We sat in his car as he made a call changing his dinner reservation to a later time. He called his client and made arrangements for him to meet us.

"Frank Rivers is a real estate developer and politically connected man that we're meeting tonight. He also a lecherous old bastard that's going to be quite attracted to you. You're going to be very professional but your attitude and body language is going to be sexy. I know you don't have any experience in this that's the reason I picked this particular restaurant. This place is frequented by a lot of high execs and their mistresses. There's going to judges, and politicians and CEO's. I want you to act confident. Your dressed perfectly and you'll one of the most beautiful women there. However these women are experts at oozing sex and confidence. I want you to pay particular attention to the women. Observe how they move how they speak how they move their bodies. Just observe casually but also pay a lot of attention to Frank."

"I hope I can do everything perfectly for you daddy."

"I have no doubt that you will. You're an exciting, intelligent and beautiful women. And you seem to be a quick learner. so let's do it."

Frank was already at the restaurant when we arrived. It was obvious that he already had several drink. Not ***** but loose. He was a older than Ralph and I guessed he was in his sixty's

Ralph introduced us and ordered drinks. He himself and I vodka martinis which I've never had and we started having casual conversation. It was obvious that Frank was attracted to me and quite attentive and I played along just enough to keep him interested. I was casually observing the women ,how they dressed,their makeup, how they smoked the looks they gave the men. I was really enjoying the atmosphere and was quite pleased at how I measured up to the competition.

I saw one particularly beautiful women get up to go the powder room so I excused myself and also went. She was applying makeup as I entered and without even glancing at me she began speaking to me.

"that's quite a hunk you're with hon,lucky girl."

I didn't think she even noticed me and I realized just hoe aware of their surroundings these women were. " Thanks" I strutted up to the mirrors in a confident manner and got my lipstick out. " Here try this. I think it will really compliment your looks"

She handed me a tube of lipstick as I washed my lipstick off my lips. I tried a dab at first and liked it a lot.

"Here let me do that for you " As she took the lipstick from my hand. She got real close to my face and gently held my chin as she applied the it to my lips.

"There that's better."

She reached into her purse and took a little vile out and with her fingernail scooped out a bit of white powder and snorted and then carefully removing any traces of it from her nose. Then she offered it to me. I wanted to try it but I politely refused not being sure how Ralph would feel about it.

"I'm Jennifer by the way."

"I'm Sara."

She took a pen and wrote a phone number down and handed it to me.

"Well Sara you go out there and drive them crazy. That's what we do best And call me sometime."

She turned and walked out as if she was walking the runway. I was fascinated by her and thought it would be nice to meet her again. I also made a mental note to practice that walk.

Ralph and Frank were talking business when I got back. Ralph ordered more drinks and we had dinner. Ralph explained to Frank that I was his personal assistant and that he could contact me for any information that he may want.

After dinner we talked some and we parted. Frank held onto my hand and extra long time as we shook hands and said our good byes. When we got back to the car Ralph complemented me.

"You did great Sara. You pick up things quickly. I loved your new lipstick was that Jennifer's idea?"

I was totally surprised by the question. Not only did he notice the lipstick but he knew Jennifer.

"Yes it was. I didn't realize you knew her. "

"I met her about a year ago at a club. In fact that's where we're headed right now. Give daddy a kiss ,I want to taste that lipstick"

I gave him the most passionate kiss I could and it left me breathless.

"I love kissing you daddy ". " So tell me slut did Jennifer get you high?"

"She wanted to daddy but I didn't want to do it without your permission."

"Damn you're a quick learner. " Ralph reached in his vest pocked and took out a vial." Take your fingernail and get some."

Wow what a rush that was the first time I had ever got high.

" You'll get high when I tell you to OK?"

"Yes daddy"

I was really enjoying the buzz as I listened to Ralph.

"Now we're going to play a little game. You're going to go into this club alone. I want you to act like a very classy sexy slut."

"I'm not sure I know what you mean daddy."

