By Lingus

Ted Lindahl has been a friend of mine for a long time. Although he lives and works nearly two thousand miles away in Phoenix, we keep in touch. I met Ted nearly a decade ago at the opening of an exhibit at a local art gallery. One of the artists featured in the exhibition was someone that Ted represents. This artist, like all of those Ted represents and features in his own gallery, specializes in southwestern subjects.

I was at this exhibit because I have a particular fondness for this type of art and as it turned out, I really liked several of the paintings by Ted's artist. I bought one of them then and there and Ted invited me to stop in to visit his gallery the next time I got to Phoenix.

My schedule didn't permit me to get to Arizona for a few months after that and, besides, it was summer and I knew that wasn't the time to visit the desert. Ted called me a couple of times to see if I was coming and he sent me several flyers about new works by a couple of his artists, but I didn't buy anything more.

One day a large packing crate was delivered to my office and the packing label indicated it was from Saguaro Gallery, Ted's firm. I was mystified because I hadn't ordered anything so I called Ted to see what was the deal.

"Oh, it's just a couple of things I thought you might like," Ted explained. "Since you haven't come down to see the merchandise, I thought I'd send a something up for you to see. I'm coming up that way the end of the week and I'll unpack them and show them to you. I hope you don't mind storing them for a few days."

I was amused by Ted's direct approach and had the crate wheeled into a storage area where I knew it would be safe.

"Well, Mike, what do you think?" Ted asked a few days later after he'd carefully opened the crate and unwrapped the paintings. "Which one is your favorite?" he asked.

I studied the two works carefully and was quite impressed by both although they were strikingly different both in style and in content. One of them by an artist named Daniel Whitehorse was very colorful with a lot of detail. It depicted a group of Native Americans dressed in costume at a powwow. The other was much more serene. The colors were quite subdued as was typical of the desert in the autumn. The artist, Norm Richards, had really captured the feeling one gets when looking across the sandy valley toward the mountains surrounding Phoenix.

"Well, to be honest," I replied, "I like them both."

"Good. I'll make you a good deal on them," Ted responded.

Ted did offer what I thought was a reasonable price for both paintings so I bought them. I'm the first to admit I'm no expert on art values but I subscribe to the adage that one should buy what one likes and I liked these two pieces. The price didn't seem too outlandish.

Having such a total success in his first attempt to sell me artworks by mail, Ted repeated his tactic a couple months later. This time I only bought one of the paintings.he had sent three. so Ted wasn't as excited when he left but it must still have been worth the effort because he sent three other works a few months later. I bought two smaller ones from that group and Ted ended up selling the remaining work to another local collector.

This was pretty much the pattern of our relationship for the next few years. I bought a few dozen paintings over that time and have them all proudly displayed in the labyrinth of my company's office. About five years ago we ran out of wall space so I stopped buying new pieces. My only other option would have been to sell off or store some of my earlier purchases, which I didn't want to do. Ted tried a few more times to send me stuff on approval, but when I didn't buy any of it, he gave that up. His disappointment when I didn't buy anything from his last shipment was obvious.

"We just don't have anywhere to put it," I explained although that must have been obvious to Ted. He'd had a hard time finding a place to hang the last few pieces I'd purchased. "When we get into our new building in a year or so, we'll have a lot more room," I added. This seemed to appease Ted to some degree.

One might expect that my refusal to buy more for the time being would have ended Ted's visit to my office but he still drops in for a visit occasionally. There are several trade shows in the area that he attends regularly and one of them was the reason for Ted's unannounced appearance a week ago last Friday.

"Mike, I'd like to ask a favor," Ted said over lunch. "I'm going to be back for another show in a couple of weeks and would prefer to store some paintings here rather than ship them home and then have to get them back. Do you know of anywhere I could keep them in the meantime?"

I had a large storeroom that I thought would be ideal so I offered it to Ted.

"This will be perfect," Ted announced later when I showed him the room. "There is just one complication, however. I'll need to bring the stuff in late this weekend," Ted announced. "Can that be arranged without too much problem?"

