Girls' Nightmare Out, continued By Rogue Alan

Part XIII Melissa was lying flat on her back, legs spread, crotch pointed at the door when Tom walked in. Kathy was sitting up, & moved to cover herself, which prompted her friend to sit up on her elbows, examining their visitor. "Damn, girl," Tom chided playfully, "No wonder you 2 are done so fast if that the way you're greeting them." Melissa offered a pinched smile, as if she was still aware what she was doing was horribly wrong, but was somehow becoming used to it, & then she shrugged, "The faster we work, the faster we're free, right?" Tom bobbed his head in acknowledgement, reminding himself the pair was still new enough they were trying to do the 'necessary' tricks in some amazingly record short time; another 6 months, & neither would likely remember there was a 'goal.' Of course, the trick was to keep them from spiraling into drug use & incaution-he'd lost too many 'wholesome' white housewives to the crack pipe to take anything for granted- & that was what scared him about Michael's plan-it risked crating a stable of junkie whores. Michael had sworn up & down it wasn't that at all; he kept babbling about conditioning, insisting the sex would be all they got hooked on. Looking at the women, neither of whom looked more or very satisfied having taken a variety of cock in the past 2 hours. "Well like I said, you're 'free' for lunch, now." Melissa looked like she wanted to say something, but shrugged & nodded after a hesitation. Tom chose to ignore it. "Get dressed; like I said, I'm taking you to lunch." The women moved obediently, if not eagerly at that, worry plain on their faces. "Relax, ladies," he began, "We're doing barbecue downtown-very little chance you'll see anyone you know," he smiled broadly, "& I promise not to be pawing you in public. maybe after lunch," he offered them a leer, "We'll see." He watched as the women quickly put themselves in order to join him. Neither bothered to dress or cover up as they passed him, and he smiled at how quickly they'd gotten used to being his. The make-up took a few moments, each touching up garish lipstick and gaudy eye shadow. He would have asked otherwise, but didn't want to interrupt the ritual he knew they must associate with being whores. Finished, it took each only moments to dress; benefit of wearing skimpy clothes. He wolf whistled when they were ready, standing before him in the revealing dresses & spike heels. These were definitely two hot housewives; enough so he considered just keeping them to himself for an hour or three. But he had a meeting to keep with Mike, & he was intrigued about whether Kathy had been as 'conditioned' as the man claimed. The women climbed quickly into his Seville through the driver's door, Kathy going first, which left the petite blonde closer to him. That was fine, considering he expected to be inside of her in a short time. Before they'd even pulled out of the underground parking, his hand was firmly planted between her slightly spread thighs, 2 fingers working her already wet cunt. Melissa let her head drop back, lolling slightly against his shoulder, a faint smile on her lips, nipples tenting the dress. The drive to Gates took only a few minutes, the Caddy rolling through green lights, slowing as he pointed out Bazooka's to the girls. The 'juice bar' was another site he had found invaluable; the occasional reticent housewife, faced with tricking for total strangers or dancing where hubby's friends might see her invariably chose working on their back. Never mind that he didn't know the owner of Bazookas, and that the girls dancing there were generally younger & eager to sell themselves. The car zipped past Crown Center and the recently rebuilt Union Station, up Main to the little barbecue shop near the site Bazookas had once stood. Inside, the weekend crowd was lighter than the workday rush, and true to his word, there were almost no other white folk inside; certainly none who might know the women in their 'other' lives. Tom ordered for them and himself, then paused at the condiment bar to collect the requisite combination of sauces and napkins. Fans turned silently overhead, tied together by a long leather strap and run by a single motor in another room. He led them to the southwest room, which was separated from the main dining area but retained a view of the city. The women followed docilely, trying not to see anyone & not to be noticed. The girl at the checkout counter had popped her gum, eyeing them critically, but saying nothing. That changed as Kathy saw who sat at the table before them. Even from three steps ahead of her, Tom heard the brunette's breath catch. He looked back, expecting she would look stricken or scared. Instead, her eyes were heavy lidded. She had her teeth slightly on her lower lip, a hand in front of her sex. Pressing hard. Melissa was eyeing her friend like she'd gone crazy, but Michael quickly stood, moving forward, & ignoring Kathy completely, asked Tom to introduce him to Melissa. Tom did, playing along with his partner's plan. Kathy was still standing in the doorway, & he had to physically move her to the table. He waited for some indication from Michael, who quickly sat Melissa on his right side, then suggested Tom have Kathy sit between them on the other. He still hadn't so much as looked at the brunette. "You are gorgeous," he enthused, staring intently at Melissa as Tom distributed the food. She smiled hesitantly, looking toward her friend, who was sitting ramrod straight, chest moving with her short, rapid breaths. Kathy hadn't taken her eyes off of Michael; didn't seem aware anyone else was present. For several moments, Michael talked with Tom in generalities about 'business,' going on about how glad he'd been to be able to work with Tom & 'his ladies,' & insisting the job must be the best. "I mean, who wouldn't want their choice of gorgeous women ready to ball or suck or do whatever you want for you, man?!" He