Her **** Became Her Fantasy
Her **** Her Fantasy.jpg

"He was doing a good job of it so I just laid there and enjoyed it. I had my legs up and was looking into his face. I think I even held his head at times.”

By EroticWriter

Note readers: I posted this story the first time using the title 'Was it Actually a ****?' as the almost completely intact news report from a Bahamas newspaper. As you read that item you can probably detect that the reporter wanted to reveal more than he/she was able to write.

This is my playful version of what might actually have transpired, including my creation of the **** victim's interview with the investigating detective. I don't feel all that much 'guilty' at making a sex story out of a real **** report, because if you read the actual report, it sounds almost like she wanted it to happen and besides, her husband failed to act, make a move, sneak out for help, do something when there was only one intruder. Just one.

The photo I found to use with the story? I think that woman is absolutely beautiful. Face, check, Body, breasts, waist, legs, double check. Expression on her face. Perfect. Her age I would guess might be late twenties, early thirties. Plus he has her on the carpeted floor. Perfect for this story.

Of course we only have the one shot, all I could find. Wish I had the rest, if any, shots of her with that nicely built black dude to see if she looks that good from other angles. Classy too, very classy she seems to be.

The first ten or so paragraphs/lines are from the actual news report from the Bahamas exactly as printed and the middle has been modified and added to by me to reflect what the news reporter might have really wanted to convey. After my modifications, the story returns to the actual report as printed.

My additions to the story begin where it says the intruder ripped the cord out of the phone and then closed the bedroom door and took the naked on the bottom half wife downstairs. The street named is the actual street given. The oral sex, ****** on the floor, wife making noise, etc was in the original report.

The silly paragraph at the end of the report about a black man being overheard saying he likes to **** white women because they seem to enjoy it was in the original news report and I suspect it was made up and stuck there by the reporter. Our story starts with the actual headline:

Man terrorizes ****** at gunpoint

An armed, unmasked black man, identified by a scar over one of his eyes, broke into a home of a white couple on Greenwood Road, off Village Road on October 29, terrorized the man of the house and ***** his wife.

The husband had nodded off while drinking and watching a ball game downstairs. When he went upstairs that Sunday his wife was already in bed. Stripping down, he climbed into bed beside his wife and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

She had awakened and was just falling asleep again when she heard a noise in the house. She awakened him and started putting on her pajamas. It was about 11:30 PM.

Suddenly, he said a man with a flashlight was walking down their hall. The man had kicked in the front door downstairs, walked up the stairs, pushed in the door at the top of the stairs, and entered their room, blinding them with the flashlight as he shown it over the naked husband and the half-dressed wife.

"Okay," said the intruder, "I want your f---ing money!"

The man's wife, who had US$700 in cash for a trip to Miami, told the intruder she would get the money.

Meanwhile, her husband had been ordered not to look at the intruder. He was told to lie on the floor with his head turned away. The little potcake who sleeps in the couple's bedroom, started to growl. The armed robber threatened to shoot the dog if it bothered him. The husband called the dog to him.

The husband, who was at a disadvantage because he was not wearing his glasses, was further blinded by the light shining in his face. Other than the light from the flashlight the room was in darkness.

The robber warned the husband to stay on the floor and not move. "If you move I'll kill everybody," he threatened. Just down the hall the couple's four-year-old twins were asleep in their room.

"This is an old wooden house," said the husband, who is small in stature. "I was afraid that if I moved he would hear the floorboards creak and kill everybody."

The robber had ripped the cord from the telephone which was on the other side of the bed, out of the husband's reach.

The robber ordered the man's wife, who was wearing her pajama top but was naked on the bottom, to go with him downstairs. The intruder closed the bedroom door as he took the wife downstairs at gunpoint.

There he stripped her naked on the top half and after making her turn around and pose for him, he made her kneel in front of him, pull down his zipper and perform oral sex.

Then he had her perform the removal of his clothes and when he was naked he began ****** her for a long time on the carpeted floor.

Then, while holding her hand so that she had to follow him they both walked naked into the kitchen where he opened the refrigerator door and they shared some food and drink while seated at the kitchen table.

Then he walked her back into the living room and followed up by ****** her again on the floor and then, after a few minutes changing her to a different position.

All this time the husband was hearing the sounds his wife was making as she was being ***** but was afraid to move because of the floorboards. “I could hear my wife right through the floor as well as the sounds coming up the stairwell.

She was moaning it sounded like and it sounded like she was in pain, like he was hurting her, and I felt so helpless.”

But according to the wife, who incidentally is very pretty and was being questioned separately from her husband, she was not being hurt but was faking feeling pleasure and making noises in hopes that the ****** would leave her ****** unharmed.

The police interview.

Normally the local police would be using a female interviewer to ask questions of a female victim, but the female interviewer was on vacation. They had asked the wife if she minded answering questions being given by a male, and at first she was reluctant, and then agreed to proceed.

When the detective first saw her and how beautiful she is, he immediately thought, 'this is one interview I am going to enjoy and prolong as much as possible.'

The detective escorted her into a room away from the others and began his questioning. In answer to the interviewer’s questioning as to what had happened downstairs, she had talked freely as if seeming to want to get it all out.

“He kept going for endless minutes and as he kept changing angles inside me he kept telling me to say how good it was feeling, his big…” She hesitated, not wanting to say it.

“His big what ma'am? His penis, is that the word he used?”

She had turned red in the face. “Actually, he called it his cock sometimes, and another time or two he referred to it as ‘my black meat’.”

The interviewer, a white man, sighed. “Was it big, his penis?”

“When she looked strangely at him, the interviewer added; “It’s for identification purposes.”

“Oh. I see. Yes it was big…very, compared to what I am used to.”

“Used to? You mean compared to your husband?”

She sighed. “Yes, bigger than my husband's penis.” She hesitated, then added, "Bigger than most men probably."

Just to be sure you know what ‘big’ is as it relates to a penis, your husband is the only man you have been with, or were there others?

She frowned. “Why do you want to know if there were others?”

“Because in court ma'am, sometimes the defense attorney tries to attack the victim’s reputation in order to lessen her testimony. If he can show that the **** victim has been easy with her body, a jury is sometimes reluctant to convict.”

The detective went on, explaining his question. "You said 'bigger than most men, probably,' and it sounded like you have been with others."

She shook her head. “Oh no, I didn't mean it that way. I think my reputation will stand up to inquiry. I’ve never been physical with anyone other than my husband…” she hesitated, “before tonight that is.” With that, her eyes seemed to look far away, as if she was remembering.

"Aaah ma'am? It seems like you might be thinking of some other man, or men, in your past. We have to be sure. Were there any others in your history that a defense attorney might be able to produce?"

She looked sad. "No. There were men that tried, and a couple of men groped me at social gatherings, parties where there was drinking going on, but I always managed to get away from them and make it clear I was not a cheat."

