This should be fun. A Halloween party in a real haunted house. Don't you think it'll be fun, Bill?"

"Um-yeah, sure. I'm sorry. I'm having a bit of trouble with the GPS. Yes, it should be fun. Kevin's put a lot of work into this place. And the ghost is just rumors, sweetie. I don't think you should mention it to Kevin." Patricia is the love of my life, and while she looks like a real California babe, her Chinese heritage shows through in some of the oddest ways. She loves gambling. And she's quite superstitious. Ok, those are terribly racist stereotypes, but there you are. I never should have mentioned the ghost story associated with Kevin's house.

"Oh, I won't. But it's exciting, don't you think? There'll be lots of people there, right? I'll bet a lot of them are thinking about it, don't you Bill?"

Patricia only chatters like that when she's nervous. She must be more concerned about the supposed ghost than I realized. Damn! I should never have mentioned it to her! Damn Kevin! So proud of that story. It's interesting but he was always talking it up, and I didn't mean for Patricia to get scared. If she talks to Kevin, he's going to go on and on about the murder and the noises and Patricia's going to be so scared. She won't enjoy the party at all and she'll probably be edgy all weekend. Shit!

Patricia chattered on, but I had to focus on driving. Kevin's party started at 9:00 and this time of year, it got dark about 6:30. And we'd never been to his house before and he lived so damnably far out in the country. I suppose it's pretty but I couldn't see a thing.'s the turn-off...a left...there was the driveway. At least Kevin had lighted the driveway and the yard in front of the house. Maybe ten cars were already there.

"Oh, it's so beautiful. I can't believe it's haunted. You don't think it's really haunted, do you, Bill?" Patricia was still on edge. I could hear the tension in her voice, now that I could really pay attention. Poor baby! I'll have to stay close and calm her down. I walked around the car to get her door. She enjoyed being the object of these old-fashioned courtesies, as long as it was clear that I didn't assume she needed to have them done.

"M'dear. Shall we?" I watched her legs, exposed as she got out of the car. Patricia was not particularly buxom, but she had incredibly beautiful legs. She was wearing a Cleopatra costume - a long white skirt, slit nearly to her waist on both sides, a golden bra, lots of jewelry, heavy make-up, high strappy sandals. She didn't need a wig - her thick, dark hair and customary Bette Page cut were perfect. OK, her outfit wasn't authentic, but it was very sexy. I was Marc Anthony, I think. Kind of a pseudo Roman soldier. Maybe Julius Caesar. Costumes are really more Patricia's department than mine.

Patricia took my arm and we walked towards the door. There were another twenty or so cars parked in the side yard. Good. The party was big enough to keep Patricia busy. She wouldn't think about ghosts.

"Hey! Glad you could make it!" Kevin called from the far corner of the house. "The party's around back."

Patricia's heels slowed us a bit crossing the lawn. But I enjoyed the way she hung on my arm. She's so beautiful, so loving. We really needed to spend more time together. I'd been working too hard lately. Well, as the holidays come, things will slow down and Patricia and I can catch up.

We walked around the corner to see Kevin - dressed in a tuxedo - with a martini glass in his hand, chatting with a very curvaceous Marilyn Monroe and someone vaguely resembling John Kennedy. Scattered around the bar and pool area were maybe twenty other costumed individuals, with a high percentage of vampires and a few werewolves. That "Twilight" influence, no doubt. I led Patricia toward Kevin, partially out of a desire to get drinks and partially out of curiosity. It wasn't at all obvious just who - or what - he was supposed to be.

That matter was settled when Kevin said, "Bond. James Bond," as we approached. Apparently we were not the first unable to decipher his costume. Kevin fancied himself a dashing figure, so the costume choice made sense. Shaking my hand, he called, "Lisa, come meet Patricia and what's his name!" Then, to us, "Bill, what're you drinking? Patricia?"

A stunning auburn-haired woman wearing a red spandex strapless dress, several sizes too small, came over. "Hello, Patricia. I'm Lisa. Guess who I am, Bill." As far as I could tell, the only clues beyond her skin-tight dress, which was slit on the side up to her waist, were too much make-up and opera gloves.

"Uh...Lucille Ball?" I knew I was wrong, but I really had no idea. Sexy, obviously, red-head, but beyond that...

