God. Darius no! You'll ruin me!" A tear ran down her cheek knowing making love to her beloved husband would never be the same and that he would enviably know that she had been unfaithful!

With a cold callous expression, he reached down and grabbed her chin with his massive hand and drew her head up to look into his eyes, "You no longer serve your husband, you will be his in name only and maybe not even that unless I allow it, you belong to me!" A tear rolled down her cheek as waves of emotion went through her mind, thoughts of how her orderly perfect life had turned completely upside down in less than an hour. The wife and mother rose from the floor and started to move around him towards the bed when he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her in front of him, "Where the fuck do you think you are going whore?!"

Stunned and trembling she whispered, "I... I was going to get in bed."

"Did I say you could get up off your knees slut! I own you do you understand?" Darius reached out and grabbed her left nipple and squeezed it as hard as he could causing her to howl in pain and fall to the floor in front of him.

Lindsey looked at the floor and whispered, "Aw... yes Master, um... you own my body."

"You may service me now slut!" Lindsey looked up at the semi-hard log, brought her mouth up to it, and started licking the long length, taking both hands to support. This is something she rarely did for her husband and she prayed Darius would not cum in her mouth as she never would swallow for Joe.

Out in the hall, Denise was enthroned she could not believe the impending destruction of the debutante and cuckolding the son as a toy she would be sure to manipulate after today! "You sick little shit are you getting off on watching your Mother or are you some fudge packer hoping Darius will take your ass?"

"I...please, I want to help my mom!"

Denise unwrapped her hand and took the panties from his cock and backed away from him. "You're free, go and save your Mother," calling his bluff.

The boy looked deep into the strong-willed black woman's eyes and then scanned down her body. She had perfect teardrop-shaped breasts and it was obvious she was not wearing a bra as her V-neck dress went all the way down to her knees. Looking back at his Mother and then back to the beautiful black lady in front of him he was torn, "Why... Why are you and your husband doing this?"

Denise reached up and slid the V-shaped dress off her shoulders revealing her perfect black body the dress pooling around her feet, "All in good time my boy, you will learn your purpose and our purpose but you must commit yourself to me."

"Please... make me cum, I need to cum, please... Mrs Johnson."

Denise's smile curled up on the right side and said "Of course my Pet, let your Mistress relieve you of that," With that, she turned the boy around and pressed her bare chest against his back her hard nipples poking into his back! His attention was again focused on Darius and his Mother, as Denise started to jerk him off with his Mother's panties again!

The scene in the room was insane! His Mother was nearly naked on her knees licking the long shaft of Darius. The contrast between the pale white woman to the coal-dark Mandingo was stark and mesmerizing to Steve as well as Denise. The pretty strawberry blonde licked her lips once, with nervousness! Then parting them slowly, lowering her lips to let the massive mushroom head into her mouth! A groan left Darius's lips as he felt the warm lips around his massive head. Slowly she worked about four inches into her mouth as she looked down she saw her wedding ring glitter as she held his penis to her mouth! Slowly she bobbed her head up and down never allowing more than four to five inches inside her mouth. Instinctively, she found her left hand stroking his long shaft, in rhythm with her mouth. Hoping this would be enough for Darius and he would put an end to this humiliation.

Working the cock with precision she felt a copious amount of pre cum begins to enter her mouth. Pausing for a moment she removed it from her mouth to look at the black penis smeared in white fluid more than her husband had ever ejaculated into her mouth that she would then spit out into the sink. "Look at you, you're a slut! Nipples poking out hard as pebbles and a puddle dripping on the floor between your legs! Get back to work Whore!" Darius barked! Lindsey bowed her head in shame and took the python back into her mouth six inches deep as Darius grabbed the back of her head and began fucking her face with all his will! Back and forth, over and over again ramming his brick-like cock in as far as he could crying, "Deeper Lindsey Deeper..." and then a pop and his log went down her throat balls deep! "Yes!" he moaned triumphantly. "Good girl." His balls resting on her chin, Lindsey is one of the few with no gag reflex, the debutante can deep-throat just about anything! Sometimes teasing her husband with a cucumber while cooking in the kitchen. Darius began pounding away pushing in so far his pubic hair would tickle her nose as he went balls deep! "Keep going I'm close, I'm going to fill your stomach with my baby batter!"

Suddenly Lindsey put her hands on his hips and pushed until he popped out of her mouth! The big snake fell on her breast sliming them with his fluid! "No Darius, I don't swallow for even my husband!" She could see the anger in his eyes as he raised his hand to slap her and stopped himself, "Who the fuck do you think you are! Your a whore servicing me and nothing more! I will cum in your mouth, pussy, ass whatever I want or you will find that naked picture from the dirty magazine in 1980 all over town! Stewardesses in the nude, you slut!"

'That's it, mom posed nude! WOW! I've got to find the magazine!' Steve thought.

She trembled and nodded her head in shame with tears rolling down her cheeks she said, "Master will you please cum in my mouth? Use me for your pleasure." She then took the python back into her mouth moving her hands to the back of his muscular ass and pulling him completely down her throat and starting a seductive rhythm slowly moving to a breakneck speed! He moaned loudly at one of the best blowjobs he ever had and then suddenly she felt his log grow in her throat and she knew he was close!

Darius grunted, "You better take every drop and hold it in your mouth till I allow you to swallow slave!" He suddenly pulled out leaving just the mushroom tip in her mouth as he pumped rope after rope of his seed! Three, four, five, six blasts and still flowing! Finally, he moaned as a final burst went in her mouth and let his penis slip from her mouth. He padded her on the head as she sat on her knees and said "Open wide." Lindsey opened her mouth to show a rather large load of semen. Her eyes were bloodshot and red blotches on her pale skin. "Stay!" He commanded, then walked into the Master Bathroom where he took a piss, washed his face, and had a glass of water. Returning to the bedroom he found she had not moved except for the tears that were rolling down her cheeks dripping onto her right nipple. Darius approached the marital bed and turned down the sheets! Then walked over to her and padded her on the head treating her like a puppy dog he said, "Good girl, you may have your treat now." Lindsey closed her eyes and swallowed as she felt the warm seed slipping down to the pit of her stomach!


She felt as though she would throw up but had no time to think as Mandingo picked her up by the waist and set her in the middle of the marital bed! Darius got onto the bed and looked into her eyes as he softly pried her legs apart and moved between them! Laying his thick unprotected log across her freshly trimmed strawberry blonde pubic hair! The log stretched over her naval and rested on her soft belly! Darius looked down upon the lamb savoring the moment, surveying his exquisite prize. He took his hand and brushed aside the strand of hair stuck to the side of her face, 'No doubt dried semen he thought.'

Lindsey looked up at Darius knowing what he was waiting for. Her eyes welling with tears she said, "May I service you? Please, Master?" Shame and sadness ran through her head as she reached down to grab the black python he stopped her!

"Use the other hand slave," he said bluntly looking at her as though she were a renewable resource. The lovely wife glanced down and first saw the gold crucifix on her chest and then at the wedding band on her finger.

"OH..." she wept! She took hold of the 12-inch log and brought it to her entrance. A wave of guilt came over her as she realized she was dripping wet and warm! She had been abused, degraded, taken, and broken by this black man, and yet her body was providing a welcoming entrance for him! The tiny woman felt his tip press into her womanhood! The pressure building felt like a dull pain as the large mushroom head gained entrance to the forbidden fruit! Looking down her wedding ring sparkled as she fed the black snake into her Georgia Peach the pain quickly sharpened as the first inch of the Coke can slipped inside.

Outside in the hallway, both watched in fascination as the beautiful wife submitted to the powerful man! Steve was breathing as though he might pass out and suddenly he felt a long nail scratching his rosebud! Denise licked her finger and started to insert it into Steve's ass! "Ohh... God..." he moaned as she pushed the long finger inside!

Denise licked his ear and whispered "I bet you wish this finger was Darius's hard cock mama boy? Tell me!" as she rotated her finger and pushed deeper! Steve only moaned louder as he started to wonder if she was right.

