I was only able to sleep about four or five hours before I woke up in a terrible fit of guilt over all my mistakes from the day before. Or at least I wanted to believe it that way. I knew a lot of my insomnia was related to what I had done with Mack. I couldn’t get the feel of his cock out of my mind or the strength of his arms as he so easily set me down on it. A quick feel between my legs told me where my true guilt was centered.

I finally had to get out of bed when I found I couldn’t stop thinking about what Jason had said about not being able to stay with me if I couldn’t balance my sex life. I saw my cell phone on the charger and decided to call Abby. One last lie I had told Jason was that I wouldn’t tell anyone about the three men. Actually, it was one of those lies by omission; I didn’t tell him that I had already partially told Abby about them. I had to make sure she buried her knowledge as a life long secret. I went outside and sat on a wall to call her so I wouldn’t wake up Jason.

Needless to say, she was happy that I called her. I started out by telling her what had happened, to some extent, after I had gone looking for Jason. Somehow, she sidetracked me into telling her all about Mack and I went on and on about him until she finally broke in and said, “So, you’re still thinking about leaving Jason for him then? I mean, you’ve been talking nonstop for quite a while about the guy.”

My guilt came rushing back to me and I found it necessary to tell her what Jason had told me. It was just as hard for her to believe his quagmire as it had been for me. At first she went off about how in a weird way she had helped me get the best of both worlds; the very thing that had started all this crap. But as I began expressing my doubts over whether any guy could handle that kind of situation, that much emasculation to an all ready fragile male ego; she agreed that I could be setting the both of us up for the ultimate downfall.

I told her repeatedly how sincere I felt Jason was and how he even took all the intimate details I had told him in stride. We went over and over all the ins and outs of such an open relationship and it kept coming back to two things; it would be great if we could work out such a relationship, but how impossible it would be for Jason to live with that much emasculation. I kept remembering how Mack’s parting shot at Jason was to call him a queer. I could imagine other guys being even worse.

Abby finally came up with an idea that seemed mean and cruel at first, but made perfect sense in another way. Test him! As she explained her thoughts on the issue, I kept seeing both sides fairly well.

The idea was pretty simple. I’d tell Jason that I don’t think he could handle what he had proposed, and then test him on it. If he couldn’t handle it, there was no way I could stay with him and make him feel horrible everyday of his life. If he really could block out what I did to him, then over time I could prove to him that he was enough to keep me satisfied.

After I realized that I had been on the phone for nearly two hours, I told Abby that I had to get back before Jason woke up. I ran back to the room to see I was too late and saw him setting at the table with a blank stare on his facce. I told him I had to make a call and his attitude already seemed a little annoyed, so I pointed out how what he had told me wouldn’t work if the first time I was on the phone he got jealous.

“You see, right there! I went out to make one call and you’re already pissy over thinking I was sneaking around to call Mack. I don’t even know his number. See!” I thrust my phone at him, but he wouldn’t look at the screen.

“I didn’t think you called him. I would hope that sneaking around to do that wouldn’t be the way you’d handle things.” He had such a blank stare.

I asked him, “So why are you so down then?”

“Because I assumed you called Abby,” and then fell silent again.

I understood everything he was saying. She had started all this and now I ran right back to hook her up with all the details; and he knew it.

“I’m sorry, Jay, but she’s been my best friend forever and my confidant. She’s fucked us up so bad now that she would never say a word to anyone about this. And I didn’t go into things that much, but I did have to ask her about us. I needed her input to know if she thinks what you proposed is workable. I want us to stay together, but I can’t hurt you anymore.”

He took a long, deep breath and asked, “So what did the wise old bitch say? You leaving or staying?”

I overlooked the insult, mostly because she certainly deserved it. And then I decided to get it over with right away.

“I’m going on another date tonight.”

Jason snapped his head my way and retorted, “That was quick!”

“Look, the one thing the ‘bitch’ got right was that I have to be sure you can deal with this. If you can’t, then I’m leaving. Because if you can’t believe that I can be satisfied with you alone, then I’m not sticking around just to make your life a living hell the other way. So, I’m telling you now, I’m going out tonight.”

