SHOWBOAT (by The No-Backbone Cabr?n)

Last Labor Day, Jeff, one of my co-workers at the company, invited us to spend the holiday at the lake on his buddy's boat. I did not want to go, as I am not much for the sun and outdoors and boats always make me seasick. But Chrissie, my wife of two years, is the opposite: she loves the sun and the beach and is always outside doing something to keep fit. She really wanted to go, so, since we had nothing else going that day, I acquiesced.

When we arrived at the lake, we saw it was crowded. We were to meet Jeff at the cottage of his buddy, Brian, which was down the street from the dock. When we arrived at the house, we noticed a police-style badge and asked about it. Brian said that he worked with one of the federal law enforcement agencies. His build fit his job: Brian was over 6 feet and beefy, not unlike Jeff.

The four of us then headed toward the dock, and Brian said we needed to stop in the dockhouse to buy some provisions. While he went to the store area, we went into the bar and ordered beers. Jeff told Chrissie, who was still in her shorts, tee shirt, and white Keds, that she was overdressed for the lake. She then went to the restroom. A minute later, Brian returned with the supplies. As we stood drinking our beers, I noticed the eyes of Jeff and Brian become fixed on something over my shoulder. They smiled. I turned around and saw Chrissie walking toward us in her bikini. Her pretty face, framed by her blonde hair, beamed with a happy smile. The whiteness of her teeth was as bright as the blue of her eyes, on which my eyes remained fixed. All other eyes in the bar were fixed on her too. Her bikini was pink and baby blue. The skimpy triangles of her top, one of each color, revealed more that it covered up. The bottom had the same color scheme - half pink and half baby blue - in ve l sections, with the colors reversed from those of her top. With her body measuring a very fit 40DDD-26-38, she was attractive in her bikini, which, in my personal opinion, seemed a little cheap looking. The guys at the bar seemed to like it though, and I, as always, was proud of my Chrissie.

As we were finishing our beers, we heard hooting in outdoor area of the bar. The bartender ran to the door, looked, and yelled, "Let's keep that stuff out on the water or I'll lose my license." I asked what that was all about, and Jeff answered, "Just another slut showing her tits. Everybody ready to go?" We headed out to the dock and boarded Brian's boat, which was called "Beguiling." It was about a 40 footer, had a cabin below, a lot of fancy equipment, and looked fast. Chrissie said, "Nice boat," and Brian said it belonged to his agency. As we headed out on the lake, we passed a lot of boats anchored in the dock area. A couple women on these boats pulled their tops down and flash their breasts to us. Also, some of the guys on the boats yelled as we passed, "Show us your tits."

When we got out into the middle of the lake, Chrissie was the first to waterski. Being the athlete that she is, she did well. As Jeff helped her climb back in the boat, I noticed that her wet bikini clung to her body even tighter than before. Brian was next to ski and jumped in the water. Jeff put the boat in gear, and, as we pulled away, I could feel that the chop of the waves was already starting to make my stomach queasy. Chrissie, on the other hand, looked totally relaxed as she leaned back against the seat with her eyes closed, holding her beer, and drying in the sun. She looked so sexy in her bathing suit, and I was glad that we had agreed to make it a short day at the lake.

Brian was quite an accomplished skier and did many tricks. He stayed out for a long time, showing his prowess. When he came back into the boat, Chrissie said, "Great skiing," and he replied, "I get lots of practice out here." As Brian dried off, we idled in the water. A boat pulled up next to us. One guy on the boat said, "That's her," and then several guys shouted, "Drop top, baby." She smiled and shook her head no. The first guy said, "Oh, c'mon honey, you got the best tits out here." She said, "Sorry guys," and they sped off. I realized this is what Jeff had been referring to earlier, and I asked Brian, "Are there a lot of sluts out here who would do that?" Brian answered, "Well, it's kind of a tradition at this lake, especially this weekend. Some women do, and some don't, but flashing her boobs on a boat doesn't make a woman a slut." I answered, "I think it does." He continued, "It's just natural: guys like to see, and women like to be appreciated."

Jeff then jumped up to take his turn skiing, and Brian asked if I wanted to drive the boat. I declined, saying, "I'm afraid I'd crash it." He then asked Chrissie, who said she'd never done it before. "First time for everything," he replied, "C'mon, I'll show you." Chrissie sat in the driver's seat, and Brian stood next to her. As she drove, I could see them talking as he gave her pointers. She did pretty well and was able to drive the boat for Jeff's entire turn, which took almost as long as Brian's.

When Jeff returned, Brian asked me, "You ready?" I said, "No, thanks, I'm gonna pass." He said, "You gotta to give it at least one shot." I explained that I hadn't skied in years and also that my stomach was seasick. Chrissie said, "Don't be chicken. Just try it one time. We'll make it a quick one." It is always difficult for me to turn Chrissie down when she looks at me with her baby blues. So, I put on a life vest and jumped in. Chrissie took the wheel, and I told her to take it slow. I got in position, and the boat took off. I stayed up for about 20 seconds, but then, when the boat turned sharply, I wiped out hard, hitting the water with my face. A little dazed, I treaded water as I waited for the boat, which seemed to take a long time to return. As it pulled next to me, Chrissie brought it to an idle as the guys pulled me in.