Back in the marital bed, she let out a choked NO... as another inch slipped in!

Shh... was all Darius said as he continued his invasion, pushing into another man's wife at an agonizingly slow pace, he was up to four inches and she was weeping she felt she was being split in two!

"Oh... my... please no more!" moaned Lindsey.

Darius started to pound away mercilessly like a battering ram! She let go of the black cock, as Darius was now six inches deep! Her hands gripping the sheets as she hung on for dear life! Darius was a machine, relentless as inch after inch plunged into her, he was now nine inches deep. Lindsey was now openly moaning with each stroke she found her body responding to the mix of pain and pleasure. Without realizing it she slowly raised her legs bending her knees and spreading her legs more! This resulted in better access for Darius as he picked up speed! Focusing on getting her cervix to yield to his black log!

"Oh my God, Master! No more, please... I can't take another inch!"

Denise pulled her finger out of the young son's ass and spit on her fingers! Then began to sink two fingers into his ass while whispering in his ear in a throaty voice! "You dirty little cuckold, I may make you eat your mother's twat once the Master is done using her!"

"Oh... My... Mrs. Johnson, I, please, please don't!"

Denise stopped stroking him brought his mother's panties to his mouth and said, "Open up Cuck, NOW!" He hesitated, then opened his mouth, she stuffed the panties into his mouth. He could smell the strong scent of his Mother, the taste was sweet. Denise licked his ear and started stroking his leaking cock with his pre cum! Groaning into his ear! "Sorry about the panties, but I will allow nothing to interfere with your mother's impregnation," then suddenly added a third finger to his ass ramming it fully in! Tears rolled down the football player's cheeks from the extreme pain mixed with pleasure! Embarrassed that a woman could treat him this way and have such control over him! He fully submitted to Mrs. Johnson leaving his mom to her to fend for herself!

Darius was relentless as he withdrew the nine inches and then pummeled back into her, he refused to ejaculate until he was balls-deep in her and into her cervix where breeding was all but assured, in and out, over and over with perfect rhythm. "Awww... Please, no more! I'm begging you... I can't... every inch... you're just too big... You're ruining me!"

"Shh... Never tell me no! I own you now and you need to fully submit to me and let me in!" Now picking up steam and pounding into her he locked eyes with her, "You know what my goal is, so accept it."

"Oh my God!" she moaned, tears streaming down her face as she stared back into the eyes of her Mandingo! Wondering if this is what white women, perhaps her ancestors experienced, Lindsey slowly brought her knees up as high as they would go and then dug her high heels into the mattress of the marital bed! Then slowly brought her hands up and placed them on his tight ass and pull him inside! Raising her head from the pillow, her hair not following her, dangled around her breasts! She pulled herself up to within an inch of his dark face and whimpered, "Yes Master, I'm your property! Please... impregnate me," and with that, she brought her tender lips to his and gave a kiss of surrender! Her tongue slowly slid into his mouth and she kissed him with passion as never before!

There was a loud sucking sound and then a pop as Darius entered her cervix! The southern belle screamed into his mouth! He was fully impaled! His black hairy balls rested against her vagina! She then wrapped her legs around his muscular ass interlocking her heels and prepared for her destiny!

"Ha, Ha, Ha...YES!"Denise hissed as she worked Steve's ass and cock with renewed vigor, "You're going to have a baby brother soon, Boy! I can't wait to see the look on your Daddy's face as Mama pops out a black baby!" She said triumphantly. Steve could only moan in passion as he, like his Mother was under complete control of the power couple! "Looks like you or your Daddy will have to clean Mama out tonight if you don't want her pregnant!" She then stuck her tongue in his ear and whispered, "Maybe you want Mama pregnant so you suck the milk out of her full and heavy breasts?"

That was it, it was too much, Steve groaned, "Mama!" as he climaxed into the black woman's hand! Squirt after squirt into her hand with some landing on the wainscoting as well.

Mrs Denise Johnson pulled the three fingers from his ass and spun him around to within inches of her face! "You filthy little boy! You're mine now! I own you!" With that, she brought her palm full of his semen up to his lips, "Open up little birdie, chirp, chirp."

"Mrs Johnson, that's sick! I can't, please let me go.

She gave him a sly smile and said, "Look over your left shoulder and focus on the hall table behind me!" As he looked over her shoulder his eyes bulged out of his head! There on the table was her smartphone recording everything! "Imagine what your parents, ******, and friends would think of you on video masturbating to your Mother being ***** and impregnated?!"

"I'm sorry aw... Mrs Johnson, I... Please..."

She interrupted him, "Mistress, or Mistress J, you fucking piece of useless shit! Don't you dare call me Mrs. Johnson unless we are in public together, UNDERSTAND?!"

The boy was trembling a tear coming down his cheek wondering what on earth he had gotten into replied, "Yes Mistress J."

She looked over her prey, moved in closer, and ran her tongue up the side of his face licking up the tear, "Good, my Pet, now open up!" As she brought her palm full of cum to his lips! Slowly he opened his mouth as she pulled his head further back and pinched his nose closed pouring the entire contents down his throat! Gagging and with his eyes running he got it all down, "Good, Boy, now lick my hand clean!"

'Ohh, God, when will this end?' he thought as he licked the manicured hand clean.

"Now this other hand that was in your ass. Mistress J. is going to turn you around and stick as much of her entire FIST up your faggot ass as she can! So, it's up to you if you want to ease the pain with your spit?" laughed Denise!

Weeping he went to spit and she stopped him saying. "You may NEVER spit on your Mistress, however, you may like or suck my fingers if you wish?"

"But Mistress, your fingers were in my ass!"

A sly smile came upon her face as she said, "I know my dirty little boy, now either start licking and sucking or turn around." Weeping and broken he took the slim hand brought it to his lips and started licking them up one side and down the other, "You have 30 Seconds!" Panicking he shoved as much of her hand into his mouth slobbering and gaging in the process! "Time, turn around and spread your legs as you watch your whore of Mother get inseminated!"

The naive boy turned and braced himself against the door jam and watched Darius who had just bottomed out into his Mother! "Put the panties back into your mouth!" Denise demanded and then he felt her nails digging into his anus and spreading his rosebud!

Steve screamed, "Mommy" into the panties as her long hand started to enter his ass!

Lindsey lay in the missionary position her two-inch heels interlocked around Darius's muscular ass now that he had entered her cervix! The married wife desperately kissed the Mandingo, as though her soul depended on it! Darius started to move but Lindsey locked her legs tighter and whispered, "Please Master don't move an inch." The belle started French kissing him again with pure unadulterated lust! Pushing her tongue in as deep as possible while moving her arms around his neck! Whimpering as her body trembled leading her into an earth-shattering climax! Images of her conservative life faded as she moaned into her Master's mouth. She pulled away from his kiss and looked into his steely eyes and choked out a "please..."

She moaned as the big man pulled 11" inches out and slammed back into her cervix picking up speed like a fright train! He started nuzzling on her neck hitting an erogenous zone! She surrendered her neck leaning in as he attacked her neck leaving love bites! Lost in the passion, all sense of logic had left her. Emotions were high as it became clear to her that an unholy mating ritual was now underway! Her husband, children, and wonderful life flashed through her thoughts and her eyes welled with tears! She reached her hand up and touched his lips and cried "Inseminate me please... give me your seed!" A second wave overcame her and once again she climaxed! "AWWW... God, so good!" she moaned as she forgot her husband and ******.

Darius's cock swelled as her tight vaginal canal milked the Bull! The pace became frantic as they watched from the doorway! They could see his muscular ass contracting as the Mandingo was deep in his mating ritual, nearing ejaculation! Darius sought her eyes looked deeply into them and moaned, "It's TIME!"

