As Luke came out of work he saw the crowd of people around his car. All the windows, headlights and taillights were smashed. ?What the fuck? he screamed out. On the windshield wiper was an envelope. Ripping it open he noticed 5 one hundred dollar bills and an unsigned note; 'this should have been you good buddy.? A cold shiver went up his spine, ?oh shit? because he now knew who had done this to his car.

Luke took his cell phone out as he moved back into his office, ?fuck, how'd he find out, shit.? As the phone rang he kept saying to himself, ?pickup, come on pickup.? After about 6 rings a women picked up. ?Larry, what do you want, you still can't be horny are you?? ?Mary, just listen.? ?I don't know how, but Jim knows about us.? ?He just did a number on my car and left me his calling card.? ?I don't know if it'd be wise for you to go home tonight while he's in that frame of mind.?

Mary was now sitting at her desk as the tears started to well up in her eyes. ?Luke I have to go now and figure out what to do.? She now knew her fling had cost her everything and with that realization she started to cry. Luke was right, no way was she going home tonight and even though her parents were close she didn't want to put them in the middle of it either.

As she debated what to do, her friend Cindy walked by her office. ?Cindy? Mary called out, ?can I see you a minute?? ?What ya need girl?? ?Anyway I can crash at your pad for a night or two? Mary replied. ?Sure no problem, anything wrong?? ?Jim and I have an issue that I've to get resolved before I go home? she said. ?You know where I live, so I'll just see ya after work? and bounced out of Mary's office.

Mary thought, ?Do I dare call?? Maybe Luke was wrong and it was some other angry husband, he was always fucking around and probably made a lot of enemies. Better lay low for a day or so and let Jim cool down. ?Boy I fucked up big this time,? she thought to herself.

It had started out as a stupid bet that got way out of hand. Luke like always was bragging about how he'd scored, the night before, with the wife of some guy he'd picked up in a bar after work. He proceeded to tell all who would listen, how she was putty in his hands and that he could bed any women he set his mind to.

Jim, Luke and the others had gone through high school and college together. Luke was the jock that never grew up. He was 6?3?, 225 and in great shape a real ladies man. Luke had his own consulting company and could set his own hours. In this way, he could meet and fuck whomever any time of the day. However this day was different. Jim was getting tired of hearing about all his exploits and how no women could resist his charms.

After about 10 minutes of the hot details, Jim pipes up, ?I know one women that you'd never score with Luke.? The group went silent. ?I'm so sure, I'll bet you $100.00 and give you two months to try.? Everyone in the group was now interested. Luke puffs up his chest and said, ?if she's breathing and not over 80, I'll take the bet; who's the girl anyway?? ?Mary? Jim replied. ?No way, wife's are off the table, I'm not asking for trouble or breaking up a marriage.? ?Well Mary is breathing and is well under 80 but she's well out of your league buddy.? I was taunting Luke now. ?If you don't want to take the bet hey, no problem, I'll understand.? The rest of the group was getting uneasy. ?Come on, you two are stepping over the line now.? But I wasn't going to let it drop though, ?I'm just calling him on his statement that no one could resist his dick and I have someone who would.?

Luke was now starting to let his ego get the better of him. ?Hell, I'll take that bet and if you're so sure why don't we increase it to say $500.00?? ?You've got a bet, ? I said and we shook on it. Everyone was dumb struck. ?You guys are letting your ego's fuck up a good friendship,? one of them said. ?Well in two months we'll have a good laugh at this and we'll get back to what really counts; beer and football? another piped in.

As I walked into the kitchen Mary was finishing up dinner. She was a treat for anyone's eyes. At 5?3?, brown hair, blue eyes and a killer body she was something else. We'd been married almost 6 years and were about as happy as two people could be. I snuck up behind her and grabbed her around the waist. ?I've got what I want for dinner, what are you having?? Mary just laughed, turned around and gave me a kiss.

?You seem full of yourself tonight mister and if you ever want dinner tonight you'll let me finish.? Picking her up and setting her down on the kitchen table, I told her dinner would wait.

Mary had great lips for kissing, full and wet. As Jim moved in between her legs, their arms wrapped around and groped each other. The kissing was hot and nonstop as lips and tongues moved from lips to necks.

