Angie's Hubby likes to write!

By Terri

Over the course of our marriage, my wife and I have disagreed about a lot of things and usually sex was one of them. Don't get me wrong; I completely love being with my wife, Angie, as she is still sexy and has an excellent body. However, most women (from what I've heard) have an increased sex drive when they reach their mid-thirties, but my wife was kind of an exception. I guess this was in part due to the fact that she may have been bored with the rut we developed. Our sex was methodical and I assumed she wanted something different. But approaching a typical wife about making change in the sex department is a touchy subject.

In this case, my wife is definitely no exception. I had to be extremely careful all our married lives about the topic of sex because it would seem that if I pushed too far, she would flip out and distort my intentions as being demented. I simply wanted to put a little adventure into our lives.

I knew a guy who once told me about a kind of secret society or club or whatever you would call it that existed 'down south,? in a somewhat small city. He told me that it was a 'swingers? type of arrangement. He told me to give this woman named Lori a call if Angie and I were interested. This wouldn't likely work out in Angie and my situation, as she had always been vehemently opposed to me being with someone else. I, on the other hand, have always been fascinated with the though of her being pleasured and pleasuring some other guy. I don't exactly know why, but when she would here and there bring up an occasion when she was being hit on at work or in a bar, I would get super turned on. Usually on those occasions I would just insist on fucking her that night and coincidentally enough, she would usually comply on those nights.

If for no other reason, I decided to give this Lori lady a call. I probably sounded like an idiot on the phone because I didn't know what to say to her. I just spewed out the truth about how I found out about the swinging. She asked me a bunch of defensive questions to kind of safeguard herself/themselves, but at least I knew the situation was true and not some hoax. She wanted to meet with me so we agreed to have lunch in a public place, a nice restaurant downtown.

When we met for lunch I was very nervous. For one thing, there was the simple peculiarity of the reason we were meeting, and for another because I was meeting some other woman, even though I had no intention of being with her. She was an attractive woman in her early forties I guessed. She was friendly, casual, and very relaxed to be around. She was also blunt and open with me.

Lori informed me that her group was extremely picky about who was allowed into the club. They had to be clean, sane, and fairly attractive to even be considered. I was flattered when she told me that judging from the way I looked that my wife had to be stunning so the physical traits weren't an issue at all. She said that what takes place is very discrete because everyone wears a blinders kind of thing so they really can't tell for sure whom they are with. Lori also mentioned that Angie had to be included in the fun and in no way could there be a problem of inhibitions and jealousies because their club was all about socialization, but it also was about experimentation of others sexually.

That is where the issue of Angie not wanting me to ever be with another woman came into play. I told Lori about this. She said that including just a woman wasn't a problem and wondered if I was just going to drop her off at the meeting place. I told her that I wanted to watch if I could. She had to pause and think for a while and concluded that since I was including a woman only it would be acceptable for me to watch but not participate. She also mentioned that the people in the group are not only involved in great sex, but half of the fun of these gatherings is the drinking, socializing, and partying that take place. It sounded cool to me and, if nothing else, we could meet a new circle of friends.

Telling Angie about this had to be carefully done. I brought it up one night when we were in the middle of having sex. I mentioned that I heard of a group in town that parties and after a bit they swing. Angie kind of got that ?not this again? look on her face so I quickly fixed things. I said that if we went and did the socialization thing and if she wanted to join in later that she could with my permission, but I wasn't going to join in at all. She was confused by this a bit. I explained, truthfully, that I would enjoy seeing here with someone else if she though it would turn her on as long as it was done tastefully and discretely. I waited for her to go off on me, or hit me, or something, but it never happened. We just continued to have sex and I was assuming that she was contemplating it.

After sex, she asked me if we went if she would have to go through with it if she wasn't attracted to anyone. I was surprised by her accepting this up to this point, but told her she would never have to do anything she didn't want to do. She agreed to going to the next party.

