Aylesbury Wives Club

by Karen Kay

Many of the homes on Aylesbury Place are owned by upper-middle class ******'s typically owned by young white couples whose husbands? work in the city and commute. Most of the homes that line the beautiful tree-lined street are secluded off the road and built on large parcels of land.

From the road of many of these homes a person could drive past and only see a driveway and maybe a small glimpse of one of the fine homes that have been built on this street. All of the houses that line Aylesbury Place have been built within the last five years.

The husbands do well enough that none of the wives on Aylesbury Park have to work outside of their homes. That leaves seventeen bored housewives? without much to do except for shopping, traveling and socializing.

Soon after the neighborhood began to establish the wives got together to form a club called. The Aylesbury Place Wives Club. The club was formed for many reasons including discussion forums for gardening, trips, hobbies and just a club where the wives on the street could get together to socialize.

The wives? club had members varying in ages from their early twenty's and into their forties and a few of them had children ranging from toddlers up into their early twenties.

Marisa Brown is the first and current president of the club and at forty-two she is the oldest woman currently on the street and in the club. Marisa is five feet three inches tall with long dark hair and her husband Steve who owns his own publishing company live in the largest house at the end of the street.

Their ******** Jenny is twenty-one and takes after her Mother in the look's department and after four years of college has been working from home as a writer. Jenny also belongs to the wives? club although she never has been married but contributes much of her time helping her Mother organize events.

The youngest wife in the club would be Nina Jefferson whose husband Bill has become a business partner with his father in a manufacturing company. Nina and Jenny have hit it off fairly good since Nina is only a year older at twenty-two.

It was the first Tuesday of the month and club business was always handled on that particular day of each month. On this particular day there was a new application for membership into the club and it had been the talk of Aylesbury Place since it had been submitted some two weeks? prior.

New residents had just moved into a new home that was built next to Marisa and Steve's house and the new applicant has started quite a disturbance in the club.

Each month one of the members offered their house as a meeting place and it was Nina's turn this month as the women began to take their seats and the meeting was about to begin.

Marisa took the floor and said. ?Ladies. I want to thank you all for being here today and as you all know we have a new application we must look over and approve today.?

Marisa continued on and said. ?I want to thank Nina for the use of her lovely home this month and for my ******** Jenny for lending a hand with the refreshments. Now let us get on with our first business.?

Marisa went on to say. ?You all have a copy of our new applicant and as you can see the name on the application is Peter Ryan. Living right next door to our new neighbors, I haven't gotten a chance to meet either of them myself and nobody I've spoken to has yet to meet them.?

Everyone sat very quietly as Marisa went on. ?This is our first encounter with a man having an interest in our club and it's anyone's guess why a man would be interested in joining a woman's interest group. It's my guess and gut feeling is that this individual is gay and we must respect his rights here on this street.?

The women all sat around whispering to one another as they looked over the application and listened to Marisa give her speech. In the space that was provided for the husband's name, there was a male's name written down in that space and everyone had to assume that these men were partners.

The women all figured that the feminine half of this couple just wanted to fit in with the rest of them. One of the ladies put it. ?I hear that these men are very good decorators and maybe he can give us some tips on doing our homes or even cooking lessons.?

Needless to say, they all voted in favor of letting Peter join their group and they would all get a chance to meet him that afternoon. It was custom for the ladies to get together in the morning and call the new applicant to join them for lunch to let them know they have been accepted.

As the meeting ended, the ladies all sat around talking which were the usual at one of these meetings as Marisa called Peter to let him know he had been officially accepted in their club.

One of the ladies named Roxy was sitting in deep thought about a gay man joining the club. Roxy was a pretty redhead and at thirty she still looked as sweet and lovely as her first day out of college. Roxy had been dealing with her husband Tim ever since she found out he was a closet cross dresser.

Roxy had found this out by catching her husband dressed up wearing women's clothing one day about three years ago and he has been insisting on her letting him continue with his sick practice. So Roxy was the only woman feeling most uncomfortable with letting in a gay man into the club.

