Remember, I am new to writing and am writing this as if writing a letter or email to a girlfriend, a dear friend.

You asked me to tell you more, so here is more. this was the first time I even considered cheating on Dan. I am in my bed, in my office with my boss, a magnificent specimen of a man, and I am glowing from the best sex ever. I look over at James and for the first time, I am looking at him in a different light. Gone was the pent up sexual frustration, now I am gazing at him with sated desire. I reached down and lightly touch his now limp black cock laying wet against his thigh. I now began to realize just how masculine James is compared to Dan.

I was not a virgin when I got with Dan, you know that, and that Dan was average compared to the others I had been with. I had heard stories, hell you told me many yourself, but to be laying naked holding a cock that was just inside me, that was twice Dan’s size.
I am guessing of course knowing that James has to be 9" and way thicker. His cock was leaking cum, I leaned over and took his head in my mouth and cleaned his cock of both our cum. (something I never did with Dan.)

James was just looking at me and I wanted to kiss him, I started to get up to wipe my mouth first when James grabbed me and kissed me. He then told me that sex is powerful and that trying to make it neat was a shame. He laid me back down on the bed to rest and pressed a button on the nightstand. "I buzzed your valet to help you get ready to return home."

This was just the beginning of so much more, Valet, Home? Oh god Dan, what would I tell Dan, should I tell Dan, what about my kids? All of these thoughts flooded in on me as the realization of what we had, what I had just done set in.

James left our bed and walked into the bath. 'God he is gorgeous!' There was a light knock on the door, I grabbed up some sheets, covered myself, and opened the door to the main office. A slightly built white man stood there neatly dressed carrying my clothes on a hanger, they looked freshly cleaned.

"Ma'am my name is Gerald and I am your personal valet, your clothes have been thoroughly cleaned, and I have removed the juice stain from the blouse." He began to move about the room tidying up and speaking matter of factly. "I have taken the liberty of acquiring you a more suitable perfume, if I may be so bold the one you were using did not enhance your body. I have been Miss Jan’s valet for 8 years and now I have the honor of being yours if you will have me?" He stepped back into the main office picked up a tray containing a cup of coffee and sparkling water with lemon and set it on the dresser. "I have also taken the liberty of calling Dan and apologizing on your behalf that the event took longer than expected, he is aware of your delay, you need not rush."

Gerald picked up Jame’s clothes and started folding them neatly as James emerged from the bath wrapped in a huge towel and kissed me. "Take your time and absorb all of it, but don't OVERthink things," he headed out the door. As I stood there drinking my coffee I realized Jame’s cum wasn’t dripping down my legs, 'how far up inside to not...' and then I felt it. I quickly sat slightly embarrassed as Gerald moved about, then as if reading my mind. "Ma'am in the bath, if you require, there is an after pill." I wasn’t sure but I was going to be safe.

After showering and dressing, I left for home when I got to the first floor and headed out to take the bus back to my side of town. The security guard at the main desk stepped up and escorted me to a waiting car.

The driver opened the back door and told me that he would be taking me home. I got in, my mind a whirl as he drove. I love Dan, but now suddenly I was feeling the thrill of empowerment. I was being treated like a queen and I hadn’t done anything but have the best night of sex I had ever had.

When I got to the house, Dan was asleep in the recliner, I looked about my living room. By comparison, my office was bigger than my entire living room and kitchen. Dan stirred, "How did it go?" He wanted to know, to hear about my night, I assured him we would talk about it in the morning. He reminded me that he was going to be playing golf with his work buddies in the morning and asked if my boss played golf, I told him I didn’t know.

In my head, I realized that I didn’t know a lot about James personally. I told Dan to go to bed and that I would check on the twins. As I was looking in on them, I started to wonder if I was doing the right thing, was I going to jeopardize my current life, for... for what?

Returning to the living room, I sat in the recliner Dan had just evacuated, and the next thing I knew I smelled coffee and heard the kids coming out of their rooms in a rush to get to the table. Dan had made them frozen waffles, he came over to kiss me, he had a tumbler of coffee but none for me, he told me, he let me sleep as long as possible, that I looked beat and he was out the door to play golf.

The remainder of the weekend was uneventful, it was almost as if what had happened on Friday was a dream. I had tried to call Jan a few times but she never answered. On Monday morning Dan said he had been asked to come into the office early for some reason and left an hour early. I got the kids ready for school as usual when I took them out to the bus, the car and driver arrived.

'I could get used to this.'

When I arrived at the office this time I felt a little more in control, the security at the door said pleasantries and welcomed me.

When I stepped off the elevator I was greeted by the receptionist and Gerald. "Gerald, I notice that the receptionist isn’t the same as the one on Friday?"

"They rotate, Miss Jan will explain. Do you need anything to get your day started, fresh fruit or a croissant?" I agreed to a croissant and coffee. I entered my office where Jan is waiting. She wasn’t even hiding the baby bump now, her slim outfit showed off her form. I was so eager to talk with her that I began to babble, Jan put her finger to my lips

"Speak slowly and gather your thoughts."

"Quite right, the one overriding thought in my head was why me?

"Why not you? First James likes white women," that much was obvious, "He likes married women because they were less likely to want to get married, and they have a life, a life that could be altered and more enjoyable without them wanting to tie him down."

"But why me?"

