Chapter 11

Chapter 11 from sgarry and RMAN1000

Doctor - I'm glad you two were able to come in this morning. Maybe we can discuss your progress. I understand that you might be having some marital problems?

Kathy – Yes, Doctor. Mike won't stop jerking off! It's embarrassing me!

Doctor - He's doing it in front of you?

Kathy - Yes, and the men.

Doctor - The men fucking you?

Kathy - Yes.

Doctor - At your home?

Kathy - Yes, and at work.

Doctor - At work?

Kathy - Yes, when I”m attending to the prisoners. In the conjugal visit room.

Doctor - I see. I was not aware that there was a problem there.

Kathy - I'm stationed there now. The prisoners are brought down a few at a time to fuck me there in front of my husband. Its a major stress-relief for them, being locked up all the time and all. I'm doing 25 a day now.

Doctor – Yes, I've been briefed on the situation there and I must say that I'm impressed! You are making good progress! I understand that the incidents of violence among inmates has dropped. So our little social experiment has been a success.

Kathy - Over the past week I've been with all 125 of them and I must say, it's been incredible! I love having Mike there to watch, but having him jerk off all the's becoming a problem.

Mike – Kathy, please! I can't help it! Watching all these men fuck you is making me insanely horny and you haven't been fucking me at all lately!

Kathy - I've been busy. Your little cock just doesn't do it for me anymore. Not like it used to. It seems to have shrunk. Sometimes it feels like its just flopping around in there.

Mike – Yea, well, that's because you've been fucking so many black guys!

Kathy - Can you blame me? Having just one of those big black cocks inside me is heaven. Having one inside me and looking up to see several more lined up and waiting their turn is divine!

Mike – Yea, well where does that leave me?

Kathy - On the sidelines, baby. I DO still love you. I would never want to lose you. I really want to make this marriage work. I need the comfort and warmth and emotional support that you give me, just not your cock.

Doctor – Let me interject here. This is a new environment, a new situation, for your relationship, for your marriage. It's very understandable that there might be “bumps in the road” that need to be overcome. But nothing that can't be worked out. You two seem to be suffering from a loss of intimacy. This is why you are arguing. You know, there are other ways to maintain intimacy – physical and emotional intimacy – in your relationship - besides the usual “penis-in-vagina” intercourse.
Kathy – What do you mean?

Doctor – I mean oral sex, for one thing. Oral sex can be very satisfying and many consider it to be even more intimate than intercourse.

Kathy – Yes, I can see how that might be true.

Doctor – It's very true. Especially in cases like yours where the wife is cuckolding her husband with a lot of other men. The penis-in-vagina sex can become routine when you are spending every day on your back or on your knees taking cock. PIV sex with your husband can lose its luster, especially if he is on the smaller side, as is the case here.

Mike – I'm not that small! I'm average!

Doctor – No need to be offended, Mike. We mean “small”, relative to every other man in this prison. Ha ha. Little joke there. Anyway, as I was saying, oral sex is a good substitute in cases like this.

Kathy – I don't really enjoy sucking his cock, but I guess I could try. Maybe pretend its black or something.

Doctor – Oh, you misunderstand! I mean oral sex as in “from Mike to you”. As in “cunnilingus”.

Kathy – Oh, well, yes, I can definitely get on-board with that!

Doctor - You are already giving oral sex to the inmates, aren't you Kathy?

Kathy – Yes, when I'm doing more than one at a time – when I'm gangbanging. When I'm pulling train, though, which is most of the time, its usually penis in vagina.

Doctor – So most men cum in your pussy. My point is that you DO give oral sex to many of the men. It's not something “special” that you save for your husband.

Kathy – That's right. I've had a lot of cock in this slut-mouth, yeah. But a lot more in my pussy.

Doctor – Yes, I'm sure you have. And there's sure to be many, many more. Do the prisoners go down on you, Kathy?

Kathy – No. Never. It's always them just shooting their cum in my pussy, ass, or mouth.