I waited for his reaction, and though he wasn’t a happy camper, he didn’t seem to be very jealous. I asked him if we wanted me to leave instead, but it turned out that he seemed sincerely worried about something else.

“Who are you going to meet?”

I asked, “Does that really matter? I thought it was up to me.”

He looked up at me from the table and said, “Of course it matters and yes it’s your choice, but there are a couple of things I would hope you would respect. I would hope that you could stay away from my friends, and that you don’t do anything stupid; like pick up a stranger every time.”

“Well,” I replied, “I don’t know anyone else around here. And I want to get this over with so I know where I’m headed. You wouldn’t want me to see Mack again, would you?”

Waiting for his answers was really wearing on me, but I really felt like he was trying to be honest. I felt evil just bringing up Mack’s name, but I didn’t have any other real options. It was either go trolling for a hook up, or keep a date I had never expected to happen when I made it. Finally, he spoke up.

“At least you know him and you said he was acceptable. It’s a lot better than worrying if you’re going to come home alive or not.”

“I understand what you mean, but even if I did do that, I’d have to go to his place. There’s no way I’m coming back here with him.”

Again Jason had a problem. He didn’t like the idea of me going to his place. He was right, though. I didn’t know much about him except that we had been a good fit for sex. Going to his place could be very dangerous considering how easy it had been to find friends to do what they had done to Jason last night.

“Well, if he is the one I choose, then I’ll make him get a room here at the motel. I know what you mean and you’re right.” I wondered what Jason would be doing while I was out making my point, but I just couldn’t bring myself to ask such an embarrassing question. What I was doing to him was bad enough.

The rest of the day went pretty smooth despite the nervous tension. I finally got Jay to start kissing me again and then wondered if he would want to after my date. It was so weird thinking about cheating on him without hiding a thing from him. I reminded Jay of how badly I had flipped out when I thought he had cheated on me and I knew I couldn’t handle this situation in reverse. That thought kept weighing heavy on my mind.

Every moment I was alone, I tried figuring out what I would do for my date. I thought about calling one of my old boyfriends from back home, but even if they did drive the two hours to come out here to see me, then it might get back to one of Jason’s friends. That was totally unacceptable to me. I was beginning to resign myself to having only one option if I wanted to get this out of the way. That thought brought up a new one. If things did go satisfactorily tonight, I could be opening a very big can of worms. I wouldn’t want to make a habit out of this behavior, but just thinking about the first strange fuck I had had in a year was keeping me feeling very wet.

It was getting harder and harder to keep from thinking of all the guys I had made the rounds with before meeting Jason. A different guy nearly every weekend, in different places, and even different positions made the thought of this proposal very entertaining to me libido. As hard as I tried to deny the upside of such an open relationship, it kept creeping back into my thoughts.

I never really admitted it to myself or Jason all day, but I knew Mack was my only option for tonight. By four o’clock I essentially even stopped thinking of any other possibilities. That meant that all I did have to think about was Mack and what it had been like fucking him last night. And things got really weird when Jay and I went out to eat. I couldn’t get my mind off what I was about to do, and Jason wanted me to talk about why I was so silent. On the one hand I felt guilty saying anything about my impending date, but on the other hand this whole thing was about gauging what Jason could truly tolerate. The closer the time came to making the inevitable happen, it seemed like Jason was handling things better than I was and that got me to thinking about our future together. Finally!

We were lying on the bed watching TV at eight o’clock and Jason had his arm around me when I realized I couldn’t put it off any longer. I’d been on pins and needles for the last hour over how I would tell Jason that I needed to get ready to go out, and when I pulled away from his arm I felt so guilty. When he asked me where I was going, I bit my lower lip and looked down at the bed. All he said was, “Oh!”

There was a hint of jealousy to his tone, so I decided to press it a little. A part of me wanted him to tell me to call it all off, but another part of me was being led solely by my hormones. “I’m sorry, hun, but I have to get ready, I need to take a shower and make myself presentable.”

