An Original Story By: SnakeCharmer
The below story is the making of the documentary castration film that is referenced in the story The Awakening of Cleave Stuart.
This documentary has stimulated Cleave's mind to imprint upon castration as a viable choice of population and behavior control.

Gary Taut is mentioned briefly in the beginning of this story. Gary was introduced in Medical Role Play with Dr. Kastrieren
Fortunately, there is a noticeable uptick in in the number of White male vasectomy and castration appointments at the Medical Center where Dr. Kastrieren has his practice.

Such good news is very welcomed indeed! Doctor Kastrieren is thrilled and so are his colleagues who are actively involved with White population control advocacy.

Of course, there is a backlash from White males who feel threatened by the topic of White population control. However, as the non-White population has grown, so have those folks that are willing to at least listen to what is being said. It benefits ALL the non-White population, and that is the stance that BNWO reinforces. That reinforcement helps to legitimize the White population control advocacy, since it applies to the benefit of the general population.

The Black New World Order now has a White male spokesman, Gary Taut, on their side. It has helped to have Gary out in the public eye, advocating White population control and explaining the numerous BENEFITS to society and thereby to the ever-increasing non-White population. White population control advocates are seeking to increase the numbers of White male spokesmen to represent the agenda.

Gary has written several articles about his castration performed by Dr. Kastrieren. Those articles have garnered a lot of attention. Not all of it good attention, but so what? The conversation is now out there in the open. It has become an increasingly common topic on the news programs, radio talk shows, and the television talk shows.

Gary explains that vasectomy and castration are simple to perform surgery choices that will give HOPE to all for a better society. Even a White parent of a mixed-race offspring wants a level playing field for their child to succeed, and therefore are often supportive of the proposed legal reforms for White population control.

As Gary has advocated many times, HIS type of surgery as ideal. It has much greater benefits to the society-at-large than just a vasectomy. Importantly, castration directly helps to stem the tide of White male aggression and violence against all Races that don’t look White. This will enable other Races to rise to their potential. Gary is a proud castrated supporter for peaceful social change!

Many college campuses are having Gary as a guest speaker. Almost every college campus has either a Black Fraternity, or a Black Student Body Organization. They are often the host of Gary as a speaker. He has been kept very busy touring.

Increasingly, college age White males are embarrassed by the news stories of violence against non-Whites that is witnessed in the media. It seems just about every day there is yet another horrific ‘breaking story’. The younger generation wants social injustice to end. Social harmony and equal opportunity are the sounding board that is resonating with so many.

Not surprisingly, the financial backing for the mass media communications about the benefits of the White population control propaganda are stemming from the coffers of the Black New World Order.

Voluntary vasectomy and better yet, voluntary castrations are the beginnings to the path of accomplishment of the BNWO mission statement.

And maybe to the surprise of many, White voluntarism in support of the population control agenda is on the upswing among the collage age youth, at least for the time being.


Doctor Kastrieren is in his office thinking about how today, is a good day! A GREAT DAY actually! Shortly, he will be preforming a small group castration of three young White males. They are of college age and have chosen to be active participants of the White population advocacy movement.

They have been inspired by Gary’s story. They are going to be spokesmen and advocates for what they truly believe needs to be done to implement the needed social change. Before they can lead as spokesman, the guys must first, ‘walk the talk’ like Gary has done, and jump up onto the table and be castrated. Today is that day.

Doctor Kastrieren is very black skinned, like ebony black. Middle aged and balding with some remaining curly graying hair. He is not particularly tall, but not short either. He enjoys a good lifestyle and therefore has somewhat of a belly. He wears classic horn-rimmed eyeglasses. He is always dressed in a white coat. He looks part doctor and part mad scientist. He is typically smiling and nodding yes. He is very reassuring.

“Hey guys! Good afternoon!”, cheerfully greets Dr. Kastrieren. “I am so glad to see you three again! Sometimes everything is going fine during the initial consolations and the paperwork signing, but on the day of surgery, some guys will ‘freak-out’ and back out. Can you imagine? VERY disappointing to say the least. They get charged a hefty fine if they back out on the day of surgery. But since becoming a spokesman is voluntary, there is not much else that I can do.”