"Nice face plant!," said Jeff, as Brian and Chrissie laughed. I didn't think it was funny, and, feeling sick from my wipe-out and from the choppy waves, I demanded to go back to shore. Brian said we needed some more beer anyway, so we headed back to the dock. Back on shore, I told Chrissie I wanted to go home, but she said she was having fun. Brian suggested that, if I was seasick, I could go lie down at his cottage. I figured that wasn't a bad idea, and he walked me back there to let me in. As we approached his house, he said, "Sorry you're not having a good time, but Chrissie sure is in the spirit of this weekend." "She always loves the sun and water," I replied. Brian said, "Ah, I mean more than that. Jeff didn't want to be the one to tell you, and Chrissie swore us both to secrecy, but you should know: When you were down in the water, Chrissie flashed her tits to us in the cabin." I did not believe it and told him, "You're full of shit. My Chrissie would never do that." He an d, "Maybe she likes flaunting her assets a little. But that shouldn't bother you, and it doesn't make her a slut. I mean, she's your wife." I snapped back, "Exactly, she's my wife, not some beach slut. I know her, and she would never bare her breasts to any other man, anytime, anywhere, not even for a second." Brian responded, "Well, she said she wanted to try it once, and she did." I said, "I still don't believe you, but we're leaving now anyway. I don't even want her around the likes of you guys." Brian said, "Calm down and don't sweat it. She'll be fine on the boat with Jeff and me; we'll ski a little more and call it a day." I insisted, "No, I'm not letting her out of my sight again today. Let's go," as I headed toward the door. Feeling my stomach churn, I stopped and asked if he had any Dramamine. He answered no but he had some aspirin, which I accepted. As he gave it to me, he said, "Look, I'm not supposed to tell anyone this, but because you're sick and all, I will. It's an ag ency secret, but the boat we were on is a surveillance boat used for sting operations to catch drug dealers. It's equipped with hidden cameras and microphones covering all areas of the boat." I snapped, "Now you're totally full of shit." He responded, "Come here," as he walked to the other room. I followed and found him standing in front of some video monitors and other equipment. He said, "Not that we do any operations on this lake, but the system does happen to be set up today. Take a look." I did, and he was right: the several monitors covered all parts of the boat, and I could hear some people talking in the dock area next to the boat. He said, "Look, why don't you just lie down for a while here. You can keep an eye on things, and when you're ready to go, just get on this radio and tell us to come back in. Here, I'll set the channel for you." Not wanting to disappoint Chrissie and not really wanting to start the long drive home right then, I agreed.

After Brian left, I played around with the equipment for a while. Soon, I heard familiar voices and saw Chrissie, Brian, and Jeff get on the boat. As they did, I was amazed at how much the system allowed the operator to see and hear. They loaded on some beer and munchies and got ready to push off. Then, I heard a man's voice yell out, "Hey, Bri, can we hitch a ride? We've been stranded." Brian said, "Sure, hop on," and I saw two guys get on and saw Brian do the introductions to Sean and Joe. Both were big guys; Sean was black and Joe white. The boat headed out of the dock area and passed some anchored boats. As they approached one, a guy from that boat yelled, "Hey, Captain, you show us yours, and we'll show you ours." Brian held his hands up and shrugged, as Chrissie sat motionless. Then, Jeff and the guys hooted and clapped, as the boat passed on. Joe said, "There's one for us." Chrissie said, "Why do you guys get so fired up for that?" Joe answered, "Because they're tits, and e guys. What planet are you from?" Chrissie said, "I'm just surprised that a woman with such small tits gets such a big reaction out of you guys." Pointing to Joe's chest, she said, "Hell, your pecs are bigger than her little boobies." Joe pointed back at her chest and said, "And your hooters are a helluva of a lot bigger than both put together."

Jeff said, "That guy before was right, Chrissie. You do have the most beautiful breasts out here. You know that, don't you?" She replied, "Well, I'm not so sure, but thanks anyway." Jeff said, "By far, they're the best that I've seen this weekend." She answered, "That's nice of you to say." He responded, "It was nicer of you to show us before." Sean said, "Show!? You mean you've had a look at these bazookas?" Chrissie laughed, but Jeff said, "Men don't get flashed and tell." Sean asked Chrissie, "Did you really?" Chrissie said in a cute voice, "It was just a little flash and just one." I then realized that Brian had been truthful with me. Joe said, "There ain't nothing little when you flash, baby." She grinned at him. Sean then said, "And there shouldn't be just one. How 'bout us, me and Joe? Can't we get a look too?" To my relief, Chrissie said, "I can't." Sean said, "But, Chrissie, those tits of yours look so beautiful in that bikini, but I'm sure they'd look even more beautifu you set 'em free from it. And they'd feel better too. Just one quick flash for us." She answered, "I can't because I'm afraid that other people, including my husband, might see me." Brian said, "Then you can go in the cabin, like you did with us." Chrissie said in her girlish voice, "Well, okay."

I had to stop this, so I picked up the radio and yelled, "Brian!" Chrissie, who had walked down into the cabin first, said, "What was that?" Brian walked over to the radio, flicked a switch, and said, "Darn radio's been on the fritz lately." The sound on my radio turned to a steady hiss, and I realized he had turned it off. Jeff then said, "Chrissie, since it's only the five of us here, you don't have to make it a quick one. I'd kinda prefer a longer look than last time." She said, "How 'bout a slow one then, but just for looking. Okay? No touching." The guys all agreed, and Chrissie slowly slid the material of her top over and down below her one breast, then did the same with the other. Her boobs are naturally high and firm, and, with her bikini top scrunched below them, they stuck straight out. As the guys all stared at her breasts, she asked, "Are you guys all tit men?" Brian said, "I am most definitely a tit man, a big tit man, and you sure got the goods." "And such lovely ni s too," added Joe, referring to Chrissie's large, coaster-sized, aureolae which are dark brown and very puffy. While I was very uncomfortable watching this, I was surprised to see how calm and relaxed Chrissie seemed, as I watched her standing there with her top down, sticking her chest out, and talking to these 4 strange men about her breasts. Jeff said, "Chrissie, every man out on this lake is a tit man. Why don't you give 'em all a thrill?" She did not respond. Joe said, "Even after warming up with us down here, are you still afraid of letting other guys see you like this?" She answered, "And my husband seeing me like this. He would never, ever forgive me!" Brian said, "When I left him, he was sick on my couch. Even if he came to shore, there's no way he could see this far out." She then said, "But all the other men will see me." Jeff said, "That's the whole idea of flashing. And what's wrong with it? What's wrong with giving some tit men a couple of world class whoppers to enjoy? D on't be so shy; it's not like they're gonna touch them."

