LESLIE VISITS ****** By Just Plain Bob

I've not had much experience in these matters, actually, no experience at all, but I would guess that most men become highly upset when they find out that their wife is out spreading it around. I know I was. I have no idea how long she has been doing it or what the outcome is going to be when she finally comes home; the only thing I know for sure is that I caught her with her pants down (no pun intended).

Leslie and I have been married for twenty-one years and I suppose our marriage is pretty much the same as that of other middle class couples in the early forties. We were (I almost said are, but I'm not sure about that anymore) comfortable together, had a fairly active sex life and, or least I had thought, both loved and liked each other. Leslie is a schoolteacher and I am in sales and this has made our marriage somewhat different in that she has a good deal more time off than I do. She has basically the entire summer off, plus spring break, and Christmas vacation. I get three weeks paid vacation a year. Leslie gets eleven paid holidays and I get six so she has a lot of free time that I don't get to share with her. It hasn't been a major problem because of two simple facts: I can't stand her ****** (neither can she most of the time) and they live four hundred miles away. Leslie usually takes three weeks off during the summer and goes back to visit them and she always tells them I couldn't come because I don't have enough seniority to bid for summer vacation time. This has been the case for the last ten years now and probably would have been the case for the next ten except for the fickle finger of fate.

It was summer and Leslie had gone back to visit her ******. She'd been gone a week when my boss called me in the office and asked me if I would like a company paid mini-vacation. It seems that one of our biggest customers was opening a new branch office about thirty miles from where Leslie was visiting her folks. He wanted me to go and meet the customer, go through the new facility with him and see what we needed to do to get the proper inventory and equipment in place.

"Go over on Thursday and then take Friday off and spend the weekend with Leslie."

I didn't bother to tell him that while spending a weekend with Leslie would be great; a weekend with Leslie and her ****** would be purgatory. The drive was uneventful and I checked into a motel about half a mile from the new facility and called Leslie to let her know that I was only thirty miles away and would be there for the weekend. Her sister answered the phone and told me that Leslie wasn't there, that she'd gone shopping. I didn't tell her sister where I was, I just asked her to tell Leslie I had called. Then I went over to the new facility and met Burt, the customer, and we toured the new place together and he outlined what he wanted. I made some suggestions about what he might like to do and then he pointed me to an empty office and I settled in to draft a plan to cover what we had talked about.

We broke for lunch about one o'clock and I made another quick phone call to try and catch Leslie, but she still wasn't back yet. Burt sprang for lunch and when we had finished eating he said:

"Can I ask you something personal?"

I said, "I guess so."

And then he asked me when was the last time I got laid. I told him that it had been over a week ago, just before my wife had gone to visit her ****** and then I asked him "why?"

"I don't know," he said, "You just looked like you needed to get laid. I got a thing laid on for later this afternoon and I just though I might ask you to join in."

I asked him what kind of a thing and he told me about a woman he'd met in a bar earlier in the week and that she just loved to fuck. She had worn him out and when he hadn't been able to get it up anymore she had asked him if he could call someone to help him put out "her fire". Since then he had seen her every night, always with four or five buddies, :

"And she takes us all on and leaves us worn out. I thought maybe you might like to join us tonight."

I have to admit I was tempted, not just because I was horny in anticipation of seeing Leslie, but because I had never taken part in a gangbang and I was curious about what kind of woman would take on a group of guys. I thanked Burt for the invite, but told him I'd be driving over to see my wife who was visiting with ******.

"No problem," he said, "But could I ask you a favor? I have to drop my car off at the dealership for some warranty work. Can you drop me at my brother's house? That's were she is meeting us."

I told him I would and then we went back to the new facility and got back to work.

I finished the proposal around five and gave it to Burt for his approval and signature and while he was going over it I tried calling Leslie again. This time I got her brother and he told me that she and her sister had gone out for a bite to eat and he wasn't sure when she'd be back. Burt handed me the signed proposal, we locked the place up and he gave me directions to his brother's house. On the way he tried to talk me into joining him.

"If you don't, you're going to miss the best piece of ass that I've ever seen. Tall, long red hair, and legs that go from the floor all the way up to her ears."

Little did he know, I thought, that I'm on my way to meet one just like that, and I'm not going to have to share." We pulled up in front of his brother's house and my heart stopped, my blood ran cold, and I hit the brakes so hard that Burt's head almost hit the windshield. Burt looked at me:

"What's wrong? You're white as a sheet. You look like you've just seen a ghost."

I mumbled something about a stomach cramp, "It must have been something I ate at lunch and it just hit me."

There, in his brother's driveway, sat the green 1993 Ford Mustang convertible that I had given Leslie for her birthday. There was no chance that it was a car that looked like hers, not with the personalized plate that said LESLIE on the back. Burt suggested that I come in with him and get a glass of water or something, but I told him I would be all right.

"Just go on in and have fun," I told him.

As I drove away my stomach was churning and I felt like I was going to throw up. As soon as I was out of sight of the house I pulled over and parked. There had to be some mistake! Leslie must have loaned her car to her sister or something like that. Maybe her brother was one of Burt's buddies and he was using the car. I started to pull away from the curb and then I stopped - I had to know!

Daylight savings time had just kicked in and even though it was only six o'clock it was all ready dark and I got out of the car and walked back to the house. I wanted to walk right up to the front door and ring the bell, but I was afraid that I make a fool out of myself in front of Burt and that might jeopardize our business dealings and that wasn't what my boss had sent me down to do. I started walking around the house looking for a window that would let me see inside. I found several, but they only looked in on empty rooms. I had covered one side and the back of the house when I finally came to a window that let me see into a bedroom. One look and a great weight was lifted from my heart. There were five guys in the room and they were busy stuffing cocks into every hole that Millie, Leslie's sister, had to offer. My eyes were riveted on the scene taking place in front of me. I would never have thought that Millie would be capable of what she was doing and of looking so sexy while doing it. I also never would have believed that watching her do it would make my dick hard as a rock, but it had, and the evidence was in my hand. I was not even aware that I had taken it out, but there it was and I was stroking it to beat the band and wishing I'd told Burt That I'd join him in fucking that sexy, lust crazed blond.


Burt told me he was going to be fucking a redhead. And then I noticed that Burt was not one of the five guys in the room. I moved to the next window; it was another bedroom and what was taking place in it caused my hard cock to wilt like a piece of overcooked noodle. On her hands and knees with a hard cock pounding into her from behind while her mouth moved up and down on the cock of the man lying underneath her, was my wife Leslie. Standing beside the bed and stroking their cocks while waiting their turn were Burt and two other men. I threw up on the side of the house. I don't even remember walking back to my car or even driving back to the motel. I didn't sleep much that night; constant dreams of Leslie being fucked by hordes of cocks kept moving through my head. In the morning I checked out and drove home.

The phone rang and when I answered it Leslie said, "Good morning lover. God, but I miss you." I was silent for a moment and then I said, "When did you find the time to miss me? Before you fucked Burt, his brother, and all of his buddies, or after? Before you met him at the bar for the first time or in between meetings with him and his friends? For that matter, are you just finishing up with them or just getting ready go meet them again? There was silence on the other end, and then a sob, "Oh baby, I'm so sor..." But I'd all ready hung up.
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