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Chapter One

The yellow van had hardly more than turned the corner when Kevin, the passenger in the van, said to David, the driver, "Am I blind or is my truck no longer parked in front of your house?

"I don't think your blind cause, I don't see it, either." said David. A tone of genuine concern in his voice.

The home owners in the area were forced to park along the street. David parked the truck in a spot as close to his home as possible. As the two men walked up to David's home Kevin said, "Linda had said she planed to come by and borrow the truck sometime today but, she had also said she'd leave her Chevelle."

"No offense meant, good buddy, but I had planned on throwing you out the door, as soon as we got here, and fucking my ol' lady till her eyes collapsed."

"I knew it was a mistake, letting you talk me into going to the titty bar."

By this time the two men had reached the front door. As David unlocked the door he said to his friend. "I didn't have to do to much persuasion to talk you to going there." As they entered the two discovered Irene, David's wife, reclining on the livingroom pit group, watching TV. Dressed in a pair of red shorts and blue tube top. She turned to see who was coming in the front door. Seeing the two men she asked "Is it five o'clock, already?"

"No, we just happened to get through early." responded David.

Before Irene could speak again Kevin asked, "Does Linda have my truck?"

"Yea," answered Irene. "She said that her car had broken down and she had the garage drop her off here. She's suppose to be back by five and we decided that the two of you would stay here for steaks cooked out on the grill."

Kevin laughed, as he patted his friend on the back and said, "I guess we'll both have to wait."

"Wait for what?" Irene asked her husband, as he walked past her, headed for the kitchen.

"Never mind." responded David. Just as he exited the living room.

"Wait for what?" Irene asked again. This time she had turned her attention to Kevin, as he started to sit down on top of Irene's feet, as she reclined, stretched on the couch.

Irene jerked her legs out of the way, just as Kevin sat down. She went ahead and sat up, still looking to Kevin for an answer.

"Oh, it's nothing." answered Kevin. A broad smile across his face.

David returned to the living room and threw Kevin a can of beer. As he started to sit down himself, his wife asked of him. "Did you bring one for me?"

"Looked to me like you've already had plenty. "David said referring to the number of beer cans sitting on the coffee table.

"Not all of those are mine." Irene innocently responded. "Linda was here for a little while plus Mike and Carol was here to."

"I thought I asked you to stop suppling him with beer. He drinks it all up and never pays it back."

"Well, it just so happens that not only did he buy a case, which is in the back fridge, and Carol said I didn't have to pay her for the things I ordered." Irene informed her husband. "Besides, the only reason they were here was to bring my stuff by."

"What stuff?" asked David ignoring the statement his wife had just made.

"Irene, wanting to change the subject, asked, "Are you going to get me a beer, or not?"

As David went back into the kitchen, Irene said to Kevin, "So, how is it that you two got off so early?"

That apartment complex on Perry was to be ready for us to lay the carpet today. Now, it seems, there is some problem with the approval on the electrical work and we can't lay the carpet until they get finished."

By this time David had returned. He opened the can of been and then handed it to his wife. Then asked, "So, what stuff?"

Irene turned to her husband. "Would you care to explain to me about your not working today? You know how strapped we are financially, right now> We can't afford to loose a day's pay." The tone of her voice told moth men that she was not pleased.

David did not way a word until he had already pulled the money from his pocket. Dropping it on her lap he stated flatly. "Because the delay was not our fault, Mr Miner paid us for the work that's already done. He paid us for today AND, gave us the day off." Although David's tone had been one that suggested superiority, as soon as he finished his statement, he wished he hadn't.

He took a long drink from his beer in a vain attempt to hide from the question he knew his wife was going to ask. However, even as he drank he heard her ask, in a very flat tone that did little to mask the anger inside of her. "If, you've had the day off. Where have you been?"

David took a long time before answering. However, the look on his wife's face told him that he had no way to avoid answering and that he would have to tell her the truth. Even though the two men had already agreed that they would not tell either of their wives where they had been for the last four hours. Finally, he said, sheepishly, "We stopped in the bar and had a couple of drinks." He hoped that this answer would be enough and that his wife would not pursue the subject any more.

"Do you by any chance mean that dive where all those little whores are?" If there was any doubt in anyone's mind that Irene was upset before, the tone in her voice, now, left no doubt.

"They're not ?whores'", said David. The statement was not really in defense of the women there, but if he upgraded their status it would not look so bad for him to be with them. "They're dancers." he said, as an afterthought.

"It doesn't matter what you call them" said Irene, sternly. "The only reason you go there is to look at their naked bodies."

"Well, if you'd let me spend more time looking at yours maybe I wouldn't want to go look at theirs." David replied in his own defense. With that said, he downed the rest of his beer and hastily got up from the couch and headed for the kitchen. As he exited the living room he called out, "Anyone for another beer?"