To my surprise, she said, "Maybe just a quick flash, since it's such a tradition. I guess I could pull my top aside real quick like that other girl." Brian said, "No, Chrissie, stay like that. It'll be quick. That's why it's called a 'pass 'n flash.' The boats will be passing by in opposite directions." She agreed and left her top down, and they all went back up on deck. They drove fairly fast for a while, and I could see through one of the monitors that they were approaching another boat, which seemed to be standing still. Brian, who was driving, yelled, "Ready, Chrissie?" Then, I could see and hear the boat slow way down, and then I heard the guys on the other boat start hooting. Chrissie turned to Brian and protested , "Hey, you slowed down." He said, "Just wave, baby." She did, making no effort to cover herself, and smiling the whole time, as the guys hooted all the louder. The boats passed, and Joe said, "I love America, where women are free to go skin to wind and men are f o admire them." Sean said, "Those men sure admired your tits, honey."

Brian said, "It doesn't look like your juggs have spent too much time skin to wind. Look at those tan lines. I love 'em." She said, "You're right. In fact, this is they're first time." Brian, sounding concerned, said, "Oh, Chrissie, if you've never sunbathed topless, you definitely better get some sun block on immediately." Brian pulled a tube from a drawer and walked toward Chrissie. She held her hand out for it and said, "That's considerate of you. Thank you." He said, "Thank me by letting me apply it." He paused and added, "For medicinal purposes only." She grinned but said, "All right." Brian said, "Let's get this top off," as he unclipped it. She did not object, even when Brian threw her top all the way down into the cabin. He squeezed out a glob of lotion and began rubbing it onto her bare boobs. As he did so, they smiled at each other. The video feed was so sharp that I was able to see that her nipples were becoming erect as they enlarged to the size of thimbles and point raight out at Brian. I heard the roar of a boat coming closer, and Brian said, "You need some on your back, too," as he stepped behind her. Jeff yelled, "Time to wave again, Chrissie." She waved, and Brian called out, "Look what we've got." Then, he reached his hands around her and grabbed her breasts, shouting, "Honk, honk." A guy's voice shouted back, "You got some great honkers on your boat, Captain."

After the boat had passed, Joe said, "Brian, you weren't supposed to touch." The guys laughed, and Chrissie said, "It was a funny joke. But that one guy took a picture of me." Sean said, "Get used to that." She continued, "I'm just wondering if maybe I should wear sunglasses or something to conceal my identity." Sean said, "No, sweetie, don't hide those lovely blue eyes. You're so pretty; why hide it." While Chrissie seemed no longer concerned, I sure was, fearing her pictures would end up all over the internet.

Brian said to her, "How 'bout a little skiing?" She said, "I wouldn't want to fall like this." He said, "We'll take it slow. And no need for a life vest: those lungbobs of yours will keep you afloat." "Okay," she said, jumping in the water. They took her for a long, slow run all around the lake and other boats. During this time, I could not see her in the cameras, but I could hear some of the happy reactions of the passing boaters. Also, I could hear the conversation on Brian's boat. Joe said, "This boob bunny's really getting into showing off. She talks about her husband so much, but where is he?" Brian answered, "He's back on shore feeling seasick." Joe said, "Man, Brian, she seems to do whatever you say. You oughta try to fuck her." Brian said nothing, and Sean added, "If I were in your position, Brian, I'd fuck her and her big tits, and then I'd give her one up the ass for good measure. I like that tight round booty on her." Brian said, "We got the hottest titter out here. Le ust enjoy the show." Jeff said, "She sure is. Why don't we bring her in now."

They did and helped her in. Jeff gave her a beer and said, "Let's slow it down a little and cruise the dock area. Chrissie, go ahead and sit up on the bow." She said, "What, like your trophy or something?" Jeff said, "Well, the bow is the showcase area of every boat this weekend. We're just lucky to have such a beautiful and sexy woman aboard." Sean said, "Step up there," as he helped her up to the bow and helped himself to a grab of her ass in the process. They drove slowly into the dock area, passing by other boats at a slow speed. She sat on the bow with her legs bent beneath her. I heard lots of cat calls, such as "Nice tits" and "Smile for the camera." Jeff said, "They like you, baby." Sean said, "Sit up straighter and bend your ass a little more." She did so, saying, "You guys are parading me around here like I'm your personal playtoy." Joe said, "You're our boob bunny." She laughed and said, "'Boob bunny?' I arrived at this lake this morning as an upstanding wife and profe al woman, and now I'm just a 'boob bunny!'" Jeff said, "You don't seem to mind your new role." She replied, "I don't; I just can't believe I'm playing it for you and letting you treat me like this." Brian asked, "Would your husband believe it?" "Never in a million years!," she shot back. Brian continued, "You're showing your tits on a boat. I bet your husband would consider you a slut." "I bet you're right," she answered with a laugh. Brian commented, "You don't seem too worried about him anymore." "Out of sight, out of mind," said Joe. "And out of my top," added Chrissie with a giggle, "I'm just worried that he might be on one of these boats. You know, he could probably see me from shore, 'cause those guys can," as she gestured. Jeff said, "I don't see him out there. Don't worry, he's probably still in bed with his seasickness."

