My wife Sue and I had never been to Cancun before. It was so gorgeous, white beaches stretching for miles, exotic people everywhere, so different than home that I suppose that was why we did what we did. Heaven knows we had never been so wild back home in Ohio.

We arrived and almost at once noticed that the Mexican men went crazy for Sue. She is a very conservative dresser so it wasn't her clothes or her actions. It must have been her pale skin, green eyes and long red hair past her waist that they were attracted to. Her hair is naturally wavy and so long that she has to be careful not to sit on it. It isn't a carrot red, it is a beautiful reddish-blond color, what some people call strawberry-blonde. She is a very pretty girl, with full pouty lips and a cute little button nose with just a few freckles, but she was raised as a good midwesterner and would never act like a flirt at home, or anywhere else!

Not that she would not have been noticed if she wanted attention that's for sure. Although Sue is only 4'11", she has a great body. She looks like a pinup girl in miniature if you can picture that. She only weighs about 89 lbs. and her curves are in all the right places. She has a very narrow waist, beautiful legs, and a round little ass with just the right amount of meat on her bones, if you know what I mean. Her breasts are c-cups which on her look rather large, although of course no at home ever saw her in as much as a tight t-shirt, let alone any sort of bikini or low cut top.

Ever since we were married two years ago, when she was seventeen and I was eighteen, I had dreamed of seeing her in something a little more daring but she wouldn't hear of such a thing. "You don't want your wife acting like some sort of tramp do you?" she would ask me.

"No honey of course not" I said, but inside I could only imagine how proud I would be to escort her into a bar dressed in something sexy and know that every man there wished that she was with them!

Being so far from home and knowing that nobody we knew was anywhere around made me think back to my fantasies. I worked up the courage to ask her if she would just try on a bikini instead of her conservative swimsuit that she wore to the beach back home. She giggled and admitted that it was kind of flattering the way all the dark mexican men seemed to be so taken with her pale looks. "Maybe just this once Bobby, but nothing too revealing, ok?" I kissed her and told her how happy she had made me and we made arrangements to go shopping later that afternoon.

When we arrived, we looked at several different bikinis and Sue picked out a very conservative one that was really more of a two-piece than a bikini, but I was thrilled that she was trying so I kept my mouth shut. She disappeared into the changing room, and in a few moments she nervously stuck her head out between the curtains. "Is there anyone else out there or is it safe for me to come out?" she asked demurely.

"Nobody but us honey", I replied and so she nervously stepped out into the room. Even in this conservative suit she looked great with her big breasts, flat tummy and long red hair!

The mirror was over on the other side of the store so she had to walk over there to see how she looked. Just as she got there, two handsome mexican gentlemen walked into that part of the store. There was no place for her to hide so all she could do was try to act like she wore suits like this all the time. Both men looked her over from top to bottom and it was obvious that they loved what they saw! The darker of the two said, "Young man you are the luckiest man in Cancun to have such a woman on your arm. Such skin, such hair, and with eyes the color of jade, she is a prize to be treasured, allow me to congratulate you on the beauty of your lovely wife." I swelled with pride at the thought that these exotic gentlemen could only wish they possessed this beauty who was mine and mine alone! MY WIFE!

I looked over at Sue and realized she had turned beet red with embarrassment, even her cleavage was pink! But she was smiling and she obviously was flattered by the praise she was receiving. "Thank you, you are very kind!" was all she could mutter to the two handsome strangers.

Just then a flashy blonde walked into the room in a bikini that left nothing to the imagination! She bent over just a few feet from our friends to look at some shoes that were displayed on the floor. Her tits practically fell out of her top, and all she had on the bottom was a thong that covered absolutely nothing. She then turned and left the room and our friends followed her out like two dogs in heat!

When I looked back at Sue she had a very sad look on her face. "What's wrong darling?" I asked.

"Nothing." she said, but I pressed her for an explanation and she told to me that she had enjoyed being the center of attention and she was a little hurt that some 'bottle blonde' had stolen her thunder.

