Our Surprise Visitor

Amber O?Mara

I guess to start I should saw that Catherine and I have been married for 12 years now. Catherine (Katie) birthday is in June, and she just turned 33 years old. I'm Bill, and I'm 38, not that it's really important to the story. Katie and I are pretty much your typical upper middle class couple. We have fairly new cars, and live in a nice middle class neighborhood on the East side of Dallas; well not really Dallas, we actually live in Mesquite, which at one time was a suburb of Dallas, but now its pretty hard to tell where once city ends and the other begins. Out marriage together has been a good one all in all as far as most marriages go. We've had our little problems over the years, but we've managed to work through them.

I've always thought of myself as a fairly normal guy. I'm just under 6 feet tall, am in fairly good shape, and am fairly active. Katie is in much better shape than I am, and even her friends still tell her that she looks as young as she did went she and I first were married. I'll testify to the fact that she does. She's changed a little over the years, but its more like maturing rather than getting old. She really does look like she's still in her early twenties, but she is definitely more worldly than she was when we first got married. Hell, when we first started dating Katie was still a virgin. I took her virginity while we were dating in college, and over the years that we've been married, my once innocent and shy wife, has become more out going and adventurous about sex. We don't swing or anything like that. No, I mean our love making has evolved over the years. It's not uncommon for Katie to wear sexy lingerie, or for us to use vibrators or other toys when we make love, or for us to try new positions, role play, or even do a little light bondage these days. I can tell you that's a hell of a difference from when we first started making love. Back then Katie insisted on no talking and the lights being out; and the two of us fumbling around in the dark.

Ok sorry, I got off on a tangent. I guess what I'm trying to put down in words is a little difficult for me. Anyway, I guess I should try to get back on track. It all started last week I guess, I came home from work at my usual time and found Katie busily getting dinner ready. She usually doesn't do that, we usually decide what we're going to have, then both of us help each other cook it. Apparently, Katie had gotten off from work a little early and thought she'd fix something a little special for us that evening. I noticed a bottle of wine opened on the counter and it looked like there were already a couple of glassfuls missing from it. Katie didn't act tipsy, she usually doesn't unless she's really had a lot, but as I watched her sashaying around the kitchen I couldn't help but think that if I was lucky tonight would turn into a fun evening. Katie still had on her work clothes. Nic black slacks, black high heels, and a light blue colored blouse. He long dark brown hair was cascading down the black of her blouse, and her breasts gently giggled and swayed as she moved around the kitchen. I snuck up behind her as she stood in front of the sink washing out a pan and nuzzled my face into kissed the side of her neck and her ear. Over the years I had found out that kissing and nibbling Katie's ears was a sure fire way to get her horny. I could tell she was relaxed from the couple of glasses of wine, because instead of being startled when I grabbed her, she just giggled, and when I kissed along her ear she softly said, ?Mmmmm.?, and held still while I continued kissing her ear.

She slowly dropped the pan in the sink and then turned around and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately on the lips saying, "If you keep that up I just might start making you dinner every night.?

Now I love Katie's chicken gumbo almost more than anything, but he way she was responding, made me not give a damn about dinner, or eating at all for that matter. My hands were cupping her cute little ass, and I was on the verge of backing her up to the dining table and having my way with her, but when her butt bumped into the table she gently pushed me back and gave me a quick little kiss before she side stepped me and went back to stir the gumbo.

I was still horny, but my thoughts quickly turned back to how good the gumbo smelled. Besides I thought that if I could get Katie to have a couple more glasses of wine with dinner, she would be all the more willing to maybe try something a little different in the sack tonight. I didn't actually have anything in mind at the time, but I was confident that I could dream up something fun and different during dinner.

We talked out our days and drank more than a couple of glasses of wine while we ate, and towards the end of dinner our conversation turned to sex. Well, not really, but we both hinted to each other that we were going to head to the bedroom once the dishes were done.

We'd just finished the dishes when I grabbed Katie again, and kissed her. She readily kissed me back, and after a couple of minute of kissing I turned my attention to her ear and kissed along it. Katie's eyes were closed, and after a while of me kissing her ear and neck she said, ?Why don't you take a shower and get nice and clean, and I'll see what I can change into.?

I smiled at her and kissed her lips and said, ?Sounds good. I won't be long.?

"Okay, I'll be waiting," she said, then when I was half way down the hall she called out to me, ?Make sure you're squeaky clean all over.?

I called back over my shoulder that I would be, as I made my way into the bathroom and started taking off my clothes I wondered what Katie had in mind for us.

