Gina's Higher Education

I write for my own pleasure, and the subjects of the stories I write arouse me. They don't hit the button of arousal for every reader, but if this flips your switch, thereby elongating or moisturizing the target anatomy, I would love to hear from you. What's good and what's bad? Thanks.

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My Mom always said there was a purpose for everything and that things usually turned out about the way they were supposed to. God rest her soul, I finally believe her. The circumstances that just recently convinced me are the exact same ones that probably would have led her to question her own words of wisdom. If she's up there somewhere watching, she's shaking her head, but I think she's also got a little smile. Moms always want the best for their kids, and I have it. I'm like a kid again in the "autumn chicken" stage of my life, but it's not because I met a match who is also well past her prime. Exactly the opposite. I met a match just entering her prime—a "spring chicken"—and it feels like a miracle. All those clichés about answered prayers and mysterious ways have, incredibly—especially if you know my opinion on religion—moved into the realm of possibility.

Let's retreat. About five years ago I was issued my second divorce decree. Yup, I was a two-time loser in the game of love, and at fifty one it didn't take much to convince me that I was finished playing in that game. I just never grew away from the Playboy bunny ideal as my sex partner, and there are no fifty-year-old centerfolds. Hell, there aren't any forty year olds either and there are very few in their thirties I'd care to fuck. Hugh Hefner and I don't differ in outlook, just results. He fucks the bunnies. I don't. Or at least I didn't.

This admitted irrationality on my part was the main problem with both my marriages. My first wife was beautiful, and many of my old friends thought I was nuts for divorcing her. Then I met my second wife and she was just as beautiful as my first, but she was eleven years younger. Shit, both of them fought a damned good fight against nature, and many men would say they won—especially my second wife. She worked out daily. She got tucked, enhanced, smoothed, and tightened twice in the thirteen years we were together. It's a shame, but you can't make a 37-year-old body into a 20-year-old body, and a twenty-year-old body was what I wanted. If I couldn't have it, I would sit at home, remember when I did, and dream of having it while I beat off.

I understood how unreasonable I was being. I was being totally selfish, and I didn't expect anything less from a woman. Shit, I couldn't imagine any twenty-year-old, male or female, being attracted to a fifty-year-old. It's not nature's way. That's why I was resigned to grow old alone. What beautiful young thing could have any interest in an old fart like me? Especially any sexual interest.

I'm a Professor of Physics at a decent sized public university in the Dallas-Ft.Worth Metroplex. There is an old saw about it only being work if you would rather be doing something else, and it definitely applies to me. I love what I do, and the only thing I would rather be doing is primal and sensory—I like to taste, to smell, to hear, to see, and to feel the best food, perfume, music, and beauty there is to find. The only thing I know that satisfies fully every one of my senses is a gorgeous young lady.

Because I work at a college, I see twenty-year-old bodies everyday. Maybe that's the problem. I have never and would never approach a young college girl with any sexual intent, but like the old song says: "You can't go to jail for what you're thinking, nor for that cool gleam in your eye." So I look, lust, and dream daily. In case you don't realize it, many of your college-aged ********* like to tease, so it is hard not to look and the lusting and dreaming just follow naturally. I am constantly amazed at how many of them tease me. I believe it is the act of teasing that is enjoyable for them, and whom they tease is not all that important. How else could you explain so many intentional panty shots directed at me?

So now you know my mindset when, in spring semester, 1998, Gina first entered my classroom. She sat in the front row every class period, and by god she was distracting. While class was going on, I was the only one in the room with a premium view up her skirt. In the beginning, I thought she was acting out a dare, or perhaps paying off a bet or undergoing some sort of initiation hazing, but I was willing to go along with it for as long as it took to "complete her assignment."

I knew she was enjoying my torment because the sights kept getting better and better. As the weather got warmer, her attire continued to shrink and she became even more flagrant. It finally sunk in to my pea brain that she was just acting on her own for her own pleasure, and that revelation was strikingly powerful to my psyche. Perhaps Gina saw that remnant in me that induced beautiful girls to give it up to me when I was young.

I know she never missed a class because I would have been so disappointed if she had. She is a great student. Intelligent, organized, industrious. She always stayed after class to ask perceptive questions that indicated a surprisingly deep understanding, and in a sophomore level classical mechanics class that alone was enough to make me interested in her. She started calling me Doc, and I let her know—without saying anything—that I approved. It still isn't appropriate for undergraduate students to call their instructors by their first names, but Doc is a hell of a lot less formal than Professor Simmons or Doctor Simmons.

Her questions were invariably insightful, but the main reason she stayed was to tease me even further. What sweet torture! She is only 5'4" or 5'5" and maybe 110 pounds. Her waist is incredibly thin, her ass incredibly round, and her whole body incredibly beautiful. It quickly became her habit to lean with her elbows on the room=width demonstration counter while I stood on the blackboard side looking at her tits. If she owned a bra I had no evidence of it, and her tops were always loose enough to fall away completely. Absolutely perfect tits. Centerfold material.

For about the first month of class, she was the last one to ask her questions so I was given an individualized, prolonged showing of her body. I never said anything, but I sure didn't hide my focus on her tits. She giggled and jiggled as I talked and gawked, and it was easy to see she liked it by the way her nipples engorged. She never hid her focus on my stiffened cock, either, and the twinkle in her eyes was merriment's trademark. We laughed a lot while talking about my second favorite subject, the one I taught, and I found out she was a physics major. Sex and physics combined in one gorgeous young lady—I couldn't have dreamed so high. She provided mental stimulation on a high intellectual level as well as acute audio and visual excitement at a primal level.

About a month into the term, I finally asked her if she would like some coffee. It began by us going to the student union, but evolved into coffee in my office. Since it was the last class of the day for both of us, her visits got longer and longer and my private showings became more prolonged, more tantalizing, and consequently for me, more tortuous. I never said anything sexual, and neither did she, but there was an incredible aura of sex that permeated my office whenever she was in it. Her nipples and my cock were at attention most of the time she was there, and it didn't take me long to satisfy myself after she left.

It was about the same time that we started going to coffee that some of the guys in class noticed that there was a good reason to stay after I dismissed class. The way she leaned on the counter was so revealing that several male students soon realized my side of the counter provided a great view, and they joined me to inspect her tits. Those who stayed on the other side of the counter were not disappointed either, because when she leaned over, her incredibly short skirts provided a view of her panties from a different angle than the one I had all through the lecture. I knew most of them had never been with a woman just because of the type of students drawn into physics, and I suspected Gina knew as well.