Patricia, however, was much sharper than I. "Jessica Rabbit, of course. What a great idea, Lisa. You look perfect! Doesn't she look great, Bill? Lisa, are you going to sing for us, too?"

Lisa giggled. "I don't know. Maybe. You're so sweet."

Kevin brought over a Scotch and soda for me and a strawberry daiquiri for Patricia. "Do you need another drink, sweetie?" This last was directed to Lisa. "I'm going to play bartender for a while longer, then let everyone fend for themselves."

Patricia and Lisa were sitting on a lounger, talking about the house. I noticed that Patricia was drinking faster than usual - another sign that she was nervous. A couple of other women joined them - a vampire and, I think, Pat Benatar. Kevin retreated to the bar, leaving me to fend for myself.

I'm not terribly comfortable at parties, and even less so when wearing a skirt. So I took a deep drag on the Scotch and looked around to see who I might know. No such luck. Between the relatively weak light and the costumes, I was lost. I don't like sports, I don't follow popular television, I don't garden, we don't have short, I don't know anything suitable for small talk except the weather. And I don't like talking about the weather. So I called out to Patricia, "Sweetie, I'm going to look around inside," and then went into the house. Patricia smiled and nodded, but didn't reply. She did, however, take the second drink Kevin offered.

The house was amazing. Impeccably decorated in American country style, it was hard to imagine that a year ago this was practically a shell. Kevin had invested major bucks in remodeling and furnishing his home.

I wandered about the downstairs for a while. Kevin might be a bit pretentious, but he did have an excellent collection of guitars. Not untouchable collectors' items, real players. He and I jammed occasionally and I knew he wouldn't mind. He had a 1948 Martin OOO-28 that I loved playing, and a recent Guild A-150 archtop that had the most beautiful tone. I'm not good, but I do enjoy playing and it would be a great way to kill 30-45 minutes, long enough to make the party more bearable and short enough not to get me in trouble with Patricia. She thought I was too unsocial.

I wasn't the only one. Ken Ford, one of our hardware guys, was there already picking around on a Loar mandolin. Like me, Ken wasn't really a party kind of guy. He, at least, was dressed appropriately - overalls, a flannel shirt, Wolverine boots. He looked like a bluegrass musician. I looked like an idiot, wearing a toga and playing "Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms." But it was fun. Rolly Williams joined us and we played for what seemed like an hour or so.

"Ken, come on. We better go." A very attractive Daisy Mae called from the doorway. "Most of the people have already left. Do you know where Kevin is?"

Ken jumped up. "Nope. Haven't seen him. How late is it?"

I glanced at the mantel clock - and realized it hadn't moved since I entered. My cell, however, told the truth...we'd been jamming for over three hours! Patricia was going to be quite pissed! Shit! Was I in trouble!

Rolly and I followed Ken and his girlfriend back outside. Kevin was nowhere to be found. There were still a few cars scattered about, but no one was in sight. I was in deep do-do. Patricia really disliked what she considered my refusal to socialize. I was going to have to be especially careful if I wanted to avoid a major argument. And I did want to avoid any argument.

I said good-night to Ken and his girlfriend, who promptly left. Rolly and I looked around the large yard for Kevin with no success. "Well, I came stag, so unless you want to go jam some more, I'm outa here."

"No. I'd like that, but I think I'd better find my wife. 'Night, Rolly."

I really wanted to find Patricia. Did she get a cab and go? No, not likely. She didn't bring any money. Kevin might have given her some, but he probably would have talked her into waiting for me first. Lisa? No, she would have followed Kevin's lead, probably. But then where were they? Her cell went straight to voicemail.

I looked around the downstairs again, again marveling at how much money Kevin must have sunk into remodeling. In one room, a television was playing, yet you couldn't hear it at all in the next room when the door was closed. I realized that meant I need to check every closed room, because the party might have migrated to behind closed doors. It also meant that calling out was no sure thing.

Exhausting the rooms downstairs, I moved upstairs. This was a little more touchy...I didn't want Kevin to think I was snooping, but I did need to find Patricia.

What I took to be the master bedroom was immediately at the head of the stairs. Nothing. Grand, but empty. I did notice that Kevin had mirrors on the ceiling as well as one mirrored wall. But no people. Same for both upstairs baths (one with a jacuzzi), and the other three bedrooms. Jeez, what kind of entertaining did Kevin do, that he needed so much space?