Lindsey welled up as tears streamed down her delicate face as she whispered, "Oh God, no... I, oh, oh... No don't." Hesitation and indecision and finally expectance! "Please, please seed me! Give me your baby, please...I'm begging Master!" Darius smiled in victory at the submission! Getting up on his forearms, hovering over the former debutante as he groaned and began to shoot his load deep into her cervix, spurt after spurt entered her womb! She could feel the immense amount of warm sperm coating her walls, bringing her hands up to his chest she dug her nails into him as she climaxed a third time signaling her body was accepting his insemination!

Out in the hallway, Denise was ecstatic! "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!" And then rammed the remainder of her hand up Lindsey's son and began fisting him in earnest stride, whispering in his ear with a throaty voice! "I want you to cum now and you better not spill a drop!"

The young man with one hand gripping the door jam cupped the palm of his other hand desperate to catch every drop, "You know what to do Cuckold!" Steve winced as he brought his hand up to his mouth and licked it clean! Denise pulled her dress through her arms back into place covering her still-hard nipples and grabbed the boy's arm pulling him close! "NOT ONE WORD OF WHAT HAPPENED HERE, understood?" As she picked up her smartphone and walked away, her beautiful ass swaying as she headed downstairs. Steve pulled up his pants and hobbled off to his bedroom.

Darius, the final shot of sperm came with such thunder, and just like that he rolled off the lamb and onto his back. His log quickly sucked from her womb leaving a gaping hole and now laying across his thigh leaking fluid onto her husband's side of the bed leaving Lindsey feeling like a worthless whore.

Curling into the fetal position her body trembling her back to Darius she silently wept as a wave of guilt overcame her and reality hit as she realized she had violated her marriage vows in the bed she shares with her husband, the same bed where her children were conceived. Joe and the children were elsewhere in the couple's home as she had committed adultery feeling their combined fluids leaking out of her was a constant reminder that she asked, no begged Darius to inseminate her! She saw her nightstand drawer was not fully closed, spotting the condoms inside that she made her husband wear she slowly rose and went into the Master Bathroom to sit on the toilet and pee. Looking down I saw her petals red and swollen as huge glops of semen fell into the bowl. Sitting there for a few minutes to collect her thoughts she finally rose washed her hands and splashed water on her face. Looking in the mirror she saw five separate love bites on her neck! Closing the door quietly she opened the medicine cabinet and took out the thermometer waving it over her forehead confirming her worst fear! Her temp always went up a few degrees when she was ovulating!

"Come and clean me," bellowed Darius. Lindsey sighed, unsure where life was heading as she slipped into her cream-colored long silk bathrobe. Then gathered the pink porcelain bowl and pitcher from the table and filled the pitcher with warm water and some soap. Placing a towel over her arm along with a washcloth and headed into the Master Suite. Darius laughed as he saw her approaching as if to give him a sponge bath. "You stupid bitch!" he laughed. "You will always clean me with your tongue, haha." Humiliated and feeling degraded, she returned the bowl and pitcher to the bathroom. Pausing to look in the mirror, she felt a warm twinge between her legs. She fluffed and brushed her hair and then put on some fresh red lipstick and thought, 'My God, what are you doing the man just forced himself on you and now you're freshening yourself for him!' but there was something about the submission that she found addicting?! The belle detoured into her walk-in closet and switched shoes, she pulled down a pair of six-inch silver glitter Stilettos and slipped them on her feet. She had bought them to surprise Joe and never had the guts to wear them before now.

Returning to the Master Suite seeing the black Adonis laying on the bed like a 'Greek God' she quietly moaned and untied the sash, "Are you ready for me Master?" In her sweetest southern drawl letting the robe puddle to the floor! She wondered if her body appealed to the Mandingo. Darius looked at his prize a natural woman with beautiful long strawberry blonde hair stopping just above her breasts with freshened makeup, garter, thigh-high silk stockings, and six-inch Stilettos!

"Come and service your Master, whore!" She trembled as she approached the bed her large breasts with a slight sag jiggled as she approached and crawled onto the bed positioning herself between his legs his python starting to harden again! "Start with the scrotum and work you're way up slut." She found it strange that she wanted to please him even as he used and degraded her! Lifting his mammoth sack she began to tongue the man something she swore she would never do for any man but now hungrily attacking the spot between his sack and rosebud. Darius groaned and ran his fingers through her hair as she started to shake, she found herself moving her tongue unbelievably towards his rosebud. The once stately wife ran her tongue over his anus and began to push inside as deep as possible causing Darius to moan and grind her head into his ass. His black log rose to full mast in seconds.

The wanton woman now began to surface like a submarine over his balls up his mast to the mushroom tip, then looking into his eyes before spitting on his cock and taking him down her throat until her nose reached his pubic hair. Darius smiled knowing she had accepted and wanted to please now, she began to throat fuck him with enthusiasm Darius smiled at how easy it was to get in this southern belle's head, to manipulate her, and would now use her to enslave and ultimately destroy her ******.

The man lying on his back was now as hard as a brick and ready to reseed the white wife! "Bitch, come sit on me!" Withdrawing, he heard a popping sound as he left her throat. She looked at her nightstand and saw a picture of Joe and the children and hesitated. Glancing between Adonis and the ****** portrait, a tear welled up in her eyes, "Who's property are you slut?" Darius said reasserting control over her as he wondered how long it would be before the debutante was nothing more than a skank, that he would simply discard to the trash heap.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, as she raised a leg over the 12" cock and slowly lowered herself onto the hunk of meat emitting a moan, "I am yours to use as you like," she said weeping, and slid down to 10 inches where it bumped up against her cervix. Surprised at how easily her body took the mammoth penis she placed her hands on his chest and instantly climaxed. Lindsey immediately went to work rolling her hips in a graceful rhythm fucking herself on the massive rod. She imagined herself pregnant with the black man's child and the scandal that would come with it. Darius reached up and grabbed her big breasts and started to manipulate her nipples, watching the breasts jiggle, 'Thinking how soon they would be plump with milk.' He pulled her to him and started to suck on the nipple, biting them like a hungry boy imagining them to be filled with milk. Lindsey moaned like the whore he said she was. Her bull bit both breasts leaving several bite marks on both breasts and her belly, he wanted to mark his territory and she wanted to be his whore. She came again as he worked over her breasts and as her climax subsided she slowed her pace looked him in the eyes came close to his face and said, "I know this will bring disaster, but I surrender my mind, body, and soul to you. You own me and I will do as you command." With that, she took her hands pushed up on his chest, and stood up on the bed. His black log slipped from her as she stood completely above him on her marital bed. Darius couldn't help but notice the huge gapping hole, the smile was him knowing he had ruined her cunt, that making love to her husband would never be the same. As his eyes moved up her lithe body he took in the slight pouch and the sag in her breasts, knowing all that would go away with the pregnancy!

"Talk is cheap whore! Talk the talk or walk the walk!" She looked down at him and glanced over at the portrait of her ****** hesitating, Degraded with tears streaming down her face and dropping onto his chest. She placed her hands together and for the first time in twenty-two years removed her wedding rings!

This brought a grin to the black man, who viewed this as a significant step but what happened next stymied him as she took the rings and brought them down to her vagina and began rubbing the rings in their combined juices and then took one last look at the picture of Joe and the kids and wept as she turned back to Darius and looking deep into her Master's eyes she inserted the wedding rings deep into her vagina and slowly lowered herself onto the black python, "Seed me, let's make a baby... Please Master I'm begging you!" Slowing dropping her full weight on him and with a pop he was in her cervix and she began riding him hard. Stunned at these developments the bull sat back as she did all the work, he could feel the ring sliding about and eventually they made it onto his mushroom tip. Her eyes not leaving his again as he bellowed and exploded seeding the wife and mother as well as her wedding rings! Lindsey smiled and collapsed on top of him!

