Angela surveyed the room of masked men.

Bids were being made, each number thrown out across the room at her captor indicating an interest in furthering her humiliation.

Richard had ensured that she was fully aware of what was going on... about the feast he was putting on for these men... a feast where she was the main course. A menu of sexual deeds for a room full of complete strangers who were now assigning monetary figures to her holes.
Angela was resigned to the fact that a large proportion of these men would be entering her at some point tonight. What's more it sounded like most of them were going to have unprotected sex with her as well. Her most sacred place that until 2 days ago was the sole property of her loving husband was now to have many men's seed gushing around inside of her.

Hate entered her being. Shame entered her being.
These feelings were overpowering her as she looked around the room at these men in various states of undress... These feelings were ever present as she tested her restraints to see if she could break free if she wanted to...
These two emotions screamed almost as loudly as the bids bouncing around the room.
Her hate wasn't directed outward and neither was her shame. Her shame of being a piece of meat on an auction block was making her horny... and she hated that she wanted it to continue.

Several drops of pussy juice had made their way down her inner thighs and she was sure everyone in the room knew that her mind was loving what was happening.
"Any last bids"? Angela snapped back into the moment. "I'm throwing it back to the floor for one final time. Remember the top five bids stand'. One hole penetrative sex going once... twice...". Richard paused for theatrical effect. "Sold. Gentlemen can you hold up your numbers please". Angela now noticed each of these men had what looked like ping pong paddles with numbers on them to identify them. It was like a genuine auction house, everything done professionally. She wondered how many times this had been done as it seemed so routine, so well rehearsed and so polished.
"Congratulations gentlemen", Richard stepped forward. First course has totaled almost $2700. With Nigel taking top spot with $1k.
A round of applause briefly filled the room.

Richard leaned over to Angela and whispered in her ear "I think you best be ready for some activity past tonight. We have never raised so much in such a short period of time and as I said earlier when we hit a certain target it becomes a multi-night event". He began to free her wrists from above her and reattach them to her collar. "Nigel and I go way back. He's another member of the 9" brigade. A nice way for you to start".
A middle age black man wearing only a smile and a balaclava stepped forward. Already sporting an erection. Veins visibly engorged along his black member. He paused in front of her. "You like"? Angela's eyes were wide and focused on what was only the second black cock she had ever seen first hand. This one was about the same length as Richards but it was darker... somehow it looked more menacing with a pronounced curve along the full length.

Richard and Nigel helped Angela to the floor and released he ankles from the spreader bar. "No need for you to bang your head slut". There was that word again. Is that what she had been reduced to? A slut? And more disturbing than anything... was she loving it?
"Nah... there will be plenty of time for banging tonight. And I for one am looking forward to banging your throat soon u filthy white cunt". This caught her off guard. Until this point it had been almost cordial. This guy was crass. This voice was almost aggressive. She looked to see a skinny olive-skinned guy approaching. "I get you soon bitch. This is going down your throat". Then she saw it. It certainly wasn't as thick as they cock which was just about to enter her but it was long. Obscenely long. It was only at half mast but already it was the longest cock she had ever seen. "and bitch... I'm only the second longest in the club. Tony's wouldn't make it down your throat, it’s way too thick. Have fun Nige". He gave an almost comical thumbs up to Nigel, took two steps back and started slowly stroking himself hard as another feeling entered Angela.

This was a feeling of fullness. Nigel had struck home in one violent shove. A scream through her ball gag was met with cheers from the room. "Wow guys. She's fucking wet. So tight too. Her cunt feels like hot silk. And I can feel her clenching me". He drew back slowly and threw another hard thrust up her well lubricated pussy. Another scream, slightly muted this time, more a moan than scream. Another thrust. Another moan.
"Oh no", she thought. "I'm going to cum... I'm enjoying this".

Nigel started a rhythmic pace. Slow... almost casual. Each time removing his cock out of her and firmly back in. Her moans meeting each thrust. She raised her legs around his back in an embrace. This way she could control the action a little. This was helping her focus on her own orgasm. Forgetting the room full of men who were there for only one purpose.

Two sets of hands grabbed her ankles and wrestled them wide. Securing them to ropes attached to furniture.
"Oh no Angela. None of that now", it was Richard. "You are an object for us to use. How WE choose. Our speed. Our slut".
Nigel upped the speed. Angela started to cum.
"I can feel her cunt twitching guys. She's loving this"

Richard unclasped her ball gag. She grabbed a few deep breaths and wet her lips. " Oh God Richard" she breathed in his direction. He got down on his knees and leant into her, "are you trying to say something my dear"?
Her orgasm abated. Nigel kept thrusting. Almost conversationally . Not hurried. Each thrust seemingly going deeper".
She looked into Richards eyes. Her body jerking with every thrust. "You have to stop this". From behind his mask she could see his eyes smiling. "Not a fucking chance! You agreed. MY slut. Remember"?

