Part 1-- Stardog Champion

Despite the fact that she had lived in Chicago for almost 15 years, for a small town country girl like Ida Morgan, living in a city the size of Chicago was a daunting daily task. When her husband had accepted the promotion from the manufacturing company he worked, that neccessitated the Morgans move from Cedar Rapids to Chi-town, Ida had been far from crazy about it. With the second of their three children getting ready to go off and start college at the time back in 1986 however, the ****** needed the added income that came with the move.

As Ida looked back 15 years later, she accepted that the move to the big city had been for the best. After successfully putting all three of their kids through college, having each of them bare a grandchild already, and seeing the way her husband, Bruce, had climbed the corporate ladder, all the way to Vice President, Ida saw the harvested fruit of their difficult decision a decade and a half earlier.

For Ida, a 55 year old woman with a bachlors degree in marketing that had never been put to use, after all of her kids grew up and were out of the house for good, she discovered she had an ungodly amount of time and energy on her hands. Tiring quickly of the normal social outlets for rich women her age, Ida thankfully stumbled into an opportunity in 1994, that would help her build up a glowing sense of accomplishment as well as a great way to supplement the couple's retirement fund.

The woman that had been Ida's Avon representitive ever since she had moved to Chicago, Emily Catchings, had finally decided to cash in her chips and move to the condo in Florida that her and her husband had bought. On a lark, Emily had asked Ida one afternoon if she would be interested in taking over all of her existing accounts.

Thinking Ida had the perfect temperment as well as the right look and personality to highlight the line of beauty products, Emily was pleasantly surprised when her friend and customer reluctantly agreed to give it a try.

Not use to actually having to work on a consistant basis outside the home, Ida didn't know quite what she had gotten herself into at first. Once she gained a comfort level with the demands of the job and expanded her client base however, the money started rolling in.

>From late '94 to 1998, Ida Morgan's life was a good as it had ever been. For the first time in her adult life, she felt vital both in and outside the home. To actually have some spending money of her own was also a neat diversion as well.

Having saved up nearly $25,000 for just part time work over those 4 years, Ida and Bruce began making serious plans for their own retirement.

When Bruce Morgan went for his yearly checkup in late '98 however, the smooth ride the couple had been on suddenly hit a huge speedbump. Bruce had been diagnosed with kidney disease and had to go through a difficult surgery that forced him to take a early retirement from his company.

Eventhough they had enough money in the bank to pay the bills and insurance covered a good deal of the medical expenses, Ida suddenly felt the need to become the breadwinner in the ****** while Bruce was ill.

With the money in their retirement fund drying up, Ida dedicated herself to a fulltime pursuit of her Avon selling to maintain the household income. Ida went from spending 10-15 hours a week on the job to well over 40 and sometimes as much as 50 hours a week while Bruce was in and out of the hospital.

Even when he finally came home to stay, the combination of her husband's grouchy attitude and the addictive emotional outlet that her own work gave her, kept Ida Morgan pounding the pavement. The lure of a commision check that was nearly quadrupile what she was making before she went full time and the connections that all her new customers provided kept Ida's head spinning to keep up with all her accounts.

One of her regular customers was a middle aged black woman named Deloris Franklin, who managed a Burger King that Ida frequently stopped at for lunch when she was downtown.

Deloris lived in a housing project on the West side of town and over the years had provided several contacts for Ida's blossoming customer list. Many of those women that Deloris turned Ida on to were either too poor to afford a car, many didn't work for various reasons and a few were too elderly to venture out often. Deloris often played the role of courior for Ida in getting the products to several of those ladies and then in turn, getting Ida her money.

There were certain occassions however, when Deloris and Ida couldn't get their schedules to jive and Ida had to take it upon herself to make a special visit to deliver merchandise and collect payment in the mostly black neighborhood.

The last place Ida Morgan thought she'd be servicing while selling Avon was a low income housing project but most of the people she encountered were very sweet and Ida was frankly surpsried by how much money that particular clientele brought in, upwards of about 15 % of her total Avon income.

