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White racialists on black sexual superiority

Rasizmus je v podstate strach z genetického vyhubenia bielych mužov zo zeme. Dokonca aj najtvrdší rasisti podvedome uznávajú, že čierny muž je nesmierne geneticky, fyzicky a sexuálne nadradený a strach z vlastného vyhladenia bieleho muža na sexuálnom bojisku ho poháňa k vytvoreniu rasistických a utláčateľských mocenských štruktúr na potlačenie ľudí inej farby pleti a vlastných žien ( zastavenie ich množenia jeho verným nepriateľom), zo strachu, že budú vypudené z existencie.

V modernej globalizovanej spoločnosti. Afričania a moslimovia (niekedy kombinácia oboch) sú jedinými zostávajúcimi skutočnými bojovníkmi. Vezmite si napríklad niektoré západoafrické kmeňové spoločnosti. Niektoré z ich kmeňových rituálov „dospievania“ pre ich mužov alebo mladých bojovníkov sa našim ochabnutým západným očiam zdajú barbarské a brutálne. Tieto rituály sú oveľa intenzívnejšie a náročnejšie ako výcvik Navy SEAL alebo akýkoľvek iný porovnateľný západný zážitok, ktorým môže prejsť človek zo Západu. Ale každý muž z kmeňa prechádza tou istou vecou, neodmysliteľne buduje spoločnosť sily a obratnosti, kde sa priemerný beloch môže snažiť zdvihnúť vlastné črevá, aby videl svojho miniatúrneho suchára, priemerný západoafričan bojuje, kurva. a víťazí pre slávu svojho kmeňa. A také rituály bojovníkov,
But "thanks" to this, I, as a WN girl, crave the BBC and breaking taboo so much. This is going to sound pretentious and weird, racists enjoy interracial sex more than liberals, anti-racists etc.. because we understand race and racial dynamics
blacks are scary but at the same time theyre the only ones i feel safe with if that makes any sense
It makes total sense. At least black men can protect you. Maybe your black owner will smack you around a bit or humiliate you for being white but at least you survive under his ownership. White men are too weak to protect you. White women who continue to breed white are mindless idiots. They literally care more about their social standing than survival of themself or their children. Total scum.
Lanz von Liebenfels:

"Women were crazy for the voluptuousness of fornication with those whose members are like the members of asses and whose flood of semen is like the flood of semen from a stallion."

"Woman still today loves pleasure-apes and makes the effort to breed humanity downward."

"It is striking that the most ape-like men and the most man-like apes live so close to one another. This is especially true in central Africa."

"It is just this characteristic of the man of higher race — of his being incapable of immediately servicing any and every women"
These are quotes from several of Houellebecq's characters across multiple books, likely expressing something at least similar to his own positions.

"It's true, though: white women clearly prefer to sleep with African men and white men with Asian women. All humanity instinctively tends toward miscegenation." - Houellebecq (paraphrased)

"All the white girls (sixteen years old) threw themselves at this big baboon and here I was trying to teach them about Mallarme—what the fuck was the point? This is the way Western civilization would end, I thought bitterly, people worshiping in front of big dicks" - Houellebecq (paraphrased)

"We envy and admire the Negro because we long to regress, like him, to our animal selves; to be animals with big cocks and small reptilian brains which are no more than appendices to their pricks" - Houellebecq

There was also the infamous interracial voyeurism of one of Houellebecq's incel characters in "Whatever".​
Very interesting
But "thanks" to this, I, as a WN girl, crave the BBC and breaking taboo so much. This is going to sound pretentious and weird, racists enjoy interracial sex more than liberals, anti-racists etc.. because we understand race and racial dynamics
Yes, I am pretty sure the many WN people, women and men, feel the same way: they secretley crave for IR sex, BBC and like the idea of being dominated by Black Men and Black People more in general...
"If some men have more wives, others will have to do without. In general, men will have to compete more keenly with each other for access to women. When such rivalry intensifies in non-human species, the result is an intensification of sexual selection for larger, stronger, and more muscular males, that are better not only at attracting the opposite sex but also at fighting off rivals. They thus become bigger, tougher, and meaner. This may explain why the highly polygynous, agricultural peoples of sub-Saharan Africa are so physically robust. They and their African American descendants outclass European-descended subjects for weight, chest size, arm girth, leg girth, muscle fiber properties, and bone density." - Peter Frost

"At some point in human evolution, the same coloration was acquired by women, along with other visual, audible, and tactile characteristics of the infant. Skin color thus became a means to distinguish women from men, with lighter skin being unconsciously perceived as feminine and darker skin as masculine". - Peter Frost​
"The white Irishwoman loves the black man and in the old country it has been stated that the negro is the handsomest among the poor white females." - David Goodman Croly

"Nor, in view of the powerful attraction of the two races, is this frenzy of love in the white Southern woman for the negro altogether inexplicable. The ****** is isolated on the plantations. The white young man is away at college, traveling in Europe, or practicing at his profession in the large cities, while the white girl, who matures early, is at her home, surrounded by the brightest and most intelligent of the young colored men on the estate. Passionate, full of sensibility, without the cold prudence of her Northern sister, who can wonder at the wild dreams of love which fire the hearts and fill the imagination of the impressible Southern maiden. The awkward, rude girl of yesterday, under the influence of the master passion of our common humanity, is changed in a day to the full measure of a glorious womanhood.