Doctor - That's so selfish of them. But they're convicted felons. What do you expect? But this presents an opportunity for you and your husband to share something special – something that no other man does with you, something just between you two, that Mike can do for you – with you – to keep your relationship special, to provide the intimacy that you both need to keep your marriage strong during this transition period – cunnilingus.

Mike – Transition period? Transition to what? Doc, she is already gangbanging 25 guys a day! And they're not using condoms!

Doctor - No worries. They've all been tested. We've made sure of that here at the prison infirmary. And besides, that's only during the week. There's still the weekends.

Mike - On weekends, she is banging customers down at the all-black strip club where she works on Friday and Saturday nights!

Doctor - I see. So she's very popular with the brothers. Well, that's even more reason for you to share something special with her that they don't.

Mike - And that's not counting the parolees living with us - and their friends - banging her whenever she's not working her other two jobs. And various other friends and neighbors!

Doctor - Yes. Excellent! Excellent! Your wife is a beautiful woman. Gorgeous. It's not surprising that she attracts such a large following. Do they enjoy banging her in front of you, Mike?

Mike - Yes. Very much so. They take pleasure in it.

Doctor - So this presents even more opportunities for you to demonstrate what you are “bringing to the table”, so to speak. Oral sex - cunnilingus – is more than just an intimate act between two loving partners. It can be a demonstration of respect, not just for your partner, but also for the men fucking her – especially when it is done post-coitus. I'm sure they would enjoy watching you go down on her after they've all fucked her.

Mike – I'm sure they would. But now, we've got the local neighborhood gang that wants to start banging her too! I don't even know many guys are in that gang! Black Kings, I think it is.

Doctor – Well, we'll need to find out so we can get them tested too. But we've gotten off-track from the primary purpose of this visit, which is to discuss what to do about your compulsive masturbation problem.

Mike – Why is it a problem?

Kathy – You're getting semen on the carpet! It's disrespectful and it's embarrassing!

Mike – There's dozens of other guy's semen on the carpet too, from dripping out of your pussy!

Doctor – Once again, another reason why oral sex - cunnilingus - is so important in this type of relationship! If you were keeping Kathy cleaned up, other men's semen on the carpet would not be a problem. As far as YOUR semen on the carpet, are either of you familiar with enforced chastity? Male abstinence? I think we need to discuss it. It's very relevant and its a natural fit with your new lifestyle.

Mike – How does chastity fit in with gangbanging? They're opposite.

Doctor – Opposites attract. Gangbanging and chastity go perfectly together. Gangbanging for the wife. Chastity for the husband. I've seen it work wonders for other married couples in similar situations. Not only does it solve the compulsive masturbation problem, it also increases the man's desire for sex – for providing oral sex to his partner, that is.

Kathy – I am definitely on-board with that!

Mike - And you think this would improve our marriage?

Doctor – I'm sure of it, Mike. Everyone would like to see this marriage be saved. Not just you, me, and Kathy, but the inmates here in the prison, as well. I'm sure they would prefer to continue banging the beautiful young wife of a prison guard as opposed to just some random slut. I'm sure the former inmates on parole who are living with you feel the same way. And I would imagine also the members of your local neighborhood gang you were speaking of – I'm sure they all feel the same way about your marriage. It's more satisfying for them to bang a married woman in front of her husband than it is a single slut, especially when its a young white couple like yourselves. And even more so when the husband is a prison guard with a history of oppressing blacks. OK, maybe not you personally, but you get my meaning.

That's a lot of men, Mike, who would not be too happy to find out that the woman they were all banging might be abandoned by her husband. That would not be a good situation for you to put yourself in - by bailing on your wife, or allowing your marriage to go south, or even not doing everything you can to make this relationship work. After all, we're talking about convicted felons here, Mike. And parolees. And gang members. Thugs. These are not the world's nicest people. I certainly wouldn't want them out looking for me!

Mike – I see your point. But I'm still not keen on the chastity thing.