The worries about her safety that she, her husband, and many of their friends had about going into those neighborhoods all turned out to be unfounded. When she did venture to those places, Ida usually planned it out to where she would be going on mid mornings when the sun was out and all the bad people she worried about, in the stereotypical reaches of her mind, were still in bed sleeping off their hangovers.

There were only a few instances when Ida got as much as an occassional stare from the men and women that hung around the projects. Eventhough she did feel like a sore white thumb sticking out on a black hand, Ida usually walked peacefully on by, holding her tongue and breath as she went about her business.


For over 30 years, Bruce Morgan had been everything Ida could have hoped for in a husband and a friend. He had been the best provider, confidant, lover and supporter Ida could have prayed for when she said "I DO" in the Summer of '69. Through thick and thin, Ida and Bruce stared down each obstacle that blocked thier path, together.

When Bruce was confronted with his kidney disease and impending surgery, Ida knew that it would be just another trial put in front of them by God that they would eventually overcome.

Three and a half years after Bruce finally came home for good from the hospital, Ida secretly knew he wasn't the same man she had married. The combination of self esteem loss that came without having his job along with diminshed abiltiy to do many of the hobbies he cherished, was a rough blow for her husband to take.

Even after her change of life, Ida had retained her vitality for intimacy that mirrored her socially bubbly personality. She completly understood that the plethora of problems Bruce faced, from the normal effects of aging to the aftereffects of his surgery, gradually cut into his interest and stamina in the bedroom.

As time went on however, Ida could clearly sense that Bruce was giving up in all phases of his life. While he outwardly supported her new role as primary breadwinner, she knew he was old fashioned to the end and could tell his mood worsened every month when it was time to sign the checks to pay the ******'s bills.

In the bedroom, Bruce steadily lost interest in pleasing her ,as well as himself, for that matter until his thrist for sexual gratification was nearly nonexistant. There were occassional nights when Ida could coax Bruce into being his old self, but those nights were few and far between.

Old fashioned to the end as well, Ida never even thought of bringing up her frustration to Bruce eventhough when she looked into his eyes late at night, she knew he felt it.


Ida Morgan sat behind the wheel of her parked Olds Cutlass, checking herself in the rearview mirror. Ever vain, even in her mid 50's, Ida patted at her curly, dirty blonde hair and touched up her makeup and lipstick as she mustered the courage to get out of her car and make the few quick deliveries she had to the low income housing tenament where several of her poorer customers lived.

Parked in a glorified vacant lot at the corner of 3rd and Caldwell, Ida looked out of her driver's side window and saw the fresh remnants of a party from the night before. Four Old English Malt Liqour bottles, several discarded roach clips and one gerryrigged crack pipe littered the pavement causing Ida to click on the denial button in her pysche as she reminded herself which side of the tracks she was currently on.

"Why in the Hell are you even worrying about making yourself look presentable?" Ida sarcastic inner voice asked.

"Because you have an image and a product line to sell..that's why," Ida immediatly answered herself outloud, as she went back to primping her features.

When her courage of conviction and requisite denial were in place, Ida gathered the three bags of merchandise she needed, a dozen product catalouges, locked the car door, checked it twice and then made the two block walk through Chicago's mean streets to make her deliveries.

With this trip being her 10th such visit into the proverbial heart of darkness, it had almost become routine for Ida eventhough she was the only white face, it seemed, for miles around. As the wooden click of her modest heels echoed off the concrete sidewalk below, Ida successfully navigated the maze of pedestrians between her and her intended target.

Having been married for over 30 years and raised three children, Ida had long ago developed the ability to block out irrelevant stimuli and that talent played a crucial role in dismissing the occassional catcall, whistle, racist comment, obscene gesture or innuendo as she made her delivery stops in that neighborhood.

Stepping through the lobby door of the tenament, Ida politly said "thank you" to the kind gentleman that held the door open for her eventhough she resisted the temptation to look up make eye contact with him.