These men that 'groped you.' In exactly what manner?"

"You need to know?"

"Yes ma'am. It's for the purpose of determining what kind of reputation you might have amongst your friends, people that know or are familiar with you in case a defense attorney goes digging."

"I see. There was one man, he got the furthest I guess, of the three or four that managed to touch me."

"Three or four ma'am? See, that's what I am concerned about. At first you said 'a couple of men,' which means two, and then it became 'three or four.' Which was it, and in the future you will need to stick to your story if necessary."

"I see. Yes, there were three or four, but the others just grabbed my breasts or ass but it was over my clothes, my dress or whatever at parties when everyone was drinking. They never saw me naked or got any further."

"Did you kiss any of them?"

"No. Yes, one of the other men and then, the one I was about to tell you about, the one who got the furthest."

"Tell me about him. How far did he get?"

"I...(sigh) was pretty smashed I think. Normally I don't drink that much but that night I had perhaps one or two too many."

"How long ago was this?"

"About...three years ago. It was in the fall, still warm enough for some people to be getting into the pool."

"So how did he manage to get you, touch you, or perhaps, there was more?" The detective looked inquiringly into her eyes.

"He, it was a man who works with my husband. Same company, different department. He's good looking. I felt him to be attractive and he spent some time with me in a darkened room that overlooked the pool and the people sitting around it. I could see my husband down there through the window and I knew he wouldn't catch me since I could see him if he got up and started looking for me."

"How did you happen to be alone with this man in a darkened room? It sounds like a bedroom by the way."

"Yes. It was a bedroom, a big one with a couch over by the window on the pool side."

"So why were you in there with him" And alone?"

"He caught me in the hall, coming back from using the bathroom, and he smiled real friendly like and said, 'Here. I want to show you something," and took my hand in his and started leading me down the hall."

"And into that bedroom?"

"Yes, it was just a few feet away and the door was open, so not thinking clearly, I allowed him to guide me in." She paused. "He led me over to the window and said, 'See, from here you can see everyone by the pool."

"I nodded my head and said something like, "There's my husband over there talking to some people on lounge chairs."

He laughed and pointed. "And there's my wife just a few feet away from your husband talking to some of her girlfriends."

"I giggled and said something like: "Oh cool. I guess we're safe then."

"I was just joking but that's when he grabbed me, wrapped his arm around me and said something like, "Yes, we can keep an eye on our spouses while we play."

She looked at the detective. "I hope you can understand. At that point it seemed so harmless, like a kid's game or something. So when he leaned his head down to me, I sort of giggled and allowed him to kiss me.

"So now ma'am, you and this man who works with your husband started kissing. Go on, I am sure there is more."

"There was. But at first it was just kissing, innocent stuff I thought. Then, when the kissing grew more intense, he started to get pushy, running his hand up under my skirt and...and then he managed to get his finger past my panties and put it in. I...I didn't want that, but then again, I did, so I didn't try to stop him right away because we were still kissing."

"I see ma'am. And were you standing or lying down at that point?"

"Standing at first, then, in the middle of a kiss, he lowered me down onto a couch. I immediately broke the kiss to see if I could still see my husband and the area he was seated in by the pool was still visible, so I felt safe. Safe I mean, from being caught."

"So then what happened?"

"Are you sure this is necessary, for me to tell?"

"Yes ma'am. In case a defense attorney goes digging amongst your husband's co-workers, I need to know that you were of...how should I put this, of good character before you were ***** tonight."

"I know it might sound hard to believe, but I was always a faithful wife, right up until that night. He caught me at a weak moment, when I had been drinking. He was kissing me, fingering me, he had pulled my panties down past my hips and I became so wet. I couldn't resist it felt so good and I had an orgasm. An orgasm just with his finger probing me, back and forth and not even touching me on my...on my..."

"On your clitoris, ma'am?"

"Yes. There. I never reach orgasm with my husband unless I'm touching myself there at the same time, so that surprised me, that I climaxed with that man. It was the first time I ever had an orgasm unless I was helping myself. I mean, I didn't love him or anything. Didn't even like him that much actually." She looked upset at that point and the detective decided to go a bit easier on her. For a while.

"So you reached orgasm with a man you didn't love, and it sounds like, maybe had a better orgasm than your husband gives you. Was that the case?"

She nodded, her head down. "It was, and I felt so ashamed. I still do, actually."

"It was probably the drink ma'am, and the situation, you know, of this being secretive and exciting and mostly, forbidden since you were married to someone else."

She sighed. "Yes, that must be it. I guess you're going to ask what happened next so I might as well get it out. I...I still don't believe I did it, but I gave him oral sex."

"Oral sex ma'am?"

"Yes. He wanted me to...to have sex with him, sit on him on the couch, and I said I couldn't do that, that it would be cheating. He laughed at that and I said, 'this is just playing, doing it for real would be cheating.'

I could tell that he was also worried about what his wife might be doing as he kept looking out the window same as me so he asked if I would take care of him since he really needed to cum.

I told him I would jack him off and he said he could cum faster if I used my mouth. I told him I would do it but he had to promise to keep watching my husband through the window, and I would take care of him. I did it mainly, well, one, he had made me cum, and two, I wanted to keep him from trying to...to put it in." She paused, remembering.

"Did it work ma'am? Did he settle for just a blow job?"

"A blow job? That's what it's called? Yes, he seemed happy with that. I...when he opened his zipper he was already, already erect, and I could see that he was larger than my husband, and that kind of excited me I must admit."

"How much larger?"

"Just a bit. Maybe an inch or two longer and larger around. Not way around, but I could feel the difference in my hand and mouth."

'So you used your hand on him first, or hand and mouth at the same time?"

"I...I stroked him first, he wasn't circumcised like my husband and it was so different, his penis. Besides the size I mean. Then I put my mouth on him. I wanted to get it over with quick because I could no longer see my husband in that position and I wasn't sure of how much I could trust that man to keep watch out the window."

"Did he tell you how to do it, or were you doing it good enough on your own?"

She looked funny at the detective, then decided to answer because this talk was getting her aroused to a point. "I tried to go up and down, but I wasn't used to one that thick so I mostly used my tongue on the end while I kept my mouth over him."

"He probably enjoyed that. Did you go all the way ma'am, until he orgasmed?"

"Yes. He orgasmed in my mouth, it didn't take long. So quick actually that he caught me by surprise and came in my mouth before I had a chance to remove my mouth and just use my hand."

"So you kept your mouth on him?"

"Yes. He was groaning and sort of trying to shove his cock deeper into my mouth yet at the same time I could tell he was not trying to force it and maybe make me gag."

She paused: "He came intensely and I felt his cum shooting so hard it sort of pushed my tongue back out of the way."

"Did you swallow it?"

"No. He probably thought I did. There seemed to be a lot more cum than my husband had ever shot into my mouth, the few times I let him."