Mary pulled her shirt over her head and Jim was glad to see she wasn't wearing a bra. Mary had smallish perky tits that stood straight out with nipples when erect, were over a half-inch long. Jim dove in between her chest moving from one nipple to the other licking and sucking. He loved to twist them and suck them until they got just like a baby bottle nipple.

By now Mary had unbuckled Jim's belt and was probing his boxers for his meat. Stepping back, he kicked off his pants and pulled off his boxers and shirt. Now naked as a jaybird he moved in for the kill. Mary's skirt was hiked up around her waist and Jim's fingers had pushed aside her panties and now had two deep inside her hot wet pussy.

Laying her back on the table, Jim pulled off her panties and skirt. Putting Mary's legs over his shoulders as he started to dine. Her cut was shaved clean except a small landing strip just above her slit. Spreading her pussy lips he could see everything was coated with her juice. Flicking the tip of his tongue over her clit brought a rise in her back. She was now grinding her cunt up against his lips and tongue. After licking her from clit to ass he concentrated solely on the clit. ?I'm going to make this bitch scream,? he thought to himself. With two fingers fucking her pussy, Jim pulled the hood back from Mary's clit and sucked it between his lips. Mary was bucking and wiggling beneath his attack. It didn't take long. Mary was now grabbing the back of my head screaming, ?Oh god, harder, suck me harder, shit that feels so fucking good.?

With that, she let loose and climaxed. It took her about two minutes to come down. ?That was nice, I really needed that but now it's your turn.? Mary gave good but not great head. She could just handle my 7 inches but would gag if she tried to deep throat me. Hell I didn't care, it was all about the feeling anyway. She used the right amount of suction and saliva to still drive him nuts. A lot of women wanted to do it and get it over with, but she liked to give pleasure.

She grabbed it by the base of the shaft and sucked it half way down. After about ten strokes, she had it all the way down her throat. Every once in a while she'd pull it out with a pop and lick the under side and nibble on the swollen head. I was close, very close and had no intentions of letting her suck me dry tonight; I wanted to tap that pussy.

Against her objections, it was like taking a sucker away from a baby, I laid her over the table and spread her legs. Moving in behind her, I positioned it against her hole and shoved it in with one stroke. Mary gasped and pushed back against me hard; she wanted it all, every fucking inch in her.

The fuck fest began. I don't know which one of us was pushing harder but nonetheless it felt great. I could feel it building up now and knew I'd only last a little time longer. Mary was squealing beneath me screaming, ?harder, fuck me harder.? Two strokes later I started to cum and Mary followed right behind me.

Both drained, I laid on her back and kissed her neck. ?Dinner ready yet hon?? I jokingly said. ?Shit, I never turned off the stove? as she pushed me to the side. ?Your luckily this didn't burn or we'd have nothing to eat.? ?I can always find something to eat? winking at her. ?Your never satisfied are you?? With that I put my clothes back on and helped her finish dinner

At dinner Jim told Mary about the bet he'd made with Luke. ?I made a $500.00 bet with Luke today that you wouldn't go to bed with him?? Catching her by surprise Mary said, ?Come again?? ?Luke, like always, was going on and on about his latest conquests and that he could bed any women married or not; so I called his bluff.? ?It started off as a $100 but escalated to $500 when his ego got the best of him, talk about easy money.? I don't think Mary was amused though, as she told Jim to leave her out of your stupid 'manly? bets.

?I'm sorry hon, it's just that I was so fucking tired of his constant bragging and wanted to finally put him in his place, besides, you'll have $500 to buy clothes with in two months when he loses.? Mary's eyes lit up at the thought of extra money for shoes. ?I figure I'd tell you about it so when he starts flirting and coming on to you, that's the reason.? ?You can flirt and toy with him you just can't sleep with him.?

?You know I'd never cheat on you, don't you?? ?Exactly, that's why I made the bet.? With that, the game began. Luke was on Mary like stink on shit. From flirting to drinks to rides in his vette he went all out. Since we hung in the same circles he had plenty of chances to be in contact with Mary. Mary loved all the attention and believe it or not it put an extra spark into our sex life if that was possible.

