Slave to My Black Neighbor Part 2

I lay awake all that night going over the previous day’s events in my mind feeling shame and fear and no small amount of self-loathing. The more I thought about what had happened the more clearly the details lay themselves out in my mind. I remembered every sight, smell, and taste as if it were still happening. I hated the huge black man for what he’d done to me and I hated myself for letting it happen.

But after a few hours of running it all through my mind something unexpected and strange happened to me. I got hard. It was involuntary and not at all what I wanted to have happen but there it was. My little dick was betraying me. I got an erection from thinking about sucking Jake’s cock. What the fuck was that all about I wondered. I had never felt any kind of attraction to another man and knew with all my heart that I was straight but there it was, an erection at the thought of what that brute of a man had done to me. No, what I had done to him. A couple of slaps and a threatening tone were all it took to put me on my knees sucking cock. What kind of a man am I?

The next morning I told my wife I wasn’t feeling well and decided to stay home from work. I called off and stayed in bed while Beth got ready and left for her job. I was lying in bed listening to her leave the house when I heard voices just outside my bedroom window. I went to the window and looked out to see Beth talking to Jake who had come over when he saw her leaving. They were talking about me as Beth was telling my tormentor that I was staying home from work today. Just then Jake looked up and saw me in the window. His smile was dark and menacing and I quickly moved away but not fast enough. He had definitely seen me.

I heard the two of them say their goodbyes and listened as my wife started her car and drove away. I was terrified to look out again because I just knew Jake would still be there. As I was trying to decide what to do next I heard a strong, loud knock on the front door and I almost pissed myself in fear. It was Jake! He was yelling out for me to open the door. He shouted that he knew I was home and that I had better come to the door right now or there would be hell to pay. I was so afraid but for some reason I soon found myself walking slowly down the stairs toward the door.

I stood just on the other side of the front door from the large black man who had turned me into his bitch just yesterday shivering in fear. Then I heard his voice. He knew I was there as he softly said, “Open the fucking door before I kick it in. You don’t want to explain that to your lovely wife do you boy”?

I stuttered out, “Ppplease just gggo away”. To which I heard Jake chuckle before telling me to open the door again. He said, “Boy I will beat your ass if you don’t open this door. You and I both know I’m coming in one way or another so why not do things the easy way”?

I swallowed hard and tried to say something else but I knew it would be a wasted effort. Jake was too strong, too forceful, too dominant to be turned away by someone like me. I was seeing myself in a new light and I knew deep down inside I had no choice but to open the door and accept my fate. I was too weak willed to oppose such a big, domineering man.

So I turned the lock and opened the door. Jake was standing on the porch with a smile on his face and he looked at me and laughed. He said, “Yeah there’s my little bitch. Now unless you want your ass beat you’ll move aside and invite me in”.

With my head bowed and tears in my eyes I stepped to the side and in a quiet voice said, “Come in”.

The slap hit my face so fast I never saw it coming. Jake hit me and snarled out, “Come in what?” I reeled back from the hit and said quickly and subserviently, “Come in master. Please come in master”.

“Good” Jake said. “You learn quickly after all. Maybe I won’t have to beat you as often as I thought. A good white boy learns his place fast to avoid being bitch slapped”. Jake was moving into the house as he spoke and he made his way into the living room and sat on the couch as if he owned the house. He put his feet up on the coffee table and told me to come over and sit on the floor in front of him.

I hesitated for only a second or two before moving into my living room and kneeling on the floor before the giant of a man. He said, “Good boy we’ve got some work to do today and according to your wife, she’ll be gone all day so we have plenty of time to start your training”.

I couldn’t look him in the eye so I found myself looking downward as I asked, “Training master? What kind of training?” It was then I noticed I was staring at his crotch. In my effort to not look at his menacing face I had turned my eyes downward to his crotch and the enormous bulge in his sweatpants. Jake noticed it right away and laughed while he said, “Well boy looks like you’re eager to get started. Can’t take your eyes off that cock can you? Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty of time with that cock today. Your training starts now and I think you already know what kind of training I’m talking about. You’re going to learn to be a good bitch for me”.