"So if you didn't swallow it, what'd you do with it?"

"I spit it out after holding it in my mouth for a bit. He was standing and putting his penis away and looking out the window and when he wasn't looking at me I bent down and let the cum pour out of my mouth and under a seat cushion I lifted up so no one would see it, at least not then?"

"And he didn't know?"

"No sir. I made him promise never to tell and he did and we walked out separately and back to our mates. He went first while I waited a minute."

"You could still see your husband and his wife out the window?"

"Yes. His wife, by coincidence I could see through the window, was talking to my husband at that time. It looked like they might be flirting with one another."

"Now that is a coincidence Ma'am. While you are fooling around with a man, getting fingered and giving a blowjob, your husband and his wife, without being aware, are talking to each other and maybe thinking about what it might be to make it with the other. That sounds like it came right out of a romance novel or something."

"Yes, I guess it does, like it was meant to happen."

"So you feel confident ma'am, that this man would never say anything to an investigator if asked?"

"Yes. I'm pretty sure since I know he happens to love his wife."

"And you still love your husband, after that and since?"

"Oh yes. I've been faithful, always. I guess, except for that one time, which I didn't consider to be cheating under the circumstances."

That's commendable ma'am. So since you haven't had any real experience other than your husband and that other man, how do you know your ****** was big, that he had a large penis compared to most men?”

“Well, first of all, he was twice as large as my husband, and also larger than the man I gave a blowjob, and when he…well when he put it in, it was all I could take to handle him he was stretching me so far. My body was shaking, my legs were trembling so.”

“Did he shove it all the way in with one thrust, or did he give you some of it, and then more as time went by?”

“You need to know this?”

“Yes ma'am. Rapists, if they commit multiple acts, usually do it the same way. They have a certain technique that we can compare to previous rapes, which might aid in identifying him.

Any detail you can give me ma'am about your **** might ultimately aid in our catching him.”

“I see. I'll try to give you the details. At first, he saw how scared I looked when I first saw his penis. He had one hand on it and was stroking it, making his foreskin uncover and then cover the head and I know he wanted me to look at it.

So to please him and I guess, myself, I took a long look at it and then I turned my head away and said something like 'Oh God no.' Something like that."

"That big? What else did you do? Did you say anything to him, try to dissuade him maybe?"

"I did. I was trembling and I said 'he was too big.'

He enjoyed hearing that it seemed. I think that was when he decided to try and warm me up, to prepare me some. So he laid alongside me and fondled my breasts for a minute and tried to kiss me.

I resisted his kiss, but as he continued to fondle me and his hand went below, I finally gave in and allowed him to kiss me."

"Was he using his tongue?"

"Yes, his tongue, his fingers, everything, anything he could do to arouse me."

"He was penetrating you with his finger?"

"Yes. First one, and then two. Two was uncomfortable and I kept squirming as he stroked in and out of me."

"And were you aroused ma'am?"

"Yes. Even though it was uncomfortable, it felt good. But when he put my hand on his penis, I got scared again. Then he rolled on top of me and between my legs. I was still holding onto him and in order to keep him from missing...missing my hole, I guided him in the hope he wouldn't hurt me.

I was looking down. He was so big, so wide, he shoved his head, the end of it all the way in and went about halfway down his shaft, in me, before he came to a stop. I think that was when I made a sound I'm afraid my husband might have heard.

I was gasping and he said something like: “Bet you never felt anything like that before,” and I said, “No never.”

“So he wanted to talk. That might be good in helping to identify him. Some serial rapists never talk to their victims, and some like to say and ask certain things. So then what did he say, when you admitted that you had never felt anything like that before?”

“He was holding it there, halfway in and staying up off me, and he leaned down and kissed me again, and then he said, asked me, “Never heard stories about black men?”

“So what did you say to that?”

“He was teasing me with his cock. Going in very very slowly, just a little bit at a time. I think he wanted to show me what it was that I had heard about. I told him that I had heard stories, but that I had thought they were just stories,”

“What did he say in response to that?”

“He said, 'What did you hear in those stories?”

“I was honest. I told him I had heard that black men are larger, down there, and that white women, some of them, are attracted to black men because of it.”

“And his response?”

“Now you know the truth.”

"Were you attracted to him at that point, based on what you had heard, that some white women are attracted to black men because they have large cocks?"

"Not attracted at all. Well, not attracted because of what I had heard. I think I was becoming attracted though, for real, because of what I was feeling with him going into me."

“Then he gave the rest of it to you. Shoved it all the way in?”

“Yes, but not shoved. I think he was trying not to hurt me. He sort of giggled after he had said 'Now you know the truth, and said “now you can feel the rest.' And he sort of laid his body more onto mine until he had buried himself in me. I could feel his...his testicles lying on my butt.”

“So you were able to take all of him then?”

“Yes. And I was relieved, maybe even glad at at that point.”

“Glad that you could take him, or glad that he was big?”

She looked at the detective with an act of defiance. “Glad that I could take him of course, not the other! I certainly wasn't glad he was big. That would be like admitting that I wanted him to be bigger than my husband.”

“Yes ma'am. I understand. Now, you said you could feel his testicles, his balls, lying on your butt? So you had your legs up I assume?”

“Yes. It was the most comfortable way to be taking him since I was lying on the carpet.”

“You said you made a noise, maybe a loud groan when he first shoved some in. But then as he kept moving, were you making noise at that time?”

“I think that at that time I might have been making moaning noises as I tried to more adapt to him. And then when he started his pumping motion he was going even deeper into me, and it felt like he was going all the way to my throat.”

“You said you were moaning. At any time was it hurting, when he stretched you or went in deep?”

“Are you sure this is for the purposes of court testimony?”

“Yes ma’am. It could come up so I am trying to cover all the bases.”

“Well, if you must know it more felt good than felt like it was hurting me. When he began his pumping I had never felt anything like that before. It was like he was turning me inside out when he rose up and then stuffing me back inside when he came forward again.”

“Just pleasure and no pain?”

“ No pain, and a lot of pleasure. To be honest, It was very intense, the feeling from his penis. But if they ask me in court I suppose I could say that it was hurting. That way it would explain all the noise he might say I was making.”

“So, back to the original question, in court you feel qualified to state that your ****** had a large cock, is that right?”

“Are you sure this would come out in court?”

He nodded. “If we catch the man, you might be asked that question in court, to describe his penis as part of your identifying him, so I am just trying to prepare you.”

“I see. Thank you.”

“This all happened during the first ****?”

“Yes. He covered a lot of territory with his dirty talk about his big cock and how he was using it on me as well as covering a lot of territory as he slid me all over the floor as he was…shit, I’ll say it, as he was fucking me!”

“Wow ma'am. I'm surprised, kind of, to hear you use that word, the F word. Do you normally use that word with your husband, when he makes love to you?”

