You provide a service, & I provide you with clothes, money, exotic vacation spots, & anonymity." The blonde shuddered, clearly trying to suppress a sob. The brunette patted her friend's knee & considered for a moment. "Our husbands will be looking for us?" "Is that all you're worried about?" he smiled, "I forgot to include it on the tape. You each made a nice phone call to the machine that you'd won a weekend getaway to Las Vegas. This morning a courier will provide the details, though I'm afraid you won't be able to get any direct calls. If things go well, you can call them this evening." "What do you mean, go well," she countered, then added, "How did you get us here?" He smiled, "Ah, that's the question, isn't it?" He settled in his chair, "What do you remember?" "Nothing," Melissa murmured, staring at the blank TV screen. "Of course," he nodded, "But this isn't the 1st time." Neither woman answered. "I know about that time, too. I was there when you got those lovely matching piercings. All my girls have them." Melissa went stiff at that, & Kathy's eyes blazed. "You were the 1." "Yes. I took you out on the town. You 2 were quite the hit, too. I had all sorts of offers & propositions. Of course, I thought it was only fair to have you show yourselves off to your admirers, & you were quite willing to do so. You even performed a wonderful public fellatio exhibition, sharing me in a display none who were there will forget." Both women flushed as he continued, "But I realized there was something missing-there was no glitter when you'd shown your nice titties to the crowd. So we went to fix that. You were quite the hit there, as well, I assure you." "That pig. fucked us?" Kathy was clearly horrified. "Of course. But that was tonight. No, I was the only 1 to have you that night. 1st with a condom in the bar, then without-once each-outside the bar before we went to the tattoo parlor, & then a 2nd time each afterward, christening the new jewelry, if you will. I drove you home, then got out on Melissa's street, telling her to be careful getting home." He smiled, "I'm sorry you don't remember our fucking. you enjoyed it, I assure you." "& tonight. it is still tonight?" "Oh yes, Saturday morning to be exact. I waited & waited for you 2 to return on a Friday night." that was a lie-he'd followed them frequently in the intervening weeks, but it didn't hurt to withhold some things, "So I could reacquaint myself with your many charms. I happened to know of a jaunt to Vegas, & you were more than willing to go, even when I mentioned that the price was. shall we say, `servicing' the guests in flight, & doing a few tricks while you were out here." "I don' t believe you." "You have no reason to believe me, I agree. So I'll tell you what really happened," he paused, as both women looked at him, "I drugged you. Have you heard of Rohypnol? Roofies? It's a sedative, something like Valium, except that those who are using it can mover or speak or act as if they are not asleep. & they become more susceptible to suggestion. It made it child's play to do whatever I wanted to do with you, & of course, I couldn't do that without leaving your husbands some clues. But since they've shown they can handle the unknown, it's time to get you situated in my stable." Another lie-he'd have used them regardless of what their husbands did, but they needn't know that. Kathy leaned back at the word `stable.' "Ah, I guess you're familiar with that term. You're right. I sell women's bodies for men to use. & sometimes for women to use. I provide women for strip clubs, bachelor parties, porn shoots, weekend `escort' service. I even have a select clientele looking for just the right women to make their rich, pampered wives, but then you're already married, so that's not a possibility." Another lie, most of those he sold to the Arabs left a puzzled husband behind. "So you expect us to work for you? As whores?" "Whores. such a nasty word. I consider you call girls. I call, you're my girls. or whoever's I tell you to be. Consider the alternative. I imagine your husbands wouldn't understand when they heard you asking total strangers to fuck you. or when you trade a fuck for a tattoo. Imagine what the school board would think, Melissa, or the fine people at Hammonds, Hammonds, & Bach, Kathy? Your lives would be ruined." He shifted legs, "But on the other hand, you do what I ask. I don't impose that often. & you'll get extra money, experiences few women enjoy. & you may truly find you enjoy it. those orgasms weren't chemically induced. Science can't do that, yet." The women blushed appropriately, once again. "For now," he continued, "Consider this your probationary period. I don't want you trying to run to the police or your husbands. I assure you either would lead to your humiliation, which I want to avoid. So I have your clothes & your other things. After you've done your work for me, you'll get those things back, along with the return ticket for the plane leaving tonight. You could be home in bed by 3AM, & even catch a show tonight before you leave." "What work?" Melissa asked, clearly knowing the answer. Dwayne shrugged, "I know a couple high rollers who are at this hotel. They asked for attractive white ladies to spend some time with. I imagine they'll want to fuck you. The ground rules are simple: They can do nothing that hurts you or scars you. They must wear a condom for any penetration, but you cannot refuse any activity, or the other rules are null & void, as well. They'll probably visit in about an hour, after they hit the breakfast buffet. Then you have some time to yourselves, & about noon, the magician who performs here will be visiting. Again, you're both to provide whatever he asks, & he' ll obey the rules. After he leaves, you'll get a visit from me, just to make sure you've each enjoyed yourselves, before you attend the show of your choice, & get on board the ride home." "Where we'll be expected to