I told her that the other girl couldn't compare with her, as Sue was younger, prettier and much firmer, it was only the skimpy bikini that the men had been attracted to. She thought about this for a moment and with a determined look in her eyes she started to grab several different outfits from the racks around her. As she went into the dressing room she said "Are you sure you want me to look more sexy honey?"

"Absolutely!" I said, "I have dreamt of this day since we were married baby!"

In a few more minutes, Sue stuck her head out of the curtain and she had an impish look on her face that was so cute I couldn't believe it. "Are you ready to see your wife in her new look?"

Without waiting for me to answer, she stepped out of the dressing stall. I almost fell over when I saw my innocent wife in her new outfit. She had on a yellow pleated skirt sort of like what cheerleaders wear but made out of a very lightweight silky material. Her skirt barely covered her pretty bottom and swayed with every step. In addition she was wearing a bare midriff 'Peasant blouse', made of white cotton with elastic just under her breasts and elastic on the top that gathered it together, with short sleeves and a scooped neck. She had it pulled down over her shoulders so that the tops of her creamy boobs mounded out like a walking wet dream! With her bare midriff, her little belly button was exposed, and in addition to the blouse and the short skirt she also had on short yellow socks with lace around the ankles, and black spike heels that made her teeter a bit when she walked. She came out and did a little spin, causing her short skirt to fly up and I got a quick glimpse of her tiny yellow panties! Not only that, it was also obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra because her pink nipples were sticking through the thin material of her blouse!

"My God Sue don't you think this might be a little too much?" I stammered. It struck me now that I was worried that someone really would see my wife in this little outfit and maybe I wasn't as ready for this as I had thought.

"oh come on Bobby, loosen up! You said this was what you wanted, and we are so far from home there is no way we will ever see any of these people again so just let me have a little fun and bask in the attention, O.K. honey?", batting her big green eyes at me and looking up into my face adoringly. How could I say no to such a vision, so of course I relented and we paid for our purchases and walked out into the street.

We had been shopping longer that I had known and it was almost dinnertime so we decided to go to a club we had heard about. Every man we passed stared as though Sue was a rare steak and they were starving. Who could blame them, as her little skirt flipped up with every step, and her peasant blouse seemed to have slipped even lower on her breasts till her mounds were on display for every man in the city. She was nervous but very excited and flattered and she turned and whispered in my ear, "I hope you ate your wheaties because when we get back to the hotel I want you to make love to me like never before."

I couldn't believe my quiet little Sue had said that, since usually she just turned off all the lights and let me make love to her but with no foreplay or anything that she called 'kinky stuff'. She had been a virgin when we married and I was never able to get her to even consider oral sex , sexy nighties, or anything but missionary style sex. Now here we were in a strange country and she was displaying her body to every man in the city, whether they were white, black or Mexican! As we walked down the street my ears burned as I heard men whistle, and a few even said things like "look at that ass", or "check out the tits on that one", and nudged each other with their elbows. This was getting to be a bit much for me but I had started it and she was having such fun that I didn't want to be a spoil sport.

We finally reached the club and I thought at least we would be off the street and a little less exposed. We had no reservations but to my amazement the head waiter took one look at my wife's hot body and escorted us to the front of the club past all the other patrons who had to wait for a table. It made me proud to be with such an obvious favorite of so many men although I didn't like it much when the waiter seated Sue and brushed his arm across her breast as he handed her the menu! I considered complaining to the manager but she told me not to ruin our evening so I kept quiet although I boiled inside.

We were treated to incredible service throughout the meal and we kept getting free drinks, compliments of a table of three men sitting directly across from Sue. They were all in their thirties and very well dressed. One was a black man about 6' 6" tall with a body that you can only get with bodybuilding. The other two were distinguished looking mexican men who were each about 6'2" tall with muscular builds. As I am only 5'7" I have always been envious of tall guys but since Sue was 4'11' she made me feel like a big man and with every man in the place staring at her, I felt ten feet tall!

