Author's note -- I apologise for the delay in submitting Part Two of the Jake and Kayla story but I firstly had a prolonged illness and have also been heavily involved recently in a new business venture.

For those who haven't read Part One, could I suggest that they may care to do so before reading Part Two. If they do, they will also see a reaction from the 'Jake' in the story -- who is a real person but who has another name, as does his wife. Not only is he real but the part about sending me photos of his gorgeous wife are also true. She's a beautiful young girl; and in the best way possible, I deeply envy him the sharing of his life with her (and her glorious body).

Whether or not the rest of this tale will come true or not, is up to the Gods; but one lives in hope .....


When Peter knocked on the door, Kayla went to answer it and seeing Peter standing there with food bags in both hands, she stood up on tip-toe and holding him lightly with her hands on his waist, kissed their tall guest on both cheeks - almost, but not quite kissing air.

They stayed loosely embraced for nearly half a minute before Kayla pulled back from the contact and with a slightly nervous smile, rested her hands on Peter's waist and leant away, looking up into his face.

'Lovely to see you again Peter; we're really glad you could come .... aren't we Jake'.

Jake nodded. His mind was racing at having just witnessed their new friend kissing his wife with an initial chaste touch of welcome, only to then see them remain embraced for longer than would be normal. Since their conversation in bed the other night, he found he was beginning to notice such things.

"Yeah, it certainly is," responded a smiling Jake, who thrust out an open hand in his own welcome. "How you been Peter?"

He noticed Peter's glance momentarily stray back to Kayla before he turned away and smiled at Jake, enthusiastically shaking the proffered hand.

One of the bags Peter was holding was a wide insulated food container, which he lifted up to rest on the hall chair beside the smaller one.

"I'm good thanks Jake. Look, I've got all this food here and some of it really should go in the oven to finish cooking before it cools off too much ..... although, having said that, I don't think that's too likely in this heat."

He grinned at Jake and they both followed Kayla into the kitchen. Jake noticed Peter looking at Kayla's hardly contained ass in the checked mini skirt and following his gaze, noticed that Kayla was walking with a more than usually exaggerated swaying motion as she preceded them through the door.

"I'll just need a few minutes to do the final preparation and then I'll be through until we want to eat." She said.

Peter grunted slightly with the effort of lifting the bag up onto the kitchen unit; and then began to unload its contents.

"Oh yes .... I thought this little number might be a welcome touch". He lifted a bottle of Moet & Chandon champagne from the depths, its wired top catching in the handle of the bag and nearly pulling it off the work-top as he lifted it free.

"Oops, nearly lost it," he said, pushing the bag further onto the surface - I think we may find this is just the thing for a hot evening and it's certainly just the job to get the taste buds going before eating! Got some glasses? It's really well chilled and I reckon we'd better deal with it as soon as possible. Just in case this one isn't enough, I've got another one here too."

Jake headed off to the lounge and with a slightly conspiratorial grin at Kayla, Peter followed. As he did so, he looked back over his shoulder at Kayla and asked,

"Any chance you could put the oven on and shove that food in when it's reached the right temperature? I'll just get this bottle opened and give Jake a hand."

He caught up with Jake as he was reaching into a low cupboard for glasses.

"My godfathers," he said quietly to his host, "I know she looked bloody good in those photos you sent me; particularly the nude ones. But I never realised until the other day just how sexy she really is - almost more so funnily enough, when she's fully clothed. And now, seeing her clothed again .... If you can call it 'clothed' in that minute skirt and almost see through top .... well, she's just an absolute bloody stunner!"

Jake looked nervously at the kitchen door, worried that Kayla may have heard; but at the same time, he realised his stomach had given a sudden lurch of excitement at Peter's words.

"Hey man, keep your voice down a bit; don't forget she doesn't know a thing about any of that yet. I haven't even dared suggest sharing any of those pictures - and I'm just talking about the ones where she's still got a few clothes on! There's no way I want her to know I've actually shown you all of them .... like the nude ones as well, with all her bits fully on show!