Needless to say I was kinda in a hurry to get cleaned up, and just a few minutes later, I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, and quickly walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where I saw Katie, laying on our bed wearing a cute little cream colored see-through babydoll and matching sheer little cream panties. As my eyes went from her sexy little body to her face I instantly noticed that she had a strange look on her face. She seem dot be looking through me at something behind me, and her stare made me look over my shoulder.

Before I got my head turned half way around I saw a big blur right in front of my face, and as I jerked my head back the blur turned into the end of a pistol pointing right at my eyes. I froze and my eyes travelled down the arm holding the gun and to the face of the black man that was holding it. The first thing that struck me was that his face didn't show any emotion at all. He was black, and his face had a hardened look to it. He still hadn't said anything, but the end of the pistol was moving, motioning me to move away from the open bathroom door and over to the wall.

Once I was backed up to the wall he looked at me, then to Katie, then back at me and he slowly but clearly said, ?Don't move.?

He stared at me for a second then moved the shades on the window and looked out side. I could hear sirens getting louder and louder, and it didn't take a genius to figure out who the cops were chasing.

He turned his attention away from the window and back to Katie and I and said, ?Everyone just chill out and everything will be alright.?

Katie and I were both still frozen, and staring at him. I don't know about Katie, but I couldn't believe it was happening.

Again he looked at me, then at Katie, then back at me, and he said, ?Everyone understand.?

I nodded my head, and when he looked at Katie, she nodded her head too.

?Good? he said, then he repeated himself saying, ?Everyone just be chill.?

Then lifting the blinds again he looked out the window, and said, ?I'll only be here a little while if we're all lucky. Ya'll be cool, and I'll be on my way when it's good and dark.?

I was only 6:30, and it was June. I knew that it wouldn't be really dark out till nearly 8:30 and I wasn't looking forward to this guy holding use at gun point right now, much les for the next couple of hours.

I didn't know what to say, so I said, ?Take whatever you want. Just don't hurt us.?

He stared at me and kinda frowned. Then he said, ?I don't want you shit. I got all the cash I need.? That's when I saw the bag at his feet. It was closed, so I couldn't tell what was in it, but I imagined that he had just robbed someplace, and that it must be full of cash.

He then waved the gun at me and motioned me toward the bed. "Now get over there on the bed with your little woman." As I started for the bed, I realized that I was butt naked. I made my over to the bed and climbed on the bed. Katie immediately grabbed me and held me tight. I looked at her and saw that her face had a look of absolute terror. I tried to comfort her as I held her, but soon my eyes were once again focused on the black guy hold the gun that was pointed at Katie and I.

His attention was torn between glancing over at Katie and me and peeking out the window. The sirens had long died out, but he was still preoccupied with looking out the window. He looked to be about 25 years old and was tall, maybe 6?4? or 6?5?. He had short black hair, was clean shaven, and was big. His arms and upper body looked very muscular, I guess his legs did too, I couldn't really tell, he as wearing baggy grey sweat pants.

His shirt was a plain looking dark green T-shirt, and I could see what looked like a barbed wire tattoo wrapped around his left bicep. His physical appearance was pretty intimidating, and I found myself thinking that he probably didn't need a gun to rob folks or to get them to do what he wanted them to do.

He looked around the room, then glanced down at his watch. Then he said, ?Looks like I'm gonna be your guest for a couple hours.?, then he sank to the floor in the corner.

There was silence for the next 10 or 15 minutes. He didn't say anything to us, and we were both too afraid to say anything to him. He would look out the window every now and then, nut he was doing that less and less frequent as time went one.

Then looked around the bedroom again, it was obvious that he was bored. Then suddenly he said, ?What ya'll got for entertainment.?

Katie and I were caught off guard by his question, and neither of us answered, we just looked at him and then to each other.

Then he said, ?Ain't no TV. No radio. No nothing in here.?

Then he just stared at Katie and I on the bed. It took a couple of minutes, but then it looked like it dawned on him that Katie and I were about to make when he broke in on us.

He hung his head and smiled, then he chuckled a little and looked right at me and said, ?Sorry about that Bro. Couldn't help it. If you know what I mean.? Then he added, ?Didn't mean to break up anything important.?

Then as he began to dig in the little bag, he surprised me saying, ?Let me make it up to you.? After a few seconds of rummaging in the bag he pulled out a baggy of weed and tossed it over to me saying, ?Roll us up one.?

I caught the bag, and then just stared at him. I couldn't believe this guy.