I went over to thank them for the drinks and when I turned around to come back I realized why they had been so generous. From their table you could look right up Sue's short skirt. She was sitting with her lovely legs crossed and the cheeks of my wife's ass were exposed to every man on that side of the room! I hadn't realized that she had picked out yellow thong panties that consisted of nothing except for a small triangle of silk, which barely covered her tiny vagina, and the elastic strings that held it together!

Horrified, I rushed back over to our table determined to cover up my wife from the prying eyes of all the leering perverts. This was way beyond anything I had fantasized and I was getting uncomfortable with the whole situation. By the time I got back over there three different guys were trying to get Sue to dance with them. She explained that she was married and sent them away. Relieved, I sat down and felt a little better knowing that she was still my little Sue and mine alone.

"Darling, I know you don't realize it but your skirt has ridden up to the point that all these men can see everything you have" I whispered.

She smiled at me so sweetly and said, "I know Bobby, isn't it exciting to be the center of so much envy and attention! It's just a little teasing game Bobby, it won't lead to anything more."

I could not fathom that my sweet little wife was knowingly exposing her privates to all these strangers. Was this the same girl who wouldn't wear a two piece bathing suit the day before?

"Please Bobby, let me have my fun tonight and when we get back home things will be back to normal. Please honey, it's only one night and besides only you ever really get to touch me, you know that. They can look but all this belongs to you", she purred. Then she arched her back and stretched like a cat causing her breasts to rise out of her blouse like bread in an oven.

I never could deny her anything especially when she looked like that. "O.k. just this once", I muttered.

"Thanks baby", she cooed, "and since you are being such a good hubby when we get back to the room tonight I will do what you have always wanted me to do. You know, put your manhood in my mouth?" she whispered and blushed. My cock instantly hardened at the thought of her letting me do what I had dreamed of for so long. It swelled to its full four inch length and made a tent in the front of my pants.

Just then I realized that the huge black man who had been buying us drinks was standing beside our table. He introduced himself as Hugo and asked if he might have the honor of dancing with my lovely wife. I was about to say no when Sue whispered to me that it would be rude to decline and besides I shouldn't forget my promise to let her have her fun and then I would get my reward later. I wasn't pleased but the thought of my cock in her pretty mouth was all I could think about at the time so I said it would be O.K.

She jumped up and Hugo took her tiny white hand in his huge black one and led her to the dance floor. Every man's eyes followed her as she walked and I was filled with pride but also jealousy when Hugo put his arm around her bare waist and let his big black hand drop casually onto her little ass. Just then a slow song started and he pulled her close to him as they began to sway to the music. At that moment I heard a voice and looked up to see a greasy little man, with a bad haircut and yellow teeth, about 60 years old. He was dressed in a cheap suit and had a beer belly hanging over his belt. I had no idea what he wanted to speak with me about since I didn't know him from Adam.

He pulled up a chair and sat down beside me. "Hey buddy, my name is Stu Hartman and I wondered if I could ask you a question?" I told him I guessed it would be O.K. and asked him what he wanted to know.

His breath reeked of garlic as he leaned in close and said, "I just wondered about that hot piece of ass you are with. Which whorehouse did you call to get a gorgeous slut like that? Most of the whores in Cancun don't have that wholesome look in their eyes like she does. I was wondering how much it costs to fuck her? A tiny little teenybopper like that must have a cunt so tight it about rips your dick off. She probably has a little patch of that strawberry blonde hair on her pussy too! Will she charge extra to take my cock up her tight little ass? I sure would enjoy having her suck my cock before I bend her over a table, flip up that little skirt and fuck her asshole while I reach around in front and play with those big fucking tits of hers!"

I was so furious I almost hit this crude oaf but I controlled my anger and said, "That sir is no prostitute, that is my wife, Mrs. Bobby Bunton, and I'll have you know she has never been with any man but me!"