I almost overlooked a door at the end of the upstairs corridor. It was quite ordinary, and not well lit. It could have been a closet, but instead it opened to reveal a dim set of stairs.

At the top, there stretched a long hall leading back across the house. A full third story. Of course, up here was the supposed murder room, where the deed was done. It was probably once servants' quarters. Kevin never explained what he'd had done to them. Silence. I'd need to inspect each room, I suppose.

I opened the door nearest me, and realized the room was quite large, maybe stretching along the entire length of the hall. My end was dark, but there was light at the opposite end. People were gathered about. A bit odd. Then I realized what I was seeing.

Patricia was lying across a large ottoman, flat on her back, legs in the air, with Kevin firmly holding her hips as he thrust into her. Another man had his cock in her mouth. She had her chin tilted up, and was taking his cock balls-deep into her mouth. There were three other men, all naked from the waist down. Hidden in the darkness, I was paralyzed. My wife was being gang-banged, and my boss was leading the way!

The man she was sucking stiffened and cried out, "Oh god yes! Swallow it, bitch!" I heard Patricia making noises somewhere between gagging and slurping. The man - I could finally tell it was Todd from sales - stepped back, drawing his rapidly deflating cock from my wife's mouth. She actually kissed his cock as he pulled away, and a long thread of cum formed between the mushroom-like head of his cock to her lovely soft lips. Her pink tongue darted out, pulling his slime in.

She gasped. Kevin had not paused in his pounding.

"Uh...uh...uh..So good. Yes. Uh...uh...uh...oh god yes." Patricia was aggressively thrusting her ass against him. Patricia never acted like this with me. "Uh...yes...fuck good." With each thrust, there was a little squishing sound and an off-white, gooey substance had formed a ring joining his cock to her pussy. Each time he drew back, his engorged cock was shiny with their juices. Each thrust forward forced more fluid from her.

He was much bigger than I, but her pussy accommodated him easily.

Mike stepped up to her face, his erection practically pulsing. My beloved wife took his cock in her right hand and guided it into her mouth, her left hand pulling and twisting at her left breast. From the way she arched her back and the almost-stifled mewing noises, I realized she was cumming. Cumming while sucking Mike, who she claimed to find repulsive. Of course, Kevin was doing his best to fuck her brains out.

I realized I was stroking my cock under my tunic. It was rapidly hardening and precum was already wetting the head. My beautiful Patricia was being such a perfect slut! I wanted to go closer, to step into the room, to take part...but I didn't want it to stop and the sudden appearance of a husband might just have that reaction.

Kevin, meanwhile, had reached his limit. Patricia's legs had wrapped around him tightly, practically burying his cock inside her. This was more than he could handle. "Oh yeah baby! Squeeze that pussy tight! Oh yeah! Fuck, yeah!" Someone walked up behind Kevin - Lisa! She put her arms around him.

"Pump her full, baby! She loves it! You love this, don't you, you slut! Fill her, baby! Oh god I hope you knock her up."

Kevin was still standing, locked in the grip of Patricia's hips and thighs. He made several, small spasms-draining his cock, most likely. Then he grasped her legs and pushed them apart, freeing himself, and stepped back. There was a soft "plop" as his cock pulled out of my wife's pussy.

"Oh, sweetie, look at all the cum! You really shot your load! And her pussy looks so inviting, all lubed up and open. Who's next?" Lisa directed this last to the group of men waiting their turn.

"Shit. I want more of that pussy." Darryl Nelson, from shipping, stepped forward. Darryl's black and while Patricia isn't exactly racist, she is pretty old-fashioned. I was about to discover how she felt about fucking a black guy. A black guy with a huge cock. Maybe even bigger than Kevin's monster. Then I realized what Darryl had said. Apparently, he had already fucked Patricia. I wondered how she felt about that.

Apparently Patricia felt pretty good about it, because she spread her legs wide. Her left hand had moved to her clit and she was rapidly approaching another powerful orgasm. She was gasping for breath around Mike's cock. She was making a continuous "Uhn, uhn, uhn," incoherent but clearly conveying the pleasure she was experiencing.