By the last month of class, it was just Gina and I and about fifteen regulars staying after class, and I found it was even more thrilling to know she was going to display herself for all of us than it was when it was just for me. Physics majors are not socially adept, so her bi-weekly showings had to be the fantasy material for probably a hundred or so masturbation induced orgasms per week from the physics guys. I know they set me off at least four or five times a week, and I'm old. Gina provided subtle verbal clues that she enjoyed it more when she had a larger audience, and I guessed her showings provided the fantasy material for her own masturbation also.

Gina was never in a hurry to end being the center of attention after class, and she teased, flirted, giggled, posed, jiggled, blushed, smiled, winked, batted and flashed more each week. They all adored her, and as long as she was in my classroom I knew attendance was not going to be a problem. Nobody slept during class either, and it definitely enhanced my stature in the eyes of all these young inexperienced guys to see her openly flirt with me. I dropped my own verbal clues when we were having coffee that I liked her displays more when all the young guys were there, but my hints were probably redundant. I'm sure she knew from my eyes.

I noticed that she seemed especially attracted to one young man who was potentially her intellectual equal. I finally asked her if she would like to invite another student to coffee. She shyly mentioned his name, and I said I would ask him if he would like to go to coffee with us after class. I arranged it so Mel would go to coffee with us after the next class.

That Friday, with only a week left before the final exam, Gina came to class without panties. Her eyes sparkled with mischief and her tinkling laughter was more pronounced and conveyed more joy than ever during my lecture. I was extremely happy the demonstration counter provided a screen for my throbbing hard on during class. It was difficult for me to refocus my eyes away from the eye magnet provided by her shaved pussy, and I'm positive many of the guys who usually stayed after class to share her displays with me noticed how often I looked between her legs. I even dismissed class a few minutes early, and I am legendary for going past the allotted class time.

There was a mad rush of guys to the front when I dismissed the class, and I knew they wanted to see if they could catch a glimpse of Gina seated before she got up. I fully understood their desire and wanted them to see it, so I casually moved my hand up and down quickly to give her a sign that I wanted her to stay in her seat for a while. She smiled and sat back down. Every guy headed for my side of the demonstration counter, and there were a couple of half-hearted attempts at questions, but every eye was focused on Gina. She didn't disappoint a single eyeball.

Her backpack was on the floor next to her seat and she pretended to be searching it for something. She bent over at the waist and provided a clear shot down her skimpy top as she rummaged through it, but we had all seen her tits many times. She felt it was necessary for her legs to be spread while she fiddled around with what was inside her pack, and we were all treated to the vision of loveliness that was her glistening shaved cunt. It took at least two minutes for her to locate a hand mirror and lipstick, which she then put on while keeping her legs spread. She knew all eyes were focused intently on her cunt and she graciously presented the scenic attraction in a manner that allowed all of us to see every fold, crease, bump and protrusion. What a cunt. It is perfectly smooth without any dark discoloration, shaving bumps, warts, or asymmetries. It is fleshy with generous lips and her clitoris extends at least ¾ of an inch when she is aroused, and there was no doubt she was aroused. Her entire genital area reflected light in a way that only wet areas can, and we could see her squeezing and humping an invisible cock as we stared, transfixed by a sight I knew most of the guys had never seen live.

Finally, she came to the counter and asked her usual penetrating questions. I had a very difficult time concentrating on her queries because at least 90% of my brain function was intent on sex. I could smell her, so I was throbbing-hard and I imagined every other guy there was as well. I occasionally watched her eyes and caught her casting glances at crotches whenever she wasn't watching us watch her. She nearly always looked at eyes but she rarely found any of us looking at hers, which appeared to suit her perfectly. She obviously enjoyed our inspection, and the sparkle in her eyes matched the sparkle of her laugh. She watched Mel's eyes more than anyone's, and she smiled conspiratorially at me when I caught the longing in the gaze she gave him. Nobody was in a hurry to leave, and she entertained us with her intelligence, with her joie de vivre, and with her gorgeous body for nearly an hour before I decided it was time to get some coffee.

When Mel, Gina and I entered my office there was an edge, an anticipation, a tingle that was new. I asked them to sit on the couch while I made coffee, then I sat behind my desk and talked to them. I was afforded a clear view of her cunt that Mel couldn't see, but it didn't take much for me to figure out that I was a third wheel. After talking for only ten or fifteen minutes, I finally said, "Why don't you two go off and be by yourselves tonight?"

"I have three roommates who are home tonight." Gina answered. "Do you have a place we could go Mel?" She clearly liked the idea and was anxious to follow up.

"No, I still live at home. I don't even have a car. I ride a motorcycle "

"Tell you what," I interjected, "Why don't you two stay here and I'll go home? I go to bed very early anyway. Gina, you need to take this key and lock the door when you leave." The locks in our ancient physics office building were all deadbolts and as old as the building.

"When do you need the key?" Oh shit. I needed to get back in early the next morning and it was the only one not in the department office.

"Tomorrow. Early. What time do you go to bed?" I really wasn't trying to cut with a double-edged sword, but I immediately recognized it could be taken that way.

"To sleep?" She batted her eyes and I could see the glint as she teased me.

"Yes." I smiled at her.

"Never before 4. All my classes are afternoon classes. I like to sleep in the morning." Perfect. I always woke by 4. Didn't want to, just did. Age does strange things to sleep habits.

"I'll come get it then. Where do you live?"

"You can't. I live in a sorority house and they won't let men in after midnight." Dark ages stuff. "Why don't I bring it to your house? I know you live close because you always walk to class."

I don't know how she knew that, but it was true. I wasn't fond of her being out at 4 in the morning, but I didn't see another option. I gave her my address and when I told her where it was, she giggled when she exclaimed that I lived less than a block from her.

I woke about 3:30 AM, as usual, and decided to stay in my pajamas until Gina showed up. I planned to shower and dress after she left. I had just finished pouring a cup of coffee when Mel pulled up and Gina jumped off the back of his motorcycle. He sped off before I even let her in.

Gina saw the anger in my eyes when I opened the door and guessed correctly that it was directed at Mel. "You're right. He's an asshole. But he is good for something." Ah, those twinkling eyes again.

"So you had fun in my office, did you?" The anger was gone, replaced by my own teasing smile. I poured her a cup of coffee and stared at her wet pussy as she sat.

"We just left. I wanted more Doc, but he was worn out." She looked at my stiff cock as she said it. The innuendo was clear, but I didn't know how to approach it.

