When Jessica arrived at the studio, she had a quick meeting with her producer and went over the plans for that evening’s show. It was established that Jessica would present a little background information on the group, and introduce each of the music videos before conducting the interview with Black Phallus. Jessica was glad of this. Due to all the mess with Billy the previous evening she hadn’t been able to watch all the videos. Seeing the videos before the interview would give her the opportunity to prepare more questions. The only real problem Jessica now had was that her assistant didn’t appear to be in the studio.

Normally, Sarah was there, waiting for Jessica with a bright smile and a coffee, water, or juice. This was not the case today. It was almost noon before Sarah finally did show up, and when she arrived she looked and acted very strangely. Like most of the crew, Sarah was usually nervous on broadcast days, but today she seemed worse. She wasn’t just nervous, she seemed agitated and distracted. Jessica noticed this behaviour, but remembered her discussion with Sarah the previous day. Sarah thought the rappers were filthy and disgusting, and feared what kind of ‘publicity stunt’ they might pull in the studio. Sarah was no doubt extra nervous about them being in the studio that night. Still, there was something else unusual that Jessica noticed. Sarah looked strangely unkempt. Her normally perfect make-up looked rushed, maybe even slept-in. Sarah looked very tired and her clothes also seemed untidy, and Jessica soon realized Sarah was wearing the same clothes she had worn the previous day! Had the poor girl not slept? When they had a few minutes, Jessica took the opportunity to speak with her young friend and assistant.

“Sarah, is everything all right?” Jessica asked, resting a hand on her assistant’s shoulder, “You seem out of sorts today.”

“Sorry Jessica,” Sarah smiled weakly, and maybe a little nervously, “I don’t know what you mean…”

“Well,” Jessica raised an eyebrow, “I mean you were late getting in this morning, and you seem a little distracted today. Are you sure you’re okay? Are those.. aren’t those the same clothes you wore yesterday?”

“Oh, yeah” Sarah smiled, “I had a rough night last night. Up kind of late… you know…”

“Before a studio session day!?” Jessica was surprised. Sarah knew better than that. Everybody had to operate at one hundred ten percent on broadcast days.

“Well, I was helping Black Phallus test their equipment for tonight, remember?” Sarah smiled weakly “We were getting busy most of the night... I mean...busy most of the night, getting things ready!”

“Oh, of course, Sarah, I’m so sorry, I forgot about that. I hope they weren’t too hard on you? You should have gotten some boys from engineering to help out.”

“Oh, they did… I mean, we did. We were up all night... I ended up sleeping here in my office.” Sarah smiled.

“So, things went well then?” Jessica asked.

“Oh,” Sarah nodded, looking blankly into Jessica’s big blue eyes, “it went a lot better than I expected. I learned a lot about the group, and I have a whole new respect for what they’re doing.”

“Really?” Jessica was shocked to hear how much Sarah’s opinion had changed. Jessica had been surprised by her own enjoyment of the music, but would never have believed her conservative, demure young assistant would have been able to look past the surface of the lyrics. When Sarah had first learned that Black Phallus would be featured on the program, she’d been disgusted. The idea that Sarah had gained any respect for that kind of group made Jessica more than a little curious. “How? I mean...”

“Well,” Sarah smiled and rushed through a diversionary answer, “it would take a long time to explain and I don’t think we have time. I think they need you in make up, then they’re going to need to set up the lights, so you’d better get going! And don’t let yourself get dehydrated, you know what those lights are like!” Sarah’s last comment was made as she steered Jessica towards the dressing room and thrust a fresh water bottle into her hands.

Jessica knew that Sarah was trying to hide something, but as much as she wanted to uncover the mystery, she simply didn’t have the time. Sarah was right, Jessica needed to be made up and prepped for the interview. The truth would have to wait until another day.