Stu started laughing uproariously, and when he stopped he said, "Let me get this straight Bobby Boy, you're married to a hot little number like that and you allow her to dress like some teenage hooker? She's got her big titties and her tight little ass on display in public, and you think she's not gonna get fucked so hard that the cheeks of her ass turn blue? Hell Bobby, you even let her go out there and bellyrub with that big black stud right in front of you and every other man in the place and don't do a thing. Sorry but I figured she was nothing but a high priced whore the way she was prancing around giving everybody a hard cock! Ole Hugo's showing off her tight little white ass to every man in the room right now as a matter of fact!"

Just then I remembered that she had gone off to dance with Hugo. I turned around and was shocked to see that she was dancing so close to him that you couldn't slip a sheet of paper between them. He was so much taller than her that his stiff cock was actually rubbing against her big breasts. He had his big black hands on her butt and had pulled up her little pleated skirt in back so that only the string in the back of her thong panties was between her ass and the stares of every man in the room! Also the constant grinding of his cock on her breasts and tummy had pulled down her peasant blouse, stretching the elastic so much that one of her pink nipples was exposed and both of her breasts were practically falling out. Next he lifted her up in the air by the cheeks of her ass! Her feet dangled several inches above the dance floor and he was grinding his cock against her as if she was his private inflatable fuck doll.

I could tell from the look on her face that she was terrified and she struggled to pull away but he was just too strong for her. He laughed as she tried to tell him she was a married woman and she demanded he let her go. I screwed up my courage and went over to try and talk sense with him.

"I think we had better be getting back to our room now", I said, trying to act braver than I felt.

Hugo sneered at me and said, "The fun is just starting Bobby. Your wife and I are just getting to know each other." As he looked me straight in the eye he pulled her closer and scooped one of her breasts completely out of her blouse as if daring me to say anything. He roughly pinched her nipple and laughed at my inability to help her.

Just then a police officer walked into the club. Quickly I grabbed Sue's hand and led her out of the club, knowing that Hugo and his friends would not want to start trouble while the authorities were present.

Once we were outside we walked toward our hotel and I held her and consoled her. She told me through her tears that she hadn't meant for it to go so far, it was just a game, she wanted to tease a little, be the center of attention and then go back and make love to her husband. I assured her that I understood and that we were alright now and we wouldn't talk about it again.

Our hotel was further away than we thought and there were no taxis to be found. As we walked I realized we were in a rather desolate part of town, and all the tourists were already in their hotels. All but us that is. The only people we saw were bums and hookers, plus some rough looking men who appeared to be gangsters. Some of them started making comments about Sue's appearance, things like, "Nice tits bitch", or "How much to fuck your ass honey?" We were relieved to see a nicely dressed elderly man unlocking the door to an apartment just up the street. We asked him if we could come in and use the phone to call a taxi and he smiled and said, "Sure, come on up."

When we entered the room it was dark and we couldn't see very well. Our eyes adjusted to the light and to our horror there stood Hugo! He and his friends had set us up and I watched as he paid off the older man who shook his head and looked at me like I was the biggest fool in the world. And maybe I was.

We were now alone with the three huge men. The two mexicans we were told were named Serge and Juan. They grabbed me and tied me to a radiator. There I sat helpless as Hugo grabbed Sue and ran his big paws over her body. He laughed at her screams and told her to shut up and maybe she wouldn't get hurt.

Hugo looked me in the eye and shook his head, "Did you really think you could dress your wife up like a whore and show her ass to everyone and not see her get fucked like a good slut deserves?" They taped my mouth shut, but taped my eyelids open so I would have to watch what was about to happen.

"You wanted to see your wife act like a tramp and this is your chance!"

With that Hugo grabbed the front of Sue's blouse and ripped it from her body. Her big tits jiggled as she fought to get away from him. It was no use, he then grabbed her skirt and pulled it off, taking the thong panties with it in his big hand. She was now stripped totally naked except for her high heels, her eyes wildly looking for any way to escape.