Neither person gave an answer. Each sat silently, lost in their own thoughts. When David returned he had two unopened beer cans in his hand. He held one out to Kevin. "No thanks, man. I'm still working on this one." said Kevin.

After David sat down he placed on of the beer cans on the coffee table, then opened the other and drank down about half. When he finished he sat there with the can held on his lap and stared down at it. The silence was finally broken by Irene. "You know something?" she failed to let either man know to whom she was speaking. Getting no reply from either one she went on. "You really don't appreciate the things I do for you."

"Three weeks ago, Carol was here." said Irene. She was talking very quietly and looking directly at David as she spoke. He was still staring at his beer can and Kevin was wishing he had a way to get away from the two. "She told me that you and Mike had gone to that same bar, even though I had ask you just two nights before not to go in there anymore. And, it seems that you were all over some tiny, little, bimbo, just because she had a shaved twat."

Kevin was real glad that Irene had told David where she had gotten her information from .. For the last three weeks all David had talked about was the girl with the shaved pussy. He definitely did not want his friend to think he had anything to do with Irene knowing about the girl.

David turned to stare directly into Irene's eyes. Thoughts of killing Mike were going through his head as he asked, "So, what's your point?"

Irene returned his stare as she said, "Not only did I order a few things from Carol, in the hopes that they would please you. After she left today I went in and shaved my own twat, thinking it would be an extra thrill for you this evening."

The color totally drained from David's face. The statement also caused Kevin's face to turn red with embarrassment. David didn't seem to know what to say, so, he just sat there and looked into Irene's eyes. She had obviously not considered Kevin's presence when she had made her statement. Or, perhaps, she was just to upset, with her husband, to care. When he did speak he said, "I guess you're right. I'm a heel."

Her husbands response surprised the woman. A smile came to her face as she stated flatly, "Yes, you are." Then, she turned to Kevin and said, "I'm sorry. I guess I forgot you were here." And then, she burst out laughing. This caused Kevin to turn an even brighter shade of red. Neither man had any idea as to what Irene was laughing at. Shortly, however, she turned to her husband and said, "I think I embarrassed him. What do you think?"

David, now, also looked to his friend. This simple act caused the blood to surface, again, to Kevin's face. He could feel the increase in redness that the fact that Irene had drawn attention to him, had caused. Irene burst out laughing agin. When she did she leaned over to Kevin and put her hand on his arm. "I'm sorry," she said, "Truly, I am, I don't mean to embarrass you but I think it's so cute when you blush."

"Thanks." answered Kevin, but not knowing why he was thanking her for.

"What can I do to make it up to you?" she asked.

"Nothing." said Kevin quickly, wishing the two would go back to arguing and leave him alone.

Irene realized that she was just making Kevin more uncomfortable but she wanted to do something, as a gesture of apology. So, she took hold of his can of beer and as she gently pulled, Kevin released the can. She placed the half empty can on the coffee table and handed the full one back to him. "Here you are," she said. "I really am sorry."

"OK .... thanks." said Kevin, sheepishly.

Irene turned to her husband and asked. "Can we make up, too?"

"'re right and I'm wrong." said David.

"As usual." said Irene, teasingly. Then she turned to her husband and started to laugh. Irene was getting *****. She always laughed at little things that weren't even funny, when ever she was *****.

David just ignored the statement. He knew he would be a lot better off, doing so. He did, however, take another long drink of his beer. At the same time he thought to himself that he had better slow down or he'd be *****, himself. He didn't even know how many beers he'd had at the bar.

Irene had stopped laughing and each sat in silence, again. David found the silence eerie. He tried to think of something to say in order to break the silence. Then, he remembered that, before the argument, there was something said about Mike and Carol bringing something to Irene. So, he asked her, "What was it that you ordered from Carol, anyway?"

"Who said I ordered something from Carol?"

David had to think about it for a moment. His mind was a little foggy. Yet, he was sure that it was talk about Carol and Mike being there that had started the argument. Feeling sure of this fact, he said to Irene, "you did. You said that the reason Mike was here was to bring some beer and that Carol told you that you didn't have to pay her for the things she had brought you. However, you never did say what it was that she brought." Then, as an after thought, he added, "You said it was things you had ordered from her."

Now it was Irene's turn to think for a moment. Then, she realized that if she did not tell him there would be another argument and she would rather tell him than to argue with him, again. "All right, you win." she responded. "Sit still for a moment and I'll get it." With that she got up. However, the amount of beer she had already drank as well as the quick movement of getting up was to much. She was forced to sit down even faster than she had gotten up. This brought a laugh from David and even a snicker from Kevin.