“Good afternoon back to you Dr. Kastrieren!”, they all said back. Laughing Mike states further, “Well, NOT backing out is the very reason we decided to book the appointment together. Thank you very much for making an exception and performing the Orchiectomy on all three of us at the same time. We want to make sure that none of us get cold feet, or maybe I should say, COLD BALLS!”

All of them laugh at Mike’s joke about getting cold balls. But of course, it is more of a serious statement, rather than a joke. The three guys, Mike, Rob, and Kip are there to be supportive of one another, but also to make sure that if they have it done, the other two are going to have it done as well. They don’t want to be the only one being castrated today.

So, with prior arrangement with the doctor, the office has been set up so that all three of them will be lined up on tables, in rows. They will be right next to each other, no privacy. But did lack of privacy matter? After the surgery, they would likely be showing each other their empty ball sack anyway.

And there was one other big reason privacy is not needed. Something NEW is happening today. The entire procedure is going to be FILMED as a DOCUMENTARY!

It took some convincing and reassuring to get the boys to agree to be filmed, but finally all three have agreed to be filmed during surgery. Filmed full body and fully nude, with their faces clearly shown. They have been told that physicians will be viewing the film, for their professional knowledge and development. That is certainly true enough.

Of course, Dr. Kastrieren knows that physicians are NOT the only audience that will view the procedure. The documentary, will for sure, be shown in the BNWO management conference rooms around the country.

Additionally, it is likely that the documentary will end up being viewed by the adult male membership attending their local BNWO meeting.

Those additional viewings were NOT mentioned, which is known as, the sin of omission.

Once past the shock value, the documentary should help to normalize the procedure.

Anyway, this new experience of filming the surgery is very exciting stuff! Dr. Kastrieren directs Nurse Devin to prepare the guys for their castration surgery.

Nurse Devin is a lot younger than the doctor. Devin is in his late 20’s. Devin is tall, like really tall. But not skinny, he is all lean muscle. He has much lighter black skin. His black hair is collar length and braided in a cornrow’s hair style. He always dresses in green scrubs. He has a friendly face. He appears to be a truly nice guy.

Nurse Devin is working on becoming a Licensed BCCT. First, he must complete enough work experience hours in order to complete his education and get his certificate. Then he can apply for his state license. Of course, BCCT are the initials for Black Castrators of Caucasian Testes.

Devin directs the three of them into a room with three full size ice tubs, big enough for soaking. The tubs are typically used in professional sports team locker rooms to reduce swelling in the muscles and reduce swelling from bruises.

Nurse Devin instructs the boys, “Strip down BALLS NAKED guys. Don’t act shy now. Everything off, socks, underpants, the whole shebang.” The young men strip down to their birthday suits. Watching them strip, Devin can’t believe just how milky white these three guys are. The boys are marshmallow white. Just the way Devin likes them! Yum!

Before they get into the ice water, Devin needs to review them. “I need to check that you guys all shaved your scrotum and pubic hair completely off this morning. Yes, yes and yes. All three of you boys are good to go!”

“Okay guys, now get into the ice tubs and soak for a little bit. We have found this to be a great help with slowing down the blood flow.”

Actually, the reason for the ice tub soak is to get their already small White penis to shrink up to as small as humanly possible. Dr. Kastrieren wants their penis to look as pathetic as possible for the cameras when they march into the surgery room.

All three guys are sitting in their tub and have been soaking for about 7 minutes. One of the guys says he has to get out. Devin questions, “Hey man, you aren’t supposed to get out of the tub yet. What is wrong?”

“I need to take a piss; the cold water has gotten to me” says Kip. The other two agree.

“No man! You just piss in the tub. Haven’t you guys ever soaked in an ice tub before?”
They all shake their head no. Devin reinforces, “You just piss in the tub. That won’t hurt nothing. The tubs are drained and cleaned after every use. So therefore, there is no problem. STAY IN YOUR TUB.”