Within the hour, Jessica was at the anchor desk, going over her while the set’s engineers busied themselves around her. After Black Phallus’s lighting preferences had been programmed in the previous evening, the studio lighting needed to be reconfigured to best light Jessica McFarland’s delicate porcelain features. As she sat under the changing studio lights, Jessica couldn’t help but feel like the lights were hotter than normal. Certainly, studio lighting always put out a lot of heat, but tonight the lights’ heat seemed especially severe. Jessica found herself drinking bottle after bottle of ice water. Sarah fluttered around her nervously, making certain that Jessica never ran out of the water that she was so eagerly consuming. Neither Jessica nor Sarah had any idea that the water was laced with Xcite, the E&I produced chemical that provoked intense sexual arousal in women, with some liquid “e” ecstasy mixed in for quicker results.

“Sarah?” Jessica asked her assistant, as she was handed her fourth bottle of water, “Does it seem warm in here to you?”

“What…” Sarah babbled nervously, “well, yes. I mean, of course it is. It’s probably just the lights.” She smiled weakly at Jessica, and tried desperately to avoid eye contact.

“Still…” Jessica replied, trying to ignore her assistant’s strange behaviour, “ it seems warmer than usual. Why don’t you check with the floor manager? I think the AC needs to be turned up.”

“Actually, I think that is intentional,” Sarah retorted quickly, “I mean, it was requested by Black Phallus, you know, one of the conditions they had about doing you…your show... the show, was that they wanted the studio environment to be controlled, set to their specifications.”

“Really?” Jessica raised an eyebrow and took a swig from her water bottle. “I can understand lighting and sound, and even camera work, but the temperature? Those Black Phallus guys seem a bit domineering.”

“Yes…” Sarah replied quietly, carefully watching the water level in Jessica’s current bottle, “I learned that last night. They like to take complete control of everything!”

“Oh well…” Jessica sighed and stretched her neck. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she fanned herself with her note cards. “I hope we can get this over with soon. I’m burning up with this heat. How much longer ‘til we start?” Jessica finished her bottle of water.

Sarah smiled and immediately handed Jessica another bottle. “Not much longer now I think. It’s about forty-five minutes ‘til broadcast time. The guys from tech are setting up and checking the webcast software.”

Jessica had forgotten about the webcast. While the show was being recorded, it would be airing live on pay per view and also being broadcast on pay-per-view web access.

“Great, not much time then.” Jessica sighed. “Are they here yet? I’d like to meet them before the interview.”

“Umm… yes, they’re here, but they’re in make up.” Sarah replied.

“Good, I’m glad they’re actually here. I’d hate to go live tonight with nothing to show the public!”

“Oh, I’m sure that won’t be a problem!” Sarah smiled.

“Is make-up very busy?” Jessica asked, looking at herself in a nearby monitor. “I think I need a quick touch up before we go on. All this heat is making me sweat and I don’t want my face to be shiny for the interview.”

Sarah giggled, “I don’t think our viewers are going to mind a shiny face!” Jessica shot her assistant a puzzled look. Sarah immediately spoke again, “…but I’ll go find a make up person right away!” With that Sarah dashed away from Jessica McFarland as quickly as possible, trying desperately to stifle a laugh.


There was a sense of great anticipation on the air, and as the hour of the interview approached, the tension in the studio’s atmosphere got higher and higher. Jessica found herself getting very nervous, more so than normal for one of her interviews. For one thing, Billy still hadn't arrived in the studio, like he said he would be. She couldn't imagine where he'd got to. He knew where the studio was. She just hoped that he arrived before the broadcast started, otherwise security might not let him in, once they were on the air.

Jessica’s nervous energy and countless bottles of water resulted in a much needed bathroom break. She returned from her break minutes before the broadcast, and the tension of the studio was even stronger than before she’d left. The atmosphere was justified. Not only were they going on live television tonight, but there was to be a live web simulcast and Jessica McFarland would be interviewing the most controversial rap group in the country… maybe even the world! Then there was the possibility of that 'publicity stunt'. A controversial group like Black Phallus would almost certainly take advantage of the uncensored interview segment to stage some kind of provocative publicity stunt. It could be almost anything... and the network would likely air it, and that was what made Jessica particularly nervous. It was a sense of nervousness that Jessica knew that the whole staff of “The Whole Truth” news program shared. That shared nervousness was demonstrated when the make-up girl spilled a bottle of base make-up down the front of Jessica’s black blazer… with mere minutes to air time!

