The world was shocked at the news of Elena O’Connell. Many from haters to supporters read the headlines with jaws dripping to the floor. ‘Famous White Supremacist Disavows Movement.’ Others had seen her ‘I Quit’ video and thought it was recorded in jest as a way to mock her opponents or pretend to switch sides. They never expected it to be real until the news of her pregnancy was released.

No one was more surprised than Natalie Willis who was Elena’s best friend woman. She had been along for the ride since the beginning of her political career when they met at a small event set up in their home state of Kansas. Since then the two were inseparable always planning events and getting together planning events and making content.

Since Elena came out with her ‘recanting’ and getting pregnant with an invaders baby Natalie felt so depressed. For a time she thought perhaps the entire thing was a joke. Even when the large baby bump became visible and the redheaded woman had selected some invader's name for it. Then the child was born and she posted a photo of it. A girl. A brown skin, brown eyed, black curly haired child.

How could Elena betray her race like this? She became the very thing she swore to eradicate. Her bloodline that took thousands of years to evolve and perfectly diluted destroyed for all eternity. It made her cry for her friend and her destroyed bloodline. If the strong Elena could fall to the propaganda how many others would follow in her footsteps? How many others would listen to her teachings and just throw in the towel giving in to this degenerate and evil agenda?

It had been months since the two former best friends had spoken. Natalie had picked up where the well spoken redhead had left off. Their small organization wasn’t the same without its fearless leader. Natalie was good there was no doubt about it however she was no Elena. It was a struggle to keep everything together but she managed it.

It was until last week Natalie received a text message...from Elena.

‘Hey, we should meet.’

There was no way Natalie would meet with that treacherous bitch. Why would she want to meet? She left...gone...Hasta mañana. What was there to talk about?

‘I don’t want to meet with you. I don’t even want to talk to you. Please lose my number.’

Elena was not deterred, however, she wanted this meeting to happen. She needed to reunite with her old friend.

‘Come on Nat...we can do it somewhere neutral. The old clearing in the woods where we would hold our meetings?’

Natalie hasn’t been to that clearing in almost a year. The last time she was there was with Elena just days before her little ‘I Quit’ video. There had been moments Natalie wanted to go back just to reminisce on the good old days but didn’t realize it wouldn’t bring the past back and all there was the future.

‘You are a fucking treacherous cunt. Please stop messaging me.’

‘No need to be so rude. Just come to talk that’s it...please.’

Natalie was getting fairly annoyed at her old friend’s attempt to reunite. She never wanted to see the redhead again. The last thing she wanted was for the girl to try and drag her down into the mud with her. However, feeling there was no other way she reluctantly agreed.

‘Fine. Clearing, Sunday at noon.’

Elena replied with a thumbs up emoji and a smile showing she agreed with the time. Over the next couple days Natalia mentally prepared for this meeting. It would be the first time in nearly a year the pair would be united. It would be emotional as they were now enemies. It would take a lot for the former friends to not get into a fight. One may not leave that clearing depending on how this meeting went.

Natalie was getting ready to head out to the clearing. She wore a beautiful yellow dress with flowers on it with her blonde locks done in a nice braid. It may not be a formal event but she liked to look good and presentable like a good conservative woman should.

Not one piece of slutty clothing would be found in the conservative’s wardrobe. Not one tank top or cut-off shirt. Not one pair of booty shorts or anything. Sure she had a pair of workout clothes but most of her working out was done in the privacy of her own home so it wasn’t like she was being a whore and showing off to random men.

She looked perfect. Her dress was nice and wrinkle free and her hair had honestly looked its best in weeks. Grabbing a handbag that matched her outfit she got into the car and heading to the clearing.

All along the way thoughts of doubt ran through her mind. Why even go to this meeting? They weren’t even friends anymore. This would probably be a ‘please join the dark side’ type meeting where Elena would just lay out all the alleged positives of being a black man’s slut. It was still a shock to think Elena let a black man put his child in her. It was unbelievable she let the baby grow and be born.

“I would slit my own throat with my fingernails before I let a monkey put a half-breed baby in me.” Elena had once said many years ago. Now she was a ‘proud mama to a biracial baby. Tears almost began to well up in the blonde’s blue eyes however she held them back not wanting to impair her driving.