Doctor – I see it as your best option here, Mike. I don't think you want to be seen as “cock-blocking” these men from what they have come to expect from Kathy. I think that it would be best for all involved if you were to voluntarily allow yourself to be locked in chastity. The cage sends a clear message that you are no threat to them or their sex-lives with your wife. I can keep the keys in my office here if there is ever an emergency. I suggest we get you fitted for a cage immediately. And a Prince-Albert piercing to make sure there's no cheating. Try it out for a week or two, see how things go. I predict a big improvement all-around in everyone's life satisfaction.

Keep in mind that there are a lot of men besides just you and your wife whose best interests need to be taken into account here, too. I think I can say with confidence that Kathy's sex partners would all prefer that you be locked in chastity. I mean, I guess we could poll them. See how they feel about it.

Mike – No, I'd rather not. I already know the answer.

Doctor – Well, good. Why don't we just try it and see how it goes? I think you're going to like it.

Mike – I guess. If it's the only way.

Kathy – Oh, honey! It would make me so happy if you would try it for me! Please? I really think it would help our marriage if you were in chastity! We have to at least try it! Just for a week or two! Then we can decide if we want to continue.

Doctor – Well, there you go! It would make Kathy happy. And it would make the men fucking her happy too. So it's decided, then.

Getting back to the intimacy thing, in order to further enhance intimacy in your relationship, I am recommending that you continue to do those things that clearly demonstrate how you feel about her. Do you remember when you two first started dating? See if you can rekindle those feelings. Bring her flowers. Take her on dates. Take her out to dinner. Hold her hand, kiss her, tell her you love her.
Instead of attempting sex with her yourself, though, respect her wishes and allow black men to do the heavy lifting for you. Take her gangbanging.

Kathy, likewise for you. Hold Mike's hand when you are out together. Kiss him in public. When you are alone, just like when you were first dating, allow him to get hard for you. Enjoy fanning the flames of passion in his loins. Enjoy his lust for you. But politely send him away with blue balls. And allow yourself to be taken by those who can better satisfy your primal needs as a breeding-age female for group sex with many different men.

Mike, after the gangbang, take her home, make her comfortable, cuddle her, make out with her, but don't disrespect her by trying to fuck her or by jerking off. Sleep next to her. Show her how much you love her by remaining hard for her. If she is feeling generous, maybe she will allow you to lick her pussy.

Mike – Yes, sir. If you really think so.

Doctor – I do. It will all be much easier once you're in chastity. Now why don't you watch while I bang your slut-wife. This will be a test of your self-control here. No jerking off.

Now stand up and bend over my couch, slut! And Mike, I want you to go alert the other guards to come down here one at a time to bang your slut-wife too. We are going to run a train on her and I want you to show your respect by inviting them down here and cleaning her up when we're finished. Don't try to fuck her and no jerking off! When you leave here today, it will be with the same hard-on you arrived with! Your hard-on is something to be cultivated and maintained. It demonstrates that you are serious about making this relationship work. It is not for your personal pleasure.

Mike – Yes Sir. Don't fuck her. Clean her up after wards. No jerking off.

Kathy – I love seeing Mike hard for me. It makes me feel so womanly, so desired, to see that hard little thing bobbing and twitching.

Doctor – Tomorrow morning I want you both back in my office for the fitting and piercing. And Mike – you should accompany Kathy on her normal job duties in the conjugal visit lounge with today's inmate assignments. After work, she will need to attend to the needs of your housemates. After each session, when the men are finished, you are to clean her out and thank them for the privilege..

Mike – Yes sir. Thank them for the privilege.

Kathy – Oh, Mike! This is going to be so good! Your little peepee is going to look so cute in a chastity cage! I'm going to want you to show it off to all the guys! They are going to love it too! I can't wait!

Mike – Yes, honey. It's going to be so good! I am going to be hard for you all the time! Is that what you like?

Kathy – Yes, baby! I love it! I want you hard for me. All the damn time!
Next: Chapter 12
Previous page: Chapter 10