The girl was very apologetic, “I’m so sorry Ms. McFarland... somebody bumped into me and I lost my grip on the bottle!”

Indeed, Jessica had seen a black crewmember walk by just as Heather was opening the make-up bottle. Funny, her crew wasn’t normally this clumsy. The set director quickly summoned wardrobe to bring another blazer for Jessica ASAP. Before Jessica could protest, she was being stripped out of her black top by the busy hands of a wardrobe artist! This was particularly embarrassing since the black blazer that Jessica had worn that evening was a closed jacket with a very high neckline. As such, it had not needed a blouse under it, and Jessica had not worn one! Jessica’s sexy black “Hidden Closet” demi-bra was unceremoniously exposed to all eyes in the studio! Jessica didn’t like the looks she was getting from the crew, even if it was for just a second. This was a rattling event that she did not need to go through right before an interview.

“Lets hustle people, we’ve got 3 minutes to air!” A voice buzzed over the intercom, from the sound booth.

The wardrobe girl immediately started helping Jessica into a new blazer, while the make up girl finished her job. The women worked briskly and busily around Jessica’s face and torso. Jessica could barely see what was going on below her neckline, though she was aware that the make up girl was smearing some access base across Jessica’s cleavage. Then, in a flash, the make up girl and wardrobe girl were gone.

“One minute people!” The director called.

Jessica looked down to see if she needed to do any quick preening, and was shocked by the sight of her new jacket! The jacket was a brilliant royal blue colour, with a black collar, but no lapels. There was also a black pattern going up the sides, to emphasize Jessica’s hourglass figure. The problem was that the jacket had a “U” shaped neckline about six inches wide, and ending in the middle of Jessica’s chest. The designer jacket would have looked very professional if Jessica was wearing a blouse under it, but since Jessica had no blouse, the jacket exposed a generous amount of the inner portion of Jessica’s milky white breasts, and even a bit of her black demi-bra’s center! The wardrobe girl had given her the wrong kind of jacket!

“Hey!” Jessica called out, “I need a blouse, or a different jacket! Quick! Wardrobe!”

“Sorry, that’s all we could find!

“I’ve got a spare jacket in my office” Jessica offered, “if you could send somebody...”

“No time!” the director called over the microphone, “don’t worry, you look great! We’re live in five… four… three… two…Cue Music!”


Backstage, in the Green Room, one of the VIP waiting rooms down the hall from the studio, Billy McFarland sat in a large overstuffed chair and anxiously waited for his wife’s news program to begin. The room was luxurious... with soft lighting, rich furnishings, and a fully stocked complimentary snack and drink bar, with a refrigerator. The walls of the room were panelled in mahogany and decorated with African tribal masks. One wall featured a built-in plasma HDTV monitor, permanently set to KNEN. In spite of the opulent surroundings, Billy was highly agitated.

He’d arrived late, been hassled by security downstairs. It shouldn’t have been a problem, if these had been the same guys that normally carded him on his way into the building. But since he didn’t normally on Saturdays, the Saturday afternoon security crew was unfamiliar with him. He was certainly unfamiliar with them… they looked more like bouncers for some black nightclub. In any case, these guys insisted on scanning Billy’s ID.

“Sorry Sir,” one of the burly black officers shrugged, handing Billy his card, “but this ID doesn’t appear to be valid.”

“What?” Billy replied, “There must be some mistake. Try it again, I work here!”

The guard swiped the card through the reader again… looked at his computer screen and shrugged again. “Sorry sir, you don’t seem to be in the system.”

These guys claimed to have problems scanning his ID. Billy knew it was bullshit. These black bastards were giving him trouble because he was a white guy. “I don’t have time for this crap, I have to get to the studio!”

The second black guard stepped in front of Billy, blocking his path. Billy couldn’t help but back away in fear of the giant, muscled black man. “No sir, we can’t let you in without a pass.”

The guards took twenty minutes to ‘verify Billy’s identity’ with the security office. They didn’t bother apologizing. As Billy pushed past the beefy black guards, he shouted that that his wife was Jessica McFarland, and that he was going to have them fired for the way they treated him. This didn’t produce the result that Billy expected... the fuckers just laughed at him!