“Have you decided who it’ll be,” he asked me?

“I guess you were right. It’d be dangerous to just go trolling for some stranger. It sort of has to be Mack. I’m sorry. I know it would be easier on you if it was a different guy, but tonight isn’t really about be easy on you, is it? I promise to make it as short as possible though.”

I walked away to the bathroom and the second I closed the door, I went into another world. I was really going to do this and I felt like a school girl all over again. There was just something about the hunk I was heading out for that made my clit tingle in anticipation; which was really weird since he had barely hit it the last time. I hopped into the shower, but no matter what I did I couldn’t stop the vibration in my nerves. I just couldn’t get it out of my mind what I was getting ready to do. When I finished my shower, I realized that I hadn’t set out any clothes and that meant walking back to the dresser. I decided to use it as sort of a flaunt to see how Jason reacted.

After toweling off, I wrapped the towel around me and went for my clothes. I saw Jason looking at me in the mirror as I bent over to put together an outfit. I felt horrible over what I was doing to him, so I walked over to the bed to make him an offer.

“Look, we both know why I have to do this. But that doesn’t mean you have to be left out. I guess what I’m saying is, you want to have at me first?”

I felt so much better when he gave me a genuine laugh at how ridiculous my offer had sounded. So, I stood up and pulled the towel away teasingly showing one boob and then the other, and asking, “Want a little of this, or maybe some of this.”

Considering what I was putting his manhood through, what little of it he had left, he was still able to laugh over my childish actions. I started feeling a whole lot better about the night and headed back to the bathroom to get dressed. Again, as the door closed I got all excited, but now I was a whole lot less apprehensive. When I was done dressing and fixing my hair, I was ready to splash on a little make up. I went out to sit at the table and I just couldn’t believe I was getting ready to go pick up a guy and my real boyfriend was sitting on the bed watching me. There was a lot of whore coming out of me at that moment.

I was headed back to the bathroom and got my first real hint that Jason was still looking out for me, but in a weird kinda way. He asked me if I really wanted to wear the bulky sweater style top I had on. He pointed out that if Mack didn’t really like what he had gotten the night before, the sweater top wasn’t going to be making it easier to pick him up. I knew he was right and asked about my rose colored pullover that was more form fitting. He told me I could pick up a blind man with that, so I changed into it.

The clock said it was nine and I took a deep breath and went to kiss Jason goodbye. He turned his head away from me and I got so sad, but then when he explained why and I couldn’t stop staring at him.

Jay told me, “I don’t think he would like to know you kissed me one moment and then him the next. Besides, I’ve been watching you get all psyched up getting ready for him, and I don’t want to derail you.”

I bent over his face and kissed him anyway, and said, “That’s too bad for him. And don’t you think I can handle two love affairs at once?”

I bit my lip and made a last kissing motion before leaving. All the way walking across the road to the bar I wanted to cry one second and then skip the next. If Mack did show up; that meant that he was there for me and I would surely be getting laid again shortly. And if he didn’t show I was going to have to hang out and lie my ass off to Jason, because one way or another I wanted him to have to deal with the thought that I had been laid.

The minute I got inside, I began looking all over the bar in hopes of “bumping” into him. After I searched the whole place, I saw he wasn’t there and I spiraled into a mental head trip that would baffle a shrink for a month. I felt so let down and oddly abandoned, but I really had no right to feel that way. I was on my second drink and perhaps my third invitation to leave the bar with some stranger when I saw Mack walk in the front doors. I went into my auto teeney bopper mode and pretended not to see him. When he finally made his way to me, he had no qualms about forcing my head up to participate in a long, drawn out kiss that really lit my fire. He even tried to run his hand up the inside of my thigh right there at the main bar. I slapped it away and told him he had to show me a little finesse before he got any further.

And here it was just five minutes after meeting up with Mack, trying to figure out just how low I could go in my endeavor to test Jason; or in the reality of the moment, bed Mack. I was standing at the door to our motel room and asking myself just how cruel I was going to keep being to Jason, but now that I was ignited into a severe case of pantie sweats, I had to ask him. I went through the door and he was still on the bed waiting for my date to end; which he was probably thinking had already happened.

