Cody was used to the new black dominated America. It was all he had ever known. It seemed to him perfectly natural, that when a black man walked down the street, he would move submissively to the side, his eyes looking down in respect. He had accepted the taunts, the beatings and the humiliation he had experienced all throughout his school years. He was, after all a white boy, and everyone knew white boys deserved everything they got.

He was also used to seeing the prettiest white girls ignore him completely and instead chase after the masculine and powerful black boys. It had been drummed into him from years of sex education that white boys like him were at the bottom of the sexual hierarchy and should expect nothing else.

Now, he was an 18 year old high school senior and was currently on his way to his mandatory black studies class, which every student needed to pass in order to recieve their final qualifications. The students were separated, with white boys sitting on their own a few rows apart from everyone else. The white girls had previously been forced to sit with the white boys too, however they had successfully petitioned the head teacher to be allowed to sit with the rest of the students, claiming that they also felt oppressed by the white boys presence, and he had agreed, on the condition that they did not interrupt or ever show disrespect to their black teacher or fellow students. For the white girls, having to be associated with the white boys was a constant source of shame and they eagerly agreed to the new rules.

Today, the lesson was centered around interracial relationships.

"Now, why," the teacher, Mr. King, was saying, "do you think that interracial relationships have been suppressed in our racist history, especially those between white women and black men?“

Jevon, a tall black student answered with a touch of arrogance.

"Because they fear us...they fear what we do wit their women!"

There were murmurs of support from the class.

"That's right Jevon!" said Mr. King enthusiastically.

"Let's do a little experiment here. Jevon, come on down here to the front. You there..." - he pointed at a scrawny white boy called Sammy sitting nearest the front - "Come down as well."

The contrast between the two couldn't have been more obvious. Jevon towered over Sammy, but it was more than that. He walked with a swagger, he knew he was in control of this situation and it felt good, whilst Sammy seemed terrified, like he was trying to shrink away from the watching eyes, he was trembling slightly and shuffled awkwardly to the front. "Now then!" said Mr King, grinning widely, "Let's see. We'll do a comparison here. Everyone who thinks that the average woman would prefer Sammy as a sexual partner, raise your hand."

There was silence for a moment, then a few of the girls began giggling. Then everyone except the white boys joined in, laughing loudly and pointing. No one raised their hand. Sammy blushed and looked as if he might cry.

"Ok, ok. Then let's see. Who thinks the average woman would prefer Jevon?"

Everyone in the room raised their hand, including all the white boys and even Sammy.

Mr King beamed. "Sammy," he asked, "What do you think this teaches us about why interracial relationships might have been demonised in the past?"

Sammy thought for a moment.

"That... That they were worried... That they couldn't complete with black men." he said, glancing up at Mr King hopefully.

"That's right boy. Now both of you go and sit down. We will now be watching an educational video." Sammy scurried back gratefully, while Jevon strode back to his seat, fist bumping his friends and exchanging looks with a few of the girls glancing hopefully his way.

Class had finished and Cody was just walking out of the door when he got a surprise. Lucy, a girl he had had a crush on for as long as he could remember, was walking towards him and calling his name. She looked as pretty as ever, with her long blonde hair flowing to just past her shoulders, her bright blue eyes, cute turned up nose and her slim and pert figure.
He wondered what she could possibly want from him. They had played together quite a lot when they were kids, even spending time at each other's houses. He had always adored her, but had long ago given up any hope of any romantic relationship, as Lucy was one of the most fervent supporters of the new black empowerment movement that had taken over the country, and he could not imagine her being sexually interested in any white boy. Indeed as time had progressed and she had become more and more influenced by her lessons like black studies, black history, black dance and so on, she had begun spending less time playing with him and eventually had cut off contact altogether. So he felt unsure and hesitant as she approached him now in the corridor.

"Hey, um... Cody?" she said as if she had difficulty remembering.

"Y-yeah?" he replied nervously.

"I was wondering if you'd like to be my cuck tonight... Do you know what that is?"
Cody did know. Cuckolding was something of a trend now, being promoted by all the top influencers on social media and it was becoming a common occurrence for a white boy to be asked to fulfil the role of cuck for an interested couple. For most of them, it was the closest to sex they were ever going to get and they agreed happily. Cody had masturbated over hundreds of the "cuck videos" that were shared around, sometimes featuring people he knew himself. For the white girls it was a way to show clearly their loyalties and their contempt for the white boys. For the black men it was a way to show dominance. And for the white boys, it just made their pee pees rock hard. Cody could hardly believe that she had asked HIM to do those things. He felt himself sweating and his heart pounding. He wanted this so badly, and he was scared he might mess it up.

"Y-yes please. I w-would love to." he finally managed to say quietly, blushing deep red as he did.

"Great. Be at my house at 5."

She smirked at him and spun around as he stood there staring at her juicy ass, jiggling tantalisingly as she walked away.
Next: Chapter 02