Looking at her package list and seeing that her first delivery was up on the 4th floor, Ida headed for the building stairwell, knowing the elevator would be out of service as usual.

Ida quickly scooted up the cluttered stairwell, purposefully dodging the bottles, plastic cups and discarded wads of bubble gum that littered her path. As she ascended the second floor landing and prepared to make her way up to the third, Ida attention was suddenly grabbed by a series of strange noises coming from her right. With her primal fear of mice foremost in her mind, Ida's expectation when she turned was that a few rats were about to come scurrying out of the corner.

What she saw when her eyes finally focused on the cause of the noise, in the dimlight of the stairway, was the furthest thing from scared mice.

What Ida Morgan did see was the backside of a heavyset young black girl with long hair as she straddled the waist of a barely visible man in front of her.

"OOOHHH," Ida wailed in a high pitched shriek of surprise as the reality of what she had accidentally stumbled upon quickly sunk in.

Suddenly feeling as if she were a rat trapped in the corner, Ida started to shake noticably as she decided whether to continue her journey upstairs to make her deliveries or to just retreat back downstairs and leave the two sexually engaged kids to their tawdry act.

Ida could see the whites of the man's eyes gleam out over the girl's writhing shoulder and she instantly knew he saw her standing there, 15 feet away. It seemed as if his eyes had trained on her paralysed face as the hefty girl wrapped around his waist frantically fucked him with her ample weight.

Ida had seemingly lost track of time as she openly gawked at the lurid display unfolding in the stairway in front of her. She could clearly see the young girl's brown miniskirt hiked up all the way to her waist as her chubby thighs hung out lewdly, shielding Ida's view of the young man's crotch as the fat black girl crudely smashed her pussy against his cock.

All Ida could discern of the young man from the waist up was the bandana that he had tightly wrapped around his head and the two cold focused eyes that had locked onto hers. Below the waist, Ida could see that the young man's bulky blue jeans were pulled all the way down to his ankles and his black hairy legs spread out like two tree trunks from the floor as he held his back against the wall for support.

The half faceless black stranger's eyes seemed to be inexorably glued to Ida's as the young black girl thrashed wildly on his jock. Ida felt her insides experiencing a strange burning sensation as the black man focused intently on her eventhough his hands were matter of factly cinched into the girl's asscheeks, holding her tightly against his body as she mindlessly got herself off.

The fact that all three were in a completly public place while all this was unfolding was temporarily lost on Ida as she stood there, blatantly transfixed by the blunt reality of it all. Watching the fat girl's ass thrusts become more and more frantic, Ida's feminine intuition told her that the girl was getting ready to succumb to orgasm as the boy she was throwing herself against firmly held his ground, continuing still to burn a hole through Ida with his dark orbs.

Finally deciding she had enough room to squeeze by the copulating couple and continue upstairs, Ida somehow got her feet to move and proceeded to make a break for it.

Ida's feet felt like blocks of concrete and her queezy stomach turned crazily as she inched by the crudely disgusting public display of affection.

The young man's eyes, that were so brazenly locked on Ida's, followed her as she tried easing by, similiar to the way the eyes of a haunting picture seem to trace the observer around a room.

Even after she had turned her head and pressed forward up the steps, she could still feel the heat and the weight of the black man's stare as she fumbled her feet up to the fourth floor.

When she finally did reach her desired floor, Ida stopped for a moment to gather her breath and that's when she heard the sound of the girl below let loose with her orgasm, filling the chamber of the stairwell with the firecracker like sounds of her overflowing lust. Ida stood there with her back to the steps for several moments, transfixed by the sounds of female release rifling around her, visually picturing what it must have looked like as the chubby black girl allowed her cravings to spill out against the nameless stud that was providing the dick for her.

Somewhere deep in the pit of Ida's belly, she knew the black stranger was somehow picturing her as he allowed the slut he was fucking to cum all over him. When his gruff sounds of ograsm came filtering up the stairwell a few moments later, Ida sensed her own image was as much a reason for the kid to cum as the girl wrapped around his waist.