Hugo picked her up like she was a feather and threw her onto a dirty mattress in the corner. As she huddled there, they stripped out of their clothes. The mexicans were big guys, and they each had about 8" of uncircumcised cock between their legs. Then Hugo turned around and I saw his cock. At least 10" long and as big around as my forearm, already it was dripping pre-cum and I couldn't imagine how my little wife could survive this ordeal.

Juan took his cock and shoved in her face, "Suck it bitch, you know you want to." he held her nose shut till she had no choice but to open her mouth. When she did he plunged it into her throat, choking her and making her gasp for air. He wrapped her long red hair around his fist and literally fucked her face, his balls slapping her chin. He looked at me and said,"Hey Bobby Boy this slut sucks real good, does she like to do this for you too?" My face turned crimson red and I knew that they all knew the truth, that my wife had never sucked my cock before but because of my desire to show her off to other men,she was now being face-fucked like a dirty whore.

Serge crawled up between her beautiful legs and rubbed his big brown cock against her tiny red haired mound. She bucked and tried to fight but with Juan on her chest there was nothing she could do. He bent down, spread her pretty pussy lips, her precious pussy that no one but me had ever seen, let alone touched, and then he did something I could not believe. As I watched in horror, he stuck his middle finger in up to the knuckle and twisted. "Hey this bitch has still got a dry cunt!" And with that he bent over and spit into my beautiful bride's vagina. "Gotta get her loosened up man cause otherwise I might rip her little cunt, ya know?" Then he spread her legs and shoved his cock in her in one stroke. Her little body convulsed but neither of them cared about her, only about getting off.

Juan continued fucking her throat as Serge violently shoved his cock in and out of her vagina. Then almost together they both came. Sue choked and cum ran out of her pretty red lips as Juan pulled out. Serge grunted and then sprayed my wife's womb with his seed, and in horror I remembered that we had stopped taking any precautions a few months ago in hopes of starting a ******. Serge climbed off and I could see his sperm dribbling out of her stretched vagina as she lay there moaning. Serge grinned at me and said, "That was one tight cunt Bobby, but it is not so tight anymore!"

Juan and Serge dressed and left, Hugo telling them that he "could handle things from there."

"Every one of this bitch's holes is gonna get used before she leaves here tonight Bobby. Is that what you wanted when you dressed her up like a fucking whore? Cause that is what you are gonna get."

He pulled her up roughly and grabbed her head between his monstrous hands. "Now suck my cock baby and get it good and wet", he ordered her. She stared at his 10" cock in disbelief.

She hung her head and whimpered, "Please don't make me do this, it was just a little game we were playing, I just wanted to tease a little."

This infuriated Hugo and he shoved his big black cock into her mouth and started pumping into her throat. "You dumb cunt," he hissed, "You think cockteasing is a fucking game do you? Well you get my dick nice and wet and then I'll teach you a new game you cockteasing slut!"

Then he pushed her back down on the mattress, but didn't climb between her legs as I expected. I was shocked at what he did next. He made her lay on her back and facing her feet he crawled on top of her with his big black ass right over the top of her face. His huge ebony cock glistened with my wife's saliva as it laid twitching between her big firm breasts. "Now bitch, you are gonna get tit fucked, but I like some special treatment when I tit fuck a whore." With that he lowered his big black ass down over her beautiful face, almost suffocating her in the process. "Now lick my asshole cockteaser!"

My precious wife had no choice, and she tentatively stuck her tongue in his asscrack. "That's it honey lick it good!" he said with pleasure. Then he started to rub his big black cock back and forth between her firm white breasts while he wrapped them roughly around his cock. "Stick your tongue right up my asshole you cockteaser! This is what you get for dressing like a slut and teasing everybody!" He continued to fuck her breasts until finally he groaned and shot a huge load of cum all over her, coating her pink nipples with his juices and said, "You can stop licking now slut I think you cleaned me up pretty good." He then scooped up a big string of his cum with his fingers and shoved it into her wide open vagina. "Just in case Serge didn't cum in her enough Bobby, now she will be sure to have a cuntfull." he sneered. He then forced her to lick all the cum off of his huge black cock, making sure she paid special attention to his big balls as well.

