Stephanie looked at the mirror. It was Tuesday morning. The BIG DAY for her and her husband. After months of discussions and fantasizing about it they were going to do it. Big step. She felt excited but also thrilled. "This will change their lives, no doubt!" thought she.

Looking at the mirror she was seeing a woman which was 31 years old, still in very good shape. Although she has given birth to two kids, it didn’t change her body so much. She managed to recover well from pregnancies also by practicing fitness regularly which helped her to keep well. Of course, her C-cup breasts became a little bit saggy, but they still looked firm and alluring. Her ass was nice and round, her body proportional, and her skin still smooth and delicate. Nice and ready for new challenge.

"Steph! We need to leave in 25 minutes!" yelled her husband from downstairs.

"OK, coming!" responded she, starting to hurry up.


Monica just entered the modern building of the built in 2018 Refugee Assistance Center. "What an innocent name." thought she, given the fact the kind of “assistance” it was providing to migrants from Africa and Asia which moved to Europe during the big waves in 2015 and 2016.

She was in a hurry. It was already 8:10, and she got first applicants scheduled for a meeting at 8:15. Indeed, while she was rushing to her part of the office she saw a couple waiting in the hall, probably waiting for a meeting with her.

"Good morning." she said with a pleasant but official smile on her face. "Sorry for being late. Traffic… you know." added, with an apologetic look.

"Oh, it’s ok. Technically, you are still on time." responded the man politely, while his wife smiled her back.

Monica used this moment to look at them more closely. The woman looked really nice. Her face was pretty and her dark brown hair were put in a ponytail. The man was quite handsome, although she didn’t notice anything special in him. At first look they seem to be a typical German middle-class marriage. 30-35 years old, assessed Monica, trying to guess, as she was always doing, before she would get all the details from them during the interview.

She started to work there once the RAC was opened. Remaining skeptical about the whole idea behind the center, she was tempted by excellent working conditions. Since it was a the flag project for the current mayor of Heiselstadt, Center was (and still is) offering really good salary and other benefits. The work itself was not particularly interesting, but also not demanding or stressful. She has chosen to join the recruitment division, mostly because she liked to talk to people. Anyway…. she was satisfied with her job, and the money was good enough (combined with the salary of her husband) to secure a comfortable life for her ******.


When mayor of the city came up with the idea to provide sexual comfort to migrants it raised a lot of controversy at first. The main reason for all that plans was the refugee camp which was situated near Heiselstadt. Local authorities did all they could to secure best conditions and security, but the flow became soon overwhelming. Current number of the inhabitants of the camp (which developed to a size of a small town) exceeded two thousands, and was still growing. There was no prospects to offer all of them fresh new start, jobs and accommodation in the neighborhood.

They came from Africa, Syria and Afghanistan. The main point of concern were the single males. The families (if there were any), women and children were put on the priority list when it came to providing them a chance for normal life, housing and jobs. In result, that left hundreds of males in the camp, wandering without having much to do, which caused growing level of desperation and anger among them. More and more security measures had to be taken to prevent them to start posing real threat to local security.

The elected in 2017 mayor Susan Rahn, progressive activist, introduced then a thrilling idea to provide sexual service to them, also to lower they aggressive behavior. But the main reason was something else. She wanted German women, especially those married and wealthy to offer their bodies to those poor, unprivileged men. She perceived this idea as justified way to combat inequalities. In her view such a devotion and sacrifice was needed from German families as the charity contribution. Echoes of colonialism and World Wars certainly played crucial role behind this concept. According to Rahn and her colleagues countries like Germany owed something to the World. The European welfare was built also at the cost of Africa and Asia. Their motto was simple: it’s time to pay some reparations. That’s why Rahn’s movement welcomed the decision of German government to accept as much migrants as possible in the peak of the waves of 2015 and 2016. But, in their opinion, much more needed to be done. The center she created was to be a symbolic gesture of good will towards the migrants.

What’s more, multiculturalism and liberal attitude towards sexual habits of German society has become as a welcomed and commonly accepted patterns for life. This created a fertile ground for creating the Refugee Assistance Center and to promote its goals. Strong marketing from the local government worked well: providing sexual comfort to migrants was viewed by many as charity, not prostitution. The posters and ads were seen everywhere, picturing such sacrifice from a white marriage as a right thing to do. Not to much surprise, soon there were hundreds of applicants willing to contribute. The numbers were impressive, even though there were some strict rules for participation. Soon other German cities followed the suit; later such centers were also been created in France, Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Italy.


