An Original Story By: SnakeCharmer

BNWO: Black Reparations Exposition This Weekend! Darrell Needs Labor: Part 2 of 3
One possible future for racist offenders under the leadership of the Black New World Order

Finally, we are heading into the Black Reparations Exposition, thinks Darrell. At the door Darrell must provide proof of funding so he can bid on an offender. Roscoe also shows proof of funding; in case he finds a White offender, he believes he can make good use of. They join the stream of Black men, all are qualified bidders, heading for the large, vaulted arena.

Once inside the covered arena, Darrell is momentarily stunned by all the activity. It is his first time to a Reparations Expo. Normally, when he came to this building, it is full of horses or cattle or pigs for auction. Today it was full of a different sort of livestock. White Male Work Program livestock.

In the middle of the vaulted arena, bidders that have already reviewed the offenders, are now hanging out waiting for the auction to kick off. Most bidders are farmers, and they are discussing current events such as the weather and crops and market trends for their harvest. There are also other ranchers like Darrell and Roscoe, but not quite as many as the farmers. Darrell finds out that most of the local ranchers have already purchased offender’s fines from a previous Expo and they are in good standing for ranch hands.

Darrell realizes that he needs to really pick up the pace, if he wants to get a look at the prospects before the bidding starts. Roscoe and Darrell quickly walked over to the rows of stalls and start to review the ‘offending livestock’, so to speak.

Along both sides of the arena are four long rows of stalls. There are two rows facing each other, on each side. Each stall has enough room for the offenders to move about. No place for them to sit, other than on the ground in the straw and sawdust. A dump bucket is in the corner of each stall for the offenders to use for elimination. In each stall, there are four naked White males.

The rows of stalls are heavily guarded by Black male Reparations Officers. To qualify to be a hired as a Reparations Officer, the applicant must be male, Black, heterosexual, a big bodybuilder type of man. Well trained in self-defense and hand to hand combat. Able to track down offenders and bring them into the Reparations Court.

For some reason, notices Darrell, the officers all seem to be hung with a thick ‘horse cock’, (even though that is not listed as a job requirement). All of them have a visible penis line down one pant leg. They must all be going commando from the looks of it, reasons Darrell, they are certainly not wearing tight briefs.

The officers often bang on the bars of the cages and reminded the offenders to keep quiet and keep moving and flexing. They are on display for the review of the potential Overlords. The officers each have a handheld radio control, so their statements will be enforced and without contact with the offenders. They don’t want bruise marks all over the merchandise.

Something has caught Darrell’s attention, “What’s that the offenders have on their penis? It looks like some sort of cage.”

"Oh yeah.” says Roscoe. "They all wear them. Standard procedure for offenders. When they end up in the work program, their pecker is put into a chastity cage. Keeps them from getting their ‘little white worm’ hard.” Roscoe laughs at his own joke. “Well, that is what the dick of their kind looks like! A white worm! “

“The chastity cage is especially important if they are going to be around any females. Some of the males might still be fertile. Additionally, they are circumcised before being squeezed into a chastity cage, if they haven’t already been cut. Over time the circumcised glans will permanently lose sensitivity.”

Darrell added knowingly, “We don’t want to take any chance of those damn radical offenders getting to impregnate females with their biohazard Caucasian DNA.”

“You got it!” Roscoe replies while nodding his head and grinning.

“If they are not going to be around females, you can remove the chastity cage. That way they can self-sooth.” Darrell looks at Roscoe questioningly. “You know, beat their meat. Whitey in the work program likes to do that; you will see it a lot. Even if his sperm-less spunk does just shoot onto his own hand or on the ground.” Both Roscoe and Darrell start laughing. “Maybe use that as a reward system. It might make the offender more docile over time if he can beat-off occasionally.”

They are walking the rows of stalls, trying to locate the offenders that they have bookmarked on the catalogue pages. Then Darrell sees him, the ginger bear that he likes. WOOF! That guy looks even better in person. What a great specimen! This guy should be out working on a ranch. He doesn’t look like any dirt farmer that Darrell has ever seen. Fuck yeah, Darrell thought, me ‘likey’ this Whitey. Oh momma, how much is the human ginger bear in window? I promise that I will take care of him and train him!

Roscoe is observing Darrell. “Hey slow down here chief! You are looking for someone to work on the ranch, correct?”

“Oh yeah man. Why did you ask me that?” Darrell is a little defensive.

Roscoe said, “You know why, Mr. Horney BBC! You are tenting your trousers. Get that lethal-sized Black man cock snake under control. It is hissing that it is about to strike!”

Darrell should have blushed, except that his blood has left his head and has pooled down south between his legs. He pushes down on the front of his pants to try to get the snake to lay down. It doesn’t work.

“Okay Darrell. You need to pick out several offenders, in case someone else out bids you on this ginger bear guy.”