"Some women have a higher capacity for it than any man." Vague enough, but I also wanted her to know how I felt about those women. "Those women are my favorites. I love sharing."

It was like Ali Baba speaking the magic words. Gina spread her legs and raised her skirt so I was staring, in bright kitchen lighting, at her red, swollen, shaved and dripping cunt. She still had Mel's cum inside her. "Would you like to share me Doc?"

I grunted, "Uunngg damn, you know I would." I decided to test her in a manner that had nothing to do with physics. "Gina, I want to see all of you."

She stood, then teasingly and slowly removed her two articles of clothing. She faced me with her arms at her sides. Her nipples were fully erect and there was a string of cum inside her right thigh.

"Turn around and bend over." She slowly spun and bent at the waist. I saw her look at me through her legs as I closely examined her cunt and asshole.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you couldn't look any sexier than you do right now." I stood and let my pajamas drop to the floor, then sat back down. My cock was in its typical throbbing condition when I was around her. "Come here and sit on me."

"Ooohhh god, you're much bigger than Mel." That comment sure didn't help my throbbing abate. She straddled my thighs and began to take me in. I fastened my fingers together behind her back and leaned her away so we could each clearly see my cock going in and out of her cunt. As full of lubricant as she was, she still grimaced as she repeatedly raised and then lowered herself on my cock. We both watched as more and more of Mel's cum was forced out as I went in further with each stroke.

I used my arms to lift and lower her on my cock, and it wasn't long before her eyes glazed and her moans matched my strokes. I could tell she was nearly there when I said, "Gina, tell me about tonight. I want to hear how Mel fucked you."

Her eyes popped open and she stared at me for a second. "You want to hear about another guy—oohh god—fucking me?"

"Yes. I want to share you and I—uunngg damn—I want you to share with me. I want you to fuck guys your age and I want you to tell me about it." I stroked with long powerful lunges as I said it, and I know she could feel and hear the emotion.

"And you want me to tell you about it while you are—mmmm god that's nasty—while you are fucking me, don't you Doc?" She rarely missed anything. "What if they were so good—oohh you're huge—I won't want anybody else to fuck me?"

"That's always a risk any guy takes. Oh shit your pussy is so slick and tight and hot—uuunngg fuck. There is always somebody who can fuck better than he can. I just don't believe any of them will be able to fuck you as much as you want to be fucked."

"Only four have fucked me, and they couldn't. Well, five now." She moaned as she slid down my pole, and her eyes twinkled at me under the burning passion of lust I saw in them. "Plus—oohhh god Doc I love how you fuck me."

"None of them has to know—uunngg damn you are so hot—that you're letting me fuck you too. I just want a little bit of that hot cunt." I looked down and watched my cock squeeze in and out of the object under discussion. "Tell me about tonight."

"Ooohh Doc nobody ever said the word 'cunt' to me. I've been listening for it. Now you're in mine when I first hear it. Mmm god, that is the best name isn't it? Cunt. Cunt. Cunt." She was watching my cock slide in and out and in and out and she spoke the word each time I bottomed out. It was clear that the word itself was part of the experience that was turning her on.

"Yes—uunngg it is a cunt. Your cunt. My cock's in your cunt and Mel's cock was in your cunt. Tell me about his cock in your cunt Gina."

"I loved his cock Doc. I loved it in my cunt. I loved how Mel fucked me—oohh god how I wanted it. You weren't gone from your office five minutes—oohh yeesss I love your big cock in my cunt—before he was fucking me." She hunched and grabbed her own tits as I moved her up and down.

"What happened when I closed the door and you locked it?"

"He was standing when I got back from locking the door and he just pulled me to him and we kissed standing—oohh god keep fucking me like that Doc. He lifted my top off and felt my tits almost immediately. I was so turned on and he knew it—oohh his hands felt great and then he bent to kiss and suck my nipples—I almost fell it felt so good." She was working her nipples over real forcefully as she told me, and the moans interspersed in her confession left no doubt she was enjoying herself.

"Was he hard?"

"Mmmm god yes he was bouncing his boner—his cock—on me all the time he was sucking my tits, then he—oohhh god Doc I like telling you this—undid the button to my skirt and I was totally naked." One of her hands moved from her nipple to her cunt, and she began to rub her clit in earnest as we both watched in fascination.

"You love being looked at. Did he stop and look at you? Did he see your cunt?"

"Ooohh Doc you must be a mind reader. He sat me on the couch and then put one of my legs up on the back and the other on the floor—mmmm I was spread totally and he was still fully dressed—oohh god this feels so good—he saw all my cunt Doc. I was so aroused I was close to orgasm just from him looking." I didn't know if it was my cock, her fingers, or the baring of her soul that did it for her, but she moaned into her first orgasm. "Ooohhh fuck me, fuck me oohhh god." Her moans and instructions while she came must have lasted for thirty seconds, and it was the most intensely erotic orgasm I had ever seen. I was so near to coming I almost went with her. It was a major feat of self-control that I didn't cross that thin line, but I wanted it to last for her.

"Uunnggg shit I'm so close. Then what happened?"

"He took off his clothes and fucked me—oohhh god he fucked me hard Doc. He has a great body and I loved watching his face while he fucked my cunt—oohhh I love how you fuck it too Doc—he's so handsome." She continued to manipulate her clit with her fingers and it was clear she wasn't satiated.

"How many times did you come?"

"Ooohh god, I don't know. It was so dreamy—he was fucking me so hard and I came at least three times before he came the first time." She was getting all dreamy eyed again and I'm sure it was partly from the memory of the great fuck Mel had provided, but it was also partly from the fuck I was giving her.

"Did you suck his cock?"

"Mmmm as soon as he was soft and pulled out of me—oohh god your cock feels good Doc. I licked all his come and my juice off his cock to get it hard again, and I was going to suck it until he came in my mouth but he wanted to fuck me again."

"I think Mel is going to want to fuck you again and again."

"He can fuck me whenever he wants. Then you can fuck me when he's done Doc." As she said it, I erupted and my orgasm triggered her second.

It turns out that Mel had actually fucked Gina three times that night. They had gone for a burger and a movie after Mel fucked her the second time. They fully intended to watch the movie but they started kissing and fooling around. The touching and teasing Gina did while in the movie was enough to fully arouse Mel and many others seated nearby. They left the movie before it was done and returned to my office about 2 AM for another hot fuck.