Billy was getting into the elevator when the guards shouted their response for everybody in the lobby to hear... “BITCH, A fine woman like Jessica McFarland wouldn’t let a limp-dicked whiteboy like him anywhere near her!” They laughed.

That struck a nerve... Billy choked on his rage as the elevator doors closed and the laughter echoed through the lobby. No matter. By Monday morning, they wouldn’t be laughing anymore.

By the time Billy got to the floor where the studio was, the broadcast had started. The studio security, another pair of black bodybuilder bouncer types, refused to allow him into the studio, now that the broadcast was in progress. Instead, Billy was escorted to the green room and told to watch the broadcast from there.



Becky Davenport trembled in nervous anticipation as she anxiously watched the screen and waited for the show to start. She couldn’t believe she was actually going to be able to watch the interview on television!

Becky had called her sister Sarah a couple of days earlier, hoping to get a VIP pass to visit the studio that night and actually meet the group. Sarah, as Becky had feared, refused, saying that the group was not appropriate to for Becky to even listen to, and she wouldn’t be responsible for exposing Becky to more of their ‘filth’. Becky had cried and begged, but her sister would not relent. Becky’s friend Lauren had invited Becky to a slumber party to watch the interview on Laura’s computer with some of their friends, but Becky’s ridiculously conservative parents wouldn’t allow her to sleep over at a friend’s house on a school night! Lauren promised to DVR the interview for Becky, but Becky was still crushed. The next morning, after Becky had abandoned all hope of seeing the interview, Becky woke to find a voice-mail on her cell phone. The message was from Sarah, apologizing and giving Becky her credit card number so that Becky could order the interview on pay-per-view or the web-cast. Becky was thrilled! She already knew her parents wouldn’t be home that night so she had the whole house... and the big TV in the living room... all to herself. That night was one of the rare occasions that Becky’s overprotective parents left her home alone. Her father, was at his mid-week church meeting. Her mother was at her monthly book-club get-together. She was actually going to be able to do it! She was going to be able to watch the interview with Black Phallus, her favourite music group. She just hoped it was over before one of her parents got home!

The young redhead’s small white hands were trembling with so much excitement and apprehension that she could barely dial the phone number for the pay-per-view service. A feeling of prickly heat tingled through the white teen’s back and shoulders as she registered her sister’s credit card information. Then Becky Davenport sat back on the living room couch, all alone in her house, watching the television intently, as the opening titles of “The Whole Truth” played on the screen and the program she’d so desperately wanted to see began.


“Good evening, I’m Jessica McFarland, and this is... The Whole Truth!” Jessica intoned in her professional demeanour.

Jessica turned to camera two to introduce the night’s story, briefly wincing as she caught a glimpse of herself in the monitor. The inner half of each of her full, milky white breasts were clearly visible. She looked like a high-priced call girl, so some kind of porno-film version of herself. She tried to ignore her predicament and concentrated on the story.

“Tonight we have ‘The Whole Truth’ about ‘Black Phallus’, America’s most controversial, and most popular, underground rap group. Their first album, ‘Only Natural’ has already sold over a million copies in the few months its been released, thanks to label-direct internet sales. Their music is heard in night clubs and teenagers’ rooms across the country.”

Jessica could barely concentrate on the words scrolling up the teleprompter screen. The heat of the studio lights on her bare chest was a constant reminder of how much of her cleavage was on display for the camera and America to see. Jessica positioned her arms in a way that she hoped blocked the camera’s view of her cleavage, and continued reading the teleprompter.

“These facts are surprising, given the fact that their music was never aired on the radio, or television, and banned from some record stores’ shelves! The reason for this is because some in the government and the media claim that the group is simply too obscene to be broadcast. Black Phallus’s lyrics are sexually explicit and racially charged. Likewise, their videos have never been seen on television because of the sexual content and allegedly offensive nature. Some music network officials have gone so far as to label the videos as being pornographic or racist.”