He got a disgusted look on his face and cocked his head to one side and stared back at me. Then his head popped back upright, and quick as a cat, the gun was once again pointing right at my face and he said, ?Roll us up one.?

I fumbled with the bag of weed and pulled the papers out of the bag, and started to get ready to roll a joint. Hell, I hadn't rolled a joint since college, and I wasn't really good at it then. I finished rolling it, and was surprised that it didn't look half bad; a little fatter than it should have, but still it was a pretty good job.

The black guy fished in the pocket of his sweat pant and tossed me a lighter and said, ?Fire it up.?

I took the lighter and lit the joint, puffing on it to get it going and then held it out for him to take.

He looked at my out stretched hand hold the joint and he said, ?You two first. Looks like you need it as much as I do.?

I took a puff and exhaled, which prompted the black guy to point his gun at me again and say, ?I'm being nice and sharing my dope with you. Don't be wastin?. Now smoke it.?

I took a deep drag and held it as I passed the joint to Katie.

Katie shook her head ?no? and said, ?I don't want any.?

Again the black guy's gun came up, this time pointed at Katie and he said, ?Ya know. I'm getting? real tired of having to stick a gun in ya'lls face anytime I want you to do somethin? or any time I want to a have a conversation with you.? He then stared hard at Katie and slowly, deliberately said, ?I?will?not?be'so?understanding?next time.?

Katie almost started to cry, then she quickly took a big drag on the joint, and coughed wildly for a minute of so after taking the drag.

The black guy smiled and said, ?That's better.? Then he stood up and casually walked over to take the joint form Katie's out stretched hand.

He took a couple of short little puffs, and held it in for a second or two. Then as he exhaled her squeaked out, ?Damn that's some good shit.? And held the joint out for me to take.

I took another puff and handed it to Katie. Katie took a little puff this time, but she still coughed a few times.

Again the black guy took the join, this time he took a real long hit on it, then he gave it to me and he made his way back towards the corner.

After taking a drag, I again handed it to Katie; she in turn took another drag, this time she didn't couch, and she held it out for the black guy to take.

He was peeking out the window again, and glanced over at Katie and said, ?Naw?Ya'll go ahead.?

Katie handed it to me and I took another drag, and handed it back to her. It looked like Katie was just going to hold it, and not smoke it, but when the black guy looked at her she quickly took a drag, and then passed it back to me.

The black guy was still watching Katie, and when she stopped holding the smoke in and let it, he just smiled at her, and said, ?you're getting? the hang of it.? Then he added, ?That's smoke mighty fine shit?You wait?.You'll see.?

I took another drag, and I was already feeling myself getting high; my mouth already drying out. I handed it back to Katie, and she looked at me, I could tell she was buzzed too.

Katie obediently took another puff, a long one this time, then she handed it back. Katie and I kept passing the joint back and forth until it was just a little end. The joint had gone out, but there really wasn't anything left in it. I was just holding the burnt out little end, when I noticed that Katie's finger came over to m hand and plucked out the joint and I watched as it travelled to her lips, and she puffed on it. Then I watched her confused face as she looked at the end of the joint and realized it was all gone.

Katie looked at me and giggled. I couldn't help myself and I giggled back at her.

I looked over and saw that the black guy had been watching us. His hand holding the gun was draped over his knee and pointing at the floor. He just sat there smiling at my wife and I giggling at each other. Then he said, ?Now that's better?Isn't it??

Katie and I both bobbed our heads ?yes? then looked at each other and broke out laughing.

The black guy looked around the bedroom again and said, ?I can't believe you don't got no damn TV in here. This waiting shit is getting old.?

Then he looked up at Katie and I and after a minute of so he said, ?Okay. I'm about to die from boredom.? Then his eyes travelled from me to Katie and back again and he smiled and said, ?Ok I got an idea.?

He was staring at me, and the smile on his face was bigger now and he said, ?Now I'm gonna make things up to you.? His eyes darted to Katie and back to me, then he added, ?Now I want you to kiss her." I hesitated for a moment, confused. I looked at him, then Katie, then back at the black guy. He tapped the point of the guy on the floor lightly and aid a little louder, "Go ahead?I said kiss her."

I leaned over and kissed Katie lightly on the lips, her eyes were already getting bloodshot.

When I pulled back from Katie and looked back at the black guy he said, "Good, kiss her again.? Then as an after thought the added, ?Make it last a little longer this time.?