Darryl put the head of his cock at her oozing pussy and rubbed it around a bit. "Gotta lube it up. Don't want to tear this sweet piece." Patricia had switched back to her mewing noise and was rocking her hips, eager to get that beautiful black cock in her. Darryl simply pushed and slid in. Patricia arched high and emitted as loud an "Ahhhhhh" as Mike's cock permitted. "Get out of there, man. You gonna choke her. Let her enjoy being fucked by a real man, dude." Darryl was moving slowly, deliberately. In, out, in, out. Mike pulled out, not satisfied but not willing to challenge Darryl's authority. Patricia never even opened her eyes. She was arched and making her mewing sounds again. My god, was she orgasming? She was...a series! Each thrust of Darryl's cock brought a new climax! Her hands were pulling both breasts now. Her nipples were hard little buttons. Darryl was thrusting faster now, and Kevin's cum was being forced from Patricia's pussy, making a frothy lube for that huge cock.

"This bitch can fuck! I never saw an Asian chick take black cock so eagerly. Woo she good!" Darryl was smiling and enjoying my lovely wife's tight little pussy. That is, if it's still tight. Who am I kidding? It has to be tight for Darryl's cock, although it probably wouldn't feel tight for me ever again.

Lisa seemed fascinated by that black rod sliding in and out of Patricia's golden pussy. I admit, it was beautiful, in a strange way. It dawned on me that Patricia's mews corresponded to Darryl's withdrawals - almost as if she was sad to not be filled. My cock was throbbing. I had watched my lovely wife service four guys and she showed no sign of stopping.

Lisa suddenly leaned over and kissed her. Passionately, with lots of tongue. As far as I knew, Patricia had never kissed a woman, had no lesbian experiences, but she responded wholeheartedly. When Lisa raised her head, Patricia eagerly kept contact, even wrapped an arm around Lisa's neck. Darryl smiled. "Yeah, baby. Do it. You eat this other hot bitch while I fuck you." To Lisa, "You. Take your dress off and sit on her face."

Not needing encouragement, Lisa pushed her dress down, stepped out of it, and straddled my baby's face. Lisa's skin was tanned - everywhere - and her breasts were much larger than Patricia's. Fake, I think. Like Patricia, she was shaved smooth, but unlike Patricia, she had a little tattoo just above her pussy. I couldn't be sure but it looked like a dragon.

"Oh, yeah. Oh, that's nice, baby. Yeah. Lick me. Yeah. OH. Ah...ah...ah...oh, yeah." Patricia had reached around Lisa's lovely ass and first massaged, then probed Lisa's butt with her fingers, eliciting surprise, then pleasure from the woman.

Still pumping Patricia with deep, hard strokes, Darryl reached around Lisa and squeezed those huge melons. Lisa squealed and her eyes rolled back in her head. "Oh god this is so good." She leaned back, eventually contacting Darryl's chest.

Kevin, excited vicariously by the sight of this incredible threesome, knelt at Lisa's crouch. "You like this, don't you, bitch? You like being a cum dump. You're really enjoying this, aren't you, bitch?"

At first, I thought he was addressing Lisa, but as I realized I was wrong, I heard Patricia's muffled voice, "Yes...Ah...I"

"I knew you would. You're a great cunt, Patricia. You're such a good fuck. I think you're the best fuck I've ever tight, so smooth, so wet. I can't believe Bill has such luck." Kevin started stroking Lisa's clit, which caused an immediate response. Lisa's eyes grew wide, her mouth opened and she started gasping. Not seconds later, she jumped up.

"Oh, god, too sensitive! Oh, that was incredible! She's incredible! You've got to do her mouth, lover. Suck my man, slut! Take him all in." Lisa took Kevin's now engorged cock and gently pulled him to Patricia's mouth.

Both of Patricia's cheeks were glistening with Lisa's juices, and maybe the juices of the men she'd sucked earlier. I was transfixed, watching her arch her neck and stretch to get Kevin's cock. Darryl's firm grip on her body didn't allow her much movement, but she was eager to realize Lisa's wish.