I thought about going out there to intervene somehow, but I didn't know what good I could do from the dock. Then, I heard a male voice yell, "Tits ahoy," and then a lot of voices cheering, and I realized they must be passing by a large ship. Brian called out, "Hey, Jimmy, what's up?" "Hey, Brian," a man's voice answered, "Nice bunny. Give us a pose, sweetie." She arched her back and tilted her head. The same voice said, "Now, hold 'em up for the camera," which she did without hesitation. The voice then said, "Now, have your buddy there hold 'em up." "If he wants to," she said coyly. Sean stepped up, knelt behind her, and reached around cupping her breasts. The voice said, "Everybody say 'cheese,'" and they both smiled. The voice said, "Thanks, baby, you're a star." She said, "I feel like a sleaze," leaning back into Sean with a smile. "All the guys love you," and he slapped her butt as he stepped back down.

Joe said, "Hey, we don't have any pictures for us." "You're right," said Jeff, "Yo, Brian, you still have that camera?" Brian said yes, and Jeff went into the cabin to get it. Sean said, "We each gotta get a 'say cheese' shot." As the boat coasted through the dock area, my wife stood on the deck as each guy got behind her and cupped her breasts for a photo. Then, Joe said, "How 'bout double cheese? Come here, Sean." Another shot was taken with both guys standing behind her and grabbing a breast. The guys alternated as more shots were taken. When this was done, Sean said, "We gotta get a shot of your booty, if you don't think it's too sleazy for you?" She smirked at him, and he turned her around, crouched next to her, and puckered his lips next to her butt. He said, "Turn around and smile," which she did as the camera snapped. Chrissie said, "What are you guys gonna do with these pictures?" He said, "Private enjoyment and memories. Now turn and smile nice, 'cause this round butt n a spank," which he proceeded to give her as another shot was taken. Finally, he placed his extended hand up under her butt as one more shot was taken. Before removing his hand, he gave her bottom a squeeze and then a swat and said, "You make a good butt bunny, too." "Thanks," she said.

After that, Chrissie said, "I need to excuse myself," and she went down to the cabin, picked up her top, and entered the washroom. Brian went into the cabin and waited for her, pretending to be working on the controls as she exited the washroom. She had put her top back on. She said to Brian, "It's been fun, but I'm sure my husband is worrying about me. I think I better call it a day." I breathed a sigh of relief. Brian said, "Oh, baby, the fun's just starting, stick around." She said, "No, I better not." After a pause, she said, "I think I need to go home and have some fun with my husband." "All this action's made you hot, huh?" he asked. "Well," she answered, "with all these men looking at and photographing my boobs, and you guys grabbing my boobs and my ass, how could I help it." "I could help it for you," he said, "and I'm sure I'd do a lot better job than your sissy husband could." His remark really stung, but my wife made me feel better when she said, "I better just go. I p ed him that we'd go home early." Brian looked at her for a second and said, "You're the hottest woman we've ever had on this whole lake, and --" "C'mon," she interrupted him with an incredulous tone. "No, really, you are, and now you're leaving. And I, the captain of the ship, never got to feel that lovely ass of yours." She thought for a moment and said, "As a goodbye present to my kind host and worthy captain, go ahead." She turned and stuck her butt out a little toward him. He rubbed his hand over her buns, saying, "You have a real sexy ass." Then, he squeezed her buns and gave her a few grabs up under her butt, as Sean had earlier. She said cutely, "Are you finished with your butt bunny?" He responded, "I still have to say goodbye to the best tits this lake has ever seen." She said, "Oh, cut the shit! 'Best ever? You're just flattering me. " He reached out and began to feel her breasts, giving them some good squeezes, as he said, "Oh yeah, baby, best of all time." He planted some kisses on the fabric of her top, and she did nothing to stop him as he pulled the fabric aside. He held her in his muscular arms, and, between kisses, said, "I love these big, huge, beautiful, puffy-nippled gazongas. They're by far the best, as every man would tell you, and some already have." She giggled and said, "Are you saying goodbye or worshiping them?" "Worshiping them and paying them due homage," he said, as he licked her nipples and all over her breasts. She sighed, and he said, "You like that, huh, doll?" He reached up and squeezed her breast hard as he kept sucking and said, "You like men to squeeze your big tits. You like to have your big tits sucked, don't you?" She moaned. He continued, "And you like your big, puffy nipples bitten? I bet it makes you hot, huh? Your big tits make me hot.." She said, "I can tell," looking down at this shorts and smiling. He put her hand on his crotch and said, "With your big tits and round butt and pretty face, I can't help it? So, maybe you can help it for me, baby. You like that?" She said nothing but did not remove her hand. He then said, "Baby, why don't you and I go for our own little private cruise?" "Why, so you can make me your suck bunny?," asked Chrissie, laughing. "Well, yes," he answered, "I guess that's what I was thinking." "Just another selfish guy," she said, and he replied, "I'll take care of you too, sweetie, just let me get rid of these guys." "And somebody better make a call to my husband," she said.