service your friends," Melissa finished. He eyed her, "Yes, but then, you've already been with them, haven't you?" She blushed, "They didn't. didn't use condoms." "No. & neither did I. I have the morning after pill for each of you, but after this, you'll be responsible for how you keep yourself barren. You'll find that my friends & I use you as God intended-no barrier at all. They're clean, I make sure. Trust me, you'll find it's not that bad. The magician usually cums inside of 10 minutes, then spends the rest of his time tying you up & examining ways to escape. The high rollers. well, let's say they are intent on pleasing the ladies, & I want you to be happy. I'll use you if you aren't, but I think you'll find the sex is enjoyable, & since there are no strings attached, it's liberating." He didn't believe that, but it didn't hurt. Kathy shook her head, "So we're your mares indefinitely?" "Bitches, actually. The group is called a stable, & I'll hire you out to studs, but you're not a mare. You're a bitch. Sorry. What did you have in mind? I have almost 3 hours of footage here you wouldn't want anyone to see, plus the Polaroids, plus the charges your meal & stay here rack up. Even the trip back doesn't erase all of that debt." "Then what?" Kathy challenged, "How long?" "So you want a duration? I mean, I could keep you for just a week, but if I turned you out for a gang bang video you'd have more cock in 1 day than you'd otherwise have in a year. I prefer to work on a quota system. You do everything-everyone-I tell you without complaint, & after 10 tricks, a picture goes away, or 6 minutes of film. Figure that's about 40 things to balance. You do 400 tricks for me, & you start to earn real money. It's good money, trust me. I have 2 girls who left their husbands & are working for me full time, living better than they did before." It was true, but both husbands had been total losers, "You do what I ask, & I take care of you. No one finds out what you do." "Unless we're arrested, or meet someone who knows our husbands," Kathy interjected bitterly. "Oh, no, we screen for that, & since you won't be standing on street corners, the police issue isn't a concern." Yet another lie, but plausible. The women looked at one another, & he let them think about it before dropping the last bomb, "It 's up to you 2. But if you refuse, I guarantee your husbands find out before you can arrange air fare back, & you'll have to settle this," he looked around the room, "$1200twelve hundred," then glanced at the serving cart, "Maybe $1400 bill, as well." "But these count toward the 400?" Kathy seemed to be getting in line with his expectations. He nodded, "Not my friends, of course-you've already had them. But those you'll see here in the room? Tell you what. I'll even count myself as a John today." "& it's 400 between us?" Melissa looked at him hopefully. He smiled, sure that she was used to getting whatever she wanted with those batting eyelashes. "Oh no, honey," he shook his head, "That's 400 each." "What happens when we get back?" Kathy asked. He shrugged, "Nothing. I just call periodicaly, when I have something I need you to do. I understand sometimes you can't do a job because of scheduling, but if you refuse more than twice in a row, I add 5 to what you owe. I think that's fair. Besides, you 2 have it worked out so that at least 1 day a week you can each turn a trick without your husbands knowing anything is different. Just doing that, you could be done working if you want in 2 years." Melissa was shaking visibly as Kathy hung her head, "I guess we don't have any choice." "Oh, you have other choices, but they're bad ones. Try to make it here yourselves, & you'll be stripping & tricking within a week, & not with someone as nice as me watching out for you. Try to go home & you'll find your friends consider you horrible sluts. You're mine, girls. But at least I want you to enjoy yourselves, & I'll look out for you." He stood, "I guess that's about it. I'd better go so you 2 can get ready." Melissa choked, "Wait!" made him turn around. She was crying openly, tears staining her pretty face. "W-what if I can't. do this?" He reached into his pocket, & withdrew 2 bottles taped together, "I have these if you think you'll need them," he began, taking 1 of each tablets, "1 is valium. it'll help you relax & go with the flow," he held up the other, "Take this just before you start to fuck, & you'll find you enjoy it more." Kathy refused to take the offered tablets, but after a moment, Melissa held out her hand. He poured 3 more of each onto the counter, "Enough for both jobs, & for you, Kat, if you change your mind." Kathy's head snapped up at his name for her. He smiled, "I have to have pet names for all my girls. Which reminds me, if you get a call from Tom at the office," he looked at Kathy, "Or from Thomas at school, I expect you to take the call. Saying you're not home in hopes of avoiding me will bring penalties." He eyed each, then left, whistling as he closed the door behind him.

Part V Kathy paced the room, trying to ignore Melissa huddled, quaking form as she looked for any way out of their predicament. She'd considered hiring real call girls to do the work for them, but that would not work for Tom or the flight back. She shuddered herself, at the thought of the flight back. She'd been with other men before her husband, & didn't think a 1 on 1 situation would be impossible to accept-they'd be using condoms, after all-but a group. the images of herself on tape were enough that she eyed the pills still sitting on the counter. Melissa hadn't said a word after Tom had left. She'd rocked for awhile, then was totally still, except for the crying. Kathy suspected that if her friend wasn't cleaned up when the men arrived, they'd both see what sort of punishment Tom could dole out. She took a glass of juice from the breakfast tray & went to her friend, "Her, hon'. Take this. You have to get yourself together." "Or what." Melissa sniffed. "Or it could get worse." Melissa looked up & blinked, "How could it get worse?" Kathy sighed, "Look. We've already fucked him. or at least, he's fucked us. & all those other guys. This isn't a problem. these guys have to use condoms. But if we don't do what he wants." Kathy let the statement hang. Melissa took the 1st of the tablets Tom had left, & within a few minutes, had calmed considerably. So much so, that when there was a knock at the door, she got up to answer it instead of Kathy, who was suddenly unsure she could do what was expected. When Melissa opened the door, she gave a small squeak, & looking up, Kathy could see why. Neither of the men standing in the doorway was less than 6' in height. 