Jessica paused briefly as she caught another glimpse of herself in a studio monitor. She was distressed to see that the way she had positioned her arms failed to hide the cleavage that her jacket was exposing. In fact, it seemed that as she moved her arms around attempting to find a more modest pose, everything she did seemed to show off her cleavage even more. Jessica’s eyes darted between the prompter and the monitor as she continued trying to find a more professional position and read the teleprompter at the same time.

“Black Phallus claims that the use of such extreme content in their music is meant to express their deeply-held political philosophy about popular ideas and societal values. In short, they make the age-old claim of every controversial artist... that their controversial material is artistically justified freedom of expression. They point out other so-called ‘explicit’ songs that are given radio and video play and ask why they are singled out for complaints. The group claims that they are victims of racism. They claim that that they are being censored because their music is perceived as a threat to the white establishment. They say that there are some in white America that wants their voices silenced. Tonight, exclusively on KNEN pay-per-view and KNEN’s web simulcast, our viewers will learn just what Black Phallus wants them to know!”

The nervousness in Jessica’s voice could barely be disguised. In her attempts to cover herself in front of the camera while reading the teleprompter, she was allowing herself to become rattled. Jessica knew that if she appeared to lack confidence, it would be bad for her television presentation and disastrous for her interview. She abandoned her attempts to find a more demure camera angle and concentrated on reading the teleprompter.

“Are they artists victimized by a racist establishment? Are they simply vulgar pornographers?
Decide for yourselves after seeing my revealing interview tonight! But first, we’re going to show you the videos that the music video channels won’t. All this, and more, after a brief break, for our sponsors.”

Jessica shivered a little as she read those last lines off the teleprompter. She'd been so focused on the interview, and worried about the publicity stunt that she had forgotten about the fact that the videos were going to be shown that night... on air, with her in the studio! Memories of watching the video the previous night... and the effect that they’d had on her worried her. She hoped... prayed... that the videos wouldn’t stir her up the way they’d done the other night... not here... not now... on the air.

Jessica caught a glimpse of herself in a nearby monitor... she was sweating a little... and her milky white breasts were heaving obscenely. She had to get herself under control. She guzzled the bottle of water under her desk... and quickly opened another, downing half of it quickly.


Billy sat stunned during the commercial break. What the hell were they making his Jessica wear? Her tits were almost completely exposed by the jacket she was wearing! Why the hell would she agree to wear such a thing?

He walked over to the bar and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

Then suddenly he smiled. Of course! This was part of Jessica’s surprise! She was going to flaunt her body a little on television... then after the broadcast she’d wear that little outfit to dinner... and home... very naughty!

That was why he wasn’t able to get into the studio! He was being intentionally delayed so the outfit would be a surprise!

That must be the reason. Billy sat back to watch the rest of the program.

Yes... that must be it.

Billy tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach that was telling him that he was wrong.


During the brief break, Sarah Davenport quickly rushed on-set to put four more bottles of ice-cold water under Jessica’s desk.

Seeing her assistant, and realizing that the break afforded her an opportunity, Jessica decided to do something about her jacket. “Sarah, I need you to get the spare jacket out of my office. I can’t continue a program looking like this!” Jessica spread her arms and showed the ridiculous amount of beautiful white cleavage that her jacket exposed.

Sarah looked at Jessica’s beautiful white cleavage and bit her lip nervously. “Of course Jess… I mean Ms. McFar… Jessica.” The young beauty stammered.

Jessica couldn’t help but notice the unusually anxious behaviour her normally calm and collected assistant was displaying. Jessica also suddenly noticed that Sarah’s blouse was mis-buttoned, and her white lace bra was visible.

“Sarah,” Jessica whispered to her assistant, “You’ve got some buttons out of place. The upper three are undone, and the middle one is out of sync with the button holes.”

“Oh! Oops!” Sarah quickly reached up to fix her buttons... and that’s when Jessica noticed something really unusual.

“Sarah!” Jessica exclaimed, “where is your engagement ring?”

Sarah hesitated for a moment, fixing her blouse before answering. Strangely, the conservative young woman left the top three buttons unbuttoned, showing an unusual amount of her cleavage. Her white lacy bra was even more visible than it had been before she fixed her blouse!