“Actually, I’m here for a very disturbed reason. You see, I met up with Mack, but he only has ten dollars on him.” I took another deep breath and laid it out for him. “He can’t afford a room, so I either have to ask you to borrow some of your money, or ask you… to leave for a little while. You don’t have to do either, but I don’t want to blow what few rules we’ve agreed to, to make this work.”

Jason replied with, “I guess you’re going to have to wait for another night then.”

I was a little frustrated, quite unfairly to him, but frustrated anyways. “No, it’s going to happen someplace. Things have gone a little too far to just back out now. Maybe if we’re quick we can go behind the…” I bit my lip and apologized to Jason. I know he had to think I was rubbing it in to him over what had happened behind the bar to him.

Jay got off the bed and told me that he would go for a walk for a few hours. I told him he really didn’t have to do that and berated him for thinking I would allow things to last that long. When he had made his mind up to let us use the room, I told him to give us an hour but he seemed sure that it would take longer.

“I’m going to fuck him, Jason, not make love to him. We take hours to finish; this should take about ten minutes.” I felt like such a slut saying that to him. But when he went for the door, I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and thanked him for letting us use the room. Obviously, leaving so that his love could have at another man had to tear at his manhood.

I got a little pissed when he opened the door and Mack was right there in his face. “I asked you to wait in the car.” I knew he wanted to rub all this in Jason’s face and asked him to leave, but he wouldn’t.

As Jason walked by him, Mack said to him, “You can stay if you want and see how a real man fucks a pretty little thing like this.” I wanted to smash in his face, and then he added to Jason’s humiliation by saying to me quite loudly, “He’s just looking to get some more man-meat himself; let him go.”

I shushed him up and all but pushed him into our room. I felt so bad for Jason, but I was standing there next to the guy I’d been dreaming about all day and needed to get fucked in the worse way; so getting all bitchy on him wasn’t a good way to go about it. It occurred to me then that Jason might be exposed to stuff like that more in the future if tonight went the right way.

Even in Mack’s arms as he was priming me for his use, I couldn’t get Jason’s face out of my mind as he left the room knowing exactly what we were going to be doing. Mack realized I wasn’t fully into the moment and in his jock-ish way tried to ease my discontent.

Mack sighed heavily over my dilemma and said, “Look, the little fucker is what he is. He never would have let this happen if he wasn’t a fag. You’ll see when he gets back. My friends told me that it took very little to get him working for them last night.”

I really wasn’t about to take relationship advice from someone like Mack, but he had a way of making me think differently about things. I told him Jason wasn’t gay and that I wished he would stop assuming so. Then the big, dumb jock left me thinking such perverse thoughts when he made one last effort to enjoy the moment.

“Okay, if that’s what you want to believe, but there’s an easy way to find out.”

I looked up at him and asked, “How?”

“When he gets back, just tell him what you told me. You know, about being an expert at eating pussy. Put him to work on you. If he eats cream pie then he likes cock. If he won’t do it, you’re right; but I know you’re not.”

I proclaimed, “It’s bad enough that I’m throwing you in his face; I couldn’t even begin to ask him to do that. Besides, no guy would ever do that, gay or not.”

Mack perturbed me with his smile and put one more effort into making me see things differently. “Of course he’s going to pretend not to like it; at first. You’re gonna have to talk him into it, maybe even demand it a little, but if you can get him down there after another guy just fucked you, he’s queer as all hell. My buddies have gotten a lot of blowjobs from kids like him and they know what they saw.”

Mack spun me around and pulled me to his chest as he ran his hands up under my top to fondle my boobs. The images he had just placed into my head began gnawing at me and I found myself asking, “Did they all really get blowjobs from him? If that’s true, he did three guys in the same time it took you to fuck me.”