Since our building is normally empty and locked at that time, I agreed to meet him at five o'clock Sunday afternoon so he could get in with a dozen or so crates of paintings.

Late Sunday afternoon I was comfortably sitting in front of my TV watching an exciting football game when I realized it was time to go meet Ted.

"Damn!" I muttered as I put on my coat and gloves. "Why did I have to go and tell him he could use my place?"

It was a cold dreary day and I really hated to go out but I'd made the commitment and couldn't leave Ted in the lurch so I headed to my office grumbling all the way. Boy, am I glad now that I did.

I had just gotten the door unlocked, the lights turned on and the heat turned up a bit when I saw a van pull into the parking lot. It was Ted and he had someone with him. That relieved me because I was afraid I'd end up having to help lug packing crates around. They can be pretty heavy.

I was standing by the receptionist's desk checking my messages from late Friday afternoon when Ted and his companion came through the front door. He was with a petite blonde who was dressed from head to toe in red. Everything matched including her large hat and boots. The outfit as well as the woman wearing it was very striking.

"Hi, Mike," he said as he offered his hand. "It's awfully good of you to meet me here like this. I really appreciate it. By the way, have you ever met my wife Jill?"

"No, I don't believe I have," I replied as I looked at the pretty woman at his side.

"Hi. I'm Mike Dolton," I said extending my hand. "It's certainly a pleasure to meet you. I just knew there had to be something good about Ted," I joked.

"Oh, I'm sure there is.but it's not me," Jill said with a twinkle in her eye. "It's nice to meet you too, Mike. Ted has told me a lot about you."

I knew Jill was just being nice because there wasn't really much of interest about me for Ted to tell his wife. Still it was good to hear and made the pleasure of meeting her even greater.

The three of us made small talk for a few minutes before Ted excused himself to go unload the van.

"Jill really wanted to come along today so she could see some of the things that we've sold you," Ted said before he walked away. "I was hoping, Mike, that you might show her around to see some of our old friends."

"Yes, I'd really like to see them again. You know, it may sound funny, but we sort of get to think of our artists' work as ******," Jill remarked. "Of course, we're happy when they're sold but we still miss them. I can already see a couple of my favorites."

Showing Jill Lindahl around my office was easily preferable to helping her husband move crates so I was delighted to escort her on a tour of Dolton Industries headquarters. My only problem was that Jill was so attractive and looked so striking in her getup that I'm sure she must have noticed me staring at her a lot as we moved from room to room.

Jill didn't make matters any easier with her pleasant, almost flirtatious, manner. Several times as we moved about she took my arm and acted like we were dear old friends. I didn't know what to make of her familiarity but decided right away that I liked it. We chatted about the various paintings and Jill appeared to remember every one of them. She was full of tidbits of information about most of them or about the artist that painted them. I tried to add my two cents to the conversation and was pleased that Jill seemed to enjoy my comments.

"You have a great sense of humor, Mike," she once remarked. "I can see why Ted is so fond of you."

That comment really surprised me because I had no idea that her husband felt that way although our relationship had always been cordial.

A couple of times Jill made a comment about one of the paintings that I realized could be taken two ways. I wasn't sure whether the double entendres were deliberate since she struck me as an otherwise pretty conventional Southern lass.she was originally from Atlanta. When we reached a painting by Daniel Whitehorse that depicted an obviously well endowed Indian lass, Jill said something that made me choke.

"Sometimes I wish I had tits like that," she remarked candidly as she looked at the picture. "Fortunately Ted isn't a tit man or I would have had mine redone."

I didn't know what to say so I said nothing and tried to find a way to change the topic. My companion spoke again before I had that chance.

"Are you a tit man, Mike?" she asked, as she looked me in the eye.

I sputtered for a moment trying to maintain my composure. I had no idea why this woman was asking such a personal question but I felt gallantry required me to say something.

", I'm not," I replied.

"Good. I was hoping you'd say that," Jill responded. "I always say that big tits and big pricks are three things that are greatly overrated."

I couldn't help chuckle at her crude but clever remark but I was still flabbergasted and didn't know what to say. The suddenly explicit tone of the conversation made my cock begin to rise. This was a condition I certainly didn't want Jill to notice. I tried to extricate myself from my predicament by turning away and moving along to the next painting.