Darryl was starting to make grunting noises. Patricia had wrapped her legs around him as she had done earlier with Kevin. Darryl's width had practically forced her into a perfect split, but it also meant that his massive cock was nearly buried inside her. Her abdomen bulged a bit with each thrust. Her left hand was aggressively massaging her clit while her right was firmly gripping Kevin's cock, guiding him into her sweet mouth. Her lips were stretched about his girth, an odd symmetry to the way Darryl stretched her vaginal lips. She was making the mewing noise again, which by now the audience had decoded.

"Yeah, bitch. You love this. Darryl's going to fill you up, bitch. I want you to cum. I want you to love this. We're going to fuck you every week, bitch." Kevin was holding her hair, vigorously fucking her face. My sweet bride buckled and moaned, clearly experiencing an intense orgasm. Her actions brought both Kevin and Darryl over the edge.

"Uhnnn, uhnnn, yeah...oh...nice. Yeah." Darryl had stopped thrusting, buried completely in my loving wife. His sweat dripped onto her belly. "Mmmmm. You is one good fuck, bitch. I could do you again and again. I think I'd like that, yeah. Would you like that, bitch?"

Patricia was too busy swallowing Kevin's load to make a noise, but she nodded.

"Glad to hear it, Darryl. I think she likes the way you fuck. Get it all, Patricia. Don't spill any. Yeah. You're one fine fuck. Lick me gently. Oh, god, that was amazing."

Lisa again moved close to Patricia's face. She and Patricia began taking turns with Kevin's cock. After a few minutes, the licks became less frequent as the two women kissed each other. Lisa pulled Patricia down, and was squeezing and twisting my wife's small breasts. Her hand slipped onto Patricia's clit, causing her body to tense in anticipation. Lisa made tiny, circular motions with her fingers, and Patricia began her mewing. The kissing had stopped. Patricia was on her back, head thrown back, lips parted, breathing heavily. Lisa was staring at her intently, relentlessly caressing that sweet spot.

"You like that, don't you, baby. I know what you like. Just let it come, baby. Let yourself go. Yeah, Lisa makes you feel good, don't I, baby. Just let it come."

As if on cue, Patricia arched her back, pressing her pussy against Lisa's fingers. "Ooooooooo. Mmmmmmmm. Oh, yes." She grabbed Lisa's hand, in a vain attempt to gain some control, but she was too weak. "Noooooooooooo. Oh, god, yessssssss." Lisa was now slipping three fingers, no, four, then her fist into Patricia's pussy.

"Let it come, lover. I'll be very gentle. Teenie, little, like this." Whatever Lisa did, Patricia's body was twitching and jerking. Other than Lisa's voice, only Patricia's mewing was audible. The men were watching in rapt attention.

"She really likes this. All that cum, she was so slippery. Guys are always too rough when they fist a girl. See - I move my fingers just a little and she loves it." Lisa was giving her audience a lesson while Patricia was practically spasming with pleasure. "More, baby? You want more? You feel so tight and slippery and sexy, baby. You like this, don't you? Should I stop now?"

"No. Please. More." Patricia's body was practically limp, but she wanted more.

I made up my mind and stepped closer.

"Keep going, Lisa. The little slut wants more."

The men all snapped their heads in my direction. Todd kind of edged away, while Darryl moved to position himself between Patricia and me. Both men were preparing for trouble, each in his own way. Mike and Kyle Hohner, the fourth man, tensed. Lisa, on the other hand, seemed totally at ease with the situation. She must have returned to her ministrations, because Patricia resumed twitching and mewing.

"I'm glad you finally showed up, Bill." she purred. "You really should fuck her too. You know, kind of reclaim what's yours."

Kevin was watching me carefully. The other four men relaxed visibly. So she had done five guys, at least some more than once.

"The way that toga's sticking out, I think you like that idea, don't you, Bill? Lisa, honey, do you want your husband to fuck you now? Huh, sweetie?" Lisa's voice was like honey, but she kept stroking Patricia.

" nice...yes...fuck me...please...more...fuck me...noooow...oh, oh, oh" Patricia was twitching, arching her back, presenting herself. Her legs were spread at her knees, and her poor pussy was swollen, slimy and shiny with fluids. Her thighs and abs were likewise glistening from a mixture of sweat and semen. I really don't know whether or not she understood it was me. I think she just wanted more cock. I had never seen her look so beautiful.