Twenty-five minutes after leaving the house Natalie pulled up to the forest's parking lot. Getting out of the car she walked to the trail and walked the about five-minute walk to the clearing. When she arrived the thought of letting someone know she had come had crossed her mind. Too late now there was no going back or informing anyone of it.

A few more minutes went by before the red hair of Elena finally came into view, late by nearly seven minutes. If she was gonna waste her time at least be on time. Her look was very different from her typical appearance, conservatively dressed. She wore a black tank top with short jean shorts and gym shoes. It was out of character for Elena...well everything she’s done in the last year has been out of character.

There was a pearly white smile on the girl's face finally getting to see her friend for the first time in over a year. It had been way too long. Even if Natalie was still preaching the old ways and was not necessarily on the best of terms with Elena it was still good to see her.

“Natalie!” She exclaimed with a smile extending her arms for a hug.

“Don’t even think about hugging me!” Natalie spat. “I don’t need to get infected with whatever virus you’ve been infected with!”

The comment made Elena chuckle.

“It’s not a virus...I can’t transfer my thoughts to you by touch.”

Natalie felt like she should just leave. What was the point of coming here? This woman standing before her was a traitor. She abandoned the cause turning into a degenerate race-mixing slut. Even the way she dresses. God how she showed off her body and cleavage like she currently just did not seem right at all.

“Why...why would you abandon us?” Natalie asked a tear welling up in her eye as thoughts of good memories came back to her.

“Because...” Elena started. “Because there is no point. We are outnumbered and have no way to win. Even if we did we would still be under their influence. Besides all we’ve done these last few years is fight ourselves. Why fight to preserve us if we do not want to be preserved and just want to infight?”

Natalie took a few steps as her former friend came closer.

“That’s not are just making an excuse for being a degenerate slut. I trusted you...thousands of people trusted you. And you betrayed them!"

Natalie continued to take steps back away from her former friend. It wasn't right. None of it was right. Coming here was a mistake. All Elena wanted to do was turn her into a brainless slut.

"This was a mistake coming here. I knew it from the start. The only thing you want is to turn me into a slut."

A smile grew on the redhead's face at the comment.

"And what is so wrong with that? I feel freer than I ever have been. There is no need to be so uptight Natalie."

"No." Was the only response she could muster.

There was no way she was going to join that cult of degeneracy. It was probably best to leave now before this red-headed slut tried anything. Natalie picked up her bag and bit the girl farewell. There was no way she would stand here and listen to this filth for another minute. Elena seeing the opportunity quickly fading jumped into action grabbing the girl's arm and not allowing her to leave.

"Let me go!"

"No...just listen to me!"

The pair struggled until finally Natalie relented and Elena was victorious. It took a moment to think of the right words to use. The conservative was very closed-minded and would take a bit to talk down.

"You have to let go, can't keep going on like this. The hate will consume you until there is nothing left. Besides, you will have lots of fun on this side. Sadly we only get so little time to live and should get to experience as much as we can before we go down for the long nap."

Then she let out a whistle. The sound made the girl's eyes widen in curiosity. What was Elena whistling at? The pair were in the middle of the woods alone unless the redhead was Cinderella and had the chipmunks or deer working for her. Then she saw it. Her blue eyes saw the movement out of the corner of them. When the orbs rolled to the right to see what the movement was it was a man. A tall dark man around six foot five.


As the man came closer his features became easier to make out. His hair was short, curly, and braided coming down to just over his eyes, and his face was clean-shaven. His age was quite clearly no older than perhaps twenty or twenty-one. His body was hard to see due to the clothing that covered it but it appeared to be quite muscular. At that moment it all clicked. This meeting was not just some catch-up between old friends...this was a conversion to the cult. No..this will not happen.

"What the fuck is this?" Natalie asked pointing to the man.

"You have been using some pretty dirty language for a traditional woman." Elena pointed out with a chuckle. "This is my friend James. He as agreed to help...get you started."

An audible gag escaped Natalie's lips. Never in a million years would she even consider touching that thing.

"Never...I will never fuck nor touch that ape!"

James's eyes clearly widened at being called an ape. Oh, how he wanted to shut this racist bitch up. Just the thought of the brunette on her knees with his large black tool shoved deep into her mouth made him twitch a bit. His brown orbs looked the girl up and down taking in the conservative's features. She had to be near a foot smaller than him at most. Her breasts were concealed beneath the flowery dress however it was easy to tell the mounds were quite large. He could not make out her rear as it was on the other side and out of view. Her brown locks flowed down over her shoulders and had some slight natural curls to them. God, why did conservative women have to be so freaking hot?