He felt a shiver of excitement go through him at the thought of Peter having seen all the pictures of his young wife completely naked and he tried to concentrate on what he was doing but with little success.

Feeling for the right glasses in the low cupboard, he realised his hands were shaking and a couple of glasses almost shattered when he accidentally knocked one against the door as he pulled them from the inner shelf.

Placing them carefully on the top, he looked through to the kitchen and saw Kayla going about her preparation routine prior to putting the food into the oven for finishing off. He estimated she'd still be a good ten minutes before she'd finished the food ready for cooking.

He turned and speaking quietly, he voiced an earlier worry by asking Peter in a shaky voice whether he'd made any hard copies of Kayla's pictures he had stored on his computer.

Peter assured him that he hadn't and stressed that it was because he didn't want to risk any going missing and perhaps falling into the hands of someone else.

"What about Greg?" Jake asked.

Jake had got carried away with excitement one evening when e-mailing with Peter. Peter had told him he still quite often met up with the guy who'd shared his wife with him and had asked whether Jake would object if he showed Kayla's pictures to him. He said he reckoned Greg would be over the moon to see such intimate pictures and would really enjoy the chance to view Kayla's naked form. He'd reassured Jake by telling him that Greg was completely trustworthy and in any event, he would only show him the pictures on his lap-top and wouldn't let him have any copies.

In his excitement, Jake had readily agreed and a week or so later, he'd received a follow-up e-mail in which Peter had related what ensued.

Peter and Greg had been having lunch together. They'd been generally discussing the attributes of various women they'd both known and Peter had led the conversation around to incorporate details of his new found 'net friendship with a young Californian called Jake. He explained that this had developed after Jake contacted him about a story which Peter had submitted to the Literotica internet site.

He explained how the submitted story was one he'd written describing in great detail how he'd 'accidentally' left some nude pictures of his wife lying about in his office darkroom and how Greg had 'found them'. It then went on to graphically describe how, after considerable discussion of the finer points of her body, Peter had eventually shared his wife with his friend; and an intimate relationship had developed between Peter, his wife and Greg - which had then continued for some years after.

Merely telling his friend this much over lunch had reminded Peter of just how erotic the arrangement had been and they'd both become quite excited talking about their joint and separate experiences with Mandy after she'd eventually succumbed and become a very willing participant in their continuing ménage à trois.

Finally overcoming his increasing randiness at the recall, Peter had gradually steered the conversation back to Jake and explained to Greg just how sexy his new internet friend's wife really was. He firstly told him that Jake had e-mailed various photographs of Kayla and hinted that some of them had left very little to the imagination. Knowing Peter's fascination with taking photos of his own naked wife (a copy of one of which Greg then demonstrated that he still carried in his wallet!), he'd asked Peter just how explicit had the pictures been?

Peter had duly described the images of Kayla's clothed and part clothed appearances, before eventually confessing 'under pressure' that he'd also received some incredibly sexy pictures of Kayla completely naked and displaying every part of her nude body in exciting close-up detail.

In his e-mail to Jake, Peter had then graphically described Greg's reactions to this information and of his begging Peter to let him see at least some of them. Greg had emphasised that it wasn't as if Peter couldn't trust him after all these years - he had, after all, been completely familiar with every detail of Peter's own naked young wife - as well as having experienced many times the thrill of coupling with her in Peter's presence and, on occasions, at the same time!

Knowing he had Jake's blessing to show them to Greg, Peter had eventually pretended to capitulate and went out to collect his lap-top from the car outside the restaurant.

In his e-mail he'd gone on to explain to Jake that after taking his time in drawing out Kayla's gradual exposure through a selected sequence of photos, and having watched Greg enthusiastically gaze at their graphic detail in rising excitement, Greg had eventually had to make some excuse to go off to the mens' room and look after himself. Peter said that Greg seemed to be having difficulty standing up straight when he rose from the table and the description of this complete stranger's obvious physical reaction to his wife's naked pictures had excited Jake beyond belief.

