Now That Fall Is Here

by Stephen Copyright 1997, all rights reserved.


Harriet looked across the kitchen table to the stranger, her husband of twelve years, the Sunday paper between them as impenetrable a barrier as the Berlin Wall. It was a mistake not to have had children, she thought. She reached for a cigarette and a lighter. He hadn't even noticed the red splotches on her neck and breasts, still visible after thirty-six hours. You would think a husband would wonder about something like that. At least raise an eyebrow. She exhaled an irritated stream of smoke and watched it curl up and over the sports section he held with the same fierce grip he used for the steering wheel of his Lexus. She was rewarded with an absent minded wave of his hand dispersing the smoke. Alright, she decided.



"Matthew, would you look at me please."

"Yes, what is it, Harriet?" He looked up, pushed his glasses back up his nose and offered her his unfocused gaze.

Harriet stubbed her cigarette into the ashtray until the paper split and its tobacco scattered. His tone-and the way he drew out and stressed the syllables of her name- told her that he was not prepared to suffer her interruption graciously. Good. His annoyance only fortified her.

"I've been seeing someone, Matthew. For over a month now. I don't want to hide it from you any longer."

Matthew moved his lips, but no sound issued. His expression seemed to her more like puzzlement than anger. She sat back in her chair.


He spoke so softly that she almost could just barely hear the word. Is this, she wondered, the feeble bellow of the wounded male beast?

The newspaper drooped in his hand until it lay flat on the table. He stared at her, blinking eyelids his only sign of life. He even appeared to have stopped breathing.

"It just happened." She brushed a stray curl away from her forehead. "And once it happened I didn't want it to stop." She paused, thinking that said it all, but knowing that her husband would hardly find that sufficient to explain why his faithful wife of twelve years no longer was. Well, still his wife, at least, but, anyway, no longer faithful.

"You're . . . dating someone, Harriet?"

His voice was gathering strength now. The coming storm? "I don't know if you'd call it "dating." We don't go very far. I mean we go all the way, but not to dinner or the theater." Harriet knew that hadn't come out right.

"You're SLEEPING with him?"

This was the very first time she had ever seen a person's eyes bulge out. And so very satisfying at last to have her husband's complete attention. "I hardly have any time to sleep with him, Matthew. I'm fucking him."

"How long has this been- How many . . " His voice trailed off.

"Just about every day. Since July. He comes by on the way to work. I take a long lunch hour and come home. You know how slow it is at work during August."

"You're fucking someone in my bed, Harriet?"

The calm and precise delivery of that sentence told her that he was gathering his anger. Gathering his anger to protect himself, she knew, she understood, but still she fingered the vial of Mace she'd thought earlier -just in case- to slip into the pocket of her robe. "It's my bed too, Matthew."

"Alright, in OUR bed. You're fucking someone in OUR bed!"

"Well, Matthew, where else would I fuck him?"

He exhaled sharply and shook his head, as if the last, out of all she'd said, was the most offensive.

Matthew became very busy moving the various sections of the newspaper spread out in front of him. "Where did you meet this man?" He looked up. "Did you go looking to find this . . . adultery."

"Of course not. Carol introduced us."

"My SISTER introduced you?"

"She wasn't playing matchmaker. She just introduced us. She didn't know what was going to happen."

"When did this happen?"

"When she and Herb had us over to their country club the July 4th weekend."

"You met your lover while you were with me?"

"That's not all."

"What do you mean, 'that's not all?'"

Harriet did not answer.

"Who is he?"

"One of the lifeguards at the pool there."

"Oh, so he's young then? In his early twenties?"


"And strong? In great shape?

"Yes to all of the above."

"Good looking?"

"Have you ever seen a lifeguard who wasn't?"

"Do you love him?"

"Matthew! Of course not. I love you."

"Then why are you fucking him?"

"Sex, Matthew. I am fucking him for sex."

"Where was I when all this was going on?"

"You were right there."

"I was right there?"

"Yes. It was after lunch when we were sitting by the pool. You and Herb were talking. Paul -his name is Paul- walked by where Carol and I were playing cards. Carol, I guess, already knew him and he stopped to talk -flirting, really- -first with her, then with me. He was smiling and flirting and then he noticed that I was staring at the bulge in his trunks. I didn't mean to be so obvious, but I was wondering if he'd stuffed a pair of socks down there or what. He looked awfully big. So anyway, he saw where my eyes were and then he was smiling at me and asked Carol to introduce us. You weren't paying any attention. You were arguing with Herb about something. Football, I think."

"Is he fucking Carol too?"

"I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask her."

"So then what happened?"