Brian went up to the deck and headed the boat toward the dock, which was not far away. I thought about running to the dock to get Chrissie, but I knew I could not run fast enough to make it in time. At the dock, Brian told the guys they had to get off, which they did, and Brian turned the boat around again. He told Chrissie to drive the boat out to middle of lake. Then, he went to the cabin and called me on the radio, which kind of surprised me. I yelled at him good, really letting him have it. I told him to get back here right now or I would call the lake police. When I finished what I had to say, Brian informed me that everything I had seen on the cameras had been recorded on video and that if I even thought of interfering, he would release the video and all the pictures both on the internet and to Jeff for the enjoyment of my co-workers. I had no choice but to relent, and he told me Chrissie would call me back in a minute and I better not tell her about the monitoring system watching them all day.

Brian switched off the radio and called for Chrissie to come down to the cabin. She brought the boat to a stop and came down to him. He was sitting back on the couch right in front of a camera with his legs spread, rubbing his dick. He said, "Come here." Chrissie asked, "Did you call my husband?" He said, "We will in a minute, now kneel down and get that beautiful face in my crotch." Chrissie got on her knees, pulled out his cock which was a lot bigger than mine, and began to suck him. He said, "You know, your husband has good reason to be worried about you." She said, "Brian, do you think if a woman sucks off a man on a boat, it makes her a slut?" Brian said, "Yes, that would qualify in my book." He paused and then added, "And I think in your husband's book, too, you little slut." She continued to suck him, while he rubbed the side of her head and said, "I knew when I first saw you in your bikini, looking so innocent walking through the bar enjoying all the men gawking at you, t 'd have you on your knees for me." I could tell that Brian seemed to like talking to her this way. He continued, "And I was right: you look innocent when your husband's around, but you're just another big titted slut, just like the dozens of others I've had in this cabin knobbing me like you are now. Suck my dick, big tit slut." She said softly, "Yes, captain." He went on, "One thing I just don't get about you, though. Today, you flashed over a hundred guys, let a few feel you up, and are about to get fucked by me, and yet you're concerned about being late for your husband?" She answered, "But he doesn't know all that. I may be a slut for you, but I want to be a considerate, loving wife for him." He said, "Okay, you considerate, loving wife, lick my balls." "Yes, captain," she said again, as she did as he told her. Brian asked, "Would your husband believe that his loving wife would suck off a guy she just met?" "Never! I told you, he'd never believe I'd even flash a guy, let alone fu ck him. And that's what makes me so hot - I'm sluttin' here for you, and he's none the wiser." Brian said, "Let's give him a call."

Brian handed her the radio mike, told her to press the button to talk and to release it to listen. He then switched on the radio. I felt uneasy but knew I had to answer it. I said, "Hello?," and Chrissie said, "Honey? Sorry I'm late. I just wanted to call you so you wouldn't worry." I asked, "Where are you?" She answered, "On the boat," and after releasing the mike button said, "On my knees." I figured I better have some conversation to make things look normal, so I asked, "What are doing?" She answered, "Just having fun," released the button and added, "Sucking cock." She looked up at Brian and smiled, as she held his cock with her free hand. "How's your stomach?" she asked, then began flicking her tongue across the tip of his dick. I said, "It's better. When will you be back?" She answered, "Pretty soon; I'm hungry," and then she devoured his cock, taking it deep into her throat. Trying to end the conversation, which was painful for me, I said, "I'm glad you're okay." In her t, innocent voice she said, "I'm fine, but a lot of the men have tried to get me to show them my breasts." I wondered if she would tell me an outright lie, so I asked, "Did you?" "Honey!," she replied, sounding shocked at my question. She paused and then said, "Maybe I'll show 'em to you later." "Okay, see ya later," I said. She said, "Here's til I see you," and made kissing sounds into the mike as she kissed the tip of Brian's dick. "Bye bye, honey," she said lovingly.

Brian turned off the radio, and Chrissie licked his balls and said, "Thanks for arranging that. I needed to call in like a good wife." Brian groaned, "Some 'good wife.' I think you're a sleazy whore." "I'm that, too," she said, "for you." Then, she held his dick up to her mouth and said, "I'm also your fuck bunny, and I love your cock." I could hear him breathing hard. She looked up at him, put her lips around the tip of his dick, and said in her sweet voice, "Captain, would you please fuck my hot pussy now?" He grunted, "How 'bout your mouth," as pushed her head down on his dick and then grunted loudly. She gagged, but he didn't release her head right away. When he did, some cum trickled out of her mouth, and he rubbed it around her lips with his dick.

He said, "Sorry, baby, I couldn't hold back. I just got so worked up talking dirty to you and seeing you talk to your husband on the phone. Get me hard again, and I'll fuck you." She said, "You like talking dirty, huh?" He responded by saying, "Show me where you want to get fucked. Play with your cunt, " "Yes, sir," she said, and it surprised me that she didn't scold him for saying that because she had always told me she was highly offended by what she called "the c word." She touched herself and said, "Right here, Captain, poke that big ramrod right here." "You are a hot little box, aren't ya?" he said, "I bet you get a lotta strange cock up there." Working her fingers into herself, she responded, "Nope, in fact, you'll be the first in my two years of marriage." He said, "Quit shittin' me. It's obvious you like it raunchy and being treated like a submissive slut. There's no way you're getting any of that at home from that wimp husband of yours." She responded, "I do like it raun nd submissive, but, with him, I'm just a nice, loving wife. Before I got married, I had some raunchy sex and even did a few strangers, but none of that since." He said, "Yeah, you're a nice wife alright! You left your husband stranded in the middle of the lake while you were down here showing your big tits to guys you just met." She said, "I got turned on by all the guys staring at me. And then, when we were driving the boat with my husband sitting right behind us, and you told me so directly that I should show you guys my tits 'cause Jeff's wanted to see 'em ever since meeting me at the company Christmas party, and that's the reason we were invited today, well, it made me hot, and I wanted to do it to please you men." She paused, licked his balls, and said, "Now, I'm gonna lick your balls to please your dick so it can please me." "You filthy slut," he said, "you like pleasing men and their cocks, like you've been doing all day. I don't think you said no to a man once today, after we g ot you going." She answered, "I thought about it when Sean was pawing my ass and crotch for the picture, but since he'd already grabbed my boobs for that other guy's camera, I figured what the hell." He replied, "You liked his black hands all over your body, didn't you, you slut?" "Yes," she answered, "he made me his butt bunny."