“The F word, for fucking? Oh no. My goodness that word is probably forbidden in this house. I've never heard my husband use it, even when he swears, which isn't very often.”

“So then, tonight is the first time you have ever officially been fucked in this house. Is that right?”

“Yes, I guess you could say that, to describe it. First time I've ever been fucked anywhere.”

“How were you acting at that time. Just lying there, or would you say you were an active participant?”

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“I...I wouldn't say that I was a active participant, not just then. By that I mean I wasn't humping my butt in the air trying to get more cock, or anything like that. Lying on a carpeted floor didn't give me much chance to move my behind. But he was doing a good job of it so I just laid there and enjoyed it. I had my legs up and was looking into his face. I think I even held his head at times.”

Held his head?”

“Yes. To tell the truth, by then, after some more kissing, I was feeling close to him, He was staying up on his hands and I was able to look him in the face. That sort of brought us closer together, I mean, mentally.

It was like I became one with him at that time. At first he kept looking down at my body, at my breasts, and especially down to where his cock was stretching me as he moved in and out.

I couldn't see it, his cock in me, but I could sure feel it.

Then he began looking down into my eyes, and I up at him, and we were joined then, not just in body but in mind. It felt so good for me, and I wanted so bad for it to feel equally good for him.

I was enjoying the feel of him and since I was laying on the carpet instead of a bed there was no bounce factor so that's part of the reason I didn't try to fuck my hips up at him.

He was doing most of the work. For the first time, I felt like I was being used I guess you might say, by a real man. I didn't know how I should be responding to be getting fucked like that and I was all torn up inside."

"Torn up, ma'am?"

"I don't mean torn up in the pussy though he could have done that if he fucked too hard, but I was torn mentally because I knew that what I was feeling, the enjoyment, was wrong.”

“So his fuck technique was better than your husband's as well as him having a bigger cock then?”

(Sigh). “I shouldn't be telling this, comparing him fucking me to my husband. I know it's probably wrong, but sooner or later I'd want to talk to someone about it, and you officer, seem to be understanding.”

“Yes ma'am, that's my job. Speaking of you holding his head, the one on his shoulders I mean, how long was his hair?”

“His head was shaved I think, almost bald. I say shaved because I could feel the texture of hair, close cropped and he was not shiny smooth bald like the top of my husband's head.”

“So he was doing a good job of fucking so you just laid there and enjoyed it. Go on. What else happened?”

Her face had turned red and it seemed to the interviewer that she did not want to continue talking about the first ****, as she changed the subject. "I think he kept at it, on me for I don't know how long, twenty minutes maybe.

And then, after the second ****,” she said, “he used a digital camera to photograph me naked and while performing sex acts on him and also on myself.”

“Sex acts on him and then yourself? Explain.”

“While I was giving him another ‘blowjob’ he liked calling it, he was taking pictures from above and then he laid back on the floor and took some more while I did some more sucking.”

"A blowjob? I see. Did he ask you to do it, or force you to...to suck his cock?"

"It was sort of both, he told me to, I asked him what he meant, trying to act like I didn't know what suck meant, and then he said 'put your mouth on my cock.'"

“Was he forcing his penis into your mouth, or using his hands to force you down onto him? Did he jam it in too far and make you gag?”

“No. Well maybe yes. At first he was jabbing it into my mouth too deep but when he realized how much I could do he quit trying to force me. Then he..” she sighed, “and then he said I was doing it just fine and to keep doing it like that.”

“He let go with his hands?”

“Yes. I had decided to do what he wanted and do it willingly by then.”

“When he said you were doing it just fine, were you going deep and up and down?”

“No. He was too big, too wide for me to go deep or up and down. It was easier to use my tongue so I had started using my tongue on him, going all around the head like I do with my husband and he seemed to like that better than trying to fuck my mouth.”

“I see. Did he cum in your mouth?”

“I was afraid he might, but whenever he started getting close he would stop me because he wanted to put his second load into my pussy again.” She blushed. “Well, that’s what he said.”

“Ma'am, you said he took pictures of 'sex acts,' so what was the other act he had you do that he took pictures of?”

“I had to lie on my back and play with myself. You know, masturbate?”

“Did he make you lie with your legs wide open, apart?”

“Yes. As wide as I could get them while on my back he told me.”

“Did you aaah, did you cum then, while he was taking photos and watching you masturbate?”

She shook her head, but not to say ‘No,” but more in disgust. “Actually, I think at that time he was taking a video, a movie with his camera. He’ll probably tell his lawyer and it might come out in court and there might be a video of it, so I might as well admit it. “Yes, I came then.”

“You came while he was recording it? What did the camera see that might prove you were cumming? Were you squirming around and making noise or maybe say you were cumming?”

“Yes, I think so. Making noise I mean, and I had my eyes closed.”

“Did you actually say 'I'm cumming!' or just think it to yourself?”

“I didn't say it, I don't think. I didn't want him to know, but it was probably obvious on his camera that I was cumming.”

She hesitated, then admitted something to the interviewer about her marriage. “I'd never done that, masturbated in front of anyone before, not even my husband. So it was embarrassing for me to be doing that and in front of a stranger.”

"Do you masturbate as a normal part of your married life? A lot of women, and men do, even when they have a married mate."

"Why do you want to know...that?"

"You masturbated for the ******, and they way it sounds, you enjoyed it, so I'm just wondering if it was all new to you, the masturbating?"

"I do it sometimes in bed, after my husband has done his thing and gone to sleep."

"He leaves you unsatisfied? Is that once in a while, or often?"

"I don't know why I'm telling you this, it seems so...so personal."

"Yes ma'am, it is, but I am trying to prepare you for possible question a defense attorney might be asking you if we ever go to trail. They try to establish things the ****** made you do as regular things you always did and then they try to establish that you performed those acts on your own for the ****** to see."

"I've always kept my masturbation, when I did it, a secret from my husband. And when the ****** made me do it, with him watching me, well, it was exciting. Very!"

“It sounds to me ma'am, like you were enjoying yourself, If he has a video of you enjoying things, that could be significant in his favor if it comes to court.”

She looked frightened. “Actually, I was enjoying it by then. The ****, I mean the fucking, the blowjobs, my masturbating for him, all of it. That’s why I didn’t want my husband to call the police, but he insisted.

I knew there might be a video. But now that the police are here, If this comes up in court I promise to deny everything and say I was faking having an orgasm. After all, the man did keep our $700.”

When asked what position the ****** had used for the second act, the wife reluctantly admitted that she had been made to ‘get on top and ride him.’

“When you were 'riding him' ma'am, were you able to go all the way down on him with your body?”

The beautiful wife was beginning to suspect that the police interviewer was feeling sexual arousal and did not actually need to know all this, but his excitement was rubbing off on her. She decided to be more specific in her descriptions.