Darius lifted the woman off him, as he slid out of her, their juices poured out of her along with her rings coated in Mandingo semen all dropping in the spot where her husband slept. Tossing the debutante aside like a discarded toy Darius got up and headed for the shower not wanting to go home to his beautiful black wife covered in white whore fluids and now once again Lindsey found herself curled up in the fetal position staring at her semen-covered wedding rings, 'Oh... Why, what's wrong with me?' Feeling lonely and empty she wept and thought, 'Maybe he's right, maybe I'm nothing but a whore? How can I fix this, why would I cheat on my loving husband, and all the time the bedroom door was completely open and with a house full of guests.' Her thoughts were disrupted as Darius stepped from the bathroom refreshed, dressed, and looking like something out of GQ.

The big man walked over to her dresser picked up his smartphone turned off the record button and said, "I left instructions for you on your dresser. Don't even think of not following them to the letter!"

Seeing that she had been video recorded the mature wife howled and screamed, "WHY, Darius, why..." Getting up onto all fours and breasts swinging like utters! Love bites all over her pale body with red blotches on various parts of her body! Looking completely fucked and used! "I gave myself to you, I Fully submitted to you, why, I even let you cum in me, the first semen in me in almost 18 years, Oh... God! Why!?"

The Mandingo walked over to the bed in anger and grabbed the white woman by the hair and pulled her to the ground, to within an inch of his face, "Get to know your fucking history bitch! In the 1850s my great, great Grandfather was a slave on your Grandfather's Plantation Unholy things took place there and now unholy things will happen in this bedroom! You will pay the price of your ancestor's sins you stupid WHORE and you gave me nothing I took and will continue to take what I want from you, you submitted because deep down you know this is the natural order of things!"With that, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his hardening cock, and started to vigorously stroke his black python, as he began to leak pre cum he wiped it on her cheeks, and in a fit of anger he ejaculated all over her face, and breasts! He then wiped his cock on her face and said, "Don't even think about showering, you are to go downstairs smelling like the slut you are!"

Stunned and shaking and broken she looked up at him and said, "Yes... Master."

He tightened his grip on her hair and said, You're completely useless to me unless you're pregnant with my child!" Darius bent over as though he would kiss and as she opened to accept his tongue he spat in her mouth, then tossed her to the bed like a rag doll, "Get downstairs slave, the evening has just begun!" as he walked out the door.

Lindsey lay there in the juices that she and her lover had created over the last hour and a half weeping at the thought of the runaway train she allowed to take place in her home. Guilt-ridden she lay praying she was not pregnant! Due to her religion, she had never taken birth control and an abortion was simply out of the question! She kept going back asking herself over and over again. 'Why she would ask a black man to inseminate her, assisting him, being fully committed mind, body, and soul! Ding, Ding, her smartphone went off. Leaning over to the nightstand she picked up the phone and found a message from her husband. "Hey, are you okay?"

She quickly typed back, "Yes, she was fine had just finished showing the house to Darius and wanted to change because she had spilled wine on her dress."

"Okay thanks for helping with Darius, I love you!"

"Love you too..."

Looking about the room, seeing her torn dress, robe, and black lace bra scattered about the floor she felt shame as everything she had worn for her husband was given to another man. Looking up, she saw the open door to the hall and nearly screamed, she quickly picked up her robe, wrapped it around her, and sprinted into the hall searching for the black lace panties but they were nowhere to be found, 'Oh... My God, where are they? Did someone find them? Perhaps they were watching the unholy mating, God... No, please!' Then she saw them crumbled in the corner picking them up she felt the pre cum and knew someone had been watching? Returning to the bedroom and locking the door behind her. Lindsey shivered as she retrieved Darius's note. "DO NOT CHANGE OR CLEAN THE SHEETS, remake the bed so it's ready for your husband. You are not to shower or wash up and put your used panties back on, you may reapply your makeup. I've laid out a dress and shoes for you in your walk-in closet to wear at the party this evening. At the party, you may call me Mr. Johnson in public. You will ask me to dance a slow number with you in front of your husband and his friends. During the dance make sure you find a way to show your submission to your Master!"

"Ohh, no!" She moaned thinking, 'This is simply not done in southern society I will be ruined!"

The note went on. "At the end of the evening, you take your husband upstairs and seduce him in your bed and you are to make him eat my seed from your pussy before you fuck him, HaHa, perhaps he can retrieve it all so you don't end with a black baby. Record it on your phone and text the video to me, remember your only purpose in life is to serve me, slave!"

She fell back against the mahogany dresser and dropped the note. "My life is over, she whispered." Pulling herself together she walked about and cleaned up the room. Then the lithe-like woman went to the closet and was stunned by the dress waiting for her, it was a white spandex form-fitting nightgown slip-like dress with a built-in lace bra with underwire cups! It looked like the user was wearing there a form-fitting painted-on slip/bra combination, it was from her Stewardess days 25 years ago when overseas she would go dancing with friends. "Ohh, no! Please Master, no..." She quietly dropped her robe and put on the black lace panties still soaked with her seepage, she then tried to get the dress on which was a real struggle.

The mature woman while still very beautiful was no longer 21 and increased a couple of dress sizes in the over two decades and three children that followed. Finally she got into it and it felt more like a shape than a dress since it was so tight. Adjusting her breasts into the built-in lace bra she then stepped into the bright red 6" platform heels. Looking in the full-length mirror she saw a whore staring back at her. Her breasts are now almost a full cup larger than years ago. Overflowing the underwire bra pushed both breasts together making for massive amounts of cleavage looking obscene the entire top of her chest was uncovered except for the the bra straps. Multiple bite marks were showing about her neck and breasts with red blotches on different parts of her pale skin. Perhaps worst of all was the black French cut panties and matching garter belt that clearly showed through the spandex white dress! She started to weep as she looked at herself! Completely stunned she found herself weeping between her legs as well Quietly she said, "Come on Lindsey hold it together, you will get through this!" She applied fresh makeup using foundation makeup to help cover up the bite marks, lastly, she put on her wedding rings and headed downstairs.

Denise was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with many of the other wives who stared at the southern Bell dressed like a whore, "Lindsey you look marvelous, so youthful," snickered Denise "We were just talking about having more children at our age can you Imagine? How about you, you're not too old to have another child, have you considered it my dear?" The black woman stared at her and said, "I can picture you pregnant with a bulging belly and big breasts filled with milk!" Patting her slight bump that was accentuated by the skin-tight dress, the other women burst into laughter.

Lindsey stared at the beautiful black woman unable to speak. As Denise stared back into the strawberry blonde's eyes effectively communicating she was aware of the impregnation that took place upstairs the band started to play "Pride and Joy" and Denise said, "Ohh, I love this song! Come on ladies let's dance!"

They dragged Lindsey to the dance floor. It's a real bluesy tune with a lot of bumps and grind. Lindsey was embarrassed as she began to move to the music, her breasts jiggling along with her hips! Lindsey was somewhat jealous as she glanced at Denise's perfect 28-year-old teardrop breasts barely moving even though she was braless! They moved together with an impressive rhythm! Dancing together the two women were the picture of desire! Denise got closer and bumped and grind against the white woman running her slender black hands up the side of her body! Starting at the hips and slowly running them over the side swells of her breasts shaming and enticing the southern belle. As the song went on Lindsey thought it best to go with the flow, she did not want to mess up her husband's deal.

As the song was wrapping up Denise spun the white woman around pressing her beautiful breasts into her back and whispering into her ear with her throaty voice "Was this the first time you've been blacked?" Lindsey welling up with tears turned to the woman grinning from ear to ear. Lindsey felt like a slave in the presence of the Mistress's house. Denise laughed and said, "Blacked, you know danced with a Black person?" But the intention was crystal clear!

"Aw, yes Denise this was the first time," her voice cracking. Will you please excuse me I must find my husband."

"Of course my Pet. But never forget it takes nine months to recover from the dance," snickered Denise.

Lindsey made her way through the crowd many of the men opening staring at the generous amount of creamy breast on display. Just then Lindsey came face to face with Rev. Snow and immediately crossed her arms covering up as much as possible, "Hello Pastor, are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yes my dear, but we still have not had our dance?"

"It's such a beautiful evening why don't we dance outside by the Moonlite."