"That's about enough from both of you." Irene said, teasingly. With that she tried it again and David moved his legs out of the way, allowing Irene to get out. She went to the bedroom to retrieve the items here friend had delivered. While she was gone the two men looked to each other and then David said, "I'll kill that asshole, Mike. All he does is cause trouble."

"Before you do kill him, you should thank him", Kevin said with a smile.

"Thank him? What, the hell, for?"

"If it wasn't for him, your wife wouldn't have shaved for you."

David thought about the statement for a moment, as he tried to imagine how his wife's twat was going to look with no hair to cover it. The image brought a smile to his face before he replied. "So...I'll thank him for that and then I'll kill him for shooting off his big mouth."

The two men both laughed. Fortunately, for them both they were aware of Irene's presence before she was aware of their laughing. By the time Irene got back to the couch the two men were as solemn as if someone was saying a prayer.

Instead of going around the coffee table to return the same way she had left, Irene approached from the other side. Kevin tried to get his legs out of the way but Irene just yelled, "Short cut." and fell over his legs, back to her spot between the two men.

Once she was settled in place, she said, "Well, let's see what we have in here." She opened the brown bag, and as she looked inside, she continued, "I see two things in here and both of them are for you." With that she looked to her husband and smiled.

"For me?" he asked. I thought you said you'd purchased something for you."

"I said I ordered them." she corrected him. "But, I ordered them for you."

"Well, then, let's see what you got."

"I'm not so sure I should." Irene said. She looked back inside the bag and then said, still looking inside, "We wouldn't want Kevin to blush, again."

"You bought something for me that's going to make Kevin blush?" David asked. He looked to his friend and saw that Kevin was looking back at him. His eyes expressed question as to what the woman could be talking about. Then, Kevin shrugged his shoulders.

"He might," said Irene, never looking up from the inside of the bag.

"I don't know about you," said David to Kevin. "But, she's really got my curiosity up now."

"Yea, me to." said Kevin, being perfectly honest.

Irene looked directly at her husband and asked him, "Are you sure you want me to show you this?

David thought about it for a moment, looking back and forth from his wife to his friend. Finally, his curiosity got the best of him and he look straight into his wife's eyes as he said, "Yes."

Irene didn't say a word but a big smile came to her face. She was enjoying this. She reached into the bag and pulled from it a small cluster of black material. She pushed the brown bag between her legs and then adjusted the material so that when she held it out as far as she could reach in front of her, both men could see that she was holding a pair of very sheer, black panties. The material was so thin that both men noticed they could actually see through the two layers of the material. Both were engulfed in their own thoughts as to how well one would be able to see through just one layer, when they were being worn.

At last David questioned, "You honestly expect me to wear those?"

"No, goof wad," Irene laughed. "I expect to wear them. But, I'll wear them for YOUR benefit."

"Oh," said David. Embarrassed that he had not understood before she had told him. He looked to his friend and saw that he was still staring at the panties his wife was holding up. Irene looked to her husband and saw him looking to Kevin. Thus, she diverted her attention to Kevin. Seeing him staring at the panties she asked him "Being a male, do you think David will like my gift?"

Kevin looked to Irene and was again embarrassed. He did, however, respond with, "If he doesn't, there's something drastically wrong with him."

Irene lauged at that as she held the panties, with one hand, over the head of her husband, momentarily, before dropping them to land on his head. Then, she leaned forward, lifting the cans closest to her, one at a time, checking their weight, seeking one that still had some beer left in it. Finding one she leaned back and drank it till the can was empty.

David pulled the material from his head and held them in his hands. Again he thought of his wife wearing them and smiled at the image in his mind. Then, he turned to her and asked, "What else have you in there?"

"What else?" Irene asked. "Haven't I already given you enough? After all, I would have thought it would have been enough that I shaved for you, without buying the panties, and now you want MORE?"

The tone in her voice told David that his wife was only toying with him. "You know you want to," he said to her. "So, just give it up." With that he held out his empty had to her, palm up.

"Oh, keep your pants on," she said. Then, she leaned forward to be able to see past his hand as she looked to the crotch of his blue jeans. "Damn those pants," she said as she leaned forward more to be able to place the empty can back on top of the coffee table before she said, "I can't tell if you have a hard on, or not, when you're wearing those pants."

The two men looked to each other and a little smile crossed both their faces. Kevin thought to himself. "I hope you don't look at my pants cause you'll definitely be able to tell that I have one."

Irene pulled the small brown bag from between her legs and opening it up again looked inside. This time, however, she did not waste any time but, simply reached inside and withdrew whatever was inside. Holding the object in her closed fist she managed to crumple the bag into a ball. This done, she tossed the bag onto the coffee table. She had thrown it to hard, for it bounced once and then, fell to the floor. "Two points," she said as she again smiled.