“When I got on top, he had his hand wrapped around himself and was aiming it up for me. I looked down to see where he was and he wriggled it back and forth as if to say 'here it is.' I know he could see me trembling I was shaking so. He was really big and I had to go slow as I went…as I put my pussy down over his cock.”

She looked into the detective's eyes as she confided more to him. "I've always been tight, down there, tight enough for me, for my vagina to wrap itself snugly around my husband. So when the ****** was on top, and then me, it was a bit of a struggle for me to take him, until I got it all the way in and adapted."

“I see ma'am. Did he tell you how to take it, fast or slow or anything like that?”

She frowned and the detective explained. “It's to establish his M.O.”


“Yes, his Method of Operation. You might not be the first housewife he has *****. We have found that most suspects have a method of operation that they keep repeating with different victims. Similarities in what he made you do might match up with previously reported rapes.”

She nodded. “I see. He didn't tell me how to do it since he could see that I was already heading there with my body.”

“You wanted it in?”

She blushed. “Yes. But that head was so wide and…shit, I was going to say it was hurting me, but to tell the truth it felt so good that I did it three times.”

“You did it three times? What do you mean? That after you got yourself down over the head of his cock that you came up off his cock and then put it in again so you could feel it spreading you? Is that what you are saying?”

“That’s it exactly. I had never felt that before, anything like that so, since I figured this was my only chance and I couldn’t be accused of ‘cheating’ since I was being *****, that I would take the time to enjoy myself.”

“Was the ****** saying anything at that time, about you coming off and going down on his cock over and over?”

“No. He knew though what I was doing and kept smiling up at me.”

“Did you smile back?”

“I hate so much telling this. Yes, I smiled back and I think it was a big grin."

“Well, since you were enjoying yourself so much, make sure that you never tell anyone else about this, especially your husband.”

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t say a word, but the ******, he for sure knew.”

“That could be a problem in court. His testimony might sound more believable to a jury if he is actually telling the truth. But let's not worry about that for now. So tell me, after you had gone down and up over the head of his penis three times, what did you do next?”

“I started taking him deeper, going slow, and he is, was so long that it took me a while to get to the bottom.”

“By all the way to the bottom, you mean you took him full-length and your pubic area was touching his, mound to mound and hair to hair?”

“Yes, that deep, maybe nine or ten inches, I don't know for sure how long he was.”

"Ten inches?" That's a lot ma'am. I'd be surprised if you actually took something that long. Show me with your fingers, no, your hands about how long he was."

"About this long, I'd say," she said as she held her hands almost a foot apart.

He shook his head. "That's a lot, for sure. So tell me, you went slow on purpose, or it was hard to take him inside?”

She sniffed. “It was feeling good the deeper I went up to a point and I wanted that sensation to last.”

“I see. So while you were riding him, once you took it all, his length, what did you do next?”

“All the while I was on top of him and pumping; he was fondling my body.”

“Fondling your body? Do you mean like squeezing your tits and playing with your nipples, things like that?”

“How did you know, that he was doing that?”

The interviewer shrugged. “It's what I would have been doing. Then what else did he do? Did he say anything or was most of the action with his hands?”

“He was saying my pussy felt good, nice and tight, things like that, and then he began pulling my head down and kissing me, or rather, forcing me to kiss him. I had to keep acting like I was enjoying it.”

“You weren’t enjoying kissing him after telling me that you were enjoying fucking him?”

“Kissing was different. While we were fucking it was just a physical thing. But kissing was like being involved, I mean mentally. He was looking into my eyes sometimes and that made it worse because I knew that he knew I was enjoying his cock.

But mostly it was the mental aspect. I didn't want to be involved with him mentally. I had been feeling that way the first time we fucked and when I realized what was happening I didn't want it to continue, that feeling of being involved.”

“How long did that go on, the kissing and fucking” she was asked?

“After a couple of minutes, no, more I think, and maybe fifty or sixty up and down strokes, by then I was kissing him willingly. I guess I should admit that to you. It couldn't be helped. At that point I wanted...everything.”

"During those fifty or sixty strokes, were you taking all of his cock?"

She sighed. "Most of it, but not all. I found that if I banged too hard, all the way down on him, it hurt sometimes, so I stayed up on him an inch or two."

“So you wanted to make him cum, or cum yourself?”

“Both, but he was quicker than me. I kept going, doing it until he…until he was finished. Then I started to get off and he ordered me to keep going until I finished.”

“You said until he was finished. You mean that he told you to quit, or that he came in you?”

“He came in me. He was squeezing my tits and I felt him throbbing, and it went on for a long time, and afterward....I was so wet inside.”

“I see. Then you say he told you to keep going? You mean that he still had an erection, after you said he was…finished, that he came so hard?”

“Yes. He was playing with my tits a lot by then. He said that it was me, my body that was keeping him up and excited. I don’t know why because I wasn’t doing anything to give him encouragement.”

“No encouragement? After the way you started taking his cock over and over while you were on top and returned his kisses I think he had lots of encouragement. So then you…finished, as you put it?”

“Yes. I guess there’s no use; it’s silly to call it ‘finished.’ I fucked him harder and had an orgasm. I couldn’t help it. Sometimes your body rules the mind.” She hesitated while thinking. “When I was cumming, I think I was slamming down against his pubic mound because I wanted to cum as hard as possible. It was hurting a little, but I just ignored it."

“Were you being noisy? Do you suppose the sounds were carrying through the house?”

She sighed. “Probably. I came pretty hard, maybe my...I'm not sure I should be admitting it, it might have been my best ever.”

“I can understand if you are feeling guilty about it. So back to the beginning, when he was on top of you the first time, did you orgasm then?”

“Yes, I guess there's no use trying to deny it now. But I don’t want my husband to hear that I really had orgasms. If he was hearing, let him think that I was faking. He would never understand. I really didn’t want that to be happening, that I was cumming. I know it might be hard to understand.”

“Don’t worry. We won’t bring it out in court, that you were cumming. It would not help in our trying to get a conviction. But let me ask you. Did the ****** know for sure you were having orgasms?”

She nodded. “I am pretty sure he did, especially after I admitted it, the second time.”

“You admitted it to him, told him you were cumming?”

“Yes. And then I kissed him again, and that time I think I did it without his pulling my head towards his.”

“He’ll probably say that in court in an attempt to say that a **** never occurred. So be ready to deny it when he says it. So what happened, what was said after you had your second orgasm, the one he told you to have?”

“Actually, to tell the truth, it was my third orgasm. I came twice with him on the floor, the first time he ***** me.”

“I see. I gather, by what you're telling me, that you have no difficulty achieving orgasms?”

“But I do, “ she answered, looking concerned. “Normally, with my husband, who...” she hesitated, “Is passive in bed and is kind of small, down there, I only cum if he takes his time and lasts for a while, and I use my fingers.”