Nina was the only woman that knew about her problem in the club and Roxy could trust her not telling her secret. Nina had glanced her way a couple times during the meeting and she knew that Nina was thinking the same thing that she was thinking.

Lunch had arrived and the catering company was busy setting up the table. There were several people with the company which was busy carrying in everything from sandwiches to refreshments.

A tall black man walked in wearing a suit and Marisa walked up to the man and said. ?Are you the person in charge of the catering people?? The man chuckled and replied. ?My name is Peter and I'm your new member and who do I have the pleasure in speaking to??

Marisa looked embarrassed as she held out her hand and said. ?I'm Marisa and it's a real pleasure meeting you and I want to welcome you to our little club which I think you will enjoy yourself here.?

Marisa introduced Peter to all of the ladies and they all starred at him because of the fact he was a black man. Several of the women had mentioned how handsome he looked and Nina made a comment to Jenny and said. ?These kinds of guys all have to look pretty you know.?

Lunch went very well as the women all gathered around their newest member and introduced themselves one by one. Peter was a real gentleman and the ladies seemed to fight over who was going to be able to speak to him next.

Nina got her turn and introduced herself to Peter and for some reason she felt an obligation in mentioned Roxy's husband to him. Nina had been talking to Peter as she said. ?My friend Roxy found out her husband Tim was a cross dresser a couple years ago when she caught him wearing a dress when she got home from shopping one day.?

Peter replied. ?Oh. I'm sorry to hear about her problem but I'm sure it's nothing serous. Maybe I can have a talk with her about her husband.? Nina said. ?Oh Please. Don't tell her that I told you about him because she would kill me if she found out I said anything to you.?

Peter walked around speaking to all of the ladies and introduced himself to Roxy and said. ?I love your red hair, you're absolutely stunning and it's a real pleasure to meet you.? Roxy replied. ?Thank you very much. I haven't had many complements lately about anything and it's nice to hear something as nicely as that.?

They spent the next several minutes speaking and Peter had found out about her husband just like Nina had mentioned to him just a few minutes ago and said. ?Maybe we could discuss that problem sometime at my place and I could give you some advice on how you could handle his problem.?

Roxy said. ?I have some free time this weekend. My husband is going to be out of town for a couple days and I'd be happy to get together with you than.? They made a date to get together that Friday afternoon and before they departed Peter said. ? I'm looking forward to working with you on dealing with this problem you have with your husband and I'll see you on Friday.?

The luncheon finished on a positive note as all of the ladies seemed to want to get together with Peter at some point in the future and it looked like Roxy would be the first wife that he would help analyze her problems.

Once Peter left the meeting and luncheon he drove back to his house and pulled into the driveway and saw Doug's car sitting in the garage. Peter thought that Doug must be back from his trip to California already. He had gone out west to buy some property and must have made a fast deal. They were real estate investors and made millions over the past several years.

Peter entered the house and saw Doug standing in the entrance hall laughing as he said. ?Well Peter. How did you do over there at that meeting today? Did they fall for your homosexual routine or did they figure you out and through you out on your ass??

Peter walked in and smiled and said. ?You just wait until I start fucking these bitches. Man. I had them eating out of my hand this afternoon. I got this hot looking redhead with the most beautiful tits you ever saw coming over here on Friday.?

Doug laughed again and said. ?What kind of line did you have to give this one?? Peter said. ?I didn't have to give her anything. I'm just going to help her out with her sick husband.? Doug replied. ?She has a sick husband??

Peter said. ?Her old man likes to put on dresses and shit and parade around the house. Now is that sick or what?? Doug laughed and said. ?So what kind of advice are you going to give this woman??

Peter replied. ?Man. I bet her old man hasn't fucked her in months and I bet I'll have her up stairs before the end of the day.? Peter continued saying. ?This woman has a nice round ass and long legs and her tits are just asking to be licked.?

