?Hot damm? Jim said to himself, as he looked at all the items in the Victoria Secrets bag. ?This is going to be a birthday to remember,? he said with a shit-eating grin on his face as he put the bag back in his wife's closet.

You see, Jim's 40th birthday was Saturday, and though his wife hadn't said anything, it appeared that he was going to get more than lucky this weekend. Things between he and his wife of 15 years, Irene, had been a little more than strained for the last few months and it seemed that no matter what he did, he'd piss her off and they'd get into another blow up, which lately were becoming a weekly event. Maybe this was her way of burying the hatchet, or cock so to speak.

That evening, while the wife and kids were out running around, Jim had gone into Irene's closet looking for they're old photograph albums. He was looking for a particular picture with his brother Roger when they'd both had long hair, beards and road Harleys. Lately the kids had been giving him grief about being too hard on them and had he'd always been such a stick in the mud.

?I'll show them that their *** was a wild man in his day? now if he could only find that picture. He was standing on a chair reaching for the pile of albums when he lost his balance and came crashing down taking about a third of his wife's clothes with him. ?Ah shit,? he said as he picked himself up looking at the mess he'd made, as he started hanging up Irene's clothes. ?The women sure had a lot of clothes,? he thought to himself as he finished hanging up the last item. Jim was about to try again for the albums when he noticed a shopping bag behind some of her winter coats. Pulling it out he looked inside.

In it, were three lingerie outfits that would make even a hooker blush. The first one was a light purple and looked like the old baby doll nightgown his wife had wore on their honeymoon. The second was a skimpy black number that had half the material of the purple one, and was almost transparent but the third one set his blood boiling.

It was scarlet red, and made mostly of see through lace. What really set it apart was that it had a built in bra and where the nipples would be, it was cut out. Also in the bag were the thongs that went with each outfit. All the items still had the price tags on them and Jim was shocked how expensive everything was; but hell, they worth every penny he thought to himself as he put the bag back where he'd found it.

Talk about something to put you in a good mood. For the rest of the night Jim was all smiles, the world was fucking great. At dinner, his wife and kids asked him if he'd been drinking when they'd gone out, but he told them no, he was just thankful to have such a great ******. He was still beaming when they went to bed that night. He tried to get frisky with Irene but she said, like always, she was tired and needed to get some sleep. ?No matter sweetheart? as he kissed her tenderly on the cheek, told her he loved her and rolled over and went to sleep; ya right.

Jim maybe got two hours of sleep that night. Visions of Irene wearing those items danced in his brain all fucking night. No matter what he did, he couldn't clear his mind or get rid of the erection he sprouted all night. They made love five to ten times before his alarm went off and put an end to his wet dream. As tired as he was, Jim was still on a sexual high. A quick shower and shave and he bounded down the stairs. When everyone came downstairs, they noticed that breakfast was on the table and there sat Jim having a cup of coffee reading the paper.

?***, are you on speed or something?? Keith asked him. ?You never eat breakfast in the morning; much less make it,? he said with a surprised look on his face.

Irene just stared at him with a look of, ?who the hell are you and what did you do with my husband?? as she sat down. ?Well thank you hon? she said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

His ******** Terri, who never said much anyway, just dug into the sausages and eggs. ?Great breakfast ***; love ya? she said.

?Well got to go make some money? Jim said as he bounced up, bent Irene back in her chair, gave her a full mouth kiss; with a little tongue, and told each of the kids goodbye as he went into the garage, jumped into his car and headed out.

Everyone at the table was stunned. ?What's wrong with ***?? Keith asked his mother. ?I know it's his birthday Saturday and all, but maybe this is what happens when you hit 40? he said chomping on a sausage link.

?Your father's just in a good mood, that's all? Irene told her kids but she didn't believe it for a minute. ?Something's going on, he's up to something but what?? Irene thought to herself. ?I haven't seen him this happy since we took that weekend cruise 10 years ago and never left our cabin the entire time; but we didn't have sex last night.?