1 was significantly overweight, while the other had acne scars & the look of a used car salesman. The heavy man was Hispanic, the other man white, but maybe pushing 60. Both men eyed the women in their borrowed robes, then smiled as they entered the room. "Thomas tells me we get to enjoy a remarkable 1st, tonight, ladies. you're 1st extra-marital sex for pay," the older man smiled, as if he expected them to join in. Kathy eyed the pills, suddenly wishing she'd taken hers. The Hispanic man lumbered in behind his friend, who was already holding Melissa' s hands up, openly appraising her body. As she watched, he reached down with 1 hand, opening her friend's robe before the door behind him was fully closed. Melissa stood there, letting him do what he wanted. The Hispanic man lumbered toward her, smiling, "Let's see what we have," he rumbled, reaching for the knot on her robe while still 3' away. Trying to avoid his touch for as long as possible, Kathy reached down, releasing her robe for him. He smiled more broadly, "So willing, eh, Stephen?" "Oh yes," she heard the other man answer, "I think these 2 will do wonders for Thomas' stable. I may ask for them by name." `Her' John had closed sufficiently to open her robe, & Kathy managed to look at him as he eyed her naked body, "Such a waste, these tattoos, but the rings," he smiled, showing bad teeth, complete with a gold cap on a front upper incisor, "I like these, no?" He reached up, flipping the ring on Kathy's right nipple up, then rubbing the semi-erect nubbin. Kathy gasped, eyes closing as she let herself be touched by a total stranger. He turned, after a moment, bending to lick & suck at her nipple as his hand moved to tease the ring in her labia before moving gently over her clit, & despite her wish otherwise, Kathy felt herself beginning to lubricate. Her head was back, eyes closed, when the man moved up to kiss her neck, & still more, bringing his mouth to hers. She tasted cigars & alcohol & let his tongue push into her mouth as his finger relentlessly worked her budding clitoris. When he broke the kiss, he slipped his finger down, into her moistening cleft, hooking the finger up against the front wall of her vagina. It was as if he knew exactly where to touch her-a place her husband had never found, that she hadn't known existed, before. Her breath caught, & he chuckled, aware of her response, "Shall we retire to the bedroom, Stephen?" There was a pause, then, "I think she's ready for that." She glanced over at her friend, who was leaning against the wall in the entryway, legs spread, robe on the floor beneath the man taking her, who was kneeling between her legs, lapping at her pussy. As they headed toward the bedroom together, the Hispanic's finger still hooked into Kathy's wet sex, he skimmed 2 of the pills from the counter, handing 1 to the man he called Stephen, & the 2nd to Kathy, "Take this, Morena," he intoned, "You will find it more enjoyable that way." Kathy did as he said reluctantly, following close as he led the way to 1 side of the king-sized bed. Tickling that inner spot with his finger, he gruffly told Kathy to open his pants, while unbuttoning his shirt with his free hand. Kathy did as he'd ordered, reaching around his girth to push the pants & straining briefs toward the floor. His erection was modest, maybe 7", & nearly hid because of the heavy paunch of his abdomen, but from where she sat on the bed, it was uncovered. "Suck it," he told her, & she leaned forward, wishing he'd left his fingers inside of her, but he'd removed it as she pushed his pants to the floor. His hands caught her head, pulling her firmly against his crotch, then releasing after a few seconds. She backed off, then pressed forward again, sucking & swirling her tongue, then stopped suddenly, backing away to gasp, "Condom." She couldn't believe she'd started to suck him without making him wear 1. The man sighed, "It was worth the try, no?" He reached to the drawer of the nightstand, obviously experienced in Tom's productions, & extracted a black plastic square, "You'll do the honors, of course, chica?" he intoned. She nodded, taking the package & opening it. As she moved to roll it onto his erection though, he stopped her, saying, "Use your mouth." Kathy opened her mouth to protest, but he motioned with his hand, "Yes, I know. But try." She did, trying to ignore the latex taste as she put the rolled condom in her mouth. She arranged it, then brought her mouth to his swollen glans, trying to unroll the condom with her teeth & lips. She had to back off once, reversing the condom in her mouth to allow it to unroll, but the 2nd attempt was successful, if not smooth. "Very good," the Hispanic praised, pulling her face against his crotch again. After another moment, Kathy had again found the rhythm & was working at his cock, hoping to get him off & avoid having him fuck her. As she backed off, she glanced over, wondering what was happening to Melissa. Stephen had stripped as he'd followed the petite blonde into the bedroom. He stopped, selecting a condom from the drawer by the bed & rolling it onto his blood-filled shaft, all the while keeping her facing away from him, toward the bed. He