I leaned back in and kissed Katie again, making it last longer this time. I was about to break the kiss when I heard the black guy say, ?Good. Keep kissing her and reach down and squeeze one of those big ol? titties."

I guess I should describe Katie a little more. She's actually pretty petit; standing at 5 foot even. She's not a thin little waif of a girl. Not at all, but she's not fat either. People are usually surprised when she tells them that she weighs around 120 lbs. Most people think she weighs a lot less than that, but her large (very large for her frame) 32 D cup breasts add more than you would think to her total weight. Katie's pretty; she had nice full lips, bright blue eyes and long dark brown hair that goes all the way down to the small of her back. Guys, all guys are immediately attracted to her large boobs; they look absolutely huge on her small frame. Katie has said more than once, that every man she's ever met can't seem to take their eyes of them. I can attest that was true (still is) for me, and I seen tons of guys staring at her large breasts all the time.

Anyway, I obliged the black guy's wishes, and while Katie and I held our kiss, I slowly reached down and caressed my wife's left breast through the sheer little cream babydoll top.

While I gently kissed Katie's lips and rubbed her breast through the silky smooth material of the babydoll, I saw the Black guy slowly get up.

He peeked out the window again and then slowly but surely made his way closer to the bed so he could get a better view. At that point, I was wondering just where all this was going. Was this guy just bored like he said and he thought he would get his kicks from making Katie and I make out with each other? Did he intend to force us to actually make love in front of him? Hell, was he going to let Katie and I get him all worked up then **** my wife and kill us both. I actually found myself praying to god that he was just a sick-o voyeur.

I knew I was getting stoned from the weed the guy made us smoke, but I was having a hard time concentrating on kissing and fondling Katie for fear of what he might do it us. Usually by now I would have an erection, but even without looking I knew my dick was trying its damnedest to crawl back up and hide.

I turned my attention to Katie. Hell, she actually had her eyes closed. She didn't look like she was really getting into me kissing her and fondling her breast, but I could feel that the nipple on the breast I was rubbing was getting hard. I doubted that she was getting turned on and chalked up her hardening nipple to just the fact that it was being directly stimulated.

He just stood there near the bed for a couple of minutes, then he said to me, ?Use both hands.?

I saw Katie's eyes click open when he said that, and while I shifted to where I could use both hands on Katie's breasts, she looked at the black guy; just stared at him. When Katie felt my hands rubbing both her breasts, she turned and looked back at me. Her eyes were definitely red now, and they were drooping slightly. She was stoned for sure. Katie's face actually looked like she had a hint of a smile on it as she stared back into my eyes, and leaned in to kiss me.

I was still nervous as heel, but knowing that Katie was kind of out of it a little, actually made me feel a little better. All I could think of was that her mind was probably having a hard time focusing or wrapping around how bad a situation we both were in.

After a minute of so of me fondling and kneading Katie's breasts, the black guy said, ?Yo. Little white girl?? When Katie turned her head and looked at him he continued, ?'reach down there and give your man some payback.?

I couldn't really see my wife's face, but she must have given the black guy a confused look and he let out a sigh and said, ?Reach down and play with his dick or something.?

Katie turned back to me. Her glazed over eyes looked down, then her hand went right to my curled up dick, and she started rubbing my dick. She then slowly looked back up at me, and leaned back in for me to kiss her. When our lips met she slowly closed her eyes, but she kept fondling me dick while I kissed her and played with her breasts.

Then the black guy told Katie to lie back on the bed. Katie dutifully followed his direction, and soon was laid on her back in the middle of the bed. I looked down at my wife lying in the bed. Her large pale pink areolas and nipples were barely obscured by the sheer little babydoll, and her thick, dark brown bush was making a dark triangle in the sheer little cream colored panties.

I looked down at my wife. Katie's eyes were wide, and they darted back and forth between the black guy and me. The black guy turned his attention back to me, and he said, ?I didn't tell you to stop.? I slowly leaned back over my wife, and bend my head down to kiss her, then my hands slowly went back to her breasts. While I kissed her and gently rubbed her breasts, I could see that Katie's eyes weren't nearly as wide now that I was kissing her.

I don't know how I was kissing and rubbing Katie's breasts, but after some time had passed the black guy said, ?Where ya'll keep you toy??

I looked up at him thinking what the hell is he talking about and just then he added, ?Your sex toys?.Where are they??

I looked down at Katie and back at the black guy and didn't say anything. He wasn't looking at me, he was staring at Katie, and when I looked back at my wife I saw her eyes dart back to me.