Suddenly her orgasm returned.

Nigel picked up his pace... his breath was laboured... a grunt here and there... he pulled out and grabbed his cock and pointed it at her tits. "Ahhhhhh". The first orgasm of the night was evident on her body. Well... not quite the first as she had already cum twice and that's not to mention the activity that her and Richard had earlier prior to the crowds arrival. What was most important about this orgasm was that it mattered... whereas hers did not. Not to anyone but Angela.

"Good... my turn". Number two knelt above her head and waited for Nigel to extricate himself and grab a towel. "Open your mouth cunt". Angela did not want to. There was a look of almost confusion on her face as he directed his cock to her lips. She looked at Richard" he mouthed "OPEN YOUR MOUTH" to her. "Oh well" she thought to herself, "let's do this".

Resigned to her fate she parted her lips and he pressed forward. A little wider. Her teeth still acting as a barrier to this long invader. He pressed more. Still meeting resistance. All of a sudden he withdrew and moved back above her head. He placed he's face inches from hers. "Listen Cunt"! It was aggressive and uncaring, "Open your fucking hole. I'm going to throat fuck you. The only choice you have is if it's going to be over in 2 minutes or 20. Get sucking".

Throat fucking? She had never done that. He moved back into position. She was slightly fearful. "Richard will protect me", she thought. Knowing she gives a good blowjob (never had any complaints) she decided to accept this guy in her mouth. Regretting that she didn't have use of her hands to help she accepts her fate and opens her mouth.

Instantly she was fighting her gag reflex. Wanting to gag but unable to do so as he plunged deep into her throat. And started humping. Humping her face like it was a cunt. Humping her with no recognition that her body was jerking all over the place as an indication that she was fighting for breath.
His full ball sack smacking her face with each thrust. Smack! Smack! Whack! Almost punching her. Angela's wrists secured to her collar, ankles wide. He picked up pace and buried his cock all the way down her throat and then froze. Angela's mind raced. She had been able to grab a couple of lung fulls of air and she froze in fear. She could feel his cock jerking in her throat and warmth moving into her belly.
And out of character he gently removes his cock and moves off.

Angela coughs and sputters.
The room fills with cheers and she's snapped back to the realization that she's the main attraction at this fun park this evening.

Tears fill her eyes as fear subsides. And a third body positions itself over her and continues the experience.
This new guy is gentle. Almost loving. A nice size cock. No feral comments. Just a rhythmic fucking almost as if there's no one else in the room. Angela looks into the eyes behind this mask. Young eyes. Deep brown eyes to match his dark brown skin. Almost a normal fuck. Almost love making. She smiles at him as he increases his pace. Then she has a terrible realization. She doesn't feel on the edge of an orgasm. The first guy had her on edge at the first thrust. Even the feral guy had her nearing an orgasm but this guy not even close. Nice size cock. Nice pace. Nice physique. Nothing. "Why"? She thought. "What's wrong with this guy"?

"Look at the camera you slut". She snapped back into the reality of the situation. "Come on you slut. Show us how much you love this. Don't make us live stream this". Laughter. Whoops and cheers. And then there it is... Angela can feel her orgasm building fast. That was it... her current lover was doing just that... making love to her. But when she's being treated as an object she is turned on.

"Hey Bill." A voice yells across the room, " if class A's are offered are you wanting to put her on your dairy farm? She's got fantastic udders".
Bang!!! Her orgasm hit. Her eyes rolled back and she remembered she was just an object tonight... just a piece of meat.
"Maybe. Depends on the cost" came the reply. "Wanna go halves"? Laughter again.

The guy inside her picked up his pace. Grunted. Removed his cock and positioned himself so he could shoot all over her face.
Angela watched as his cum spurted out of his cock and found it's mark. In a lot of ways she preferred the cum IN her mouth. At least once swallowed she only had to deal with the aftertaste. But instead this gooey mess was on her cheek and forehead. "Smile for the camera babe", again she was snapped back to reality and again she was fully aware that her humiliation was being recorded for posterity.
What was worse is that she was starting to feel less and less humiliated and more and more horny.

Richard mercifully wiped her face with a cloth. "Thank you Richard" she whispered. "Oh it's not for you" came the reply, "it's so your next lover doesn't have to deal with it if he doesn't want to". Still not for her benefit. She scanned the room to see another guy approaching.
"Help me get her up on her knees mate" he asked Richard. Ankles were released and Richard helped him pick her up and rest her on her knees.
His cock was comparatively small. 'Comparatively' compared to the rest of the room. Was still a good eight inches but from what Angela could see it was the smallest in the room.

A wooden rod about 4 or 5 foot long appeared out of nowhere and was threaded through her arms and behind her neck locking her arms behind her and forcing her head forward.