Together they danced with other couples to "Mama's don't let your baby's grow up to be cowboys." Then the Pastor said, "Do think Jesus would approve of the way you are dressed this evening young lady?"

"Aw, I'm not sure, probably not Pastor, I'm sorry."

"Well since you're not sure, you need to be in my church office this Friday at 4 pm and be certain you are dressed the same way, young Lady!"

The song ended and the troubled woman said, "Yes Pastor Snow."

Lindsey continued to move through the crowd drinking as much wine as she could get her hands on. Saying hello when she came across people she knew. Finally, she found her husband Joe. He was with a large group of men overlooking those dancing. The men were sharing cigars and brandy talking as men do. Darius looked over his conquered Lamb pleased that she had followed his instructions to this point, "Mrs. Branson, I thoroughly enjoyed the tour of your impressive property!"

"Thank you, Mr. Johnson, I am certain you felt at home," she said rather curtly! It was very uncomfortable being together with her husband and her black Adonis. The wave of emotions was so strong her eyes were welling up with tears from the guilt and shame as an adulteress. Just then the band announced that this would be the last song of the evening and they started to play the introduction to the country song "From This Moment On." With tears streaming down her cheek she said, Mr. Johnson, I believe they're playing our song. May I have the pleasure of this dance?

"My pleasure, Mrs Branson," she offered her hand to him which he took and let the white woman lead the black man to the dance floor showing she was the aggressor. It was at that moment that a somewhat ***** Joe realized how his wife was dressed like a complete slut in the skin-tight white nightgown dress, that her entire upper body was exposed except for two small lace bra cups covering her large breasts! The conservative Decon was pissed, he could not believe his wife had so little on but did not interrupt because he needed the deal with Darius.

Darius put one hand on Lindsey's lower back and extended his left arm which was tradition with unmarried couples. But Lindsey much to everyone's surprise reached up high nearly on her tip toes and wrapped both arms around the powerful black man's neck! Darius shook his head no but Lindsey took each of his hands and placed them on her lower back on the hump of her ass and then reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and interlocked her fingers! Darius moved his hands up higher on her waist, it was important for this plan that he appear white as snow to anyone watching, and everyone watching was stunned and now staring as though they were the only couple out there!

Joe Branson was seeing a different side of his conservative wife and wondering what folks thought in the conservative Southern community of his white wife flirting with a black man. Then he noticed he was getting rapidly hard and quickly moved behind the bar so no one would notice his fully extended 8 inches. Stunned that he would have such a reaction he continued to focus on the couple as they moved as one, Lindsey moved in and closed the gap pressing herself against the big man, her garter straps had come into view as soon as her arms stretched up to reach around his neck as the belle began to gyrate her hips slowly into his package one man commented, "Will you look at that the song hasn't even begun and I think she may go down on him at any moment!"

The female singer started to sing the first lyrics, "From this moment life has begun. From this moment you are the one and right beside you is where I belong. I live for your happiness from this moment on."

Lindsey could not believe the lyrics as they rang in her ears! To be out there on display to all of her friends and ****** and knowing that the black man expected her to showcase her submission! She looked into his eyes as he looked right threw her as though she didn't exist. She started to weep and said, "Please Master, I've already submitted twice! I'm more than likely pregnant with your child growing inside me as we dance! Do you have to break me in front of everyone who matters in my life?"

"You worthless whore, you still don't get it, I own you! You live only for me, don't look at me you stupid slut! Look out there, your husband, children, ****** and friends, and your beloved community, that was your life and now I am your life!"

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realized her nipples had become so hard they could cut glass! The debutante could feel juices dripping down her legs, "Why, how could this man turn her to jello at the drop of a dime?"

The worse he treated her the more she clung to him, Lindsey weeping tears looked deep into her Master's eyes and began to sing to him in front of everyone. "From this moment life has begun, from this moment you are the only one from this moment I live for your happiness from this moment on." They swayed to the music with grace and were the center of attention even Darius's wife watched with glee as the white woman degraded herself as the band started its final chorus, Lindsey hesitated and finally moved a hand down from his neck and touched his lower lip with her long slender index finger, looking into his eyes she sang along with the band, "From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this there is nothing I wouldn't give. From this moment, I will love you as long as I live. From this moment on!"

As the song ended the couples clapped and started to move apart. Darius removed his hands dropping them to his side. Lindsey backed away a step and slid her hands away from his neck and down his huge chest pausing for a moment and mumbling, "This is it," she stepped forward in the middle of the dance floor running her hands slowly up his chest and bringing them to the sides of his face! The southern belle leaned forward, up on the tippy toes of the bright red 6" platform heels causing her lace-topped stockings to show and much of her black garter straps.

Her mature breasts crushing into his chest she reached her head up as high as possible she tilted her head moved her lips to within a millimeter and said, "I surrender, thy will be done," and kissed him with the passion of a virgin being taken! There were audible gasps from the crowd and Joe Branson was blown away as he watched his wife attempting to seduce a black man in front of everyone.

Denise came up behind Joe and whispered, "Don't you think they make a delicious couple," she giggled.

Darius had to appear as the innocent victim and played the part to perfection. He was the perfect gentleman leaving his hands at his sides. Denise wanted to defuse the situation because the humiliation had gone further than she and Darius intended in their devious plan to destroy the Bransons. The power couple had not counted on Lindsey being so easily manipulated and broken. Lindsey was one of the prominent and most respected women in the community as well as a loving wife and mother. The background investigation found nothing on the entire ****** except the naked picture from 1980 men's magazine, they didn't think it would yield such results so soon.

The Branson ****** III

Mr Branson, Please don't be angry with your wife. She probably had a bit too much to drink. I think she's delightful and I would like to get to know her better!" Denise said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Johnson, however, her behavior is inexcusable! I apologize we have shamed your ******."

"Mr Branson, Joe if I may? Joe, Darius and you are without a doubt the most desirable men in the community. I'm sure women from time to time fall all over you?" (Denise looked like she was undressing him with her eyes.) Then sticking her chest out further making more of her perfect breasts become visible including her nipples showing clearly against her dress! "If I had a drink or two more I might have attacked you myself," she said in her best southern accent.

Joe was gushing, Denise knew then that the situation was close to being defused. Then Denise knocked it out of the park, "I'm going to suggest to my husband that he negotiate a deal with you and a very big part of that is due to how accommodating and understanding Lindsey has been to myself and Darius. She's a fine Christian woman and I know we will all become the best of friends!"

"Wow Mrs Johnson! I don't know what to say! Thank you!"

Looking him over like a slab of meat who would soon be nothing more than a servant, "Our pleasure, and I'm so interested to get to know you and find out what makes you tick as well." She would work on getting to know the entire ****** and then find and exploit their weaknesses.

Lindsey was trying to make love to the black man with her mouth, she pulled back for a moment a string of her spit attached to their lips, and turned to look at the shocked crowd. Tuning back to the Mandingo she smiled and moved in like a cat pouncing on her prey and sunk her tongue into his mouth kissing him as though he was her soulmate! Soon she began trembling and then shaking and Moaning. She opened her mouth wide, tilted her head back a bit leaving only her bottom lip clinging to his lips, and screamed, "Darius I'm... Ohhhh no," and started to climax uncontrollably, moaning like a slut and then as the climax was subsiding she was hit by a second larger wave and began crying out, "Ohhhh... Darius, Darius... Dar... Aw," as she squirted and ejaculated between their legs leaving a puddle on the dance floor! As she finished she whispered, "I love you." And gave him a lite but soulful kiss.

All of a sudden Lindsey's best friend Katie Wentworth came and shuffled Lindsey off the dance floor saying come on honey. "I think you had too much to drink." Lindsey was stunned and overwhelmed with the entire day. She had never cum without having sex before and never squirted in all her life. As they walked through the crowd, people stared some laughed at the humiliated debutante! Her soaked bottom half now was transparent! The black French cut panties and matching garter suspender were completely visible!