looked around conspirationally, "Guess it's a good thing we're alone back here, eh?" Tom just nodded. He was amazed at the way Kathy was behaving. But it was just the beginning. Michael's meal was almost finished, & he waved at the food before Melissa & Tom, "Go ahead & eat. I'll find some way to keep myself busy." As they did, listening to Michael go on about the other people he met at the clinic, Tom watched Kathy out of the corner of his eye. She still hadn't touched her food; seemed barely aware of anything but the man on her opposite side. Abruptly Michael changed tactics. He turned to the brunette & said, "My but aren't you fine. We've met before, haven't we?" Kathy managed a slight nod. "Damn right we have; I'd never forget an ass like that. You are too hot for any 1 man, aren't you?" Another brief nod, teeth digging into her lower lip more firmly. "I bet you want to do it right here, you're so hot, don't you?" Tom hid a smile as Kathy nodded yet again, prompting a gasp from Melissa. "Then go at it, baby. Why don't you suck me off while our friends here eat. We'll get a doggie bag for your food." It was too much-there was no way even a housewife Tom had worked completely into his 'practice' was going to do something so blatant in public. But even as he stared at Michael as if he was crazy, Kathy shifted. He looked right as the brunette dropped to her knees, ducking under the table. There was an audible 'zip,' & a moment later Michael was leaning back, 1 hand on the woman's head as she offered him a fervent blowjob. The wet slurping & sucking noise filled the room, and Tom self-consciously checked to be sure they were alone, while Melissa stared at the vacant spot where her friend had been, then around the restaurant with him, & then at Tom, a hint of fear in her eyes, asking what had happened to her friend, & was she going to have to do the same thing. Tom shrugged minutely, pointedly resuming eating. She grudgingly followed suit, her body tensing each time Michael made a low compliment or request, & again whenever they heard the low moans Kathy was making. A few minutes passed, & then Michael grabbed the table, thrusting against Kathy's bobbing head & cumming noisily, loudly telling her to 'swallow it all,' & asking 'doesn't that taste good?' The muffled response to the question-an obvious assent-startled Tom & Melissa alike. Kathy cleaned him dutifully, zipped him up, then resumed her seat, eyes only for the man she'd just eagerly blown in public, not caring if anyone else had seen. She sat on 1 side of her chair to lean close to Michael, shivering visibly when he set a hand on her thigh. Tom had already decided the man's 'mix' would have a definite use for his business. The question was whether it was too strong. He had a sudden image of Kathy hanging onto Michael's leg, refusing to go back to her husband. Or worse, refusing to turn a trick without him being present. But he'd satisfied Hiram's paid demand for the woman, and had realized a new recruit in the process, so even if she proved useless as a 'married white whore' there wouldn't be much trouble. Melissa excused herself to the ladies room, clutching her small handbag, & was gone for several minutes; long enough Tom imagined she might have been getting herself off to alleviate what she'd likely begun to feel watching her friend throw herself so fully into the role they were playing for him. Instead, Melissa had choked down all 3 of the airport size bottles of Jack Daniel's she'd sequestered in her purse that morning. She'd hoped to keep them for later in the week-had meant to stash them in various nooks & hidey-holes in her home & at work. What she'd just seen, though, had cut through what buzz lingered from the earlier binge. She couldn't believe Kathy had done it so calmly. She was still afraid Tom would demand similar treatment, & while she'd been more than a little aroused at the thought of being with him during the drive over, the idea that she might be asked to be a whore in front of so many people made her sick to her stomach. The nausea eased as the alcohol blurred the edges. She checked her make-up, popped a pair of tic-tacs, chewing the tiny candies in her haste, and returned to the table after carefully hiding the empty bottles in the trash. She tried to make a mental note to pick up more on her way home. The liquor stores would be closed the next day, & she didn't want to be short. Kathy's behavior didn't change during the rest of the meal. She hung on Michael's every word, seemed to hunger for his touch, & yet, did not act possessive or jealous. When Tom suggested they head back to the hotel for a more 'friendly' discussion, Michael smiled & agreed, then suggested he drive Melissa back, while Tom returned with Kathy. Tom realized it was a demonstration of how much power he had, but that it wasn't too much attraction on the part of the brunette, because the woman nodded willingly, making no effort to argue or pout. In fact, the moment Michael was out of her sight, it was as if nothing had happened. Kathy was as obedient as she'd been since agreeing to Tom's terms, but was also as reserved- almost frigid-as she'd always been, as well. Most amazingly, though, she seemed ******* of her behavior of moments before. He told her to lean against him & she did, submitting to his caress & attention, but distant. He found himself wanting it to be as it had been for Michael, & wondered if that unconscious devotion could be shifted from person to person. He stopped himself from working her up manually, interested in how quickly she'd be ready to fuck from a 'standing start' when she saw Michael again. There were a number of things he needed to check before he bought into his partner's idea for controlling the women, but there was so much potential already, it would be difficult to keep an open mind. Open pants, however, were a different story. Tom smiled as he considered the sort of 'research' he was about to do.