The black guy let out a little laugh, and when I turned my attention back to him I saw that he was looking over at the dresser drawers. I guess he saw Katie glance of at the dresser, and that's how he knew where we kept our stuff.

He calmly went over to the dresser, and just before he pulled open the top drawer he said, ?I didn't say to stop.?

I leaned back down to kiss Katie, and I laid my hands back on her breasts, but both Katie and I were watching the black guy. He pulled open the top draw, and stuck a hand in and rummaged around in my underwear. He shut it and opened the next drawer, which was socks, and after rummaging a bit, he closed it and went to the third. The third drawer was Katie's bras and underwear. He rummaged in it, and commented more than once on some of Katie's panties, the moved on to the bottom drawer. The bottom drawer is where all our sex stuff is. He rummaged in the bottom drawer and pulled out some leather corsets, and demi-bras, and commented on how sexy Katie must look in them, then dropped them on the floor. Then he pulled out the little leather straps, and cuffs, and blind folds, and laughed as he dumped them on the floor saying, ?I knew ya'll were kinky.? Then he finally found what he was looking for, and he tossed me Katie's little blue gel vibrator and said, ?Use this.?, and he stood back up waiting on us to comply.

I picked up the little blue colored jelly vibe and looked at it, then looked at Katie lying in the bed. Katie's body was stiff, and her legs were pressed hard together. I looked back at the black guy, and he looked at me, and laughed and said, ?Brother?.ya got to get her in the mood ya know.?

All I could think of was how the hell was I going to do that. I looked at Katie again. She looked as sexy as ever. She didn't look terrified or anything, but she definitely didn't look like she was raring to go either. I didn't know where to start, and just kind of sat there beside her looking as her lying there.

The black guy saw my indecision, and he said, ?Why don't you start by feelin? her pussy. Ya know. Get her ready for your little toy there.?

I sat beside my wife's legs, and gingerly reached out and touched the leg closest to me above then knee, and slowly rubbed her leg, letting my hand slowly work its way up my wife's thigh. I couldn't help but think of the black guy watching us, and it was hard to focus on rubbing Katie's leg. I looked up at Katie. She had her arms crossed over her breasts and her eyes closed, like it was all she could do to just lay there and let me get it over with. I spent a couple of minutes massaging her leg and her right hip. I was staring at the dark shadow that her thick brown bush made beneath the thin little panties, and decided that I'd better get on with it. I let my hand drift over to where it was rubbing over the top of her panties. Katie still wasn't moving at all, and her legs were still clamped together. I rubbed up and down the front of her panties, and finally let one finger slide down over her panties and down between her pressed thighs. I went from between her thighs back up to the top of her panties, and back down, over and over again and again. It took a long time but finally Katie shifted one leg, and I had better access to her panty clad pussy.

I rubbed her pussy through her panties a little long, and then to my surprise I felt a little dampness in the sheer little cream colored panties. I look closer at Katie's panties; sure enough I could see a slightly darker spot down under the crotch of her panties. How the hell she was getting wet was beyond me. I continued rubbing her pussy, and even though I was holding the blue jelly vibrator in my other hand, the thought of using the vibe on Katie didn't even cross my mind.

Then I heard the black guy saying, ?Ya that's it. You're finally getting her to relax.? Which of course made Katie force her thighs back together.

The black guy saw Katie clamping her legs shut and he chuckled and said, ?Little white miss. Unless you want me to come over there and do it?you better be opening them legs back up for your man.?

Katie hesitated, but when she heard him take a step closer to the bed, her legs practically flew open.?

Katie was staring at him; a look of fear on her face, and the black guy just smiled at her and said, ?That's better.? Then looking down at me he said, ?You need to eat that white pussy before you go tryin? to stick anything in it. Need to get it good and wet first, else that ain't gonna want to go in your wife's little white pussy.?

I hesitated, trying to decide how I was going to do that. Usually I'd already have had Katie's panties off and her legs would be open and inviting, but this wasn't very much like usual. I really didn't want to pull her panties off and leave her completely bare in from this guy. About that time I saw Katie move her legs a little wider. I looked up at her face, and she was craning her head looking at me through her bloodshot eyes. When she saw me looking back at her, she closed her eyes and laid her head back down on the bed.

I knelt between my wife slightly parted legs, and rubbing a hand up along her leg, I hooked a finger in the crotch of the still damp panties, and as I leaned into her pussy, I moved the crotch of her panties to the side. Katie jumped a little as my tongue first brushed against her thick brown pubes. Slowly but surely I began to lick along the cleft of Katie's pussy. I could smell her pussy, and before long I had the outer labia and cleft pretty wetted with my saliva.