Katie rushed Lindsey upstairs to the Master suite and locked the door behind them. Ushering her friend to the Master Bathroom helping her into a chair. Lindsey sobbed and said, "Katie I need to pee," and made her way to the toilet. The ***** woman struggled to pull up the skin-tight spandex dress, Katie got up and started to help her, "Katie, I threw away my life tonight."

As Katie got the dress over her friend's hips knelt and started to undo her garter straps looked up at her friend and said, "Are you kidding honey, that was perhaps the most erotic thing I've ever witnessed! I am so turned on I'm going to jump my hubby Ashley as soon as we get home!" Katie started to slip her friend's sopping panties down her legs, "That man is a beautiful specimen, but, a black man? You have more guts than I gave you credit for."

Katie lifted a leg to remove the panty and Lindsey stopped her as she sat on the toilet. "Katie, you can't remove my panties, I must wear them through the evening! My Mast... I mean, I dressed this way for Joe and he has to unwrap me tonight."

"It's okay baby girl." Katie knelt on the heated tile floor, "I will put them on the heated towel wall for a bit," and lifted each platform stiletto one after the other removing her panties. Lindsey immediately began to pee. Katie glanced up at her friend who was staring back at her the two women locked eyes the voluptuous brunette was unable to stop staring into Katie's deep blue eyes. Katie glanced between the woman's long legs watching the stream of pee and then back up into Lindsey's deep green eyes, "You are so gorgeous! I have no idea how Darius could hold back and not **** you on the dance floor."

"Oh... Katie," her eyes now welling up, uncertain how much she should share, broke eye contact reaching for the toilet paper the sheets spinning to the floor. Katie blushed and giggled and said, "You are so high maintenance, I'll do it." The brunette rolled up the paper and ripped off a couple of squares. The two women made eye contact as Katie was still on her knees in front of the former debutante! Tenderly she brought her hand to Lindsey's as she handed her the toilet tissue, Lindsey was trembling as their hands touched. "You shivering baby girl," and suddenly her childhood nickname took on a whole new meaning! Katie never broke eye contact and she placed the toilet tissue in Lindsey's trembling hand and dropped her hands to Lindsey's knee, "This never happened baby girl and we will never speak of it!" Lindsey nodded, as Katie softly parted Lindsey's legs! Katie then reached up and took the toilet tissue and went between her legs and gently began to wipe her vagina clean causing Lindsey to tremble more as Katie gently patted her lips! Both women's breathing began to labor somewhat. Neither Belle had lesbian desires, both were happily married but there in the bathroom, both struggled to comprehend the rapidly changing atmosphere in the bedroom!

The voluptuous brunette stopped wiping and dropped the tissue into the toilet bowl. Katie then lowered her eyes from her friend's beautiful face. Pausing momentarily at the gold crucifix and then looking directly at her pale breasts overflowing out of her dress. Tepidly she continued down past her womanly pouch exaggerated by sitting on the toilet. Katie now focused in on Lindsey's strawberry blonde pubic hair. Intensely staring at it as though it was food for the soul! The minutes turned to hours as Katie shed a tear, "Are you dry, or should I get another tissue?"

The lovely Southern Bell tried to look into Katie's eyes but they were completely focused on her Georgia peaches, "Katie... Katie." She lifted her eyes to meet Katie, "We should be getting back to the party, please Sweet pea..." she whimpered.

Katie rose looking hungrily Into Lindsey's beautiful green eyes and in a throaty voice asked, Are you still wet baby doll?"

"Ohhh... God! Katie this is so wrong! It's... adultery that we will... Oh... please don't." There was a long pause as Lindsey began to tear up.

"Baby doll... are you still wet?" As Katie moved up to be eye level with her cleavage!

"Were late for the... party... I can't." Lindsey sighed.

"Baby doll, answer me! Are you still wet?"

"Oh, my God, forgive me! Yes, sweet pea, I'm... wet," she whispered.

Katie smiled a sexy grin and reached her arms up to Lindsey's spaghetti bra straps and began to lower them! Gently lowering both bra cups exposing both motherly breasts! Katie immediately began manipulating her left breast and lightly tweaked her stone-hard nipple! It was a warm gentle touch much different than the animalistic way in which Darius used her lovely body, "Lay back and let sweet pea do all the work." Katie lowered her right hand sought out Lindsey's clitoris and began to rub two fingers in a gentle motion!

Lindsey tilted her head back and began to openly moaned saying, "Sweet pea... Fuck! Ohhhh... So... Good," her breathing growing faster!

Katie took her hand off her breast and took both hands pulling up the white dress as high as it would go! Then reaching up and grabbed Lindsey's chin and forced her to look her in the eyes Katie's breath labored, "Baby doll... I'm gonna fuck you with my fingers now!"

"Ohh, Katie... I don't know..." Katie grabbed her left leg pulling it over her left knee and placed her left hand on Lindsey's tiny pouch to hold up the dress! Applying pressure to upturn her vagina and looking Lindsey deeply in the eyes! She brought her index finger to her mouth and sucked on it! Pulling it out of her mouth she slowly put her finger inside Lindsey! "Ohhh... my God! Lindsey moaned!"

"Do my fingers feel good baby doll?" Katie purred.

"Yes... Don't stop... please!"

Katie was stymied by how loose Lindsey was and thought, 'My God, Joe must be huge,' and put another finger in her but it was loose as a mud puddle! Katie pulled her fingers out of the southern belle and got a huge grin on her face. She brought her right hand up to her face, smiled wide, and licked both sides of her hand! Then slowly inserted her entire hand into her baby doll which brought a scream from Lindsey, "Sweet pea, Ohhhhh... my!" and immediately climaxed, leaning over and hanging onto Katie's shoulders. Katie removed her fist and gave Lindsey a soulful kiss, a minute or so later there was a knock at the door.

It was her husband, Joe, "Honey, are you okay? Everyone is starting to depart and the Johnsons are asking for you?" Still breathing heavily, "Yes, sweetheart, Katie is helping me freshen up, we will be right down."

Katie helped her friend up and they got straightened up. Katie said, "No worries Baby doll! I'll be by your side," and the women headed downstairs. Katie looked like a stunning southern belle and Lindsey still looked like a hooker who was road hard and put away wet, she had put on her used black panties back as Darius had ordered, and they stuck out like a neon lite!

The Johnsons were near the front of the line as guests were departing. Joe and Lindsey with Katie by her side thanked folks for a lovely evening. As the Johnsons approached Lindsey took Katie's hand and started to tremble. The Johnsons stepped up and offered their hand to Joe who thanked the power couple. Lindsey welled up with tears and began to apologize. Denise interrupted, "My dear Lindsey, please! It's silly things that make it a party, no worries my dear." Lindsey bowed like an old southern servant to the Master took Darius's hand kissed his wedding ring and then did the same to Denise.

Guests behind the power couple were stunned at the deference shown to the black couple. Capitalizing on the situation Denise quickly embraced Lindsey and whispered in her ear, "We own you Slut!"

Lindsey quaking in her arms whimpered, "Yes Mistress."

Not sure what made her call her Mistress? Lindsey was wondering where it would all end she said her goodnights to all and asked her husband to take her up to bed.

Joe was tipsy and got ready for bed with a shower. Lindsey stayed in the Suite not changing out of her slut ware, as she hesitated to do the degrading sexual act that Darius wanted to happen. Whimpering she set up her smartphone to record the degrading act. Once again submitting to the Mandingo! She would yet again betray her sweet husband!

Then the muscular man returned in boxers and climbed into bed, Joe was tipsy and sleepy. Lindsey turned on the CD player and started dancing around the room, moving her sexy hips, breasts jiggling as she started a striptease to the song, "Save a Horse, ride a Cowboy!" Joe's boxers were quickly tenting having never seen his wife like this, his typical lithe wife struggled to get out of the painted-on dress but finally succeeded and was in just the French-cut panties, garter belt, and thigh-high stockings and she was dancing well in her red platform shoes!