"Hell, yes, I want to fuck my wife." I stepped up to the ottoman and hiked up my toga. As Lisa had pointed out, my cock was already hard. Patricia grabbed it and practically impaled herself on it, obviously eager to have it inside her. I don't think she'd ever been wetter and slipperier. I'm sure she'd never been so aggressive about fucking me. She was squeezing her cunt around my cock - thank God for Kegels - and rocking her hips. Both her arms reached around my waist and drew me into her.

"Ummm...uh...uh...uh...oh...oooh...ooooh...harder...uh...uh," she was a perfect slut, begging to be fucked. I wasn't going to hold out very long. And it looked like her playmates were more than ready for another round.

I felt a warm, soft body press against my back. I realized that Lisa had decided to vicariously enjoy my fucking my wife. She threw her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear, "My god, your wife is a complete slut, Bill! She doesn't know who's fucking her, does she? She doesn't care who's fucking her, does she? She just wants to fuck!" Lisa's hands were sliding around my chest, teasing my nipples, she licked and nibbled my ears. "She wants the gang-bang to continue, Bill. Your sweet little wife is going to fuck the shit out of these guys. She's such a slut, Bill. Your loving wife is a beautiful, cum-loving slut."

"Oh God! Yes!" With that, I exploded into Patricia's slick, smooth pussy. The feeling, the sense of release, was incredible.

Patricia arched her back again. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" Her nails clawed my back. She had never been so passionate, so wanton, so animalistic. So amazingly orgasmic. "Mmmmmmmm. 'Snice. So good, honey." The clawing became caressing. Then one hand dropped into her crotch. She began rubbing her self, the other hand now caressing her left breast. Her leg rubbed mine suggestively.

"Mmmmmmm?" She was insatiable. But then again, there were five other hard cocks ready to relieve her, if she could be relieved. Did I really want to turn my wife over to these horny fuckers? As far as I knew, she hadn't had sex with anybody but me since we were married...until tonight, that is. What kind of husband would let his wife be gang-banged? But she wanted it. She really, really wanted it. She wanted all of them.

"Was it good, Bill? What now? You going to take her home now? I think your wife wants to stay and play with the boys some more." Lisa reached her arms around me and started rubbing my abdomen again. "You should let her play more. You should stay and watch, Bill. I think she'll like it even more if you're watching. Don't you want Bill to watch, Patricia? Eh, baby?"

Patricia wasn't really listening. Mike had moved just within arm's reach and she was already stroking his cock. Kevin, his erection impressive even if not yet entirely complete, put his arms around Lisa's shoulders and said calmly, "Bill, you should step back now. Let it happen, Bill."

I pushed Lisa's arms away and stepped back.

Todd quickly came forward, his cock sliding into her eager pussy. Mike allowed himself to be drawn into Patricia's mouth. Patricia was again writhing and mewing. Kyle and Darryl moved closer, waiting their turns impatiently.

"Yessss. Watch your beautiful wife fucking, fucking every cock she can. How do you feel about the loving girl you married now, Bill? Isn't she beautiful when she fucks, Bill?" Lisa was watching raptly, breathing hard. I realized Kevin was stroking her pussy while she was playing with both her breasts. "Oh, god, she's so beautiful, Bill! Don't you just want to fuck her again?"

Todd was humping away, and Mike had her head between his hands and was fucking her mouth eagerly. His eyes were closed. Patricia had stretched both arms out and was playing with Darryl and Kyle, not really jacking them off but holding their cocks, erratically rubbing them. I could feel my cock starting to respond, a little stiffening, a slight throb.

Meanwhile, Kyle laid himself down beside Patricia and managed to pull her on top of him, while Mike and Todd both maintained their spit-roast. Kyle eased his cock into Patricia's well-lubricated pussy.

"Hey, man! What the fuck, guy!" Todd was clearly upset with Kyle's DP. "Shit, I don't want no homo stuff, dude!"

"Shut the fuck up, Todd, and fuck her. Christ, she's so stretched, we don't even touch." Patricia's eyes were rolled back in her head, she had released Darryl's cock, her mewing had become primal grunts, and she was aggressively riding Kyle's cock. Todd shut up and started thrusting again.

"Oh, shit! I'm coming!" Todd seemed more aroused by two cocks rubbing in Patricia's cunt than he cared to admit. He stepped back, a long thread of cum joining his cock to her pussy.