Monica lit the light in her room and turned on the computer. The whole office was designed in modern way, using glass for walls and divisions. It was giving the impression of bigger space inside the building. But there was more in that: all the marriages who visited the center to apply were there for all to be seen. Nothing was hidden. According to the principles of the program, there was nothing to hide. It was all about sacrifice, breaking down the prejudice and showing off the openness. If a couple was there for application, they were on full display. The women have to demonstrate the willingness to sacrifice their sexuality, bodies and (eventually) their fertility; the men were here to show their support to offer their wives and give up some of the privileges in favor to newcomers from other continents and cultures.

Once the system started Monica opened the door to invite the couple in.

"Good morning again, please come in."

The couple went in and sat down in comfortable chairs. They didn’t look ashamed, maybe just a little bit nervous.


"Stephanie Sollman." said the female.

"Franz Sollman." followed her husband.

"May I offer you a coffee or tea? It will take a while." asked Monica politely.

"Just water please." said the woman, and the man nodded.

"OK." the clerk just pressed some buttons, and soon after a young male assistant came in with two glasses of water.

"So," started Monica "how are you guys? Everything OK? What brings you here?" asked, knowing already the answer.

Short pause. The couple exchanged looks.

"We…. We are here to contribute to the program." said Stephanie. "First we want to get the details, but we’ve decided already."

Franz nodded again.

"Oh well." thought Monica, "the woman seems to be a little bit nervous, but likely convinced already. That will make this conversation much easier." She also noticed that the lady spoke first. Basing on her experience in the recruitment process, that was always a good sign. There were some couples in which the principal drive leading them to the program was the common fetish of letting the wife or girlfriend fuck men of different race. Monica had the preference for couples, who treated this opportunity more serious and closer to the goals of the Center.

"Fair enough," she said out loud. "we already verified your marital status. It is very important," she added, "because we only accept marriages. It is also required that you wear your wedding rings every time you are scheduled for your act of sacrifice."

Stephanie smiled when she heard that. Wedding ring on, 'act of sacrifice.' She already felt nice vibes in her married pussy.

“Marriages only.” was a clear and deliberate policy. White marriages, to be specified. The program required that a couple could apply to a program no sooner that 4 years after their oath or 6 months after having their first child. The intentions behind this were quite obvious. Since the participation in the program led eventually to pregnancy… well, in most of the cases at least, inventors wanted to secure that those babies born as a result of the program will have a chance to grow up in normal families.

The participation was also a chance for some couples to conceive a child, if they couldn’t get it in natural way. Plus… according to the rules, most female entrants were about 28-32 years old. They have already orderly lives, good jobs and successful stories behind. In such case the decision to devote part of their comfortable life, their education and part of their marriage to offer their bodies to those Black or Muslim migrants to fulfill their primal needs and urges, and" ultimately" to give them a chance to fertilize their German, Arian eggs ….. yes, that sounded like sacrifice. This word defined the program.

Exclusion of young females was in this context kind of understandable. Authorities didn’t want to create lonely mothers or exploit naïve girls. There were plenty other ways to help the world if they wanted. Nevertheless the program seemed already to have additional side effects. It became so popular that authorities noticed a slight but steady increase in numbers of marriages in the German cities, as well as the increase in the birth rates (coming both from the result of the program itself, and from the marriages who wanted to accelerate their admission to it).


"OK!" continued Monica. "I assume that you are fully aware of the character of the program?"

Both Stephanie and Franz nodded. "Yes, we are."

"Anyway, I need to inform you that the primary duty of a female member of the program is to provide sexual services to the migrants who live in the camp nearby our town. By signing the papers you would agree to visit the camp at the time you are told to and to offer your body for sexual pleasure of the men, no matter of their physical appearance, color of their skin and their age. Standard requirements includes you vagina, breasts and mouth, while anal is optional. They are allowed to use your body raw, without condom or any other protection. Our policy is to give them the right to have unlimited access to sexual pleasure."


"The other duties and rules are specified by the level of the membership you would like to choose."

"There are the levels?" asked Stephanie. "Could you be more specific?"

