Pink Panty Pulldown By Dom

Each time Glenda (my wife) and I went to a ballgame, we tried to find a different little bar for our after game drinks. We were getting quite good at finding odd places with good food and drink. We always managed to have a good time. Our team had won today so we were in a good mood to start with. In fact, thanks to winning a couple of drink bets at the game, we were already about three sheets to the wind. We had a bad case of the giggles and needed food badly so we could sober up a bit before the long drive home.

As we rounded the corner, we saw a little corner tavern called "The Horse's Ass". It looked fairly clean and the parking lot was full of very nice cars. Besides, with a name like that, we just had to stop in.

We thought we had struck gold when we walked in. The place was clean as a whistle and the crowd (mostly male) was middle class working for a living, but enjoying it. The atmosphere was warm and friendly and the tiny elevated dance floor was alive with bodies moving to some great music. Everyone waved and greeted us. Looking back, perhaps Glenda's miniskirt and cropped top had a little to do with that.

The place was fairly crowded but one large booth had a couple of empty seats and the guys insisted we join them instead of waiting for a table. "Hell man, that might take a hour or more! Come on and sit with us!"

As we slid into place, my wife's little skirt caught on a rough spot in the bench and, for just a moment, slipped high enough for a glimpse of her little pink panties. Blushing, Glenda grabbed her hem and yanked it down while the guys cheered and slapped me on the back. "Damn brother, she just might qualify!"

When they found out it was our first time in, they insisted on buying the first round of drinks as we got to know each other. Three rounds later, we still had not paid for anything. We also still did not have any food so the drinks were hitting us pretty hard.

Just then, the jukebox popped up with Glenda's favorite song. She grabbed my arm and tried pulling me to the dance floor, but I was a little too far gone to move much less dance. My tipsy wife started to pout a bit when one of the guys said, "If it's OK with hubby, I'll dance with you."

Even in my condition I knew that she either got to dance or I was in deep shit, so I just smiled and waved them on.

Glenda has always put on a bit of a show on the dance floor and she really has some moves. We were all watching as the heavy beat built louder and louder and my wife moved to every note. Everyone on the dance floor joined hands and started dancing in a small circle. Every so often, they would bend very low and then practically leap into the air. That's when the guys in our booth all cheered the loudest.

At first, I didn't catch on and then I saw what was happening. Each time Glenda bent down the with other dancers, her miniskirt rose up in the back so that her ass was in plain view. My wife's pink bikini panties were very tiny and almost sheer enough to read through. All of her dancing had tucked them into the crack of her ass so that it looked like she didn't have on a thing. When they jumped into the air with their hands over their heads, Glenda's matching sheer bra also popped into view.

My wife was so worked up from the dancing and booze that she had no idea what was going on - she just wanted to move to that beat! Once, she twirled so fast that her skirt flipped up to waist high, completely exposing my wife's panties. They were sopping wet and so transparent we could see every pussy hair and the hint of her twat.

Far from being embarrassed by the peep show, I enjoyed hearing my new friends shout their approval.

The music finally stopped for awhile and Glenda bounced over for another drink. As she came toward us, we could all tell that my wife was really excited and enjoying herself - her nipples were so hard they were about to poke through her little bra and crop top. When she crawled into the booth, more than one pair of hands rubbed against those little beauties and slid up her legs to grab a feel of her dripping panties. By the time she settled in next to me, she was clearly in a high level of excitement. This time, she didn't bother to pull her skirt down so a couple of the guys had an eyeful of my wife's cunt through those little pink panties.

One of them waved to the host/bartender and called him over. "This little gal is Glenda and that's her husband over there. We've all had a chance to check it out and we think she qualifies."

That was the second time tonight I had heard that "qualifying" statement and I still had no idea what the hell they were talking about.

About this time, one of the other guys leaned over to me, "He named the bar after himself. That guy is a real Horse's Ass!"

The host just laughed and said, "Guilty as Charged! I got that reputation because there are some things on my menu and bar that only special patrons can even think about getting and then only if I think they qualify!"

"Well now, Miss Glenda, your friends seem to think you just might be the first one tonight to qualify. Are you interested?"

My wife giggled at all of the attention. "What's the deal?" she asked, not noticing or remembering that a few of us could see right up her skirt to her little pussy.

"If you qualify, I pick up the tab for this entire booth - food, drink, everything tonight and you and your wife get a month's worth of booze and food!"

At that, we all started urging her on. "GO! GO! GO!"

I leaned over to her and slurred, "it sounds great to me, why don't you check it out?"

THA (The Horse's Ass) held out his hand, "Won't you join me on the dance floor for the first test?"