“What?...oh... uh...” Sarah finally answered, “Oh, I just left it at home this morning. I was worried about misplacing somewhere at work.”

Now Jessica knew something was wrong. “Sarah, are you sure everything is all right?” Jessica asked quietly.

“Yeah..” Sarah answered, sweating now. “Yeah, I’m fine, why?”

“I don’t know...” Jessica smiled. “It’s just that earlier... you told me that you spent the night here in your office, and just now you said you left your ring at home...”

Sarah’s eyes widened, and she briefly bit her lip. “Oh...oh...” she giggled, “I’m sorry, did I say at home, I meant in my office. I left my ring in my office.”

Jessica continued, “...but...”

Sarah hesitated again... “Look... we’ll have to talk about this after the show... there isn’t time to go into it now.” Sarah fled the set before Jessica could respond.

“Why is the girl so cagey?” Jessica wondered. She didn’t have time to wonder for very long, because the director’s voice boomed over the studio intercom, interrupting Jessica’s train of thought.


Jessica finished her bottle of water, smiled brightly, and turned to the camera, as words lit up on the teleprompter.


“Pornographic, racist, offensive. These are the words that music video network executives used in describing why they have continually refused to air music videos created by the music group “Black Phallus”. The FCC has agreed, and ruled that the videos cannot air on regularly broadcast television. The decision has resulted in preventing all of those music videos from ever airing on television... until tonight!”

Jessica tried to focus on the teleprompter and ignore the image of herself on the studio monitor. Her chest was heaving and her cleavage was beginning to shine with perspiration. This was not unnoticed by the black male studio crew.

“Tonight we, we at The Whole Truth, are able to present these videos, in their entirety. We have managed to do this only because this interview is being carried on pay-per-view stations, and a members-only web-simulcast. Please be advised again that the material you see tonight will be shown in its entirety. Much of it is sexually explicit, and may be considered offensive. After these videos are aired tonight, stay tuned for an exclusive interview with the artists responsible, and hear what they have to say about their music, their videos, and their unusual philosophy about society, culture, and race.”

Jessica’s mind briefly flashed forward to the interview later that night. She imagined herself trying to professionally confront these outrageous black rappers. How would she possibly be able to conduct such an interview wearing a jacket that left her breasts available to lusting stares of the same men that specialized in sensational, sexually explicit lyrics about white women. What horrible comments might they make about her body if they saw her in this jacket?

“The first music video that “The Whole Truth” will show you tonight concerns Black Phallus’s views on the concept of marriage. Like the others you will see later tonight, features sexually explicit lyrics and video footage. Black Phallus claims that this explicit material is vitally necessary to underscore the points that they are trying to make about what they call, “unnatural cultural values”. Critics claim that the music video, like the music itself, is simply puerile pornography and an affront to a time-honoured tradition and sacred institution.”

Jessica took an unnaturally long pause at this point, her mind wandering to the images she’d seen in the music video… and the reaction that she’d had to them… and betrayed look on her husband’s face.

And now, “The Whole Truth” presents Black Phallus’s “White Wedding...” Jessica hesitated before finishing the title of the song... she’d forgotten she’d have to say some of these suggestive and explicit words on air!

“White Wedding, Blacked Bride!” Jessica tried to maintain a professional demeanor, but couldn’t help but shiver as the song’s complete title left her mouth. She could even feel a tingle... one she’d felt the previous evening when she’d seen the video.

The video feed cut to the opening of the music video, which Jessica tried desperately to ignore. The last time she’d seen this video she got highly aroused. She couldn’t allow that to happen here... she couldn’t allow people to think that Black Phallus’s music video turned her on! Still, she couldn’t help but notice that several pairs of eyes in the studio were glued to the monitor screens as the video played out. Jessica reached under her desk for a water bottle, which she downed quickly. Why was it so damn hot in the studio? Jessica looked around the studio, trying to find something to distract her from the video playing on monitors all around her... and noticed that Sarah was nowhere to be seen.


“I gave her all the water, just like you said.” Sarah said quietly to the hulking black form of Tom Watkins... manager of Black Phallus. They were in her office.