"Just try it! It's a feeling so amazing you will wonder how in the world you ever denied it."

"No. I will never defile my body by letting this barbarian put his worm between my legs!"

"You won't try it because you know I'm right. You are afraid that you will try some dark chocolate and want nothing else. Listen to me..." Elena took a few steps closer to her old friend who this time did not take a step back. "Just try it. If you don't like it...which I highly doubt you can smack me and leave or whatever you want to do. Just trust me."

Elena always had a way with words. It was how she managed to get thousands to follow her and it was how she managed to calm the girl who just a moment ago was screaming and making a scene...that was if there was anyone around besides her and James.

"Don't you ever wonder why me of all people left? What was so good it made me abandon the cause?"

It had crossed the girl's mind. They never spent much time there as she inherited the organization the redhead had founded and she had to run the organization so there was not so much time to think about anything else. In fear of giving a verbal response and not wanting to leave the girl hanging Natalie just slightly nodded.

"Well, now you get to see...James."

James then reached down to his belt undoing it. Natalie shut her eyes in fear wondering how she let this go this far. The sound of the belt buckle echoed through her ears sending a shiver though her. There was a Black man standing in front of her taking off his pants. Curiosity and anger filled her. The curiosity to know if Black man really were so good they made a racist girl completely change her views on them and the anger that she allowed this to go as far as it had. This should never have gotten to this point. Eventually the sound of the belt hitting the dirty filled her ears. She refused to open her eyes despite her friend begging her to do so.

Eventually a silence filled over the clearing. Maybe the pair had left? Or maybe it was all just a terrible dream? The question would be answered in the negative when something soft brushed against Natalie's hand. The feeling shocked the girl as it was the first time she had touched a mans privates...a Black man's anyway. She knew without even looking what it was not even needing to look to determine it. It was made of flesh and was long...really long. Her eyes widened at the feeling of it. She didn’t want to look to see if it was real. In her mind she wanted to pretend it was fake. A piece of rubber Elena was holding in her hand as a joke.

“Come on. Take it in your hand. ” Elena said her breath hitting against Natalie’s ear.

Natalie shook her head. She would not hold that thing in her hand. She was a proud white woman and would not stoop so low as to take a savages member in her hand. She stood there as the stranger whacked her hand with it tempting her. No, she couldn’t! Before she knew it however the tool was shoved against her hand leaving her fingers to wrap around it. With another “grab it” from Elena Natalie gave in wrapping her fingers around it.

The size was absolutely massive! Natalie held back the gasp not wanting to give Elena or this savage the satisfaction. The member sat there in her hand growing even bigger than it already felt. It could not be. There was no way it could get any bigger. Two hands were placed on her shoulders and a breath breezed by her ear.

“Stroke it.”

No. Natalie shook her head. Despite the temptation, she would not give in. She couldn’t.

“Open your eyes.”

Natalie shook her head but when Elena repeated the command she surrendered. Her eyes opened to see the brown orbs of the black man standing there. Elena commanded her to look down. Natalie started to and then stopped. No. No. The cock twitched in her hand. Fine. Her eyes shifted all the way to see the tool. Her eyes widened as far as they could go. It was not a toy made of rubber or a fake. It was real. Actually connected to his body hanging there sitting in her hand.

Elena and James both smiled seeing the young girl's reaction. They knew at that moment Natalie was there. The girl stared in disbelief stunned that any human being could even grow to that size...and he was not even hard yet. She could feel the eyes on her. Both of her tempters prepared to take this to the next step.

“Stroke it.” Elena cooed.


Again Elena said the command and Natalie gave in. Her hand began sliding back and forth. As she did she watched the tool slowly grow inch by inch until it eventually stopped only after doubling in size.

“My god.” Natalie let slip.

It was only after the words came out that the confused girl realized that they had come out. Oh crap. They now knew the sight was at least intriguing to her. She looked up to see Elena smiling from ear to ear. The redhead walked up to the girl grabbing her shoulders from the back and rubbing them to calm her friend.

“Go on...get on your knees.”

Elena went down to her own knees as Natalie did easing her down. Both anxiety and calm overwhelmed the blonde. Anxiety about being at eye level with a savage's cock and calm over having a familiar presence with her. Natalie stared at the cock still fully erect standing on its own as her hand had fallen to the side.

