Football By Fiddle28

The story I am about to tell is true and happened almost forty years ago. I've wanted to tell this for a long time, but I never had the nerve until now. You see, forty years ago, anything remotely sexual was not to be discussed among the so called nice people. Now, as I watch the daytime talk shows, I find morals have changed and it seems now that no subject, no matter how kinky, is not only accepted, but hold an audience spellbound. I will change the names and location to protect the guilty and believe me there is enough guilt to go around. Some of the participants have gone on to that big orgy in the sky, but there will be some still around, that should they read this, will recognize themselves and say..."Those were the days." The central character in this tale is my twin sister Jan. She and I were born and grew up in a small Texas town where Friday Night Football was King. In Texas forty years ago, and still is for that matter, Friday Night Football in a small town was and is more important than the Super Bowl or the Olympics. These were our kids out there and from September until mid November, little else happened to cause our adrenalin to flow. Even a losing team was still the pride of the town and everyone had an interest with a relative on the team, or in the band or in the cheer leading section. In short the entire community was one big booster club. Jan married her high school sweetheart just after she and he had graduated from the University. He was there on an athletic scholarship and she was a music major. Rocky was what todays kids call the school jock. Shortly after their marriage, Rocky was hired as a High School Football coach in a small Texas town whose team had not won a game in three years. To say they were mediocre would be a compliment. They were just plain bad. Rocky went to work in earnest in an effort to rebuild the team and to give them a sense of pride and school spirit. Nothing worked. The kids were just plain lazy and had no interest in being winners. The previous coach had instilled the old bullshit adage into them isn't whether you win or lose, but how you play the game. Anyone who believes this statement will surely be a loser. My sister Jan would attend ever practice session after school and sit in the bleachers and watch the Chinese fire drill on the field every weekday afternoon. Now, both Jan and I were a bit liberated sexually for that particular time in history and neither of us liked wearing panties. This was in the era of the mini skirts and we both loved wearing them. One afternoon after another miserable practice session, Rocky had to go back to the field house where there were two boys who had not yet finished showering and he overheard a conversation that at first shocked him, so he stood quietly and listened....Boy, did you see what I saw today? See it, how could I miss it? Damn that looks good....wouldn't you love to have some of that? The exchange went on and on until one of them said...Boy' old Coach is one lucky son of a bitch to have something like that to fuck. All the way home, Rocky kept going over and over what he had just heard and felt rather proud that his pretty little wife had attracted so much attention. At practice next day it was the same as usual. Dropped passes, missed blocks, etc. He kept hearing the kids shouting to one another...PT, PT. What the hell kind of a signal was this? Each time the word PT was shouted you could bet the next play would be a disaster. Finally, Rocky noticed that the kids seemed to be paying more attention to the stands than to what was happening on the, he turned to see his sweet little wife, sans panties, legs spread, sipping a coke and smiling. Jesus Christ, no wonder these kids can't concentrate on this game with something like that staring at them from the stands. He figured out that PT meant Pussy Time and all the boys knew that the show was on. On the way home that afternoon, Rocky ate Jans' ass out good. "Damn it Babe, I'll never whip this team into shape, with you sitting up there flashing bare cunt while I try to teach them this game. They are bad enough already without you adding to my problems. From now on, you keep your sweet ass at home on practice days." So for the next week Jan stayed away. Her staying away only seemed to make the team play worse. Several of the boys began asking....Coach, what happened to your wife? Why doesn't she watch us practice any more? That Friday night they lost another game to the second worst team in the District by a score of forty to nothing. That weekend Rocky got to thinking of a way out of his dilemma. Maybe, just maybe, he could use this situation to his advantage. Sunday night, as he and Jan were fucking, it hit him.....why hadn't he thought of this before. Here was the perfect answer to his problem! He began to explain his game plan to my sister, by telling her the boys had been missing her at the practice sessions and he had a plan for her to start attending again and with her help he just might turn this team around. Wear your shortest mini skirt and put on a show at Monday practice. Naturally Jan was agreeable to this as she and I were both exhibitionist. We knew we had great bodies