Wed morning I woke up with Mary's lips wrapped around my dick. ?Morning honey, time for you to get up, one way or another.? With that she went back to sucking and pumping me off. It didn't take long before I had a raging hard on. ?How about a little ride this morning?? With that, Mary flung her leg over and impaled herself on my shaft. She loved to be in control and she had that in this position. ?Just lie back and enjoy,? she said.

In this position, her tits were just out of reach but I could get at her clit. As she moved up I'd rub and stroke her clit, which only heightened and increased the speed of her strokes. I could tell just her moaning and breathing she was close. Moving my hands from her clit I grabbed her ass and helped her rise and fall on my dick.

As she started to quiver and climax I sat up and started to suck and twist her breasts. ?Don't stop, fuck, harder, shit this feels so good.? As I erupted, I could feel wave after wave pumping into her pussy. Holding her in my arms, I pumped the remaining amount as deep inside her as I could and then pulled her to me. We lay there motionless for a few moments just enjoying the after glow.

?Shit, I got to get up or I'll be late for work? as she lifted herself off my now shriveled dick. ?I get the shower first? as she bounded into the bathroom. Too bad this wasn't Saturday or I'd be thinking about seconds.

As I sat at my desk and flipped the calendar all I could say is, ?Yes.? Two months had gone by and it was time to collect my winnings. As I walked into the bar after work it looked like I was the last one to get there. I tried not to have a shit-eating grin on my face but it was hard. All Luke said is ?here's you blood money, I hope you choke on it.? We all laughed and joked about it and I ended up buying the next two rounds of drinks because I was the one with the extra money.

When I got home, the first thing Mary asked was, ?where's my shopping money?? I gave her five crisp 100-dollar bills and said, ?Enjoy.? That would have been the end of it had I not received a call from our sales manager not more than a week later.

?Jim? Carl started, ?I'm at the Holiday in by the airport and I need you to come out here right now.? ?Carl, I can't sneak away right now, haven't you pickup the client yet?? ?I just picked him up and am heading back to the office but there's something here you need to see.? ?Shit Carl, what the fuck are you talking about?? ?I don't know how to tell you this, but I just saw Mary checking into the hotel with some guy.? ?My heart sunk, ?are you sure it was Mary?? ?Ya it was her alright and this is the last call I want to be making right now but I thought you'd want to know.? ?Did you happen to see where she went or a room number?? It looked like number 110 or 111 on the first floor.? ?Thanks for the call and I'll check it out but I know your mistaken, there's no way on earth Mary would do anything like that; I'll see you later? and I hung up.

?Stupid fucking salesmen, no way no how she do something like that.? Instead of driving all the way out there I'd just call her at work and end it now. I called Mary's work and was told she'd taken a couple of hours off to go shopping but she would be back by 2:30. ?Shit, I'll just try her cell phone,? I thought. After 6 rings it went to voice mail, I hung up.

The drive to the hotel seemed to take forever. Traffic was slow and I was driving way too fast. What the fuck was I going to do anyway when I get there? Do I bust into the room? I'm not even sure it's even her. I pulled up to the hotel and drove around the parking lot looking for Mary's car; wasn't there. ?I was worried for nothing just like I thought.? I parked in the short tem lot and went to the front desk. ?Hi my name is Jim Reed, I'm suppose to pick up my wife who's staying here but I don't remember if it was room 110 or 111.? ?Let me check? she said. ?I'm sorry, room 110 is vacant and #111 was just rented this morning, are you sure it was this hotel?? ?I must have made a mistake, sorry about that? as I turned and walked out.

Now what the fuck do I do? Do I go up to the door and knock? What if it isn't her and shit what do I do if it is her.? I went back to my car and pulled around so I could see the front of #111. I think I'll just wait for a while and see if anything happens. Two hours later I look down at my watch, 2:10, shit if it was Mary she would have to have left by 2:00 in order to get back by 2:30, I'm wasting my fucking time for this wild goose chase.

I just started my car and was putting it in gear when 111's door opened. ?Perfect timing,? I thought to myself. As I watched, Luke stepped out of the room followed closely by Mary.