Elena ordered the girl to take the cock between her lips. Natalie leaned forward. Both James and Elena looked on in anticipation waiting for the moment the girl's soft pink lips pressed against his dark flesh. For a moment the blonde left her trance pulling back just before making contact.

“Come on. You know you want to. Look at it.”

Natalie looked at the cock that was larger than anything she had ever seen. No. There was no way she could...fuck it! She leaned in grabbed the tool with her hand and opened her mouth to take the cock in her mouth. Almost immediately something about it felt right. The taste...the smell. Everything was perfect. Her head bobbed back and forth going only as far as around the quarter mark. There was no way every inch would fit into her mouth let alone her pussy.

Elena filled Natalie’s head with words like ‘isn’t it amazing!’ and ‘keep going’. The redhead’s hand was on the back of the blonde’s head helping her along. The sounds of the racists girl slurping on his cock made the man’s lips curl into the worlds biggest smile. Elena stood up removing her hand from her friends head.

“How is she doing?”

“Ohh man...” He stopped to gulp. “She’s a natural.”

Elena smiled and leaned in engaging in a passionate kiss with the man. The kissed their tongues dancing with one another while Natalie pleasures his cock. Things got better for the man when the kiss broke and the redhead slowly left a trail of kisses from the neck,to the chest,stomach,and finally stopping when she hit her knees. She then pulled the cock from the blondes mouth.

“So what are we thinking so far?”

Natalie took a moment to think about the question. How to respond. It seemed like at this point there was nothing to hide. Both had seen the girl eagerly take the cock into her mouth there was no way to hide how excited she was.

“Its...surprisingly good.”

“See what you’ve been missing?” Elena said then taking the tool into her own moth.

Natalie was stunned at the sight. Watching Elena slid her lips back and forth. Actually getting a chance to see it. Her pale skin and pink lips contrasting with James’s dark skin. The sight actually looked appealing to her. She watched at learned from the more experienced woman. She watched as she wobbled her head back and forth slightly and stroked the shaft with her hand. All of that was stored in the newbies head for when her turn came back around.

Elena took her free hand and groped James’s sack playing with it lightly. All that stimulation it was a miracle he did not burst. Natalie’s boyfriend probably would have burst before she even dropped on her knees. The redhead pulled off the cock strands of salvia connected her to it from several inches before breaking. Elena handed the tool back to Natalie who wrapped her hand around it and eagerly took it back between her lips

This time she used the skills acquired by watching her friend and wobbled her head and twisted the tool. For a Uber conservative girl Natalie did learn fast. The pair then shared the tool swapping it back and forth. Both girls would occasionally be on James’s cock at the same time. What a feeling it was to have both of these girls one a racist and one still confused on what she believes servicing his cock.

Eventually Elena left the large tool all to her friend who was now totally covered in slobber that had dribbled down her chin. She crawled over to the other side of the man and grabbed his butt cheeks spreading them apart and sliding her face right between them. James gasped at the feeling of her soft mouth and tongue pressing and flicking over his crack enjoying the feeling. What a day this was. To have both of these girls servicing both sides of him. Nothing felt better. Elena was amazing eating out his rear her tongue flicking over the small hole.

"Oh man you guys are great!" James exclaimed.

Elena let out a giggle at the comment. Natalie by now had managed to take a bit more than half of James's cock much to her surprise. He felt like the girl could fit much more but he promised Elena he would take it slow on the blonde. Natalie wondered if her mouth struggled to take the cock in her mouth how would she would handle it inside of her.

The cock was so far down her throat it was a miracle it did not trigger her gag reflex to the extent of losing her lunch. That would be embarrassing. By now his tip was leaking pre cum filling her mouth with flavor. She loved the taste of it and used her tongue to flick over the small opening to lap up as much of it as possible. James seemed to like the little trick.

Elena then stood up after pulling her face out from between the mans crack. The red head walked around seeing her friend still eagerly sucking at the long chocolate lollipop. She crouched down placing a hand on each side of her face from behind and pulled it off. She looked at the blonde and smiled at the sight of the spit completely dripping down her chin.

She leaned in kissing the girl who was shocked at the move. Natalie had never kissed a woman before and never wanted to. There was also no dream to give a black man a blowjob but her she was. Elena was pleased when her closed minded friend began to kiss back their soft lips moving against each other’s. Natalie actually enjoyed kissing Elena and with each second that passed which she had tried experimenting with girls earlier. This whole experience made her think she should have experiment with everything easier.

