Judy Writes Her One and Only Story.

"Hi, my name is Judy, I am the one my husband has been writing about." After reading what John has written about us, I decided I would write my one and only story.

I was going through our computer, when I came across a site that John had forgotten to close. It was a porn site; John had been writing stories about our sex life. This really did tick me off, getting even, was my first thought. Oh, how about superglue to his privates, knowing him, as he was being rushed to emergency, he would be complaining about not being able to finish a story. I decided to confronted John. John talked me into reading them, I really did enjoy. Here I go, making an attempt at writing a story.

This is the one and only time that I will use the "F" word to express my feelings, it has to be done. Many people wonder why John and I do this. The reason is we both enjoy story time. I fuck these guys and make love to my husband. John knows that I love him but he has to control everything, that's alright with me. Sometimes I get so caught up with sex and I take things a little too far, for example our honeymoon night.

When John and I first met we had a great sex life, two or three times a day was not uncommon. We both got tired of the missionary position. John started talking to me, while we were having sex. I would cum so hard and it was a totally different way of getting off. Gil came into the picture and that brought another dimension into our lives. When I met Gil that first night, I knew I would sl**p with him. Of course, it would make a good story time also. I knew John wanted me to do something with Gil. After I slept with Gil, it was a great turn on for both of us. We wanted to do more of our fantasies.

We were very careful on who we picked out. If we were not sure I used contraceptives, I always had two in my purse. John wanted everybody to think we were going bareback. So here goes my story, wish me good luck readers.

My fortieth Birthday.

John and I lived in a apartment in a large city. We had lived together for two years and were married for another two. Being together this long, we decided to buy a home. The home that we bought was across town from the apartment.

John was an avid work out freak, when he was not travailing, he was in the gym. He happened to meet the neighbor across the street from our new home, while he was working out. The neighbor's name was Myron. Myron was older than us, probable in his sixties. He was in really in good shape from all the working out he did.

John and I were really into football, we had direct TV and a big screen, we got all of the games.

One Sunday, in the middle of October, John invited Myron over to watch the games. I had never met Myron; it was really nice to have his company. When Myron walked into our home, my first thoughts were the silver fox. He was six foot one, his weight was about one-hundred and eighty-five pounds and very good looking. We all sat around having chips and drinks, while we watched the games.

I noticed that Myron kept looking at my chest, I had not put a bra on. I just had a blouse that buttoned up the front and a pair of shorts. My nipples were really hard and pushing at the fabric. It made me feel uncomfortable but it was very exciting knowing he was watching me; it made my body tingle. We found out he was a retired masseuse and a professional dancer. For the next four weekends, Myron invited us to his dance club, I really got to know him. Yes, he was a very good dancer.

After dancing one Saturday night we went back to his house to have a couple of drinks. I said, "Myron why don't you come over next weekend, its my fortieth birthday. John and I are going out to dinner and dancing. I made reservations at a real nice place and I am sure I could call and get another person in. I sure would love to have you there, so I don't step on John's toes all night."

"That sounds like a great idea, I would love to come over and spend your birthday with you and John."

I said, "I have a hair appointment at nine, next Saturday morning. Then I have to go shopping for a new dress and shoes. Now if you two want to go shopping with me, Myron, you should be over here by eleven."

Wednesday night Myron gave me a call and let me know that he would try to get here Saturday morning by eleven.

Saturday morning, I got up and out to my hair appointment. I got through and was home by eleven. No Myron, John and I were walking out the door when he showed up. We all got into Myron's pickup and off to Macy's we went.

When we got to Macy's, we went right to the dress department. John and Myron took their seats so they could watch the show. I must of tried on twenty dresses, it did not seem, they liked any of them. I finally found this white long dress. It was long sleeved and backless, it went all the way to the floor and had slit up left side, it also buttoned up the front. I knew John would really like this, it showed my tan off and emphasized my boobs. When I was trying it on, I noticed it brought out my green eye. When I walked out both their mouths dropped open, they both said, "wow". I left them setting there and headed for the shoe department. I knew exactly what I wanted; I found a green pair of four-inch heels.

I said, "We have to get back to the house, we have been here for three and half hours. I have to get ready; our dinner reservations are at seven and we are not going to miss that."