"Take off your jacket and unbutton one more button on your blouse. Act sexy enough to attract attention but also add a certain aloofness. You want to both attract the men but not seem like an easy pickup. Let them hit on you but casually reject them. I'll join you after awhile, I have to meet someone but it shouldn't take too long. Here take another hit before I drop you off."

I was really feeling high but confident as I practiced my best runway strut into the club. It was obvious that I attracted several men as they turned their heads followed me with there eyes. Acting sexy and being high had an effect on me and I was being aroused I could feel my nipples getting erect and pushing against my blouse. This just aroused me more and I felt my pussy moistening.

I sat at the bar and ordered a martini and did some people watching. I could see that some of the men and women were dressed in very expensive wardrobes and others seemed more off the shelf business attire. I could see certain women were also studying me. A man approached me and introduced himself and bought me a drink. He was pretty handsome and polite and I flirted a bit with him and let my leg casually brush against him. This encouraged him and he got bolder ,hinting we go off together. I was feeling bold myself and thought it was time to play the rejection card.

"I'm sorry but I have no intention of leaving with you. You're not really my type."

I could see the surprise in his eyes and it gave me a feeling of superiority. I was enjoying this game. He made one more feeble attempt.

"Sorry to disappoint you but it's not going to happen." I got up and went to the ladies room and freshened my makeup. As I strode back to the bar there were men on either side of the seat I had occupied. Oh this was getting to be even more fun.

I sat down without even a glance at them and signaled the bartender, The man to my right offered to by me a drink and I accepted. It was getting easier for me to read these men. I figured this one for an out of town married business man. He seemed unsure and a bit clumsy at an attempt to act cool. This just encouraged me to string him along. I gave him all the signals that I was attracted to him and wanted him and the poor thing was so obviously a frustrated unhappily married man going thru midlife crisis. This was going to be too easy.

"So how long have you been married?"

I could see the surprise on his face as he stammered trying to think of a quick response.

Then before he could answer I asked if he had kids. Then I surprised myself and boldly said. "Look , I don't mind having a drink with you and some conversation but if you think this is going someplace you're in for a disappointment. The poor guy looked rejected and took his drink and left

The man sitting to left evidently was listening attentively to the conversation also got up and left. The coke was having a strange effect on me and it brought out a side of me that I must have been suppressing. I took my drink and strutted to the other end of the club where the rock music and dancing was going on. I just walked out to the crowded dance floor and started dancing with my drink in my hand.My eyes half closed and slowly dancing by myself in the most sensual manner. I could feel men and women's bodies brushing against me. One man and women that were together got on either side of me and we joined in sexy dance. Then I felt a man's hard body pressing against my back. I turned slowly to face him. It was Ralph!

"Hey sexy, you doing alright?"

I threw my arms around his neck and slid my body up against him "I'm having so much fun daddy."

"Good girl. No it's time to go."

Back in the car he pulled me to him and we passionately kissed. I reached for his cock and he was already hard. I wanted it in me so bad.

"We're going back to your house for the night. I want your little boy husband to see just how slutty his wife is with me"

"Oh daddy I want that so much. I got so excited in the club acting like a slutty whore and thinking about you.

"You're going to get a chance soon to show me just what a slut whore you can be. I'll be counting on you to close some deals for me. Think you can handle being a whore ?"

"A whore with you daddy."

"Not just me. Anyone who I tell you to be with. You're going to learn to be whore for anyone I send you too"

"I will do anything to please you daddy."

That's my little slut girl."

We arrived at my house. "Give me the house key slut and get another for yourself "

Ralph unlocked the door and I followed him into the spare room where Jim was tied up. "Untie your little boy and have him crawl into our bedroom. I want him to have a close up look at his slut wife satisfying her daddy.

I felt so sexy undressing Ralph while my husband knelt watching us. "Tell your little boy to keep his worthless prick hard while he watches his wife be my slut."

"You heard him little boy keep the little thing you call a prick hard and watch me with a real man that keeps me cumming. Of course you wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

I couldn't help myself. I was having no trouble at all staying hard. Watching Sara naked and acting slutty had me aroused more than I had ever been aroused. Just the thought of her wrapping her red lips around his hard cock brought me close to cumming.