James watched with the worlds biggest smile as the two girls made out. There was no hotter sight than two women making out. While watching the sight the man pleasured himself. The girls noticed this and the kiss stopped with Elena helping Natalie remove her dress. The girl stopped her friend for a moment still having a minor mental conflict about the whole thing. After a moment she nodded and lifted up her arms to allow it to be taken off.

The nip of the air hit her flesh causing goosebumps to rise over it. Elena just tossed the dress off to the side and moved back in and re ignited the kiss. Natalie felt her friend’s soft hands rubbing up her torso up to her two mounds. Elena’s hands gripped and played with them flicking the nipples with her thumbs. The blonde let out a moan into her friends mouth. Elena broke the kiss and stood taking her friends hand and helped her up and walked her to a picnic table.

Natalie was then bent over the table. She knew it was time. James’s big black cock pressed against her wet pussy playing with it at first. It sent a small sensation through her. This was the last chance to stop this. The last change to prevent a big black dock from entering her. In her horniness she was conflicted. Her old self was there screaming for her to stop and this new her that was forming couldn’t wait for the initial penetration.

For a moment her old self took over. She jolted and went to scream to stop but it was too late. James pushed himself slowly into the girl causing her entire body to stop and tense up. Everything in her body had locked up as James’s tool pushed deeper and deeper into her. She could feel herself being spread apart and could feel exactly how far the man made it.

With each inch that found its way through her folds a slight pain and discomfort filled her. She gripped at the wooden table and her toes curled so tight the bones nearly snapped. Before king his base pressed against her ass indicated every last inch of the long sword had been sheathed. How it managed to fit inside of her tight pussy was beyond her. She could feel her entire body expanding to accommodate the size and even felt as if her stomach had expanded. James began his thrusts once he felt that the woman’s body had properly adjusted to him. Normally with racist girls like this he liked to be a bit rough however Elena had made him promise to be gentle at least until she was nice and broken in.

The young virgin woman could feel her tight body adjusting more and more. The fit was still tight however there was not as much resistance. Natalie let out soft moans in time with his thrusts. She let her head drop as the pleasure radiated around her body and noticed her stomach expanding and contracting as the tip pushed deeper than the blonde ever imagined could be put inside of a human body. Elena walked around the table and held the girls hand and smiled watching the long dark tool sliding back and forth into the woman who had denied to even consider sleeping with a black man until just at few minutes ago.

“How does it feel?” The redhead asked her friend.

It felt good. The size alone was unlike anything imaginable. Nothing could feel better than what she was feeling right now. How far her muscles were spread and how deep James had managed to reach. All the stories she had shrugged off. Dozens and dozens of women who had ‘gone black’ with many claiming they would ‘never go back’. Now it all made sense. There was a point to the craze. James’s cock was nice and shiny getting completely drenched in Natalie’s fluids. For a girl who was so against this was pretty wet.

“It...feels...good.” Natalie replied between thrusts.

Now was the time to pick up the pace a bit. James began moving quicker slamming a bit harder into the girl. It hurt her as her stomach would bump into the edge of the table from the momentum however it was so worth it. Elena squatted down and smiled knowing the girl was now firmly in the palm of her hand.

“I told you didn’t I?”

Natalie did not respond and instead bit on her bottom lip to contain herself. Elena again asked the question wanting to here the answer. Nothing felt better to anyone than hearing the words ‘you were right’.

“Yes.” Natalie confessed.

Elena smiled at the admission. Natalie was twisting,turning,and groaning as her body took the large tool. It was not even a tool. It was a spear. A spear that was impaling her from pussy to stomach. James was thrusting as deep and hard as he could. It was jot fast paced either. Pull back,wait,slam. Pull back,wait,slam. It was a process repeated several dozen times. Each slam sent the blonde nearly several inches forward from the force. She would be looking down at the wooden table and SLAM the bright green grass came into view.

Natalie felt a soft feminine hand cup her face. Her best friend was right there for her in this time of exploration. She watched her friends green eyes draw closer and closer until they were right before her own and a soft pair of lips was pressed against her own. Her blue eyes widened at the feeling. It was another thing off the list of things she would never do. Kiss a girl. Now she was there kissing her best friend.