The guys all look at one another. And then shrug their shoulders. You can’t tell they are pissing, the ice floating around on top is cover enough.

Not soon enough for the young men who are freezing in the ice tubs, “Okay, boys out of the tubs now. You need to lather up your junk with this antiseptic wash and rise off in the shower. There is no hot water, that would defeat the purpose of the ice bath.” The young men shower and they are shivering as they towel off. They are looking forward to getting this over with.

Finally, they are hurried across the hall, without any towels, stark NAKED, into the surgery room. The all-Black film crew has everything set up and the cameras are rolling. The camera men are filming as the boys scurry into the room. At first glance, the three guys are hesitant. It is a bit overwhelming, with the bright lights and the multiple cameras. They sort of push one another into the room. Too late for second thoughts about being filmed with ‘nothing left for the imagination’.

Devin instructs them, “Mike, Rob and Kip, now is the time to pick a table and get yourself situated on it. Lie on your backs and scoot your butt down to the very end of the table. Then, feet up in the stir-ups. In just a moment, I will fasten them in place for your safety. First, lift your butt up so I can place a small heating device under your balls. Then you can lower yourself down onto it.”

“Oh, wow, that feels warm and good on my nuts” says Rob.

Devin explains “This heating source is to warm up the testes so your scrotum will descend. Once you we have your balls hanging as low as possible, we will begin the surgery.”

Mike jumps in, “I thought we just shrank our balls up for the surgery, right?”

Devin further explains, “We want the vas deferens to be fully extended so we have sufficient room to place the clamp. Your overall body temperature will not increase up enough from this small heat source to make a difference.”

The temperature of the heat source automatically increases over the next several minutes. The boy’s testes are descending as planned. The room is kept cold, so the three guys are super uncomfortable. They all want this to be over with so they can get dressed. Getting dressed again is the number one concern on their minds right now. Kind of short sighted of them considering what is going to be happening.

There is a separate tray set up next the end of each table, near the butt of each of the three White guys. The Black doctor and nurse will be putting on a NEW pair of gloves before working on the next guy. No one wants an infection to occur. No horror stories to come out of the facility! Currently, this medical center has a pristine reputation, and they want to keep it that way.

Nurse Devin injects a local anesthesia in the small area between the inside leg and the ball sack. There is a burning sensation from the injection that is uncomfortable to the guys. He does this on both sides of the scrotum. It doesn’t take long, and he is done with the injections into all three of the young White men.

Now Devin is getting super excited about today’s surgery. His dick is beginning to get hard. This whole thing is so awesome! He steps out of sight of the cameras and reaches into his scrub pants and pulls his large Black ‘member’ up toward his belly button. He sticks it underneath the three-inch waist band of the jock strap he is wearing to secure it in place. Thank God he thought of wearing that before he left home this morning. Devin doesn’t want his pant leg to tent from an erection while he is on camera. He knows for sure he will get a hard on. He notices that his heart is beating so fucking fast! Like it has been hit with a shot of pure adrenaline.

With the White males on their backs and legs in the air, ball sacks hanging loose and cameras rolling, in walks Dr. Kastrieren. He is smiling widely at the sight of the three of them lying on the tables, naked, balls descended, and everything ready for surgery.

“All right then guys, to make this as fair as possible, I am going to first remove the LEFT testicle from each one of you guys. I will start with the first guy, who is Mike, then onto the next guy who is Rob, then onto Kip. So, all three of you guys will be missing one testicle BEFORE any one guy has BOTH removed. Make sense?” Dr. Kastrieren doesn’t wait for any responses from them.

“Next, I will randomly pick which guy is next to lose his right testicle, and then the next guy, and then the last one, until we have completed the surgery on all three of you.”

“As per our previous conversations, Nurse Devin will be assisting me. He is acquiring his required work experience hours so that he can be become a state licensed BCCT. I will be observing him closely when he assists. He will be handing the right-side testicles exclusively.”

The three White boys all nod their understanding to the doctor, and then they all look at Devin and nod again their acknowledgement.