knew she was wet enough for him to fuck her, but wanted to give the pill she'd taken time to work, & knew that watching her friend would have an effect, as would not being able to see him. Naked & sheathed in Trojan's finest, he pressed his body against hers, delighting in the was she shivered, & reached around to tease both her rings as he joined her in watching his friend getting blown. The brunette seemed mesmerized by Paulo's manipulation of her G-spot, & true to his friend's word, didn't ask for a condom before she willingly began to suck at his shaft. Stephen sighed; that was $50 he owed his friend-they bet on everything. The tiny blonde before him writhed as his finger slipped up her cleft to massage her clit, & sure that she was ready, he gently pushed her forward at the waist, then spread her cheeks, exposing her pink seam to his gaze. It glistened with her juices, the silver glint from the labia ring beckoning him. He set his cockhead against her parted labia, then slid down through them, over her clit, smiling as the tiny wife arched her back in response. He teased her again, then tilted his pelvis, slipping easily into her velvet tunnel. Melissa whimpered softly, & he paused, then pressed forward when she pushed back at him. Whether it was the high stakes aspect or something else, he'd never found any sex as enjoyable as taking other mens' wives. A moment later he was balls deep in the pretty blonde, & began stroking in & out, reaching around to tease her ringed nipple & to finger her clit. Within 2 min, Melissa was groaning as she came from the stranger's shaft fucking into her frothing pussy. She knew it was wrong, knew she should be resisting, but it felt so good. she wanted more. The word escaped her throat in a low moan, & in response, Stephen caught hold of her waist & truly began to pound into her. Kathy had looked over just in time to see her friend's unconscious submission, & as she watched, Melissa set her head on the mattress, eye closed, mouth open in obvious ecstasy. She barely registered that the man using her mouth had pulled away, & let him guide her up onto the bed, leaving him between her spread thighs. She gasped, attention returning to him as he set his swollen cockhead against her sex, rubbing it up & down. The sensation was electric; more powerful than she remembered when Fred had her. She bit her lip at that thought, as the stranger slid himself into her. She tried not to enjoy it; tried not to compare it to what she received at home, but by the 2nd stroke, her body was moving, knees dropping wide, pelvis tilting up to welcome his thrusting cock. She came hard as her ears heard Melissa gasping that she was cumming as well. Time seemed to slow. The man fucking her so wonderfully pulled out, laughing as she tried to pull him back into her. He said something to his friend, who nodded & pulled out of Melissa, to a similar response. Still anxious to feel him back inside of her, Kathy watched as the other man spun Melissa around & pushed her gently onto the bed beside her. Melissa was rubbing her pussy openly, hips thrusting up against her own fingers, & Kathy realized absently that she was doing the same thing. The men moved up between their spread thighs, teasing them with their condom-clad erections, slapping down against their clits, running them through the women's flowing pussies until both were begging the men to fuck them. She watched her lover as he smiled down at her, teasing her relentlessly. Her entire focus was directed toward her sexual release. Rubbing against her buzzing clit, the man above her leaned down & said something. She opened her mouth to tell him she didn't understand, but all that escaped was a moan. He smiled, asking again, "Do you want this inside of you?" She nodded, bucking up at him anxiously. He shook his head, "No, I don't think you really want it. You're just a whore trying to get me off so you can go on to your next John." She shook her head, hands pinching her pierced nipple & rubbing at her pussy, trying to bring him into her. He pressed against her sex, thwarting the attempt. "You really want it?" he asked again, smiling at her emphatic nod. "You need it, don't you? You need to feel my cock inside of you." A tear appeared at the corner of Kathy's eye, but she nodded emphatically. She did need it. Then I can take the condom off, can't I," he sawed against her clit, waiting for her answer. She hesitated, shaking her head slightly. He nodded, "You don't want me to cum inside of you. I understand. I won't. I'll pull out. You know you need it. tell me I can take it off." She opened her mouth, then closed it, looking down in embarrassment as she nodded. He smiled more broadly, looking over at Stephen, who'd already stripped bare & was driving into the petite blonde with gusto. Her ankles were crossed behind his back, spurring him into her. He smiled-there was no way his friend could pull out, even if he wanted, to, but that was 1 of the things Tom had wanted them to do. something about teaching them a lesson. Whatever the reason, he didn't care. He started to thrust into her but paused, still teasing her wet opening as he held her eyes with his, "You take it off." Her eyes went wide, but then she reached down, fingers scrabbling over the latex surface to the rolled edge. She pulled it off quickly, her hand immediately returning to the root of his cock, pulling him toward her, into her. He rewarded her by sliding into her fully, pressing in & up, grinding his pubic bone against her clit. She stiffened beneath him, a panting whine escaping her lips as she orgasmed instantly. He set a steady rhythm, fucking in & out in long strokes. Melissa could barely think straight. She'd cum more times than she could count after they'd started, but when he'd moved over her & started to tease her, she'd thought she might die. He slipped into once, then again, before holding himself outside & telling her the only way