By the time the next party rolled around, Angie had kind of changed tunes on the entire thing. As we were getting ready to go, she insisted that she wasn't going to do anything with anyone else. I assured her that it was perfectly okay if she didn't take a stitch of clothing off, and it truly was fine with me. I just kind of wanted to go to check the whole thing out. We didn't talk much while going to the address I had been given. It was scheduled for a two-hour social beginning at 8:00.

We arrived at the house at 8:30 just to make sure we weren't the first one's there feeling awkward. The house was big and very nice which I think made Angie feel a little more comfortable. We were greeted at the door by Lori, who ushered us into the house. She was so casual about making chitchat and making Angie feel welcome. Lori led us down to the basement/rec room. It was large and beautifully decorated with a fireplace, couches, and a long wet bar. There were already about 20 or more people listening to music, mingling, laughing, drinking, smoking and just enjoying themselves. Lori introduced us around and we were instantly the center of attraction. People were incredibly friendly and fun. I suppose a lot of it was due to the fact that we were kind of the new curiosity given the circumstances of what would take place later.

Almost everyone there was in the 30-45 age range. As Lori mentioned to me, the people there were at least average looking. There was no one that I would consider ugly, although naturally some people were more desirable than others.

Angie and I found a place at a table eventually. I donated $50 to the kitty and got us a couple drinks at the wet bar. Lori's husband, Mark, was playing the role of bartender. He was a friendly guy, but when Lori was around it was clear that he could be a little dangerous. I would not want to be on his bad side. I took a formal count of everyone there and came up with 24 people equally divided between men and women.

I returned to Angie and she was doing okay for herself as plenty of guys were making their acquaintance with her. Another younger couple sat down at the table with us. They introduced themselves as Johnny and Maria. He was dark complexioned and attractive for a guy. Maria was petite and Latina-hot herself. But what made them even more attractive than their physical appearance were their personalities. We talked and laughed and drank with them for quite a while.

I went up to get us more drinks when Lori demanded the attention of the crowd. She announced that it was 10:30 and it was time to make arrangements. I didn't know what this exactly meant but some people immediately got up and began filing into a short hallway and into one of two other rooms in the rec room. Some people were still mingling around and finishing up their drinks. Some couples were kissing and talking before going into the hallway. Angie became nervous and came over to me at the wet bar. She asked me what was going on and I said I didn't know.

Lori came over to us and told Angie that it was time for her to go to the room down the hall to the right to change. My heart started racing immediately. I was having fun and didn't realize that time had flown by so quickly and it was now time for the sex portion of the evening. Angie didn't say anything and I asked Lori to give us a second, which she gladly did. Angie was definitely apprehensive about going. I explained to her that she didn't have to if she didn't feel comfortable. She kept asking me if I wanted her to do it. This was a question I had to avoid. The answer was ?hell, yes? as it had the potential to be incredibly erotic, but there was no way I was going to make that call and risk being the asshole.

By now everyone had gone into change except Lori, Mark, Angie, and me. From across the room Lori again prompted Angie to come change as there were going to be a lot of disappointed guys there if she didn't. Angie blushed and giggled a bit, but then turned to me to ask me again what I wanted her to do. I was about to concede to her discomfort and tell her 'maybe next time,? but before I could say another word Lori had come over and grabbed Angie by the arm and began leading her to the hallway. Angie was looking back at me and was kind of being dragged by Lori. I just smiled and she eventually disappeared into the hallway with Lori. I couldn't believe it, but she was going to go through with it.

It was just Mark and I at the bar. I guessed he didn't get to participate, or didn't want to, similar to my situation. It seemed to take forever and I just made small talk with Mark as he began filling the CD player with tunes.

?So, you don't?? I began, but then didn't know what word to use.

?Oh, yeah,? Mark laughed. ?Hell, yeah, I get mine. But on nights we have new people, one of the old gang stays out of the play and off the booze. We look after each other and the new folks.?

It was close to about 11:00 when Lori made an appearance, completely naked, at the front of the hallway. She was leading people, also completely naked, out of the hallway. They were arranged boy-girl-boy-girl and each had a wide mask-like sheath made of a sheer black nylon material to cover their eyes. They each had a hand on the person in front of them and Lori led the train out into the living room area.