I had begun taking long slow licks right up the cleft between Katie's labia, and I noticed that her legs had managed to spread a little further apart, giving me just enough room to graze the tip of her clit every now an then.

Over my shoulder I heard the black guy say, "Yeah, that's it... that little white pussy tastes good don't it.? Then he added, ?Bet you like that, don't you baby. Ya, I know you like that. All you white women like a good pussy eater.?

I fully expected Katie's legs to clamp down on the sides of my head at hearing the black guy's voice, but they didn't. I peering up through my wife's thick brown bush trying to see my wife's face, but all I could see were her chest and large breasts covered by the babydoll. She still seemed to trying to stay motionless.

After a minute of two I slowly slipped the vibrator into Katie's pussy. She didn't jump when the tip of vibrator touched her labia, and I was surprised to feel her legs moving apart a little and even more surprised that the vibrator seemed to easily glide into her pussy.

I had been slowly working the little blue vibe in and out of Katie's pussy when all of the sudden I head the black guy saying in a hard whisper,? What's fuckin wrong?? It sounded like he was standing right next to me and talking right into to my ear.

I turned my head and sure enough he was right there and he was whispering in my ear. Then he leaned back and said, ?You can't get your dick up with a beautiful woman like this? You a fag r? something??

I looked up at him, I was pissed and I said in a condescending tone, ?Hey. You know?It's not like I don't have a guy holding a gun on me or anything.??

To my surprise he slowly stepped back and after a few long seconds he said, "Relax. I told you I'm not going to hurt you?.either of you. I'm just wantin? to watch?wantin? a show?a good show till dark, then I'm gone.?

Then he looked down at Katie and said, ?Yo come suck on my mans dick.? Then before I could say anything he looked at me and added, ?Nothin like a good blowjob to get a man ready for the main event now is there??

I was about to protest, but before I could I saw that Katie was sitting up and moving toward me. The back guy was waving me to get up and the bed and after fumbling around for a moment I was laying my head down where the pillows should've been. I looked for side to side and guessed that Katie must have knocked them off the bed at some time. Then without missing a beat the black guy turned his attention to Katie and said, ?That's a good wife. She if you can help ya man outta his predicament.?

Katie didn't even really look at me as she moved down towards the foot of the bed. I was craning my neck to see what was going on. Katie was by my knees on the left side of me, and was just reaching over to grab my dick in one hand, her other hand, the one closest to me was helping prop her up. The black guy was at the foot of the bed kind right down from my feet.

Katie was trying to get my lip dick to stand up to where she could actually give me a blowjob, but it wasn't cooperating. I wasn't even remotely hard, and didn't think a crane; much less a blow job was going to give me an erection.

I was straining my neck trying to see as Katie tried to get me hard. As my wife worked on me I noticed that the black guy had moved a little to the left, and I could only see about half of him, the rest was obscured by my wife's body.

I finally let my head fall back to the bed, and heard the black guy saying, ?That's it Brother?.just lay back and let the woman work. She know what she's doin?.?

I lay back in the bed and stared up at the ceiling as I felt my wife's soft warm lips trying to coax my still limp dick up.

Katie was still working on me, her finger were now trying to pump my dick into her mouth as she sucked on me. To my surprise I actually felt myself starting to get a little harder. A minute of two later I was sure that I was definitely getting harder, then about this time I felt Katie jerk a little and I could have sworn she let out a little gasp, but she was still slowly pumping my dick and sucking on me, trying to get me harder..

I craned my neck again and looked down, and watched my wife's head slowly bobbing up and down on my ever hardening dick. The black guy was almost completely obscured by Katie's body and I saw that he had been looking down at my wife's breasts and ass just before he had jerked his head toward me when he saw me lifting my head up to see.

I slowly laid my head back down, but the next time I felt Katie jerk a little I slowly lifted my head and I could see that the black guy's gun was now in the other hand, and the hand that was holding the gun looked like it was feeling my wife's breast through her babydoll nightie as she sucked on me. I slowly lowered my head and could feel my dick began to shrivel up again. I guess Katie felt it too and she increased the pace of her sucking and pumping of my still semi-hard dick.

Then I heard the black guy saying, ?Fuck yeah, that's hot.? I craned my neck to see, and saw that he was watching Katie's face, lips intensely as she blew me. He kept talking adding, ?Suck his fuckin dick, Bitch. Yeah, that's it. Pump that dick into your sweet white lips. Fuck ya. That's what I'm talkin? ?bout. You one sexy little white thing ya know it. Daaaamn. That's even makin' me firkin hot."