Doug said. ?Now when I'm I gonna get a chance to fuck one of these hot white women or are you going to hog them all to yourself??

Peter replied. ?Just wait. You'll get your chance. Just let me get everything under control and there will be plenty of white pussy to go around the house. We'll even be able to share some pussy to some of our best clients. You watch and see.?

It was Friday and Roxy knocked on the front door to the huge home a little nervous coming to Peter's house but when he opened the door and saw Peter smiling and with his charm she felt relieved that she had gotten that part of it over.

Peter invited her inside the home and introduced Roxy to Doug as he was just leaving on business. Roxy thought to herself that he too was a very handsome black man and even taller than Peter but found him charming as well as Roxy waited for her host to speak.

They sat down in the large great room drinking ice tea when Peter asked. ?When did you begin having problems in your marriage?? Roxy replied. ?It's been about four years now and it's gotten worse over the past year. My husband spends time on the computer talking to other cross dressers like himself and he seems to ignore me completely now. We never do anything together anymore.?

Peter looked Roxy up and down and noticed she had on a very colorful top and a pair of jeans and commented and said. ?I think you might want to begin dressing more sexy for him by not wearing a bra and leaving your buttons on your top unbuttoned.?

Roxy looked a little stunned but continued to listen to Peters advice as he said. ?You have to give your husband something to look at he may feel he is missing at home. Some men love to see their wives dressed up and maybe your husband's fetish may be triggered by his desire to see his wife more sexually desirably.?

Peter had no idea what he was talking about but he had her attention and continued. ?Lets go into the bedroom and I'll give you a few pointers.? Roxy followed her host up stairs to the bedroom and watched as he shut the door and walked over in front of her.

Peter said. ?Why don't we start with taking off your blouse and we'll remove that ugly bra and see what we can do?? Peter helped her with the buttons on her blouse and helped her take it off and unhooked her bra and placed them on the bed and walked over and cupped his hands under her tits and said. ?Look how beautiful your breasts are and they need to be displayed in a way that your husband will pay more attention to you.?

Roxy felt uncomfortable as Peter held his hands under her tits but knew she was safe since he was gay. Peter said. ?Why don't you get those pants off now and see what you have down there??

Roxy unsnapped her jeans and let them fall to the floor and kicked them off as well as her heels and stood they're in a black pair of panties. Peter said. ?Go ahead and pull those off as well and we'll start from the beginning and see what we need to do first.?

Roxy stood completely naked as he walked around with his fingers under his chin and studied her body and said. ?You're a beautiful woman my dear and we have to make a few changes to make things more exciting for your husband. Why don't we begin by shaving off that bush between your legs??

Peter walked over and put his hand on her pussy mound and rubbed her hair and said. ?Men like to feel a nice smooth pussy because it reminds them of the little girl they married.?

Peter could almost laugh to himself as he retrieved the shaver and trimmer and motioned for Roxy to lie back on the bed and began to cut her pubic hair off. Peter trimmed all around Roxy's mount and had her lift her legs in the air as he trimmed around her pussy lips and down to her ass.

When he had finished, he rubbed his hand over Roxy's mound and said, ?Now your as smooth as a baby.? Peter pushed a finger into her slit and said. ?Now. I'll have you stand up for me and we'll try on your pants only without the panties this time.?

Peter wanted to fuck this woman but knew that patience would pay off in the end as he watched Roxy pulling her pants back up and said. ?Maybe we'll go shopping and get you something more sexy today but these will do for now.?

Peter picked up the blouse and helped Roxy put it on and began to button it up as he stopped two buttons short and said. ?We'll leave this open in front to show off those beautiful breasts you have.?

Peter pulled her blouse down tight than he reached up and rubbed her nipples through the blouse with his thumbs and watched them get hard as he said. ?Go look in the mirror at how sexy you look.?

Roxy was standing in front of the mirror making little adjustments to her blouse when Peter walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist and kissed her on the neck and whispered in her ear and said. ?I'll have to teach you a few technics that will help you get your husband's attention back but first we'll go shopping for something sexy.?