I wanted to drive them both down with the car but they were getting into Luke's car before my brain kicked in. ?Fuck? is all I could say as they pulled away. I turned off the car and sat back in my seat. Now I wondered how long it had been going on. Nothing had fucking changed at home. Life was still good and the sex had been great lately. ?I got to see where they're going.?

I followed then at a distance and saw Luke drop Mary off at work and give her a kiss as she got out. I then followed Luke back to his office as he parked his car. I was hurt, angry and had about 10 other emotions running through my head as I sat there. What the fuck do I do? I can't kick Luke's ass, no way and what do I do with Mary? I didn't know what or where to start but I had to do something.

I went into the bank and cleaned out both the checking and savings account; well I did leave $100 dollars in each. I went back to Luke's office and then took out my tire iron out of the trunk. Windows don't shatter the way they use to when I was a kid but they do crinkle. I did get the satisfaction of shattering all the lights on his car though. I was super surprised that no one stopped or called the police. I guess people just don't want to get involved anymore. I finally took out five $100 dollar bills and put them in the envelope with my calling card so Luke would know whom it was from.

I drove back to work and went into my office. I was still so angry I was still shaking. No messages on my phone or any e-mails I guess Luke hadn't seen his car yet. Seeing I was back, Carl stuck his head into my office and asked, ?everything all right?? ?Not really? I replied but I taking care of it. ?Anything you need you can count on me; sorry Jim.?

Luke called my cell phone shortly after 5:00, and I just let it ring until it went into voice mail. After it stopped, I listened to the message. ?Jim I'm sorry you found out but it wasn't Mary's fault only mine.? ?We need to talk but after you cool down.? ?I'll let the car slide, I owe you that but don't do anything stupid that you'll regret with Mary.? The phone went silent. Well if Luke knew, so did Mary.

I told my boss I needed a couple of days off but I'd be back before Wed's big meeting. Carl knew but he wasn't going to tell anyone but for now I wanted it kept quiet. I called home to check my voice mails but there were none. I was sure Mary was too afraid to call. She knew I didn't have a huge temper but we were in uncharted territories and she didn't know what I was capable of doing; and neither did I.

I went home to a dark quiet house. Looking at the phone, still no messages. I cracked open a bottle of wine and poured a large glass. ?What the fuck do I do?? I had no clue. I hated them both but if possible, I hated Luke 10 times more than Mary but I knew I'd never be able to trust her again. I just needed to know why? Was it Luke's way of getting back at me for trying to deflate is massive ego and how many times had they done it? At least they didn't do it in our bed because it would be on the front lawn by now. I wonder how long it would be before Mary called? Hell, were her and Luke together right now? My head was fucked up and I needed a drive to clear it.

I didn't drive anywhere in particular but I just drove. Windows down, music blasting, I felt like I was 18 again. I was starting to feel a little better, when I noticed I wasn't in the greatest part of town and remembered I still had all that money from the bank in my back glove box. ?Shit Jim? I thought, ?What are you nuts?? ?Get the hell out of here before you really do loose everything.? With that I headed back downtown.

The south side of downtown was full of strip clubs and restaurants. I hadn't eaten dinner yet so I grabbed a few bills out of the glove box and picked a place that had a show and a buffet. I haven't been to a strip club in years but when my eye's adjusted to the darkness I noticed they hadn't changed at all. Sleazy stage and lights but this one had a pretty decent buffet so I filled a plate and sat down at a table in the back.

All I wanted to do is eat, have a few drinks and enjoy the sights. Most of the women were late 20's or early 30th and were in pretty good shape. I guess dancing and moving up and down a pole all night will keep anyone fit. Just as I was finishing up and getting ready to leave, a short blonde came on stage. She had an ok body from what I could tell from the back of the place not as well endowed as the previous dancers. As a dancer she wasn't bad but was far from good. She cut her number short as she slipped on the pole and fell on her shoulder. ?Damm, ? that had to hurt I thought to myself. With that she came off stage and went to the dressing rooms just behind me in the back of the club.