Standing like a statue at the top of the 4th floor landing, Ida couldn't believe how much she had started to sweat from the combination of nervous energy and the mad dash upstairs.

After she had gathered herself enough to plan out the rest of her delivery schedule, Ida picked her three large white Avon bags back up and breathlessly went about her business.

Once all the deliveries had been made and money collected, Ida hesitantly descended back down the only way out of the building, down the same stairway she had come up. To her everlasting gratitude, the black teenagers that she had encountered on her way up were nowhere to be found.

Ida cringed noticably when she passed the spot where the two kids had been hooked up and she swore she could still feel the heat coming off thier bodies, the smell of thier intermingled sweat and even the sounds of their flesh colliding as she unsteadily passed by.

Ida hurried out of the building as fast as she politely could, trying not to let any of that awful sight sink into her memory bank as she headed to her car to get out of that nieghborhood as quickly as possible.

Once she was back to the safety of her car, the whole trip home was a blur for Ida as the seedyness of the projects gave way to the more plush surroundings of her side of the tracks.

Dragging her paperwork into the house once she arrived, Ida gave her husband a fleeting peck on the cheek as she passed him working on a 'ship in a bottle' kit on the kitchen table.

"Do you have to work on that right there?" Ida almost asked sarcastically, wishing Bruce wouldn't clutter up the entire eating area with his toys.

"How was your day, Honey?" Bruce inquired, without looking up from his tedious task.

"Fine," Ida curtly replied. "I dropped off a few things..met Renee for lunch then did a little shopping," Ida added, purposefully leaving out the fact that she made a business stop in the very neighborhood Bruce had told her not to venture alone.

Deciding it would be too tough to stand near him for any length of time without eventually telling him the truth about her day, Ida retreated upstairs for a relaxing bath to clear her head, desperate to soak off the day's accummulated weight.


Whether it was the graphic nature of what she had been privy to in the housing tenament's stairwell or the simple fact that she hadn't had sex in almost a month, all Ida Morgan could think about for the remainder of her lazy evening at home was the vague but growing tingling sensation, nibbling between her thighs.

After a quiet and romantic dinner with Bruce, Ida took the rare opportunity to bring a bottle of wine up from the cellar. Knowing her husband was a two glass limit from his doctor, after the day she had endured, Ida was more than happy to make up his fair share. And as the liquod courage took effect, making Ida's flirtatious advances clear enough that Bruce finally did get the message, the twinkle was in both of their eyes as they went, hand in hand, upstairs to bed.

Later that night, a ***** but fully functioning Ida rested on her back as her husband gracefully and lovingly used his mouth and hands to tantalize her entire upper body.

"Ohh..yeaahhh..kisss mmee..ahhh...right there...yesss," Ida whispered, feeling Bruce's lips cascade over her neck and shoulders. "Go down and lick my breasts baby...pleasseeee."

Reaching over with her free hand, Ida attempted to grab Bruce's penis through his flannel pajama bottoms. Just as she snuck her fingers inside the peehole however, Ida remembered that he was on a medication that severly limited his ability to maintain an erection.

Rather than trying to fight a losing battle, Ida simply removed her hand, laid back, and allowed the rest of Bruce's functioning body to give her the much needed release she had been sorely craving.

Scooting her body up the length of the bed slightly, far enough to give Bruce clear access to the surprisingly swollen lips of her vagina, Ida spread her short legs apart far enough so that her husband could sink his face all the way between her naked thighs.

As soon as Bruce's lips met her pussy, Ida shrieked out loudly and dug her fingers into her husband's thinning hair. By the time he had driven his tongue all the way between Ida's nectar laced folds, her bare feet were swaying uncontrollably, a foot or so above the mattress.

When she felt the front row of Bruce's teeth graze firmly against her ******* clit, Ida bit down hard on her lower lip to fend off her inevitable orgasm for as long as possible, determined to enjoy this rare treat, for as long as she could, as she savored the exploding colors behind her clenched eyelids.