Part XIV He & Kathy were the 1st back to the room-Tom had used the cell phone to tell Michael to give them a few minutes. He had the brunette suck him hard, again wishing she showed the almost need to give head that had been apparent when she'd been with Mike. Once he was hard, he sent her to the bathroom, telling her to shower. She was still inside when the door opened & Mike followed Melissa into the room. The blonde's eyes were glassy, but she smiled when she saw Tom, as if he was a reprieve. He realized he was of a sort-she must think her friend had lost it to be so into a John. She sauntered to him almost sexily, tugging at the front tie of her dress & asking with her eyes if he wanted her bare. He was standing in the middle of the room naked, Kathy's saliva still coating his rod, & so he nodded, smiling as the blonde fumbled briefly with the tie in her hurry to obey. She bared her breasts before raising the short skirt & shimmying out of it, leaving her as naked as he. He pulled her close, enjoying the way she shivered at the contact of her body against his, his shaft trapped between them, pressing against her firm belly. At a word, she dropped to her knees & began to service his cock, her willingness a comforting salve compared to her friend's lackluster effort. Tom wondered how the Johns couldn't see the difference, then admitted there was maybe less variance when the women were with men they didn't know. He didn't wait for Kathy to leave the bathroom before pushing her friend onto her back, holding her ankles up & slipping into her in a slow, smooth stroke that filled the blonde completely. Melissa arched her back, mewling in delight, licking her lips & rocking against Tom's cock, wanting more of him, faster. He gave it to her, getting her off just as Kathy emerged from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around her body. She stopped at the sight before her. For a moment Tom thought it was shock at seeing Melissa rutting beneath him, but then he followed the direction of her eyes. All she seemed to see was Michael. He turned, & she rushed to him, throwing her arms around him, dropping to her knees, fingers scrabbling at his belt & trousers. He stopped her with a word, though, & at his indication, Kathy fell back on the bed beside Melissa, spreading her legs & fingering her suddenly flowing cunt. Tom was amazed as he looked at the brunette. Gooseflesh had appeared over her arms & thighs, & she was licking dry lips, eyes locked on Michael as he stripped. She'd never acted so wanton, even under the drug cocktail he'd used to ensnare them. Melissa writhed & voiced her displeasure at his going still within her. He looked down, seeing pleasure on the petite blonde whore's face, but not the devotion that was obvious on her friend's. "You want this?" Michael said quietly, waving his naked, erect cock suggestively. Kathy bit her lip, nodding visibly. "Badly?" he teased, earning another nod. "What'll you do for me to get it?" "Anything," Kathy's voice was hoarse. Tome drove into Melissa more forcefully, intent on keeping the blonde from realizing what was happening. She was responding readily, too, shivering & panting, near an orgasm if not already cumming. He allowed that his methods had done well on turning at least 1 of the pair onto her sexuality. "Anything?" Michael echoed, waiting while Kathy nodded in confirmation. "You'd blow my friend there? Make him really believe you like it?" Kathy blushed but nodded. "You'd let him fuck your ass? Tell him how good it felt & squirm & moan like you were cumming from my fucking you?" Another more desperate nod. "You need it that bad?" "Yes." "Have you ever needed anything more?" Kathy bit her lip again, but shook her head. "What about your husband?" A tear, then, but she shook her head firmly. "You need my cock more than you need your husband?" Kathy swallowed, pausing as if trying to fight the answer before she nodded. "If you have to tell him what you've been doing-what you are-in order to have my cock inside of you?" "I'll tell him." Tom knew his mouth was hanging open; no way the uptight brunette could have made such a complete turn around. He knew some girls developed an attachment to their pimp-Melissa was showing signs of that as she spasmed on his driving cock yet again- but Kathy wasn't the type. "You don't have to do that," Michael assured the trembling brunette, "I like you. I want to put my cock inside of you. But only if I can cum inside of you." "All right." "You could catch-get pregnant." "I know." Tom shook his head in amazement. "Then you're in luck," Michael smiled, motioning for Kathy to approach him. She did like a love-starved puppy. "See this?" Michael withdrew a small syringe from his pocket. Kathy stopped, but didn't back away. & didn't say 'no' to what Michael was implying. She nodded after a beat. "This will keep you from catching. I just give it to you before we fuck, & you're totally safe." Kathy nodded, turning to offer him her naked ass cheek. "No, I need it to go in your veins. But that's no problem," Michael whipped out a rubber tourniquet & applied it to the trembling brunette. Within a minute the needle was in & he'd injected the contents. As Tom watched, Michael withdrew the needle, ignoring the spot of blood that appeared on Kathy's arm as he whispered something to her. She nodded, still biting her lip, but dropped eagerly to her knees & seemed to literally throw herself at Michael's cock. Michael crooned endearments over the brunette's bobbing head, but was checking his watch as he did so. He abruptly stopped Kathy's efforts, directing her onto her back on the rumpled bedcover, standing between her legs. Kathy raised her calves, curling them around his waist, pulling him toward her naked, dripping sex with a need Tom could almost feel. Michael held himself just outside of her swollen labia, brushing his tip over her sex teasingly. "Tell me," he said quietly, "Tell me you need it." "God, I need it! Please fuck me!" Kathy groaned, humping up against him uselessly. "I don't think you're ready," Michael shook his head in mock concern. "I am. Take me, please. Fuck me. Give me your cock. Your beautiful cock. Give me give me give me." her voice broke as he slipped into her fully & held himself there. "Like that?" he teased. Kathy could offer no verbal reply save for a gargling moan, her entire body seizing in the strength of her climax. "There you are," Michael crooned, sawing in & out of her slightly, "See how good this cock makes you feel?" More unintelligible grunts from the panting, sweating brunette, "All you have to do to feel this is whatever I say. Then you'll get my cock. Get this pleasure." Kathy nodded slightly, still humping