About 10 minutes she came out still rubbing her shoulder. Walking by me I said, ?are you ok, that had to hurt.? ?It hurt my ego much more than anything physically.? ?You want to buy me a drink?? What the hell I though, 'sure why not.? ?Jim's my name and your?? ?Candy? she replied. ?What'll you have?? ?Look? she started. ?You look like a nice guy, even the manager didn't care enough to ask if I was alright.? ?I get paid extra for pushing drinks but all I drink is tea, so just tell them you want to buy me a small drink that will cost you $10.00 and let it go at that.?

?You haven't been doing this long have you?? ?I lost my job last week and tuition is coming due so I needed something that would pay me good money in a hurry and don't get any ideas.? ?I don't take men to the back room and pull tricks like some on the other girls, I just dance and push drinks; I'm no hooker.? ?No problem honey, I'm just in here wasting time before I go home, what are you taking in school?? ?Looking to finish up my MBA in about 9 months.?

Hell, the girls got brains. We talked and talked about her life and how she was driven to make something of her life so she'd not end up like her mother, a single mother with two young kids. I watched her do another set, which wasn't much better than the first, before she came back to my table.

Noticing my ring, she asked if I was married. ?Was until 2:30 today.? ?Caught my wife cheating on me with a friend.? ?Sorry to hear that, life really sucks sometimes.? ?That's why I don't count on anyone but myself.? ?I figure I've got two months left in this hell hole before I get enough money for a professional wardrobe for when I get out of school, can't go on a job interview with what I'm wearing now.?

Sizing her up I told her I might be able to help her. ?You're a nice guy and all and I feel sorry for you but I don't do tricks I told you.? ?No that's not what I had in mind.? ?You're about the same size of my wife and there is no way I'm going to let her take all the clothes I bought her, your welcome to shop her closet.? Now it was her time to size me up. ?No I'm not a nut case Candy, but I do want my ex to really pay for what she did to me, that's all.? ?My last set is at 11:00 so I can leave after that.?

Driving back to my place I had to ask; ?you names not really Candy is it?? ?No, Candy is my stage name, but my real name is Joan; not as hot as Candy though.? As we pulled into the garage, I noticed that the house was still dark, no Mary yet. I turned the light on in the kitchen and headed to the refrig. ?Like a glass of wine Joan?? ?Sure why not? she said. With glasses of wine in hand we went into the master bedroom and opened the closet.

?Holly shit? Joan said. ?Are you sure about this, she's got a lot of money tied up here.? ?I don't want to take something and end up having to give it back.? ?No problem girl, shop to your hearts content.?

For the next three hours Joan went through the closet and most of the dresser drawers. I just lay on the bed and watched her try on outfit after outfit. Now that I had the chance to see her in the light, she really did have a nice body. About 5?5?, about 110 lbs and a nice set firm breasts. She also had a tighter and rounder ass than Mary. After three hours and two bottles of wine, we were done.

She had picked out 10 business and 4 casual outfits. ?I haven't had this much fun since I was a kid? Joan piped in. The wine was getting to us and we were getting a little more than giddy. ?Girl, I don't think I can drive to your place tonight.? ?You can have this bed and I'll take the one in the spare room down the hall.? In the morning we'll have breakfast and I'll take you back.? Joan just laughed and said it was fine with her.

I showed her where the bathroom and everything else was and walked down the hall to bed. This had been one hell of a day and I needed sleep. It took less than 5 minutes and I was out like a light. About 2:30 I heard Joan in the bathroom. I waited for her to be done before I went in myself. Splashing water on my face I looked in the mirror. ?Jim, you really look like shit,? I said to myself.

Feeling a hand on my arm I turned around to see Joan. Taking me by the hand she led me to my own bed. She was naked and before I could say anything she said, 'don't say a word, just relax. And enjoy.? Taking off my boxers and t-shirt she bent down and kissed me. It wasn't a wild passionate kiss more like lips softly touching and flowing across each other. Licking my lips with her tongue she pressed them harder.

I forgot about Mary and my troubles and started kissing her deeply. I could feel the heat building up between us as she moved from my lips, down my chest to my now erect dick. Flashing me an evil grin she licked up and down the shaft and slipped it into her mouth. I swear the warmth of her mouth made my dick grow another inch or two. I hadn't been with another women in 7 years and I found myself being seduced by a stripper I'd just met just hours before, and I was loving it.