I looked over my shoulder at Mack’s face and he again said it had happened. And still not being able to get it out of my mind I begged to know, “What’s it like… for the guy doing it, I mean? Have you ever made a guy suck you off? That has to be so hard on the poor guy.”

Mack told me that he had his share of blowjobs from guys and almost made it sound like a normal thing to do. This was a whole new concept for me and even as he ran his hands down and forced them into the front of my shorts, I couldn’t get the picture of Jason getting forced to his knees out of my mind. It had to be the heat within me that was doing it to me, but I had the wildest compulsion to see a guy give another guy a blowjob right then. I couldn’t wait any longer and began stripping my own clothes off along with helping Mack out of his.

Mack began pulling me to the bed and I pulled back. I suddenly realized that I would be asking Jason to sleep in the very bed that we were about to use for sex and felt bad about doing that to him. I told Mack that I could get fucked on my back anytime and wanted something different from our rendezvous. He looked around the room and pulled me over to the dresser, and bent me over it.

I remembered another time when a boyfriend had done something quite similar to this with me and waited for him to nail me. At first, it seemed like I was a little too tight for him because of my nervousness, but he reached down and lifted my right leg up to place it on the top of the dresser. That left me wide open for him and in seconds I felt him sliding balls deep into me. Again, all I could think about was how easily he wielded that tool of his. Despite its thickness, his cock just seemed to slide right into me like I was its glove.

When I heard myself moaning like an injured cat, I grinned over something Abby had once told me. She had said that you really know when it’s a great fuck when you realize the moaning you hear is coming from yourself. Mack was proving her right and I was becoming aware of a very sick thought as he worked my pussy into a worn piece of flesh. Both Jason and Abby were right when they said I had been missing the old days. Laying there as I was and allowing Mack to use me like a cheap whore was something I had been missing over the past year. Jason was a fantastic lover in his own right, but that was no substitution for the hard driving studs that I had made a game out of obtaining on a weekly basis before him. The awe inspiring clit licking that Jason provided me with was too good to give up, but he just didn’t have the size of man meat that I had on so many occasions. It’s such a wonderful feel to have your body forced open just a little too much from time to time. All these thoughts meant one thing. Jason and Abby were right; I probably couldn’t be happy living without this carnal delight on an occasion if I married Jason.

My hands flung against the mirror to help absorb the sudden thrust Mack had taken into me as I daydreamed my way through what he was doing to me. I felt horrible when I realized it was me now that would have to be truthful with Jason. I couldn’t give him the typical marriage that most men would demand. Feeling the thick cock tearing into me was just something I wasn’t going to be able to live without anymore; at least, not if I was going to be honest with myself.

In an instant, Mack had pulled out of me and was rushing me to the bed. I tried stopping him again, but he realized why I didn’t want to use the bed and threw me onto my back anyway. I felt too guilty to allow it and even after getting buried back into me, I managed to turn away from him. Mack got mad over my behavior and he took me the one way I had little I could do to stop. He hoisted my butt into the air, my legs flailing to either side of him, and entered me again. When I started pushing away from him with my toes gripped into the bedding, he stood up taking me along with him so my legs wouldn’t reach the bed. My head was left lying on its side looking at the chair Jason had been sitting in earlier as we had talked about this very lover in me. My hands struggled to maintain some amount of balance.

I couldn’t possibly imagine a more animal-like position than what I was in at the moment; it was another first for me. I was nearly standing on my head as Mack fucked away at me like a caveman. My eyes fell half closed and I dreamed of Jason sitting in the chair watching what was happening to me and seeing for himself just how climatic getting fucked in this almost brutal manner was something my body just couldn’t give up. I closed my eyes and wondered what it would be like if Mack and Abby were right. If Jason was gay, he could see this happening to me in an acceptable light and I would be the luckiest girl in the world. I even fantasized Jason cheering Mack on to “fuck the hell out of me”, and then my insides were getting flooded with a warm bath of Mack’s semen. The sigh that came out of me as I waited for him to finish couldn’t be denied; I was Mack’s bitch at the moment. Mack essentially let me drop back to the bed and that was the benchmark that drove my new resolve. Jason was nothing more than the guy I would be going home to in the future after other men had used me up, and he was going to have to accept that life style if he wanted my love.