It also turns out that I fucked Gina a second time that morning and her enthusiasm never waned. I know she had four orgasms while I fucked her, and I'll bet she had another six or seven with Mel. Young, beautiful, intelligent, and a nymphomaniac. The four words I would most choose to find a perfect woman.

Gina and Mel both went to summer school, but I didn't teach any summer classes. They continued to fuck in my office many times per week, and I continued to receive 4 AM visits after each. I relished each fuck as a great way to start my day, and Gina seemed to relish our activity as a great way to end her day. She spent most of the summer mornings sleeping in my bed while I worked. I spent most of my summer nights sleeping in the same bed while she studied, dated Mel, partied, and fucked. As the fall term approached, I finally got up the nerve to ask her to move in.

"Gina, why don't you live here instead of the sorority house? You'll have a quiet room to study in; you won't have to use my office when Mel wants to fuck you, and I can help with your physics problems when you're stuck. Hell, you sleep here half the time anyway."

"That sounds great Doc. What will I tell my parents?"

"Tell them one of your professors has an extra room and that he will let you stay there for free in exchange for work around the house. Parents always like to save money."

So Gina moved in—a perfect boarder. She was neat, clean, quiet, and she fucked the landlord. The afternoons and early evenings we often spent together talking about physics, but we each had a large chunk of the day as personal time. I woke early and worked while she slept until at least noon, she worked and played all night while I slept. She liked to fuck at the end of her day; I liked to fuck at the beginning of mine. This strange brand of compatibility flourished, and I found myself falling in love again. This third love in my life was my secret as well as my cross, but I vowed to keep my love for her to myself. Gina was young and full of life, and she didn't need to be saddled with the love of an old man.

She was considerate in every way, including my sleep. She didn't make any noise that would wake me until 3 in the morning. Sometimes she took Mel to my office so they could fuck earlier, but when Mel fucked her in her bed it was always after 3. Since my bedroom was right next to hers and I am a light sleeper, I heard a lot and I discovered pleasure in the sounds I heard while she was being fucked. She always made him go home after they were finished, and then she came naked to my room. I heard them fuck at least twenty times before I revealed this information to Gina. I was inside her juicy cunt just after Mel left when I made the admission.

"You know these walls are paper thin Gina. Aaahh shit your cunt's tight. I can hear right through them." I was stroking slowly and deeply.

"Ooohh god you can hear us Doc? I'll try to be quieter." She knew nearly all of the noise came from her mouth, and her moans, exhortations, and cries of joy were closely tied to her pleasure.

"No, don't. Be noisier. I get so hard listening. I love hearing you while you're being fucked."

Gina discovered she enjoyed knowing I was eavesdropping, and she began to say things to Mel intended for my ears. After a month or so of listening through the wall, I was again fucking her just after Mel left.

"Gina, I could hear a lot better if you would let me put a microphone in your room."

"Ooohh god Doc that's so hot. Where would you put it?"

"Close to your bed. I want to hear all the whispering and the squishing of your cunt while he fucks you." The idea apparently hit a nerve, because Gina cramped into an unusually powerful orgasm almost immediately.

That day, I installed a high-quality cordless mike in the ceiling fan directly above her bed. We both tried it out by whispering on her bed while the other listened to the headphones on my bed. It worked perfectly, and it was one of the best investments I ever made. I woke up many mornings, put on the headphones, and listened to Mel fuck Gina before he went home. It was much better than looking at a Playboy or a Penthouse, and when she came into my bedroom so I could fuck her I was always throbbing.

Mel was also in physics and the two things that kept he and Gina together were the same ones that kept she and I together—physics and sex. Aside from those two interests he shared with her, he was an inconsiderate asshole who took much more than he gave. It took Gina most of her junior year to finally decide she didn't need his shit, so she finally dumped him. I had been biting my tongue for a long time, so I was thrilled when it happened.

A week after they split, she came into my bedroom at 3 AM. She was nude as she cuddled up to me.

"Did you find a nice young man to fuck you tonight Gina?"

"Ooohhh god Doc no I didn't. I miss Mel fucking me. I almost called him tonight." I was glad she hadn't but I knew if she didn't find someone soon, she would.

"Gina, we have to find some other guy to fuck you—aahh you are so tight. Maybe more than one." An idea had been percolating for quite some time in my devious mind.

"Ooohh god Doc you're right. I love telling you what we did. Mmm I love having you fuck me while I tell you about it." This part of our sex life was missing, and neither of us was as excited as we normally were. Plus, I had an exceptionally difficult time getting fully inside, and we both thought it was because there wasn't a slimy load already inside to grease the way.

"I'll bet every guy in physics would love to try your cunt. How about if I invite one of them for dinner and you can tease him, then let him fuck you?" I wanted to help our department and I wanted to help some of the young men in it.

"Ooohhh god Doc—you want me to just let him fuck me? I'll bet most of them are virgins. Mmmm, that's hot." She was finally slick, and I knew the mental picture was the cause.

"I agree, you would be the first for most of them. Unngg damn I love to fuck you. I'll bet the only girls they've ever kissed were the ugliest ones in the school. Already they adore you and will never forget you. Admit it, you liked having all of them drool from watching you."

"You know I did Doc—oohh god fuck me hard. I was always so buzzed. I had dreams about being naked in front of them."

"They are all good friends. If one of them gets to fuck you—uunngg I love your cunt—it won't be long before the word gets out. If I invite one of them to dinner, the next one I invite will expect to fuck you."

"Mmm that will be fun—aahh your cock feels so good Doc. Most of them are such nerds. Maybe they will find other girls too."

"Uunngg shit, Gina. I'll bet you'll find some that are better than Mel."

"Ooohhh god Doc, they will want to fuck me again."

"Uuunng yes. There will be days two or three want to fuck you."

"Mmm and then you'll still want to fuck me when you wake up?"

"Even more. I can't wait to see you tease them at dinner. You need to wear your sexiest clothes and let them see your tits and your cunt as much as you can, then take them to your room while the night is young."

"We'll keep you up. Ooohh god Doc I love talking to you like this. It's like talking to one of my girlfriends about how good a guy is, but you're a guy fucking me—mmm Doc fuck my cunt. You're not jealous at all."

"No, I loved hearing you while Mel fucked you. Now that I have the microphone, I'm going to have my room soundproofed. Damn you have the tightest cunt—uunng fuck. I'll just turn off the headphones and go to sleep while you have fun."

"Ooohhh god Doc I'll never know when you're listening." I could see her eyes pop open and I knew a new idea had surfaced. "Doc, would you like to watch them fuck me?"