"Yes, of course. See…. from your files I can see that you already have two white children. That makes you eligible for levels B and C. We have three levels available for applicants plus additional level (C2) for marriages which are just seeking to get pregnant quickly. But it is only available for the couples in which the man is sterile."

"Why not A?"

"Level A is for couples who don’t have their own kids. Our policy is that marriages should have their own baby or babies before they can risk an interracial pregnancy. Therefore the level A couples can participate in our program in very limited way. All those who have one kid qualify automatically to B level. After a year they advance to C level, unless they got pregnant. Couples with two children can choose between B and C…. Those with 3 or more go automatically to C level."

"Ok….We would like to know details, but we already decided to get involved as much as possible," said Franz, "so probably C level it is."

"Oh, I appreciate that. This system of levels may seem complicated, but in fact it is not. It’s all about pregnancy risk and the intensity of your service. The whole system is made to give also some unpredictability which seems to be fun for the couples. It is a kind of a game. Look. I need to start from this: after you sign the papers you will install a special app at your Smartphones. I assume you," said Monica looking directly at Stephanie, "already stopped taking your pills or removed any other birth control measures you might have used, right?"

"Yes, I did!" responded the woman firmly "exactly as it was recommended in your brochure."

"Good. The fact that a woman comes to our Center already unprotected is a symbolic sign of her readiness and openness. Anyway… All you need to do is to install the app and then, and when your next period starts, you need to enter the date to the system. It will be marked as Day 1. Then, the system will schedule your visits to the camp according to the level of your membership and its duration."

"So far, everything is clear." said Franz.

"OK, coming straight to the point." started the clerk "Level A (just for the record) means that you are scheduled for 3 visits at the camp per your menstrual cycle and only and strictly in your most safe days. There are no restrictions for the female member to have sex with her husband."

"Oh, that makes me think that there will be some restrictions later?" said Franz in a tone that could mean both dissatisfaction and excitement.

"You are correct," responded Monica with a smile. The policy of the Center states clearly that the sacrifice need to be done by the marriage, not only by the woman. The husbands need to give up something as well. That is why we strongly encourage the men to participate in the meetings as observers, and also to show off the support, for example by holding their wives’ hands while she gives her body to the migrants. But we demand more. German men, the husbands, must also show their willingness to help the unprivileged, poor people coming from Africa, Middle East and Asia by giving up some of his rights. To do their own sacrifice."

The couple looked at each other. Stephanie knew exactly, that such words would make her hubby horny. They discussed it so many times. Indeed Franz was aroused by everything he heard so far. He played this fantasy so many times in his head, both when having sex with his wife, and when he was wanking in the bathroom. His wife, his lovely pretty Stephanie, giving her body, her nice tits, and her pussy or mouth for somebody’s else pleasure. Mhmm…. yeah. He was feeling bigger and bigger tension in his pants during this discussion.

"So, back to the details. Levels B and C require more involvement and include pregnancy risk or possibility if you wish. Level B membership means that you have minimum 5 visits at the camp, while level C 7 visits. Basically they will be scheduled during your theoretically safe days, but as you understand well, the more days we pick up from your cycle, the more risk there is. Additionally, you will be getting special cards. One for you," she said, pointing at Stephanie, "and one for you, Franz. Those for you, Stephanie, will include mainly extra visits at the camp, or reshuffling of the picked dates also to cover your fertile days. Those for men contain some requirements or restrictions for husbands sexual activity. I can’t give you more details, since we would like to get you the chance to be surprised." said the clerk with a smile.

"So the difference between B and C is only about those 2 days?" asked Stephanie.

"No. The special cards for level C members are... how to put it in one word? More demanding," said Monica. "Plus, there are more restrictions for the husbands."

"Such as?" asked Franz.

"They may vary, depending on cards, but the most important rule of C level is that if you want to have sex with your wife, you will be required to use condom. Besides you will need to wear a chastity cage on your penis." responded Monica.

"What?!" the couple exclaimed with a surprise. "All the time??"

"No," she said in a calming tone. "Only during the visits at the camp and for two hours after. We have special devices and one of them will be given to you. Very fancy, fully automated."

Stephanie and Franz were looking at the clerk with a mixture of fascination and lust.

"This cage needs to be put on you penis before you leave house and when you arrive at the camp our assistant will verify whether you did it properly and then she or he will lock it with a special electronic device for next 4 hours. You will spend approximately 2 hours at the camp. So 2 plus 2 makes 4, right?"