Elena was pleased to feel no resistance to her tongue moving passed the reluctant girls lips. They kissed tongues dancing and Natalie’s moans vibrating into Elena’s mouth. Elena pulled back from the kiss grabbing Natalie’s bottom lip with her teeth and pulling it back before letting it go. Natalie jumped back forward almost immediately to re engage the kiss which her friend welcomed warmly.

James watched the duo kiss passionately as he rammed Natalie as hard as he could. The girls moans were muffled by the redhead’s mouth but were still very audible. James did not know this would turn into a full on threesome but it was a positive development to be sure.

“Hey girl why do you still got clothes on?” James asked.

Elena was dripping wet at this point and while she herself did not anticipate this she was too horny to decline. She began taking off her clothes piece by piece throwing them off to the side letting them land wherever they landed. Natalie as well as James took in the sight of the woman. Natalie found herself enamored by the woman’s body. Perfect breasts and soft skin. Elena leaned back in and began kissing her friend. James decided to remove himself from Natalie and flipped her over. The blonde was now looking up and the strong black man that was taking her. His shirt was gone showing a beautifully ripped torso.

The man again inserted himself into the girl watching her facial expressions as he filled her up. Elena came around her left side and took a breast in her hand playing with it. She then felt soft warm lips wrap around her nipple. Elena’s tongue flicked over the small point while alternating between licking and sucking. James then joined leaning over taking the open right mount into his mouth. Now Natalie was being stimulated from both breasts and her pussy which by now had fully adjusted to the large manhood. It felt amazing how easily it slid back and forth inside of her slick folds.

James and Elena both found an arm wrap around the back of their heads down. James managed to push back against it and pull his head up to kiss the blonde who happily kissed back. He felt her moans vibrating into his own moth. The kiss was short lived as the redhead wanted to get in on the action and took James for herself. Nat watched the two kiss while her hands returned to the edge of the table squeezing it. The trio continued to go around the triangle kissing each other. Elena had three of her fingers inside of her pussy thrusting back and forth and two from her other hand between her friends rubbing it.

James latched onto Elena’s breast as he continued to thrust into Natalie. He played with both of the girls beautiful mounds while Natalie played with her own as she watched. James pulled away from Elena and took his tool out from the blonde making her feel so empty. She was so stretched out and empty she swore she felt a breeze. The feeling felt weird. She wanted nothing more than to have it go away as her new lover re entered her however that never happened. Instead the feeling of a soft wet tip pressed against her anus. Elena watched with glee while the newbie was filled with shock. Never had she even done anal and had heard plenty of horror stories from the internet and wanted nothing to do with it despite the horniness giving her a bit of curiosity.

Just like the initial penetration into her front the same was with the back. She went to let out a scream to call the man off but by then it was too late. The tip began pushing passed the anal muscles spreading them apart slowly. Nat watched Elena’s face curl into a smile of glee as her face turned into a mixture of discomfort and pleasure. It was an odd feeling as the first few inches found their way inside. The feeling of the muscles stretching out so far was much weirder than that of her front. For years and years by ****** and priests alike she was told to never stick anything up the back door as it was one of the worst sins one could commit. It was a rule she lived by for two decades and now was totally breaking.

James stopped after about three inches waiting to see how the girl would react. As promised he did not want to take things too far too early and drive the girl away despite her clearly enjoying everything so far. Nat looked to her mentor Elena for advice. The redhead’s face begged the girl to continue however in the end it was up to her whether or not to continue. Her blue eyes turned to the brown ones of James before giving a slight nod to proceed. Another two to three inches were inserted and the muscles had been stretched to the maximum as the mans base met her flesh.

Natalies face was in shock. Eyes wide, mouth gaping with no sounds or words coming out of it. She felt the large tool slowly pulling back and forth between the muscles. With each pass the muscles loosened more and more to accommodate the tool. Eventually the man ran out of lubricant and removed himself and re inserted it into her pussy getting it nice and wet from her natural juices. While there her ass felt so weird. So empty. Her muscles were expanding and contracting attempting to figure out what to do. The emptiness was the oddest feeling in the world. It did not last long as soon after the tool was back inside her ass thrusting deep inside her.