"And don't you dare cum little boy or mommy and daddy will punish you. Do you understand?"

"Yes mommy"

Sara dropped to her knees and started sucking Ralph's cock. " Get up slut I want to fuck you until I'm ready to cum. Then you can suck my cock "

Ralph threw me roughly to the bed face down. He grabbed me around the waist pulling my ass up to meet his waiting cock.

"What you need slut."

"I need your cock deep in me daddy."

Ralph put his rock hard cock between my legs and slid it along my pussy lips.

I started moaning and had my first orgasm and Ralph wasn't even in me yet. With one hand around my waste he grabbed me by the hair forcefully pulling my head back

"What do you need in your mouth slut."

"A cock daddy. I need a cock in my mouth and pussy."

"I just want you to see what a slut whore I can be for you daddy. It's what I crave so bad."

"You'll get a chance to show me real soon. Now send your little boy off to get your dildo."

"You heard him little one run down to the car and get my dildo."

"I'm naked mommy."

"I don't want to hear excuses run along."

When He returned carrying my dildo I knew I had him as my little boy slave as his puny prick was still hard. He has never had a hard cock that long. Even when he doesn't cum he wilts.

"Look daddy my little boy is so excited watching us that his worthless pecker is still hard "

"That's hard! poor thing looks pitiful. take that dildo in your mouth slut and I'll give you the fucking you need."

I took the dildo in my mouth and sucked as Ralph started easing his cock into my pussy. I was on the verge of my second orgasm. I couldn't believe how many orgasms this man could give me. Then as he started to thrust his cock deep in me I realized it was more like a continuous orgasm and I was feeling faint and he still hadn't cum. He pulled his cock from my pussy and pulled me around to his waiting cock.,

"suck it slut girl show your little boy how much cum you can drink."

Still dizzy and faint from the many orgasms I began sucking his cock as I stroked it. I was in orgasm heaven. My nipples were erect and my pussy was quivering as he shot his load into my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed and held his cock gently in my mouth as the last of his cum oozed from his cock. It seemed like quite a while before the cum stopped oozing and I was enjoying every drop. When he withdrew it from my mouth it was still quite hard.I had cum so many times that my cum was running down both my legs.We lay in each others arms.

"Daddy I'm cummy down my legs. Can I have my worthless husband clean me up. It seems it's all he's good at."

"Sit on the edge of the while he kneels on the floor and cleans you. I don't want him in our bed."

His words cut thru me but I didn't dare say a word for fear of a being punished. In all 3 years I was married to Sara I had never seen her cum like this. She had never cum with me and only when she masturbated could she have an orgasm. Now she had cum running out of her pussy down her legs. I started licking it off both her thighs then up to her pussy she started contracting her abdomen muscles and pushes out her cum as I licked her clean. I could hear them kissing and moaning enjoying each and relaxing after their orgasms.I wasn't used to holding back my orgasms and my cum was seeping out of my pecker as strained to keep from cumming.

"Stand up little boy. What the fuck is that I see on the end of your pecker."

"It's a little bit of cum leaking mommy."

"And what have we told you about cumming without permission."

"I really tried my best to hold it back mommy."

"Not only is it leaking but your doing in in daddy's room. You absolutely don't cum in this room unless daddy commands it."

"Whip him with a belt Sara I'm tired of listening to his whining."

"Go get your belt and bring it to me bitch boy."

As I returned with my belt Sara was standing with her hands on her hips.

"What the fuck are you doing standing up. You crawl in here to me you stupid son of a bitch."

I dropped to my knees as I handed Sara the belt.

"Put your head down to the floor and your hands behind your back."

I wasn't even in position when she struck me with the belt across my ass several times in quick succession.

"Sara before you continue with his punishment have him fix us a couple of drinks. Screw drivers would be nice. Do have any cigarettes?"

"Yes daddy there in my purse."

"Have him bring them up also."

