My Descent into Cuckoldry Part 6. Coffee Shop Humiliation.


We made our way to a coffee shop at the top of a department store and found ourselves a table, despite it being quite busy. The tables were close to each other which was not ideal as I wanted to talk to Diane about the dress and shoes. Fortunately, we had a partition on one side so only one table to our other side, with two women chatting away, engrossed in their conversation. I felt that if I talked quietly, they wouldn’t overhear. I went to the counter and got some coffee and cake and returned to Diane.

”Diane,” I started “You never said that the party was to be fancy dress. Why do I have to go as a schoolgirl rather than as a boy?”

“I did tell you, obviously you weren’t paying attention, and don’t be so precious - it’s a fancy dress for goodness sake, it’s just for fun, it‘ll be a laugh. Don’t be a spoilsport.”

”But it‘s cost me the best part of £200…..” I began to say. She slapped my face, drawing the attention of the women at the table next to us.

Not attempting to keep her voice down, said “I‘m disappointed by your inability to perform in bed and now you disappoint me further by complaining about the party that I have been looking forward to.” She turned to the women at the next table and taking the photograph of me naked apart from the cock ring and cage, she showed it to them and said “He can’t keep hard for me. I have him locked in this in the vain hope that denial will help improve his performance” They looked at the photo, then at me. I was cringing with embarrassment but also because they might cause an even bigger disturbance by calling for the manager.

As it was, they burst into giggles, one of them said, ”Young lady, you are a very attractive woman, you could have any man you wanted, women don’t have to put up with the things that they used to have to put up with anymore. I applaud you for asserting yourself." She then turned to me and said, “You are a lucky man to have such a gorgeous partner, she’s above your class, if I were you, I wouldn’t push my luck, particularly with your obvious inadequacy in bed that I wouldn’t tolerate.”

“Well, she’s right. You can either stop whinging and come to the party in your new dress, or you can leave now and never see me again.” said Diane “What’s it to be?”

The woman was right, Diane was out of my class. I had lost several girlfriends already and Diane was the most attractive woman I’d ever been with. Nice ordinary girls hadn’t solved my problem. Diane was prepared to tolerate and even help me. Under the stares of Diane and these two women, with my head hung low in embarrassment, I meekly said, “I‘ll wear the dress at the fancy dress party, Diane."
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