Tenderly rolling her fingernails around each of Bruce's ears while he ardently licked his tongue around her perfume scented pubic V, Ida's mind drifted, like a runaway channel changer, through a million random images.

As Ida wallowed in the swirling abyss of her sexual pleasure, the glorious colors shading her mind gradually took shape. The image that those random bolts of electric light took caused Ida to shiver to the core. Still, she just couldn't bring herself to repress it.

While Bruce continued his ravenous and relentless oral assault on her sweet pussy, Ida had mentally taken a step back in time as she guiltily visualized the lurid and perverse scene she had witnessed earlier in the day on the steps of the housing complex.

"Why is that in my head?" Ida quizzed herself as her head rocked back and forth on her double thick pillow.

"UUMMMM," Ida moaned out, causing Bruce to increase his rapid mouth movements at the same time the mental image of two black teenagers, savagly fucking each other, filled the reservoir of his wife's spinning mind.

The more Ida tried not thinking about the carnal display she had witnessed earlier while running her errands, the more entrenched that vision became. The fact that her husband's tongue was doing such a devilishly good job swirling around her most sensitive spots made it impossible for the 55 year old woman to ignore the equally arousing sight unfolding behind her mind's eye.

With each passing moment, the clarity of that image developed like a cheap Polariod picture inside her head. At the same instant Bruce's tongue was lapping up and down the boiling pink fissure of her slit, Ida could see the fat black girl from the housing tenament, in her mind, slamming her weighty body against the stoic stud providing a cock for her.

Ida could also still feel that young man's dark forebodding eyes on her. Eventhough she was miles away now, in her own bed and allowing her husband of over 30 years to ruthlessly lick her pussy, the presense of that same black kid was just as real in the bedroom at that moment for Ida, as her husband was between her legs.

Ida did her best to ignore the imagery that spawned her lavishly flowing secretions but the combination of Bruce's frantically working mouth along with that haunting memory caused the writhing middle aged woman to feel as if a grenade had exploded inside her groin, bringing about the most powerful orgasm she could ever remember having.

Locking Bruce's head between her slim but churning thighs, Ida's pelvis bucked wildly against her husband's face as her shrill cries of pleasure echoed like broken glass through the couple's old house.


Bruce and Ida nested in an intertwined heap on their marital bed, each gasping happily for their breath after the playful interlude. Eventhough Bruce had difficulty in getting an erection and subsequently, an orgasm of his own, he still took great pride and solace in being able to help his wife achieve nirvana.

Laying there, bathing in the most sexually devastating release she could ever remember, Ida looked up thorugh her blurry blue eyes and saw the look of pride on her husband's smiling face.

Flexing her hands and feet, trying to get the feeling back in her extremities, Ida found it difficult to make eye contact with Bruce because of the filthy thing that wafted through her mind as her orgasm crested.

"I don't think I could ever explain that to him," Ida told herself as she lovingly rested in her husband's arms.


A few weeks later, while Ida was making one of her awkward trips downtown to make a few deliveries, Ida noticed she had a package for Deloris Franklin, the fast food manager that Ida had be-friended, who also happened to live in that same building.

Ida decided to take Deloris's stuff to her apartment while she was there rather than making a seperate trip across town the next day, to Burger King, to give Deloris her perfume and moisterizer.

Double checking the address on Deloris's package, Ida saw that her friend lived way up on the 8th floor. Ida made the decision to make Deloris's drop the last stop of her visit before putting her nose down and climbing the same steps she had witnessed the couple having sex, the last time she was there.

By the time Ida had finished with her other deliveries and all but Ms. Franklin's remained, she checked her watch before climbing the last few flights of stairs just to make sure her friend would be home.

"3:15," Ida told herself." I thinks she gets off every day at 2:30..she should definatly be home by now."