Glenda never misses a chance to dance, so she practically crawled over a couple of the guys to get out of the booth. That gave them a great chance to cop another feel as they "helped" her to her feet. I guess they thought I couldn't see one of them slide a hand under her skirt and the other grab her tit.

The rest of the dancers cleared the area as THA walked my wife to the dance floor. I saw her tilt her head and giggle as he whispered in her ear. A signal to the dj started the music again. This time, it was a sexy latin beat and before we knew it, THA had my wife twirling and dipping all over the dance floor. Half the time, her skirt flipped so high that the entire crowd could see right through her sheer pink panties. Glenda was so turned on her pussy was soaking through her panties and making a wet spot on her skirt.

THA spun my wife slowly to the floor and slid her across the stage just as the last note sounded. As she slid, her skirt slipped higher and higher until it was just a bunch of cloth around her waist. As Glenda lay there catching her breath, the crowd went wild. THA finally helped my wife to her feet and she quickly smoothed her little skirt back into place.

When the two of them returned to our booth, Glenda was pink from dancing and, I suspect, from being really turned on. We started to order another round of drinks, but THA wouldn't hear of it. "Man, your wife is one more HOT dancer! She definitely passed the first test and that gets you booze for the rest of the night!"

We hadn't noticed, but the crowd had thinned out a bit. THA looked around and laughed, "We're down to my MEMBERS ONLY group." With that, he walked over and locked the main door. He had his head waiter put a "private party" sign up and walked back to us, "Well, now we can move on to the second test if both of you agree."

We were all having a great time and the rest of the crowd cheered as my wife stood up and took a bow (giving our booth a great view of her ass with her little panties tucked firmly between her cheeks). THA leaned over and whispered in her ear again. This time, my wife visibly blushed and shook her head NO.

This time, the cheers turned to boos as she started to sit down. I asked, "What did he say?" "Well, he said that he wanted me to dance with him again to the same kind of music. Only this time, he wants to dance the lambada -- you know, that dance where you rub all over each other."

I winked at her, "That's not much different than what you did last time and I certainly would like a month of food and booze. Aren't you having a good time? It looked like you were."

"I was having a great time, but he was getting a hard-on right out there on the floor! Can you imagine what he would be like if I was rubbing all over him?"

We all laughed, "you think we didn't get hard watching you wiggle your little ass all over the stage? You were fantastic!"

My wife lowered her head a bit, "That's not all he wants. He says that this is a special crowd and they would like to see an even hotter dance. He wants me to take my bra off and tie my top just under my tits. I'm only supposed to have one button fastened!"

I was so plastered that the idea sounded great to me and the other guys in our booth pleaded with my wife to change her mind. Fire was dancing in her eyes when THA walked up again, "Last chance to go for the second test!"

Glenda unbuttoned her top and turned to THA. "You want it off, you take it off!"

He grinned as he reached out and spread her blouse open wide. My wife's tits were barely hidden by the sheer fabric and THA whistled as he gently stroked a nipple through the fabric. It immediately popped to FULL attention and he began to play with the other nip. Finally, THA slipped his hand in the front of my wife's bra and ripped it away, tossing it to the feeding frenzy in the crowd.

He leaned over and ran his tongue over each of the nipples until my wife was squirming in lustful pleasure. He abruptly stopped, loosely tied her blouse and led her back to the stage. Judging from the way those nipples popped up, my wife was hotter than I could ever remember.

The music started again and THA spread my wife's legs and pulled her tightly against his leg. The hypnotic music soon swept my ***** wife away over the edge and she started humping his leg like a dog in heat. She threw her arms around him so she could pull his leg up to rub her pussy against it.

While Glenda was grinding her pussy against THA, he reached down and unbuttoned her blouse, exposing my wife's tits to the entire crowd. He stroked, he pinched, he nibbled, he sucked -- anything at all to make her nipples stand out even more than before. My wife's tits aren't huge, but her sensitive nipples are absolutely incredible.

The music ended once more and my topless wife walked back to our table for another drink. The crowd couldn't stand it and started chanting, "MORE! MORE! MORE!"

"Are you ready for the final qualifier?"

Glenda looked at him with a wicked smile, "Maybe, but I'm dying of thirst. We all need another drink."

THA signaled the bar and another round appeared -- but not for my wife.

She started to pout when THA laughed and led her back to the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, I think Glenda has qualified for our specialty of the house!"

"Glenda, do you want the best drink ever served in a bar?"

My wife had given up covering her tits and stood there with her nipples stabbing the air, "it's about time! I'm dying of thirst and hotter than hell."