Mack, the true male he is, was gone in a shot once he was done with me. I offered to meet him again the next night if he wanted and even though I was lying to him again, he jumped at my offer.

After he was gone, I looked at the clock and saw that it had only taken twenty-two minutes to receive the fucking of a lifetime. I wondered just how long I had before Jason came back and just stayed there basking in the afterglow of great sex. After a while I realized that even though I felt thoroughly fulfilled in one way, I still hadn’t cum myself and began gently running my fingers through the mess that Mack had left me in. My mind remembered how I had invited Jason into my fantasies earlier and I thought of him as I began working myself into a frenzy all over again.

I was so involved in the fantasy I was producing in my head that I didn’t snap away from it until I heard, “I didn’t know you did that after sex?”

My eyes jumped wide open to see that Jason had caught me unabashedly masturbating and my legs snapped together as if to hide the obvious. He had never seen me doing that before and I was so embarrassed, but the look in his eyes was anything but repulsed. I asked him why he was back so soon and it turned out that Mack had seen him walking down the street and told him he was finished with me.

Hearing how Mack had put it to him made me fall right back to the need to get off. I looked at Jason and I knew what I was going to do to him. I didn’t even feel bad over it. Everything had invoked an urgency within me and I needed to find out the truth. I needed to know if we could stay together forever and now was the time to find out.

I stared seductively at Jason and let my knees fall apart again. I wasn’t even aware of just what I was showing him at the moment; I just knew what I needed to do to him. I cooed for him to come to me and he was rightly repulsed by what I was asking of him. I leaned up and grabbed his hand, and as I lay back down, I pulled his hand along with me.

“I told you he was only good for one thing, Jay. I need more than that. I need you!” I began tugging him closer to me until one knee fell beside me. “I understand what you mean now and you were right. I do have other needs, but I have to know you’re really okay with that.”

He responded with, “I left for you, didn’t I?”

“I know sweetie, but now I have to ask so much more from you. You have no idea how much this means to me, but I have to know you’ll be okay with this. I love you so much and I really want to know you can handle this.” I began working one leg around him to trap him between my legs. He saw what position I was trying to get him into and balked. I saw him looking down at my crotch and remembered just how wet and messy I had been moments earlier as I fingered myself. I worked to overcome his obvious revulsion at what he saw. “I know, honey, I know. But it’ll be okay. Just come to me and I’ll help you get through this.”

Jason began shaking his head in disbelief of what I was asking him to do, but when he didn’t say a word to me, I took it as a sign that I could make it happen. I pulled harder at his hands and began working my feet around his back to help pull him into position. I saw him trying to keep from letting his stomach even touch the area that had him so distressed. I finally pulled him onto me with his head falling between my sweaty boobs. I closed my legs around him to keep from pulling away as I pushed on his shoulders at the same time. All the while I kept calming him with my voice as I instructed him on what I needed.

“You have to do this honey, you have to prove to me that I can have other men and that it really won’t bother you.” He lifted up to see the slop I was guiding him towards and I cooed again, “I know! I know, Jay, I know this has to be hard for you. But I’m going to help you get through it. It’s just you and me here and no one ever has to know about it. You saw how I needed to finish what Mack only started. And you know how much I love you down there. You have to do this for me.” It was a trial for him, no doubt about it, but I just kept working at him until I finally had his face within reach. “Do it honey, you have to do it if we’re going to make this work. Just go to town on me and pretend you went first. It’ll be okay.”

Jason had no idea how on fire my pussy was at that very moment and when he made one last attempt to pull free from my legs, I lost it and said some very mean things to him trying to get him to perform for me.

“Just do it, baby. It’s no different than what you got last night behind the bar. But now you’ll be doing it for me. Remember, it’s just sex.” And when he stared at his point of doom once more, I flipped out on him and nearly screamed, “Just fucking do it. I need you to do it… and now damn it!”