Jim was still on a natural high when he came into his office. ?Morning Carol? he said with a smile. ?Wonderful day isn't it?? he said as he went into his office. Two seconds later he was out asking her if she wanted a cup of coffee and a donut.

?Sure boss, but? was all she could get out before he was gone in a flash. Jim returned a few minutes later with a hot cup of coffee, a glazed donut and even a napkin. All she could do is say 'thank you? before he was off again.

Everyone in the office by the afternoon were wondering who the new guy was. More than one person came up to Carol asking her if Jim had been given a promotion or something. ?I haven't a clue what's going on, but this can't last? she told him; but it did. By 5:00, Jim had already packed up and was heading out saying goodnight to anyone who would listen to him.

Irene was just getting ready to leave work when her cell phone rang; it was Jim. ?Hi honey, instead of you cooking tonight, I'm stopping off and picking up Chinese for dinner; you want anything special?? he asked her.

?No just the usual Jim; are you all right?? she inquired almost afraid of his reply.

?I'm great, why do you ask?? he said in the sweetest tone.

?It's just I haven't seen you so, I don't know, up lately? Irene replied trying to figure out what the hell was going on with her husband.

?It's just that I realized how much I love you and the kids and how lucky I am to have you all; that's all.? ?Well I have to let you go before I get into an accident, see you at home hon.?

Thursday night was the same as Wednesday. Jim was all bubbly and acting like a teenager. He would come up behind Irene when she was doing the dishes and put his arms around her all the while kissing her neck. ?Jim? she finally yelled, ?let me finish the dishes or one of us is going to get hurt and it won't be me,? she stammered.

He and the kids spent most of the night putting together a puzzle on the kitchen table while Irene looked on in amazement. But 10:00 the kids were in bed and I was getting ready for bed.

I didn't know what I was expecting, if anything, from Irene tonight but she was reading a book and waiting for me when I got into bed. ?I don't know where you're getting all your energy, but could you give me a little,? she said with a smile. ?I'm totally wiped out tonight, but I'll be fine by the weekend; I promise? she said giving me a peck.

?That's ok hon I understand? he replied as he grabbed her, pulled her to him and laid a big kiss on her not once but three times. ?Now that's what I call a good night kiss,? he said with a smile. ?That should keep me warm, at least until the weekend.? With that Jim rolled over, turned off his light and went off to sleep leaving a stunned Irene.

Once again Friday morning, breakfast was waiting for the kids; today it was oatmeal and toast. ?I could get use to this? Keith told his ***. ?I can't wait for Saturday,? he said as he shoveled oatmeal down his throat as Irene and Terri started to eat.

?How about if we make home made pizza tonight for dinner tonight?? he asked everyone. The kids shouted their approval, as Irene just stood there with her mouth open.

Good then it's settled, I'll pick up everything on my way home from work? he told them. ?Well, got to go, love you guys? he said with a smile as he approached Irene. Jim lifted her up, spun her around and kissed her. ?Love you babes? and he was off again.

As he bounded into the office he was caring two cups of coffee and an apple fritter for Carol. He said good morning to everyone as he dropped the items off at Carol's desk He was working on next weeks schedule when Carol came into his office and shut the door. ?Alright, what's going on?? she asked him as she sat with her coffee in the chair in front of his desk.

He started to say something about how life was good or something to the effect when Carol stopped him. ?I've worked with you for 12 years and you've never been in this good of a mood before.? ?Either you've won the lottery, your getting more sex that the rest of us combined or have gotten a promotion, I'm not aware of, but something's going on and I'm not leaving this office until you tell me what? she said with her arms crossed.

?All right, but this goes no further than this office,? he told her. ?As you know, Irene and I have hit a bit of a rough patch these last few months and with my 40th coming up I haven't been in the greatest of moods lately? Jim said as Carol nodded in agreement. ?Well by accident, I was looking in Irene's closet and found some sexy lingerie she must have just bought just for my birthday,? he said with a smile. ?Let me just say, they'd bring the dead back to life if you know what I mean.? ?So, it looks like I'm in for a wild weekend and that's all I'm going to tell you? he said beaming.