Brian told her, "Bring that butt up here for me," which she did. He snapped the elastic of her bikini bottom and said, "Tell me how hot it makes you thinking about being Sean's butt bunny and letting him grab your crotch." "It made me wanna get fucked deep," she said, "You wanna fuck this married pussy?" "Hard and deep, slut," he answered, and she asked, "You gonna fuck me like a dog?" "Yeah, baby," he replied, "I'm gonna fuck you like the bitch in heat that you are," as he pulled the back of her bottoms down. "Maybe I'll fuck your ass, too," he added, but she blurted, "No." He said, "That 'no' sounded like the 'no' you said in your little act with me about wanting to go back to your husband?" She answered, "I really did want to back go to him, for about a second there, but you changed my mind quickly, with all your boob worship." She shook her tits in his face and said, "Do these make you hot, tit man?" He kissed them. Then, she knelt on the couch and leaned her arm on the top o as she lowered her tits toward his upturned face. She moaned, as he licked and sucked them for several minutes. Then, he said, "You want me to cum all over these big tits?" She says, "Sure, Captain, right after you fuck my horny twat."

This went on for a little while longer, as he sucked and grabbed her breasts. Then, she reached down to his dick and said, "How we doing here; I'm horny as hell for a stiff dick." He said, "I'm trying, Chrissie." She said, "I wish you hadn't wasted your first one by popping off in my mouth." A moment later, she lowered herself to his dick and said, "Maybe if I wrap my tits around it, it'll wake up." She held her tits together around his dick, but it stayed limp. She sat back and said in an annoyed tone, "I've been working hard for this fuck, but your cock won't cooperate. It's enough to give a girl an inferiority complex." He responded, "No, you're doing great, Chrissie, it's just that I can't reload this fast. Let's rest a while." She lay down next to him on the couch, and they rested for several minutes.

While they were resting, I figured now was my chance to somehow get in a boat and go save her. As I was thinking about the best way to get out to them, I heard some voices near the boat. A man's voice called out, "Anyone on board here?" I then saw Brian and Chrissie stir, and then Brian whispered nervously, "Someone's coming aboard. It's probably the lake police." He quickly pulled up his shorts and went up to the deck. From what I could view, it did not appear to be the lake police, but rather two black guys in speedos whom I had not seen before. When Brian reached the deck, one of the guys said, "Are you Brian? Sean and Jimmy sent us from the Wanderer. We just got here to the lake, and they're out of beer." Brian said, "So?" "So," the guy continued, "they sent us over here in the dingy to see if we could bum some beer off you instead of going all the way back to the dock." Brian said, "Tell Sean he's a mooch," and he called down to the cabin, "Chrissie, can you bring up a six p Chrissie put her top back on, pulled her bottoms up, and brought Brian the beer. The one guy said, "Sean was right: you do have good stuff on board." Chrissie said, "You call this cheap beer 'good stuff?'" The guy replied, "No, not the beer, I'm sure he meant your cans, sweetie. Nice rack." She giggled and said, "Thank you."

The guy introduced himself as Jerome and his buddy as Will; both were tall and Jerome had broad shoulders and a muscular build. Brian said, "Welcome aboard. Why don't you guys stay for a beer and see the sun set." Jerome said, "We'll stay and see her tits." He turned to Chrissie and said, "Drop your top, darlin', and let me see the good stuff." Chrissie said in a pout, "Most guys ask me courteously." "But I'm not one of them," he said, "Now, show me what you're good for." She hesitated a moment, then pulled her top to the sides, stuck her tits out and smiled. Jerome said, "Yeah, that's real good, now turn around once for me." She did, as he looked her up and down. "You got yourself a real fine one, Brian, blonde and blue eyed, too."

He sat down in a chair, Will and Brian also took seats, and Chrissie sat down opposite Jerome. Jerome took a swig of beer and said, "I'm sorry we came so late this year. Did we miss some good viewing and shit?" "I'm not sure about Jimmy's boat," Brian replied, "but we saw some nice scenery." Jerome asked him, "Did you have this bunny all weekend?" "No, just today," he answered. Jerome told Chrissie, "Give us a pose." Sitting in her seat, she pushed her boobs together with the sides of her arms. Jerome smiled and said, "Those are jumbos. And I love that milky white skin inside her tan lines." Brian said, "Today was the first sun those tits ever saw, right, baby?" She said, "That's right." Jerome said, "A first timer. It always amazes me how many sluts come out here each year just to make us men happy." She said, "Not all the flashers are sluts." "Yeah they are," Jerome responded. "At least that's what Brian told me," offered Chrissie. Brian said, "I just told you that so you'd f but Jerome's right. In your case, you've proven yourself a slut today." "I guess I have," she admitted. "They're all raunchy whores with Jimmy's boat," said Jerome, "Those tarts love the treatment they get there." "So I've heard," Brian replied.