Now, reaching over to take his glass of champagne from Peter, recall of this episode led to a sudden relaxation in Jake's mind and he felt a growing urge to be totally intimate with Peter in their conversation about Kayla. But there was one doubt still in his mind.

"Did your friend Greg really like seeing her as much as you said Peter, or were you just trying to wind me up and get me horny?"

"Oh my godfathers no - there was no wind up at all. I know Greg inside out .... don't forget we shared my wife for quite a few years. I reckon you get to know how a guy ticks sexually after that and there was no way Greg wasn't completely turned on by looking at Kayla without her clothes!

"There's no doubt in my mind that he got horny as hell seeing Kayla nude - just as I always have. Difference is, he's unlikely to ever meet her, so he won't realise just how fucking hot she really is. Not like lucky old me, who's seen every intimate inch of her and has now met her in person!

"I meant what I said just now Jake. She's really incredible to look at; one of the hottest ladies I've ever seen".

Jake's stomach gave another lurch and he became aware of a hardness beginning to develop in his jeans at the thought of Peter's obvious pleasure when meeting his wife and seeing her through the eyes of one who knew exactly what her body looked like beneath the skimpy garments she was wearing. The fact that Kayla had no idea Peter was wholly familiar with her every intimate detail just added to the overall eroticism of the situation in Jake's mind.

But did he want it to end where it had got to now ....just letting Peter see pictures of his lovely young wife naked without her knowledge? Or did he harbour a deeper lust? Either way, he wanted to explore the situation a great deal more with Peter. It was so bloody erotic discussing his naked wife's body in such detail with someone who was also turned on by her intimate images.

"Gee, thanks Peter, I'm really glad you find her hot!" It seemed a highly inadequate refection to the way he was feeling, so he made an effort to expand and develop the intimacy.

"So, do you still wish you could see her in the flesh? I, er ..... well, I was wondering whether I shouldn't try to engineer some way you could have a better sighting of her. That'd be really sexy - particularly if I could witness you seeing her without Kayla knowing".

"Are you serious, or are you just winding me up now? I'd bloody love it - you know I would - almost more than anything. You really must know that Jake .... but what you got in mind? How do you reckon we could manage it .... I .... er .... take it you're thinking of something 'accidental'?"

Before Jake could respond, he became aware of Kayla's voice growing louder as she came around the corner from the kitchen and they had to stop their conversation until another time.

"Well guys, the food's in the oven; the plates are warming; the table's laid .... so how about that glass of champagne now?"

She sat down on a sofa but demurely made sure her mini-skirt was pulled as low as possible down her thighs to preserve her modesty. Nonetheless, Peter was gratified to see a triangle of darkness deep between her legs and wondered what it was that he was seeing. Although he realised it was probably just a lack of light, his mind converted it into the crotch of a pair of black panties; or maybe ... could it be her pubes?

Kayla noticed the direction his eyes had taken and Jake thought he detected a slight smile twitching at the corner of her mouth. He wondered whether Kayla wasn't trying to flash their guest and he became randy at the thought!

"So, Peter, how're you finding California?"

"Better thanks, now I'm getting to know you two guys better. You know, it's quite a feeling when you're well away from home and in a strange country where you hardly know a soul; especially since my wife and I split up some time ago."

Yeah, Jake told me about that. Was it an unpleasant experience, or did you guys part as friends?"

"No, we parted very amicably actually." Peter responded, settling down at the other end of Kayla's sofa and sitting back into the cushions.

"Sadly, she had a drinking illness and although everything else was OK, the booze caused just too many problems. After it got really bad over four or five years, I found I couldn't take it any more. First I tried to ignore the ramblings but coming back from a day's stress at the office, I needed a real person to talk to, to eat with and to share my bed with - not a virtual stranger.

'It was such a tragedy really. There we were, married for nine years - got over all the silly little everyday differences that most people go through. Then we'd dealt with the usual bedroom dislikes and needs; and eventually settled into a life where I reckoned we'd probably grow old together. That's when the booze really hit. It'd apparently been a problem in her previous marriage; but I'd not identified it myself until it became too much of a problem for her to handle without help -- and she wasn't about to look for that."