?Shit, I was hoping for the promotion so you could take me upstairs with you? she replied. ?Well try to get some work done today because you'll probably be useless come Monday; if you even make it in? she said as she walked out of his office.

Jim kept looking at the clock all day. ?Jesus Christ will this day ever end?? he said under his breath about 3:00. Finally 5:00 hit and he was out in a flash yelling to Carol he'd see her on Monday. Stopping at the super market he bought all the items for the pizza tonight and headed for home. ?Maybe she'll wear one tonight? he thought to himself, there were three of them in the bag he thought to himself.

Once again, Irene sat back as Jim and the kids mixed and kneaded the dough for the pizza. Terri cut up the toppings as Keith spread the dough on the pans. All in all, they didn't look too bad, but the kids thought they looked great. One got a little over done however the other turned out perfect. The kids marveled at how easily they could make their own pizza and how good it tasted; ?better than the store bought ones? Terri announced. The only thing that kind of irked me, was that for the second day in a row, Irene just sat back and didn't join in; not even an offer of help. Oh well, tomorrow's the day he said to himself with a smile.

Before they went to bed, the kids told him that they were going to make him breakfast, so he better stay in bed until they were ready; no problem with that he thought to himself. Jim was already in bed when Irene came in the bedroom. He watched her take her clothes off as she headed towards the bathroom. He was more than disappointed when she appeared a few minutes later wearing an old tee shirt. ?Fuck? he thought to himself, ?I would have been satisfied even with the purple one tonight.?

She slipped into bed and then broke out her book to read. No wonder they never had sex anymore, she read until almost 11:00 every night. Jim was a little irritated but held his tongue, he sure as hell didn't want to fuckup this weekend. He was about to say something when Irene broke the silence.

?Remember Jim, I told Lisa I'd help her on Sunday for a few hours so I'll need you to watch the kids.? ?I've also asked Lisa and Ken to come with us to dinner tomorrow night, I hope you don't mind?? she said in a matter of fact tone. ?So you better get some sleep tonight, you're going to need it, because the kids and I have the full day planned for you tomorrow? she said kissing him on the cheek going back to her book.

?Fuck, I guess that answers my question of if I was going to get any tonight? Jim said to himself as he rolled over to fall asleep. ?Oh well, at least Saturday will be a night to remember? he thought to himself. ?I wonder if the kids are spending the night with Lisa and Ken?? ?Maybe that's why they're coming with us tomorrow.? Jim drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face and a hard on in his hand, all the while wishing it were Saturday night.

At 8:00, the kids were jumping on the bed screaming for him to get up and come down to breakfast. He grabbed Terri and threw her over his shoulder while latching onto Keith as he dragged them both to the kitchen laughing. ?Happy birthday ***? they screamed out as he looked at the spread of food on the table. French toast, waffles, eggs and sausage; it was all here. Irene sat with a cup of coffee in her robe and informed him that they'd done it all themselves. So they all sat down and ate until they were stuffed.

?Thanks kids, I really appreciated it? as he got up and kissed each of their heads and then started to tickling them as he chased them around the house laughing. They then explained, that they were going to cut the lawn for him and sweep out the garage; they just needed a little help starting the lawn mower. Irene just sat back smiling, sipping her coffee as she told him it was all their idea.

Needless to say, it took all of us 3 hours to do it all where, if left on my own, it would have taken only about an hour and a half. The kids were dirty, tired and now a little bored with the whole thing. I told them to go inside and get cleaned up while I washed the cars. By 5:00 I was finished and headed inside.