The mature wife was getting into the striptease as she realized she was performing not for her husband, but for her Master and this reality pushed her, she attempted to sway to the music as sexy as possible thinking back to Darius being so deeply inside her, seeding her twice. The mental image brought the belle to climax as she danced seductively and climbed onto the bed on all fours, running her tongue up his leg, her breasts flopped around like utters as she bit Joe's boxers and pulled them down with her teeth, bringing a groan from Joe as she worked her way up to his 8" cock and engulfed him to the balls and began working him into a frenzy, to the point of ejaculation, and then stopped. The Southern bell moved up and kissed her husband (wondering if he could smell Darius's cologne?) she leaned over, she utters hoovering over his face as an offering. he took a nipple into his mouth as Lindsey smothered both breasts onto his face and orgasmed by the thought of Joe now out of his mind with desire licking Darius's cum from her breasts.

Lindsey slowly stood up on the bed, hovering over her husband swaying her hips as she unclipped each garter suspender paving the way for her husband's present, Soaking wet she dropped down onto her knees with her legs straddling his head she smiled, "Rip them off, Daddy!" Joe groaned and ripped her panties to pieces. Lindsey swiftly but playfully took both his hands and put them up against the mahogany headboard setting on his arms with her shins pinning his forearms to the bed with playful aggression stunning him into submission having never experienced this type of aggression from Lindsey, "Joseph you are going to take care of Mama for once, tonight!" She felt a twinge of guilt as she looked at the phone recording the couple and then lowered her vagina over her husband's mouth.

He was fighting, "Lindsey... have you lost your mind! We never do cunnilingus it is sick... It's wrong!"

"Joseph... Joseph, look at me, the eyes tell it all. This is going to be unholy, but deep down you crave this, and... this is your destiny!" A tear welled up in her eyes as she choked out, "This is my destiny now open up for Mama," looking back at the camera she flicked his rock-hard penis with her index finger causing Joe to moan and slowly opened his mouth and tepidly lick her pubic hair matted with dry cum!

Lindsey grinned, she was getting off on treating her husband as poorly as Darius treated her. She spread her legs further and looked down into his eyes as he looked up into the red bruised gaping hole coming down into his mouth and then as large globs of the Mandingo's cum started to enter his mouth his eyes went wide as the salty liquid poured into his throat.

The whole time the song "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy," was on an endless loop. The southern belle road him like a bull rider, grinding her hips and giggling her breasts bouncing in rhythm to the music when she thought all the semen was gone she took her hand and pressed into her small pouch, squeezing a bit more out and into his mouth and then she climaxed and collapsed onto him!

Recovering Lindsey lifted her legs and let his arms free. As she hovered over his chest, one last glob of Darius's semen landed on Joe's muscular chest. Lindsey picked it up with two fingers and brought it up to Joe's nose! Then smeared Darius' cum on her husband's lips, Joe hungrily licked her fingers and his lips. Linsey roiled off him, "Hang on, I've got to pee."

"Please... make love to me when you return my love!"

Lindsey turned back and gave him a sultry look! The once-loving wife and mother thought, 'We aren't going to make love, we are going to fuck for my Master! I will use you as Darius used me!' As the pee dribbled into the ivory toilet she thought of her beautiful Katie on her knees before her! "Ohhh"... she moaned as she gently wiped herself.

Rising she stopped to wash her hands and look in the mirror. She surprised herself as she picked a washcloth and filled it with soap. Proceeding to wash off all of the foundation makeup she used to cover her love bites and hickey's on her neck, breasts, and belly, returning to the Master Suite she sat on the edge of the bed and reached into the nightstand for a condom. Seeing the picture of her husband and children on the nightstand again a feeling of guilt pierced her as she thought about what she was about to do. "Honey, I know you always wanted another child, let's make a baby?" Joe whispered.

She trembled at his words, she thought about the unholy insemination that had taken place in this bed just a few hours ago, "No Joseph," she whispered as she opened the condom and slowly spread it over his 8" member, the trembling wife, and mother thoughts at that time was that she didn't want her husband's semen competing with the black man's. She climbed atop her husband and fell onto him sliding 5 inches into her with ease, looking down to make sure she had not missed, "You ruined me Master!" she whispered to herself.

"What honey?"

"Nothing my sweet," A tear ran down her cheek as she started to ride him.

He closed his eyes and groaned as her hips continued to the rhythm of the song! Lindsey again looked over at her phone started to breathe harder and looked down at her husband, "Joseph... Joe, look at me... please!" The loving husband looked up into his loving wife's eyes tears slowly falling on his muscular chest. When she started to speak, "Joseph, Joe... Look at all of me!" His eye's looked at the hair a mess with dried cum! Then slowly lowing his eyes to her neck, he found hickeys on her neck and love bites looking further down his wife's body seeing more dried cum and love bites all over her belly and bobbling breasts, love bites and red blotches strewn about her body. He would not know it but she looked like a whore after a gang bang! The belle reached up and grabbed the top of the mahogany headboard with both hands and picked up her pace. Looking into his eyes she could see the shocked, humiliated, knowing look on his face, what she NEEDED hanging on tight she arched her back and gripped the headboard with her nails she began to moan like a wanton whore as an earthshaking climax hit her, "Ohh... Master! Mass... I... Lov... Ahhh... she screamed! She was getting off on degrading the love of her life by deliberately flaunting her used body to her husband! Wanting him to know she had been marked by another man, A black man to whom she was now committed.

Joe moaned, as many thoughts ran threw his mind, "Baby... Ohhhhh... My... So... Aww," and climaxed harder than he ever did in his entire life. Lindsey immediately got off of her husband leaving his spent condom-covered cock to lop on his thigh, she treated her husband as though he were nothing more than a piece of meat for her to discard, she poured a glass of Pinot Noir and started to walk away then stopped, turned around and picked up the bottle of wine, thinking to herself, 'I'm going to need quite a bit of this for what I'm about to do next!' she then walked into the bathroom and locked the door stripped off her last article of clothing her garter and stepped into the bathtub.

A half-hour and two glasses of wine later she stepped out of the bath and went to the mirror. She took out an old curling iron that she hadn't used in some time, and curled and teased her hair then added considerable hairspray, desperate to make it look as it did 25 years ago when she was in the magazine she spent more time on her hair than she would if she were heading out on a special date with her hubby. The lovely lady then moved into the walk-in closet sat at her dressing table and began to carefully apply makeup to her beautiful face. Digging through her makeup drawer she found that old 1970s blue eye shadow and applied it as she thought to herself, 'Debutante, southern bell, loving wife and mother, boy you're fucked up, Lindsey!' She then deliberately didn't bother to cover up any of the love bites or hickeys scattered about her body. Then she painted her nails and toenails a very bright red and waited for them to dry and added a generous amount of perfume behind her ears as well as her chest and hips! The Bell then put on large hoop earrings and removed her gold crucifix. She got up still naked and walked to the rear of the closet stretching to reach the top shelve pulling down a white sealed Dry Cleaners box and setting it on a table. Breaking the seal and opening the box revealed her long Satin and lace ivory Bridal Robe and nightgown from her wedding night twenty-two years ago. Along with the robe were matching French cut panties, white lace-topped stockings, and a long matching nightgown. Shaking her head she grabbed the silk stockings and put them on. She then opened a shoe drawer and looked up to the top and found her shoes from her wedding. White pumps with three-inch heels that still fit, Lindsey then took the robe put it on, and tied the sash as she started to leave she stopped and went back to the table, removed her robe, now naked except for the heels she picked up her wedding night panties and somberly put them on, thinking, 'Well, everyone deserves a present to open.' They were somewhat tight as her hips had widened some and her tiny but cute pouch stuck out a bit, 'I pray he likes them!' She slipped into her wedding night robe tying the sash and walked over to the full-length mirror. The robe was practically transparent, shaking her head she took off the robe reached for the nightgown, and stopped, 'You messed up debutante,' She sat down picked up her Rouge Cloud Paint, and carefully applied it to her pink areola making them much darker than rose put on the robe and tied the sash looking at herself in the mirror. The woman looked as pretty as on her wedding night when she presented herself to the newlywed husband. However now with the love bites and hickeys as well as her nipples lit up like a Christmas tree, she was no virgin now.