"Do you think I'm being too forward?" Jill asked as she moved up beside me. "Ted says I get that way sometimes. I hope I haven't offended you."

I noticed Jill glance down at my crotch as she spoke and I could only hope that my arousal wasn't evident. I didn't dare to look down to check.

"Oh, no, you haven't. It's just that you don't seem like the type that would say things like that so I'm a little surprised. That's all," I was trying to tread a very fine line between being a cad for taking this subject any further and being a cad for not responding at all.

"Why do you say that, Mike?" my friend's pretty wife asked.

" just seem like a sweet Southern belle who wouldn't say a certain bad word if you had a mouthful," I replied.

"Mike, that's really funny. Here you are afraid to say shit when I'm using really bad words like prick," Jill observed with a laugh. "I guess we know who the prude is around here, don't we?"

"I guess you're right," I answered with a laugh. "That is pretty funny, isn't it?"

"It sure is. Maybe I ought to watch my language from now on if that's your impression of me.but I ought to tell you that it's the wrong impression. I hope you don't mind," Jill said earnestly.

"No, I don't mind and you shouldn't worry about it. Whatever you are, I assure you I can handle it."

"Good. I hope you mean that."

This had been a most unusual exchange between two people who had just met a few minutes earlier and I was puzzled by its significance. I wasn't about to find out just yet, however, for Jill suddenly got back into the art collection and the conversation returned to the routine. Several minutes later our tour reached the end of the line at my office. Jill looked around the room and made a very curious observation.

"Mike, you don't have a couch in your office. Why not? I thought all executives had one."

"I guess I'm still too young.or maybe I'm too old to take naps," I replied.

"Oh, not for naps, silly. Where do you do it when you.well, you know? I probably shouldn't use any more of those naughty words."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

My question was hardly out of my mouth when I caught on to what she was talking about and again I was shocked.

"Oh.that.well, we don't do things like that in the office."

"Really? Why not?"

"It's too risky. A guy can get in a lot of trouble these days for things like that," I explained.

"Oh Mike. I'll bet you're just saying that. You're probably one of those guys who do it right on his desk. I'll bet that's it. Your secretary probably has a sore ass by the end of the week though. You really ought to be more considerate and get a couch," Jill said sweetly.

Again I was mystified by my visitor's remarks and was beginning to suspect that for some reason she was just putting me on. I had no idea why she'd do that but I felt uncomfortably like I was on the hot seat so I turned the issue around on her.or rather on her husband.

"Does Ted have a couch?" I asked.

"Of course," she replied. "A really nice leather one."

"And does he use it for that?"

"He sure does. He uses it a lot," she replied.

"With his secretary?" I pressed.


"Doesn't that bother you?" I asked.

"No. I like it. I'm my husband's secretary."

Jill Lindahl had me. I now knew more than I really wanted to know about the personal life of my friend and his wife. I couldn't help but think that Ted wouldn't appreciate the intimate things his wife had just revealed. Still, this sexy blonde's revelation was quite arousing and images of Jill getting fucked on a leather couch made my cock swell again.

Our retreat back toward the front entrance to my office came none too soon. Along the way Jill looked again at the paintings and made a few more remarks, but nothing more untoward was said until we neared the reception area.

"Mike, this place is really a maze," Jill remarked as we made about the tenth turn since we left my office. "Has anyone ever gotten lost here?"

"It is a bit confusing, isn't it?" I agreed.

Our office had grown over time, as we needed more space for staff. We carved areas out of the warehouse area and connected spaces that had previously been separate. It wasn't very efficient but we were making do until we got into our new building.

"I'll bet this would be a great place to play hide and seek. Have you ever done that here?" Jill asked innocently.

"No, I can't say that I have. You're probably right though," I agreed.

"You feel like playing?" she asked.


"Sure. Why not? I'll bet it would be fun. I'll run and hide and you come find me. I'll even make it easy by leaving clues along the way," she suggested.

"Oh, I don't think so," I responded. "I'm sure Ted must be finished by now and is probably waiting for us up front."