against him mindlessly. Michael was barely moving but his cock dipped in & out of her cunt completely, she was pumping her hips so much. He kept checking his watch, then abruptly bore down on the brunette, forcing her twitching body to the mattress & hammering into her like a steam piston. She arched her back, mouth open wide, chest not moving, as if she couldn't breathe. She shrieked, loudly enough Tom guessed he'd have to pay someone off, at the same moment Michael went stiff, clearly firing his jism into her sex. As Tom watched, the brunette's eyes rolled back & she went limp, held up in part by Michael's still firing cock. He slipped out of her & smiled at Tom, who'd just finished filling Melissa's cunt with his own cream. "That should do it. A 2nd dose is usually easy to give. I used to do it orally, but the absorption is so variable timing it was hard. But you gave me the perfect out-the pregnancy thing. Mix in a little 'morning after' med, & Walla, a perfect cocktail." "What'd it do?" Tom asked quietly, watching Melissa out of the corner of his eye, but she seemed already to have drifted off to sleep. "Nothing much," Michael smiled wolfishly, "Just reinforced that it's the sex-specifically sex with my cock-that feels like that. Then you can mimic the sensations by actually having sex. They'll do whatever you ask to 'feel' it again, & if you tell them they'll feel something like it anytime they have sex, you can probably create an eager housewife nymphomaniac, though I'd bet doing that would get her in trouble with hubby in short order- kind of hard to hide balling every man in sight for too long." "& it's a narcotic concoction?" "Mostly-the heroin or morphine drops inhibitions & pain gets blurred, so only the pleasure's left. But add a synthetic Ecstasy analogue, to amp the person's desire & responsivity, & a touch of sedative to drop inhibitions as well as the narc, & to help with a little amnesia. I can show you what I use & have used." "Wait a minute. if there's amnesia, how can it help?" "Simple. I'm doing some patterning with the drugs. getting her to associate my cock with the feelings she had from the drugs. Then drop the drugs, but she'll still have the feeling. & with little doses now & then you reinforce that association. Or with larger doses, you can 'shift' the association, say to her new pimp or her sheik or whatever." Tom nodded his understanding, "So you don't always have to give it, or give larger doses, or worry that she'll suddenly ball anything with a cock." "Not unless that's what you want," Michael smiled & Tom wondered how often he'd done that in the past. "She'll be out for a bit, & probably won't remember too much of what happened when she comes to, except that she'll be ashamed, knowing it felt so good she wants it again. Kind of a nice way to keep them hooked." Tom nodded, & they sat at the desk by the window for a bit, quietly discussing the specifics of Mike's cocktail & Tom's business. The time was ripe for expansion. They were gone when Melissa woke, groaning & grasping her temples in a vain attempt to shut out the headache chasing her binging earlier that morning. She treated it by opening 2 of the tiny servibar bottles-Jack & Southern Comfort-& tossing them down in rapid succession. Her head felt no better, but the spreading warmth made dealing with the condition of her body easier. She was showering when Kathy stumbled into the steam filled bathroom. "Kat?" Melissa asked to be sure. "Yeah," the brunette answered, stepping into the shower with her friend, "What happened?" "You don't remember?" Melissa couldn't keep the incredulity out of her voice, "What happened is you seemed quite smitten by that medico that got you out of trouble last week." "Why did you say that?" Kathy asked, wetting her hair under the feeble stream of water leaving the hotel showerhead. "Well. maybe it's seeing you on your knees, blowing him in the middle of Gates." "I didn't!" "You did. you mean you don't remember it?" "I. I do, it's just. it's like I was watching someone else, you know?" Melissa muttered something. "What?" "I said, 'you'd better lay off of the booze.' Sorry, I know you don't drink. it was just. I couldn't believe you did it; thought Tom would have me doing it, next. I wish I could forget what happened like you." "It was bad?" Kathy wrapped her arms around her smaller friend, suddenly glad they had some time together-it'd been too long since she'd been able to show Melissa she loved her. "No. not bad. I just. God, I hate it that I get off so well when Tom's fucking me. Makes me feel like I'm betraying Jeff, you know?" "No, I. well sort of. It's never. I mean I hadn't." "What's never?" "I'd never really gotten off-completely, I mean- during our tour. Sure, I cum, but it never feels. complete. Which wasn't bad. it's not any different with Fred. But this today. I don't know how to describe it. It just. it feels so good I want it to feel like that again." The women lapsed into a companionable silence, broken by soft moans as each unthinkingly began to soap & rinse the other, hands tenderly reaching to ease hurt & then to bring pleasure. It was another 20min before either considered turning the water off, & together they moved to the nearest bed, falling into a tangle of arms & legs, & forgetting the horror that had become their lives for a few intimate moments. Unlike the need based coupling with the men before, Melissa & Kathy focused on one another, on giving pleasure, rather than having it taken from them. Afterward, lying arm in arm, Melissa thought about what Kathy had said. It still didn't fit with the way she'd behaved. it was like they'd both been when Tom was trapping them to force them to work as his whores. Except it had been spontaneous. She shrugged, figuring the doc had maybe managed to find a soft spot in her friend when he'd saved her from a most unwanted pregnancy. Kathy hadn't mentioned any hanky panky, but given who had referred her, & the way they'd behaved earlier, she'd bet something had happened. But no lasting harm seemed to have been done. Kathy was her normal, loving self, & in some ways, Melissa was glad they were stuck in the nightmare together-she couldn't imagine they'd have found love with one another otherwise. Her momentary concern that her friend had snapped-had decided all men needed servicing at the merest whim-seemed to have been alleviated. They drew out their intimacy until housekeeping was becoming impatient, then paid for a cab back to the apartment where they retrieved their things & went down to the car, each leaning against the other, finding some comfort in what they'd just shared. Something about it, though, kept nagging at her, even after she'd gotten home.

