Doing chores never bothered me, but since Mark's ankle has healed (see part one) it seems like all I do is run around and do chores for him and Kristi. Once his ankle was better, Kristi thought it best that he stay here at our house for a couple of months. By that point, I had no say in the matter but begrudgingly accepted.

That first week, Mark went back to work as did Kristi and me and I thought things would be back to normal. What I found was that things went back to normal for them, however after work I ended up cleaning, doing laundry, cooking and running a million errands for them. Kristi and Mark still slept in our bed and I could hear the grunting and groaning coming from what used to be our marital bed.

Weekends were the worst. They would usually go out on Friday night sometimes without me, while I was left home to attend to chores. Some nights they would come stumbling in around 2:00 am, both ***** and horny. Other times I was made to go with them and chauffeur them around, all the time hearing comments from friends about how close they had become. A ritual had started when Mark had his broken ankle and that was that I was to always hold his cock when he went to the bathroom. Kristi thought it was cute, and Mark thought that it showed who the boss was.

So many nights while out on their bar rounds, every time Mark went to the men's room, I would follow like a dutiful servant, unzip his pants, take his massive tool out and hold it while he pissed. I have to admit that this held some excitement for me as I did love the feel of his big cock with his piss flowing through it. And furthermore, he once had me hold it while I was naked and witnessed me getting a hard on which set him to laughing and knowing that it turned me on.

One particular Friday a week or so ago I was not privy to their Friday night trip and was home doing chores when they returned home. Both pretty *****, they came in and flopped on the couch. Kristi had a low cut leotard on with no bra and a short skirt. I remarked that her outfit reminded me of when we were all in high school together. She often wore leotards and knew they drove me crazy. That was all it took, Kristi smiled and said she had a great idea. Why didn't we do a fashion show of all our old clothes from high school? I was mortified. Both her and Mark were the same size (Kristi actually smaller) than when we were in high school. I on the other hand had packed on tons of weight. Dutifully, I went to the storage and got out a bunch of old clothes. Kristi proceeded to try on leotards, Danskin, skirts, low cut tops, and an assortment of hot clothes that a 17 yr old would wear and she looked great! Fortunately for me, Mark had no clothes from that era at our house, so I was the next victim. They sat on the couch and laughed, with tears rolling down their cheeks as I struggled to get into pants that were two or three sizes too small and shirts that would button over my girth.

Kristi screamed with laughter as I tried to get into my Saturday Night Fever white suit and black shirt. The pants barely fit up my legs and there was no way they would button and the shirt barely made it onto my 240 lb frame. With Kristi roaring with laughter, Mark proceeded to the stereo and turned on the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. ?Dance for us baby!!? Kristi yelled. I stood there mortified, but Mark came up and whispered in my ear, ?You better do what she says or there'll be hell to pay.?

Slowly I began to dance around the living room with my pants unbuttoned and my shirt half off while they roared with laughter. Finally a slow song came on and the two of them stood to dance. I thought my embarrassment was over, but Kristi said, ?Now if we're dancing you dance, just pretend you have a partner in that hot looking suit you have on!? With that they proceeded to roar with laughter once again, with Mark caressing his hands up and down Kristi's thighs and feeling her breasts, while I swayed to the music with my imaginary partner.

When the song ended, Kristi told me to clean up the clothes and the mess in the living room and go to bed. Since Mark had moved in I had been sleeping in the spare room. After I had cleaned up and locked the house up for the night, I went to my room, but heard Kristi calling me. I approached what used to be our bedroom and pushed the door open expecting one of them to want a glass of water or a drink. There on the bed, lay Mark naked, with his huge cock lying soft on his thigh. I had to admit that even soft, he was bigger than I was hard. Kristi lay next to him, with only her leotard on, legs spread.

?Yes ma?am.? I said meekly.

?Honey, I just wanted to tell you you were very entertaining tonight,? she looked at Mark and they both giggled. ?Mark and I have been thinking and we think that you deserve a reward for all the hard work you've been doing around here and for entertaining us. So, since you're already familiar with Mark's cock from holding it while he goes to the bathroom, we figured your next step in the reward process would be for you to actually witness it get hard and help it along. Come over here.?

With that, a whole new chapter in my life began. Moving slowly toward the bed, I was instructed to kneel between Mark's legs and take his cock in my hands and gently stroke it. Doing as I was told, I could feel his semi hard cock begin to grow in my hands. Kristi, smiled at Mark and then at me and said, ?Now bend over and kiss it.? I couldn't believe what I was being asked to do, but like everything in my life, I bowed my head ever so slightly and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his cock. ?Now suck it,? she said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Once again, my subservient state and humiliation complete, I bowed my head and began sucking.

That night was the first of many that I was to be involved in their lovemaking. Yes, their lovemaking. I was no longer allowed to make love to my wife and it was clear that she and Mark were in love and I was the cuckold slave along for the ride and whatever they chose to dish out.

More next time?