“Before tonight, before this ****, were you aware that your husband is 'kind of small, down there?”

“Not in the first year or so of our marriage. He was able to stretch me some, and it seemed like the fit was kind of tight between us. But I talked to girlfriends, you know how it is, and I sort of got the idea that my husband might be on the small side.”

She rolled her eyes. "And then of course, after that bit with the other man in the bedroom, I was pretty sure that my husband is small, down there."

“So you were curious maybe, about other men?”

“Why do you say that” Do you think that I wanted to be fucked by this man or something?”

“No ma'am. Not that. It's just that there again, if the defense attorney gets you on the stand, he might try to get you to admit to being curious about other men or something. Anything he can put into the jury's mind that you might have been willing, even just partly, could help the suspect's case.”

"That's not the way it has been in my marriage. My husband has a...well, I've already admitted it, he has a small penis, and that's part of the reason why I ended up mastubating at times. I did that rather than looking elsewhere for love."

"You mean, for sex."

"Yes. Sex. Sex with other men."

“So tonight then, taking a big cock, is the first time you have been able to cum, to have orgasms without having to work at it, is that the case?”

“Yes. Well, there was that other man and his fingering me. But tonight, being *****, being truly fucked by a black man with a large penis kind of opened my eyes about things.”

And then, for the first time, she smiled, a big smile. “And I guess it kind of opened up my pussy too.”

This the interviewer wanted to hear more about. It didn't relate to her being *****, but as he was now interested in this woman and wanting to hear more, he asked another personal question, one about her marriage.

“You said more than once your husband is 'kind of small' down there. Do you know his size? Did you ever measure to see if your husband is the average size most men are supposed to be, like around five to six inches long?

She probably should have refused to answer since her husband's size did not relate directly to the investigation, but she answered because now, for the first time, she was talking, able to talk with someone about her sex life.

The detective, sensing this, and also at the same time nursing an erection, wanted to keep her talking.

“Actually, he's shorter. My husband only has somewhere between four and five inches in length, about that much, and it's not very big around. “We had a so-so sex life before I guess, and now, since I had the two children, our twins, I barely feel him sometimes when we make love.”

“So because of that, the differences in your sizes, your husband and you, you have a hard time cumming maybe. That is why this man tonight, this ****** who was able to give you that feeling of really being stretched, was probably able to take control of your body and maybe your mind.”

For the first time, she smiled directly at the detective. “I see where you are going with this now. Thank you. That probably explains it, why I acted so slutty with that man.”

“Yes ma'am. When he started making you have orgasms,” he paused, “How long have you been married ma'am?”

“Ten years.”

“I see. Ten years and probably not that great a sex life before or after your twins were born, so you probably had a lot of frustration built up.”

The wife, suddenly remembering why this man was supposed to be questioning her, changed the subject from her marriage back to the investigation. “How does this relate to tonight? That man ****** me?”

“In court ma'am. Our prosecutor needs to know all that went on, in your body and maybe your mind in case the defending attorney pulls any tricks to try and influence the jury. So we will need to be able to explain away those orgasms you had, especially since the ****** might have recorded one or more on video.”

“I see. I was frustrated I guess, in my marriage, the sex part, and never really admitting it to myself. With this guy, tonight, I was cumming quite easily.” She hesitated, looked guilty, and then added: “And they were better orgasms too.”

She seemed to look off into space as she remembered, and added: “They were really intense.”

The interviewer, secretly nursing an erection in his pants, wanted to stay on the subject of her being fucked. “Was it all, your orgasms, mostly because he was big, or...?”

“It was that, his size, but also because unlike my husband he was aggressive and forceful while fucking me and he was new and...I don't know, black and forbidden you might say. It was all very exciting, quite frankly.”

“You weren't worried about your ******?”

“No. By then, and since he knew how I was responding to him, I knew he meant no harm to my ******.”

“I understand. So, after you had your orgasm on top of him, your third one, what happened?”

“I laid on him, trying to catch my breath, and then he sort of pushed me off and used my pajama bottoms, which were lying on the floor, to wipe his…”

“To wipe his what, his penis?”

“Yes, his penis. And then he told me to spread my legs and he used them to wipe me and said he was doing this in case I didn’t want my husband to know that he had, that he had…”

“That he had ***** you and filled your pussy with his cum?”

“Yes, but he used the ‘F’ word instead, saying that he had ‘fucked’’ me.”

The interviewer looked down at the pajama bottoms. “So he wiped your private areas with these pajamas?"

“Yes. There was quite a mess by then. His cum was everywhere and I am sure you can use the pajama bottoms for the entire DNA testing you need to do.”

The interviewer was holding the pajama bottoms delicately and moving the folds around. “Yes. I can see sticky stains all over these. There's quite a bit of cum and some of them haven't even dried yet. So then what happened?”

“He felt up my body, my breasts one last time and then told me to lie here on the floor and count to myself for ten minutes while he got away. He said he would check back one time to make sure I was still on the floor.”

“I am sure he didn't actually return, they never do unless it's in the first minute or so. So what did you do?”

I lay on the floor for what seemed to be more than ten minutes. Besides, I was too tired to move for a while. He kind of wore me out.”

“I see. So when all this...fucking was going on, were you on the floor the whole time?”

“Yes. When you go back into the living room you will see that the carpeting is quite thick and kind of soft. So it made sort of a good mattress.”

“Were you sliding around, on the floor?”

“Yes, quite a bit. I think I might have some rug burns.”

“Can I see them?”

She hesitated, and he added: “For proof. If you have any marks on your body I'll have our photographer get photos for evidence.”

“I see.” And then, slowly, her face reddened somewhat, the wife removed her robe, exposing her lower half to the detective's view, and then her pajama tops by pulling them over her head. She handed the top to the investigator, and then looked down at herself as she realized that she was now totally nude in front of the man.

“I forgot to mention, he sort of bit on my nipples a couple of times...” She looked down at herself as the detective also moved in for a closer look. “I guess those marks are gone. He didn't bite real hard, fortunately.”

She turned her attention to the detective, who was still looking down and studying her breasts. “How about the rest of me? Am I marked up,” she asked with a slight smile as she saw how the investigator's eyes were taking in the sight of her lovely figure?

He took his time in replying as he studied her breasts and stepping back and looking below, her pubic area. “Were you on your back the entire time?”

“Yes, most of it, except for when I was on top of him I was on my knees.” She looked down at herself as he squatted down to study her knees.

“Your knees do look a little red ma'am, but the redness might not show up in the photos.” While down that low he took a long look at her vagina. “Spread your legs.”

She did, placing her feet about two feet apart.


Now she had her feet about three feet apart and as she was standing before him with her vaginal lips now tugged open from the spreading of the legs, he moved his head closer for a better look. “Let me take out my flashlight.”