Neither man made a comment but waited for her to reveal what it was that she hid in her hand. They didn't have to wait long for she quickly said "Ta da" as she opened her hand. The two men sat and stared at a tube of lipstick.

Once again the two men were completely silent as each was lost in their own thoughts. And, as before, David was the first to speak. "I know this is going to sound stupid but, what is a tube of lipstick going to do for me?"

Irene turned to her husband with a smile that completely covered her face, as she said one word, "Chocolate."

"Chocolate?" David repeated in puzzlement.

"Chocolate" Irene repeated. With that, she removed the lid, twisted the base and then applied the dark stick to her lips. When she had applied the flavor to her lips to her satisfaction, she replaced the lid and turned her body to face her husband. Then, she leaned forward and placed a big kiss, directly on her husband's lips. This caused her husband to get more excited than he already was. It was not the lipstick that was causing this, due to the fact that he was not even able to taste the Chocolate. The thrill was purely the result of kissing his wife.

Kevin watched the two kiss and in so doing felt his own cock try to move, within his pants. He found himself thinking that he wished he had his own lips pressed against hers. In fact, he wished he could go even farther and see, touch and fuck her bald pussy.

When the two finally broke their kiss the man looked to his wife momentarily before he said, "I don't taste any Chocolate."

"Lick your lips." she said.

The man did as he had been instructed and was surprised at the results. The surprise and pleasure showed on his face. "That's neat!" exclaimed David. Then, he leaned past his wife and stated, excitedly, to Kevin, "you have to try this."

Irene had not expected her husband's statement. She glanced at her husband and then turned to look at Kevin. He was already looking at her. Neither could read the other's thought. They simply sat and looked at each other.

David must have gotten tired of looking at the two looking at each other and said, "Well, go ahead. After all, he is our friend."

Irene turned her full attention to her husband and then looked back to Kevin. "What the hell," thought Irene. With that she turned herself around and then leaned toward Kevin.

Kevin sat still and simply looked to Irene. However, his own desire soon took control and he leaned toward the woman. Each had intended to not do much more than touch their lips to the other. However, as their lips did touch, each leaned a little harder against the other and almost instantly each was kissing the other in earnest.

Kevin was fighting a desire to push his tongue into Irene's mouth. Little did he know that Irene was fighting a desire to open her mouth to encourage Kevin to do just that.

David watched the two kiss, as Kevin had watched David and his wife. David noticed that he found it thrilling to watch the two. He did not even think about the fact another man was kissing his wife. All he thought of was the excitement of watching the two kiss.

At last the two separated. When they did their eyes locked and each looked deep into the eyes of the other, trying to read the other's thought as much as trying to relay their own desire. Then, Irene sat back and Kevin licked his own lips. Doing so he looked to David to see what he was doing. He had no idea that David had found what he had just witnessed, to be exciting.

Irene was not at all sure what she was feeling. She had enjoyed kissing her husband. It was more exciting than a normal kiss between them. She had enjoyed the fact that Kevin was watching her kiss him. Perhaps, that was part of the reason she had found kissing him to be so exciting. She had enjoyed kissing Kevin. She had enjoyed the fact that her husband was watching her kiss him. She had wanted more from Kevin. She wanted her husband to watch.

She reached over and took the can of beer out of her husband's hands and took a drink. As she did she heard her husband say "don't do that. You'll ruin the taste." There was a whine in his voice like a small child.

"Do what?" she asked.

"Drink" he responded. "It will ruin the taste of the chocolate."

This brought a joyful feeling inside her. She quickly retrieved the lipstick and applied another, even heavier, covering of the chocolate flavoring to her lips. After capping the tube she opened her arms to him and said as sexually as she could, "Come here, big boy." she said huskily as she opened her arms wide to him.

He needed no more encouragement than that. He quickly leaned into his wife and wrapped his own arms around her. Their lips came together and as soon as they did the excitement rose in both of them. In no time at all, David wanted more from his wife than the kiss he was now receiving. Without thought, his tongue slid between his own lips and touched those of his wife. This caused Irene's mouth to spring open to willingly accept the tongue of her husband.

David lost no time. Immediately his tongue began to explore the dark cavern of her mouth. He ran his tongue behind her lips, along her teeth, back and forth along the roof of her mouth and finally he tried to push his tongue completely down her throat.

Irene was only to glad to receive her husband's tongue inside her mouth. She had always found it arousing to have a man's tongue inside her mouth. Since the day of her marriage, the only tongue that had been inside her mouth was that of her husband's. And now, she was more excited about the presence of his tongue than she could ever remember. She worked to get more of it inside of her. She sucked hard, in an attempt to extract her husband's tongue from his mouth in order to have it inside of her own. She sucked so hard on his tongue that it actually hurt him. This action also would not allow her to breath. At last, she was forced to release her husband. This caused mixed feeling within David.