Jake then ordered me to remove his boots just like yesterday and moving like a zombie I complied. Luckily for me his feet didn’t smell nearly as bad as they had yesterday but after being inside his work boots for even an hour or two this morning had definitely left a strong odor. I quickly removed his boots and his socks and without even looking at me Jake said, “Lick them clean boy” before grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. He tuned to the sports channel and began watching the commentators discuss last night’s baseball game but it was all just white noise to me.

I was in a trance like state as I moved my face down to Jake’s large black feet. I began with the right foot licking along the sole tasting stale sweat and sock lint. Jake ignored me as I labored on his right foot making sure to cover every inch with my tongue. I hadn’t had a chance to brush this morning so my morning breath combined with the taste of his nasty feet was making me ill. As I licked along his heel I noticed hard calluses that I quickly tried to move past but at that moment Jake spoke up, “Use your teeth to scrape off those rough spots boy. You can swallow anything you chew loose”.

The urge to jump up and run away was overwhelming but just like yesterday I stayed on my knees like the loser I now knew myself to be. I started scraping the calluses off with my teeth feeling little flakes of dead skin slide along my tongue. It was repulsive and I fought the urge to vomit with each new scrape. I had no choice but to swallow occasionally as the saliva kept building up in my mouth. So here I was in my own home worshipping a black man’s feet and swallowing the nasty dead skin I was scraping off with my teeth. Never had I imagined myself sinking so low. Jake then ordered me to work on his toes. He directed me to lick and suck each to like it was a miniature cock and to clean out all the toe jam I found between them. So I swallowed the errant sock lint lick a good little coward not wanting to upset my new master. I even licked and sucked everything from beneath his toenails at his command. I worked on his right foot for more than 45 minutes before receiving the news that it was time to move on to the left.

While Jake sat there like a king on his throne I labored on the other foot for an equal amount of time before he told me to sit back on my knees again. My tongue was sore and my jaw ached. My mouth tasted like the inside of an old shoe and yet I did nothing but sit there on my knees awaiting my next command.

Jake left me kneeling there until the show he was watching ended then stood up and grabbed me by the hair telling me to crawl around and give him a tour of the house. He kept his strong grip on my hair as he let me crawling toward the kitchen. He told me things he wanted me to say as we reached each room and with a quivering voice I complied.

“This is the kitchen master where I’d love to suck your cock”. He laughed and moved on to the next room. “This is the dining room master where I’d be honored to lick your balls”. Then on to the half bath where I said, “This is the first bathroom master where I’d love to hold your amazing cock while you piss”. He pulled me along to the stairs and we made our way to the second floor. I had a difficult time keeping up so I earned a hard slap on my ass as I crawled behind the vicious man. I was crawling just behind him as he pulled me along by my hair and my face was only an inch or so from his rock hard ass. We entered the spare room where I was made to say, “This is our guest room master where I’d be honored to sleep while you fuck my wife”. This last one earned me several slaps on the face before I could spit out the words but eventually I did and I felt a bit of my soul die as I mentioned him fucking Beth.

We moved on to the upstairs bathroom and I continued my humiliating litany of submissive tour notes. “This is the master bath master where I’d love to dddrink your pppiss”. I was crying now, tears running down my face as I realized these things I was being forced to say were actually foreshadowing my upcoming training. I was shaking all over as we reached the bedroom I shared with my beautiful wife.

“This is our bedroom master where you will make a woman out of my wife with your enormous cock”. I should have stood up then. I should have fought him. I should have done something that a real man would do but instead I just knelt there humiliated and shaking.

Jake released my hair and turned to face me his crotch just inches from my face. “Good boy” he said. “Now undress me so we can get on with your training”.

I made to stand up so I could remove his shirt and he slapped me again saying, “No bitch, you belong on your knees”. With that he removed his own shirt and tossed it on a chair in the corner of the room. He then snapped his fingers and pointed to his pants. I reached up and untied the string on his sweatpants and slowly pulled them down. He was not wearing underwear so his thick cock came into view immediately. Just like yesterday he was already half hard and was of course bigger than I’ve ever been. I removed his sweats one foot at a time and actually folded them before crawling over and placing them neatly on the chair.

Instinctively I crawled back and knelt before my master not able to take my eyes from his thick black cock. I could smell his crotch and knew he had been working out this morning in order to generate so much sweat so early in the day. But here’s the worst part, the scent of his cock and balls made my little penis twitch. I was feeling aroused by this man’s scent. What the fuck was wrong with me?