Everybody took a drink of beer, and then Jerome told Chrissie, "Bunny, tweak those nipples for us." Complying, she began to tweak and roll her nipples with her fingers. Then, he asked, "Is that a wedding ring?" "Yes," she answered, "and this is my engagement ring." Jerome remarked to Brian, "These married bitches can be the nastiest. Did you bring this pair of tits out here without her husband?" "He was out here in the beginning," Brian answered, "but he's been back on shore with a seasick stomach for hours." "While her tits are out here for all the men to enjoy," said Jerome, "Hell, it's his wife; a lot of husbands get off on it or don't care." Chrissie said, "My husband doesn't know. I told him we're out here just skiing." Jerome asked with a laugh, "And he believed you?" "Of course," she answered, "Early on, he saw me refuse to flash a few guys who asked me. So, he's picturing his prissy little Chrissie behaving herself, when in fact the real Chrissie sucked Brian's cock til eamed in her mouth."

Jerome smiled and said, "Tell me the nastiest thing you've done today to prove yourself a whore?" "That was it," she answered. "You can beat that," he said with a smile, "Show us what else you're good for. Spread your legs, you cheatin' slut." To my shock, Chrissie leaned back in her seat, put her arms to her sides, and spread her legs apart for him. I could see the two-tone crotch panel of her bikini bottom stretched taut across her pubic area. Jerome looked at her and said, "Nice, I like how it looks in that bathing suit. I also like that wet spot there." She replied, "It's been there for awhile. Do you make all your bunnies spread for you?" Ignoring her question, Jerome told her, "You have a pretty cunt." He paused and said, "But you girls prefer the word 'pussy', don't you, not that I care." I was stunned when Chrissie replied, "When it's wet and needs to get fucked, it's a cunt." "Can't argue with that," said Jerome, and then Will got up and headed toward the cabin, saying h to "drain it."

I kept my eye on Chrissie until I heard a scratch on the radio. The cabin monitor showed Will turning a knob on it. I then heard him say, "Dark Wanderer, come in Dark Wanderer," and soon after I heard what sounded like another black man's voice say, "This is the Wanderer. Jimmy speaking." Will said, "Jimmy, tell Sean he was right. Jerome's got her going, and she is one hot, fine bitch. C'mon over." "Be there in a little while," said Jimmy, and he clicked off.

As Will returned to the deck, Jerome asked Chrissie, "Do have tan lines on your sweet little ass?" "Yes," she answered demurely. "Show us," he ordered. She replied, "I'll take mine off if you guys'll take yours off." "You first; I want to see your white ass now." She stood up in front of them, arched her back in and butt out in their direction, and slowly slid her bikini bottom over her rear end, revealing her well rounded and tan lined buns. Then, she slowly bent over at the waist to step out of her bottoms. She said, "Your turn," and Jerome and Will both stood up and dropped their swimsuits. Will was already hard and was longer than I had seen in most porno movies back in my college days. Jerome was still limp yet his thick dick hung more than half way from his chair to the deck. Chrissie exclaimed, "You have big dicks." Jerome said, "We're black men." Then he said, "Sit here at my feet." As she sat at his feet, he stroked her blonde hair as she stared at his dick, not taking eyes off it. He asked her, "Ever had a black cock?," to which she answered, "No." He said, "You're about to. Now, kiss it." "Yes, sir," she replied, as she got on all fours in front of him. She crouched down low with her head near the deck and then brought her mouth up to the tip of his dick as it hung down. She wrapped her lips around its tip for a moment, then kissed it gently. Jerome told her, "Go be nice to Will."

She crawled over to Will and, kneeling before him, looked up to him and remarked, "You haven't said much today." "Blow me," was his response. She proceeded to do just that. As he squeezed her boobs, she licked his dick and ran her lips up and down the side of his shaft. With his hand, he steered her head over and rammed his dick into her mouth, saying, "Suck it, bitch, it ain't a harmonica." She began to suck him hard, and within minutes he was at the brink. He stood up and said, "I like to watch white bitches take my load in their mouth." Aiming his dick at her upturned face, he jacked himself a few times before firing many heavy spurts of his spunk into Chrissie's waiting open mouth. Then, he barked, "Swallow it all, slut," which she did.

Next, without being told to, Chrissie crawled over again in front of Jerome. He ordered her, "Stroke it if you want this cock hard." "I do," she said and began to rub it and pull it as it slowly became erect. When it was at full mast, she said, "I'm sorry about before when I said you had a big dick. I was wrong: your dick is huge." And it was huge, sized more like a nightstick than any human penis I could have previously imagined. Jerome told Chrissie, "Show it what you're good for, bunny. What are you gonna do to please it?" "Whatever you tell me to," she answered, then added, "But I'm a little scared of it. It's so long and thick - and black." He responded, "See, as I told you, I'm not like most men. With a dick like this, when I want women to do something, I don't have to ask them nicely. In fact, I make 'em ask me." He ran his fingers through her blonde hair and said, "You want it to drill your cunt? Ask me nice and sweet like." She looked up at him with her blue eyes and beg "Jerome, would you please slamfuck my married white cunt with your huge black boner? I'd be ever so grateful." "Get it wet for yourself," he said. She licked his cock hungrily, coating it with her saliva. "Show me that little blonde muff," he then ordered her, and she lay back on the deck and spread her legs again for him. She cried, "Fuck me now." "I'm not your husband," he barked at her, "Get your face on the deck and take it like the dog slut that you are." "Yes, sir," she whimpered, moving into that position, "Fuck me like a dog slut." He got in behind her, placed the tip of his dick at her opening, then held her thin waist with both hands. He said, "Most bitches ask me courteously." Obediently, Chrissie corrected herself, begging, "Please, please fuck me like a dog slut." "Sure, slut," he said, as he slammed himself hard all the way into her. She let out a loud grunt, which was the first of many as he pounded in and out of her for the next few minutes.