Kevin, of course, had witnessed the entire incident. As he watched he realized how exciting it was for him to witness what was taking place in front of him. He lowered his eyes to look at the outline of Irene's breast as it was squeezed between her own chest and that of her husband's. The breast was forced against the material of her tube top. Kevin had been curious about seeing Irene's breasts before. Now he wished the material would split and allow the breast to jump into view.

As the couple separated. David turned his eyes to see if Kevin was watching them and noted where it was that Kevin was looking. Knowing that what he and his wife was doing was stimulating to Kevin only added to the excitement that David was feeling. He now wanted to again watch his wife with Kevin. He looked to his wife and said, "I'm sure that he's ready for another sampling."

Irene tried to read her husband's mind. Something told her that he was enjoying this. She knew that she was. She was also confident that Kevin was also enjoying himself. She knew that she was enjoying it and if her husband was going to encourage it, she wasn't about to quibble. So, with no further hesitation, she turned to give her full attention to Kevin.

As she leaned toward Kevin she opened her one arm to him, supporting her weight with the other, placed on the back of the couch. And, as she leaned toward Kevin she took note that Kevin was leaning toward her. She wrapped her one arm around him and pulled him to her. Although he did not place his own arms around her, Irene noticed that he was pushing himself against her. She wanted to open her mouth to invite his tongue inside, the same as her husband's had been. However, she was still apprehensive. Suppose she had been misreading her husband's thoughts.

David watched the two for only a moment. Then, his eyes lowered to survey the outline of Irene's breast as it was crushed against Kevin's chest. This brought a smile of pleasure to him. He now saw what it was that Kevin had seen. As the material was stretched, one could actually see the hint of skin through the numerous openings that was created. On numerous occasions, since their marriage, he had complained to his wife about not wearing a bra. This was one of the times that he was glad that she wasn't.

As he continued to look at the swell of his wife's breasts, as it pushed against the fabric of the halter top, he unconsciously reached out and placed on hand firmly against the back of his wife.

This action startled Irene, slightly. She had no idea as to what it was that she was feeling, against her back, any more than she knew the reason for it being there. However, the pressure against her back was such that she would not have easily been able to back away from Kevin.

Kevin had watched as David reached out to place his hand on Irene's back. He had no idea as to why David was doing what he was doing. He could roll his eyes and see that David was not actually watching the two of them kiss. He also did not seem to be disturbed over the fact that they were. He also watched as David reached his other hand toward the two of them. He didn't have any idea as to where David was reaching. He almost pulled back from Irene when he felt her stiffen against him and he tuned his eyes back to try and see the woman's eyes. However, they were closed. And then, Irene took her arm from the couch and wrapped it around his neck, drawing him tighter against her as she opened her mouth, all at the same time.

What Kevin was unable to see was that when David had reached out his other hand it had gone straight to just outside and under Irene's one tit. Just below the material of the tube top. And, instantly he had maneuvered his hand under the material, forcing it upward and began to rub the small amount of exposed flesh with his fingers.

No longer was Irene hesitant. Although she had so idea as to why her husband was acting this way. However, she was not going to take the time to think about it. She was convinced, now, that her husband was enjoying all that was taking place. If this was true and she was enjoying it and Kevin was enjoying it then, why not?

Kevin had no idea at first, as to what had happened but when Irene pulled him tighter to herself and opened her mouth, he took that as an invitation. Since David did not seem to be objecting and Irene seemed to be willing to accept him, then he planned to take full advantage of it. Therefore, he enthusiastically shoved his tongue deep within Irene's warm mouth. He delighted at the intimacy that this act represented to him. He delighted in the warmth of her mouth. He delighted at the intimacy that this act represented to him. He delighted in the warmth of her mouth. He delighted in examining Irene's mouth with his tongue. He felt her draw in her breath and a vacuum was formed that drew his tongue even deeper inside the confines of her mouth and even to her throat.

And then, he could feel David's hand. He realized that David was actually playing with one of the woman's tits. He pulled his chest back to give David more room but by no means did he separate himself from the woman's mouth. As he pulled back he felt David's hand take full advantage of the room and his hand maneuvered forward and soon he had a handful of Irene's bare tit. The material of the tube top was forced up and out of the way. This allowed David to view a good portion of the fine shaped breast of his wife. It had been a long time since such a simple sight had excited him.

David's cock was straining, painfully, against the confines of his jeans. He needed to release his throbbing cock, quickly. He was not even thinking about anything when he gave his wife's bare tit a gentle squeeze before removing his hand completely. He also took his other hand from his wife's back and swiftly unfastened and unzipped his tight jeans. Doing so brought immediate relief to him. His cock now was unrestrained and sttod up straight and tall. No longer was it confined and cramped within the confines of his jeans.