Joan was licking and sucking my dick at a feverish pace now. I was getting close and we both knew it. I tried to reach for her once but she pushed me back and said you need this more than she did. With saliva streaming down the sides of my cock and with both of my nuts in her mouth I let loose. Releasing the boys, she started taking me deep down her throat. I don't know how much she did or didn't swallow; all I know was that I was completely drained. ?Wow, you've got quite a talent there young lady.? She just smiled and told me to sleep next to her for the rest of the night.

Morning came too fast. I was still half asleep when I heard the shower running. Going into the bathroom, I climbed into the shower with her. ?Need your back washed?? ?That would be nice? as I soaped up her back and moved my hands around to her breasts. Turning around, Joan looked me in the eye and me and kissed me. It wasn't a soft gentle one like last night; it was more like that of welcoming a lover home after a long day at work. I rubbed my soapy hands across her back, ass and breasts. Moving lower, I saw that she was totally shaved, something I hadn't noticed last night. Rinsing the soap off her. I led her to my bed. ?It's my turn this morning? as I moved her to the center of the bed.

I knew what her lips tasted like, but there were more areas I needed to explore. After a peck or two I moved down to her breasts. They weren't big but very receptive to any touch. I licked one while I twisted the nipple of the other. I licked and sucked until her nipples were deep red in color and erect. Twisting the larger left nipple I reached down and spread her legs.

Mary had nice cunt lips but they were small and tight. Joan however, had large dark lips, which hid a nice long clit. I licked her labia's to get them good and wet and sucked them between my lips. Joan was pushing her cunt into my face and I was more than happy to play with my new toy. Moving the hood back from her clit I found it was over a half inch in length. Being a real oral person, I feasted on her cunt and clit until she'd cum at least two times.

?Enough fucking around? Joan demanded, ?I want you inside me now.? With that I moved in-between he legs. Lubricating the head with the juice that was now flowing out of her, I pushed in. I could tell this pussy hadn't been used in quite a while of if it had; it was someone who was very small. Joan by now had both of her hands wrapped around my ass and was pulling every inch of me into her pussy.

?Fuck, you feel so good in me, give me it all.? We were now fucking at a torrid pace. I'd push in hard and she'd come back at me harder still. It was like a damm contest who could fuck the other the hardest. Pulling out of her and putting her on her knees I shove my dick back in. If she wanted it hard, that's what I'd give her. We kept this up for what seemed like a half hour.

Pushing her head and chest down on the bed, gave me a better angle to go deeper. Spitting on my finger, I rubbed it on her ass hole. ?Do I dare, why not.? Lubing it up with cunt juice and saliva I push my finger in to the first knuckle. ?Oh my god ? was the reaction I received. With that I pushed my finger in to the second knuckle and started moving it in and out at the same speed I was fucking her with my dick.

I couldn't hold back any longer. Joan had already started climaxing and my dick felt like it was in a vice. I kept pumping load after lad into her pussy. I could feel it getting slipperier and wetter as I shot my load. In the end, I collapsed on the bed next to her.

?Fuck, you wife must have been nuts to give this all up.? ?That's the best fuck I've ever had and as you could probably tell, it's been quite a while.? We laughed a bit and headed back to the shower again.

I dressed and went downstairs to make coffee. I was off for a few days and was really starting to enjoy myself. That is, until the phone rang. I could see from the number it was Mary. ?Honey we need to talk? she started. ?About what?? ?Oh that right, about my whore of a wife sleeping around with one of my friends, is that what you mean?? ?I can explain if you just give me the chance, please lets get together and talk about it.? Out of the corner of my eye I saw Joan. ?I've got to go now, I have a guest.? ?I'll call you when I want to talk.? With that I hung up.

Turning around to Joan I asked, 'ready for breakfast?? ?If I'm complicating things for you I can leave and you two can get together.? ?Don't worry about it, let's go out for breakfast because there's not much in the house and I worked up quite an appetite this morning.? With that said, we loaded up the clothes in my car and headed out to Denny's.

I knew I eventually have to sit down and have a face to face with Mary but I was still too pissed and I wanted to hold all the cards when we did. Very soon she'd realize that I emptied the bank accounts and that would take it to a new level. For now I needed to make just one more phone call; needed to get the locks changed today.