"Uuunngg shit, you know I would but they are going to be tense enough as it is."

"They don't have to know. Ooohhh god Doc fuck me hard. Why don't we put in a one way mirror when they soundproof your room?" The image of me watching a stream of different guys fuck Gina was too exciting, and I lost control.

"Uuunngg shit uhh damn I'm coming Gina." She obviously didn't need me to answer her question to know how I felt. The idea must have been as appealing to her as it was to me because her orgasm was as powerful and extended as mine was.

I called that day, and by the end of the week the original wall had been filled with blown in insulation. I had a second insulated wall parallel to the existing one put up in my room. The air gap between them plus the insulation in each of them and in the ceiling soundproofed my bedroom almost completely.

Gina and I installed the one-way mirror in her room together. It was a floor length mirror typical of those on closet doors, but the mirrored surface in the back was only partially there. I located it so I could see her bed perfectly when my head was on my pillow. The cost to benefit ratio for this purchase is among the best I've ever made.

Before I invited the first guy over for dinner and a fuck, I asked for some concessions. Naturally, I was inside her when I made my demands. "Gina, I'm going to invite these guys over one at a time. I want you to promise me that you will let every one of them fuck you."

"Ooohhh god Doc. I thought I would get to see how it went—mmm I love your cock. You want me to guarantee it?"

"Uunngg yes. I want to be able to insure them a piece of ass—uunngg shit your cunt is so hot. You'll be wet when you fix dinner wondering who is going to fuck you."

"Ooohh Doc that's so mental. You're not even going to tell me who is coming to dinner?"

"Dinner and a fuck. No. You know them already, you just have to be ready for any of them."

"Ooohh god Doc oohh god fuck me hard—okay I promise. I'll let whoever you bring home fuck me—oohhh god I'm coming oohh god fuck me, fuck me Doc." I rode silently while she was wracked by powerful spasms, and the sight almost set me off too.

"Uunng damn Gina I'm so close. I want you to wear something really sexy for him." My cock was throbbing inside her cunt, and she was still hunching back even after her orgasm.

"Oohhh god, this is turning you on isn't it? What should I wear?" She started to hunch even harder on my hair-trigger cock.

"Will you let me pick it for you?"

She hesitated, then looked in my eyes. "Yes."

"Unconditionally?" I wanted her to concede more of her decisions to me.

"Ooohh god what are you going to make me wear?" I was now thrusting my full wood with vigor. "Mmm it's exciting to not know—oohh god fuck me hard—ok, unconditionally."

"And I'm going to put a couple more mikes around the house so I can hear what he does to you." I had to pause to keep from losing it again.

"Ohhh god you'll know everything. I won't have to tell you what happened." I could hear the wistfulness in her voice.

"You'll still have to tell me just like you do now. I'll hear you and see you while he fucks you, but your confessions while I fuck you are not going away." I wasn't about to let the most exciting thing in our sex life die.

"Ooohhh Doc oohh god it's so hot. I loved telling you about Mel. Some of the things I did for him and to him were so I could tell you. I'm glad we'll still have that."

The first young man I invited to dinner was Anthony. He had been in the classical mechanics class with Gina, and he had seen her displays many times during that semester. He worked very hard at learning physics, although he didn't have the mental sharpness to rival Gina or Mel. I had never seen him with a girl, and although he had seen Gina practically naked, he was very shy around her. I was almost sure he was a virgin.

I informed Gina that I had invited a young man to dinner. I laid out several outfits on my bed and showed them to her. They ranged from see-through blouses and micro-skirts to baby doll nightgowns. All of them were incredibly revealing. I then sent her out to fix a very light dinner of cold cuts, salads, and finger foods that would keep in case we didn't get to eat right away. I made her fix dinner in the nude. A few minutes before six, I said, "Please come get dressed because the young man coming to fuck you will be here soon."

She walked naked into my bedroom. "Jeez Doc, it's almost six. If he had been here just a couple of minutes early I would have been stuck in the kitchen without any clothes." I felt her cunt and it was sopping.

"If that ever happens, just forget the clothes for that night. Go ahead and answer the door nude." I was finger fucking her as I said it, and her moan left no doubt that she liked what she heard. The doorbell punctuated her moan, and I picked up a thin silk sundress that buttoned up the front. I slipped it on, then buttoned the four middle buttons which extended from just below her cunt to just below the bottom of her tits. "Go make him feel like a king Gina. Give him a fuck he'll never forget."

She sashayed to answer the bell knowing whoever it was could see her through the glass window in the door. When she opened it, she smiled, threw her arms around him, and kissed him on the lips. "I'm glad Doc invited you, Anthony. It's great to see you."

I stepped up and shook his hand. "Welcome. Come in and sit down. Can I get you a beer?" Poor Anthony was overwhelmed. I knew he couldn't figure out why he had been invited in the first place, but now both of us were treating him like royalty. He didn't answer my question, so I brought all of us a beer anyway. Gina and I sat on the couch and he sat on the chair across from us.

"Anthony, do you remember when we were in Doc's class together?" I could see her toying with one of the buttons on her dress as she spoke. Anthony's eyes were glued to her fingers. He just nodded in response.

"I loved it when we all stayed after class. Did you like it too?" Her voice was sultry, breathy, sexy. Again the nod from poor Anthony, and when she undid a button I saw his Adam's Apple bob. It was almost comical.

"We all liked it Gina," I looked down at her tits, "But we got to see more then than what we can see now." I could see Anthony was tongue-tied so I tried to speak for him.

"Did you like looking at me Anthony?" She smiled and whispered in that sexy way she has. When he nodded his head again, she undid another button. Only two left. "Would you like to see more?" The first sound we heard from Anthony was almost a gurgle, but it wasn't difficult to interpret. I reached over and undid the last two buttons, then spread both halves of the dress leaving Gina completely exposed.

"Anthony, Gina has wanted you since that class but you never pursued her." It was a lie, but Anthony didn't need to know that. "Wouldn't you like to do this to Gina?" I ran my hands over her tits, squeezed her nipples, then stuck one of my fingers into her cunt. I watched his head nod and his Adam's Apple bob before I stood up. "I am going to my office to work, so I hope she can convince you to go to her room for some fun." I walked down the hall to my room, turned off the lights, put on my headphones, took off all my clothes, and stretched out on my bed to watch.