"Oh, don't worry about him. He's not going anywhere until I say so," was Jill's curious reply. "Now don't be an old poop. I'm in the mood for some fun."

In spite of the things that Jill had said, I had no idea what she meant by fun. If I had, I'd most likely have turned her down because I would have been scared shitless about her husband's reaction. As it was, I was skeptical enough but finally agreed that I would give her three minutes to go hide before I came looking for her. I originally suggested that I just count to one hundred like I remember doing as a kid, but she claimed she couldn't possibly be ready so quickly. I couldn't imagine why but I'd soon find out.

I watched the my watch carefully and at the end of three minutes I yelled, "Here I come, ready or not!" I assumed Ted must have heard me and probably wondered what in the world was going on but he didn't appear before I headed down the hall.

When I made the first turn, which was just a few feet from where I began, I found Jill's red hat lying on the floor. I was puzzled at first but then recalled that she promised to leave me clues along the way. About twenty feet further down I found her coat indicating that she had turned left at that point. Just after the next turn Jill had left a red shoe and it's mate marked her choice of turning right at the next corner.

"She really remembers how to get around this place," I thought to myself. I admired Jill's obvious recall of the route to the back of our complex. So far she was right on track.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed when I found one red stocking hanging over a divider at the next turn. Again I found its mate a little further on. Now Jill was down to the nitty gritty. I guessed that she was still wearing a blouse, skirt, a bra and panties. Perhaps she was wearing a garter belt. I couldn't imagine that she was going to remove any of those so I started looking more carefully for somewhere where she might be hiding.

I felt a tremendous rush I turned the next corner and spotted her blouse laying on the floor.

"What will it be next?" I wondered aloud. This was getting extremely interesting and my cock was now hard as I pictured a very sexy half-naked woman roaming my office.

The next garment discarded was her skirt. This meant that Jill was wearing nothing more than her lingerie and I imagined that it was most likely something very sexy.

I was right. A red bra marked the last turn down the corridor to my office. Several feet ahead I spotted something else red on the floor just outside my office door. I practically ran those last few feet to confirm that the last garment was a pair of red lace panties. I suddenly felt light-headed at the realization that somewhere nearby was one very naked and very attractive blonde. I paused for a moment outside my door and took several deeps breaths before I peered inside.

"Hi, Mike. What took you so long?" Jill asked when she spotted me. "I'm getting chilly sitting here like this."

I had no doubt that she was telling the truth for there, sitting in my chair at my desk in the buff, was Jill Lindahl. Jill stood up as I approached and I had to stop for a moment. The sight of her exposed body took my breath away. My eyes focused first on Jill's firm but small breasts and then my gaze wandered down to the downy patch of hair that covered her pussy. Jill was a natural blonde.

"Come over here, Mike. I want to find out just what it's like to do it on a desk. I've never done that before," Jill directed as she sat on the edge of my desk and pushed herself back. "I hope you like to eat pussy, Mike. I really like being eaten by men with beards," Jill added as she got into position so that I could sit in my chair and eat her.

I'm sure at this point that some men might panic and run away out of fear of being caught by a jealous husband. I admit the thought passed through my mind, but when you are so close to the cunt of a woman as sexy as Jill Lindahl that you can smell the aroma of her sex, it's impossible to think of much else. Jill leaned back on my desk and opened her thighs even further so I could see her wet pink slit nestled in the soft golden down. I bent forward and placed my tongue on her upper thigh with the intention of working my way upward. As soon as I slipped into her gash, Jill gasped and pulled my head tightly against her loins.

"Oooooh, Mike! That feels so good. Eat me, Mike! Eat me."

There isn't a man alive who would need to be asked least I sure didn't.

I soon found that Jill is a very responsive and vocal lover. I heard words come out of her mouth that I'm sure no real Southern belle had ever uttered before. Not only was she nasty but she was also loud. I'm surprised that people passing on the street didn't hear her. When she came the first time I feared that her screams of pleasure might break the windows.

"Ohmygawd, Mike. That was wonderful," my hot married lover exclaimed after she came a second time. "Now I want you to get up here and fuck me."