My head fell back to the bed, and as I laid there I couldn't help but focus on what I thought I had seen. Did the black guys really have his hand on my wife's breast, or did it just look that way. I wasn't really sure he had been fondling her breast, but I thought he was. I could actually feel my dick getting harder as those thoughts creep into my head. I slowly raised my head again to look, and this time there was no mistake. The black guy wasn't feeling up my wife's breast. Fuck no. He was openly running his black hand over and around my wife's panty clad ass. AS I stared at his hand rubbing Katie's ass, I saw his hand disappear down the back of her ass, and I felt my wife jerk a little as his hand went up under her and he rubbed her pussy through her panties.

I don't know what was coming over me, but once I realized what he had done, I got a rock hard erection. I craned my neck again and looked at Katie. Her eyes were closed and she was dutifully sucking and pumping away at my now hard dick. I looked towards her panty clad ass, and I could see that the black guy was now running the palm of his hand back and forth over Katie's pussy. He was cupping her pussy, then running his hand up the crack of her ass all the way up on top, then he would go right back down again feeling her pussy and fingering her.

He glanced over at me, not attempting to hide what he was doing, then he looked down at Katie's face as she sucked my dick and he announced, ?"Okay. Now it's time to get busy.? Then he said, ?White girl?.you on top. ?

I was looking at him while he was speaking and I clearly see his cock making his sweats tent a little. Then he took a couple of steps back toward the middle of the bed, and I actually saw that his semi-hard cock was bouncing around like he wasn't wearing shorts under his sweats. As I laid my head back on the bed, the image of the big lump of a dick bouncing around loose in his sweats disgusted me.

Katie had crawled over my legs and was facing me, and we both looked at each other. Her eyes were still bloodshot, but she didn't look like she was afraid, or even embarrassed. She wasn't smiling or anything like that, but it kinda looked like she had resolved herself to having to go through the motions of making love to me, and generally doing what ever the black guy told her to do until he left. She was straddling my legs and knee crawling up towards my chest when the black guys said, ?Naw Not like. Girl turn yourself around.?

Katie gave me a look like ?oh well?, then slowly moved around to where her ass was facing me. I looked at my wife's beautiful heart heaped ass hover over my stomach, and at the sheer little cream colored panties. I was dumb struck to see that the thin, sheer material of my wife's panties looked completely wet. The wet panties looked almost transparent, and I could actually see my wife's coarse brown pubic hairs clearly through her wet panties.

Once she had gotten kind of in the right position I noticed the black guy was standing right in front on my feet, and Katie still sitting on my lower stomach was facing him. I watched as my wife rose up a little and then saw her hand reaching down between her legs. Her fingers hooked on the crotch of her wet panties, and she gingerly pulled the crotch of the wet panties all the way to the side, leaving it lodged in the right crease that her leg and then she stretched her panties until most of it was wrapped around his right ass cheek. Then she lifted up higher, and he hand returned between her legs and while looking down she grasped my hard dick and lined it up with her pussy.

Katie's upper body was bent down pretty low over my legs as she kind of pushed her pussy back onto my dick. I could feel the cool damp hairy of her bushy wet pussy brushing against the tip of my dick, and then almost instantly I felt the wet warmness of my wife's pussy enveloping my hard dick as she slowly pushed back. The warm wetness slowly, effortlessly glided back on my dick until I was all the way inside her hot little pussy. I can't ever remember having such an intense sensation as I felt right then, nor could I ever remember sliding into my wife as easily as I just did.

Katie then raise up her body by walking her shoulders back on her fingertips, and she shifted her legs further up under herself to where it looked like she was sitting upright, impaled on my dick. I could just see the top of the black guys head as he looked down at my wife straddling me a mere few feet in front of him. Then Katie slowly rose up, and I could feel her pussy gently sliding up my shaft and she eclipsed the black guy from my view.

My wife was slowly and steadily rising and falling on my rock hard dick, and before long I found myself holding her by the hips as she controlled the tempo of our love making. Every now and then I would catch a glimpse of the black guy when he looked around my wife's rising and falling form to check on me. Every time he had a grin of his face and he would nod to me with I looked at him. I knew that the black guy was positioned such that he could watch my beautiful wife riding me. He could watch her breast, and see my dick going in and out of her pussy the whole time, and I was afraid for Katie, but knew that she was probably keeping her eyes tightly closed while we degraded our self in front of the black guy.