Elena stood there off to the side rubbing her pussy as it dripped down her legs. She leaned over kissing Natalie at the same time as the blonde returned to gripping the table with a grip tighter than a vice as her ass was defiled. James had an idea as he watched the pair kiss. He removed himself from the blonde and grabbed the redhead laying her out on the table beside her best friend. He then thrust himself onto her leaving the blonde laying there empty. Her head fell to the side as she watched the dark phallus thrust inside her pale body. Elena looked over with a smile and moaning syncing up with his thrusts.

Natalie found her hand drifting down between her legs as she rubbed the folds back and forth while watching Elena and James fuck. He alternated between the women pumping a few thrusts into each woman before switching to the next. Every time Natalie felt herself empty she practically begged him to re insert himself. Considering the girls earlier behavior the man took pride in the groaning and begging. Eventually the blonde found her mouth wrapping around the redhead’s breast sucking on the mound of flesh. Elena’s soft hand grabbed the back of her head keeping it close.

Natalie was helped up by large hands on her hips helping her atop her friend. The pair kissed as the man now had easier access to them both. All he had to do to switch between the two than having to slide back and forth. Both could feel the others moan vibrate into each other’s mouth. When the other fell quiet they knew it was there turn.

The threesome went on the Black man switching between the two White girls. Both of their pussys welcomed the man eagerly. With each thrust it was becoming clearer that Natalie was beginning to loosen enough to fit him with ease. Of course she was not totally loose but just enough that with the slickness of the walls to be able to slide right in. Natalie was totally brain dead at this point as the horniness took over completely. It was all she wanted or knew. Thrust,moan,feel empty,repeat.

Eventually it caused everything to build up. She could feel the explosion coming. The way her body reacted told the other two as well and they wanted it as bad as the blonde did. James thrust harder into her while Elena played with her folds hoping to quickly get the newbie to reach a real orgasm. She screamed loudly as the burst of energy flowed through her. She gripped the table to the point the wood almost pierced her skin and every muscle in her body was shaking. Elena then felt the flood pour out onto her body from the girl atop her. She took her friends hand in her own. The blonde allowed their fingers to interlock as she squeezed the hand.

Finally Natalie came down and the energy had brunt out she fell atop her friend who gave her a small peck on the cheek. James who had surprisingly yet to reach his own peak slid himself out of her to give a moment to recuperate. She took deep breaths with her head laying on Elena’s breast like a pillow with the girl brushing her hair. The break did not last long however as James was quickly back in the race poking his spear right back into the exhausted woman who after a few thrusts had managed to find enough energy to get back into the race. He continued to go back and forth into the girls until finally pulling Natalie off and decided to pull out and remove the blonde from Elena and lay her back on the table leaving a few scratches from the wood on her back dedicating all his energy on her.

Elena was not too upset about it as the entire point of this was to convert Natalie and it seemed like it worked. After a few more minutes Natalie again orgasmed. In truth she had only orgasmed maybe a few times with her boyfriend if at all but to peak twice? It was a record. With the walls clamping down on his spear it was finally time to reach his peak. Elena saw this and moved over to squat beside him and began rubbing his sack to assist in the process. His tool began to twitch as it began to push the seed out. Elena almost wanted to see Natalie’s face plastered in cum but maybe another day. The sight of his virile seed dripping from her womb would just make her day.

James let out the worlds loudest grunt as he ejected his seed into Natalie. She could feel the member twitching and pumping long,thick,warm streams of cum into her. It felt so good to feel the warm goo spurt out inside of her. It felt even more amazing knowing it was a black mans cum. It was actually the first time any man had ever released inside of her in truth. It was the greatest feeling In the world. The thick streams never seemed to stop even after nearly thirty seconds when he removed himself another stream shot out across her.

Elena quickly took the tool into her mouth cleaning off any excess before licking up the small stream that shot out across her belly. She then climbed up and planted her lips onto Natalie’s to give the girl a taste of the man’s sweet nectar. She kissed back opening her mouth allowing the cum to drop right into her mouth. The redhead inserted her tongue and the girls played with it a while before Natalie finally let the goo slide down her throat. The taste was out of this world. She could drink this stuff all day if she really wanted to. Elena ended the kiss and looked down at her pussy and watched as the white substance leaked out onto the table. Natalie was completely in shock. All the reluctance and hatred had left her. She was on a high higher than any drug could ever make her. The state of her mind was clearer than it ever had been. Was she ‘Black Only’ now that was yet to be seen however her view on non whites had definitely changed for sure and this would not be the last BBC she would ever take between her legs.