He pulled a small pocket light out of his pocket and shining it up onto her vaginal area he nodded his head excitedly. He resisted the urge to tell her she has a pretty pussy and stuck to the subject. “Yes. I think we have some proof here that you were being fucked, or...*****. There is definite proof of recent sexual activity.

Maybe it is because of their being stretched so far, but your vaginal lips still look red and puffy, and...” He studied her further. “I believe we have some cum starting to drip out.”

Involuntarily upon being told she was dripping, she reached down and touched herself. “Oh, they do feel tender.” She felt further, “and so wet.”

She sighed and went on. “He wiped me, and then I wiped some more, but he put so much into me and so deep I suppose it will be coming out for a while.”

“Yes ma'am. Now turn around. He stayed squatted down and admired her ass as it slowly came into his line of sight. “Oh yes, I see red marks all over your back and your ass. But I think they might be fading.”

He stood up and began speaking rapidly. “Quick. While we are still alone here before I have the photographer come in, lie down on the floor like you were when he was fucking you and rub yourself around so that the marks show up better.”

She smiled. “You want me to sort of...reenact the crime then?”

“Yes, exactly. So we can get some good photos. No one needs to know you got on the floor for me.”

“Like this?” She had laid herself on the floor on her back and was sort of squirming her upper body around in an attempt to renew the redness around her shoulder blades.

“Yes, like that. And when you were under him, were your legs up around him, or how were you doing it?”

“They were up, like this!” And she uninhibitedly pulled her knees back, spreading her legs wide and exposing the inner portions of her vagina to him as he stared. Her legs were so far back that not only was she showing him her entire vaginal area, but her anus as well.

“Hold that pose for a minute ma'am while I ask you something. “Your anus looks to be untouched. Did the ****** try to go there, with fingers maybe or his cock?”

She was holding the pose, on her back with her legs pulled up so far her knees were almost touching her breasts. “No, fortunately he never tried to go into my, into my ass. It never would have fit.”

“Has you husband ever gone there?”

Again she revealed something personal about her marriage that should not have been discussed. “He has, I let him once in a while. We've never really said so right out to one another, but that's the only place where my husband feels big enough, and I suspect for him, that after giving birth I still feel tight enough to be able to...I guess to squeeze his little cock with a part of my body.”

“Do you cum with him, when your husband fucks you in the ass?”

“When my husband 'fucks' me in the ass? I guess, in a way we can call it that rather than saying we 'make love.' Maybe doing it in the ass is different. But do I cum that way? Sometimes I secretly play with myself while he does it, and I always cum those times.”

“I see ma.am. That's good that the two of you have a place to go to maybe enjoy your sex.”

“If you want the truth sir, when I feel my husband cumming in my ass, that's when I can best feel his little cock when he cums. If I'm going to cum when he fucks me in the ass, that is my best chance to cum, when I feel him throbbing.”

“I'm glad ma'am that you have found a way to enjoy your husband even though he has a little cock. Now for those photos. Rub your bottom all around on the carpet. That's it,” the detective said softly as he stared at her lovely body and especially at her reddened vaginal lips while she squirmed around on the floor.

“I'm not sure the marks are being renewed enough compared to when it was happening. His body was on me and he kept pushing with his cock.”

“Well, here, let me get on you and shove your body around a bit to make sure the marks on your ass and back show up real good in those photos.”

“That might be a good idea.” Her legs were already opened as she opened her arms to welcome the detective as he got onto his knees and brought his upper body up against her bare chest. “Yes, like that. Now actually lie down on me and push a little bit.”

As his trousers came into contact with her vagina she could feel a firmness, something hard pressing against her. Her pulse quickened.

“Now slide me around a little bit. Push with your bottom half most of all.”

He did, as as they slid about on the carpet, that bulge was also sliding around on her vagina as he used his arms and hips to move her body.

“Think that's enough,” he asked, looking down into her eyes?” Their heads, their faces, their lips, were so close. It was that magic moment, like we see in a movie, where the couple, one or the other married to someone else, look into each other's eyes and almost kiss.

His mouth was within six inches of hers, and that firmness was still pressing against her vagina as she smiled. “You want to fuck me, don't you?”

He sighed. “Yes, very much so.”

“I'd like that. But if you cum in me, that will show up when they take a lab sample of my vagina. We'd better not do that, much as I want to.”

“Maybe later?”

“Yes, you will have my phone number of course.”

He started to rise, and she grabbed onto him. “Wait!”


Take it out and put it in for just a minute so I'll know what to look forward to when we get together.”

Reaching down, the normally cool detective was so excited that he had to fumble around until he could get his zipper undone. “It's out.”

“Let me aim it. Ooh, it feels nice in my hand.”

“Not as big as your ****** I presume.”

“No, but bigger than what I have at home. You'll be my third man, and I think you will work out just fine. Now put it in...Aaaaa yes, like that.”

“Your pussies not sore?”

“Maybe a little, but it still feels good!”

"Now baby, feel what seven inches feels like."

"Mmmm, is that what you have, seven inches?"

"Yes ma'am, and medium thick."

"I can tell. Both longer and thicker than my husband. You feel good."

As he gave her one stroke, and then two, going deep, she pulled his head down and they kissed.

He smiled when they broke the kiss. "Looks like we've gone beyond just testing the fit."

"Yes. I want it all, I think, when we finally get together. Hugging, kissing, fucking, I want to try it all."

Then she smiled and asked, “Do I feel tight enough, after me having him?”

“You feel pretty wet inside, but oh yeah baby. He might have been stretching you, but it feels to me like your pussy has popped back into shape just fine for me.”

She giggled, “And hopefully, far enough so that my husband doesn't fall in the next time he makes love to me.”

"Your husband might not want to fuck you, or...I mean, make love to your for a while."

"No? Why not?"

"When he learns, as I'm sure he already suspects, that you fucked another man, and a black man at that, he might not want to touch you for a while. A lot of white husbands feel that way. You know, the pride thing, bigger cock on your black ******, things like that."

"I won't tell him, and I'm sure he'll be asking, that the ******'s cock was bigger."

"You might not admit it, but he probably won't believe you. He knows his cock is small,and there's no doubt he has heard about how blacks have big cocks, so he'll assume the worst."

She laughed. "Yes, assume the 'worst' when actually it was the best!"

The detective was stroking steadily now and had his hands on her breasts. “There's no doubt ma'am, besides having a lovely face, your body and yes your pussy is the best I've had in a long time, maybe forever."

"Thank you for that. I need to be reassured now since I feel so dirty, in a way, after having fucked another man and liking it."

"Don't worry baby. In time your husband will be back on and inside you and he might even start asking you how your ******'s cock felt to you. He'll want to know and even if you admit how good the ****** felt, it will probably turn your husband on."

"You really think so," she asked, disbelieving?

Yes, be patient. It will happen. Meantime, when it happens, your husband can keep making love to you, and you and I can still be fucking.”