Part XV Jeff & the boys were still out at the boys' soccer games. She fixed herself a stiff Long Island Iced Tea, letting the drink eat away at the tensions left by whoring that morning & putting out so sluttishly that afternoon. After the 2nd, the guilt she still felt at her relationship with Kathy had eased, as had the nagging voice that something was amiss. She was well on her way to being blind ***** by the time the rest of the ****** returned. Frightened of being seen that way, she staggered into the bathroom, stepping into an ice cold shower that was still pounding down on her muddled head when Jeff poked his head into the bathroom. He sounded relieved when he found her 'getting ready' as he termed it. Melissa struggled to come up with an answer to what he'd meant. Then it registered-the art auction at the local mall. She glanced at the clock on the sink by the shower-they had 40min. She climbed out of the shower & still dripping wet, began to consider make-up & accessories, pausing long enough to take a healthy hit from the open bottle of Vodka in her vanity. She felt in control as they pulled into the garage parking at the mall; just enough buzz to put up with the horrible things she'd been doing hours before, & the banal conversation that would ensue within. The shops were open inside, but the usual crowd was gone, & in its place, wandered women in plunging back glittering dresses, on the arms of men in tuxedos, both off the rack and custom tailored styles. No overwhelming opulence, but certainly more of an aire than Melissa enjoyed in the best of circumstances. Waiters with plastic champagne flutes moved through the crowd of people speaking politely to one another while searching for a victim upon which to pounce. Melissa quickly grabbed a glass from a passing tray, sampling the bubbling alcohol & smiling. As Jeff moved them about, introducing her to several of the people with whom he did business. A 2nd & 3rd glass disappeared in the next half hour, without Jeff or anyone seeming to notice. Melissa felt her smile get loose; as she mouthed niceties & greeted passers by and hangers on alike, she couldn't help but compare what she was doing with what she did for Tom; at neither time was she really herself. She'd been skirting the knots of people, saying an intermittent hello or grinning at a 'remembered' joke, but trying to avoid any prolonged discussion. "Appetizer, ma'am?" a young man asked, stepping in front of her suddenly. She stopped, blinked, trying to focus on the face that was suddenly so close. She shook her head & the waiter moved on. She blinked again, dimly aware that she'd noticed something right before the near collision. She stood unmoving, trying to keep the faces moving past her in focus. Jeff was nowhere nearby. She took a halting step, expecting to crash into another platter wielding waiter. There was none. Three more steps put her against the nearest wall. She struggled to think about where they had come in, where they had walked, and where she must be. She found a wrought iron bench & sat, trying to remain calm & to decide what had happened to her eyes. Jeff found her minutes later, concern evident in his voice as he asked if she was all right. She gave an embarrassed laugh, explaining that she hadn't eaten much during the day, & had made the mistake of downing 'a few' glasses of the bubbly, which had messed up her vision. Even in the minutes she'd been sitting it had improved noticeably, though changing focus from near to far or back remained difficult. Jeff apologized profusely, blaming himself for keeping her too busy to eat & suggesting they drive downtown to the plaza for a nice dinner. Melissa nodded gratefully, clutching at her husband's arm as they meandered through the various displays & exhibits. Jeff paused a few times, checking bids on the silent auction items, making a counter here or there. He paused, waving to someone across the room, which prompted Melissa to refocus in the distance. It was in that moment that she knew what she'd been feeling before-a sense of being watched. Standing behind the man Jeff was now approaching with her in tow was a large black waiter. The man's eyes never left her as she tried to match the eerily familiar face to a name. The man certainly had not been around her work-the catering was too high class for the occasional educator luncheon or dinner meeting. She doubted he was a fellow teacher, sure she would remember if they had been at many meetings together. It was strange that he seemed so focused on her, & then she had a horrible thought-he could have easily been inside of her, without her ever remembering his face. Her sudden realization must have been plain on her face, as to her dismay, the waiter broke out in a huge grin. His eyes cut to Jeff, & he pursed his lips, then shook his head. He winked at her, moving a hand from his side to his crotch suggestively. Melissa blushed fiercely, scared that she didn't even remember him, terrified she suddenly would-her body felt suddenly loose, as she had come to associate with the time she spent on her back, humping her sex against whatever John was fucking her. She felt a wave of nausea at the awareness she was becoming aroused-not understanding the connection her body made between that feeling & the too often expected sexual performance to follow-wondering how she could react so strongly to a man whose casual use of her body was lost to conscious thought. She turned away, praying the man would not make a scene. She grabbed another drink from a passing tray, downing it in three gulping swallows that Jeff never noticed, & set the empty glass on the nearest auction table with a shaking hand. The prickling warmth between her legs didn't abate. Worse, she felt her nipples getting stiff, & prayed it wasn't too visible through her dress. When she looked up, already feeling the return of some difficulty focusing her vision, the waiter was no longer standing by the wall. She breathed a sigh of relief until she felt a presence behind her. She bit her lip as a tuxedoed arm reached around her to pick up the fluted glass. "Allow me to get that, ma'am. Is there anything else I can give you?" Jeff paused in his discussion & turned as Melissa tried not to blush or faint or gasp or react in any way. "N-no," she stammered, cursing the way her body seemed hungry for his touch, "I've already had too much." "I see." She wanted to scream at the man's tone of voice-she was sure Jeff would know. The man offered an almost leer, "My apologies, I just wondered if you wanted a. bigger serving than you have." "No, thanks," Jeff answered for her, patting her hand, "She's already over her limit. I'm going to have to take her home now, if I want any chance to enjoy this evening fully." "I'm sure you'll have a wonderful evening, sir. Please excuse me," & then he was gone. Melissa heaved a quiet sigh of relief, but couldn't relax after the encounter-to meet a man she'd. serviced. with her husband standing beside her; to feel her body responding with an almost lust that she couldn't control & feared she wouldn't be able to hide next time-she needed to speak to Tom. She wondered if he would agree to arrange that she do her 'work' on the other side of the river, or in 1 of the smaller neighboring cities. That thought increased her anxiety, as she guessed she'd be 'working' for him much longer if that were the case. But she had to make sure Jeff never ran into someone else who 'knew' her so intimately. She shuddered, imagining that the man had been less discreet, & wondered how she'd have reacted if he'd demanded something else for his silence. She wished she'd taken the man's offer for another drink, & was still shaking when they got to Jeff's Blazer. He offered her his coat, which she took gratefully, hoping to at the least hide her body's reaction to the near catastrophe.