They were still in the living room and the mike I had installed there picked up Gina's voice perfectly. "Anthony, why don't you come sit by me?" I guessed she had waited to say anything until I was ready. God I loved that girl.

The conversation was as one-sided as it had been when I was sitting beside her on the couch. "You can touch me Anthony. I want you to touch me everywhere."

"Ooohh god Anthony I love that. Keep touching me, feel my tits. Mmmm oohh that feels so good. Ooohh Anthony do you like this? I love how you touch me—ooohhh yes pinch my nipples—pinch them harder—aahhh yes." Still no sound from Anthony, but I still knew exactly what he was doing. Gina was good at both play-by-play and at color commentary.

"Oohhh god Anthony will you kiss me? I want to feel your lips while you feel my tits—aahhh that's perfect ooohh god keep squeezing them just like that. Mmmm." I knew they were kissing by the moans and smacks, but I couldn't believe Anthony hadn't yet touched her cunt. She was going to be required to lead him every step along the way. I could sense his angst and I wondered if he was hard. It was bad enough to fumble in a dark car with an ugly girl, but he was in a well-lit room with an intimidatingly gorgeous girl.

They kissed for at least ten minutes, and during that time I knew she would have let me know if his hands had wandered away from her tits. Finally, she stopped him. "Anthony, let's go to my room. We can lay down, be more comfortable, more private."

"Okay." I could hear the relief in his squeak. I sympathized with his fear of the unknown, and I think part of his fear was that I would walk back into the room. It was good for them to move to her bedroom to relieve some of his anxiety, and it was time for him to become a man. I knew Gina would go slowly with him and treat him with honor and respect. She was the perfect girl to introduce him to the pleasure of fucking.

She was naked as she led him into her bedroom. He was still fully dressed, and it was exciting to see him so intently focused on Gina's cunt. I watched intently through the one-way mirror as she turned to kiss him. After a couple of minutes standing, during which time he again felt her tits, she said, "Let's lay down, Anthony. We can play as long as you want."

I watched as they made out on her bed, and I believe Anthony would have never gone any further than feeling her tits and kissing her if Gina had not forced him. It was at least another ten minutes before she quit kissing him. "Anthony, will you kiss my tits? Ooohh god I love how you touch them, but now I want you to kiss them. Kiss them and lick them and suck them—ooohhh god that's it suck on my nipples mmmmm—that's it, harder—aaahhh yes mmmm that feels so good. I'm so turned on Anthony—ooohhh god will you do this to me a lot?" He had to be feeling like a king, just as I asked, and Gina was truly enjoying what he was doing to her. I watched him root from one tit to another with his mouth while he constantly played with the other tit with his hand. He wasn't experienced, but he was passionate. Gina's moans and expressions of pleasure had me throbbing. Finally she took his hand and pushed it lower.

"Feel me Anthony. Ooohhh god feel how wet I am—feel how hot you've made me." She guided his hand to her widespread cunt and moved it gently over the lips. She grabbed his index finger and held it on her clit. "That's my clit Anthony. I love it when you touch it—oohhh god I love it—rub it gently and in little circles all around it—mmm aaahhh yes I'm so hot—ooohhh god that's perfect—nice and slow….ooohhh god I'm coming ooohhh god yess ooohhh yes mmmmm mmmm yessss." She pulled his head up so she could kiss him again, then she looked into his eyes as she said, "Anthony, put your finger inside me…ooohhh god that's it, finger fuck me, finger my pussy." Gina's breath was coming in pants and her voice was deeper and throatier. Based on the degree of her arousal, Anthony could have been Casanova.

Anthony drove his finger into Gina with emotion while he french-kissed her. Her passion was evident by her hip motion, by the way her eyes were glazed, and by the grunts and moans and cries she gave. As her second orgasm began, she quit kissing and stared into Anthony's eyes. "Ooohhh god Anthony ooohhh god ooohh you've made me come again ooohhh god aaahhh it's soooo good ooohh I love how you finger fuck me oohhhh aaahhh yes mmmm yes." It was intensely erotic for me to watch, moreso from the eye contact than the words or movements.

She must have detected he was finally hard because as she started to unbutton his shirt, she kept bumping her leg against his crotch. He kept fingering her cunt and she kept encouraging him by her moans and cries. She also kept undressing poor Anthony, and I believe he was so intent on her cunt that he almost didn't notice as she stripped him naked. He was very hard, but not very big. Gina stroked his cock gently. "Anthony, please fuck me." She positioned him above her and guided his cock to the entrance to her cunt. "Please fuck me. Ooohh god I need you to fuck me."

I was about to become a true voyeur. Furthermore, I was about to watch a girl I had fallen in love with take the virginity of a young man who was diligently pursuing a career in my subject. What a way to reward his hard work!

"Uuunnnnnggggg." Anthony could make sounds, and as he pushed his cock into Gina the ardor and raw pleasure in the sound he made was overpowering. His eyes were closed and his face contorted into a mask of pleasure.

"Oooohhhh god Anthony….ooohhh fuck me, fuck me, I love how you fuck me…..your cock feels so good mmmm keep fucking me I love it…..aahhh you're about to come oohhh god yes shoot in me… oohh god I can feel you shooting mmmm I'm coming too oohh god yes mmmm yes mmmm aaahhhh god fuck me mmmm." There was no faking on either end and I was ready to come myself.

Anthony was not big and not long lasting, but he was so enthusiastic and so grateful to have lost his cherry to Gina that I knew he would be on her side forever. Gina was capable of finding pleasure in almost any odd fumbling, and she confirmed later what I already knew. She hadn't faked her orgasm when Anthony came inside her. I was fucking her at 4 AM, long after Anthony had gone home, when she made this confession. I was blissfully ******* what time he left because everything had worked out perfectly. I had seen their first fuck, then dropped off to sleep. The only thing I had missed was dinner, and I vowed to take some to my room the next time.

So it began. The summer between her junior and senior year I invited four more of the guys who had been in her classical mechanics class, and each of them fucked her while I watched. None of them was particularly good looking, and Gina became familiar with the bodies of nerds. Kissing guys with zits, looking at and touching flab, and feeling muscles with no strength diminished her pleasure, but the loss was fully counterbalanced by other factors. Gina loved the worship they gave, and each of them was so grateful that the reward she got, aside from the sexual pleasure, was in adoring eyes and adoring comments from each of them every day. It made her feel wonderful.