"Carol and I were thirsty and decided to get something to drink. Paul walked us to the clubhouse. I could tell that he liked me and that he didn't want the conversation to end so quickly. And he knew that I was very attracted to him."

"Harriet, how could he possibly know so much so fast?"

"Well, Matthew, I guess it must be a distant memory for you since it's been a while since you flirted with anybody -including me, I'm sorry to say- but it's all done with the eyes. Affairs of the heart always begin with the eyes."

"By the time we got to the clubhouse Paul and I understood each other perfectly. We'd kind of reached a silent agreement."

"In two minutes? It only takes two minutes to walk from the pool to the clubhouse."

"I told you it happened fast."

"I don't understand. What kind of quote silent agreement could you possibly reach on this two minute walk to the clubhouse?"

"My nipples were hard. You know how prominent my nipples are when I'm aroused."

"God, yes. What were you wearing that day? I don't remember."

"Oh, just shorts and a cotton top, nothing special. But the top was kinda thin. And it was a hot day and I wasn't wearing a bra. So my nipples were standing and I could feel them tingle. And my clit was tingling too. And I knew that I was already moist and was sure that my scent was wafting off to him, to his unconscious. And his unconscious must have told his cock to get hard because I saw that the bulge at his crotch was even bigger then before. So there we were, lingering in the doorway of the clubhouse, he staring at my tits and smiling and me smiling and staring at his erection. Neither of us was in any hurry to part so we just stood there grinning at each other.

"I see," said Matthew. His eyes were half shut and he was swaying from side to side.

"Neither of us was in a hurry to part . . . grinning at each other, staring. Carol had no idea that something was going on between us and I was trying to think of some way we could get away from her when suddenly someone called out to her and told us she'd be right back and went off. And then Paul said, 'Come on, I want to show you something.' And he took my arm and practically dragged me off the patio. Not that I resisted."

"No, of course not."

Was that a smile on her husband's face? "Well, I was really turned on, Matthew. I was HOT. And knowing that he was hot because I was hot and I was hot because he was hot . . .made me hotter and hotter with each passing second. It was an involuntary response of my body. The lips of my cunt were already opening to receive his cock."

"Involuntary, yes, no doubt."

"So, anyway, we made a turn and then another turn and he took me into a small office, closes and locks the door and lifts me onto a desk, pulls off my shorts, drops his and as my arms are closing around his neck, the tip of his cock is already sliding into me and then he's completely filling me and we're fucking as if the world were about to end. It was so incredible! It didn't even last a minute. We were so hot that we both came right away. We spent more time getting dressed and exchanging phone numbers then we did fucking! Can you believe it? I was back at the entrance to the clubhouse before Carol. She never even knew that I'd been gone."

"So you sat there for the rest of the day with some stranger's cum dripping out of you."

Well, I did think to stop off at the ladies room, but decided against it. Do you know why? I sat there all day with you and Carol and Herb and Paul's sperm inside me. I loved it! I felt powerful over you and wanton fucking someone right under your nose. You must think that sounds wicked. But it's not. It's lusty. I felt lusty, a feeling I hadn't felt for a long time."

"Now what? You intend to keep seeing this man?"

"Yes, Matthew, I do intend to keep seeing him. It's only sex. Are you jealous?"

"Of course I'm jealous! My wife is fucking some jock athlete fifteen years younger than me."

"As well you should be. I think it's good sometimes for a husband to be jealous. Maybe now you'll pay more attention to me. Be more thoughtful" She smiled and licked her lips. "Maybe even a jealous husband would try harder to please his wife in bed. Paul fucked me four times this week. And you haven't even once since last weekend. You wanna try to catch up?"

Matthew just sat there and stared at her. Finally he shook his head and said, "You're just making this up, aren't you? You think I haven't been paying you enough attention and you're trying to . . uh, get my attention. There is no Paul. None of this ever happened. Right? You're just making this up."

Harriet sighed. "See for yourself, Matthew." She took her nightgown in both hands and hoisted it up to her neck. Her breasts, still red and splotchy from her lover's mouth, tumbled free and jiggled for a moment She arched her back and thrust them forward before her husband. "Do you see? How swollen they are? Paul loves my breasts. He can't keep his mouth from them."

Matthew leaped to his feet and his chair flew backwards and overturned. Harriet gasped. He was going to beat her! As he came around the table she grabbed for the Mace in her pocket, but the nightgown was all bunched up around her neck and then he was upon her, seizing her by the shoulders and pulling her to her feet. She almost fainted, but then, as his bathrobe swirled, she saw his cock erect and quivering and glistening with precum. She had just enough time to throw her arms around his neck as he lifted her off of her feet. With their eyes and mouths locked together, he carried her into their bedroom.

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