Then, Will said, "Ship ahoy." Jerome pulled out of Chrissie and said, "Follow me," as he walked toward to bow. "To the showcase area?," she asked cutely. Ignoring her, he grabbed a life vest on his way, which he placed on the rails where they meet at the point of the bow. He told Chrissie, "Lay back here," which she did, putting her back on the vest. He then threw her legs over the two rails, spreading her in front of him. He started to screw her again. She looked down at his dick and said, "This position is good because I can see your big cock ramming me to the hilt. I like to watch that." He said, "That's the point. Everybody likes to watch a hot bunny get jammed." Just then, I heard the roar of a large boat approach.

A moment later, I heard whoops and shouts, and then I heard Sean's voice say, "Whatcha doing, bunny?" She yelled back, "Little prissie Chrissie's getting fucked good by this huge black cock." Sean then asked, "But where's your husband?," to which everybody laughed. "Who the fuck cares," she answered, making them laugh even harder. Another guy's voice called out, "Nail that bitch, Jerome," cheering him on. "Cum on my cock, you raunchy slut," Jerome ordered. "I already have," she replied, "about 10 times. Black cock is the greatest." "Sure is, girl," shouted a female voice. He said, "Ask for my cum." "Give me your jism. Pump it in my pussy," she cried, then added, "Please." He responded, "You're not worthy, you filthy whore. And, besides, the crowd wants to see it." He pulled out and splattered his seed all over her stomach. Smiling up at him, she rubbed it in and said, "Thanks."

Jerome then said, "You unworthy slut, I want you to show everyone how grateful you are for that fuck and prove to my friends that you think black cock is the greatest." "Alright," she said eagerly. Then, I heard a familiar voice say, "Request permission to come aboard, Captain?" Brian said, "Sure, Jimmy," and I saw a tall, black man step on board, followed by Sean and another black guy. "Request permission to cum on your slut, Captain?" "Sure," Brian said. Jimmy walked up to Chrissie and pulled his dick out. She grabbed it and began to suck it, as a guy on the boat hollered, "Suck that black boner." Jerome said, "Brian, get this boat on the move. Let's show this slut off with a spooze cruise." Brian started up the boat and steered for the dock area. I was just grateful that it was dusk and difficult for everyone to see. The "Dark Wanderer" followed alongside Brian's boat.

Jimmy asked Chrissie, "You want those big tits fucked?" She answered, "Yes, please, Captain," falling to her knees. He slapped the sides of her tits a few times and said, "Push 'em up for me then." She did, and he slid his dick up between them. She held her tits together as he plowed in and out. I heard a boat approaching, and Brian yelled, "Turn and wave, Chrissie," which she did with a smile and with Jimmy's dick cramming her cleavage. A woman's voice on the passing boat exclaimed, "Sleazy tramp." Chrissie looked up at Jimmy and said, "She's right; I am. Spunk my face, you big, black tit-fucker." Jimmy increased his speed and soon squirted a few gushes of come onto Chrissie's face.

Then, Sean said, "It's our turn," as he and the other black guy stepped up to the bow. Sean grabbed Chrissie's butt and announced, "I'm gonna fuck this ass now like I've been wanting to all day." Brian said, "She doesn't like anal," but Sean replied, "Did I ask her?" He paused then continued, "I'll bet she'll like it from my black cock, won't ya, slut?" "You've already made me your butt bunny," she answered, "so I guess that makes my asshole yours for the fucking." He said, "That's right, good girl." Both guys dropped their shorts, and Chrissie picked up the tube of sunscreen and began to lube up Sean's dick.

I could see that they were now in the dock area and passing many boats. I considered that if I ran out to the dock, I might be able to do something but I figured the men would never let themselves be interrupted now. As I continued to watch, the other black guy leaned against the point of the rails, while Chrissie, standing and facing him, held the rails and bent over to suck his dick. Sean got in behind her and shoved his slippery dick right up her ass. It didn't take long for the other guy to cum, depositing his load in her mouth and then stepping off the bow. Chrissie leaned her forearms on the point of the rails and arched her back. They were very close to the dock area, and Chrissie grunted, "Sean, ream me with that black cock. Fuck your bunny's white ass for the whole world to see." He slammed her hard and fast for a while until his cock unleashed its seed in her butt to the cheers of everyone.

Sean pulled his shorts up, and Jerome told Chrissie, "Bunny, come here and sit by my feet." She did, and he said, "Tell us all what you're good for." She says, "Making black cocks cum." Jerome said, "Good bunny. We want you on Jimmy's boat next weekend." "It will be my pleasure," she said, and he responded, "I'm sure it will, you horny slut."

As they were pulling up at the dock, I wanted to see my Chrissie as soon as possible. Not wanting to get in trouble with Brian and still fearing his threat to release the videos, I figured it best to run to the bar and take a seat. As I did so, everyone in the bar was talking about the "huge-titted whore getting fucked on the bow." Soon, they came in, and Chrissie went to the restroom as Brian and the others joined me. The introductions were made, and Jerome said, "Your wife is very attractive. You're a lucky man." Brian then said, "She's makes friends fast: she already been invited on board one of the big boats for next weekend." He paused then looked in my eyes and added, "But you don't have to join us if the action of the boat makes you sick." Just then, Chrissie approached, and she wanted to leave right away, which we did.

A few days later, Chrissie modeled for me the new bikini she bought for the party the next weekend. It was skimpy, but of course she looked great in it. She asked me, "You don't think it shows too much, do you? I wouldn't want to be immodest or give anybody the wrong idea."
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