Kayla looked at him with interest. Setting aside Peter's wife's serious booze problem, she and Jake had encountered various minor problems themselves as they settled into their five year marriage. It was interesting to hear how other people also had difficulties and, by virtue of shared knowledge that they were not alone in their worries, it was strangely re-assuring. All too easy, she thought, to imagine that she and Jake were the only ones who had problems and differences, however small and routine they may have been.

"Anyway, enough of all that," said Peter, raising his glass in toast and beaming at his hosts.

"We're all here to enjoy an evening together and I'd like to say, 'Bless all in this house and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead'!"

The old Irish toast raised a laugh and they all tipped their glasses back before sitting down to eat.

The meal went well, with discussion of the usual mix of comparisons in life-style which come up whenever people from differing cultures meet. Eventually, and perhaps inevitably, the conversation became influenced by bonhomie and wine; and turned to the risqué subject of relationships and finally, mutual compliments.

"I hope you don't mind my saying this Kayla," enthused Peter at one stage out of the blue,

"But I reckon Jake's one of the luckiest guys on earth. I always reckoned my wife was one helluva beautiful woman; and indeed she was. But you really do take the prize of all time."

He turned to Jake,

"I hope you realise what a stunner you've got here Jake. If I weren't so bloody old and despite the fact you're married to her, I can tell you that you might have had a run for your money in keeping me away from her!

"I mean .... Just look at that beautiful face and the way she looks at you. If that isn't just the sexiest thing, then I don't know what is. And as for her figure......."

Kayla interjected with a smile on her by now blushing face,

"Aw come on Peter, I'm not actually that good; but thanks for making me feel it. You can come back here any time and just keep on pouring out those compliments - as many times as you like! Good health!"

She raised her glass and now blushing even more, tipped it towards their guest and then drank deeply. She set the glass down and reached out for their plates and cutlery.

"I'll just clear this lot and put the coffee on. It'll only take ten minutes or so. Jake, could you take Peter over to the settee and settle our guest down 'til it's ready? Perhaps have a brandy or something?"

She began to clear the table and Peter settled down at one end of the long settee, leaving plenty of room for either Jake or Kayla to join him.

He took the glass offered by Jake and almost in a whisper said,

"God, I really don't know how I sat through that without reaching out for Kayla. She's just so bloody sexy I can't tell you. It took an awful lot of will-power not to make a complete prat of myself in front of your lovely wife, particularly when I could see right up her mini-skirt!"

He pointedly looked down at the front of his jeans and Jake noticed a large swelling at his friend's crotch.

"Guess that says it all doesn't it?" Peter offered.

Jake looked closely at his friend and wondered just how far he dared go with sharing his lusty thoughts. It was in his mind to be completely frank with Peter about what had really been getting him excited over the last few days - the thought of actually construing a situation in which Peter could attempt to seduce his young wife.

But he felt that once it was wholly in the open, there could be no turning back - so no, it was probably better that he didn't open up too much. Instead, he decided, he'd perhaps just see how matters took their course. If anything was going to develop, then it would develop; and if it did, well he'd deal with that when it happened. That way, nobody could think he actually had set his wife up.

"Well, I reckon she has rather got to me; but I guess I'm just going to have to be satisfied with the pictures I've seen of her, aren't I."

It was a statement, rather than a question; and whilst Peter sounded resigned, Jake found himself both relieved and disappointed. He looked over at his friend and was about to say something more, when he noticed Peter pulling out his wallet from the back pocket of his pants.

"Yes," Peter emphasised with a wry grin, "I guess I really am going to have to be satisfied with just her pictures all right."

As he spoke, he reached into the wallet and pulled out a small colour picture which he turned over and showed to Jake in his out-stretched hand.

Jake's took the proffered picture and looking down, his stomach turned over as he identified a highly defined photograph of Kayla.

