CLIP JOINT (MMM/F) nc by Mansfiled

A 'Clip Joint' for those who are not familiar with the phrase is an establishment such as a nightclub or resteraunt where patrons are vastly overcharged for goods and services..

Part 1

I married Karen my childhood sweetheart in the Spring of last year. We had been together for 5 years before tying the knot. Although we had both had minor flings neither us had had sex with any other person.

Karen is a very attractive lady. She is 23 stands 5ft 5ins tall is slim with firm 34b breasts. She is always cheerful and with that smile she can captivate the hearts of most men, and I considered myself very lucky that she chose me.

Like most young couples we had little money - we were not hugely in debt - but the struggle of buying a house , paying off loans etc.. meant that by the middle of the month we were overdrawn at the bank and always owed some money on credit cards. However we were happy and that was more importnat than money.

Three months after we were married Karen had to atend a 3 month course in London.

For the first 3 weeks Karen travelled back to our home in the north but on the fourth week we decided that I would spend the weekend in London and we would see a show and have a good time.

I caught the morning train to London and was met at Kings Cross by my beautiful wife wearing jeans and a white T shirt but managing to look incredibly sexey in such simple clothes. I had not been to London for a long time so we took a sight seeing bus and sat arm in arm on the back of the open topped vehicle as it toured the Tower, Bucking Palace etc.. on a beautiful bright July day.

We descended at Trafalgar Square and decided to have a look round the National Gallery before having a meal and then getting to the theatre. The gallery proved to be an attraction and we spend some time looking at the Constables, Turners and Monets before heading to an Angus SteakHouse for a meal. By now the resteraunts were filling up and service was slow and it was nearly 7 before we left.

We had decided to see Phantom of the Opera and on a beautiful warm summers evening joined the queue for 'Returns'. At this point our perfect day started to go downhill. There were about 40 people in the queue and the number of tickets were barely sufficient for half of us.

We were disappointed not to get in , and knew that it was too late to get into any West End show now so we made our way back up to Leicester Square.

From Leicester Square the lights of Soho beckened an we soon found ourselves walking round streets looking at the Clubs and bookshops. There were several respectable erotic shows going on and with little prospect of other entertainment we decided to take a look at Raymonds Revue Bar. We stood outside carefully weighing up the costs and eventually deciding that as we were on a tight budget we would give it a miss.

At this point we became aware of someone looking at the posters with us.

'You going in ? ' heb asked

'No too much money' I replied

'Yeah these places are a rip-off , do you know you can get a better show in a Private Club for half the cost ?'

Our interest was aroused, and we had a longer conversation with the chap who was called Mike. Mike explained that his friend was the doorman of the 'Dean' club and he might let us in for a couple of quid each. We felt our luck changing and folloed Mike down abackstreet to a 'Club'. Unlike the blazing lights of Raymonds and the Windmill this club consisted externally of a light over the door and some faded pictures in the sidecases advertising Exotic dancing.

Mike told us to wait and he went forward and had a word with the doorman. We were a little nervous but before our fears had had chance to develop Mike came back.

'All fixed he will let the 2 of you in for a Fiver' . Well what could we lose - we decided to go in, after all we could come straight out again. We walked down the narrow corridor to the doorman and gave hime a fiver. He was a typical bouncer 30 years old 6ft and 16st (225Lbs) weaing a Dinner jacket and with greasy hair. He smiled(!) and gestured us to the door. Once through the door the quality of the decor dropped.. wallpaper off the walls, worn carpets .. we went down some steps past 2 more 'boiuncers' one black man about 5'8" but very fit looking and another fat older man. We procede through another door into the main room.

We immediately thought at ?5 we had been ripped off. The room was only 10 yds sqaure with a small bar. There was a tiny stage with no activity on it except a soft porn movie being shown. There were a dozen or so fake leather chairs, a few tables and the floor looked like it had not been swept for years. There were 3 waitresses, all topless but not attractive, boringly serving drinks. We were ushered to a pair of seats by one of the girls, 'Drinks she asked' By now we were both thirsty so we orded 2 cokes. 'Can I have one she asked' we nodded. We sta down and decided to drink up and then leave.

The waitress returned and put the drinks on the table. I reachjed for my wallet .. but she had a bill on the tray. 'No sign this and pay when you leave'. I signed and glanced at the bill ?3 - not bad I thought.

We soon finished and got up to leave and went to the bar and handed over the paper.

?300 the barman said. 'What ?'

Yes look. In the light I could see I had signed a bill which said

Drinks ?300

I have checked that this bill is correct.

I began to protest and the barman called over the bouncers. I threatend to call the police, but it was explained to me that if I did not pay they would break my legs.

Wer gave them all the money we had ?45. I offered to go to a cash machine and get some more money. One of the bouncers said he would escort me but Karen had to stay behind. I tried to protest, we were frantic but had no way out so I reluctantly left with the bouncer.

My bank card allowed me to withdraw ?50. The bouncer made me check my balance which showed up as ?75 overdrawn. 'I would not want to be in your shoes said the bouncer as we returned to the club'

The bouncer handed over the ?50 to the barman, who picked up a phone and said 'Boss we have a problem here'

More to follow ... maybe
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