Then the doctor stated, “Remember guys that I showed to you the new ‘Castro Clamp’ that the BNWO scientists have developed for this procedure. Once I place it where it needs to be on the vas deferens, I will then release the spring on the clamp. That spring will snap the clamp into the closed position with such force, that it will crush the tubes completely flat. That will cut off the blood supply. There will be an audible loud crunch. Don’t worry, that is the ‘Castro Clamp’ doing the job just as designed.”

“Everything will be FINE guys, no worries. Just relax, there is nothing you need to do. Hey, it is okay to SMILE! In fact, since the cameras are rolling, I insist on smiles all around the room!

We look to be all ready, so let’s begin”, states Doctor Kastrieren.

The good doctor sits down on a rolling stool in front of Mike. He slowly uses the scalpel to cut an incision into the left side of Mike’s scrotum. He gently pushes Mike’s left testicle through the opening. After about full minute, there is a loud CRUNCH sound in the room. The three boys all gasp. Mike does an involuntary jump, or spasm.

Next the doctor uses the new ‘Castro Laser’. The clamp has a split in it, so it is kind of forked. The clamp design allows the laser to be pointed at that forked area where skin is exposed. The laser is used to cauterize the crushed tubes. This works extremely well to stop bleeding. The boys could possibly bleed out, if the vas deferens is not cauterized correctly. The last thing that the BNWO needs is to lose a White male spokesman. Doctor Kastrieren starts to sweat across his bald forehead. The boys can smell the burning flesh, even though there is a fan positioned to blow the odor away from them.

Mike’s left testicle falls free, into the good doctor’s left hand. Success! He places it into the stainless-steel tray on the table in front of Mike’s butt.

The doctor changes his gloves and rolls the stool over in front of Rob. Geez! Rob has large balls. They are much larger than the two other White males on the tables today. Nice looking, firm, oval shaped balls. Doctor Kastrieren thinks while he is rolling Rob’s left testicle around in his hand; this ball is just packed with millions of live sperm. Eager sperm ready and capable of implanting Caucasian DNA into a fresh human egg. Fucking shit man! This is kind of ‘hot’ since the testicle is larger than most. Wow!

The doctor then slices a slit into Rob’s scrotum and pushes the large left ball through the opening. Quickly, there is the sound of a loud CRUNCH in the room. Then the smell of burning flesh. The doctor places the testicle into a stainless-steel tray near Rob’s butt. He changes gloves again.

He rolls over to Kip. He can sense how nervous Kip is getting. He grasps Kit’s scrotum in his hand and makes a slice into it. Kip’s testicles are the smallest balls of the three guys. A little less than average. Not that it matters. CRUNCH! And then the smell of burning flesh.

Nurse Devin is following along behind the doctor on a stool of his own. Devin is busy stitching the incisions closed. He works very quickly. He is good at this.

Now the boys were all relieved of one of their balls. All even. It was time for Devin to get his job experience hours on the books. The doctor and the nurse made eye contact. Doctor Kastrieren points to Rob’s penis. He makes a scissor with two of his fingers and a cutting motion. Devin nods yes. Rob is uncircumcised and that needs to be corrected. All of the White male spokesmen are to be without a foreskin, that is also one of the qualifications of the job.

Doctor Kastrieren looks over to the all-Black camera crew. They all nod and smile, and the director/producer gives a thumbs up. This is all being captured on film for the documentary.

The doctor states, “Well I know that I told you boys that there would be a random order for the right testicle. However, poor Kip here seems to be pretty nervous and sweating a lot, so we will just start right here and work our way back. How does that sound?”

Oh, fucking shit NO, thinks Kip. Motherfucker, wouldn’t you know it. Fuck! JUST FUCK! Kip knows there isn’t any way to get out of this now. GOD DAMN IT!

And then the room hears, CRUNCH! Afterward the smell of burning flesh. Kip’s castration is complete. Kip just stares at the ceiling. He is motionless. Then suddenly, Kip turns his head and throws up onto the floor. Devin covers by flatly stating, “That is an occasional reaction to the anesthesia.”