Jake then ordered me to strip quickly which I did without hesitation. My greatest fear now was that my little penis would betray me and Jake would see that I was becoming aroused. I stripped and knelt before the large black man again and he made a point to laugh at my small equipment. “How the fuck do you ever please a good looking woman like Beth with that tiny thing”? He asked.

I don’t know why I answered, it seemed like a rhetorical question but in my frightened, submissive state I blurted out, “I don’t master. She has never really been satisfied with having sex with me. I can only make her cum with my tongue”. As soon as the words were out I regretted them but it was too late now. Jake just laughed and said, “Of course boy, that’s all you’re good for. Licking and sucking are the only things you can contribute. And that’s a theory we’re going to test out all day long”.

Jake left me kneeling there while he searched our bedroom going through every drawer and closet. He spent several minutes in Beth’s underwear drawer looking at all of her panties and bras till he found the sexiest pair of panties which he kept in his hand as he moved on. In Beth’s bedside table he found her vibrators. There was a long thin pink one that was just a normal looking vibrator and he found one that I didn’t know she owned. It was thick and black at least a foot long and was made to look like a real cock with a mushroom head and long thick veins running down the shaft. It had a suction cup at the end and a long cord leading to a remote control for varying speeds of vibration.

Jake turned to me chuckling and said, “Look familiar?” as he held it beside his own cock. “Looks like little Bethy likes the black snake doesn’t it boy”?

My eyes were wide and my mouth hung open in surprise as I said in a small voice, “Yes master it does look that way”.

“It’s going to be easier than I thought to start fucking her” Jake said.

“Please master, leave Beth alone. She’s all I have. Please master I’ll do whatever you say”. I begged him.

“You’re going to do that either way bitch now shut your fucking mouth and climb up on the bed. We need to start your training. I have a few loads I need to shoot today and we’re going to make sure you take them all like a good bitch”.

I knew any further argument would earn me more slaps so I obeyed quickly and moved up onto the bed I shared with my wife awaiting more abuse from my black master. Jake grabbed some of my ties from the rack and came over to the bed. Before tying me in place he threw Beth’s panties at me and told me to put them on. I was so embarrassed! How could he want that? I was a man after all. But the look on master’s face told me all I needed to know and I quickly pulled on the lacy pink panties. My shame became complete when I realized you couldn’t even notice my little penis in a woman’s panties. That’s how small I really am. When I finished Jake moved in with the ties. He began with my right leg tying it to the bedpost securely. In no time at all Jake had my arms and legs secured to the four posts and he moved to straddle my chest, his cock hanging in front of my mouth. He had set the vibrators on the bed table and was slowly stroking his big cock to full erection.

“Now we’re going to start slow boy. I want you to get used to the taste, smell, and feel of my cock. This cock is going to be your whole world from now on and I want you to learn to worship it the right way. From this point on there is nothing more important to you than keeping this cock satisfied with your mouth, your ass, and your wife. You understand me boy”?

I was shocked! I knew he had designs on Beth and of course he’d already used my mouth, but my ass? Oh god, not that! He saw the fear in my eyes and slapped my face again to keep me quiet. Then he began rubbing his cock head back and forth across my lips. I could already feel the precum painting them like he was applying lipstick to me.

He smiled down at me as he continued to run his cock all over my face wetting it with his fluids before moving the head back to my mouth and telling me to kiss it. I pursed my lips and gave the head a quick kiss right on the piss slit and he moaned in satisfaction. Master then ordered me to use my tongue and lick all over the head of his impressive cock.

I was completely defeated and at the mercy of the big man so I did as I was told. I stuck out my tongue and began to lick the formidable tool tasting the familiar precum saltiness. He told me to get into it like the bitch I am so I began moaning and kissing his cock while continuing to lick all over the head. He wanted me to act like a horny slut that craved cock so that’s just what I did. I kissed and licked his cockhead like I was starving for it making noises like a wanton whore the entire time.

Master’s cock was now fully erect and he decided it was time to work on my sucking skills. He slid his cock in a couple of inches and told me to just suck slowly and gently. Knowing to keep my teeth out of the way I opened my mouth wide and using my lips and tongue began to nurse on the thick tool. Master’s cock lay on my tongue and I knew he was just getting me used to the weight and feel of it before shoving any more in. He told me he wanted to eradicate my gag reflex so we would be taking our time today with what he called Cock Sucking 101.