I found Irene in the kitchen on the phone but as I reached for her she pushed me away. ?You're filthy and you stink,? she yelled. ?Hit the showers and get cleaned up, we have reservations for 6:15,? she said as she went back to talking on the phone. I was a little annoyed but figured she'd blow my socks off later tonight so I let it slide. I could remember when we first were married, how we couldn't keep our hands off one another and now, it was just the opposite. How when things got a little stale, we'd sneak away somewhere, just the two of us, to reconnect; but that hadn't happen in quite a while. I guess with the kids and work there wasn't the time anymore.

Dinner was wild with the kids wanting to run around. Lisa was ok, but I didn't care for Ken. He kept up with the ?old or over the hill? jokes and asked if I need the little blue pill to get it up now that I was 40. I would have loved to tell him to ?fuck off? but with everyone there I held my tongue. Lisa and Irene talked to themselves most of the night and I was more than glad to bid everyone ado and head for home.

When we got home, the kids started to get ready for bed; ?I guess no baby sitter tonight? I thought to myself. They were pretty tired from the day's activities so they were in bed by 9:00. I opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses to set the mood. I tracked Irene down and found her in the laundry room throwing in a load of wash. I reached out to hand her the glass of wine but she stopped me.

?I've had more than enough to drink tonight already hon, I'll meet you in the bedroom alright??

Fucking right it was all right. I sloshed down both glasses of wine and headed for the bedroom. I brushed, flossed, put on a little cologne and was naked under the sheets when Irene came in yawning. She'd spent more time than usual in the bathroom and came out to her sex-starved husband in a fucking tee shirt. ?A fucking tee shirt? my mind screamed. ?Where's the black slinky one, hell, I wanted the slutty red one tonight, what the fucks going on anyway? my brain cried out.

?If you want to fool around tonight, let's get to it, because all the wine at dinner is making me sleepy? Irene announced.

?Be still my fucking heart,? I thought. ?I wait all damm week to have her come out in an old college tee shirt and tell me that if we don't get it on soon, she going to fall asleep on me; what the fucking deal?? I was pissed and things were going down hill fast.

So began a piss poor love making session. She just wasn't into it. The kisses had no warmth or feeling behind them no matter how hard I tried. While sucking and licking her nipples she cautioned me that her period was coming soon and they were overly tender so please be gentle. She did however like when I went down on her. I've always loved to eat pussy and tonight was no exception.

For years I'd asked Irene to shave her pussy for me but she didn't like to even trim her pussy so she always sprouted a full bush. I pulled on the hairs with my lips and licked her slit to open her up. She has a tiny clit which needs a lot of attention to get hard, but when it does; look out.

After licking and sucking on her pussy and massaging her clit with my thumb for about 10 minutes, she was hot and dripping. Shoving in one then two fingers I could see that she was getting close; even after three week I still haven't lost my touch. I feverously finger fucked her pussy and sucked on her little clit that was now totally erect.

?For Christ's sake, finish me? Irene screamed as she pushed my face harder down on her cunt. ?Ohhh fuckkkk? she moaned as I felt her pussy clamp down on my fingers as she erupted. ?Don't stop, don't stop,? she cried out as I continued working on her for what seemed like five minutes before she came again and then went limp. Reaching down she pulled me up and kissed me on the lips informing me it was my turn.

I was expecting this great blowjob, but it wasn't to be as I heard the same lame excuses, ?it hurts my jaw? and ?you last too long.?

?But it's my birthday? I begged.

?Oh well if your going to wine, I'll give you one? she relented.

Can you say pathetic out loud without getting mad, because that what her blowjob was. She licked my dick a few times, gave it a weak suck and then proceeded to try to whack me off; this was going nowhere. I was at the point of ?let's just get this over when? she laid back, spread her legs and said, ?Lets do it.?

How I stayed hard I don't know. I was on top, pumping away as she just fucking laid there waiting for me to finish. I almost stopped but figured it'd be at least two weeks before she'd let me back in the saddle so I'd better take advantage of it when it was offered. I finally shot my wad and rolled over.