The black guy hadn't said much, which was kind of strange to me. During this whole degrading process he had directed us, and commented to us, but now he was quiet. I tried to look around my wife's rising and falling body, but I couldn't really see him; the side of an arm or maybe the side of a leg was all I could see. I had giving up trying and was now fully focusing on the sensations from me dick as Katie's pussy continued to bring me to higher and higher levels or arousal. I had just flopped my head to the side and was staring at the dresser, then over to the closed drapes on the window, when I thought I saw something move on the dresser. I scanned the dress and sure enough there it was again. Katie's little round makeup mirror was on top of the dresser, and in the mirror I could make out the small image of my wife riding me and image of the black guy standing in front of her.

I stared at the mirror and saw that the black guy's right hand was firmly attached to my wife's breast. The bastard was actually squeezing and fondling my wife's breast as she rode up and down my dick. His hand switched positions and now he was cupping her large breast, almost cradling it in his hand, then he moved his hand and he was pinching and gently puling at Katie's nipple. I looked at my wife's back, and noticed that she hadn't changed the tempo of given me any indication that the black guy was messing with her breasts as she continued to go up and down on my dick. I quickly looked back in the mirror and I swear to god the Katie had her eyes open and was looking at he black guy as she continued to fondle and squeeze her breast. Then I watched as the black guy started lowering his hand down. It looked like he and Katie had locked their eyes to each other to whole time his hand slowly descended down the front of her stomach. Then I felt Katie twitch on top of me, and it kind of sounded like she moaned a little, but the rhythm of her rising and falling didn't falter. I stared hard at the mirror and saw that the black guy was keeping his hand down in my wife pussy. I could see the muscles in his forearm working and I knew he was working his fingers around Katie's pussy. Then when I focused on my wife's face I saw she had her eyes closed, and her face looked relaxed despite what he was doing to her, and despite the fact that she was fuckin' me. I focused again on the black guys hand buried in my wife's pubes, and knew he must be playing with her clit. Hell anything else and I would have felt it. I looked back at my wife's face in the mirror and could tell that she had her eyes open again and she and the black guy were just staring at each other.

Suddenly the black guy said, ?That's it. You can stop now.?

Katie froze and I tried to crane my neck to see what he was doing. I saw he move around to the side of the bed near the dresser and quickly lean over then he popped right back up. Then as he moved back around towards the foot of the bed he said, I think I'm gonna need to tie you guys up now.?

A flashing of panic went through me, but it subsided when he added, ?Getting? dark and I need to be getting? outta here.? He was holding what little bondage stuff that Katie and I had; the flat nylon straps and the pink fur lined cuffs. He motioned Katie to get off of me and said, ?Sorry to do this, but I can't have you nice folks callin? the cops before I get outta your yard now can I??

Then nonchalantly he pointed the gun in my direction and said, "You're first.? Then he directed me over to the corner and he backed into the master bathroom and pulled the Katie's makeup chair out behind me. The make up chair was actually one of our dining room chairs that Katie kept in the bathroom so she would have someplace to sit when she put on her make up or did her toe nails. He slid the chair over to the corner and then moved around behind it and told me to sit down.

As I watched him dragging the chair behind him, I noticed that something was wrong with his sweats. Then I realized that his dick was hard and it was tenting the crotch of the sweats towards his left leg. I stared at his left leg and realized that the tenting started at the crotch and continued down the inside of his left leg down to damn near his knee. Suddenly I found myself thinking ?Hell he must be huge.?

He motioned me to sit in the chair and I sat down. He then made his way behind me and told me to put my hands through the rungs in the back of the chair. Then I felt the fur of the pink handcuffs against my wrist and heard the click as he locked the cuff around both my wrists. Then I felt a tugging of the cuff around my wrists and heard another click, then another. I tried to turn around to see what he had done, but couldn't twist that far.

As the black guy made he way back over to his little bag, I quickly bent over and looked under the chair. It really hurt my arms, and I couldn't see much of anything, but when I turn hard to look over my shoulder, I saw the edge of the radiator, and guessed that he had clipped the second cuff to part of the radiator. I jerked my head back up just in time to hear the popping sound of the black guy pulling off a length of duct tap. I was guessing that he had it in his bag, but before I had finished that thought he firmly pressed the length of duct tap over my mouth.

Then he turned his back to me and faced Katie on the bed and he calmly said, ?Ok hot thing?.Your turn.? Then