She headed out into the bedroom poured another glass of Noir and then walked in front of the video recording that was still taking place. Looking directly into the camera while glancing at her husband threw the dresser's mirror she asked, "Did you enjoy eating out Mama tonight my dear?"

Shyly he whispered with a groan, "Yes..."

With a sultry smile and a throaty voice, "Good, because I'm fairly certain Mama's going to need to be cleaned out a lot!" as she stared into the camera gulping wine she picked up her phone and ended the video, placed the smartphone into the pocket of her robe and walked over to her husband who was engrossed in the Sports Center on the television. He failed to notice his loving wife dressed as a present to be unwrapped until the southern belle bent over and lightly kissed her husband on his cheek. Careful not to smudge her ruby red lipstick she said, "I'm going to check on our son, he never made it down to the party."

"Sounds good baby, I will more than likely be fast asleep by the time you return."

"Ohhh, I'm certain you will," she said as she closed the bedroom door behind her.

Lindsey leaned back against the closed bedroom door and fought to keep herself from hyperventilating! She thought of the unholy things that took place under the roof of her home! As she felt the wanting! No, it was an absolute need to do the most unholy of things. She was drawn like a moth to a flame! As she walked to her 19-year-old son's room.

Steve sat at his desk researching on his desktop computer at a breakneck pace, searching the internet for stewardesses who posed naked in a men's magazine. He researched the archives of Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler as well as others, and had found nothing. He then searched his mother's maiden name with the hashtag stewardesses and there it was! An article on how his Mother and a couple of other women lost their jobs for posing nude in a story entitled, "Stewardesses, A Glorious Pictorial!" from 1980. After finding the pictorial and scrolling down Jackpot!!!

There on his computer was his lovely mother, completely naked except for a full-length ivory shawl draped loosely over her shoulders covering one breast amazed he stared at the young woman barely older than himself now, tall and slender with a lithe perfect figure, her reddish blonde hair was a tad shorter and pulled back with that teased big hair that was popular back in the day. She knelt on a hardwood floor with a fireplace mantel to her right with glowing embers, her beautiful face looked down tilted to the left with her eyes closed that 70s blue eye shadow covering her eyelids. Continuing down he came upon her magnificent B-cup breast much to his delight he could make out the tan lines from her rather sexy bikini, her bikini line was less than a half-inch above her pink areola, and traveling downward there was no womanly pouch but a strong indented stomach with not an ounce of fat to be found anywhere. then traveling further down her legs held tight together and slanted to the right. Slender, beautiful, and long hiding all but the very top of the prize he desperately sought the top inch of her pubic hair was exposed. Steve's cock was hard as steel his mom was a babe his hours of hunting had paid off next to his Mother's naked picture was yet another picture of her in her stewardess uniform she was smiling pouring coffee and her son noticed no ring as she was yet to be married.

Lindsey was now climbing the stairs to the third floor of their spacious home praying to God to give her strength to turn around and try to put her life together! As she reached the top of the stairs she sat for a moment in the foyer, she felt her phone buzz with a text and opened it, it was Darius "I'm waiting Whore!" She started to tremble and tears started to steam down her face. 'Oh God, why, why am I unable to resist this man who is out to destroy me and my ******?!' With that thought she attached the video of her Cuckolding her husband and typed in., "Thy will be done, Master," and hit the send button, "May God forgive me, I have just betrayed my husband yet again."

She laid her phone on a table and got up hoping her children were asleep she did not want them to hear the unholy union that quite possibly was going to take place! Most of all since she had no willpower left, she prayed Steve was asleep to avoid what she knew must take place! She reached Steve's door and hesitated, leaning against the door she listened and heard nothing and pulled herself upright. "Perhaps he is sleeping." she thought as she instinctively adjusted her wedding robe lapel to show more cleavage and loosened the sash she slipped inside the door saying to herself, "I'll just make sure he's okay."

Steve was still in a daze sitting at his desk staring at a much younger naked version of his sweet Mother, "Hi, I hope I didn't disturb you?" The young son startled looked up and said, "Hi Mom... No... I, I was just finishing up some research." Lindsey looked like an angel in the darkroom as the Moonlite showed through his windows casting a warm glow on the southern belle highlighting her in the near-transparent long silk robe he could see that his mother was naked underneath and her hard nipples were clearly showing through the lovely silk robe. Steve unabashedly looked over his Mother like an animal at feeding time. she looked much like the naked picture had been staring at for the last few hours. Her hair was exactly like the big teased 70s style that he loved, her makeup was done to perfection right down to the blue eyeshadow, and her cleavage far exceeded the small B-cups of 25 years ago, traveling downward with his eyes he saw the 1970s style lace panties under the robe. She was the picture of poise and grace as she started to move across the room toward him, her breasts bobbling even though she was moving agonizingly slowly. The Bell's eyes locked on to those of the staring young man watching his gaze hoping against hope he would find her acceptable, suddenly the loving mother came to an abrupt stop, their eyes frozen to one another forever it seemed and then she slowly turned around and headed for the door.

She stood in front of the door, her hand reaching for the knob until she heard her son mutter, "Mama..." the southern bell paused, then slowly took her hand off the doorknob and locked the door. Her son started to tremble and quickly closed the computer window containing the naked picture of his Mother and was completely mesmerized by the woman as she came over and sat on the edge of his desk, never breaking eye contact, "I missed you at the party."

"Sorry, I... I had the most unusual day." He choked, avoiding eye contact.

"Tell me about it. I... ruined my, Oh... Son." She sighed, "So... did you find what you were looking for in your research?"

His eyes drifted down to her pale cleavage, "Yes, Mom."

There was a long pause as she looked over her strapping 6' 1" son the way a mother should never do, "Were you pleased with your findings, Darlin?"

He swelled at the sweet way she said darlin and replied, "Oh yes Mom, exquisite! More than I ever dared dream!"

Whispering, "I'm glad you were not disappointed. I... hoped you would be pleased." The southern belle slowly crossed her legs and let the robe fall from her legs exposing her V-shaped lace panties. Steve couldn't miss the damp gusset and the womanly scent, her wedding stilettoes came into view and the young man's penis started to rapidly grow now openly staring at her body Steve said, "You look incredible Mom, I don't think I've ever seen that robe before."

"I guess I was feeling a little nostalgic this evening. I hope it pleases you my little tadpole?" She said in her sweetest southern accent, rising she stood between his legs as he sat in his desk chair, staring into his eye she pulled him in for a hug. The boy was crushed against her breasts and felt a nipple poking him in the cheek, he wrapped his arms around his mother tight unable to figure out if this was a mom hug or something more. Finally, she backed up a step and rested her hands on his muscular shoulders. Steve found his hands on her soft hips he slowly looked down from her incredible face scanning over her teardrop breasts and oddly settled in on her slight pouch, he thought her tiny pouch looked somewhat larger he had the thought that perhaps Darius's black baby was already growing in her, he slowly moved his hands to cradle the pouch in a way someone would touch a pregnant woman's body!

Lindsey openly moaned and gripped her boy's shoulders with all her might. Thoughts of Darius impregnating her brought her to orgasmic bliss her breathing rapidly increased as she climaxed! She tried not to scream and she felt somewhat humiliated in front of her son which oddly only made her more aroused. She looked into his eyes both not wanting the evening to end. Lindsey slowly brought her hands up to his tender face and said, "Well... I guess this is goodnight, darling," almost sounding like it was a question to the young man, and with that she slowly brought her lips down and parted them, slightly kissing her son on the lips, moaning into his mouth then pulling away. Steve was stymied as they sought the eyes of each other looking for answers. The strapping lad slowly stood and looking his Mother in the eyes said, "Mama, did Papa get it all out?" as he slowly undid her sash and dropped to his knees!