By the time we got to the house, I got my shower taken and my clothes changed, it was six o'clock. It was a half an hour drive to the restaurant. We all needed a drink and John fixed us one, in fact, he fixed us two. After the second drink it was six-thirty. We decided to take my car which had a back seat. I didn't want to crunch up my dress in the front seat of a pickup. John drove, Myron sat in the back behind me.

We arrived at the restraint right on time, we walked in the music was already playing. The hostess seated us in the back corner, in a half-rounded booth. The light was really dim, I slid in first, John went to my right side and Myron was on my left. We were higher than the tables, so we had a clear view of the dance floor. Our waitress came over, we ordered a drink and told her we would wait a while before ordering dinner. The band was playing old music from the 50s, waltzes.

I said, "Myron, it's time to teach me to dance to this music, I have been waiting for a week to do this with you."

Myron got up and took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Every move he made, I flowed with him, it was like dancing on a cloud. John and I had never talked about Myron and sex. I could feel his hand moving up and down on my bare back, he had a great touch. We danced two songs and went back to the table, John stood up and clapped for us, that embarrassed the heck out of me.

While we were dancing John had ordered us another drink. Now I am on my fourth, of the evening and my head was a little light. I had very little to eat all day, John had also ordered some appetizer's, I dove right in. We had been setting there for about twenty minutes, small talking. I felt a hand on my leg, it was right above my knee. Myron was gently squeezing and stroking real lightly, it made my body tingle. Myron had put his hand through the slit and he kept stroking higher and higher.

I decided it was about time to go to the lady's room. I leaned over and gave John a peck on the cheek and kissed Myron on the lips, his tongue touched my lips. It was just a quickie, nobody noticed but Myron and myself. I then told them where I was going and I would be back shortly. I got to the restroom and did my thing. I took my panties off and put them in my purse. I really did have a feeling for what was going to happen when I got back.

When I got back to the table the waitress was there to take our dinner orders. We all ordered and she said it would take thirty minutes.

Myron said. "Would you like to dance one more?"

I said, "Sure."

This time he pulled me real close to him. I could feel his manhood in my stomach, he was really hard. He put his tongue in my ear, telling me what a beautiful body I had and how much he wanted to touch me. I could see John, he was paying no attention to us, he was busy talking to the waitress. I let Myron kiss me on the lips. The song ended; we went back to the table. Of course, John was still talking to the waitress, I know he did not see a thing.

Our food came almost as soon as we sat down. I found out really quick, that Myron was left-handed. He was eating with his left hand and his right hand went back to my leg. He had the kind of touch that made me quiver. He kept stoking my leg until he hit my private place. I was shaking so bad, that I had a hard time eating my food. I didn't know which hunger I wanted to feed, they both felt so good. A finger, then two went inside of me. I took a deep breath; I could feel myself leaking on his hand.

I looked over at John, he was eating his food and watching the people dancing, he was not paying any attention to us. I closed my eyes and I was just enjoying the fingers inside of me. My breathing got really fast, I started getting off, I reached down and put my hand over his. I was holding his hand tight, so his fingers would not come out of me. I was gritting my teeth, so I wouldn't scream. Sweat was running down my face, as he found my G spot. I wanted to grab Myron, hold him and kiss him.

I finally recovered enough to say, " Excuse me, I have to go to the lady's room." I knew my makeup was a mess and I had to fix it. Myron stood up and let me out.

When I returned from the restroom the waitress had put our food in a dogie bag. I figured Myron and John had decided to go home. I really didn't want to go, I wanted to dance. I told them both that I wanted stay.

Myron said, "Judy, I brought some real good Cd's, we can dance at your house. It's your birthday, so it's your choice."

I thought about what Myron's fingers had done to me, while we were eating. I really didn't have a choice, I wanted to spend my fortieth with Myron. I knew John would be watching.

"OK let's go home."

We got into the car, we hadn't been gone for five minutes, when I felt this hand unbuttoning the front of my dress. It was real dark in the car, you couldn't see anything. I knew Myron had reached around from the back and was doing the deed. With this dress I did not wear a bra. He unbuttoned the dress all the way down to my stomach, I felt his hand slide in and he cupped my breast. He put his forefinger and his thumb on my nipple, he was tweaking it real fast. Myron knew how to touch a woman. I just put my head back, closing my eyes and enjoying the sensations. I was just thinking how his lips were going to feel around my nipples.