He planted his feet on either side of her and presented his cock for her to suck. Angela automatically opened her mouth to give him the blowjob he had won. As his cock made it about half way into her mouth he grabbed hold of the rod and held her in place.
And then there it was... a new experience... as he let loose with a steady stream of piss. Panick! It quickly filled her mouth and started spilling out her mouth. But also quite against her will she found herself swallowing as well. It was an automatic response and repelled her but nevertheless she was willingly swallowing urine. Her mind raced... was this turning her on? No. Did she like it? No. Did she like it? No. Did she like it? Well maybe... and there it was... that tingling in her pussy again. "Oh god" she thought "NO! It can't be". And almost as soon as it started it was mercifully over.
Angela doubled forward. Coughing and spluttering. Slowly she raised her head to scan the room. So many men. So many more had removed at least their pants. Discussions were being had. Beers being consumed. A good time was being had by all. All? Yes all. Even though she will never admit to it... Angela was enjoying it too. Just a little bit. Her mind and body were arguing the point. Her minds point was that this cannot be normal and it's 'just wrong' but her body just doesn't care. The orgasms were evidence that she was where she should be. Right here and right now.
"You are doing well Angela" it was Richard. Just one more guy to go and starters are done".

"How much time have we got left in the first hour Rich"? A large bulk of a man approached with a large suitcase in his left hand. Richard checked the clock. 'Well, she. Is due her first break in 17 minutes"
"Excellent"! He hissed his response. He almost sounded like Mr Burns from the Simpsons, almost evil. He placed the case on the floor. Popped the lock on the top and the two sides fell flat on the floor. A black box approximately a foot long and high and 4 or 5" across was attached to the bottom of the case. A shiny metal rod with a metal ball approximately the size of a golf ball poked out the top of the box which looked like it was padded with a red leather cushion. The rod stuck up through a hole in the middle of the cushion.
Richard knew exactly what this was and helped this man pick up Angela and place her on the cushion. Her ankles were secured wide again. The metal ball slid easily into her pussy and she was turned to face the audience and cameras

Finally an electrical cord was produced and the box was plugged in to a wall socket. The switch was thrown and Angela felt the ball move deep into her pussy and then almost out again. It returned to its deepest position and back again. She moaned. Her breath quickened. The size of the ball made it press against her G-spot as it moved relentlessly back and forth. "Damn" she thought. It wasn't fast enough to bring her to orgasm but fuck it felt good. "Ohhhhh"! This caught her off guard. Her eyes closed, mouth open, biting her bottom lip. "Ohhhh yes"!
She snapped back to reality. The room had gone quiet. All she could hear was her breathing, her heartbeat , her moans and the gentle sloshing of her pussy. There was also a small hum that she associated with her mechanical lover.
Her eyes opened. Not one guy was chatting. Several were stroking themselves. ALL were watching her.

The silence was broken by the machines owner "how long now Rich"?
"9 minutes and change" came the response.
Angela watched the guy pick up a controller about half way down the power lead.
"Well whore", she felt her pussy tingling at this name, "time to learn why we call this 'The thumper'. Count us down Richard and let me know when there's only a minute left". With this he turned a dial and the speed increased. Angela's eyes went wide. He kept turning until it was doing about 2 thrusts a second. Each thrust was deep.

Some oil was squirted into her pussy as this continued. "By the look of it you don't need any lubrication but better to be safe than sorry. You still have a long night".
This added lubrication made the ball slide easily and smoothly in and out... In and out... In and out... with industrial repetition.
Her orgasm surprised her. Perhaps it was the movement in and out. Perhaps it was that everyone were focused on this activity. Perhaps it was that she had been getting used mercilessly for three quarters of an hour. But it hit. And hit hard. She moaned loudly. She rode the wave. She needed it to stop. But it's a machine. It just kept going. A second orgasm hit on top of the one she was already enjoying. "Oh God YESSSSS"!!! She lost her composure. "FUCK ME... ALL OF YOU... OHHHHHHH"!!! This was met with a cheer. "OH god" she thought "Oh Goddd"!

As her orgasm began to subside there were tears of humiliation. Humiliation that she was loving this.
Still the rod was pistonning in and out. "PLEASE STOP", she begged. "How long still Richard"? he asked.
"Still three minutes" came the response.
"Let it ride" he laughed.

She had no choice. Three more minutes. And then it was switched off.

Ankles released. The wooden rod removed from behind her head. Two men helped her to her feet and led her to a bedroom. Gently they helped her lay down on the bed. She turned over to lay on her side. "See you in ten minutes" they said as they exited. Richard entered the room, moved to the side of the bed, bent down and stroked her face.

"You are doing well" he whispered. "Enjoying yourself"?

Angela looked blankly at the pillow beside her. She shook her head. "No Richard. I am not".
He smiled, stood, turned and left the room.

As the door closed behind him giving her the brief respite that was promised Angela was left in the dark knowing that she had lied to him.
She closed her eyes. The next session only minutes away.