"What is the cause for that?"

"Very simple! It shows your devotion to the whole idea and it makes those Black and Muslim men more satisfied and happy when they see you caged like this. That gives them the impression that your wife is completely and truly theirs in that moment. Besides, this device prevents your potential attempts to have sex with your wife, even if you would be willing to break the rules. According to our policy, at the time we schedule, the wife should be available only to the migrants. They have the right to use her and to put their sperm inside her. So, you are not allowed to disturb them or even try to mix your cum with theirs. It’s their moment of superiority and glory."

"Yhm… ok, I understand." muttered Franz. He looked at his wife and saw that she closed her eyes for a moment. The more they heard, the more aroused they were becoming.

"Any specific questions to that part or may I move to other details?"

"I would like to hear the rest and then maybe I will have questions." responded Stephanie.

"OK. I need to inform you about following things. First, we want to assure you that you will never be harmed or beaten. Those guys know the rules. Please be warned though that they may abuse you or your husband verbally, calling you names, laugh at you or provoke you. They can be also…. how to call it? Not brutal maybe, but kind of aggressive in their sexual needs." she smiled apologetically.

"You need to understand their situation and you have to submit to that with no objection. There will be not much foreplay." Monica used her favorite joke. "They are also regularly checked for diseases and are obliged to take shower before the meeting."

"Second: the meetings are scheduled daily between 18:00 and 20:00. During your acts of sacrifice you are entitled to get a free babysitter for you kids, if necessary. We have some volunteers who want to contribute to the program as well but are not eligible to full membership and they are helping with that."

"Third: you need to appear at least 20 minutes before your scheduled act of sacrifice. We built a provisional building with changing rooms at the campsite, straight near the entrance. You will go there, enter the booth indicated by our assistant and undress totally, I mean all your clothes and shoes. Then you will wait until your will be told to move. You will not meet the other couples. We want to secure that everyone is concentrated on giving the pleasure to camp residents. Female bodies are to be used and admired by them, not by other German husbands. So, your device," said Monica, pointing at Franz, "will be checked if you will be wearing it that day, and secured, and then you will be given the number of room. We arranged them so that each couple has privacy, but there is not much there. Just a simple bed, a chair for husbands, a table with water for you, if you need it."

"Fourth: once you get to the room, you will wait for the man. He will use the doorbell. Not to ask for permission to ask whether he may come in, which is obvious that he can," smiled Monica, "but to announce his entrance. Once you hear the ring you are obliged to kneel down, I mean both of you, before the bed and face toward the door, hands at your side. It’s very important. You need to show your modesty and readiness to serve them right from the start."

"Fifth: after his entrance, you, Stephanie, are fully obligated to do everything you are told or shown."


"Yes, shown, because their English is usually poor and not many of them learned any German yet. Some of them speak little French. So yes, they will sometimes show manually what they want to do. Each men has approximately 25 minutes of time to use your body Stephanie," said Monica, underlining the word 'body'. "They decide what to do. You are there for their pleasure. After he will be done, you will have around 10 minutes of break to get some rest, drink water etc., but also to clean yourself and prepare for next man. Are you ready for anal?"

"No, not yet…. Maybe later?" said Stephanie carefully.

"Ok. Like I said, it’s optional. They will know, nobody will do any harm. OK. Last thing: papers. Once we finish this conversation I will print couple of documents for you to sign. Most of them are important from the point of view of the husbands and families. By signing them you agree to offer you body for inhabitants of the camp under the conditions I have described. You will agree to accept the risk of pregnancy and you will declare to accept future baby in you ******, giving her or him your name and treat like your own. The husband will state that he may not file for divorce or refuse to sustain his ****** until the kids will become adults. If he does so the child support money will be doubled. Ah, one more thing I forgot to say about this C level. It’s quite important and you have to know in advance."

"What’s that?"