David now reached out to his wife and as he literally pulled his wife and friend apart, saying simply, "My turn."

Although Irene was not overly thrilled at being separated from Kevin she allowed herself to do so without any outward protest. As she turned to her husband she got a quick glimpse of the fact that her husband now sat with his jeans opened and his under shorts pulled down in order to allow his stiff cock to stand out for anyone who wanted to take note of its presence.

However, as she was pulled from Kevin she was not turned completely to David. Instead, he pushed her back against the couch before repositioning himself to her. He came to her and again kiss her. However, this time, there was no hesitation on his part. His tongue was ready to force itself inside her mouth, if need be. However, he found her more than willing to receive his tongue.

His right arm supported his weight as his left hand pulled her tube top up as far as possible. This exposed both of her tits, completely. No sooner was the material out of the way than his hand covered on of the fleshy mounds.

Irene quickly realized that David was aroused. This realization caused an even greater stimulation to her. She could not remember a time that she was any more excited, by her husband, than she was at this time. She wanted David buried deep inside her. She wanted Kevin to watch. She reached out and quickly found his erect shaft. She wrapped her fingers around it and squeezed its hardness. She felt her husband push himself tighter against her.

She slid her hand, still wrapped around the hard cock, upward. She rubbed her fingers over the head and in no time her fingers were slick with the pre-cum that had bubbled out the slit at the center of the big cock's head. Again she grasped the hard shaft, with her hand. Then, she slid her hand up till only her little finger was still touching the head and then downward as far as she could push. This process she would repeat again and again. With each stroke her fingers would become a little more slick, from the pre-cum. She loved the feel of his cock. She opened her eyes to see if Kevin was watching. She was disappointed. Her husband was blocking her view. She could not see Kevin, at all. For all she knew he was not even there. She wanted Kevin to watch. And, although she had not given any thought to the repercussions of doing so, she reached her hand out to feel if Kevin was still there.

Kevin, indeed was, right where he had been. When Irene reached her hand out, the first thing she touched was his thigh. Because Kevin was as excited as either of the other two and seeing Irene's hand coming toward him, he took it as a sign that she was wanting to give him some of the same attention that she was giving to her husband, with her other hand.

Kevin captured her hand, quickly, with his own. The holding her hand against his thigh, he pulled down the zipper of his own pants. He was not in a position to be able to pull his hard cock through the opening he had just created. Therefore, he pulled his leg out from under her hand in order to move to a better position.

Irene felt Kevin snare her hand with his own. This, at first, unsettled her. It was not what she had intended. All she wanted to do was to determine if Kevin was, in fact, still seated next to her and watching her with her husband. When he took her hand she felt that he had received the wrong impression and she did not know what to do to correct it. Then, she felt him move. In fact, she felt him move away from her. He was leaving. She tried to squeeze his leg to keep him from doing so. However, she was unable to do so. Yet, he did still have her hand and so, she grasped it firmly.

Once Kevin had moved his position, slightly, he was able to pull his own cock out. In seconds he had it through the opening and he felt a great deal more comfortable than he had when it was trapped within his pants. Then, he took hold of Irene's wrist as he pulled his other hand from her grasp.

Irene could not figure what was going on with Kevin. It never dawned on her what was actually taking place. Even if she had, it was doubtful that even she knew what she would have done.

Finally, Kevin had his hand free of Irene's. When he did, he moved his hips forward and this brought his own cock to the palm of her hand. Even though she knew exactly what it was, she grabbed it and held on, tight. She knew as long as she had a hold of this, he would not leave.

Kevin, now began to push gently forward and backward. As she held his cock, this action was like fucking a very tight pussy. And, since he had a free hand, he reached over and placed that hand in between Irene's legs, as high up as he could.

Irene was wearing a pair of red shorts. Although there was a pair of white cotton panties between the shorts and Irene's bald pussy, her juices had long ago, soaked through the panties and had now discolored the crotch of the red shorts as well as turned the discolored area to something wet and sticky.

When Kevin touched Irene, it was as if an electrical current rushed through her body. She was fully aware that it was Kevin who was touching her. Touching her where no one except she and her husband had touched since a time even before her wedding to him. And, she delighted in the fact that Kevin was now doing this. In fact, she parted her legs to allow him a greater access.

David was not aware of Kevin's movement or even the fact that Irene had reached out to Kevin. He did, however, feel Irene as she parted her legs, as much as possible. However, because of the fact that David's own leg was next to her's she was not able to part them all that far. He pulled back from her in order to allow them to work together to make Irene more comfortable. When he did he instantly noted Kevin's exposed cock and the fact that his wife was grasped it in one hand as she grasped his own in her other hand.