“And the temperature and stage lights are at the setting I requested?” Watkins said, grabbing the young woman’s breasts and kneading them roughly through the silky fabric of her blouse.

“Yesssssss” Sarah cooed, rubbing her hands over Tom powerful chest, and under his jacket. “Please! You said... if I did it, that you’d ... we could... you know.” Sarah dropped a hand down to Tom’s groin, rubbing the enormous rock hard bulge in his trousers.

“Say it Sarah!” Watkins commanded, “don’t imply. Say it!”

“You said you’d fuck me!” Sarah whimpered... “You said you’d fuck me with your BIG BLACK COCK like you did last night!”

“Of course I will Sarah, but you know what you have to do to get us started!” Tom smiled.

Sarah backed away, not wanting to leave the black man’s embrace, but desperately needing to obey him. She worked her fingers over the buttons of her silk blouse and opened it, revealing her full, firm breasts, encased in their white lacy bra. Sarah’s soft white skin was covered with hickeys... hickeys she’d received the previous evening, from many black mouths.

Tom reached a large black hand out and snatched Sarah’s bra, pulling it down, freeing her full firm breasts, and hard nipples. Sarah’s came instantly at the dominating action... her knees buckled, and she fell to the ground, face to face with Tom’s groin. Leaning forward she hungrily kissed the still-clothed black cock, nuzzling Tom’s groin, inhaling his manly scent... a scent laced with the EI enhanced X Serum hormone!

“You know what to do Sarah! Don’t keep me waiting!” Tom whispered. “We don’t have much time. You have to be ready for your part of the show tonight!”

Sarah immediately worked her nimble white fingers over Tom’s zipper, and freed his monstrous 12 inch black cock. Taking it quickly in both her tiny white hands, she lovingly looked up into Tom penetrating brown eyes, and gently licked the precum from the tip of his cock.

Then, she came again.


‘Disgusting! Absolutely disgusting!’ Billy thought to himself as he watched the Black Phallus video. “I can’t believe they would put this garbage on television, let alone expose my wife to it, and make her do a story about them. Don’t they realize the kind of publicity this will generate for these... degenerates?” This is sick! Who would enjoy this shit?”

But Billy knew who would enjoy this ‘shit’. His wife. This was the same video he had caught her watching... had caught her masturbating to... just the other night. But he didn’t want to think of that. Instead he again asked himself...“Nobody could possibly watch this garbage!”


Becky Davenport stared wide-eyed at the sexy white brides and black studs in different erotic scenarios on her TV screen. She’d heard that “Black Phallus” videos were pretty risqué, but she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

Her parents had always taught her that pre-marital sex was dirty. The idea of a wife cheating on her husband was wicked. But this video didn’t stop there...this video showed new white brides ditching their grooms on their wedding day and giving themselves to black men instead!

Deep down Becky knew that she should find the concept disgusting... but there was something about the imagery in the video that was hotter than anything she’d ever imagined! Unconsciously, the pretty young redhead dropped a hand to her lap and began nervously tugging at the hem of her fitted tee-shirt. She slowly, unconsciously slipped her hand up under her tee, and began stroking her flat white tummy, never taking her eyes from the action.


By the time the video ended, Jessica McFarland’s eyes were glued to the monitor nearest her desk. She’d wanted desperately to ignore the video, but its pull was just too strong. Thankfully, it didn’t generate as quite a strong effect on her as it had the previous night.

All the same, she was grateful that the video ended when it did.

She turned her attention back to the camera and teleprompter and composed herself as the video ended.

“As you can see, the video is certainly provocative, and there is reason for controversy, but that’s not the only video we have for you tonight, and others are every bit as controversial. See the next video, after these messages from our sponsor.”


“Every bit as controversial?” Billy didn’t like the sound of that. The first video had been a disgusting slight against the institution of marriage. The lyrics were explicit, and the video footage was too obvious to be considered ‘objective’.

He shuddered to think how the next video could be worse... Billy was even more troubled by the fact that that the ‘artists’ responsible for this filth would be sitting inches from his beautiful, intelligent wife in a matter of minutes.
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