It took forever until my Angie made her appearance, as she was the next to last woman out. I almost couldn't believe she was naked too, but she was. For some reason I thought she would chicken out.

She was following along with the rest of the crowd. I'm sure the mask helped her comfort level to kind of giving her an anonymous feeling. I did an official count and there were ten men and twelve women, including Lori. Lori was instructing as she led them and told them that as a reminder that there was to be no penetration for the first hour. I imagined the purpose was to get people to mingle more and ?prolong the torture,? so to speak. Everyone walked around the couches and people kind of moved around a bit and eventually dropped where they were. Angie stopped by one of the couches and sat down Indian-style with her hands flat on the ground as if she was almost afraid to make contact with anyone.

Angie obviously didn't know what to do, but that was soon taken care of as the guy next to her leaned over and began making out with her. He was being gentle and she was hardly responding to his kissing as their lips were barely making contact. She still had her palms planted on the ground and he was stroking her shoulder as they dry kissed. Eventually, his hand moved from her shoulder and found its way to her tits. He was kissing her neck, shoulders, and lips for a while. Very slowly Angie opened up more and began to accept his tongue into her mouth as they kissed deeply. He laid her flat on her back and was gently rubbing more aggressively on her thighs and through her bush while kissing her. I noticed he never made contact with her slit as she still had her legs tightly closed. I hadn't even noticed but a woman had positioned herself next to Angie and reached over and began messaging Angie's tits. Suddenly Angie became aware that the hand on her tits wasn't the guy above her. Angie reached up with both hands and felt the hand on her tits. She followed the hand up the arm but didn't dare go any further than the woman's elbow. I am sure she realized it was a woman doing this to her given the size and smoothness of her arm. Angie simply let her and the combination of seeing her make out with another guy plus let a woman message her tits was incredible. My erection ached.

It didn't take long for a guy to get between the legs of the woman messaging Angie's tits and she locked on to him and left Angie alone. It also wasn't too much longer until the guy that was making out with Angie moved on to another woman. Angie lay there a bit by herself, because there wasn't all that much movement around the room among people. She shifted around a bit and seemed a little bit more nervous the longer she sat alone. As people began to get more aggressive and engaging in oral sex, the room became more vocal. I'm sure she could start to hear the more intense moaning and groaning emanating throughout the room. I wondered if that was turning her on as much as it was me.

Lori, being the only one that wasn't blindfolded, was not only engaging in the fun, but was also making sure everyone there was active and enjoying too. She noticed Angie alone and went over to her and quickly found a match for her. There was a big guy, probably the most attractive guy there, that was unoccupied about ten feet away from me. Lori helped Angie stand up and led her over to the guy. He made contact with Angie and quickly pulled her down into his arms and began deeply making out with her. Angie responded quite positively and was reciprocating. He pulled her on top of him and was still orally assaulting her tongue. I noticed her breathing becoming much more gaspy now and her pussy was planted on top of his leg and she was lightly dry humping against him. He didn't back away a bit and was offering her something stiff to hump against. They did this for quite a while compared to the length of time other people were spending with one person. The guy said something to Angie and she nodded and quickly started to get up. I noticed the glossy wet spot on the skin of this guy's thigh where Angie's pussy had been.

I checked the clock and realized that everyone had been going at it for about 45 minutes and no one had yet touched Angie's pussy other than her dry humping a leg. That was soon about to change in a hurry as when Angie sat up she did it for the reason to mount this guy's face for a little oral pleasure. She carefully positioned herself above his mouth and he clamped on to her legs to pull her down to his lips. She dropped a bit and his tongue came out and began deeply lapping away. It immediately drew a groan of acceptance from Angie. She was facing away from me and I could see his tongue snake its way to her hole and disappear into her slit on the backstroke.