It was in full colour and his wife was squatting on her heels with her knees spread wide open. Her upper arms were vertical, so that her hands could part the long hair back from her forehead; and they were pushing her breasts inwards, so that they squeezed together in a most exciting way.

She was completely naked and apart from a 'landing strip' of hair above her vagina, she was also completely shaved. Due to her position, the bottom of her pussy lips were open and he could clearly make out every detail of her sex. Her obvious moistness indicated a state of high excitement.

Between her arms, two elongated hard nipples confirmed her randiness as they stuck out hard from two beautifully soft looking breasts which were topped by gentle pink areola.

At her side, the recently discarded black underwear leant a tone of complete reality to a perfect picture in which the rich tan of the remainder of her body highlighted her breasts and sex, so that nothing whatsoever of her intimacy had been spared from the camera lens.

Jake gasped.

He found himself incredibly aroused. It was one thing to send pictures of his naked wife over the internet to a stranger in another country - that was erotic in the extreme and quite often during sex with Kayla, he'd found himself spurred on by thinking of the detailed images he'd shared with Peter.

On the other hand, and although he knew Peter had said how very much he loved being able to ogle Kayla totally nude whenever he wanted, Jake was not prepared for the burst of uncontrollable excitement he felt when confronted with the actual vision of his wife so erotically exposed for the delectation of another man.

Now he knew exactly how excited Peter had been when Greg took out a photo of Peter's wife Mandy when they were urging her to do as striptease one afternoon (see 'How she Succumbed').

But he had no chance to discuss his reaction with Peter, for Kayla came into the room and sat down on the settee next to their guest - leaving Jake standing in the middle of the room with a glass of brandy in one hand and her nude photo behind his back in the other. He moved over to an armchair by the window and surreptitiously slipping the picture into his pants pocket, he managed to sit down without letting Kayla see either the photo, or the massive erection he'd developed.

"Well thanks for that food Peter, it was very good and the champagne beforehand really started the evening off well."

Kayla looked over at Peter as she spoke and settled back into the cushions. Jake noticed that the checked mini-skirt had ridden up sufficiently to disclose a sizeable area of beautifully proportioned thigh. He looked to Peter but he was gazing into Kayla's face and obviously hadn't noticed the exposure.

"My dear Kayla, it was entirely my pleasure and thank you so much for having me over."

As he was speaking, the phone rang and Jake reached over to the side table to answer it.

"Hello." He looked into space for half a minute or so, listening; and then,

"Can you hold a minute, we've got someone here for supper, so I'll take it into another room." Holding his hand over the mouthpiece he turned to his wife and Peter,

"Excuse me Peter, this is the call I was expecting and it'll take a little while. Kayla'll look after you while I deal with it."

He walked out of the room and pulled the door to behind him.

Over twenty minutes later he came back into the room and noticed that Peter was now further down the settee, closer to Kayla. His wife appeared slightly out of breath and a degree flushed.

Peter got up and thrust out his hand, looking positive and confident.

"I think I'd better get going Jake -- I've got quite a lot on tomorrow and I'm feeling a little bushed. But if it's all right with you, I'd like to meet up with you both tomorrow evening for a drink somewhere?"

As he took Peter's hand, Jake agreed to the suggestion and then, found himself changing the suggested arrangement.

"I'd really love to Peter; but I've got a team meeting at work tomorrow afternoon and I'm not going to be back until late evening. Tell you what though, why don't you meet up with Kayla and if I can get away earlier, I'll meet up with you both then. If not, I should be with you by about ten."

He had no meeting but neither Kayla or Peter would be aware of that and he hadn't yet worked out himself why he was being so evasive. Ignoring Kayla's slightly puzzled look, he looked enquiringly at Peter. His mind was in excited turmoil and he felt a strange anticipation at Peter's answer.

"Well that would be truly charming. I'd love to. Perhaps if I called around to pick you up about 6 o'clock Kayla? That way, you wouldn't have to go into a bar or wherever, on your own. Then, when Jake can make it, maybe we could all go on somewhere?"