We stayed like that for a good twenty minutes before he moved forward and fed me another couple inches of cock. I felt like I would gag at the intrusion but Master told me to breathe through my nose and swallow often. That trick worked and I soon was able to handle the four plus inches I now held in my mouth. We went on like this over and over for more than an hour and a half before I found my nose pressing into Master’s stomach again. This time there was no desire to gag. Master had indeed taught me to take his enormous length and girth down my throat like a good slut. His word not mine. Although I did feel like a slut simply because of the odd sense of pride I felt at taking his entire cock. And worst of all my little penis was moving and threatening to become erect. What was I becoming?

Master moved his cock slowly in and out of my mouth invading my throat deeply with each forward thrust. It must have looked obscene and Master even commented on how my neck was bulging from the thickness of his cock. He fucked my mouth for another forty minutes slowly making sure I felt the full humiliation of a long loving blowjob. When he’d finally had enough of my mouth he pulled back till just the head rested on my tongue and began to stroke his massive member looking to jack off into my mouth. He warned me to keep a tight seal around his cock head with my lips and I obeyed submissively. He was breathing harder now and I knew he’d be shooting my mouth full of cum any second. Here I was lying in the bed I share with my wife, tied down like a slave while my big, black, neighbor fucked my face and prepared to jack his load onto my tongue.

Master grunted loudly then yelled out as the first shot hit the back of my throat. I should have choked on it but Master’s training had worked on my gag reflex so I simply swallowed it down just as the second and third shots hit my tongue. My mouth filled up quickly and Master ordered me not to swallow. When he finished he just sat back on my chest and stared down at me patting me on the head like I was his dog and saying, “Good boy now show me your treat”.

I opened my mouth and rolled my tongue around in the copious load of cum showing my Master how well I obeyed. As I lay there with a mouthful of this black man’s cum he told me to get used to the taste as I would be enjoying it every day from now on. After he’d humiliated me enough he told me to swallow and thank him. I fought to get the heavy load down but finally managed to swallow it all. Blushing fiercely I looked up at my Master and said, “Thank you Master for the delicious treat”.

Without a word Master lifted himself up and turned around so his ass was directly in front of my face. He pulled his muscular cheeks apart and said, “You know what to do now boy” as he lowered his ass onto my face. His feet were resting on either side of my head and being tied down I could do nothing as the stronger man sat heavily on my face.

I had no choice. This man was now controlling every breath I could take so I did what I had to do and started licking his ripe, pungent ass. My face was completely covered in man ass and the smell was obnoxious. But I began licking like a good boy, getting my tongue into all the hard to reach placed. The taste wasn’t as bad as yesterday but it was still ass crack I was licking so it was not enjoyable in the least. Well, not for me any way. Master was loving my oral attention. He was moaning and grinding his asshole into my mouth. I could no longer avoid the inevitable and began licking and probing his wrinkled hole. The star of his anus opened to my tongue and I soon felt the smooth inside walls of his ass. I began fucking my tongue in and out of his hole hoping to make this experience end quickly. What I failed to notice though was that my traitorous penis was becoming hard. Yes, I was getting an erection from tongue fucking a black man’s asshole.

Master noticed this right away and began laughing at me. He was mocking my tiny penis as he bounced on my tongue in fits of laughter. “I knew it!” He cried out. “I knew you were a sissy boy for a black man. You feel the need to obey your rightful superiors”.

Was he right? Of course he was. My own body was evidence of that fact. I was hard from obeying and enslaving myself to this rough thug. I continued licking, kissing and sucking at his dark passage as if I were making out with my lovely wife. No, there was more passion here. I was lusting after Master’s asshole in a way I never had before. After a long worship session under my Master’s ass his cock got hard again. I could feel it lying on my chest.

Master stood up and looked down at me telling me I looked nasty with his ass sweat all over my face. He untied me and told me to take a quick shower while he got things ready. What he had to get ready I was afraid to ask. I quickly cleaned myself up and returned to the bathroom filled with dread. Master had moved my desk chair over to the center of the room and had mounted Beth’s suction cup dildo on the center of the seat. It was glistening with lube and my heart began to beat so loudly in my chest I thought I would die.