She was gasping, “Yes, I want this, you and what you can give me, But we had better stop. You can't cum in me, not now.”

“Just a few more pumps, some hard ones so I can make sure those rug burns show up real good!”

“Uuuh Uuuh Uuuuh!” She was grunting as he gave her three final powerful full-length pumps, going deep and hitting his pubic mound against hers. She clutched him tightly. “If you can hold it, give me three more!”

“Uuuh Uuuuh Uuuuh, I'm cumming!” And she did, powerfully and squirming her ass under him as she enjoyed an intense orgasm, a preview of what was to come for her in the future. She was cumming and he continued to pump, giving her one, two, three more strokes than she had requested.

“Thank you,” she breathed softly as she continued to hold onto the man that had just given her a wildly enjoyable orgasm. “I guess, officially, this is the first time I've ever cheated. Now what about you? You need to cum too, but not in me.”

“Do you suck and swallow?”

“Well, you know I suck, I told you I did that with the ****** and that other man long ago. But I have never swallowed. But I want to. Hurry and...”

"This time," smiled the detective, "no spitting it out under a cushion. I'll be watching."

"Don't worry Mr Detective sir, this time I want to swallow it."

He had pulled out and rolled onto his back, and without another word, she went to the subject at hand. “Stroke with your hand at the same time.” he said, gasping. “That will speed things up. No, slow down with your hand. Do it at fucking speed. Aaaah yes.

By the way, have I ever told you how lovely you are, your face, your body? Yes, I guess I did. Ooh baby, I'm in love with your mouth. this won't take long at all!” His hips went up off the floor as he shoved his cock higher into her mouth. “Now...Now!”

Her entire body shook and quivered as she took into her mouth a huge load, a load that, had the circumstances been different, she would have loved to accept into her vagina. For the first time, she swallowed a man's cum, and found it to be rather pleasant, once it was down.

“You alright,” he asked, smiling up at her as she ran her tongue around her lips, cleaning up any possible residual?

“I guess I could get into doing that, with you.” She smiled.

“Milk it baby. Kind of squeeze it and run your hand up the shaft. There you are, another tasty blob for you to enjoy.”

Again, she swallowed, and with a smile, said “Yummy!”

“I think this was a worthwhile effort. Those marks on your backside should show up real good now,” he said, grinning as he stood up and carefully put his still semi-stiff cock into his pants and zipped up.

“Put your robe back on.”

“So I can take it off again,” she grinned teasingly.

“Yes, now I'll have our photographer come in and get some photos.”

“Is he a man too?”

“Yes. I hope you don't mind. He'll be strictly professional.”

She giggled. “That redness you said you could see on my pussy lips, that's probably renewed as well. Will he be needing to take photos of those too?”

He nodded and looked thoughtful. “I hadn't planned on it because it might be embarrassing for you to have those shown in court if it came down to it. But I'll have him get some photos just in case.”

“With my legs spread?”

“Yes, and on your back while you're doing it. He'll be placing an evidence card with a number on it beside your body with each photo he takes, or having you hold the card while he gets shots of your backside.”

He winked at her. “But I'll keep those photos of your red pussy in a separate evidence locker that only I have a key to in the meantime.”

"Do you think that photographer will have an erection while he's taking photos of my body in all kinds of places and positions?"

"Probably. I know I would have a hard on if I was the one doing it."

Then she said something that shocked the detective. “You know, if my ****** was to give me back the $700 he stole, I might even consider seeing him again, but somewhere else, not here in my home.”

“You'd fuck him again? What you're saying is that if we, if I catch him, you would prefer that he not be prosecuted, is that what you are saying?”

She looked guilty, sorta. “He treated me so nice, gentle actually. I kind of dread appearing in court and having all that out in public. And then there would be his testimony and those photos. I'll do it if I must, but if I could just have my money back, and no one knew, it might be fun to fuck both you and him at the same time.”

“Shit lady. It sounds like he might have turned you into a slut.”

She giggled. “I think you and him together might have done that.”

“So you like black cock, is that it?”

“I don't know about black cock, all the others, but I liked his cock.” She giggled, “and yours.”

The detective nodded. “I already have an idea who the culprit was. Your description put a certain guy in mind, and I'll tell you what, if he can produce the money, I won't arrest him. He and I have talked in the past and he has given me some good leads on crimes.

Instead of arresting him I'll bring him around to a place I have and we can both do you. What say you?”

“In that case, if you can arrange it, this would be another one of those unsolved crimes.” She winked at the detective.

“But first,” he said, smiling at her, “I want to fuck you alone, just you and me one time, and then we can have our threesome.”

She looked happy. “And when we are fucking, I suppose you'll want to be kissing me?”

“Yes ma'am. Very much so.” As the detective was speaking, he moved towards her as if to kiss her.

“Not now,” she hastily said. “I want to save the kissing. I kissed you once when you put it in, that was sex, but I want to save our next kiss, when we're not actually doing it, for when we can follow through.”

“I understand. The head trip. So you'll, we'll be kissing then, even when we're not fucking?”

“For now, I'm looking forward to it.”

“Yes ma'am. That's the way it will be.”

She looked serious at the detective. "You know, now, you know more about me, my secrets, how I think and feel, than my husband, or that ******. I've told you everything and since I've put my trust in you I hope you'll honor it."

" I promise you, ma'am, I'm not about to ruin a good thing by flapping my lips."

"Thank you."

And that is how the interview might have been conducted.

Back to our actual as published report.

About thirty minutes after his wife had been taken out of the bedroom the timid husband thought he heard a car pull out, but being unsure, remained on the floor. His wife eventually returned upstairs.

"This was such a safe neighborhood," said the husband. "It was so nice and peaceful. For this to happen just blows me away."

The couple's two Labrador dogs were fenced off at the back of the house.

The intruder had driven down the cul-de-sac road and turned his car around to face west for a quick get-away. When the wife returned upstairs the telephone was replugged in and the police were called.

"My wife didn’t want me to call, but I insisted. The police were here in ten minutes," said the husband, "I was impressed."

While a police photographer was taking photos of her rug burns behind closed doors, an ambulance was called and the young wife was treated for her rug burns.

“I guess he was banging her pretty hard and moving her all over that floor while he was on her,” a Para-medic with a big smile commented. “The marks were still very fresh on her backside.”

A **** kit was used to collect semen samples for a DNA analysis in which to someday catch the ******, and the wife was heard to say, ‘he left plenty of evidence behind.’

With that statement she had handed them a pair of pajama bottoms.

The ****** was described by the husband as having a scar over his right eye and being large and muscular, to which the wife had added, ‘Yes, and he was big everywhere.’

A few days later two black men were in a line in a public place. One of them was overheard boasting to the others about how he loved ****** white women because they seemed to like being *****.

Her **** Her Fantasy.jpg
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