Perhaps, under different circumstances the sight of his wife grasping a cock, other than his own, would have outraged him. Perhaps, it was the number of drinks he had already consumed. Perhaps, it was only the fact that, by this time, he was so horny. By this time, his only interest was to get the clothes off his wife and fuck her.

He reached out and roughly pulled the tube top up, in an attempt to remove it. His action forced Irene to raise her arms above her head. Of course, to do this she had to release both the hard tools.

For some reason she felt no embarrassment over the fact that suddenly her well shaped breast were completely exposed to the full view and attention of both her husband and Kevin.

As Irene's breast popped into view, David went into a frenzy. The only thing on his mind was to get his wife's pants off and to bury his hard cock deep inside of her. He wanted Kevin to watch him do it. He pushed her to sprawl on the couch. Then, wasting no time he grabbed her shorts and began to jerk them off her hips and down her legs to finally be thrown across the room.

With Irene completely naked, David grasped one ankle and threw the woman's let onto the top of the couch back. Once in this position David was ready to throw himself on top of the woman and fuck her hard, deep and fast. Only the sight of her hairless twat stopped him.

His gaze became fixed upon the sight of something he had never, in his life seen before. His wife's twat was now completely bald. He was able to see how her skin cam together to form a trench that ran the length of her glorious twat. He saw her clit, plain as day. It looked like a soldier, standing at attention, in the middle of the trench.

No longer did David desire to fuck his wife. In fact, he was not aware of any desire. He only looked. He looked to this, the most sacred part of his wife's being. He was aware of the sacrifice his wife had made for him. He wanted to be closer to her. Never removing his eyes from his wife's hairless twat, he lowered himself, bringing his mouth closer and closer to her until he was close enough. He extended his tongue until the tip made contact with her trench, just above the mouth of her sex. Then, he pushed himself upward, allowing his tongue to follow the trench till it exited at the top of the trench. Of course, as he did this, his tongue managed to capture her clit, forcing it upward until, stretched to it's maximum, it popped free of the tongue to spring back to it's original position.

As David had been entranced at the sight of his wife's bare twat. Irene and Kevin had been as still as statues, waiting to see what David's reaction was going to be. As David lowered his face between Irene's legs, she held her breath. She was not sure what he intended to do. And then, when he licked the entire length of her trench, she felt as if a small amount of electricity was being sent through her body. It thrilled her.

As David settle into a routine of tantalizing her bare pussy with his tongue, Irene simply laid back, closed her eyes and enjoyed it. In fact, she was enjoying it to such a point that she forgot all about Kevin's presence.

Kevin had simply watched as his friend jerked the clothing from his wife's body. He watched as his friend shoved her flat on the couch and roughly positioned her the way he wanted her. He moved his attention back and forth from her pretty bald twat and his friend's face. He was trying to read the man's thoughts. Unfortunately, he couldn't. And lastly, he watched as his friend began to eat the bald twat. His only regret was that it was not his own tongue tasting the bald twat.

It did not take long and Kevin needed some physical attention himself. With Irene laying as she was, with her head so close to his leg. With her mouth so near, partly open and looking so inviting, he changed his position to take advantage of her mouth.

Irene felt something touch her face and she was not at all pleased at being disturbed. When she opened her eyes and first saw the exposed cock, then looking past that and seeing Kevin, she had something else to be displeased over.

Irene had lost the excitement and desire she had felt with Kevin's presence. Now, all she wanted was to be left alone with her husband. No longer did she want or need the presence or the attention of Kevin. She definitely did not want to take his cock in her mouth.

She was going to tell him that, but when she opened her mouth to speak, Kevin immediately shoved his cock so deep and hard into her mouth that it actually chocked her.

Kevin needed relief and he intended to get it from Irene's mouth. As the woman invited his cock inside her by opening her mouth to receive him, he began to fuck her mouth and wishing it was her bald pussy he was inside.

Irene felt Kevin's cock slam against her throat and she began to choke. Kevin pulled back and gave her a moment's relief before shoving the cock back into her to choke her again before pulling back.

Although this was not what Irene wanted, it almost instantly began to excite her. However, she didn't know why, but then, she wasn't going to take time to analyze it now.

As Kevin forced his cock in and out of her mouth, her husband continued to tongue and even chew on her shaven twat. Occasionally, he would surround her clit with his lips. Next, he would suck hard, to draw the hard clit deep into his mouth and then gently squeeze the nub between his teeth. And now, David took two fingers and began to actually fuck her with his fingers. Irene was loving this. She was again giving no thought as to what was happening, with whom or what the repercussions may be.

The thrill that Irene was feeling was growing and growing. She knew she was going to climax and she anxiously welcomed it. And then, she felt her husband's mouth leave her. How was she to reach her climax without his mouth?