"As you may already realized, the C level will lead to interracial pregnancy, no doubt. The policy of the Center is to promote multiculturalism and bring more multi-ethnicity to the German society. But of course there must be some limits. That’s why we put all families with 2 kids to B (or C if they want) and those with 3 kids straight to the C. In general we want you families to maintain ethnic balance. As I said, B gives you the risk/chance of pregnancy, while C leads you to pregnancy sooner or later. While in B, you can still get your own kids, right? When you move to C level there is no chance for that, since your husband needs to use condoms. The C level means your true devotion to multiculturalism since you offer your unprotected womb and eggs to Black and Muslim migrants. That goes without objection. You MUST do it. Their poverty, their misfortune and all they had to go through gives them right to compensation and moral reparations. Your body is paying those. That’s the rule number one. So, if you break the rules, and if your husband makes you pregnant while you are doing your sacrifice on level C and you will give birth to white baby that would mean serious consequences."

The couple looked surprised. "And that would be?"

"Forced vasectomy for the husband and immediate and forced entry to C2 level which will be repeated year after year to bred you as many times as many white kids you have. So, in your case you would be deliberately bred 3 times, year after year."

"Wow," sighed Franz. "That sounds harsh."

Stephanie looked less agitated. She thought that the chances that her husband would make her pregnant during the period she would like to serve are close to zero. They already discussed it and both agreed that they want to make a real sacrifice for the idea of helping the migrants. She will be available to them only.

"May I ask something?" Stephanie interrupted the moment of silence. "Thank you for your passionate explanation. I’m really sure I want to participate in the program and we want to start immediately on the C level. I have one last question." She really looked confident, while her husband just nodded with appreciation.


"What happens if I get pregnant? I mean in the terms of my service?"

"If everything goes well you will be scheduled for normal visits at the camp until the end of second trimester of your pregnancy. After that time normal intercourses would be both not comfortable and also potentially dangerous for the baby. But you will be still scheduled to serve them orally. We have prepared special place to do that. A big room where we are gathering all the female members in advanced pregnancy. Husbands don’t enter. Each of you will have a place by the wall with a gloryhole. Those sessions take place in the morning, and are shorter. They last one hour, but this is just for you information. You don’t need details now. Anyway. If you would like to stay in the program after the birth, you may come back three months after that."

"OK, I understand. I know everything now." said Steph. "Do you have any questions, Franz?"

"I don’t think so."

Monica smiled. "So let’s move to the formalities. I would like to ask you kindly to go to Legal Department, room number 216. I will send your data. They will prepare all the papers. Once you sign it, you, Stephanie, will get a special bracelet to wear on your wrist. A black one, with the RAC sign on it. You are required to have it all the time. Wear it with pride."

After they left Monica’s office Steph and her husband went to other part of the Center to sign the papers. The talk with the RAC officer was quite intense for them. All the emotions which swirled in their heads and the discussion itself made them a little bit tired. Signing the documents itself went quickly, although they realized one more time what they had decided on. Nevertheless, it was still theory, and the real thing was still to come.

Once they entered their car they felt a mix of emotional exhaustion and physical excitement. The silence accompanied them almost to the very house. It seemed that they both needed a little bit of the time to think about it. When Franz turned the car to their street and was approaching their nice house and garage, he spoke first.

"We did it, Steph. We really did it."

His wife smiled back and nodded. "Big step, big move." she said.

After they entered the garage, Franz wanted to step out of the car.

"Wait... wait!" whispered his wife, looking directly at his eyes. Her hand wandered towards his pants. Once she touched his cock through his jeans, she felt how hard it was.

"Oh…. Mhm…." sighed the man.

"Franz," started his wife, "I want to thank you for your generosity to those poor migrants. It is a big gesture to let them use me for their comfort and pleasure." said Stephanie rubbing his crotch with her hand. Her husband closed his eyes, and the expression on his face indicated that he won’t be able to last long, even though he wanted to extend his pleasure as long as possible.

"You are a generous and caring husband Franz," whispered Steph, and started to tease him. "Imagine a healthy and strong Black man touching my body." her husband moaned at this thought.
"Imagine him mauling and sucking my tits, fulfilling his sexual needs, his lust. Imagine his cock entering my pussy, my faithful white pussy, now available to him only." His breathing clearly picked up. "Can you see his pace and wildness while he fucks your helpless wife?"

"Oooooh," moaned Franz. "Please, please!" he whined. "Can you imagine his roar when he dumps his big load inside my unprotected pussy, and his black sperm is starting to seek my fertile eggs to mark his property? Franz?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" he exclaimed, feeling intense orgasm, while his sperm oozed inside his pants. His head went down, exhausted both physically and mentally. Stephanie took her hand and put it on his shoulder. What a morning it was.