and we weren't afraid to show them. So Monday practice it was back to the same routine. Jan in the stands sipping a coke, legs spread and boys falling all over themselves trying for a better look. When practice ended that day, Rocky asked the team to stay a few minutes late as he had an announcement to make. A murmur went through the crowd as Rocky walked over and locked the field house door. OK boys, sit down and listen. You are the worst group of so called football players it has ever been my misfortune to meet. Not one of you knows the first fucking thing about how this game is played, but that is going to change starting right now. I know what PT means now and I know you little bastards have been out there spending more time looking up my wifes dress than you have been trying to learn the fundamentals of this game. All that changes today. Let me tell you here and now that the pussy you've been looking at is just as good as it looks. I ought to know, I fucked it for an hour just last night! Now, the room was quiet, not a sound except for hard breathing as they hung on every word. Men, and I do call you men. Some of that pussy can be in your future, if you give me your undivided attention and learn what I can teach you. That Pussy is your pot at then end of the rainbow. I'll make it simple....WIN A GAME AND FUCK THE COACHES WIFE....keep on losing and all you will ever get is a look! Deathly quiet. Finally a kid stood up and asked. "Coach, do you mean to say, if we start winning, we can fuck your wife?" That's win, one fuck, two wins two fucks. Lose and you don't even get a smell of it. Rocky laid out the game plan. Win a game on Friday night and Saturday from noon till six PM would be party time with hot dogs, hamburgers, soft drinks and PUSSY at Coaches house. Driving home that day, Rocky explained to Jan the offer he had made to the team and of course, Jan was thrilled. "Should I stay home now so they can concentrate?" Hell no, you be there every day showing them what they are fighting for. Tuesday practice showed a transformation in the way they approached the game. This didn't look like the same team that was here yesterday. I mean these kids worked their asses off and even asked if they could stay and practice an extra hour. Jan sat in the stands as usual, but now kept her legs together and just smiled sweetly as the boys would sneak glances. No more calls of PT. This situation had gone from a so what,attitude to one of dead seriousness. These kids had an attitude adjustment that was not to be believed. Long after dark these boys were still working, running, yelling at one another, each one urging the others to play better, play smarter, give it all we've got.....Remember Saturday Afternoon! became the battle cry and soon this was shortened to P T. With each play one could hear the voices P T, go man go! After the long week of work the Friday night game finally arrived and the crowd was supportive as usual, but not enthusiastic....until the second half. The team was trailing the opposing team by only three points at the half. This was the closest the score had been in years. In the locker room at half time, the kids were in a frenzy. Rocky stayed out of the locker room purposely until just two minutes before time to return to the field. He walked into the room and it became silent. "Well Men, it's up to you. Looks like I may be the only one getting some of that sweet pussy this weekend." He turned and left. The second half started with a fumble on the kick off and the opposing team dashed for an easy touchdown. Ten points behind. At this point, Rocky was sitting on the bench and seemed very unconcerned. In just a few days, he'd taught them the finer points of the game and now it was up to them. Then came the battle cry...P T....P T....P T. The crowd took up the chant not even knowing what the letters meant. Someone suggested that it must mean Play Tough. The game ended with them still behind by one touchdown, but even at that this was their best showing in years. The crowd had gotten into the game as never before and these boys had proven that they in fact, could be a winning team. The locker room was quiet as Rocky walked in. "Close Men, but no PT this time." We'll start in again Monday and see if you are ready for last years district champs who will be here next Friday."....and by the way, you might like to see what I'll be having and you will be missing tomorrow afternoon, and with that he opened the locker room door and Jan stepped inside wearing an overcoat. Again dead silence as she opened the coat to reveal, high heels, hose, garter belt and no panties and no bra. She gave them only a flash of a few seconds and was gone. Rocky smiled and followed her out. This was working just as he thought it might. Monday practice was better than any held last week even though it was raining cats and dogs. The team did not usually practice in bad weather, but this time it was different. Those kids would have practiced in a cyclone. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were great workouts and now this team was working together as a team and all thinking and acting as one mind. These boys were READY. I won't go into a long detailed account of the game except to say our team won by twenty points over the same team that had beaten us by fifty two to nothing just a year ago. Pandemonium broke out in the stands and it was a night to be remembered in that small Texas town. People still talk about it today. The miracle team, they were called. Little did the people know that it was all due to my sisters Pussy Power. I sat with her in the stands that night and with each touchdown she would hold my hand and tremble and get more excited. During the final few plays I whispered to her....Looks like you are going to get a workout tomorrow. Jan just smiled and nodded a yes, and whispered...I wish it were tonight, my Cunt is dripping wet right now. I knew the feeling as mine was also very wet and throbbing just thinking of what was in store for her on Saturday. At this point and time I had not married, but did date a lot; although I wasn't serious just yet. Mr. right just hadn't come along yet, but did come along a year later and I spent 38 wonderful years with him and he gave me three beautiful children. He passed away several months ago, but this isn't about me, but my sister Jan. Dawn came to Texas early the following morning and every last boy was wide awake and ready for his promised treat that afternoon. The town was still buzzing from the previous night and the kids were really enjoying the adoring attention they were getting. It had been a long time since anyone in this town had been able to sit and replay a game and gloat. The team was ecstatic, not only from the win, but more so from their bonus that was in store that afternoon. The morning was spent at the malt shop. A few nursed bumps and bruises, but at this point, who could feel anything other than pride in their ability and a horny cock that was pressing to get loose and ravage the Coaches wife. Noon came and the team adjourned to the Coaches house. Rocky had been out early laying in the supplies for the cook out and Jan had spent the morning arranging everything just right for her cumming out party. She took a long leisurely hot bath and a nice douche and put plenty of powder and sweet perfume in all the right places. She was ready to receive by eleven and told me that the hour between eleven and twelve that day was the longest hour in her life. After all it isn't every day that a lady can expect twenty five horny young studs to appear all at one time. She put on a thin, see through, lace gown and high heels, crotchless panties and a cut out bra that made her 36 D tits look like 46 EE's. To make a sexy story short, she was ready for her first Gang Fuck. Now, she and I both knew our way around a hard cock and neither of us had been stingy with our pussy, but this was a first for her. I'd had a threesome once, but a Gang like this was something neither of us could even imagine. The kids arrived in groups of four and five until everyone was accounted for. When the last boy entered, Rocky locked the front door. Jan stood by the front door and greeted each boy with a long passionate kiss with miles of hot tongue in each mouth and a whisper in each ear...."I'm excited that you are going to FUCK ME today." Naturally the kids were nervous. For some of them this would be their first encounter with a female. Some of the older boys had girlfriends and had some limited experience with pussy, but for the majority this was the day they would lose their virginity. Rocky had them all sit quietly while he swore them to secrecy. One word of this gets out....and the deal is off. This can last for as long as you are in school, but one rat fink can ruin it for everybody. The boys agreed that the one who squealed would regret it for a lifetime. No one wanted the wrath of his fellow team mates and as far as we know, no one has ever breathed a word. After all, what kid in his right mind would want to ruin his chances of fucking a beautiful woman several times a year and get his butt kicked to boot. Mum was the word. Only the participants and I ever knew this story that I am now telling you. Some of the players are now dead as well as my sister and Rocky. After three winning seasons, Rocky was offered a coaching job at a Junior College and two years later was head Coach at a major University. He always laughed and gave credit to Jans Pussy Power for his phenomenal success. Now, for the first of many Saturday afternoon victory parties. It would take much too long to tell the gory details of each and every one of the participants. Lets just say that a good time was had by all and I will hit only the high spots. Of the twenty five, there were three fifteen year olds, twelve sixteen year olds, seven seventeen and three eighteen. Two of the kids were Mexican, four were Black and the rest white. This group included not only the players, but also the fifteen year old water boy whose descriptive term has now been elevated to equipment manager, but back then it was water boy, pure and simple. For the younger boys, this was their very first introduction into the world of sex and several of them had noble intentions, but their horny was too much and as my sister told me, they shot off before ever getting even close to the treat they had worked so hard