At the Dwyer household, Fred had been in an unusually horny mood, & Kathy had found herself lying in their bed, legs spread as her husband thrust into her in short jabbing strokes-no real rhythm, she considered analytically-his breath gusting over her, rank with the odor of his cigarettes. She bit her lip in frustration, angry that he hadn't bothered with foreplay, though that was nothing new, & surprised at how un-aroused she was even as he neared his own climax; usually she'd be sufficiently excited she'd have to finish herself in the bathroom. For a long moment, she was consciously glad she'd been tricking that morning-at least she'd gotten to cum with Tom's friend, Michael. In the next minute she was ashamed at thinking in that way, even though thinking of Michael had triggered a momentary rise in her libido. That disappeared as she thrust such thoughts from her mind, trying to quietly endure the friction of her husband's penis pushing in & out of her. She breathed a sigh of relief when he came a moment later & pulled out, leaving his still leaking penis against her thigh. Wincing, Kathy rose, barely disturbing her husband, & padded into the bathroom. She cleaned herself off, then ran a hot bath, luxuriating in the swirling water as she let her mind go. To her mingled fear and undeniable arousal, though, her thoughts soon focused on the afternoon's experience, & more importantly, the man she'd been with. Sex with Michael had been like nothing she'd ever known; good enough that being Tom's whore suddenly seemed. tolerable, so long as she saw Michael again. After masturbating to a satisfying if incomplete orgasm, Kathy dried off before she climbed into bed beside her snoring husband. She drifted off, wondering when Tom would call again; almost anxious to work in the hope of seeing Michael again.

At dinner, Melissa found she remained intolerably jumpy, the almost encounter at the party serving as a thorough buzz killer. She agreed to Jeff's suggestion of a bottle of wine, & had enjoyed three glasses before their salads were finished. Jeff simply ordered a 2nd bottle for the main course. Melissa didn't think about how much she'd had, though Jeff seemed oblivious, as well. Despite the booze, Melissa found herself eyeing every man who passed their table, worried someone else would recognize her from her 'moonlighting.' She was more than tipsy by dinner's end, giggling at Jeff's interactions with an obviously gay waiter who'd hit on her husband throughout their meal without paying her a 2nd glance. Chastened at having been a willing whore for Tom that afternoon, she pressed herself against her husband, enjoying their time together & pleased to find that even ? pickled she was aroused & could respond to the man she'd married as they left the restaurant for their car. The paranoia of earlier eased enough she almost missed the knowing look of the night guard strolling through the parking garage. Maybe it was the change in the cadence of his walk, but Melissa looked up & over at him as they passed, breath catching at the ? memory of the same man leaning over her, puffing & grunting as he thrust a better than average sized cock into her twitching box. She blushed, aware that this stranger was 1 of those who'd been skilled enough or concerned enough about her pleasure that she'd cum with him. Her focus narrowed to her body, which responded more explosively than it had earlier in the rushing onset of her arousal. She blinked, acutely aware that some part of her was almost anxious to lie back on the asphalt & let this stranger take her again. Before she could look away or somehow speed their course to the car, Jeff glanced over to see what had distracted her. The guard nodded politely, "Evening folks," Jeff responded in kind, & the man smiled, "Your wife?" "As a matter of fact, she is," Jeff said proudly, "Thought I'd take her out on the town & show her how much I love her." "She's an amazing lady," the guard offered as he sauntered past, "You 2 have a safe trip home, now." Melissa was still trying to reassure herself the man had said 'amazing lady' & not 'amazing lay' without considering the suggested intimacy of his comment when Jeff chuckled, "Perceptive man. I bet the cars here are safer than anywhere else in this city." Melissa laughed with him, hoping it didn't sound too forced, & desperately relieved her husband hadn't become suspicious at the man's attitude. Safely inside their SUV, Melissa was dismayed when Jeff wanted to neck before leaving. "The guard," she scolded, pushing him away, "Like you said, he's very alert. I'm embarrassed." Jeff paused, then smiled, "All right. I guess I can always pull over somewhere on the way home. it'll be more exciting that way, lover." Melissa tried to smile at him, all the while resolving not to go back into the city with him until long after she'd repaid what Tom claimed she 'owed.' If ever. Seeing a former John once had been too close for comfort; twice was almost enough to prompt an emergency call Tom, if it wouldn't increase her 'debt.' She shivered, wondering if she would ever feel safe in public with her husband again. She jumped when Jeff's hand moved to her inner thigh, & he chuckled, teasing that she was 'too tense' & promising that he had 'just the medicine for that.' She nodded, smiling weakly, already thinking about where she could get a hit of something before Jeff expected her to perform.