We finally arrived at the house; John made an excuse that he had to go get some beer. I knew then that John had planned all of this. He would be back, go through the sliding doors of our bedroom, so he could watch. That dirty sneak, he didn't tell me.

Myron and I went into the house, as soon as the door was closed, he grabbed me and threw a lip lock on me.

He said, "Where is your CD player?"

I showed him and he put on a CD, we melted into each other's arm. The top of my dress was still unbuttoned, he slid my arms out and top went to my sides. He dropped to his knees and took both of my breasts in his hands, he rolled his tongue around my aerials, then started licking my nipples. He pulled my dress down to the floor, I was standing there totally nude. He ran his tongue down to my woman hood, then stuck it deep inside of me. I took hold of his shoulders and pulled him to his feet.

" This is not fair, it's my turn."

The recliner was right behind him and I pushed him back into it. I started rubbing his manhood through his pants. I unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them pulling them and his shorts to the floor. I looked down and I saw the most beautiful manhood that I have ever seen. It was about eight inches, sticking straight up. It was perfectly shaped and I just wanted it in my mouth. I leaned down, started licking around the head, running my tongue down the side and over his testicles. I put one of his testicles in my mouth and started sucking real gently. I ran my tongue back up to his thing. I started going down on it, I thought he was going to get off at any minute.

I felt a hand on my ass, a cock went into my vagina, real deep and hit bottom. John was slapping my rear and plunging his cock deep inside of me, in and out real fast. I was gasping for a breath, I thought I was going to bite Myron's thing off. I started screaming, "OH! OH! OH! my god! It feels so good." I let lose all over the carpet, it was a very intense pleasure. John pulled out of me, he had cum and left the room. I still had my hand around Myron's cock and I climbed on top of Myron and stuck that beautiful thing inside of me.

He leaned forward and said, "I took Viagra two hours ago, when I take one, I can't come. I took it so my cock would stay hard for you."

I put my lips on his, I said, "Thank you I will just enjoy."

Myron put his lips on my breast and started moving really slow inside of me.

John walked back into the room; he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Judy please come to bed, I am really tired and I need somebody to cuddle."

I said , " Myron I have to go, I sure am going to miss that beautiful thing of yours!"

I kissed Myron goodnight, jumped into the shower and off to bed I went. I had laid some blankets and a pillow out for Myron; he was going to have to sl**p on the couch. I had not been in bed for two minutes, when I heard Myron taking a shower. John had already fallen a sl**p, I was just laying there looking at the ceiling, horny as hell. Myron finished his shower and I heard him open the door to our bedroom.

He said in a real low voice, "Is anyone awake?"

I replied, "Yes I am, John is a sleep, what do you need?"

"Do you happen to have an extra pillow?" .

"Myron, just crawl in bed next to me, it's a king size bed."

"I really don't want to get John pissed off at me, he already sounded upset when he called you into the bedroom."

"Let me worry about John, just crawl in. We haven't finished our loving and I want you inside of me."

Myron climbed in and I reached down, his man organ was still hard.

I said, "Get on top of me and stick that thing in me."

I was still wet from thinking about having sex with Myron. He started putting it all the way in and pulling it back out real slow, he was teasing me. He put his tongue and lips up to my ear and started talking to me.

"From the first time I saw you I wanted to stick my cock inside of you and bite on those beautiful tits of yours. I don't think I could ever get enough of you. I would fuck you fifteen times a day." He was whispering in my ear.

We could not take it anymore, we both got off at the same time. He had his hand over my mouth so we wouldn't wake John, I thought I was going to bite through his fingers. I had the most tremendous climax and I fell asl**p in his arms.

When I woke up the next morning there was no Myron in the bed next to me. I rolled over and kissed John, waking him up. I looked over at the clock and it was eight. We both got up and went into the living room and Myron was fast a sl**p. I put on some coffee and started making breakfast. Myron woke up ten minutes later. I had breakfast ready by eight-forty, we all sat down and ate.

Myron said, "I have to be leaving shortly, I have some stuff to take care of, at home. I just want to thank you two for a great time."

John went outside to get his paper work out of his car.

I put my arms around Myron's neck and I said, "Myron I will never forget this night, we really have to get together soon."

We kissed and he was out the door.