Master threw me the bottle of lube he’d found in Beth’s drawer and told me to get my hole greased up for my lover. He laughed and told me the big rubber cock was my new lover and I was going to learn to treat him right. He said, “I never fuck guys, not even wimpy little sissies like you boy. That doesn’t mean I won’t let men fuck your ass, just means I never will. But we need to get you trained to take a cock up there so get lubed up bitch”.

I begged him with tears in my eyes. “Please Master don’t make me to this. Please! I’ve never had anything bigger than my doctor’s finger in there. Please, I’ll do anything you want, just not that. Please Master”!

“Oh you’ll do everything I want anyway bitch that’s for certain. Now you have five minutes to get yourself seated on that cock. I want your ass flat on that chair in five minutes time or I will take a belt to it and beat you raw”.

He stepped toward me and the menacing look on his face told me all I needed to know. With shaking hands I poured some of the lube into my hand and began rubbing it into my asshole. I made sure to coat it well for fear of damaging my sensitive back passage.

When I finished Master said, “Clock starts now sissy”. So I moved to the chair on wobbling legs, turned and squatted over the rubber cock. The head of it felt cold against my hole and I shivered in fear. Master said, “That toy of your wife’s is as long as my cock but not as thick so you should have no trouble getting it in there boy”.

I mumbled out, “Yes Master” and began to slide the head into my ass. It stretched my poor hole right away and I felt there was no way it would fit but Master was looking at the clock so I knew I had to hurry. I pushed down on the thick, rubber, head gritting my teeth and moaning in pain. Just as I was about to give up, the head popped into my sphincter so suddenly I cried out in surprise in a voice 3 octaves higher than my normal voice which made Master laugh and call me a “Good Girl”.

I pushed harder lowering myself onto the cock inch by painful inch stopping occasionally to catch my breath when Master said, “One minute to go sissy”.

I panicked and pushed harder still. I was crying and moaning but moving inch by inch toward my goal when finally I felt the cold wood of the chair touching my asscheeks. With the end in sight I pressed down with all my weight and sat down firmly on the chair my ass filled to bulging with my wife’s rubber cock.

I cried out in victory and humiliation and looked to Master for his approval. He patted my head again and said, “Good sissy, Good girl”.

“Now I want you to show your new lover how much you love him. I want you to fuck yourself on that cock like a good slut. And to show you I’m a nice guy I’ll give you something you love to suck on while you fuck him”.

With that, Master moved over to me and shoved his hard cock into my mouth. He slapped my head and told me to start fucking. In pain and degradation I slowly began moving up and down the hard rubber cock while simultaneously sucking Master’s thick black rod.

Of course my penis chose that time to get hard again and Master laughed at me new found humiliation. The friction of the rubber cock on my prostate was giving me an unwanted erection but I thought I could handle it until Master intervened again.

I’d forgotten about the remote control connected to the rubber cock. Master had not. He cranked it up to full charge and the hated tool began vibrating fiercely inside my ass. I was moaning in pleasure now as well as pain. I was bouncing up and down on the cock in my ass like a possessed whore. I was devouring Master’s cock sucking him into my throat and back out again like the most jaded porn star. I was completely filled with cock and the humiliation soon turned to lust. How long I bounced on that cock while sucking Master’s wonderful cock I’ll never know, did I really call it wonderful? Oh god what’s happening to me?

After what seemed like hours Master grabbed my head and fucked my face savagely until he shot another prodigious load into my waiting mouth. I greedily swallowed it all with a submissive girly moan. I licked and sucked Master’s cock clean and when he tried to pull away I sucked it back in and tried to swallow it whole. Master laughed and pulled himself from my sucking mouth to move over to the bed and sit down. He watched me fucking myself on the rubber cock for another ten minutes or so before I cried out in orgasm. I squirted two pathetic little dribbles from my tiny penis and then sat down heavily on the chair totally embedding the rubber cock into my aching hole.

I was exhausted and completely spent but Master wasn’t through with me yet. He told me to get up and I painfully extricated myself from the rubber invader. “Lick your lover clean” Master said and I was too tired and beaten to complain. I dropped to my knees and began to lick the lube, ass juice and what I pretended wasn’t my own shit from the dildo. It was horrific but I was a beaten man and just complied as ordered.