Irene was up in a flash racing to the bathroom to clean up while I just laid there. ?If you throw a dog a bone, at least make sure it has a little meat on it? I thought to myself. Within two minutes Irene was back in bed under the covers.

?That was nice she said? kissing me on the lips, ?but you smell like my crotch? as she rolled over onto her side.

?Excuse me, where do you think I spent the last 15 minutes bitch? I said to myself. It took all my effort not to yell it, and I probably should have now that I think about it but I didn't. I got up, went to the bathroom, washed my face and went back to bed.

I didn't sleep all night. ?If she didn't wear any of those outfits tonight, what was she saving them for?? he asked himself. ?Could she be cheating on me?? ?No fucking way, Irene would never do that to me, but what about the lingerie??

Sunday sucked. I no longer was in that jovial mood any longer and everyone sensed it from the moment I came down stairs. I drank my coffee in silence and turned down any request for breakfast. Irene reminded me she was leaving at 1:00 and should be back by 4:00. I mumbled something and just kept reading the Sunday paper.

When she left, I grabbed the kids and said, ?let's get the heck out of here and go to the mall,? that brightened up their spirits; no use taking it out on them. We were just getting ready to leave when I went into Irene's closet to check on my 'supposed? birthday gifts. Fuck, two of them were gone. The purple and black ones were missing. ?Maybe she returned them? I thought to myself; ?but why not all three??

Irene was already home cooking supper when we got back after 5:00. The kids told her about going to the movies at the mall and how *** bought them each a new outfit as they showed her the bags before they ran upstairs. Dinner was quiet and evening was even worse. I avoided Irene because I probably would have yelled at her, ?what the fuck is going on?? and I wasn't ready for what I might hear; so we just went to bed.

I was up and gone before anyone came downstairs Monday morning. I don't even remember the drive to work or most of the morning. I returned everyone's greetings with a weak smile as I stayed in my office. By 10:00 I'd put out two fires when one of my vendors called to say he was going to be three days late on his delivery. I proceeded to chew him a new asshole and with my door wide open so everyone heard. By 2:00, I'd gotten into it with two more vendors on deliveries and pricing when Carol stepped into my office.

?What the hell is wrong with you Jim?? ?If you don't stop, we'll have no vendors left and you and I will be out of jobs, and I can't afford to be unemployed,? she told him. ?Hell, I thought you'd be on cloud nine after the weekend you probably had? snickering as she said it.

?Let's just drop it ok?? Jim replied.

?Looks like the weekend wasn't as great as someone thought it was going to be? Carol said with a concerned look on her face. ?And with the way you've been acting all day, I can probably assume it sucked.?

Jim thought for a moment and then thought, ?what the hell.? ?I never saw one fucking outfit all weekend? he started. ?And all I got was a quickie Saturday night.? ?And to top it all off, Irene took off on Sunday for a couple of hours and took along two of the three outfits; if I didn't know any better, I'd say she was having an affair.?

Carol just stood there with her mouth open. ?Jim, think about it, Irene would never cheat on you, she loves you.?

?That's what I thought too, until these last few months, and now I'm not so sure.? ?She's got time for everyone else but me and I'm sick of it.? ?I'm going to watch her like a hawk and get to the bottom of it starting this week.?

?Well just don't do anything stupid without any facts alright?? she told Jim. ?Have you thought of talking to her about it, maybe there is a logical explanation? she told him.

?Ya right Carol.? ?I can just see me saying, Irene, are you having an affair or fucking someone else?? ?That would go over real well, even if she was having one, she denied it anyway? he told Carol. ?I'll just watch her and if I catch her, I'll put her to the curb, life's too short to go on the way we've been living the last six months.? ?And I'll watch my temper from now on, I need this job as much as you do, so let's get back to work.?

For once I was glad to be at work, because my home life was tense. We were back to walking on egg shells around each other and the kids noticed the change.

?What's wrong with ***? the kids asked there mother Thursday night. ?He stopped making breakfast and isn't even here when we get up anymore; I liked having breakfast as a ****** in the morning? Terri told her.