"Let me in there." Darryl pushed him aside. He rubbed the head of his monster against her cunt. Kyle's fucking had pushed a great deal of cum from Patricia's pussy and Darryl coated his cock with it. Then, instead of pushing into her cunt, Darryl rubbed his cock against her butt.

I expected Patricia to pull away, because she always refused anal with me and Darryl was just too huge. Again, she surprised me. She was thrusting hard against Darryl, impaling herself on his cock. Darryl simply held still and let her take him at her own pace, which she did, eagerly. Her grunts were louder.

Mike groaned and pushed deep into Patricia's mouth. He must have shot directly down her throat. Patricia just sucked it all down.

Drained, Mike moved back. I expected Kevin to use her next, but Lisa again kissed her. Patricia returned the kiss passionately. I could see a small amount of Mike's cum leak from between their lips. Lisa was rubbing her own clit vigorously. Speared by Kyle and Darryl, Patricia needed to use both hands to support herself.

Kevin moved behind Lisa, and took her doggy style. I saw her stiffen and heard her sigh of pleasure. Todd was stroking himself, Mike just watched.

Suddenly, I didn't want to be there. These were all coworkers, men I knew. They were fucking their brains out, fucking her brains out. I didn't need to be there, they didn't need to see me seeing them. I backed away into the darkness, and returned to the bar, where I found a bottle of Glenfiddich calling out to me. I remember the first two glasses, kind of.

The next thing I recall, the room was bright with morning light. I was on a couch, covered with a soft comforter, with Patricia wrapped around me, asleep. I stroked her hair gently.

Kevin knocked on the door jamb and stuck his head inside. "Hey, guy. You awake?"

"Yeah, but Patricia's out right now. Not too loud, OK?"

"Look, about what happened last night. Patricia wanted it. She initiated it. No one was hurt, Bill. I want you to know that none of those guys mistreated her. I didn't mistreat her. She really did want everything that happened to happen."

"Kevin, it's a lot to take in. But I think I'm OK with it. I need to talk with Patricia, but I promise I won't do anything crazy. Let us sleep now, and have some coffee ready when we really wake up. And maybe, I don't know, maybe some bagels. Or scones. OK?"

"Your wish is my command, good sir." Kevin disappeared.

I thought about last night, about fucking Patricia, about watching my coworkers fuck my wife, watching my boss fuck my wife. Yeah, it was a lot to take in. Thinking about it, I got a little stiff, but not really erect. Still, it was a little uncomfortable. I had to adjust my position, causing Patricia to shift, too.

"Mmmmmmm. Morning, dear." Patricia woke easily, surprising after the workout she had had.

"Hi, babe." I didn't really quite know what to say, how to start.

"Er, honey. I, ah, I want to...about what happened...I, well, I need to explain." I could hear the urgency in her voice. She really wanted to tell me, but she really didn't know how to start, either.

"It's OK, babe. It can wait if you want to get your thoughts together." To tell the truth, I wasn't sure I was ready to hear this. I was thinking that I must be really inadequate if she had that much pent-up sexual need.

"No, I need to explain this. I just don't know ... I don't really know." Patricia wrinkled her forehead, trying to think.

"OK. Just listen. Please don't interrupt."

"Lisa and I had several drinks, three, four, maybe more. I kind of lost count. I decided I wanted to find you, so I started looking. I was pretty ***** so it wasn't easy"

If Patricia had had three drinks, she would have been quite *****. Four, and I don't really see how she could have walked. She's really to petite to have much capacity.

"So I looked around and couldn't find you. I went upstairs and checked all the rooms. I was so ***** that I'd stagger into a bedroom and lean against a wall for a couple of minutes to collect my thoughts so I could go on. I don't remember how many bedrooms I checked, maybe five, six. I found the stairway to the third floor and went up there. When I got to the ottoman, I sat on it and tried to sober up. You walked up behind me and put your arms around me. At least, I thought it was you. I swear, I thought it was you."