Peter reached down and took her hands in his and pulled them back around until they were touching the front of his pants. His cock was hard as stone as he placed the palm of one of her hands on his budge and moved it around and said. ?If you're sexy enough to get me excited than think what you could do for your husband.?

Roxy continued to feel his cock through his pants and was getting turned on as Peter turned her around to face him and kissed her passionately on the lips. Peter didn't want to spoil what he had accomplished so far and broke off the kiss and said. ?I think we better go shopping now and we'll continue with our technics another time.?

Roxy smiled and put her arms around Peter and said. ?You're so wonderful to take the time to help me out. I know all of these things that your telling me but I've lost interest in making myself more attractive for my husband if he doesn't appreciate me any longer.?

Peter gave her a hug as tears began to form around her eye's and said. ?Don't worry now, we are going to go out and shop for a few things and we'll come back here and work some more on how we can improve your relationship with your husband.?

Peter and Roxy shopped at several shops that afternoon picking out an assortment of clothing for Roxy including lingerie that Peter thought was very appealing on this beautiful redhead. Peter helped Roxy unpack some of her things as he decided to have her try on a revealing green teddy.

Peter stood waiting as Roxy pealed her clothing off and slipped into the green teddy and pulled her tits into the small cups and turned and faced Peter and said. ?How do I look??

Peter looked over her teddy and motioned for her to turn around and as he looked over the beauty that stood before him his cock was stretching the front of his pants. Roxy took notice of the bulge showing and giggled and said. ?Are you sure your gay or are you bisexual??

Peter walked closer and put his hands on her shoulders and smiled and said. ?You're such a beautiful woman and you could turn on anyone regardless if he had been gay or not.?

The teddy was very revealing and Peter was indeed very turned on by this woman and wanted to find a way to fuck her before she returned home. Peter said. ?Would you like to practice a few techniques with me this afternoon before we stop for the day??

Roxy smiled at Peter and replied. ?I'm not sure what you have in mind but I'd love for you to teach me a few tricks.? Peter kept holding her shoulders tight and said. ?Don't be afraid. I'm going to get undressed and we can get on the bed with you and we can get started.?

Peter let go of her shoulders and began to unbutton his shirt as Roxy climbed on the bed and watched him get undressed. Peter thought to himself that he must be dreaming because he had never been with a woman that was so willing to do just about anything he had asked. He would test Roxy and see how far he could take her this afternoon.

Peter stood in only his briefs with his large cock pointing straight out and when he pulled them down past his erection he saw Roxy gasp as she saw his large cock for the first time. Roxy said. ?Wow. I think you have the largest cock I've ever saw on a man. I hope your boyfriend appreciates it as much as I would.?

Roxy kept her eye's on Peter's cock as he climbed up on the bed next to her and said. ?I really mean it. I don't know a normal woman could get something that thick inside her.? Peter moved closer to her and put his hand on her upper thigh and said. ?Would you like to touch it??

Roxy hesitated and put her hand on her cheek than nervously began to stretch her arm out toward Peter's cock until her fingers came in contact with the head of his shaft and said. ?My God Peter. This makes my husband's cock look so small.?

Roxy smiled up at Peter and with a nervous giggle she continued to say. ?I'm glad that your Gay because I would be scared to death if I knew you were going to fuck me with this thing.?

Peter said. ?Go ahead and stroke it while I slip your teddy over your head.? Roxy continued to play with Peter's big cock as he gently worked the teddy up over her head. Roxy helped Peter pull off the teddy than put her hand back on his cock as she starred at the giant mushroom head dreaming of what he must feel like inside her pussy.

Peter said. ?We're going to have to pretend that I'm going to fuck you this afternoon and show you how to react to your husband's advances.? Peter took his hand and massaged her tits before pushing her back on the bed and moved around so she could still stroke his cock.