he'd fuck her was bare. She hadn't understood at 1st, & then he'd told her what he meant-he wouldn't fuck her with the condom on. She'd tried to shake her head no, but he'd laughed, running his shaft through her wet slit without pushing into her, avoiding her best effort to get him inside of her again, & when he'd asked her again, she'd nodded-anything to feel him inside of her again. He'd stripped the sheath off, thrusting into her & driving balls deep, fucking into her hard & fast, quickly giving her the release she craved. Inside of a few minutes, she'd cum again, even more powerfully. Without thinking about it, she'd locked her heels behind his waist & was rising up to meet his every thrust, reveling in the sensation, & the endless pleasure he was providing. Any thought of her husband or Kathy was lost to the overwhelming power of what she was feeling. She was no longer the wife & loving mother being forced to perform, but an eager sexual creature, craving sensation. Then the tempo changed. became disjointed. She was aware of him grunting & panting over her. Then his body went stiff, & he held himself against her, buried full in her steaming box. She felt the 1st blast of his climax as it spattered the inner walls of her pussy. Dimly she knew it was a mistake-knew he should pull out-but it was too late, & she couldn't hope to release him in time. Her feet fell to the mattress & she tried weakly to push him away, even as she admitted the sensation of his load pulsing into her was bringing her off again, as well. The Hispanic John had taken his time fucking Kathy, giving her time to feel the way his body covered hers, his rolls of fat touching the mattress on either side, & engulfing her chest. The weight pressing down on her, locking her in place, was a strange sensation, but she found it exciting, as if a large tongue was pressed against all of her at once. She tried not to lose track of what was really happening-that she'd been forced to have sex against her will-but that became clouded as she came again & again. She heard Melissa panting & moaning beside her, knew she was experiencing the same undeniable pleasure, which eased the guilt that lurked at the edges of her consciousness. The man between her legs was too large for her to spur on with her heels or hands, leaving her spread eagled, accepting his every thrust & lunge. She'd just cum again, when she felt him thrust himself against her harder, holding himself deep. She gasped, aware of what he was getting ready to do. "No!" she pushed at his chest, but couldn't move him. He laughed, & exploded deep inside her pussy, again & again. "You promised!" Kathy sobbed, beating against his chest. He didn't move until he'd finished, then pulled out, sliding his bulk up her imprisoned body until his glistening cock was in her face. "Suck it clean, slut," he growled, & suddenly frightened, Kathy did, without any thought of hurting him. He laughed when she'd stopped, stepping back & looking down at her sprawled, naked body. "Mm-mmm," he nodded, "You are 1 fine piece of ass." Kathy was shaking in terror & exhaustion, as she tried to cover herself, but they'd fucked on top of the comforter leaving nothing but her robe. She sat up, aware of his jism running out of her pussy as she bent to retrieve the terrycloth. She stood, putting more distance between herself & the swarthy Hispanic, who was still smiling at her. "You said. you said you'd pull out," she stammered after a minute, vaguely aware that the other man had just pulled his wet, naked dick from her friend's pussy, as well. Melissa was lying panting on the bed oblivious to what had happened. "Didn't he tell you not to trust the Johns? Part of your job is getting the condom on & keeping it on. Don't worry, chica, we're clean." He nodded appreciatively, "& you're good, chica. I may ask for you next time I'm here," he smiled more broadly, "Though you wouldn't just get to lounge around up here. You'd have to work the tables with me, but that's for next time. Stephen?" The 2nd man was pulling his pants on, eyeing the brunette with obvious desire. "I don't suppose we have time to switch, do we Paulo?" he smiled the fake charming smile, & Kathy shuddered, wondering how her friend could ever have put out to him. Glancing at the man she'd just fucked, she wondered how she'd been so willing, so easily duped. The flow of semen down her thigh was a constant reminder of what she'd let him do-not what their pimp had forced her to do-- & she pointedly ignored both men, hurrying to the bathroom to clean up. "Thank you ladies, it was our pleasure," Melissa's John laughed as the men went into the front room. Kathy heard the front door open & close, & stopped, suddenly worried that Tom might have yet other surprises in store for them. She went into the sitting area, & was relieved to see the men had indeed left. She put the safety bolt in place, then went back through the bedroom into the bathroom, letting her friend nap.

Part VI Melissa woke with a start when Kathy roused her, then rolled to her back, groaning as what had happened came to mind. She reached down between her legs & winced as she felt the congealed jism matting her pubes. She sat up, feeling still more semen ooze from her recently-used sex, & looked at Kathy, "I. I let him take it off." Kathy nodded, "I did too. I think that's what Tom wanted. A way to remind us we have to stay in control or something. At least, that we have to be careful." Melissa nodded, "I think it was better when I woke up not knowing what I'd done." Wrapping her arms around her torso as she stood, she walked to the bathroom, stark naked. It occurred to Kathy they'd both already been changed by their experience-her friend once went to great lengths to avoid being seen naked, even by her. She wondered if the changes would be so obvious to their families, & if so, if they would make their husbands suspicious. The thought that she might endure