Angie was zoned out and slightly rocking back and forth with the strokes. He got more and more brave due to Angie's positive reactions and his tongue made its way further down her body and he was now tonguing her ass. I had done that to her many times in the past and I knew that would drive her crazy when he did it. This was almost putting her over the edge. She reached back and grabbed his meat and was stroking it for him. I could tell she was getting close to coming because she would rise off of him for a moment and let her orgasm subside and would then replant herself on his face. It wasn't before too long that he had to grab Angie's hand to stop her strokes to keep himself from losing it. Eventually they both got up and he planted a wet, sloppy kiss on her and I heard him tell her that when it was time to fuck that they had to be sure to get together. She told him, ?absolutely,? and with that he moved on to find another partner.

Angie just sat on the floor and had a contented smile on her face. She looked almost giddy. Lori then piped in and made an announcement that people could do anything they wanted to now and that there were no more penetration restrictions. A couple of guys immediately dove into the person they were with which filled the room with sounds of fucking even more. A guy was feeling and fumbling his way past Angie and when he passed her, his dick accidentally smacked her in the face. They both started laughing and he said, ?Um, while you're down there.? She laughed at this and got the clue. She got a hold of his cock and took it in her mouth and began milking with her lips. He had his hand on the back of her head and was guiding her while she sucked.

At this point I was shifting in my seat and my dick was pressing hard into my pants. She looked beautiful working his meat like that and I knew it was great for him, having experienced those lips so many times before myself. I was also so happy to see her turned on so much and enjoying the sensations that being with someone else was giving her. The guy picked her up off the ground and turned her toward the couch and bent her over the back. He positioned himself behind her and was feeling up and down her slit with his cock trying to line up to her hole. She muttered, ?Oh, God? as his cock hit paydirt and he eased himself into her. His strokes were slow and deliberate at first. I was somewhat behind them and at a slight angle and I could see his ass cheeks flex every time he thrust into her. Her whole body would lurch forward and return back upon withdrawal, as it got ready to accept another thrust. He increased his rhythm and her ass cheeks were being bounced and her tits were swaying with each pound she took. Angie definitely was enjoying what she was getting and the intensity on her face showed it. They fucked in a nice rhythm for a good long time. Eventually he turned her around and propped her up on the back of the couch and reentered her, seemingly much to her delight. They made out lustfully while they fucked and her arms were locked around his neck.

Lori approached me and grabbed my arm and looked toward the action Angie was receiving and said, ?She's doing great! You've got a hot one there. You must be really proud.? For some reason it turned me on that someone else noticed how great Angie could fuck. Angie took the cock with enthusiasm, but suddenly the guy stopped thrusting, stood there for a moment, and slowly let his dick slide out of Angie. I don't know for sure if he came or not. I looked at her exposed pussy but didn't see any remains of come leaking out of her, but that would probably take a minute to leak out anyway. He eventually moved on and I was baffled at how a guy could fuck for a while and then just stop without finishing the job. But then again, with so many women available there, you'd probably want to prolong it for as long as possible.

There were still quite a few people there fucking but many of them now were exiting to the room they changed in; presumably done for the night. Angie hadn't gone anywhere though. She appeared much more comfortable now. There was a little more talking going on and mingling with each other. Johnny eventually found Angie and I think that even though they had the blinders on, they could still tell who each other was by the sounds of their voices.

Johnny had Angie kind of pinned up against the wall and was kissing her neck and talking softly to her. She would giggle or nod or respond to him once in a while. Soon her hand went down and found his now stiff cock. She was stroking it for him and eventually lowered herself to her knees and took him into her mouth. She was taking her time and enjoying it. I guess Johnny got to the point of needing more of Angie because he lowered himself to the floor and pulled Angie on top of him. They resumed kissing and she reached down and inserted his dick into her. Her well-lubricated pussy gobbled him up immediately and she began bobbing up and down on his shaft. He wet a thumb down in his mouth and reached down and messaged her clit while she humped him. In looking around, there were only a few people there still naked. A few of them left and there were still a few dressed but standing around watching. One of the guys still naked found his way over to where Angie and Johnny were fucking. He was feeling Angie up while she gave it up to Johnny.