With the dildo clean Master told me to go into the bathroom and wash it with disinfectant soap. I dragged my tired body into the bathroom with Master following and washed my wife’s toy clean. Master told me my oral training wasn’t complete yet since we still had a little time before Beth came home. I was shocked by that. Had it really been that long? An entire eight hour work day spent servicing Master’s cock?

Master moved to the toilet and told me he had to piss. He told me I was to hold his cock and aim it so he didn’t make a mess. Fearing reprisal I got to my knees and took my Master’s cock in my hand. I aimed it toward the toilet bowl and waited for him to relieve himself.

A strong torrent of piss suddenly burst forth from Master’s cock and I fought to control the direction it pointed. I could feel the strong smelling liquid running through his cock with my hand and was amazed at the strength of the stream. For myself I have issues in that department and never have a very strong stream even having to sit sometimes when I pee.

As Master pissed he looked down at me and said, “Take a taste bitch just like drinking from a fountain. Do it quick though I’m almost finished. Now Bitch!”

And I did it. I was so mesmerized by the stream and so used to taking orders from this strong man that I didn’t even think about what I was doing. I leaned in and noisily slurped in a mouthful of Master’s piss. I became weak immediately. The taste was overpowering. So salty, so hot, so dirty. My degradation was complete and my ownership by this big black man was locked in. As I swallowed his piss he finished and told me to lick the last drops from his cockhead. I of course obeyed and cleaned the cock that controlled my life.

Master laughed and called me a good little sissy bitch before leaving the bathroom. I crawled after him and watched as he slowly got dressed. He said, “This is only the beginning boy. You have a lot of training ahead of you so you can serve me like a good sissy slave”.

From my knees I said, “Yes Master” my eyes never leaving the ground as fresh tears rolled down my face. I stayed there on my knees as Master left the room and I heard him exit the front door. It took me half an hour to clean up the bedroom and I just made it back into bed when I heard Beth pull into the driveway. I heard her get out of the car and close the door but then I heard voices and knew she was talking to my Master. I was afraid to move so I lay there in bed listening to their muffled conversation punctuated by occasional laughter.

After about fifteen minutes Beth entered the house and came upstairs to find me still in bed. She could see that I actually did look as sick as I had lied about earlier. My rough day had taken its toll. She said, “Awe baby I didn’t realize you were still so sick. Jake invited us over for dinner tonight and I told him we would if you were feeling better. He gave me his cell number, wait I’ll call him and cancel”.

I was relieved instantly and watched her dial our neighbor’s number. She said, “Hello Jake, I’m sorry but my hubby still isn’t feeing well so I think we’ll have to cancel. (pause) Yes I’m sorry too. I really wanted to get to know you since Tim spent all day yesterday with you I feel like I need to catch up. (pause) Well I don’t know Jake let me ask Tim. (pause) Oh ok, here you go”.

And with that Beth handed me the phone. Master spoke quickly and with authority. “Listen bitch your wife is coming over for dinner tonight without you. Do you understand”?

I swallowed hard and said, “Yes of course, that would be fine”.

“Good now give her back the phone” he said.

I handed Beth the phone and she said, “Hi Jake I’m back”. (pause) “Oh good, I’m looking forward to it. See you soon. Bye”.

“Well that was nice of you babe” she said. “I won’t be late. I just want a chance to get to know Jake since he’ll be living so close to us. Now I’ve got to hurry and take a shower and get dressed. Jake wanted us to dress up. Isn’t that fun? I’m going to wear that new black dress I haven’t had a chance to wear yet. Be back in a few minutes”.

And with that she grabbed her clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. The wait was miserable. She seemed to take forever to get ready and when she appeared my heart stopped.

She looked stunning. The dress was tight fitting and showed off all her curves. It had a plunging neckline that showed off her ample cleavage. I was now terrified of what would happen at Master’s house but I knew better than to interfere. I just said, “Wow, you look amazing”. Which made Beth smile. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, “I won’t be too late baby. Take care of yourself and get some rest you look terrible”.

With that she left the bedroom and the house. I got up and watched her cross the street from the window and as Master greeted her at the door and led her into his house he looked up straight into my eyes and smiled as he put his hand on my wife’s back and guided her into his home closing the door behind them. I crawled back into bed and began to cry at what had become of my perfect life.

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