I saw the pain wash over his face for the hundredth time in the last two days, but I had to see this happen. He grabbed for the bedspread and went to wipe me off, but I stopped his hand and forced it away. “No, just like it is.”

I felt so ashamed the way he looked at me like I was betraying him yet again. But I knew it would all be over in a few minutes and as he flicked his tongue across my clit making me react with a short jump, a smile came over me that bathed the room in light. I needed to mash his face into Mack’s leftovers for my own thrill and as I did, I went back to trying to help him go past his fears. “I know, sweetie. It must taste awful to you right now, but it’ll all be gone in a few minutes. See… it’s not as bad as you thought it would be. Just lap it up as you take care of me.”

I could see he was becoming resigned to his task and relaxed my legs back to the bed and even spread them wide. I kept my fingers tangled in his hair so he knew I wouldn’t let him stop and basked in the feel of his tongue running all over me. “That’s right baby, give me what you know how to do better than any other man on earth. Don’t worry about that stuff. Just prove to me that you can do this.”

Normally I would close my eyes to fantasize, but I couldn’t pry them off Jason as he grew somewhat comfortable eating me out. My thoughts only grew more and more perverse as I felt the gravity of what was really going on between my legs. I had just turned my wonderful boyfriend into my cuckold. I had him cleaning up the mess left behind by another man, and I knew this wouldn’t be the last time. I watched him going dutifully about his business and thought how Mack had been right. Jason was taking to this rather well, and I had to believe now that there was a lot about Jason that he had buried deep inside his head.

The closer Jason got me to cumming, the wilder my thoughts grew. This was among the nastiest things I have ever been involved with and the sight of what I was achieving was driving me insane. I felt so awesomely powerful holding Jason’s head to me and something came over me. In some ways I would understand later on that it was the feel of dominance washing over me that made me do it to my poor, sweet lover, but as I raised my hips over my impending climax, I felt the undeniable need to destroy him verbally. I would’ve cursed out Mack for saying such things, but as I felt that first reactive jerk of my orgasm, I screamed out, “Eat that up bitch… you are a fucking queer, aren’t you? Oh, god, I love it.” I rubbed myself hard against his face as my fingers clung to his hair and just couldn’t get my own mouth to shut the fuck up. “Ooohh, baby… you like that, don’t you? You like the taste of Mack, don’t you? Its okay, nobody will find out. Just lap it all up for me, honey.”

My hands finally released Jason’s hair and he pulled away from me. He couldn’t look at me anymore over what I had just screamed at him, so I bent up to stop him from leaving me. I pulled him on top of me and hugged his face into the crook of my neck so he could hide his humiliation from the world. I lovingly rubbed his back and told him how he had just provided me with the best fucking sex of my life. I knew he needed to get his manhood back, but I didn’t want what I had just discovered to get away from me. I nibbled at his ear for several minutes as I told him the truth. If he didn’t, or couldn’t accept it, then we would be going our separate ways shortly, but now was the time for honesty; brutal honesty.

“I know how hard that was for you, but you’ve got to let it go. Mack was right and you just proved it. You never would have let me do that to you if you weren’t… if you weren’t gay… deep down. But its okay, sweetie, because you’re my gay guy and now that it’s out in the open, no one ever has to know but us. This means we can be together and we can share things like this. I know you can handle me fucking other guys now and I love you so much for it. I swear I’ll treat you better than any guy could hope for, for the rest of your life.”

I heard a stuttering voice come from under my neck. “Then… you’ll never make me… do this again?”

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, but yes… I will. You have no idea what you just did for me and I could never get that out of my head. You can break my heart and leave me if you have to, but if you stay, then there will be other times. I won’t be such a bitch about it, but yes, it will happen again.”
Another muffled voice asked, “And just… how often?”

I took a deep sigh and really had no idea how often I would get an itch. “I can’t tell you how often I might feel the need to go out on another date, but I can be honest with you when I say I could do this to you a couple of times a week. You really have no idea how good that just felt; and knowing what you were doing for me was the most outrageous sex I’ve ever had.”