"Dear, he knows all about you, do you think that a man of his position and power cannot know as much as there is to know? When, I asked to have his child," as she rubbed her bulge, "I knew that was when I was going to have to find a replacement. I made that offer at the pool party at his request. I was sending him pictures from the party, I knew you would be perfect for him because as I watched you and Dan I saw what Steve and I were and knew you were right for James. I was so relieved when you asked me at the grocery store. Soon I will not be able to hide the fact I am pregnant and it will change my status among some of the business people I deal with."

"I understand you and James had a marvelous time Friday night?"

"Oh god did we! I had never had sex that intense in my life. It was passionate and I couldn’t believe that it was happening to me! We should maybe use condoms in the future."

"Oh no, dear James never uses a condom, another reason he likes married women there is less chance of disease, did you not enjoy it?

"OH HELL YES I did, I just didn’t want to worry about the mess, I was dripping even after I got home. What if Dan wants sex after James has had me, not that he has wanted it lately?"

Jan then hit me with, what if I were to tell you I know why Dan has not been wanting sex with you? Let’s go over stuff that you will need to know to do your job and then this afternoon we will have an in-depth talk. James will want to see you at the end of the day as well." I wasn’t sure I could handle another round with him so soon my pussy was still recovering.

We spent most of the day going over procedures and business stuff. The employees were so revenant to Jan and now me. It was both unnerving and exciting. Jan was almost like a loving stern mother towards them and they liked it. They were looking at me wondering how I was going to be?

Jan and I returned to my office and had fruit, cheese, and wine. "Ok, spill, what do you know about Dan?"

"Well dear, you should start calling him Danny. Danny has a bit of a mommy complex, which I am sure you are aware of but I don’t think you realize how much of a complex. He wasn’t playing golf on Saturday he was seeing a dominatrix that plays mommy for him. I think if you play your cards right, that could be you. James is all the MAN you will ever need when it comes to sex."

"What about you and James?"

"Dear, now I get off more from running Steve, he is my little cuck hubby, I am enjoying him pleasuring me. I have met (through my work here) an incredible bull that will fuck me when I need it. James has opened a passion inside of me that I never knew existed and a power that I have come to embrace and I believe he has started to do the same with you?"

We talked for a couple of hours, it was getting late in the afternoon. I was shown so much and I took over some of Jan's responsibilities. I fielded calls for James and Jan introduced me to some of his clients in Japan and Australia. The rest of the week was the same, there was just so much to learn, I saw James briefly on Tuesday. He kissed me in front of some of the employees and told me he would see me on Friday when he got back from New York and went to prepare them for Jan's arrival.

I was looking at Dan differently. With all that Jan had told me and all I was now in charge of I began to have a little attitude about him and I started to be more assertive at home.

Friday arrived and Dan called me, "I got a call from Gerald saying that you would not be home again till late, do you need me to bring you anything, fresh clothes?" I hadn’t realized that Gerald had done that, thankful that he did but I wished he had told me.

"Dan, no that I have an entire wardrobe at work if need be," and ended the call by saying "Good night, Danny."

There was a distinct pause "Goodnight mommy...err Honey." I got a thrill out of that.

Gerald lightly knocked and came in, I immediately talked to him about telling me before deciding to call Dan, Gerald was not taken back he was almost groveling. I assured him I wasn’t mad but I need to know so I do not make that call also. He apologized and stepped out of the office.

James entered. OH GOD, I was on a high, and James walking in just made it over the top. He wasn’t wearing a suit, but a decent pair of slacks and a button shirt. In one hand a bottle of champagne and the other 2 glasses. He set them on my desk and took my hand, brought me to him, and kissed me. The kind of kiss that you feel in your toes. I quivered, I wanted this man more than the first time if that was possible. I grabbed his shirt, ripped it open, started kissing his chest all over, and then unbuckled his pants. Tonight I was taking him. I pulled open his pants and slid that cock out of hiding, it was even bigger than I remembered. It was getting hard as I pumped him and kissed him all over his head and length.

Here I was on my knees in my office with a big black cock in my mouth like it was the most delicious fruit I had ever tasted. Lavishing my tongue all over the head. His precum just kept flowing, I could not get enough. James kept telling me how good it was, kept encouraging me telling me I was fucking hot. Now he was fully hard and I was truly amazed that I had taken this cock inside me. I grabbed his cock firmly and led him to the bedroom. I pushed him back on the bed and stripped my clothes off. I climbed on top of him and kissed him, DAMN I love kissing this man. I put the head of his cock at the entrance to my pussy and started to slide him inside. I just kept looking him in the eyes as I eased up and down taking even more of his hard cock inside. Finally, I had him almost all inside and he said "I love fucking you." I came, hard and that little bit more he was back inside my sweet spot, and the organisms kept coming. I was grinding on him and he was thrusting up inside me. James held my hips and yelled he was cumming and I could feel his cock pulse and felt him shoot sperm inside me, I came again, so hard I passed out.

I was laying next to him when I came to. I guess I was expecting him to fall asleep with such a strong orgasm but he didn't, he stayed hard. I have to tell you I was amazed at his stamina. We fucked all night, Danny called at one point in the night and asked if I was going to make it home at all and I told him I would see him in the morning. He reminded me about golf and I told him that mommy would be home in time for golf. Again a long pause and then he said ok dear. I then asked James to fuck me again.