Part XVI Sundays usually served at least a partial respite for the women. They could enjoy church and time with friends & ****** without fear that Tom would need them for a 'job.' Neither woman looked particularly relaxed as they met in the fellowship hall before Sunday school. They agreed they desperately needed to talk to one another, & were as certain they wouldn't have sufficient time before the end of the weekend; their 'time together' was already a sometimes point of contention with both husbands. They briefly discussed eating together as families, but dismissed it out of hand; Fred was jealous of Jeff's success & ease with people, & never failed to make snide remarks that the other man seemed unable to ignore. The women agreed they'd have to eat together the next week, the sooner the better. "You OK?" Kathy was worried at the circles beneath her friend's eyes, & couldn't miss the hint of alcohol on Melissa's breath. "Yeah," Melissa paused, taking a calming breath, "I just had a hellish night last night-we bumped into not 1 but 2." she looked about the milling throng of people, "Former clients." Kathy felt her mouth fall open in surprise. "You're kidding." "I wish." "No wonder you're hitting it early. I'd've climbed into a bottle & not come out again." Melissa's eyes flashed angrily, but she nodded a moment later. "Yeah. I need to watch it." Kathy patted her friend's shoulder reassuringly, "We can get through this. Just lean on me, love." The petite blonde glanced up at her friend, biting her lower lip unconsciously, "God, I need to be with you for awhile. Last night. it was hard being with Jeff without his knowing. wanting it to feel different, but." she wiped at a tear that threatened to fall. "Shh. I know, hon'. Believe me. I keep finding myself flashing on. the pleasant times. It scares me, that I'd rather be there sometimes than with him. But maybe that's how we adjust to get through it." "Maybe," Melissa sniffed, not sounding convinced, "But I told myself I'd keep it separate. If I can't even do that, what hope is there I'll be able to do this without Jeff finding out?" She set about touching up mascara & make-up with her compact, resisting the urge to take a hit from the small 'water' bottle in her purse. "We'll make it," Kathy soothed, ashamed that part of her was anxious to do more work for Tom, but unable to keep from feeling that way. The milling, smiling crowd was thinning as people headed into the sanctuary, & as usual, Melissa & Kathy sat together about 6 rows from the front on the pulpit side, their families beside them. The imposing wooden lectern partially hid the day's 'guest speaker,' who was introduced as a 'deacon from the sister church downtown.' When the pastor had completed the call to worship, he stepped from the center to the pulpit, shuffling his pages nervously before he glanced out at the congregation. He cleared his throat, then launched into a halting introduction, that the visitor cut short by stepping to the pulpit beside the poorly organized clergyman. "Friends!" his booming voice brought both women's head up. The man's dark ebony skin glistened in the lights, emphasized by the cream colored linen three-piece suit he wore. He calmly grasped the microphone, pulling it free of the stand on the pulpit, then vacated it, moving to the center of the raised dias before the suddenly attentive assemblage. "I have come today!" his cadence was the stereotypical Southern Baptist preacher's, fiery, loud enough to forgo the microphone entirely. "I am here to spread a message." His eyes-his whole body-shifted from side to side, addressing each of the church's three tiers of seats as if individually. "A message not of love, but of danger! A danger that rests among you, and unchecked, will tear your ****** apart from within!" He strode back & forth, waving his free hand for emphasis, "I have heard it is too late for my people. & I shouted NO! It wasn't so. But I will tell you: It wasn't easy. No, staying true to the Lord's word seldom is. So I vowed: Never would I let this happen to another of God's families-my ****** by extension." His eyes roamed the congregation as he paused. "You wonder what it is. Drugs? The Devil's candy. No, that is an evil each of us must face, my friends, but it pales in comparison to this. Violence? God's faithful recognize the potential to do good in the face of that, my brothers, so I do not come to warn you of that. Hatred? The Lord cries to see his church- wherever it is-used as a tool to spread the Devil's work. But that is not why I am here." He paused again, & in the moment before he began to speak, his eyes flashing from parishioner to parishioner, Melissa stiffened, aware of why the man seemed so familiar. She could almost feel the heat of his skin as he thrust against her, cursing & demeaning her, taunting her for her 'filthy lust' & for 'betraying her oaths.' He'd been with both women, & Kathy's stiff posture was sign enough she'd recognized the man, too. The women sat mesmerized as he licked his lips before continuing. For a horrible moment, Melissa was sure he was looking right at her. "I am saying, my friends, we must recognize the demon in our midst. The petite blonde slut, the whore of Satan." Melissa choked back a scream, unable to believe she was about to be exposed in front of the entire church. She felt Kathy's hand touch her thigh, whether to support or restrain she'd never know. She'd lost track of what the Deacon was saying, & glanced around, sure she'd see every eye on her. Instead, the other members of the congregation remained totally focused on the dervish of a preacher striding back & forth before them them. To her amazement, several of them seemed to be smiling. ".sort of thing you expect to hear when you see me?" The man's tone had changed completely. He'd moved back behind the pulpit, gently replacing the microphone in its cradle, & had his hands braced at the sides, leaning forward like any pastor Melissa could remember. except that he'd been hunched over her before, thrusting into her in lewd delight at 'despoiling' a married white woman. She shuddered as she listened to his message. "I can't claim that much energy. or I'm too shy to go on like that any more than you just saw. But that's not necessary to get the point across. When you see the flyer for our joint church picnic at the end of the month, I want you to think about how we're communicating now. versus how you thought we would be interacting when I began. Now, don't think I'm saying anything is wrong about your reaction to my little act," he smiled, "But I am saying maybe what we need to regain. or to develop for the 1st time. a sense of community is to learn about our brothers in the Lord. I hope to see each and everyone of you there." He smiled again, then stepped back, as the pastor regained his position at the pulpit, thanking the Deacon for his help, and reiterating the importance of the conference social, which would be held in the large park near the Plaza. The rest of the service was a blur, & Melissa was shaking visibly as they left the sanctuary. Jeff put an arm around her, asking if she was all right. She nodded, praying they would not meet the deacon in the narthex. Kathy took the initiative, grasping her friend's arm & suggesting she take Kathy home & put her to bed, since she looked to be fighting the flu, while Jeff & the boys went out to lunch & maybe a movie. The boys responded eagerly, & Jeff nodded, thanking Kathy for her help before offering his wife a quick kiss on the cheek. Evading Fred proved almost as easy; Kathy needed only to suggest he come along & that he could watch the game on the Sureham's television. Fred begged off, grumbling unintelligibly about 'the crazy satellite' system Jeff had installed some time before. He trudged up the walk to the house & used the keypad entry into the garage when Kathy pulled up at their home. He barely waved a good-bye, which Kathy never saw, having already begun to check the mirror prior to pulling back out into the street.