David removed his mouth from his wife's sweet tasting, hairless box. He looked to his wife's face, with the intention of asking her if what he was doing was pleasing her. He was totally surprised to see his wife's mouth surrounding Kevin's cock. David had forgotten Kevin was even there. He wanted a closer look.

He moved his position until he was on top of his wife. He reached between their bodies and took his hard shaft in his hand. Then, he guided the head of it to the tunnel entrance of his wife's smooth pussy. As he pushed his hips forward, his cock found no resistance. In fact, his wife's pussy seemed to actually draw him into it.

Once inside, he started a slow in and out rhythm. He saw his wife turn her eyes to look to him. He kissed her on the ear and said, "Enjoy baby." Then, he adjusted himself to be able to easily fuck his wife as he watched his friend's cock move in and out of his wife's mouth.

Once David began to fuck her, Irene quickly felt the return of the excitement she was feeling. Her husband's cock was working in and out of her yearning pussy as he not only watched but encouraged her to suck off their friend, Kevin. The cock that was working faster and faster, in and out of her mouth.

Irene was loving this. She was getting very close to the release that she had been in need of for such a long time. It was building rapidly. She had no idea how much longer she could keep it from happening. And then, she felt it. Her stomach was tightening. Her thighs were beginning to quiver. Her breasts were beginning to burn.

Irene was taken totally by surprise when Kevin's cock erupted within her mouth. She felt the force as his load smashed against her throat and she tasted it's salty flavor. As the cock shot forth it's cream Kevin never lost a single stroke.

The load rushed from the end of Kevin's cock so quickly and in such a large quantity that, although she did not want any of the thick cream to escape, a large amount was forced back out of her mouth, before she could swallow it. The cream was forced between her lips and Kevin's cock, to run down her cheek, coming to a stop once it landed on the couch.

The climax of Kevin was more than her own system could take. Her own climax took place and she could not help that her muscles tensed causing her mouth and cunt to grasp, even tighter, to the cock inside each.

This climax was not the first she had ever had. It was, however, the most intense she could ever remember. She needed for her husband to be pleased. She pulled her mouth from Kevin's cock, threw her legs up high over her husband's back and drove her juicy cavern against him to match him stroke for stroke.

David watched as part of Kevin's load escaped from his wife's mouth and he saw her swallow again and again. The realization of his wife swallowing the load Kevin was pouring into her mouth excited him. And then, he realized that she had reached her own climax and felt her slippery tunnel grip his hard shaft. He knew he was close. He was only happy his wife had already reached her own peek.

When Irene pulled her mouth from Kevin's cock he could see some of Kevin's load still clinging to her cheek. And she positioned herself so he could actually get deeper inside of her. As she threw her hips up against him, he knew he would only be able to last seconds. In fact, on the seventh stroke he held himself as far inside his wife as he could, feeling her pull and hold him deep within her as he dumped his own load before collapsing on top of her, thoroughly exhausted and pleased.

It took a little time before any of the three started to move. Irene was the first. She turned her head to be able to see Kevin. Seeing him looking at her, she smiled. As he returned the smile she reached up and placed her arm around the man's waist, as much as she could. She was very pleased and she wanted both men to know it.

Kevin patten Irene's arm a couple of times before resting he hand there. It was as he was doing this that David raised his body partly off his wife to allow him to look down on her. As Irene felt the movement of her husband she again moved her head. This time she did so to be able to look to her husband. She gave him a smile as she squeezed him with her legs. David returned the smile and then he looked to Kevin. As he did, the smile faded. The two men were both nervous and embarrassed about what had just happened. Neither knew what to say. Neither knew what to do. Each simply looked to the other.

It was Irene that took the offensive and spoke what was on her mind. "I hope that you both enjoyed this half as much as I did. All I want to know is, when can we do it again?"

Neither man answered. Neither man knew what to say in response to the question. And then, each was surprised to hear Irene ask another question. "I wonder if Linda would care to join in?"

"Linda?" exclaimed Kevin.

"Yea. You know, your wife." Irene stated flatly.

"You know how she is. She'd never go for something like this."

Irene felt that she knew Linda even better than Kevin did. The two women had had several long talks and Linda wanted a more exciting sex life than she was getting. Her only fear was that not only would she not be able to live with herself if she gave in to her desires but that Kevin would think less of her.

"Tell you what," Irene said. "I'll approach her. If she's willing to experiment, are you?" she asked Kevin.

Kevin looked from Irene to her husband and back. Even though he was not sure that he wanted someone else to be fucking his wife he didn't dare say so now. So, he liked and said, "Well, sure." Then, as an after thought he continued with, "But I know you'd be wasting your time even talking to her about it."

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower and change clothes. I suggest that you two go to the grocery and get whatever is needed for the grill." With that, she got up and still completely naked, she exited the room leaving the two men sitting on the couch.

End Chapter One