such humiliation-be endlessly used by a string of total strangers-only to find she'd lost everything anyway, was almost too much. When Melissa was finished cleaning up, they sat together, the television on with neither watching it, each lost in her own thoughts. There was a knock, & Melissa sighed, "I'll get it. maybe you won't have to do anything." She hadn't bothered to put the robe back on, & a moment later, Kathy heard a gasp. She rushed into the sitting room, to see a wide-eyed housekeeper still babbling apologies, & an equally embarrassed Melissa trying to hide herself in the curtain near the door. Seeing Kathy, the tiny woman rushed forward, waving 2 garment sacks & a note, "Senor send. Senor say." she repeated endlessly, then waited as Kathy accepted the note & tore it open. `Hope you didn't answer in the raw,' the note began, & Kathy looked around again, wondering if the man had cameras everywhere, he seemed to be so good at guessing what they would do. `Don't assume anyone visiting your room is a John. Make them tell you what they want & why. NEVER offer anything. & as I didnn't hear from your 1st appointment, I assume you've learned not to get too carried away when you're entertaining. Anyway, Maria needs to clean the room. Put these on & circulate in the casino. I know you won't try to leave now. you've already made your choice. The next appointment is at 12:45. Your Tomcat.' She started to crinkle the note in her hand, then thought better of it, handing it to Melissa, who read it, then numbly accepted the garment bag Maria offered, using it to hide most of her torso as she slipped into the bedroom. They heard the cleaning woman working in the front room as they unwrapped scandalously revealing dresses. Kathy's was a blue sequin outfit that stopped at mid-calf, with a slit that reached her thigh, & a cut in the back that reached the small of her back. She turned to look at herself in the mirror, ? expecting to be able to see her crack. The included 3" heels were clear acrylic, & there was a silver waistlet she initially mistook for a necklace, as well as a matching anklet, both of which had been labeled. The last piece in the `extras' sac was a faux jeweled hair pin, & Kathy assumed she was supposed to put her hair up, & set about doing that as Melissa examined her dress. Kathy wondered what was taking her friend so long, until Mel slipped the black silk dress on. Then she started to say she thought it was on backwards. but it wasn't. The deep vee cut past the bottoms of the blonde's breasts, all the way to her navel. dropping an inch or 2 below that. Kathy guessed that if they hadn't been trimmed when getting the tattoos, her friend's pubic hair would be visible. The back of the dress was cut nearly as low, but was held together by a network of strings, 2 of which crossed between Melissa's breasts & navel in the front, & keeping the dress from revealing everything. There were glossy black leather 4" heels, & a silver chain that Melissa blushingly clipped from her nipple to her labia ring, the metal glittering at the edge of the dress. Each woman found tiny stud earrings of the Jerry character, with onyx in the ears &, Kathy thought, a diamond chip at the groin. Kathy replaced the diamond studs already in her ear, guessing she'd be expected always to wear the bear when working, & already considering another piercing to facilitate things. The women eyed each other & themselves, then nearly leaning against one another, went into the sitting room. The cleaning lady glanced at them, but gave no sign of surprise, & with that limited reassurance, they stepped into the hall, each double checking that their room keys & the crisp pair of $20 bills each had found in the extras sack was tucked into the tiny pocket each had found in her purse, apparently meant to serve as a purse. They wandered into the casino, initially so self-conscious they could barely move. It was something of a surprise when they got no more overt reaction than appraising glances from passers-by. Even in the middle of the day, there were other women dressed nearly as provocatively moving about the tables, most hanging from some older gentleman's arm. They realized belatedly they were looking at the call girls & escorts, & that they were dressed appropriately for what Tom had them doing, but that in the setting of Las Vegas, their profession and uniform weren't out of the ordinary. After 10 minutes, they had relaxed sufficiently that Kathy got $5 in nickels & headed to the slots. A waitress appeared as quickly, taking drink orders from them, as Melissa played at a quarter machine across the aisle. After getting her drink, Melissa wandered to the roulette table to try her luck, while Kathy approached a nearby Blackjack table. There were empty seats all over the place, but within minutes of her taking a seat, the 21 table was full. She held steady through several hands, winning, then losing, then coming even again. The waitress kept track of her, & kept a fresh drink beside her as she played, for which she was grateful. Remembering the casual way the men had used her earlier, she expressed her thanks with a generous tip when the girl arrived with her 3rd drink. By then, she was up almost $100, & was starting to feel the alcohol. She glanced at her watch before remembering she had none on, & inquired of the man beside her, who looked down her cleavage as he told her it was 10 past 12. She placed her bet, deciding to leave after that hand, & looking for Melissa. She didn't see her anywhere. She won, breaking $120, $5 of which she left the dealer, then offered the other assembled gamblers, all of whom were watching her, a smile & left. As she wandered the casino in search of her friend, she heard a shout from the craps table. Turning, she caught a glimpse of blonde in black, & changed course, guessing she'd found Mel. Through a gap in the crowd, she saw a fat man in a big Stetson matching his suit