Peter smiled and said. ?I want you to put your fingers down around my testicles and squeeze them with your fingers.? Roxy did what Peter had asked her to do as she massaged his balls and waited to see what he would do next. Peter than said. ?Take your other hand and stroke my cock with it but leave that one on my testicles.?

Roxy hand both her hands on Peter now and just starred at how hard his cock had got since she took hold of him a few minutes ago and said. ?Peter. If I keep this up much longer, I'm afraid I'll get turned on and have to make myself cum.?

Peter said. ?Don't worry. If I see that your getting too excited than I'll stop.? Peter knew that wasn't true but he didn't want to frighten her away. Peter than said. ?You can do this to your husband at home but your going to have to use your tongue on him and lovingly worship your husband's cock.?

Roxy nervously giggled again and said. ?Do you think your boyfriend would get mad if I tried it on you?? Peter put his hand on her bare pussy mound and said. ?Go ahead. He's not going to get jealous over a woman.?

Roxy kept stroking his cock as she slowly leaned down and licked the head of his cock with her tongue. Peter laid back on the bed and watched as Roxy nervously licked little circles around his cock head. Peter said. ?Go ahead. Take it in your mouth and slowly suck it and make sure you make good use of your tongue.?

Peter felt Roxy's tongue as she lovingly used her tongue on his cock and was surprised when she began to massage his balls with her free hand. Peter massaged her tits and played with her nipples as she continued to suck his cock and than lowered his hand to her pussy and began to stroke his fingers into her slit.

Roxy spread her legs as she felt him touch her pussy and arched her ass up so he could reach her more easily. Peter said. ?Why don't you lay on top of me and I can give you some stimulation with my tongue while you suck my cock??

Roxy didn't say a word as she got up and waited for Peter to lie down and than she climbed up and straddled her legs on each side of his head and went sucking his cock. Peter spread her ass with his hands and gave her pussy a gentle lick and felt her body shudder.

Peter began to put his tongue inside her pussy and started to lick her clitoris and felt Roxy respond by pushing her pussy into his face. Peter could feel Roxy's tongue on his cock as she sucked more intensely as he worked his tongue on her clitoris.

Roxy's body began to shudder as Peter worked on her clitoris and he knew she was going to have an orgasm the way her body was reacting. Peter was right because her ass started to jerk above his head and Roxy shouted out. ?Oh Yeah . . . Oh Shit . . . I'm cuming . . . Ah . . . Yeah.?

Roxy squirmed around above his head pushing her pussy into his face and finally her body relaxed as she said. ?Oh God. You did that so good. I couldn't help myself. I just had to cum.?

Peter said. ?Come on up here and turn around and lay on your back for me.? Roxy got into the position as Peter had asked her and waited for him to move around as he kissed his way around her pussy mound and belly and worked his way up to her tits and began to suck her tits.

Roxy was starring down at Peter's cock which was still hard and said. ?God. I wish my husband had a cock as big as yours.? Peter kept sucking her tits and than worked his way up licking her neck than gently kissing her lips as he moved his body around until his legs were in between hers and gently moved her legs up with his hands as he continued to passionately kiss her lips.

Peter worked his way back down her body kissing his way down to her pussy and spread her legs wide enough and started to lick her pussy again as she sighed and said. ?Oh Yeah. I wanted you to do that again.?

Peter sucked on her pussy intensely as Roxy bucked her hips up trying to force more of his tongue inside her pussy. Peter worked around her clitoris again and could tell she was more sensitive than the first time.

Peter licked around her bare pussy mound and thought to himself how soft she was since being shaved and would have to tell her to keep it that way for him from now on. Peter moved back up and kissed Roxy on the lips again and laid the head of his cock at the entrance of her pussy.

Roxy was moving her hips and digging her finger nails into his shoulders as she said. ?Oh God . . . Peter . . . Please . . . Fuck me . . . I know it won't be the same for you but I want to feel you inside me so bad.?

Peter pushed forward until his cock head slipped between her pussy lips and began to slowly push inside as she held her legs up for him and rotated her ass as his cock slid inside an inch at a time.