I couldn't carry the drinks and the cigarettes without spilling them so I used a tray and I stopped at the bedroom doorway not sure how I should approach them.

"Kneel boy."

Sara got off the bed and took the tray and set it on a table next to the bed.

"Get in here boy and get in the proper position for your punishment."

They sat on the bed casually having a smoke and a drink as I struggled to keep this awkward position. They seemed in no hurry to do anything to relieve my stress.

"You know what might be fun Sara to take your cigarette and burn his ass some before you whip him."

"That sounds like fun. But I'd have to gag him first to muffle his screams."

I was starting to panic as I listened to them scheming how to torture me especially since they seemed so excited about it. They finished their drinks and cigarettes and Sara stood over me with the belt

"Kneel upright little boy and crawl over and get me a cigarette. I wanted to plead with her not to burn me but I was afraid to say a word. I just meekly handed her the cigarettes and watched her as she held the cigarette up next to her lips

"Are you so damn pitiful and stupid that you don't know to light my cigarette."

"I'm sorry."

The belt came down hard across my back.

"You are useless. Is that how you answer?"

"I'm sorry mommy."

I crawled and got her lighter and returned and stretched my arm up to light her cigarette while she made little effort to bend over to make it any easier. She took a drag and slowly exhaled as she tilted her head upwards.

"Get that dildo and shove it in your mouth and get in position. We don't want to hear you screaming while your being punished."

I was in this awkward position as she stood over me then she touched the cigarette to my ass. I flinched and moaned. Then she whipped me across the ass with the belt.

"Be still and don't be such a baby. I barely touched your ass with the cigarette."

She again put the cigarette to my ass but this time held it there longer. I strained to be still and terrified that I would piss myself. I didn't know how much longer I could hold the awkward position without relief. Then in quick successions she started whipping me across my ass and hips until I fell over on my side. She just kept whipping me as I squirmed and let out muffled screams.

"You are totally worthless. You can't even hold your punishment position. Kneel upright."

She roughly pulled the the dildo out of my mouth.

"Crawl to the dresser and get a pair of sexy panties and put them on and then get back to your room and I better not see one drop of cum on those panties and you better not touch yourself or you'll be tied. Understood?"

"Yes, mommy"

I laid in my bed trying to think of how I was going to cope with my new situation. I had no job so couldn't leave and get an apartment. And if I did leave I would never find another women as beautiful as Sara. It also occurred to me that I had never before been so sexually stimulated as I have been. I fell asleep from exhaustion

"What do you think daddy, is he completely broken yet?"

"Yes he just needs additional training and some more humiliation."

Ralph and I fell asleep and woke up late and I could feel Ralph's hard cock pressing against me.

"Does my slut girl need a nice morning fuck?"

"Yes daddy I'll never get enough of you."

We lay on our side as he slid his cock into me and slowly rocked our hips in unison and we both came with explosive orgasms. We kissed passionately for a long time

"Have the bitch boy fix us breakfast."

"Hey boy get your ass down the kitchen and fix us breakfast."

I scurried down to the kitchen and began cooking as they showered. When they came down Sara was wearing just panties and a light short robe that wasn't even fastened allowing her breast to be just partially visible , Ralph was wearing shorts and a T shirt. I served them breakfast as they totally ignored me and conversed between themselves.

"Take your breakfast in the other room little one and don't annoy us. We'll call you if we need anything". I carried my plate to the living room and tried to listen to there conversation. After breakfast they went back to their bedroom as I cleaned up the house. Sara's cell that was in her purse began ringing and she called to me to bring it to her. Not wanting another whipping I made sure I dropped to my knees and crawled as I entered their room.

"Oh hello Frank, How are you? Let me call you right back on that I have to check Ralph's schedule. Yes I'm up to date on the specifics of the contract. I can fill you in on the details."

"He's even more anxious than I anticipated Sara. You must have made a big impression on him."

"He wants to meet me later this afternoon if possible."

"Nah lets keep him waiting a bit. Tell him that we have meetings scheduled and you could be available later this evening."