standing at the end of the table, a beefy armed wrapped around her shoulder. As she watched, he held the dice out, & blushing slightly from the attention, Melissa blew on them, after which he threw the dice down the table. There was another shout, & the big man beamed, bellowing, "Ain't you the prettiest good luck charm, yet!" He collected an amazing number of chips, handing several to Melissa as Kathy got to the edge of the table. He offered her friend the dice again, & Melissa blew on them, before the big man threw. another winner. "That's like 10 straight wins," the man beside her said in amazement. "Yeah, but the real piece of luck is having that sweetie on his arm," another countered. Kathy tried to get her friend's attention, but the Texan (had to be, given the get up) wasn't letting her turn the right way. She glanced around, guessing time was getting short. Trying not to hurry, she moved around the table & stepped up beside Melissa as the cowboy had her blow on his dice once again. "C'mon, darlin'" he drawled & threw. another winner. Melissa smiled & clapped her hands, amazed at the pile of chips that had grown in front of them. "Ahem," Kathy cleared her throat, & both Melissa & her new admirer looked her way, "You'll excuse me," she offered her winningest smile to the man, "But I'm afraid we have an appointment," her eyes cut to Melissa, who blushed & nodded, turning to the man. "She's right. I have to go, but thanks, this was fun," she seemed more relaxed than she'd been in the room, & Kathy was glad of that, but the Texan 's next words put an end to that. "See here, missy," he began, "I can't just let my good luck charm cut & run." "Sorry, but we have other plans," Kathy shrugged, "Consider the luck she provided a loan." The man chewed on his unlit cigar, then puffed out his chest & nodded, "Then let me speak with your employer. I'm sure I can arrange to have the lady spend the rest of the day with me." Melissa blanched, stepping back from him, eyes wide. Kathy's heart went out to her friend, but there wasn't time for niceties. "Ask around for Tom," she said as the craps dealer asked for bets & held the dice out for the Texan, who'd raked back most of his bet when it appeared Melissa was going to be leaving, "Someone must know where to find him," he seemed prepared to argue, so she quickly added, "Or call 1587. I'm sure he can help." With that, she started to pull Melissa away, but not before the Texan nodded gruffly, sliding several chips into the vee of Mel's dress, "I'll just do that," he smiled, "I may ask for both you fillies, too!" The others at the table laughed at that, but Melissa & Kathy were able to escape toward the elevators. They heard the collective groan at the table she'd just left as they turned the corner-the Texan had crapped out. Melissa was shaking visibly, but Kathy stopped in the waiting area by the elevators, quickly dialing the number she'd just given the Texan. A voice picked up on the 1st ring, that didn't sound like Tom. "Tom, please," she managed, hoping she'd remembered the number correctly. There was a pause, "Who is this?" the voice demanded. "Kathy. He knows me. I. I'm helping him out." There was a muffled discussion followed by laughter. "So you help me out, eh? I hadn't heard it put quite that way, before. What's wrong? Out of money? I can't help that." "No," Kathy interrupted, then winced, wondering if he'd be mad, "I, uh, Melissa was sort of cornered by a guy who wasn't taking no for an answer." "Good. Good. Prospective business. That's why I wanted you 2 working the floor. What'd you tell him?" "Um, I told him we already had an appointment. He said he could arrange to make it up to our `employer' & I told him we already had plans, but that I was sure you could help him if he needed something. I gave him your name. Tom. & when he started to argue, your suite number." There was a pause, & he spoke to someone in the background, then came back, "That's all right, Kat. I should've gotten you some cards," he laughed at his joke, "Seriously, if someone is hitting on you, it might be a vice cop. That's why I don't want you making any offers, so it was good you referred him to me. But that also exposes me to potential problems. Next time, take his number & tell him I'll call." "A-all right," Kathy answered, without considering what was implied in his casual mention of a `next time.' "Good. You'd better get upstairs or you'll miss your next appointment. So you aren't broke, eh?" Kathy looked at her winnings, "No. I did all right," she glanced at Melissa who was staring in amazement at the $50. $100 & $500 chips in her hands. Kathy guessed there was $1500 there, "Melissa did better." She looked at her friend after she hung up, "Maybe I should've let you hang with that cowboy. Melissa shook her head, "He'd've lost the next roll anyway, & then I'd have been a dog. Or worse. I thought. I thought he was just being nice since I was alone. But he knew. he thought I was a." she didn't finish the thought. "& you didn't even have to kiss him, but he gave you that much money," Kathy shrugged, "That's not ? bad. Hell, with that we could cut & run, if we wouldn't find videotapes of our gang bang playing on the VCR at home when we got there." Melissa nodded, still fingering the chips. "Imagine what people must be paying that asshole to use us," Kathy seethed, "400 tricks, my ass. I think we'd better negotiate better terms before we fly out of here." Melissa nodded meekly, & followed Kathy onto the elevator car. They had barely had time to put their winnings in the in room safe before the doorbell rang again. When Kathy answered, her jaw nearly hit the floor. It was 1 of the magicians she occasionally saw on television, always with some gorgeous model or actress on his arm. He stepped into the room, eyeing her gown & smiling, "Tom always has such good taste," he said, offering the same crowd pleasing smile she saw on TV. Kathy could only