"Glenda, what do you see on the wall by the bar?"

She turned and grinned, "I see about a dozen pairs of panties nailed to the wall."

"What do they have in common?"

"They are all pink!"

"Glenda, everyone in the building has seen your panties tonight. What color are your panties?"

My wife reached down, grabbed the hem of her skirt and very deliberately raised it high enough for us to see her sheer pink bikini panties. Her pussy hair was so wet that it looked matted under the fabric. "I guess you would call them pink!"

"The only way anyone gets this drink is to pay for it with their panties! You have just passed the final qualifying test -- your panties are definitely pink and my best creation is called the Pink Panty Pulldown! Are you ready to taste the best drink in the world?"

Glenda was caught up in the frenzy now, "YES! I WANT THAT DRINK!"

"Are you ready to pay for it right now?"


With that response, THA yanked my wife's skirt to the floor, leaving her standing there with nothing on but that pair of pink panties.

THA knelt in front of my wife and hooked his thumbs in the elastic of her panties, "COUNTDOWN!"

Right on cue, the crowd started counting down from 10, Hell, I even joined in.

When we hit zero, THA yanked those little panties down to my wife's ankles. Before she could step out of them, he buried his face in her pussy and started licking cunt like there was no tomorrow.

That was all it took, my horny little wife exploded in orgasm after orgasm right there on the stage. That's when THA dropped his shorts and pulled Glenda over to him. His cock bobbed in the air for just a moment before he slipped between my wife's legs and buried it balls deep in her twat. They stood motionless for a second or two and then started a furious fucking to the sound of the music.

At first the crowd just clapped and cheered, then they started chanting, "CUM! CUM! CUM!" every stroke of THA's cock as he fucked my wife's pussy. He finally stiffened and plunged all the way in one last time. We watched his balls contract as he pumped a massive load deep inside her cunt as they exploded in a simultaneous orgasm that rocked the room.

As he pulled slowly out of her well-fucked twat, the bartender ran over with a glass filled with THA's special drink mixture. THA took the glass and turned to the crowd, "And now for the final ingredient!"

He held the glass under Glenda's dripping pussy, reached up and spread her twat as wide as he could. We all watched as gob after gob of THA's cum flowed from deep within my wife and into the glass.

When he had milked as much of his cum from my wife's cunt as possible, he licked her clit one last time and stood back up. Next, he stuck his semi-hard dick into the big glass and stirred the mixture of booze and cum. Slowly, he pushed my wife to her knees and pushed his dick swizzle stick into her mouth.

Glenda slurped greedily and we could all see as THA's growing cock slipped further and further into her mouth. He suddenly pulled out and brought the glass to her lips. My wife gulped the mixture and swallowed. She started to get to her feet when THA's now hard cock was pressed forward once more. Glenda opened her mouth and THA plunged deep into her throat once again. He only pumped once or twice before she clamped her lips tightly around his shaft and stuck a finger up his ass. I knew what was cumming next as THA lost control and shot another full load deep in my wife's mouth.

She kept her lips lock until THA was totally drained and then made a big show of slowly swallowing the latest load of cum. THA was left in a heap on the stage as my naked wife walked toward our booth, cum still oozing from her pussy and traces of cum on her lips. All of us had raging hard-ons as she crawled up on the table and lay back.

I could stand no more, I yanked my pants down and crammed by cock into her sloppy pussy. One of our new friends got lucky as my wife sucked his dick right down to the balls. The other two guys had to settle for handjobs. We were all so horny that none of us lasted but a few strokes. Once we had filled her with cream, she dipped her finger into her gash and pulled out a string of cum. As she slowly licked it from her finger and swallowed, my wife grinned, "Now THAT is a drink and chaser combination that you can't beat! Let's go home and fuck some more!"

Before tonight, my wife had never even made out with another guy. Now she was walking out of the pub, totally naked, with the cum of five different guys dripping from her body.

We managed to get home without getting pulled over by the police and Glenda slowly strolled to our front door. She didn't get dressed for the next two days as we fucked in almost every room in the house. Not a single curtain was closed and all the lights were left on. She even had me fuck her before she walked out to get the paper. When we ordered pizza in, she left the front door open so the delivery guy (a kid from our own street) would walk in and find her sucking my cock.

Today was the first day we had even pretended like we might rejoin the real world. As we sat at our breakfast table with a real meal, Glenda looked at me with a lecherous grin, "I think we ought to get our first free meal at The Horse's Ass tonight don't you. Besides, I'm ready for another one of those drinks!"

If I live through all of this, I might be able to send a follow-up one day.
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