She was great at satisfying a number of guys, all of whom were in love with her, while still letting them know she would never fall in love with them. She is Playboy bunny beautiful, and no girl even remotely near the beauty of Gina had ever given any of them the slightest glance. Gina was not only beautiful, she was also nice. She cared about their interests, their feelings, and their love making ability. She slept with each of them many times, and they all got better. It also turned out that Rodney was a better lover than Mel had been, and Gina went out of her way to entice him into her bed often. He cared more for her pleasure; he was longer lasting, could repeat more often, and had a larger cock than Mel. She didn't think he was as handsome as Mel, but he was farm-boy strong and as honest as old Abe.

Throughout Gina's senior year, I invited another 12 seniors over for dinner and a fuck. She knew all of them, and because they all wanted to fuck her again, her bedroom became a very busy place. I didn't invite the married seniors, and three I invited refused the invitation. Their loss. It didn't take long for the word to spread that an invitation to dinner was an invitation to fuck Gina. Guaranteed.

As graduation approached, I invited a sophomore in my classical mechanics class. He went by the name Horse, and the main reason I invited him was to see if my guess as to why he was called Horse was correct. He was very intelligent, but not a physics nerd. He had played football in high school and was still in good shape. Every time I saw him, he had a different girl on his arm, and they all seemed to hang on his every word. I didn't know if Gina knew him or not, but I didn't think so.

I hadn't selected anything for Gina to wear by the time Horse rang the doorbell. He was about ten minutes early and we were both in the kitchen. I slipped my finger into her pussy, then said, "That was the doorbell Gina." She was as wet as ever, and I felt her clench her cunt around my finger.

I wasn't sure she would remember, but I don't know why. She remembered everything. She just looked at me with that playful smile and turned to walk toward the door. "Ooohh god Doc, I was hoping you would make me do that someday."

I stayed in the kitchen and listened while Gina opened the door. "Hello Gina. Dr. Simmons invited me for dinner?" The question didn't hide his coolness, and I was a little surprised to hear he knew her.

"Yes. Hi Horse. Come on in."

"Hot damn, look at you." There was a pause of at least 15 seconds, and I assumed Gina was slowly turning for his inspection. "Is Dr. Simmons here?"

"Yes, he's in the kitchen. Oohh god it looks like you are already hard." Both sets of eyes had to be busy, and I knew hers would be bouncing from watching his eyes devour her body to watching his cock.

"I got hard on the way over thinking about what Dr. Simmons said to me. He must have been right or you wouldn't have come to the door naked."

"Did he say you could fuck me?"

"Ooohh shit those were his exact words. Everybody knows how hot you look. I can hardly wait."

"Let's go to my room. Oooohh god I can't wait either."

They hadn't even kissed before they headed to her room to fuck. Horse hadn't even waited for me to come in from the kitchen to say hello, and Gina forgot about social amenities. They both wanted to fuck and everything else paled in significance.

I hurried to my room as soon as her door closed. I smiled as I heard the deadbolt turn. I had installed it when I heard two of the virgin guys state that they were worried I would walk in on them. We had redone the lighting in her room so it was all muted, but there were enough bulbs in hidden alcoves around the room to insure great illumination from any viewpoint.

I hadn't mentioned to Gina that I was going to set up my video camera in my room because I wanted to surprise her. Horse was to be her first porn video, and I had a feeling it would be great. Before anything exciting happened I turned it on in my darkened room and it was rolling with all LED's blocked by electrical tape.

She seemed remarkably relaxed about being naked in front of Horse. She ran around the house naked all the time anyway, so I knew she liked being looked at. Hell, that first semester in my classroom I knew that. They were standing up and kissing when I started the camera, but Horse was not shy like most her other lovers had been.

He pulled away and said, "Gina, get on the bed and spread your legs. Show me how wet you are."

"Oohhh god Horse you don't need to worry. I'm drenched." She laid back and spread her legs, then used her hands to spread her cunt.

"Finger fuck yourself Gina. You'll need every bit of slippery wetness you can find." As he said it he started to unbutton his shirt. Gina was always compliant, and it gave her pleasure to do anything any of the guys requested. Even so, Horse was the first to be so blatantly demanding. She must have liked it because the sound of her moan as her finger entered her cunt was filled with pleasure. Horse continued to undress, and when he was finally nude both Gina and I looked on in disbelief. Black guys are renowned for the size of their cocks, but the black cock on Horse was truly enormous. My guess as to the reason for his nickname was clearly correct.

"My god Horse. Has any girl ever taken all of your cock?" She voiced my own question.

"Yes, but not many." He kneeled on the bed between Gina's legs. She continued to finger fuck herself until Horse removed her hand and placed it on his cock. "Rub the precum all over so my cock is real slick, Gina."

Gina lovingly spread the precum all over his cock while she stroked it with both hands, then lined it up with her slick pussy. "Fuck me Horse. Fill my cunt with your huge cock."

There was considerable pain reflected in the grimace on Gina's face as Horse's cock stretched her cunt enough to get the head inside and it wasn't replaced with pleasure for quite some time after he began pumping in very short, slow strokes. By the time the pain was gone there was no doubt her pleasure was intense. Each stroke was a little deeper, a little faster, and there could be no doubt Horse was a master at his craft. He was patient, he was loving, he was forceful. Horse kissed her with the passion of a man in love and he looked into her eyes while he thrust deeper and deeper with each stroke. There were some grunts and moans, but no words were spoken for at least five minutes. I couldn't believe the connection he had established in such a short time.

"Gina, I love fucking you. You are so beautiful." He was most of the way in when he said it.

"Ooohh god Horse I love how you fuck me. I've never been so full—oohh yeesss fuck me, fuck my cunt." Her eyes were locked with his and it was obvious she adored him. "Can you get it all in?"

"I don't know." He pulled out and rolled onto his back. "Get on top and you can take as much as you want." Gina quickly reinserted his monster cock and began doing the stroking Horse had done when he was on top. She was more forceful on each stroke, and the grimace returned. Along with the pain on her face I saw the determination in it that was present in everything she did. I knew she would take it all even if it meant excruciating pain.

"Gina, don't hurt yourself. You don't have to take it all. I love fucking you anyway." She might have relented if he hadn't said 'anyway', but Gina was too smart to miss anything.

"Oooohhh god Horse you're huge—there are still a couple of inches to go. Mmmm when I get it all in—oohhh god—I want to be on the bottom—oohh yeesss—so you can fuck me hard and deep and fast and—oohh god I love your cock—I want to feel you come inside me." Each time she lowered herself more onto his cock she moaned, and the pain was again evolving directly into pleasure.