Devin is now in front of Rob. Devin grasps Rob’s penis and places a metal ring under the foreskin. Literally, he shoves it down the inside of the foreskin on the shaft as far as he can. He can see with his peripheral vision that the camera crew is right on top of the action. Next Devin runs the laser around the ring and the foreskin comes away from Rob’s penis. Nice and clean, with very little blood.

Next, while Devin is slicing a slit into Rob’s ball sack, Doctor Kastrieren announces, “Rob, we have radically circumcised you. All done! It looks great!”

Rob is shocked! He didn’t know that he was going to be circumcised! He loves his foreskin. It protects his glans from drying out! He likes to pull on the end of his foreskin and try to make it longer. He likes the feel of it when a ‘play partner’ runs their tongue underneath it. FUCKING WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!


The doctor had been concerned that Rob might not want a circumcision. So, he never mentioned it during the pre-surgery meetings. “Rob, it is in the Castration Agreement that you signed. We don’t have uncut White spokesmen here with the BNWO.”

“Well I must have missed THAT! I didn’t want to be CIRCUMCISED! My glans will lose it sensitivity!” Rob is clearly upset and on the verge of tears.

Doctor Kastrieren shrugs his shoulders as a response.

Mike speaks up, “Hey Rob, it is already done now. Just forget about it. Both Kip and I were circumcised right after birth. It isn’t the big deal that some people try to make of it.”

Mike is actually very happy about Rob’s lost foreskin. He is very envious of the other guys that have a foreskin. Not only does he like the fact that Rob lost his foreskin, but the fact that Rob is so upset about it is an extra bonus!

During all of the circumcision drama, they should have heard in the background, the CRUNCH of Rob’s right sperm duct and the smell of burning flesh.

Devin places Rob’s right testicle into the tray next to his left. The doctor quietly picks up the tray and takes it over to the side counter. He quickly moves to freeze dry them in the little machine. He is going to keep these preserved. Maybe somehow make a paper weight out of them for his desk at home. Such delightfully large, nice looking, firm, oval shaped balls. Just chalked full of eager sperm ready and capable of implanting Caucasian DNA into a fresh human egg. All of that milky white biohazard, soon to be forever, ‘frozen in time’!

Devin is just finishing placing the last clamp on Mike. CRUNCH! The smell of burning flesh. Mike is now castrated. Mike is the happiest of the three guys. He is ready to get to the business of social change! He feels empowered!

“Okay guys, you can now be certified as spokesmen! Everything is as it should be! Hey, let’s see who will be the first one, out of the three you, to bring in another three guys! Game on! You guys get a big bonus check for every recruit that completes this same process.”

The good doctor signals to the camera crew that they can stop rolling.

Devin slips out of the room. He is WAY too excited to wait until he gets home to take care of urgent matters. He locks himself in the bathroom. He is standing at the white porcelain sink. He frees his cock from the waist band of his jockstrap.

He’s penis is his fully erect. Big, long, thick, dark, Black man’s cock. He slides the foreskin back to see his slippery dark glans. He solidly grasps his cock with his fist and begins to pump!

It is all over in just few minutes. Four long strands of thick cum shoots out of the piss hole of his Black cock. The second and third strands hit the wall behind the sink. Oh, the FUCK YEAH! Devin looks himself in his eyes in the mirror. He boldly states out loud, “MAN I LOVE MY FUCKING JOB!”.

On the way out of the office, the three boys are handed a certificate of castration compliance. Copies of which have been sent electronically to the various centrally located BNWO offices in the country.

The hard copies are printed on excellent quality paper. They are well presented, with official logos and an embossed BNWO SEAL on the paper. It has a boarder with flags of the country where they live, as well as flags of their ancestry that showed up in their DNA tests. The certificate is designed to be something the boys can have matted and framed and displayed on their office wall.

The certificates have printed on it, their full names and relevant dates.

It states:


The boys are almost giddy with excitement as they exit the office. They are thinking they are holding something of REAL VALUE in their hands.

When in truth, they are now MISSING a couple of somethings that GENUINELY WERE of real value, from between their legs.

BNWO Licensed Black Castrator.jpg