for. Most men who read this will relate to what I am saying. I think most young men lose their first few cums into thin air just thinking of what was about to happen. In the room that first day there were many OH Shits' heard as the boys stood in line waiting their payday for a job well done. It began like this. After Rocky locked the door and explained the rules, the boys drew numbers from a football helmet. Jan retired into the bedroom and closed the door. Then one by one the boys would enter the room according to their luck of the draw. Rocky assured them that there was no need to worry that they might have picked a high number, as there was enough pussy in that room for a group twice this size. The first few were quick on the trigger and within the first half hour more than half had cum and went so to speak. The other gentlemen in waiting passed the time by asking Rocky every sexual question they could think of and that group of youngsters experienced their rite of passage from boyhood to manhood in a few short hours. As each kid would exit, the group would pounce on him with questions of..."How was it?, did you cum much? Did you make her Cum? Is it tight? Did she suck it?" Rocky sat back and just listened to the glowing terms offered by each boy who heaped praises on my sister. Number sixteen was the water boy, named Jeff. Remember this kid was only fifteen and when he entered, the group outside heard Jan gasp....My God, is that thing real. For the next few minutes the kids stuck close to the door listening as my sister started to moan and beg...Don't cum, yet, not yet, please not yet. It was obvious that this kid had hit her ON button and she was really enjoying his monster cock. A few minutes later it was quiet and a minute later Jeff walked back into the room with a smile from ear to ear. More questions now to Jeff who enjoyed the attention. The rest were average fuckers as Jan only remembers one who stood out from the rest. He was the very last. The kids called him Moose. Moose was a big kid of seventeen and big for his age. He stood six two and weighed in at a hundred and eighty. Jan told me that the minute Moose dropped his shorts, she knew she was in for a treat. Moose sported an eleven incher that was already beginning to get hard and it looked more like a beer bottle than a penis. Moose knew he had more cock than most women could take and was very gentle in his approach. Jan complimented him on the size and he was quite shy and although he knew he had more cock than most boys, he was not at all pushy. The boys outside knew what Moose had, having seen it in the shower so many times and each sat and waited for Moose to have his fun. I'll bet she can't take it all? God, I wish we could watch them....Inside, Jan had relaxed and was laying still on the bed, legs splayed and cunt dripping with her juices mixed with the cum of several of her previous visitors. She started to take a towel and wipe her pussy clean, but Moose stopped her with...Leave it like it is. We may need all the lubricant we can get. With that he mounted her and eased the head of his cock into her throbbing cunt. The head of his cock felt and looked like a tennis ball. She took the first four, then five inches with no trouble at all. Moose was very gentle as he allowed her to position herself as he eased that monster into her. After all, he wanted to feel that wonderful excitement of his big balls slapping her ass. Should he hurt her or move too fast, she might push him away or cry out. After ten minutes of patient entry he had all but the final two inches embedded in my sister. This is when Jan made her first mistake by saying, I think I'm ready to take it all Moose. Moose then reached down and pulled both her legs up and bent them back over her shoulders with his two arms holding her bent legs in position. The next thing the boys outside heard was a scream. Everybody including Rocky froze. As my sister lay under this heaving body she had whispered to Moose....Give me all you've got and with no warning at all that pile driving ass had shoved that baseball bat of a cock to the limit. His pelvic bone massaged her throbbing clit and a big set of heavy balls bounced on her ass. Fortunately for her, Moose shot off immediately and she said it felt like a balloon full of hot liquid had exploded in her belly. This is what brought on the scream. Jan had reached her climax at the same exact time and had now reached down to hold Moose by the cheeks of his ass and forced him to remain deep inside her. She said as Moose softened and began to slip out, it felt like a never ending rope. The bed was awash with not only her cum and Moose cum, but with several other loads that had been left there by the other boys. Moose was apologetic and as he stood up with that big dick swinging like a pendulum, he said, "I sure hope I didn't hurt you Miss Jan." This gentle giant of a boy knew he had more cock than most and told Jan that she was the first to ever ask for and get it ALL. He said, he had a girlfriend who could take less than half of it and much preferred to jack him off. While this kept him satisfied most of the time, he missed the joy of complete penetration. The party ended at four PM