Horse was no longer passively reclining. He was pushing up each time Gina dropped down, and after several minutes on top she screamed. "Aaahhh god Horse you're in—oohhh shit you're all the way in—mmm it feels so good. Roll over and fuck me Horse—fuck me ooohh god fuck me hard."

As soon as they reversed positions and Horse was fully inside, Gina grabbed his ass and pulled him to her as hard as she could and she came. "Ooohhhh god aaahhhh Horse ooohhh I'm comminng ooohhh Horse I've never felt anything so good ooohhh god I love this." I had probably seen or heard Gina have a few hundred orgasms, but I knew this one set the standard.

I was happy for her, and I watched and listened for another half-hour while Horse pounded her cunt. It appeared he was trying to pound it into submission, but Gina took all he could give and asked for more. He came twice while I watched and she must have come at least six or seven times. It was all on tape. I was hard and ready to fuck her, but I knew Horse was not even close to being finished so I turned off the camera, took off my headphones, and went to sleep.

When I awoke at 3:15 AM, Horse was fucking Gina. I turned the camera on again and wondered what I would have seen had I left it on. I had no evidence that he had stopped at all during the time I'd been asleep, but I knew he must have. Regardless, his stamina was tremendous. Gina may have met her match, but from the ecstasy reflected in her face, she hadn't conceded that yet. She clearly reveled in his sexual power and prowess, but he still hadn't overpowered her desire. Her screams and moans and exhortations all indicated she wanted more, more, more. I was interested to see who gave out first, and at 4:05 Horse came for the last time—the fourth one I had witnessed—and said he had to go home. Gina had taken all he could give, and soon after I heard the front door close, she stepped into my room naked.

"Did you see it Doc? Did you see his cock?" Her voice carried awe and wonder.

"You two were beautiful together. He'll be back over and over to fuck you, Gina."

"Ooohh god I hope so Doc. He's the best." Her simple statement confirmed what my eyes had already decided.

"Can you stand another?" I doubted if she could, but I was throbbing and had to ask.

"Of course, but only once Doc. I'm tired." She climbed on top of me and lowered her slippery cunt down on my cock. It was the first time I had ever entered her easily, and she took my entire cock in one gravity abetted drop. I think she knew I wouldn't last long. "Please yourself Doc." I didn't ask Gina to describe her night while I fucked her. I could see in her eyes how weary she was.

I rolled her over and within twenty or thirty strokes, I was adding my own contribution of tadpoles to those Horse had deposited. It was an overpowering orgasm, but Gina didn't come with me. It had been ten hours between the time Horse first fucked her and the time I did, and I knew the only reason I was fucking her was because she was such a nice person and she knew how turned on I was.

I watched the video I had taped and I wondered what she would think. I was worried she would be mad because I taped her and I worried that she wouldn't want me to fuck her any more. Despite my internal conflict, I decided to show it to her. When she woke at 1:00 PM the next afternoon, I gently led her to the couch in the living room.

"Gina, I hope you're not mad. I want you to see this, then you can erase it if you want. It shows what I get to see." I hit the start button and left the room.

She loved her first porn movie and watched all three hours twice without getting dressed. It was the first time she had ever skipped a class since I first met her, so I suspected she wasn't all that upset with me. I fixed dinner and brought it to her while she was still on the couch.

"So Gina, I guess you're not mad at me for making this without your permission?" She was still watching Horse fuck her on the TV screen. She hit the stop button and looked into my eyes.

"Doc, it's one of the nicest presents anybody has ever given me. Do you know what I've been thinking the whole time I was watching it?" I shook my head no.

"I was thinking about you."

"Me?" Of all the answers she could have given, that was the one I would have least expected.

"Do you know how much I love my life right now?" I figured the question was rhetorical so I didn't answer. "It's because of you that my life is so wonderful. I'm in love with you and I think you feel the same way. Do you?" The whole conversation was so startling that I didn't know what to do.

"Gina, you're 21. I'm 54. Older than your ***." Buying time to think.

"Doc, you didn't answer my question." She was too smart.

"No. I pointed out why it wouldn't work."

"That's not true. It's working great. I can't imagine a more exciting life. I know you like it too." She was right, of course. I couldn't deny it.

"So where is this going?"

"Where does love usually lead? Where did it lead for you before?"

"No, I'm not going there. You need to fall in love with a young man."

"Doc, it's too late. I don't want to change anything except I want to be married. I want to be a part of your life in a way everybody knows." I had to sit down. There was no doubt I wanted to marry her, but I didn't think it would be the best thing for Gina.

"Gina, you're right. I do love you but I don't think it would be good for you if we got married. Let's just keep going like we are."

"Doc, I love living in your house and sharing your life. I love talking physics with you. I love fucking the guys you send over. I love telling you about it. I love how you fuck me. I want everybody to know how much I love it and how much I love you." There were tears in her eyes. I couldn't resist, especially since it was something I wanted very badly.

"Gina, my love, will you marry me?" My eyes were teary as well.

So the day after Horse fucked Gina better than any man she had ever tried was the day we decided to get married. Oh, there were obstacles. Her parents practically disowned her, which was completely understandable and expected, but they have settled down. Gina is an only child, and it's awfully hard to shun your only child. Top students like Gina are pushed to attend graduate school at more prestigious institutions, but she was accepted here.

We have been married for almost a year and a half. Twenty-two new physics students, twenty of whom are attending graduate school with her, have fucked her. I continue to invite new students over for dinner, and those who have already fucked her continue to come over. Gina was the first fuck for fourteen young men (so far) and she is excellent at making them comfortable. Six have been unable to get it up the first night, but she has been successful with each of them the second night. I got a prescription for Viagra for just such an event, and it works wonders for young men with performance anxiety. We both feel good about her willingness to initiate shy male virgins into adulthood, and she is loving and caring and considerate and one hell of a first fuck.

She adores Horse, and he visits at least once a week for a marathon session. He is still the best she's ever had, and if he was at all interested in a long-term relationship I might be worried. She still wakes at noon or later and works on physics for at least ten hours before she goes to bed at 4:00 or 5:00 AM. I still wake before she goes to sleep and I work for most of the time I'm awake. We almost never fuck at any time except just before she goes to sleep and just after I wake up, and she often has another man's sperm in her cunt to help ease my way.

So, Mom, you were right. I know you're turning in your grave, but you'll have to admit Gina is the cream of the weaker sex. I love everything about her and my life is just about as perfect as it could be. Yup, things turn out just about the way they are supposed to.