Kayla looked at her smiling husband and seeing nothing but openness on his face, readily agreed.

"I'll look forward to it Peter .... until six tomorrow then."

They walked over to the front door and after nodding amicably at Jake, Peter reached out to Kayla and swept her into a hug. Again they kissed on the cheeks and after another brief hug, their guest left the young couple.

"He's really nice, don't you think Kayla?" offered Jake as he closed the door.

"He certainly is darling. Quite the soul of old fashioned Brit charm I reckon. 'You sure you're OK with him picking me up here tomorrow?

"Why shouldn't I be .... or is there something you know and I don't?" He laughed nervously and smiled at her.

"No darling. I just thought you might be a little unsure of a relative stranger picking up your lusty young wife .... Come on Jake, let's leave the clearing up until tomorrow. I'm bushed and want our bed!"

Jake looked at her with surprise. She wouldn't normally leave things for the morning and as for that remark containing the words 'lusty young wife', well, what did she mean by that?

They turned the lights out and as they moved off to the bedroom, Jake was surprised to feel his wife reach down to his crotch and squeeze him gently. He realised she must feel he was a little hard. His earlier reaction to the photograph had combined with his coming back into the room and finding Kayla slightly breathless. His mind had been wandering and speculating on whether or not Peter may have actually made a pass at Kayla while he was on the phone.

"Ready for bed too then are we?" Kayla asked, nodding down at her hand with a naughty smile. "Something's really got you going tonight hasn't it .... or is that just the thought of going to bed with a young wife?"

"Yeah, I reckon going to bed with someone's young wife would be good right now." He couldn't help quipping in response. "But what's got you in the mood my darling little Kayla? Could it be our guest this evening? Just what were you both up to when I was on the phone? I haven't forgotten our discussion the other evening you know!"

"Oh that? Yes .... Well he is quite attractive you know and ......

She looked into her husband's eyes but offered no detail of what may have happened while he was out of the room; but just diverted the conversation,

"But then again, so are you my darling .... quite the sex God!"

They began to undress; and after each had visited the bathroom, they finished taking off the last of their clothes and slipped under the duvet to snuggle up naked together. For a while nothing was said and they absent-mindedly caressed each other's bodies with the familiarity of their relationship.

"What do you really think of Peter darling?" Jake looked down at his wife's face, circled by his naked arm.

"I find him quite attractive but I can't quite work out the charm bit. I think it's genuine but when he looks at me it's almost as if he knows something about me that I don't."

"How do you mean?"

It didn't sound to Jake as if anything had been said about the pictures he'd e-mailed to Peter but he couldn't be sure. Then again, he didn't think that Peter would have broken his confidence; but one never knew .......

"I don't know really. I just get the feeling he knows much more about me than a relative stranger normally would.

"I know it sounds ridiculous but it's almost as if he not only knows me but knows my body as well. It's the way he looks at me. He lets his eyes wander all over me and they seem to stop at my tits and at my crotch. In some people that would seem perverted and be a complete turn-off; but with him .... well, there's something much more to it and I find myself actually quite turned on for some reason - almost as if we're sharing a knowledge! Does that sound strange?"

Jake thought for a moment. Now would appear to be the perfect opportunity for him to come clean with what he'd done in showing photos of his nude wife to their friend. Dare he .... or would it be too dangerous, despite the fact the Kayla was obviously quite turned on by whatever had happened? But he bottled out and said nothing of it. Instead,

"You trying to tell me you fancy him or something then darling?" Jake held his breath in anticipation.

"Hey darling, I already told you the other night that he turned me on a bit, so yeah, I guess I must fancy him some!"

"Enough to want to screw him honey?" Again, Jake held his breath. He felt Kayla's hand take hold of his cock and realised they were both beginning to fantasise again.

"Wow, does that thought turn you on Jake honey - your cock's getting hard! I think it does, doesn't it Jakey baby .... yes it does, doesn't it!!"