Who was I to argue? When I stood up, Jill slid her ass closer to the edge of my desk and rested her feet on the arms of my chair. I dropped my pants and shorts to the floor and bent my knees just enough to line up my pole with her opening. With no effort at all I leaned forward and slipped in. I was fucking the wife of a long time friend.a friend that I had momentarily forgotten all about.

I pounded my cock into Jill's hot wet velvet cavern for a minute or two before she came again. This time wasn't quite as loud as the first but her shriek had a more guttural sound to it.almost like the growl of a large cat. I paused for a moment for her to catch her breath before I resumed ramming her even more wildly than before. I knew that I was close to cumming and the only thing I could think of at that moment was finishing that task. Jill must have sensed I was close for she began to move her hips about to increase the friction and she began to verbally help me along as well.

"Cum in me, Mike. I want to feel you cum in me," she repeated over and over. "I want to feel your hot cum fill my cunt," she finally added.

Somehow Jill's crude language did the trick and I granted her wish with several strong blasts of jism. She knew I was cumming and pressed her pelvis against mine to force my cock even deeper into her. As soon as my spasms subsided I collapsed on top of my lover. I lay there with my eyes closed for several seconds before Jill said something that scared the hell out of me.

"Hi, honey. Did you like our show?" she asked.

I jerked my head around to see my friend.Jill's husband.Ted standing in the doorway of my office. He was holding something red in his arms. It was his wife's clothing that he had gathered up from along the hallways of my office.

I quickly stood up and placed my hands over my exposed and now wilted cock. I thought about dropping down and ducking under my desk for shelter until I noticed the big smile on Ted's face.

"Yes, it was quite a of your best in fact," he replied. "I found these out in the hall. Are they yours?" he asked as he pulled Jill's panties from his load and held it out for us to see.

"Yes, dear, they're mine. Wasn't it careless of me to lose them like that? I guess I just got carried away at the thought of fucking your friend. I hope you're not angry with me."

Ted lightheartedly assured his wife that he wasn't angry. I guess in the process he noticed the look of astonishment on my face so as his wife and I got our clothes back on, he said they would explain things over dinner if I would join them.

"That sounds like a great idea," I agreed. "This has been the craziest afternoon I can remember ever having.although I assure you it has also been the most fun. Your wife is one hell of a great lay."

Over dinner Ted and Jill told me more about their unusual marital arrangement. She fucks other men while Ted watches. They've been doing this for all the years that I've known Ted. I learned to my chagrin that I would have been part of Jill's stable of studs much sooner if I'd ever visited their gallery when she was around.

"Ted just knew that you and I would have fun together," Jill related. "He even suggested that I call you myself and invite you down, but you know we Southern gals would never do anything so forward as that."

Jill's jest gave us all a laugh but the conversation ended on a serious note.

"I want to see you again when we come back to town in two weeks," Jill said before she kissed me goodbye, "but next time I want to get fucked in a comfortable bed. I'm not doing it again in your office until you get a couch."

Well, let me assure you that I ordered a new couch the very next day. It should arrive in a couple of months. Nice leather couches take time to make and I learned that they aren't cheap. When I called Jill that evening to tell her of my purchase she promised to make a special trip up to break it in.

"I want to be the first woman to use it," she said bluntly. "By the way," she added, "I just sent you a memento of our time together. I hope you like it."

Yesterday I got a small UPS package from Saguaro Gallery. I couldn't wait to open it. Inside was a miniature print by Daniel Whitehorse. The subject of the work was Jill Lindahl. She was wearing a beautifully detailed headdress, vest, moccasins and a warm smile but nothing else. She was on her hands and knees with her ass pointed toward the artist. The puffy cunt lips that I'd gotten to know a few days ago were invitingly on display. Along the white border at the bottom of the print was written the title "Ride Me."

"Mike, I hope you like this little reminder of our time together. When I see you next week I'll tell you all about the great time I had posing for this painting. It took a lot longer than we expected because we had several interruptions. Daniel is still smiling. Love, Jill."

I can imagine Daniel is still smiling. So am I. Who wouldn't be?