The deacon who'd prompted Melissa's near panic attack was no more relaxed at that moment. He'd fled the dais as quickly as opportunity arose-during the pastor's prayer. Deacon Chauncy Graves hoped his part in the mess he'd found for himself was done, & wondered not for the 1st time if he'd ever really be free again. The man who'd shown him the black & white pictures of him not only going into a motel, but having sex with those married white sluts had made it perfectly clear that not only would his wife find out if he didn't do exactly as he was told; his boss, friends, & the local police would soon know of his peculiar. proclivities. 'Not that there was anything wrong with being with a woman,' Chauncy told himself. At 1st he'd assumed 1 of the bitches was responsible for the blackmail-the pictures were too good to have been taken by luck. But the message that had accompanied the note argued otherwise. Sitting in a deli at the corner of his luxury condo near the Plaza, Chauncy had tried to remain calm as he'd stuffed the photos back into the envelope, trying to push them back at the calm stranger. "Don't bother. consider them a souvenir," the man had smiled mirthlessly at his idea of a joke, "They are quite beautiful. But I have plenty of copies. Those are for you." Over a lunch Chauncy hadn't tasted, his 'new friend' had calmly explained the note. He wanted 'an introduction' to the man who 'protected' the women he'd been with. Which Chauncy had assumed meant the man was competition for Tom & his 'white housewife whores.' He reasoned the seedy way in which he'd been ensnared was proof Tom's enterprise was about to meet with some competition. Which meant the man could easily choose to become violent if Chauncy refused to help. That, along with the 'business' in question made doing what the man asked relatively simple; Tom was a pimp, after all, a Godless man living literally off of the backs of helpless women. Not that he hadn't been afraid of what might happen if Tom learned he'd been a Judas, but the threat before him was much more immediate. He'd agreed at the lunch to make any introduction the man might want, suggesting he could tell Tom the man was 'a business friend,' but the man had smiled patronizingly, shaking his head in refusal. He had explained that he was very sure Tom was a cautious man, & would check out such recommendations before acting. Instead, the man had explained that he would be Chauncy's ever-present shadow. The deacon was to alert him the moment he noticed either of the women he'd been with, or 'others he remembered' as the man had put it. For the next 2 weeks, he'd been there whenever Chauncy looked around. There had been less than subtle calls asking if he was really trying, suggesting the women wouldn't be found in the places Chauncy usually visited. That prompting had led Chauncy to visit malls & shopping centers where he told himself young housewives might be more likely to visit. But of course he'd still seen no one who resembled the women who'd been so willing in that hotel room. He'd almost convinced himself the man would let him off for at least trying, when he'd been summoned to a meeting in the coffee shop in the building where he worked. Over stale Danish & staler coffee, Chauncy had opened yet another envelope, in which was a blow-up of 1 of the photos he'd seen before. "What is that?" he'd asked in that quiet but fierce gravel tinged voice Chauncy heard sometimes as he woke in the morning-the remnants of a nightmare made real. Chauncy had eyed the man, then the photo, "I don't know. a necklace?" The man sighed, "Yeah, it's a necklace, idiot. What is it a necklace of?" Chauncy had shrugged, & the man calmly withdrew a 2nd envelope, the upper right corner occupied by a variety of stamps. "Chauncy, Chauncy, Chauncy," he'd sighed, shaking his head, "& I thought you'd been trying to help. I thought you understood what was at stake. Maybe you can explain these to your wife, instead." Chauncy had nearly shouted his 'No!' before controlling himself to hiss, "I didn't. Wait, I mean. it was a cross, I think. yeah, a crucifix." The man had smiled broadly-no humor evident in his dark eyes, though, & without a word, had stood & left the coffee shop. & the bill. The next night, he'd gotten a call from 'brother Aloysius' asking him to make the presentation he'd just finished to all the area churches. He hadn't remembered his fellow Christian's name from church, but had readily agreed to the task. & so he'd been most surprised to see his 'new friend' waiting for him at the 1st of his several planned stops that Sunday. He'd been sure he wouldn't see the harlot's who'd offered themselves to him in church, but hadn't been about to argue with the man. So he'd nearly lost his wits when he saw not just 1 of the women, but both, sitting together up front, like any God-fearing Christian women. The thought still made his blood boil. His shadow had been nodding before Chauncy reached him at the back of the church after his hasty exit. Nodding & smiling. He'd waved off any statement until both men were safely out of the church. "I saw," he'd said simply