Darrell could see the logic in that. He would bid on him, but also went on to review a few more guys. He truly needed at least one ranch hand to help him with the work. The loan he got was only good for use at this Expo. He needs to take advantage of the loan.

As Darrell walks, looking over the naked White males, he finds himself starting to feel the power of domination. It is almost bordering on a lust. Clothed male openly reviewing the naked males, who don’t want to be naked, nor even here at all. Whichever offender’s fines he purchases; he can control him with a good ZAP in the nuts. Absolute power is very seductive.

Darrell makes some notes on other possible candidates to work on his ranch. He is willing to bid on them, should he not get the ginger bear that he hopes to purchase.

Eventually, the loudspeaker announces that the AUCTION for the Black Reparations Exposition is about to BEGIN. There is a rush of excitement among the Black men. They make their way to large arena of the hall. The fucking high prices that the first few offenders brought, causes Darrell some concern. They are rather expensive. "Don't worry" whispers Roscoe. "They always put the most desirable workers up first and they can be overvalued. The prices will drop once they get them sold and off the block".

Shit, thought Darrell, this is like a slave auction from the 1700’s. The work program guys are naked and standing on a raised stage. The only difference is that this time, the White boys are on the block and the Black men are bidding.

As if reading Darrell’s mind, Roscoe reassures him by saying, “Remember, you are not purchasing the offender, only his fines, and thereby his labor. He will go free once his fines to the government are paid off. This is not a slave auction!”

Darrell takes a deep breath. He considers Roscoe’s statement. ‘That’s right, I get it. The offender has a debt from past transgressions to work off.” Darrell thinks once again about how this is more like indentured servitude. He is helping to keep the offender out of prison. It is like a good civic thing to do.

The bidding is aggressive and competitive when the auction kicks off! The enthusiasm seems to get everyone’s heart rate up. The winners cheer, the loser sneer!

Darrell thinks that not all the offenders look like they are purchased for their labor in a factory or ranch. Some of the younger White guys are pretty darn good looking. Darrell overhears some comments that are being made by bidders nearby. He realizes that some of the guys are going to be working in the Overlord’s bedchamber. The blonds seem to be a popular choice for this type of duty. He guesses that seldom will someone in the Reparations Department do a welfare check on the ‘livestock’ once the fines are paid at auction.

Finally, the ginger bear is brought up on stage. The bidding begins. Roscoe is advising Darrell to not bid yet. “Let the bidding die down a little bit. Don’t show too much interest. There are bidders in the arena that work for the Reparations Department that will counter bid to drive the prices up.” Darrell is practically beside himself with anxiety. The ginger bear looks even better up on the stage under the light from the skylight. Woof! The bidding war starts to cool way down. At Roscoe’s prompting, Darrell raises the bid. There is one counter bid, to which Darrell bids again. No more bidding happens. The auctioneer does a count down and then shouts, “HIS FINES ARE SOLD TO THAT MAN!”

Darrell feels a little weak in the knees. He has purchased the fines of the offender that is his first choice. His bid is almost all the amount of his loan. But he did it! Fuck it man, he really did it! He isn’t going to be placing any more bids today.

Roscoe leads Darrell through the crowd to a place where they can both sit down for a bit. They will collect their offender on the way out. As they are sitting there, one of the staff members comes over to them. The staffer says to Darrell, “Congratulations on your purchase today. Let’s complete the transaction on my hand-held device. I do have a question; do you want him to be cut?”


“Yes sir, do you want your offender to be cut? His balls.”

Roscoe looks at Darrell’s blank face. “You are being asked if you want him castrated.”

Darrell asks Roscoe, “I don’t do I? I mean since I am using the electronic cock ring to control him with a ZAP. He needs his balls. Right?”

The staffer answers before Roscoe can do so, “If that is what you want to do, that is perfectly fine. Say guys, have you seen a human castration? Have you seen ANY castration? That might help you decide.”

Roscoe has seen a human castration before and would like to see another one. He speaks up, “Oh yes, we definitely want to see one done before we make a decision. Is that okay?”

The staffer nods yes, and states, “Follow me. Some of the offenders are having that ‘body modification’ made as we speak. Oh, and by the way, we only use BCCTs. We’re NOT animals here.” He notices the blank look on Darrell’s face. “BCCTs are state licensed Black Castrators of Caucasian Testes.”

Roscoe puts one hand under Darrell’s arm pit and lifts him up from sitting, into a standing position. Darrell has seen livestock geldings on the ranch, and they don’t bother him. This is different. It is human. Darrell is shaking his head no.

“Do this for me, won’t you? I like to see the White boys being castrated. It is kind of a fetish for me, gives me a strong boner. You won’t have to do that to your ginger bear, I swear.” Roscoe is smiling and nodding his encouragement to Darrell. “Can we please go observe this? It is so fucking HOT to watch it happen in person!”