With that, Ida pressed forward, still paying close attention to look around every corner of the stairway just so she wouldn't be confronted with the same vile and disgusting sight as she had a few weeks earlier.


Once she had reached the relative safety of the 8th and top floor of the apartment complex, Ida marvaled briefly at just cleaner and more orderly the 'penthouse suites' were compared to the rest of the place, since most of the long time tenants preferred to be as high up as possible to avoid the massive amount of comings and goings below.

Walking briskly over to apartment 806, Ida shifted the weight of Deloris's Avon bag from her right hand to her left so she could knock on the front door.

The reverburations of Ida's three knocks echoed through the quiet hallway as she stood there patiently waiting for 30 seconds or so, hoping Deloris would answer the door.

When Ida didn't hear any shuffling coming from inside the apartment, her first thought was that Deloris probably hadn't gotten home from work yet. Checking her watch once more, Ida decided to give the door three more knocks before calling it a day.

Again, the echoes of her knocks were followed by extended silence. Just as Ida was about to turn and begin the long walk back downstairs, the metallic sound of the lock of Deloris Franklin's front door getting turned caused Ida to freeze.

Putting on her best "Avon Representitive smile" to greet Deloris when she opened the door, Ida Morgan's expression turned to one of disjointed shock when the door finally did swing open.

Ida had heard Deloris Franklin talk about her ****** on occassion but never anything more than cursory small talk. She vaguely remembered Deloris saying she had two sons, a 20 year old named Rahim who had been in and out of trouble with the law for several reasons, and a 18 year old named Sterling, who was the baby of the ******.

Looking straight at the young, shirtless black guy standing in the doorway, the acid-stained memory of the same eyes that had watched her a few weeks earlier when she accidentally stumbled upon the sex act on the complex's steps, were once again trained directly on her.

Too flushed to speak, Ida stammered for what seemed like an eternity before the man in front of her finally said "You Mom's Avon Lady?"

"Y...Y...Yes..yes I am," Ida slowly replied as if her tongue were trapped in quicksand. "Is..is..she home?"

"Nah," Deloris's oldest son, Rahim, quickly answered. "She called earlier..said she might have to work a little late..she'll probably be home by 3:30 if you want to wait."

Ida turned her arm to check the time. In the process of doing so, she got to consciously see just how nervous she had become from the way her entire arm quivered, from her shoulder all the way down to her wrist. It was gesture that also wasn't lost on the 20 year old man watching her.

"Well..ahhh..maybe..ahhh..maybe I'll catch her at work tomorrow.....could you..ahh..tell her I stopped by..please...," Ida mumbled as her eyes darted off in several directions.

"I'd be glad to, Ida...but you're welcome to come inside and wait..I can give her a call on her cellphone... if you want.... to see if she's on her way," Rahim politely offered as he stepped aside and waved Ida into his Mom's apartment.

"I wouldn't..I couldn't..I," Ida started without ever being able to formulate a coherant sentence.

As hard as she tried, Ida still couldn't make eye contact with the 6 foot 4 inch youngster. If she would have, she would have seen an evil twinkle in Rahim's eyes that belied his polite and innocent verbage.

"He remembers you Ida..don't let his kindness fool you...HE REMEMBERS YOU," a nasty, trembling voice inside Ida's mind correctly warned.

"Well...I'd hate to miss her if she's on her way..I guess I can wait a few more minutes," Ida gave in to the offer, in her most demure Midwestern accent.

Watching the trunk of Rahim's body ease to the side and allow her entrence to apartment 806, Ida dropped her eyes to the floor and took a series of tentative steps out of the sanctuary of the 8th floor hallway and into the Franklin's residence.

Ida immediatly felt the air conditioning embrace her sweaty skin, causing her to shiver briefly from the instant chill. As soon as she was comfortably inside, the sound of Rahim closing the door firmly behind her caused Ida to jump from surprise and raise her eyes to instinctivly explore the room. When she finally did look up, what Ida Morgan saw made her already dizzy head feel as if it was about to black out.

part 2 coming soon.........