stare as he moved into the room, closing-& locking-the door behind them. She realized he had a satchel with him, & nearly giggled at the thought he might show them some magic tricks. Then she turned serious, remembering why he was there. He moved straight into the bedroom, offering Melissa the same practiced Hollywood smile, before asking if they didn't want to `get more comfortable, ' & motioning toward the bathroom as if that's where they should change. Puzzled, Kathy followed her friend in, closing the door behind her. They whispered in amazement at seeing so prominent a man using prostitutes-even if they weren't really prostitutes-for his pleasure. When both were in their robes again-Melissa leaving the chain joining her breast & labia-Kathy led the way back into the bedroom. It had been deftly transformed, lit only by candles in the corners of the room, & large black spread thrown over the bed, with 2 roses wrapped in some royal purple material. He motioned them into the room with a flourish that seemed out of place off the stage, & again to place the women on the bed. "Pick up the rose," he said. As they did, he went on, "See the sash. It's a blindfold. Put it on your friend, each of you." There was a moment's hesitation, but they obeyed, having some difficulty tying when blinded by 1 another. "That's better. Now lie back. You'll feel me touching you, but don' t move. Just wait. I have to get your outfits just right before we begin." There was a long pause, some noise as he dug in the bag he'd brought, & then Melissa heard him approach her side of the bed. His large hand ran from her armpit toward her fingers, raising it over her head until he held her hand as he slipped something around the wrist. He repeated the action on the other side, then moved down her body, rubbing from her inner thighs toward her toes, & putting something around her ankles. "Shhh. Don't move," he whispered, & then she heard him move to the other side of the bed. There was the sound of skin on skin, the pauses where a clasp or buckle was fixed, & again & again & again, before he moved back to the foot of the bed. "There. Now all I have to do is this," there was a sudden pulling sensation. Melissa tried to bring her arms down & found that she couldn't-she was bound, arms & legs. She felt Kathy struggling beside her, & knew she was tied as well. "Don't struggle, you can't escape," he assured them, "Just lie back & relax. Enjoy the unknown." There was utter silence for a time, until Melissa wondered if he'd left. another object lesson from their pimp-don't turn your back on a John. Something light brushed over her chest, tickling at her nipple, then running along the chain to barely wisp over her sex. She bit her lip, wishing she'd taken another of the pills, but it was too late, & she could do nothing to stop whatever he planned. Kathy shifted, & she knew the same teasing touch was moving over her friend's body. She tried to take some comfort in the fact that at least she wasn't alone in her predicament, but tied & blinded, she still felt terribly alone. There was the same teasing touch again, circling her breast, moving over her unpierced nipple, & just when she was about to move to avoid the tickling sensation, there was a brief, sharp pain, & she gasped. A small weight landed on her stomach, & she realized it had been the rose.1st the petals, then a thorn. Less than a minute later, she heard Kathy give a similar cry of surprise. Then there was nothing again. Then the disembodied voice, "See? Pain can be exciting. But I assure you I won't hurt you. No you're far too beautiful to mar. But 1 of you. I must have 1 of you, & you have to ask for it. For whatever I have to offer. So I'll test you, & we'll see who breaks 1st. There followed a long period of strangeness. He gently propped each of them up on pillows, then abruptly used some contraption to force their legs wide apart while he stood at the foot of the bed. He used a feather, running it over all of their exposed flesh. He used ice. He poured warm oil onto Melissa's abdomen, spreading it into her skin, then repeating the process, she assumed, on Kathy. He trailed honey from her lips, down her body, covering sensitive areas she hadn't known existed, then licking it off, teasing each area in turn, until she was quivering despite herself. He tugged at the rings, ran a vibrator over nipples & up into pussy, then repeated the process with a larger device. He dripped candle wax onto them, delighting in the way they groaned & arched & tried to escape the burning sensation as it assailed their breasts & pubes. & despite the pain & humiliation, Melissa felt the tension increasing, until she was taut as a bowstring, her sex nearly dripping with excitement, with need. But she had none of the drugs she'd used before, & was terribly aware of the betrayal her body was urging her mind to make. He rubbed something oily into her nipples, then slipped something ice cold into her frothing pussy & moved to repeat the process on Kathy. Melissa bit her lip, as the material on her nipples began to burn, while the chill between her legs made her pelvis tingle. She didn't want to be the 1 who had to submit to him. She didn't want to be the 1st to give in. She told herself it wasn't fair-that he kept going to her 1st. Kathy groaned aloud as he lingered over her, & Melissa thought she would ask for more-hoped so-but there was nothing more. She heard of felt him moving back toward her side of the bed, & unbidden, tears the began to run. It wasn't fair. She didn't want to cheat on Jeff. She loved her husband. "Hmm, we must be getting close," he wiped a tear that had escaped the blindfold, "I bet this won't go on much longer, soon we'll know who really wants to fuck me." There was a pause, while he rummaged in the sack, "This shouldn't be too much, given what both of you have already let some artist do to your bodies," he leaned over Melissa at chest level,