When he climbed off, I looked over at my wife and gazed into her green eyes. Her head hung with shame, she was covered with sperm and all her holes were sore and well fucked just like Hugo said they would be.

Then I realized that her tiny little ass had not been violated. Maybe we could escape without her suffering that humiliation! Hugo laughed and said, "Did you think I forgot something Bobby? No way, it's just that I am a businessman and I got a good offer for your wife's tight little asshole." He then tied her face down to a table and walked out of the room.

I heard movement and looked up to see Stu Hartman walking into the room. "Hey Bobby Boy I told you that I wanted to ass-fuck that little wife of yours!" As he spoke he started to undress, laying his cheap suit and trousers across the back of a chair. His beer belly stuck out as he pulled off his stained boxer shorts. Then he walked up to my tiny wife and stuck his fat 7" cock into her pussy, which only yesterday had been mine and mine alone. "Oh Yeah, that's nice Bobby but not quite as tight as it used to be is it?" he said with a wink. He pulled it out of Sue's vagina and walked around to the other side of the table. Next he made her suck his cock and balls, till they were covered with my wife's saliva.

After his cock was wet, he spread her butt cheeks and shoved his dick into her little rosebud of an asshole. She grunted and cried out as he reached around and mashed her big tits in his hands, all the while stroking in and out of her beautiful ass. Continuing to plunge deeply into my wife's pretty little butt, he reached around in front of her and started to massage her clitoris with his dirty fingers. After a few minutes of this my tiny wife began to moan, but differently than before. Her moans got louder and louder until finally she screamed, "Oh my God, please don't stop fucking my ass, and please keep touching me like that, I've never felt like this before!" Then her whole body started convulsing with pleasure to the point that Stu had to grab her by the hips to keep his cock from popping out of her tight asshole.

After she calmed down a little, Stu patted her ass and said, "Well I'll be damned Bobby Boy, your little cockteasing wife just had the first cum of her life." He stood there with a huge grin on his face and his dick still planted in my wife's asshole and said, "You liked that didn't you Susie? Why don't you show Bobby Boy much you liked getting assfucked by Old Stu."

I couldn't believe what happened next. Stu pulled his cock out until just the head was in Sue's ass. Then he stood with his hands on his hips as my beautiful, petite wife began to wiggle her little butt and shove back toward his cock until every inch of it was deep within her asshole. Then my tiny bride whispered, "Please Stu, fuck my ass again, but harder this time."

He looked me in the eye as he chuckled and said, "Your wife really is a lovely girl Bobby, tight asshole too. I like her tits and really love that long red hair Bobby Boy." He took her strawberry blonde hair in his dirty hands and pulled her head back until her hair reached his balls. Then he rubbed her silky hair all over his cock and balls, and took one last stroke before he shot a huge load of cum into my wife's previously virgin ass.

Groaning with satisfaction, he pulled out of my bride's ass and walked around in front of her. Without him saying a word she started licking his cock, cleaning it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He finished the job by wiping off his cock with her beautiful hair and then he started to dress. "Real nice Bobby Boy, a real good little ass fuck. Worth the hundred bucks I paid Hugo. Nothing I like better than cumming in a wife's asshole while her husband watches. Be sure to let me know the next time you two want to play your little cockteasing games, I'll bring a few more friends with me."

After Stu left we finally worked our way free and went back to our room. We didn't tell the police because Sue didn't want to admit that she had been such a cocktease and dressed so slutty that we got into all that trouble.

Back home in Ohio Sue explained that she had hated what Stu did to her and she just pretended so that he would ejaculate and stop sodomizing her. She was so traumatized that she no longer allows me to touch her or have any sort of sex with her. What I can't figure out is that one day I found a tiny pair of yellow thong panties and her tiny yellow pleated skirt hidden in the back of her dresser. Why would she keep those slutty clothes after what happened? I know that my little angel would never dress like a cockteaser again. Would she?
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