that day, but this was only the first of many to come. "Coach, what happens when the season is over and we don't have any more games to win? The boys sat still and quiet as Rocky took the floor. Well, let me see....we have four more games this year not counting if we make the play offs. For each game you win out of the next four, you get a bonus fuck. Two for one. You get nothing for the ones we lose. That means eight parties between now and next September if you win them all. I'll even throw in an extra party for each game you hold the other team scoreless. What if we win District Coach?.....or even State? Well, I doubt we will get that far, district and we'll have five bonus parties. Let me think about State. Rocky knew full well that there was no way he could keep this momentum going all the way to State, but what the Hell, it didn't hurt to make a promise he would never have to keep. As each kid left that day Jan again stood by the door and as she kissed each one with that long tongue of hers she reached down to take each cock in her hand to give it a squeeze and whispered....See you next week? You guessed it, those kids did the impossible and won all four remaining games without being scored on even once. The town was wild with excitement and little else was talked about for miles around. When the fans would ask one of the players what had happened to turn a losing team into a Champion team in only a matter of days. The stock answer was...."None of the other Coaches ever explained the game to us like Coach Rocky." Lots of knowing smiles, but not one betrayal. They did indeed win District and had built up a nice number of, I O U some Pussy, markers. Jan was beside herself with the thought of Gang Fucks all winter and Spring. This is where I enter the picture. The boys had been asking Rocky for days now....What if we win State?...Jan called and asked me to come over one evening and help them think of something special as a reward for being a State Champion in their division. I sat spellbound listening to their accounts of the parties that had happened so far. Jan had kept me informed all along, but hearing it all again had my Cunt on fire. Just adding additional parties was incentive enough, but they had put in so many bonus deals, they were running out of Saturdays. Suddenly the thought hit me and I blurted it out without even thinking. I heard myself say....Why not double their pleasure, double their fun! Jan and Rocky looked at me wide eyed......You mean you'd donate your pussy to the good of the team? Sure, why not. After all we look alike, we are built alike and like it or not....we are both nymphomaniacs. So it was decided then and there, that if this formally fucked up, undisciplined horny little Farts could win State, then I could make the supreme sacrifice and pitch in and help. By now the whole town it seemed was turning out for practice sessions. Talk about School Spirit, this little town had never seen anything like it. The following day at practice, before they took the field Rocky called them together in the locker room.....You've been wondering and asking what sort of party we might have if we go all the way. Well, in a few minutes we will be on the practice field...and if you look up into the will see something worth fighting for. Jan and I were sitting side by side about half way up the bleachers. We wore matching mini skirts and of course no panties. We had to be careful now as the crowd was all around us. The Mayors wife was sitting to my left and the Ministers wife sat beside Jan. At the precise moment we heard the signal. Rocky shouted P T! With that Jan and I spread wide, the cool evening air felt cold to our wet slits and the team heads turned as if they were all connected to the same spine. Four seconds later all you could hear was the team chanting State, State, State. The crowd of fans joined in and pretty soon the stadium was in an uproar. Jan and I closed our legs before anyone could turn to see what the boys were looking at. We both smiled sweetly and gave a thumbs up sign. Did the guys win State? Silly question. How about fifty three to six? Did we pay the debt? Another silly question. Of course we did and I became a part of the Saturday parties for the next three years. I got married during that period, but my husband never guessed that my weekly visits to see my sister was anything more than sisterly love. He died not knowing that I once helped put a record breaking team on the field. When Rocky moved up into the Junior College ranks several of the boys went with him as they graduated and he had winning teams for many years. Jan got pregnant the last year they were in the High School arena and to this day we all wonder if it was Rockys' or one of the boys It came out pure pink, so it wasn't one of the Blacks for sure. She had two more in succession and while she would entertain some of the old team from time to time as they came by to visit....the pure Gang Bangs were only a very pleasant memory. As I sit here telling this wonderfully exciting chapter of my past, I can hear the words of my sister just before my first participation......"LOOK OUT FOR MOOSE!"
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