Kayla started to gently pump the shaft of his cock, pulling the foreskin back and over the top of his glans in the most exciting way. She looked thoughtful for a moment and then,

"Actually, Jake, he does turn me on too .... quite a lot actually. Do you mind?"

"You know I don't. What I said the other night still stands. I find it really sexy - you know, the thought of you being naked and played with by another guy, particularly Peter. I'd really love to see it!"

"Oh hell Jake, now you're getting me hot. Would you really like me to be naked with Peter and let him do things to me?"

Would you like him to see me like this for instance?" Kayla pulled the duvet down to expose her breasts and started to play with one of her nipples -- squeezing it really hard, while her other hand continued to stroke Jake's penis.

"Or maybe you'd like him to see this....!"

Kayla gripped the duvet and threw it below their feet, so that her legs and pubic mound were on open display. Moving her legs, she raised her knees and spread them wide apart so that the lips of her sex opened up with a slight popping sound. She looked down at herself and began to grip Jake's penis even harder until he felt he was building up for a climax.

"Would you like him to see right into me like this honey? I think you would, wouldn't you? I know I would, I'd bloody love it if Peter could see me like this .... oh my godfathers .... it'd be so horny being completely exposed to him and ready to be taken, I think I'd die!

"Oh Jake honey, fuck me .... please do it now .... please fuck me hard!"

Jake stayed where he was but moved his right hand down to play with her clitoris. He wanted to savour their conversation and see just how far she'd go with her fantasy.

"Would you like it if I were Peter right now?"

"Oh hell yes .... I think I'd love it. Please darling, fuck me .... oh please .... Now!"

"Can you imagine his fingers doing what I'm doing to you? Can you imagine him looking closely at all your nakedness while he does it .... Checking out every inch of you and feeding his fingers right up inside you like this ....!"

"Ahhhh, yes, yes .... hurry up .... Take your fingers out and put him in me .... quick, or I'm going to come .... Oh please Peter, do it now .... I need you in me .... oh please, I want you .... Please!"

Jake couldn't hold back any more and suddenly rolled over between Kayla's legs to plunge straight into her with one quick movement. He sank deeply into her sex and thrust forwards, holding himself rigid as he released himself into her body with an outflow of lust such as he'd never felt before. As he reached the peak, he felt Kayla's pussy tighten spasmodically around his penis as she began to come herself in loud panting bliss, milking him in her desire.

"Oh yes, yes, yes ..... harder ..... oh please push harder .... Oh my god that's fucking ... incredible ... oh Peter that's absolutely lovely .... you feel so fucking good .... ahhhh, unngg .... aaahhhhhh ...... oh that ..... that's just too fucking much .... that was .... Oh yes, that was fucking lovely!"

Jake rolled back onto his side of the bed and they both lay panting side by side, completely drained of any kind of energy; each revelling in their own thoughts of what had just happened and the way Kayla had kept repeating their new friend's name.

They'd been fantasising all right; but did Kayla know that Jake was increasingly turning his fantasy into a wish for it to happen in reality?

Kayla eventually sat up in bed and was about to go to the bathroom, when she noticed something had fallen from the pocket of Jake's jeans. Looking closer, she realised that it was a copy of one of the nude photos that Jake had taken of her some months before.

"Jake?" she turned to him with a puzzled look.

"What's that picture of me doing in your jeans - I thought you'd only got them all stored on our computer?"

Jake suddenly flushed up and completely taken by surprise, he tried to find an explanation ....

"Oh that. Well, it's one I particularly love and I like to have a copy on me so's I can look at you when I'm away."

He knew it sounded weak but it was the only thing he could think of.

"Jake ..... you're lying, aren't you. I can tell."

Kayla looked hard at him and as her face cleared, he realised she'd come to a decision on what it was really doing.

"I think," she emphasised the 'I' and continued her deliberation in silence for a few seconds before,

"I think you've showed it to someone else. You changed into clean jeans before Peter came around and I know it wasn't in the pocket then, so ........