How could Darrell say no, after all of Roscoe’s help today? ‘Body modification’, indeed!

The staffer leads them though a set of double doors, to an outside tent that has been set up to look like a military surgical hospital. There are canvas folding room dividers set up to create small private areas within the tent. Of course, nothing is actually private, it is all under the same tent. Everything is rather crude in appearance. In some the private spaces, the straw and sawdust look bloody. But all instruments are sterile in order to have a successful outcome.

“Hey guys, okay you can view this pretty boy offender over here” the staffer offers.

There is a blond young man, bent over something that looks like a ‘medical grade’ padded sawhorse. The offender’s wrists and ankles are roped down to metal stakes in the ground. He looks like a big white ‘X’. His legs are spread wide apart. Try as he might, he cannot pull himself free to stand upright. His mouth is gaged to quiet his backtalk. He can clearly hear everything that is going on.

In walks a solidly built Black man wearing a leather apron over his shirtless chest. He has well-built shoulders and pecs and great arms. Darrell thinks he looks like the executioners of medieval Europe. Just needs a black hood over his shaved head. He bears a badge on his apron that simply states, EVENT CASTRATOR. No guessing as to what job he is here to do.

Darrell feels a little queasy and shifts his feet back and forth. He thinks he might bolt out of the tent. This isn’t his fetish. Dang, this is hardcore.

Roscoe, however, has a major boner going on down there and is very worried that he might shoot his hot thick Black DNA filled cum right down the inside of his trouser leg. He went commando on purpose today. He knew he would need the extra room in his pants. Now, he wishes he had worn briefs in order to catch the cum stream.

The Event Castrator injects something into the offender’s scrotum to ease the pain. He also injects something into one of the offender’s buttocks that will bring his blood pressure down. It doesn’t take long before the surgeon’s scalpel is brought out and the scrotum lanced down the back.

The Event Castrator takes the offender’s ball sack in his hands and squeezes out the testes. They are now swinging free of the scrotum. He clamps each one separately, there is a loud SNAP as it crushes the tubes. He wants to stop the blood flow with the clamps. The Event Castrator now uses a lasor to heat up the clamp in order to cauterize the end of the vas deferens.

The Event Castrator then turns to Darrell and Roscoe and askes, “Can you two guys see this okay?” He then looks down at Roscoe’s trousers and laughs. “That stiffy is a ‘full-on’ YES! You can see everything just fine, can’t you guy!?” The Event Castrator keeps laughing while turning back to his task at hand.

Roscoe can’t hardly wait to see the White guy’s balls cut off. He wishes he could take his hard rod out and stroke it.

For Darrell, this is like watching an airplane about to crash. He is horrified but can’t take his eyes off from looking at it, even if he tried.

The Even Castrator picks up a pair of metal shears that look sharp and angry. He clips the vas deferens with a crunch. The offender does an involuntary spasm at the sound. One of the testicles falls to the straw and sawdust on the ground. The offender again tries to yank himself free. Castrator turns to the guys and asks, “HEY, you with the stiffy in your pants! Would you like to take a turn and snip the remaining ball, free?”

Roscoe can’t believe his ears! Nor his good fortune! “You BET that I would!” Roscoe is grinning from ear to ear. He is so excited that he almost leaps his body over to the offender’s backside.

The Event Castrator hands the shears to Roscoe. Then Roscoe places the spermatic cord between the sharp blades of the shears. He takes a deep breath and squeezes his hands tightly together. They all hear a crunch which frees the remaining testicle. The Caucasian sperm producing ball drops to the ground. Roscoe orgasms in his pants while giving several loud guttural grunts. He also gives a good hard swat to the offender’s bare butt. There is a red handprint left there. The blond offender lays limp. All hope drained from him for a reprieve.

Darrell is hyperventilating and feels about to faint, but what a ‘HEAD RUSH’ he gets!

The staffer then asks Darrell again, “Do you want your offender to be cut?”

Roscoe, of course, is all for watching that happen!

Darrell gets a visual of his ginger bear’s naked furry butt up in the air as he is bent over the sawhorse, with his heavy ball sack hanging down between the legs. Darrell states a little too loudly, “NO!”

Roscoe looks at Darrell with disappointment. But he knows that Darrell wants to control his offender through his balls by giving him electric ZAPS. He nods his understanding.

Event Castrator states, “It is all good. Just offering.” He glances over and winks at Roscoe, whose left trouser leg is soaking through from the inside with his fresh shots of Black DNA cum. “Glad you boys enjoyed the show!” He exits while still loudly laughing and glancing back at them as he walks to the next ‘lucky’ guy.

Roscoe is still so excited about being able to cut off one of the guy’s balls, that he is on an endorphin high. Who cares about the cum down his pant leg? Grown men with balls DO shoot cum streams! Deal with it!

End of part two.