It is safe to say that the first heart experience of nearly every Southern maiden — the flowering sweetness and grace of her young life, is associated with a sad dream of some bondman lover. He may have been the waiter, or coachman, or the bright yellow lad who assisted the overseer; but to her he is a hero, blazing with all the splendors of imperial manhood. She treasures the looks from those dark eyes which made her pulses bound; every spot of earth, where he had awaited her coming, is, to her, holy ground.

The first bitter lesson of a woman's life — self-sacrifice — they learn when prejudice and pride of caste compels them to tear the loved image from their hearts. What wondrous romances are yet to be written on this sad but charming theme; what wealth of passional life is lost with all the heart-histories of the South blotted out by a blighting prejudice — a cruel pride of caste and color. The full mystery of sex — the sweet, wild dream of a perfect love, which will embrace all that is fervid and emotional in humanity, can never be generally known until men and women the world over are free to form unions with their opposites in color and race. The rule in love affinities is the same as in electrical affinities: unlike attract — like repel." - David Goodman Croly​
"The African, above all, is characterized by an abundance of vital energy and a strong sexual instinct." - Evola

"The Negro is a being at the antipodes of the white man, at the level of the purely instinctive. His intellect is at the service of his instincts and is unable to rise above them. Sexual energy in him is powerful, almost demonic, and its effect is generally impulsive and instinctive, without any control or refinement." - Evola

"Even originally, Negro music was associated with dark forms οf ecstasy." - Evola​
During WW2 there were many anecdotal accounts that white women in Britain and Ireland preferred the black American soldiers sexually:

"The aspects which pertain to the body and to metabolism are strongly developed in a negro. He has a strong sexual urge -as people call it-, strong instincts. And as, with him, all which comes from the sun -light and heat- really is at the skin's surface, all of his metabolism works as if the sun itself is boiling in his inside. This causes his passions." - Rudolf Steiner

“Recently I went into a bookstore in Basel and found an example of the latest publishing agenda: a negro novel, just as the negroes in general are entering into European civilization step by step! Everywhere negro dances are being performed, negro dances are being hopped. But we even have this negro novel already. It is utterly boring, dreadfully boring, but people devour it. I am personally convinced that if we get more negro novels, and give these negro novels to pregnant women to read during the first phase of pregnancy, when as you know they can sometimes develop such cravings, if we give these negro novels to pregnant women to read, then it won’t even be necessary for negroes to come to Europe in order for mulattoes to appear. Simply through the spiritual effects of reading negro novels, a multitude of children will be born in Europe that are completely gray, that have mulatto hair, that look like mulattoes!” - Rudolf Steiner​
It makes total sense. At least black men can protect you. Maybe your black owner will smack you around a bit or humiliate you for being white but at least you survive under his ownership. White men are too weak to protect you. White women who continue to breed white are mindless idiots. They literally care more about their social standing than survival of themself or their children. Total scum.
We're under no obligation to keep whites safe. We'll dispose of you as we see fit.
"The liberation aspect implied that a repressed white woman who’d long been sexual property of white men suddenly discovered true sex, fun, pleasure, and ecstasy through sex with a Negro. She was liberated from white patriarchy by the animal magnetism of the Black Stud who penetrated deep into her and excited her senses like no white man could. So, a white woman having interracial sex feels liberated from stuffy white patriarchal society through the thrill of Jungle sex. I’ve often been told by white female friends who had interracial sex that their orgasms with black men were many times more powerful than orgasms with white men. But, part of the excitement is also psychological as there’s long been a spoken and then an unspoken taboo among white folks against interracial sex, especially between black males and white females. So, it’s like Forbidden Fruit in the Feverish Jungle. She feels like a musical instrument (a saxophone perhaps) that had previously been only played by whites males in a subdued, hoity-toity, or lame manner suddenly in the hands and lips of a Negro who found grooves, hooks, and curves unknown in the hands/lips of white musicians. So, just as black musicians pull/squeeze out louder and denser sounds out of a saxophone, they presumably can make white women moan louder and feel more crazy ecstasy." - "Andrea Ostrov"/"Priss Factor"
Got a source on Andrea Ostrov quote here?

Why do you ask? Does the quote appear our of character from her/him?
Surprised that she would just let that out so freely when it would probably piss off most of her readership.