?Irene had also noticed the change from the jovial Jim to Attila the Hun but wasn't sure why. She was just getting use to the ?new? Jim when he vanished over the weekend. Maybe if she'd been a little nicer to him maybe they'd reconnect again. Lately she'd been getting her sexual releases elsewhere and had been neglecting Jim too much. After Sunday, she'd make it a point to take matters in hand and put things back the way they were or should be.

Saturday night Irene reminded Jim she was helping Lisa for a couple of hours Sunday and that wouldn't it be fun to BBQ steaks when she got back. Jim mumbled something about picking up steaks and would have everything done by the time she got back. ?By the way, what are you helping Lisa with anyway?? Jim asked.

?Just stuff with her new business that's all? she explained. ?She just started it and I wanted to give her a hand until she got established? Irene told him.

Jim nodded in agreement and said he was going upstairs to change. When he passed by Irene's closet he decided to look in. ?What the fuck?, there were two new outfits besides the red one in the bag. He wanted to grab the bag and throw it on the kitchen table and ask what the hell was going on but he had another plan. Calling his mom, he asked if she could watch the kids Sunday for a few hours, that way he could see for himself what was going on if anything.

That night he wanted to shake Irene and ask if she had any idea what she was doing, that if she was messing around, their marriage was over. You know how, when you get so pissed that you just want to scream, and you don't know what to do? Well that's how I felt, so I started drinking. Three beers at dinner and a few more after and by the time I hit the bedroom I was in no condition to do anything. Irene smiled at me and asked if I wanted to fool around. I just looked at her and told her I didn't need her pity sex and went to sleep.

I woke up twice and thought for a moment I thought I heard her sobbing, but I just went back to sleep. Breakfast was tense and after the kids were finished and outside Irene spoke up.

?Jim I know we haven't been as close lately but you comment last night was uncalled for? she started. ?I never give you pity sex I always enjoy sex with you? she told him.

Not wanting to get into at that moment, Jim told her that he was taking the kids over to visit their grand parents and that later tonight he would talk with her about it. Jim kissed her on the cheek and said he'd see her when she got back and went out to get the kids.

Later, Jim waited for Lisa and Irene down the block. When they passed his car he pulled in behind them about five car lengths back. Jim felt like some type of heal tailing his wife, but he needed to find out what the hell was going on.

The two of them drove out of town and pulled into a Best Western just off the turnpike. He watched them get out of their car, check in and then go into rooms 108 and 109. Soon after, a car with two other women came and went into room 109. Maybe Irene was telling the truth; maybe she and the others were just helping Lisa with her books and such.

Jim was just about to leave when two cars full of men pulled up. About six guys knocked on 108 and Lisa let them in. ?What the fuck kind of business was Lisa running anyway?? Jim said to himself as he slowly walked up to the room.

He could hear music playing as another car pulled up. Three guys got out and walked up to the door and knocked. A guy opened the door and yelled out to hurry up the show was about to start. I walked into the room with them and stood behind one of the guys. All the furniture was pushed to one side of the room as Lisa emerged from the adjoining room. ?Remember guys, cash only no credit cards,? she explained. ?You are bidding on the outfit not the girl, that is unless the two of you work something out,? she said with a laugh. ?Each girl has two outfits so if you're outbid on the first, you'll have a second chance.? ?With that, let's get the show on the road? she said as a tall blond came out with the sheerest piece of lingerie I'd ever seen. It left nothing to the imagination and she had one of the best bodies I'd ever seen.

The bidding started at $25 and soon got up to $200 and finally topped $300. The lucky bidder and the model went to the other room and about 5 minutes later he came back with a big smile on his face. I asked the guy next to me what happens in the other room. ?Whatever the girl will let happen,? he told Jim. ?I've heard stories of blow jobs and fucking orgies after all the bidding is done, but this is my first time here so I can't be certain, but I brought lots of money with me? he said showing his wad of cash.