Roxy was going wild with excitement as she chanted. ?Ah Yes . . . Oh . . . It's Big . . . Don't hurt me please . . . ? Besides Roxy's voice the only other sounds that filled the room were the suction sounds of Peter's cock as it moved in and out of her pussy. Peter's cock moved inside a fraction more with each stroke.

Roxy chanted. ?I've never had anyone fuck me this big before. Oh God. I love it . . . ? Peter held her legs back with his arms and felt Roxy put her hands on his ass as she tried to pull him deeper into her pussy.

Peter said. ?Your pussy is so tight you feel like a virgin.? Roxy's pussy was clamped tight around his cock and it seemed to be struggling on its own to keep him from pulling out on each stroke as if were holding on like a vice.

Peter rotated his ass around making his cock hit different area's of her pussy as she yelled out. ?Oh Shit . . . Peter. You're so good. Fuck me so good . . . Oh yeah. Fuck me.?

Peter knew she would be wild in bed but he didn't dream she would be such an easy lay as she's been. He looked down in her face and watched her eye's roll back with each thrust of his cock as he wondered how some of the other wives would be this hot in bed.

Roxy was getting ready to have another orgasm as her legs began to swing wildly up into the air as she chanted. ?Oh my God . . . Ah . . . Yeah . . . God . . . I'm cuming . . . Give it to me . . . God. Yes . . . Oh . . . Yeah . . . I'm cuming . . . ?

Peter felt her pussy grip his cock and could feel the wetness of her orgasm while holding her legs back and watched her ass rise and fall off the bed sheets as she finished her orgasm.

Peter began to fuck her with steady strokes and Roxy's ass bounced with each downward stroke of his cock. Roxy now had her legs locked around his ass as his strokes quickened and he was almost ready to cum.

Peter could feel his seed building up and he felt like he was going to pop at any second as he felt her nails digging into the skin of his back. Peter could see she was sweating as her beautiful long red hair lay messed on the pillow as he continued fucking her with even more force until he began to cum.

Peter yelled out. ?Ah Yeah . . . Baby . . . I'm cuming . . . Gonna Cum . . . Ah . . . Yeah . . . Uh . . . Yeah . . . Uh . . . ? Peter's seed squirted out and hit her cervix as she dug her heels into his as and said. ?That's it . . . Give it to me . . . Cum in me . . . Yeah . . . I can feel it . . . ?

Peter finished filling her belly with his cum and began to pull out and felt her pussy lips close shut as the head of his cock slipped from between her pussy lips.

Roxy put her arms around Peter's neck and pulled his head down and gave him a passionate open mouth kiss and said. ?Oh my God Peter. I've never in my life had anyone fuck me this good in my life. You're the best fuck I ever had.?

Roxy kissed him again and said. ?Do all gay men fuck this good?? Peter smiled and said. ?Let me just say that we learned how to please our partner and I'm going to teach you everything I know about pleasing a man.?

Roxy and Peter got up and showered and she gathered up all of her new clothes and gave him another kiss before leaving and said. ?I hope I didn't get you in trouble staying here today with your boyfriend.?

Peter replied. ?Don't be silly. Doug was the one that encouraged me to join your club and I'm looking forward to spending more time with you in the future.?

Roxy smiled and said. ?I'm free on Wednesday of next week and we could get together again around the same time.?

Peter looked surprised but said. ?Sure. We can meet here if you want, at the same time on Wednesday and we'll continue our session. Oh. Remember to give the teddy a try at home and be as sexy as you can and let him know you care and love him.?

Roxy kissed him again before walking out the door and smiled back on her way out to her car as Peter watched her drive down the street he glanced at the house next door and thought. ?I wonder if Marisa and her ******** Jenny were going to be this easy.?

(Hope you enjoyed the story so far, if you would like to know more about me and see photo's of me. I love swinging with black men. please visit my web site at www.karenkayonline.com )