"I kind of leaned back and he started nuzzling my neck and kissing my ear, like you do. He acted like you, he smelled like you, he felt like you, he was even dressed like you. I could feel his erection pushing against me. He pushed me down, very gently, just like you. I was getting turned on - I really thought he was you. You - he - pushed my dress up and licked my pussy. He was exactly like you. I spread my legs, the way you like and he just drove me wild. I was so horny, Bill. I just wanted to feel you inside me."

"I said something like, 'Take me now,' and he raised up. It was the first time I actually saw his face and I knew it wasn't you. He had this evil, evil grin and I think I heard him say, 'I intend to,' and I felt this enormous cock sliding up between my legs."

"Bill, I'm not crazy! His cock was ice cold! I remember trying to scream...and nothing else until Kevin came. I was stretched out on the ottoman and I just wanted to fuck him. He leaned over - I was nude and I think he was trying to get a better look - and I just put my arms around his neck and said, 'Fuck me now, Kevin. Hard. Please.'"

"I meant it! I just wanted a cock inside! It didn't matter whose! I just wanted to fuck, fuck, fuck! I don't remember who came when, but I fucked everybody. It was ... it felt so good but just not quite enough. I had to keep fucking. I don't really remember how many guys I had. It just felt so good, Bill! It's never been like that! I love you and I love making love with you but this was like my head was wired and somebody had turned on the pleasure juice. I had to fuck! It didn't matter who - I probably would have fucked anything! A dog! I'm so glad Kevin doesn't have any pets. If there hadn't been other guys, I would have fucked anything penis-shaped, anything at all."

Patricia was still pressed against me while she was talking, and I could feel her crotch warming. And I was responding, too.

"I remember Lisa holding me, and I suddenly felt satisfied. I didn't need to fuck any more. She and I made out for a little bit. I like kissing girls. I like girls' bodies. Is that OK with you, Bill? Anyway, I showered and found you down here. Lisa gave me the blanket."

"I'm going to need to borrow something to wear. My costume is pretty nasty."

"I'm sure Kevin can find something, babe. Don't worry about that. So you really don't remember much beyond fucking? Do you remember me being there?"

"Oh, God, Bill, no! You didn't see me like that, did you?" Patricia's face was showing embarrassment, although she normally blushes quite easily and now there was not the faintest indication of pink.

"Babe, you looked so beautiful. I loved watching you, seeing my loving wife make those guys cum again and again. I can't describe just how proud it made me. And horny, too. I fucked you, too. I really had to. You were just too hot. I hope you're not angry. I had no idea you were out of control. You were just ... amazing."

"I can't believe you don't want to divorce me after that." Patricia was watching my face carefully. There was something going on I didn't understand. "How can you put up with a wife who's fucking your co-workers?"

Her choice of tense wasn't lost on me. "Patricia, I love you. And I liked watching you. I like watching you cum, no matter what the reason."

She kissed me gently. Her crotch was definitely damp now.

"Bill, honey, I'm really glad to hear you say that. I lied about not remembering who at all. I remember fucking you, and I remember fucking the other guys a couple of times each after fucking you. It was so good, Bill. Oh my god, so good!" Her voice was tense and her breathing was a little ragged.

We made love there on Kevin's couch, slowly, gently. Patricia had another powerful orgasm, and her spasming pussy absolutely drained me. We probably dozed another hour or so before rising to go home.

Kevin did have a long robe he gave Patricia.

"Here, m'lady. And thank you for a wonderful time."

Patricia and I were holding hands as we started to leave. She paused at the door. "Kevin?"

"Yes, dear."

"Darryl said something about another party next weekend?"

"Well..." Kevin was obviously unsure how to answer that.

"I'd like that, if it's OK with Bill. And you. You'll get a gang together, right?" She squeezed my hand tightly.

Kevin looked at me. "Bill?"

"How about I bring her by Saturday afternoon and come back for lunch on Sunday? Patricia, you OK with that? Kevin?"

Patricia nodded happily.

"It's a date, then. I'll arrange things. See you Saturday, folks. Drive carefully."

The first part of our ride was silent. Both of us were tired, and I think both of us were trying to figure out how our new relationship was going to work.

Finally, as we were getting close to home, I had to ask. "Babe?"

"Yes, honey."

"If you don't remember who you were fucking before I fucked you, how is it that you remember Darryl wanting to fuck you again this weekend? He said that before I fucked you."

Patricia just squeezed my hand tighter and smiled.