The second girl, a short brunette with small tits came out with a floor length see through robe. ?Hey guys? she started. ?Wouldn't you like to see your women in something like this?? she said as she opened it to expose her great body, ?or out of it?? she said with a smile twisting her nipples and rubbing her pussy.

The crowd went wild as the bidding went over $350 and topped out at $375. The guy next to me had the winning bid and rushed over to the girl. She led him into the next room and came back about ten minutes later. As he sat next to me I asked him what he got. ?For an extra $50, I got to feel her up and she gave me a blow job.? ?If I had an extra $50 more, I could have fucked her, oh well, maybe next time.?

Lisa came in from the other room again. ?Alright guys, the next model needs no introduction, so lets put your hands together for Carla.? The crowd erupted and everyone stood up. I couldn't see but heard a lot of hooting and whistling. Standing up I saw what the commotion was about. There stood Irene in the red outfit I'd found in the closet last week. With her nipples sticking out, everything was there for the world to see. Then it caught my eye, her pussy was bare; she'd shaved. She was now walking around, twisting her nipples and asking the guys how they'd like to see their girl in an outfit like this. With my cell phone I took two pictures and a 10 second movie of what was going on. I hadn't seen Irene look that hot for me in years. She tossed her shoulder length brown from side to side as she teased the men caressing her body as they cheered.

I wiped a small tear from my eye as I watched the bids go from $100 to $250 and then to $400. When the bidding looked like it was over, I spoke up.

?Two cents I yelled over the crowd.?

?Buddy? someone spoke up. ?The bid is $400, what's this shit of two cents?? he asked.

I stepped forward and Irene saw me, 'that's all my marriage is worth right now? I said and walked out.

There was a lot of commotion as Ilene tried to get to me but the guy who has bid $400 grabbed her arm, ?Come on babes I have an outfit to take off you? he told her.

I was in my car and long gone before all the commotion settled down. My cell phone never stopped ringing so I just turned it off. When I pulled up to my parents house my mom came out with a concerned look on her face. ?Irene's trying to get a hold of you, and she sounds real upset, do you know what's going on son??

I told her that we were having problems and asked her to watch the kids until Irene got home. ?Where you going Jim?? she asked.

?Just away for a bit to think? I told her and went home; or what use to be my home. I packed a suitcase and headed out, where to, I wasn't sure. At least now I know why she hasn't been in the mood lately, she was getting all she could handle on Sunday afternoons; how could I have been so stupid.

About an hour out of town I found a small motel and checked in. I went down to the corner store and picked up two six packs and settled in for a long night of drinking. I knew it was going to take at least eight brews to put me under so I could sleep tonight; even then I woke up in a sweat three times.

Monday came way too fucking early. I turned on my cell and had twenty-two messages from Irene and my parents; I deleted them all. I called Carol at work.

?Alright what the hell did you do yesterday anyway?? she started. ?Irene's been here crying nonstop saying that you left her, what gives boss?? she asked

?Carol, first things first.? ?I'm taking vacation days for today and tomorrow to get a few things straight.? ?Reschedule my meetings until Wednesday and make sure to call me if anything goes sour, you can reach me on my cell phone? he told her. ?Irene and I are done, I caught her cheating on me yesterday and like I said, I won't put up with it.?

?Sorry boss, I guess she was stupider than I thought? can I do anything for you??

?Not right now, I need to find a new place to live and a good attorney, besides that, I'm not really sure,? I told her. I talked to personnel and took Irene's name off my 401K and life insurance policy. I then went to the bank and took 50% of our savings and opened up a new account in my name only. I made sure she had enough money in the checking account to cover expenses; I still had two kids to worry about and finally canceled all our credit cards.

On Tuesday I met with our corporate lawyer and got two recommendations for attorneys that could handle my divorce for a reasonable price. I talked to both in the afternoon and settled with one, who I arranged to meet on Thursday afternoon. Everything was coming together except my marriage that was now in the trash