This didn't faze her. As a matter of fact, an extra set of hands on her seemed to do nothing but excite her more. The guy reached down and fondled her ass and kind of pressed her down so when he did this she leaned forward more so she was on all fours on top of Johnny. The guy's strokes eventually found her exposed ass hole. She was already wet there from her own juices and probably the juices of others. His finger was pressing and circling on her anus. Knowing Angie, this was too much to take. She was bucking and moaning and gasping; not only from the strange cock inside her but more so from the anal manipulations she was getting.

Her actions only encouraged more as suddenly he inserted his finger up her ass. This caused an involuntary, loud, ?Oh, yes? from her as he worked his digit in and out of her. It appeared to be a tight fit with a cock already firmly planted inside her and a finger working her also, but she leaned forward and helped out as much as possible.

By now there was a crowd of 6 people watching the action. No one was really talking; they were too enthralled with the hot spectacle in front of them ? especially me. I was twitching in my jeans and I could feel the wet load of precum already in my underwear. Lori came over to me and handed me a box of tissue so I could take care of it myself, but I was too embarrassed to do that in front of a crowd, which was really silly when I think about it. The guy was lubing his dick up with his spit and was stroking himself off. Eventually removed his finger from her ass but it became evident that he wasn't going to waste this opportunity to just beat himself off. He got up to mount Angie's ass! One of the guys sitting close by watching this said quietly to a nearby friend, ?Holy shit, Scott's going to double fuck the new chick.?

Angie started to feel what he was doing and began to question, ?What? What are you doing?? She knew damned well what he was doing, but I guess in her subconscious she didn't want to admit knowledge of this kind of lustful act. It had to be pretty unmistakable when he mounted her and guided his cock against her hole. She even accommodated him by stopping the humping of Johnny's cock for a second so the guy mounting her could have a steady target. The guy broke through her already stretched entryway and began to push in to fill Angie up. He was doing battle with her extremely tight ass and Johnny's dick, which had already occupied the front end. I'd seen Angie horny and lost in lust before, but never really like this.

When the guy was filling her ass, she moaned, ?Oh, fuck, oh, yes fuck that ass. Oh my God this is incredible. I'm so full!? She didn't move after he was planted in her ass. She really couldn't move too much. The guys began alternating thrusting in and out of her. I guess only one cock could really fit all the way in there at a time. They reminded me of two guys chopping down a tree, as one would enter while the other withdrew and then the other would enter. They had her in a frenzy. She never stopped moaning or talking dirty the whole time. It was undoubtedly the hottest sexual thing I had ever witnessed live. I had seen a few pornos that were quite erotic, but there is no comparison as to seeing it live happening to your wife.

Johnny evidently had enough because he broke the rhythm and began the fast fucking of a guy ready to come. The guy in Angie's ass just inserted himself and stayed still while Johnny dumped hot cum into her used pussy. Johnny gave Angie a long, deep kiss as she continued to get ass-fucked. Johnny's dick fell out of her so the butt fucker had her all to himself. Angie reached down and was savagely messaging her clit. It was time for her to get her orgasm too. When she was on the brink of erupting, she begged him, ?Fuck that ass, oh, fuck that ass. Fuck me please. Fuck my ass ugh!? She and the guy on her both came loudly and uncontrollably at the same time. He got done and eased out of her. She just lay there with her head on top of Johnny's chest. She was completely spent and was trying to catch her breath. Her hair around her pussy and ass where completely matted down with her juice and their cum which was beginning to flow out of her at a generous rate.

She drew applause from the crowd and Lori went over to help her up. She helped lift Angie up and take her to the changing room. Angie's legs were wobbly and she had fluid trailing down her legs. I sat there in stunned silence primarily because I couldn't believe how erotic it was, but also because I was so happy Angie could be so sexually wild and so completely satisfied.

"Happy orgasms to all y'all!" Luv, terri